Repairs Design Furniture

How to get rid of mold and fungus in your apartment. Mold in the apartment: how to destroy the fungus at home, the best means kill the fungus gray

Mold is a visible tax that form microscopic mold mushrooms. They are omnipresent: can grow on any materials and in all conditions. It appears not only on the surface of the items, but also penetrates the threads of the mushrooms inside them, so it will not always get rid of it.

What happens?

Most often, the mold in the apartment is the following types:
  • White mold. Loves flower pots, wood, bread and some products.
  • Green mold. Prefers food.
  • Blue. Appears on wooden surfaces, giving them a blue shade. May be touched upon furniture, parquet or window frames.
  • Black mold. The most malicious kind of fungus, which thrives everywhere: from paper wallpapers in the bedroom to the tile in the bathroom.

Why does the mold appear?

Mold begins to multiply when it gets into a suitable environment.

  • Humidity. The perfect level is 60-80%. In the house, so many moisture can be in a bathroom or shower rooms, if you recently flooded the neighbors or if condensate appeared after changing the weather on the windows.
  • Temperature. Mold survives both at very low and high temperatures. The most favorable interval from 4 to 20 ° C.
  • Ventilation. Closed windows, a jet of furniture, a heap of scattered things - and now the air is difficult to circulate around the room, it is increasingly saturated with mold disputes, and the fungus becomes easier to multiply.

How to understand that the mold has already appeared?

At first, the mold can be detected by smell - sharp, raw and specific. In the future, the fungus issues itself with appropriate raids.

What is needed to fight mold?

  • For own protection: glasses, gloves, respirator.
  • To remove a climb: Brush / sponge / scraper / rag / sandpaper, water capacity, any detergent, trash can
  • For final processing: Cutting fungus, wood varnish.

Before starting the processing of the room, put on glasses, gloves, respirator, does not hurt the protective suit. When working with amazed objects, be careful not to spread the spores of the mold around the house.

Inhalation dispute may be dangerous to health. Be sure to use personal protective equipment.

The algorithm is extremely simple:

  1. Mechanically clean the affected surface from the climb.
  2. Process in any means of mold.
  3. Dry the surface and ventilate the room.
  4. Do not allow re-formation of mold.

The most important thing is to carefully remove the visible tax. If the mold layer is recent, it is easy to fly with the help of sponge, brushes and warm soapy water.

Mold on wallpaper can be successfully removed only in the early stages. Later, it is desirable to clean part of the wall to the plaster. Do not slow! Literally per year, the fungus is able to hit concrete and brick, passing through the plaster. Use the sandpaper for reliability and do not forget to moisten the walls to prevent the spread of the dispute.

If the mold appeared on the ceiling and struck the blots, consider it with a scraper or sandpaper. Only first moisten the surface.

Mold in the bathroom loves seams between tiles and joints. Square the amazed sealant, clean the seams. After drying, treat the disinfectant, take it out the seams and joints with a new sealant and grout.

Waste remaining after processing, immediately throw out into the sealed package. It will not give to spread mold.

What remedy for mold to choose?

The main question is: what exactly to treat the surface, so that the mold does not appear again? We have compiled a list of the most effective funds, each of which acts on all kinds of fungus. Choose the most suitable for you.


Suitable for tiles, braid, but not for porous materials. Toxic, you need to use with caution. It is divorced by water in proportion 1: 10. It is applied with a brush or with a spray gun.

Table vinegar

Suitable for all surfaces and materials. Has the smell. May discolor wallpaper or furniture. Applied using a spray or rag. For prevention, the procedure is repeated in a week.

Lemon acid or juice

It has the same properties as vinegar, has a pleasant smell. You can process any materials, best suited for tiles. One tablespoon of citric acid is divorced in a glass of water. The solution is applied to the surface with a sprayer or cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Safe and convenient to work. You can apply on any surface, with caution - on painted and tissues, not to discolor. Applied using a spray or rag. For prevention, the procedure is repeated in a week.

Baking soda

Safe, does not have a sharp smell. Can be used on any surfaces. The tablespoon of soda is divorced in a glass of water. The surface is processed using a sprayer or rag. An hour later everything is wiping with water to avoid divorces.

Essential oils

Tea tree oils, lavender and rosemary have antibacterial properties and a pleasant smell, safe. You can process any surface. It is enough to add 10-20 drops of oil into a glass of water and apply a solution with a sprayer. Repeat the procedure better times in a couple of days for prophylaxis.

How to remove the smell of mold?

If there is no mold, but still feeling, use:
  • Food soda. Put a thin layer in the place where the mold grew, leave for several hours, and then remove the vacuum cleaner.
  • Charcoal. Establish several capacities with coal around the perimeter of the room - a day or two, the smell will disappear.
  • Good ventilation and any aromatic candles, aerosols or incense. This will help finally enjoy the air in the house.

How to make the mold no longer appear?

  • Control the humidity of the premises. Warm walls and take care of waterproofing. Install the air conditioning that will dry the air. When cooking, turn the hood, more often ventilate the apartment, especially if you dry the lingerie in the bathroom.
  • Maintain a stable temperature. Heated windows and working heating will not allow condensate to form, which loves fungus so much.
  • Make a permutation, disassemble the antlesoli. Free circulating air will not give mold to develop.
  • Carefully treat colors in pots, especially to geraniums and violets. Do not overflow them or use unverified fertilizers.

The best assistant in the discovery and warning of mold in the apartment will be easy regular cleaning.

On the walls of the bathroom, kitchen, and sometimes even residential rooms appear spots of dark green or black. This mold or mold fungus, with whom you need to fight.

Mold (micrical damage to building structures) develops from a dispute. They are constantly in the air and invisible to the naked eye, but as soon as favorable conditions appear (increased humidity, heat), disputes "wake up" for intensive reproduction.
They quickly germinate, contributing to the appearance of entire colonies that give the following offspring - and the process of spreading mold is infinite.

The main signs that mold appeared in the house:

Dark green, gray or black dots and stains on the walls, ceiling, less often - on the furniture;
unpleasant stale smell indoors;
Wallpaper and paint peeling, the plaster crepts.
The mold fungus necessary for its existence is in a wide variety of materials. It can be both ordinary food and "intolerable" materials: paper, wood and natural fabrics.
The main reason for the occurrence of mold - High humidity in the room, which contributes:
Insufficient ventilation.
Excessive moisture should "leave" through a ventilation shaft or a window, but if the air vent (extractor) does not work properly, ideal conditions for reproduction of mold are created indoors.
Sometimes the hosts themselves are to blame, for example, when the door is installed in the bathroom so that there is almost no space between it and the threshold, and the air circulation is practically stopped.
In addition, if the apartment is located on the first floor, moisture can rise from the basement.
Condensate accumulates due to a large number of steam, which appears during cooking or bathing. Violation of construction technologies. Boots may arise due to disruption of the tightness of the buttons of the facade walls, because then the moisture is free to penetrate the room. Most of all panel houses are subject to this. Over time, the sealant, which filled the joints of the panels, peeling. This can occur under the influence of weather conditions, especially direct sunlight. In the cavities of the cavities accumulate moisture - a fungus appears in the apartment.
Alone, you can hardly manage to cope with disruption of the tightness of the designs, so you need to contact the HSE - there are obliged to take measures to eliminate the problem. Almost the same applies to the roofs. The leakage of the attic room and the roof can cause mold in apartments on the upper floors.

Mold on the walls: What to do?

1. Remove and eliminate the causes of mold on the walls
Mold is only a consequence. So, the first step towards its liquidation is to eliminate the cause of development, that is, humidity. This is the fundamental step of struggle. If you do not fix high humidity, the remaining measures will be ineffective.
2. Clean the affected place from mold in the house
If the mold has just appeared in the form of small points or specks, they can be treated with hydrogen peroxide or table vinegar. However, in advanced cases will have to make efforts. First, scrape the fungus, and then thoroughly clean the affected area. If it is on the wall or ceiling, then up to concrete or brick. If the mold on the wallpaper, they must be removed and also to clean the wall. Improved plasterboard remove and throw away. Please note: when cleaning the focus of the defeat, make a little over his borders - there is probably disputes there too.
3. Liquid mold with special means
The affected area must be treated with special preparations - antiseptics. They possess antimicrobial and antifungal action. Today, both domestic and foreign-made analogues are widely represented on the market.
The principle of this method is different, so when buying you need to get acquainted with the instructions. And remember: it is possible to apply these tools only after eliminating the cause of mold. To destroy the mold in the apartment, use antiseptics intended only for processing internal surfaces, and not for facades.
Attention! Choosing an antiseptic, ask for its appointment. Some drugs do not destroy the fungus, but warn its appearance.
4. Seeing the place of damage to mold
It must be done! From how qualitatively you dry the "patient" place will depend on whether the mold will return or leave your home forever. You can dry the wall with the help of active ventilation or heater. During the drying of the fungus, the walls of the walls should not clutch the furniture.
5. Spend decoration work
It would seem that all measures to destroy mold are accepted, and can be proceeded for finishing work. However, there are certain nuances. Avoid airproof materials, such as vinyl wallpaper. Materials Use only breathable, and primers and paints - with antibacterial properties.

Having bought a new apartment, everything seems to be perfect, clean and beautiful in it, but a year later, many owners notice black incomprehensible spots inside it. This is mold and fungus. They can affect absolutely all areas and corners of residential space.

This is mold and fungus. They can affect absolutely all areas and corners of residential space.

How do they come from? How to deal with them? What are they dangerous? What to do with mold in the apartment and how to remove it? Today we will give answers today, because you can protect your home from this attack.

What is worse: fungus or mold?

It is quite difficult to find the difference between these two concepts, because inherently they do not differ in their essence. Mold is a kind of fungus, developing through air.

The fungus is a living organism that gets nutrients from the environment. He does this to all his body, most of which is located inside the tree, stone, under the wallpaper, etc. (Read an interesting article about pasting Fliseline wallpaper).

What we see on the walls, the ceiling, B is a breeding organ consisting of a billionth number of dispute.

The fungus, as well as mold - the two most ancient organism arising on our planet before the appearance of animals and plants on it.

The feature of their development is that they may be developed regardless of the presence or absence of sunlight, while highlighting carbon dioxide and special essential oils.

It is because of them in the room there appears specific (for us an unpleasant) smell.

Mold in the people called fungus. Many of her species are known, but the most popular in the apartments is mold fungus. It happens green, blue and black. Often it is round growing stains, with a huge speed increasing in volume and quantity.

7 main places of mold spread

Mold can develop on very many types of materials: a tree (can completely destroy it, turning into a pipe), stone, tile, plaster (do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the article pro), plastic, paper, linoleum, carpet.

Also, we should not forget about flower pots and food products that need to be disposed immediately, finding them the first signs of fungus.

In the rooms due to poor ventilation, a new "drawing" can appear constantly closed plastic windows.

Consider the main reasons for its occurrence in the apartment, as well as places where it most often happens:

  • often you can see in the corner rooms of the mold on the ceiling and in the places of wall connection. This is due to violations of the construction process, when the plaster is not sufficiently tightly imposed on the walls, which provoked the process of freezing and accumulating dampness. In such places, it resembles a black flare;
  • the kitchens and bathrooms are one of the first rags fungus, because they have an elevated level of humidity and poor ventilation;
  • in the rooms due to bad ventilation, a new "drawing" may appear constantly closed plastic windows on the wallpaper;
  • if at the construction stage, the norms of creating high-quality waterproofing were not observed, this will certainly entail the occurrence of mold;
  • permanent pipe flow creates the most favorable wet conditions for its reproduction. In the event that you do not pay attention to it on time, it will not be possible to do without serious repair;
  • rooms located on the upper floors of buildings are often faced with the problem of the roof. Rain and melt water, spreading over the ceiling, remains in the plaster and gradually turns into a black or green flare, which quickly develops and affects even more extensive surface sections;
  • on the ceiling and walls mold can develop in the case when the room does not hear or warms not enough.

Remember, whatever dear apartment is, but if it is wet, poorly ventilated and dirty, avoid the appearance of mold in it will never succeed.

What needs to be done to get rid of mold forever?

Noticing in his apartment even a small affected area, do not hesitate, but immediately proceed to get rid of fungal defeat. It can be drawn independently, with your own hands. It is important to know that the disputes of these organisms are extremely harmful to the human body (especially child).

They can provoke the appearance of various diseases: asthma, allergies (skin rashes), sinusitis, dry cough, pneumonia, headaches and bleeding from the nose. The most terrible result of constant inhalation of the argument of fungus is the development Oncological diseases.

Do not do without a sponge, a spatula (they need to remove the layer of plaster), gloves, antiseptic agents and a special mixture for the destruction of fungus.

Before studying the methods of combating mold, all comfortable conditions should be destroyed for its development:

  • thoroughly dry the entire apartment (especially angles);
  • get rid of old wallpaper and warm the purified surfaces (floor, ceiling and walls);
  • ensure that there is no too high humidity in the room;
  • provide full and constant ventilation (more often open plastic windows and doors).

It is necessary to start withdrawing and get rid of mold in order to clean the infected surface. Make it necessary in the respirator. Conduct disinfection. Do not do without a sponge, a spatula (they need to remove the layer of plaster), gloves, antiseptic agents and a special mixture for the destruction of fungus.

What is the best way to remove mold in the apartment?

  • "Dali" is a wonderful antiseptic that cleans from fungus such materials: wood, plastic, plasterboard, concrete, tile, brick. It can be used both inside and outside the room. Effective on painted surfaces. It can also be used as a prophylactic agent because it is perfectly absorbed into any materials. It is produced in the volume of 5 liters, the average cost of which is 560 rubles., As well as a capacity of 600 ml, which can be purchased for 161 rubles.
  • "Fongifuid Alps". Applied to concrete, plaster, cement, plasterboard, wood, tile, stone, tile. Produced in a volume of 5 liters. The price of this solution is 350 rubles.
  • "OLYMPUS. Stop mold. " Used to remove the fungus, as well as the prevention of its occurrence. Applied on wooden and mineral surfaces. It can be robing for 76 rubles. (500 ml - spray capacity), 1 l (73 rubles. - in plastic packaging), 5 l (333 rubles. - Canister from plastic).
  • "Biotol SPRAY". It is used in balconies, as well as rooms with high humidity (bathrooms and laundries). Suitable for outdoor use: processing fences, monuments, roofs and walls. The average cost for 500 ml of the drug is 300 rubles.
  • The element "T-Oalpa" is a universal remedy for mold. It can be applied to all types of materials. For outdoor and internal use. Produced in a volume of 4 liters. The average cost is 450 rubles.

When planning to acquire one of the above-mentioned funds, you need to calculate how much it is necessary for each specific case. Approximately 1 m2 It is necessary to spend 200 ml of the drug.

It should also be borne in mind that, despite the fact that they do not contain chlorine and absolutely harmless for both people and animals, the destruction of mold is recommended to be carried out in the respirator and dense gloves.

Besides, Folk remedies are knownSuppose to clean the affected surface for a while:

  • tassel color the ceiling or walls with a creosote (read about the color of the walls of water-emulsion paint);
  • solution prepared from 700 ml of vinegar, 450 g of borants, 200 g of boric acid and 5 liters of water;
  • fluid of 5 liters of water, into which 500 g of copper sipop and sodium fluoride are added;
  • it is possible to treat the plot with gluing, diluted with water in a ratio of 4: 1, respectively;
  • you can also use urea, but it will not be completely able to eradicate the presence of fungus in the apartment;
  • water with a washing powder will not remove the mold, but it will help to wash it well;
  • the wooden surface is sometimes cleaned with salt, after which they are covered with several layers of varnish;
  • tile in the kitchen clearly purified in water bleach at the rate of 10: 1;
  • vinegar, sprayed on the walls of the walls to the room or the kitchen, also briefly delay the reproduction of the dispute;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • soda, completely rinse, which is not worth it, since it does not allow molds again.

Solutions according to the specified recipes will be the best action in the event that it will be preloaded to a temperature of 50 ° C.

Whatever way to combat mold you have chosen, the most effective is still considered to be purchased in the store special antiseptic funds.

If the degree of lesion of wooden or concrete surfaces is too large, you will have to get rid of it as soon as possible, not allowing distribution to more large areas.

How to prevent the occurrence of mold?

  • Around the apartment several times a day.
  • Do not dry underwear on heated towel rails right in the room.
  • During cooking, close the pans and pans with covers.
  • Ensure that there are no water leaks.
  • Do not limit sunlight access.
  • In the kitchen, there must be a high-quality ventilation system.
  • Install such a number of batteries that would interfere with the freezing of walls and their moisturization.
  • Of all the room colors, exclude violets and geranium, because it is at best the fungus develops.
  • Do not put furniture too close to the walls.
  • Dangerous places regularly handle means against mold.
  • Use only high-quality waterproofing materials still at the repair stage, because they do not allow to penetrate moisture into the house and destroy it.

Mold - Dangerous organismcapable of penetrating any home. At the first signs of his appearance, do not sit, folded hands. Act to keep your health and appearance of your favorite apartment.

Video instruction

The risk of infection with fungus is subject to any build, and the struggle against mold on the walls in the apartment remains an urgent problem for many property owners.

The reasons for the appearance of mold can be the most diverse. The fungus leads the enhanced humidity in the room and insufficient ventilation. These factors are a consequence of the shortcomings admitted during the construction of the building (poor hydro and thermal insulation of overlaps, walls, foundations, etc.). To promote the formation of molds can also owner of an apartment, too passionate for the surface of the surfaces with modern materials (for example, from plastic). It is impossible not to mention the premises, the appearance of mold in which is most likely due to a high level of humidity, the bathroom and the kitchen. Do not forget about leaks from apartments located above.

If the owner of a country house has all the possibilities to fight fungus, the field of the Battle of the apartment owner is most often limited only by its internal space (though, the inhabitants of the first floors can independently carry out some of the hydrophobization work and the insulation of the floors of the basement or the outer wall of the apartment). In the rest of the inhabitants of multi-storey houses, it is necessary to rely on the responsibility of housing and communal services.

Special conditions are needed to form mold

The main condition for the successful fight against fungus on the walls is the elimination of conditions for its development. It is necessary to ensure a uniform distribution of heat throughout the room and prevent the humidity in it:

  • the heating system must work correctly;
  • in water pipelines there should be no passage;
  • rooms, especially with high humidity, should be equipped with an effective ventilation system (if not enough natural, compulsive should be installed);
  • the bathroom doors and the kitchen are better to leave more often open.

In almost every apartment, water communications are closed with covers. It is necessary that the air is freely circulated to circulate. To do this, the casing requires ventilation holes. Decorative panels and plumbing equipment - baths and washing. Under the facing you also need to provide natural air exchange.

The formation of high humidity and condensate in the apartment promotes faulty ventilation

In winter, condensate may form on the windows. The phenomenon is inherent in low-rise plastic structures. In order to prevent the appearance of the drops, it is necessary to ensure the unimpeded flow of warm air to the windows. You may have to drill the windowsill in several places.

Not enough to be insulated walls of the apartment should not be close to putting furniture - it will make it difficult for the natural ventilation of partitions, and the fungus may appear both on them and on the furniture.

Repairs in the apartment is the best time for integrated measures to prevent the appearance of fungus, but the problem is completely solved only after hydrophobization and insulation of walls from the outside. In this case, their freezing and moisture penetration is excluded. Internal work The problem is only partially solved. Only thorough surface treatment with antifungal agents will save from the formation of the mold of the partition. This work must be carried out at the preparatory stage of repair.

Tip! Repair is better to coincide with the warm season when it is possible to thoroughly dry the sections to be processed.

For the prevention and partial elimination of mold walls are treated with anti-grab antiseptic

What to do if the mold appeared

The fight against mold will not turn into an endless war in the timely detection of signs of its appearance. If from the start of development the fungus passed several months, then radical measures will be required for its destruction. In the meantime, mold only showed himself on the walls, you can get rid of it using inexpensive tested tools. Among them:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • mangartanous potassium;
  • bura;
  • drinking soda;
  • chlorine bleach.

3% hydrogen peroxide is an effective means for removing the fungus. The substance is applied to a pre-purified area, but the painted surfaces of the peroxide should be processed due to its whitening effect.

In combating fungus often use table vinegar. It is sprayed from a sprayer over the surface purified from mold. Vinegar destroys almost all kinds of fungus and penetrates deep into the material being processed.

After processing with a pulverizer, the affected area is wiping in a cloth moistened in vinegar. After 1 hour, traces of vinegar can be removed with clean water. Room ventilate. Treatment with vinegar is recommended to repeat in a week.

The pulverizer is used when spraying the ammonia alcohol. The composition for combating fungus is prepared from equal parts of ammonia mortar and water. An hour after treatment, the surface is washed with clean water, and the room is ventilated. When working with ammonia alcohol, you need to use respiratory control tools. Ammonia solution is used to remove the fungus with tiles and glass.

Manganese - famous antiseptic. Its solution (1 h. Permanganate potassium per 1 liter of water) wipe or spray the surfaces infected with mold.

To destroy molds, you can use the drone: 1 glass of substances are dissolved in 2.5 liters of water. The composition is applied on the wall with a rigid brush. The operation is better to repeat 2-3 times. Wash the breas solution is not needed.

Helps get rid of mold drinking soda. A sponge, impregnated with a solution (1 h. Soda per 1 cup of water) wipe the surface. After 50-60 minutes, they are wiped with a sponge with clear water, but so as not to remove the fully formed film of soda.

Destruction of mold bleach

Sodium hypochlorite, on the basis of which many bleachers are made, destroyed for mycelium of any kind, but a whitening composition, characterized by high chemical activity, should be used with caution. Work with him, putting protective glasses and rubber gloves. It is necessary to use the means of protecting the respiratory organs, since the pairs of chlorine compounds of poisonous.

The bleach can be used to remove the fungus from the tile, glass and other similar surfaces by the side effect of its use can be the fading of the processed section, so on the painted walls (especially wallpaper) the bleach is better not to apply.

To combat mold on the walls, you can use linen bleachers

The bleach and other compositions on the basis of chlorine are not recommended to handle porous materials like GLC and wood. The volatile compounds of chlorine destroy the fungus only on their surface, and water falls inside the material, creating an ideal environment for the development of mold.

The solution to combat mold on the walls in the apartment is prepared from 1 part of the bleach and 10 parts of water. The composition is applied with a brush on the surface previously purified from the fungus.

Tip! Before removing the mold, the affected surface must be moistened, which will prevent the spread of the dispute around the apartment.

Destruction of mold by potent means

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of mold on the walls, only applying radical ways of struggle. Sometimes the fungus penetrates so deep into the wall that it comes to destroy it, removing the plaster to the base.

Traditionally, copper sulfur is used to treat surfaces that are strongly affected by fungus:

  • 100 g of substances are dissolved in 10 liters heated to 40 0 \u200b\u200b° C;
  • the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe wall purify from fungus and peeling fragments of plaster;
  • Tip! After removing the fungus and plaster before impregnating anti-grapple agents, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the parts to be treated.

Contrary to popular opinion, mold on the ceiling, the walls can easily appear not only in the launched houses, but also in quite good-free buildings that are subject to frequent maintenance and full care. This is no accident, because the main sources of infection are the disputes of fungus and molds, which in a small volume are capable of moving in the air together with dust and settle on different elements of the wall design, creating real problem foci.

At the same time, besides aesthetic restrictions, the development of fungus can cause more substantial consequences that are associated with the destruction of structural elements and deterioration of the well-being residing in the house. Intestinal diseases, asthma, allergies - this is not a complete list of threats than can be dangerous mold.

Given the above, many household owners are very interested in the question of how to bring mold from the walls in the apartment, and not allow the manifestation of such a defect in the future. Let's figure it out with it.

Types of mold

Mold varieties that can be formed in your residential building, there are several:

  • Green mold - meets most often. It can not be afraid, because if you know how to correctly eliminate mold from wallpaper, it will quickly disappear.
  • The dark green mold is more problematic, however, it is also removed simply if it is revealed immediately and start acting quickly.
  • White, in appearance as the Pooh mold - can spread almost unnoticed. In a short time, all the room is affected. With a white view, it is definitely impossible to slow, as it is very dangerous for human health and it is necessary to remove it very carefully - only in the respirator and gloves.
  • Black - can cause strong disorders in the immune system of a weak human body. It is the most dangerous of all kinds of homemade mold, very quickly grow up, it is quite difficult to remove. Processing will have to be special chemical mixtures. At the end of the work, prevention is important, so that the black fungus has not settled on your walls again.

Causes of mold on the walls

Of course, before starting the struggle with such a very dangerous "enemy", you should find out why the mold appears to reduce it, the possibility of manifestation of such disgusting deviation in the future.

The underlying condition for the appearance of mold on the walls in the apartment is an excessive moisture, which is a consequence of poor ventilation.

The emergence of fungus can also occur due to the strong cooling of the enclosing structures, which also need to consider in advance before the work. For this, in the overwhelming majority, the insulation of walls, floors and foundations is insulated by the use of thermal insulators.

Among the indirect causes of mold formation, the roof is also distinguished, errors when performing construction operations, deterioration of the tightness of sewer and watering systems.

Than dangerous mold in the apartment

From mold on the walls, many are very trying to get rid of as quickly as possible, but some are just thinking about it, not aware of the danger that it is capable of acting both on the human body and on the design of the room and various homeworms.

Let's find out what is dangerous mold indoors:

  • Dampness is a catalyst for many respiratory diseases. Finding into a lung man, disputes of microorganisms can cause such unpleasant diseases like rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pneumonia and bronchitis. With constant inhalation of the air polluted air, bronchial asthma may develop.
  • Mold microorganisms can cause different skin diseases such as dermatosis, dermatitis, micaosis, and Psoriasis.
  • Fungal disputes are strong allergens that penetrating the respiratory pathways of a person cause many serious diseases, from conjunctivitis to respiratory allergermatosis.
  • The fungus that lives in the bathroom is dangerous in that it can sow on personal hygiene, causing candidiasis, stomatitis.
  • Mold in the apartment can get into the human body through different foods. Accumulating in the human body, toxins cause kidney damage, liver cirrhosis begins.
  • When a multitude of toxins in the human body, food micotoxicosis can be manifested. It is dangerous in that it causes such unpleasant diseases as, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and loss of appetite. At the same time, more toxic substances easily affect the cardiovascular and nervous system, causing depression and sleep disruption.
  • Very dangerous products of the life of mold - Aflatoxins, which cause serious aflatoxicosis disease. Accumulating, this substance in the body in an adult can cause cell mutation, and subsequently a variety of oncological ailments. Children this disease can even lead to death.
  • Mold is not limited to the human body. It causes huge material damage, easily destroying the structure of walls and finishing materials (stone, wallpaper, concrete and skin), especially product and design of wood. The actinomycert fungus penetrates the materials very deeply, thereby getting rid of it almost impossible.

This is not a complete list of all dangers that come from black mold. To preserve health yourself and relatives, do not wait for the repair, try to get rid of this infection faster.

Where to start removing mold

Full elimination of mold can be achieved only if comprehensive works are performed. They include:

  • Frequent ventilation.
  • Processing of infected surfaces of special antiseptic.
  • Waterproofing of affected surfaces.

The main problem is that the mold performs on the wallpaper. Therefore, they will need to tear. It seems that it will be enough on the Wallpaper to walk in any particular to the black mold on the walls and they will immediately take their own former look, but, unfortunately, this is not at all.

So, throw away all doubts and tear the wallpaper. The walls will need to be cleaned from wallpaper completely - both affected and disabouted areas.

Stages of grinding walls from mold

So how to bring the fungus on the wall in the apartment?

  • On peeled areas, apply a means from fungal mold on the walls. What to bring the fungus? Many hostesses are used for this domain, however it is better to buy construction preparations - Senesezi Effeu, Homeiennoystoye (Tikkurila) or Fongifuid (ALPA). With humidity in a room 65% and a temperature of 20 ° C, everything will dry in 4-5 hours.
  • Processed wall surfaces contain organics decay products. In this regard, pass on it with a brush (dry).
  • Walls are well washed with warm water. Then they must be dried.
  • In case the mold on the wall in the housing was strong, the procedure must be repeated once again a few days later. When processing, it is necessary to take into account the porosity of the selected surface.
  • One day after treatment with an antiseptic, you can already apply a special primer of deep penetration, for example, TiefGRUND LF (DUFA), Euro Primemer (Tikkurila), or a wagon "AWS Mix". The primer is necessary in order to maintain the overall air permeability of the walls, to strengthen them well, as well as increase the adhesion with the next finish. The primer also refers to the means to eliminate mold if there are components that kill the fungus and mold. It should be used without diluting, in order to achieve maximum effect.
  • Then plaster, pass the primer again and glue the new wallpaper. Their sticking after it turned out to eliminate mold from the walls, also has specific nuances. The glue should be purchased exclusively moisture-resistant, with anti-grapple qualities. Well established himself to Kelid Special Vinyl.

Experts advise painting the walls of high-quality paint for wet premises. These paints have absolute efficiency.

All painted surfaces will be dry, because condensate will not appear on them. In case there is no humidity, it will not be mold!

What should I do if the mold occurs because of poor-quality waterproofing, when even because of the small rain walls become molded immediately?

Ideally, the accommodation must be treated outside, however, if it is on the ninth floor, it will be quite problematic. In this case, the walls that go out into the street should be from the inside to treat several times the drug called Polyfluid Alpa.

People's Molding Methods

If only a small plot of walls, either the items of consideration, was affected by fungus and mold, then the most optimal option will get rid of it - this is used by proven folk remedies. Of course, in efficiency, they do not compare them with professional high-thickens, however, at least in this case they will completely cope with their task. So, what to treat mold on the wall in the apartment?

  • Bleach. Fighting with different types of mold in the house perfectly cope with the bleach. The destructive substance for fungus - sodium hypochlorite, which is always contained in the composition of the bleach. This tool is suitable only for cleaning solid and smooth surfaces (any tiles in the bathroom, furniture, glass). The bleach is divorced, as a rule, in the proportion of 1:10, and then applied to the affected surface by sprayer, brushes or vessels. For re-processing, it is necessary to wait for a full drying.
  • Vinegar. It has a pronounced and specific smell. At the same time, dangerous evaporations for human health is distinguished. To bring the fungus and mold, it is necessary to apply it in its pure form to the focus of the lesion by means of a sprayer, and after an hour, the surface should be rinsed with water, and then ventilate the room. For good prevention, the processed wall is better than a while sprinkle with vinegar.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. To withdraw the entire mold on the walls by means of hydrogen peroxide. A similar antibacterial agent is currently available in each pharmacy. This drug has no smell and does not contain toxins. It easily removes the fungus on very many materials, but you need to be careful with different colored surfaces, as it can whiten them. The processing process is as follows: 3% of the peroxide is taken and with the help of a sprayer processes the wall. 10 minutes for impregnation, then cleaning and washing the processed area is necessary.
  • Economic soap and urine. This agent is perfect for eliminating mold from a variety of wood surfaces. For this, a special mixture of soap is crushed on grater and urine. Then the finished solution should be worthwhile. Then after processing, the material should be fed, and then rinse the remains of this solution.
  • Tea tree oil. This tool is used to eliminate small affected areas. The solution is prepared in proportion to water - 1:10. Processing this means is very simple. The solution is applied to the affected area by means of a sprayer, and then dried.
  • Copper vigor. The most famous folk remedy against black mold. The solution is prepared in the ratio of 100 g of vitriol on 10 liters of water. Processing can be performed with a spray or conventional brush. Copper cunery is undesirable to apply if you plan to glue the wallpaper on the processed area, because after itself it leaves the visible bloom of blue.
  • Bura. It is considered a real leader to eliminate mold from all the above methods. Bura is a natural material. He is not at all dangerous for human health. The consistency of its dilution with water is one to ten. It is applied to all the affected areas through a special hard brush. To the final finishing of the treated area, it is necessary to begin only after a complete surface drying.


Now let's find out how to protect the house from the re-appearance of mold.

  • The most popular reason for the spread of mold is bad ventilation rooms. Therefore, check the craving in your ventilation channels by means of a lit match. If the fire match does not deviate towards the channel, there is no traction. To eliminate such a problem, you must contact the local communal service.
  • Another reason for very poor ventilation - plastic windows of large tightness. By installing special ventilation valves on all windows, you will ensure the constant arrival of new fresh air. Do not put the furniture very close to the walls of the wallpaper, because it is in closed places and a mold appears.
  • So that the mold does not appear under the wallpaper, regularly ventilate the premises. Windows, windows in the house are desirable to periodically open at some time intervals. The shoals of the windows of windows are better to paint with special hydrophobic paints.
  • Increased dietary materials, insufficient isolation between panels and other repairs still may cause fungus formation. Simple rain that flows not on special drainage, but on the outer side of the wall of the building, can lead to its strong blotting. In these cases, be sure to demand from the livelihood of the elimination of such problems.