Repairs Design Furniture

Translation of old plastic windows in winter mode. Summer and winter plastic windows. Negative sides of changing wind modes

Seasonal cold comes, and you feel that, despite the fact that you changed old frames on modern plastic, the wind walks around the apartment. Usually in such cases, not flattering words sound in the address of manufacturers and masters.

In fact, most often they are not guilty, or guilty only that they forgot to tell,

Winter and summer window mode

Many glass accessories do not even suspect that the windows of modern producers have seasonal adjustment.

In the summer, a larger gap between the sash and the frame was needed for normal air circulation, so that the air passed through it, which will not give the glasses to fog and provide air exchange indoors even with the window closed. If the glazing accessories are in the summer mode, the window handle turns easily.

In winter, if at least minor purging is felt, it is necessary to adjust the accessories. For this, the gap between the sash and the frame must be minimized to ensure tightness and maintain heat in the apartment. If there is no draft, then the windows can be left in summertime.How to independently translate windows in winter mode ? Is it possible to do this without qualified help?

Signs of having to adjust the winter and summer regime

Open the frame and look, whether there is a tracks on the end - these are special eccentrics with which it is possible to adjust.Winter and summer window mode Depends on the position of these HDF.

Often the owners of plastic windows ask a question: "Is it possible to adjust and leave the frame forever in the winter regime position?" Manufacturers do not recommend this, because at the same time the sealant fails much faster. That is, the window will need to repair. In addition, the windows will "cry" in the summer due to the lack of a normal heat exchange, and this will also reduce their service life.

How to adjust the window

The master must explain to you how the windows are translated into the winter mode during the installation of double-glazed windows. If this did not happen, we will try to figure out together.

So, the auspices are found. By the way, they need to look at both ends of the window sash. In the middle of the eccentric there must be a hole under the hexagon, a cross screwdriver or a conventional screwdriver. It happens that the hole is simply round, then they will help to cope with the adjustment of the passage.

We take the tool and with it turn the heap clockwise until it stops. It is necessary to do it very carefully, without making great effort, otherwise your actions can lead to a breakdown of expensive parts of the design.

If you are not sure about the correctness of your actions, you must initially appeal for help from a specialist who will show on the spot,how to translate windows in winter mode. Instruction This is the adjustment to them, and will be supporting you later.

Budget version of glass windows

Not all windows have functional adjustment mechanisms. If you have a fiscal version of the glass package, then usually window fittings are used the simplest, respectively, and the seasonal change of modes cannot be carried out.

Step-by-step instruction

How windows translate to winter mode:

1. Start best with cleaning the entire moving frame design. It is convenient to do this with a hard brushes and a soft damp cloth.

2. Carefully inspect the frame and find all the pin. The larger the opening of the sash, the more eccentrics will be on it. Prepare the necessary tool: Hexagon, asterisk, screwdriver or passatia.

3. Using the tool, carefully turn each tap clockwise into a few millimeters, all of them should be in the same position.

4. Check the result in two ways:

The turn of the window handle will be made with great strengthen. This suggests that the fittings are adjusted correctly.

You can take a regular sheet of paper to cover it between the sash and the frame and close the window. If the window is closed tightly, then pulling the sheet, you will break it if you can stretch the sheet, it means that the sash and the frame are pressed to each other are not sufficiently tight.

How to prepare plastic windows by winter

A little know how windows translate in winter mode It is necessary to make several simple manipulations to extend the glass windows.

- If there is a mosquito net, it is better to remove it, clean the vacuum cleaner from dust, rinse with warm water with soap and, packed, remove for the winter.

- Rinse the window frame and double-glazed windows with special means or dishwashing agents. The procedure must be made of a soft cloth.

- Lubricate all moving parts of the frame with special means or machine oil starting from above. After processing, close and open the window several times so that the lubrication is distributed evenly.

- Adjust accessories.How to translate windows to winter mode, you already know.

- Carefully inspect the rubber seal, whether there are cracks and damage on it. If any will be detected, replacement is required. It will not cope with its function a hardened seal. If it is, it is advised to lubricate with silicone or glycerol lubricant, pre-flushing with soaps or soap.

I want to believe that, now, learning,how to translate windows to winter mode You will not even freeze even in the coldest winter.

With the onset of cold weather, the question of the insulation of the house becomes more relevant. The windows are what needs to be inspired primarily, and for this, as it turned out, it is not necessary to reinvent the bike.

Did you know that there is such a thing as summer and Winter Plastic Window Mode? If not, then edit "So simple!" You will tell you this small, but very important secret!

How to translate plastic windows in winter mode

This little secret also helps to save well in the winter. This is especially true in homes where there is no central heating, or at that time when it's cold on the street, but the heat in the house has not been given. Yes I. saving money It will not be too much. And this secret is that the seasonal mode in plastic windows can be changed.

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Seasonal windows mode - the thing is extremely useful, because in the summer season this option allows you to weaken the pressure between the outer part of the frame and the rubber gasket, which allows the air to circulate more freely. But in winter it works with accuracy to the opposite - the pressure increases, the heat is stored inside.

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All this is good, but for a start you need to know if your windows have the ability to change the seasonal regime. To do this, you need to look at the so-called eccentric, simply speaking, bolts on the side on the sash. If they have a hole for a hex key or they have an oval form, then such windows can adjust the seasonal mode.

In general, the trick is extremely simple. You just need to turn the bolt to the right or left for 90 degrees, depending on which mode it is necessary to translate the window. Do all this gently and carefully. First, find all bolts on the sash, their number may differ depending on the size of the window or from the one who is a manufacturer. You need to translate each eccentric, because otherwise you will not get the result.

To change the window mode, you will need a suitable tool - a screwdriver or hex key. Pliers can be approached, but we do not advise them to use them, because it is possible to damage the fragile adjustment mechanism. It is important to understand one thing: no need to twist the bolt until it stops, he just does not have it. The bolt will scroll constantly, and you need to scroll through it exactly 90 degrees, focusing on the mark.

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If you did everything right, the window handle should move more tight, because the fittings now presses the sash stronger. If this did not happen - something went wrong, check, whether you found all the bolts and scrolled.

To check how much the window is pressed, you will need a sheet of paper. Przhem his sash and try to take out. If the sheet goes difficult, the window is translated into the winter mode. You're doing fine!

In this video there are visual instructions, how to translate the windows in the winter mode.

Plastic windows - the thing is very comfortable and practical, but they also require care and adjustment. Now you know how to change the seasonal window mode, but it is not all. At least once a year you need to lubricate all moving parts of the window frame with a small amount of oil. And also to check how tight bolts are tight. Such a check will take you a couple of hours, but the windows will always be as new.

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The approach of winter brings with them a tangible cooling.

And the translation of plastic windows in the winter mode will reduce heat loss from the house. You can perform this operation yourself. Translation into winter window mode does not require a large number of tools and special skills. Our article describes in detail the sequence of actions that are understandable even for people who do not have technical skills.

What is winter mode in the windows?

Modern plastic windows have several functions that allow you to control and adjust the microclimate in the residential room. Not always manufacturers and sellers inform customers about the presence of these features of plastic windows. An independent study of their characteristics and attentive inspection of the RAM will allow to identify the presence of an eccentric, which is the adjustment of the adjunct shutters to the frame.

Most apartments are equipped with plastic windows. And indeed, they are convenient to operate, durable, have different sizes and may be of varying degrees of insulation. However, to properly select such a window, it will take competent measurements. It will help correctly perform the appropriate measurements yourself.

Modes of plastic windows

There are three modes that differ in the position of sash and characterized by maintaining different temperatures:

  • summer - this mode is recommended to be installed on the frames in spring and before the autumn. The loose fit of the flaps to the frame allows for sufficient air intake into the room;
  • winter, which is placed with the onset of cold weather. Tight fit to the frame makes it possible to make minimal heat loss from the room;
  • standard position is characterized by the average position of the eccentric, which regulates the degree of fitting of the sash to the frame. It can be left for the whole year due to the most optimal air intake.

In view of the deformations of the parts of the product under the influence of temperature and humidity, adjustment will reduce the degree of wear of the details of the windows.

When you need to install winter mode

The occasion for change in the plastic window can be considered the onset of cold weather.

However, the following situations should also be attributed to the reasons for which it is recommended to translate the windows in the winter mode:

  • sweets out of the window. In the summer, such a thinking entails an excessive hit in the apartment of dust, and in winter - a decrease in the total temperature in the apartment;
  • schedule. This defect can be eliminated by replacing accessories or pulling the loops. It will also help a more dense adjoining of the sash to the window frame, that is, winter mode;
  • poor closing or opening the window. This can be a consequence of an incorrectly installed window mode.

Listed reasons should be considered a sufficient reason to transfer the window to the winter mode. The installation process of this mode is described in the next chapter. Correctly performing the following actions will allow for a long time to maintain the normal functioning of the windows, will ensure heat and comfort in the house.

We translate the windows in the winter mode

Often the owners of plastic windows cause an employee of the company in which these windows were bought to fulfill their translation into a specific mode. However, if you correctly implement the necessary actions, you can independently install the desired window mode.


Before transfer, it is necessary to determine the location of the RACF. The number of eccentrics depends on the size of the sash and windows. It is necessary to find everything, because when you go to a specific mode, you must adjust each of them.

Usually their three pieces from the side where the handle is located, and one with the opposite, where the loops and canopies.

  • before starting exposure, it should be carefully cleaned all the accessories. It will save it from mechanical damage, will provide impeccable functioning and further;
  • apply lubricant, wipe again. This action will allow the transfer more neatly. Warning of the likely breakdown of the window of the window guarantees to obtain the expected result: imagination, dust entering the room;
  • after transfer to the desired mode, you can re-lubricate the mechanism;
  • carefully consider eccentrics. You should find all the marks that mark modes. It is usually a strip and position of the trough regarding the horizon line;
  • now you should be transferred directly to the desired mode. For this, the hexagon or pliers can be used. Eccentric oval shape is more convenient to move with pliers.

After completion of manipulations, you can check the degree of penetration into the air room as follows. Place a thin piece of paper between the shuttings of the closed window. If it is vibrating or crawled out of it - it means that the window is in the summer mode.

It must be remembered that some manufacturers of plastic windows are recessed in the sash. Before carrying out manipulations to transfer the mode, it should be pre-pulled out.

After the completion of the translation to the desired mode - set to the initial mode. Perform such an action is the most convenient pliers.

Winter mode is usually marked with a flat drop, which is rotated inside the room. If the oval form pin, then the abnity or point should be placed horizontally. This is a general requirement for all types of plastic windows that have a translation function in different modes.

PVC windows have many advantages compared to conventional windows or other types of glass windows. Take, for example, one of the most significant advantages is to configure the winter or summer mode. Not in all plastic structures such modes are provided, but in many they are.

The functionality of the window depends on the fittings that it has. It can be functionally limited, and can have quite a lot of useful features.

Classes of fittings

Depending on the class of fittings and the possibility of the PVC design is determined or not to move from one mode to the other - from the winter to the summer and, on the contrary. It is from class that the quality and functions of fittings depends. The manufacturer is also important, but not so much.

Allocate the following classes (or types):

  1. Budget. The accessories of this class is installed in the windows at the lowest price. Allows you to open and close the windows.
  2. Standard. Furnitura is provided for PVC designs of the average price. Allows you to prepare windows to winter or fly.
  3. Specialized. Such accessories can be combined with anti-burglar fittings. Allows you to configure the window to the desired mode.

What do modes need

Modes are needed for one simple reason - the weather outside the window is constantly changing. Summer comes to change the winter and, on the contrary. Accordingly, there is a constant drop or an increase in temperature. Due to the ability to close the window more tightly or, on the contrary, less densely, the possibility of adjusting the "climate" of the room.

Summer mode

For the summer period, the main functions of the PVC design are to minimize the heat, dust, dirt, and so on. For this, the summer system was invented. It allows you to adjust the density of pressed sash to the maximum weakening, which is very important to do after a long winter. For this, the nut is unscrewed counterclockwise, and the impact of the eccentric on the frame there is so weakening.

Winter mode

At the time of the winter period, I want to keep as much heat as possible in the room. For this, the position of the eccentric changes in the direction of the "seal" of the PVC design. Shifting, they allow you to fix the sash more tightly to the heat insulation. By the way, during operation, the insulation can be strongly wired, so it is important to make transfers of modes on time.

Translation from one building can be carried out independently, but you need to do everything neatly and slowly. Error in actions can entail a breakdown of plastic design. To avoid this, you can invite a specialist from the company, a shop where PVC was purchased.

Purpose of the plastic window can be caused:

  1. Bad squeezing glass stapper. Especially in winter it is manifested, since the materials have a property under the influence of cold shrink. Accordingly, the patch can fly out of the grooves, and the glass, in turn, from the stroke. It should be replaced if necessary, but trusting this work is best for the professionals of his case.
  2. Incorrect selection of fittings for construction. If the rubberized seal has an uneven thickness or unevenly pressed by mechanisms, the slots may appear for transmitting cold air.
  3. Poor-quality material from which the profile has been made. He may simply crack over time.
  4. Wrong mounting frame. As a result, the sash can function well, not to be closed properly.
  5. Transmission of air in the joints of the frame and vertically profile element. The gap should be sealing with liquid plastic, which is a set to PVC.

Change regimes or not

There are a number of reasons for which the mode must be changed:

  1. The flaps began to closer when opening, or no longer open. There may be a reason in the provisions of the flaps, which in turn are attached to the frame with the help of loops. It is also possible to incorrect the winter mode with the adjusting screw.
  2. Can wear seal. In this case, dust, the wind will be freely penetrated into the premises. If the street is warm, it is necessary to immediately make a replacement of the insulation gasket.
  3. Also, the sash can be shifted in a horizontal plane. This directly suggests that the setting was initially incorrect.

In one of the reasons, it was indicated about the seal. So, to avoid its wear, it is not always necessary to set up the design of PVC for the winter. With dense pressing, the seal is strongly wearing. Therefore, the winter mode is needed, but if possible, its use is worth limiting. It all depends on the weather if the winter will give a windy with blizzards and blizzards, then cold and frost will penetrate into the house.

How to find out if you can translate the window in the winter mode

In order to find out the functionality of the PVC design, it is necessary to examine it from the inner end. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle there must be a hole under the screwdriver. If it is, the plastic window can be converted from one system to another. But you also need to know that the hole should be approached for the hexagon.

If it is an oval form, then there may be two options here: either PVC is translated into summer and winter modes, or not. It must be clarified by the seller.

How to translate a window in winter mode and back

Translation is carried out by performing the following steps:

  1. To begin with, the inner end of the sash is inspected to find eccentrics. Their number can be different, but it is necessary to configure each separately.
  2. Eccentrics are translated predominantly clockwise until the tight press of the sash to the seal. Here you need such tools as the key or pliers.
  3. It remains only to check whether all actions are performed correctly. Here you need a regular sheet of paper. It is clamped with PVC sash. If, after this procedure, the sheet is removed from the gap between the sash and the frame, the window still has a summer system. If the sheet is not removed, PVC is installed with orientation for the winter.

Thus, the summer setting is performed in reverse chronological order.

Step-by-step instruction

In general, the entire translation process is as follows:

  1. Initially, the inner end surface of the flaps is thoroughly cleaned. Special attention should be paid to the joints and connections. It is also necessary to clean the end of the frame. This is done so that no dirt does not get on the mechanisms, furnishings of the sash.
  2. Immediately, the accessories itself is additionally cleaned with a rigid pile brush.
  3. Seals and surfaces coming with them in contact are cleaned with a cloth. It is necessary to remove the old lubricant with the dirt accumulated on it.
  4. Seals, if necessary, can be replaced if they were strongly extended, for example, with a long or improper operation.
  5. Upon completion of the preliminary work of the eccentric, hinges are lubricated with silicone.
  6. Next, the trough is regulated by a hexagon or a screwdriver. They are turned into a certain direction, adjusting the clamp of the sash. Some types of eccentrics must be predetermined to a certain distance from the end of the sash. They turn them behind the protrusions, and then return to the initial position.
  7. The adjustment is now being checked. If the axes are adjusted to winter mode, then when turning the handle, it will function tightly. If the summer mode is configured, the handle will turn easily.

Elimination of the exhaust seal:

  1. The old rubberized gasket is extracted from the groove frame.
  2. The profile must be rubbed with a cloth, thus cleaner dirt and dust.
  3. The angles of the frame are filled with special glue for rubber.
  4. The grooves are paced by a new insulation. It is done neatly, without testers.
  5. All surplus are trimmed, and the joints of the seal are glued.

Incorrect setting

First a little about the correct setting:

  1. The correctly adjusted window during operation does not create any sounds, such as the sounds of rubbing parts or surfaces.
  2. The parts that are responsible for the correct position of the sash in the space must be approximately the same.
  3. Rubber gaskets between the sash and the frame must be elastic and easily return the original form after opening the sash.

The setting can be carried out independently, as special knowledge, skills are not needed. But still you need to spend all the work neatly. Even with small adjustment errors, the window can break, therefore, urgent repairs will be required.

What needs to be done before starting the adjustment work, and what can fail to comply with the rules:

  1. You should find and use the instructions attached to PVC. If it is randomly changing the provisions of the eccentrics, then they can become unfit for further use, the entire adjustment mechanism is disturbed. Clamps may also suffer, rubberized seal.
  2. It is worth checking the technical status of the window. If some details are very worn, for example, a seal, then you cannot configure the winter mode. But it turns out to break the bolts.

Thus, seasonal modes have many advantages. They allow you to adjust the "climate" indoors, at home. Winter adjustment is particularly relevant, since constant drafts can deliver a lot of trouble.

Translation modes cost do no more than once every six months. A more frequent change can cause wear of some PVC parts of the design or a breakdown in general. So that the breakdowns happened as less as possible or did not occur at all, it is worth careful for PVC design. It must be cleaned in time, lubricate. Instructions contain detailed descriptions of care, the main thing - to follow them.

The best indicator of the quality of the manufacture of plastic window and its installation is frosty weather. Perhaps that is why some prefer to install these designs in winter. If your window was installed in summer, and in the winter you noticed that it blows from it - then it should be understood in the causes of this phenomenon. To do this, you can contact the company where the product was ordered, and its installation was carried out, or you can perform the insulation of plastic windows with your own hands.

As a rule, a qualitative product in principle should not create any problems. On the contrary, his appointment is their solution. Nevertheless, in reality everything turns out otherwise. However, do not hurry to blame in all installers or manufacturers - purging from flaps can be caused by the fact that the accessories were initially configured for the summer mode. In this case, the independent repair of plastic windows (or rather, their configuration) is quite simple.

Immediately I would like to note the fact that in some designs, fittings does not allow changing the modes of plastic windows in accordance with the time of the year. In order to find out if your design is supported by changing the modes, it is enough to learn the system of the RACF, which are responsible for this event. In the event that there is a recess on the hex key or it is represented by an oval form, then such an accessory is initially calculated on the ability to configure the mode. In this article we will talk about how to put the winter mode on plastic windows, considering all the subtleties of this process.

Winter mode of plastic windows - setting up accessories

Optimal time for adjusting accessories is the late autumn (you can also catch this moment if you feel cold purging from under the window sash). In that situation, if you do not have discomfort, being indoors in the winter, then in the winter mode, plastic windows are extremely recommended. It causes this by the fact that with similar manipulations, the rubber seal is exhausted much faster. If you feel the need to calibrate accessories in the winter mode, then try to treat this process as carefully. Because of incorrect settings, you can damage the fitness itself.

Given the fact that it is possible to configure the winter mode of plastic windows yourself, we offer you a full-fledged guide to action. So you can save on the services of specialists.

So, consider the sequence of your actions:

  1. Raise the roller of fittings.
  2. Adjust the adjoint key to the hex key (the direction of rotation of the pin can be recognized by the "method of trial and error").
  3. Lower the roller into place.
  4. Turn the roller so that the risk marked on it looked inside the room. To put the plastic summer mode on the windows, the risk of the roller should be converted towards the street, relaxing the degree of clips.
  5. All of the above must be performed with each roller, which is present around the perimeter of the sash or door.

If you are still not confident in your abilities, then in such a situation it is better to apply for the help of specialists. However, be prepared for the fact that their services will have to pay taking into account the departure of the Master to the house.

Completing this topic, we will give you some more useful tips regarding the modes of plastic windows:

  1. In the event that the seal is worn out, it must be replaced with a new one.
  2. It is extremely recommended to leave accessories in constantly winter mode. It must be periodically configured in accordance with the time of the year.
  3. Be careful in the setup. In the event that you incorrectly adjust the accessories, the window may break. As a result, you will have to "to upset" on the full repair of the product.

Due to the correct calibration of the fittings, you will be able to maximize its service life, as well as the life of the rubber seal. If we talk more briefly, the principle of modes is as follows: In the warm season, the degree of clamping the sash should be reduced, and in the cold, respectively, increase.

Causes of purging, unrelated with plastic windows

Among other existing reasons for purging plastic windows are the most common are: poor-quality installation of the design or marriage in the manufacture of the product. For poor quality installation, the claim must be submitted to the company that, in fact, and was engaged in installing the design. In the event of a marriage in production, the responsibility fully falls on the manufacturer. Claims in such a situation must be submitted to the organization where you purchased such a window.

If we consider the reasons more detailed, then the following points can be distinguished that contribute to the purge of plastic windows:

  1. The window profile gave a crack as a result of what was made of poor-quality plastic.
  2. Incorrect fittings calibration. It leads to the fact that the sash is not firmly pressed against the frame, as a result of which purge is formed.
  3. A loosely pressed staple, unreliable windscreen retention. A similar problem in most cases is observed in winter - it is at this time due to the low temperature, the product decreases in volume. Often, as a result, the strokes jump out of the grooves.
  4. Poor-quality fixation of the design on the foam.
  5. Incorrect fastening of the frame in the window opening (there is an insufficient detection of the sash to the window).

Of course, all of the above does not allow you to panic. Problems These are obliged to eliminate the company carried out the installation of the product. In which case, some components can be replaced in mind their malfunction - the warranty service and consumer rights will be your trump card in such a situation.

The main advantages of plastic windows

If the product was qualitatively manufactured, and its installation was performed in compliance with all modern technologies, the design will perform the iron guarantor of a favorable microclimate in the room where it is installed. The main advantages of plastic windows include the following points:

  • They are warm. Due to its tightness, the product is eliminated by their additional thermal insulation.
  • They are hermetic. In the closed design, the design does not pass through the random gusts of wind and drafts.
  • They are effective. Due to plastic windows, it is possible to raise the room temperature to five degrees without resorting to additional heating.
  • They are persistent. Thanks to the metal reinforcement of the plastic profile, the stability and strength indicators of the window are held at a sufficiently high level.
  • They are universal. High-quality designs are perfectly coping with all responsibilities assigned to them. Choosing windows from PVC, you for a long time forget, what is the annual insulation of openings. In addition, there is no need to paint these products and constantly care for them - everything that will be required of you, it is only occasionally wiped with a damp cloth.
  • They are durable. The good quality can serve you for more than forty years, without losing its quality and color.

If the design installed in your apartment does not correspond to any item from the above, you can safely send a claim to the manufacturer. A truly high-quality plastic window must fully comply with previously stated characteristics.

Additional warming windows for the winter period