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The most passionate and strong unions among all the signs of the zodiac. The rating of compatibility of all signs of the zodiac from the happiest to the most unhappy couples

All signs of the zodiac fall under the influence of one of the four basic elements: water, air, earth or fire. These elements are the main factors that determine the compatibility of constellations among themselves. However, there are other variables here. There are cases when two signs managed by one element may be incompatible.

To avoid confusion, below are the strongest and passionate unions of the zodiac signs.

Aries - Scales

A distinctive feature of the Aries is its strong leadership qualities that it demonstrates both in personal life and in work. Therefore, all the other signs of the zodiac seems to be a Taurus, as striving for dominance over a partner in relations, are not recognized as a militant. Honesty is the most important thing that he is looking for a second half. When it comes to the Intimnaya part of the question, the flame of passion burns Aries from the inside. Therefore, a good pair for such people can be scorpion or lion, but only scales will be perfect. Aries attracts honesty and simplicity of the nature of the scales, and the needs of the latter in emotional dependence complements the desire of Aries to control. When Aries and scales begin to meet, they form a strong and passionate union together.

Taurus - Deva.

Tales - family people. They get more pleasure from the conquest of love than from the very feeling. As romantics, born under this sign of the zodiac are well compatible with the devies, which, like they, prefer a quiet family life. The love of virgins to all sensual corresponds to the nature of the Tales, and this makes it a very strong pair of them. Taurians need to stay away from Sagittarov, as they adore adventures and never make their half happy.

Gemini - Sagittarius

Cheerful and joyful twins can become excellent friends. But when it comes to love, then all the other signs of the zodiac turns out to be very difficult to build relationships with him. Twins scare obligations because they make them feel connected. They are looking for in the other half the mind and wit, and therefore most of all are suitable for those born under the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittars are also very afraid of losing freedom and understand the twins better than all. The sense of humor of Sagittarov will captivate their partners, and when these two begin to meet, they feel the most happy and protected. Only Capricorn can become the worst party for twins.

Cancer - Taurus

Cracks are known for their empathy. They will always crave for long and serious relationships in which they can emotionally dissolve in their partner. Serious and emotional tales are the best pair for such sensitive personalities. Frank and sometimes high-quality signs of the zodiac like a lion can cause cancer pain instead of making them happy.

Lev - Aries

Despite his pride, Lion usually does not take away from fans and fans. But his egocentrism prevents other signs of the zodiac to enter into a long romantic relationship with him. The passion of Aries makes them the best pair for lion. Born under these signs so elegantly express their feelings to each other, that they simply do not have equal. But the strength of their love fully corresponds to the cruelty of their quarrels. Nevertheless, they manage to cope with their disagreements and solve problems together. The worst partner for Leo is only Scorpio - their characters do not get along together, which leads to mutual bullying.

Virgo - Scorpio

Virgo is one of the most calm and methodical signs of the zodiac. Being perfectionists, they are simultaneously kept and attentive to their second half. They are ideal for passionate scorpions. This pair establishes a very strong emotional connection. Exposure and discipline of the Virgin help to restrain the dynamic of scorpion, and the sexuality of the latter - to convince the maiden to stop hiding behind the impregnable wall. Sagittarius is the worst partner for the Virgin, as he oppresses her thirst for adventure.

Scales - Gemini

Scales - inborn diplomats, which, on shoulder, the decision of any conflict. Despite the sharp sense of loneliness, they prefer not to bind to people of weak intellectual development. Always curious, these individuals adore new acquaintances and study their interlocutors. Gemini are simply created for them. Two signs know how to express their thoughts very well, and these are even more attracting them to each other. In addition, the scales help the twins not to break away from reality in their dreams. Most of the entire scores are incompatible with the Virgin.

Scorpio - Fish

Cerencing and hard scorpions are very vengeful and emotional by nature. They all do with the addiction, they are aggressive and love to dominate when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Together, fish and scorpion are invincible, and their union seemed to be destined in heaven. Scorpio like no one else understands the emotional nature of fish, and the submissive fish help Scorpion fully realize themselves. Constellations born under these constellations create a very intuitive pair. Like fish and scorpions, you need to avoid relationships with surface Aries.

Sagittarius - Aquarius

If anything can derive from himself, this is the lack of movement. Filter Archers are born for travel and literally need freedom. In relations and in life, they are eager for new sensations daily. And who else can understand this need is better than Aquarius? Equally loving freedom, its openness and love for the adventures of Aquarius will bring in relation to stability.
Sagittarius will never be happy with a taurus who loving cozy family gatherings.

Capricorn - Deva.

All Capricorns are ambitious and devotees. They know what they want from life and focus on achieving their goals. Even in a relationship with the opposite sex, they apply maximum effort, and therefore they try to refrain from them because of fear that they may cause pain. Understanding this, well disciplined maidens help Capricorn to maintain order in everything. Both sign are very attentive and focused, and can create an excellent family. Only carefree twins can become the very bad party for Capricorn.

Aquarius - Scales

Probably, the latter is the last of the people who continue to protest when all other protesters have already gone. If the normal order of things was broken, the Aquarius does not humble with it. They will require justice and fight until inequality in the world. The desire of weights to equilibrium literally attracts an aquaev who receive a partner in their face that understands the importance of the problem and ready to help. The desire to achieve justice and balance, in relations both signs of the zodiac respected each other. The union between cancer and aquiet is unlikely, since any involvement of the second to a pronounced protest causes only anger in cancer.

Fish - Capricorn.

Fish and Capricorn - as two opposite poles that attract each other. Dreamy and creative fish attract Capricors, and their strong faith in achieving the desired only inspires the partner of another zodiac sign. Capricorns hold on the afloat fish that are immersed and deeper into the bunch of dangerous ocean. At the same time, fish satisfy the creative needs of the Capricors. Fish always try to avoid maidens that do not understand their dreamy nature.

And with whom you are in a pair?

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Aries + Aries \u003d Union resembles a powder warehouse.

Aries + Taurus \u003d Permanent conflicts, but a joint creative or business program can keep entering the union.

Aries + twins \u003d marriage look like an adventure novel. But only over time, both spouses produce an optimal strategy and tactics of behavior.

Aries + cancer \u003d severe combination; After the first adorable gusts, hostility and conflicts occur.

Aries + lion \u003d difficult, but creative and bright union. By and large, you can say: "They lived for a long time and happily and died in one day."

Aries + V. \u003d The difference of natur will quickly lead to a rupture.

Aries + Scales \u003d Strong mutual influence of opposites, excellent addition to each other.

Aries + Scorpio \u003d Lovely Mutual Sexual Nature, but everyday relationship - there is no place worse.

Aries + Sagittarius \u003d If representatives of these signs are well brought up, mutual impulsiveness will not move into mutual insults.

Aries + Capricorn \u003d loneliness together.

Aries + Aquarius \u003d perfect union; Active on nature Aries always attracts ready to change the aquarius.

Aries + fish \u003d strange, heavy, but often occurring marriage. He can hold on any idea.

Taurus + Taurus \u003d mutual stubbornness, but for each other being kept because of the fear of change.

Taurus + twins \u003d complex, ambiguous, but frequently found union; The hardest problem is jealousy.

Taurus + cancer \u003d harmony in relationships.

Taurus + Lion \u003d Union of Love and Passion, but over the years he may exhaust himself.

Taurus + Virgo \u003d Happy family life.

Taurus + Scales \u003d accumulating mutual reproaches and resentment, together can only hold the situation in society and work in one area.

Taurus + Scorpio \u003d excellent sexual compatibility, mutual passion outbreaks, then suspicion. The marriage is rare, more often are lovers than spouses.

Taurus + Sagittarius \u003d Joint well-being rarely. In intimate relationships, they arrange each other, but not more; The Union may continue as a marriage for calculating.

Taurus + Capricorn \u003d the most favorable of unions; Combines community of interests and sexual compatibility.

Taurus + Aquarius \u003d Easy-productive partners. In marriage they are waiting for that cold, then the heat of the relationship.

Taurus + Fish \u003d Couple, producing from the side of the impression of prosperous, but in fact, sensual fish hurt the rudeness of the calf.

Gemini + Gemini \u003d Union holds only on friendship and complete freedom of relationships, but does not always bring happiness.

Gemini + cancer \u003d marriage only subject to ease and freedom of relationships.

Gemini + Lion \u003d friendly relationships that are reinforced by marriage.

Gemini + Virgo \u003d Strength is possible with common interests and mutual concessions.

Gemini + Scales \u003d Harmony and ordering of relationships coming from scales; The community of work, interests make them inseparable.

Gemini + Scorpio \u003d Union Heavy, but often found. The leading role in it belongs to the twins.

Gemini + Sagittarius \u003d Marriage by calculation; In order not to dry out, constant updating is required - travel, guests.

Gemini + Capricorn \u003d as a rule, leads to the collapse of the family.

Gemini + Aquarius \u003d Good luck for both, although frequent quarrels and disagreements.

Gemini + Fish \u003d Marriage rarely happens long, as the fish do not forgive inconstancy.

Cancer + cancer \u003d it looks like a rustling stream - bursts of emotions, tears, scandals, but also forgiveness.

Cancer + Lion \u003d Union of Love, Mysterious and Interesting, but lowest for marriage.

Cancer + Virgo \u003d Smooth good relationships. Virgo is more likely to forgive and understand whims of nervous, chaotic crayfish. The cancer like the constancy of the virgins, and the devices are sensuality and subtlety of cancers.

Cancer + scales \u003d preservation of the family, subject to material well-being and positions in society, but between partners the invisible distance: I am me, and you are you.

Cancer + Scorpio \u003d Mutual interest, but not easy coexistence with each other.

Cancer + Sagittarius \u003d bright, multifaceted, deceptive, like a fake diamond, and a fairly frequent union.

Cancer + Capricorn \u003d protracted conflicts, mutual attraction and repulsion and, finally, full disappointment.

Cancer + Fish \u003d Joint Life Not easy, requires someone from self-sacrifice partners, but gives great happiness.

Cancer + Aquarius \u003d Combining to each other and a new repulsion.

Lion + Lion \u003d Union is possible, even succeeded in atpicness and the other. As a rule, they are born bright and creatively gifted children.

Lion + Virgo \u003d misunderstanding and alienation. Well-being promise common high creative interests or nonpiplicity of signs.

Lion + Scales \u003d gloss, harmony, consistency. Scales - the most successful partner for lion.

Lion + Scorpio \u003d crazy passion, but it is impossible to live in such tension.

Lion + Capricorn \u003d marriage is difficult, but possible. Capricorn is often deceived by the communication of the lion. The lion tired from the constantly direct strategy of the life of Capricorn.

Lion + Aquarius \u003d great attraction, but only the first time. Then, that realizing its complete opposite, as a rule, diverge.

Lion + Fish \u003d Tragic love or rebirth of the person, if the lion is ready for metamorphosis and without a look for fish.

Virgo + Virgo \u003d most often a good and happy union.

Virgo + scales \u003d addition to the missing qualities of each other makes marriage very successful.

Virgo + Scorpio \u003d Well-being possible, subject to strong characters from both partners.

Virgo + Sagittarius \u003d Commonness of interests on the path of serving society in social or religious spheres.

Virgo + Capricorn \u003d strength and balance. Both are really looking at life, sober and practical.

Virgo + Aquarius \u003d Blackness of the Virgin. As far as he is enough, a marriage will last.

Virgo + Fish \u003d Miscellaneous worldview, hence the complexity in family life.

Scales + Scales \u003d The prosperous alliance is possible only if the scales of different types are possible.

Scales + Scorpio \u003d harmony in relations. The intimate side of life is very stormy.

Scales + Sagittarius \u003d love, friendship, general worldview.

Scales + Capricorn \u003d In addition to love, it is easily found a common language.

Scales + Aquarius \u003d Successful, fruitful union. They have common creative plans, joint original ideas.

Scales + Fish \u003d Clearly regulated frames in everything.

Scorpio + Scorpio \u003d boredom Apart, close together.

Scorpio + Sagittarius \u003d gambling lovers, spouses-one-piece.

Scorpio + Capricorn \u003d Love them is usually constant.

Scorpio + Aquarius \u003d originality, even eccentricity in love.

Scorpio + Fish \u003d Passion in all relationships, but fish often leave scorpions because of their heavy character.

Sagittarius + Capricorn \u003d whether the calculation, or spirituality. The union is as possible as possible to combine the internal law with the law public.

Sagittarius + Aquarius \u003d ease, friendship, adventurism, mutual understanding, stringing over the years.

Sagittarius + Fish \u003d Perfection itself, if the spouses can understand each other, otherwise the atmosphere of irritation reigns in the family.

"We will all overcome if not, I do not Aquarius," said Oximeron in his most famous song "City under the sole." As if ironic, we treat horoscopes, they are present in our lives. And to keep in order to test yourself with the forecast, it happens very difficult - especially if it concerns love. Elle chose the most ideal unions on the sign of the zodiac.

Capricorn and Taurus

Representatives of these signs have a lot in common. Capricorn and Taurus are distinguished by hard work, patience and devotion. They often have similar goals, besides both appreciated. What is important, between the Capricorn and the Taurus there is an ideal "mutual understanding" in sex. Their union is so clouded, which may look boring. In fact, but their strength - in the ability not to drag the blanket for yourself.

Aquarius and scales

Aquarius and weights are interested in each other, talking about something (and they have a lot to talk for conversations) they can clock. That to close relationships, aquarius and scales are able to make compromises, and this is very strengthening the Union. Nevertheless, the underwater stones are also there. The main fear of the scales is loneliness, so they need a partner to be near, preferably always (at least mentally). As for the aquaev, they are in the first place, as a rule, they put friendship, and then passion. The restraint of Aquarius in the manifestation of feelings hurts the scales that you want greater warmth.

Fish and scorpion

Compatibility, close to ideal, is explained by the fact that both signs belong to one, water, elements. At the same time, fish and scorpions can be completely different interests, but they are drawn to each other at some intuitive level, plus they are equally looking at family questions, marriage. Fish "quenching" the aggressiveness of scorpions, make them softer and better, scorpions are advocated by fishes by leading them. In this pair, not all well with romance, but a complete mutual understanding reigns - they are a real team.

Taurus and cancer

This Union is an example of how not only representatives of one elements are drawn to each other. Taurus is the Earth, Cancer - Water, however, without each other, they cannot, as in nature, land and water. The Union of Taurus and Cancer can be described in a word - comfortable. These signs rarely find out the relationship, perfectly embedded in reality, soberly look at life and do not like conflicts in principle. The only thing that can spoil their connection is an excessive focus of someone on the set goal lying outside their union.

Aries and Aquarius

Representatives of these signs have rather weak zodiacal energy, they do not knock them out of the rut. This, on the one hand, eliminates such pairs from conflicts, on the other, deprives the necessary passions. Both Aries, and Aquarius are not too prone to manifestation of feelings, so much remains unspoken, which can be fraught. But they, together, calmer live in this world - calmer, more reliable, easier. They, in general, no one else is needed, hence the making, the unwillingness to get out somewhere, to communicate with someone.

Gemini and Aquarius

Easy union caused by contrast signs. Stable in their views of Aquarius is fascinated by air change (not variable twins), while in no case in this union is not an object by the slave or object of manipulation. The relations of the representatives of these two signs are a rare and successful case, when to a certain degree of opposites are attracted without traumatic consequences. It is between twins and an aquerity that love is possible at first sight, and even an ambulance - but a successful wedding. What is interesting, they can easily spend time in different companies, but it will not affect the strength of their feelings.

Cancer and Scorpio

Very passionate personality, cancer and scorpion can not always get along, but when it happens, the union is folded as durable as possible. The key to success is the same views on life and in the world of others, in the case of cancer and scorpion it happens often. In addition, there are features, literally fascinating partners: Cancer is fascinated by the ability of scorpion to work, scorpion is crazy about the mental quality of cancer. We will add to this common features - selfishness and balls, the liveliness of the mind and irony - and we get almost the perfect union.

Sagittarius and Lev.

Unlike Cancer and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Lev Unlockable, are capable of forgiveness. But they differ in the approach to relationships. The Sagittarius-man will refer to partner-lion as equal, and she should not be expected that she will be a queen for him standing on a pedestal. In addition, the Lion is a stable sign, and the Sagittarius, on the contrary, is looking for a new one. This does not apply to personal life, here - in case of mutual understanding - no fear of novels on the side is not necessary. In any case, both signs are fiery, so in a pair of the shooter-lion there is enough intensity, dynamics, movements forward and vivid impressions. This Union is the Union of those who want to live a life not in gray colors, but fun and adventurously.

Virgo and Taurus

Such unions are taken as an example for imitation. Both earthly signs are similar to temperament and life goals. They build relations exactly, reasonably, but not boring. The sparks do not fly in their union, but also the walls are not crumbling: there is quiet, harmoniously, and at the same time in the prosperity of deep feelings. Love for the order in all senses, the collaboration and understanding of their strengths is the key to the success of such a couple. Taurus in such unions often acts as an inspirer, and Virgo -Fuller, and this is the normal position of things.

Scales and twins

Feelings of representatives of these signs to each other begin not from the charm of appearance, but with interest in intelligence and admiration for humor. Intellect is generally important for relationships in this pair. Both scales, and twins seek to learn new, develop ourselves. At the same time, both are not very prone to severe work, they do not really want to make a career: life as such as weights and twins are more interesting than professional achievements. Carelessness - this is what will make them happy: books, museums and a lot of free time for self-development. And God forbid to go daily into the office to nine in the morning, it is better to breakfast slowly together, discussing the newly read novels.

Sagittarius and Aries

Fire signs, Sagittarius and Aries are prone to testing, but preferably with mutual support. In general, they find mental power in relation to a partner, it gives them the opportunity to move forward. Bright, open, both are idealists, often outstanding wishful for valid and loving to dream. Actually, these fantasies combine them no less than a tendency to disputes.

Fish and cancer

Representatives of these signs are equally emotional and hidden, but this secretion does not concern each other relationship. This is one of the most successful unions, there is enough harmony, mutual understanding and, which is important, the ability to adapt to the partner. The last quality is caused by awareness of the vanity of each other and the feeling of indeed the second half - when one sees its continuation in another.

Useful advice

With the famous phase of L. N. Tolstoy from the novel "Anna Karenina" that all happy families are equally equally, astrologists do not agree for a long time, because we know that everyone needs completely different things for happiness, and therefore happiness will be different.

Yes, and to find two identical happy couples, it's worth how to try!

However, Zodiac, as always, can give you many tips: There are very harmonious unions of signs that are fine and understand a friend's friend. Let's figure out which pairs of signs of the zodiac will be the most happy together.

If you do not find your signs and signs of your partners in this list, do not think that your union will not be happy.

remember, that happy can be all, regardless of the sign of the zodiac, simply some have to fight more for their happiness than others, and longer to try to the nature of the other.

Birth compatibility

1st place: Cancer and Fish ♋ +

A good and very loving couple who will find each other tenderness and care that both are needed like air ... or how water? This Water Union will be the most stronger, loving and happy if the cancer does not require a fish unconditional devotion, and the fish will not leave in fantasies and dreams, forgetting about loved ones.

2nd place: lion and scales ♌ +

The Lion is the king of animals, it is known to all, he likes to rule and command, make decisions and lead. Who can approach him as a personal partner? Of course, that sign that will obey him, looking in love with eyes, always and in everything to support his opinion and allow him to shine. Scales - a slave sign, which is always ready and to rely on the partner. With Lvir, they will be perfectly soldered, and they have every chance to be one of the happiest couples!

3 place: Cancer and Taurus ♋ +

Both of these signs have a very strong moon, which means that they will understand each other well in the emotional plan. Taurus will search in cancer care and attention as well as cancer in the caller, and if the feelings are mutual, they will be easily happy. The family in this pair will be the most important part of life, and the practicality and desire for the comfort of the Taurus will bring prosperity and stability in this family.

Marriage compatibility by date of birth

4th place: Taurus and Virgo ♉ +

This union of earthly signs can be called one of the most successful, because the elements always understand each other better. Both Virgo and Taurus are quite calm and balanced signs that are firm on their feet, know the price of things and are able to properly dispose of their values. You both need stability and less unpredictable for happiness, and these things you will easily find each other.

5th place: Aries and Scorpio ♈ +

It does not matter who exactly in a pair is a scorpion, and who is oily: passion here will boil anyway, because both of these signs are an important planet is Mars, a planet of activity, movement and aggression. However, even if both are very aggressive, they will perfectly understand each other, as well as maintain a hot temperament of each other. Any Anyun and any scorpion needs bright emotions, without which they do not represent their happiness, and this pair bright emotions will be provided.

See also:

6th place: Sagittarius and Aquarius ♐ +

The successful union of these two characters will allow this pair to turn the mountains and come to unprecedented vertices both in portable and literally. Ingenious Aquarius Ideas Combined with a huge charge of the Sagittarius will help this pair to act together. In addition, the light and good-natured nature of both signs will allow partners to never quarrel and always solve problems together, listening and understanding each other.

Compatibility in Love

7th place: Fish and Taurus ♓ +
Both of these signs have deep feelings, water and the earth are well launched with each other, complement each other. Fish lacks practicality and land under their feet, Taurus - plasticity, these qualities Partners can easily find each other, accept them and become a happy couple. Fishes are able to appreciate spiritual values, Tales are material if they transmit each other and take these important knowledge, this union will be beautiful.

See also: How he breaks your heart depending on the sign of the zodiac 8th place: Gemini and Aquarius ♊ +

These two characters have a lot of common: they are inquisitive, easy to rise, love to communicate and surround themselves with fun and bright people. At the same time, both adore change and do not tolerate monotony. What else do they need for happiness? In order for the partner to give them freedom in manifestation, he could always substitute a friendly shoulder and did not pull back, imposing his opinion!

9th place: Aries and Sagittarius ♈ +

This fiery union of signs is rather harmonious: both sign are active and actors, do not like to sit still. Aries will begin affairs and lead along, and the Sagittarrow will choose the right goals, teach and instruct the Aries, which remains a child until the end of life. They will always be, about what to talk about and what to do, and for happiness, both are needed vivid impressions and new knowledge.

Compatibility of signs by date of birth

10th place: Gemini and Aries♊ +

These two signs will always be lit by each other, supporting a bright fire of love: air and fire - harmonious elements, which once learned each other, cannot do each other. Both sign are active and easy to rise. If Aries will strive to develop intellectually, and the twin is physically, they will always have common interests and general classes, and these are important things for their personal happiness.

In all horoscopes, the mandatory point is a description of the compatibility of signs, but, unfortunately, most of them describe only private cases on examples of signs of signs, omitting out of sight of general principles for all. Although these principles are very logical and at the same time simple. And their understanding will help you once and forever deal with who, with whom and, that is important, as compatible.

So, according to classical astrology, whose principles are guided by the calculation of In-Contri compatibility in the relevant section, the zodiac signs are suitable for each other in love and family relationships, if they do not contradict 2 the main rules:

  • signs belong to one parity
  • signs are not the same

Accordingly, from the first point it follows that signs belong to one element or different, but complementary by each other. Elements, as you know, only 4 are fire, earth, air and water. So Inside each element, signs are compatible with each other and compatible couples representing a positive combination of elements of fire-air and earth-water. As you can see, everything is simple.

2 groups of compatible signs

Take signs with their elements in order and consider visuality:

We see that the signs of the elements of fire and air are odd, and the signs of the earth and water are even. Consequently, the compatibility of the signs of each pair of elements both between both and inside is very natural: the air helps to flare up stronger, and the water gets the earth, making it fertile.

Compatible marks of fire and air:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Gemini, Scales and Aquarius

Compatible marks of earth and water:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

On the other hand, in combinations of signs of different parity - these are pairs of elements water-fire, water-air, earth-fire, earth-air - a positive union is not observed. Moreover, even from nature, the elements are clear that some of these steam are opposing. Therefore, their compatibility in love and family is considered negative.

So the compatibility of the zodiac signs is generally compatible / incompatible. But there are some more characteristic features depending on the mutual location of the pair of signs.

7 types of compatibility between signs

A more detailed description of compatibility in a pair can be found in the location of the signs relative to each other on the zodiacal circle. Moreover, both clockwise and against. Only depending on the direction of the account, the role of your sign in a pair will change. We will analyze how it works, on the example of the first sign - Aries.

Location: +1 and -1 sign from your
Couple type: "Best friend and best enemy" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Taurus (2), Aries (1) - Fish (12)
Description: The most popular couple of signs among all others. Friendship is rapidly hardened, but a serious relationship is hampered by the conflict of elements. Frequent problems: envy, rivalry, difference of interests and goals in life.

Location: +2 and -2 sign from your
Couple type: "Senior Brother and Junior Brother" - Compatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Gemini (3), Aries (1) - Aquarius (11)
Description: A pair of signs positively combined elements. Here it is important to understand your roles by each of the partners. The "older brother" usually exceeds the "younger" age, experience or character.

Location: +3 and -3 sign from your
Couple type: "Patron and Advisor" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Cancer (4), Aries (1) - Capricorn (10)
Description: A pair of signs of elements that are in conflict, but who know how to find a point of contact. Alas, only in business, but not in the family sphere. It is better to choose a common business for them than the house.

Location: +4 and -4 sign from your
Couple type: "Child and parent | Pupil and Teacher "- Compatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Lion (5), Aries (1) - Sagittarius (9)
Description: Beautiful couple of signs of one element. "Parent" must show all his wisdom, care and patience - more depends on it. "Child" is enough to be not too capricious and wayward.

Location: +5 and -5 signs from your
Couple type: "Break and Rabbit" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Virgo (6), Aries (1) - Scorpio (8)
Description: A couple about which love novels write. Without Happy End. First, the storm of feelings and emotions. At the end - boredom and fatigue "Break", broken heart "Rabbit". We advise to avoid, especially if the "rabbit" is your sign.

Location: +6 and -6 signs from your
Couple type: "Opposites are attracted" - compatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Scales (7)
Description: As a pole of a magnet, these signs are so different, but also a strongly attraction. These relations are strongly recommended only by experienced and wise partners. Young people make a lot of mistakes such a pair and rarely able to reveal all its potential.

Location: The same sign
Couple type: "I and my mirror" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Aries (1)
Description: Frequently found couple in young partners. There is nothing easier than to tie relationships, with the same as you. But it is not subsequently nothing more dull and annoying than to see their own shortcomings.