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The most read novels about love modern. Best books for women. The best novels for women. Easy reading for women. Female novels

We want to present to your attention a selection of 10 best books about love All time. Stories written in the distant 19th century, the hearts of the most whimsical readers still touches the hearts. They are striking with their frankness, touching feelings and sometimes even irony.

10. Lady Lady Chatterley (David Lawrence)

In 1928, David Lawrence released the first version of his work "Lady Lady Chatterley". Because of its frankness and many intimate details, this love romance caused a storm of indignation in people of that era, so the book was banned in many countries of the world. The novel corresponded three times because the author's contemporaries were overwhelmed and destroyed it. The main character - the young Constance tied his life with the Baronet Clifford, which after some time becomes disabled. The spouse of the girl can not condemn their beloved on life without caress and himself permits to make her lover.

9. Feeling and sensitivity (Jane Austin)

The author of the famous book about love "Feeling and Sensitivity" is Jane Austin, who wrote not few stories touched by hearts. Among others, this work is highlighted by the fact that it was written under the pseudonym lady and released in 1811. Throughout the novel, the reader is trying to understand what will lead to happiness: feeling or sensitivity. Two sisters Marianne and Elinor chose different ways. Marianna preferred sensitivity and bold actions, and Elinor is more involved in choosing a chosen one. History shows that there is no right recipe for the achievement of happiness, the main thing is to invest in this soul.

8. Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)

From under Pere Charlotte, Bronte came a lot of good works, but one of the most famous novel "Jane Eyre". The book tells the story of a young orphaned girl, which in addition to fragility is endowed with target, hardness and restraint. She dips the reader into the problem of the main character, perfectly passing all its emotions. The book tells about love, which is manifested not only in appearance, here the author does on the inner beauty, manner, education. He presents love as a all-consuming feeling that is worth putting all his strength for the sake of him. This novel teaches readers to how, despite the obstacles, you need to fight in order to get the desired.

7. Love Story (Eric Cigal)

The famous Roman "History of Love" Eric Sigala appeared on sale on the day of all in love with 1970. This book about love has become a real bestseller. Over the first year, over 20 million copies were sold. One of the most successful Harvard students, during the next visit to the library gets acquainted with a girl who is socially "full zero". At the same time, the main character of the rich family and is ready to sacrifice its position for the sake of life with the chosen. He quarrel with friends and relatives, and she refuses his dreams. This book, which makes see love in the smallest details and understand that the best world is a world for two.

6. Diary of memory (Nicholas Sparks)

The "Diary of Memory" is one of the best books about love relationships, at the base of which is a real story. For the first time, readers got acquainted with the work of Nicolas Sparks in 1996, and already in 2004 the film was released on large screens. Roman is a confirmation that at any age you can go crazy for each other. The plot develops on behalf of a man who is in the nursing home. The story he reads tells about the gentle feelings of the young couple of Noah and Ellie. They are not destined to be together due to the difference in the social position. Due to the misunderstanding from the side of close steam part. On the path of the couple, one more obstacle is becoming - the Second World War begins, during which all the plans of young lovers rushes.

5. Rebecca (Daphne du Sorrow)

Continuing a list of the best books about the love of "Rebecca" - the bestseller of the 20th century, which first saw the world in 1938 for the first time. The storyline is based on a girl who is looking for his happiness. She works by a governess from a rich American. In search of happiness, the main heroine gets acquainted with a man Maximilian, who has its own estate and will soon marry him. The servants in the house constantly compare the girl with the former wife Maximilian - Rebecca. Many of them say that the former wife was very attractive, was formed, had good manners and went under the sail. The girl feels that she is not a dollar of the former spouse and it seems to her that a man is trying to get rid of loneliness, which torments him after Rebecca drowned. The book tells about the difficult story of love, which is based on the principal heroine speculation. He teaches us that our reflections sometimes lead us in a false direction.

4. Singing in a thorns (Colin McCalow)

The famous Roman Colin McCalow "singing in the thorn" is the most popular bestseller, one of the best-selling books is almost half a century. This is a strong work telling about how weak people. "Singing in the thorns" is a saga consisting of seven books telling about love, church, family. The work shows for which people are ready to go for the benefit of love and what they are willing for sake it sample. The name did not happen from the legend that stars that everything pays off at the cost of huge losses and suffering. Family Saga is able to affect the strings of the soul and carries the same answers to many questions of fate, with whom at least once had to face everyone on their life path.

3. Gone by the wind (Margaret Mitchell)

Opens the top three best books about love Roman Margaret Mitchell "Gone by the Wind". The work of 1936 is a bestseller among American literature and brought its own author to worldwide fame. In history, it is narrated about incredibly complex love, for which sometimes you can blindly close your eyes on a lot. The main heroine of Roman - Scarlet O'Hara all his young life was not offended by male attention and was accustomed to achieving the desired one. Until a certain moment, the girl succeeded until Ashley met on her way - a young man who does not show any interest to the main heroine. For the sake of a joint future with Ashley, a girl made a lot and only with time realized one simple truth ...

2. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austin)

1813 brought the world a new work, because it was then that the famous Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice" was published. The book immediately aroused the delight of readers and captured them with their irony and revelation. History tells about the family of Bennets, having five daughters and dreaming to give them successfully married. And at that moment, the familiarity of the family with a secured and young man Mr. Bingly, who shows an interest in the eldest daughter - Jane Bennette. At the same time, between a friend of a young man, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennette arises frank hostility based on male pride and ladies prejudice. This novel about the love of decades has won fans and in our time remains popular among the lovers of the genre.

1. Thunderstorm Pass (Emily Bronte)


Books open the doors in our minds, which allows us to live whole lives and travel around the world, without even getting out of the chair. As William Stairon said: "The Great Book should leave you with experience and a little tired. You must live a few lives reading it. "
Before you a list of 22, at least once in life.
The narrative is conducted against the background of a changing political situation in Afghanistan in the 1970s in the period after 9/11. "Running over the wind" is the story of an unlikely and complex friendship between Amir (the son of a rich merchant) and Hasan (the son of his father's slave). Cultural and class differences, as well as the shocks and cruelty of war, tear them into parts. Each of them has their own tragedy and their fate. But they remain connected all their life. Hosseini shows us the world of ordinary people who live, die, pray, dream and love. This is the story that the long shadows of family secrets fall at the decades of descendants, it is a story about the incredit friendship of love and transforming for forgiveness.

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This most famous job Jane Austin is something much more than a comedy of morals about marriage issues and life in a secular society in England in the 19th century. "Pride and Prejudice" remains one of the most lively works of English literature, not because we get an unforgettable pleasure, watching the sparks of the feelings between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy (although it is, of course, a sufficiently weighty reason). Readers are penetrated by this novel because Austin is frankly offending the human character with all its beauties and its shortcomings. "Pride and Prejudice" is a novel about overcoming disagreements and public classes, about the ability to laugh in life, even when it becomes extremely unfair. This is a book that love someone means to love him in spite of everything, and not because of something.

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Ornate written Roman with catchy and memorable characters, "Little women" invites us to a warm comfortable home of the American family of the 19th century. Everyone can find that the character of this book among the heroes of this book that would resonate with him, whether the characterism of Joe, vanity Meg, Amy's mischief or Beth's shyness. The novel is a story representing the transition of four sisters from the virility to femininity during the Civil War in America. Together, they learn about the harsh realities of poverty, diseases and death, and, as in a dream, fall in love and laugh, passing through all this. This is a touching novel about the importance of the family and simplicity, home comfort, in which no one will ever be lonely.

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Although this novel cannot be called a light ball, it's still one of the first novels that I suggest read when someone asks me to recommend me, as this work really has the power. Roman shows one day from the life of George Falconer - the English Professor of Middle Age, which is experiencing the loss of his beloved Jim. George struggles against the exciting depression and wonders that it is important for him in this life, he gradually learn, thanks to dinner with a better friend and conversation for souls with a student, the gift of life with all his tests and triumphs. Thanks to such a description of one day in a person's life, Ishherwood reminds us that every moment has its value. Its clear and direct prose grab you, make you think and calls to see death in the face.

Who does not like novels about talking animals? This wonderful work makes us wonder what our world would be if the animals could talk. If we talk about the meaning of the novel on a more serious note, then we can say that the author challenges his readers and suggests to ask himself, as if we began to treat animals if they could speak. How would we behave if they could tell us about their joys and fears? Would you then humanity to treat four-legged friends more humane? Roman White is a lesson for children and reminder for adults about the beauty of nature, life, and how important it is to remember that every creature has its own rightful place on this land.

Classic Roman Bronte tells the story of the struggle of a young girl for his place under the sun and his happiness in this heavy and cruel world. It is experiencing tyranny in childhood, as it remains poor orphan under the roof of angry aunt, the deplorable conditions in the orphan school and faces the dark secrets of the family when as a governess falls into the house of the mysterious and mounted Mr. Rochester. Volva and strong, Jane is eager for independence, in which Victorian England refused to all women. Her tragic story acts as an example of how a woman chooses his own way in life in the face of many difficulties and ridicule. But, besides this, "Jen Air" is a wonderful story of real love!

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This is another one of those books that are filled with truth nuggets, which you can run all your teeth. Its essence needs to be able to understand and accept. The novel talks about a short, but changing life, adultery between Maurice Benriks and Sarah Miles. Shocks of World War II, personal love battles, hatred, feeling of guilt and search for truth - all this is very acute and shrilled in the novel. The story of Maurice and Sarah reminds us that what we do for love can cause an inexorable turn of fate, which is able to draw our life to passionate and sometimes a dangerous journey, and that while love does not always last forever, we can always extract From her useful lessons.

This novel turned on even more attention to the public after a recent statement, what does it intend to let the prequel, so even if you read it before, now has a good time to return to it again. The story is conducted on the face of a 6-year-old Scout Finch, his story concerns the incident that the Alabamo shook his hometown when African American Tom Robinson was accused of rapening a young white woman. The father of scout, Attikus Finch, becomes a lawyer assigned to Robinson. Binding a sense of humor and extreme honesty and seriousness, Roman critically looks at social issues regarding class, racial and sexual politics and sometimes ironic injustice of the American legal system.

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10. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" J.K. Rowling

Yes, this magnificent book needs to be read! Even if you are already familiar with all the books from the series, it is unlikely to prevent you from a new plunge into this wonderful world, right? The Magic World of Harry Potter was captivated both children and adults. The story of a boy, who survived - drunk, emotionally neglected orphans, who once discovers that he is a wizard - attracts people of all ages. The speech in this book is about the eternal friendship of love, about the pain of loss, the celebration of goodness over the evil and the reality that sometimes our fierce battles are in our ourselves.

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The favorite of many readers around the world Mary Lennox goes to the English estate of her uncle-pinning after her parents die from cholera. The "mysterious garden" is a timeless classic product about the beauty of nature, the healing force of love and faith in magic. Throughout all the incredible adventures of a little girl, you will laugh together and cry with her. You will empathize to her and live together her lessons of love and trust, and also see Mary comprehends himself and the world around.

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When Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and slip into the magic country of the narnia, they meet the friendly of the speaker animals and a white sorcerer. In these meetings, the guys understand the true meaning of family bonds and courage. It is more than a story about a fantastic world hidden in old furniture. This is a novel about the infinity of human imagination. Described against the background of the Second World War in England, the land of Narnia is a timeless hope for the best, a bright future.

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13. "Anya from Green Mesonins" Lucy Montgomery Mod

When an 11-year-old Sirot Anya meets with the older brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, she discovers that some kind of mistake happened, and that they actually wanted to adopt the boy, not a girl. Although this fiasco initially leads Anna to the world, where she is afraid to be rejected and unloved, ultimately lively a girl's fantasy and her infinitely good heart will help her win over everything that will be presenting life. This is a touching story about love and friendship with a bitter reminder that in life everything sometimes happens completely differently as we want, but in any case everything always goes as it should and only for the better.

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Pop icon after the debut in 1996, Bridget Jones turned into a symbol of everyday feminism for women worldwide from the UK to Japan. Its self-sensitive and frank description of the disaster and falls related to dating and diet, with the struggle for the beautiful image and body, its aspirations for personal and financial independence resonates with readers, because we all experienced something like this at a certain point in our life. Humorous and touching, Roman Fielding offers readers funny, but a critical commentary of what it means to be a woman in the modern world, and reminds all women (and men, of course) that feminism is now less related to bragging bras and causing relation to marriage. Now he is increasingly associated with the struggle for his happiness and the desire to love himself as you are.

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"Uncle Tom Hut" is a political and puritan accusation and condemnation of American slavery. Stoa gossip together the stories of several slaves from the rigid elza, which do not stop before, to save at least their child from the terrible shackles of slavery. This is the story of a modest Uncle Tome, who carries his burden quietly and quietly, serving his gentlemen with the faithful honesty of a person for whom freedom is more the state of mind and soul than a physical condition. This is a novel about the endurance of the human spirit and a moral obligation to fight for their rights.

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The novel "Under the glass cap" is an intrusive realistic novel based on stories from Sylvia's own life. It is told by the story of Esther Greenwood - a talented young woman who passes the summer internship in a large New Yor journal and discovers that instead of enjoying the glamorous New York lifestyle, she finds him terrible and knocking out of the gauge. Created on the realities of their own struggle with depression boards, the novel "under the glass cap" shows a genuine look into the human psyche and sheds the light on real mental illnesses.

We have the world famous classic work of Victorian children's fiction. This is a quaint story about magic and nonsense, in which Alice turns out to be in the imaginary world after chase behind the White Rabbit, which she sees, sitting calmly on the banks of the river. This brilliant novel invites readers to fall into the notorious rabbit Nora and to be in the world of speaking animals and magic fungi, which allow Alice to grow or decrease depending on which side it will take them. This novel gives pleasure and children, and adults. He blurs all the boundaries between reality and fiction.

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In this frightening novel, Dorian Gray's main character becomes a model for a portrait of the artist Basila Hallojd, who is simply in love with Dorian's beauty. Knowing that his youth will eventually fade, Dorian wants to sell his immortal soul in exchange for beauty and youth, and his desire is fulfilled. As Dorian is becoming increasingly beautiful, his appearance in the portrait is becoming more and more monstrous, reflecting all the dark sides of the inner world of a man. Obsessively descriptive character and delicate writing of the Noman Wilde makes us look at yourself and recognize the dark side of human nature. This novel tells us about the eternal struggle between good and evil, which is happening in the soul of each of us.

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In one of the most attractive secrets of Agatha Christie, a luxurious oriental express stops in the snowdrifts in a deaf night, and the next morning of the grumpy and unwriting American passenger is found dead with twelve knife wounds behind the locked door. Only the rest of the passengers can be involved in the murder, as the killer came from another place is unlikely due to a strong snow storm. This strange thing is investigating the Detective Erkul Poirot, he finds himself face to face with many terrible stories intertwined around the dead, and every passenger seems to be associated with him. With the usual outbreak of intrigue, Agatha Christie gives us a secret that blurs the boundaries between legal and moral justice, calls us to decide whether it is possible to justify the person who takes the law into his hands. .

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The most translated book from the French language, the "Little Prince" is the story of a little boy who falls on Earth from an asteroid after visiting several other asteroids to try to understand humanity. In his travels, he meets some strange and wonderful heroes, including the king without any subordinates, drunk, who drinks to forget about the shame to be drunk, and wild fox. The "Little Prince" is an allegory of the stupidity of man and its tendency to self-destruct by violence, as well as a touching story about the transformative force of friendship, love and trust.

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This convincing and touching story talks about the life of Heizel, who is sick with cancer, and her teenagers. They together share all fears and joys, and readers come to an understanding of the brittleness of life thanks to these young votes, whose life is intensively burned by the day of day and the moment of death is already flickering on the horizon. Green reflects in his book a struggle of a man with an incurable disease with stunning tenderness and amazing reliability, reminding us that love, friendship and faith can exceed everything, even death itself.

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Classic novel about adventures and magic, "Wizard from Oz" tells readers what is happening with a little Dorothy Gale, when she and her dog Toto fall into the cyclone and find themselves in the Oz Lake, where they meet many colorful characters, including scarecrow, iron wood And the cowardly lion. Together, they are sent to the emerald city to meet with the famous wizard in order to gain wisdom, love, courage and house. This superb novel is a touching story about friendship and courage, about what you need to be grateful for what you have, and never forget that your home is where your heart is.

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When we read the book, we would like to wear other people's shoes, look at the world with other people's eyes and attend the places that we can never visit in real life, whether it is a small village in India or the green fields of Narnia.

Books are a great achievement of humanity at least because they tell us about such important things as love, grief, friendship, war, social injustice and persistence of the human spirit. Read Books And leave your feedback and recommendations in the comments!

Love novels willingly read mostly women. Men, as a rule, prefer other literature and consider the reading of novels about love with a blank point, and therefore give this genre to the full order, which, we must say, undoubtedly, please. After all, some of us had to be in a situation where a man takes the book that we read, a couple of paragraphs we read, and then looks at your lady hearts with a completely planted look: "How can I read this nonsense!?"

Well, let! In the end, the woman has always remained a mystery for a man. Let them continue to guess how to read the book in which a man and a woman who fastened by the author and a woman meet, fall in love, are some inconceivable obstacles to reunite and "live long and happily."

Modern love novels. List

Since the love affair for many young ladies is one of the favorite literary genres, the "free woman" provides the opportunity and you take advantage of the selection of books, which, in the opinion of visitors of book online stores, can be interesting. Most books are represented in electronic form and in paper publications. There are audio books, as well as books that you can read online from mobile devices. In the list, they are indicated by letters: B - paper, e - electronic, and - audio.

If you really liked the book in the genre of modern, a love story, which is not on this list, please email about it in the comments, share with other readers.

Awakening in Las Vegas has never been planned. Evelin Thomas had big plans for how to celebrate his twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas. Grand. But she, damn, I am sure that I did not plan to wake up on the floor of the bathroom with a hangover, competing with dips in memory, with a very attractive half-naked tattooed man, and with a diamond on a finger capable of scaring King Cong. If now she could remember how it happened. With confidence you can say one thing, be married to one of the sexiest rock stars on the planet - an insane adventure.

Unperturbable, sometimes severe man and a fragile girl with an open heart. They met. And they went through their roads. Different, but attracting each other. The same, but the abyss between them. Will they be able to be together, overcome the adversity and the abyss of misunderstanding. How to be if you find love, it is impossible to be with her next to not to upset your relatives? What to choose? Calm in the family or personal happiness with your half? Two couples, two lives, two destinies. DRAFT.

When Stati Heis, a young student of the faculty of art history, falls one single chance, spend the night in the hot hugs of a dangerous and beautiful stranger, everything goes awry. What was supposed to be a fleeting passionate outbreak, turns into a real oppression in the ass, named Mark Taylor, who literally in a matter of minutes, ruins the already fragile world of the girl.

Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin gradually destroys my life. He became famous for his exercises without a shirt, having sex in his office during Lunch, he even yaws sexy. If I didn't need this work so much, I would take it a black American Express Card and would tell him that I kidnap her. He does not even know about my existence, why should he know? On Friday evening, he flies to Paris with super models, I spend the evening with Netflix, watching TV, and a piece of "pepperidge farm" of a frozen cake, waiting for his call. Because every time he breaks his yacht, or one leaks $ 500 thousand to the roulette in Monte Carlo, I am called, PR, a girl who should unrest all this mess.

But this time, he is going to make much more than just make generous charity donations. All the company should be attended and fully participate, because he wants to show investors that he calmed down, and step number 1 in this direction, of course, it is found with a good, permanent girl, while people will forget what happened to Polyboy pussies for Kulisami at the Oscar Ceremony.

My plan is ideal, with the exception of one point: he takes me with him.

The book contains real sex scenes, designed for 18+

Katelin Varker has no problems when she is invisible, so it is hiding in the cabinets and rooms throughout the college campus. Despite all her efforts, she cannot avoid the attention of Martin Sandieki - a bad guy, bully-hooligan, the most hot, rich and inaccessible student in the Universe, who also turns out to be a partner of Katelin in chemical laboratory.

Katelin is probably the only girl who is not interested in conquering a magnificent body of rower, accurate features of the face and a billion state of his family. Caitlin wants Martin for his mind, especially in order to draw up the tables of microelements in surface water.

When Caitlin saves Martin from the vile conspiracy, Martin uses the opportunity to push the Caitlin from its comfort zone: spring holidays, one week, home parties, bathing suits and tanning lotion. Can she overcome his disgust to being noticed? Will he be able to step over his egocentric character? Or, in spite of the obvious chemistry between them, will Martin be the one who will start Katlin in the Scientific Cabinet of Mrack from the best motives?

Katya Lyutova - this is not a huhry-muffle! She is a modern girl and does not believe in love with other Labuda ... Farhad Yangibaev - a guy who has fun who has fun, not really worrying about his "tomorrow" ... if they meet and ask each other about the service, then what will it turn out? (Sanding my girlfriend, with the royal name Catherine ... You, the most important reader for me, girlfriend!)
The book is Chrovik !!!
Page of the author on si

When Hunter Zakcarelli appears in front of her door, stating that he is their new neighbor in the room and it is she will have to live with him, because another bedroom is already busy with her friends, Taylor Koldvell does not have great joy on this. They were betting. To hate him, fall in love with him or to have sex with him. If she does or prove any of the above, he will immediately leave forever.

A good book is much more than a way to "kill time." Wanting to get acquainted with the unusual worlds, mysterious and strong characters and incredible adventures, the reader is worth a closer look at the work of the most popular modern writers. Below are the most bright and famous works of recent decades - Top 10 the best modern books!

1. 11/22/63 (Stephen King)

He heads our list of the best modern books Sci-fantastic Roman Stephen King 11/22/63. The first publication of the work took place in 2011.

The murder of J. F. Kennedy became one of the strongest tragedies of the American society. Popular policies shot right during a huge parade in front of thousands of Americans. Can I save the president? Surprisingly, the answer to this question will have to find out a simple teacher! Jake Epping is an ordinary resident of a small town who works at school and does not differ much from thousands of his fellow citizens. However, the Will of Fate It is his chance to go through the temporary portal, which is located in the caféside at his long-time friend El. The owner of the device has long wanted to find Kennedy's killer, but the disease upset all the plans, so Jake must replace him! Go back, straight in the 60s, live there for several years, calculate the future executioner and stop it on the day of the terrible tragedy! Can he change the course of history and generally go back?

2. American gods (Neil Geiman)

"American gods" is one of the best modern fantasy books, which was written by the English writer Neil Gamean in 2001.

America. The refuge of a huge number of migrants from all over the world. In search of the best fraction, people went to an unknown continent, hoping to get a job there and gain long-awaited happiness. However, they traveled not alone: \u200b\u200beveryone visiting the guest is a part of the native culture. Gods, beliefs, rituals, customs - this is true luggage of immigrants! Will different deities be able to get along together and what does such a neighborhood promulit? To find out this shadow, the chief hero, recently released from prison. Once at freedom, he gets straight into a series of strange events and mysterious crimes that need to be unraveling.

3. Running over the wind (Hosseini Chalated)

Closes the top of the best book of the modern American writer Halad Hossaine. The work has appeared in 2003.

What is real friendship? Sometimes it turns out to be very difficult to answer this question. It is much easier for children. Amir and Hassan are two absolutely different boys who are binding a real friendship. Here is just one of them is an aristocrat, and the second is a poor servant! Suites from different social layers, they do not pay attention to the differences that are so important for adults. Playing, joking, sharing secrets and impressions, experiencing failures and knowing the sorrow of the boy gradually grow up, and their friendship only becomes stronger. Once there are serious changes in the country that will test them for strength and scatter friends to different sides. Can child friendship be survived?

4. Ice and Fire Song (George Martin)

The song of ice and fire is one of the most famous and best modern books in the fantasy genre. This is a whole series of works, consisting of five already published volumes. Two more books in the project. The first publication took place in 1996. The book was particularly popular after the release of the series "The Game of Thrones", filmed by the HBO television channel on its motives.

A unique fantasy world inhabit not good fairies and merry gnomes. This is the world of several powerful powers that are desperately fighting for nothing. Their goal is the throne of Westeros. Their funds are weapons, goats, murders and meat. The Palace of Waiteros is filled with sleek and greedy people who crave to capture the throne at any cost. There is no longer place for honesty and nobility. Arriving serious intrigues and organizing coups, conspirators will make everything that break the situation in the kingdom. However, it is worthwhile not only by them, because the cunning rulers of neighboring states either do not mind to grab the "lackmark" during the cruel and blind trouble! The real war is getting for power, ready to bury the old order forever.

5. House in which ... (Mariam Petrosyan)

"A house in which ..." is an interesting modern fantastic novel of the Armenian writer Mariam Petrosyan, published in 2009.

On the edge of the city there is a boarding house for abandoned children. This old and gray place seems very unlucky and sullen, but everything is not so easy ... hitting inside, a person can discover a new, unusual world in which more kindness and light than on bright urban streets. Pupils of the house are divided into groups, each of which has its own leader. There are no names and surnames - only bright clicks. There are many unknown and very little familiar. These are miniature societies with their vices and dignity. Children will know the world, an adult, changing and trying to find their place in it.

6. Book Troop (Marcus Zuzak)

"Book Thief" is a fascinating modern Roman of the Australian Writer, written in 2006.

Lizel Meminger is a small German girl whose childhood fell on a truly monstrous time. In 1939, the Nazi regime reached his heyday, destroying recurrent and preparing to enslave the world. Horror, murder, robbery and terror became daily satellites of the life of those who have not satisfied the new power. After the death of her husband, Frau Memingman moves, trying to find a calmer corner for his daughter. But in vain ... looking around, Lizel sees the creative chaos through the eyes of an innocent child who does not understand this cruel and strange world of adults. The fast adult she has to learn a lot and rethink.

7. Disappeared (Gillian Flynn)

The "disappeared" is one of the best modern books in the triller genre. The work was published in 2012 and became the basis of the movie of the same name.

How hard it happens to know a person, even if you lived with him for many years! An unusual incident turns the fate of the main character when his spouse suddenly disappears. During the rapid celebration of the anniversary of their weddings, the woman mysteriously disappears. The arrived police detects blood and footprints, deciding that the man killed his spouse and hid her body. Now a confused man remains to unravel this incredible puzzle. Who knows, can the random will be even more monstrous than the disappearance itself ...

8. Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell)

The novel "Cloud Atlas" was written in 2004 by the English writer. His story is a complex interweaving of stories and destinies, which at first glance does not bind anything. American lawyer stuck on a tropical island at the time of repair of the ship; Young English musician, forced to trade with music and body to earn a piece of bread; Brave California journalist fighting against a powerful corporation; London publisher, facing criminals after the release of the next bestseller; Kone from Korean Anti-Utopia and Hawaiian Old Man, whoars the Sunset of Human Civilization. All events and characters pass a difficult path in different times gradually intertwining together.

9. When I was real (Tom McCarthy)

Roman Tom McCarthy "When I was hereby" continues our top 10 of the best modern books.

A sudden catastrophe changed the life of a young man, crossing his past. It turns out in a long coma, from which he, fortunately, is able to get out. But such a long process did not pass without a trace: now he needs to learn to live again. Walk, move, work with your hands and talk. The whole past life comes in the form of vague memories, and the hero wants to return herself infinitely. Moreover, a kind of large corporation is ready to pay huge money to him to leave the reason for the incident that happened. How are they connected? What happened that day? And how to become fully the same?

10. AnaFem (Neil Stevenson)

And completes the top ten of the best modern scientific fiction book "AnaFem", written by the American writer Nil Stevenson in 2008.

ARB is a distant and mysterious planet, who goes to Earth. People who worship science live here. Science, which completely replaced religion and managed to split society into two irreconcilable camps. The keepers of science are monks that were once scientists. They once worked and worked for the benefit of progress, but their work led to something terrible. Now the monks live in the abode, closing from the external, secular world. Their life is simple, calm and measured, but once in ten years there comes a special date - the day when two parties can change places. Monks will see the outside world, and secular people will be able to join the monastic life and worldview. Once such a change led to terrifying consequences, and now two parties need to be united to prevent an impending catastrophe!