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Big neck at the guy. "Bull" neck in men: effective exercises and rules for execution. Erogenous Zone Men-Virgin

A long-standing male neck was considered a peculiar litmus paper athlete. Fighters, gymnasts, and just strong guys always had thick and strong necks. And once in the sport of this part of the body paid more attention than now. Not surprisingly, after all, in the past century, it was considered a non-ultimate bare body, but what was attached to the head, it was always clearly visible above the collar of the shirt.

The neck is almost always open. Men's neck primarily emphasizes the athleticity of its owner, its strength and become. It is important for the development of the neck of the neck: the aristocrats appreciated the "royal" landing of the head, when the neck is constantly pulling up, holding his head straight and slightly raising his chin; Among people of physical labor - movers, blacksmiths and especially circus - artists, fighters and athletes in honor there was a powerful "bull" neck with a well-developed muscles and a dense fatty layer; The masters of the eastern schools of martial arts were formed from the student a "monkey" the neck, which consisted of strong elastic muscles, able to quickly shrink and "hold" a blow.

The neck consists of nine different muscles, and each of them performs both its individual function and the general, participating in the engine, but even professional athletes often do not use exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck due to the fact that they are not fully aware of their importance . Think about how flexible your neck and how many directions in which she can move - you can lift and lower your head, look at any side.

Neck muscles are divided into superficial, middle and deep. Superficial muscles include the subcutaneous muscles of the neck and the sternum-curable-bed-like muscle. The subcutaneous muscle begins from the fascia of the breast below the clavicle, covers the side and partially the front surface of the neck; It is attached in the field of the bottom of the person. The breast-culshigious-bed-like muscle is the largest and most strong muscles of the neck. It starts with two legs from the clavicle and from the sternum and is attached to the depositous process of the temporal bone.

The middle group constitutes adhesive and lift muscles. Suppressing muscles four. The deep muscles include stair (front, middle and rear) and pre-present (long muscles of the head and neck, front and lateral straight muscles of the head).

Getting Started with a specialized neck muscle training, it is desirable to choose exercises with your own resistance, that is, exercises where you have to overcome your own hands resistance. Starting the neck training with these exercises, you can minimize the possible risks of excessive overvoltage of the muscles of the neck and nearby connecting tissues, since in this case it is somewhat easier to control the resistance force.

At this stage, the main exercises can be:

Tilts head forward to the sternum with a stop with two hands in the chin;
- tilts of the head back and up with hands, started behind the head;
- tilts of the head to the side with a focus of one hand in the ear.

Exercises should be performed only after a light warm-up of the neck, consisting of low-amplitude and smooth movements performed in different directions, is the purpose of the warm-up to prepare the muscles of the neck to the upcoming work, and not load them before the deadline. The exercises themselves should be performed standing or sitting on the edge of the bench, extremely smoothly and gradually increasing the strength of the resistance of the hands.


Train your neck once or two a week.
- The easiest way to train is to create resistance with your own hands or a towel, you can ask for someone's help.
- If your room has a neck training machine, working in 4 directions, use it - this is a great tool.
- A good way to use a hazed ball. Hold it between your head (from the right side) and the wall, better with some deepening. And try to press the ball into the wall.
- Another way - to do a set lying on a bench and a twisted head. Break into the forehead (if lying on the back) or in the head (on the stomach) pancakes and raise your head.

Head strap

The head strap is a relatively expensive device and is sold in almost any sports store. It allows you to finely load literally all the muscles of the neck, changing the angle of load on rectifiers. Also a head strap you can train and at the gym and at home.

To perform the first place to lock the head strap on the head, the belts should hang on the chest. Secure burden on these belts and sit on the bench. After lean forward about 45 degrees, overlooking your hips with your hands. Keep your back straight, and knees slightly bend.

Climbing the chin to chest, tilt your head forward. At the time of doing this movement, try to feel a good stretching of the back surface of the neck.

Slowly and controlling your movements, raise your head. Raise your head before you see the ceiling. Hold for about two seconds in this position before returning to the bottom point.

In the next repetition, raise your head again, but this time, turning the chin to the left and up arcuate curve. At the top point, the head should be turned left, and the look directed to the ceiling. Hold in this position at least two seconds. After lower the chin in the starting position.

During the third repetition, turn the chin to the right and raise up. Hold up at least two seconds in this position again before returning to the starting position.

Wrestling bridge

You can not get around the attention, of course, such an exercise as a wrestling bridge, which is rightfully the best (and the most traumatic) exercise for training the neck.

Get up to the wrestling bridge for five points - two legs, two hands and head under the head. Place something soft start moving the hull back and forth, while the neck works as if you nod the head of the second version of the left-right-right-right hands Adjust the load at the first stage, when the neck is not yet ready for such stress, heavily relaxed into the floor, then as the neck muscles are strengthened to reduce help from hand. Then, after some time, generally remove them. If you need a further increase in the burden on the neck, take a damn dam on the barn.

At the end, I would like to bring a list of exercises, which are also dangerous from the point of view of obtaining a possible neck injury. The neck is injured most often: breeding hands in the slope, (with dumbbells and in blocks), breeding hands in the slope of sitting, rod rods in the slope (including option in Small), T-rod rod, thrust dumbbells in the slope, hyperextenia, pressing from the floor , extension of hands in the slope (from dumbbells or on the block), concentrated lifts on biceps, rodged thrust, lifts on socks in the slope, bending legs lying.

Not expected? And so: Correctly defined eyebrows are able to give your face literally royal grandeur! Modere wide, "filled", harmonizing with the color of hair roots and the main thing is with the perfect arc angle. At least once, go to the experienced Master-Barovist - he will pick up the appropriate form, tells about the care, and you will see how the face is transformed!


No, we are not talking about the form of a nose, which is now at the plastic surgeon sculpt every second. Your nose can be drunken or "potatoes" - it is important that he harmoniously looked on his face, corresponding to the golden section. Its "perfect" location is considered to be such that with it, the distance from the eyes to the mouth is approximately 36 percent of the height of the face. And the distance between the pupils was about 46 percent of the width of the face. If Nature has not awarded you the perfect profile - it is not enough, you can add a nobility face with competent makeup. Turning to a qualified makeup artist, you for a couple of lessons will learn to emphasize the dignity of your face.


A distinctive feature of a woman in which the "breed" is felt, are brightly pronounced, as if they are sharpened, cheekbones. To do this, you do not need to lose weight to forty kilograms, because it all depends on the face form, and not on weight. But even with a round face you can achieve cheekbones - to do this, it is necessary to do Facebilding.


Describing beautiful women, it is not in vain that the neck has "swan". This is another exterior feature peculiar to noble appearance. Many women are dreaming of long, flexible and elegant neck: someone is lucky with this from birth, but what to do those who did not get the swan neck?
Three simple rules: Make a bet on clothes with a V-neck, which visually extends the neck, draw yourself to slut and do not forget to regularly moisten the skin with the neck with masks and creams - the skin in this area is thin and extremely subject to age-related changes.


Short fingers with nails - "shovels" will not add nobility of your appearance. You want the breed in you, but nature has not awarded long thin fingers With a beautiful shape of the nail plate? We will have to take everything in their own hands, and literally. To give fingers of grace, forget about massive rings and make an emphasis on fine minimalistic decorations. Nails are better to grow little and apply to the manicure salon, so that they gave the almond-shaped form - it also visually extends your fingers.


An integral external sign of noble appearance is sophisticated, feminine, almost fragile wrists. The fine bone will not work out, but even wide wrists can visually do thinner. To do this, it is enough to start wearing a clock with a massive dial (On their background, your wrist will look more thin) And forget about bracelets with a thin chain and such popular red threads as an ornament.


Slender ankles, the elegance of which will effectively emphasize the ideal boats - one of the most seductive parts of the female body. And is a characteristic feature of noble female appearance. What if your ankles don't look like that? First, stop being upset; secondly, remember that you are vital for shoes with a thin elegant strap Around the ankle and should avoid too wide buckles and massive details.


We will not remind that the feet should be well-groomed under any circumstances - this is a capital truth. A woman with a pioneering appearance is distinguished by the shape of the foot and shape of the fingers on the legs. Distinctive features: narrow neat foot small foot size, elegant finger shape, thumbs are higher than the rest, nails - the right medical form.

"Only a very superficial person does not judge a new acquaintance on the first impression," said Oscar Wilde, and there is no paradox in this. Even scientists and experts do not see anything galloping to believe the traditional ideas about the connection of appearance and character: times thick, it means good-natured, thin and awkward misanthrop, and a muscular leader.

And although life, understandable, is richer than any scheme, something still in these familiar stereotypes is. For example, the famous American psychologist Eric Bern seriously believes that all representatives of the human kind can be divided into three types: "thick", "muscular" and "long".

Chocolate bunny

In a man's "thick" type, a sufficiently volumetric chest and, as a rule, an even more noticeable belly. The face is round, the neck is short, hips and hands are full, and the palms and the feet are small. The skin of such a person usually remains young and smooth to old age, but, most likely, he will start bald early. If "thick" do not angry, they are tolerant and friendly, adore gatherings and parties, on which are always in the center of attention. Staying in a good mood, can make fun on themselves, but do not tolerate irony and stinging tone from the side of close. When they are not in the spirit surrounding can be healthy, but fortunately, the "thick" departure. They are simply not capable of being alone.

Resting them is too early

The physique of representatives of the "muscular" type is rightfully the subject of their unlawful pride. It is they are the happy owners of flat, like a stone, abdomen, wide breasts and "skeleton" in the shoulders. Women in their favor, men envy. "Muscular" inborn leaders and heroes, they are incredibly active and are always ready for adventures and adventures. People of this type are more often involved in fights, because always and in all seek to keep the palm of the championship. They like to give orders, subordinate to themselves homemade and arbitrarily dispose of jointly accurate property. They are trying to dominate in any situation, even when others seem to be absolutely inappropriate. If suddenly they do not succeed, "muscular" feel incomprehensible and deeply unhappy, so it is better for them to stay in case of a matter of rest can lead to neurosis.

Writers and homeless

In men's "long" type, thin bones, weak muscles, sutal shoulders and a shoulder belly. Feet, neck and fingers are elongated, and the skin is pale and dry. In their thoughts, they are impulsive and impulses, but are avoiding extra movements. The troubles and various kinds of unexpected complications are annoyed by them, rather, will prefer to stay without dinner than to go to the store at night looking. "Long" avoid noisy companies and gathering, any fun preferring privacy and dreams. They can rightly be considered creative at the favorable conditions "long" often become scientists or writers. With unfavorable drinks and bomber. Such men particularly need a delicate and gentle handling of close, since incredibly susceptible and wound.

25 K.

November 30, 2015 14:14

By Fabiosa.

If you think that you can understand the person just talking to him, then you are mistaken. Physiognomy - scientifically substantiated and has long confirmed the right to exist thing. Size, shape, length - all this matters. Especially when it comes to face and figure. It is not by chance that Chekhov "thick and thin" are built on the principle of personal ratio and external data. So next time, look at the new acquaintance carefully before converging with him closer ...

1. Eyebrow

Eyebrows as a framing of a face - a very bright sign. So, thin eyebrows talk about the arrogance and ambitious owner. Cruelty, rudeness lies in the surrounding eyebrows, and broad eyebrows are a clear sign of comprehension and simplicity.

2. Eyes

Zhadans and enviouss often have deeply planted eyes. Dreamers are inherent widespread eyes. Those who have small eyes are distinguished by eloquence and curiosity, but narrow eyes point to a potentially cruel man, usurper.

3. Rot

Thin lips talk about secrecy and dryness, chubby are in the mixtured and bold people. Weakness of character is often expressed in a small mouth, and if the upper lip is a little longer, then this is talking about the absolute egoist. The protruding lower lip gives a person who is accustomed to getting everything from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of secrecy. Well, the chubby lips point to the mixness and courage of a person.

4. Nose

Many seriously believe that the nose of men speaks of his "potential", but there are more common features. For example, there is a sharp and long nose on rigoriness and hot-temperedness. Lightenness and capriciousness are guessed by jurisdiction, but a wide nose testifies to the rudeness of man.

5. Neck

The long swan neck, both in women, and men suggests that a person is inclined to experience and depression, and short to stubbornness and shaft. Authority and fearless you will find in the nature of people with a wide neck. But the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid man.

6. Lob

Forehead - in all senses an outstanding part of the face. High foreheads are inherent in smart people who have something to store in the cranial box. The narrow-minded people if not deprived by intelligence, then hot-tempered, so exactly. High suggestions are often in humans with strong motivation. And the congenital honesty gene happens in people with a square forehead.

7. Chin.

Not in vain say "Volve chin". Clearly outlined and large chin have people with a strong character that achieve their goals themselves. In modest and unsure people, on the contrary, there is a small and inexpressive chin.

8. Shoulders

When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of the interlocutor. If they are narrow, man is clearly shy and inclined to their senses. And the broad shoulders will evolve that he is extremely bold. Widelabriced people often cause trust and know how to arrange to themselves.

9. Hip.

Cool-commercial people, remember, do not like to give up, and softness of character gives smooth outlines and bends. The hips of the rounded shape have soft and inappropriate personalities. But the narrow and severe thighs are a sign of a strong character and endurance. By the way, the slender legs "say" about the ability to achieve the desired one. Maybe because they help in this? ...

In the field of human head, the zones of human instincts are concentrated: all dark, which is hidden in us, all fears and complexes. The cones on the back of the back are carrying information about the events that we attract unconsciously, spontaneously, about intuition, about communication with space. Here are the killers, suicides, disasters ... including: zone 1 - suicide zone, destruction, self-destruction, if it is located on the "evil" side, or premonition of danger, if "good"; Zone 2 - Budgorm of Physical Affairs, the explicit shift of this Bugger in men to the right speaks of tantric work; Zone 3 - Buds of fear, Zone 4 - Budgow Disaster.

Determine the nature of the back

Let's find out how to determine the character of a person on the back of the back.

  • At the very base of the skull, a sharp bump can be at the bottom of the head. In undeveloped people, it indicates elevated sexuality, which sometimes even can lead them to a crime. The presence of such a cone in people developed indicates magical abilities, to affect other people.
  • If there are dents on the head of a person, it is bad, since it violates the connection with the space forces that can change and destroy the person. A man with such character can not be done by magic.
  • Strong napes from low-developed people talk about the natural manifestation of the person, an inorganized nature, and more developed - about communications with space, about the possibility of initiating and initiation. In ancient Egypt, many priests specifically, with the help of special techniques pulled themselves.
  • Men's meaty head in a man - unemployed in sexual life. If such a man has a round forehead, a round belly, raised shoulders and wide feet, he doesn't think more about sex, but about material inconceiture, loves his family.

How to determine the character on the neck

Now consider ways to determine the character on the neck.

  • Neck 16 - 18 inches in a circle is considered great and testifies to the large physical possibilities, a quick-tempered and initial character, which, if he does not lead to premature death, then this person is likely to survive its contemporaries.
  • If the base of the head neck is narrow, then life will be short.
  • Excessively long neck indicates simplicity of character and curiosity.
  • A short and small neck speaks about the mind and deceptiveness.
  • Muscular neck belongs to people.
  • Neck, overly acting forward warns about the evil and stupid owner.
  • Thick, the fleshy neck testifies to proud, hot-tempered character capable of causing many troubles.
  • "Square" neck, merging with a population, says that the mind is in the same style ...
  • Strict, straight neck corresponds to a solid uncompromising nature.
  • The neck, beveled to the right, is a sign of caution and tendency to accumulation. When the neck is shifted to the left, it says about the vice. Such people should not trust the secrets.
  • A short neck may indicate a heart disease.

Now you know the basic ways to determine the nature of the backbone and neck.