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Online dream of the house of the sun. What dreams and how to interpret cry? Interpretation of sleep in a dream


It should be prepared thoroughly: check if the front door is locked, whether the light is turned off in the entire apartment - it is important that you distract anything from a healthy sleep. The feeling of anxiety and anxiety will not bring to your life of happy and colorful dreams - only nightmares and a messy confusion.

Carry out your room - light breeze will refresh and enrich the room with oxygen. If the air conditioner is installed in your room, then lower the temperature for a couple of degrees, it is especially well affected by sleep in a stuffy summer night. The air rich in oxygen allows the body to relax, and the brain is to release the subconscious on the will, which will draw an amazing world of dreams.

We will take care of your bedroom place with attention - the bed must be comfortable, the pillows whipped. If you are freezing at night, get the plaid or sleep in socks and pajamas. Feet must be in warmth - it will calm down and relax the body. Cut it yourself and concentrate on the fact that you want to see in the arms of Morpheus. Of course, conscious dnah Not everyone is given immediately, but you can practic anyway in any case. Nothing should interfere with you dnah.

Try to abstract before bedtime from all problems and troubles, your consciousness must be clean and I dnahm. If you feel a feeling of anxiety and longing, drink herbal infusions before bedtime, which allow you to normalize sleep. In such cases, the tincture of the mother-in-law, hawthorn, tea with mint or melissa will be useful.

Try to go to bed early. A healthy man's sleep lasts about 7-8 hours. It is he who contributes to the vision of colorful dreams. Inland, stress lead to the depletion of the nervous system, which can cause nightmarish dreams or as a last resort - lack of dreams in general.

Usually, dnah People dream often, but they often do not remember them. There are a few simple exercises that will help remember sleep in the morning. Lie with installation remember Sleep - Even if most of the brain is turned off, then the subconscious works continuously. Waking up, try changing the pose without opening your eyes. Perhaps, in this position, the memory of the dream has exhausted itself.

After another night of nightmarish dreams, you feel the exhausted and tired, but do not know what to do with bad dreams? It is mistaken to assume that people cannot affect their dreams. A little effort on your part, and nightmares will retreat, freeing the place for pleasant dreams.


In most cases, a person is what he thought before bedtime. Therefore, it is not worth the evenings of horrors and Stephen King for the night. An impressionable person a nightmare can be dreamed even after watching news or reading a column in a newspaper telling about disclosed crimes.

Forever to give up the habit of habit to night - it harms both your figure, and your calm sleep. Try to dinner at least three hours before you go to bed. If hungry, drink a glass of kefir.

Sleep place must be comfortable. Any unpleasant feeling of the brain can interpret in its own way, with the result that you will dream of a bad dream. Do not regret money and purchase comfortable mattress and pillow, natural underwear. If you sleep in a pajamas or a shirt, make sure that the clothes do not and does not hurt you.

If your head is clogged with heavy thoughts before bedtime, it is better to go to walk in the fresh air or make a monotonous work - cleaning, cooking, hand washing. Show your care about some: Pour Flowers, play with your home, go to the child, to once again with a good night. After you have gained sincere equilibrium, you can go to bed.

The fact that the sleeping person sees in a dream, directly depends on the smells that surround it. Therefore, before bedtime, be sure to ventilate the room. Do not leave food remnants, dirty plates, mugs with a hoody drink. Flowing plants should also be seen in another room. Get yourself a spray for bed linen whose smell you like. It is possible to light the aromatic sticks or aroma and to dream ten to fifteen minutes, breathing in a pleasant smell. However, it is better to do this not in the bedroom, since it will also be difficult to fall asleep from a heavy aroma.

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Dreams see all healthy people, even babies and blind. That's just many of them do not remember at all, so it seems to them that they are deprived of the pleasure of seeing bright dreams. So that the dreams remain in your memory, you need to perform a number of non-hard recommendations.


Do not overdo it. Each optimal day mode to manage to do the most important things. If you literally fall from fatigue late in the evening, you have very little chance to remember your night dreams.

Before you go to bed, mentally give yourself the installation that you will remember everything you dream. From the first or second time you will most likely come out. But if you regularly continue to tune in to memorize dreams, sooner or later everything will turn out. There are small nationalities and tribes that can not only remember dreams in the smallest details, but also to manage them. Experiments prove that such abilities can develop any person in themselves. And if you manage dreams not to go into your plans, then learn how to memorize them well forces.

Bright dreams come only to sleep with high intelligence. But this hypothesis was refuted by scientists through research conducted with various layers of the population. Intelligent level does not affect neither sleep content, nor on its type.

It is curious that multicolored dreams appeared only with the advent of color cinema. This observation was based on the study of dreams of people of different generations. And as it turned out, young people who look at color television from birth, sees bright dreams much more often than people who were born during a black and white cinema. However, there are those who doubt in reliability and in this argument, motivating the fact that older people simply get an order of magnitude less emotions than active youth.

There is one interesting clarification: for the dreams, similar to the point, corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain, which is actively developed from the "left-hander", that is, it is believed that such people dreams are brighter and realistically. Scientists assure that if you want your dreams to become more memorable, you just need to develop your left hand.


It is possible to confidently argue that sleep is the "second life" of each sleeping, so if you want your dreams to be brighter, colorful and memorable, you must first satisfy the daily life with similar emotions and impressions. Because sleep is just a reflection of what you see, feel and experience every day.

If you carefully interpret your dreams, you can look deep inside yourself. You can learn about the desires that lie in the subconscious mind and even physical health from your own dreams.

I would also like to note that if you are constantly being shot alone and the same painful and black and white dreams, you may need to immediately change something in our real life.

Houses clean and quietly, your cat is fed, clean and getting ready to sleep. Interestingly, does her dreams dream? To find out this, you need to watch it carefully.

Many people believe that cats are sleeping most of the day. This is not quite so. More often they are in a state of dere. It allows small predators and relax, and quickly respond to any incident. If the cat sleeps truly, its reactions are very slow.

If the cat lies in a relaxed pose and with closed eyes, it does not always mean that she sleeps. It is quite simple to know her condition. With Drema, she will slit a mustache, and the ears move into the clock surrounding sounds. If the sound is sharp and unexpected when the eyes will open instantly.

There is also another method of checking. It is enough to put a hand on your pet. If he is sleeping, then you will hear a purring or a questionnaire "Mr-Rr". At the same time, the cat may not even open his eyes.

Sleeping cat will differently react to stimuli. To begin with, she will slowly wake up and will dyate. Then either finally begun to be awake, or, making sure that there is no danger, will continue to sleep further.

During strong sleep, the cat can take incredible postures, unthinkable to curled, scat up their paws around. The ears movement is also possible, but it will not be connected with the surrounding sounds. The body of the home predator during sleep relaxes, he can meow, shudder, pull the paws, and pupils under the centuries will move. These factors suggest that cats, as in humans, the Phase "Rem" occurs.

When the phase "Rem" is changing the peculiarities of the brain activity. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, the pressure and body temperature rises. People during this phase see dreams, and cats, according to research, no difference from people in this regard. Yes, they are also capable of seeing dreams.

Some cats when they dream of something scary, can jump, wake up and even run to seek shelter. Some meow someone in a dream, others can move their paws, as if they run for someone.

The researchers came to the conclusion that cats most often see hunting, anger, fear. They can also see how they investigate the surrounding area or put themselves in order, wash away. It also makes it possible that human loves can see the plot with a very spicy subtext.

The owner needs to more often pay attention to how his pet behaves during sleep. If the cat constantly moves his paws, suddenly jumps up, catches something, then you need to show it to the vet. Such behavior can be a consequence of head injury or falling from height.

It is believed that the dead mother and father attend the dreams of their children to help them, tell, send to the true path. Dreams in which a person hugs with his now the late parents are considered favorable.

See in the dream of dead parents. Dream Miller

Gustav Miller reports that the late parents who greeted in a warm and cozy atmosphere symbolize well-being. If you dreamed like a father or mother scolding a person in a dream, in reality it can mean disapproval from their part. Apparently, the dreams do something wrong. Talk in a dream with the dead parents - to help reveal.

Gustav Miller shares all the dreams of dead parents into two groups: the first group - dreams that arise with living parents, the second group - dreams arising after their true death. In principle, Miller in both cases does not see anything wrong. On the contrary, the dream of the late parents who arise with the now helly mother and dad speak of their longevity.

Dead parents in a dream. Dream of Freud.

Sigmund Freud calls such dreams with symbols of human regrets about their missed opportunities, about any memoirs and about past successes. If the dreams sees that his parents died, while in reality they live, it can talk about the subconscious desire of the sleeping death. Freud justifies such a cruel interpretation: Apparently, once parents prevented a dream in the exercise of his plans, for which he was very offended by them.

Dead parents in a dream. Dream of the XXI century

According to these interpretations, see the dead parents in a dream - to wealth and happiness. If the Father's father was dreamed, the losses were coming: the dreams could lose the inheritance. Talk in a dream with the deceased father - to the right understanding and rethinking of spiritual values. No need to argue in a dream with your parents, especially with dad, as it can lead to decline in affairs.

To see a deceased mom in a dream - to caution from rampant acts. The dead mothers most often come to sleep towards their sons to dissuade them from some conceived dubious deeds that can get sideways. In addition, mom in a dream symbolizes changes for the better, but sometimes it can dream of a severe dream disease or before his own death.

Dead parents. Dream of Mira

Interpreters of this dream book say that such dreams warn of impending danger. It is necessary to be more careful with unfamiliar people. Chat in a dream with late parents - get some important news in reality. Swear in a dream with the now deceased mother and father - to boredom on them. The dreams, apparently, feel the feeling of guilt. The one in which the deceased parents stretches their hand, calling his hand, is considered to be a bad one.

This dream is very symbolic. It is advisable to remember all his details. Your mood plays a big role here. If you are in a raised mood after awakening, then this dream is a favorable sign. Dreams, leaving a heavy oppressive aftertaste, warn you about future problems.

If you have found a gold chain, then it is a good sign that says you are awaiting a favorable period in life.

In a dream, you see a gold chain on the neck from another person. This dream says that you devote too much time to other people, you are interested in the details of their intimate life.

To see the chain at her neck means obligations and loyalty to their life principles. In the near future you will contact someone for help. The moment will come when you can prove yourself.

See in a dream Gold chain with suspension

In a similar dream, the suspension means a meeting with a person, mutual interest. For family people, a chain with a pendant is a symbol of loyalty and family relationships. More information can give quality, color and shape of the suspension. For example, if you dreamed a huge pendant with a big bright stone, then this may mean endless devotion and harmony on the family front.

See in a dream gold chain with cross

If you found a gold chain with a cross in a dream, you will soon be married in your family. Details of sleep will help to sort out the details. If someone gives you a chain with a cross, then wait for a pleasant meeting with a person who will play a prominent role in your life very long time. However, if the cross is too big, then most often this dream can be foreshadowed in your life and big problems. You will become a hostage of the current situation and you will not be able to influence the outcome of the coming events.

In a dream broke out

The chain symbolizes the life path, so if it is torn in a dream, it can mean health problems. If a chain is torn in a dream and a pendant falls from it, then you should pay attention to the physical well-being of people close to you. Also, such a dream may marks the collapse of all plans and hopes, especially if the chain is torn and a cross drops from it.

In a dream you gave a gold chain

A similar dream indicates that the person who is next to you is ready to open you the heart and refers to you with great sympathy.

Buy a gold chain in a dream

This dream symbolizes the collapse of all plans and hopes. You are simply unrealistic goals, so unfortunately they are simply not given in reality. You cheat yourself. It is worth understanding yourself and review plans for the future.

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Dreams are often very symbolic. The acquisition of something in a dream can foreshadow good, and loss - on the contrary. The little things and the circumstances of sleep can directly or symbolic indicate what is happening or for the future course of events. If you do not miss, then you can see those that foretellion and well-being.


Finding in a dream in most cases is a good sign, which often denotes the fulfillment of desires.

Find in a dream bag with money - obvious luck and enrichment in the near future, and it will win or just well-established circumstances. If the bag is empty, but beautiful, then you have hard work, and you will be satisfied with the result. A full garbage bag is promoting well-being.

Find money in a dream to well-being in affairs. Most likely, there will be some unexpected advantageous offer that will bring good profits. Or the offer is already there, you just need to take advantage of them, and the result will not make yourself wait. Especially if you find or change small ones.

Found a bunch of keys symbolizes the opening of any doors. Most often it is a good sign. Doors will open to new capabilities or new knowledge. Also, the bundle of keys can mean an honorable place, promotion through a career ladder. The problems that were not solved earlier, as it were, as it were, "the key will pick up".

Announce everyone about his find in a dream - one hidden good luck. It usually foreshadows the receipt of some important, valuable information necessary for prosperous business.

Symbols of nature.

Beautiful wildlife in a dream symbolizes enlightenment and update. A person is created by nature, and see it in a dream - it means to focus its energy and its forces.

Walking in a dream by beautiful gardens means that the circumstances around the already happened, as needed, and soon everything will change for the better, especially if the gardens are blooming or with fruits and berries.

Bright and fresh flowers in a dream, wild glade or well-kept flower bed foreshadow many pleasant meetings. Interesting events, pleasures and acquisitions are possible.

Pure transparent spring water has always carried positive energy. It is associated with cleansing, rejuvenation, primaryness.

No wonder in many dreams, a symbol of pure water in a dream is a good sign, and if a person sees that she is bathed in the spring, it will certainly wait for luck in matters. Any vessel with clean water foreshadows wealth and well-being in the near future.

Other characters.

Many other little things seen in a dream can also foreshadow.

A pile of garbage or manure in a dream Always a forerunner of light money, and fresh bread or chocolate is promised by the solution of household problems.

Sanding to the ground is one of the symbols of good luck, great luck. To see a wife in a dream can mean enrichment in the near future.

The 1st - of this number come true all dreams. Make you happy.
2nd the number - dreams without semantic load (empty).
The 3rd number - dreams will soon come true.
4th Number - We'll have to wait long for sleep to come true.
The 5th number is positive and pleasant dreams.
The 6th number - the dreams of this number come true when you forget about them.
The 7th number - about these dreams can not tell anyone.
8th Number - Sleep will help to fulfill a cherished desire.
9th Number - Dreams on this day come true and bring success.
10th Number - Dream Bed broadcasts.

The 11th is a truthful day that will come true in the next two weeks.
The 12th number - dreams will soon come true.
The 13th - of this number to dream of a bad dream.
The 14th number - sleep will lead to failure.
The 15th number - the dream will lead you to the truth.
16th number - sleep about anything. Do not pay attention to it.
17th - sleep for good luck.
The 18th - dreams tend to implane money and update in clothing.
19th - Night dreams broadcast homemade bustle and trouble.
The 20th is a big chance that dreams will soon come true.

21st - if the dream is joyful, then will come true for two weeks.
The 22nd number - the dream will broadcast about future troubles.
23rd number - prophetic dreams for the coming days.
24th number - a pleasant sleep for a quick execution.
25th - Sleep can deceive you.
The 26th - funny dreams are waiting for you of this number.

27th - Do not bother to remember these dreams, as it will be a heavy stone on your soul.
28th - warning about troubles. Come true within a month.
The 29th is stupid and meaningless dreams.
The 30th is one of the brightest and fantastic dreams. Turn the creative inspiration.
31st - love dreams that brought romance to your life within two weeks.

From Monday to Tuesday, from Tuesday on Wednesday, Wednesdays on Thursday

- Sleep from Monday to Tuesday
The dreams these days are extremely colorful, but they lure and soap their eyes. The dream warns against the danger that awaits you. Usually such dreams are promised conflicts and quarrels, but if they learn to interpret them correctly, then all this can be avoided.

- Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday
A dream, who dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday, is always coming only partially. Often, only those fragments of sleep, who dreamed to midnight, are often moved out of sleep.

- Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday
Such dreams serve as a beacon that warns about the approaching changes. These changes may concern only a professional plan. The correct interpretation will reveal a dream to a new level in the work.

If they shoot from Thursday on Friday, Fridays on Saturday, Saturdays on Sunday, Sundays on Monday

- Sleep from Thursday to Friday
Very lucky night, if you judge from broadcasting. Since these days you can talk about a large percentage of prophetic dreams.

- Sleep from Friday on Saturday
Dreams foreshadow about new tests that have prepared your life that prepare for a new stage. This riddle needs to be solved correctly to know what to expect.

- Sleep from Saturday to Sunday
Dreams on this night for the most part large fantasy and mystic is reunited by one story. This is a conductor in life, which at the non-verbal level is trying to provide you with a lesson.

- Sleep from Sunday for Monday
If there were some bright hopes for sleep from Sunday for Monday, you can forget about them. Often dreams on this night are very bright, but do not carry deep meaning or foresight of the future.

Seen on the night of the cover day

On this day, you can see the prophetic dreams, that's just a dream simply does not come, and it happens that it is covered by a veil fog in the morning. It is in such situations that the mood disappears when it was very expected to celebrate the sake of the very thing.

Therefore, the people have a mass of spells and ghosts, which are taking a clear sleep on this night to learn their future. Often, this night is interested in unmarried girls, since only this holiday can clearly see their narrowed.

If the dreams do not dream what it means

Psychologists argue that the lack of dreams depends on the workload of your brain during the day. The brain itself simply gives to relax myself and does not show any emotions at night to completely reboot and start work in the morning.

Colourful dreams

There is no accurate answer to this question. There are only hypotheses, although some of them seem to be strained by cauldron.

1. People are divided into two types: who will shoot black and white dreams and on the contrary - color.
2. Color dreams indicate a tendency to schizophrenia and other TSS disorders.
3. The ability to see colored dreams is only in high-intelligent people.
4. Colored dreams appeared due to color movies.

In the morning

Dreams in the morning have a separate value that is connected directly to you. This dream is an untouched sign for you to be able to solve.

Egg symbolizes an emerging life. Therefore, the egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, testifying to the inexhaustible reserve of life ...

Dream interpretation in a dream to see himself from

The world of dreams is an amazing place in which absolutely everything can happen. Often what we dream, we see with our own eyes. At times, we see ourselves in a dream by side. What dreams of such a dream? Does it mean a branch of the soul from the body in real life?

What were there in a dream

What dreams to see yourself from the side? In reality, we love to look at yourself from the outside, as a rule, this happens with the video recordings. So we can understand whether we behave correctly, they look attractively?

What we were dressed

If you saw yourself from the side in a dream

The world of dreams is mysterious. We can see yourself a bride in a white dress, a soldier in shape, blonde with a beard, a man with a mustache, so on. Any of such visions has its interpretation.

Be in the form in a dream

  • If you dreamed that you are pacing in military uniform, then in reality you will do two. Complete an unexpected act.
  • For women to be in a form in a dream to acquaintance with a strong, powerful man.
  • Just try on the form, but do not walk in it - raise the career stairs.
  • For men, see himself in shape, speaks about incorrectly arranged priorities. You treat bad people too well, to the same one who wishes you to good, are negatively configured.
  • A man see himself in a dream in the form of a post, and there are no people nearby - you must be more confident, to show a hardness of nature.
  • In a dream, you were in shape, wearing other people - prepare for an unpleasant road, conjugate with sad feelings.
  • Esoteric dream book says a certain form, means that you think too stereotypically. Your views have long been kept.

Be dressed in a beautiful outfit

For a man's family man's dream, where he is in someone else's shirt, means that a certain woman will attempt to seduce him. You can even assume how it will be hairstyle. Light shirt - the girl will be blonde, color redhead, and dark - respectively brunette.


In the dream, the consciousness of a person changes and sometimes gives rise to rather strange images. For example, a bald man can see himself with a chic hairstyle, and a pretty girl, suddenly understand that she is with a beard. Or a girl with long hair on the belt, suddenly sees himself trimmed. Does the message in these dreams?

See yourself with a beard

  • For a woman to see himself with a beard - a positive vision. A good man will appear in your life.
  • For a pregnant woman, see himself with a beard, it means that you will have a son.
  • For a man, see yourself with a beard, to profits and material supply.

What was your hairstyle in a dream

  • See yourself blonde - the most positive vision for married women. It means that your spouse is faithful to you, and loves you alone.
  • Redhead - You will be tempted by temptations, you have to make a lot of effort so as not to succumb to it.
  • Brunette - to insignificant troubles and difficulties in the life path.

Other interpretations

After night visions, people are often asked by many questions. For example, what to see yourself from the back, or sleeping in a dream?

See yourself from the back - a two-way symbol. Dream intercoms connect it with a distant future. If the back was beautiful and smooth - you will live a happy old age, if the ground, wrinkled, with injuries - will live in old age in deprivation and diseases.

If you have seen yourself sleeping

To see himself sleeping - such a vision has many interpretations. The most basic ones:

  • you need a passion, you are too tired;
  • you have the gift of foresight, and this dream is proper.

Be in a dream of a bride

Sigmund Freud believed that see himself from the side of the bride - reconciliation with something or someone. The fact that you were a bride can mean that soon you will make up with an important person for you. This will happen at the moment when the truce seemed impossible.

What to see yourself in water

Slowing in the water, try to breathe air - you have dissatisfaction with life, create rules ourselves than adding to yourself.

It is important in what water you were. If it is transparent and normal, comfortable temperature - it symbolizes your cleansing. Perhaps you change your worldview, your way of thoughts, which contributes to a certain event.

To see himself going in muddy water - will become the center of conflict, which is about to break out, and the echoes will begin life for a long time.

See yourself slipped on the steps in water - high the possibility of robbery, beware of scammers.

It's not to see yourself in the water itself, but as if soaring over it - there will be a lot of trouble on you, but you will reflect with them without much effort.

Expert statements about what you see yourself in a dream by

It is believed that if you dream such a vision, then you burn the desire to stand out among the crowd. At the same time, you no matter how precisely. This can occur thanks to your abilities, appearance, skills, or simply extraordinary outputs.

What will affect popular dreams

Not every person can afford to attend psychoanalyst. There is a more affordable way to "read" your dreams - Dream Interpretation.

Dream Miller

  • To see yourself a strong, healthy, beautiful person - in reality you are a successful person, both in the family circle and at work.
  • See yourself old - promotion over the career ladder.
  • Become a small child - dream book believes that soon you will come across treason and deception.
  • Being gray - family quarrels, troubles.

Dream of the 21st century

If you saw yourself beautiful

If a woman dreams that she sees himself in a dream beautiful, slim, then she is awaiting a new rapid love affair. Which will turn into either in real love, or in a strong friendship, says Dreamniest.

When a woman dreams that she sees himself from the side, but in the image of a man with a mustache, a beard - your affairs will go uphill. Especially such a dream is favorable for those women who for certain reasons are engaged in litigation - you will definitely win the case.

See yourself walking naked - expect a pleasant and valuable gift.

According to this dream book, see himself from the side lying in the coffin - to the troubles and chants.

Universal dream book

There is a dream watching a video, you are drunk - something will happen that make you drastically change both the image and a life position.

What dreams that you are bald - to the troubles and unexpected obstacles that will prevent you from bringing your plans to life.

See yourself to improve the material condition.

Predictions of the Great Vedian Vangi

It is a pity that Vanga's great provincials are not among the living, as is not possible to ask what a certain night vision means. After all, Vangi had answers to all the questions of interest to humanity.

According to Vanga, see himself in the water, flounded in it, resist - you spend your vitality, consciously shorting life.

Watch how you stand in the water stream, which is poured on you - Vanga, cosmic influence. If you clear your soul and take the tips, then you will become a great and wise person.

Wangi, see himself in a mirror in a dream - to the quick promotion by office.

According to Vangi, to see himself from the side suffering from a terrible disease - the commission of a bad act is close to the hour of payback.

Sleep value about shortness of breathing (symbolic dream book)

To see a dream, as you call someone, call in a dream - I will get unexpected support from a completely foreign person to you. You will help the one who you count the least. In general, this dream can be considered a positive foremason. With the exception of those cases when you had to call for help in a dream, this is already a warning, a warning about some danger that will threate you in reality. And you are waiting for you a large trouble, from which you will not be able to get out without assistance. Probably to cope with the problem, you will have to connect someone from high-ranking familiar to it. It is no longer called for their aid, but in reality.

What dreams of calling (Sonner Ezoteric E. Fallet)

Did you dream? In the dream book, the flower says that if in a dream you understand who is called, clearly recognize the personality of the desired person - the dream can be considered a prophet. That is, in reality you lack exactly that person you call in a dream. Perhaps, so your subconscious is trying to tell you who just can help in the problem that in reality is currently the most acute. Listen carefully to your dream, and it will help you get rid of the problem.

The meaning of sleep about what was called by someone (modern dream book)

If you have to call someone in a dream, says that you are not the most pleasant band in life. Wanted in a dream - expect to show some troubles, problems in affairs and other difficulties in which you may need extraneous assistance. It dreams that you call, and this person responds, comes to you, the dream says, then you will be able to get the support you need. It dreams that you have never received a response, unfortunately, I will also have to do with your own.

What dreams of a woman call (by the dream book Natalia Stepanova)

If in a dream of calling friends or acquaintances - you will soon need powerful support and help, material. If the name is you - help will have to have you: someone is in dire need of your advice, kind words, support. What is going to call - if your relatives do not have such a need - it is an old familiar or person with whom you see extremely rare.

Analysis of sleep in which the call was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

When you call someone - this is the sign of your impassableness, dissatisfaction with existing sexual relations and inclinations to adventures. At least this is exactly what the psychoanalysis is interpreted, in which you call. It dreams that you call someone called in a dream - obviously, in reality you would like to find another partner, and perhaps that even a few. Or you are looking for a person who will be supported in life, will be able to solve your problems for you.

What dreams of calling in a dream (Miller's dream book)

When you see a dream, in which you call someone, call in a dream is a warning that you do not agree to participate in some risky business. Otherwise, you can even lose what you have. If you dream that one of your loved ones had to call, sleep predicts someone from your family members. See that you call your beloved person - this is not a good warning. Most likely, there are changes in your relationship. It is possible that one of you will find a new partner.

Call is always anxious sign. It dreams that you call children, such as home, sleep predicts you difficulties and problems in affairs that will grow as a snowball. One trouble will pull a friend and, you can be in a difficult situation. Probably, in reality to you best to call someone to help, as your dream tells you. When it dreams that you call someone to visit, and people refuse to come or simply do not come - sleep indicates that you have an extremely complex character. Because of this, you can quarrel with your loved ones and dear to you, and the case will end with final parting. Try to make the necessary conclusions in time and do not bring to the rupture. Especially if you really value these relationships.

See the dream about the call of someone, what does it mean? (Interpretation of Stewart Robinson)

Call in a dream. If in a dream you call you a familiar voice, you should understand this literally - it is this man who wants to see you, say something. Hear in a dream you call the unfamiliar - warning about the danger. So whose name is named, something bad, the voice of a friend or relative is to happen - to the disease that whose voice hear. Call in a dream of the deceased - the symbol of the approaching trouble or illness. For lovers of people to call each other - the call to be careful to each other, caution about the possible separation.

How to understand what to call to call in a dream? (on the collection of interpretations of Simeon Prozorova)

By dreams to see in a dream, that in a dream someone was loud called - Introduces this expression of your fears. In real life, you will make a stupid deed and become the subject for persecution or ridicule. For the accuracy of interpretation of sleep, it is necessary to remember who you were in a dream. If it was an unfamiliar man, then the dream is about a risky enterprise revealed. A familiar person to call - help from your good friends and acquaintances. Call in a dream of a friend, relative - to their illness. But the dream in which you call the deceased person talks about the support of the Higher Forces.

Sleeping in fresh clean bed - complete mutual understanding with relatives;
fall asleep in the wrong place - you threaten bolets;
sleep next to a small child - your love will be mutual and you will create a beautiful family;
Sleeping people - you will try to conquer someone's location;
sleep next to someone who you are unpleasant - you are quickly disappointed in a person who fell in love;
For a girl - to sleep next to his beloved - you should not be too compliant, otherwise you will turn into a brown sacrifice of country.
Also, see bed, child, incoherent dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

What does dream dream

Sleep - if the sleeper is aware that he sleeps and sees a dream, then you must try to consolidate this condition and learn to "order" dreams.

That is, before falling asleep, I must say to yourself, for what question you would like to get an answer in your understandable images.

Sleep in a dream means your readiness for working with dreams, to the practical use of information obtained in this way.

Interpretation of dreams from Esoteric Dream

See in a dream

Very bad, for you can interfere; Sleep - obstacle in affairs, illness, laziness; sleeping - close misfortune; On the grass to sleep - joy, carefree life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Veles

What do dream dreams mean

The dream in which you are treated, sitting in a soft chair after a hard working day, foreshadows treason of your loved one exactly when you have imbued with it limitless trust. If you suddenly woke up and cannot immediately figure out where you are, it foreshadows the return of lost hope. If you woke you rudely - it became, I finally get a decent work after a long time on the Labor Exchange.

If you see yourself sleeping on the roof - this is a sign of rapid success that will raise you on an inaccessible height. If in a dream you spend nighttime outdoors - in real life, let's go on a trip, which promises to be not only fun, but also extremely helpful.

Sleeping on the train of long distance on the upper shelf only on the mattress without other bedding - it means that you are satisfied with your position and do not apply for more.

If you dream of a messy dream, in the content of which you can't figure it out, it foreshadows a meeting with something mysterious and inexplicable in real life.

If you are shot by nightmares, in which you are pursued by a kind of fantastic monsters and vampires - something completely terrible will happen in reality.

Seeing himself sleeping in a completely renovated, converted and re-furnished bedroom foreshadows happy changes in your destiny.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Sleep about Son.

See yourself sleeping - to a protracted fellow.

Disability does not exclude.

Unclear dream, the plot of which does not remember at all, hesitates about your predisposition to diseases of the internal organs and systems.

Interpretation of dreams