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People who have become a strong personality. Essay on a strong personality. Don't listen to one's opinion

Books on strong personalities reveal the theory of the main psychological functions, helping a person to perceive the world: about the mind, feelings, intuitive data and internal perception. The very concept of "strong personality of our time" helps to characterize a volitional and open individual with extraordinary thinking, creative abilities, care and ambiguity.


Who can be called a strong person?

A characteristic feature of a volitional person is self-confidence. A strong and experienced person operates in a single rational solution in the situation that has arisen. The awareness of its capabilities and the desire for their expansion is characteristic features that the strong personality of our time has.

Strong personality, what is she? The main features of the character include other perception of difficulties and doubts - it manits everything that encourages fear and weakness from other people. It goes against stereotypes and rules.

It is peculiar to the setting of goals and actions aimed at achieving them, despite the obstacles. A strong person seeks to conquer vertices, not available before others. It costs above material goods and love pleasures.

- Communicability. A strong and bold man is not trying to incline someone to her point of view, impose it. He correctly perceives the natural features of people. A strong person changes himself to achieve a given goal. He is responsible for his destiny.

In labor activity, a strong and enterprising person motivates itself not the amount of payment, but by interest, the desire for the manifestation of his abilities, the knowledge of the new.

A strong person is an individual that opens up real feelings experienced in a specific situation (weak people tend to hide them). A strong personality clearly expresses his emotions, if she is sad, she will tell directly about it.

A strong personality does not approve authorities for himself - unshakable nature is true to himself. All its actions are special when manifesting its uniqueness. A strong and creative person often succumbes to incredible ideas, immediately embodied in life.

A strong personality is a person who is not to adapt to, he is open and sincere, conquers a good sense of humor and life. A strong and optimistic person will easily joke on himself, and this indicates mental equilibrium and stability.

By studying the question of what a strong personality, famous psychologists have developed tests of psychological testing MBTI. Its feature is manifested in measuring human factors that have a strong and brave person. With the help of these tests it is easy to determine its tendency to the type of activity, the style of its actions and decision-making, ensuring the feeling of comfort and confidence.

A strong person is determined by 4 scales:

  • consciousness (introversion and extroversion);
  • possession of situations (sensible argument and intuitive factors);
  • making decisions based on (logical and pathos);
  • preparation of solutions (wise and irrational).

A strong personality is a person in which a pessimist lives, a realist and, that allows him to be ready for any outcomes in advance throughout the day. Such people are confident in everything that gives them calm and stability.

Examples of outstanding personalities

  • Stephen Hawking (physicist theorist);
  • Nick Vuychich (motivational speaker, born with Tetrahameni syndrome - a rare hereditary disease, leading to the absence of all four limbs);
  • ster Verger (Tennis player wheelchair);
  • Andrea Bocelly (singer, performer of classical and popular music);
  • Charlize Theron (actress, model and producer);
  • Jason Statham (actor);
  • Alexey Maresiev (Soviet military pilot. Hero of the Soviet Union);
  • Luc Besson (film director, screenwriter and producer).

In fact, there are many examples of outstanding people, tell you more about some of some representatives in the video below:

Strong personalities in history in Russia:

  • Speaking about strong personality in the history of Russia, you can mention Alexander Nevsky (1220 - 1263) - the son of Prince Ya. Vsevolodovich. Being a talented commander, an exclusive politician, after the invasion of Mongols, he refused to bind the Pope of Roman to the general confrontation of the Mongols. The strong personality of the governor manifested itself in courage and wisdom, aware of the weak state of Russia. Many strong and powerful personality can envy the political actions developed by them who influenced the reduction of the rules of Tatars. He strengthened laws and order in the country.
  • Speaking about strong and extraordinary personalities, Folymithri I comes to mind (about 1580 - 1606) - an impostor, introduced by the son of Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry. True name - Yu. B. Otersiev (Rod - Melkopomy Galician nobles). It became famous for a strong personality with the ministry in the holops at the Boyar Romanov and Wedding to the kingdom. On May 8, in 1606, he married Maria Mnishek, daughters of the governor from Poland.
  • Catherine II and Emelyan Pugachev. The Empress was a firm spirit, and the introduction to the Russian environment allowed her to perfectly understand the interests of the state. It is the qualities that strong and intelligent individuals possess them allowed her to cope with all the "inherited" difficulties. The Empress terminated the Union of Peter III with Friedrich II, and the 7-year-old war ended without the active participation of Russia.

Catherine II led himself as a strong personality when canceling preparations for war with Denmark. Of the two decrees of their predecessors, she approved the right to use noble benefits and canceled the confiscation of church property. According to many strong historical personality, the first decision allowed her to get support from nobility, the second from spiritual ministers. However, it did not prevent Catherine to confiscate church jewels later.

  • Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev is a simple Cossack and a strong person, being not trained in literacy and politics - raised the people against the cureness and unbearable living conditions.
    Listful history of the state, it can be concluded that a strong personality affects its development.

Books about outstanding personalities

Books on strong and outstanding personalities indicate that each of us is amenable to the influence of television and radio alerts, outsiders:

  • "How to stop worrying and start life," Dale Carnegie. A strong person and connoisseur of human relations responds to all questions regarding vital turmoil and self-knowledge. He explains how strong and sensible individuals reveal the inner potential and choose the right paths to the real life.
  • "Men from Mars, women with Venus" - strong and caring Persons J. Graya (American psychologist and analyst). This book helps to figure out the difficulty of perception of the opposite sex. Simple and accessible information sets out a family psychologist - a strong person who helps in strengthening relationships with favorite people.

Theory of the appearance of outstanding people

The theory of "Sunny power of the 20th century people" is nominated by the Russian scientist E. Samokhvalov. According to his statements, strong and talented personalities appear, relative to the spots in the sun. It is known from his work that people of the first two groups have large talents:

  • the most volitional and extraordinary individual in 1956 - 59;
  • solid Spirit People: 1936 - 37g., 1947 - 50;;
  • average: 1935 - 39;
  • weak: 1930 - 35

How to become an independent person

Character is a set of certain qualities, which man has a strong and volitional personality. It is determined by courage, honesty, dedication and directness. Generating solid spirit, strong and caring personals seek productivity within the framework of interests or selected activities. For its development, you should know the basic definitions of unshakable people.

What affects the hardness of character:

  1. Strong and confident individuals know how to keep control over instincts and motivations.
  2. Coverage and retain from temptations encountered in everyday life.
  3. Strong and sensible personality have freedom from stereotypes.
  4. They learn to show love and respect for other personalities.

The role of unshakable people in public life

You should know why a strong personality is important for others:

  • The hard character helps in achieving the goals and quenching of stability to failures.
  • Strong and wise personalities are prone to analyzing and studying the causes of failures, instead of complaints.
  • Confident people know how to recognize their shortcomings, frivolity and weakness.
  • The manifestation of a firm character, in constantly changing life situations, acts as possible to move forward, crossing the barriers.
  • A strong person knows how to empathize to the weaker people and love them like themselves. It should be carefully examined their motives - they should be disinterested.
  • A strong and honest person is always looking for the truth. Preferences of the reason to conventional emotions avoids advantage of prejudices. Strong and good personalities solve issues to reason. The main benchmark is the facts and arguments.

Strong personality is beaten by irrational motives. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas developed the main list of human feelings: love and hatred, motivation and fear, happiness and sadness, angry. Strong and great personalities direct their actions to overcome intelligent obstacles to overcome their phobias, sadness or anger.

A strong and positive person will always find an answer to any question, guided by life experiences and good habits released from emotions. Excessive and sensual attitude to the current situation is a sign of character weakness, and the confrontation of the temptation, on the contrary, indicate the characteristics that strong and rational individuals possess.

Classification of the quality of significant people

The originality of people's activity is embodied in their volitional qualities. They perform in the form of sustainable psycho-forming cases and testify to conscious self-regulation of people's behavior.

Volievive people are manifested in the form of perseverance, a clear setting of goals and excerpts. The weakness of the will is measured by unprincipled, elevantative, unrestrained, timid and stubborn properties.

Basic (primary) Will Properties

According to the classification of V. K. Kalina, volitional qualities that are manifested in the form of energetic, patient, excerpt and courage are called basal (primary). Functional features perform in the form of unidirectional regulators of the action of consciousness, manifested in the form of a volitional effort:

  • energy manifests itself in the form of an ability to quickly activate its energy;
  • patientity is considered to maintain the intensity of labor activity at a certain level and in the manifestation of internal discomfort (fatigue, lack of mood, pain effects);
  • exposure is characterized by volitional efforts aimed at rapid slowdowns, feelings and thoughts that impede the implementation of ideas;
  • belly cause the possibility of preserving the stability of mental functionality in a dangerous situation. A feature of the characteristic is an increase in activities. In other words, courage is called the confrontation of fear and the implementation of justified risk for the goal.

System volitional qualities

The remaining manifestations of volitional regulation protrude in the form of combinations of unidirectional manifestations of consciousness. They are associated with different spheres (volitional, emotional, intellectual). Volost properties are divided into secondary and systemic. For example, courage is manifested in the form of courage, excerpts, energeticness, and determination - in the form of excerpts and courage.

System indicators are manifested in the form of perseverance, discipline and ability to independently make decisions. They are characterized by a dedication, initiative and organization.

Basal (primary) properties are the basis for systemic (secondary) indicators, their kernels. With weak indicators of basal properties, difficulties arise in the manifestation of more complex characteristics.

Clearance, as quality, caused by the ability to use general and sustainable objectives caused by the hardness of beliefs. Such people will definitely see the goal and have a clear plan for its achievement.

The persistent characteristics are displayed in the ability to continue to go to the target without loss of energetic when overcoming difficulties. The correct assessment of the circumstances allows them to find something that helps to achieve the goal. Negative qualities are stubbornness and negative.

Principal properties are to use sustainable principles and norms to adjust human relations.

Will strength determine the level of independence and initiative.

Independent actions are justified by the ability to implement their actions without any assistance, the presence of a critical assessment of other people's actions from the height of their own views and prejudices.

Initiative is characterized by the ability of a non-standard approach to business and its implementation.

The system manifestation of positive primary and secondary volitional indicators affects the formation of the force of people. This determines high motivation in actions. It goes along with perseverance and swiftness.

Ovian Action Disorders

Vividly pronounced reversings of secondary properties are displayed in the form of Abulia and aprage.

Abulia is characterized in the inability to make decisions and actions. The reason is the violation of the dynamics of the relationship between the cortex of a large hemisphere and the cord.

The norm of volitional acts includes optimal impulsive actions. At low intensity of pulses, a malicious act is impossible. The level excess affects the instant discharge (as in the affect state), that is, there is no reasonable target and motivation. The action remains unconscious, without choice and will.

Aware of the existence of an obligation to fulfill orders, patients with Abulia cannot implement it. They obey the random stimulus appearing in the surveillance. For example, at the sight of floral flower beds, they disappear plants. At the same time there are no intention of the formation of a bouquet, and a person does not understand what to do with them.

Apraqulica is a violated setting of goals in the implementation of actions. The disease is caused by damage to the frontal area of \u200b\u200bthe brain and noticeably in the implementation of arbitrary movements, actions and behavioral factors.

The patient can show a language in order to moisten the dry lips, but to carry out such actions at the request of the doctor he is not able. Another patient can use a spoon and a glass while eating, but without concrete circumstances, it cannot realize these actions. He does not close his eyes at the request of the doctor, and on the offer to prepare for sleep, he responds.
All volitional acts of sick people are based on a specific situation from which they cannot be free.

And others constantly show indecision and uncertainty. Obviously, weak is much easier than those who call the "strong personality". Examples of a person who always takes dominant positions can be brought to infinity. But is it possible to say unequivocally, who is and what is different from others?

Who can be called a strong person?

With accuracy, describe all the qualities of a strong personality is difficult, but the main distinguishing features can still be allocated:

  1. High levels of self-confidence and faith in yourself.
  2. The ability to control your emotions.
  3. A very important point - a strong person has a high degree of independence: it is independent of the opinions of others, various prejudices and public opinion.
  4. A strong individual always knows what he wants from life, and shows perseverance to achieve its goals.
  5. A strong person looks at the world from the position of the mind and can reasonably analyze events.

Of course, it is not exhaustive on which you can safely attach a "strong personality" label. Examples of a person with such qualities do not necessarily go among the famous and outstanding people. After all, not all people who occupy serious state posts can be called a strong personality.

People with a strong character live among us. They do not necessarily take prestigious positions and manage others. They just remain themselves, are engaged in a favorite thing and are not affected by the crowd.

Strong \u003d successful?

Naturally, a strong person to succeed is much easier. If a person has a goal and he constantly strives for her, then it is usually said that he is a strong personality. Examples of a person who does not seek to succeed, on the contrary, do not cause respect for society. Such people consider the weak and durable in themselves.

But is it possible to argue that success and purpose is the same thing? Is there really only a person who has achieved success can be attributed to the prestigious category "Strong Personality"? People are often so to the end and do not understand the expressions of "strong man." Indeed, under the word "success", we often mean money, power and glory.

In fact, the self-sufficient identity itself makes his choice, despite the opinion of others. For such people, success is not wealth, influence and glory. For them, success is not to succumb to someone else's influence and do what they personally want. It turns out that the goal and success are different things in public understanding, but completely identical for a strong personality.

The ability to be individuality, to have its own opinion and adequately evaluate its advantages and disadvantages - this is characterized by a strong personality. Examples of a person, strong spirit and character, you can see not only on the TV screen or in glossy magazines, and in the tram, on the street or at work. Or maybe it is you really strong and and are an example for many people.

A distinctive feature of a strong person is unshakable self-confidence, their actions and actions. Everything that he does is performed from the position of the only correct solution in this situation. At the same time, a person is aware of his real opportunities and tries to expand them, putting goals and going to them, no matter what. A strong person seeks to the tops that no one else conquered - he must and is able to prove to himself and others. Strong called personalitywhich puts itself above all - money, wealth, family, relatives, etc. Such people absolutely differently perceive difficulties and doubts - for them, everything that causes fear and uncertainty in other people, attracting everything. They come exactly there, breaking stereotypes and violating all the rules. The good side is sociable. Such a person will not try someone to change, impose his opinion, convince - he just perceives other people as they are. He begins to change himself, seeking the desired goal. personality It is fully responsible for your life - it is aware that no one is waven to dispose of someone else's fate. Even working, a strong person stimulates himself not the value of the salary, but in interest - it is necessary to find out what happens, if you do this and so. This is difficult to confess what real feelings they experience at a particular point - weak people begin to hide them, hiding behind pity, Some personal motives. A strong person always clearly expresses his emotions - if it is bored, he speaks about it directly. At the same time, he rarely has its own manifestations and is almost never feeling guilt. A strong person does not recognize prestiges - he is faithful only. He does everything in a special way, manifesting his personality - creative people are almost always strong personalities. They are often visited by the insane and ingenious ideas that they immediately embody. It is always easy to communicate with such people - they don't need to adapt to them, they are open and sincere, possess a healthy sense of humor and love life. They can laugh at themselves, and this is an indicator of mental equilibrium and stability.

Strength, as they say, in Newton. But how to increase these Newtons in yourself. We, in principle, we know how to become, but often we have no idea how to make it right and quickly.

The first thing that comes to mind in this connection is to build muscle mass. You can certainly walk for all day to swing in the gym, but it will not lead to a significant result. It is necessary to do on a selected program. It usually includes the power load of the main muscle groups and exercises for the development of weak muscles. In any case, according to the program, you will also deal with weight, and perform dynamic exercises that require frequent repetition. And do not forget that you need to go to workout 3 times in. Preferably, not more often.

But do not think that it is strong only at the expense of simulators. Any sports occupation, whether you sailing or running software, can be rushing and stronger. Although it can take a little longer.

It is important in this business and nutrition. Power gives strength and energy and allows you to build up muscle mass. It is best to consume food with a lot of. However, note that it should be in the same balanced, diverse.

However, it is not necessary to tear seven sweats on the simulators to become strong. Pretty calm view of physical training - Yoga. It does not require rabid repetitions of heavy exercises. Yoga strengthens and makes all your body elastic. About the fact that she some fantastic increases your endurance, and it is not worth talking. Just try. And then, even without having a bodybuilder figure, you, like he, can perform the same power exercises.


  • how to quickly become strong

There are many programs aimed at increasing the level of forcefulness and increase in force in particular, for the most part, they somehow follow the principle of "the more - the better." This is a bit wrong. Simple training to increase strength can be achieved, but not in the volume in which it can be achieved.

You will need

  • - Subscription in the gym


The first rule is the rationing of the training schedule and systematic. One day is not recommended to train more than one main muscle group and one auxiliary. You must strictly limited the number of repetitions, reaching your limit in the last approach of the last repetimate.

Video on the topic


Eat as much water as possible in order to restore the loss of fluid in the body during training.

If you want to always achieve your goals and cause admiration for its independence and strong character, then you need to know these 9 simple truths!

  1. Strong personality is not looking for excuses. If a person made a mistake, he admits her, and not inventing stupid excuses, many times complicated his life. People can condemn you for your missions, but if you are confident, you will be little worried.
  2. A strong personality does not run from his fears. No matter how beaten this rule, but you need to be able to look into the eyes of what we are afraid, it is a darkness, speeches in public or recognition in love! Remember that one in one get rid of my fears, you take a step forward every time.
  3. A strong person does not allow Abrals. Every day I send one thing, then another thing "in a long box" in the end you risk being buried under avalanche now already urgent. It does not end it with anything, so try to pose all your tasks as it from arrivals.
  4. Strong personality does not complain. Imagine how many productivity increased repeatedly, if you worked with the same zeal, how complain about life? Meanwhile, everything is happening with you, depends only on you! Therefore, do not waste energy in vain and accept the life as it is. Well, or do not take, and take for cardinal changes! But, in any case, without sighs and launches.
  5. A strong person comes out of the "Comfort Zones".Of course, it is easiest to go through a laughed path, but only the one who is not afraid of change, he gets generous divers from life.
  6. Strong personality respects others And what they do. A weak person will condemn everyone and everyone literally for each action.
  7. Strong personality does not spend time on comparison. To constantly look around on the sides, they say, "did anyone be better than me" not peculiar to an independent person. As well as the approval of other people. He just goes to his goal, hard working for its capabilities.
  8. A strong personality makes just what loves.If you do not have a shower to what you want to do, leave this lesson. It is impossible to become ASA in the unloved business.
  9. A strong person does not humiliate any other nor.A self-sufficient person has no need to search for vices in others and publicly make fun of their misses. Also, as no need for infinite self-configuration and thoughts about their mistakes. Of course, it is necessary to make conclusions, but if you constantly look back, your life path will be like a walk back forward - a very great chance to stumble.

Video on the topic

Fear is an integral part of life. Testing fear is completely normal. But you should not allow the fear to take over you. To create and strengthen the nervous system at a high level, 7 uncomplicated rules should be remembered.


Do not avoid fear

Just comprehend it and perceive only as a natural feeling. Analyze your fears and come to the conclusion that you are not obliged to succumb. Just think about them as a film that you recently looked. What you look on the screen does not exist in life. Fear will come and goes as well as frames on a film.

Do not live in past

Know that it's never too late to start all over again. But for this you need to let go of the past with all the insults and experiences. Leave only good memories and start living today's day.

Don't sympathize and do not spare yourself

Self-pity, various resentment to walk you in a circle, then again and again return to the same negative thoughts. Scientists have proven that the resentment stored in the souls can lead to cancer. Therefore, it's stupid to punish yourself if someone once offended you.

Let go from myself past by forgiveness

Forgiveness is a farewell. Farewell to various resentment and experiences. Farewell to an event as a whole. Conversely, non-recruitment can lead to the beginning of destructive activities within you - the previously copied negative thoughts, as a result, turn against you.

Do not dwell on bad thoughts

Try to think and say that in your life everything is fine. Direct your thoughts into a positive channel. Plan a daily as much as possible for pleasure. Leave the time to rest with a book or to view a good film. Meet friends, visit relatives.

Help other people, and you will see that it becomes easier for you and the soul is filled with light.

Despite the fact that you feel, keep your head higher and keep yourself as if you are all the excellent.

Strong people, too, sometimes it is necessary. To withstand all the games of fate and do not succumb to its provocations, you need to be a strong spirit. Guided by the basic principles, how to stand on the legs, you can learn to overcome all adversity stands.

A strong person manifests itself in the fortress of will and spiritual equilibrium. Such power is not easy to keep with you, so every strong and intelligent person often adheres to simple rules:

1. Do not run from fear.

Everyone is afraid of something. When the moment of fear comes, he ships a man and one is ready to literally escape anywhere in order to no longer see the cause of this fear. In order to defeat all your fears, try to sort out yourself. Why is this happening. When you figure it out, you will understand - fear is what you yourself have come up with yourself. And do not notice how your fears themselves will disappear.

2. Live hereby.

For a happy life in the present and the future it is very important that you as small as possible, and did not think at all about the past. Forget everything bad, remove the cargo from the shoulders and live in today's day. Go towards a new one, and everything has passed, forget as a terrible dream.

3. Stretch yourself.

If we begin to regret yourself, they get stuck at some specific moment. A cycle begins, which leads all to the same result. What we accumulate for life leads to the loss of vitality, up to various diseases. And it is with that you need to fight. Let go all the bad and forgive people who did something wrong.

4. Challenge away bad thoughts.

Think only in a positive key. You must glow from the inside to turn to you only face.

5. Select the time on the hobby.

It is necessary to make not only what is needed, but also what I want. Go to the cinema, on shopping, read books, ride horses, engage in yoga or fitness. Breathe full of breasts.

6. Help others.

It does not matter what kind of help you will do, the main thing is that everything goes from the pure heart. The more you help others, the easier it will live you. Observing these simple tips - you can easily survive all the vital difficulties.

Don't praw

As a rule, strong people are extremely concentrated on some significant things. They do not spend time and effort to praise themselves, they just just know their strengths. So modesty is quite natural quality here.

Understand small

Luxury and comfortable stops around is not so much causing a strong person as his inner world. Often, strong people do not notice some external inconveniences and troubles and remain happy in no way.

Do not humiliate others

Strong people are not interested looking like "sinking" their neighbor. More is more interesting to watch his growth and success. So they will try to do something useful to help weak become better.

Don't listen to one's opinion

Strong people are aimed at their own result, and such a trifle as public opinion is not able to knock them down from the selected course. They prefer to live with their heads on their shoulders than to listen to what others say.

Not perceive too seriously

Too proud is not about a strong person. He knows how to perceive criticism and easily recognizes his own mistakes, as it realizes that no one is ideal and everyone has the right at the misses. Strong people do not treat themselves too seriously, carefully masking their shortcomings from other people's eyes. They just belong to them with humor.

Do not seek attention

Strong people do not need to encourage outside. All they need is inside them themselves, in their inner world.

Be able to listen to

Strong people with pleasure listen to others, removing something useful from their words for themselves. They themselves are usually silent.

Everyone in life has moments when difficulties are overcome, and the hands seem to be empty ... The stories of these amazingly strong spirit of people will help to understand many of us that you can cope with any situation and with any life circumstances, the main thing is to believe in yourself And in your strength!

1. Nick Vuychich: Man without hands and without legs, was able to get up himself and teaches this

Nick was born in Melbourne (Australia) with a rare disease: he does not have both hands to the shoulder level, and the tiny feet with two fingers protrudes directly from the left hips. Despite the absence of limbs, he is surfing and swimming, plays golf and football. Nick graduated from college, having received a diploma at once in two specializations - accounting and financial planning. Today, anyone can come to his lectures on which Nicking people motivate people (especially adolescents) never give up and believe in themselves, in their example, proving that even impossible is possible.

2. Nando Parrado: surviving after a plane crash, 72 days waited for help

72 days of cold captivity suffered Nando and other passengers, miraculously survived in a terrible aircraft crash. Before the flight above the mountains (which ironically fell on Friday, young people rising on board a charter plane, joked about the unhappy date, but they did not expect them at all that the trouble would also catch them on this day.

It happened that the wing of the plane clinched behind the slope of the mountain and he, having lost the balance, collapsed down the stone. When hitting the land, 13 passengers immediately crashed to death, but 32 people survived, having received heavy injuries. The remaining alive were in the conditions of extremely low temperatures, lack of water and food. They drank the snow and slept side by side to not freeze. Food was so little that everyone did everything to find at least some living life for a common lunch.

After 9 days of such survival in conditions of cruel cold and hunger, the victims of the disaster decided to extreme measures: to survive, as food, they began to use the corpses of comrades. So the group lasted for another 2 weeks, at the end of which the hope of being saved completely melted, and the radio station (sending aid signals) was faulty.

On the 60th day after the accident, Nando and his two friends decided to go through the icy desert for help. By the time they left, the crash site looked terribly - impregnated with urine and smelling death, rolled with human bones and cartilage. Owing on themselves 3 pairs of pants and cooked, he with a couple of friends overcame huge distances. Their little rescue team understood that they were the last hope for everyone who was still alive. Men persistently survived exhaustion and cold pursuing them on the heels. On the 10th day of the wanders, they still found the path to the foot of the mountain. There, they finally met the Chilean Farmer, the first person for all this time, which immediately called the police to help. Parrado led the rescue team with a helicopter and found a disaster. As a result, on December 22, 1972 (after 72 days of brutal struggle with death), only 8 passengers remained alive.

After the wreck of the Nando aircraft lost half of his family, and during the disaster lost more than 40 kg of weight. Now he, like the previous hero of this article, is engaged in lecturing about the strength of motivation in life to achieve goals.

3. Jessica Cox: the first pilot without hands

Jessica Cox suffers rare innate defect and born without hands. None of the analyzes (which her mother handed over during pregnancy) did not show that something was wrong with the girl. Despite its rare disease, the girl has a huge power of will. Today, being a young woman, Jessica can write, drive a car, comb her hair and talk on the phone. She can do all this with the help of the legs. She also graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, Dance and is the owner of a double black belt on Taekwondo. In addition to all this, Jessica has driver's license, it controls the plane and can print 25 words per minute.

The plane that the girl is managed is called "Ercoupe". This is one of the few models that are not equipped with pedals. Instead of ordinary half-year, Jessica has passed three-year courses on the driving of the aircraft, during which three highly qualified instructors were taught. Now Jessica has experience more than 89 hours of flight and became the first pilot in world history.

4. Sean Schwerner: overcame the lung cancer and visited the 7 highest peaks of 7 continents

Mountain Everest on Earth is known for its dangerous climbers with conditions, among which they call: strong gusts of wind, lack of oxygen, blizzards and deadly gods. Anyone who decided to conquer Everest faces throughout the path with incredible hazards. But for Sean Schwerner, as practice shows, obstacles simply does not exist.

Sean at one time did not just healed from cancer, his case is indeed considered a medical miracle. He is the only person in the world who survived after the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease and askin tumor. He had cancer of the fourth and last stage at the age of thirteen, and according to the predictions of doctors, he should not have lived three months. Nevertheless, Sean miraculously overcame his disease, which soon returned when the doctors revealed a tumor with a golf ball in his right lung. After the second tumor removal operation, the doctors decided that the patient would extend no more than two weeks ... However, ten years later, Sean (whose lungs operate only partially) became known for the whole world as the first person who survived the man rising to Mount Everest.

After conquering the highest point of the planet, Sean is full of desire and forces to move on and inspire their example to fight the ailment of people around the world. About this and other climbing in the mountains, personal experience and ways to overcome the disease you can find out in his book "Continuing to grow: how I won cancer and conquered all the tops of the world."

5. Randy Paush and his last lecture

Frederick Randolph or Randy Pouche (years of life: October 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008) - American Professor of the Department of Computer Sciences at Carnegie Melon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In September 2006, Paushev learned that he had a pancreatic cancer, and that his illness was incurable. On September 18, 2007, he prepared and read a very optimistic (as for his condition) a lecture entitled "The Last Lecture: Achieve Your Children's Dreamies" in the walls of the Native University, which soon became very popular on YouTube, and Professor invited many famous media to their ethers .

In that famous speech, he told about the desires of his childhood and explained how he reached each of them. Among his desires was: to be in weightlessness; participate in the game of the National Football League; Write an article for the encyclopedia "Book World"; Become one of those guys, "who won the largest plush toy in the amusement park"; Work as an ideologue designer for Disney. He even managed to write a book called the "Last Lecture" (on the same topic), which soon became a bestseller. Although after a terrible diagnosis, he was predicted only three months, he lived for another 3 years. Poushey died on July 25, 2008 after complications of cancer.

6. Ben Underwood: A boy who "saw" ears

Ben Underwood was a conventional mobile adolescent from California, as well as his peers, loved to ride a skateboard and bike, play football and basketball. For the most part, a 14-year-old boy was the same as all children of his age. What makes the story of Anderwood unique, so this is what a boy leading to his age is absolutely blind. At the age of two years, Anderved was diagnosed with retinal cancer and removed both eyes. To the surprise of most people familiar with the teenager, he absolutely not worried about his blindness, contrary to common stereotypes of blindness as a "end of life."

So, how did he manage to move no worse guys? The answer is simple: it's all about echolocation - a technique that bats usually enjoy, dolphins and some other mammals and birds. When Moving, Anderwood usually published tongue clicking sounds, and these sounds were reflected from the surfaces, "showing" to him the nearest items. He could distinguish the fire hydrant and the trash can, and literally "saw" the difference between parked passenger and trucks. Coming to the house (where never before), Ben could say in which corner the kitchen, and in what - the staircase. Unspoclaborately believed in God, the boy and his mother fought for his life until the latter, but Cancer soon spread to the brain and the spine Ben, and he died in January 2009 years in the age of 16.

7. Liz Murray: From the slums to Harvard

Elizabeth Murray was born on September 23, 1980 in the Bronx, in the family of HIV-infected parents, in the New York area, where the poor and drug addicts lived. She became a homeless when she was only 15, after taking the mother and after her father was taken to the shelter for beggars. That just had to go through the girl during this time, but once the life of Murray changed sharply, namely, after she began to attend the Humanitarian course of the Preparatory Academy in Chelsea, in Manhattan. And although the girl went to the senior classes later than peers (without having permanent housing and taking care of himself and sister), Murray graduated from them in just two years ( note: In the US, the high school program is calculated for 4 years). Then she was awarded scholarships for needing students from the New York Times edition and adopted at Harvard University in the fall of 2000. Liz was forced to interrupt training at the university to care for the sore father. Continuing training at Columbia University, where it was closer to him and remained to the end with him until he died of AIDS. In May 2008, she returned to Harvard and received a higher education in the field of psychology.

Subsequently, her biography, complete tragedy and faith, became the basis for the film released on the screens in 2003. Today, Liz works as a professional speaker, representing the Bureau of Washington Speakers. During each lecture for students and groups of the business audience, she tries to instill their strength of the Spirit and Will in the listeners who pulled it out of the slums in adolescence and sent it to the right road.

8. Patrick Henry Hughes: blind cripple, who participated in the concerts of the Louisville marching orchestra

Patrick is a unique young man born without eyes and unable to completely straighten his arms and legs, which made his movement impossible. In addition, two steel rods were attached to correcting scoliosis to its spine. Despite all these circumstances, he overcame his numerous physical problems and succeeded as a student and musician. Patrick has learned to play the piano and the pipe, and also began singing. With the help of his father, he participated in the concerts of the Marshirovy Orchestras of the School of Music of the Louisville University.

A virtuoso player on the piano, a vocalist and trumpeter, Patrick won numerous contests and received rewards for his power of will and spirit, because what was just worth the young man to achieve all this. He wrote about him and said many publications and television channels, because such a huge power will not be not marked.

9. Mat Fraser: a seal man whose noad did not prevent achieving success in show business

The Englishman Mat was born with a serious disease - focomelia of both hands (underdevelopment or lack of limbs). Similar to this was the side effects of the Talidomide preparation, prescribed by his mother for pregnancy. Unfortunately, this is not the only case when imperfection of medicine and professional mistakes doctors can break their lives.

Although Matt's brushes grow straight from the body, and there are no shoulders and forearms, the physical disadvantage did not prevent him from becoming a completely successful person. Fraser is not much shy of his appearance, moreover, he often shocks the public, speaking Nagish. Mat not only a rock musician, but also a fairly famous actor, the fame of whom she brought the role of seal in the sensational series "American horror story: Circus freaks." By the way, Fraser is far from the only actor of the series, whose unusual appearance is not created using a grima or computer graphics. It is probably focomelia that helped Mother Fraisterer so believable to play a character suffering from injustice of nature.

Fraser proved to many that for success in show business it is not necessary to run to plastic surgeons, crush your body in favor of fashionable trends. The main thing: possess the power of will, hardworking and talent!

10. Andrea Bochelli: a blind singer who conquered the heart of millions

Andrea Bocelley is the world famous singer from Italy. The rarest musical abilities woke up in Andrea in early childhood, when he learned to play keys, saxophone and flute. Unfortunately, the boy developed glaucoma and almost three dozen operations were not given the desired result. As you know, Italians are one of nations who adore football. It was this passion that forever deprived the boy of vision, when (during the game) a soccer ball pleased him.

The blindness did not prevent Andrea to learn: Having received a lawyer's diploma, he continued his musical education from Franco Corelli - one of the best opera singers Italy. A talented young man attracted attention and began to invite him to various performances. Soon the career of the young singer rapidly went uphill. Andrea became the popularizer of opera music, successfully combining it with a modern pop style. Angelic voice helped him succeed and world glory.

11. Gillian Mercado: a girl who fell on the covers of glamorous magazines contrary to a wheelchair

Few people boast of compliance with the strictest requirements of the fashion world. In an effort to get into the ranks of models, the girls exacerbate themselves with diets and exercise. However, Gillian Mercado proved that you can love your body even when it is far from the modern ideals of beauty. In early childhood, Mercado diagnosed muscle dystrophy - a terrible disease, because of which Gillian was chained to a wheelchair. It would seem that the dreams of the world of high fashion were not destined to come true. Nevertheless, our heroine managed to attract the attention of the founders of the "Diesel" brand. In 2015, she was offered a favorable contract and became often calling on various photossias. In 2016, she was invited to participate in the campaign for the official site of Beyonce.

Of course, no one will envy the fate of Gillian, because it is forced to exceed every second pain. However, Mercado's popularity helps girls to take themselves as nature created them. Thanks to such volitional personalities, you begin to thank life for the gifts that we often accept such as proper.

12. Esther Verger: Multiple champion with paralyzed legs

Esther was born in the Netherlands in 1981. Since childhood, she was fond of sports, actively engaged in swimming. However, during exercise, the girl often became bad. Contrary to numerous analyzes, the doctors have failed to put the ESTER Diagnosis. After several hemorrhages in the brain, doctors finally determined the problem of Esther - vascular myelopathy. In 9 years, the girl had a complex operation, which lasted about 10 hours. Unfortunately, surgery further worsened the state of the baby, who paralyzed both legs.

Wheelchair did not interfere with Esther continue sports. She completely successfully played basketball and volleyball, but the worldwide glory brought tennis. Verger 42 times became the champion of the Tournaments of the Grand Slam. Hundreds of victories Esther became a source of inspiration for people with disabilities, dreaming of a sports career.

Although in 2013 the girl finally left professional sports, she continues to achieve success. Having received an education in the field of sports management, now Verger is held by the Director of the International Tennis player Tennis players, is a consultant of the Paralympic national team of the Netherlands and stands up with lectures. In addition, she founded a charity foundation to help sick children to engage in a favorite sport.

13. Peter Dinklage: Became the screen of the screen contrary to non-standard appearance

Peter is a bright example of people who can succeed in spite of all life obstacles. Dinklage was born with ahondroplasia - a rare hereditary disease, as a result of which the development of long bones is disturbed. According to doctors, the cause of ahondroplasia lies in the growth of the growth gene, which leads to dwarfs. Boy's family revenues were pretty scanty: the mother taught music, and the father (once an insurance agent) became unemployed. Not the most rainbow childhood cassed out the speeches before the public with the elder brother - a talented violinist.

Usually, Glory comes to the actors pretty early, but a happy star lit for Peter only in 2003 (when Peter was already 34 years old) after the release of the film "Stationander". Not too rich track record In the first years of career, the career is explained by the accuracy of the actor to film, in which dwarfs are usually involved. Peter flatly refused to play gnomes or lepreicons. From 2011 to this day, Dinklage plays the role of Tirion Lannerber - one of the key characters of the most successful series of modernity. The acting talent brought the Piter a lot of honorary awards and not so long ago in the Madame Tussao Museum in San Francisco there was a wax figure of Dinklaja.

14. Michael Ja Fox: Actor, Writer and Public Actor, who did not even stop Parkinson's disease on the road

Canadian by origin, Michael from the young age gained fame in Hollywood. He remembered the audience thanks to the role of Marty McFeel in a cult series of travel movies in time. The worldwide love of fans, an impressive state (which has several tens of millions of dollars) - many will envy this. That's just the life of the Macla only seems cloudless. The actor was no more than 30 years when he began to develop symptoms of Parkinson's disease, although this disease usually occurs in old age. For a long time, Michael did not want to put up with a diagnosis: a fierce denial of the disease almost caused a new problem - alcoholism. Fortunately, support for loved ones helped Foxs to form on time.

Fox (despite all the physical difficulties generated by tremor) and to this day continues to be filmed in films, hitting us with acting talent. It is worth noting his participation in the TV series "Boston Lawyers", where Michael played Daniel post - rich, who violated the law in the desire to preserve his health. Now Michael (in addition to the career in cinema and writing activities) takes an active part in supporting people suffering from Parkinson's disease. At the end of the 90s, he established a public organization, designed to learn aspects of the disease and ways to deal with her.

15. Stephen Hawking: paralyzed genius, inspiring millions of people to study science

Speaking about people who have committed it impossible, it is impossible not to mention the luminais of modern science - Stephen Hoking. Stephen was born in 1942 in Oxford - the British city, known for the whole world with one of the oldest universities. It is there later and our genius will learn. Tract for science was probably transferred to him by her inheritance from parents who worked at the medical center.

During training (when Stephen was no more than 20 years), he began to show serious health problems due to the development of lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. This disease causes the defeat of the central nervous system and leads to muscle atrophy, and subsequently can cause full paralysis. Unfortunately, the existing drugs only slow down the disease, but do not treat it. Hawking, contrary to attempts by doctors, slowly lost the ability to own his own body and now he is barely able to move with his finger right. Fortunately for Stephen, acquaintance with talented scientists has suffered fruit: thanks to the achievements of friends, Hoking can move and communicate, using an advanced wheelchair and speech synthesizer.

For many people, the wheelchair becomes a curse fully destroying the person and the desire to engage in love. However, Hawking clearly demonstrates to us that even a fully paralyzed person is able to earn an impressive amount, faster in the media headlines and build a successful relationship on the personal front. The main achievement of Stephen was his colossal contribution to modern physics and promotion of science in the masses. Serious health problems did not deprive Stephen Hawking of the sense of humor: he likes to make comic scientific betting and even appeared in the comedy TV series "Theory of the Big Explosion", fulfilling the role of himself.

These amazing personalities on their example proved that in humans is boundless power. A person is able to survive in the harsh conditions. Will and perseverance helps to fight the disease and seek success. Science, Sports, Cinema, Music, Fashion World - Any areas of activity remain available under any circumstances. Do not curse fate for all adversity. Find a stimulus to victory and do not lower the hands. And, perhaps, one day your way to success will motivate others!