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Analysis of the poem "Good attitude to horses. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. "Good attitude to horses

Beat hooves
Sang as if:
- Mushroom.
Wind opite
ice shod
Street slid.
Horse on the crop
And immediately
for the sewage yawak
Pants who came to Kuznetsky cool,
Laughter rang and spied:
- The horse fell!
- Fell a horse! -
Laughed Kuznetsky.
Only one Ya
Your voice did not interfere in him.
And see
Horses eyes ...

Street overturned
It flows in its own way ...

Came up and see -
Behind dripping
on the face rolling
hiding in wool ...

And some general
Mercenary Tosca
my shoulders resulted out of me
And broke in the rustle.
"The horse is not necessary.
Horse listen -
What do you think you're so bad?
We are all a little horse,
Each of us in your own way. "
May be,
- old -
and did not need a nurse,
maybe my thought my seemed to go,
rose to feet,
And went.
The tail was acknowledged.
Redhead child.
Came cheerful,
It became in the stall.
And everything seemed to her -
she is a foal
And it was worth living
And it was worth working.

Analysis of the poem "Good attitude to horses" Mayakovsky

The poem "good attitude to horses" is a vivid example of the creative originality of Mayakovsky's talent. The poet was a complex contradictory personality. His works did not fit into adopted standards. In Tsarist Russia, Futurists moved sharply. Mayakovsky warmly welcomed the revolution. He believed that after the state coup, the life of people would change dramatically, and in an incomparabity of the better. The poet has crafted changes not so much in politics as in human consciousness. His ideal was cleansing from all prejudices and remnants of the bourgeois society.

But the first months of the existence of Soviet power showed that the overwhelming mass of the population remained the same. The change of regime did not produce a revolution in the consciousness of a person. In the soul of Mayakovsky, incomprehension and dissatisfaction with the results are growing. Subsequently, this will lead to a severe spiritual crisis and suicide of the poet.

In 1918, Mayakovsky wrote a verse "good attitude to horses", which is knocked out of the total number of the laudatory works created in the early days of the revolution. In the period when the breakdown is subject to the essential foundations of the state and society, the poet appeals to a strange topic. He describes his personal observation: on Kuznetsk, the bridge fell an exhausted horse, which instantly gathered a bunch of zooak.

Mayakovsky is amazed by the situation. The country occurs ambitious changes affecting the course of world history. There is a construction of a new world. Meanwhile, the crowd is focused - a fallen horse. And the saddest thing is that none of the "builders of the New World" is not going to help a poor animal. It is distinguished by a deafening laughter. From all the huge crowd, sympathy and compassion is experiencing one poet. He is able to truly see the "horses eyes" filled with tears.

In the appeal of the lyrical hero to the horse laid the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. The indifference and heartlessness have led to the fact that the person and animal changed in places. The horse is burdened with severe labor, it will contribute to the joint difficult task on the general reasons with a person. People show their animal nature, mocking her suffering. The horse for Mayakovsky becomes closer and relative than the "human garbage" surrounding it. He addresses the animal with warm words of support, in which it is recognized that "we are all a little horse." Human participation gives horse strength, she grabs independently and continues his way.

Mayakovsky in his work criticizes people for worn and indifference. He believes that only mutual support and help will help his fellow citizens to overcome all the difficulties and not lose the human appearance.

Text of the poem "Good attitude to horses"

Beat hoofs.

Sang as if:

Wind opite

Ice shod,

street slid.

Horse on the crop


for the sewage yawak

pants who came to Kuznetsky cool,


laughter rang and spied:

- The horse fell! -

- Fell a horse! -

Laughed Kuznetsky.

horses eyes ...

Street overturned

it flows in its own way ...

Came up and see -

behind dripping

on the face rolling

hiding in wool ...

And some general

mercenary Tosca

my shoulders resulted out of me

and broke in the rustle.

"The horse is not necessary.

Horse listen -

what do you think you are bad?

we are all a little horse,

each of us in your own way. "

May be,

- old -

and did not need a nurse,

maybe my thought seemed to her


rose to feet,

The tail was acknowledged.

Redhead child.

Came cheerful,

it became in the stall.

And everything seemed to her -

she is a foal

and it was worth living

and it was worth working.

The poem of V. Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses" dates back to the pages of Russian classics and folklore. Nekrasov, Dostoevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrova, the horse often symbolizes the frozen, submissive worker, helpless and oppressed, causing pity and compassion.

Curious what kind of creative task decides in this case Mayakovsky, what is the image of an unfortunate horse for him? Mayakovsky - an artist whose public and aesthetic views were very revolutionary, - all his work proclaimed the idea of \u200b\u200ba new life, new relations between people. The poem "good attitude towards horses" of novelty artistic content and form claims the same thought.

Composite poem consists of 3 parts, symmetrically located: the first ("Horse fell")) and the third ("horse ... went") frame the central ("horses' eyes"). Binds parts as a plot (what is happening with a horse) and a lyrical "I". At first, the attitude towards what is happening the lyrical character and the crowd is opposed:

Laughed Kuznetsky.

Then a close-up of a horse's eyes and tears in them "for dropping dripping" - the moment of humanity, preparing the culmination of the experience of the lyrical hero:

We are all a little horse,

Each of us in your own way.

The figurative system, in which the lyrical conflict is deployed, represent three sides: a horse, street, lyrical hero.

The figure of the horse at Mayakovsky is very peculiar: it is deprived of signs of the victim of social conflict. There is no saddle, nor boot, which could personify burden, oppression. Yes, and the moment of fall is not due to fatigue or violence ("ice shod, the street slid ..."). The sound side of the verse emphasizes the hostility of the street. Alliteration:

not so much sound resonant (this may not loved this), how much is meaningful and combined with the words "croup", "rumbled", "coughed" on the sound level gives the "increment" of meaning. Street at the early Mayakovsky - often the metaphor of the old world, philistine consciousness, an aggressive crowd.

The crowd screames ... ("NATE!")

The crowd fell, huge, evil. ("That's how I got a dog.")

In our case, this is also a crowd idle, raining:

... for the sewage zooaka,

Pants who came to Kuznetsky kulch ...

Not by chance and the street - Kuznetsky, followed by the train of certain associations since the time of Griboedov ("Fashion to us ..."). The crowdedness of the crowd is emphasized by the choice of verbs: "Laugh rang and spoiled." Sounds "s", "ZV", persistently repeated, strengthen the meaning of the word "zooak"; The same emphasizes the rhyme: "ZEVAKA" - "SUPPLY".

The opposition of the "voice" of the lyrical hero of "Voy" crowds and approaching it with the object of universal attention is carried out lexically, syntactically, phonetically, intonational, as well as with the help of rhymes. The parallelism of the verbal structures ("came up and see"), rhymes ("One I" - "horsepower", "in how to him" - "in his own way", visual (eyes) and sound image ("for dripping drip ... rolls" "Shoulder") - means of strengthening the impression of the picture itself, thickening the emotions of the lyrical hero.

"The total animal longing" is a metaphor of the complex psychological state of a lyrical hero, his mental fatigue, hopelessness. Through the sounds "Sh - Shch", ascending to the word "common". A gentle-indulgent appeal "Baby" is addressed to "in need of a nannaya", that is, to the one who will associate their mental state with the soft and in his deep Mayakovsky center: "... We all a little horse, each of us in your own way." The central image of the poem is enriched with new semantic shades, acquires psychological depth.

If Roman Jacobson's right is right that Mayakovsky Poetry
There is a "poetry of the highlighted words", then these words in the final poem of the fragment should be considered, apparently "cost to live." Calambar rhyme ("went" - "went"), persistent increase in sound and rhyme sense (" rV.announced "," rJanula "," rs j.iY reBENOK "-" j.e. reBENOK "), the repetition of etymologically close words (" got up "," became "," stall "), the omographic proximity (" stall "-" worth ") give an optimistic, life-affirming nature of the final of the poem.

Vladimir Mayakovsky
Anthology of Russian poetry

The poem "good attitude to horses" Mayakovsky wrote in 1918. It is known that Mayakovsky as none of the poets adopted the revolution and was entirely captured by the events related to her. He had a clear civil position formed, and the artist decided to devote himself to revolution, people who did it. But in the life of everyone not only the sun shines. And although the poets of that time were people in demand, Mayakovsky, as a smart man and sensitive, understood that it was necessary to serve the work of the Fatherland and it is possible, but the crowd does not always understand the poet. In the end, not only any poet, but anyone remains lonely.

The theme of the poem: the story of a horse, which "rumbled" on the cobblestone bridge, obviously, from fatigue and because the pavement was slippery. Falling and crying horse is a kind of twin of the author: "Baby, we all a little horse".
People seeing the fallen horse, continue to engage in their business, and compassion disappeared, merciful attitude towards a defenseless creature. And only the lyrical hero felt "some kind of general animal longing".

Good attitude to horses
Beat hooves
Sang as if:
- Mushroom.
Wind opite
ice shod
Street slid.
Horse on the crop
And immediately
for the sewage yawak
Pants who came to Kuznetsky cool,
Laughter rang and spied:
- The horse fell!
- Fell a horse! -
Laughed Kuznetsky.
Only one Ya
Your voice did not interfere in him.
And see
Horses eyes ...

Reads Oleg Basilashvili
Oleg Valerianovich Basilashvili (Rod. September 26, 1934, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR

Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich (1893 - 1930)
Russian Soviet poet. Born in Georgia, in the village of Bagdadi, in the Forest Forest.
From 1902 he studied at the gymnasium in Kutaisi, then in Moscow, where after the death of his father moved along with his family. In 1908, he left the gymnasium, giving up underground revolutionary work. At a fifteenth age, it joined the RSDLP (b), performed propaganda tasks. Three times were arrested, in 1909 it was sitting in a butyry prison alone. There and began to write poems. From 1911 he was engaged in the Moscow School of Painting, Drainy and Architecture. Cookied to the Cubal feasts, in 1912 published the first poem - "Night" - in a futuristic collection "Society to public taste".
The tragity of the human existence during capitalism permeates the largest things of Mayakovsky pre-revolutionary years - the poems "Cloud in the pants", "Flute-Spine", "War and Peace". Already then Mayakovsky sought to create poetry "squares and streets", facing wide masses. He believed in the proximity of the upcoming revolution.
Epos and lyrics, separating satire and agitation growth posters - on all this manifold of Mayakovsky genres lies with the seal of its identity. In the lyrical epic poems "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" and "Good!" The poet embodied the thoughts and feelings of a person of a socialist society, the features of the era. Mayakovsky powerfully influenced the progressive poetry of the world - he studied Johannes Becher and Louis Aragon, Nazim Hickmet and Pablo Neruda. In the late works "Klop" and "Banya" sounds a powerful satire with elements of anti-nightopia to Soviet reality.
In 1930, she committed suicide, without making an internal conflict with the "Bronze" Soviet century, in 1930, was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Mayakovsky was an extraordinary person and an outstanding poet. He often raised, in his works ordinary human themes. One of them pity and participate to the fate of a horse, which fell in the middle of the square, in his poem "good attitude to horses". People rushed around and fled. They do not care before the tragedy of a living being.

The author argues that it became with humanity, which does not compare the poor animal, where all the best qualities that are inherent in humanity. She lay in the middle of the street and looked around sad eyes. Mayakovsky compares people with a horse, implying that the same can happen with any of the society, and around, will still be rushed and rush, hundreds of people and no one will show a talion. Many will simply pass and do not even turn their heads. Each row of the poet is filled with sadness and tragic loneliness, where through laughter and voices are heard like a knock of horsepie hoofs, removing in a gray pattern of the day.

Mayakovsky has its own artistic and expressive agents, with the help of which the atmosphere of the work is injected. For this, the writer uses a special rhyme rhyme and words that it was so typical. He, in general, was a great master to invent new words and means for a clearer and non-standard expression of his thoughts. Mayakovsky used accurate and inaccurate, rich rhymes, with female and male stress. The poet used free and free verse, which gave him the opportunity to more accurately express the necessary thoughts and emotions. He called for help, sounding, a phonetic speech, which gave a particular expressiveness.

Sounds are often repeated in lines: vowels and consonants. Used allitalation and assembly, metaphor and inversion. When at the end of the poem, a redhead horse, having gathered his last strength, remembering himself a little horse, rose and went down the street, Gulko Tsokya with his hooves. Her, as it were, supported the lyrical hero, who sympathized with her and condemned those who laughed over her. And there was hope for what will be good, joy and life.

Analysis of the poem good attitude towards the horses of Mayakovsky

The poem of V.V. Mamakovsky "Good attitude to horses" is one of the most piercing and life-affirming poems of the poet, even those who do not like the creativity of the poet.
It starts with the words:

"Beat hooves,
Sang as if:
Wind opite
ice shod
Slipped street. "

To convey the atmosphere of that time, that chaos that reigned in society, Mayakovsky consumes such dark words to start their poem.

And immediately imagine a cumen bridge in the center of the old Moscow,. Winter cold day, a wagon with a red horse in the harness and dangerous, master and other business people. Everything goes to myself ....

I. Oh horror "" horse on croup
And immediately
for the sewage yawak
Harked ... "

Near the old mare there was a crowd, the laughter of which "spied" for the whole Kuznetsky.
Here Mayakovsky wants to show the spiritual appearance of a huge crowd. No compassion and mercy can also be speech.

And what is the horse? Having helpless, old and without his strength, she lay on the pavement and understood everything. And only one (!) The man from the crowd came up to the horse and looked at the "Eyes of Horses", full of molts, humiliation and shame for their helpless old age. The compassion for the horse was so great that a person spoke to her human language:

"Horse, no need.
Listen to what you think you
Is it bad?
we all
each of us
In their own way

Here Mayakovsky makes it clear that people who mowed over a horse dropped, no better than the horses themselves.
These human supports have created a miracle! The horse, as if they understood them and they gave her strength! The horse jumped on his feet, "Rushalla and went"! She no longer felt the old and sick, she remembered youth and seemed to himself a foal!

"And it was worth living and worked!" - This life-affirming phrase Mayakovsky finishes its poem. And somehow it becomes good on the soul from such a junction of the plot.

What is this poem? The poem teaches us good, participation, not indifference to someone else's misfortune, respect for old age. On time, a good word, help and support for those who especially need it can turn a lot in the soul of man. Even the horse understood the sincere compassion of man facing it.

As you know, Mayakovsky in his life survived the persecution, misunderstanding, denial of his creativity, so it can be assumed that he imagined himself the most horse that needs human participation so much!

Analysis of the poem good attitude towards horses according to plan

Alexander Blok - man is unusually poetic. For him there is no pleasant thing to write beautiful and living poems. This man loved his work, in principle, like other writers and poets.

  • Analysis of the poem of Nekrasova Elegy

    This elegance poem is also devoted to the topic of a simple people. The poet writes that the topic of the suffering of the people is still relevant. After all, after the cancellation of the serfdom of the right, the peasants did not live better, they looked further,

  • Subject: from the literature of the XX century

    Lesson: Poem V.V. Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses"

    High, broadcaster, with courageous and sharp features of the face, Mayakovsky was actually a very kind, soft and wounded person. Very loved animals (Fig. 1).

    It is known that he could not pass by a homeless cat or a dog, chose them, attached from acquaintances. One day, 6 dogs and 3 cats lived in the room at the same time, one of whom could bore kittens. The apartment hostess ordered this nickname immediately, and Mayakovsky hurriedly began to look for pets of new owners.

    Fig. 1. Photo. Mayakovsky with a dog ()

    One of the most heartfelt recognition in love for the "brothers to our smaller" is perhaps in the whole world literature - we will find from Mayakovsky:

    I love the beast.

    See the dog -

    here at the bakery one -

    solid hops, -

    and it is ready to get a liver.

    I do not feel sorry, dear,

    From the biography of V. Mayakovsky, we know that he studied in Moscow in the school of painting, brewing and architecture, at the same time he was fond of the new direction in art, called futurism, and socialist ideas.

    Futurism (from Lat. Futurum - Future) - the general name of the artistic avant-garde movements of the 1910s - early 1920s. XX century, primarily in Italy and Russia. The manifesto of Russian futurists was called "Society to Public Taste" (1912)

    Futurists believed that literature should look for new topics and forms. According to their conviction, the modern poet must defend its rights. Here are their list:

    1. In an increase in the dictionary in the eg o o b b b ё e arbitrary and derivative words (the word-innovation)

    2. On the insurmountable hatred of the language existing

    3. With horror, remove your bunny brooms from the proud chela from the bath brooms.

    4. Stand on the lump of the words "we" among the sea whistling and indignation

    Futurists experimented with the word, creating copyright neologisms. So, for example, Futurist Khlebnikov came up with the name of Russian futurists - will be (people of the future).

    For participation in the revolutionary circles, Mayakovsky was arrested three times, the last time he spent 11 months in prison. It was during this period that Mayakovsky decides to seriously take up literature. In the poem Aseev "Mayakovsky begins" (Fig. 2) This period of life of the poet is described in the following words:

    Fig. 2. Illustration to the poem Aseeva "Mayakovsky begins" ()

    And so it comes out:

    big, longolate,


    ice rain,

    under the broadband

    saving a hat

    under an outdated poverty cloak.

    Around anyone.

    Only prison by shoulders.

    Lantern to the light.

    For the soul - not a penny ...

    Only smells Moscow

    hot kalachi

    yes drops a horse

    bokami breathe.

    Mention of the horse in this passage is not accidental. One of the best poems of early Mayakovsky has become poem "Good attitude to horses"(Fig. 3).

    Fig. 3. Illustration to the poem of Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses" ()

    Plot He was suggested his life itself.

    One day V.V. Mayakovsky has witnessed a street incident, often in the starving Moscow 1918: an exhausted horse fell on the laid bridge.

    On June 9, 1918, a poem of V.V. was published in the Moscow newspaper Novaya Life. Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses."

    The poem is unusually in form and content. First, unusual stroke when the poetic string is broken and the continuation is written from a new line. This technique was called the name "Lestenka Mayakovsky" and explained to them in the article " How to make poems?" The poet believed that such a record attaches a poem the necessary rhythm.

    Images in the poem of Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses".


    Street (crowd)

    Lyrical hero

    1. Horse on croup


    2. for dripping dripping

    on the face rolling

    hiding in wool ...


    rose to feet,

    3. Red baby.

    Came cheerful,

    it became in the stall.

    And everything seemed to her -

    she is a foal

    and it was worth living

    and it was worth working.

    1. Wind opite,

    ice shod,

    street slid,

    2. Over the sewage, Zewaka,

    pants who came to Kuznetsky cool,


    laughter rang and spied

    3. Street overturned,

    it flows in its own way ...

    1. Laughing Kuznetsky.

    2. And some common

    mercenary Tosca

    my shoulders resulted out of me

    and broke in the rustle.

    "Horse, no need.

    Horse listen -

    what do you think you are bad?

    we are all a little horse,

    each of us in your own way. "

    The horse is a symbol of a lonely living soul, which needed support, sympathy. It is also a symbol of persistent character, the horse found the strength to rise and live on.

    Street is hostile, indifferent, cold and cruel world.

    Output: In the poem, Mayakovsky raises the moral problem of cruelty and indifference of the world in relation to the living soul. However, despite this, the idea of \u200b\u200bpoem is optimistic. If the horse found the strength to climb and get up in the stall, then the poet makes a conclusion for myself: in spite of everything it is worth living and work.

    Tools of artistic expressiveness

    Deployed metaphor. Unlike a simple metaphor, the detailed lifestyle includes a certain life phenomenon and is revealed throughout the segment or the entire poem.

    For example:

    1. Wind opite,

    ice shod,

    street slid.

    2. And some common

    mercenary Tosca

    my shoulders resulted out of me

    and broke in the rustle.

    Stylistic techniques: assonance and alliteration. These are phonetic techniques that allow sounds to draw or pass the event.


    The horse fell! -

    Horse fell! -

    With the help of vowels, the poet conveys a crowd cry, and maybe a rusty horse, her cry. Or cry lyrical hero? In these stitches, pain, moan, anxiety sounds.



    laughter rang and spied

    With the help of consonants, the poet transmits the unpleasant laughter of the crowd. Sounds are annoyed as a scrub of a rusty wheel.

    Onomatopoeia- One of the types of sound survey: the use of phonetic combinations capable of passing the sound of the described phenomena

    For example:

    Beat hoofs.

    Sang as if:

    Using double and single words with repeated sounds, the poet creates a sound effect of a gouring horse.

    Features rhyme

    V. Mayakovsky was largely a discoverer, reformer, experimenter. His poem "good attitude to horses" surprises with its wealth, variety and originality of the rhyme.

    For example:

    Truncated, inaccurate: bad - horse, zooaka - spoiled

    None aloven: in wool - in the rustle, stall - cost

    Composite: in how to him - in his own way

    Omonimic: I went - a brief adjective and went - verb.

    In this wayThe author uses various literary techniques to create a bright, emotional picture that will not leave anyone indifferent. Such a feature is inherent in Mayakovsky's work. Mayakovsky saw his destination, first of all, in the impact on readers. That is why M. Tsveyev called him "the world's first in the world", and Platonov - "Master of Universal Life."


    1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials in literature. 7th grade. - 2008.
    2. Tishchenko O.A. Homework on literature for grade 7 (to the textbook V.Ya. Korovina). - 2012.
    3. Kuteyankova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
    4. A source).


    1. Expressively read the poem of V. Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses". What is the feature of the rhythm of this poem? Did you easily read it? Why?
    2. Find authentic words in the poem. How are they educated?
    3. Find examples of the expanded metaphor, hyperboles, calabura, associates, althery in the poem.
    4. Find the lines in which the idea of \u200b\u200bpoem is expressed.