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Compatibility of sign Taurus with other zodiac signs. Man and woman Taurus: excellent compatibility of two strong signs possible

It is believed that the most stubborn signs of the zodiac are Aries and Taurus. Compatibility with other marks of the latter is very peculiar. To choosing a companion of life Male Taurus suitable with all seriousness. If the chosen is really interesting to him, he will go to everything, just to be near. But the windiness and non-reliance of a woman is a weighty cause for parting.

Male Taurus - Compatible with other signs in life, in love and relationships

Male Taurus for his nature decisive, reasonable and wise. He seeks to be independent financially. If the Taurus put some goal in front of him, then he will certainly achieve the desired, whatever it cost him. The compatibility of the Taurus with other signs is possible when it is profitable and convenient for him. But often to such a man love comes suddenly. As a result, he changes his eyes a little.

Taurus - earthly sign, it is characteristic of practicality. It helps to build a long, strong and stable relationship. Inside its element will be faster than the second half the guy Taurus. Compatibility with calves, devices and Capricorn, he has a natural and durable. Usually such relationships do not differ in their passion. They are built on mutual understanding, kindness and common sense. The most successful pairs of earthly elements look like this:

  • Male Taurus and Woman Virgo;
  • Man Capricorn and woman Taurus.

Taurus is not afraid of work, in his undertakings he is persistent. It is unlikely that you can see the calf sitting without a case. To the target target, he is stubbornly, even sometimes quite slowly. Slowly, the Taurus approaches the desired, regardless of whether these are affairs, or questions related to the career. In any case, he will achieve the location of the woman you like or will take the desired post.

Who does not be able to get along the Taurus man: characteristic, compatibility

Fully absent friendly and sexual compatibility of Taurus with representatives of fire and air. It is hard to communicate and build love with air and fiery signs. Such relations are filled with tests and conflicts.

By nature, the Taurus is practical, and therefore he will not be able to get along with a frivolous partner. If such a man still takes his welfare in his whale, he is waiting for the union of absolute honesty and full reciprocity. Fiery marks are distinguished by their impulsiveness and superficiality. And the air signs are not inherent excessive emotionality, compassion for them is unfamiliar. That is why the Union of Taurus with representatives of these elements is doomed to disintegrate. A woman just will not be able to give a man what he is looking for in love relationships.

There are very sophisticated compatibility of the zodiac signs. Taurus a man is looking for a good and beautiful woman, at the same time she must fully understand him, maintain in all endeavors. In addition, he is waiting for his beloved economic activity. Naturally, it will not be able to betray the Taurus. The chosen should believe his man, to devote him to all the cases, tell about everything that happens. Despite the increased requirements, the Tales always find their half. Girls can be seized with such a man can girls, scales, cancers and rare cases of scorpions. But with representatives of other signs, the shoulder will be pretty hard. In particular, we are talking about Aries and Aquarius and Lions. Such women are very proud, freedom-loving and hot-tempered, which is not suitable for reasonable and practical tool.

What in life and love Taurus: zodiac sign, compatibility with other signs, character

When you first get acquainted with Taurus, it is impossible to say that it is distinguished by romanticity and dustiness in relationships. The practicality of the man immediately rushes into the eyes, its natural slowness. Despite this, romance in blood in the Tales. They are true connoisseurs of all beautiful, including female representatives. Such a man is measured, practical, does not rush "in the ohwow with his head." Taurus compatibility with others perceives very peculiar. Before starting to seek a woman, he stands up three times, everything will think. However, if the choice of Taurus stopped at you, then be sure that this novel you will never forget. Remember that in the soul your romantic fan, and therefore you can wait for huge bouquets of flowers and serenades under the window. But note that the fairy tale can end immediately after marriage.

How no one can care for a woman's calf. Compatibility in loving relationships with such a man will bring you a lot of pleasant moments. Lovely Taurus forgets about his prudence. The favor of its elect, he will be achieved by all imaginable and unthinkable ways.

But also to hold the Taurus, too, you need to be able to. With him you will always have to remain a "dreamy woman" - beautiful, irresistible, slightly mysterious and faithful. Such a man will not stay for a long time with a woman "without a raisin." To part with the Taurus, simply point to its shortcomings or put in the "not the best light." Next to such enviable fiance will be able to be only a tender, understanding and delicate young lady.

Taurus will not endure criticism in his address, in particular, if you insult his pride in humans. He must be in the house main, because it brings money, takes all important decisions. All objections are better to publish so as not to provoke the conflict. Please accept you to always adapt to your lover. Be prepared to quit a job and devote all your time a chosen one.

Persistent and persistent taurus man in love. Compatibility with it is a pledge of long and strong relationships. If you pick up your man, he can heat you. True, anger is immediately replaced by mercy. More serious resentments can last several days. Once your chosen is cool, do not forget to discuss the problem with him so that it does not repeat in the future. If the question is unresolved, there will be a sediment in the soul of the Taurus, which can torment him all his life.

In his own home, the Taurus will not tolerate disorder and chaos. His chosen should be able to prepare delicious, maintain order, settle various domestic troubles. In gratitude for this, the Taurus will become your "stone wall". He surrounds you with luxury. With such a cavalier you will be cozy and comfortable.

Who can build love Taurus with? Characteristics of the sign (man), compatibility in love and marriage.

Taurus will never give. It is waiting for this from his chosen. Marriage for Taurus is a serious step. He is not used to changing girls. Having found his only and unique, he will dissolve in it without a balance. The lover must fully belong to the Taurus. At the same time he is pathologically jealous. Sometimes even without reason, he can arrange his passion scene of jealousy.

  1. Woman Aries and Taurus man. Compatibility of these signs has certain difficulties. They are accustomed to living in different rates. At Aries, the energy beats through the edge, and the Taurus got used to do everything slowly and leisurely. Such relationships can be quite long. Only for this, the Aries will have to gain patience. Taurus sooner or later will achieve his goals, and his woman will receive everything he wanted.
  2. An ideal pair is the union of two tanks. They have the same interests, life goals, aspirations. They are never bored with each other. Together, two calves will enjoy life, overcome possible difficulties. Such a couple can roll the mountains.
  3. Twins and Taurons have drastically different characters. This is the binding thread between a man and a woman. At the first meeting between the twins and calves there are sympathy. The duration of such relations depends on the desire of partners. If it will complement each other, not focusing on visible differences, then their union will be strong.
  4. Horoscope compatibility "Male Taurus and Woman Cancer." These characters have a lot in common. Their relationship is built on mutual understanding. The simple friendship of the Taurus and Cancer can grow into a strong marriage, a happy family life. Love together will store homemade hearth, create comfort and comfort.
  5. A successful union between a man's man and a woman with lion is unlikely. They relate differently to money. Taurus carefully and carefully spends money, seeks to accumulate more. And the lions love to live "on a wide leg", they are generous and wasteful. If they manage to settle conflicts in the financial sphere, the relationship can last for a long time, because Lviv and Tuttsov physically pulls each other.
  6. Marriage can end the romantic relationship of the Male Taurus and Women of the Virgin. In such a family will reign mutual understanding. Virgin responsible, hardworking, the bodies are economic. They are born to the care of the family, about the overall well-being. Taurus in such a pair will be a mentor, the responsibility for the family will fall on his shoulders.
  7. Interesting compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in the love "Taurus and Scales". They are not like each other, but something unites them. Both love comfort, tasty to eat, dress beautifully and luxuriously live. Thanks to this, their union will be strong, filled with harmony.
  8. Often there are pairs of calves and scorpions. Both of these personalities are quite strong, and therefore love flashes between them and mutual respect arises. Woman Scorpio will appreciate his elect for his perseverance, perseverance and independence. And the calf in the second half will like her femininity. Such a union is ideal from a spiritual point of view.
  9. Couple "Male Taurus and Woman Sagittarius" are extremely rare. As a rule, they can come together on the basis of a mutually beneficial calculation. However, if they manage to build relationships, they last long and happily. Such a union is filled with positive. Woman's wit, loving life Woman Sagittarius is a muse for Taurus. He admires her. And it attracts practicality and determination in the chosen.
  10. The ideal is considered the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac "Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman". Such a union is found quite often and is very strong. Tales and Capricorn are similar interests and views, they have common hobbies. Both patient, practical, achieve their goals. In such a tandem reigns comfort, full comfort and absolute stability. They are combined care of the house, raising children, creating a homemade hearth, love for travel.
  11. Woman Aquarius and Male Taurus. The horoscope of compatibility of these signs, as a rule, promises parting. They are completely different. To be happy together, it helps only mutual love. Taurus will never be able to solve his chosen. She will seek new impressions. And the Taurus does not like sudden surprises and surprises.
  12. A very successful and strong union is obtained in women of fish and men of Tales. Happiness and love accompany them all their lives. A woman will keep a family hearth, and a man will make a maximum effort so that his chosen is happy. Nothing can destroy such a union. Full idyll find fish and calf in bed. Compatibility of signs helps them live a long and happy life together.

Like any people of Yin signs, two calves get along well together.

They have no obvious contradictions in character, they are endowed with similar sexual temperament and have about the same ideas about comfort, life, leisure and life purposes. In a pair, passions are not enough, but the calves are much higher than the stability and reliability, and this they give each other to the fullest. Two calves - no doubt, a good couple.

Compatibility of Tales: How to seduce a man-taurus?

Male-tolets Woman his sign will appeal at first sight. It is pretty her calm, balance and good taste. The more time they spend together, the better he recognizes it and finds the resemblance to him. This man is not looking for someone who would be different, who would be bored and worried him who would do life unpredictable and bright. On the contrary, he will be very happy to meet a woman with similar interests and does not want to part with it. Be sure to introduce a man-taurus with your views on money. He completely approves your manner to earn them and they dispose of them, and money is an important topic for him. He necessarily assesses the attitude of its chosen to finance. It is impossible not to say that, besides the similarity of characters, two-tanks have a strongest physical attraction to each other. The Male Taurus is delighted with the woman, she is the embodiment of his ideas about a sexy woman.

What does the perfect pair of calves look like?

From the side, this couple seems boring: Well, how can you live such a measured and ordered life? After all, in the world so much interesting! The Taurians themselves consider their lives the best: they will be established by life, there is consent to financial issues, they are confident in the future and their excellent sex. What else is needed for happiness? Taurus living with the "half" of his own sign is the most healthy (mentally and physically) person. Even before marriage, during romantic meetings, Taurus surprise friends with extraordinary consent to the pair. In fact, they, of course, are also disputes, but rarely, but the Taurus does not suit at this time scenes with the "beating of dishes", but decides the question of the world. No matter how many calves together, a few days or decades, they converge in most questions and look very harmonious. Two-tanks have a well-established life, excellent financial situation and wonderful children. Children parents are paying a lot of time, they try to have more than one child (but no more than they can adequately contain).

What are the difficulties in the union of two tanks?

Taurus is a very stubborn and conservative sign. He is peaceful and not arguing on trifles. But, in addition to zodiac preferences, each Taurus has opinions and tastes, depending on its upbringing and life experience, therefore there is nothing strange in that two calves can do something with each other. The conservatism of the Taurus prevents him from go to someone else's, new for him, point of view, and stubbornness does not give up. Therefore, the biggest problem of a pair of calves - how to behave in the dispute. Both will not make concessions, and their confrontation can last long. Well, if the dispute on the trifles. Here the woman will go to concessions and sacrifice his interests, or the man will take the wishes of a woman, as a cute ladies' capriz, will sacrifice his interests. But what if the dispute arose on important issues: issues of life, health, money or shopping? Everything is possible here, from the rage of the angry Taurus to a long cold war. Spores bring a couple of things a considerable damage and strongly spoil relations.

Tales are consistently suitable. Also, they need to come up to building relationships and still "on the shore" to distribute the zones of responsibility - spheres in which the main part of one of the partners will be the main thing. Such things will be a bit, mostly calves look at the world equally. But in important things for them (especially in everything, as for the property and money), they must be negotiated. With another familiar one could initially choose a compromise, for example, two twins can come to the option "and yours, and our". But the Taurus does not like to change his point of view, so do not look for a compromise, but decide whose opinion in this matter will be the main thing. Most of the calves are impassing before this over time, therefore the problem of the recently established couples is the strongest problem. They can advise "not to wear masks", not to give up on fundamental issues, in order to enjoy the beloved person harder, and immediately negotiate controversial topics. Before the moment, the disagreement went to the conflict, on these issues, the calves can easily agree.

Corps compatibility in work

Cleans easy to work together. And men, and women of this sign are hardworking, but do not suit Abrals and races. They can work scenario and calmly for a long time. They are a little lack of contact and reactions to external changes, so they are best working in stable spheres.

Takers compatibility - colleagues or partners

They will be satisfied with each other. They have the same rhythm of work, and both do not like to complicate relationships with colleagues. For an independent partnership, two tanks lack adventurism and flexibility necessary in the business, but at work on hiring they will show their best qualities, and at the same time they will make the situation in the team calmer, because the calf is difficult to bring out of themselves.

When a woman is the boss, and the man is subordinate

This is a good union. Taurus woman at the site of the head calm, Mila and hardworking. It will highly appreciate the business qualities of the Taurus subordinate. They will have complete mutual understanding.

When a woman is subordinate, and the man is the boss

Men-Taurus more often than women, in a tense business setting are inclined to fall into rage. The female Taurus has the highest sense of self-esteem and from dismissal to keep it only the habit (if it has been working at this place) and good salary.

Compatibility of Women and Men Taurles in Friendship

Two Taurus - good friends. They love to communicate with comfort and are not lynching to create a pleasant atmosphere for friends. These are two "lazy", two Sibarita, enjoying good food and pleasant quiet leisure. They like to talk to working themes, because they infirmly find such an understanding interlocutor in their team, and it is easier for them to get an assessment of our advantages from a friend. Taurus is a stable sign, so if a woman is wetting enough to not affect themes in which they have no consent, their friendship lasts decades. Can the Taurus move from friendship to the novel? It is hard to say. If they are all right with a personal life, it is unlikely: both are faithful to partners. But alone calfs can come together, but only if they are not too used to seeing friends in each other (they change their views with difficulty).

Horoscope compatibility sign of Zodiac Taurus. What union of the Taurus is considered ideal and successful? What zodiac sign Taurus will acquire true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a couple of each other?

Compatibility Taurus and Taurus

Both in great love and in the fleeting hobbies "Tales" can be very sentimental. The two "bulls" is ensured by success in relationships, because both of them are looking for the same - reliability, comfort, music and good food. Two of these adorable creatures are simply in love with the process of cooking and absorbing food. In fact, they are in love with all the life benefits, all contributing to comfort - what a wonderful union they are able to create! Of course, he can be boring, but I doubt that they will notice it. In the end, they simply do not like change - no, they are not lazy at all, they only protect their strength. People "Teltsy" are inherent in a large stock of strength and energy, as they know that sin is to spend them in vain, and they protect them everywhere, where only possible. They are not wasting - equally essentially they relate to money. The only cloud on the horizon of their relationship may occur only in the case of anger or stubbornness of both "Tales" on a controversial issue - because none of them recognizes its wrongness from fear to seem weak. So, if you are "Taurus" and found a spouse - "Taurus", rejoice - happy serene days have come for you, full of pleasure!

Compatibility Taurus and Gemini

"Taurus" - a person who is happy when he is left alone, alone, see how the grass grows - it seems extremely difficult to keep up with the "twins" who want to continue the parties all night long; And do not forget that they are two in one - cheerful, tireless, enthusiastic twins, followed by time. For "Taurus" it is almost impossible. "Gemini" love to talk and argue - and "Taurus" almost always prefers silence. "Gemini" are completely independent and soaring in the air, with amazing skill and ease to carry from one cloud to the neighboring. It's not at all easy for the "bull" that hate changes and wishing only tenderness - and here brief arms are possible, perhaps even a hot handshake ... But the Twins are already far away, covered by some new thought that has just come to them. For the success of these relationships, at least twins are ready to hug, and the "Taurus" is ready to think.

Compatibility Taurus and Cancer

This combination is a wonderful combination. "Cancer" and "Taurus", so unlikely at first glance, usually converge in many respects. Both of them love to eat - as much as they like to cook. Both of them are lovers of a homely hearth, both love a lot of greens (of course, not some kind of grass; we mean cash bills). So far, everything is fine, but problems come with a change of moods. "Cancer" dependent on sentiment is very sensitive and needs constant sympathy. With "Cancer" you will not speak when his mood hesitates between laughter and tears, and the "Taurus" may seem to be difficult to express him sympathy, especially if the "cancer" fell under the power of pity for himself. Not that the "Bull" was not good, just "Taurus" believes moans of a waste of time. Both of these people are great drives, and not in greed or misfortune: to save them for a black day, they cause their insecurity in the future. In general, this is a harmonious union of two souls, and if the "crab" and "bull" will be decided to go hand in life, they may well find a significant amount of money.

Compatibility Taurus and Lion

Undoubtedly, the relationship between people born under these signs was not installed in heaven. "Lion" is too playful and too proud for "Taurus", a hunter take a pause, to think about everything and weigh. Both strongly need emotional support and encouragement - and may never get them completely: "Bull" is not able to constantly flatter the "lion", as it were, I wanted, and "lion", of course, too selfish and in charge to send devotion and obedience "Bull". "Lion" can simply bother in alliance with the "bull" and, in all likelihood, he will need a faster pace of life. "Taurus" can consider his position too heavy - after all, "lion" all the time requires attention to its person. The big "cat" loves to play, with a light heart I am pumped into risky enterprises and adventures. The big "bull" is not ready for this - he does not need any adventure! He likes to travel slowly and a proven path. Maybe you should think about?

Compatibility Taurus and Virgo

Usually this combination is marked very friendly relations. You both do not pick up each other. "Virgo" is able to perform a subtle work, "Taurus" - take on the creation of its overall contour.

All this can turn into a very strong and beneficial relationship. The character of the "Taurus" is very reliable, firm and quite consistent with the earth's aspirations of "Virgin" - pragmatic and landed, by no means "air locks". Both they speak the same language. Representatives of these negative earthly signs are very reliable, prudent, careless and noticeably affected by the unknown. You can be an excellent pair - feel free to go to it!

Compatibility Taurus and Scales

And "scales" and "Taurus" are under the rule of Venus and both love to love. But the "Taurus" and "weights" is peculiar to different levels of thought, and in a collision with difficulties, the vital road of representatives of this combination can be a very bumpy. The slow "Teltsovsky" approach to life questions can coal and annoy the "scales". Usually "Taurus" is a rather leisurely traveler, inertia is part of its nature; Often he prefers to take things as they are. On the contrary, the "scales" will never be tired of weighing everything "about" and "contro" - in each situation, as if chalk and insignificant it seemed. The victory in the verbal duel is extremely important for "scales" - in fact, it seems to them the most important victory in life. Man-"Taurus" can consider the "scales" manner to make decisions very tedious - after all, "weighs" and not just to come to a certain conclusion. "Taurus" is not always ready for constant discussions. This is not the best union in disturbing times.

Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio

These two very much like each other and together can make a whole. "Scorpio" there is something that would like to become a "bull", "bull" - what intensive seeks to be "Scorpio". Of course, do not require the "Scorpion" to admit this fact. "Taurus" is able to offer so necessary "Scorpio" depth and tolerance - "Scorpio" sincerely wants to find these properties in a partner. When these two decide that they are on the way, the result of their union can be truly fantastic, whether in the field of business, marriage, partnership or in love. However, there is one "but": how slowly they learn with the use of strengths and talents each other! Each of them has the fact that it is necessary to another. Without a doubt, in a material relationship, this union is very strong, but small difficulties may arise in the emotional and spiritual terms. If they decide together to overcome them, they will certainly succeed - due to their extreme loyalty and devotion to each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius

These relationships can be excellent fun, but they have no deep compatibility that can turn them into a prolonged union. "Taurus" is too big owner for "Sagittarius", "Sagittarius" is too sociable and frank, so that it could like "Taurus". "Taurus" is usually calm and happy where there is, while the "Sagittarius" seeks to travel and see the world. "Sagittarius" is very and very optimistic, he has extremely small (or not at all) time and patience on pessimism and despondency, so characteristic of the "Taurus". Representatives of these two zodiac signs are sincere and honest, but with one significant difference. "Sagittarius" will always say everything they think without worrying about how nice it will sound for their interlocutors. "Teltsy" are more sensitive and will not stun people with their truth - they will prefer modestly silent.

Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn

This combination is most likely to be very successful - and the "bull", and the "goat" is practical and conservative. They are equally looking at many things and can be happy together. Both of them would like to climb. It is there that they feel safe and comfort, it is there they are calm and serene. The "goat" undoubtedly have artistic and creative inclinations, and the "bull", and the "goat" - both shakes the love of music. It sounds good, isn't it? "Taurus" almost always has a wonderful sense of humor, and "Capricorn" seeks to keep up with him, responding with its restrained and dry jokes. This is a great combination to make money.

Until now - everything is fine, but now it's not so good: difficulties may arise if the tension will appear in their relationship - because the "Taurus" is slightly slow down, and "Capricorn" can somewhat discouraged the apparent lack of enthusiasm. However, with the natural compatibility of the data of signs and with a small proline effort, they can be happy, climbing up one path.

Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius

"Aquarius" rushes faster than the speed of light, in the catching eye covering past, present and future, "Taurus" is here and now; He is really interested in only one moment - this moment is called the present. However, "Aquarius" is able to plunge into the future for a long time, completely forgetting about returning to the present - the situation, completely confusing the "Taurus". Both of them are tuned to too different frequencies. They can find not a lot of topics to talk to them well with each other ... And this is despite the fact that the "jug carrier" is known as selflessly boltun, not for a moment, not overpowing to pour all the knowledge collected by him on the roads of the future And the past. The owner of an old good common sense, the practical "bull" is not very sociable, so they will need a lot of time before their conversation moves from a dead point. It is absolutely clear that if they are with mutual efforts (however, only the efforts of Hercules will be able to help) connect their hands, they can learn a lot from each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Fish

It is a well-working combination.

Dreamy and idealistic "fish" could extract considerable benefits with a calm and practical "taurus." Without a doubt - the explosions will not and the sparks will not fly: when the "Fish" relationship is guaranteed security. "Fish" can be a great friend "Taurus" and - since the representatives of the two of these signs love to indulge in one and the same classes - they can become a wonderful pair. However, before the "fish" and "Taurus" will understand each other and become friends, "Taurus" can mistakenly consider "fish" with a reckless and empty creature. "Fish" is also able to calculate the "bull" too landed and coarse - so insistently and stubbornly, he strives for possession of money. This combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot. If both of them are involved in the discussion, the dispute will not lead them to the solution and any of them - to victory; However, due to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to collisions.

Compatibility Taurus and Aries

Determining "Aries" on the same arena with a stubborn "taurus". Something will be? The best moments of "Aries" are connected with moments of recreation, when they are not rushing somewhere, covered by another crazy idea that does not give it nor sleeping. Also, the "Tales" has time, given fantasies, wisdom, a warm sense of humor - then they do not think, angrily and dusk, over some tricks "Aries". However, we do not lose sight of the fundamental differences in the "Tales" and "Aries", the internal reasons forcing them to be as similar to each other as ice and the flame. For interest in the life of the "Aries" it is necessary to something magical - at least the reflection of the miracle. "Tales" are important silence and peace, they are completely independent and practical. Both you undoubtedly look at different directions.

People who were born under the sign of Taurus, stubborn in their endeavors. They are accustomed to everything to seek their work. Calves patronize Element Earth. Therefore, they usually honor their roots and traditions. Family values \u200b\u200bThese signs of the zodiac are carried through generations.

Earth signs have a persistent character, they courageously hold the blows of fate. To people, human calves and kind. Often help weak and needy.

They are almost always a fuss, often late, but it does not affect things. Earth signs have time to do everything on time, even if it seems that everything is gone.

Lovely compatibility

Love between the two signs of the earth is common. Such a union has every chance of growing in a good and solid family. Tales are sociable and sociable. They can easily interest the partner. Such signs of the zodiac will always find a common topic for conversations. They know how to listen, delicately ask questions and empathize.

Having met, earthly signs immediately find common interests. Love may not arise immediately, often it begins with good friendship. If the calves created a couple, they direct all the efforts to keep the union. The surroundings are waiting that the stuffed signs are "knocked down", and on the contrary, they begin to look in one direction.

Marriage and Family Life

Family life of earthly signs calm and measured. Both partners, entered into marriage, settle in one place. For them, their home is a fortress. His calves are equipped with great love and trepacy. Earth signs almost always consist in good relations with neighbors. Guests in their house are not transferred. They adore cook, children and pets.

His handful of salt in the calm life of earthly signs makes the stubbornness notoriously. Faced with some controversial issue, the calves are hard to come to mutual understanding. Everyone begins to defend their point of view. And these signs of the earth are very loved. The main thing here is to stop and find a compromise solution. Otherwise, such a regular quarrel may end the trouble for the family.

The rest of the Union of Taurles is wonderful, trembling and quiet. Women tales are usually excellent hostesses that keep the dwelling clean. Family life of earthly signs for others may look boring and monotonous. However, it does not interfere with them. Such signs do not care anyone else's opinion, they are good in their own world.

Friendship between Tales

Communicable Taurons there will always be a lot of familiar. And not always new friendly relations they are starting from love for communication. Signs of land is calculating, love manipulate people and use them to achieve their goals.

And they do it always unobtrusively, as it were, according to the principle: you are me, I am. Often, their colleagues are becoming friends of earthly signs.

Friendship between such signs lasts for years, often develops into friendship with families. Tales live in fuss, but on old buddies always find time. Whether it is a cup of tea in a cafe or a cinema session, but they will definitely meet.

Tables compatibility in bed

Often the relationship of two tanks begin with bed. Earth signs - workaholiki, they often disappear at work for days. Therefore, it is enough for them to make a normal relationship. Such a connection may remain a mystery, and maybe it will turn into something large. It all depends on the desire of partners.

The similarity of interests and temperaments makes good lovers from these signs. Sex in their life is important, so for unmarried Tales, the presence of a permanent lover is important.

However, too fast in the bed of the body do not drag. To do this, you need to make up maximum effort, and prove that it is needed not only for sex.

Obrags and taboos in bed of two tanks are not. For them, sex is a separate branch of its own relationship. Here partners are completely disclosed. They are always ready to fulfill any desires for each other.

Compatibility in work

Tales Some of the most workable signs of the zodiac. They are completely given to work, sometimes forgetting even about a dream and rest. Therefore, only two can be better than one. Tandem two signs of land is very fruitful.

Full-sighted bosses often put them in a pair, watching a positive trend. Taurus responsible and executive staff. They make maximum effort to achieve the goal.

And the result of such a tandem is always awesome. The general language in the work such a couple finds immediately. Works together with them is easy and interesting. They are fine and support each other's ideas.

Taurs often strive for independence and freedom. They are trying to go to their business, open any business. However, this does not always work. Earth signs are too correct, they are afraid of risk. Therefore, their business is often roasted, and they are forced to sell it.

Compatibility in interest

Despite its natural stubbornness, the union of the tank pairs is quite stable. They have a lot in common. Earth signs are always busy business, they are boring with each other. They do not happen, they simply do not have time for it. Tales tactical and polite, they do not like quarrels, but with greed defend their right.

Such a couple always takes care of each other. About betrayal in the family of earthly signs can not go and speech. If the calves break up, then this is also a mutual and carefully suspended solution. Often dispelled, the former spouses still support warm, friendly relations.

Children in such families almost never feel vulnerable. Both spouses continue to constantly pay attention to them, even if they live separately.

Compatibility in love in two tanks is 80%, in marriage - 95%, in friendship - 85%.

Negative moments in the Union

The union of two signs of the Earth has a greater probability for success. They are fine with each other, together they are good and calm. However, underwater stones are even the most ideal partners.

At the Tales one of the important problems is the desire to defend its opinion. If it does not stop in time, then earth signs can find out the relationship for a very long time. Moreover, the quarrel may arise from scratch. Often because of household problems or bad mood.

The second, no less important reason for the cooling of the relationship in marriage may become commonplace. Taurus may seem that its relationship with its half is in one place. Earth signs are hard to survive stagnation, they need dynamics and new emotions.

Required conditions for good relations

Tales on their nature of the same man. To the altar they go consciously and not in a hurry. But in life, the signs of the Earth are often fussy, and therefore allow many errors. They relate to their halves with respect and concern. Taurs almost never betray in marriage, the family for them is holy.

Earth signs are offended, but quickly depart and everyone forgive everyone to each other. If they find the board to their unrestrained stubbornness, they live together for a long time and happily.

Calves should pay special attention to the ability to listen and understand their soulflower. After all, they have one advantage over other couples. They reflect each other. Therefore, to understand your partner, you just need to look at yourself from the side.

Often in such a union one of the spouses has to make concessions. Sometimes it is a salvation for too ambitious pair.

At first, the relationship between two unshakable, firmly standing on Earth subjects seem unlikely, since both are not prone to assignments and most of all appreciate personal amenities. However, everything is not so bad. Tales, indeed, are motivated only by our own desires, but in this case their partner is a similar lust, and otherwise he would simply be next to them (believe me). Problems in relations Taurus-man and Taurus-Dressman will begin when in the name of common interests to some of them will need personal preferences. Of course, such collisions happen in any relationship, just the calves are harder to come to concessions. And this is where the most interesting thing begins: when two representatives of the most fixed (opened) sign of the zodiac are trying to find a mutually acceptable way of coexistence, they are surprising, usually successfully solve this problem.

Taurus-man and Taurus-Dressman are practical and gentle; They crave wealth and luxurious life. The need for material - especially in the best quality products - produces the skills they use them to get the desired. They do not necessarily include a business interview, however, the shoulders masterfully own the art of seduction. This is difficult to hone with them! With representatives of the majority of other signs, the Male and Taurus-Dressman manage to do business in such a way that they begin to perceive the honor of being them in something useful. In the Union with another Taurus, both partners develop their giving more than successful. In the event of any need for any need, they should be directly recognized in this satellite, however, hoping for his assistance to satisfy their own desires, they must be ready to offer him something in return.

Sexy Compatibility Taurus Men and Woman Taurus

Sensual Venus is typical of the disintegration of passion, especially for people under its control, are the most exquisite pleasures and in any quantities they are guaranteed. Unlike fiery and air signs, remarkable with their quick and noisy love games, two calves are able to turn intimate proximity to an event that continues the whole evening (or all day!). It can prevail a luxurious dinner or just a strawberry, which they feed each other, but in any case the feast of the body is expected. Candles, bath, massage - become an integral elements of the holy interaction. These two do nothing "quickly", on the contrary, both are striving to extend sensual pleasure; After him, they will spend another hour on hugs.

The very bad thing if one of them interrupt the love process due to its sudden anger or coldness. The Taurus-Men and Taurus-women's exceptional memory, they long remember the resentment. If one of them decides to give will to his dissatisfaction, the other - certainly gives him his own claims ... and, thus, the circle will be closed.

Business Male Taurus and Women Male Compatibility

Business cooperation between two tanks does not look like a successful or productive combination. They are too similar to each other, and for them there is no greatest threat to their business, like the moment when they disperse in opinions.

Compatibility Taurus Taurus: What you need to know about each other

If you both come to the conviction about the presence of an insurmountable barrier in the form of unresponsive ideals or development prospects, then your relationship is unlikely to be viable. Unhappy Taurus can be long in the oppressed state for a long time (you know it), but the angry Taurus is easily softened with acceptance and understanding. You are both taiting from a gentle touch or a good word, but only if you feel that they come from a pure heart.

If you both will not be able to abandon your selfish motivations in favor of what you have here and now, most likely, your relationship will be in a dead end. On the other hand, the responsibility and understanding of the significance of the current moment can make them promising, and then you will gain your happiness. The existence of this pair directly depends on the personal responsibility of each of its participants: the Male Taurus and Taurus-Women should be done by what they expect from their partners.

Taurus Compatibility Men and Women's Taurus: Future Chances

Perfectly, when partners are similar to each other, but excessive similarity can slow down the development of relations. Of course, when contacting a full natal map, it may be found out that the personal level of partners differences are still available, but in any case, the motivation for both is the acquisition of well-being. There is no doubt that this union can be successful, however, communication between partners is far from always light and joyful, as evidenced by the mediocre overall compatibility assessment. Tales, definitely, can change the current state of affairs, but to make them want to attach some efforts to this - the task is not the lungs.

Compatibility Taurus-man and Taurus-Dress: how to keep love

  • Prepare him excellent food.
  • Make him a neck massage.
  • Give him an expensive and rare thing.
  • Do not make him respond immediately (if you do not want him to say "no").
  • Do not learn money to him, but simply put it easily.
  • Believe him when he says he can solve the problem.
  • Every day, remember that you appreciate in it, and then make it another compliment.
  • Let him go to bed when he wakes up.
  • Write it only by the smell of hot coffee or tea (no scream).
  • Do not use it things.

How compatible Taurus man in love relationship with other signs horoscope