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Miller's dream book aquarium with fish. What dreams aquarium: interpretation in various dreams. What actions you committed in a dream

Multicolored inhabitants of the water element please the eye in reality and foreshadow joyful events in real life Snnow. Psychologists have proven soothing influence of aquarium fish on the mental state of a person. What is the interpretation of this dream? What will aquarium fish shoot? Consider all the values \u200b\u200bfor dreams.

Most dream books interpret the vision of rainbow marine inhabitants in a positive way. Fish is a happy change, joyful news and desires.

  • Businessmen Fish promise the conclusion of a successful deal,
  • married Woman - adding in the family,
  • for lovers - harmonious relationships,
  • students - successfully closed session,
  • working People - getting premiums and salary gain.

However, this dream is not always interpreted positive: in story line May take an unexpected direction:

  • you see dead fish;
  • aquarium fish float into the sea;
  • fish are in a glass jar;
  • fish are trying to jump out of water tank;
  • you catch fish with a porch or hands.

The quality of water in which amphibians was floated were also important:

  • Pure Transparent driver foreshadows joyful changes,
  • Muddy and dirty - unfavorable.

To change water in aquarium - symbol of cardinal changes in life.

You see jumping over waterfish - In reality, there is a change in life in life, which will bring a lot of positive impressions and fill with joyful emotions.

Talking fish Shot to bright unexpected impressions from adventure. You will long remember the experienced events. Sleeping with goldfish has a direct interpretation - your dreams are realized soon.

See sleep on the eve of the trip - You are awaiting a fascinating journey filled with vivid impressions, after which it will be difficult to enter the usual rhythm of life.

Move marine inhabitants From one container to another - to changing the usual lifestyle. Feed - to monotonous uninteresting weekdays and heavy work. However, if the feeding process delivers pleasure in a dream, hard work will bring good profits.

If the fish float in an unexpected placeFor example, in the pool, you will be accompanied by success in endeavors. However, to see aquarium inhabitants in the open sea - a confusion symbol: You do not know what way to go further and what to do.

What does it mean to catch aquarium inhabitants? If you do it with your hands, ahead awaits success in endeavors. If you catch a cake, you have to get acquainted with unpleasant people.

If the dreams sees himself in the aquarium Instead of fish, you should expect losses, losses and deception.

Dead little fish Assist the ambulance. All your aspirations and hopes will not come true. An empty aquarium dreams of loss and deception: be alert.

Interpretation of dreams about fish for dreams

Dream Miller

Miller's dream book draws attention to the purity of water in the aquarium. If the fish floated in transparent water, sleep foreshadows positive changes in life. If they swam in muddy clogged water items, we do not have to expect good from life.

Miller's dream book foreshadows a young girl to a quick marriage and harmonious relationship with his beloved. Catching fish from the aquarium - promises tests in life. However, the tests will not be long and no indigenous changes will bring. To see the image of rainbow fish - promises a joyful period in life.

Dream of flowers

Tsvetkova's dream book determines this dream as a good chance in life. New features and prospects in life will open a dream. See dead amphibians - to unhealthy. Catch fish in aquarium with a saccmother or hands - in good luck, for married women - To pregnancy. Also, the dream book predicts success on a service field.

Dream of Freud.

Dream Interpretation Freud believes that the catching fish of dreams cannot relax during sexual contact. Freud advises learn to turn off from problems and completely surrendered to mutual feelings during proximity.

Freud also compares aquarium with women's Lone and considers this image by foresight of ambulance. To see an empty container - to infertility, see the full aquarium - to sexual pleasure.

Place fry in aquarium, according to Freud, denotes the desire to have a child. To launch adult amphibians to the water speaks about the desire to change the partner. Break aquarium - to dissonance in relations with a partner. Freud also believes that the aquarium can dream of the suffering enuresis.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream interpretation from A to I warns about digestion disorder: pay special attention to my diet in the coming days. The vision of the empty aquarium promises apathy, which can go into a protracted depression.

Dream Stranger

Dream interpretation of the wanderer sees in this story a symbol of peace and relaxation, as well as some inhibition of perception of reality.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

What you see in a dream can say about many things worth only to reveal the dream book, and read the decoding. For example, what aquarium is dreaming with fish can be a very good omen, and foreshadow. To interpret the truthful, it is recommended to remember all events in the smallest details, it is very important.

In general, the dreams in which you see aquarium with fish are considered rather positive, foreshadowing some changes in life, meetings, replenishment in the family. But, it is important, and what actions you make with it, whether the water is changed, clean, buy, or even smash. The meaning of the interpretation will depend on which fish they swam in it, and what water was. So, such a vision is really deciphering very diverse.

Those who saw in a dream live fish In the aquarium, such a vision foreshadows good luck, which, according to Dreamnor, will not slow down to come. The more active in the inhabitants of the Water World, the greater the luck expects a dream.

And if the fish in a dream were different speciesThe favorable period will last long. If they were exotic - then the dream will have a meeting with old familiar and friends.

Good is a dream about a goldfish in aquarium, almost like in a fairy tale, he promises the fulfillment of all the desires, but they should not contradict the law and morality, such is the opinion of the dream room.

What a small aquarium is dreaming to be shed, the dream is not very positive, such a vision foreshadows many small troubles, and the collapse of all your plans.

Losses and material losses are waiting for those who saw themselves floating in aquarium with fish, such as the opinion of dreams, you should save or invest in real estate or jewelry.

Fish jumping from aquarium is a confirmation that a person strives to change the situation or profession. If they sought away from clean water - change will improve your position if you are only worsening from muddy.

What dreams of a turtle in aquarium or other reptiles, according to Dreamnor, foreshadows intrigues, plotted against a dream with colleagues or friends. Look at your surrounding, maybe not all worthy of your trust?

If you buy it yourself - it means unforeseen and unnecessary expenses, it is advised to save money, because they will soon need them.

But, if you watch the aquarium with fish buying outsiders - expenses are coming to this person, or it is very lost. If you recognized it, try to reveal from the rapid deeds related to material trips.

If a dead, dead fish in aquarium, floating in a dream dirty water - this is bad sign, Sulling trouble, the very dream and his loved ones.

In the event that you were the cause of their death, not even in their will, you lose your own reputation, lose your business, and your career can break. A rather negative night vision.

That the dream of aquarium foreshadows women

This dream, how no other has different interpretations depending on the sex of the dream, and such visions for girls and women are especially important.

Cesu dream if a young girl fed fish in aquarium? This, according to Dreamnik, promises her soon marriage and pregnancy. It is combined with a marriage with a very wealthy person, and pregnancy will be a joyful event for both.

But if they swam in muddy water - The hope of an ambulance will not come true to the ambulance. If she breaks the aquarium in a dream, then it is waiting for problems at work related to the bosses of the opposite sex.

The girl who buys a small and original vessel for fish will soon abandon the goal, or will change work. It will be a reasonable solution, because previous aspirations will be unpromising.

What dreams of getting this subject as a gift is a happy sleep, but if a woman gives him - then it foreshadows her an unpleasant surprise, and the dream book says that he is expected from close man, or even spouse.

A cat who catches the fish in the aquarium is a warning about problems, and not only with dreams, but also at her loved ones, warn dreams.

What a big empty aquarium is unmarried to dream of an unmarried woman is explained by the dream of her association with him, as with a huge "cage", in which she was sharpened, completely deprived of the right of choice. It is protected, but devoid of habitual life.

Those who in the night recreation hours saw many beautiful and exotic fish will soon go through many pleasant moments, and, the most diverse and the inhabitants of the water world will be, the more beautiful the future is waiting for a dream.

She did not only observe, but also interfere with their lives, changes the equipment, water, pebbles - this is a warning about the fact that she behaved more modestly, and did up the opposite to the opposite - did not fit the personal lives of others, it is unethical.

Different dreams and interpretation of this dream

According to Miller's dream book, the aquarium with fish promises changes, especially if the dreams change water in it. A cat trying on your eyes to catch one of the fish in the aquarium is a warning about frivolity, which can cause many problems.

Freud's dream book considers aquarium with fish purely female symbol, speaking of her sexuality, and sometimes about pregnancy. But, if it is empty, the woman may be fruitless.

According to this collection, the interpretation of sleep about aquarium with fish is symbolic, and speaking about the high family values \u200b\u200bof the dream.

What dreams of fry in aquarium? This desire to have a dream to have children, and if he launches adult fish to the vessel, he clearly wants to change the partner, and for married couples this vision means a fast divorce.

This glass vesselWith water, filled with water, often dreams of who in reality suffers Enurrez, so, it is recommended to start getting rid of this disease, the dream book advises.

New family dream book Again, it connects this dream with a beautiful floor, Sulla ladies marriage, pregnancy, prosperity in the family. What dreams dirty aquarium? The marriage, which was for a woman long-awaited, will be unhappy, and mutual understanding between spouses will not.

Clean the aquarium in a dream according to the modern dream book is fast change, and in personal life, and in affairs. Perhaps even change of residence.

Many attention is paid to this vision and eastern female dream book, arguing that it is very important for a woman, and lonely foreshadows a meeting with the narrowed, and married is an ambulance pregnancy.

Those who in a dream change water in a glass aquarium with fish, promise change, almost always for the better. According to Longo's dream, this vision is quite positive, especially if the dreams feed fish.

But for some it can mean the coming boring work that will require energy costs, but will not bring the desired result.

Those who cleaned and smashed aquarium with fish - this collection of interpretations promises troubles associated with gossip, which distribute your ill-wishers. Be loyal, and try not to trust your secrets and thoughts to unfamiliar people. If you are watching that someone admires aquarium with fish, you will soon meet this person, and communication will be quite unpleasant, he will leave a negative impression about himself.

If what you saw while were in the kingdom of Morpheus, you were afraid, do not be lazy to check, in which the lunar days you visited the dream, because only those of them are prophetic, and carry reliable information that visited you on a certain day and hour.


Dream Miller

If in a dream you see that the cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, but you do not drive it - It is not excluded that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.

If you dreamed that you change water in the aquarium - In real life you are standing on the threshold of change.

Dream of Freud.

Like any closed container aquarium - It is a purely female symbol, and his connection with water speaks of great satisfaction from the genital relationship.

Aquarium in a snow - Speaks about emergency pregnancy.

Aquarium S. large quantity fish and beautifully arranged - Symbolizes for the dreaming his family.

Empty aquarium - means infertility.

Running to aquarium fry - Says about the desire to have children, and the launch of adult fish to the aquarium speaks about the desire to start or change the partner.

Broken aquarium - Speaks about a possible break with his partner. Be careful!

Aquarium - Can be seen in a dream and people who suffered in childhood Enurrez.

Female dream book

If you see in a dream big Aquarium With beautiful fish - You face marriage. You have a marriage with a wealthy person. However, it is impossible to say that this marriage will be happy - this marriage will not be a place for mutual understanding and confidence.

New family dream book

Big Aquarium S. beautiful fishhaving a young woman - foreshadows soon marriage. Moreover, the spouse will be very wealthy. But it is too early to rejoice: it is unlikely that this marriage can be called happy - there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

The cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, and you do not think to stop it - Your frivolity can cause many problems for you and for your loved ones.

Changed water in aquarium - Wait for change.

Modern visible dream book

Aquarium - A sign of a sudden disorder of digestion, which can happen to you in the coming days.

Eastern female dream book

For a young woman a dream in which she sees a big aquarium with beautiful fish - means she will marry a wealthy person. However, this marriage will not be called happy, because there will be no understanding between spouses.

Dreamed that you change water in aquarium - You stand on the threshold of change.

Full dream of a new era

Aquarium - Reflection of restrictions.

With small fish - Reflection of children (not to consider separately from other characters).

With large fish - Reflection of a partner, partner (not to consider separately from other characters).

Dream Longo

Empty aquarium - means that you think that you are in the claim to your loved ones: you count on strong support, and get only on duty signs of attention. You can advise only one thing - do not be too sensitive to trouble, perhaps you are now such a band. When it ends, you will stop perceiving all so dramatic.

Break aquarium - To a major quarrel on your fault. Take a dream as an omen - be more attentive to what you say, otherwise conflict can not be avoided; Calmfully treat what your loved ones say: they can tell what they will later suffer. Be tolerant to the disadvantages of others, otherwise come across the dislike of others.

Someone from your friends or relatives disassembles aquarium - You are annoyed by a shortage of time, because of this everything falls out of the hands, it seems to you that things go bad and there is no possibility of establishing them. In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, throwing secondary. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to do it. Analyze your position and determine what is now most important for you.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

The discerning aquarium with exotic fish floating in it, followed by watching - To a raid and an unforgettable meeting with people you are idle.


If you dreamed aquarium with fun frolic fish or you feed in the dream of these fish - The long-awaited pregnancy will come.

For an elderly woman, this dream - To the fact that solar diseases will torment.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Aquarium to see empty - To the full indifference of the face that was not indifferent to you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If a filled aquarium dreamed and fish flooded in it - Pay high attention to your meals: possibly an unexpected disorder of digestion in the very near future.

Empty aquarium - You can reach apathy, turning into depression.

Total dream book

See in the aquarium of dead fish - Means you should think about the feasibility of your hobby, do not neglect the opinion of relatives.

Break the full aquarium - promises unexpected profit, inheritance or conclusion of a large deal.

See an empty aquarium - Means that soon you have a lot of fun with an abundant table and drinking.

Watch the inhabitants of the aquarium - A loved one will give you a surprise.

Dream of the XXI century

Dinking aquarium with clean and transparent water in which fish or reptiles swim - promises you happiness, success in affairs and promotion, especially if the aquarium of large sizes.

Lack of living beings in aquarium - Warns you of a possible deception or a quarrel with a person you need.

Broken by you or someone in a dream full aquarium - symbolizes your progress in business, an unexpected receipt of money, profits, inheritance.

Sleep in which you yourself swim in the aquarium - Is a warning, you can expect losses, losses and disappears.

Dream of white magician

See in a dream aquarium with floating fish in it that feed - You have a week when you need a lot of patience, be prepared for monotonous work. Perhaps she ultimately will bring you success, but at the beginning such work will seem to you boring and uninteresting. Through it certainly needs to go through; Take this work as a test that will bring a good result.

Clean the aquarium and pour fresh water into it - Someone will try to strike you "below the belt", be careful in search of support, because the misfortunes do not dreamed. If you weaken the vigilance and you will change your intuition, the unfair will take advantage of you harm you.

Watch how someone looks at your aquarium - Means that you will soon have a meeting with a person about which you have a negative impression. At the moment you can be more objective and evaluating other people's actions is not as critical. You may see this person in a completely different light. At least, do not pushe it at the very first moment.

Empty aquarium - means that you think that you are in the claim to your loved ones: you count on strong support, and get only on duty signs of attention. You can advise only one thing - do not be too sensitive to trouble, perhaps you are now such a band. When it ends, you will stop perceiving all so dramatic.

Buying a large, spacious aquarium - omen large expenses, and not always justified; It would be worthwhile to behave wisely and not to silent money, but for some time it will be impossible to implement it. After such a "burst" in the affairs you will come.

If you dreamed that you acquire a small but cozy aquarium - A dream foreshadows the refusal of the case under reasonable reasons. Noticing that the company is not laid from the very beginning, retreat from him, otherwise you are waiting for heavy disappointments.

Break aquarium - To a major quarrel on your fault. Take a dream as an omen - be more attentive to what you say, otherwise conflict can not be avoided; Calmfully treat what your loved ones say: they can tell what they will later suffer. Be tolerant to the disadvantages of others, otherwise come across the dislike of others. Someone from your friends or relatives disassembles the aquarium - you are annoyed by a shortage of time, because of this, everything falls out of the hands, it seems to you that things go bad and establish them there is no possibility. In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, throwing secondary. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to do it. Analyze your position and determine what is now most important for you.

Dream Stranger

Aquarium with fish - to rest, relaxing, peace; Inhibition of consciousness, inertia, deceleration.

Ukrainian dream book

Aquarium with fish - happiness and joy; have in the house - Get into trouble, big troubles.

Collection of Sonnikov

Aquarium - Sign symbolizing disorder of the digestion system, which can happen to you in the near future. Pay attention to your health.

What did aquarium fish dream?

The animal world is diverse and interesting, but not only in everyday, familiar ordness, but also in the world of night dreams.

In dreams, the inhabitants of the fauna are frequent guests, and never know who of the living beings will celebrate in his vision at night. Not only beasts, and the fish sometimes take off - and often cause a lot of emotions from a beautiful floor.

Because there is a stereotypical belief, as if fish in Women's Gresses - explicit sign Eightly pregnancy and replenishment in the family. This is only a myth!

And in fact, everything is much more difficult. Fish is different. For example, what aquarium fish is shot - they differ from simple fish watering in open reservoirs, and they have a different value!

Both the aquarium itself and the underwater creatures living in it have a mass different values. It all depends on the set of nuances - the species of fish and the state of the medium in which they flooded, from the amendment of a dream, from the mass of other details.

Before you disintended to express, you will have to remember everything in detail. After all, the fish could be small - or very large, beautiful exotic - or ordinary, inconspicuous, gold or dead.

A lot of options. Dream Interpretation describes the following scenarios of "aquarium" dreams:

  • See fish from the side.
  • Aquarium dreams of a girl.
  • Very beautiful, exotic fish in a dream.
  • Well-groomed, dear aquarium in Gresses.
  • Catch out of the waters of fish.
  • Keep them in their hands.
  • In the aquarium of fish rapidly splash.
  • Goldfish dreams in Gresses.
  • Goldfish right in her hands in a dream.
  • In the aquarium floats dead fish.
  • Black or dark fish.

Such options may not surprise the dream, and it is unlikely to leave a strong impression. But it is worth understanding that the fish is an ancient and powerful symbol, and these dreams, despite their first seeming simplicity, are of great importance. Exchange, what dreams aquarium and its inhabitants will help the dream book.

What awaits reveal?

In many religions and nations, this symbol itself has almost sacred value, and symbolizes spirituality. In addition, the fish is the inhabitant of water, and water is a direct symbol of the emotional sphere of man.

So often such "fish" dreams are associated with soul, with a spiritual state, and indicate that it is.

However, unlike water bodies, the image of the aquarium is more projected into the area of \u200b\u200bthe household, social, as well as the scope of work and career. It is worth considering each option.

1. See aquarium fish in a dream from the side - a hint of inner world The very dream. What were they, what emotions caused? How did these little creatures behave? Was the water clean, or on the contrary, the aquarium was launched, dirty?

According to these details, it is possible to judge and draw conclusions, in what condition your inner world is now - in pure and stable, or in the launched, and it is worth putting it in order.

2. If the dream in which the aquarium appeared, dream of young individual, is a wonderful sign. You can expect happy love. She will soon appear in life, and bring many joy and pleasant experiences!

3. The vessel with very beautiful, unusual, exotic fish in a dream is a faithful sign that the dream is expecting all sorts of compliments, recognition, praise, and perhaps even fame and a new position in society. Don't you dream about this?

Of course, it is worth attaching efforts, and to behave accordingly to achieve this. But the interpreter promises - you have it easily.

4. As Dream Interpretation says, the aquarium is beautiful, well-kept, clean - a symbol of complete well-being. You will have to reveal the joy of a messy, stable life. In addition, difficulties will go free and easily, they will replace joy and pleasure.

This does not mean that it is necessary to idle and get all the benefits - you will have to work hard. But these are more than grateful, and will bring a lot of generous fruits.

5. Called Fish from the vessel? Be careful because your body at this time is at some extent weakened and are not subject to a little bit. This dangerous period should be pulled out - take care of yourself carefully than usual, not to expose the body neither the body nor the psyche.

Also avoid stress. Perfect option - Relax carefully, because there are often diseases just appear from fatigue.

6. If you kept aquarium fish (or several) in your own hands in a dream - you are coming care and trouble, but not at all difficult, not burdens. Perhaps these concerns will even bring joy and considerable profit.

7. If the fish aquarium donated to you, the aquarium splashed cheerfully, even jumped out of the water - the mass of all sorts of joys, gifts and surprises is waiting for you.

The interpreter does not specify, and does not give details - where the joy and surprises will go, remains a mystery. But even more interesting: do not wait hard, just know, soon you will be happy to rejoice!

8. A lot of small fish in the donned aquarium - also a symbol of a set of joys. Fate prepares a lot of surprises - and let them not differ much, and they will be small, but still, will be delighted and the state of Euphoria. Little joy will scream life every day!

9. An interesting symbol is a goldfish. It is easy to guess - this is a good symbol, happy. You will have a great opportunity to fulfill your long-standing dreams! And the main task is not to miss these chances.

10. If the goldfish was in your hands in your hands, then you can safely count on the mild and fast, literally wonderful fulfillment of the dream. What you wish for a long time, will soon come true!

11. If you were harmful to a dead fish in the aquarium - be prepared for unexpected little difficulties, but do not be afraid of them. If you are ready, then no barriers and unexpected problems will not frighten you and will not harm you.

12. An excellent symbol is black or dark fish. This is a sign that it is very soon that you will have to experience all the joys of great good luck. Success will be in everything - and this needs to be used!

Aquarium fish can bring a lot of surprise a dream. Whatever you enloled this "fish" dream, listen to the Soviets of the dream room - maybe you lie down a big luck?

What dreams aquarium with fish?

Usually aquarium dreamed in a dream - good sign. If merry fish are splashing in the aquarium, then this is good news. Feed them - to pregnancy, which was waiting for so long. If such a dream disasters an elderly woman, then this is a promise of the disease that will be hard to move.

And now in more detail about what aquarium is dreaming with fish. For those who were born in May, June, July and August, aquarium with fish, especially if they are exotic breeds, to pleasant meetings and unforgettable emotions.

By ukrainian dream book Aquarium with fish promises harmony and joyful news in the family. And if in a dream the aquarium was at home, it can mean the upcoming troubles or serious troubles around the house.

If the aquarium dreams of those who were born in January, February, March or April, then it is worth waiting for unpleasant news. If it was empty, then this means that the beloved person stopped experiencing her old feelings and now simply enjoys confidence. The relationship he is no longer needed. It will continue before while someone does not pour water in a dream and will not launch fish in the aquarium. If a long time does not disappear, it is worth waiting for a break.

Also, aquarium with fish can mean a difficult week. So you have to work a lot, work will not bear pleasure, and monotonous work will strain and annoy. In this case, you should be patient and survive this difficult week.

Clean the aquarium with fish and change water in it dreams of the fact that some enemy wants to strike. It is necessary to be extremely careful, because someone of the closest can be unfriendly. Only intuition will help here and help those who can accurately count.

If someone else looks into the aquarium, then there will be a meeting with an unpleasant person. It will not be avoided. If everything goes well, it may turn out that the first opinion about him was not correct and even strong friendship is possible.

And perhaps this meeting will lead to unpleasant consequences, even quite deplorable. But someone from the common acquaintances will help to cope with the disagreements arising and disassemble without fighting.

Often an aquarium with graceful floating fish symbolizes rest. This means that you can relax and calmly enjoy life. If the water is muddy, then this means braking in affairs or toasting consciousness.

If you dream, some place with aquarium (cafe, bar, restaurant or something like that), then the interpretation of sleep depends on its specifics. If the atmosphere is favorable, then you can soon wait for money profits. If this is a date with your beloved, soon he can make an offer. For a man, this may mean that the beloved is pregnant. If the meeting passes on elevated colors or in tears, then waiting for trouble.

If aquarium is dreaming with transparent water and floating fish, it is possible to promote at work or a cash premium. Perhaps the meeting will pass unexpectedly successfully or the project will be seen by the authorities. In any case, this means recognition from influential people. The larger the size of the aquarium, the bigger praise or the premium is waiting. Break in a dream the aquarium independently or simply watch how someone does it - also to profits and career successes.

Swim in aquarium in a dream - a bad sign. This is a warning and warning. It is worth the fear of large investments. Since they will most likely be unjustified. Possible losses and thefts, perhaps even complete ruin. But if you are extremely vigilant, this can be avoided.

Of course, believe in dreams and their meaning is everyone's personal matter! But sometimes the meaning is useful, because some dreams are caution and as if warning the sleeping, trying to protect from the upcoming mistakes. But in order to properly disperse a dream, you need to accurately remember all the smallest details.

What dream of a goldfish in aquarium?

Goldfish in a dream symbolizes wealth and prosperity. And in the present life is a symbol of happiness and success. Therefore, such a dream does not foreshadow anything terrible. Just the opposite, it means that a white strip will begin in a person soon in life.

Lots of positive feedback W. noble dream city N. Grishina. According to people, her book is very useful and predictions there is reliable. In this dream book it is said that to see a goldfish in a dream - to mumbling happiness. It may be a new acquaintance with a pleasant person. However, often see him will not work, as it will live in another country. High probability that will be easy in love. Only she will not end serious relationship. It is desirable that such a dream see a pregnant woman, as he foreshadows the birth of a happy and healthy child. But if the goldfish had dreamed of the patient, then his quick recovery is waiting for him soon. Such a sign is favorable for students. It means that all sessions and credits will be successful.

It is very important to take into account, under what circumstances a fish had dreamed. That is, if she swims at home in aquarium, then promotion in affairs will go fast enough. The result will be visible immediately. However, if she swims in aquarium, which is in the pet store, it is worth a little try to achieve the desired goal.

Very interesting, and what a goldfish is still dreaming? Of course, in order to have confidence in the accuracy of the information, it is necessary to read the interpretation at once in several dreams. For example, there is a wonderful dream book Miller, in which you can also find answers to your questions. He predicts that the Golden Fish usually dreams of some responsible affairs. It is worth noting that after such sleep, things will be successfully. Also, any idea at work will be approved by the boss. It is possible that the sleep owner expects both an increase. It happens that in a dream a man buys a goldfish. This means that he will make a profitable offer from which he will not be able to refuse. It will continue to make a profit. And in general, such a dream predicts everything only positive, so one should not worry once again.

Elena Radelova, the participant of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" says that if a man in a dream sees a goldfish, then in reality he is long lucky. It is desirable that the fish is large. This means that in the real life there will be a huge profit. Perhaps a person will increase at work, they will write a premium or he will simply win the lottery. Life is full of secrets and mysteries, so if a random way there will be a lot of money, then you should not be surprised. But the extrasens claims that the dead goldfish foreshadows difficulties in finance. So, if suddenly the goldfish suddenly died in a dream, then in reality it is worth it to be careful with money. Clairvoyant Elena advises not to spend money, because soon there may be unexpected expenses.

It is very important to pay attention to what the fish swim in what aquarium. If he is round, then on the way to achieving the goal of competitors and rivals will not be. Well, if the aquarium is rectangular, then you will have to fight for the "place under the sun". But in any case, a positive result is guaranteed.

Each dream carries useful and important information. It is advisable not to relate indifferent to your dreams. As a rule, this is such a sign that gives more than a person so that he does not make mistakes. Therefore, it is worth being more careful, because everything in this life makes sense.


Dream Aquarium Dreamed, what dreams in a dream aquarium? To select a sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dreaming in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get online interpretation Dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see aquarium in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

The work started will not bring success, it is better to abandon him now and start a new project.

Imagine that you pour the contents of the aquarium to the ocean (see Ocean).

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

To see empty - to the full indifference of the face that was not indifferent to you.

Dead Fish in Aquarium

Dream Dead Fish in Aquarium Dreamed what dreams in a dream dead fish in aquarium? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead fish in aquarium in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Blood River with Dead Fish

This dream foreshadows war

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Like any closed tank of aquarium is a purely female symbol, and its connection with water speaks of great satisfaction from the sexual relationship.

Aquarium in a dream speaks about emergency pregnancy.

Aquarium with a large number of fish and beautifully arranged symbolizes for the dreaming his family.

An empty aquarium means infertility.

Running to the aquarium of the fools speaks about the desire to have children, and the launch of adult fish to the aquarium speaks about the desire to start or change the partner.

A broken aquarium talks about a possible break with his partner. Be careful! Aquarium can see in a dream and people suffering from Enuresum in childhood.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Aquarium with floating fish in it, which feed: you have a week when you need a lot of patience, be prepared for monotonous work.

Perhaps she ultimately will bring you success, but at the beginning such work will seem to you boring and uninteresting.

Through this, it is certainly necessary to go through this work as a test that the good result will bring.

Clean the aquarium and pour fresh water into it: someone will try to strike you "below the belt", be careful in search of support, because there are no detractors.

If you weaken the vigilance and you will change your intuition, the unfair will take advantage of you harm you.

Watch how someone looks at your aquarium: means that you will have a meeting with a person in the near future, which you have a negative impression.

At the moment you can be more objective and evaluating other people's actions is not as critical.

You may see this person in a completely different light.

At least, do not pushe it at the very first moment.

An empty aquarium: means that you think that you are in the claim to your loved ones: you are counting on strong support, and you get only on duty signs.

You can advise only one buy in the store large, spacious aquarium: an omnation of high expenses, and not always justified would be worthwhile to behave intelligently and do not silence money, but for some time it will be impossible to implement it.

After such a "burst" in the affairs you will come.

If you have dreamed that you acquire a small but cozy aquarium: a dream foreshadows the refusal of the case started for reasonable reasons.

Noticing that the company is not laid from the very beginning, retreat from him, otherwise you are waiting for heavy disappointments.

Break aquarium: to a major quarrel in your fault.

Take a dream as a omen querily treat what your loved ones say: in the hearts they can say what they will later suffer.

Be tolerant to the disadvantages of others, otherwise come across the dislike of others.

Someone from your friends or relatives disassembles the aquarium: You are annoyed by a shortage of time, because of this, everything falls out of the hands, it seems to you that things go bad and establish them there is no possibility.

In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, throwing secondary.

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to do it.

Analyze your position and determine what is now most important for you.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Clean and transparent water in aquarium in which fish or reptiles swim - happiness, success in affairs and promotion, especially if the aquarium of large sizes.

The absence of living beings in the aquarium - warns you of a possible deception or a quarrel with a person you need.

A complete aquarium broken by you or someone - symbolizes your successes in business, an unexpected receipt of money, profits, inheritance.

Floating in the aquarium - is a warning, you can expect losses, losses and disappears.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

A large aquarium with beautiful fish, having dreamed of a young woman, foreshadows a quick marriage. Moreover, the spouse will be very wealthy. But it is too early to rejoice: it is unlikely that this marriage can be called happy - there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

The cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, and you do not think to stop it! Your frivolity can cause many problems for both of you and for your loved ones.

Changed water in the aquarium - wait for change.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Aquarium - aquarium with fish - happiness and joy, having in the house - get into trouble, big troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

If a filled aquarium was dreamed and fish flooded in it - pay high attention to its food: an unexpected digestion disorder is possible in the very near future. An empty aquarium - you can cover apathy, turning into depression.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

If you dream aquarium with having fun frolic fish or you feed in the dream of these fish - the long-awaited pregnancy will come. For an elderly woman, this dream is to be tormented by the solar diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Having dreamed of aquarium with exotic fish floating in it, which you are glad to watch, to a raid and an unforgettable meeting with people you are guarding.

Large fish aquarium

Dream Interpretation Large Fish Aquarium Dreamed, what dreams in a dream big fish aquarium? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream big fish aquarium, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kit, Big Fish

indicates an alarm, misfortune and influx of anger.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Like any closed tank of aquarium is a purely female symbol, and its connection with water speaks of great satisfaction from the sexual relationship.

Aquarium in a dream speaks about emergency pregnancy.

Aquarium with a large number of fish and beautifully arranged symbolizes for the dreaming his family.

An empty aquarium means infertility.

Running to the aquarium of the fools speaks about the desire to have children, and the launch of adult fish to the aquarium speaks about the desire to start or change the partner.

A broken aquarium talks about a possible break with his partner. Be careful! Aquarium can see in a dream and people suffering from Enuresum in childhood.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Aquarium with floating fish in it, which feed: you have a week when you need a lot of patience, be prepared for monotonous work.

Perhaps she ultimately will bring you success, but at the beginning such work will seem to you boring and uninteresting.

Through this, it is certainly necessary to go through this work as a test that the good result will bring.

Clean the aquarium and pour fresh water into it: someone will try to strike you "below the belt", be careful in search of support, because there are no detractors.

If you weaken the vigilance and you will change your intuition, the unfair will take advantage of you harm you.

Watch how someone looks at your aquarium: means that you will have a meeting with a person in the near future, which you have a negative impression.

At the moment you can be more objective and evaluating other people's actions is not as critical.

You may see this person in a completely different light.

At least, do not pushe it at the very first moment.

An empty aquarium: means that you think that you are in the claim to your loved ones: you are counting on strong support, and you get only on duty signs.

You can advise only one buy in the store large, spacious aquarium: an omnation of high expenses, and not always justified would be worthwhile to behave intelligently and do not silence money, but for some time it will be impossible to implement it.

After such a "burst" in the affairs you will come.

If you have dreamed that you acquire a small but cozy aquarium: a dream foreshadows the refusal of the case started for reasonable reasons.

Noticing that the company is not laid from the very beginning, retreat from him, otherwise you are waiting for heavy disappointments.

Break aquarium: to a major quarrel in your fault.

Take a dream as a omen querily treat what your loved ones say: in the hearts they can say what they will later suffer.

Be tolerant to the disadvantages of others, otherwise come across the dislike of others.

Someone from your friends or relatives disassembles the aquarium: You are annoyed by a shortage of time, because of this, everything falls out of the hands, it seems to you that things go bad and establish them there is no possibility.

In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, throwing secondary.

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to do it.

Analyze your position and determine what is now most important for you.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Clean and transparent water in aquarium in which fish or reptiles swim - happiness, success in affairs and promotion, especially if the aquarium of large sizes.

The absence of living beings in the aquarium - warns you of a possible deception or a quarrel with a person you need.

A complete aquarium broken by you or someone - symbolizes your successes in business, an unexpected receipt of money, profits, inheritance.

Floating in the aquarium - is a warning, you can expect losses, losses and disappears.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

A large aquarium with beautiful fish, having dreamed of a young woman, foreshadows a quick marriage. Moreover, the spouse will be very wealthy. But it is too early to rejoice: it is unlikely that this marriage can be called happy - there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

The cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, and you do not think to stop it! Your frivolity can cause many problems for both of you and for your loved ones.

Changed water in the aquarium - wait for change.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Aquarium - aquarium with fish - happiness and joy, having in the house - get into trouble, big troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

If a filled aquarium was dreamed and fish flooded in it - pay high attention to its food: an unexpected digestion disorder is possible in the very near future. An empty aquarium - you can cover apathy, turning into depression.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

See interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the network, trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, disease, indifference.

To see in a dream, a unfortunate fish skeleton - the fores of the misfortune, plans and disappointments. Fish in a dream - a sign of ungrateful, useless work, empty spending time and strength. To see the fish caught by others, foreshadows the disease, and women are pregnancy. If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swayed on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed. If, in a dream, the float is jerking and you will catch the fish, you can count on the execution of the intended. To catch big fish In a dream, meaning you will be waiting for a profitable marriage. Sometimes such a dream predicts a large and profitable business. Watch the fish that you catch means that soon you will have serious plans for the future. Call a lot of fish with a wonder in a dream - a sign of a big profit. The larger the fish will be more money You'll get. Call a lot of small fish in a dream - a sign of great hassle, from which there will be little good or little money. But catching the fish with networks, delirium or by a non-child means that you should fear risky classes. However, such a dream foreshadows the success of those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find. Nothing to catch in a dream means that your ideas will not be implemented. Fishing hooks in a dream foreshadow the danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared you a cunning trap.

Pepling, bright colors Fish in a dream warns you about the danger of poisoning or deception. Sick such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow an insult or quarrel. Red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation or opening some kind of secrecy. If you dreamed that you take fish in your hands, and she slipping out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person you cannot catch or expose. It is also considered that the lake fish seeing in a dream foreshadows happiness and well-being. The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in affairs and failures in the implementation of plans. There is a fish in a dream is considered a good omen, if only it is not raw. There is a raw fish in a dream means you are waiting for damages, obstacles in affairs and disappointment. But if in it, in addition, it is full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you. Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not work. Watching the fish, splashing in water, foreshadows a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work. Feed fish in a dream - a sign of reconciliation with the enemies that you will charm your charm. Fish in his bed to see in a dream - sign of the disease. Those who are traveling on a journey through water, sleep foreshadows the danger of shipwreck or other misfortune. Pregnant woman see in a dream that they gave birth to fish, sleep predicts that they future child There will be weak health and will not live for a long time. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows them. It is believed that a rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing gear, then you should fear deception or some sort of trap. Fat fish in a dream - a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation. Fishermen in a dream - a sign of unreliable friends, on which you should not rely.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

If you dream aquarium with having fun frolic fish or you feed in the dream of these fish - the long-awaited pregnancy will come. For an elderly woman, this dream is to be tormented by the solar diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Having dreamed of aquarium with exotic fish floating in it, which you are glad to watch, to a raid and an unforgettable meeting with people you are guarding.

Any dream has its own meaning. It is important to pay attention to the place of events, participants and their behavior. In today's article, we will deal with what aquarium fish is shot, and how their actions affect the interpretation.

Usually the appearance of fish in a dream foreshadows fast changes, and their direction depends on the large number of external factors: the state of the aquarium and water in it, the number of fish, experienced by emotions, etc. Every dream interpretation is interpretation.

Video "What dreams aquarium"

From this video you will learn what the aquarium has a dream.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book leads to the following classification:

  • clean water in the aquarium - to luck;
  • dirty water in the aquarium - to the disease;
  • catch fish - to possible problems;
  • water residents are distinguished by beautiful color - to luck.

If you notice the cat, running the paw in the aquarium, think about the details. Isn't you leaving too much?

By Freud.

Freud's dream book special attention attracted to the actions of sleeping:

  1. If you are engaged in catching water inhabitants, it can say that it will not be able to get satisfied from intimate intimacy. Review your current problems and try to solve them during the day. This will help to clean thoughts from the experiences and turn the situation in their favor.
  2. If the fish from the dream is multicolored, it says about the chaos in the head. Think about the guidance of a life order.

Also, such a dream can be considered as an expression of the sexuality of a woman. If the container is empty, it means that the girl does not have the ability to start children.


Dream Vanga examines such a meeting in a dream as a negative sign:

  • the appearance of fish promises betrayal from the person who you trusted;
  • if you caught her hands, beware of the preparing trap, and the detractors themselves get into it;
  • if the water inhabitant is caught using a cuckoo, then you come carefully to solving problems;
  • if you are only watching the aquarium - the course of life bypassing you with a side, be more decisive.


By the dream of Longo, the appearance of fish in a dream speaks of something good:

  • a business person is such a dream and the signing of a major contract;
  • bright color - to luck;
  • goldfish reports about the beginning of the stage, when plans begin to be implemented.

What kind of fish were dreamed

The external features of the water inhabitants are one of the main factors. The more diverse and brighter color, the longer the white stripe will last in your life. If the fish was golden, it promises the fulfillment of desires and profits. If at the same time it behaves actively and quickly moves around the aquarium, the dream reports about the upcoming journey. At the same time, the trip will require certain cash.

If the fish were alive, it is required to clarify what water was. Clean water promises good luck and receiving a reward for the works. For a young woman, such a dream may impose an ambulance pregnancy. If the water turned out to be muddy, expect trouble.

Dead fishes tell a girl about disappointment in a relationship, a man - about problems in business. If in a dream you have touched the pop-up fish bodies, health problems are possible. If there are too many dead fish in the aquarium, be alert: many obstacles may occur.


Another factor on which you want to pay attention is the actions of sleeping:

  1. Fish feeding usually promises successful business relationships. If fish feeds a girl, it can report her about receiving profit or emergency pregnancy.
  2. Buying aquarium - Caution about unforeseen spending. Acting person can be both a dream and any other person.
  3. If you have decided to swim in the aquarium, get ready for material losses.
  4. Fishing with hands foreshadows possible successes related to work, profits or well-established circumstances.
  5. Catching with a cuckoo can warn about a soon acquaintance with an annoying person.

Aquarium value

The state of the aquarium can also say much:

  • aquarium with water and a large number of residents can talk about good luck and add an increase in work;
  • if you dreamed of aquarium without fish, be alert: sleep can report on deception, a quarrel with a person whose location you value;
  • an empty aquarium for women personifies the cell - safely, but it fails to maintain a familiar lifestyle;
  • a broken aquarium promises women problems with a man's head, if the container was broken during cleaning - to the gossip, and if the aquarium broke and the contents broke into the sleeping - to wealth.

Other interpretations

Non-standard behavior when fish jump out of the water, confirms the desire of a person to change the profession or the surrounding environment. If the inhabitants of the aquarium jump out of pure water, changes will result in the better. If the fish jump out of dirty water - to deterioration of the current state.

If a speaking fish is dreaming, it may be a quick fulfillment of desires, even the most unreal. For business people, such a dream promises contracts and profits. If the sleeping sinner, the fishing rod says that a person will cure, but only if it will observe all the instructions of the doctors.

Pay some attention to the number of fish in the aquarium: if only one floats, it means that something happened soon for a long time. If there are many fish, a girl can talk about the upcoming pregnancy.

Do not forget that not every dream is prophetic. The probability of its implementation is directly dependent on lunar days. Discarding the subtext in his dream, be sure to perform an additional check.

It is almost impossible to guess what the aquarium dreams with fish is almost impossible. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to interpret the image, taking into account which fish we swam in aquarium, how clean was water, which emotions were experiencing a dream at the sight of waterfowl and other parts. Experts drew attention to all these nuances and provided a clear interpretation of vision.

Yourself guess what the aquarium is dreaming with fish is almost impossible

Canding about what the fish in the aquarium is being shot, many people turn to the dream of the famous Vanga Providarians. In her opinion, if the dreams observe the life of fish in the aquarium, it means that something is wrong with his own. Probably, at present, trouble is pursuing sleeping, replacing each other. It complicates the situation that all problems he has to solve alone, as there is no close to him with him, to whom he could trust. A symbol of waste is considered a removable aquarium from which water gradually flows. If fish were in the tank, this suggests that the dreams own hands Robs his life. The dream in which the aquarium dreamed without water, but with the marine inhabitants, means that the dreams in the near future will present claims to his relatives, considering that they pay too little attention to him.

Worth the question of what the fish in the aquarium is being shot, many people turn to the dream of the famous Vanian Providarians

The hard working week predicts the White Magician of Longo in the event that sleeping in his dreams feeds aquarium fish. The work appointed to him initially may seem monotonous and uninteresting, but over time it is thanks to her sleeping can succeed and declare himself. If dreamed of aquarium was dirty water, then someone will try to blacken the name of the dream. Most likely competitors consider that the ideal time has come to attack and will decide to harm sleeping.

What dreams aquarium (video)

Modern and universal dream book

Modern dream book Aquarium with fish refers to positive signs, which foreshadows pleasant meetings and changes in life, replenishment in the family. Moreover, water inhabitants will actively behave, the more positive events will occur in the life of the sleeping. However, if dead fish were dreamed in aquarium, then nothing good to wait for the destiny. Most likely, the dreams will try to achieve some kind of purpose, but all his efforts will be in vain. Exotic Aquarium Fish in Night Greeks - Meeting Symbol with a long good friendwhom I did not sleep for several years now.

To see the aquarium with fish and himself floating with them - to a major financial loss. The interpreter does not recommend to make big purchases or invest in a beginner enterprise. It is better to wait for a more favorable time, but as long as money can just put into the bank so that they bring good dividends. If in the world of dreams you saw a goldfish floating in the aquarium, it means that in reality any desire will be performed almost immediately after you are coming. Therefore, it is necessary to use this fate for the entire coil.

Modern dream book Aquarium with fish refers to positive signs, which foreshadows pleasant meetings and changes in life, replenishment in the family

Universal dream book Fish in aquarium, greeted sleep, interprets as fatal changes in the dream of a dream. The interpreter proposes to decipher sleep depending on the floor of the dream. Thus, if the aquarium in a dream was in a dream, then in reality it may have an annoying worker. If the lady is not required of such a fan, then the interpreter advises her to behave more strictly with representatives of the opposite sex.

And why the aquarium fish is a young, unmarried girl? The authors of the publication assure that the unusual coloring of the fish is a favorable symbol that foreshadows a quick marriage and happy family life. If the aquarium was dreameded dirty, and the girl changed water and pebbles in it, it means that in reality she should pay less attention to the personal life of foreign people.

Woman in the position of aquarium fish floating in clean water, foreshadow a calm pregnancy. If the water inhabitants tried to leave the aquarium, then in the reality of the future mother, it is necessary to contact your attending physician as soon as possible, since there is a high probability of the threat of abortion.

Aquarium in a dream (video)

Dream Dream Hasse, Wanderer and XXI century

What dreams of fish in the aquarium can be found, and from the dream interpretation of the famous medium - Miss Hasse. Clairvoyant argued that if you see aquarium fish in clean water, it means that everything will be afraid in life. If the fish seek to leave the place of habitat, it is likely that the dream will try to change the place of work or living. Buying aquarium fish - a sign that the dreams are immensely spending money, whereas in the future they will be very useful to him. If the purchase makes another person, then in reality he can lose a large amount of money, and this will happen on his nonsense.

What dreams of fish in aquarium can be found, and from the dream interpretation of the famous medium - Miss Hasse

The dream book is also explained to what the fish in the aquarium is shot. If the sleeper tried to catch them with his hands, it means that he would athlete it, which would soon bring him good profits. The meaning of sleep is enhanced if the dreams catch the goldfish and will keep it in hand. Dark fish in dirty water is a bad sign that foreshadows the dreams and all his relatives. A pleasant acquaintance promotes a vision in which sleeping cares and transplants them into another, clean capacity with transparent water.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century is confident that the aquarium with fish, anguent woman, may indicate a pregnancy. And the more colorful there was a color of the aquatic inhabitants, the more talented the future kid will be. For a man, a dream in which a glass vessel inhabited by fish is broken, means the collapse of all his desires. All he has achieved will be empty and will not bring him any satisfaction or enrichment.

ATTENTION, only today!

Everyone believes exactly what he soul. But, despite various opinions, the interpretation of dreams still has a certain foundation, and people who do not even believe in it know that if you dream, for example, the boy, it means to be fuss.

Oh essence

If a person wants to figure out what fish is being shot in aquarium, it is worth noting that such a dream can mean changes that will soon happen. However, it is necessary to take into account various nuances. So, for example, women will dream much more often than men, because it is water that has a female orientation.

About marriage

If the young girl dreamed of fish in the aquarium, the dream interpretation she promises a quick marriage. However, in this case, the place for fish should be large, and in the aquarium should float various beautiful fish in uncountable quantities. It is worth saying that if it is bright and motley fish, the girl's husband will be a man wealthy or even rich. If all the inhabitants of the aquarium are diverse in their colors and sizes, it is not too good, because it means that in the future marriage there may be no understanding, and everyone will, as they say, dragged himself in the desire to take the post of head of the family. Also, this can mean a large difference between spouses aged, beliefs and even ordinary looks for life and family relationships.


If a person dreamed of a fish in an aquarium, be sure to remember which water it swam. If in clean, then the changes will be good, pleasant, if in the dirty, then we should expect sad events in life. However, reading all the negative interpretations of dreams, it is important to remember that these are only warnings so that the person is ready for various turns of his own destiny. We go further. If, in a dream, someone changes water to fish, this suggests that in life there will be cardinal, striking changes. And, most likely, they will be exceptionally positive. As for the sizes, to see in a large aquarium of small fish - to troublesome cases and routine, if residents of medium and larger, it is worth waiting for joyful changes, which, however, do not change anything radically, but will bring a good mood.

About fish

What else can you tell the dreamed fish in the aquarium? Dream interpretation says that if the sleeping feeds them, it foreshadows uninteresting and monotonous weekdays, but without a negative reflection of reality. If the process of feeding the pets by the person is in the soul, it may mean that uninteresting and hard work will eventually give a positive result, and efforts spent on its implementation will be rewarded.

Nevable predictions

We are considering further what fish in the aquarium is shot. If sleeping observes dead fish, you need to expect sad news or events. Losses are also possible, but not necessarily from the number of people. If the aquarium is completely empty, it can say that in a short time a person may wait for deception. However, everything can be changed if you constantly be alert.


Why dreams of fish in aquarium? If there are two of them in the tank, it is necessary to recall the trajectory of their movements. After all, this particular dream can tell about how the relationship between close people will develop. So, if the fish floats together to each other, the couple will be fine, and no disagreement is foreshadowed, peace and peace. If the fish are diverted in different directions, it is worth alert, because, in addition to disagreements, it can mean even a break of relationships with a close person.

gold fish

Also worth to figure out what they mean dreamed gold fish in the aquarium. If we speak in general, then this promises the wealth of sleep. It may also mean light money, such as a lottery gain. If the Golden Fish will dream of a young unmarried lady, it says that her future husband It is a rich man. If the living nature is having fun and plays in his aquarium, it suggests that a person who sees a dream will go to an interesting and fascinating journey with small spending.


What else can mean the sleep of "fish in aquarium"? It is already worth remembering various little things. For example, if a person cleans the container where such pets live, you need to expect cheating or even betrayal. If one fish swims in the aquarium, a certain important event will happen soon, which a person waited for a long time. It is also important to take into account the size of livestock: the more, the more descending and more important changes. If the sleeper breaks the aquarium, and all the content is poured on it, it speaks about the soon wealth and success in affairs, especially financial nature. If a person dreams that someone considers his aquarium, in life to this person you need to look good together, because in a short time this man It can become a good friend or even more, with a practically relative. A dream in which someone buys aquarium in the store, suggests that in life there are quite large waste of money, therefore it is better to be more neat with their finances, fearing unnecessary fairly large purchases. Interesting is the following interpretation. If a young lady dreamed of many little fish, it could fill her an ambulance pregnancy. Especially if the lady wants to catch them with their hands.

Deniz Lynn

What is the dreams of fish in aquarium, can tell the author Deniz Lynn. According to her opinion, such dreams are often visited by people with a rather small cash supply, as well as those who crave praise and compliments. Why? The author suggests that it is the fish in the subconscious of a person symbolize the emotional sphere of life.


In the dream book, Shuvalova says that sleep with aquarium fish does not promise anything bad, everything will be fine and even a little better. This dream can mean greasibility, improved health, good or joy. If the sleeping uses a fish caught from the aquarium, it may say that its influence and the force of impact on the surrounding grows. Patients of pets or even the dead Shuvalov treats how a threat to health, because the sleeping man just took over a lot of responsibilities and cannot cope with them. It's time to stop a quick pace of your life, otherwise they can occur negative changes In his own health.

What dreams of fish in aquarium are shot :: What to play aquarium fish :: Miscellaneous

Fish in aquarium can be foreshadowed marriage, pregnancy, travel, change and other. Of great importance is the purity and transparency of water, as well as the amount, size and painting of fish.

The question "How to view where the order goes" - 2 answers

If a person saw a dream and, waking up, wants to know what a fish in aquarium is being shot, then it is worth noting here that such a dream always foreshadows changes to happen in the very near future. It must be said that the dream of such an orientation most often see women, because water is a female element.


If the fish in the aquarium is shot by a young girl, then this means that she will soon marry. However, the prediction can only come true if the aquarium has a large volume, and the number of wonderful fish floating in it does not affect it. If the painting of most fish is bright and motley, then the future husband will be a man wealthy and even rich. If in a dream, different fish flooded among the thickets, then this is a bad sign: there will be no understanding in marriage, everyone will try to take the place of the head of the family. This can flow due to a large difference between the age of spouses, differences in religion and ordinary looks for life and raising children.
The purity of water in the aquarium is very important. If it is transparent, like a tear, then the coming changes will bring only joy and pleasure, if it is muddy and dirty, then do not wait good. If the sleeping sees how someone changes water to fish, then in life it is worth waiting for cardinal, striking changes for the most part positive. If fishing in an aquarium, which is sleeping feeds, then the coming days will be monotonous and monotonous filled with the usual routine work. If the sleep feeds fish with pleasure, then long work Over some project will be suitable for completion and bring your decent fruits.

What else predicts such a dream

If dead fish are shot in the aquarium, then not to avoid sad events and news. If the aquarium for some reason is empty, sleeping can wait for failure and deception. If the fish in the aquarium is only two, then often the interpretation of sleep is associated with a new only nasive novel. It is very important here to remember how the fish was behaved in relation to each other: if we swam together all the time, then the novel can go into something more, if the inhabitants of the aquarium diverged in different directions, this will be its outcome.
Goldfish floating in aquarium, promises sleeping profits. If she is having fun and plays in clean water, it is worth preparing for an interesting and fascinating journey associated with some trips. If the inhabitant of the aquarium floats alone, then sleeping can be sure: the event he was waiting for so long, it will soon happen. And the larger the size of the fish, the more fully fulfill what he dreamed of. If a young woman catches hands in a dream, it can fill her an ambulance pregnancy.

At the moment, absolutely anyone, going to sleep, almost never thinks over what kind of sleep he wants to see at night. At the same time, still ancient people said that dreams are some echoes of the past or the future, which should be treated with special attention and understanding.

Sleep in which a man dreamed of a fish

Quite often, waking up in the morning in the utmost nonsense or, on the contrary, in Nege and Delight, the man first is looking for an interpretation of his sleep in the dream book to be 100% confident that his sleep is to mark any event.
So, quite often young guys and girls in a dream "comes" fish. And if for some this dream is a real confirmation of the long-awaited event of pregnancy, then for others - it becomes a crash of certain hopes and plans.

Fish as a symbol of a joyful event

According to a fairly common opinion, when a young girl sees a fish - this is an omens to the approaching pregnancy. However, that such a dream really corresponds to reality, it is necessary to keep in mind that the girl should be relatively adult and have a long relationship with a young man (in some cases - to be married or prepare for the wedding). If such a dream saw a very young girl, naturally, he is not harbing pregnancy.
In most options, when sleep is associated with fishing, it means that in the near future there are any successes in work, material profit or just a happy confluence of the circumstances that need to take advantage. At the same time, the more in a dream fish and cleaner and more transparent water, from which a person caresses her, the more, respectively, is more successful and better financial condition.

Fish as a bad event symbol

At the same time, not always fishing in a dream means good luck and positive emotions. When a person dreams of a rotten ready fish, it is an omens to any gossip and bornes, which can lead to quarrels with loved ones and beloved people. Any fried, smoked or boiled fish means that a person in some moments need to strengthen attention and warned, since someone from his environment wants to confuse him and "entangle the brains." Dead fish in a dream will bring a person only illness and trouble. At the same time, the more dead fish dreamed, the more problems fall on the head of the person.
In general, as practice shows, dreams always have a relative indicator of reliability and truthfulness. Only that person who truly believes and can correctly interpret dreams, will receive true pleasure and truth from them. In most cases, dreams remain the usual picture, which dreamed of a person just once in his life.

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Why dream aquarium with fish?


Aquarium (Miller's dream book) - For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a big aquarium with beautiful fish, means that it will marry a wealthy person. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, because there will be no understanding between spouses. If in a dream you see that the cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, but you do not drive it, it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones. If you dreamed that you change the water in the aquarium, then in real life you are standing on the threshold of change.

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if you admire the fish is a wonderful dream, fate generously gives you, this dream can mean a happy marriage.
However, if you want to catch the fish, it can mean your desire to catch someone on your fishing rod). Beware of behaving in a similar way. Do not give in temptation, pushing you on the path of sin ..

Geenna Firenoya

For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a big aquarium with beautiful fish, means that it will marry a wealthy person. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, because there will be no understanding between spouses.
Aquarium is a sign of a sudden, albeit little, digestive disorders that can happen to you in the coming days.
If you dreamed that you change the water in the aquarium, then in real life you are standing on the threshold of change.
If in a dream you see that the cat is trying to catch the fish from the aquarium, but you do not drive it, it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.
Catch - you will be deceived and disappointed.
Small fish - fright, illness
Big Fish - Important Enterprise
catch your hands - you caress yourself enemies
There is - happiness in the lottery
In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch fish, then your good luck is not yet broken.
See Fish or Fish Rain falling from the sky - a bad sign. Environmental disasters, disasters.
If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, it promises her beautiful and talented groom.
If you eat fish, it promises gentle and long love.
There is a fish in a dream - to get an unexpected, but pleasant news.
The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen.
Sleep in which you dream of fish with human personmeans the threat of a nuclear war.
Catch fish - try to find a way out of a predicament.
To see a large carcassing of fish - you should not lean too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.
The dream in which you saw a live carp, indicates your durability and endurance.
See dead fish - to financial losses.
If you dream that the fish is splashing in a transparent reservoir, soon you will be able to achieve welfare and power.
If you dreamed of a rotten fish - unexpected rumors spoil your relationship with an influential person.
Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulty, impermanence.
If you have dreamed that you caught fish, it means that, despite the miscarios of ill-wishers, you have enough wisdom to avoid trouble.
If you catch the fish, while not on the shore, but in water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and intelligence.
To see in a dream, as one fish attacks the other, - the attack of submarines.