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Element Water, Zodiac signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Fish. Element Water and Zodiac Sign Scorpio: How the Scorpion Water Nature manifests

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To expand knowledge about themselves, there is the theory of compliance of the signs of the zodiac elements of the elements. Empedocle's theory of four elements (elements): fire, land, water and air. Since the signs are twelve, and the elements are four, each element is represented by three characters. The elements separation discloses certain characteristics of the zodiac signs that allow you to extract new information in a very interesting view. Thanks to the emergence of common "spontaneous" signs, the analysis and the subsequent forecast of human life energy is obtained deeper and wide. The features of his consciousness and worldview are revealed.

What is the element of the horoscope?

Element of fire - Aries, lion, Sagittarius.

Thirst for power, quick temper, energy, high activity - these are the main signs elements of fire. Such people are able to rush "in the attack", absolutely not thinking about the consequences. In the heat of struggle, they are not able to think about their "hotness". Reward in the deeds they will be able only after some time when they are cool. In such situations there is no self-control. Therefore, if the "fiery person" allowed himself to make a non -actic act or "courtesy", which deeply offended and hurt you, most likely it was not a deliberate motivation to insult you. This is all the result of hotness and emotionality. Remember, the fire flashes instantly, and it is difficult to put it enough.

But, thanks to the same qualities, they will easily bring you out of the state of depression and the Beslus. "Fire" people possess unhealthy self-confidence and believe in a bright future.

Positive sides: Energetic, optimistic and decisive.

Negative sides: Extremely impatient, frivolous, try to solve problems from the position of force.

Signs of the horoscope of the element of fire:

Aries - a sign with a pronounced fiery character, you can say the air-fuel mixture capable of hung at any time, without the possibility to go out.

Lion is a permanent, smooth fire.

Sagittarius - a variable fire. Maybe lightning up and also quickly fade.

Comfortable setting: It is better to live in a spacious room where the coolness walks. The presence of a fireplace, or a real oven with burning fire. The workplace should be located in a well-wedrid room or outdoors. The lack of fresh air and a small closed room will suppress fire.

The symbol of the element of fire is Salamander (fire spirit), which draws energy from the fire.

Element of Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Hardness, certainty, immobility, rigor, realism - these are the main characteristics earth elements . The name "Earthmarks" speaks for itself. These are realists, "landed" and stable. They do not need "air locks" and "Napoleonic" plans. Thanks to the laid out nature, prudence and practicality with them reliably and calmly.

However, often these qualities are transformed into meticulousness and pedantry, which makes them impossible boring.

Representatives of "earthly" signs are used to being expressed directly and openly, ready to call things with their own names. They believe only their personal experience, namely what they saw with their own eyes. Very material, few lights. They like concretps: "Yes", "no", "possibly" - such answers in their style. Always ready to give a good practical advice!

Earth signs are very sensitive and wounded, but this is a game in the "Some Gate". This is quite selfish personality. They themselves are not able to perceive criticism, although they can do a lot of trouble, and no one will seem to anyone. As a result of their actions, they can not understand: "Why no one appreciated me on dignity, because I am so wonderful?" And simply because, besides yourself, they do not want to notice anyone and hear.

Empathy, the ability to put yourself in place of the other, it is not about them.

Positive sides: The order in everything, stable, love to plan everything.

Negative sides: Pessimistic, boring, beyond critical to themselves and, in particular, to their relatives.

Earth elements horoscope signs:

Capricorn - Typical land, hidden, likes to manage the surrounding, while in the shade.

Taurus - Sustainable, feels the soil under his feet, personifies the invisibility and the strength of the cliff, until his inner volcano wakes up.

Virgo is constantly busy, it works a lot.

Comfortable setting: Live better on Earth: cottages, gardens and gardens, greenhouses, flowers on the windowsill. Positively affects the surrounding environment where the order, the feeling of protection and reliability must be reigned.

The symbol of the elements of the Earth is a gnome (spirit of the earth), it brings good luck. Lives a dwarf in the dacha in a greenhouse or in colors on the windowsill.

Element of air - twins, scales, aquarius.

Air is inherent need to update, variability, information field, contacts, contact.

Representatives "Air" signs of the zodiac Winds, changeable, are able to easily change affection. Those representatives of the air element are lucky, who are present to some extent, the nature of the water element. In this case, they feel more deeply and are ready for change only in case of acute necessity.

They love to build ambitious plans. After all, these are true builders of "air locks"!

They are ready to fully dive into the idea of \u200b\u200bhead, pulling away from the world, everyday worries and problems. Large intellectuals! Valid, with live interest in everything around.

Positive sides: Sensible, objectively looking at things and very realistic. Next to them easy to work. Always ready to help, resolve a confusing situation, soberly assessing the possibilities and chances.

Negative sides: In priority, personal freedom, they are cold and calculating, as a result, highly developed intelligence. There are double, chatty, love to gossip.

Air element horoscope signs:

Scales - cold, alpine, focused air. His power is conviction.

Aquarius - air, which is immobile and is under pressure. Constantly boils from many thoughts and plans. Suffer from the thirst to give will and freedom to the world.

Twins - movable air - then warm, then cold. In life acts by intelligence and charm. Do not bombard the same way shy.

Comfortable setting: Live and work better in rooms with large windows, workplace choose closer by the window.

Patron and Defender - Invisible Spirit - Sylf, who prefers outdoor places - Gardens and fields.

Element of water - cancer, scorpion, fish.

Signs of zodiac elements of water Inherent impressionability, emotionality, reality from reality, passive magical power, suggestibility, plasticity. Because of their depth and fine feeling of the world, it is the element of water that is the most attractive of all elements ...

"Water" people perceive the world through the prism of their deep susceptibility. They can often change the mood, is due to deep emotionality and intuition.

Often become addicted to alcohol, as it helps to disconnect from everyday worries and problems.

Positive sides: The ability to empathize, delicate other people, as a result, are friendly.

Negative sides: Fast change of mood, lazy, irritability, love yourself to regret.

Water element horoscope signs:

Cancer is one of the states of water - steam, energetic and uncontrollable.

Scorpio is another water condition - ice, hides its plans, is able to freeze his desires.

Fish is the impersonation of groundwater.

Water quality: the ability to dodge, contend obstacles, and not fight them. Peel, leak, despite everything, and flood.

Comfortable setting: Live is better next to the reservoir - the pool, the lake, the sea or at the thin end of the home aquarium. It is necessary to work in a calm silent atmosphere. Not bad if an aquarium is at work.

Your patron and defender - Mermaid (Spirit of Water). Lives in open reservoirs, but can settle in the aquarium.

Element fire. People born under fire signs have all the features of their patron. Character - hot-tempered, hot. The mind is a living, smart. Appearance is bright, artistic. You do not like to think for a long time, grab everything on the fly. You have peculiar impulse and impatience in everything. You are trying to act, without thinking about and not stopping.

Fire signs are explosive temperament, they are very sexy, they have burning blood and a hot head, their feelings flashed, like a fire in the forest.

Despite this, their temperamental, the hot nature attracts people to themselves, they are always in the center of attention and rape in any company.

Fortuna fighter signs contributes, but if it turns away, it is serious and for a long time.

Best friends and lovers for you will be representatives of fiery and air signs of the zodiac. The fire will not exhaust fire, and the air promotes burning. The fire is seriously compatible with water, water can evaporate, and the fire can be ground during the interaction. With the earth, positive interactions are possible, however, the Earth can fill the flame, and the fire is burned to the ground.

To positive qualities character of fire signs It is possible: optimism, cheerfulness, energy, courage, attractiveness, sociability, the ability to quickly make decisions in difficult situations.

Negative qualities include: impatience, quick temper, superficiality, excessive self-confidence, stubbornness. You often have unnecessarily indifferent or passionate. You are always hard to flirt, which can annoy your partners.

Each fire element sign burns in its own way. Aries constantly burn with the highest flame, this is the fiery sign, his fire is restless. Lions are burning smooth and stable fire, their fire is smooth, equally strong, permanent.

Lions Not so impulsive as other signs of fire elements, they act consistently and firmly insist on their own.

Sagittsev Glow the most not permanent fire, then flash, they fucked, maybe zipper to react. They are very quickly deliberate, are incorporated, but also quickly cool and disappear from the horizon.

The best conditions for home accommodation are spacious rooms filled with fresh air. A favorable condition is the presence of an open fireplace with a real fire. It works best in cool premises or on the street - in parks, gardens, or on terraces or balconies, the lack of air is detrimental for fire.

The symbol and talisman of fiery signs became Salamander, who is not afraid of fire, she can live in it. The spirit of the elements of fire attracts Fortune, brings good luck in all endeavors.

Element air (zodiac sign: Scales, Aquarius, Gemini

Element air. The zodiac air signs are very sociable, love to talk, have a cheerful cheerful character. Always speak some interpreters of family relationships. They know how to write beautiful letters, but more love to communicate live, or by phone. Could well control their emotions.

Air signs are very smart, have slender logical thinking, prefer coldness. Your signs are associated with the ability to think well and with a good imagination. In the partnership you are suitable for air signs, fire. Good compatibility and water marks and with earth signs, if they are not afraid of winds.

The advantages of air signs is a good adaptability, objectivity in judgments, desire and ability to help close, the ability to work in a team, a big love for freedom, the ability to argue logically and impartially evaluate events.

The minuses are - exorbitant talkativeness, love to take offaches, the ability to ambiguous actions, excessive coldness and calcality, very timely and sometimes dissolved behavior.

Scale sign It is the most typical representative of the element of air, literally by its embodiment: extension, deep calm and concentration, characterize his behavior. Possess the strongest gift of convictions.

Aquarius Present motionless air. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are constantly overwhelming various thoughts, they constantly carry any plans, full of desire to free and make it possible to dissemble the whole world, which is suspected of it.

Twins - This is a symbol of changeable air, then hot, then cold, then warm. Their condition changes instantly, they are able to charm their mind, have a big charm and if necessary, you know how to get away from trouble with the same ways.

The house of aerial signs should be located on the place open to all winds, the air is always needed fresh. If it is not possible to accommodate in such conditions, use the air conditioner, it will help create the desired atmosphere. If you are working in the house, then stay by the window.

Your talisman and patron is a Sylf living in the fields and gardens, where a lot of air.

Element of water (zodiac sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Fish)

Signs of water element These features are characteristic as emotionality, variability, sensuality. They have a highly intuition, they are able to act intuitively, based on the subconscious. Often perceive people in the associative level, they do not need to deeply think about events, their inner voice will allow to accept the rapid and correct decision in any situation.

In some situations, you experience a sense of uncertainty and doubt, however, surrounding obviously and it is clear that you will find a way out of any situation, looking for any obstacles like water in a mountain river.

You are very susceptible to people around you. Abandoned stone in the creek of your soul, will call circles a few days.

The mood of the aqueous signs of the zodiac is very changeable. They know how to adhere to the heart to perceive other people's troubles. The surrounding people recognize your supernatural intuition and tend to trust your premonitions and subconscious conclusions, which, as a rule, have a property come true.

The best partners and lovers for watermarks will be representatives of water elements and representatives of earthly signs. Element Earth, in its essence, can become a reliable capacity for water element. The worst of all the relationship with fiery signs, which are their antagonists, coexistence with air signs is possible, but it will be constantly accompanied by fogs and clouds.

The advantages of the aquatic zodiac signs are: attractiveness, artistry, sensuality, idealism, intuition and the ability to penetrate the thoughts of loved ones.

Cons: irritability, fast mood change, pessimism, impracticality and melodramatic mood character.

Cancer - The most "hot" water sign, a couple emanating from her. Change of moods, artistry and pessimism, manifest themselves with the highest strength.

Scorpions - Could hold their desires, hide their thoughts, but with the help of intuition they show them at the most right moment. They have the ability to quickly move away, but it does not forgive other people's mistakes.

Fish They are a symbol of water element, know how to bypass any problems and obstacles without entering the open confrontation. Have a tremendous ability to gradually move forward, flooding the whole space, which will certainly lead them to victory.

Home Conditions: Water Spaces are needed. It is best to arrange your dwelling by the lake, the sea or ocean (in any reservoir). To work to choose a quiet place. The Council is to avoid noisy relatives and restless comrades. A good view of the water space will contribute to mental performance (can be used in the interior of the aquarium).

The patroness of the aquatic signs is mermaid (Undina), it needs any aquarium for housing, even aquarium.

Element Earth (zodiac sign: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

Earth element. Representatives of earthly signs are firmly standing on Earth. These are simple, everyday people, without ambitions, transcendental plans and projects. Their mainstream is practical and correspond to real reality. Do not tolerate and lie - they themselves say the truth "in the face" and from others require the same.

You can perceive exclusively material things: what can be touched, see and hear. Various fantasies and conjectures are not for you. You can be considered a landed person, but it is to you that you will be applied for practical and utilitarian councils.

Representatives of earthly signs are committing actions while others chat and reflect on them. You are able to perceive real validity very seriously and deeply, without discovering and without demonstrating how deeply and meaningful you act, your pride does not allow to show any demonstrations.

Your partners, friends and sweethearts can become practically any signs of the zodiac. The most suitable will be the signs of the elements of the earth and water. Related signs will bring fresh breathing, and watermarks are a saturation of moisture, which is always favorable to affect the Earth. With the fire, the interaction is possible if you do not scare the aspects and the fun of representatives of these signs. Air signs can bring hurricanes or storms, but the power of the earth is ready to delete them, and sometimes not even notice.

Your advantages are considered: reliability, practicality, workability, the ability to provide support at the right moment and do not wait for gifts from fate. You are ready to earn everything on your own.

Your minuses are: pessimism, bitchful, worn and frequent manifestation of cruelty to itself and their loved ones.

Capricorn Show the most "earthly" qualities in all their actions and intentions. They never climb the first action plan, do not detect their strength, they act secretively and without any demonstrations of their intentions.

Teltsy - The embodiment of earthly solid and strength. Their ideas and intentions are unshakable. But it is worth bringing them to the limit - a volcanic explosion can happen.

Virgin - the personification of the calmness of the Earth, they are capable of not peppering dust to turn the mountains, their work is not accompanied by dust and always reaches the goal.

Home Conditions - The harder on Earth, the better. Your element is gardens, gardens, parks. In urban conditions, greenhouses and drawers will come down. It is best for you to get reliable, calm and stable work. The place to work should be in perfect order and have many places for various things - every little thing your place.

The talisman of the Element Earth is a gnome, protecting and protecting all the riches of the Earth, usually, the gnomes live under the ground in the gardens, parks, gardens and fields, but if you do not have such conditions, get a flower pot or box for your patron saint, and it will be satisfied.

Symbol of water element

This element personifies the emotional sphere, the power of feelings. Her representatives tend to perceive the world through the prism of their own sensations and emotions.

Element Water - Fish Zodiac Signs, Scorpio, Cancer

Water element signs - cancer, scorpion and fish. Representatives of the Sign of Cancer Emery gives similarity with heated water or saturated water vapor: they are hot, unrestrained, able-bodied, endowed with excess energy. Scorpions are frozen water, ice, in which their desires and feelings, intentions and intentions hidden from others are stored in frozen form, which are easily thawed under favorable circumstances. Fish can be compared with mysterious underground waters, invisible ways by encouraging obstacles and leakageing in unexpected places. These people are cowardly, but cunning, do not boom on the embrasure, but are able to achieve the victory. Improving as groundwaters that can flood everything that does not have the ability to rise above them.

Positive qualities of representatives of water element

The elements of scorpion, cancer, fish - water - gives them acouted in sensitivity, increased emotionality. Usually they are attractive, externally benevolent, often there are idealists. Looking at people, they seem to know something about them - based mainly on their own well-developed intuition. The surrounding often see in them wounded, defenseless persons, but in reality such people are far from being so weak, as they seem.

Human relationships in their lives are of great importance. They are sociable, not indifferent, sentimental, delicately feel the attitude towards themselves from others. Psychologically hardy, which allows them to patiently fulfill the most unpleasant, serious work in morally. They know how to adapt to the new environment, changes, but always seek to return to their "territory" as the sighted waters that pour the surroundings and then gradually move into the usual channel. As a rule, people of water signs of the zodiac are good friends. They are capable of heroic acts, and their heroism is deprived of Paphos.

Element of fish, cancer, scorpion emphasizes these people with brilliant intuition. Representatives of these signs are often very talented and artistic.

Negative qualities of representatives of water element

Representatives of the element of water are prone to pessimism, irritable, often stay in a bad mood. These are pronounced introverts living in the world of their own dreams and internal experiences that are enhanced by a rich imagination. All this often leads to a reality of the reality of contrived images. Elements of water gives these zodiac signs with changeable mood, lancehip, uncontrolcity, impracticality and non-absorption. They can "catch up" on one event or experience (sometimes contrived) to the detriment of the rest. The people of zodiacal signs, controlled by the elements of water, tend to live past or at least treat him with a big trepidation. The experiences of past years often determine much and in their real life. Can perform illogical, unpredictable and sometimes ridiculous actions.

Compatibility with other elements

The easiest whole fishes, cancer and scorpions deal with their fellows on the elements. From other elements of water signs, the land is most suitable for which moisture is a source of life. The water, in turn, takes the form determined by the landscape, the Earth serves for a vessel - they mutually fill each other. Element of water poorly interacts with air, their mutual penetration is not so strong, and the surface interaction can cause strong unrest as a storm at sea. And water and fire are strictly incompatible with each other, which always strive for mutual destruction.

Suitable conditions for people of water element

Well, if fish, crayfish and scorpions have the opportunity to live near any reservoir or have a pool. As a last resort, you can restrict ourselves to aquarium or a homemade fountain. It is desirable that from the windows of the house where representatives of the elements of water live, a beautiful, scenic appearance, especially, is, especially if there is a way or otherwise there is water or visible hills of an indefinite form. Preferably buildings and furniture of rounded shapes without sharp corners and sharp outlines. In the interior and decoration, much attention should be paid to the glass. The place for work should be calm, and the atmosphere is peaceful. For spiritual comfort, it is desirable to reduce communication with nervous people and those who produce too much noise. Nevertheless, the presence of people who are more realistically related to life, for these signs is very desirable. Well, if it is representatives of the earthly element.

In astrology, all signs of the zodiac on the power of exposure are divided into four elements of elements. In the understanding of ancient astrologers, the four elements correspond to the four main concepts characterizing the manifestation of life: spirit, space, time and matter. Each of these concepts has its own 4 gradations and its interpretation, despite some coincidence with other divisions of the zodiac signs. So, also for four periods of Zodiac is divided at the time of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter), on the quarters of the day (morning, noon, sunset, midnight), etc.

The elements of the signs of the zodiac affect the formation of temperament and the features of its manifestation. According to the teachings of the ancients about 4 elements that determine the state of matter, the signs of the zodiac were divided into fire, earth, air and water.

Element of fire determines the spirit, element air - space, the element of water - time, and the elements of the earth - matter. Thus, all 12 zodiac signs have a strict pattern on the qualities of the manifestation, the strength of which depends on the sign of the sign to a certain element and is repeated in the zodiac circle every three signs. Each element forms a trigon or three symbols of the zodiac signs is a kind of triangle of relationships.

The names of the elements should be perceived not literally in the sense that they mean by themselves, but to relate to them as a philosophical symbol denoting a combination of certain qualities.

Trigons are designated in astrology with triangles, addressed the top (edge) up - the elements of fire and air or down - the elements of the earth and water, the triangles of the elements of air and water have in the middle of the line, as if a cross-up triangle.

Element of fire

Element of fire - This is the Will trigon. It belongs to the Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Under this element, smart and energetic people, leaders, enthusiasts are born. They are high-energy carriers. This is temperament of intellectual and artist.

An ideal representative of this element is Aries, so sometimes the elements are designated as "Element of Aries". According to the representation of ancient astrologers, the pituitary has a great influence on the energy of the lion, so the yield of its energy is manifested by "epileptiform", impulsively, violently, all sweeping. Lion man can not tease, angry; However, in their face you can have both a strong enemy and a faithful friend on which you can lean in a difficult moment. The Sagittarius is attributed to ancient to mixed type or "bile-hepatic" on the manifestation (on the terminology of ancient astrolories), which predetermines him strong trends towards authoritarianism (dictatorship).

Ancient believed that the element of fire reflects the inner burning, eternal movement up development, the desire for self-improvement, the constant desire for manifestation, the desire for life. In Eastern Philosophy, this element reflects the mighty effect of the sky of the sky, cash ("self") gives it vital energy and increased survival.

The element of the fire is always individual, since the individuality of the existence is the main life principle, and, according to the ancient philosophers, "the fire helps to be removed from the Earth to the Sun of the Energy of the Human Soul after His death" (materials on incarnation and its calculation, see the appropriate chapter). It is believed that the element of fire symbolizes the life of the life and the strength of the growing seed, the energy of the Kundalini spirit, which directs the inner pursuit of the heart to the Divine Wisdom, to the Space Reason.

The vital energy that is inside each person does not accidentally have a huge energy embodiment in the form of a "fiery plasma": the fire burns the old, which is not necessary and updates the person, reincarnates it. The image of fire underlies all creative processes, in the source of any activity (not in the gift "burns at work").

The extinction of the cosmic fire in the man is associated with the weakening of his flesh: it begins more often and is hard to hurt, he is threatened with death, since his survival decreases. In spiritual terms, this is associated with the weakness of the Spirit, the possible influence of the "unclean forces", the service of evil. The extinction of living fire is a manifestation of a hidden death of an individual in which there is already nothing to awaken, and he can become a toy in the hands of representatives of the Devil's world.

For ancient times, many nations of Europe, Asia and America worshiped in ancient times. He was attached great importance in the knowledge of the world. Through it, people got the opportunity to penetrate the essence of the complexity of the relationship of a person with nature, the cosmos. It is not by chance that the God of Fire is devoted to many hymns in the Old Indian Vedas. In Avesta - in the sacred books of Zoroastrianism, the God of Fire was one of the main gods. He gave a person a spark for life, a particle of Divine Fire in the temple of the Spirit * man, awakening him to active activity.

Ancient gave the following characteristics to each of the fire element signs:

  • Aries - Pioneer, architect;
  • a lion - organizer, life generator;
  • Sagittarius - Builder, performer.

Earth element

Earth elements are trigon action. It is depicted by a triangle, edge pointing down and symbolizing the scenes of shovels, pickles. This element includes Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. The element manages the birth of practical, cautious, breakdown and respectable people who approve tradition. A typical representative of the Earth's element is a bull (Taurus), whose head symbolizes its image in the circle of the zodiac. The Virgin is manifested by "thyroid dominant" (a tendency to high activity of the thyroid gland), that is, it characterizes fast excitability, irritability.

"Hypophized" temperament - Capricorn, which has a thyroid function more stable. Ancient attached to the influence of the hormonal glands on human activity leading importance. Thus, one of the most important meridians under which the bioenergy of the human body takes place, they considered the Meridian of the Triple Heater ("Endocrine Meridian"), which is used in acupuncture and modern medicine for correction in the body of bioenergy, redistributing it between the authorities.

It is believed that the elements of the signs of the zodiac determine human behavior. People belonging to different elements are difficult to converge, often have many fundamental differences, quarrels on trifles. They often show "internal friction", the indigenous misconception of views and tastes, since they are antipodes. Such a misconception in children can lead to the search for new companies, partners. Becoming adults, they create a family at the venue of "emotions and hearts", but later at the destruction of the mind often bred.

It should be remembered that the zodiacal circle has a feature - it is followed by the principle of duality, or polarity, the principle of addition of opposite began (male yang and female Yan), opposing forces. As you know, the development of life takes place through the struggle of opposites. Stealth and power are adjacent to openness and softness, cruelty with kindness, mercy.

In the zodiacal circle of polarity, it is clearly marked and alternate one by one: if the Capricorn is a male sign, then Aquarius - female, fish - Yansk sign, Aries - Yinsky, Taurus - Male quality, and twins - female, etc.. From this follows that all the signs of the zodiac with the male beginning make up the elements of fire and air (a triangle directed by the above), and with the female start - the elements of the earth and water (the triangle directed by the edge of the down). It should not be surprised that the male start falls on the virgin, and on a lion - female, as this is only a philosophical symbol in astrology, and not a sign of the genus. Beginning have its own content, mobile force, the energy essence.

Signs related to the elements of the Earth have other qualities. Thus, Capricorn belongs to the so-called "animal" signs, which also include Aries, Taurus, Lion, Sagittarius (from the second half of its action, since this sign is depicted receiving at the top and animals at the bottom), cancer, scorpion and fish.

Virgo belongs to "human" signs, as well as Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius (first half of the action of the sign), scales.

All three signs of the zodiac who belong to the elements of the Earth (this is Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) and all three signs of water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Fish) are signs of night, "magnetic", negative in astrological terms. The remaining six signs of the zodiac, on the contrary, have alternative qualities in relation to those listed: they are daily, "electric" and positive.

These signs are distinguished by special talents that can be successfully developed, since their owners are endowed with "God's spark" from nature. So, the Capricorn (like Aquarius) is inclined to philosophy, the mind of the "pedagogical warehouse" has Virgo (and scales), and the Taurus has musical giving, as well as signs of Gemini, Scales and Sagittarius.

Under the signs of the Virgin, Gemini, Scales and Sagittarius (before the first half), beautiful people are often born, and under the signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Cancer - with various deformities, anatomical defects.

If you carefully look at the zodiac's circle, it can be seen that the signs of the elements of fire and land are antipodes in parts of the horoscope and are endowed with appropriate content. So, the elements of fire and air have large internal energy, dynamism and mobility, adaptable to themselves. Despite its flexibility, the ability to adapt to external conditions, they are almost not amenable to someone else's pressure (these people are stubborn, their decisions are rarely changed). They themselves are able to influence the world around the world.

All Yinsky (female) signs belonging to the elements of the earth and water are more constant and stable, enduring to external influences. The spiritual world is very important for them (including in a partner, friend, colleague) and subjective concepts: family, house, friends, team, nation, state, country, homeland and place of their stay (especially place of birth). However, they are more affected by. They are better to "hear" the partner, he is tightly perceived spiritually. Enjoy great mutual understanding than the signs of the Yang group.

The signs of the Earth Earth shall carry a creative start, make the inexhaustible wealth of the soul, the possibilities, as well as the Planet Earth, having an abundance of opportunities and treasures. By karma, which, according to assertions of astrologers and bioenergy, manages a person, follows: if he passed the surface, unkind or illuminated way, his spirit upon subsequent incarnation (embodiment) is sent to the Women's Beginning. The spirit of this person hovers in time by the signs of the zodiac and the elements to be embodied again in the flesh and redeem past pregriction. Losing spiritual karma, people of Yansk signs to achieve their spiritual goal are incarnated in months of the signs of the zodiac elements of the Earth and Water. That is why, if incarnation is happening, it is that a person born in this life turns out to be the opposite sex, and this can indirectly indicate certain karmic debts that he will have to give in real life.

Born under the signs of Earth's elements are inherent in such qualities as reliability, concreteness, high performance, painting, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal. People of these signs are fond of nature: for noble purposes, they use all their strengths and opportunities as spiritual and material. Often by gullibility, they fall into traps of dishonest people. They have been reduced practicality, there are no egoism, the carriage and cunning, which creates certain vital difficulties.
High endurance and tolerance, however, help them find a way out of the most difficult situations. They remember the resentment, but usually generous, departing. In their feelings are distinguished by constancy attaching to people.

It is noteworthy that people born under the families of the element of the Earth converge with other people difficult, although they go to new contacts with hunting, as they are inherent in curiosity, emotionality and sensuality. Sometimes they are impulsive, temperamental in the expression of feelings, thoughts. Often it is complex, but very interesting in the spiritual content of intellectuals, which it is important to understand to get the maximum benefit from communication with them.

The karmic task of people of fire elements is usually a struggle, an active creative principle, and for people of the elements of the Earth - the creation, strengthening of spirituality, intellectual positions, internal content and physical force on it influencing it. They prefer the rhythm of action, so they like to plan their day, - they should contribute to this. It is easier for them to show their abilities and self-realize when the surrounding life has a clear structure, ones, rhythm, in something coincident with the biorhythm of their body.

According to astrological characteristics, these signs of the Earth elements mean:

  • calf - creative perseverance, patience and strength;
  • Virgo - carefulness of work, their duties;
  • Capricorn - This is the head that takes responsibility.

Element of air

The elements of the air - trigon of thinking, its symbol is a triangle, directed upward and crossed in the middle of the horizontal line. This element includes twins, scales and aquarius. The element manages the birth of thinking people, geniuses and very susceptible to change, to all new personalities.

According to the ancient philosophers, in their elements, the elements of the air is close to the elements of the fire (therefore their symbols of the designation are similar - triangles whose vertices are directed up): both carry an active start, fond, lead in motion. But their difference is that the element of the fire has a permanent activity, aimed at action, and the elements of the air is a variable, non-permanent in the direction and strength of activity. Such people often have sharply, the mood changes without visible reasons. After sleep, when most people feel, rested, full forces, carriers of air signs are irritable, especially scales. Such people can do you good, and after a while they are able to resent. They are often grabbed for several incompatible cases, spread: without finishing one, grabby for others. To re-educate, root these people is useless - such is their astrological nature.

The elements of the air is in constant movement in relation to a comprehensive space (since its symbol is space). The manifestation of this element depends on the specific situation. She conveys ideas and thoughts, connects people with each other and with their past, present and future - with time space. In the human body, the element binds to one whole work of the lungs and the flow of blood, saturating the last oxygen necessary for burning, for the release of energy (proximity to the element of the fire).
The elements of the air carries out contacts at different levels, docks various, sometimes opposite ideas and people who create them. This element is of great importance for human production activities, for the realization of its business qualities and to obtain quality products. Elementary air is a binder, personifies contact, communication, induction in society.
The element of air also has common features with element of water - both are considered mobile, unsubstate, changeable.

There is no random symbolism of the signs of the zodiac in the group of air element: the twins are indicated by a symbol of the connection of a man and a woman; Scales are depicted in the form of a woman holding scales in hands; A Aquarius - way men. The ancient sages thus emphasized that the elements of the air contributes to the manifestation of the main qualities of a person: the ability to spiritual communication and mutual enrichment, the internal development of personality, society, the desire for mutual understanding in the family, society, social environment, and the country. Thus, the element of air contributes to erasing caste and estate borders, switching attention, adaptation to various conditions, to mutual satisfaction of the requirements.

People of these zodiac signs are in constant search. They are drawn to novelty. It is difficult for them to perform monotonous, not creative work that oppresses them and overwork, restrains the initiative and the manifestation of their best qualities. Under this sign diplomats, politicians are born. They are best used for relevant activities in which they can be implemented, to show their abilities within the framework of the main idea, work. They need control, but it should not be intrusive or humiliating.

Signs of air elements are associated with the Spirit, with Divine Breathing. Ancient believed that the people of this element draw ideas from the air (according to Eastern philosophy and the teachings about the elements - "ideas are worn in the air", and bioenergy confirms that the energy of thought can be transmitted at a distance). They can get involved in abstract ideas, mistaken and be stubborn in their views, despite the fact that their lives will repeatedly be refuted. Close and native is very difficult with these people.

People of air element signs have a big impact on the development of society that has taken the slogan, nominated during the Great French Revolution: "Freedom, equality, fraternity". In astrology, freedom symbolizes Aquarius, equality - scales, brotherhood - Gemini. The signs of this element also determine the main position of the forces on Earth, the cultural, political and other ratio between leading countries of the world: Russia is under the auspices of the Aquarius, the development of England occurs under the sign of the balance, the US patronizes the twins.

According to the astrological characteristics of air elements:

  • Aquarius - This is a man, father, freedom;
  • Libra - woman, mother, equality;
  • Twins - symbolize children, fraternity, unity.

Element of water

Elements of water - trigon of feelings, symbol - directed by the edge of the triangle, in the middle crossed by the horizontal line. These elements include cancer, scorpion and fish. Element manages the birth of emotional, very intellectual people with a well-developed feeling of subconscious, intuition.

Cosmological myths and ancient wisdom reflect "the embodiment of living space in the waters of the World Ocean." The image of fish symbolizes the embodiment of life itself on Earth. Water is a cosmic material principle, she always symbolized the beginning of life, the earthly world. Therefore, water has always been in a special honor, and ancient worshiped her.

Astrologers believe that the element of water is also associated with karma. Each embodiment is the result of past earthly and planetary life. A lot of valuable information can give him a personal horoscope: he is a "passport of incarnation, shows where the soul of man visited, it is only necessary to be able to read his astrological signs. All signs of the horoscope are karmic, but it is most strongly manifested in the signs of water elements - cancer, scorpion and fish.

People of these signs always remember or subconsciously feel their past lives. They often have burdened karma. What is this explained? Fish, which are the most characteristic representatives of water element as a sign of the zodiac carry and the key to the randering. This sign is the last in the zodiac circle and completes its cycle. The souls incarnate pass the last stage of their reincarnation, get the opportunity to materialize in life on earth. By the square of the division of the sectors of the zodiac circle on the elements and in the periods of human ages - this is the period of old age, weakening the perception of the human body by the body, which affects the fate of the people born under these signs: they are inherent to suffer, sacrificing themselves, tolerance and seemingly random (But karmic!) Life failures, overcome them. Not understanding the meaning of the suffering that fell to their share, some people of these signs go to masochism, self-systuary. They themselves create their own troubles, underestimate the events, as they say, are looking for adventures. But only with their difficulty overcoming them occurs.

The signs of water elements are associated with emotional karma, with the consequences that were the result of the unbridling of their own emotions and feelings in the past life. According to Karma, all the troubles that a man of water elements delivered people in the past life, their experiences, torment, emotional shocks should go to him in this life, - all these sorrows should now survive himself. When incarnation, as ancient astrology assured, the great justice of space is observed: everyone according to merit.

For example, it is believed that if, in the past life, the child has received parents with whims and deliberate bullying, the non-deposition of which he realized with age, then in this life he himself will be a parent who has a child, a copy of him in the past. If he in the past life was a slave of his erotic hobbies, young men or adults flew by love and treason, then at the present incarnation he should experience the fate of the victim or a person who delivered a lot of trouble. If in the past life he was drunkard, then in this life there can be a woman who marries drunkard and herself will suffer without being able to free themselves; The latter can affect the child: it will be born a child from a drone father, most likely, physically or mentally defective, he and his parents will know all suffering. If in the past life, his actions were distinguished by sadism, then in this life he will be born a man who will experience the same action from another person.

People of water elements are distinguished by high emotional susceptibility, sensitively feel others, feel the frequency signals of the space. The symbol of the element is an inverted up the base of the triangle, crossed by the horizontal line, resembles the image of a glade filled to half the energy liquid. People of this element have good occult, meditational and other abilities, connecting a person with an overwhelming world. On the other hand, compared with the signs of other elements, they are more immersed in the world of their own experiences. Emotional connections for them are more important than business. They are distinguished by a greater constancy in their feelings. At the same time, they are not only emotional, but impulsive, sometimes capable of rapid acts: at the beginning they do, and then analyze the accomplished.

Such personalities are also endowed with large survival and resistance to laborers of life storms. The mighty vitality of their water symbol helps them, considered ancient, relatively quickly restore the space energy perceived by the body and become on their feet after crushing lesions. People of these signs have the ability to accumulate huge potential forces for future development.

Astrological characteristics of the elements:

  • Cancer - intuition, the development of feelings;
  • Scorpio - It is characterized by the concentration of feelings and emotions;
  • Fish - transformation of their feelings and suffering in spiritual power.

Astrological knowledge of karma, fate give a person the possibility of tolerant to relate to the inevitable difficulties in life, to failures and defeats. From philosophical and astrological positions, they should be taken as a person's test, which he should overcome, and not to panic, not to lower his hands, do not torment himself with remorse of conscience, which could be otherwise, "if, yes, kaba ...". According to the teachings about Karma, it is necessary to be characterized by nature and overcome the difficulties that have arisen, stealing them. Apparently poets Mu have "luck" and "Non-Commune" people. "Unweight" still not lucky, although they seem to try no less than, "the luck" and do the same as they.

The effect on the planet Earth Emery of Water is attached very important. Before the birth of Christ on Earth, the Age of Aries was held, which belongs to the element of fire. The era of Aries, like each period of zodiac era (influence on the land of the sign of the zodiac, which is equivalent to the influence of the element represented by it), lasted two thousand years. Aries encouraged the inhabitants of the Earth to action and to his opposition in the mirror reflection: an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. The absence of mercy and tolerance gave rise to anger and violence, war and destruction.
With the birth of Christ, a new era began - the era of fish, the element of water, which continued at two thousand years old. The main principles of this epoch were emotional relations, national distinctions, compassion and empathy.

The epoch of the fish comes to an end - it ended in 2003. Replaced her new era - aquarius, element air. It represents trigger thinking. It is believed that over the next two thousand years, the basic principles will be: the triumph of mind, humanity, rationality in actions and relationships, creating conditions for the development of the best human qualities, strengthening human health and care for the appearance of decent, healthy and talented offspring, more efficient struggle with Diseases, an increase in life expectancy.

Twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into four groups in the elements, as well as for three groups in terms of qualities or crosses. The elements of the signs of the zodiac show sustainable qualities and temperament, and the crosses - the dynamics of manifestation, the type of human behavior. Each cross contains all four natural characteristics, and each element - has its own representation in all three crosses. Thus, each zodiac sign is a unique combination of elements and quality.

Elements of zodiac signs Quality Zodiac signs
the fire Aries a lion Sagittarius
Land Capricorn calf Virgo
Air Libra Aquarius Twins
Water Cancer Scorpio Fish

Element of fire

Features of this element - heat and dryness, which accompanies metaphysical energy, life and its strength. There are 3 signs in the zodiac with these qualities, the so-called. Fire trigon (triangle): Aries, Lion, Sagittarius. The trigon of fire is considered a creative trigon. Principle: Action, activity, energy.

Fire is the main control force of the instinct, the spirit, thoughts and the mind that makes go ahead, believe, hope to defend your beliefs. The main driving force of fire is ambition. Fire gives zeal, impatience, carelessness, self-confidence, quick temper, gustiness, unceremoniousness, courage, courage, militancy. The human body supports life, is responsible for the temperature regime and stimulates the metabolism.

People, in whose horoscopes, the trigon of fire elements is highlighted, have choleric temperament. These people will never be unnoticed, they will achieve the recognition of others, especially in the environment that they are close in spirit and is associated with them ideologically. These people have a creative spirit and unshakable will, inexhaustible "Martian Energy" and an outstanding punching force. The element of fire gives the organizational talent, thirst for activity and enterprise.

The peculiarity of the people of this trigon is the ability to inspire and be devoted to the idea, the case, the partner right up to self-sacrifice. They are bold, courageous and brave. Take off their soul and inherent business activity helps them to achieve vertices both in spiritual and in the material spheres. From their activities, they receive real pleasure, are proud of the results of their work and are waiting for universal recognition.

Fire people - congenital leaders, loving and able to lead and order. They, as it were, are charged with cosmic electrical voltage of a certain polarity, which is transmitted to others in the form of attraction or repulsion, which keeps people around them in constant voltage and excitation. Personal freedom, independence and independence, which is only more expensive for them, try to win already at an early age. But one paradox: they do not like to obey and do not want, but the ability to adapt to various circumstances is well developed from them.

They have strongly expressed such features of character as perseverance, perseverance, self-affirmation, self-adepebility. The one who is connected with the man of a trigone fire affiliate relationships knows well that these people always bent their line. They can be the main conductions, major roles, but the statists - never. They are simply impossible to subordinate to someone else's will, we will command the parade and lead only they will be, although it is often because of the Kulis. They recognize only wise and fair autocracy and most of all hate despotism and tyranny in any of their forms.

People of the Fire trigon at first quickly "light up", inspires new ideas and people, especially without thinking, immediately turn on into the case, involving all their surroundings in it to achieve their goals, which comes from outside, or originate themselves. But also quickly cool to the already started, old case, if they are inspired by a new idea more significant for them, or if it takes a protracted character and requires constant effort. These are a manroom, gust, waiting for them death like. Fire is the creative force that can raise them to the "seventh sky" or "quit in the abyss."

People belonging to the elements of fire must restrain their negative character traits, especially hotness and gustiness, warlikeness and aggressiveness. They should avoid conflict situations and confrontation with the outside world, so as not to bring harm with their idea for which they fight, not their work, about the implementation of which they dream.

Children of this trigon are hard to cultivate, often do not succumb to education and to have at least the slightest result in working with them, have to apply specific education methods. Violence and coercion are categorically excluded, as it causes stubbornness in them, plling and resistance. You can only approach them with love and caressing, with heart warmer and softness, it is very important to be with them fair, never deceive them, not to diminish their self-esteem.

Earth element

Features of this element - cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the zodiac, this element is represented by the earth trigon (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The land trigon is considered a materialistic trigon. Principle: Stability.

The Earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The land structures, analyzes, classifies, creates a foundation. It is inherent in such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicalism, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives braking, passing through tightening and compression, slows down the metabolic process.

People in whose horoscopes expressed Earth elements, have a melancholic temperament. These are people sober mind and calculating, very practical and business. The purpose of life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal has been scheduled for young years. If they deviate from their purpose, it is very slightly more because of the internal reasons than external. People of this trigon achieve success due to such excellent traits, as perseverance, perseverance, excerpt, endurance, purposefulness, unshakable. They do not have such a fantasy and bright, living imagination, like the signs of the trigon of water, there are no utopian ideas, like the signs of fire, but they stubbornly go to their goal and always reach it. They choose the path of the smallest external resistance, and with emerging obstacles mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that it prevents them from achieving the intended goal.

People of the Earth Earth seek to hold matter. The creation of material values \u200b\u200bbrings them true satisfaction, and the results of labor make their souls. All the goals they put in front of them must first bring them benefit and material benefit. If the majority of the planets are located in the land trigon, such principles will spread to all areas of life, right up to love and marriage.
People with the predominance of the Earth's element are firmly on their feet, prefer stability, moderation, sequence. Love a settling lifestyle, tied to home, property and homeland. Lifting periods and well-being are replaced by crises that may be long due to the inertia of the Earth's trigone. It is this inertia that does not allow them to quickly switch to a new type of activity or relationship. Here is their limited ability to adapt to anyone and to anything, with the exception of the sign of the Virgin.

People with severe Earth elements usually choose a profession associated with material values, money or business. Often they have "golden hands", they are excellent artisans, can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive circumstances, sometimes occupy an expectant position, while not forget about the bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve their physical existence on Earth. There will be care about the soul, but this is from the case of the case. All of the above for them is easily achievable, provided that their energy does not go to such negative features of character, like ultra-humanism, excessive calcality, carefulness and greed.

Element of air

Features of this element - heat and humidity, flexibility, delicacy, adaptability. In the zodiac, the air trigger (triangle) corresponds to these qualities: twins, scales and aquarius. The air trigon is considered to be trigon ideas and intellectuality. Principle: Exchange, contact.

Air determines the contacts and relationships. The elements of the air gives a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, variability, flexibility, aggregation, susceptibility, omnipresent, infinity, curiosity. The air is independent, free. He is responsible for the main processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, continuation of the kind, that is, for the transfer of life.

People, in whose horoscopes, the elements of air are expressed, have a sanguine temperament. Such people can impress. They are fast in decisions and affairs, easily and quickly grab any information, then all this in the recycled person in their own way transmit to other people. They instantly adapt to any changes and changes in life. It is characterized by spiritual flexibility, the lability of the psyche, the mobility of the mind, they are tirelessly, while they are passionate about in some kind of affair. Disconnects them tires.

The lack of people's elements of people's elements can be attributed to the lack of foundation and depths in the field of thinking, in the sphere of feelings and activities, they are very unreliable, they cannot be rejected on them. They are too superficial, nervous, indecisive, their goals and plans constantly fluctuate, change. But they can prevent their drawbacks as dignity.

No trigon has such abilities to diplomacy and a secular lifestyle like a trigger of air. This virtuoso in the ability to set numerous and diverse links, grab, associate and use heterogeneous information. Air people do not tolerate a settled lifestyle, business routine, most often have a stable profession, if only it is related to information, travel and contacts.

The most success of air trigone people have in the field of science, technology, the world of art, especially literature. And journalism is just their elements. The best assistants of these people in the work are their constant desire for all new and new impressions, new experience, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with their people around and their ability to establish quick ties and contacts. Their ideal is to be in the center of all events.

Most often, the people of the elements of air do not fit into the generally accepted framework due to thrust for freedom, they do not like commitments, avoid excessive dramatization of relations. Even an ordinary family life may seem to be a certain "cross", from which they will try to escape or at least make it easier.

Monotony and monotony - their worst enemy, therefore crisis in the field of love and marriage for them is an ordinary story. Their surface feelings can quickly ignite and inspire, and close contacts to get involved even from the first meeting and with the first oncoming, but all this will continue exactly before the meeting with the next object of delight and admiration, to the new cause of enthusiasm and hobbies.

Parents and teachers of children of the air trigone special attention should be paid to their excessive idealism, the superficialness of thinking, exposure to someone else's influence. Therefore, it is necessary to lay the moral rod as soon as possible in them, which will be supported in life. Since the child of this trigone is very prone to both bad and good influences, it is very important who is next to him. The role of parents in choosing friends is very important. With such a child, you need to be constantly in contact, participate in his affairs and be nearby during the rest, then the spiritual connection of parents and the child will continue until the end of life.

The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to contact with the outside world, the ability to associate people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is spiritual and spiritual fragmentation, often causing unnecessary experiences and disappointment.

Element of water

Features of this element - cold and humidity, metaphysical sensitivity, feeling, perception. In the zodiac 3 sign of this quality - water trigon (triangle): cancer, scorpion, fish. The water trigon is considered trigon of feelings and sensations. Principle: Constancy of internal with external variability.

Water is emotions, inner world, saving, memory. It plastic, changeable, hidden. It gives such qualities as uncertainty, dreaminess, thinking, softness of manifestation. The body slows down the metabolism, leads to liquids, the work of the internal secretion glands.

People, in whose horoscopes, the element of water is expressed, have a phlegmatic temperament. These people have great sensitivity, very susceptible and impressionable, thinking living more internal life than external. People of the Water Trigon are usually contemplative, think about their own good and about the good of their loved ones, however, sometimes there are indifferent, sluggish, lazy, with the exception of people sign Scorpio. The external manifestation of feelings is not so pronounced, like representatives of trigons of fire or air, but the internal feelings are experiencing them with great strength and depth.

In people of the trigon of water, businesslikeness, practicality, sobriety of thought, objectivity is not a strong side, but they do not occupy fantasy, they have a rich and live imagination, a large inner and external force, especially for scorpions.

The people of the water trigon, thanks to the wealth of their inner world and the refinement of the greatest success, are achieved in professions related to the world of art, they are especially shone as artists and executive musicians. Water signs can also be excellent employees in areas related to service and nutrition. And scorpions are also magnificent detectives due to their finest intuition.

Plans and mood of people of the trigon water can vary both from external circumstances and from the inner state of the soul. A minor item, sometimes not even tracked by consciousness, can radically change their state of spirit, which can lead to a complete loss of interest either to the case or to a partner.

People of water elements have great spiritual sophistication, courtesy, polite, courtesy, very pretty and attractive. They are usually not aggressive, with the exception of scorpion.

From the signs of the Tigon of Water, Scorpio is the strongest body and spirit, the most informative, the most aggressive, non-unwanted influence of the outside and has strong resistance to everything, with which his soul does not agree. His patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance are simply striking.

The weakest of the zodiac signs of the water trigon is fish. The middle of the hardness and instability takes the third sign of this trigon - cancer. Although his mental sphere is also very susceptible and impressionable, it is distinguished by noticeable perseverance, excerpt and focus, so of all the watermarks it is cancer more often than others seeks success in life.

The feelings of all three marks of the trigone of the water are about the same as strong and, as a rule, prevail over the mind. These people are always ready to go to self-sacrifice for the good of an expensive person, as they always feel deep and clean feelings towards loved ones and relatives. If they are not appreciated, they forever leave the partner, which is for them a real drama of life. They are looking for a partner who is worthy. Love and marriage have paramount importance for them in life, especially for women.

Excessive tendency to dreaminess and fantasies, too vivid imagination can lead to an internal contradiction - a collision of their illusions with reality. If a person does not see the exit from this state, depression may arise, dependence on alcohol, drugs, other exciting agents, even mental illness.