Repairs Design Furniture

How and what is the right cautious bath from a bar: moss, jute or pakrels? What and how best to careen log house baths: comparison of materials and work order

Building from logs take their origins for a long time. Wood is the warmest material for building a house or bath. In addition, it is natural, safe and environmentally friendly.

But after the construction of the structure, it is necessary to fulfill another very important procedure - a legish log cabin. Why do you need to do?

  • first, caulking insulates the house (bath) as it should;
  • secondly, fills the gaps between the logs, that is, it creates comfort, warm in your home in any frost;
  • thirdly, prevents the penetration of dampness and moisture inside the building.

In the old log cabin caught moss. In those days it was the most reliable and affordable material in order to insulate their housing.

See also: How is an aluminum foil for bleat insulation

In the modern world, the range of insulation, which can be used for the cutter of the cut, much expanded. This includes such materials:

  1. Red moss. It was used in the old days, but now it remains an excellent insulation for a cut. It is good because it does not rot, and also has excellent antibacterial qualities. But there are several negative points: when it is excessive humidity, it is subjected to maidening wood. And when driven, it breaks and crumbs.
  2. Tow. Very good for the root of the cut, which is an excellent material for thermal insulation. It consists of hemp and flax waste. Pacle, like MKU, prevents rotting.
  3. Felt. It can not be called the best option for cacopa. Because he has the smallest strength and the highest probability of rotting. It is also necessary to soak it in a special means to prevent the appearance of moth, which is quite likely to settle in the layers of felt.
  4. Jute. Material that confidently can be called one of the best for cacopa. It is high-strength, dense, resistant to rotting and moths. Has low hygroscopicity. Thanks to the pantry, the jute will keep the optimal microclimate in the house. He does not accumulate moisture, but gives it to dry wood.

But you should not confuse jute with jute fiber. They are completely different in appearance, price and quality. The tape of jute is soft to the touch and very piercing. It is convenient to use it for cacopa near the doors and windows. Sometimes she stacked raw bars.

Jute tapes can be found in motges of different thickness and widths. Most of the masters prefer to pant Joutow, because it is the easiest and clean way of warming a log. And since it is placed directly to the log house, then the work stems much faster.

  1. Linovatin. This modern material made of linen filaments or fibers without weaving. In terms of its characteristics, it is very similar to the jute tape, but a little tougher in structure.

Konopatka often perform with their own hands. It is done in 2-3 stages. And this process can be considered very important in the construction of a house or bath.

The first time the cacked is made immediately after assembling the house. But that the seams were hermetic, the first insulation is not enough. After a small amount of time, the log construction dries and sends. As a result, new holes appear. In winter, it turns through it heat, and outside or inside the structure is covered with incident. And excessive moisture does not benefit the wooden structure.

Therefore, after 1-1.5 years after the bar surfaches and wakes up, it is necessary to re-pant. The third time canopate the log cabin directly before finishing the walls when the house completely dry and goes around in about 3 years.

How to pry cut

Corps of the cut can be done by two options: rotate and in the set.

  1. Stretching cauldron. If narrow gaps prevail on a logging, then it is better to apply the method of rotating in this case. It is performed as follows: the bundle of the package is covered with a gap, and stuff inside with a chisel-pant, until the entire space is fully filling. It is left to the free edge of four or five centimeters. The rolled roller cooked from the packle wrapped in a free edge. Binding, it is clogged between the crowns with a hammer and pantry. The quality of the work done can be checked by pulling it gently for the roller. If he did not stretch, it means that the work is done well. If he was pulled out, the gap is not filled enough.
  2. Correct in the set. If in the structure of large and wide slots, the method "in the set" is performed. Its essence is that the gaps are filled with palauls, long beams sweeping in the dog. In this case, the thickness of the loop is about the same in size as the gap. The seal first clogs the top of the gap of a set panty, and after everything is aligned with the help of the "roadboat".

It must be remembered that it is necessary to properly carry out a panty, starting from the lowest crown on the entire perimeter, gradually rising upwards. And this procedure is carried out in parallel outside and inside. Because if you do the pant of one wall, the design can deform. Similarly, it will happen if caking only outside.

It should also be remembered that it is not necessary to carry out any finishing works inside until the completion of the performance of the cacopa.

See also: How to make forced ventilation in the bath

Special attention should be paid to the cavity of the gaps in the corners of the house.

If you thoroughly select the material for cacopa, correct all the work, then your log house will last you for a long time and will please you. Successful construction!

What can be caught logged
At what stage you can start cauting the bath
How to calculate the pass on the bath
Konopkka technology

It is not enough to lay a branch when erecting a bath is not enough - you will definitely need to be caught by a bath, that is, it is necessary to close the existing gaps and cracks formed after drying wood.

About how to cross the bath, and will be discussed in this article.

Konopka cut Baths in order to lose its minimum heat. It is very important to use a qualitatively prepared log house, it is properly to lay it and not forget to make the interwetant insulation.

What to choose as a heater - moss, a pass or jute, to solve only the owner, but it must be necessarily.

The insulation is placed in two layers in this way:

  • to the lower crown so that the edges of the insulation go beyond the edges of the bowl by 30-50 mm, the width of the insulation is determined with the calculation of 50-100 mm more than the width of the bowl;
  • the second layer of the insulation is placed in the bowl of the upper crown, while its edges should also perform by 30-50 mm.

It should be borne in mind that when laying moss or packles, it is not required to pronounce such material.

In the case of rigging it with a hammer or hover of the ax, the fibers of the moss are broken, and dents appear on the surface of the tree, which, after a while, can cause the appearance of rotation zones. Seal fibers are recommended only by pressing the palm. Excess elements in the MSh need to be easily removed.

If, defined with the better, the babes are better, the choice fell on the ribbon insulation, then it can be consolidated by a construction stapler.

In this case, it is important than to pierce the bath, since it is harmful to material.

Damage to wood from the stapler will be insignificant, but this will allow the material to consolidate qualitatively. Laying insulated crowns best together, so that the log could be taken from two sides and slowly lower it without damaging the insulation.

What can be caught logged

There are natural materials for cacopa and artificial.

To the first one can attribute the pass, hemp, jute, moss, and so on. To the last - industrial sealants. It is easier to work with sealants, they are quickly applied. As a rule, to reduce their consumption, the cord is laid into the interventional gap, and the sealant, which is distributed to the hardening, is applied on top of it.

Nevertheless, sealants have a number of minuses:

  • Part of the brands is afraid of the effects of ultraviolet rays - this leads to their destruction. This disadvantage can be eliminated if you hide sealant seams under the straps.
  • Some of them, after frozen, create a monolithic material that interferes with the process of expansion or compression of wood, for example, due to weather, which can lead to the destruction of nearby fibers.

    To prevent such a fact, it is better to acquire elastic sealants.

Additionally, how to operate with sealant can be found by viewing the available video. Perfect for the distribution of sealing agent simple tablespoon.

If, when determining how to legitipat the bath, you chose it precisely sealant, carefully examine the instructions and make sure that it can be used with that a variety of wood from which your log house is made that it is suitable for your region, and also has All the necessary characteristics.

It is advisable to use a synthetic sealant for a bath from a log cabin if it is used to close the cocointed gaps. After a double caulincover, the pacles, moss or jute, wait until the log house is finally swept away and does not acquire working sizes.

Each of the materials of natural origin for cacopa has its positive and negative qualities, and preparatory measures are required anyway.


Moss is considered the most common, tested time, material for cacopa. It was used not one hundred years. Currently there are many other materials, but they all have somewhat worse characteristics. True, the new materials are easier to operate, besides, they possess positive qualities as antibacterial properties and special resistance to rotting.

Before caking the log cabin of a log of a moss, it needs to be dried, and right before use - to soak. This action will give elasticity fibers. Moss is laid out with a layer and recalls so that its ends hang from two sides of the bar. After laying out of all the logs of excess the fibers of the MCH are shortened, and what remains, wraps and flows into the gap.

Thus, the first stage of the cutter is carried out. Further stages of the cacopa will be continued after half and a year and a half.


Recently, the builders are increasingly wondering how to careen by the bath Juit. Despite the fact that there is a rolled material. Jute fiber has excellent thermal insulation properties, it contains natural binding resins. Jute is practically not afraid of moisture, and very rarely comes in disrepair due to rotting.

Even in conditions of high humidity, it does not wet.

Jute is several varieties:

  • Jute Paklya.

    During the production of this material, the fibers are not burst, and swap, aligning them in the right direction. Such a preparation of material allows you to not lose all your properties. However, the jute is not entirely comfortable for the cacopa, because it is hard, has a low density, it has to be carried out several times due to the destruction of the material, the impossibility of obtaining a dense seam from the first time and disappointing it to poultry on the nests.

  • Jute Felt.

    This material is based on 90% of ribbon jute fiber, and supplemented with 10 percent of long fibers of flax. As a result, it turned out a dense and flexible material, with which it is much easier to work. But if he has a small length of the fibers, he can be bored and fall out. Selecting the jute, it is worth choosing a material with a fiber length of at least 20 mm to obtain maximum elasticity. A short material will not have the desired properties, he either falls, or the wind blows it.

    To another drawback, the fact that mole may start in it. In this regard, such material is recommended to be soaked in compound from pray and from rotting.

  • Len-jute. It is a composite belt material, half of the volume of which make up soft fibers of flax, and the residue is rigid jute fibers.

    This material is interesting to many builders, but it also has consists of minuses, such as a tendency to rot and the defeat of the Mol. That is, as well as the previous material, this one also needs to be treated with mixtures against rotting and pests.


This material is waste resulting after the primary processing of natural fibers.

Konopatka logs are carried out with jut, hemp and linen packs. Properties and quality of such a material is determined by the feedstock, fiber length and the level of cleaning. In the production of package is pressed into blocks. To use it, you need to stretch from the block to the strip of the material, twist in the harness and put in the seam.

Although it is easier to use the palauls sold in rolls.

In general, the packles are not entirely convenient to work, as it is very difficult to get a flat seam. In case of a carp of a cut, due to the high stiffness of the material, it is difficult to get a dense seam from the first approach. You have to resort to a re-process.

If you determine how it is properly caught by a bath, choosing between moss and jute packles, then you can confidently argue that it is better to choose moss, as fungus and bacteria are not divorced.

At what stage you can start cauting the bath

If the log house was laid on a moss or a pass, there are parts of the material of different lengths between the crowns.

In this case, you can proceed to the initial pantry: to cut the excess fibers, the rest is hidden in the seams. It is worth being careful and not to rush, sticking to the rules of cachatka. If the log house was laid on a tape insulation, then further operations are not needed.

The first cacopat is carried out somewhere 6 months after the construction of the chub walls. During this period, almost all moisture will leave the logs, new trees will be visible, and most of the crowns and corners are boiling.

After that, you can proceed to install doors and windows.

Further cauterization is carried out in 12 months.

During this time, the log house will fully resist, so you can eliminate all the flaws found. Based on the selected material, the quality of the work carried out may be needed a new caulkite somewhere in 5 years. Sometimes, because of the negligent construction work or, if the insulation was not laid between the crowns, the cacapatka has to repeat a few times, every year.

How to calculate the pass on the bath

Before caking the bathing packles should determine the amount of it. Pacle is quite well compressed, so it is consumed quite strongly. To say the exact number will not be able, perhaps, no one. All because a lot of nuances affect this: a log cabin, which grooves in them are cut down.

If the grooves were made manually, then, often, the flow rate will be large.

In addition, the flow rate increases if an Occar log is used, and not diagnosed. The bar will leave less material, although in this case its amount will be determined by the parameters of the bar, the depth and number of slots that have arisen during the dermistem.

Konopkka technology

Before caking the log cabin, you need to explore the basic rules of this process.

In fact, to carry out a carp of the cut is quite easy, but it takes a lot of time, besides, you need to be patient. On a bath with dimensions of 5 × 4 m, one person will need about 10 days, spending daily 7-8 hours.

At the same time, it is necessary not to overdo it when laying the insulation, since this fact leads to the fact that the log house becomes higher by 15 cm and more.

The main rules of cacopate include the following items:

  • First of all, begin to the bottom crown, moving around the perimeter.

    First handle the external part of the construction, after that they go to the process of cacopa from the inside. Only after that you can go to the next crown.

  • During cacked, special attention should be paid to the corners, because in such places, as a rule, there are the biggest gaps.
  • If it is an initial caulkite, then first of all, the stuff is selected, fenced and stuffed into the slot.

    The better the cavalo house from the log

    You can resort to any tool on the fact of the need. The process is performed in stages after the meter is processed, transfers to the subsequent portion.

  • On the same site, it is also possible to apply a pantry, a hammer or a wooden cyonya, the latter is much easier to work. Konopanka is chopped off until it starts to spring.
  • Following the sealing process, gaps can appear, which inves the fragments of the insulation. If the panel was used, the harness of a certain thickness is collapsed from it or a fragment of a specific length from a tape is disconnected, which is also driven by a pantry and a pivot, until the spring effect is reached. This operation is repeated until all the slots are filled, after which you can move to a new site.

Like any other part of construction work, cachatka requires a master of certain skills.

Based on the fact that such procedures will be quite a lot, after a while they will definitely be formed. Over time, with which you will have experience to accumulate, you will notice all new inaccuracies that were admitted at the initial stages of work.

You can easily eliminate them without difficulty, bringing work almost to the ideal. Actually, the one who does not do anything does not make mistakes, therefore, to proceed the log house with proper quality, even without sufficient experience.

As for the root of a cut from a rounded log, there are advantages and disadvantages. It would seem that the log house is also made of wood, which there may be differences, except for its picturesque appearance and simplicity in the design process. The fact is that the cylindown log logs are more affected by the factors of the external environment than log cabins from ordinary logs, since the structure and integrity of the logs is impaired.

The caulking of log cabins from rounded logs according to the technology is not significantly different from the insulation of ordinary log cabins, but some differences are still available:

  1. Since pinned logs go almost perfect forms, small gaps remain between them, unlike conventional log cabins.
  2. For a cut from rounded logs, it will take a much less insulation for cacopa, which is an indisputable advantage.
  3. The process of cacopate cutters from a rounded log is more complex, in contrast to the cacopa of conventional log cabins, as the gaps between the logs are smaller and thinner and they need to be well insulated, thoroughly by paving the cleaved palauls or modern sealants on acrylic-based acrylic basis.
  4. In the process of a carpank of a cut from a rounded log, it is necessary to have extensive experience in this form of work, since, taking into account the minimum sizes of the seams, there is a high risk of overwhelming insulation, and this may entail a skew of a srub.

    Therefore, it is best to invite a professional for this work. After holding a high-quality carcope of a cut from a rounded log, the insulation roller is a jute tape or flank, should be like a breakdown with a flax rope or a jute rope.

Special attention to the pantry should be given to the joints between rounded logs, since the most vulnerable places in such fires are joints between logs in corner locks.

If they are poorly crowning, in the winter they may arise because of this, large problems associated with heat loss.

How to make a corpse of a house from a log

In the small, at first glance, the angular joints and the cracks will penetrate the cold air, substantially lowering the temperature in the house, and it is quite difficult to identify such places. That is why such stringent requirements are presented to a carpathist of a cut from a rounded log.

Even the smallest cracks and gaps should be clogged by the insulation to the maximum tight and efficiently, and the caulking should be performed not only outside, but also inside the cut. Although, in high-quality cylindered gap logs, it almost does not remain, neither outside or from the inside.

The most optimal for a cut from rounded logs is considered to be a roller caulk, as its quality and efficacy is significantly higher. To check how well it is done, it is enough to determine its rigidity.

To the touch, it should be solid and it is impossible to snatch with their hands, even if you are very trying. If the cacopate has passed this test, it means that the work has been carried out truly qualitatively, the house will well hold heat, and even with drops of temperatures, the insulation will not dismiss and fall out.

The greatest advantage of rounded log cabins is that after a professional cacopa, the house does not require any additional insulation.

The tree has long been known for its excellent thermal insulation properties, but for full experience, the trees must work a lot.

It is necessary to carefully close the cracks between log logs, thereby insulating the room from ice ice.

How to make a log house

Unfortunately, without this additional procedure it is impossible to achieve a normal microclimate in a wooden house.

Our ancestors have come up with an effective way to combat uninvited "windy" guests. To do this, write down the rope with your own hands: After the design of the trailer in the room of the room is densely clogged with an insulating material on a natural basis (for example, moss, hemp, yarn).

Then the wooden cottage was completely protected from bad weather, and the heat-insulated seams adequately played the role of a protective "jacket".

Until now, the ancient technology is still in the process, only tools and materials for work have been improved.

Builders systematized this process, developing two algorithms for building poles.

Do you always need to remove the frame?

Wooden house-building is now much easier, because the workers do not perform the manual primary processing of the log and do not get polished, dry and adapted size of the building material. If earlier on a log layout, an agrarian family took several years, a modern elegant eco-house grows literally for several weeks.

Let's look at all ways to build a wooden house in a wooden house and specify whether each of them is needed.

  • Wipers from manual magazines
  • This is a long-time way to build a wooden house that is still popular among enthusiastic fans of antiquity.

    Its difficulty lies in a long problematic selection of approximately the same thick trees and the subsequent manual adjustment of the desired size.

    Not so many people choose such "hard work", but in the end, they receive an exact copy of the ancient Russian farmhouse.

    Wizards engaged in logging should well know all carpentry work.

    Traditionally, outside the house, the facade remained wavy, but for the inner walls, the rays were processed so that the rooms were smooth sleek surfaces.

    During construction, workers are forced to constantly compensate the curtain distortion of the curtains due to non-flourishing forms of the workpiece. A number of repairs and functions form a natural material that leads to the fact that the salon allows you to increase the shrinkage (up to 25%!), Therefore, they should be especially accurate with insulating gaps.

    The cacopa diary is carried out twice and, if possible, even three times: for the first time - immediately after the construction of another - in 1-1.5 years after the preservation of the field building, and the third one 3 years after the construction is completed.

  • Round journals
  • The wands used during operation are installed at the factory.

    On the lathes, the blanks is fastened with the help of a mounting mechanism, and then crushed the treadmill to a certain depth. In addition to automatic fit, the material is thoroughly dried and treated with protective impregnation (against insects, flames and water).

    It gives full round logs of the same diameter in which the grooves collected are often cut to the plant.

    Collect objects, easy, no need to constantly adjust the crown to each other so that workers participating in the assembly of the house could not have a full skill skill.

    The defenders of the handbags have a rounded diary that has lost their geography. This means that, depending on the perfectly smooth workpiece, you can not understand where the north is, the greater the stress-resistant side and some of the smaller layers of wood are lost.

    But these shortcomings are not so painful in reputation of building materials, as they provide a record speed of the construction of a wooden house.

    This hive is carried out only in 1-1.5 years after its conservation, since the building is subject to a small shrinkage (6-8%).

    Work slots are carefully covered with thermal insulating material, but you can completely avoid recycling (depending on the quality of the substrate used).

  • Laminated laminated veneer house
  • For the construction of a wooden house, special squares of the square shape are used, consisting of glued lamellas of the same thickness (2-5 pieces). The material in the production process is thoroughly dried and processed by protective means and adhesives with properties that must meet strict environmental requirements (DIN, EN, 204) and water resistance (level D4).

    At the factory, one side of the beam is attached to the sealing surface, and builders should only provide the sealing of the logs of the logs.

    This significantly speeds up the process of assembling a wooden house, and low-skilled workers can also participate in construction.

    Tip from Master!

    Due to the small shrinkage values \u200b\u200b(up to 2%), the housing with glued beams should not be stuck. The building can be immediately populated, walls, ceilings and floors can be decorated with decorative protective coating.

Correct logging with their own hands - the case is quite complicated and tedious. It is filling between a timber or logs of the walls of the house with fibrous insulation materials, such as packles, felt or moss, as well as other insulation.

When the walls of wooden houses are erected, an interventic insulation is laid between the bar or a log, but it does not fill all the slots and spaces. The process of shrinkage of the new log is long lasting for a long time, about five years, so it is necessary to carry a wooden house with a panty. The first time this procedure is carried out immediately after the construction of a church, the second - in 2-3 years and the last time to proceed should be about 5 years after the construction.

How to root the cut? Even in such a non-intricate work, questions often arise from newbies.

It is necessary to start a pantry from the lower crown of the cut and fill it completely, without moving towards another crown. Only by finishing the pantry of the lower crown, should go to the next. This rule must be performed, if you do not want your walls to have twisted.

Ways of cacopa.

Canopate can be carried out with 2 ways. You should choose more suitable for yourself.

  • Stretching - insulation material needs to be stretched along the fibers and insert into the slot using a special tool. The slot should be fully filled, but on both sides, leaving 5 cm pieces of packle should be left. A roller rolling out of the insulation, grind over the remaining ends and stuffed into the slot with the help of cacopa.
  • In the set - in this case, from the material shown in the ball, you need to dial loops and seal the slit to full fill. If the spaces between the bars are wide, then this method will suit you better than the previous one.
Special attention with a cauldron of a log cabin with their own hands should be given to the corners of the church. It is inconvenient to carry out work there, so it is necessary to perform it with special care.

Konopka cut from a bar.

Crop the brusade walls follows the perimeter, starting below. It is impossible to cross one wall, and the rest leave. After all, the bar is slightly lifted and the walls are obtained from different heights.

With a pantry of a wooden cut from a bar, it may be that the gaps are not at all and the insulation does not turn out there. Look on the other side of the gap, with the outside, there is a wide range.

Correct cut from a rounded log.

From the walls erected by an ordinary or rounded timber, very quickly, insulating material will be discerning from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to hold a high-quality capros of the house from the rounded timber. But it is not worth overdoing here, with an excessive insulation driving, you can tear it from each other. First, they are carried out from the outside, and then inside the cut.

Konopka of a log cabin with their own hands is carried out first with outdoor and only then from the inner wall. It follows all the walls of the cut, otherwise the walls will occur. The material for a log cabin will need more than for the bar.

Even, upon subsequent finishing of the external facade of the house, it is necessary to praise from the outside. It will not only warm the room, but will not allow moisture to accumulate in the intervals of the walls and rot to be brave. So, whatever finishing material you have chosen, do not do without a caul-bucket of a wooden house.

  • Insulation from jute.

The jute material for insulation is to date the most common insulation, with the success of the crowd, traditional pass. Jute import from India and China. In its characteristics, he surpasses all similar materials and at prices cheaper. Therefore, Konopka Srub Joutow is an excellent option for insulation at home.

Detailed video of the right caulking:

You were told that the house from the bar is not necessarily, they say, there and so everything is perfectly adjusted? You can safely send such "grief" of the Euscatory specialists and invite real professionals in the construction of wooden houses. Like any other, the construction technology of houses from a bar has its own stages and design features, which invariably enters the caulkite of the brusade house, even if you are going to continue to make an external and internal finish with insulation. Do not try to save time and money to not overpay in the future. If you do not want the drafts in your house, the curtains were constantly walking, even in mad weather, and over time, the wet and fired in the wood appeared, it is better to fulfill all the work on the caravan at home.

Do I need to hide a brusade house and why

In some sources, you can meet information that the brusade house can not be caught. Yes, and builders, entroaching you the house, can say the same. They explain this by the fact that, in contrast to the bruschers in the log houses, the debra and the displacement of the wood occurs more and more intense, crevices and looseness appear, so it is necessary to make the structure. But the houses built from the profiled bar are practically not seated, as the wood is pre-treated. Let's figure out how it happens in fact when building a house from a bar with your own hands.

Bar of natural humidity - relatively cheap building material, for which is popular in the construction of economy-class houses, followed by warming and decoration of siding. Even if you invite the best archive, he will not be able to build a house from such a bar without cracks between the crowns and gaps. Moreover, when the timber starts to push, and it is inevitable, additional slots will appear, wider, the timber will decrease in size, it will begin to "unscrew." As a result, such gaps will appear, due to which the wooden wall will lose its heat-insulating abilities. To avoid such a sad end, the walls need to be processed at least 3 times and thoroughly inspire.

It was invented precisely to reduce costs and time to build a wooden house. It takes place special processing in production, so practically does not dry during operation, as well as its spike-groove connections are perfectly adjusted with an accuracy of a millimeter. The bar is adjacent to each other as close as possible, and between the crowns the insulation is 5 mm, which is between the engaging parts. Despite the assurances of the seller, the house from the profiled bar is sitting on, as the bar finally becomes in its place under the severity of the structure. In addition, the properties of wood are strongly dependent on the region of growth, climatic conditions and storage conditions. No one can guarantee that absolutely the entire bar, which you purchased, equally high quality. As a result, the plaspets of the building of the Bar may slightly shift, the insulation is frozen. Even if after the shrinkage, the slots appear, and this option is possible, all the same are the gaps that are in the interventional space outside and inside the house, accumulate moisture, and since the place itself is very secluded and vulnerable, mold and rotting can be formed in it.

The baousee house canopate is necessary in order to isolate wooden walls, fully filling out the natural insulation and compact the gaps and gaps between the bar and in the angular connections. This guarantees tightness, the lack of heat leaks through the walls, drafts and icing of the bar outside the building, which occurs when warm steam through the gaps comes out and settles the wet they are on the surface.

What to pure a brusade house

If we summarize, then the material that can be processed home must comply with the following requirements:

  • Have a low thermal conductivity.
  • Being immune to temperature and humidity fluctuations, and also easily withstand wind.
  • In order to have insects and pathogenic mushrooms (mold).
  • Being absolutely environmentally friendly material, otherwise the whole point is lost in the construction of a wooden house.
  • Be relatively durable (not to lose properties for at least 20 years).
  • Be breathable.
  • To be hygroscopic, i.e. When you need to absorb moisture when you need to give.
  • And most importantly - to be similar in your properties with wood.

Due to the fact that our ancestors on hundreds of generations deep down caught their homes on their own on their own, they reached our days, which were tested and tested with thousand-year-old successful practices. They can be called traditional materials.

Moss - The best material is even today for the cacopa of wooden buildings. This is a sfagnum moss - a swamp plant that can be red, white or brown. Subsequently, peat is formed from it. None of the modern materials can compare with moss, so much durable and environmental. You can ride on old abandoned villages, look at home: the logs have almost rotted, and the moss is still in excellent condition. As an interventovate moss seal, it is simply indispensable: it has antiseptic, antibacterial and therapeutic properties. Spring between wood, it suppresses the development of rotten bacteria and mold mushrooms, due to which the wood longer serves. Moss easily passes through itself the air, which passing through it, drinks with therapeutic pairs, so the atmosphere inside the house becomes healing. Moss hygroscopic, and hence smoothes the differences of humidity. In general, MHA has no deficiencies, except for one - they are not so easy to hurt, otherwise no one would have invented anything new and did not seek anything.

Linen Fiber Pacle It is used as a sealant and the seal everywhere, but for cacopa - mainly in the regions of the growing flax and where there are no swamps, where it was possible to stock moss. Specially Padclock does not produce, these are waste from the production of ropes, ropes and canvas or Vytruska and hours after cleaning linen fibers. Pacle has some antiseptic and bactericidal properties, but in a lesser extent than moss. Therefore, in some cases, the pass is treated with resins to increase resistance to high humidity. These resins can be natural, i.e. The resins of trees, then this material can still be called environmentally friendly, but also for impregnation use oil products, then the paklet has nothing to do with natural materials. Pacle contains a large amount of fires, which will be unpacked during the first years of operation of the house, so the pantry will need to repeat several times.

It is very similar to the pass, only her fibers are more coarse, so they are sometimes confused. Hemp is not afraid of temperature drops and high humidity, so it can be used even in very wet regions. Such properties are due to the large content of polymer lignin, it is also contained in any wood for filling cellulose fibers. Hemp does not lose its properties even after wetting, therefore resistant to rotting.

Among the modern materials for cacopa, you can allocate such:

Stamp product, it is imported from China, India, Egypt and other countries with a tropical climate or abundant precipitation. It is made from the shoots of the plant jute family of Malvic. Jute fiber is very durable, does not amazed mold, putrid bacteria, not interesting insects and birds, hygroscopic, i.e. Easily accumulates and gives moisture, passes the air. Jute contains about the same amount of lignin as a tree, so their properties are similar and together they are an ideal pair.

Jute is released both in fibers and in ribbons having a different width. Tape jute insulation It is very convenient to use for laying between the crushes of the brusade house. In addition, pure jute is evenly compacted. These advantages with interest overlap the price of this material.

In addition to the materials from the fibers for cacopa, felt insulation (interventical felt) are also used:

Jute interventian insulation It consists of 90% of the jute and 10% of flax. But it is better for this ratio to trace, as Jute felt is found, which consists of jute and 30% of flax, which significantly worsens its properties.

Linen felt Called Evrolene or Fliminatin. It is a needle-free material made of highly purified flax.

Lodgeoil felt It consists of jute and flax in a 1: 1 ratio.

Fully jute modern insulation are considered the best, since they perfectly interact with wood and is evenly seated, and other materials with the addition of flax worsen the properties of the insulation. The more flax, the worse the properties.

When canopate brusade house

Works on the pantry of the house are made in several stages, this is due to the fact that the timber is dried up gradually, the house is depleted under its severity. The biggest shrinkage occurs in the first year and a half after the construction, and every year it is less and less. Experts say that in 5 - 6 years, the shrinkage is practically stopped.

First timebrusade house canopate immediately after the construction. In the process of construction between the crowns, the insulation is stacked, and after the whole house is erected, the slots between the bars are filled with the material for cacopa, but not too tight.

Second Konopka It is performed a year and a half after the completion of the construction of the house. The house will already be afraid, so it is necessary to pry tightly, not leaving the slots and hanging material.

Third time Conduct work on the cacapatka again after 5 to 6 years, thoroughly filling out all the newly formed gaps and cracks and adding the material where it accidentally poured out or was pulled out by birds.

If the brusade house is planned outside siding, then the third cacker is not produced, but the first two must be fulfilled. It is not worth a hurry and save on the fact that it will have to pay much more expensive.

Brous house caulking do it yourself

Konopka is a very responsible and laborious process, despite some kind of monotonance of the operations. Not many building brigades agree on the work on caustion, they simply do not know how to do this and are afraid to spoil, that is why they recommend not to be caught at all. We have already disassembled why they should not listen.

But there are brigades and whole organizations that are engaged in pantry professionally. The price depends on the carp of the brusade house, the price depends on the stage of the work and is a certain amount for 1 meter of the messenger of each crown. The average cost of cacola is 50 - 60 rubles. for 1 mp And the corner connections can reach 200 rubles. for 1 mp At a separate rate, caulking will be carried out with decorative rope (rope), which decorates the appearance of the cocointed walls and does not give the birds to pull the material. By the way, for the material it is customary separately. If you are offered to perform caulking works for 25 rubles. MP, agree not worth it, as the work will be performed from the rank badly.

If you want to fulfill all the work yourself, then be patient, material, tool and follow-up information.

How to cross the brusade house jute

Jute, as a material for the insulation of a brusade house, dials mad popularity. It is often used when erecting at home.

Before caking the brusade house, first need to properly make styling and fixing the bar. In the interventory space, the insulation of a layer of at least 5 mm is always stacked. Even if the bar is profiled, a jute is defined between the spike and groove. But its width depends on the shape of the spike-groove system. The easiest option when the bottom timber has a convex crescent surface, and the top of the same recess (something likes the connection of the logs), in which case the space between the crowns is filled with the insulation completely, and its edges remain hanging on 4 - 5 cm on each side. A more complex version of the profiled timber, when it is impossible to pave the insulation with a solid carpet, then it is placed only in the middle, and the external and internal cracks are then standing separately.

If the house of their cluster of natural humidity, then the thickness of the interventory insulation must be 10 - 15 mm.

Important! Konopka is required from top to bottom. At the same time, one crown is caught first completely outside, then inside, and only then go to the second crown. It is better if the work will produce 4 people simultaneously on the 4-seams. This is necessary so that the house does not shift. After all, after the completion of the cacopa, it will rise by several centimeters, from 5 to 15 cm.

Consider the option when the insulation hangs between bars on 4 - 5 cm. Corps technology is very well shown in the video example. Using the cacopa (tool), the jute is touched under the bottom and slightly pushed into the slot. Then carefully, but it is stronger stronger at the top, and finally - in the middle. For pushing the material inside the slit, a rubber or wooden hammer (mall) is used, which gently beat on the pantry.

If, after the work done, we still observe loosely scored slots, then additional cacopat is performed.

Consider the option when the slots between the crowns are not filled (the insulation is somewhere in the middle of the bar). Works will be exactly the same as with an additional cacopa.

Typically, there is quite narrow gap between the bars, therefore such a method of cacopa is used: the crook with a slot with a slit is twisted from the jute fiber and is clogged with an inward of the gap.

There is another way - "stretching." Separately taken jute fibers are stacked by fibers across the timber and pushed inside the blade or pantry until the gap is completely filled. The remaining hanging the ends of the material is left, it should turn out about 5 - 6 cm. Next, a little more jute is taken, it takes ways to the ball (roller), which worst into these hanging ends and pushes into the gap.

Important! How can you check, is enough to push the insulation or still need to add a little? If a kitchen knife is 15 mm and less in the gap between the crowns, then the caulking is successful. If the knife goes on, then the material should be added.

When forming large cracks, use the method of cacked "in the set". Long strands are twisted from Jute and roll in the ball. Then loops are recruited from the ball and pushed into the slots until they are filled.

After completing all the work on caustion, the house is loaded and, if possible, is operated for a whole year. In winter, it will be possible to check the presence of slots for the so-called "hares". These are foci from the outside of the wall. If you find them, mark the place, it means that there is a leakage of warm air from the house. A year - a year and a half after the first cacopa, the second is made, the house is carefully examined, the insulation is added to those places where it was spoiled or fluttered, where the gaps have increased, where the bar has twisted, as well as in the races of "Zaitsev".

Only after repeated cavropka can be processed to the outer and interior finish of the house. Even if it assumes 100 mm mineral wool and ventilated facade.

You can cross the brusal house with other materials. But there are some exceptions. For example, a moss can only be caught by a house from an unsemifiled bar, since this material is stacked and fills the entire interventional space, which is absolutely impossible if the bar has a spike-groove system. The work on the capros of the house is complex and painstaking, although they seem to painfully simple. If not confident in your abilities, invite a specialist.

Brous house cacked: Video - Example

Built from the bar, laid, the roof is closed, and the windows are inserted - time to warm the log house. The cracks can be caught traditionally - moss, modern material - jute or pacles. How to do it right and what is still preferable - read in the article and look at the video.

How to choose the case for insulation. What is better fit

Reply definitely, the more correctly caking the wooden bath, almost impossible. Each material has pros and cons, so you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics, and then then make a final decision.

Moss. You can buy in a construction store or score yourself in the forest. Warming with it was practiced by our grandfathers, and their experience probably can be trusted. True, now this material is not a favorite, because there are new, more convenient to use. Nevertheless, the pluses of MCH should include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • medical properties;
  • efficiency;
  • resistance to rotting;
  • resistance to temperature drop.

Of the minuses it is necessary to allocate:

  • exposure to moisture;
  • high fire hazard;
  • drying fragility;
  • the complexity of the insulation process.

Tow. It happens from cannabis, jute or flax, sold in rolls and square blocks. The first option is more convenient because of the blocks you need to pull individual stripes, twist them and lay them into the slot. Among the advantages of the material:

  • naturalness;
  • low cost.

Perhaps, on this, the visible dignity of the packle ends. Minuses:

  • difficulties in use. If we decide to remove the pass from the seams with time - pepper;
  • attractiveness for mice and moths.

Council. Pakle is a kind of alternative to MSh, which many experts advise to give preference if you choose only between these two options.

Felt. It may be natural or with the addition of artificial fibers. The first is preferable because it is not so flashed (worse than burning). Advantages of felt:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • convenience in work.
  • exposure to moisture and rotting;
  • high price;
  • high risk of moth. In addition, often felt becomes the object of the encroachment of mice and birds that are smelted from the seams.

Linovatin and flabbing. Made from flax waste. Batin is a material with the addition of artificial fibers. More convenient in laying, because it is available in the form of a ribbon. Liberal looks like a pass, so working with it requires patience. Materials do not absorb moisture and resistant to rotting. You can distinguish one from the other in color: natural flax fiber is darker than shine.

Jute. This is one of the most popular options among modern owners who build, and then insulate the bath with their own hands. It is made from the wood of the family of lime. Characteristics - Ploy:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to moisture and rotting;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of use - for sale in the form of ribbons strolled in rolls.

From the disadvantages it is worth noting that the jute can be glued under excessive loading conditions. True, this can be tried to avoid if you choose a heater with a maximum density.

Attention! Jute and Jute Felt - not at all the same. The second material has the same shortcomings as felt from any other fibers.

The subtleties of the corps process

The advantages of the blocking bath are obvious: it takes less fuel for it, and the time for heating the rooms is needed less. Therefore, despite the fact that work is painstaking and time-consuming, it is better not to neglect it.

Bath canopate: video

Concovery materials Baths: Photo

After installing the cut, there is still a lot of work, among which and the canopate bath. It is necessary to do this to close the gaps between the timber or logs and insulate the walls. Without a proper cacopa, the bath will be bludging, and heat will quickly leave the room. In addition, the logs or a bar will soon come into disrepair, crack and miserably.

I can easily walk with your own hands, since this process is not a great difficulty. But it is important to choose the correct materials and thoroughly comply with technology. Let's find out how it is right and the better canopate the bath from a log or from a bar.

Features of the cacopa bath

It is important to correctly perform this procedure, otherwise the errors will call the walls of the walls or the appearance of serious slots and cracks. This is a simple process, but long enough and monotonous. Therefore, you need to be patient! Konopaths are made six months after installing a church when the main part of the tree shrinkage will be held. After this cacopa, you can already put windows and doors.

If the second cacopate is needed, the procedure is performed one year after the first (1.5 years after the cutting edge). Depending on the quality of work and the material, another cacopate may be required after 4-5 years. In any case, this procedure is very important for wooden buildings.

Bani cacked performs the following useful features:

  • Reliably closes the slots and gaps in the wooden walls between the crowns and overlap, logs and the crowns, in window and door frames;
  • Eliminates cracks in a wooden srub, which are formed during the shrinkage. Konopka prevents the growing and appearance of new slots;
  • Enhances the thermal insulation quality of wood and for a long time retains heat inside the room, which is especially important for the bath;
  • Protects the room from wind penetration, internal wooden walls - from the negative impact of moisture;
  • Closes cracks in the already built house or bath.

Among the materials for the cacopa, natural and synthetic species are distinguished. Natural jute, palable and moss are traditional means that are used long. From modern artificial materials use industrial sealants. Each tool is distinguished by pluses and cons, and what to choose, solve each owner. Also among the tools for the cacopa, the hammer is needed, the chisel is 20 mm and rubber cizyanka.

Natural materials for caulking

The oldest and proven way is the caulking of a bath or a home moss. This is an eco-friendly and safe material that retains the natural properties and aesthetics of the wooden structure. It effectively opposes the negative effects of bacteria and prevents the occurrence of fungus or mold, quickly absorbs moisture and does not rot. However, it is not very convenient to use. Moss is optimally suitable for the bath and seal the slots in a wooden house.

Treatment with jute is also well suited for the bath, since this eco-friendly material retains the natural properties and safety of the tree. This fiber distinguishes high strength, thermal insulation, resistance to moisture and rotting. Rolled material with a smooth structure is easy to labeled between the crowns. However, the jute often becomes a place for breeding moth, so before applying it is recommended to treat the material to the material from moth.

Pacle represents waste after primary processing of natural fiber jute, flax or cannabis. This is a very difficult and inconvenient material. In addition, when shrinking a log, he gains humidity, rotates and turns into a duch.

As a result, this trunk has to clean and praise the bathhouses again. Among the advantages of the packle, we will note the environmental friendliness and safety of fiber, high antibacterial and thermal insulation properties. However, due to the complexity and briefness, the passage does not recommend using bath or at home.


Modern sealants have long filled the construction market. These are quick comfortable and easy to use tools that are well suited for independent work. However, in this case it is important to choose high-quality sealants from a reliable manufacturer, as some poorly carry the impact of sunlight and wind.

As a result, they lose beneficial properties and blow out. In addition, some types of sealants during drying can destroy fiber fibers. To avoid this, use elastic means (acrylic), which are compressed or expanded with wood.

At the same time, sealants have a large number of advantages, among which not only light and operational installation. Such funds characterize high thermal insulation qualities, resistance to moisture, cold and temperature drops. Special demand today has a warm seam using acrylic sealants. The composition of such a product includes rubber, which gives elasticity and does not give small hidden cracks cracking further.

Acrylic sealants are safe and environmentally friendly, so perfectly suitable for processing a wooden bath or home. They do not emit toxic substances and allow wood to "breathe". These tools are withstanding high temperatures, do not have an unpleasant smell, differ in operational and easy finishes. They do not allow wood rotting and have a wide selection of color gamut. Read more about acrylic sealants and technology "Warm Seam" Read.

Features of cacopata with different materials

If you are using moss, the material must be completely dried completely and mix before use. To do this, soak the material for 30-60 minutes and carefully squeeze. An exposed moss is unfolding between the crowns with a smooth layer so that the ends of the material are sticking out on both sides of a log or timber. After that, too protruding and long pieces of the material are cut and fled in a log slot. A year later, they definitely make a reproductive.

When using the packle, you better choose a roll, as it is easier to use. If you have chosen the pass in blocks, the material is pulled out of the block, and the harness is twisted, which is then placed in the seam. Jute Take a fiber length of more than two centimeters. Short fibers are easily poured and blow out.

Pantry is carried out by natural materials in two methods. The method of "rotor" suggests that the material is separated into separate strips and laid into the gaps between the crowns. Insulation, remaining outside, roll into the roller and drive into the groove. The "in the set" method implies that the fibers are divided into strands and wet into the ball, and then pushed into the gaps between the logs or the bar.

When choosing a sealant in the gaps first laid the heat insulating cord from polyethylene or from the jute fiber. This will reduce the consumption of fixed assets and increase the thermal insulation properties of wood. And then the sealant is applied on top of the cord in a humid state of a layer thickness of 4-6 mm.

Then lay the layer with a shovel or spatula, purify the remains of the rag. The sealant leaves to dry for two days, with the seam it is important to protect against moisture exposure. Detailed instructions for use can be found on the packaging of each means.

Bani cacked technology

  • Before starting work, a log or a bar is cleaned of dust and dirt. You can close the wooden surface with a construction tape or a painting ribbon so that the insulation does not hit the walls of the cut;
  • Start from the bottom crown and move around the perimeter of the bath first outside, then process the lower crown around the perimeter inside. Only then go to the next crown! It follows every crown in turn, not missing the ranks;
  • Pay special attention to the corners of the bath, as there are a large number of slots and large gaps in these places;
  • In the process, carefully monitor the evenness of the chub walls and check how the insulation lay down. Material must lie tightly, smoothly and not form bubbles;
  • Do not use the mounting foam for a wooden bath or home cacked! It disrupts the naturalness and environmental friendliness of materials, reduces the service life of the insulation;
  • After completing the work, check the quality of work. To do this, try to remove the material or pierce the acute item. If you can take out a whole strip or pass the sharp tool through the insulation, the work was carried out not qualitatively.

When laying insulation, it is very important to comply with technology, otherwise the wrong actions will not allow maximum efficiency from cacopa. The room will be bludging, and the cacapatka itself will have to be carried out every two or three years. In addition, errors can lead to distortion of walls, rotting logs or timber, cutting sawn timber from locks!

To avoid possible problems and get quality work, consult professionals. Masters of the company "Marisrub" reliably and promptly fulfill the pantry and warming of a shruck of a bath or at home. We carry out a complete list of services for the construction and finishing of wooden buildings.

The complex of works includes the manufacture of sawn timber and project creation, installation of a church, installation of roofing and foundation, conducting and connecting engineering networks, finishing finish. Qualitatively carrying out insulation and pantry cut, sealing seams!