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Compatibility astrology: the happiest unions of the zodiac signs. Worst unions by zodiac sign

Depending on the sign of the zodiac, a person has a set of certain qualities. If Aries is characterized by irascibility and cheerfulness, then the secretive Cancer is cautious and passive. According to astrological research, some qualities of different signs can perfectly complement each other. This information can come in handy when people are looking for a reliable partner. Consider the strongest zodiac unions.

Aries and Aquarius

Both signs are characterized by an inescapable thirst for adventure. Do not feed them bread - just give them new experiences. And this applies not only to an enchanting sex life, but also to the craving for traveling around the world. Aries can ignite the genius of Aquarius, and the latter, in turn, direct the energy of the couple in a suitable direction. This pair of them easily turns out to be a brave team. They can complement each other perfectly in business: where both flexibility and rigidity are required. Therefore, the conclusion of an alliance between these guys promises real happiness in life.

Taurus and Cancer

An unexpected couple surprises only at first. Most strong sign The Zodiac takes responsibility for protecting the vulnerable Cancer. The latter gratefully equips the house for the family unit for this. Their common interest lies in the search for harmony and beauty. They are able to achieve for years better conditions life. Calmness in relations is characterized by the almost complete absence of scandals. They sincerely support each other.

Gemini and Libra

The belonging of signs to one element easily explains their similarity in intellectual interests. The craving for knowledge of Gemini excites Libra no less than any aphrodisiacs. sex life this pair is much higher than the usual carnal level. Their mental unity is based on complete trust. They are devoted friends and admirers of each other. The natural humor of Libra always delights cheerful Gemini. And the ease of relations between these signs can only be envied.

Leo and Sagittarius

The fiery nature of two energetically powerful signs makes itself felt. They bond instantly as soon as they are close. Their ability to enjoy all facets of life resonates. They are shamelessly happy when their partner guesses erogenous zones souls. The inexhaustible optimism of Sagittarius and the bright charisma of Lviv distinguish this couple from the rest. They always strive for the highest position in society. Their aura allows you to realize even the wildest dreams.

Capricorn and Taurus

Earth signs also converge well together. Their solidity and reliability only strengthens over the years. Therefore, the strength of the union of Taurus and Capricorns does not cause a shadow of doubt. Their patience and focus on tangible results unite the bunch even better than love. For example, true tenderness can only appear in them over the years, when each of the partners proves their devotion to the common cause. Kindred souls gradually merge into each other, forming an indestructible union.

Pisces and Scorpio

Representatives of water often have sex in the first place. However, the star compatibility of these signs is much higher than ordinary bodily sensations. Their interpenetration into each other can surprise even experienced psychics. Telepathic link sparks even when separated long distance. Sensitive Pisces attract passionate Scorpios with their depth. And the charisma of the most hypnotic sign makes Pisces show its fin, open its heart. They are able to sacredly observe even differences in religious views, if a night's rest brings them divine delight.

Gemini and Aquarius

The unique union of these two is rarely taken seriously. They may not live together for a long time, have children late, enjoy holidays separately, etc. Respect for the personal space of another is in the first place with air signs. The freedom-loving Gemini will always support the original ideas of Aquarius, and the latter are happy to use their countless connections. The creative energy in this pair is just in full swing.

Virgo and Taurus

The simple desires of mundane signs are easy to satisfy. However, practice shows that only pedantic Virgo and slow Taurus do this regularly. Only these guys are able to maintain a ritual for decades, which testifies to respect for each other. They understand well the mood of the partner, they know all his vulnerabilities. From the outside, it may even seem that this union is based on calculation. But in this case, their bond will be strong. Since the sincere love of Taurus for luxury is reinforced by the talent of the Virgin to make money, and the need for the latter in a reliable rear is fully satisfied. They do not even need to argue about something, since all roles are distributed immediately. No one presses anyone, everything is agreed from the very beginning.

Sagittarius and Aries

The explosive energy of Aries lacks only the right direction. And who, if not the wise Sagittarius, can direct her to right direction? The fiery element nourishes the relationship of this couple, inspires them with ardent love. A huge amount of romance, flowers and travel awaits two signs. They enthusiastically take on all the cases, which will approve of their sensitive nature. Spiritual harmony is established almost immediately after the first meeting. Aries immediately understands whom he has been looking for all his life, and Sagittarius - what he lacked for complete happiness.

Pisces and Cancer

In order for the emotionality of Pisces to manifest itself not only in illusory dreams, they need a partner with the same deep structure of the psyche. Cancer seems to be the best candidate for this role. His desire to protect his family from various hardships invariably attracts restless Pisces. These guys are ready to work every day to find rest in each other's arms in the evening. They cannot imagine greater happiness on the mortal Earth. They do not need long journeys, mystical experiences or trips to a psychotherapist. It is enough just to hear the calm breathing of the partner on the next pillow. Genuine intimacy is often expressed in love for eroticism, high art. Spiritual aspirations also take place. However, they have to look for each other for a long time in the avalanche of gray days, as both hide in their mental constructions for years. In such cases, friends come to the rescue, and bring such similar people together.

All signs of the Zodiac fall under the influence of one of the four basic elements: Water, Air, Earth or Fire. These elements are the main factors that determine the compatibility of the constellations with each other. However, there are other variables here as well. There are times when two characters governed by the same element may not be compatible.

To avoid confusion, below are the strongest and passionate unions signs of the zodiac.

Aries - Libra

A distinctive feature of Aries is its strong leadership skills which he demonstrates both in his personal life and in his work. Therefore, all other signs of the Zodiac like Taurus, who also strive to dominate their partner in a relationship, are not recognized as Aries. Honesty is the most important thing he looks for in a soulmate. When we are talking about the intimate part of the question, the flame of passion burns Aries from the inside. Therefore, a Scorpio or Leo can become a good couple for such people, but only Libra is ideal for them. Aries is attracted to the honesty and simplicity of Libra's character, and the latter's need for emotional dependency complements Aries' desire for control. When Aries and Libra begin dating, they form a strong and passionate union together.

Taurus - Virgo

Taurus are family people. They get more pleasure from winning love than from the feeling itself. Being romantics, those born under this zodiac sign are well compatible with Virgos, who, like them, prefer a quiet family life. Virgo's love for everything sensual corresponds to the nature of Taurus, and this makes them a very strong couple. Taurus need to stay away from Sagittarians, because they love adventure and will never make their soul mate happy.

Gemini - Sagittarius

Cheerful and joyful Gemini can become great friends. But when it comes to love, it is very difficult for all other signs of the Zodiac to build a relationship with him. Commitment intimidates Gemini because it makes them feel bound. They are looking for intelligence and wit in the other half, and therefore those born under the sign of Sagittarius are most suitable for them. Sagittarians are also very afraid of losing their freedom and understand Gemini better than anyone. The sense of humor of Sagittarius will captivate their partners, and when these two begin to meet, they feel the happiest and most secure. The worst match for Gemini can only be Capricorn.

Cancer - Taurus

Cancerians are known for their empathy. They always crave long and serious relationship in which they can emotionally dissolve in their partner. Serious and emotional Taurus is the best match for such sensitive personalities. Outspoken and sometimes arrogant zodiac signs like Leo can hurt Cancers instead of making them happy.

Leo - Aries

Despite his pride, Leo usually has no end to admirers and admirers. But his egocentrism prevents other signs of the zodiac from entering into long-term relationships with him. romantic relationship. The passion of Aries makes them the best match for Leo. Those born under these signs express their feelings for each other so elegantly that they simply have no equal in this. But the strength of their love is fully consistent with the cruelty of their quarrels. However, they manage to work through their differences and work through problems together. The worst partner for Leo is only Scorpio - their characters do not get along together, which leads to mutual bullying.

Virgo - Scorpio

Virgo is one of the most calm and methodical signs of the zodiac. Being perfectionists, they are both restrained and attentive to their other half. They fit perfectly passionate Scorpions. Such a pair establishes a very strong emotional connection. Virgo's endurance and discipline help to restrain Scorpio's dynamism, and the latter's sexuality convinces Virgo to stop hiding behind an impregnable wall. Sagittarius is the worst partner for Virgo, as he depresses her thirst for adventure.

Libra - Gemini

Libras are born diplomats who can solve any conflict. Despite the acute feeling of loneliness, they prefer not to get involved with people of poor intellectual development. Always curious, these individuals love to make new acquaintances and study their interlocutors. Gemini is just made for them. Two signs are very good at expressing their thoughts, and this attracts them even more to each other. In addition, Libra helps Gemini not to break away from reality in their dreams. Most of all, Libra is incompatible with Virgo.

Scorpio - Pisces

Heartless and tough, Scorpios are very vindictive and emotional by nature. They do everything with passion, they are aggressive and like to dominate when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Together, Pisces and Scorpio are invincible, and their union seems to have been destined in heaven. Scorpio, like no one else, understands the emotional nature of Pisces, and submissive Pisces helps Scorpio to fully realize himself. Together, those born under these constellations create a very intuitive couple. Both Pisces and Scorpios need to avoid relationships with superficial Aries.

Sagittarius - Aquarius

If anything can piss off a Sagittarius, it's the lack of movement. Free Sagittarians are born to travel and literally need freedom. In relationships and in life, they crave new sensations every day. And who else can understand this need better than Aquarius? Equally loving freedom, with its openness and love of adventure, Aquarius will bring stability in relation.
Sagittarius will never be happy paired with Taurus, who loves cozy family gatherings.

Capricorn - Virgo

All Capricorns are ambitious and dedicated. They know what they want from life and are focused on achieving their goals. Even in relationships with the opposite sex, they make every effort, and therefore try to refrain from them out of fear that they might be hurt. Understanding this, well-disciplined Virgos help Capricorns maintain order in everything. Both signs are very attentive and focused, and are capable of creating an excellent family. The worst match for Capricorn can only be the carefree Gemini.

Aquarius - Libra

Probably, Aquarius is the last of the people who continues to protest when all the other protesters have already left. If the normal order of things has been violated, Aquarians will not put up with it. They will demand justice and fight as long as there is inequality in the world. Libra's desire for balance literally attracts Aquarius, who receive in their person a partner who understands the importance of the problem and is ready to help. The desire to achieve justice and balance, in a relationship, both signs of the Zodiac respect each other. An alliance between Cancer and Aquarius is unlikely, since any involvement of the second in an expressed protest causes only anger in Cancer.

Pisces - Capricorn

Pisces and Capricorn are like two opposite poles that are attracted to each other. Dreamy and creative Pisces attract Capricorns, and their strong belief in achieving what they want only inspires a partner of another zodiac sign. Capricorns keep Pisces afloat as they sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of the dangerous ocean. At the same time, Pisces satisfy the creative needs of Capricorns. Pisces always try to avoid Virgos, who do not understand their dreamy nature.

Who are you paired with?

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Someone reads horoscopes, makes personal astrological forecasts and believes that the stars have an unusually strong influence on our lives. Someone considers astrology a pseudoscience, and reading horoscopes is a waste of time. Both versions are polar, but both have the right to life. And be that as it may, but astrology cannot but attract attention, it is mystical and mysterious, it seems to make it possible to touch the unknown, the stars themselves, the secrets of the Universe! And we also decided to touch this mysterious topic a little, having tried to make a compatibility horoscope for all signs of the Zodiac.

With whom to build relationships with Aries?

Aries is a fire sign, the sign of a leader and a self-confident person. The emotionality, energy of the Aries man sometimes prevents him from building harmonious family relationships. Aries is able to attract attention, his charisma rarely goes unnoticed. In addition to numerous friends, this sign gathers crowds of fans around itself. But the natural confidence in their own exclusivity makes Aries selfish in love.

If both partners are Aries, such a union is explosive and unstable, although quite passionate. Two strong-willed and determined people will be in constant battle, in constant rivalry. Only really strong feelings can make someone retreat, and then for a while.

Aries will be able to create the most harmonious union with:

  • Taurus. The sensuality of Taurus and the ardor of Aries are fertile ground for long-term relationships. In such a union there will never be a lack of passion.
  • With the signs of his fiery element - Leo and Sagittarius. Such a union promises a firework of feelings and emotions, especially if Aries' partner is an ardent Leo. The main thing is not to walk on the edge of a knife and not try to test each other's patience.

The success of the union with Cancer, Pisces or Virgo can be assessed as 50/50, with really strong feelings and a desire to compromise, a happy alliance is quite possible. But an attempt to build a life with scorpio may fail. Apart from passionate relationships in bed, finding other common ground can be incredibly difficult. Same as with air Aquarius, the originality of which after a while can begin to unnerve Aries.

Suitable signs for Taurus: who to look for?

Taurus is a strong personality, under the auspices of the elements of the Earth. Taurus is good in everything: he is smart, insightful, practical. This sign is solid and reliable, in no hurry to marry until he is sure of the exclusivity of his partner. Taurus is faithful to the chosen one and does not tolerate betrayal. Adultery is beyond his understanding, and those Taurus who are faced with the infidelity of a partner are very hard on betrayal and are wary of new relationships.

Therefore, most of all, Taurus will appreciate your loyalty and constancy. An alliance with your own sign is not bad. This is the union of two solid, economic people, which is likely to be more productive in the professional field than in love.

  • Pisces and Gemini- a good match for Taurus. But with a fiery Aries, he will be more interesting.
  • FROM Capricorn Taurus should also be comfortable enough, these signs have a lot in common.
  • A neutral relationship with an equal chance of success or failure awaits Taurus when trying to connect with Sagittarius or Aquarius.
  • The chances of a successful union are low if Taurus chooses Leo or Scorpio. These signs can be selfish and too flighty for a solid Taurus.

Gemini signs compatibility: with whom can they get along?

Gemini is a mysterious sign. They are so changeable that even their soulmate cannot foresee the actions of Gemini. Gemini is a real adventurer of the zodiac circle, their unpredictability often attracts the attention of other signs. And having gathered loyal fans around them, the Gemini are faced with a painful choice and cannot always decide right away.
Such mental anguish brings a lot of anxiety to both the Gemini himself and his partner. Any failures on the love front will be experienced by Gemini for a long time and painfully, especially in his youth, because this is a serious blow to his pride. To prevent failure in the future, Gemini will use all their seduction skills, especially when it comes to a male Gemini.

  • Two Gemini may well create a harmonious couple, however, the desire of both partners for novelty can break a fragile union.
  • Detain Gemini with his passion and ardor can Aries.
  • lions have a chance to be tempted by the brightness and unusualness of Gemini, however, the inconstancy of the latter can put an end to a potentially good union.
  • In fact, it is difficult to come to terms with the inconstancy of Gemini and Capricorn and Pisces and, of course, jealous Scorpio.
  • Gemini can meet a soul mate in the same changeable scales or in creative aquarius, who values ​​freedom no less than his "colleague" in the air element.

Who is Cancer compatible with? The perfect match for Cancer

It's not always easy for a Cancer to start something new, and relationships are no exception. But when he decides on them, he will show all his sensuality and emotionality. But you should not expect swift actions and deeds from this sign, he is used to acting slowly, but for sure. Such consistency and foresight helps Cancer build stable and long-term relationships.

Cancer appreciates family comfort and hearth, this is a wonderful family man. For Cancer, material well-being and prosperity are important. Cancer will be comfortable and cozy in the "company" of the signs of his own element. In principle, the thriftiness and slowness of Cancer will contribute to building strong relationships with almost all signs of the Zodiac.

  • Perfectly complements Cancer, the same solid and constant Taurus.
  • Domovitaya Virgo has every chance of becoming the perfect half of Cancer.
  • Scorpion most likely will leave vivid memories of himself, give Cancer unusual emotions, but it is unlikely that these signs will create a long-term union.
  • Cancer can be extraordinarily strongly drawn to the unusual. Aquarius, this is an alliance of opposites, which can end well or not so well.
  • scales their indecision can make Cancer seriously nervous, and therefore it is better to avoid such an alliance.

Who suits fiery lions?

Leo is one of the most emotional and passionate signs of the zodiac. Without love, he does not understand his existence. And he loves this sign passionately and sometimes dangerously. Leo treats every hobby with extraordinary seriousness and confidence that this particular partner is what he was looking for. Therefore, Leo is quite capable of early marriage and does not always bind himself with the bonds of Hymen once and for all his life.

Leo is able to attract the attention of almost any sign of the zodiac. But for many, a connection with a fire sign can be fatal. Especially when it comes to air signs.

  • Twins often attract the attention of the Lions, however, their inconstancy infuriates the jealous Leo, which can end very badly.
  • With homely Taurus Leo is calm and comfortable, but from this union he takes more than he gives, such an attitude of Taurus quickly drains and exhausts.
    Oppresses the Lion and the humble Cancer, therefore, nothing good can be expected from such an alliance.
  • Leo can be happy with a representative of his own sign, having formed an extremely energetically powerful union, provided that from time to time one of the Lions will give the reins to a partner.
  • A successful party for Leo can be Sagittarius, a sign very similar to him, also a leader, but able to cede his leadership to Leo.
  • Scorpion+ Leo - a passionate combination, but, alas, short-lived.
  • With Aquarius it may become longer, but Aquarius's confidence in his own exclusivity will sooner or later infuriate the expressive Leo.

Compatibility Virgo in love: we select a soul mate

Virgo is another solid and practical sign, subordinate to the elements of the Earth. Virgo is hardworking and demanding, and not only to others, to herself too. She appreciates order, practicality, accuracy in words and actions. Virgo always tries to bring what she started to the end and she demands the same from others. He approaches the choice of a partner with all care, putting forward a number of his requirements. However, when the Virgo is truly in love, she forgets about all her claims.

  • In union with her own sign, Virgo can live long and, in principle, happily, but this union will be devoid of passion and fervor, because Virgo is inherent in suppressing her emotions and behaving smoothly and calmly in any situation.
  • Virgo is similar to Taurus and Capricorn, and therefore it is quite possible to count on a favorable outcome of the tandem with these signs.
  • Virgo can also be attracted to eccentricity. Aquarius, and here with Cancer or Pisces she'll get bored sooner rather than later.
  • Of the entire zodiac circle only Scorpion will be able to evoke a firework of emotions in the Virgo’s soul, but how long this firework will last will depend on both partners.
  • Virgo is quite capable of curbing lion and make a strong couple with him, provided that she really wants to do it.
  • Bright Sagittarius- also a good match for Virgo, especially if Virgo is a woman in this union, and Sagittarius is a man.

A sign suitable for Libra: with whom should they be?

Scales fully justify their name. They carefully weigh everything, analyze, sometimes their too long reflections scare off a partner. Therefore, Libra is not always happy in marriage, even having decided on it, they can continue to suffer from doubts, arguing whether they did the right thing, whether they chose the right partner. Sometimes Libra put forward increased demands on their partner, but at the same time they do not forget about their own development. Almost always, Libra is a smart, intelligent person with a broad outlook, an excellent conversationalist.

  • Not a bad match for Libra - practical Taurus, he is intelligent and will be lenient with his partner's hesitations.
  • Libra should beware of relationships with fire signs - Aries and Leo their emotions and ardor can both kindle a fire of love in the heart of Libra, and vice versa, tire with pressure and activity.
  • Libra can be happy with a representative of his own, air element - Aquarius. Romanticism and sublimity of this sign almost completely corresponds to the desires and aspirations of Libra.
  • No less successful party - Capricorn, his assertiveness will perfectly balance the indecision and fear inherent in Libra.
  • Libras should beware Gemini the dual nature of this sign will not contribute to harmonious relationships.
  • But the union between two Libra is a rarity. When both partners endlessly weigh everything and doubt, the likelihood that one of them will still decide to take the first step is negligible.

Who suits the passionate Scorpio?

Scorpio is a deep, ambiguous zodiac sign. Scorpio is distinguished by will, perseverance, determination. In love, Scorpio is looking for passion, emotionality. It is important for him that his relationship is sensual and vibrant. Scorpio is the most purposeful sign of the Zodiac, he will stubbornly seek the location of a partner. And given his charisma and ambiguity, he will succeed for sure. Scorpio loves to win and in terms of the number of love victories, he is ahead of the entire zodiac circle.

  • Practically perfect union for Scorpio - union with doggy style Cancer can become a reliable partner and rear for Scorpio, which is very important in long-term relationships.
  • Scorpio is often attracted Aries or Leo, however, the union of such strong personalities- this is, as a rule, a hurricane, a typhoon, unable to pass the tests of everyday life.
  • Scorpio is better off avoiding inconstancy Gemini. The jealousy inherent in Scorpio can lead to very bad consequences.
  • Not the best match for Scorpions - Libra and Virgo the first ones are very calm for him, Virgo is unlikely to be able to appreciate the sexual sophistication of Scorpio.
  • But here Pisces you may like the sexual energy of a passionate sign.
  • The zodiac does not advise Scorpio to waste time on Sagittarius, both signs are initially polar, and therefore it will be very difficult to find common ground.
  • With Aquarius everything is also ambiguous. Initially, this sign is very attracted to Scorpio, but Aquarius loves freedom and independence very much, while it is important for Scorpio to fully possess a partner.

Suitable Signs for Sagittarius

The fiery element that subjugated Sagittarius left its mark on him. Sagittarius is active, sometimes unbridled, but not as reckless as Aries. Sagittarius loves change and travel. Become a stumbling block in building long-term relationships Sagittarius, can his love of freedom and independence. Because of this, some Sagittarius are wary of marriage and even afraid of it.

In principle, Sagittarius can be happy with almost any sign if he tries to pacify his craving for independence and not speak out for an open relationship.

  • Sagittarius can consider as a potential pair of representatives of his element - Aries or Leo often this is a good union of two strong personalities, the main thing is that both partners follow their emotions.
  • Taurus and Cancer can pull Sagittarius back, which he most likely will not tolerate.
  • Domovitaya Virgo is also unlikely to appreciate Sagittarius's passion for travel and excessive spending.
  • Scorpio it will be difficult to moderate your jealousy and understand the craving for freedom inherent in Sagittarius.
  • It is unlikely that he will understand the lightness and windiness of Sagittarius, prim Capricorn.
  • But here Aquarius will appreciate these qualities, because he himself is like that, and therefore such an alliance should be quite successful.

The best couple for Capricorn - sign compatibility

Capricorn can be considered a conservative zodiacal circle. For him, the opinions of society are important, he strives for stability and financial well-being. Capricorn approaches everything in life from a purely practical point of view, including the choice of a partner. Capricorns value order, stability, and tranquility in relationships. They do not chase unbridled passion, it is more important for them that the partner becomes a good owner or parent.

  • A good union from the point of view of practicality, Capricorn can organize with Taurus or Cancer.
  • Capricorn has high chances for successful and long-term cooperation with Pisces.
  • Beckon Capricorn and fiery signs. The success of such tandems is likely if Capricorn does not show excessive perseverance and claim the leading role in the family.
  • Capricorn can also be tempted to be adventurous Sagittarius, but is unlikely to be able to share his hobbies, given the natural caution of this sign.
  • Capricorn should be comfortable next to his own sign. In such an alliance, there will definitely be fidelity and constancy, the main thing is that the partners do not get bored.
  • It is better for Capricorn not to get involved with representatives of the air element, the success of such an event is unlikely. Unreliable Twins, doubters scales and as if not from this world Aquarius- not what Capricorn expects from life.

Sign suitable for Aquarius: looking for the best couple

Aquarius is the most extravagant and unusual zodiacal sign. Only he himself can understand him, and that is far from always the case. Aquarius always stands out from the crowd: attire, words, deeds. This is a 100% creative, extraordinary personality. Aquarius never strives for marriage, the highest value for him is freedom. At the same time, he is capable of strong feelings and experiences that he will hide with all his might if he feels that they threaten his independence.

  • Aquarius may well be able to compromise in alliance with Aries, because he loves strong and extraordinary personalities.
  • That is why he is almost 100% interested Scorpion. Alas, the jealousy and possessiveness of the latter can put an end to the union.
  • It will be difficult to understand the unpredictability of Aquarius Cancer or Taurus. However, with the latter, a completely viable tandem of opposites can develop.
  • Aquarius, with his characteristic irony, will most likely make fun of selfishness lion, uncertainty Libra or excessive housekeeping Virgin, and therefore such unions are short-lived.
  • Aquarius may like the same love of freedom as his Sagittarius or emotional openness Pisces. And here Capricorn for Aquarius, it will be a boring, squeezed and too mundane partner.

Which sign suits Pisces?

Pisces is a very sensitive sign. They have tremendous intuition, accurately capture the mood of a partner. This skill helps Pisces build strong, long-term relationships. Pisces can be original and original. They easily give their care to others, however, do not allow them to be openly used. It is important for Pisces that a partner can look into their very soul, appreciate inner world rather than just peck at the outer shell.

  • To try to unravel the difficult soul of Pisces can signs of her own elements - Cancer and Scorpio.
  • Pisces are quite capable of reveling in passion. Aries or be tempted into a solid and seemingly unshakable tandem with Taurus. Both unions have the right to exist and can be quite viable.
  • But from Gemini It is better for Pisces to stay away, their inconstancy can disrupt the subtle mental organization of Pisces.
  • a lion and Pisces are two opposites, and talking about a successful union can be a stretch.
  • With Virgo there are more chances, her practicality and delicacy will help vulnerable Pisces find peace of mind.
  • With indecisive scales The fish will have a hard time.
  • But with Aquarius they can find mutual language, unless this sign breaks the fragile Fish heart.

With the well-known phase of Leo Tolstoy from the novel "Anna Karenina" that all happy families are equally happy, astrologers have long disagreed, because we know that everyone needs completely different things for happiness, and hence happiness itself will be different. And to find two identical happy couples, you should try hard!

However, the Zodiac, as always, can give you a lot of clues: there are very harmonious unions of signs that get along well and understand each other. Let's figure out which pairs of zodiac signs will be the happiest together. If you do not find your signs and signs of your partners in this list, do not think that your union will not be happy.

Remember that everyone can be happy, regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, it's just that some have to fight more for their happiness than others, and it takes longer to get used to the character of another.

Marriage compatibility by date of birth

1: Cancer and Pisces

A good and very loving couple who will find in each other that tenderness and care that both need like air ... or like water? This water union will be the strongest, loving and happiest if Cancer does not require unconditional devotion from Pisces, and Pisces does not go into fantasies and dreams, forgetting about loved ones.

2: Leo and Libra

The lion is the king of animals, everyone knows this, he loves to rule and command, make decisions and lead. Who can approach him as a personal partner? Of course, the sign that will obey him, look with loving eyes, always and in everything support his opinion and allow him to shine. Libra is a subordinate sign that is always ready to rely on a partner in everything. They will get along great with Leo, and they have every chance of being one of the happiest couples!

3: Cancer and Taurus

Both of these signs have a very strong Moon, which means that emotionally they will understand each other well. Taurus will look for care and attention in Cancer in the same way as Cancer in Taurus, and if the feelings are mutual, it will be easy for them to be happy. The family in this couple will be the most important part of life, and the practicality and desire for comfort of Taurus will bring prosperity and stability to this family.

4: Taurus and Virgo

This union of earth signs can be called one of the most successful, because the elements always understand each other better. Both Virgo and Taurus are rather calm and balanced signs that stand firmly on their feet, know the price of things and know how to properly manage their values. You both need stability and less unpredictability to be happy, and you can easily find these things in each other.

5: Aries and Scorpio

It doesn’t matter who exactly in the pair is Scorpio and who is Aries: passions will boil here in any case, because for both of these signs Mars is an important planet, the planet of activity, movement and aggression. However, even if both are very aggressive, they will perfectly understand each other, and also maintain each other's hot temperament. Any Aries and any Scorpio need bright emotions, without which they cannot imagine their happiness, and this couple will be provided with bright emotions.

6: Sagittarius and Aquarius

The successful union of these two signs will allow this couple to move mountains and reach unprecedented heights, both figuratively and literally. The ingenious ideas of Aquarius, combined with the huge energy of Sagittarius, will help this couple work together. In addition, the light and good-natured nature of both signs will allow partners to never quarrel and always solve problems together, listening and understanding each other.

Compatibility in love

7: Pisces and Taurus

Both of these signs have deep feelings, water and earth get along well with each other, complement each other. Pisces lacks practicality and the ground under their feet, Taurus lacks plasticity, partners can easily find these qualities in each other, accept them and become a happy couple. Pisces know how to appreciate spiritual values, Taurus - material ones, if they transfer to each other and accept this important knowledge, this union will be wonderful.

8: Gemini and Aquarius

These two signs have a lot in common: they are inquisitive, easy-going, love to communicate and surround themselves with cheerful and bright people. At the same time, both love change and do not tolerate monotony. What else do they need to be happy? So that the partner gives them freedom in expressing themselves, can always substitute a friendly shoulder and not pull back, imposing their opinion!

9: Aries and Sagittarius

This fiery union of signs is quite harmonious: both signs are active and active, they do not like to sit still. Aries will start things and lead, and Sagittarius will choose the right goals, train and instruct Aries, who remains a child for the rest of his life. They will always have something to talk about and something to do, and for happiness, both need vivid impressions and new knowledge.

10: Gemini and Aries

These two signs will always ignite each other, supporting the bright fire of love: air and fire are harmonious elements that, once they know each other, cannot do without each other. Both signs are active and easy-going. If Aries strives to develop intellectually, and Gemini - physically, they will always have common interests and common activities, and these are important things for their personal happiness.

11: Capricorn and Scorpio

The practicality and prudence of both signs in a pair will give a rather strong and strong family, and it doesn’t matter if the marriage is for love or for convenience, it promises to be quite long. Both of them know perfectly well what they are doing, and can also expect the same from the other. Perhaps their happiness lies precisely in this - to have a stable, stable and reliable relationship?

12: Capricorn and Cancer

One of the few happy couples where opposites attract. These signs are located opposite each other, but they can have excellent compatibility if one of their partners takes care of the family, and the other seeks to protect, support and protect this family in every possible way, including financially.

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If there are compatible zodiac signs for marriage and happy love relationship, then it would be logical to assume that there are incompatible ones.

Of course, in order to draw conclusions that partners are completely unsuitable for each other, little to know their zodiac signs, here you should look into their personal horoscopes. But still, some common features of the zodiac signs can be in conflict and influence relationships.

If you and your partners find yourself on this list, it does not mean that you will necessarily unhappy in marriage, but it will be more difficult for you to achieve mutual understanding than compatible marks, and you're more likely to have to work hard on the relationship.

1st place: Cancer and Aquarius♋ —

This union will be especially difficult for family life and strong and long relationships, since Cancer is a sign aimed at the family, and Aquarius is about freedom. Cancer will constantly demand attention and care from Aquarius, and the other partner, due to his passion for independence, can constantly leave Cancer unsatisfied.

2nd place: Aries and Virgo♈ —

Such a marriage or romantic relationship can be very tense and not happy due to the difference in temperaments of the partners. Aries is a very active and energetic sign, while Virgo is passive and cold. She has no passion. So it turns out that Aries will constantly demand extreme sports and movement, will not pay attention to everyday life, and Virgo will be too tired of such pressure, she will want to live more in her own world, where everything is on the shelves and in its place.

Partner incompatibility

3rd place: Virgo and Aquarius♍ —

The virgins will also not be at their best better relations with Aquarius, because the latter prefer lightness and freedom, and Virgos love order and stability. Which Aquarius will like it when everything goes on as usual and there are few changes in life? He is used to change, change and will not be able to put up with the monotony. Virgo, on the contrary: it is better for her when everything is very monotonous and stable.

4th place: Libra and Scorpio♎ —

These two signs are located very close, however, one has the energy of Venus, and the other has the energy of Mars. Libra likes to see balance and harmony in everything, and give Scorpio extremes and extremes. Libra does not like to conflict, and Scorpio conflicts give energy. Thus, Scorpio will constantly feed on the energy of Libra, taking the lion's share for himself, and Libra will be unhappy, since their internal balance will be constantly disturbed.

5th place: Libra and Pisces♎ — ♓

This union also cannot be called successful, because Libra loves society, lightness, balance, and Pisces is a rather depressive sign that prefers loneliness, often self-absorbed and thoughtful. Libra will constantly try to pull a Pisces partner out of his or her dreams, show the real state of things, and Pisces will find it too hard to accept that Libra cannot give the necessary depth of feelings and emotions.

Horoscope incompatibility: zodiac signs in marriage

6th place: Leo and Capricorn♌ — ♑

These two signs are so different emotionally that they will hardly get along side by side. Capricorn is not used to especially showing his emotions, he is not impressionable and is usually aimed at achieving success. Leo loves to shine and be in sight, does not attach such great importance material world and does not strive for perfect order. As a result - misunderstandings, resentment, problematic relationships.

7th place: Aries and Pisces♈ —

Not the most successful union, because their elements do not combine at all. Aries has a hot temperament and seeks to take the championship into their own hands. Pisces does not mind being on the sidelines, but it is difficult for this sign to understand the fire and enthusiasm, movement and constant running of Aries. Aries will be very angry that Pisces does everything very slowly and slowly, because he is always in a hurry somewhere! And vice versa: the Pisces partner will be very unhappy that he is required to rush.

8th place: Gemini and Scorpio♊ — ♏

Representatives of the Gemini sign are not used to taking anything close and for a long time to heart, and Scorpios can hold grudges for years. There may be an abyss between these two signs, since it will be very difficult to understand each other. Scorpio will be constantly offended, and Gemini will laugh at him. In the end: everything can end very sadly.

Incompatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

9th place: Taurus and Sagittarius♉ — ♐

The main problem of this couple may lie in laziness and Taurus's desire for stability and the search for new experiences of Sagittarius. Sagittarius loves traveling, moving and changing scenery. And Taurus does not need this so much, it is much more important for him to have comfort and peace. The problem will be solved if each of the signs compromises in turn: Taurus - to leave their homes, and Sagittarius at least sometimes relax at home.

10th place: Cancer and Leo♋ — ♌

Another sign Leo will not get along with under the same roof is Cancer. Although this union cannot be called very disharmonic, there will still not be as much understanding in it as we would like. Cancers are quiet couch potatoes, while Leos love to be in the public eye. Thus, each of the partners will spend time in their own way, and this can ultimately lead to alienation and rupture. This couple can be saved by common interests and hobbies.

Date of birth incompatibility

11th place: Sagittarius and Capricorn♐ —

These two signs have very different energy, different temperament and different emotional background. Although they can complement each other, help and support, it will still be more difficult for them to get along. Capricorn does everything long and tedious, he prefers to do everything according to the rules, and Sagittarius often prefers to break the rules, take risks and squander his values, because he is very generous. As a result, Capricorn will be nervous and angry.

12th place: Taurus and Gemini

And this “unlucky” top is also completed by a couple in which partners have completely different temperaments and often different values. Taurus is accustomed to accumulating material wealth, and Gemini - intellectual. To live in harmony, they just need to learn to appreciate both.