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Male Leo in marriage: a horoscope of family life. ♌ Zodiac sign Lion

Man Leo (July 23-August 23) is a person who came to this world to rule them, reign, command, love and be loved. Perhaps not all lion born under the constellation have its royal appearance, but for sure everything has his ambitions. If you go to any bright and most chic home or the city's institution, then there you can definitely meet a lion that does not loving longing and loneliness, but adores the secular society and seductive women.

The constellation of the lion is one of the most notable constellations of the Northern Hemisphere, and find it is very easy, because there is a constellation right above him. According to Greek mythology, the first feat of Hercules is immortalized in Lev. Sometime, the monster in the image of the lion regularly devastated the whole province, devouring people and cattle. Hercules strangled the monster with his bare hands, after which he threw a lion to the legs of the gods, but she took the skin from him and made a raincoat from her, which then served him until his death, absolutely not wearing. Zeus took the sacrifice and placed lion on the sky, in the form of constellation.

A lot of creative personalities, ingenious scientists, talented politicians and just amazing people who have the best qualities of the king of animals were born under the constellation of the lion. From June 23 to August 23, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander Duma-Father, Gi de Maupassan, Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Louis Armstrong, Vasily Shukshin, Muslim Magomayev, Igor Krutoy. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama, Viktor Shenderovich and many others.


Lions - representatives of the elements of fire, emphasizing them with a hot-tempered character, living mind and incredible sexuality. The main qualities of fiery people are impatient in trifles, not the location of long explanations, the ability to quickly grab the main thing, gustiness. Fireless man has hot blood, and it is this alive, warm hotness attracts people, especially women.

The fire of Lviv is more flat and calm compared to fires of Aries, so a fiery man born under the constellation of a lion is more constant and predict less impulsive. It is optimistic, Vesely and dare, is not afraid to make decisions and bear responsibility for them, has a gift to inspire and lead others. The surrounding impresses his passionism, sincerity, spiritual heat and generosity.

Of the negative qualities of a man whose elements are fire, you can note the vigor, which often goes beyond reasonable. He is impatient in everything, and calming, can quickly overcome, and without bringing the started to the end. The fiery lion loves to act quickly, hagging, without bothering himself by preliminary preparation and collection of information, ignoring important trivia. It is sometimes difficult to communicate with him, since often a man-lion is a self-confident man, quick-tempered, who loving arguing and commandless, who can not listen to someone else's opinion.

The little child-lion is poorly educated, since from the small years it does not accept authorities and other people's instructions, you can agree with him, but it is impossible to order and threaten. Lionka can be taken with love and caress, and most importantly, in no case do not humiliate his self-esteem, which is present from the moment of birth.

The best mutual understanding of the fiery man-lion will find with representatives of the element of air (scales, twins and aquarius) - they will feed each other and interact perfectly both in love and in friendship. A good mutual understanding of Lviv with representatives of their elements - with Aries and Sagittarius, but with representatives of the Earth Earth (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) mutual understanding is almost impossible, as the Earth will always extinguish fire, and he in turn can burn the earth almost dot. With water elements (fish, scorpion and cancer), the lion is better not to have any cases at all, they are completely incompatible, as it is originally tuned to mutual destruction.

In any case, the fiery man-lion can not be sitting in four walls, as the element of fire gives it a sociable, cheerful character. Small and closed premises act in oppressing, he must necessarily need constant tributaries of cold fresh air. In the interior must prevail a red color, a fireplace, artificial or real is desirable. Lions are sentimental, and therefore are very attached to their home.

Despite sociability, a fiery man-lion is sometimes necessary to be alone with themselves - for the internal energy feeding, replenishment of the vitality of energy. Thus, it produces a "setting" for the future, sails power for new achievements.


The main ruling planet of Lviv is the sun that gives a man with such qualities as leadership, authoritarianity and pretentiousness. Sunny people are presidents, well-known politicians, heads of various structures, team leaders, informal leaders, but always these people with continued authority, capable of behaving.

The sun is a star around which the rest of the planets and their satellites are rotating, as well as many other cosmic bodies. So around the sun lion should always be a delightful public. This is a weak place of all Men Lviv - be His audience, flatter and show respect, and he will be conquered.

The favorable aspects of the Sun create opportunities for disclosure in the Male-Lef its best qualities, such as vitality, sincerity, nobility, generosity, sense of justice. Sunny man will never offend weak, on the contrary, he will be his defender. The planet helps a man to achieve favor of the power of people, to enjoy respect in the team, success in women.

The Sun can strengthen the negative qualities of a person if they are laid in it at birth or obtained as a result of evil education. The adverse effect of the luminaire turns men in exorbitant pride with tremendous self-conceit, impingeled ambitions. The operation of the Sun gives the feeling that his will is the will of God, hence his fantastic self-confidence in spite of any facts and circumstances. Poor education can turn the lion from the king of animals in just a beast, terrorizing their loved ones, coarse and vain. Such a person can consider himself elected, and those who are surrounding unworthy of his royal attention.

One thing that can be said accurately - the man-lion will learn to benefit from all solar virtues only if it is worthwhile to defeat his vain "me," will take a bit of humility and humility that are the most difficult tests for the lion. The most important thing for him is to learn to wear your crown younger.

The second, less pronounced Planet Lviv - Pluto. She manifests itself in the fact that lions are able to firmly and confidently defend their position on any issue. Thanks to the influence of Pluto, the man-lion is endowed with an outstanding physical force, always decisive and lean. He is ready to spend a lot of time and effort in order to win credibility. To advise anything a man, whose horoscope dominates Pluto, is completely useless - he will never listen anyway, as it just does not know how to do it. Pluto deprives a man of plasticity, gives it hardness, and sometimes both the fierce, which, however, is almost not peculiar to the lions.

Stone talisman

Alexandrite is a stone for leaders, people of strong and ambitious. It will help a lion to achieve success, give confidence, will not allow you to feel like a weak person. The energy of the stone is so strong that its owner must necessarily match it, that is, to be a strong spirit and purposeful man. Otherwise, Alexandrite will only harm, to have a destructive impact on his master's psyche.

Alexandrite is able to foresee the future, so it must be observed. The appearance of a yellowish shade on a stone means the upcoming heavy tests, but the appearance of the emerald shade guarantees pleasant changes. Anticipating the danger, Alexandrite changes its usual "daytime" color to "evening", that is, to become a red or brown shade.

Ruby will be a good talisman for who dreams of power, focuses on achieving success in the profession and public recognition. This stone since ancient times is considered a symbol of passion, power, indomitable energy and power. It will help objectively assess the situation, cope with spiritual torments, inspires a person to new accomplishments.

A petty and spiritually weak man will hardly take place the effect of stone, it will immediately feel the negative coming from the mineral. If this happens, then Rubin is not his mascot.

Amber is a sunny mineral that gives a special, close to lions solar energy. Amber is considered a symbol of happiness, health and longevity, since ancient times it was used as a powerful charm. A piece of amber lying in the headboard will scare bad dreams and evil spirits. Any item from amber stored in the house will save him from a zipper and fire.

Its mysterious brilliance is able to clarify the thoughts and contribute to the implementation of plans. Yantar can not be worn in silver - just copper or gold can serve for it.

Male-lion is completely contraindicated with such stones as an adventurin, amethyst and turquoise - they will lead to an internal conflict, will strengthen negative qualities and, in the end, will lead to trouble.


The man-lion is a strong and bright personality, and talismans are designed to strengthen its energy potential and support high status. First of all, the talisman must emphasize the "royalness" of its owner, give him status. Since the lions are the children of fire, as a talisman, they are good to use the objects of a red, yellow and orange shade, as well as sparkling, solar objects.

If the talisman will serve the decoration, then it must be a large size, striking, preferably made of a noble metal. On the decoration, you can apply engraving in the form of the Sun - the patron planet of all Lviv. In other words, solar symbols can be applied to any other item, which can also become a talisman.

A good talisman can become a suspension or a star-shaped statuette - it will help to sharpen intuition and lead its owner to success. The talisman star will attract positive energy, keep a person in tone and bring good luck to him. If it is a small suspension, it is best to use gold.

Small figurines of a lion or an eagle in the form of a coast, seizures, figurines or simply images will not just with stylish decorations, perfectly suitable for any man, but also strong overave talismans. These animals will help develop intuition and sociability, as well as achieve respect and respect from others.

Vintage coins, orders, suspension and other antique things are carriers of strong energy aimed at prosperity and wealth is what a vain man-lion seeks. Therefore, any such thing will be a good mascot for him.

The main requirement for any talisman or charm is its energy relationship with the owner. Once, taking it in hand, a man can immediately feel, whether it is this thing, whether the soul fell to her. The talisman can be completely non-zeocheted, not to represent any material value, or vice versa, be pretentiously expensive and throw (which is more suitable for a man-lion) The main thing is that he has a close energy. Only in this case the charm will work for the benefit of the owner.


The appearance of a Leo Men usually attracts views, especially female. His style is a dandy style, a bright, noticeable, dear, attracting attention. He will pay much attention to his appearance, and especially the wardrobe, loves decorations and a good perfume. A man is trying to show his belonging to royal.

His gait is reminded by a cat grace, but at the same time there is an unprecedented force, readiness for a powerful jump. Usually a man is distinguished by high growth and strong physique, short and strong legs. It is also characterized by severe muscular hands, a large head with a thick, silky chapel, square jaw and sensual mouth. The eyes emit magnetic warmth and charm, the look is deceptively lazy, and the speech is leopard and ingratiating.

Characteristic personality

Male Lev Nature generously equipped stubbornness, magnetism and charm, as well as the desire to reign over all and each. In the people of this sign, there is a big power of will, they are hard to obey any dictate, while they are not shy to rape the will of others. They have a tendency to arrogantly and pomp, as well as the desire to serve high ideas. As an enemy, a generous man will never finish a weak, take away anyone who will allow themselves to patronize. Despite the "Barsky" inclinations and vanity, as a whole, the men-lions sentimental, warm, friendly and compassionate people, are always deep and sincere in their feelings.

The harmonious lion is well adapted to the external reality and therefore it usually gets to get what he crareshes: universal recognition and worship. It has a natural, natural authority and desire for leadership, he is listening and obeying, but not from fear, and more of love. The charm of a man is so obvious and strongly, which acts on: the surrounding easily forgive him even some arrogance, since it is characteristic of him as the Crown Emperor.

The main danger that threatens a man-lion is a regal laziness and ambitiousness, which often does not coincide with its true capabilities. If the lion is lazy, then this is a real tragedy for him: love for luxury and mental generosity can make him live in debt, and debts can be huge. Shift such a person from the place and send to the path of constructive work, especially physical, extremely difficult. He often hopes that everything will fall without itself, and the paradox is that it is most often happening.

The true essence of the Male Lev is generosity and nobility, the desire to be support for weak, kindness and power. But there is another type of men born under the sign of a lion, who have a dependence on to be lagging - for sake of praise, he can crumble and please, turning into a real plebia. The second type of incomparable lion is an agoile egoist rejecting everything and everyone for which there is only one right opinion - his own. The lion-loser in society is a pitiful spectacle, and for his home he can be a real tyrant that does not tolerate encroachment on his "power". Most likely, in his failures he will blame his wife, parents, circumstances, anyone, but not himself. For the most incomparable affected lion, despotism, stubbornness, sense of God-love, huge intolerance to any criticism, passion for a rough flattery.

Lion's defeat puts large karmic tasks in front of a person, for the non-fulfillment of which not only he pays, but also close. The affected lion must be their work and then earn what the harmonious lion is given from nature, but the trouble is that he needs everything in everything from the moment of birth! Lion affected hard to reveal his soul to the world and a specific person in particular, but it will be a very non-bunny soul, and a man stands to work on it (although at times he will be very difficult and very hurt) to free her and express. If a man lion will work on himself, the study will give him the opportunity to work constructively in the most difficult conditions and with difficult people, without losing optimism, enthusiasm and supporting it from others.

Despite the strong character, a man-lion is easy to manipulate, if you can easily find the right approach to it. Lion can not be contradicted directly and openly, but you can always appeal to his congenital nobility and a sense of justice, and even better presidate on pity. The lion is most vulnerable for ordinary inattention - it does not forgive this under any circumstances.

The secret fear of all Lviv - to suffer defeat, be ridiculous. This fear is a source of internal torment for him, as well as the true source of its vanity and an exaggerated feeling of self-esteem.


From nature, a man-lion has a strong health, but it is his confidence in his own invulnerability to become his Achilles fifth. He is capable of tightening an appeal to a specialist for treatment until the latter, in the hope that everything will be held by itself, and eventually launch the disease so that it will put it in bed for a long time. But even in this case it will neglect the treatment, and as soon as the improvement feels, it will immediately stop it. Lviv is often high temperatures, they are subject to unexpected strong diseases and accidents, but chronic diseases are not characteristic. Fortunately, lions easily cope with diseases, and live, as a rule, long, and dying suddenly.

Lions love to enjoy life and rarely refuse themselves in abuse of alcohol, harmful and fatty foods. Over time, they can show a tendency to excess weight, as well as problems with the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The second Beach of All Lviv is a tendency to alcoholism and other different stimulants, which can also significantly worsen the health of men.

Weak places of Lviv is the heart and spine. Behind the posture of a small lionca should be followed from childhood, and sharp movements and load on the back are contraindicated with aging lions. Also, men lions are often faced with tachycardia, ischemia, arrhythmia and atherosclerosis and other heart disease.

Better all sorts of drugs on Lviv there is a concern for his loved ones, it is desirable that it is exaggerated and even demonstrative. Positive energy of the nearest environment, which relates to him with love and respect, will help the lion quickly recover and stay in good shape.


The best professions for a man-lion are professions associated with intellectual labor. But whatever position he does not occupy, will always strive to dominate, dominate. If in order to build your own business abilities not enough, then it can do, for example, teaching activities - students will listen to each of his words, that is, to do what the lion needs the most.

It is not bad for negotiations and the search for new partners is given - the natural sociability and the ability to like people in this helps him. Planning, calculation of income and losses, routine cases for it can be too boring, and with numbers it is bad. Many, born under this sign, satisfy their ambitions on administrative work.

The successful spheres of the application of Lviv is a show business and everything connected with it. Nature will endow a male-lion not only by artistic talent and charm, but also beautiful manners, the ability to freely hold on to the public and manage her attention. In the absence of pronounced artistic talent, lions can become brilliant directors, journalists, producers, entertainers, directories and designers.

The only thing that is contraindicated with lions is the provision of any type of service. The service personnel from them turns out not too user-friendly, as it sits the proud nature of the lion. But the work in the field of charity, social security, medicine and psychiatry is suitable for lions, as it is impossible, since their noble soul is full of compassion. The horoscope indicates that the Male Lion will be not too talented cook or carpenter, as well as the work in which he will strongly depend on someone, or if labor implies monotonous movements and manipulations that do not give the slightest opportunities for creativity and Satisfying ambitions. In such professions, the Lion will not be able to express himself and literally "screames."

The man-lion can achieve great success on the chosen field, if it won't overestimate its capabilities, goes off laziness and frivolity. The lions are born to lead, but they will not go through their heads, are not capable of meanness and not a blow below the belt.

Financial welfare

The lion loves the money itself, but the capabilities they give. The man generous, loves to give gifts and live on a wide leg, has weakness to luxury and expensive things. She spends money lion mainly to arrange a holiday and his loved ones. Sometimes his close can be dissatisfied with the big and unjustified trips of a man who himself perfectly understands that the family budget is not rubber, but nothing can do nothing.

The paradox is that the more lion spends, the faster the money is returned to him. The nitrate lions earn much more slowly than his generous fellow. Most lions are Fortune pets, often won in various lotteries and casinos. Temporary financial difficulties do not knock out a man from a gauge, and on the contrary, make him look for a way out of the current situation. But if the natural regal laziness still prevails in the nature of the lion, then the man can make a huge debt, as it is difficult to restrain his desire for a beautiful life with difficulty.

If there are enthusiastic spectators, then the lion can sift with money, but in fact he is quite an attached and knows the price of money. It's just just for the idea, carried away by the scientific process or creativity, it will never become, he needs an adequate assessment of his work. So the physical work of Lero eats, it perfectly gets money to make money with someone else's hands, turning speculative transactions or becoming an intermediary.

The man-lion is always ready to lend money to a friend, his compassionate heart makes him elaborate in various charitable promotions and file money by the poor. He is honest with companions and attentive to subordinate, money never overshadow him mind.

Sexuality and love

The personal life of the Male Leo is usually saturated, one novel is replaced by another. It is easy to give in to its love gusts, is distinguished by fervor and passionism, with its peculiar to modern people with free relations to sex. But at the same time he prefers a solid, long-term connection than pure sex.

The partner of the lion must be a real woman, well-groomed and sensual. He loves women emitting sexuality and sensuality causing admiration. On the other hand, he likes the submissive, helpless women who are inclined in front of him. If a woman does not pay attention to him and does not respond to signs of attention, then the man-lion will not look for its favor, but quickly switches to another.

In bed, the lion wants to look the most courageous and sexy, so the partner, if he wants to please him, should express him every admiration. Moreover, a man is strongly concerned about with its genital organs, their size and quality of sex. He is very afraid of allowing mischief, therefore constantly keeps in tension, especially with a unconscious partner. If he gets a wise and a delicate woman, not shyful to express her admiration, then this connection will surely last long. Thirst for love is the second weakness of Lviv, after vanity.

In the soul, the man-lion is an incorrigible romantic, generous, generous and wounded. To his beloved from his belly and jealously, seeks to capture all her attention and time, will never tolerate any competition. If a man of this sign begins to feel the shortage of attention and love, the relationship can come to an end.

The lion will certainly be loyal to his beloved. It is possible to become a real Casanova to force him only insecurity, and then, to increase their self-esteem, a man begins to change one partner after another. His power can easily mention all the rules and decency, pass through moral principles.

Marriage and family

As a wife, a man-lion is best suited to a woman standing just below him on a social staircase - this will allow him to feel benefactor. He will require royal respect and unconditional, unquestioned loyalty. He can be jealous even to joint children, if it felt that she pays more attention than his tsarist person. False and infidelity lion recognizes instantly, it will not be able to deceive it.

If a lion-man manages to realize their ambitions in a career or public life, at home, away from foreign eyes, he can afford to give way to his wife and allow him to lead himself. Such a lion becomes an incredibly stacked husband. But the lion-loser is easily becoming a homely tyrant that does not tolerate encroachments on his "power", capable of insulting a woman and blame her in his defeats.

Like the Lion's Father is great, but he rarely has a big family - most often one, less often two children. Own children for him are small princes who are allowed almost all. At the same time, everyone in the house know that the word of the man is the law.

He is unlikely to allow his second half to make a dizzying career and at all at least to overshadow himself, so it will not be too ambitious and freedomizing woman. Ideally, she should be a housewife, all its time paying a family and home, but at the same time it always looked good, so that she was not ashamed to come to the public. A wise woman will definitely find an approach to Lero, especially to do it is not so difficult, and then it is waiting for a happy family life.

Horoscope compatibility

Lion + Aries - A good union where both partners will understand each other well. But there is a danger that excessive emotionality will often provoke scandals, in addition, a woman-Aries is difficult to imagine a simple housewife who was able to suppress their ambitions, but attraction in this pair is so great that they will certainly be able to find a common language.

Lion + Taurus - Relations will be full of conflicts and contradictions, sometimes irresistible. But if the marriage is concluded, then, most likely, both partners will strive to keep the family to the latter.

Lion + Gemini - It is sympathy and mutual understanding, one of the most successful unions. Their relationship will always be bright, with a shade of novelty. In addition, they have excellent sexual compatibility.

Lion + cancer - Union is rather heavy, especially for Lion. Woman cancer is too complicated for him, he will always try to disrupt the cover of mystery from her. She, in turn, will constantly play on his nerves, not wanting to completely shake his mysterious soul.

Lev + Lev. - Frequently common union, but not always successful. The desire to rule can provoke conflicts and mutual resentment, but the novelty of feelings will continue for a long time. These people live among interests and feelings, and if desired, they will be able to overcome all trouble.

Lion + Deva. - Relationships do not differ, sometimes become tedious and petty. Often together, they become non-darling, and then the marriage breaks down. Although in the business sphere they can be excellent partners.

Lion + Scales - One of the most successful unions. Interest in each other in partners arises from the moment of the first meeting, and the joint life is full of mutual understanding and tenderness. The scales are perfectly able to adapt and please, and the lion only it is necessary.

Lion + Scorpio - In this union, both will strive for power, and none will be able to retreat, although in sexual terms the union is very attractive for both. In marriage, everyone will live their lives, to pour and save the resentment, which can not bring anything good.

Lion + Sagittarius - Excellent mutual understanding, both in life and sex. Two active and business people found each other, but the omnipresence of the women-Sagittarius can over time boring a lion, he wants more sincere heat and comfort.

Lion + Capricorn. - This is a heavy and even gloomy union, where both partners are deeply unhappy. They are incompatible not only in life, n and in bed. Sooner or later, the female Capricorn loosen all his insults on Lion, and he in turn will quickly start looking for mutual understanding on the side.

Lion + Aquarius - An interesting and frequently found union, both in marriage and in the business sphere. Partners are good together, but the ideological and spiritual disconnection is gradually begin to be felt. However, divorces in such Arah are rare, it means that they still keep them together.

Lion + Fish - This union is characterized by a complete lack of mutual understanding due to different views on life. The lion will hurt the sensitive fish strongly, its complex inner world will be incomprehensible. It is too cold for him, too mysterious and complicated.

The lion is one of the most generous and generous signs of the zodiac, moreover, lucky, so he does not have to act to the detriment of his own interests for the care of loved ones. The lion has a rare talent without difficulty to cope with any difficulties, he is contactable and easily gets in people. Even if the representative of this sign of the zodiac does not reach big heights in his career, he always has connections with the necessary people, which he finds a way to be interesting and useful.

Lions are independent and rely only on their own strength. They easily adapt to new living conditions due to optimism and self-confidence. If Leo has a difficult situation, it does not panic, and immediately begins to look for a way out of the position, and, as a rule, finds it. For those to whom he is sincerely located, the lion can be a real talisman. The kindness of Leo does not know the borders, for which people pay him confidence and respect, and of course, express their sincere thanks.

Weaknesses of character

The lion is the most sociable zodiac sign, which is a wide public as air is needed. He is not too picky in his connections and never thinks about people badly, so in his environment there are always envious and ill-wishers, about the presence of which he does not guess. The lion needs admiration, because there is a very fox to flattery, and there are many people who want to use it. The representative of this sign of the zodiac can hardly not notice modest and not emotional people who are truly roads, and shry to listen to empty compliments of those who demonstrate sympathy for the sake of benefits.

The lion loves a beautiful life and is not always thinking about the consequences of his thrust for luxury. For the sake of prestige or pleasure, he is inclined to neglect spiritual values, and aware of his losses only when the paths back are no longer. The lion, like no other, is susceptible to temptations, resulting in a problem periodically progress. In fairness it is worth noting that he is very clever and enterprising, and therefore most often it turns dry out of the water, but this rule does not always work. A representative of the fire element can avoid legal troubles or material losses, but relationships with people are not subject to repair as a technique, and are not measured by money. Due to its short-sightedness and some egoism, the lion offends close people and loses their confidence.

In personal life

For a lion is very important for a working personal life, but not all his love connections are long. The fact is that this is a very self-like sign of the zodiac, driven by emotions and passion. The lion often closes his eyes to obvious facts that impede his relationship with the chosen one. In this case, it can go about anything - it can be like a difference in temperament or lifestyle and the marital status of one of this pair. The lion believes that the feelings are above all, but the problem is that he often takes a light flirt and sexual attraction for something more, resulting in time or ruins its relationship with a less emotional, but reliable partner.

The lion takes care of his beloved man and is ready to take the cargo of all his problems on his own shoulders. Regardless of the floor, the representative of this sign of the zodiac shows generosity and gives the beloved expensive gifts. Naturally, he is waiting for gratitude in response, but not all people want such attention. Everyone has moments when they just want to stay near close man, but the lion is not from those who will fight someone else's depression. When he becomes boring, he just disappears - he has such a warehouse of character.

See lion compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Male Lev.

The representative of this sign of the zodiac is optimistic, sociable, and leads an active lifestyle. He is a soul of any campaign, has a charisma and a good sense of humor and is able to cheer out anyone. There are always many women around him who apply to his beloved. The lion is nicely their attention, but he chooses his life companion and does not tolerate obsessiveness. The lion in love is able to minimize the sake of chosen, but the jealous representatives of the weak floor, such an alliance will not bring quiet and peaceful happiness. This woman was not born that could affect the image of his life. Now and the case will arise ambiguous situations, and the reasons for jealousy will be regular. The man Leo appreciates freedom, so it is better to provide him voluntarily. If his beloved will be sincerely admire and routed, he himself will try to give her more time, but any attempts to restrict themselves to restrain the root.

Lion is successful in work and appreciates secured life. It is easily rising through the career staircase, he can get along with the bosses and relates seriously. As a rule, his work is directly related to communication. The man lion feels like a fish in the water, speaking in front of a large audience. He has a gift of conviction, so among the representatives of this sign of the zodiac a lot of pop stars and even politicians.

Woman Lev.

The woman lion always monitors his appearance, polite, and does not allow himself a bad mood. If she happens in trouble, then she throws all the forces to find out the exit of the current situation, and rarely appeals to other people for help. The lioness knows how to make money and is not looking for a sponsor. Even if her husband is very secured, it will not be content with the role of a housewife at least from boredom. She needs communication and regular exits in the light, it is energetic, and most often sells its potential in operation.

Woman Lion spends a lot of time outside the house, she has a large number of friends and acquaintances, but truly close people can be counted on their fingers. She is open and friendly, readily goes to the rescue, so two people who envy her success often enjoy it. This also applies to relationships with men - for the sake of a favorite lioness will go on a lot, and since it is a drop in compliments and attention, among those who want to be with her there are Alphonsees and marriage chairs. However, she is smart, therefore, it is capable of recognizing deception pretty quickly.

Video: Lion ♌ Zodiac sign

The royal lion comes into the world to be loved and love. This is a person who is aware of his magnificence does not endure loneliness and serness. According to the horoscope, the man is ambitious, egocentric and gorgeous.

Description of a man - lion

Fire lev is hotbed, smart and impatient. It distinguishes the ability to grab information on the fly. Lion does not like to wait. He agrees to make mistakes, just not to marry in boredom and serness. However, it is rarely mistaken: the fate favors this gusty and a bold man. His decisions taken spontaneously, often turn out to be the only right.

Male Leo on a horoscope - Daniel Redcliffe. Other representatives of this sign: Mick Jagger, Jean Renault, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ivan Okhlobystin

Passionate, generous, responsive and friendly lion like everyone without exception. He easily starts friends, always finds topics for conversation, loves to be in the spotlight. Running quickly, the lion also cools up as quickly. He can throw an undertaking and do not feel remorse of conscience. Acting the sorry, the representative of this sign can easily block firewood, but on his experience it is rare.

Capacked with sincere feelings and compassion. It has congenital authority, with which the surrounding easily agree. He is forgiven arrogance, poserness is too lion charming and charismatic. It is strong, noble, generous and selfish. Does not make critics, inattention and favorably takes rude flattery.

Man lion and sex

In the life of Lev, two real passions: vanity and thirst for love. Charismatic, beauty and to become a lion provide him with popularity in women. Sex for him is also natural as breathing. He easily gets any woman and sincerely enjoys closeness. But it attracts it only truly beautiful, well-groomed lady, sensual and experienced.

Nevertheless, the lion appreciates a long relationship, and not a novel for one night. He likes different partners: those who have to conquer, and those that are unquestioned by themselves. If the capricious young lady does not respond to the unequivocal hints of this man, he instantly forgets about it and switches to another.

The lion will make every effort to make a partner happy. It does not store loyalty and turns long novels.

In intimate proximity, attention is drawn on how the partners looks like in the eyes. Its sincerely worries the quality of sex, so the lion is constantly afraid of to strangle. He seeks to bring a partner to a peak, although by and large, only his own feelings are interested. With a woman who admires his advantages, he seeks to maintain a permanent relationship, receiving energy feeding from it.

Despite sexual activity, the lion does not change with his girlfriend, there are several connections at once. Do not like to change the partner often. In sexual terms can behave rudely, powerfully, experiencing a special pleasure from the awareness of his power over the beloved. However, it is not inclined to perversions, sex prefers traditional.

Who is suitable for a man lion on a horoscope

A girl who needs to protect, feels next to Lvoma happy. He needs exactly such a wife to respond to support and custody to receive unconditional love.

On the horoscope wives Renault - man lion

Emotionally sensitive lion coincides well in character with representatives of the elements of fire and air. Such families are strong and happy.

  • With a solid Union emotional and exciting. Spouses understand each other, but not to go away. An Aries woman is no less ambitious than the spouse, but knows how to give up. Marriage will be strong.
  • With twins at the lion strong and happy union. Relationships of spouses are bright, they are excellent sexually compatible.
  • Decided marriage with weights. They are drawn to each other from the first minute. Scales know intuitively how to please the lion, and with pleasure they do it.
  • Sagittarius and lions are happy and in bed, and outside it. Woman attracts activity and brightness. But if she will give a spouse little heat, he will indignant. Comfort for lion is the highest priority.
  • With a water universal universal. These two can live and work together. Over time, they lose interest among each other, but rarely bred.

The family in which the Lion is an unconditional dominant, does not threaten the divorce. Stable relationships folded only with gentle girls, ready to obey unquestionably.

Who is not suitable for a man lion

Ladies are tough, decisive, independent are not suitable for a lion for family happiness. If a man is deprived of the opportunity to lead, shine, make decisions, he will leave the family.

David spiritual - a typical man lion. Characteristics of this sign - brightness, ambitiousness, mind

Lion does not like secrets and shortcoming. If he does not reach mutual understanding with his wife, the family boat drowshes, both will be unhappy.

  • Joint Life with Taurus is full of misunderstanding. If it comes to marriage, he will be tested for strength every day. But in reality, the spouses are rarely divorced, although they are experiencing constant discomfort.
  • With cancers, marriage is heavy. Sensitive spouse is complex for lion. Mystery will bring it until the frenzy, but to break the attitude of the relationship, nor the other side will not be solved for a long time.
  • With the Virgin Relationship Nervous, overshadown by unpleasant financial issues. Marriage will disintegrated, this is a matter of time.
  • With scorpion, the Union as a whole is not bad, especially in the sense of sexual compatibility. But spiritual life does not add up, the resentment is spilled, and this is death for the marriage union.
  • Union with Capricorn is the most unsuccessful. Both spouse are deeply unhappy.
  • There are no mutual understanding with fish: different views on life hurt both. The complex inner world of fish is incomprehensible and uninteresting lions, and their coldness makes it look for warmth on the side.
  • Communication of two Lviv is unsuccessful: there is a lot of offenses, conflicts. But if there is real love, they will learn to be together, because their interests coincide.

Lion is a difficult partner, to build a strong family with him difficult. The girl, in whose horoscope independence - in the first positions in the list of advantages, should not be associated with family bonds with such a man.

Proud lion ambitiosen, smart, good-natured. If you praise, love, cherish, he will answer warmth, loyalty and care.

\u003e Zodiac sign Lion: Male

If the lion does not get the first place for attractiveness, then he will definitely shine "Impressant" and "interesting" titles. He is confident in movements, his gait is free and the whole image inspires respect and trust. Head is always high raised. The lion is not going to hide the look or view its shoes in communicating with the interlocutor. Zodiac looks in the face. Sometimes reminds the agile cat in which the lion's power is lined. Dress up with needles, giving preference to costumes from famous brands. The image for the zodiac means a lot, so I am ready to spend money on clothes, and dust in the eye.


Lion in love


A lion: characteristic Behavior

  • This is a cheerful man, always smiles and does not greet the compliments. Even with a huge business, he will not be able to hide in the crowd and some miracle turns out to be in the center of universal attention. But attempts to hide them and do not show. Being in the thick of events is the meaning of their existence. It can be loved or hated, but you can not stay indifferent.
  • Zodiac picks up in his company of people who will be a bogwood. Such an atmosphere focuses his strength. This is a kind of scene on which he shines. But you won't call him an egoist. Getting a colossal stream of energy, generously gives her friends in the form of tips, support or material assistance.

Is it eccentric?

It is always a difficult question, because each has its own level and the limit of eccentricity. So it is impossible to generalize. But the lion is among the most eccentric zodiacs.

  • In the nature of the lion dominate, and it easily subordinates others. But this is not a dictatorship or despotism. Sign very soft and kind. Opened to communication and communication is the component of its nature. A man will take you under his care. But only risk shifting it from a pedestal or doubt his dignity. You will feel on yourself what is a lion rage.

Personality features and characteristics

Personality features and characteristics

  • Lion is a dramatic sign with many contrasts. But in general, when you know it closer, then you understand that this is a simple and predictable person.

King of beasts

  • Externally behaves like one of the most confident and aggressive zodiacs. Fearless, charismatic and brave. This is an optimist and a leader who tries to see good and often takes responsibility to be noticed. Showing the drama and tries to be in the spotlight.
  • He has all the skills to achieve universal respect and admiration. Endowed with warm heart, openness, passion and impulsivity. The presence of this person in the room is felt almost immediately.


  • Despite the external bravadu, inside it is incredibly sensitive and wounded. Every sense should feel that he loves and appreciate. It is especially important to get such support from loved ones.
  • The combination of these parties creates specific consequences in relations. If you ignore or criticize, it becomes aggressive. If we respect and ask for help, it turns into a warm and affectionate kitten. Casting this moment and be able to tame the beast.
  • For example, if you say: "You never give me flowers," then it is the criticism that you get a negative reaction. But the phrase: "Flowers make me so happy" will serve as stimulation. Lion pleases if you come up to the question correctly.

Other traits

  • A gentle and cheerful lion can illuminate the sunlight of the life of other people. Generous and playful, he is famous for his concern and patronage.
  • However, there is a selfish, demanding, powerful, lazy, impatient and stubborn. It may suffer for an overwhelmed self-esteem and exercise excessive pickupability to those who are below by position. As a rule, puts close to the pedestal and imposes great hopes. It is not surprising that he is often disappointed.
  • Many men love to acquire material benefits that will be seen in society. Screaming outfits, expensive cars, chic house, etc. And in general, if no one envies, he is unlikely to buy this thing. Usually does not resort to cruelty, but may be aggressive if you bring. However, quickly forgives and does not hold offense.

Compatibility in work and career

  • As a rule, a strong lion receives an excellent position or makes every effort to achieve his own. He is interested not only good salary. The competition is important, which gives a constant incentive to fight and rush forward. To motivate zodiac, you only need to provide a worthy opponent. He does not like the routine. Boredom in the office will lead to a drop in productivity. The usual state is to conquer the peaks. Give him a difficult task and consider what a gift made. But do not forget to remind that he deserves more and appreciate his contribution.
  • The sign can work for a long time and responsibly. But I was not used to dig deep and plan forever. And even gross shortcomings do not correct, but hides behind the outstanding effects.

Lion in love

Zodiac in love

  • The companion is obliged to meet the requirements of a man. therefore compatible with other signs It depends on its position in the relationship. The lion is looking for emotions and sensuality. Choose not him, but he. The partner must be beautiful, spectacular and involve male views. In courtship - the master, as it envelops the chosen by compliments, gifts, gallant severity. In general, turns it to the queen and throws the whole world to the legs. But even falling in love will not give her the right to manage. The main role will only get him.

Start of relationship

This is an emotional, romantic and very sensitive lover with a warm heart and the desire for stability. Excellent parent. Passionate in nature, so it will be jealous if he feels a threat from the opponent.

He likes to turn off, which manifests itself through an extravagant lifestyle. Most likely, it suppresses red roses, champagne and satin sheets. He does not like the routine. It is distinguished by adventure and special persistence.

  • Zodiac jealous. Not only not only cares from a stranger, but will not even allow his shadow next to her. In bed, passionate, but sometimes too much thinks a lot. It is afraid not to reach the girl's waiting and therefore closes. But if this is not the first connection, then the sign is ingenious and crept like a lady in gentle words.
  • What will be compatibility of signs and what female Suitable lion? Fish and cancer will be a party, but only if he is looking for peace. The perfect steam will be with the taurus, as Zodiac will constantly wish the partner. But for this you need to overcome joint ambitions and smooth sharp corners. But Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo will not bring happiness, as they will not be able to accept the rules of the sign of the sign and try to change it.

How to understand what is in love?

The lion is not going to hide anything. He declares his love for the whole world, so you don't have to go out. If you encountered a restrained type, it will show it in the savings of the owner and jealousy. Just slightly smell with another and see the light in the lion's eyes.

  • As for family life, then everything is not so unequivocal. On the one hand, the mark makes the compliments to all the girls liked. But he is devoted to the spouse, if he gets enough love from her. On the other hand, the wife turns to the property and is forced to obey his rhythm. Zodiac does not help her in a quarry and tries to limit only with household chores. It requires frankness and complete trust. It is dangerous to hide something, as he still draws the truth at least under torture. Lion's power can walk to the point that he will start dictate as a spouse to dress and with whom to communicate.
  • If you want to help him achieve good luck, then as a stone, give Alexandrit or Sardonix, which contributes to the implementation of plans. Carneol will strengthen talents and protect against obstacles. To soften the character, offer chrysitis, instilling patience.

What about loyalty?

If I am sure and loves the partner, it can be devoted to all my heart. However, it continues until it feels necessary. Just show him your feelings, and he will not want to leave anywhere.

  • Sure, description of the sign It is impossible without a family nest. The house is warm and cozy. He will not regret the money to ensure that everyone is comfortable. But sometimes the wind walks in his wallet, as Zodiac does not particularly watch the spending. Children at all may not be or stopped on one child. This is attentive and caring dad. The baby quickly guesses that the only way to the heart of the father lies through praise and flattery, and therefore skillfully use them for their own purposes. The lions of their indulgence. But if a woman pays more attention to a disrupt, then a man flies off.

Articles dedicated to Lerv

  • Features ;
  • Features;

In men of this sign, there is a great power of will, they are hard to obey dictate. Men-lions are generous and full of nobility, self-confident, proud and courageous, dominant and demanding, sometimes waste.

They have a tendency to arrogantly and pomp, and they willingly serve great ideas. They are not shy to rape the will of others.

According to the horoscope, the lion men can be sharp and hot-tempered. How enemies are generous. They take off all who are easy to succumb. They like a good life, pleasure and sport, combining it with the Barquer's inclinations. Connect the ability to bring the victim and a deep feeling with known calculation, at which they never forget their "I".

According to the characterization of the Male Lion - warm, friendly and compassionate, but always deep in their feelings. They seemed to be mounted by a device that controls and switching their feelings, which always works at the moment when the pride of the lion is infrainted. No representative of another sign can get away from the mistress with such indifference as a man-lion.

When the lions learn to suppress their desire to rule, to smalle your boasting and not be overly proud, they can become wonderful: in this case, the lion is worthy of the title "Royal Sign". They can become very noble. When they learn to be democratic in relations with people, they will see that everyone automatically put them in the center of attention. The zodiac sign of the Lev-man should often preserve a few of his scenic art for the present presentation - his personal life.

Man Lev in Love and Marriage - Love Horoscope

According to a love horoscope, a man-lion knows the price of his charm and therefore never spends it. He is happy to paint and in front of you, and in the company of friends, and even better - before the big meeting, and the more it is more, the Lion is more pleasant. Then they will admire not one, not five people, but as much as two hundred.

With a very active social life. True, in cases where he will go to the boyfriend or simply let down a lot of money on racing or in a casino, you will have to suffer.

But all the lions have a rare on our time with a feature - they have golden hands. If you broke the switch, or the crane in the kitchen does not flow, the TV does not work or scrolls the tape recorder, tell your lion about it and he will throw them into a moment. And what is the most interesting - repaid. After some time, the switch will turn on and off again, the water from the crane to flow when it is open, an image will appear on the television screen, and the tape recorder will sing its usual voice. And all this lion will do without any tension, but even with pleasure. Now you understand what kind of treasure your spouse?

There is a certain illusion that they can not overcome. Lions often marry women of lower social origin or simply in something inferior to them, and the hope that the "poor Margarita" will be grateful to them for this all life.

But often it turns out that these "unfortunate creatures" skillfully take away the scepter of power by Bedolgi Lion and right without him. The poor king of the beast feels at the same time not very cozy. For some reason, this sad story does not teach Lviv anything, and they still continue to depleted with "modest flowers."

How to win, fall in love and attract a larill man - how to behave

The man-lion was originally aimed at the novel, at first there is nothing easier to catch him in his networks. Love with the light of candles, seasoned with a solid portion of adoration, enthusiasm and flattering, and the proud king of animals turns into a home kitten. At the same time, he will adore you immensely, pour with gifts and flowers, carry into theaters and on secular rounds, writing passionate letters. An encouraging principle is not true? But any medal has a reverse side.

Lev-man is extremely jealous. If you, then belong to him all: body and soul. He will decide for you that wearing what to do the hairstyle to read with whom to be friends and how to spend the day. He will interrogate you with the addiction, where you were ignored to disappear as much as two hours, while, leaving, they said that they would come back in an hour of forty five minutes. He asked who called you and what you were talking about. If you, preparing morning coffee, and at the same time you will look at the window or just sit, thinking, looking at the ceiling or floor, it will certainly ask how it is so busy your thoughts that you have not paid any attention to it. I don't even advise you to answer what you think about someone else. He will not forgive this to us. And if this is different (most likely no relation to you) will accidentally be familiar to him, he may also not adapt to him. So, as you can see, your family life with the lion will not be covered with one roses, and if it is, then do not forget that roses have spikes.

Best of all, if in your relationship with him will be soft, tenderness and caressing, which soothe even the most stormy outbreaks of emotions.

With husband-lion You will not be able to make your own professional career. He will not allow this. And if you insist, it is possible that, standing, in front of the altar in a wound dress, you suddenly find that the groom disappeared.

Lion's husband is kind and noble, like King Arthur (if you, of course, make it the center of its universe). If you respect it as it seems to him, he deserves, he will be generosity itself, without refusing to you in the slightest pleasures. And if you adore him, it is likely that he will never change you (being in nature too lazy to hunt for new cats when there is their own lioness).

Men lions are very impressionable and big aesthetes, so, marrying, they will not remain indifferent to pretty heads. If you do not get rid of him scenes of jealousy, try to flirt with others in retaliation and at the same time you will treat him with the same love and tenderness, it will never go over to another. Lion, a somewhat selfish in nature and occupied by himself, maybe at some point they do not have enough tact, but it suffering that he hurts someone offended, the lion will not pass indifferently, but will try to "stick" the invokes to the wound.

So, if you agree to remain a second violin and build (or pretend to build) your life in the same scheme that the lion has drawn to you, you will love, holy and align and, not less important, in your home will always be in full Feed the handles, cranes, switches, sockets and everything else that is in it. It seems, the deal is good, isn't it?