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What did Yekaterina loved to eat? Catherine II and her sex life

On the unusual preferences of the empress and its peculiar entertainment with a 22-year-old lover in their own 60 years of historians argue so far.

At Sotheby's auction, a plywood table was exhibited, which was supposedly in the intimate room of Catherine II. The description of the lot says that he could be in the secret erotic room of the Empress. The latter was located or in the Gatchina Palace, or in the royal village. Furniture subject almost The meter was rated in 20-26 thousand dollars. We note that such a lot is not yet sold. And was there really a "vulgar" room? And where could she be located?

Where when and for whom

There are two versions where the room could be - in the Gatchina Palace or in the Tsarskoye Selo.

Gatchinsky built for Favorite Catherine II Gregory Orlova. In the 1780s, it was the first castle in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Its construction continued until 1781. Already in 1772, the Empress appeared another favorite - Alexander Vasilchikov. So why order the government to order the arrangement of the erotic room in the palace of the lover's postal?

An option with the royal village looks more believable. According to the most common version, the room was built near the chambers of the Empress, so that she entertained with her last official favorite - a 22-year-old officer Plato tooth. By the time the Catherine itself was 60. In 1789, at the very beginning of relations, allegedly, they made such a room in the favorite residence of the public.

Silence in Russia

Russian historians and keepers of the museums this topic for some reason is not discussed at all. In the royal village, Laife's questions only divided their hands: Never, they might have heard of the existence of such a room, and the table could well fake. Photos? Well, with modern capabilities of photo edits, no problem. In Gatchina, the reaction was similar.

The only one who has withdrawn a detailed documentary film about such unusual chambers of the Empress was the Belgian director Peter Vicher ("The Secret of Catherine Great"). In addition, this topic was actively discussed in the UK, Germany, Belgium and Holland.

Initially, the story of "secret rest" was told by his father, who was a soldier of Wehrmacht (Armed Forces of Nazi Germany). In 2003, Netherlands journalist Peter Deckkers wrote that Verich in Germany on the flea market bought the album, where there were photos, just say, unusual for most of us furniture. As expected, they were made during World War II.

The director went to Russia and allegedly came together with one of the former collars of the Tsarskoye Museum, who worked even before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. She talks about how surprised by opening the door to the room and suddenly being in the "erotic universe." Now from these imperial chambers, however, nothing left.

The question is where all these furniture items remained. According to the most common version, during World War II, a huge number of these art objects was looted by the Nazis. Many of them may be in Germany. However, researchers do not exclude that some of them were made or destroyed in 1917 after Nicholas II signed a decree of renunciation from the Russian throne. Wolfgang Aikhvede, a specialist of the Center for Eastern European Research Bremen, who was engaged in this issue, calls for no doubt that the furniture really existed and that it was taken out.

Can you imagine that such a collection will suddenly appear in Germany and will be returned to Russia? Imagine a picture: Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (2003), which is at the table with four huge penises in the context of mutual friendships, said the director.

There were questions

After the death of the empress, her son Paul I, who took the throne, diligently destroyed everything that at least somehow was connected with the Mother. Repressions touched and the royal village.

So, the ruler immediately after the death of the mother told the Architect Charles Cameron, thanks to whom the Tsarskoyel Palace gained his appearance, left him. The emperor also selected the content from a specialist and all his assistants.

Paul appointed a court architect Vincenzo Brenna and told him to take everything from his beloved Palace, everything that would consider it necessary, and put it in the residences of the new sovereign - in Mikhailovsky Castle and Gatchina. (So \u200b\u200bthe chances of the fact that the emperor would not break the room, it is in Gatchina, even less).

Historians indicate that the Palaces and the Parks of the Tsarist village literally robbed, because even a fish from ponds were taken out, not to mention the statues and paintings.

There is a version in which Paul I for almost five years of his reign never investigated the favorite Palace of Catherine II. Only due to this, the unique erotic collection could be preserved, the truth in progress. So the existence of secret rooms cannot be excluded, as well as asserting it 100%.

Myth about Kone

Another story associated with the sexual inclinations of the Empress. There is a legend that Catherine II died shortly after sexual intercourse with a horse. Most historians tend to the fact that it is nonsense. Dissected such a legend Polish historian Kazimir Valishevsky, known for his works about Russia of the XVIII century, and supplemented it already under the French yard.

As a result, the following legend has developed: the Empress tried to sleep with a horse, which rods were angry with her. And soon after that, she allegedly died of rupture organs.

It was said that in addition to small receptions in the Hermitage there was sometimes a more intimate circle, which included several women - their names we prefer to silend, "Valishevsky wrote also.

However, in addition to the Polish historian and French courtiers, no one speaks about this page in the biography of Catherine II. The official version states that Catherine fainted in the toilet room. When her duty officer Zakhar Zotov, who was concerned about the long lack of the government, was glared to her, which was concerned about the long lack of the government, he saw the Empress with open eyes and the pale face.

The government tried to move onto the bed, but it was so rejected that six healthy men could not cope with her. As a result, put the mattress next to the bed. The official cause of death is an apoplexy, speaking in modern language - hemorrhage into the brain. She died on November 17, 1796.

Ekaterina II ALEKSEVNA (1729 - 1796), German Princess Sophia Frederik Augustus Anhalt-Crsbst - from 1762 Russian Empress.

From L6, Catherine married his 17-year-old Cousin Peter, the nephew and the heir of Elizabeth, the ruling Empress of Russia (the Elizabeth itself had no children).

Peter was completely abnormal and also impotent. There were days when Catherine even thought of suicide.

Catherine II and Peter III

After ten years of marriage, she gave birth to a son. In all likelihood, the father of the child was Sergey Saltykov, a young Russian nobleman, the first lover of Catherine.

Since Peter became completely unbearable and increasingly unpopular in the people and at the courtyard, the chances of Catherine to inherit the Russian throne looked completely hopeless. Peter, besides this, began to threaten Catherine to divorce. She decided to organize a coup. In June 1762, Peter, who by that time for half a year as he was the emperor, took possession of another insane idea. He decided to declare the war of Denmark. To prepare hostilities, he left the capital. Catherine, guarded by the regiment of the Imperial Guard, went to St. Petersburg, and declared himself an empress. Peter, shocked by this news, was immediately arrested and killed. The main accomplice of Catherine was her lovers Count Grigory Orlov and his two brothers. All three were officers of the Imperial Guard.

Over the years, Catherine has significantly weakened the power of the clergy in Russia, Ekaterina has significantly weakened, crushed a large peasant uprising, reorganized the state administration office, introduced serfdom in Ukraine and added more than 200,000 square kilometers to the territory of Russia.

Even before Marriage, Catherine was extremely sensual. So, at night she often engaged in masturbation, holding a pillow between the legs. Since Peter was a complete impotent and was absolutely not interested in sex, the bed for him was the place where it was possible to sleep or play with her favorite toys. At 23, she still remained a virgin. One night on the island in the Baltic Sea, Catherine's Baltic Sea left her alone (possibly, as directed to Catherine himself) with Saltykov, famous young seducer. He promised to deliver a huge pleasure to Catherine, and she really did not remain disappointed. Catherine was finally able to give the will of his sexuality. Soon she was already the mother of two children. The father of both children was considered, naturally, Peter, although one day it was approximate heard such words from him: "I do not understand how it becomes pregnant." The second child of Catherine died shortly after his real father, the young Polish nobleman, who worked at the Embassy of England, was a shame from Russia.

Three more children were born from Catherine from Grigoria Orlov.

Grigory Orlov

Lush skirts and lace every time successfully hidden her pregnancy. The first child was born in Catherine from Orlov during Peter's life. During childbirth near the Palace, Catherine's faithful servants was arranged a big fire to distract Peter. Everyone was well known that he was a big amateur of such spectacles.

The remaining two children were brought up in servants and Freint Catherine. These maneuvers were needed by Catherine, as she refused to marry Orlov, since he did not want to put the end of the Romanov dynasty. In response to this refusal, Grigory turned the courtyard of Catherine to his harem. Nevertheless, she remained faithful to him as much as 14 years old and finally refused him only when he seduced her 13-year-old cousin.

Catherine has already been 43 years old. She still remained very attractive, and her sensuality and considerabity only increased. One of her faithful supporters, Cavalry officer Grigory Potemkin, swore in her loyalty to the end of his life, and then went to the monastery. He did not return to secular life until Ekaterina promised to appoint it with his official favorite.

Empress Ekaterina II and Grigory Potemkin

For two years, Catherine and its 35-year-old favorite led a rapid love life filled with quarrels and reconciliation.

When Catherine was tired of Grigory, he, wanting to get rid of her, but not to lose his influence at the courtyard, managed to convince her that she could change his favorites as easily as any other servants. He even swore her that he himself would be engaged in their selection.

Such a system worked perfectly until Catherine turned 60. The potential favorite first came to inspect Catherine's personal doctor who checked it for any signs of venereal disease. If the candidate for favorites was recognized as healthy, he had to go through another test - his masculinity was checked by one of the Freint of Catherine, which she herself for this purpose and chose. The next stage, if his candidate, of course, reached, was to the university in special apartments in the palace. These apartments were located right above the bedroom of Catherine, and there was a separate staircase, unknown by strangers. The favorite apartment found a large amount of money prepared for him. Officially, at the courtyard, the favorite had the position of the chief adjutant of Catherine. When changing the favorite, the outgoing "night emperor", as they were sometimes called, received some kind of generous gift, for example, a large amount of money or an estate with 4,000 fortress peasants.

For 16 years of existence of this system, Catherine has changed 13 favorites. In 1789, 60-year-old Catherine fell in love with a 22-year-old officer of the Imperial Guard Platon Zudov. The teeth remained the main object of the sexual interest of Catherine up to her death aged 67 years.

There were rumors in the people that Catherine died when trying to enter sex with a stallion.

In fact, she died two days after he moved a heavy heart attack.

Peter's impotence is probably explained by the deformation of his penis, which could be eliminated by the operation.

Saltykov with his close friends once drove Peter and persuaded him to make such an operation. This was done in order to be able to explain the next pregnancy of Catherine. It is not known, Peter had after that sex with Catherine, but after a while he began to appear mistresses.

Stanislav Augustus understood. White general.

He died in 1865.

Buried in the main temple of the prior white (Maltese) Order

On Nevsky Prospect, house 38. Where Paul I was fang.

In 1764, Ekaterina made the Polish graph of Stanislav Schnislavsky, his second lover, expelled in due time from Russia, the King of Poland. When understood, I could not cope with my internal opponents, and the situation in the country began to go out from under his control, Catherine just erased Poland's map, annexing part of this country and giving the rest of Prussia and Austria.

The fate of the rest of lovers and Favorites Catherine has developed in different ways.

Grigory Orlov went crazy. Before his death, he was molded that he was haunted by the ghost of Peter, although the murder of the emperor was planning Alexey, Grigory Orlova's brother.

German starter helped Catherine and in love affairs

Of course, in the era of corsets and lush fijm to hide an unwanted pregnancy was somewhat easier than now. Therefore, the piquant position, called at that time "on demolitions", remained for most curious approximate unnoticed. But how to be with childbirth? The Russian Empress did not stick to leave the palace without the knowledge of her husband, and to pull the fact of childbearing from the Emperor Peter III living in the same Palace - it is not possible at all. To the rescue of Catherine, the second comes the faithful Vasily Schurin: when the contractions begin, he simply settles his house.

Long virginity
For a fire in the house of a significant court face, the emperor should have come on the etiquette, besides, he is a big hunter to the spectacle of this kind. In short, while the spouse glanced on the fuss of firefighters and flames of flames in the night, her imperial majesty was safely on the light of the child, the future of Count Bobrinsky, whom he saw only once in his life. On the meetings of the side son of the queen with his real father, Gregory Orlov, the favorite and the handsome guardsman, the historian stories do not know much.
Ekaterina II itself argued that if she was originally lucky with her husband, she would be true for him: "If the Grand Duke wanted to be loved, then it's not difficult for me to be at all, - I was inclined from nature and was increasing " But the sixteen-year-old German princesses went to the legal spouses of the young man who adores drinking, noisily, then brighten and squander, and most of all in the world playing soldiers. Newlywedhew spent not one night, standing in the door with the door with a gun, as a clock - in this post, it periodically replaced inspired by unusual (that's for sure!) A fun husband. In addition, the young Peter Fedorovich was clearly not lucky from a physiological point of view: he was simply not able to enter into the carnal relationship - and only the operation of an intimate kind of inclination could be saved.
Up to 23 years old, Catherine remained a virgin in general, and it is unknown that it would be further if the then Empress Elizabeth was intervened, concerned about the long lack of heir to the young couple. Surgical intervention in the physiology of the Grand Prince made it with its approval - and Peter Fedorovich could know the sweetness of the marriage relationship. Could, but not very, apparently, wanted. Its healthy and temperamental wife was thus simply doomed to the Ajulter.

Who is the Father?
Therefore, a spicy question is - who was still the natural father of Emperor Paul I, and remains open. Its external similarity with the official parent of Peter III is obvious, and meanwhile, Ekaterina itself admits that the child gave birth to a child from his then lover of Count Sergey Saltykov. Intimate memoirs of the Empress for a long time were one of the most protected palace secrets, but at the beginning of the twentieth century were published. Of course, Catherine did everything so that in the memory of his spouse, her spouse remained only stupid, ignorant and worthless. A woman can forgive a man rudeness, addiction to guilt, stupidity and complete lack of mind, finally, but not the lack of interest in it itself. In this sense, the crowned features are not different from the courtisy or bracker. The revenge of the former German princess did not make himself wait for a long time - after the death of Elizabeth, Spouse Peter and Catherine were crowned at the kingdom, and the wife began to intrigue against her husband so actively, that would not avail her links, be the emperor at least a little more freed. But he has "then Gulba, then a pallet", and Catherine has a long service in churches, obvious piety, kindness and respectful entry - its authority at the court and the people of grew.
She revenged for dislike with royal scope - first captured the throne, having committed a palace coup with the support of His lover Grigory Orlov and his guards brothers. And then by Peter III rejected from the crown and at all came to the end - one of the drunk enemy brothers nailed the arrested former emperor in a fight. Catherine will love the killer and punish him a reference to Moscow estates. But in the history of her personal life it will be the first and last case of candid revenge. The rest of the men who delivered a bed with her got only the estates, titles and wealth - even in cases where the windy lover changed the royal favor for a new, less high-ranking passion.

Why is her personal life for so many centuries causes close interest? After all, her progress in the role of self-containers is much more significant. An outstanding personality and the far-sighted Empress made as much as anyone from those who ever adolen to their presence of our fatherland had failed. With its board, the population of Russia has doubled, and incomes are more than four times. New cities have arose and thoughtful, effective legislative acts have come into force. Almost halved the army and three times the number of ships of the Russian fleet. The brilliant victories of Russian commander on land and admirals on the water led to the fact that the international authority of the country rose like never before. And all this under the guidance of a woman, the Germans by origin, which was so wise that, having reached the desired throne, put the benefit of his second homeland above all over the world.
Meanwhile, legends about her sensuality are all imaginable and inconceivable fantasies. Did it really be created with her courtyards, the performers who only selflessly taught autocratic feet or skillfully patted the highest buttocks? Well, if the queen found these sensations pleasant, then why not?
And she fell in love with selflessly and devoted. Her novel with Gregory Orlov lasted 11 years old - under the roof of the Imperial Palace, in the era of more than free morals of the XVIII century, found a large bright feeling. She refused to favorite only once, when he wanted to be combined with the Empress of Marriage. Outstanding eagles at some point demonstratively began to arrange a harem from his fans in the receptionist Ekaterina. The Empress showed the highest female wisdom and did not notice the rudents. Well, the smaller the audience, how is known, in short, the performance.

Another long and no less stormy romance captured to his cycle to the Empress when she was 43. Her chosen was Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin - the son of Smolensk nobleman. Swallowing in loyalty to the public in the coffin of life, he went to the monastery and left his walls only in exchange for a promise to become the official favorite of Catherine. He was not afraid of himself, calculating and always remembered the distance separating him and the crowned beloved. Potemkin became an indispensable adviser, moreover, sincerely steadfasts for the political and economic successes of the politician of the Motherman-Mother. Endowed with their merits with huge powers and no less impressive wealth, he managed to give way to the royal bed with a kingdom to young successors without a fight. At the same time, she showed such a sekalka, which became the most advanced advisor of Catherine in the affairs of a delicate kind.
Mentality, as is known, determines a lot, even if it did not exist in that distant era as a lexical concept. The German origin of the self-causing was the cause of such a "reached Ordnung" in her personal life, which could be envied by the compilers of the court labels with the most brilliant yards of Europe. The queen was not ascetic in nature, and did not strive for this - it was easier for her to streamline a love relationship than to give up. All that was amenable to systematization (especially the initial stage, the first steps when the candidate entry into the post of Favorite) was once and for all are clearly regulated.
A lucky man who visited Empress first went to inspecting her personal doctor - he confirmed that the potential favorite was not healthy and there were no signs of diseases of the famous kind. After the first important step, the second was to check the male qualities and endurance of the candidate: sometimes for three days, the delete was tested. For this purpose, the Empress had a special confidence-carrying Freillus - low-attractive (why to introduce into the dangerous temptation of a young man?), But at the same time a devotee. And when in the suitability of the chosen one, he was doubtful, he was united to special apartments in the palace, right above the shakers of the Empress. From now on, His and royal special feature was connected to the secret screw staircase, passionate nights and "real signs of lovely relations": a uniform with a diamond agraf, lifting or starting payout of 100 thousand rubles, full provision and honorary post of the Flygel Adjutant.

Easy failure
In such a year for 13 years, about 16 favorites changed at a high combat post - the system worked fine. However, sometimes strict and thought out in the details German order was violated by unpredictable bursts inherent in the Russian soul. For example, one of the outgun-adjutants, Mr. Roman-Korsakov, neglected the royal favor and returned to one day in the arms of Mrs. Bruce, which at the second stage the most responsible way was experiencing his male endurance. Apparently, the charm of this exam could not displace the favorite from the memory of any money nor the diamond agraf. By virtue of his character and feelings of their own dignity, Catherine did not return the windmaking, but immediately replaced the attractive young Freilline on a particular more older and less attractive.
Care on government management, of course, were for the autocrat in the first place. It is not by chance that the day of the vengeous person was clearly melted. Lifting at six in the morning, the steady coffee with cream and work with papers up to nine. Then accept speakers. Lunch near the hour of day - without special delights, if it was not about the reception of guests. Boiled beef with salty cucumbers Yes Berry Morse - these simple dishes satisfied the tastes of the Empress. In an older age, she could add Maders or Reinwine to dinner. Then the business of the empire - until four o'clock lasted the working day. And only after the state issues were finished, she allowed himself a vacation - studying collections of elegant arts or receptions in the Hermitage, and closer to the evening a ball or a performance. The main dinner on the full program was covered in special cases, and if Catherine was present on it, it did not eat anything - this is what autocratic will and excerpt mean. At ten o'clock, the empress was removed into his rest - she was something to do.

However, the trend
"I am praising loudly, and I trigger in a low voice" - this rule the wise woman was guided by both his imperial politics and in his personal life. She never humiliated chosen, did not require them impossible and forgotten the shortcomings and weaknesses of character with tsarist generosity. When Alexander Dmitriev-Mamonov, Alexander Dmitriev-Mamonov, was caught by surprise in the arms of the young Princess Shcherbatova, the autocracy personally asked the anemone about the causes of treason. The reason turned out to be a wig - love. Catherine blessed the marriage of the young, endowed the former favorite wealth and attended when dressing the bride to the crown. Its exposure can be envied, although however, women's curiosity is also a strong factor. And then the venance patroner favored favorably to attach one of the details of the wedding dress and ... rooted the bride pin. But that's all. One pinch blast in exchange for treason and frank little flattering recognition in love for a younger rival!

Many tempors sought to stay with Catherine as long as possible - the magic of the proximity of the throne and the opportunity to live on a bigger leg is so attractive. To produce an inderacted impression on the empress, the favorites resorted to the "Viagra" of the XVIII century - the Skanskaya Flyer. Its book name "Cantarides stimulator", it is a potent drug of natural origin - dedicated dried bugs in powder. The tincture or pills were used in an hour to the desired results and possessed the magic effect. But there was a serious lack of the drug - its excessive use was disturbed by the kidney function, so it was not recommended to resort to the Shpanskaya Musk more often than once every 5 - 7 days. The handsome Count Lansk, who has neglected the restrictions, in which the autocrat was not in love with a joke, passed away after two years of obvious abuse of a miraculous means.
Of course, the century of enlightened absolutism was far from high-level installations, but the carnal ucenes were cultivated and chased everywhere. What you can not say about the means of protection - their level of application both in Europe and in the snow-covered Russia left much to be desired. Moreover, it concerned both the lowest and higher classes. The prototypes of the current contraceptives are puch-bull-or fish bubble sheets - really not saved from unwanted pregnancy, nor from even less desirable diseases. They were fragile, now and then they rushed and cost a little expensive. Therefore, extramarital children, as well as the corresponding connections, was a great set. Catherine did not exception from the rule - she had a son from Grigoria Orlov, daughter from Potemkin and other unwanted children, who, apparently, the Empress was not interested.
But we will not blame her in forgetfulness, frivolry or heartlessness - in reality, this woman belonged primarily to the state and only sweat. It's just that she, even in the era of the most stormy hobbies, always knew how to expose priorities - the quality is rare in men and even more rare in women. And truly invaluable in the person, which manages the country.

Not royal finish
Catherine died when she was 68 years old, in the 40th year of reign. In 1787, the exact date of her death was predicted in 1787, who remained in the memory of the descendants as a pendant Abel. For the description of the unloading details of this death, it was sharpened in the fortress.
The queen could not be called a healthy woman. Its childhood passed in cold unheated stone premises of the medieval castle. Fed the princess is no better than the yard girl. With the only difference, which still tightened to the corset. She came to Russia with a thin pale teenager with obvious signs of pulmonary failure and thyroid problems. Years later, when Catherine was drove and acquired the forms of a woman with a fully powerful nutrition, the doctors still suspected her Cachote.
They did not gain the tsarice of health and numerous childbirth. And how many babies she thrown out, because crazy pregnancy had to hide, dragging themselves with all ways.
One can only guess what diseases of this outstanding woman suffered, the list of lovers of which consists of 21 points (almost all - the military, the people traveled and unintelligent connections are known), not counting references to the periods of particularly active sexual life. And intense diseases in those years treated mercury.
Like many, starving in youth, Mature Catherine compensated for the former deprivation of excessive passion for food. Highway and edema, she already moved to death for several years with difficulty, without any assistance. The stairs turned to her in an irresistible obstacle.
According to the official version on November 6, 1796, after the morning conversation for a cup of coffee with a lover tooth (he became a favorite at 22, when Catherine was 61, and stayed in this position for 7 years) and classes with the secretaries, already dressed up the queen went to the dressing room and Ten minutes from there did not come out. She was found in unconscious, paralyzed. A few hours later, the doctors stated death from the apoplexic strike.
In fact, in the dressing room, behind the screen, there was a toilet with a pot, on which the queen was planted every morning, suffering from punishment for the globe by constipation, tape of the stomach and hemorrhoids. The procedure sometimes took at least an hour. The fact that the death of His royal Ekaterina will find, driving around, in the place, and predicted Monk Abel.
During the lifetime, the queen wrote his epitaph: "Here is Catherine the second ... Fourteen years from the family, she had a triple intention - like her husband (which herself and" ordered. "- Ed.), Elizabeth and people ... sprinkling, Considering, from nature is a melonal, with a soul of republican and with a kind heart, she had friends. The work was easy for her, she loved art and be in humans. "

Conspiracy is revealed! We died! "With such an exclamation of Knyagin Vorontsova-Dashkov burst into the bedroom of Catherine and froze on the threshold. The Empress washed in Lohanka his lace cuffs.

- The sovereign, what are you doing?!

You do not see, I am erased. What surprises you? I was also prepared not to Russian empress, but God forbid, in the wife of some German prince. Therefore, I was taught to wash, and cook.

The future empress of the enormous Russian Empire Ekaterina Great was born not in the luxurious palace, but in an ordinary German house and received a bourgeois education: she was really taught and removed, and scaring. Her father, Prince Christian-August was the younger brother of the Splitter German Prince, but because of the constant lack of money was forced to go to the service. And Sophia-August-Frederica Emilina, as called in childhood, Catherine, despite the royal origin, played on the city square along with the children of the Burgers, received from the mother to slaughters for poorly well-studied boilers and respectfully kissed the hem of dresses of the rich citizens, if they went into house. The mother of Catherine, John-Elizabeth was a woman with power and rampant. It was even said that the real father of Catherine was not anyone else, as Frederick himself was great. He also offered the candidacy of the young princess Sophiene to the wife of the Russian Prestroll Leader Peter, when he suffers, that Empress Elizaveta Petrovna is looking for a bride for his nephew, who intends to leave the throne.

So a small German princess with a dirty urban streets hit the Russian Imperial Palace. Having received the name of Catherine in Baptism, the future spouse of the Seelenechar began to study with the best court teachers and fabulously succeeded not only in Russian, but also in the art of Flirt. Inheriting from the mother, the irrepressible sexual temperament, Catherine lasted its seduction under the Russian yard. Even before the wedding, she was so openly flirting with the court don-Zhuan Andrey Chernyshev, which in order to avoid the rumors of Elizabeth was forced to send a poor graph abroad.

As soon as Catherine was sixteen, Elizaveta Petrovna hurried to marry a German princess with Peter, giving her clearly to understand that her only duty was to give birth to the heir. After the wedding and the magnificent ball, the young finally took the marriage chambers. But Catherine woke up, as he lay down - a virgin. Peter remained cold to her both in the wedding night and for many months after. The reasons for such an attitude to the spouse are searched in infantality and dementia Peter, others - in his tragic love.

Peter fell in love with Freillan Natalia Lopukhin, whose mother was a personal enemy Elizabeth. Lopukhina-senior was the beloved State-lady Anna John and in every way pleased with the Empress, humiliating the daughter-in-law, Zesarevna Elizabeth. Preserved historical joke. Balls often satisfied in the house of Lopukhins. Invited there and Elizabeth. One day, Lopukhin bribed the maids Elizabeth and offered them a sample yellow brocade with silver, from which Zesarevna sewed his dress to the ball. When Elizabeth entered the living room, there was an explosion of laughter. Walls, chairs, chairs and sofas in the room were the most yellow with silver parol. The humiliated Cesarer rushed out of the palace and shouted for a long time in his bedroom. When Peter asked for his reigning aunt, the permit to marry her daughter Lopukhina, Elizabeth decided to take revenge. She accused Lopukhin in state treason, and the court sentenced the unfortunate countess for the death penalty. Elizabeth softened his "great grace". The leopard-elder was shadowed with a shame on the Troitskaya Square, cut her tongue and exiled to Siberia. After this tragic story with the mother of his beloved Cesarevich Petr clogged by the mind. But Catherine did not seek to like his spouse: she quickly found consolation in the embrace of the Swedish envoy of the Graph of Polenberg. Empress Elizabeth closed his eyes to the relationship of young: she was needed a heir, but Catherine could not get pregnant.

Meanwhile, in bed of eighteen-year-old Zesarean, one favorite replaced the other: Cyril Razumovsky, Stanislav understood, Zakhar Chernyshev (brother explained abroad Andrew), Lev Naryshkin and the Saltykov brothers who knew in love. Their mother, nee Golitsyn, was famous for the entire Petersburg drunkenness and debauchery in the soldiers' barracks - rumored that she had three hundred lover among the Grenadiers of the Empress.

A few years later, the marriage happened to the miracle - Catherine became pregnant. Sergei Saltykov openedly boasted that it was his father of the future heir, and was expelled from St. Petersburg. Later in Sweden, he dismissed the terrible rumors about the breakdown of the Russian Zesarean and assured that she herself was hanging on her neck, prescribed a date, and he, they say, cheated and did not come than forced Ekaterina to suffer from suffering.

Elizaveta Petrovna was so glad to the good news that he gave a pregnant daughter-in-law a hundred thousand rubles and many jewels. The poor German Princess, which was in Russia with three dresses and half-hearth nasal headscarves, began to silence the money of the Russian treasury. Born baby spoiled Paul and immediately selected from a young mother. However, the son of Ekaterina was not interested and never loved him. It is still unknown who was a real father of Paul - they call Zakha Chernyshev, and Lion Naryshkin, and other loans Tsarevna. Amazing facts are celebrated among guesses: Paul is extremely similar to his official father, Peter Fedorovich - what the story does not joke ...

After the death of Elizabeth Peter Ine had a throne and stated that for the depraved behavior, Catherine's depraved behavior, and he himself marries Elizabeth Vorontsova, his mistress. But by that time, with the help of Favorites, Catherine splaved a huge network around Peter. Chancellor Panin, Prince Baryatinsky, Lover Ekaterina Grigory Orlov and four of his brothers organized a plot against the emperor. But then someone from the conspirators of Strestil and decided to warn the emperor - Peter did not give him the words of meaning, for which he paid not only by the throne, but also lives.

Under the court, Catherine II in Russia, Favoritism became a new position, as at the court of Louis XIV in France, and bed careers were recognized as people who served the Fatherland and the throne. For their love efforts, they received palaces and considerable financial resources from the Russian treasury. But Catherine was a passionate woman and could not live without a man. In her palace was a special room with a huge bed. If necessary, the secret mechanism divided the bed of a bed into two parts - a favorite remained at the hidden half, and at the second Empress, who did not cooled from love merits, took ambassadors and ministers. Catherine has a weakness to huge, gigantic growth, men with a sensual face. Represented potential lovers to Empress Chancellor Panin and Countess Bruce, which, at the courtyard, called the "tube lady." Panin was the permanent lover of Catherine - he was a smart, not demanding, not jealous. It was in the bedroom of the Empress no more than once a week, and in his free time in his harem, consisting of a fortest-out concubine - every day he acquired a new girl, and annoyed crushed to friends or sold. For Catherine, he chose the tall soldiers who do not differ in mind so as not to create his rivals. Once Panin and Countess Bruce recommended Handsaws Potemkin.

Catherine was embarrassed by the fact that the Lieutenant general is just one eye (the second in the seizure of jealousy once knocked him Grigory Orlov), but the Countess convinced Catherine that Potemkin goes crazy from love to Empress. After the night, the love of Catherine produced Potemkin to Lieutenant-General, gave him a magnificent palace and a million rubles for its arrangement. So in one night there was bed careers in Catherine. But the imperial gifts of Potemkin seemed a little - one day he demanded that Catherine would make it a member of the State Council. Catherine was horrified:

But my friend is impossible!

Perfectly! Then I'm leaving for the monastery. The role of your content is not suitable for me!

Catherine cried and left behind the table. In the room of Favorites Potemkin did not come. Catherine baked all night, and the next morning Potemkin was appointed senator.

Once Potmkin left for several days on business in St. Petersburg. But the empress could not be left for a long time. Once in the Tsarsko Selo Palace, Catherine woke up at night from the cold. It was winter, and all the firewood in the fireplace burned down. She slept alone - Potemkin was on business in St. Petersburg. Without finding a master's shirma, Catherine entered the corridor, according to which a stiffness was shifted with knitting firewood on his shoulders. From the type of this young Hercules of a huge growth, carrying firewood as a cracker, Catherine captured the Spirit.

Who are you?

Court Estimate, Your Majesty!

Why did I not see you before? Separe a fireplace in my bedroom.

The young man became delighted with such a grace of the Empress and spread a huge fire in the fireplace. But Catherine is unhappy:

Do not you understand how to warm the empress?

And the plot finally understood. And the next morning he received an order about the suggestion of his hereditary nobility, ten thousand peasants, the command never return to St. Petersburg and change the surname to heat - in memory of how he warmed the empress.

In old age, Ekaterina reached full debauchery. He was not enough for hefty men - and she turned her passion for a young gypsy gypsy donated to her. In court, rumors went as an empress turned with his maids and young peasants. At the final examination in the Smolny Institute, Empress drew attention to a beautiful graduate, which turned out to be a daughter of Suvorov.

Give your daughter to me in favorite.

Heard about the adventures of the Empress, Suvorov replied:

Mother, die for you - I will die, and I will not give your booms!

The angry empress sent an old man with her daughter in their estate, forbid to appear at the courtyard - which was needed by Suvorov.

In the absence of Potemkin, Catherine had many lovers: the Ambassador of the Bezborodko and his secretaries of Zavadovsky and Mamonov, the nephew of the midwife Zorich, officers Guard of Corsaqs and Tails, finally, the provincial Yunets Alexander Lanskaya.

Twenty-year-old Lansky accidentally saw Potemkin and presented to the Empress. A young man possessed an angelic appearance: Filled bears huge blue eyes, blond curls, light blush on cheeks and coral lips. He would like a girl if not a huge height and wide shoulders. The attention of Catherine he accepted as a mother's care, besides, he was too faithful to his state to refuse to refuse to Empress. The positions of the imperial superrite, he was ashamed, but over time, it was attached to Ekaterina with all his heart. The Empress touched such reading the love of an innocent young man, who did not know the women at all. Her aging heart was jealous of Sasha so much that Catherine was locked by a lover in several rooms, surrounding the unheard of luxury. The Empress has awarded Lansky county title, huge lands, tens of thousands of peasants. But the in love with the young man did not need the ranks and wealth - probably, he was the only favorite favorite to the Empress as a woman. And the Empress stated Potemkin:

My soul, I'm going to marry Lansky.

What did he deserve such an honor?

He never changed me.

Potemkin lowered his eyes. He himself checked Catherine almost every day with different women.

A month later, Lanskie run down in bed. And not one court doctor could not put an accurate diagnosis. Catherine knew that her beloved was poisoned on behalf of Potemkin. Catherine wrote to her friend: "I, sobbing, I have a misfortune to tell you that General Lansky did not become ... And my room that I loved before, turned into an empty cave." After the death of the beloved Empress went through the palace as the shadow. She abandoned all state affairs and did not accept anyone. It was so not like her ... Apparently, the love she did not know in his youth, she climbed her in old age. The only topic for which the conversation of the Empress was supported, was about Alexander Lansky, the only place she attended is his grave. She spent on the grave of Lansky in longing and tears many hours. Potemkin was in rabies. He jealous - and to whom, to the dead man? In the attacks of anger, Potemkin circled, like Korean, among the Guards officers. Finally, he chose on Peter Yermolov, made him his adjutant and sent to Catherine. His calculation was justified: Yermolov took the room of the favorite, which was empty almost half a year. Still, Catherine was a woman, and the thrust loving overpowered in her the sorrow of the loss. Noticing that one of the Freulin would retire with Yeromlov, Catherine ordered the soldiers to carve an aristocrat to blood in the presence of the rest of the eleven Freinin - so as not to be awesome. Yermolov was too stupid, brazen and narcissist, and he also loved to play and flew often from the empress in playing houses and to prostitutes. His place soon took another Adjutant Potemkin - Alexander Mamonov.

"Conduct Sasha" - so called Mamonov Empress. But Sasha became increasingly disappearing somewhere. He was not both the ill-fated night, when Tired Catherine returned from the Council's meeting. She waited for his midnight, but met playfully:

Where are you, gracious sovereign, lost to disappear?

Mother-sovereign ... - His tone and facial expression did not foretell anything good. "You have always been kind to me, and I am frank with you." I can't more than carry my responsibilities from your majesty.

Catherine's face has changed:

What's the matter, you did not want to joke?

No, Your Majesty. I loved the other and ask your gracious permission to marry her. Her name is Princess Shcherbatova.

What can answer an aging, who lost the former attractiveness woman, when a young lover says that he loved another, good and young?

I allow you to marry. Moreover, I will arrange your wedding herself.

Lisanka Shcherbatova kissed the Empress of the handle for her kindness. Catherine presented with young diamond wedding rings, three thousand shower of peasants, ten thousand rubles gold. The young bride under the crown of some time was crying all the time ... Maybe the empress I forgave the Graph Mamonov, but I could not forgive the offended woman. Two weeks later, soldiers broke through the newlyweds. Mamonov was tied to the chair and shut up her mouth, and soldiers were abused over the young countess, after which it was excised to have a lot of ugliness. Lisanka miraculously survived. Count Mamonov took a sick wife abroad to never go back to Russia.

Meanwhile, the new and last favorite reigned in the palace - twenty-one-year-old plato of teeth. He was inherited from his brother, Valerian Zudov, the ex-lover of the Empress for a long time. Platon of teeth was arrogant, arrived and loved only one thing in the world - money. Having received unlimited power, he mocked Zesarevich Pavlom, completely confident that the throne would not get. Potemkin conceived was to kill a new favorite, but did not have time - died. The Empress rided himself for a long time and looked around, made a magnificent funeral with a former favorite and commanded two monuments to establish him. During the reign of Catherine from the Russian treasury, Palaces and jewels on nine million rubles and forty thousands of peasants switched from the Russian treasury.

Ekaterina herself died not at all in the emperor: in need. Did she experience the love in his life to which she strived? It is unlikely ... True love is not bought for titles and palaces - this did not understand this great Catherine.

Conspiracy is revealed! We died! "With such an exclamation of Knyagin Vorontsova-Dashkov burst into the bedroom of Catherine and froze on the threshold. The Empress washed in Lohanka his lace cuffs.
- The sovereign, what are you doing?!
- You do not see, I'm erased. What surprises you? I was also prepared not to Russian empress, but God forbid, in the wife of some German prince. Therefore, I was taught to wash, and cook ...

The future empress of the enormous Russian Empire Ekaterina Great was born not in the luxurious palace, but in an ordinary German house and received a bourgeois education: she was really taught and removed, and scaring.

Her father, Prince Christian-August was the younger brother of the Splitter German Prince, but because of the constant lack of money was forced to go to the service. And Sophia-August-Frederica Emilina, as called in childhood, Catherine, despite the royal origin, played on the city square along with the children of the Burgers, received from the mother to slaughters for poorly well-studied boilers and respectfully kissed the hem of dresses of the rich citizens, if they went into house.

John-Elizabeth Golstein-Gottorpskaya and Christian August Angultie Czyrrst - Parents of the future empress Catherine Great.

The mother of Catherine, John-Elizabeth was a woman with power and rampant. It was even said that the real father of Catherine was not anyone else, as Frederick himself was great. He also offered the candidacy of the young princess Sophiene to the wife of the Russian Prestroll Leader Peter, when he suffers, that Empress Elizaveta Petrovna is looking for a bride for his nephew, who intends to leave the throne.

So the future of Catherine Great looked when he arrived in Russia, being a simple German princess Sophia by Augusta Frederica. Portrait of Louis Caravaca Brush

So a small German princess with a dirty urban streets hit the Russian Imperial Palace. Having received the name of Catherine in Baptism, the future spouse of the Seelenechar began to study with the best court teachers and fabulously succeeded not only in Russian, but also in the art of Flirt.

Inheriting from the mother, the irrepressible sexual temperament, Catherine lasted its seduction under the Russian yard. Even before the wedding, she was so openly flirting with the court don-Zhuan Andrey Chernyshev, which in order to avoid the rumors of Elizabeth was forced to send a poor graph abroad.

Great Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna at the age of 16 (1745). Picture of the Groot

As soon as Catherine was sixteen, Elizaveta Petrovna hurried to marry a German princess with Peter, giving her clearly to understand that her only duty was to give birth to the heir.

After the wedding and the magnificent ball, the young finally took the marriage chambers. But Catherine woke up, as he lay down - a virgin. Peter remained cold to her both in the wedding night and for many months after. The reasons for such an attitude to the spouse are searched in infantality and dementia Peter, others - in his tragic love.

Peter III with Catherine II

Peter fell in love with Freillan Natalia Lopukhin, whose mother was a personal enemy Elizabeth. Lopukhina-senior was the beloved State-lady Anna John and in every way pleased with the Empress, humiliating the daughter-in-law, Zesarevna Elizabeth.

Preserved historical joke. Balls often satisfied in the house of Lopukhins. Invited there and Elizabeth. One day, Lopukhin bribed the maids Elizabeth and offered them a sample yellow brocade with silver, from which Zesarevna sewed his dress to the ball.

When Elizabeth entered the living room, there was an explosion of laughter. Walls, chairs, chairs and sofas in the room were the most yellow with silver parol. The humiliated Cesarer rushed out of the palace and shouted for a long time in his bedroom.

Natalia Fedorovna Lopukhina. Engraving L. A. Sryakova.

Some authors explain the hostile attitude towards the Lopukhina by Elizabeth Petrovna by successful rivalry in amur affairs. Subsequently, trying to explain the causes of her opals comprehended by her, contemporaries recalled another case:

Once Lopukhin, famous for his beauty, and therefore, who excited the jealousy of the sovereign, decided, on frightly or in the form of Bravada, to appear with a rose in her hair, while the sovereign had the same rose in her hairstyle.

In the midst of the Bala Elizabeth made the guilty of becoming knees, ordered the scissors, cut off the criminal rose along with the strand of the hair, to which she was attached, and by turning the guilty of two good slaughters, continued to dance. When she was told that the unfortunate Lopukhin lost her feelings, she shrugged: " Nushto her dura! "

Empress Elizabeth I Petrovna Romanova

When Peter asked for his reigning aunt, the permit to marry her daughter Lopukhina, Elizabeth decided to take revenge. She accused Lopukhin in state treason, and the court sentenced the unfortunate countess for the death penalty. Elizabeth softened his "great grace". The leopard-elder was shadowed with a shame on the Troitskaya Square, cut her tongue and exiled to Siberia.

After this tragic story with the mother of his beloved Cesarevich Petr clogged by the mind. But Catherine did not seek to like his spouse: she quickly found consolation in the embrace of the Swedish envoy of the Graph of Polenberg. Empress Elizabeth closed his eyes to the relationship of young: she was needed a heir, but Catherine could not get pregnant.

Meanwhile, in bed of eighteen-year-old Zesarean, one favorite replaced the other: Cyril Razumovsky, Stanislav understood, Zakhar Chernyshev (brother explained abroad Andrew), Lev Naryshkin and the Saltykov brothers who knew in love. Their mother, nee Golitsyn, was famous for the entire Petersburg drunkenness and debauchery in the soldiers' barracks - rumored that she had three hundred lover among the Grenadiers of the Empress.

Lion Aleksandrovich Naryshkin is the famous courta balagen and spent of Peter III and Catherine II.

A few years later, the marriage happened to the miracle - Catherine became pregnant. Sergei Saltykov openedly boasted that it was his father of the future heir, and was expelled from St. Petersburg. Later in Sweden, he dismissed the terrible rumors about the breakdown of the Russian Zesarean and assured that she herself was hanging on her neck, prescribed a date, and he, they say, cheated and did not come than forced Ekaterina to suffer from suffering.

Elizaveta Petrovna was so glad to the good news that he gave a pregnant daughter-in-law a hundred thousand rubles and many jewels. The poor German Princess, which was in Russia with three dresses and half-hearth nasal headscarves, began to silence the money of the Russian treasury.

Born baby spoiled Paul and immediately selected from a young mother. However, the son of Ekaterina was not interested and never loved him. It is still unknown who was a real father of Paul - they call Zakha Chernyshev, and Lion Naryshkin, and other loans Tsarevna. Amazing facts are celebrated among guesses: Paul is extremely similar to his official father, Peter Fedorovich - what the story does not joke ...

Peter III and Paul I

After the death of Elizabeth, Peter III climbed the throne and said that for the depraved behavior, Catherine's coil into the monastery, and he himself marries Elizabeth Vorontsova, his mistress. But by that time, with the help of Favorites, Catherine splaved a huge network around Peter.

Chancellor Panin, Prince Baryatinsky, Lover Ekaterina Grigory Orlov and four of his brothers organized a plot against the emperor. But then someone from the conspirators of Strestil and decided to warn the emperor - Peter did not give him the words of meaning, for which he paid not only by the throne, but also lives.

At the courtyard of Catherine II in Russia, Favoritism became a new post, as at the court of Louis XIV in France, and bed careers were recognized as people who served the Fatherland and the throne. For their love efforts, they received palaces and considerable financial resources from the Russian treasury.

The bedroom Elizabeth Petrovna by inheritance for a long twenty years passed to her succession Catherine.

But Catherine was a passionate woman and could not live without a man. In her palace was a special room with a huge bed. If necessary, the secret mechanism divided the bed of a bed into two parts - a favorite remained at the hidden half, and at the second Empress, who did not cooled from love merits, took ambassadors and ministers.

Catherine has a weakness to huge, gigantic growth, men with a sensual face. Represented potential lovers to Empress Chancellor Panin and Countess Bruce, which, at the courtyard, called the "tube lady."

Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin

Panin was the permanent lover of Catherine - he was a smart, not demanding, not jealous. It was in the bedroom of the Empress no more than once a week, and in his free time in his harem, consisting of a fortest-out concubine - every day he acquired a new girl, and annoyed crushed to friends or sold.

For Catherine, he chose the tall soldiers who do not differ in mind so as not to create his rivals. Once Panin and Countess Bruce recommended Handsaws Potemkin.

Catherine was embarrassed by the fact that the Lieutenant general is just one eye (the second in the seizure of jealousy once knocked him Grigory Orlov), but the Countess convinced Catherine that Potemkin goes crazy from love to Empress.

Empress Ekaterina II and the Light Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky

After the night, the love of Catherine produced Potemkin to Lieutenant-General, gave him a magnificent palace and a million rubles for its arrangement. So in one night there was bed careers in Catherine.

But the imperial gifts of Potemkin seemed a little - one day he demanded that Catherine would make it a member of the State Council. Catherine was horrified:
- But my friend is impossible!
- Perfectly! Then I'm leaving for the monastery. The role of your content is not suitable for me!
Catherine cried and left behind the table. In the room of Favorites Potemkin did not come. Catherine baked all night, and the next morning Potemkin was appointed senator.

Once Potmkin left for several days on business in St. Petersburg. But the empress could not be left for a long time. Once in the Tsarsko Selo Palace, Catherine woke up at night from the cold. It was winter, and all the firewood in the fireplace burned down. She slept alone - Potemkin was on business in St. Petersburg.

Catherine II in the Tsarskoil Park on a walk. Picture of the artist Vladimir Borovikovsky

Without finding a master's shirma, Catherine entered the corridor, according to which a stiffness was shifted with knitting firewood on his shoulders. From the type of this young Hercules of a huge growth, carrying firewood as a cracker, Catherine captured the Spirit.
- Who are you?
- Court Estimate, Your Majesty!
- Why did I not see you before? Separe a fireplace in my bedroom.

The young man became delighted with such a grace of the Empress and spread a huge fire in the fireplace. But Catherine is unhappy:
- Do you really not understand how to warm the empress?
And the plot finally understood. And the next morning he received an order about the suggestion of his hereditary nobility, ten thousand peasants, the command never return to St. Petersburg and change the surname to heat - in memory of how he warmed the empress.

In old age, Ekaterina reached full debauchery. He was not enough for hefty men - and she turned her passion for a young gypsy gypsy donated to her.

Countess Natalya Aleksandrovna Zudova (nee Suvorov) - the only daughter feldmarshal Suvorov who gently called her "Sweller".

In court, rumors went as an empress turned with his maids and young peasants. At the final examination in the Smolny Institute, Empress drew attention to a beautiful graduate, which turned out to be a daughter of Suvorov.
- Give your daughter to me in favorite.
Heard about the adventures of the Empress, Suvorov replied:
- Mother, die for you - die, and I will not give your booms!
The angry empress sent an old man with her daughter in their estate, forbid to appear at the courtyard - which was needed by Suvorov.

In the absence of Potemkin, Catherine had many lovers: the Ambassador of the Bezborodko and his secretaries of Zavadovsky and Mamonov, the nephew of the midwife Zorich, officers Guard of Corsaqs and Tails, finally, the provincial Yunets Alexander Lanskaya.

Twenty-year-old Lansky accidentally saw Potemkin and presented to the Empress. A young man possessed an angelic appearance: Filled bears huge blue eyes, blond curls, light blush on cheeks and coral lips. He would like a girl if not a huge height and wide shoulders.

Alexander Dmitrievich Lanskaya. Portrait of the brush D. G. Levitsky (1782).

The attention of Catherine he accepted as a mother's care, besides, he was too faithful to his state to refuse to refuse to Empress. The positions of the imperial superrite, he was ashamed, but over time, it was attached to Ekaterina with all his heart. The Empress touched such reading the love of an innocent young man, who did not know the women at all.

Her aging heart was jealous of Sasha so much that Catherine was locked by a lover in several rooms, surrounding the unheard of luxury. The Empress has awarded Lansky county title, huge lands, tens of thousands of peasants. But the in love with the young man did not need the ranks and wealth - probably, he was the only favorite favorite to the Empress as a woman. And the Empress stated Potemkin:

- My soul, I'm going to marry Lansky.
- What did he deserve such an honor?
- He never changed me.
Potemkin lowered his eyes. He himself checked Catherine almost every day with different women.

A month later, Lanskie run down in bed. And not one court doctor could not put an accurate diagnosis. Catherine knew that her beloved was poisoned on behalf of Potemkin. Catherine wrote to her friend:

"I, sobbing, I have a misfortune to tell you that General Lansky has not become ... and my room that I loved before, turned into a blank cave now."

Virgilius Erixen. Catherine II in Touré.

After the death of the beloved Empress went through the palace as the shadow. She abandoned all state affairs and did not accept anyone. It was so not like her ... Apparently, the love she did not know in his youth, she climbed her in old age.

The only topic for which the conversation of the Empress was supported, was about Alexander Lansky, the only place she attended is his grave. She spent on the grave of Lansky in longing and tears many hours. Potemkin was in rabies. He jealous - and to whom, to the dead man? In the attacks of anger, Potemkin circled, like Korean, among the Guards officers. Finally, he chose at Alexander Yermolov, made him his adjutant and sent to Catherine.

His calculation was justified: Yermolov took the room of the favorite, which was empty almost half a year. Still, Catherine was a woman, and the thrust loving overpowered in her the sorrow of the loss. Noticing that one of the Freulin would retire with Yeromlov, Catherine ordered the soldiers to carve an aristocrat to blood in the presence of the rest of the eleven Freinin - so as not to be awesome.

Alexander Petrovich Yermolov, Favorit Catherine II, Lieutenar General, Camger.

High and slim blonde, with a good color of the face, Yermolov paid attention to his beautiful outfice, and only wide, flat nose, for which Potemkin nickned him " lE Negre Blanc."I spoiled his face.

Yermolov was too stupid, brazen and narcissist, and he also loved to play and flew often from the empress in playing houses and to prostitutes.

Potetkin himself, disappointed in Yermolov, successfully arranged his rapid fall. The Empress willingly get rid of the boring favorite, offering him on June 29, 1786 to go abroad on a journey. Not possessing the greed of other pets, Ermolov received a relatively little: 4 thousand shower and about 400 thousand money; He also did not care about the enrichment of all his relatives, as others did.

His place soon took another Adjutant Potemkin - Alexander Mamonov.

Graph Alexander Matveyevich Dmitriev-Mamonov (1788)

"Conduct Sasha" - so called Mamonov Empress. But Sasha became increasingly disappearing somewhere. He was not both the ill-fated night, when Tired Catherine returned from the Council's meeting. She waited for his midnight, but met playfully:

- Where are you, the gracious sovereign, was missing?
- Mother-sovereign ... - His tone and facial expression did not foretell anything good. "You have always been kind to me, and I am frank with you." I can't more than carry my responsibilities from your majesty.

Catherine's face has changed:
- What's wrong, you did not want to joke?
- No, Your Majesty. I loved the other and ask your gracious permission to marry her. Her name is Princess Shcherbatova.

What can answer an aging, who lost the former attractiveness woman, when a young lover says that he loved another, good and young?
- I let you marry. Moreover, I will arrange your wedding herself.

"... Before the evening, Her Majesty herself knew the collapse of the graph A. M. Mamonov with Prince Shcherbatov; They standing on his knees, asked for forgiveness and forgive" The fiance was granted a 2250 shower of peasants and 100,000 rubles and ordered the other day after the wedding to leave St. Petersburg.

Settling in Moscow, Dmitriev-Mamonov was pleased with his fate first, but in a year he decides to remind himself Catherine, he writes muddy letters to her, asks her to return his former favor, allow to come to St. Petersburg. The answer of the Empress soon convinced him that his hopes were in vain.

The legend that Catherine from Jealousy sent to Shcherbatoy disguised in the female attachment dress, which severely carved it in the presence of a husband, does not correspond to reality.

The bright prince Plato Alexandrovich teeth - the last favorite of Catherine II.

Meanwhile, a new and last favorite reigned at the palace - since 1789, a dizzying career of 22-year-old second-Rothmistra Platon Zubov begins. He was inherited from his brother, Valerian Zudov, the ex-lover of the Empress for a long time.

June 21, 1789, with the mediation of Statt-Ladies Anna Nikitichna Naryshkina, Spouses Ober-Schenka Alexander Alexandrovich Naryshkin, teeth, " through the top spent"Has a special reception at the Empress, and since then, every evening spent with her.

Three days later, June 24, the teeth received 10 thousand rubles and a ring with a portrait of the Empress, and in ten days, July 4, 1789, was produced in the colonel, granted to the outbreak of her imperial Majesty and settled in the palace, in the fuel Adjutant rest, who used to occupy Count Dmitriev-Mamonov.

The surroundings hated him, but the Empress shoved by the alms of his last favorite: on October 3, 1789, the teeth received a appointment of the Cavalgard Corps with production to the Majory General, on February 3, 1790, he was granted the Order of St. Anne, in July 1790 - Prussian Order of Black and Red Orlov and Polish White Eagle and St. Stanislav, September 8, 1790 - the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, on March 12, 1792, was produced in Lieutenar General and was appointed to its Imperial Majesty General Adjutant.

Plato Alexandrovich teeth - a bright prince of the Roman Empire, the Chief of the First Cadet Corps, Ekaterinoslavsky, Voznesensky and the Tauride Governor-General.

Diploma of the Roman Emperor Franz II, dated January 27 (February 7), 1793, senator, secret adviser Alexander Nikolaevich teeth and his sons, General Adjutant, General-Lieutenant Platon, Major General Nikolay, Camera Junker Dmitry and Major General Valerian Alexandrovichi, built, with their descendants descending, in the graph of the Roman Empire dignity. The adoption of the title and use in Russia in Russia was followed by the highest perception.

Platon of teeth was arrogant, arrived and loved only one thing in the world - money. Having received unlimited power, he mocked Zesarevich Pavlom, completely confident that the throne would not get. Potemkin conceived was to kill a new favorite, but did not have time - died.

"Prince G.A.Potemkin-Tavrichesky. With a rare engraving of the stewards.

The war with the Turks undermined the health of Potemkin, he picked up with malaria in the Crimea. Catherine shook him again with ordinary orders and signs, but first of all the money, which, however, he never had in prosperity, because he generously distributed them.

When the war was over, he once again visited Petersburg. Before the referee, he fell ill. He fainted, chuckled. Suddenly, he decided that he would certainly visit Nikolaev - he himself founded this city and loved him very much; He believed that the Lesnoy Air will heal it. October 4, he tried on the road.

Before leaving, he, no matter how hard it was, wrote news Catherine: "My favorite, my almighty Empress. I have no strength to withstand my suffering. Almost the salvation remains: leave this city, and I gave an order to deliver me to Nikolaev. I do not know what will happen to me. " October 5, 1791, on the second day of the road, Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin died. He was 52 years old.

"The end of the prince G.A.Potemkin-Tavrichesky. From Engravings of the Aging

The Empress rided himself for a long time and looked around, made a magnificent funeral with a former favorite and commanded two monuments to establish him. During the reign of Catherine from the Russian treasury, Palaces and jewels on nine million rubles and forty thousands of peasants switched from the Russian treasury.

After the death of Potemkin, in which Platon Alexandrovich's teeth did not play, however, the prominent role in state affairs, the importance of the Zubet every day increases. Many of those positions are transferred to him who have previously occupied Potemkin.

On July 23, 1793, he was awarded the portrait of the Empress and the Order of St. Andrew First-Called, on July 25, 1793, he was appointed Ekaterinoslavsky and the Tauridian Governor-General, on October 19, 1793 - General-Feldschmeister and Operator's fortifications, October 21, 1793 - Chef of the Cavalgard Corps, On January 1, 1795, he was granted the Order of St. Vladimir I degree.

Portrait of Prince Plato Alexandrovich Zudov. Lamp Senior I.B. 1790s.

All cases peered three of his secretaries: altesty, mushroom and ribas. The count of the teeth, on August 18, 1795, receives a huge estate in the non-confined Polish regions - Shavel economy in 13669 shower of fortress peasants with income of 100 thousand rubles. And soon, after the annexation of the Kurlyandsky Duchy, the Duccian Palace Ruintal (Rundale Palace), built Rastrelli, was granted tooth.

By the end of the reign of Empress Catherine II, the bright prince Platon Alexandrovich teeth became the carrier of the next loud title:

« feldshmeister General, Over the fortifications of the general-director, over the fleet of the Black Sea, Voznesenskaya Lightweight Connection and the Black Sea Cossack Cossack Army, the General Adjant, the Cavalgard Corps of the Chef, Ekaterinoslavsky, Voznesensky and Tavrichesky Governor, State Military College Member, Imperial Educational At Home Honorary Charity, the Imperial Academy of Arts Honorary Amateur and Organs of Russian St. Apostle Andrei, St. Alexander Nevsky, St. Vince Vladimir I degree, Royal Prussian Black and Red Eagle, Polish White Eagle and St. Stanislav and Grand-Room Holstetsky St. Anne cavalier».

This last favorite Catherine II was a member of the murder of Emperor Paul I.

Catherine II. Artist Fedor Stepanovich Rockots.

On November 16, 1796, as usual, Catherine, getting out of bed and drinking coffee, went to the toilet room, and despite the usual one was detained there.

The duty chamelner of the Empress Zakhar Zotov, having rewicked the unkind, quietly opened the door of the toilet room and saw the body of Catherine prostrated on the floor with horror. Her eyes were closed, the complexion of the crimson, the throat came from the throat. The empress was moved to the fence. With the fall of Catherine launched his leg, her body was so rejuvenated that six people had a room for her strength to raise it on the bed. Therefore, on the floor, the Red Safianny Mattress was laid and put a dying empress on him.

In the Empress, hemorrhage in the brain, on the terminology of the XVIII century - "apoplexic strike" was happening. According to the Camera Fur Sectional Journal - this kind of chronicle of the life of Her Majesty, - " suffering continued continuously, the rehabilitation of the womb, hoards, at the time the eruption from the larynx of dark sputum».

Despite the fact that Catherine did not come into consciousness, the Camera Furiere magazine reports that the Empress was confessed by the confessor, the Holy Taine was introduced and was cooled with Metropolitan Gabriel. True, it remains incomprehensible as it can confess and will take the person lying unconscious ...

Meanwhile, the doctors continued to be koving over the immibration that used to be Empress Catherine - her body: they applied the Skansky kneughters to the legs, pumped plow powders into their mouths, let out "bad blood" from hand. But everything was in vain: the face of the Empress was bugger, he was pissed by a pink blush, her chest and stomach were increful and descended, and the court lacques wipe the spectrum of mouth, the hands, then his legs corrected her.

Doctors predicted that death will come in 3 hours of the next day, and indeed, at this time the Ekaterina's pulse is noticeably weakened. But her strong organism continued to resist the impending death and retressed until 9 o'clock in the evening, when Life Medica Rogerson announced that the Empress ends, and the Happy Paul, his wife, the older children, the most influential dignitaries and room servants were lined up on both sides of the Safyanova Mattress.

At 9:55 minutes, the Great Catherine sighed for the last time and, alongside, the Most High appeared to the Most High. For everyone we will be there: and those who have titles occupy a whole paragraph, and those who do not have anyone ...

Catherine combined high intelligence, education, state wisdom and commitment to "free love". She is known for its connections with numerous lovers, the number of which (according to the list of authoritative Ekaterinovd P. I. Bartenheva) reaches 23.

Catherine's love connections are marked by a series of scandals. Thus, Grigory Orlov, being her favorite, at the same time (according to the testimony of M. M. Shcherbatov) coited with all its Freillins and even with his cousin 13-year-old sister.

The favorite of the Empress Lanskaya used the exciting means to increase the "male force" (consorteda) in ever-increasing doses, which, apparently, to conclude a court doctor Waita, and was the cause of his unexpected death at a young age. Her last favorite, Plato Zuben, was a little more than 20 years, while the age of Catherine at that time had already exceeded 60.

Historians mention a lot of other scandalous details ("bribe" in 100 thousand rubles, which paid the Preamkin to the future favorites of the Empress, many of which were his adjutants, the testing of their "male strength" with its Freillians, etc.

The perplexity of contemporaries, including foreign diplomats, caused enthusiastic reviews and characteristics, which gave Catherine with their young favorites, mostly devoid of any outstanding talents. As N. I. Pavlenko writes, " neither Catherine, nor after her, the breakdown did not achieve such broad scale and was not manifested in such a frankly defiant form. "

It is worth noting that in Europe "debauchery" Catherine was not so rare phenomenon against the background of the general promotion of the morals of the XVIII century. Most of the kings (except, perhaps Friedrich the Great, Louis XVI and Karl XII) had numerous mistresses. However, this does not apply to the reign of queens and empress.

Louis XVI.

So, the Austrian Empress Maria Teresia wrote about " disconnection and horror"They instill such persons like Catherine II, and this attitude to the latter shared her daughter Maria-Antoinetta.

As K. Valishevsky wrote in this regard, comparing Catherine II with Louis XV, " the difference in the floors to the conclusion of the centuries, we think, will give a deeply unequal character with the same actions, depending on that whether they were made by a man or a woman ... In addition, Louis XV lovers have never affected the fate of France».

There are numerous examples of how the exceptional influence (both negative and positive) were provided by the Favorites of Catherine (Orlov, Potemkin, Platon of Teeth, etc.) on the destiny of the country, starting from June 28, 1762 and up to the death of the empress, as well as On its internal, foreign policy and even for hostilities.

As N. I. Pavlenko writes, in favor of Favorita Gregory Potemkin, who envied the glory of Field Marshal Rumyantsev, this outstanding commander and hero of Russian-Turkish wars was removed Catherine from the command of the army and was forced to retire in his estate.

The other, very mediocible commander, Musin-Pushkin, on the contrary, continued to lead the army, despite his missions in the military campaigns (for which the Empress itself called him, "the Bulgarian") - due to the fact that he was "favorite on June 28," one of Those who help Catherine capture the throne.

In addition, the Institute of Favoritism negatively acted on the Mrava of the Supreme Nobility, which was looking for benefits through a new favorite, tried to hold in lovers to the Soviet "of his man", etc. Sovremennik M. M. Shcherbatov wrote that Favoritism and the breakdown of Catherine II contributed to the fall of the morals of the nobility of the era, and the historians agree with this.