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The cooking "Analysis of the poem N. Zabolotsky" On the beauty of human persons. N. A. Zabolotsky: "On the beauty of human persons." Analyzing metaphor

In the poem "On the beauty of human persons" N. A. Zabolotsky acts as a master of psychological portrait. Different human persons described by him in this work correspond to various types of characters. Through the appearance and emotional expression of the face N. A. Zabolotsky seeks to look into the soul of a person, to see his inner essence. The poet compares faces with houses: some lush portals, others - miserable shacks. The reception of contrast helps the author of the relief to outline the differences between people. Some - sublime and purposeful, filled with life plans, others are poor and miserable, and other people look unstable: everyone in themselves, closed to others.

Among the many different persons-houses N. A. Zabolotsky finds one non-commodity, poor hut. But from its window flows "Spring Day".

The poem ends with the optimistic finale: "There are faces - Similar songs. From these, as the sun shining notes is composed of the song of heavenly heights. "

Metaphor "Song of Heavenly Heights" symbolizes a high spiritual level of development.

N. A. Zabolotsky uses the enumeration intonation in the poem, the reception of the contrast (the "great one is mild"), the abundance of colorful epithets ("lush portals", "miserable shacks", "cold, dead faces", etc.), comparisons ("Notes shining like the sun", "persons like a towers in which no one lives", "persons closed with lattices, as if the dungeon").

Easy to remember and creates a bright, joyful mood Poetic image of the "Spring Day". This breathing flows, reminding the inexhaustible flow of positive energy, which the author gives people.


- Analysis of the poem of Zabolotsky on the beauty of human persons

- Analysis of poem about the beauty of human persons

- On the beauty of human persons Analysis

- Analysis of verse on the beauty of human persons

- Zabolotsky on the beauty of human persons Analysis

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Analysis of the poem of N. A. Zabolotsky "On the beauty of human persons".

The poet has always worried about the question, which is more important in man: his appearance, cover, or his soul, the inner world. This topic is devoted to the poem "On the beauty of human persons", written in 1955. Already in the title sounds the word beauty. What kind of beauty appreciates the poet in humans?

The poem can be divided into two parts. The first part is the reflection of the lyrical hero about the beauty of human persons: "There are persons like magnificent portals, where the Great is mounted everywhere."

In these rows, the poet uses unusual metaphors and comparisons. The portal is the main entrance of a large building, its facade. Pay attention to the epithet "Lush" - elegant, beautiful. Not always in appearance can be judged by a person. After all, the beautiful face, fashionable clothing can hide spiritual poverty. It is not by chance that the poet uses Antonyms: "The Great is mounted in Malom."

Next, the comparison sounds, opposed to the first: "There are faces of the likeness of a miserable shack, where the liver and the mock of Sichuzh are brewed." The epithet creates an unsightly picture, poverty emphasizes poverty, poverty: "Lachuga is miserable." But here we see a poverty not only an external, but also inner, spiritual void. The same construction of proposals in this quatrain (syntactic parallelism) and anaphor are used to increase, allocate antithesis.

The next quatrain continues the philosophical reflections of the author. The pronouns of "other - the other" are symbolic, emphasize the monotony. We will pay attention to the epithets "Cold, dead faces" and metaphor-comparison "closed with grates, as if dungeon." Such people, according to the author, are closed in themselves, never share with their problems: "Other as the towers, in which no one has long lived and does not look out the window."

Abandoned castle empty. Such a comparison emphasizes the loss of a dream man, hope. He does not try to change something in his life, does not seek to better. The second part is opposed to the first in the emotional plan. Union "But" emphasizes the antithesis. Bright epithets "Spring Day", "Unlocking Songs", "Shining Notes" change the mood of the poem, it becomes sunny, joyful. Despite the fact that the small hut "non-zezist, not bubbling," she radiates light. Exclamation offer emphasizes such a mood: "Truly world and great and wonderful!" For the poet, the main thing is the spiritual beauty of a man, his inner world, what he lives: "There are persons - similar to those who are joining songs, of these, as the sun, shining notes composed of the song of heavenly heights."

In these rows, the idea of \u200b\u200bpoem is expressed. It is such people, simple, open, cheerful attracts poet. It is such faces that the poet considers truly beautiful.

Russia has long been famous for its poets, real masters of the word. The names of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Feta, Yesenin and other no less talented people are known to the whole world. One of the masters of the word who lived in the twentieth century was the poet N. A. Zabolotsky. His creativity is multifaceted as life. Unusual images, the magic melody of the verse that attracts us in his poetry. Zabolotsky left the life very young, in the flourishing of creative forces, but left the descendants a great heritage. The subject of his work is very diverse.

The reader will meet and landscape sketches, and love lyrics, and philosophical reflections of the poet, and much more. Let us turn to the analysis of one of the reflection poems. The poet has always worried about the question, which is more important in man: his appearance, cover, or his soul, the inner world. Zabolotsky chooses the second. Recall the poem ugly girl. The poet worries not how she looks like (frog, dugushka), but what the inner world of this child, its openness, purity, immediacy, the ability to empathize. The same topic is devoted to the poem about the beauty of human persons, written in 1955. Already in the title sounds the word beauty. What kind of beauty appreciates the poet in humans.

Turn to the poem. We can allocate two parts in it. The first part of reflection of the lyrical hero about the beauty of human persons:

There are persons like magnificent portals where the great one is mounted in small.

In these rows, the poet uses unusual metaphors and comparisons. The portal is the main entrance of a large building, its facade. Pay attention to the magnificent epithet - elegant, beautiful. I understand the meaning of this comparison like this: not always in appearance can be judged by a person. After all, the beautiful face, fashionable clothing can hide spiritual poverty. It is not by chance that the poet uses Antonyms: the Great is mounted in small. Next sounds comparison, opposed to the first:

There are faces of the likeness of miserable shack, where the liver and the mock of the Sichuch are brewed.

Sichuzh is one of the stomach departments of ruminant animals. The epithet creates an unpleasant picture, emphasizes poverty, poverty: lachuga pathetic. But here we see a poverty not only an external, but also inner, spiritual void. The same construction of proposals in this quatrain (syntactic parallelism) and anaphor are used to increase, allocate antithesis. The next quatrain continues the philosophical reflections of the author. The pronouns are different - the other is symbolic, emphasize monotony. We will pay attention to the epithets of cold, dead faces and metaphora-comparison closed with lattices, as if the dungeons. Such people, according to the author, are closed in themselves, never share with their problems.

Others like a towers in which no one lives and does not look out the window.

Abandoned castle empty. Such a comparison emphasizes the loss of a man of dreams, hopes. He does not try to change something in his life, does not seek to better. The second part is opposed to the first in the emotional plan. Union but emphasizes the antithesis. Bright epithets of the spring day, jubilant songs, shining notes are changing the mood of the poem, it becomes sunny, joyful. Despite the fact that the small hut hut is not rich, it radiates light. Exclamation offer emphasizes such a mood:

Truly world and great and wonderful! For the poet, the main spiritual beauty of a person, his inner world, what he lives: there are faces of those who join the songs from these, as the sun shining notes composed of the song of heavenly heights.

In these rows, the idea of \u200b\u200bpoem is expressed. It is such people who are simple, open, cheerful attracts the poet, with them it is easy and pleasant to communicate. So I understand the meaning of the poem of Zabolotsky. Three-sided size, amphibrachia, gives a special melody, singing with poems. It is unusual that there is no division into stanza: the poem is one structure of four quarters. Zabolotsky does not divide the poem on the stanches and parts, as it combines the general thought, the idea. I like this poem, because it is melodious, singing and filled with beautiful images. To understand it, you must carefully read these lines. And I think that the creativity of such a wonderful poet will not be forgotten by descendants.

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"On the beauty of human persons"

In the poem "On the beauty of human persons" II.L. Zabolotsky acts as a master of psychological portrait. Different human persons described by him in this work correspond to various types of characters. Through the external attitude and emotional expression of N.A. Zabolotsky seeks to look into the soul of man, see his inner essence. The poet compares faces with houses: some lush portals, others - miserable shacks. The reception of contrast helps the author of the relief to outline the differences between people. Some - sublime and purposeful, filled with life plans, others are poor and miserable, and other people look unstable: everyone in themselves, closed to others.

Among many different persons-houses N.A. Zabolotsky finds one non-commodity, poor hut. But from its window flows the "Spring Day".

The poem ends with the optimistic final: "There are faces - similar songs. Of these, as the sun shining notes is composed of the song of heavenly heights. "

Metaphor "Song of Heavenly Heights" symbolizes a high spiritual level of development. ON THE. Zabolotsky uses the enumeration intonation in the poem, the reception of the contrast ("the Great is mounted in small"), the abundance of colorful epithets ("lush portals", "miserable shackles", "cold, dead faces", etc.), comparisons ("notes, Shining, like the sun, "" Persons like a towers in which no one lives "," faces closed with lattices, as if the dungeon ").

Easy to remember and creates a bright, joyful mood Poetic image of the "Spring Day". This breathing flows, reminding the inexhaustible flow of positive energy, which the author gives people.

In the poem "On the beauty of human persons" N.A. Zabolotsky acts as a master of psychological portrait. Different human persons described by him in this work correspond to various types of characters. Through the external attitude and emotional expression of N.A. Zabolotsky seeks to look into the soul of man, see his inner essence. The poet compares faces with houses: some lush portals, others - miserable shacks. The reception of contrast helps the author of the relief to outline the differences between people. Some - sublime and purposeful, filled with life plans, others are poor and miserable, and other people look unstable: everyone in themselves, closed to others.

Among many different persons-houses N.A. Zabolotsky finds one non-commodity, poor hut. But from its window flows the "Spring Day".

The poem ends with the optimistic final: "There are faces - similar songs. Of these, as the sun shining notes is composed of the song of heavenly heights. "

Metaphor "Song of Heavenly Heights" symbolizes a high spiritual level of development. ON THE. Zabolotsky uses the enumeration intonation in the poem, the reception of the contrast ("the Great is mounted in small"), the abundance of colorful epithets ("lush portals", "miserable shackles", "cold, dead faces", etc.), comparisons ("notes, Shining, like the sun, "" Persons like a towers in which no one lives "," faces closed with lattices, as if the dungeon ").

Easy to remember and creates a bright, joyful mood Poetic image of the "Spring Day". This breathing flows, reminding the inexhaustible flow of positive energy, which the author gives people.

Analysis of the poem of Zabolotsky N.A. "On the beauty of human persons"

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