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100 most influential people version of Times. Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine


Who is the most influential and most significant person in history?

Researchers created algorithmwhich distributes historical personality in terms of importance in Wikipedia, the length of the article, readability, achievements and fame.

The program was developed by Professor of Computer Sciences. Stephen Skien (Steven Skiena) and Google Software Engineer Charles B. Ward (Charles B. Ward) who wrote a book "Who is significant?" (WHO "S Bigger: Where Historical Figures Really Rank).

Of course, they conclusions are not devoid of contradiction. The authors were based on the results of the English version of Wikipedia, so the list rather highlights the most important historical figures in Western history.

© Fernando Cortes.

It is noteworthy that in the hundred most significant personalities included three women: Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Zhanna D "ARC. Also unexpectedly, the 7th place Adolf Hitler, who was much higher in the ranking of Joseph Stalin, turned out to be in the 18th place.

The most historically significant musician became Mozart (at the 24th place), followed by Beethoven (27th) and Bach (48th). Elvis Presley (69th) became the most famous modern pop musician.

The most significant people

1. - Central Personality in Christianity (7 g BC - 30 G. N.E.)

2. Napoleon - Emperor France (1769 - 1821)

3. Muhammad - Prophet and founder of Islam (570-632)

4. William Shakespeare - English playwright (1564 -1616)

5. Abraham Lincoln - 16th US President (1809-1865)

6. George Washington - US President (1732 -1799)

7. Adolf Gitler - Führer of Nazi Germany, who participated in World War II (1889 - 1945)

8. Aristotle - Greek philosopher and erudite (384 -322 BC)

9. Alexander the Great (Alexander Great) - Greek king and the conqueror of the world power (356 - 323 BC)

10. Thomas Jefferson - 3rd US President who wrote Independence Declaration (1743-1826)

11. Heinrich VIII. - King of England (1491 -1547)

12. Charles Darwin - scientist, creator of the theory of evolution (1809-1882)

13. Elizavta I. - Queen of England, is invisible as "Queen-Virgo" (1533 -1603)

14. Karl Marx - German philosopher, founder of Mariskism (1818 -1883)

15. Julius Caesar - Roman commander and statesman (100 -44. BC)

16. Queen Victoria - Queen of Great Britain Victorian era (1819 -1901)

18. Joseph Stalin - Soviet leader (1878 -1953)

19. Albert Einstein - Theoretical physicist, creator of the theory of relativity (1878 -1953)

20. Christopher Columbus - Researcher who has opened America for Europeans (1451-1506)

21. Isaac Newton - scientist, creator of gravity theory (1643 -1727)

22. Karl Great - The first Roman emperor, considered the "Father of Europe" (742 -814)

23. Theodore Roosevelt - 26th US President (1858 -1919)

24. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Austrian composer (1756 - 1791)

25. Plato - Greek philosopher, wrote the work of the "Republic" (427-347 BC)

26. Louis Xiv. - The king of France, known as the "King Sun" (1638 -1715)

27. Ludwig van Beethoven - German composer (1770 -1827)

28. Ulysses S. Grant. - 18th US President (1822-1885)

29. Leonardo da Vinci - Italian artist and inventor (1452 - 1519)

31. Karl Linny - Swedish biologist, father of taxonomy - classifications of plant and animal world

32. Ronald Reagan. - The 40th US President (1911-2004)

33. Charles Dichens - English novelist (1812 -1870)

34. Apostle Paul - Christian apostle (5 AD - 67g. AD)

35. Benjamin Franklin - Founder Founder USA, Scientific (1706 - 1790)

36. George W. Bush - 43rd US President (1946 -)

37. Winston Churchill - United Kingdom Prime Minister (1874 -1965)

38. Gengizhan - Founder of the Mongolian Empire (1162 - 1227)

39. Karl I. - King England (1600 -1649)

40. Thomas Edison - inventor bulb and phonograph (1847 -1931)

41. Yakov I.- King of England (1566 -1625)

42. Friedrich Nietzsche - German philosopher (1844-1900)

43. Franklin D.RUVELT - 32nd US President (1882-1945)

44. Sigmund Freud - Austrian neurologist, creator of psychoanalysis (1856 -1939)

45. Alexander Hamilton - Father Founder USA (1755 -1804)

46. Mahatma Gandhi - Indian National Leader (1869-1948)

47. Woodrow Wilson - 28th US President (1856 - 1924)

48. Johann Sebastian Bach - German composer (1685 -1750)

49. Galileo Galilei - Italian physicist and astronomer (1564 -1642)

50. Oliver Cromwell - Lord Protector England (1599 - 1658)

51. James Madison - 4th US President (1751 -1836)

52. Gitama Buddha - Central figure in Buddhism (563 -483 BC)

53. Mark Twain - American Writer (1835 -1910)

54. Edgar Alan P. - American Writer (1809 -1849)

55. Joseph Smith - American religious leader, founder of Mormonism (1805 -1844)

56. Adam Smith - economist (1723 -1790)

57. David - Biblical king of Israel, founder of Jerusalem (1040 -970 BC)

58. George III - King of UK (1738 - 1820)

59. Immanuel Kant- German philosopher, author of "Cleaning Cleaver" (1724 -1804)

60. James Cook - Researcher and discoverer of Hawaii and Australia (1728 -1779)

61. John Adams. - Father Founder and 2nd US President (1735 -1826)

62. Richard Wagner. - German composer (1813 -1883)

63. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Russian composer (1840 -1893)

64. Volter. - French philosopher enlightener (1694 -1778)

65. Apostle Peter - Christian Apostle (? - 67g. AD)

66. Andrew Jackson - 7th US President (1767 -1845)

67. Konstantin Great - Roman emperor, first Christian emperor (272 -337)

68. Socrates - Greek philosopher (469 -399)

69. Elvis Presley - "King Rock and Roll" (1935 -1977)

70. Wilgelm the conqueror - King of England, Norman Conqueror (1027 -1087)

71. John F. Kennedy - 35th US President (1917 -1963)

72. Averalius Augustine - Christian theologian (354 -430)

73. Vincent Van Gogh. - Graphmiprassionist artist (1853 -1890)

74. Nikolai Krucennik - Astronomer, author of heliocentric cosmology (1473 -1543)

75. Vladimir Lenin - Soviet revolutionary, founder of the USSR (1870 -1924)

76. Robert Edward Lie - American military leader (1807 -1870)

77. Oscar Wilde - English Writer and Poet (1854 -1900)

78. Karl II. - King England (1630 -1685)

79. Cicero - Roman politician and speaker, author "On the State" (106 -43 BC)

80. Jean Jacques Rousseau- philosopher (1712 -1778)

81. Francis Bacon - English scientist, founder of empiricism (1561 -1626)

82. Richard Nixon - 37th US President (1913 -1994)

83. Louis XVI.- The King of France, executed during the French Revolution (1754 -1793)

84. Karl V. - Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire (1500 -1558)

85. King Arthur- the mythical king of the UK of the 6th century

86. Michelangelo - Italian Renaissance era sculptor (1475 -1564)

87. Philip II. - King of Spain (1527 -1598)

88. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- German writer and thinker (1749 -1832)

89. Ali Ibn Abu Talib - Caliph and central figure in Sufism (598 -661)

90. Thomas Akvinsky- Italian theologian (1225 -1274)

91. John Paul II.- Pope of the 20th century (1920 - 2005)

92. Rene Descartes - French philosopher (1596 -1650)

93. Nikola Tesla - inventor (1856 -1943)

94. Harry S. Truca - 33rd US President (1884 -1972)

95. Joan of Arc - French heroine, ranging saints (1412 -1431)

96. Dante Aligiere - Italian poet, author of the "Divine Comedy" (1265 -1321)

97. Otto von Bismarck - First Chancellor and Disorder of Modern Germany (1815 -1898)

98. Grover Cleveland - 22nd and 24th US President (1837 -1908)

99. Jean Calvin - French Protestant-theologian (1509 - 1564)

100. John Lokk - English philosopher Epoch of Enlightenment (1632 -1704)

Collage of NV

He was headed by the President of the country Peter Poroshenko, the second place was taken by Rinat Akhmetov - the owner of the SCM group of companies and the richest man of Ukraine, and the third became the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov.

The list of the most influential people of the country was formed with the participation of 83 experts. The editors of the NV constitutes a similar list of the 12th time (taking into account the same rating, which issued until 2013 is an inclusive magazine correspondent.

Seven people, including Poroshenko, Akhmetov, billionaire Viktor Pinchuk and the leader of Batkivshchyna Julia Tymoshenko, were present in such top-100 twelve times out of twelve possible. And another richest Ukrainian - businessman Igor Kolomoisky - just once he was outside of this list.

Among those who at least eight times over all these years were among the defendants of the top 100 most influential, almost the entire current elite was represented.

"That is, even a few presidential elections, two Maidan and the significant perturbations provoked by the second of them in society did not change the well-established scenario in the camp.

The full list looks like this:

Top 100 of the most influential people of Ukraine

1. Peter Poroshenko, President of Ukraine

Peter Poroshenko, who has a chair of the president, an executive vertical, control over the largest parliamentary faction of the Verkhovna Rada and business assets around $ 1 billion, is the most influential person of the country.

Its only its weak point is a personal electoral rating: according to various sources, it is 7.6-7.8%, which roughly corresponds to the fourth-sixth place among all applicants. This has become for the head of state, whose period of ownership of the Cabinet on the bank is approaching the completion, in the problem number 1.

Poroshenko never became the author of the Ukrainian miracle - neither economic, nor reformist. As a result, now that his term is nearing the final, the owner of the bank inexorably loses popular support, and with it - and the chances of being re-elected.

2. Rinat Akhmetov, owner of the SCM Group of Companies, the richest man of Ukraine

Rinat Akhmetov, the owner of the SCM conglomerate, remains the unshakable peak of the financial well-being of the country - the richest Ukrainian.

If its condition is reduced, then only together with the entire economy of the country. And if the latter grows, then Akhmetov adds in the financial "weight."

Akhmetov discovered for himself a success formula: become the richest, and then you will be helped to organize any power - at least the "criminal regime" of Viktor Yanukovych, even though the "past Maidan reformer" Peter Poroshenko.

3. Arsen Avakov, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Almost a quarter of a million - precisely as armed and endowed with serious powers of people directly obey the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. And if to this army, consisting of the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Rescue and Migration Services under the curacy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as border guards, the number of Ukrainians who perform orders of Avakov will already be 373 thousand.

In a warring country, even the minister of defense is less subordinates - only 255 thousand people.

But people in the form are not the only resource Avakov. He is one of the leaders of the Party People's Front, which has the second largest faction in the parliament, which is also included in the proviscial majority.

4. Yulia Tymoshenko, People's Deputy, Chapter in Batkivshchyna

With a rating of more than 13% Yulia Tymoshenko, head of the party Batkivshchyna, leads to the list of presidential candidates and seriously aims to win. Billboards with her face occupied the streets of Ukrainian cities, and in the arsenal she has a high-class populism.

Tymoshenko first of all candidates presented its program in mid-June - a new course. According to political scientists who, although they call the Tymoshenko program ambiguous, but note its scale, the politician is aimed at joining its political institutions of new persons. The rate was made to representatives of public organizations and deputies of the new wave, dissatisfied with the situation in their parties.

5. Igor Kolomoisky, co-owner of the Financial and Industrial Group Privat

The time after Maidan became for Igor Kolomoisky, one of the richest businessmen of the country, a period of losses: he received and lost the governor's position, stopped controlling a number of government agencies, and then the authorities nationalized his most famous brainchild - Privatbank.

But the Kolomoisky would not be himself, to limit it with one bet. In the sleeve of the Geneva Dnipro, which is spent most of the time in Switzerland, there is another comedian Vladimir Zelensky, who now regularly falls into the top 10 social supports dedicated to the ratings of potential participants of the presidential election 2019.

And the Kolomoisky remained his man in the Dnieper - the mayor of the city of Boris Filatov.

6. Vladimir Groisman, Prime Minister of Ukraine

For more than two years, Vladimir Groysman is heading the Cabinet - the first to significance for the national economy and the well-being of citizens by the institution of the country. And all this time, the prime minister balances on the verge between success and defeat.

7. Yuri Kosyuk, Owner and Executive Director of MHP

Yuri Kosyuk, the owner of the most successful agrarian business of the country, feels confident. His company Mironovsky Breadrodukt (MHP) demonstrates good financial results, and political connections help to receive generous subsidies from the state budget. Although the government declares that, first of all, seeks to help small and medium farmers, in fact, the help is obtained by Agrarian millionaires.

8. Victor Pinchuk, Businessman, Founder Eastone Group

Billionaire Victor Pinchuk hardly disassembled with the debts of his pipe business, but continues to invest in status events and media. The main one is the Annual Forum of Yalta European Strategy, which collects the top-level international speakers in Ukraine.

The general financial health of the son-in-law of the Second President of Ukraine may envy the majority of its compatriots: according to NV estimates for 2017, the size of the state of Pinchuk amounted to $ 1.4 billion.

9. Alexander Turchinov, Secretary of National Security

From Alexander Turchinov, the secretary of the National Security Council, the re-equipment of the army and cybersecurity depend on the re-equipment. However, these areas, like Turchinov himself, are so closed that it is not easy to assess the significance of his figure

Among the main achievements of Alexander Turchinov in the role of the Secretary of National Assembly, observers are called sanctions directed against Russia, the annual growth of the defense ministry budget, promoting the development of various types of modern military equipment in Ukraine, and cybersecurity of the country.

10. Artem Sytnik, head of Nabu

Among the most high-profile cases, which investigates Nabu, the coal pricing scheme of the Rotterdam +, the case of the former People's Deputy Nikolai Martynenko, the case of the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov. An investigation into the fascinating People's Deputy Alexander Onishchenko completed and ready to hear in court.

11. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, musician, leader of the group Ocean Elzi

12. Yuri Lutsenko, Prosecutor General of Ukraine

13. Sergey Levochkin, People's Deputy from the Opposition Block, Businessman

14. Dmitry Firtash, Businessman, GROUP DF Owner

15. Vitaly Klitschko, the mayor of Kiev

16. Andrei Verevsky, co-owner holding Kernel Group

17. Arseny Yatsenyuk, Party Leader Folk Front

18. Marie Jovanovich, US Ambassador to Ukraine

19. Igor Kononenko, Businessman, People's Deputy from the BPP

20. Vitaly Khomutnik, Businessman, People's Deputy, Co-Chair of the Deputy Group of Witness

21. Alexey Vadatursky, General Director of Nibulon Agroquater

22. Oleg Lyashko, People's Deputy, Head of the Radical Party

23. Yosta Lyungman, Permanent Representative of the IMF in Ukraine

24. Andrei Kobolev, head of the Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine

25. Viktor Medvedchuk, politician and businessman, head of the organization Ukrainian choice

26. Galina and Alexander Gerlet, owners of the network of hypermarkets Epicenter

27. Yuri Boyko, People's Deputy, Co-Charter of the Opposition Block Fraction

28. Alexander Yaroslavsky, Owner and President of the DCH group

29. Ulyana Suprune, and. about. Minister of Health of Ukraine

30. Philaret, head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate

31. Vitaly Shabunin, Head of the Board of the Center for Anti-Corruption

32. Vadim Novinsky, Businessman, People's Deputy from the opposition block

33. Mustafa Dzhemilev, the leader of the Crimean Tatars, People's Deputy from the BPP, the authorized president on the affairs of the Crimean Tatar people

34. Vyacheslav Klimov, businessman, founder and co-owner Nova Poshta

35. Anatoly Gritsenko, Party Leader Civil Position

36. Victor Ivanchik, shareholder and general director of agro-industrial holding Astarta

37. Andrei Parubiy, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, People's Deputy from the Popular Front

38. Irina Geranoshko, First Vice-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, People's Deputy from the BPP

39. Nina Yuzhanina, Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on tax and customs policy, People's Deputy from the BPP

40. Andrey Sadovy, Mayor of Lviv, party leader Samopomich

41. Igor Gryniv, People's Deputy of Ukraine from the BPP

42. Oksana Markarova, and. about. Minister of Finance of Ukraine

43. Lilia Grinevich, Minister of Education of Ukraine

44. Vasily Lomachenko, Boxer, WBA World Champion in lightweight weight, Super Champion of WBA

45. Sergey Zhadan, poet and writer

46. \u200b\u200bVladimir Zelensky, Showman, actor, producer, Khudruk Studio Quarter 95

47. Evgeny Komarovsky, pediatrician, TV presenter, Writer

48. Alexander Ukil, Boxer, Absolute World Champion

49. Oleg Prokhorenko, Chairman of the Board of Ukrgazdobychi

50. Oksana Syroid, Vice-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Deputy from Selfomich

51. Vasily Khmelnitsky, Businessman, founder of the UFuture Investment Group and

52. Stepan Polorank, Minister of Defense of Ukraine

53. Julia Bridge, chief editor of the edition of the mirror of the week

54. Vasily Gritsak, head of the SBU

55. Elina Svitolin, Tennis player, Seventh WTA WTA Racket

56. Onufry, head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

57. Andrey Stanzer, co-owner and CEO of the TIC port, co-owner of the MV CARGO Terminal

58. Gennady Kernes, mayor of Kharkov

59. Vitaly Kovalchuk, First Deputy Administration of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, the President of the President in the Cabinet

60. Yakov Smoli, head of the National Bank of Ukraine

61. Igor Gumenny, Founder, Owner and President of the UBC Group

62. Konstantin Zhevago, People's Deputy, Coopolder and Executive Director of Ferrexpo

63. Boris Filatov, Mayor of Dnieper

64. Irina Lutsenko, People's Deputy from BPP, Presidential Representative in Parliament

65. Vladimir Habernik, Businessman

66. Sergey Berezenko, People's Deputy, Deputy Fractions of the BPP

67. Mustafa Naym, People's Deputy from the BPP

68. Alexander Granovsky, People's Deputy from the BPP

69. Vladimir Aric, People's Deputy from BPP, Vice President PACE

70. Vladislav Rashkovan, Deputy Executive Director of the IMF from Ukraine

71. Ivanna Klimpush-Qinzedze, Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

72. Nazar Coldotsky, Deputy Prosecutor General, Head of Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office

73. Miroslav Sold, I.O. Chapters of the GFS of Ukraine

74. Vadim Rabinovich, Businessman and People's Deputy from Opoblock, Party Leader for Life

75. Pavel Fuchs, businessman, founder of the developer company MOS City Group, Coreganizer for the construction of a memorial complex Babi Yar

76. Sergey Pashinsky, People's Deputy from the Popular Front, Head of National Security and Defense Committee

77. Vladimir Kuztzman, CEO AND COVDER FOZZY GROUP

78. Vitaly Antonov, Head of Galnftogaz

79. Vladislav Chechetkin, founder and co-owner of the online store ROZETKA.UA

80. Yaroslav Yurchishin, head of Transparency International Ukraine

81. Grigory and Igor Surkisi, Businessmen

82. Svyatoslav Shevchuk, Head of UGCC

83. Olga Kudinenko, Founder of the Charity Fund Tablet

84. Sergey Leshchenko, People's Deputy from the BPP

85. Gennady Butkevich, founder and co-owner of ATB Corporation

86. Victoria Tigipko, businessman, founder of the Ta Ventures Foundation, President OMKF

87. Taras Kitzmey, co-founder and member of the Board of SoftServe

88. Boris Hudsyak, Bishop, President of the Ukrainian Catholic University

89. Konstantin Grigorishin, Businessman, Owner of the FPG Energy Standard

90. Irina Bequeskin, Sociologist, Director of the Foundation Democratic Initiatives of Ilka Kucheriva

91. Yaroslav Gritsak, Historian, Professor of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Director of the Institute of Historical Studies LNU

92. Andrey Lushny, Head of Oschadbank

93. Oleg Gladkovsky, First Deputy Secretary of National Security

94. Phil Zhrabrovskaya, head of the Supervisory Board of Pharmac

95. Vlad Troitsky, Director, Founder of the Theater Dach, Dahambrah Groups and Dakh Daughters, Project Nova Opera, Gogolfest Festival

96. Pavel Klimkin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

97. Sergey Loznitsa, film director, owner of awards Special view of the Cannes Film Festival

98. Vitaly Pottnikov, journalist, blogger, leading TV channel Espreso and Radio Liberty

99. Akhten Seitablaev, film director, actor

100. Oleg Vinnik, singer

The American Forbes magazine published the rating of the most influential people in the world in 2018. Top 3 amounted to the leaders of the largest countries - China, the Russian Federation and the United States.

Of 7.5 billion inhabitants of our planet, Forbes magazine called only one for every 100 million whose activities are as influential as possible. The list of 74 people who determine the course of the economy and world politics were included. Vladimir Putin did not in the ranking first.

The most influential people in the world of 2018 in the Forbes rating


- Chairman of the PRC, with its efforts by changing the constitution, which has expanding its own influence. He returned the most important post, spoke by the author of reforms, implemented the program "Chinese Dream", operating until the end of 2049.

2. Vladimir Putin:

- The leader of Russia, which was the leader of the rating from 2013 to 2016 inclusive. The presidential chair has been occupied by eighteen years. This year, Vladimir Putin was on the second line of the rating due to the scandalous incident - Russia's intervention in American presidential election.

3. Donald Trump:

- American president. Although he owns a powerful army, and the America's economy is powerful, the country's leader still did not rise in the ranking above the third position. He also ended up in the center of the scandal with the participation of hackers from Russia.

4. Angela Merkel:

- German Chancellor, the only woman chancellor in the native country. With its current position, she is thirteen years. At the same time, in the elections of last year, her victory became the same ambiguous, like Donald Trump: For Angela, Merkel gave the votes of 364 deputies from 688.

5. Jeff Bezos:

- Based Amazon. This year its condition is equal to more than 100 billion dollars. Amazon is estimated at 768 billion dollars.

6. Pope Francis:

- The reformer, which launched the process of changing the conservative leaders of the Church of the Catholics. In parallel with the presidents of other countries, it is trying to improve the living conditions of refugees, opposes climate change and the persecution of religious minorities.

7. Bill Gates:

- Founding Microsoft, however, today its share is equal to no more than 1% of the shares. It is now engaged in charity, and even created together with his wife's own charity foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

8. Mohammed Ibn Salman Al Saud:

"He is the hereditary prince of Saudi Arabia, headed the anti-corruption campaign, thanks to which they were arrested by many rich, returned non-induced funds to the treasury.

9. Narendra Modi:

- It takes in India the post of prime minister, also intends to do everything to keep the climate former.

10. Larry Page:

- I founded Google's search engine exactly twenty years ago.

The leader of France Emmanuel Macron found himself on the 12th place, Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook - at 13. Ilon Mask took the 25th line of the rating, Kim Jong Yun - 36, and Bashar Al Assad - 62.

What does it mean to be famous? Here, for example, Cescy Sallenberger got on the second position of the rating of the top 100 most influential people in 2009 for the successful emergency landing of the aircraft, as a result of which no one was injured. But the time passes, and all these rating names are erased and dissolved over millions of the same rating names. But there are ten people who know about in any part of the globe. They knew about them, know and will know. And we invite you to remember these ten people in the top of the greatest people of all time. The names in the list are placed in ascending order from the tenth to the most important, first place.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Sir Isaac Newton

If you have a rating of people on request in Google, Albert Einstein was located in a tenth place, in one month, Albert Einstein's request is recruiting up to 6.1 million searches. But Jesack Newton is written much more books and Albert Einstein is unlikely to ever be able to defeat him in this sense. Sir Isaac Newton opened the law of attraction, invented the term "strength of gravity", invented the telescope reflector, defeated the Roman Catholic Church by the rationale for geocentrism and determined that anyone, even the smallest object in the universe moves. In his spare time, Newton explored the principles of optics. He lived a long life and died at the age of 84.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Leonardo da Vinci

In the case of one of the greatest people in the history of Leonardo da Vinci, Google search can be quite inaccurate. And if you enter only the name "Leonardo", Google will give a bunch of links to the ninja turtles and people who drowned on the Titanic. But if you get the full name of Leonardo da Vinci, immediately find out that he is known to the whole world. A person who could do anything. And all the books about it and its inventions are perhaps the largest and interesting resume in the world. He was an engineer, inventor, anatomy, architect, mathematics, geologist, musician, cartographer, nerd, writer and sculptor. He invented the rifle, even if she was not immediately similar to the fact that we were used to calling a rifle, but Leonardo rifle shot at a distance of 1000 yards. He invented the parachute, 300 years before it was officially invented. He invented Deltaplane, 400 years before his official invention. Deltaplan Leonardo was based on bird wings. He was able to imagine what a helicopter should be, however, could not understand that it should be for the force to raise such a design into the air. He invented the tank, which was a construction constructed using a crankshaft. The structure could move and shoot at the same time in different directions. He invented the scissors connecting two knives bolt.

Along with incredible, for its time inventions, Leonardo was a magnificent artist and sculptor. The work of "Mona Lisa" is a masterpiece of global portrait painting, around whom the disputes do not cease to this day.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare Man, whom we repeat every day, quoting and without even suspecting that he came up with this phrase or expression. It is amazing, remember how often you say something like this: "Not all that is gold, which shines", "miserable spectacle", "Food of the gods", "Everything is good that it ends well." All this shakespeare. And of course, the most famous phrase of the maestro: "be or not to be". Egil Aarvik, a representative of the Nobel Prize Committee, said once that Shakespeare would be the only person who could claim the Nobel Prize more than once.

Speaking about the work of Shakespeare, we can almost unambiguously say about it itself. About his life, about him, as a man. We only know that he was a simple actor, and then suddenly he suddenly became the greatest playwright. This gives a reason to spread the incredible number of rumors and whether Shakespeare was Shakespeare.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Adolf Gitler

Who is Adolf Hitler know everything. We all know that this man is the root cause of World War II. He provoked war for two main reasons, if you can say so. The first: become the most powerful person on earth and in history, and rule the world. The second reason is: to give rise to so much pain as you can, against all who personally he considered the guilty of the fact that Germany fell into an offensive and humiliating position after the First World War.

Hitler was a magnificent speaker, and he knew that he would want to hear his compatriots and knew that they feel in relation to German offenders the same feelings as he himself. Consequently, to raise people to the "great" accomplishments and conquest was completely easy.

The Second World War became the most severe, the very bloody war in the history of mankind. She led to the biggest human losses. The approximate number of victims of World War II is 71 million people. And Hitler is to blame for this. And during the war, he knew about it. He knew that all these victims were his victims, and he was glad to this. He was proud of it. Today, Hitler in the hearts and minds of people are in the same list with the Devil and Satan.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Apostle Paul from Tars

On the sixth place of our rating the greatest people of all time. Top 10 is the apostle Paul from Tars. Apostle Paul is considered the most important person in the dissemination of Christianity, his ideology and principles. Apostle Paul is considered the most important Christian apologist.

The Apostle Paul is the most famous and revered apostle of all students of Christ.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

Perhaps it will surprise you, but most people who are requested in Google the name of the Buddha are not Buddhists. In Western Hemisphere and throughout Europe, Buddhism is not so common as in the eastern part - Nepal and India. It is known that Buddha was a mortal man who reached Nirvana and spiritual awakening at the age of 35. To achieve Nirvana and spiritual knowledge of the Buddha promoted 49 days under the tree in meditation until he achieved knowledge about what needs to be done in order to stop human suffering. With the truth, the Buddha carried its teaching to people to make everyone who making could free themselves from the torment in their lives. This path is called a noble octal path, which consists of: the right view, the correct intention, proper concentration, correct speech, the right actions, the right lifestyle, the right effort and proper care. According to the Buddha teaching, if you adhere to these uncomplicated rules, you can become a truly happy person who does not depend on anything.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Moses

Moses is honored by all the main modern religions of the world, and Judaism, and Christianity, and Islam. He is the greatest prophet of the High Testament, the liberator of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. Moses was a legislator, a judge, a man through whom the Lord conveyed his main 10 commandments.

According to the legend, Moses was found by the baby, in a basket floating around the Nile and was treated as the son of Pharaoh. There is no, by and large, accurate information about Moses, except that he grew up in a noble Egyptian family, and one fine day saw the Egyptian mocks his Jewish slave, killed Egyptian and fled to the desert. Here, in the desert, God first appeared to Moses, as a burning bush. This turning point inspired Moses, and he inspired him went to Pharaoh, to ask that he would have let go of all the Jews, otherwise, the Lord will find such torments to the Egyptians that they would not stand. So it happened. Pharaoh resisted, and the Lord showed his strength and sent an inconceivable torment to the Egyptian people. Ultimately, Pharaoh was forced to let Moses together with all the Jews.

Moses drove the Jews in the deserts for 40 years, whatever they were reborn from slavery, the Lord handed over their basic laws through Moses here.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Abraham

Bronze of our rating the greatest people of all time. Top 10 occupies biblical Abraham. And it is not by chance. Abraham is considered one of the first prophets of the Middle East, the first one who preached a single God. According to the legend, God concludes covenant with Abraham, because he was very pious, unshakable in his faith in God. This covenant is marked by circumcision. Before that, the Lord experienced Vera Abraham, demanding that he would kill his son Isaac and Abraham had already brought the knife over her son when the Lord said it was a check.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Mahomet

For non-Muslims, Magomet founded Islam. For Muslims, Islam was already, but Magomet revived him in the hearts of people. Muslims believe in the fact that the Lord handed over Magomet's major philosophical principles and revelations, which he recorded Muslims into the main religious book - Quran.

Magomet was born in Saudi Arabia, he had 13 wives. Not a single accurate image of Mahomet, because he is considered the last prophet sent by Allah, in order to teach people the main path of peace and righteousness, and that he is too holy, so that we all see His face. For his life, Magomet managed to unite the entire Middle East under the name of the Unified God - Allah.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Jesus of Nazareth

It would be incomprehensible if the first place in the greatest people of all time Top-10 took some other person. Naturally, this is Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ.

We all know the history of the life of Jesus, who was born from a virgin, died at the age of 33, that he was crucified on the cross, that he died and after three days rose, ascended to heaven, in the abode of his father and now sits on his right hand from God.

Jesus Christ takes all the religions of the world, both believers and atheists know about him and his life. Perhaps do not know the name of Christ, any very primitive nations and tribes living in the Amazon River Delta or in the impassable forests of Brazil. The main book telling about the life and acts of Christ is the New Testament Bible, we note that 25 million copies of the Bible worldwide are sold annually.

So, even if you are not a believer person, you will have to accept the fact that Jesus from Nazareth is the most famous person around the world.