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Information for lovers: The most compatible zodiac signs. The strongest and happy couple on the sign of the zodiac

Aries + Aries \u003d Union resembles a powder warehouse.

Aries + Taurus \u003d Permanent conflicts, but a joint creative or business program can keep entering the union.

Aries + twins \u003d marriage look like an adventure novel. But only over time, both spouses produce an optimal strategy and tactics of behavior.

Aries + cancer \u003d severe combination; After the first adorable gusts, hostility and conflicts occur.

Aries + lion \u003d difficult, but creative and bright union. By and large, you can say: "They lived for a long time and happily and died in one day."

Aries + V. \u003d The difference of natur will quickly lead to a rupture.

Aries + Scales \u003d Strong mutual influence of opposites, excellent addition to each other.

Aries + Scorpio \u003d Lovely Mutual Sexual Nature, but everyday relationship - there is no place worse.

Aries + Sagittarius \u003d If representatives of these signs are well brought up, mutual impulsiveness will not move into mutual insults.

Aries + Capricorn \u003d loneliness together.

Aries + Aquarius \u003d perfect union; Active on nature Aries always attracts ready to change the aquarius.

Aries + fish \u003d strange, heavy, but often occurring marriage. He can hold on any idea.

Taurus + Taurus \u003d mutual stubbornness, but for each other being kept because of the fear of change.

Taurus + twins \u003d complex, ambiguous, but frequently found union; The hardest problem is jealousy.

Taurus + cancer \u003d harmony in relationships.

Taurus + Lion \u003d Union of Love and Passion, but over the years he may exhaust himself.

Taurus + Virgo \u003d Happy family life.

Taurus + Scales \u003d accumulating mutual reproaches and resentment, together can only hold the situation in society and work in one area.

Taurus + Scorpio \u003d excellent sexual compatibility, mutual passion outbreaks, then suspicion. The marriage is rare, more often are lovers than spouses.

Taurus + Sagittarius \u003d Joint well-being rarely. In intimate relationships, they arrange each other, but not more; The Union may continue as a marriage for calculating.

Taurus + Capricorn \u003d the most favorable of unions; Combines community of interests and sexual compatibility.

Taurus + Aquarius \u003d Easy-productive partners. In marriage they are waiting for that cold, then the heat of the relationship.

Taurus + Fish \u003d Couple, producing from the side of the impression of prosperous, but in fact, sensual fish hurt the rudeness of the calf.

Gemini + Gemini \u003d Union holds only on friendship and complete freedom of relationships, but does not always bring happiness.

Gemini + cancer \u003d marriage only subject to ease and freedom of relationships.

Gemini + Lion \u003d friendly relationships that are reinforced by marriage.

Gemini + Virgo \u003d Strength is possible with common interests and mutual concessions.

Gemini + Scales \u003d Harmony and ordering of relationships coming from scales; The community of work, interests make them inseparable.

Gemini + Scorpio \u003d Union Heavy, but often found. The leading role in it belongs to the twins.

Gemini + Sagittarius \u003d Marriage by calculation; In order not to dry out, constant updating is required - travel, guests.

Gemini + Capricorn \u003d as a rule, leads to the collapse of the family.

Gemini + Aquarius \u003d Good luck for both, although frequent quarrels and disagreements.

Gemini + Fish \u003d Marriage rarely happens long, as the fish do not forgive inconstancy.

Cancer + cancer \u003d it looks like a rustling stream - bursts of emotions, tears, scandals, but also forgiveness.

Cancer + Lion \u003d Union of Love, Mysterious and Interesting, but lowest for marriage.

Cancer + Virgo \u003d Smooth good relationships. Virgo is more likely to forgive and understand whims of nervous, chaotic crayfish. The cancer like the constancy of the virgins, and the devices are sensuality and subtlety of cancers.

Cancer + scales \u003d preservation of the family, subject to material well-being and positions in society, but between partners the invisible distance: I am me, and you are you.

Cancer + Scorpio \u003d Mutual interest, but not easy coexistence with each other.

Cancer + Sagittarius \u003d bright, multifaceted, deceptive, like a fake diamond, and a fairly frequent union.

Cancer + Capricorn \u003d protracted conflicts, mutual attraction and repulsion and, finally, full disappointment.

Cancer + Fish \u003d Joint Life Not easy, requires someone from self-sacrifice partners, but gives great happiness.

Cancer + Aquarius \u003d Combining to each other and a new repulsion.

Lion + Lion \u003d Union is possible, even succeeded in atpicness and the other. As a rule, they are born bright and creatively gifted children.

Lion + Virgo \u003d misunderstanding and alienation. Well-being promise common high creative interests or nonpiplicity of signs.

Lion + Scales \u003d gloss, harmony, consistency. Scales - the most successful partner for lion.

Lion + Scorpio \u003d crazy passion, but it is impossible to live in such tension.

Lion + Capricorn \u003d marriage is difficult, but possible. Capricorn is often deceived by the communication of the lion. The lion tired from the constantly direct strategy of the life of Capricorn.

Lion + Aquarius \u003d great attraction, but only the first time. Then, that realizing its complete opposite, as a rule, diverge.

Lion + Fish \u003d Tragic love or rebirth of the person, if the lion is ready for metamorphosis and without a look for fish.

Virgo + Virgo \u003d most often a good and happy union.

Virgo + scales \u003d addition to the missing qualities of each other makes marriage very successful.

Virgo + Scorpio \u003d Well-being possible, subject to strong characters from both partners.

Virgo + Sagittarius \u003d Commonness of interests on the path of serving society in social or religious spheres.

Virgo + Capricorn \u003d strength and balance. Both are really looking at life, sober and practical.

Virgo + Aquarius \u003d Blackness of the Virgin. As far as he is enough, a marriage will last.

Virgo + Fish \u003d Miscellaneous worldview, hence the complexity in family life.

Scales + Scales \u003d The prosperous alliance is possible only if the scales of different types are possible.

Scales + Scorpio \u003d harmony in relations. The intimate side of life is very stormy.

Scales + Sagittarius \u003d love, friendship, general worldview.

Scales + Capricorn \u003d In addition to love, it is easily found a common language.

Scales + Aquarius \u003d Successful, fruitful union. They have common creative plans, joint original ideas.

Scales + Fish \u003d Clearly regulated frames in everything.

Scorpio + Scorpio \u003d boredom Apart, close together.

Scorpio + Sagittarius \u003d gambling lovers, spouses-one-piece.

Scorpio + Capricorn \u003d Love them is usually constant.

Scorpio + Aquarius \u003d originality, even eccentricity in love.

Scorpio + Fish \u003d Passion in all relationships, but fish often leave scorpions because of their heavy character.

Sagittarius + Capricorn \u003d whether the calculation, or spirituality. The union is as possible as possible to combine the internal law with the law public.

Sagittarius + Aquarius \u003d ease, friendship, adventurism, mutual understanding, stringing over the years.

Sagittarius + Fish \u003d Perfection itself, if the spouses can understand each other, otherwise the atmosphere of irritation reigns in the family.

With the famous phase of L. N. Tolstoy from the novel "Anna Karenina" that all happy families are equally equally, astrologists do not agree for a long time, because we know that everyone needs completely different things for happiness, and therefore happiness will be different. Yes, and to find two identical happy couples, it's worth how to try!

However, Zodiac, as always, can give you a lot of tips: There are very harmonious unions of signs that are fine and understand each other's friend. Let's figure out which pairs of signs of the zodiac will be the most happy together. If you do not find your signs and signs of your partners in this list, do not think that your union will not be happy.

Remember that happy can be all, regardless of the sign of the zodiac, simply some have to fight more for their happiness than others, and it is longer to try to the nature of the other.

Marriage compatibility by date of birth

1: Cancer and Fish

A good and very loving couple who will find each other tenderness and care that both are needed like air ... or how water? This Water Union will be the most stronger, loving and happy if the cancer does not require a fish unconditional devotion, and the fish will not leave in fantasies and dreams, forgetting about loved ones.

2: Lion and scales

The Lion is the king of animals, it is known to all, he likes to rule and command, make decisions and lead. Who can approach him as a personal partner? Of course, that sign that will obey him, looking in love with eyes, always and in everything to support his opinion and allow him to shine. Scales - a slave sign, which is always ready and to rely on the partner. With Lvir, they will be perfectly soldered, and they have every chance to be one of the happiest couples!

3: Cancer and Taurus

Both of these signs have a very strong moon, which means that they will understand each other well in the emotional plan. Taurus will search in cancer care and attention as well as cancer in the caller, and if the feelings are mutual, they will be easily happy. The family in this pair will be the most important part of life, and the practicality and desire for the comfort of the Taurus will bring prosperity and stability in this family.

4: Taurus and Virgo

This union of earthly signs can be called one of the most successful, because the elements always understand each other better. Both Virgo and Taurus are quite calm and balanced signs that are firm on their feet, know the price of things and are able to properly dispose of their values. You both need stability and less unpredictable for happiness, and these things you will easily find each other.

5: Aries and Scorpio

It does not matter who exactly in a pair is a scorpion, and who is oily: passion here will boil anyway, because both of these signs are an important planet is Mars, a planet of activity, movement and aggression. However, even if both are very aggressive, they will perfectly understand each other, as well as maintain a hot temperament of each other. Any Anyun and any scorpion needs bright emotions, without which they do not represent their happiness, and this pair bright emotions will be provided.

6: Sagittarius and Aquarius

The successful union of these two characters will allow this pair to turn the mountains and come to unprecedented vertices both in portable and literally. Ingenious Aquarius Ideas Combined with a huge charge of the Sagittarius will help this pair to act together. In addition, the light and good-natured nature of both signs will allow partners to never quarrel and always solve problems together, listening and understanding each other.

Compatibility in Love

7: Fish and Taurus

Both of these signs have deep feelings, water and the earth are well launched with each other, complement each other. Fish lacks practicality and land under their feet, Taurus - plasticity, these qualities Partners can easily find each other, accept them and become a happy couple. Fishes are able to appreciate spiritual values, Tales are material if they transmit each other and take these important knowledge, this union will be beautiful.

8: Gemini and Aquarius

These two characters have a lot of common: they are inquisitive, easy to rise, love to communicate and surround themselves with fun and bright people. At the same time, both adore change and do not tolerate monotony. What else do they need for happiness? In order for the partner to give them freedom in manifestation, he could always substitute a friendly shoulder and did not pull back, imposing his opinion!

9: Aries and Sagittarius

This fiery union of signs is rather harmonious: both sign are active and actors, do not like to sit still. Aries will begin affairs and lead along, and the Sagittarrow will choose the right goals, teach and instruct the Aries, which remains a child until the end of life. They will always be, about what to talk about and what to do, and for happiness, both are needed vivid impressions and new knowledge.

10: Gemini and Aries

These two signs will always be lit by each other, supporting a bright fire of love: air and fire - harmonious elements, which once learned each other, cannot do each other. Both sign are active and easy to rise. If Aries will strive to develop intellectually, and the twin is physically, they will always have common interests and general classes, and these are important things for their personal happiness.

11: Capricorn and Scorpio

The practicality and calculation of both signs in a pair will give a rather strong and strong family, and it does not matter, marriage is in love or by calculation, it promises to be quite long. And he, and the other perfectly know what they do, and can also expect the same from the other. Perhaps their happiness in this - have stable, sustainable and reliable relationships?

12: Capricorn and Cancer

One of the few happy couples in which opposites are attracted. These signs are located opposite each other, but they can have excellent compatibility, if one of their partners will take care of the family on themselves, and the other will strive to defend this family, maintain and protect it in every way, including materially.

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"We will all overcome if not, I do not Aquarius," said Oximeron in his most famous song "City under the sole." As if ironic, we treat horoscopes, they are present in our lives. And to keep in order to test yourself with the forecast, it happens very difficult - especially if it concerns love. Elle chose the most ideal unions on the sign of the zodiac.

Capricorn and Taurus

Representatives of these signs have a lot in common. Capricorn and Taurus are distinguished by hard work, patience and devotion. They often have similar goals, besides both appreciated. What is important, between the Capricorn and the Taurus there is an ideal "mutual understanding" in sex. Their union is so clouded, which may look boring. In fact, but their strength - in the ability not to drag the blanket for yourself.

Aquarius and scales

Aquarius and weights are interested in each other, talking about something (and they have a lot to talk for conversations) they can clock. That to close relationships, aquarius and scales are able to make compromises, and this is very strengthening the Union. Nevertheless, the underwater stones are also there. The main fear of the scales is loneliness, so they need a partner to be near, preferably always (at least mentally). As for the aquaev, they are in the first place, as a rule, they put friendship, and then passion. The restraint of Aquarius in the manifestation of feelings hurts the scales that you want greater warmth.

Fish and scorpion

Compatibility, close to ideal, is explained by the fact that both signs belong to one, water, elements. At the same time, fish and scorpions can be completely different interests, but they are drawn to each other at some intuitive level, plus they are equally looking at family questions, marriage. Fish "quenching" the aggressiveness of scorpions, make them softer and better, scorpions are advocated by fishes by leading them. In this pair, not all well with romance, but a complete mutual understanding reigns - they are a real team.

Taurus and cancer

This Union is an example of how not only representatives of one elements are drawn to each other. Taurus is the Earth, Cancer - Water, however, without each other, they cannot, as in nature, land and water. The Union of Taurus and Cancer can be described in a word - comfortable. These signs rarely find out the relationship, perfectly embedded in reality, soberly look at life and do not like conflicts in principle. The only thing that can spoil their connection is an excessive focus of someone on the set goal lying outside their union.

Aries and Aquarius

Representatives of these signs have rather weak zodiacal energy, they do not knock them out of the rut. This, on the one hand, eliminates such pairs from conflicts, on the other, deprives the necessary passions. Both Aries, and Aquarius are not too prone to manifestation of feelings, so much remains unspoken, which can be fraught. But they, together, calmer live in this world - calmer, more reliable, easier. They, in general, no one else is needed, hence the making, the unwillingness to get out somewhere, to communicate with someone.

Gemini and Aquarius

Easy union caused by contrast signs. Stable in their views of Aquarius is fascinated by air change (not variable twins), while in no case in this union is not an object by the slave or object of manipulation. The relations of the representatives of these two signs are a rare and successful case, when to a certain degree of opposites are attracted without traumatic consequences. It is between twins and an aquerity that love is possible at first sight, and even an ambulance - but a successful wedding. What is interesting, they can easily spend time in different companies, but it will not affect the strength of their feelings.

Cancer and Scorpio

Very passionate personality, cancer and scorpion can not always get along, but when it happens, the union is folded as durable as possible. The key to success is the same views on life and in the world of others, in the case of cancer and scorpion it happens often. In addition, there are features, literally fascinating partners: Cancer is fascinated by the ability of scorpion to work, scorpion is crazy about the mental quality of cancer. We will add to this common features - selfishness and balls, the liveliness of the mind and irony - and we get almost the perfect union.

Sagittarius and Lev.

Unlike Cancer and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Lev Unlockable, are capable of forgiveness. But they differ in the approach to relationships. The Sagittarius-man will refer to partner-lion as equal, and she should not be expected that she will be a queen for him standing on a pedestal. In addition, the Lion is a stable sign, and the Sagittarius, on the contrary, is looking for a new one. This does not apply to personal life, here - in case of mutual understanding - no fear of novels on the side is not necessary. In any case, both signs are fiery, so in a pair of the shooter-lion there is enough intensity, dynamics, movements forward and vivid impressions. This Union is the Union of those who want to live a life not in gray colors, but fun and adventurously.

Virgo and Taurus

Such unions are taken as an example for imitation. Both earthly signs are similar to temperament and life goals. They build relations exactly, reasonably, but not boring. The sparks do not fly in their union, but also the walls are not crumbling: there is quiet, harmoniously, and at the same time in the prosperity of deep feelings. Love for the order in all senses, the collaboration and understanding of their strengths is the key to the success of such a couple. Taurus in such unions often acts as an inspirer, and Virgo -Fuller, and this is the normal position of things.

Scales and twins

Feelings of representatives of these signs to each other begin not from the charm of appearance, but with interest in intelligence and admiration for humor. Intellect is generally important for relationships in this pair. Both scales, and twins seek to learn new, develop ourselves. At the same time, both are not very prone to severe work, they do not really want to make a career: life as such as weights and twins are more interesting than professional achievements. Carelessness - this is what will make them happy: books, museums and a lot of free time for self-development. And God forbid to go daily into the office to nine in the morning, it is better to breakfast slowly together, discussing the newly read novels.

Sagittarius and Aries

Fire signs, Sagittarius and Aries are prone to testing, but preferably with mutual support. In general, they find mental power in relation to a partner, it gives them the opportunity to move forward. Bright, open, both are idealists, often outstanding wishful for valid and loving to dream. Actually, these fantasies combine them no less than a tendency to disputes.

Fish and cancer

Representatives of these signs are equally emotional and hidden, but this secretion does not concern each other relationship. This is one of the most successful unions, there is enough harmony, mutual understanding and, which is important, the ability to adapt to the partner. The last quality is caused by awareness of the vanity of each other and the feeling of indeed the second half - when one sees its continuation in another.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage. Full list over all zodiac signs.
Learn how much you come to each other by the sign of the zodiac. Each woman dreams of finding such a man with whom it would be possible to create a solid and happy family. And sometimes it seems to us that here it is, the chosen one who was waiting for all his life, but in time we understand what was mistaken.

Compatibility of zodiac signs.

It is not necessary to part with a man if he does not fit on the horoscope. It is enough just to find out what kind of marriage with this man may have problems, and be ready for them.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by year - Great thing! With the right approach, it helps to bypass many sharp corners in the relationship. We want this? Of course! So let's ask the stars as you behave with my spouse - a representative of this or that sign of the zodiac. So…

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage.

1. Woman Aries

With a man-autumn, she strives for dominance, which will create tension. For a normal marriage, his wife should be compliant. Marriage with a man-taurus is also complicated - Taurus Pragmatic, and it annoys.

A union can be very good with twins. Both tirelessness are inquisitive, active and capable of complementing each other. Communication with a man-cancer promises the initially powerful sexual attraction, and then - quarrels due to the smallest detail. Regular storms can lead to the collapse of the Union.

With my husband, Lv's marriage will become prosperous if you constantly praise his sexuality and potency.

Spouse-Virgo - also a very suitable party. It is only necessary to forgive him the restraint and inability to behave too relaxed. But with the weights, with their inclination to idealize everything, it will be quite difficult to get along, - the ideal of her husband will have to fit.

Spouse Scorpio is so independent that if he does not provide freedom, it can lead to serious disagreements.

The Union of Aries-Sagittarius promises to be quite good if you treat conflicts with humor. Aries with Capricorn will also catch a lot, it is worthwhile to awaken in their restrained husband a strong libido.

You need to be very tactful with my husband, and then the connection with him will be great. The Union of Aries - Fish is extremely successful in all respects;

2. Woman Taurus

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. The Russian Taurus is successful only when the wife does not cool the enthusiasm of her husband and forgives him rare treason. Taurus's tie with Taurus ambiguous - Men-Taurus loves to do with women.

If the wife does not give this importance, the connection will become strong and pleasant. With a twin husband, marriage is folded.

The twins are dual and changeable, and the Taurus prone to constant is difficult to adapt all the time under their half. With cancer, the Taurus may be a prosperous marriage if the physical side will satisfy both.

Musha Lion's wife-tolets will have to constantly cheat. Otherwise, the marriage will quickly fall apart. With a male-Virgin special problems will not arise, if you do not pay attention to the Puritanism of the spouse. Good marriage and spouse-scales that will try to satisfy his wife in everything.

With husband-scorpion, the connection promises to be violent, and it will be needed for it. Male-Sagittarius is a good option for the Union, if you do not try to put it on a short leash. With her husband-Capricorn, marriage is unresolved, but stable under the condition that the calf curls his stubbornness.

Life with a man-aquatic is problematic due to the difference in temperaments. With the husband, the fish will be difficult to cope if it is not tactfully helping him in the embodiment of fantasies;

3. Twin Woman

Good perspectives at the Union of twins with a fan. They are not bored together. But with a man-taurus, almost complete incompatibility in everything. Tales - jealous owners. They will limit the freedom of the twins that will not be injured.

Communication of twins with twins is unstable due to the impulsivity of both. The connection of twins with cancer is not very successful.

Cancer trusting and will perceive the twin seriously. It is worth it to understand that the twin plays, and the marriage will fall apart. But the marriage of twins with a male-lion is just the perfect option! The Lion husband will respond to all the rests of his wife with admiration and will not let her do in anything.

Gemini with the Virgin is unlikely to create a happy union. Men-virgin are not adventure and tend to criticize the unpredictability of twins. With my husband - the scales marriage promises to be very happy. Both spouses are not jealous, not owners, both have appropriate temperaments and love to experiment.

But with jealous scorpion, twins will have to be tight. Passion will cool quickly, and relationships can become hostile.

With a husband, the marriage marriage is not bad if the spouses do not prevent overgrowth requirements. With Capricorn, creating a strong alliance is not easy if you do not take into account its conservatism.

With the husband, aquatic twin will be good. The main feature of his character is the unpredictability of fantasies that twins love so much. But with a male fish, the relationship is unstable due to the atmosphere of suspicion and distrust;

4. Cancer Cancer

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. With a man-autumn Communication complicated. Cancer - owner, Aries loves freedom and adventure. Cancer jealousy can destroy marriage. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful - the Taurus is able to understand the mood of cancer and smooth out the problems arising because of him.

With a twin husband, a good union is possible if Cancer can curb his jealousy. Spouse-cancer is too similar to his wife. The marriage is unlikely to be happy if the partners do not become more friendly.

Cancer and Lion - Communication is successful, provided that the lion will dominate, and cancer is constantly admired. A good marriage of cancer and a virgin, perfectly understanding and complementing each other. With the weights of the cancer, it is difficult to focus due to inconstancy of scales. Union will be risky. But Scorpio is able to make his wife happy with his passionism and the need to protect.

Communication with Sagittarius may be stable if they allow him to satisfy his wishes of the wanders. With Capricorn Cancer Find a common language is difficult, - Capricorn has too many alien cancer of interests. Union will be unstable.

Aquarius is too fussy, prone to adventure and little comply with the needs of cancer. Good partnership to create difficult to create. Cancer and fish - the union is beautiful. They great fit each other in everything;

5. Woman Lion

Lero is very suitable for the marriage of Aries - he has the same eccentric and passionate nature. But the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage Leo Taurus is doubtful because both too stubborn. With twins, the lion will be excellent relationships, if the twins are cared and allow lion to dominate in the Union.

The forecast of the lion's communication with cancer is favorable when the cancer loves Lion very much and worships him. The man-lion is able to make his lioness happy. They both are extremely romantic and swap. With her husband, the Virgin Lero will have to be shattered.

Virgin conservatives and they do not like the royal authority and extravagancy of Lviv.

With the weights of the lions can perfectly blame if they learn to control their mood and admire with their partner. With scorpion will be not easy due to the tendency of scorpion to proper quality. Emergency husband is an excellent option for lion. He is devoted and able to inspire his wife.

Practical Capricorn will be a good batch only under the condition that the lion will give way to some of its requirements and will become less extravagant. Marriage of Aquarius and Leo is generally undesirable.

Analyst Aquarius undermines the confidence of a lion in its own power. Unfortunate lion with fish. They simply do not understand each other;

6. Woman Virgo

Aries - an inappropriate party due to the difference in the interests of temperaments. You will be happy with Taurus Virgo, since in almost all areas of life they are fully compatible.

With the twins, the Union is successful only in a stable question. In the rest of the freedom-loving twins annoy the masses. The magnificent will be the connection of the Virgin with Cancer. Virgo wants to patronize, cancer is inclined to dependence.

With Lev Virgo, hardly comes to mutual understanding. Virgo Pragmatic, and Lev Expansive and does not make critics. With a Men-Virgin Union is possible, but it is unlikely to be bright and joyful due to the restraint of both.

With weights, the connection is not easy. With allowing frequentness of the scales and is intolerable to this, the virgin is not enough. With a scorpion husband, the Union will be prosperous if Deva will allow him to wake his sexuality.

Sagittarius for the Virgin - a notable candidate for husbands. He will not make the calculation of the Virgin and in life, and in sex. The marriage of Virgin and Capricorn will be strong and successful. They both practical, restrained and have many points of contact. With aquiet, Virgin is better not to contact.

Virgo - Puritanka, Aquarius - Sadrod. With fishes, the Union is also complicated - Deva in love is kept, and for fish love - the main thing in life;

7. Woman scales

With autonomy tense. Aries tireless, and the scales are eager for peace. With the Taurus, marriage is unlikely to be successful. Scales are romantic, Taurus owner and materialist. With twins, partnership is perfect. Both are passionate, romantic and freedom-loving.

Marriage with cancer is complicated. Scales are impulsive and non-permanent, cancer pragmatic and econthomen.

With Lvom, the union is warm if the scales are inferior to the powerful lion. Mercantyl dictators of the Virgin are unlikely to make a happy wife-scales. With her husband-scales, she wonders well if both are more practical about life.

Leaders scorpions for weights are too jealous. Communication can be stormy, passionate, but explosive. With Square, the scales are happy if it is forgiving his desire for independence.

The Alliance with the spouse-Capricorn spouse, because the Capricorn workahol is annoying the laziness of the scales, and the scales do not endure the practicality of Capricorn. Union with water is successful.

Aquarius perfectly complements his wife and in everyday life, and in bed. It will not need to live with fish weights. None of them wants to take responsibility for the family on themselves;

8. Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With an oily relationship uneven due to selfishness and ambitiousness of both. With the Taurus of Scorpion can only combine bed. Otherwise, they are unlikely to come to mutual understanding.

Twin for scorpion - constant voltage. Twins are too changeable, scorpions are persistent and stubborn. Wonderful union they can create cancer. With it - almost complete compatibility and in the Snsual relationship, and in characters.

With Lv's scorpion, it is better not to contact. They are both very quick-tempered, and constant scandals are inevitable. With the Virgin Scorpions threatens incompatibility in the sexual sphere. If not, the Union will succeed.

Folded scorpion marriage with weights. Scales of lazy and sensitive, scorpion actors and jealous. Unfortunately and scorpion union and scorpion due to almost complete similarity of heavy characters.

Scorpio and Sagittarius also leaves much to be desired. Sagittarius is too freedom, Scorpio - the owner. With Capricorn, Scorpio will easily find a common language, and the marriage will be harmonious.

With a water union fail. Scorpio will not be able to adopt its sociability and impracticality. Good scorpion marriage with fish. They will be happy to obey Scorpio;

9. Sagittarius woman

With having a lot of common interests with him. Marriage will be excellent. With a Taurus for good relationships, self-discipline will be required. Taurus is a practical Domosted, Sagittarius.

Twins are too mobile and unpredictable. Serious relationship is problematic. Unfortunately and a union of scorpion with cancer. Cancer loves stability and safety, the Sagittarius adventure and craves adventures.

Lion for Sagittarius is an ideal partner. They have a lot in common, which allows you to perfectly understand each other.

With the virgin connection is continuing. Pedantic Virns do not endure the recklessness of Streltsov. But the husband's husband's practicality is suitable and even liked.

Union with weights are promising and will become long and happy. Scorpions wife-Sagittarius will be annoying with its independence all the time.

Marriage between them is not easy. Communication Sagittarius - Sagittarius is unpredictable due to the similarity of natur. The Sagittar Union with Capricorn is unreliable. Sagittarius impulsive and undisposed, Capricorn is careful and attached.

Sagittarius with Aquarius will perfectly understand each other, as they have similar characters. Good family at Sagittarius with fish doubtful. Fish are inactive and shy, Sagittarius are energetic and sociable;

10. Capricorn Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, she will compete in everything. The marriage will be successful if both the battles like.

With Taurus, relationships will be perfectly due to the similarity of life values. Gemini and Capricorn - opposites.

The Union is unlikely to last long. Capricorn's connection with cancer can be also a briefly - they are too different. Lion for Capricorn is also an unimportant partner. Both are too independent.

A strong union will succeed in Capricorn with the Virgin. Both are conservative, dependent, practical and neat. With weights, the connection is not easy.

Scales are selfish and are not able to satisfy the needs of the Capricors. Capricorn and Scorpio marriage are successful. Capricorn is able to adopt the tendency of scorpion to domination.

A union with Sagittarius is complicated due to the conservatism of Capricorn and the extravagance of Sagittarius. Capricorn connection with Capricorn is satisfactory. Both hardworking and economical.

With an alarm, the marriage is successful if friendly relationships are installed between the spouses. Capricorn's bond with gorgeous fish. They perfectly complement each other;

11. Woman Aquarius

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, if it becomes the leader, the Union is excellent. With the Taurus in Aquarius, constant clashes are both uncompromising and have a strong will. Marriage Aquarius with twins is promising and successful.

Gemini willingly succumb to Waterwords and share their interests. Union with cancer is problematic due to the excessive emotionality of cancer. With the lion relationship complex.

Lion is more interested in physical side, Aquarius is spiritual. With a virgin good marriage is possible only if there are common interests.

With the weights, the connection will be happy. Aquarius and scales have similar aspirations. Scorpio marriage is undesirable. He is very jealous and can become aggressive, with which it is difficult to put up with an alarm.

Beautiful partnership in Aquarius with Square. Both are not jealous, love to fantasize and be in society.

With Capricorn Union contradictory. Capricorn is the owner, it is difficult for him to make society society. Reliable will be a marriage of Aquarius with water - they have a lot of common interests. With fishes in Aquarius, communication is continuing due to the difference in order;

12. Fish woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With a happy happy, if it does not attach the values \u200b\u200bof its sharpness. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful when he pays his wife a lot of attention. Fish and twins will walk away if both are less egocentric.

Fish and cancer when the governing role of cancer is a good couple. The union of fish and lion will be difficult. Fish is hidden and sentimental, which annoys the unrestrained lion.

The relationship of fish and the virgin is not easy. Virgin is practical and picky that wounds overly sensitive fish.

Not too favorable union of fish with weights. Fishes are needed leading, the scales are not like to be leaders. In this respect, the fish will satisfy scorpions. They love to dominate the family.

Union with Sagittarius is undesirable. Slispid fish burden an independent and active shooter. With strong and power Capricorn fish will feel protected.

The relationship between them is reliable and strong. Independent Aquarius Such support can not be able to fish, therefore marriage is problematic. Pare of fish - fish, in the absence of a leader, threatens emotional exhaustion and indifference.

One of the most interesting topics for discussions in astrology is compatibility on the sign of the zodiac. Everyone wants to know how compatible they are in love with those who like them.

There is no real love, however, to become closer to the person, you need to learn better. This is the first difficulty that may be with bad love compatibility. Second difficulty is the future. If you have different goals and ways to solve problems, it is unlikely that you will easily live together.

Couples with one element

The happiest pairs are those in which one element is present. At the same time, it is better that your second half is not the same sign as you. The fact is that the element unites people with similar goals in life and some similarity in the trifles, in power engineering. If there are different signs, then the characters will differ, therefore there are many common things in such unions, and complementarity.

The best pairs of the elements of the Earth:

Taurus + Virgo. Such an alliance is incredibly strong, harmonious. In love, these people can be very happy. Between them very quickly arises severe affection, love.

Capricorn + Virgo. This union is so durable that it is not broken by almost nothing. These people adore privacy, but they can have small problems with the choice of a joint path. Capricorns are overwhelmed and targeted, and the Virgin can listen to understand, believe in people. This is a team for centuries.

Capricorn + Taurus. Within the elements of the Earth, this union is not as strong as the other two, but it is very productive. Both people in such a pair can learn from each other very much.

The best pairs of fire elements:

Sagittarius + Lev.. This is a very harmonious couple in which everything is almost perfect. Such people like to be in the company of each other always, so the fire between them flares up automatically.

Aries + Sagittarius. The lions will be hard with the Lions, there will be a joint life, so the Lviv should be at the place of Lviv, which the dynenality and strength of Aries should be fit.

Aries + Aries. This is the best exception to the rule that says that lovers should not have one zodiac sign. Aries like the same as they, so they are perfectly combined with each other. These people can live together a long and happy life based on deep understanding.

The best pairs of water elements:

Fish + Scorpio. Such a marriage will be strong, because these people complement each other in everything. The development of each person will begin to occur spontaneously, spontaneously. Scorpions are better to look closely to the fish more often, but not to scare that you first do not like each other.

Scorpio + Cancer. These people appreciate family and marriage, so it will not be worth a hundred percent for a hundred percent. It will be a very strong family, in which calm will reign.

Cancer + cancer. Another exception to the rule on the ban of the same signs in love. Cracks can live together, but not always. It is important that such people have common views on life outside the family. The rest is not so important.

The best pairs of air elements:

Gemini + Scales. Such a union is not particularly strong, but in its brightness such love can exceed any other. On this fuel of passion and attraction, love between scales and twins can live for a very long time.

Scales + Aquarius. Aquarius love and appreciate beauty with charm most. In the scales, this beauty and charisma is, so that in this union will always be complete harmony. Better when scales are a lady, and a man - Aquarius.

Aquarius + twins. In everyday life, such people are terribly combined together, but as for sexual attraction, it is incredibly high. Common interest also takes place.

Couples with different elements

Aries + Aquarius. This is one of the best unions in general. Aries always seeks to something new, and Aquarius is not against any changes.

Aries + scales. Both sides have an insurmountable thrust for adventure. This is a couple with an incredible passion, inclusion. In such a marriage, people will stand the mountain each other, because their life principles are very similar.

Taurus + cancer. This is one of the very harmonious relationships. Craks will appreciate the ability to listen in the calves, and the calves will love crayfish because of their honesty. The man and the woman of such signs are usually good.

Gemini + Deva.. In the presence of mutual understanding and general purposes, such a marriage will be very strong, despite the non-permanent nature of the twins. Deev will be difficult, but this does not mean that they will not be happy.

Virgo + Lev.. Many believe that such an union is extremely dangerous and complicated, but, contrary to all expectations, the Virgin and Lions are perfectly getting along, if the latter are trying not to bend their line. In such a marriage you need to avoid disagreement.

Sagittarius + Aquarius. Another union of fire and air. This is an incredibly powerful union that can become so bright that eclipses any other. The main thing is to be honest in front of each other. If these people have a goal, they will be happy.

Cancer + Capricorn. In this marriage, there will be complete harmony among the representative of the element of the Earth and Water. There is little passion, but she does not need a Capricorn nor a cancer. Everyone lives his life within reasonable limits, what to like both sides. So it can continue forever.

Taurus + fish. These people will be very good together. The highest level of compatibility is achieved due to non-standard thinking of both sides. Love for fish and calf is something different from the general ideas of society. These people like to be together always.

Scorpio + Gemini. This is one of the most controversial unions, which lives contrary to all the rules. Twins for some reason become others near the scorpions. They seem to hypnotize each other. How it works, no one understands to the end.

Each couple, regardless of which sign of the zodiac there is each of the parties, may be happy. Relationships destroy non-compatibility or circumstances, but negative installations. Good luck to you, strong love, and do not forget to press the buttons and