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What an impression is producing a scorpion woman on men. Scorpio Woman: Passionate and Charming

You do not need to be psychic to determine what in front of you is a scorpion woman, since this outstanding lady is visible to the naked eye.

The woman of this sign of the zodiac attracts, as if the sorceress - it combines an external coldness and boiling passion in the shower, a fiery look and exquisite speeches, elegant manners and militancy.

Scorpio woman does not use typical ladies' stuffs: it is in itself, knows the price and knows what he wants.

In love

This person is difficult to conquer. She does not flirt, does not play with men and chooses only the most worthy. She can not be stopped or to beat the head with compliments and romance, the lady of this sign of the zodiac is similar to the Snow Queen, and in men appreciates real qualities, and not the ability to charming young girls.

But she is right, with her comfortable and good. Because if the woman Scorpio chose the chosen one, then it did it with the mind, and the opinions of their own will simply not change.

In bed, this sign is a find for everyone. She knows how to adjust the partner and bring it crazy, may be gentle and obey, can become a passionate fatal mistress, there are no borders and prohibitions for her, it is the most original and dare. If the lady of this sign found his partner, he will be crazy.

Woman Scorpio Great wife and mistress, strict and sensible mother. Everything is always in perfect order, she knows how to fulfill a lot of things at once, and do everything flawlessly. She has an ideal family, educated children, full order in his career, and this lady will always find time.

Try or not?

Conquer the regulatory heart of the lady of this sign of the zodiac is not easy, and before deciding whether it is worth doing this in general, it will be useless to know its compatibility with other signs, whether the Aries, Cancer, Lion, Scales, Virgo, or another zodiac sign, and find out what couple It is ideal for her, and what the horoscope speaks about this.

1. Perhaps a man of Aries - just the one who can tame it. The horoscope says that Aries is toastful, Aries passionate, Aries - a real man, he will be able to find an approach to her, make a worthy party and find a common language. Such couples have excellent compatibility.

2. Taurus is a good option for this lady. Passionate woman Scorpio and a strong, calm man Taurus in many ways complement each other, this pair is harmonious and conflict compared to others. Woman Scorpio has something that is not in the character of a man Taurus, and vice versa. The characteristic of the Union shows that there are all the chances!

3. Jealous scorpion woman and non-permanent man twins - dangerous union. Gemini do not know what they want. Gemini is there, then here. Twin-loving twins, twins are unpredictable!

And the lady scorpion needs completely different. Conflicts will begin immediately, and will end with a terrible war, so compatibility, alas, low.

4. Cancer, in general, can be a good party for this woman, but everything depends on it. Cancer is not a leader in a pair, a domestic cancer, romantic, calm, Cancer will be able to obey and will not climb on the Rogon, such a sign of the zodiac.

Therefore, the horoscope indicates the average compatibility of the pair. The strong energy of scorpion can destroy, and may and create a strong union.

5. The lion for the scorpion woman is not a friend, not a partner, but an opponent. Their characters are created to fight - the lion will not give way, the lion does not recognize the woman equal to himself, the lion will try to put it in place, at the slab, and this is a big mistake. The characteristic of this pair is dangerous, they better stay away from each other.

6. Virgo may seem for scorpion victim: Virgo Soft sign, Virgin Honest, Romantic, Male Virgo is not a fighter. But it is this sign that the horoscope is read into the scorpion pair!

Compared to others, this pair has every chance, they will complement each other, they will comply like pieces of puzzle, and will find overall happiness. Excellent compatibility!

7. But scales are a strange option for it, and the development of the plot can be different. Scales - a man's non-permanent, scales forever in search and doubts, scales - a mystery.

But the horoscope assures - a scorpion woman in love with this man will be able to change it, and if both partners want to build harmonious relationships, they will succeed.

8. There is no more dangerous pair than a wayward scorpion woman and a militant, uncompromising male Scorpio. They are far from boning in spirit, but rather fighters in equal weight categories. This pair has a clear characteristic - it is better not to start not start, because the relationship of bloodshed will end!

9. Sagittarius and Scorpio is something! Sagittarius - Passionate, Sagittarius, the Sagittarius rapid ... Sagittarius is just a find for her! But no more than for a stormy novel, alas.

Woman Scorpio will be fascinated by this dusty cavalier, but before the first conflict. In a pair, someone should be able to "extinguish the fire", and these two signs can only pour oil into the fire. But sexual compatibility is better than with any other sign.

10. But when there is a scorpion woman and a conservative man Capricorn, then you can begin to believe in a miracle. He will be able to charm her, and she - to show respect for him. He does not like to play, she, too, they have a lot in common.

Honoraous Scorpio Woman and Brought up, but a strong male Capricorn can make a magnificent couple. Characteristic and compatibility talk about it!

11. Sexual couple compatibility Woman Scorpio and Aquarius man - the perfect, sea of \u200b\u200bfeelings and passions. But the ardent woman Scorpio and a non-permanent, freedom-loving man of Aquarius may not understand each other, because both of them are not taught to listen and heed, both self-sufficient and wayward. Characteristic is complex, it all depends on partners.

12. Male Fish seems to be too soft for her. Fish - Romantic, Fish is not a fighter. Fish - a man creative and emotional.

But how to survive everything around when the irresistible lady Scorpio will choose a man's feet! They are harmonious and have something that does not get a partner, the couple has every chance.

Eastern horoscope

The nature of this lady is difficult to solve, but the eastern horoscope will help see a clearer picture. So, what year born scorpion?

  • Rat Scorpio - Woman is surprisingly dreamy and emotional, but she knows how to embody their dreams and got used to the hip for their desires.
  • Bull - a soft sign, good for scorpion. This woman adores children, she is a wonderful mother - reasonable, kind, but fair.
  • Tiger in this case is not a terrible predator. This lady has all the warriors' deposits, but does not use its strength just like this, for the sake of entertainment or because of the nature. She is reasonable and judgment, but in her arsenal - a huge force and fearlessness.
  • If she was born a year cat, it is aesthetic nature. Everything is beautiful - for her, she loves luxury and truly good things, they will not surprise her baubles, it has a perfect taste and style.
  • Dragon is a rich imagination, creative vein, sharp mind and dreaminess. Sometimes impermanent in desires.
  • Snake is not fussy, it observes and analyzes, and does not make unnecessary movements. Very emotional and there is a touching, it does not know how to forgive and return the old one.

  • A horse is not a very good year for scorpion. This feature is pretty careful to start implementing big dreams, and plans can build for four. She always needs a stimulus to start actively acting.
  • The goat is charming and mila, but Caprip. Her mood is hard to understand, she loves to be alone and does not need support than the people often attracts. Mysterious, unusual and is not amenable to understanding.
  • The monkey is incredibly smart. She does not demonstrate their mind, hiding behind the mask of the fragile woman, but inside the terrible intellectual opponent hides.
  • Rooster is an incredible courage. Such a woman is not afraid of anything, she will be valid and will not get under anyone, it will stand until the end.
  • The dog is devoted and configured to the family. She is valid, defends interests and prone to revenge.
  • Pig is a wonderful sign. This woman is not only smart and successful, she is an ideal mistress and mother, kind, not vengeful.

Horoscope, characteristic and compatibility - only send and advise, but should not be relying on them to make the final conclusion. All people are unique, and from any rules there are exceptions, so that only live communication and observation can give the opportunity to draw conclusions ... Author: Vasilina Serov

Scorpio is considered the most mysterious and evil sign of the zodiac constellation, but not everything is so unequivocal. The bite of this is a deadly mortal, but if you wish, you can also tame it if you know how. Special magnetism and fascinating sensuality emit scorpions, and what they really are in this article.


In fact, it is easy to learn in the crowd. The absence of visible, open and decisive look, self-confidence and incredible femininity - in this she is all. Attractive and cunning, she knows the price and another will give her to another, because it has an incredible intuition. The career achieves dizzying heights and all thanks to the male warehouse of character. Such women are smart and ambitious, possess an extraordinary cunning and know how to subordinate opponents of their will. Where necessary, enjoy the seductors' charms and easily go on the heads. Her efforts, purposefulness and perseverance are enough for five.

Under a modest charm and dismissed, a strong and passionate nature is hidden, capable of both strong love and burning hatred. Her offenders and former beloved will curse the day when they met this woman, because her revenge will be restless. The stinging and uncompromising, the scorpion female is hard with people, but if she sees some benefit for himself, it will be easy to find a way out of the situation and the way to keep the right person nearby.

Characteristics of the Scorpio Woman in Love

Those who are interested in what scorpions are women in love, it is worth answering that faithful, demanding and incredibly jealous. Do not accept all kinds of "effluent", and traditional recognition under the moon will prefer the official proposal to be together and preferably immediately with specific conditions and suggestions. It is often marked by the calculation and does not see anything about nothing. Those who are interested in what her lover is - a scorpion woman, you can advise try, because the disappointments are unlikely to follow. It is too smart to neglect such a component of family life, which means to hold a partner near himself will try any ways.

Those asked what kind of sign woman fits, it is worth saying that a good union will succeed with Taurus, cancer and scorpion. With the Virgin, friendship is often tied, which will then develop into love. A lot in common with Capricorn, but the ideal relationships are only with fish.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are distinguished by an amazing mystery and mystery. Their sexual energy is felt each, but the representatives of the beautiful floor themselves are not always aware, because They are often too self-critical. What men do you like scorpions to women? In order to conquer their heart, you need to try to very much!

As a man like the scorpions of women

The peculiarity of scorpion women is that they are not lovers to build something from themselves ... They are, what are there, and are not going to change, so it all depends on what kind of woman Scorpio is actually.

Women Scorpions are always independent. They strive for this almost from childhood. It is important for them that everything around meets their needs, and they have very high scorpions.

If we talk about what men like scorpions to women, then these ladies will never be next to those who do not meet her ideal ideas about a man. And most importantly, what men like scorpions, they themselves do not always know. They are not looped on something concrete. For them, the totality of indicators is important.

So what they scorpions are women

To win the location of the scorpion woman, it is important:

A man applying to her sympathy should be charismatic. It will not look at the proportions of the body or on the correct feature of the face. She is interested in the ability of a man to file themselves, to produce a vivid impression, no less than it produces it.

It is important that the man is an order of magnitude stronger than she. Some say that the stronger of the scorpion's woman is only that man who can win it. But you should not risk, raising your hand on a scorpion woman, because A man risks losing her or even freedom to some time. We are talking about emotional stability.

Woman Scorpio must feel protection. She can protect himself both in any situation, but it is important for her that the one who will allow her to relax and not control the situation entirely and completely.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac will not even talk to men who need to explain something, to prove something to sculpt from him. They are lovers to come to all finished. Therefore, a man should be with natural wisdom and life experience.

Scorpions are not lovers of tenderness. For them, much more important is good sex. But she is unlikely to go to such feats without beautiful courtship. And conquer her sympathy with a bottle of champagne, strawberry and cream - it is impossible. But the unexpected trip somewhere towards the water - it will be quite pleased.

A woman born under the constellation of scorpion is distinguished by a strong energy. It stretches to it surrounding, but it is far from everyone admits to their circle of communication. This lady is very selective and critically coming to the choice of satellite life. Possessing a bright attractive appearance, she is looking for a decent partner. For her, the aesthetic side of the relationship is very important, so the inephious and commissioned man is unlikely to attract her attention.

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In the soul of every scorpion woman lives real amazon, the authority and the strength of which can only be envied. She used to conquer men herself. Hunting for the chief delivers to her with nothing with any comparable pleasure. However, such behavior of the lady often scares the cavaliers. If the partner is interesting to her, she will definitely find the way to his heart.

    Relationship with scorpion woman

    The decisive and assertive scorpion woman is not looking for light paths. Love games cause Her excartes and fill her life meaning, so the representative of this constellation always has at the commemorate of which you need to achieve. This is an extremely energetic woman who has an incomplete force in spiritual and physical plane. Scorpio is characterized by increased emotionality, so this lady is unprinted with energy splashing in stormy scandals.

    Astrologers recommend women of this sign to find a hobby that will allow them to realize their potential "peaceful" way, otherwise they will be difficult for them to build relationships with men. After all, not everyone will be able to endure the explosive nature of this lady.

    However, at first, Cavalers are delighted with this beauty, novels with scorpion women develop bright and rapidly. This girl does not differ modesty and reference. With the chosen one, it behaves the most relaxed and openly, so the man gets a full range of bright emotions. However, the external tobility and the militancy of scorpion is deceptive. When Kavaler finds out this lady closer, it opens his feminine sides:

    • sensuality;
    • tenderness;
    • softness;
    • gracefulness;
    • supplement.

    The initial impression of this woman is always incorrect, but rapprochement with it enters men precisely the disclosure of her nature. If the chosen is withstanding the first stages of relationships, when the lady does not show its weakness, as a result he receives the perfect companion of life.

    However, the distinctive feature of Scorpion is the desire for independence, and a despotic man is unlikely to accept this side of her character.

    It is impossible to subordinate to the representative of this constellation, so it is better to immediately refuse such an idea, otherwise the union will turn into an infinite battle with it.

    The temperament of Scorpio does not allow this lady to make concessions if pressure is put on it. It can be managed, but it will be able to do this only to a smart and experienced man who will understand that a representative of the water element is pretty militia. She just looks like a bloodthirsty lioness, but in the shower is a cute and kind kitten who needs attention and caress.

    Despite any efforts in relationships, this woman is always striving for leadership. She will quickly bend under the heel very quickly and briefly, and with a worthy opponent agree to behave on equals. Music-tyrant will not be able to suppress this lady. Scorpio does not accept submission, with any attempts to manage it will give fierce rebuff.

    The woman of this constellation is distinguished by congenital insight, it is impossible to deceive. It has a very well developed intuition, so it often foresees the upcoming events. This is especially brightly manifested in relation to the infidelity of the chosen.

    Any step of the man left Scorpio immediately stops. This lady is extremely jealous, so the traitor is unlikely to avoid stormy scenes. Jealousness of scorpions Astrologers explain the fact that representatives of this sign are judged by people in their own, and they themselves are often atridges on the side, but they are carefully hidden from partners. It is impossible to catch a representative of the water element in treason, if she herself does not want to reveal his adventures to the secret.

    A negative feature of a scorpion woman is avenue. The representative of this constellation is extremely cunning, if someone offended her, she will definitely revenge. In the building strategy for obstacle, it shows unprecedented patience. This lady can enter the revenge plans for years and wait for a suitable moment to strike. In this regard, astrologers recommend men who are planning to spend a lifetime with this woman, to apologize in a timely manner if they had a chance to offend the chosen.

    Sexy life

    In bed, the scorpion girl is very relaxed and inventive. It does not satisfy quick contacts, sex for her is art. It is in an intimate life that this woman is completely revealed, and from a partner requires full return. Sex with this lady will bring the true pleasure of the sophisticated and ready-to-experiment to the man, but the conservative cavalier can consider the elected to the dissolved.

    The scorpion lady is worn and insatiable in bed, it is not so easy to satisfy.

    Long foreplay and prolonged acts of proximity - this is exactly what she needs. She does not like fast sex for the satisfaction of physical needs, a hurried man will disappoint and will push it out. But a worthy partner will forever take the honorable place in the Scorpio's notebook. This woman is not scattered with good lovers, so with suitable in sex, men are able to support the relationship for many years, even if she does not apply for the role of his spouse.

    Compatibility in love and marriage

    Women's love relationships are often ending very quickly. This lady does not like compromises. If she sees that the partner does not fit her, it is unlikely to be tightened with him. She appreciates his time, so after a few dates with her, a man can be sure of the seriousness of her intentions, as the woman of this constellation will not go to the third date with whom she does not see in satellites of life.

    On the compatibility of the scorpion ladies with other signs of the zodiac's opinion of astrologers agree that this lady is able to get along with any partner if it meets its requirements. But any man who express her desire to be with her, there will be a long work on himself, because the scorpion girl will not change for the sake of a man.

    Sweeting the representative of this constellation is quite difficult, but if the partner is taking into account all the preferences of the scorpion ladies, then in her face he will find faithful comrades and the associate for life. The following table shows the general characteristics of the relationship of the woman of this constellation with men.

    Zodiac sign and date of the maleCharacteristic of relationships
    Aries21. 03 - 19. 04The relationship of scorpion with self-confident and stubborn authentic is extremely harmonious. These partners perfectly understand each other. Their relationship is based on mutual and for general purposes. In this union, Aries and Scorpio in equal shares are responsible for the obligations assumed, and both seek to act together. For men, the Aries are extremely important, family values \u200b\u200bthat a woman in this pair also supports. The guy of the fiery sign is distinguished by a strong and volitional character, so the lady will not be able to suppress him, but their peaceful and calm is unlikely to be called. Both partners are explosive, so any small sweeping is poured in their large scandal. Aries does not know how to give up, so the woman is very difficult to defend their position. Harmony in relationships they manage to achieve only thanks to the wisdom of Scorpio. If it learn to catch the moments when you need to silence, I will eventually be able to convince the stubborn. However, in search of approaches to each other in this pair, a lot of time is spent, often partners get tired of fighting and disagree with different roads. In this union, astrologers recommend to the woman to show soft and tenderness, with the help of caressing she is able to unobtrusively drag the Aries to his side, and then the couple will be able to live long and happily
    Telecom20. 04 - 20. 05Taurus is most suitable for a ladies-scorpion for living together. This thorough and reasonable man causes a respect and desire to follow him in any endeavor. In Taurus, Scorpio sees a reliable associate, which is not capable of betrayal. These partners look at life equally, so they do not have disagreements in serious matters, and small bitters pass unnoticed, since the Taurus does not like to conflict and does not allow quarrels to develop. Male's calm is transferred to the chosen, so the scorpion girl becomes more balanced in this union. She voluntarily inferior to Caltz, the leader's place enjoys the fact that next to him you can show all your female weaknesses. Arising problems and difficulties a man decides without attracting a woman, so the lady feels confidently with him, persogently giving up his reliable hands
    Twins21. 05 - 21. 06Love relationships Men twins and scorpion women are quite common. The charming guy attracts a representative of the aquatic element with its own enthusiasm and ease, but there is very little chances for the long-term union. The relationship of this couple is good only in bed, the sexual compatibility of these partners is very high, but in other spheres of life they do not find mutual understanding. A mechanism man is frivolously refer to loyalty and devotion, and for scorpion they are extremely important. It does not tolerate the permanent flirting twins with other ladies and originates with the flour of jealousy. Scandals on this soil occur regularly, and at some point both the eternal confrontation are scary, so the partners break up. If for some reason they made a marriage, both spouse are unhappy in this union. Over time, in the soul, women develops hatred for a volatile chosen one. The husband does not suit her in everything, so she fell daily to his head of reproaches. The constant discontent of the spouse forces a man to leave the house, but this leads only to even greater swearing, which is invariably ends with a divorce
    Cancer22. 06 - 22. 07Two representatives of constellations managed by water elements are able to make an ideal pair, but this union is built under the leadership of Women Scorpio. The man-cancer is initially weaker than this lady in character, so very soon falls under her heel. However, such a state of affairs is suitable. The relationship of this pair is built on mutual love. Scorpio and Cancer Madly pulls to each other from the first minutes of dating. They find many common topics for long conversations and very quickly penetrate each other confidence. Despite the perfect mutual understanding in this union, scandals often happen. The weakweight man annoys the powerful woman, so it often finds reasons for discontent with his behavior. However, Cancer avoids any quarrel, and with the rapid manifestations of the lady of emotions, it closes in himself and silently makes all the reproaches and resentment. If a girl with time does not understand that it hurts the chosen one with his caustic statements, he will leave her. But the separation of cancer and scorpion happens extremely rare, because despite all the disagreements to them quite cozy and comfortably with each other.
    Lev23. 07 - 22. 08From the side, this pair looks perfect. The surrounding throws admiring views on bright and beautiful partners who hand stick through the life of confident and proudly gait. However, this is only an external gloss, which lion and scorpion show no appearance. Alone is all far from them is not so beautiful. A man requires increased attention to himself and expects admiration for his merits, and the Woman of Water Constellation does not satisfy his needs. She sarcastically responds to his auditory and lets in his address stinging observations. The lion does not forgive his own pride, so trying to prick choices in response. Astrologers note that by nature, these partners are extremely similar, but it is precisely this that does not give them to gain harmony. They clearly see all the flaws of each other and, emphasizing their attention, misses from the type of dignity. Both have a disadvantageous temper, therefore they have an infinite quarrel, and there can be no winner in their battle, since everyone has stubbornly defends his own position. The explosion hazard of the lady is not inferior to the hot spirits of the partner. Any petty disagreement immediately poured into the grand scandal. Neither the lion nor Scorpio seek to restrain the emotions of the house, only in humans they behave calmly, alone they try to hurt each other more more. Astrologers recommend these couples to start living with parents at which they will learn to behave calmly. If they manage to eradicate the desire to spite each other, then as a result, they create a very strong and durable union. Otherwise, one of the pair once does not withstand the eternal heat and leaves his beloved person.
    Virgo23. 08 - 22. 09It is unlikely that the scorpion female will ever be interested in a boring and decent man-Virgin, but if something unites them, they are quite capable of making a strong and indestructous union. To build a harmonious relationship, the Virgin will have to abandon its habit of monitoring the chief, otherwise the irritable lady will be called a loved one to walk as it looks like her. Woman Scorpio does not like overseas, it is important for her that the partner trust her. Deva is too suspicious and often trying to close his beloved in a cage to be able to observe each step. He draws special attention to the wastefulness of a scorpion girl. It practically and calculating, never allows himself to spend an extra penny, and women's spending on outfits and cosmetics considers excessive. However, it is impossible to limit the representative of the water element in the expenditure, so the financial issue often becomes a very sharp topic for conflicts in this pair. Astrologers recommend the Virgin and Scorpio to divide the budget, only in this case they will be able to build smooth and strong relationships, otherwise constant reproaches and quarrels will lead them to parting
    Scales23. 09 - 23. 10With a man-scales, the power lady-scorpion will not ceremony. Already after the first meeting, she understands that he will be able to freely manage it and actively uses this opportunity for its mercenary purposes. A man of the air sign can not be called decisive and persistent, he is forever doubts and reflections. But in the face of Women Scorpio, he acquires a faithful and reliable leader, thanks to which it is capable of achieving unprecedented vertices. Their relationship is folded quite smoothly and smoothly, as the male scales avoid any conflict and is always ready to make concessions. A woman of a watermark cannot break the world and peace in this union with its emotions, because the partner does not connect to quarrels, but quietly observes the development of events, shutting up aside. If the lady does not tire the execution of the lead role in this pair, then the relationship here is built very harmoniously. This union has all the chances of a successful marriage, but most often Scorpio anniversary standing at the helm, and she tries to disperse the scales, calling for activity. However, a man's air element is not able to manage and take responsibility, so he loses respect for chosen, and with him and her ardent feelings for themselves
    Scorpio24. 10 - 22. 11Two scorpions rarely get along together. When they meet, the sparks of passion fly in all directions, mutual attraction does not allow these partners to avoid a stormy novel. But as soon as the dust slightly fades, a man and a woman starts indifferent to quarrel. Most of the conflicts arise against the background of mutual jealousy, the scorpions are very suspicious of each other and constantly look for signs pointing to treason. Very often, their suspicions are not bothering, because both partners are greatly popular with the representatives of the opposite sex and do not refuse themselves the pleasure of smelling and gaining new fans and fans. Another reason for the quarrel is the desire of both leadership. Everyone tries to capture the power and remove the other, but in this battle it is unlikely that someone will come out by the winner, since they are equal in strength. Most often, these unions decay in the first year of meetings and not reaching the family creation. But if they manage to overcome all obstacles and make a marriage, family life becomes a real hell for both
    Saglet23. 11 - 21. 12Less than a family life, a scorpion woman fits the shooter. This man is too freedom and independent, so the lady can not get close to him and learn to trust him. Sagittarius constantly walks somewhere, forgetting to inform his beloved about his plans, and the woman is reckoned with the flour of jealousy and eventually comes to the conclusion that he cannot continue to endure mental pain. If for some reason these partners marry, the Sagittarius expects an unenviable fate. Woman Scorpio will attach all the strength to limit his freedom, and at some point he will feel that he begins to choke from its control. Attempts by the Male Sagittarius to attract their favorite to their entertainment ends with a failure. Although the lady of the water element and is active, but it is far from adventurous wiping chosen. Leisure they spend apart, and eventually come to the fact that they do not bind them, so it is most often part
    Capricorn22. 12 - 19. 01Capricorn's man is perfect for scorpion-woman on a horoscope for marriage, but it is quite difficult for creating a family. A serious and reasonable guy considers the relaxed beauty of the dissolved, so it rarely agrees to enter the love relationship with it. The relationship of this pair can only take place with tremendous efforts by a woman. If the scorpion lady falls into Capricorn, she will have a difficult path to His heart. The male of the earthly element is skeptical about the sublime feelings, he does not believe in unearthly love, so convincing him in sincerity is very difficult. However, the scorpion woman entails him in a sexy plan. Their relationship is perfect in adulthood, when both partners are tuned to the creation of a strong family, the young couple of these signs often part due to the difference in views at the Institute of Marriage. For a scorpion woman, career is important, and Capricorn man believes that the main purpose of the marriage is the birth of children. If the chosen does not agree to the conditions set by Capricorn, he refuses the thought of marriage with her
    Aquarius20. 01 - 18. 02Sexual attraction of Men-Aquarius and Scorpio women often leads them to the creation of love relationships, but then the bed is rarely the case. These are excellent lovers who are able to maintain intimate communication throughout life, but everyone has its own family. If Aquarius and Scorpio attempts to build a serious relationship, both are very quickly disappointed in each other. Irresponsible Aquarius is not able to get along with scorpion in everyday life. The woman of this constellation loves the comfort and cleanliness in the house, and the man of the air sign constantly brings the mess and does not consider it necessary to clean up. In the financial plan, he also does not arrange scorpion, all earned funds in Aquarius are drunk through the fingers, and the woman needs stability and confidence in the future, which this partner is not able to provide it. The eternal letters of her beloved from the house also do not add harmony in their relationship. The lady constantly suspects Aquarius in treasures, and he often does not hide what has connections with other women. Astrologers note that even at maximum efforts on both sides, the Union of this couple is doomed to failure, so they should not try to come to something together
    Fish19. 02 - 20. 03Male fish can make a worthy pair of ladies-scorpion, but a woman will always dominate their relationship. They are very comfortable in each other's society, two representatives of the water element associate the same views on life and common interests. But a malleable man very quickly loses respect of chosen, so it refers to him down. Scorpio and the head does not come to mind that she suppresses his own government a partner herself, it seems to her that a loved one is too weak by nature, but it is not. Male fish does not like to scandal, only therefore he is inferior to his position, but behind the wisp chief he mercates her for all the resentment and humiliation. In this union, a devotee and not inclined to treason, the guy constantly walks with other women. So it supports his own self-esteem, which the Scorpio lady regularly tries to reduce. However, a man lacks wisdom to carefully hide their adventures from the elect, so one day it becomes known for her. After a stormy scandal, a woman with a shame is expelled fish from his life and keeps hatred for him in his shower. Astrologers point out that these partners can all be quite successful if their meeting occurs in adulthood when both have already have experience of unsuccessful relationships.

/ Scorpion woman

General characteristic of the zodiac sign - Scorpio Woman

Women who celebrate birthdays in the period October 23 - November 21, belong to the most strong sign - Scorpio. Operations, on the form of benevolent and harmless, with a dangerous situation without thinking to attack and bite. Decisive and unbridled representatives of the sign in order to achieve their goal, ready to dream all. About the feelings of the surrounding people, they will not think to take care. Feel in love with a scorpion woman, a man who was afraid of passion should be running from her without looking back. And what other features are there anyone of this sign?

Scorpio Women's Character

Woman Scorpio is a real warrior, she is a strong nature that can be involved in the adventure. It is so energetic that for the sake of responsible work, where it is not without logic and the male mind warehouse, as well as extreme travel, this woman can risk life.

The representative of the sign of the sign falls, as a rule, the mass of vital tests, but it comes out of anyone and carries only minimal losses and all due to its enormous potential, spiritual and physical forces. Whatever the pressure of neurdes and problems, she will not lower, and it will take some time, and it will return to line with new ideas and plans.

You can't say about the scorpion woman that she lives in romantic gold and blinds reading novels about love. On the contrary, she is eager to always be in the thick of the events: travel, engage in active sports, make new acquaintances.

The representative of the sign can be a devotee and faithful girlfriend, but those who dare to offend or insult her undeservedly, getting on her way, will not be lucky. Of course, she will prefer to keep its good reputation and does not fall to the level of the offender, but to take revenge cruel and violently will find. A scorpion woman can be secretive to such an extent that neither relatives nor close girlfriends do not guess what is happening in her head.

She will not tolerate humiliation and mockery, and it will not allow their feelings to stop anyone. This woman will immediately understand whether harm was deliberate or unconscious. Love and care, she will definitely appreciate and promote good.

Features of the appearance of women scorpion

The representative of the sign of a stunning appearance, as a rule, does not have, but the innate ability to attract male views she has. In all her appearance there is magnetism from nature, she is confident in itself on all one hundred. With persistence, determination and developed intelligence, it is at the same time feminine and seductive.

Women scorpions rarely have rise above average, but developed physically and well folded. Most often they have big breasts and lush molds in general. Heaven, gestures and gait look like royal. They certainly support their body in good shape and have a bright temperament. Adorable bright lipstick and dark clothing.

Scorpio woman at work and career

The work is the place where the sign representatives are able to express themselves in all its glory. In such posts, as a seller or clerk, they will not work, but the position of the head of their ambition will be very satisfied.

Very often, the scorpion woman prefers professions requiring an extraordinary intelligence, stress resistance and perseverance (they are also called male). It can achieve his career success, working as a prosecutor, criminalist, investigator, politics and psychologist.

With finance, this woman has a special relationship. Being young, she spends all his funds to the right and left, but she does not become less money, and she can constantly earn more and alternating periods of accumulation with spending.

Scorpio Woman in Love and Marriage

A scorpion woman can be considered very attracted in love, as whatever man she chose, he must go head above his competitors and be smarter, more confident in himself and more beautiful. She can be patient and expect their only years.

The representative of the sign of weaknesses in a man never recognizes, so he follows the root to strangle attempts to appear in front of her who he really is. Also, they should be held away from the man who wants a woman to use only in order to satisfy his lust, because such a man she shakes very quickly.

For a man of a real, who can conquer the heart of a scorpion woman, she will be a reliable friend, support him in a difficult situation, will throw interesting ideas, and in general, will go to any sacrifices to help your second half self-realize.

Scorpion woman in bed

In terms of sex, a scorpion woman has no equal, it is capable of only one smile and a look, the manner of talking to call a great desire from his chosen one. Being still at a young age, the sign of the sign knows at the level of intuition how to provide a partner an unforgettable night of love and pleasure to deliver.

The representative of the sign is characteristic of delimiting sexual relations and marriage, so there is no guarantee that even if her husband is in the bed insatiable and passionate, it will be faithful to him. This is due to the desire of a scorpion woman to feed itself with new emotions. However, she, thanks to his mind and diligence, for the sake of sexual impressions, the family will not destroy.

Scorpio Woman - Mother

Mom-Scorpio does not like that someone else intervene in the upbringing of her children, even if it is the closest people. She feels his chad is also good as all people. She demanding towards children and from early childhood teaches their lives, talking in advance about not the best of her parties and preparing a strike when a collision with them. She also does everything possible to develop talents donated by nature from his kids.

Compatibility of scorpion women with other zodiac signs

It is believed that a scorpion woman with her volitional character is difficult to get along with someone, but statistics approve of the opposite - its compatibility with certain zodiac signs is even higher than that of other zodiac signs. So, a representative of the sign can be associated with men with the following signs:

And, just like it belonging to the aquatic element, perfectly understand the desires and feelings of each other, however, the scorpion will dominate this union.

And they will be able to make a representative of the sign of the immaculate party, and she, relaxing, will be able to plunge into the outer with his head, in full confidence that all its problems will be instantly allowed.

And fit this particular average. They are sex, of course, well in terms of sex, business and business relationships.

- - - irrepressible and creative personality, can survive with a scorpion an enchanting novel, in which there will be friendship, creative interests, beautiful sex, but marriage is unlikely to succeed due to the fact that the woman will want to get stability from their aquarius and return, but he is unlikely to be able to It gives it.

They will become for a woman scorpion rivals for life, and she will not wait for mercy from a man if he won't find the support and a reliable shoulder.

You will conquer this woman, will leave to the laurels, in full confidence that I completed my mission, and it does not suit it and she will soon retire him.