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Compatibility Pair Lion and Lion in love relationships and is there any likely to create a strong family. Lion compatibility (woman) - Lion (man)

It is very interesting to observe how men and women behave one zodiac sign in different kinds of relationships. An extraordinary and bright is such a zodiac tandem, in which two lions are united endowed with a strong energy. Having learned how to restrain my gusts and aspirations, in such a pair it is possible to achieve harmony and consentAnd how to do it, tells the compatibility horoscope. Taking into account simple recommendations, both representatives of this sign will clearly understand the essence of the problem and those traits of their nature that need correction. Thus, even such an emotionally complex couple can become a sample of stable and reliable relationships in love, marriage, friendship and at work.

Lion compatibility and lion in love relationships

Even in the period of romantic courtship, the lions do not stop their silent struggle for the championship, as if coming to each other.

At the very beginning of the relationship, it only incites interest and attraction, and subsequently can become an insurmountable obstacle. This pair must be learned not to direct this energy on a loved one, but to give it to the outside world. In general, lions are an incredibly bright, charismatic and spectacular pair, which has no doubt about their limitless love.

It also happens that such an impression is deceptive, and the beautiful picture is hiding behind a couple in which there is a place of conflict and misunderstanding. If the man lion and the woman lion in such a union are aimed at long-term relationships and are ready to work on themselves, they have every chance of a high degree of compatibility in love.

Compatibility Lion and Lion in sex

Man Lion and Woman Lion also demonstrate good sexual compatibility in bed. A feature of such a couple is that they are not in a hurry to go to this level of relationship, and stretch the candy-bought period as long as possible. And enjoying the Platonic side of the love relationship, they are in prosecution and passionateness, giving an incredible pleasure to each other.

The woman lion, agreeing on an intimate relationship, demonstrates his partner that it was it that she chose among many. In this way, it shows his love and sympathy that, in her opinion, should be very flattered away. In turn, a woman lion waiting for admiration for their person And willingness to fulfill any whim.

Men Lions are more egocentric, they love to dominate and wish to hear only flattery and praise in their address, without much thinking about what feels and wants a partner. He tries to dictate his rules of the game and at the same time engaged in self-examination, which is not very satisfied with his partner with a lioness.

It should be noted that sexual requests and The temperament in these signs coincides, therefore, in spite of everything, they are good together. To achieve harmony and compatibility in sex, the woman of Lero and the man of Leo need to learn to give up and stop infinitely praising each other.

Compatibility Lion and Lion in marriage

Compatibility in marriage Women Lion and Men Lion depends on several factors:

  • First, they should be sent Joint efforts and energy to achieve common goals. Well, if they are engaged in one common matter, at the same time being for each other and a business partner and a true friend. So that there are no rivalry between them, they should be directed to their snobbery and egoism outside the family. Such tactics will lead to greater mutual understanding and respect for family relations.
  • Secondly, the compatibility of her husband Lion and the Lion's wife will directly depend on family welfare level. Problems with money can destroy this marriage, because lions do not endure savings and any infringement of their desires. These zodiac signs will always crave comfort and luxury. If a woman lion will be deprived of the opportunity to have expensive clothes, cosmetics and a comfortable rest, then its peeling and critical comments are able to destroy relationships with her husband and cause him complexes of inferiority.
  • Third, if family budgetThey should use the services of hired personnel. This is due to the fact that women lions are mediocre owners, and all their homework they consider a boring routine degrading their dignity. Therefore, the man of the lion should not count on culinary delights in its performance or perfect order in the house.

Lion compatibility and lion in friendship

Astrological horoscope compatibility gives good chances of a friendly relationship with a couple, where and the man lion, and the woman lion. Unlike other signs of the zodiac, different lions do not cross the feature of friendly relations and become a reliable support for each other in all matters and endeavors. The representatives of the sign of the Lion are very expressed mutual assistance - in a difficult moment they are ready to send all their strength to solve the problems of their comrade and defend its interests. If the friends of the lions do not compete and show explicit leadership, their relationships can last all their lives.

Woman lion + woman lion

Women Lviv friendship may arise against the background of common interests and the same preferences in rest and entertainment. Women lions love to be the center of attention, receive compliments and have a lot of enthusiastic fans around them. On this basis, conflict situations may arise from the girlfriends, because none of them wants to remain in the shadows.

Man lion + man lion

Men born under the sign of the lion can combine in friendly a common passion, which will not give reasons for their rivalry. They can also be useful to each other in solving various everyday issues and can count on mutual assistance, but they should not conduct common things. All joint projects will be failed in advance, since both lions will drag the blanket for themselves, and they will not be able to agree, because they will be confident in their rightness.

Man lion + woman lion

If a friendly relationship arose between a man lion and a woman, then they are unlikely to go into the love stage. The sexual difference in this union will only strengthen mutual interest, and communication will become more useful and exciting for both. In addition, they can fully expect support and complete mutual understanding, while having their personal life and romantic relationship.

Compatibility Leo plus lion in work

If in one team there are two representatives of the lion sign, then the visibility of rapid activity, noise around them, gossip and speculation, as well as intake excitement will become only an external entourage, and in fact everything is very simple and ordinary. Working in a pair, lions rarely show high results, and their joint activity inevitably leads to the struggle for leadership. Each of them seeks to prove their right to power, and this invariably leads to stormy disputes and proceedings.

Head Lion + Subordinate Lion

Lions love the power very much, love to lead and dispose, but do not like to be in submission. It is so unnatural for them that they are at all costs ready to climb the career ladder, just not to experience this humiliation. If it happened that, in submission of the head of Lion, an employee is also a lion, then they are unlikely to have enough strength and patience to bring to the end, avoiding conflicts and open confrontation. That is why the compatibility of the chief of the Lion and the subordinate lion is minimal.

Sometimes we are so surrendered to the surgery feeling that we lose the feeling of reality and cannot adequately evaluate the person. In such situations, it is well resorted to the help of compatibility horoscopes to determine main problem moments And learn ways to overcome them. Compatibility Leo Plus Lion is an indicative example when, on the background of good relations, you can still observe conflict situations that can be easily corrected.

Tell me in the comments about your experience in a pair of lion and the lion and how, in your opinion, the horoscope compatibility corresponds to real life.

A self-confident, self-lean, leader in life is such a man lion. Compatibility with other signs is caused by the influence of the Sun, which is the patron saint of the sign. The lion does not endure loneliness, but often it is often difficult for him to build serious relationship due to innate pride and pride.

Who is he is a man? Characteristic, compatibility with the opposite floor.

A woman who chooses a man's lion's life in satellites, never have to miss. Family life with such a partner will be filled with romance, passion, sharp feelings and weighing good impressions.

Lion is quite simple: by nature he expansive, needs constant attention. The lack of proper respect for the Person Lion can lead him into rabies. According to the life of the representative of this sign very self-confident. In each company, the lion tries to stand out, become the center of attention, learn about all occurring events. The surrounding are often asked by his advice. The lion is always ready to rush.

The lions are inherent in the thirst for life, they always seek to have the best things. If the restaurant is, then luxurious if the car, then the VIP class. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by intellectuality and creativity, are not afraid of work, and therefore they are usually available to any benefits of civilization.

From other signs of the lions differ in their sentimentality and lovingness. In addition, they are inherent extreme generosity. If you were lucky enough to fall in love with a lion, he will throw you with all sorts of gifts, and about it without. By nature, such a man is always cheerful, active and happy. The surrounding it also tries to do at least a little happier. Good lion compatibility with optimistic personalities. But this sign does not perceive boring and sad people.

In truth, to achieve a sympathy of a man of a lion is quite simple. This causes this congenital lovingness. Lower the words of admiration, praise and already have a man lion on your hook. Compatibility in love with such a cavalier will give you a lot of pleasant moments. Lovely lion is ready for his chosen for any feats. Luxury flower bouquets, romantic evenings, gorgeous expensive gifts - and this is only the initial stage of courtship. From the very beginning, the man lion is given to the second half. He idealizes his beloved, not paying attention to the obvious disadvantages. As a rule, it is because of this relationship disintegrate. Compatibility of Lviv with other signs of the zodiac is usually determined by their sympathy.

Lions love and strive for luxury. To deserve to look in the eyes of others, they are ready to organize expensive parties, spending on this last money. As a rule, the apartment of the lion is furnished with exquisite furniture. It will treat their guests only in expensive drinks and exclusive dishes. As in life, the lion is trying to be first. He easily gives any undertakings. But the work that does not delight, the lion rapidly bother. Do not hesitate to ask for help from a representative of this sign, he is unlikely to refuse.

The wonderful sexual compatibility of Lion makes it a sensual, passionate and experienced lover. He tries to deliver his partner maximum pleasure. At the same time, the lion is very sentimental. He will really make a love letter or any ambiguous gift.

Who compatible zodiac sign lion? Compatibility with other marriages and loving relationships.

Proud, generous and generous lion man Compatibility with other signs has different. A woman who was lucky to fall in love with such a man will soon begin to feel like a real lioness. The chief of the world will give up the whole world to her feet. But in return, he will demand the same. When the lion is not burdened with serious relationships, it is very easy to seduce. If you try, then very soon a man will fall into your networks. To charm the lion, you need to tell him what is wonderful, praise all his advantages.

If you have a good compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, the lion is laid out in full. A woman will certainly be happy with him. To fulfill any desires of its elect, the lion will not regret anything. As a rule, romantic relationships will quickly develop into a family life. Get ready for what you may be far from the first to his wife.

Even after the supply of hands and hearts should not relax. Even a legitimate marriage does not guarantee a long relationship. From his chief lion expects a lot. If a woman does not justify his expectations, then the couple will quickly decay. The ideal wife according to Leo, should always be in the shade of her husband. He got used to feel like a leader. It is not worth saying such a cavalier about equality, otherwise the risk of quickly losing it.

A self-breather guy Lion compatibility with the opposite sex sees in its own way. In relations, he is an absolute owner. The lion will pour you gifts, surroundings and love, but you will have to completely dissolve in it. Every second he will control your actions and even thoughts. Be prepared that at some point you have to quit work to always be able to be near your chosen one.

But you should not be afraid, family life with lion is filled with a variety and pleasant impressions. A man will go to any feats, if only his chosen was happy. If he has already found a soul mate, it is unlikely that he will be interested in mumbling intrigues. The main thing is to be a lion inspirer, a real muse. With him, you will certainly visit theaters, all sorts of exhibitions, parties and other secular events.

If you truly value relations with Lvom, do not forget to give him affection and tenderness. Complete him, love him. Then your man will fulfill all your desires. In addition, you will feel confident and protected in a strong, wide lion.

What sees the perfect woman lion man? Horoscope compatibility, features of relationship with lion.

By nature, the lion is very emotional. He likes to love and be loved, as it brings new sensations. In relations, the Lion requires constant attention, praise and admiration. Also, a favorite woman should be completely predicted and faithful to such a man, to give up to him 100%. For its elect, the lion will become a reliable rear and support.

He is used to listen only to his own opinion. Often, the lion does not explain his actions, because he considers them the right. An ideal woman for such a man should be passionate, temperamental, be able to satisfy all its needs (both physical and emotional).

When there is a good compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in love, the Lion man will be completely given to his chosen. By nature it is optimistic and dreamy. The lion can often fall in love, and every time he will think that this is "that only". They manage emotions, which gives rise to a strong erotic beginning. Sometimes lion equates simple sexual attraction with real love.

The lion is very demanding in the relationship. He always seeks to suppress the identity of his chosen. However, if he manage to overcome egoism, then from the wild lion he can turn into a fluffy cat. Never hurt your man, otherwise the relationship can give a crack. Any criticism is able to completely cool the feelings of the lion. A woman who fully satisfies the lion in love and sex risks becoming his only and unique.

What does zodiac tell us? Compatibility "Lion and other signs", with whom the lion can bind his fate?

Male Lion can build relationships with almost all signs of the zodiac. Only one of them end quickly, while others last a lifetime. From his partner Lion will not suffer a lie, melancholiciness and uncertainty.

Liberty Lion Male Compatibility with others sees in its own way. He is able to charm the woman in the center of attention, loved by everyone. The loyalty of the companion guarantees strong relationships. The chosen one should not give a lion to bother. They must decide any problems together by consulting with each other.

The man-lion and the Woman Lion - as if a bright meteorite, which explodes with his unusual light any friendly company, giving fire to communication and creating among those surrounding unusual emotions. At the same time, both lions hold on to exclusive dignity without turning into the jesters, but rather setting the total energy tone for the collective. At the same time, in public life, these two as if always on the crest of the wave, they are the winners and seem to look at the rest of the slightly down. Glory, success, victory - love for them holds Lviv nearby, fastens their union, and allows you to take new vertices together, providing each other with the necessary support.

At the same time, both lions experience many difficulties in personal communication, and their fit and family peace seemed to be permeated with the struggle, confrontation, and eternal pursuit of new goals. If it were not for this all-consuming desire for success, which the glue binds them among themselves, the man-lion and the woman lion would hardly be held for a long time together.

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But it is worth noting that such a confrontation, although it is constant, sometimes turns into a real intrigue, or a fascinating game in which both lions receive pleasure and bright emotions. If at the same time a man-lion and a lioness woman possess a sufficient tact to deeply not hurt the feelings of their partner, but only to play with fire, then this eternal war can even support their passion and their attraction to each other. They seem to be thrown away every time the firewood in the fire is to wait for the flame of passion.

By the way, the sexual compatibility of this pair is at the height, as both are bright and sensual nature. But the quiet and peaceful "bed" regime is not worth waiting for them. Rather, it will be the battle of titans that are like wild animals like wild animals. Their sexual appetites are great, and they will be able to literally faster each other, until it is raised.

Negative compatibility - a man-lion and a woman

The greatest difficulty in the relationship of lion and the lioness is that the compatibility of these signs of the zodiac shows that these two do not have due patience and the ability to go to any compromises. They seem to do not know how to smooth out sharp corners, and always go straight to clashes. Pulse, exceptional stubbornness, pride - all this is mixed into the hellish cocktail, which in relations with lion creates a real rat mixture, ready to rush at any time.

Each of Lviv believes that he occupies the only right position, and the other must give up and adjust - otherwise there is no way. And here, such wars can only heal the time or the exclusive wisdom of partners. They are able to fight for years, but after all, a long time, the Lev-Man and Woman Lion begin to understand that it would be better not to fight with each other, but together to conquer the world. It is much easier and much less energy consuming. But on the awareness of such simple thoughts, they sometimes leave the decade of joint family life.

Such a state of perpetual confrontation as it has a tonic effect on these relations, but also strains a lot, and forces two lions to live in eternal nervous tension. From this they both are quite tired, although they could send this energy to a much more useful course. But the struggle for leadership in them in the blood, and this does not take away. Such is the nature of the signs of the zodiac Lion and Leo.

Horoscope Lev-Lev - Welfare of the Union

The horoscope of the compatibility of Leo and Leo shows us that neither one of them is not capable of winning this confrontation. More precisely, one of Lviv can be stronger, and suppress their partner, but in this war they will lose both - their relationship will be taken intoxication and will be on the verge of break. Lions are too proud, and to take a defeat, none of them can. After such a war, it is unlikely to continue this union.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to get everything on the brakes, and avoid any confrontations. Sometimes lions, tired of eternal disputes, roll to this option. But this leads only to the fact that the problems are silent, litter seems to be noticed under the carpet, but it is becoming more and more. Emotions are wency, and the inner world of both does not find discharge - all this can again lead to a real explosion of emotions at one moment, and such an explosion may not even transfer a very serious relationship.

It is best if both lions begin to perceive your eternal disputes - like a funny game that revives their joint life. You can approach problems with humor, because lions can often be envied in this regard - they have a wonderful sense of humor, which they can use themselves. Sometimes they forget about it when their pride is tied up, but it is better to go down from their royal lies to Earth - and try to negotiate, together mixing over your problems. After all, they often happen simply invented and not standing by the left egg.

The key skill, which should master the man-lion, and the Woman Lion is the ability to treat exceptional respect for your beloved person. If this two will manage to learn how to touch the pride of your partner, be polite and sensitive, and predict the behavior and emotions of another lion, most of the sharp corners in these relationships can be smoothed, and their relationship will become much more sensitive, joyful and filled with happiness and well-being everybody day.

As a lion woman will be interested in a male lion and attract him

The Woman Lion can win a lion man with sincere praise, and saying that compliments that can conquer his heart. He loves himself to be treated with respect and attention, and the words of admiration lead his heart into a real thrill. He will flourish when it will see that a woman appreciates him next to him, and shows him his care and attention.

The lion does not tolerate their arrogant but at the same time tedious women who will only annoy it. It is also likely to run away from women who show exceptional narcissism, and in love with themselves, and only. If he sees that a woman does not give him any meaning, and passionate only to his own person, it can hurt him very much - and sometimes even attract at first, but the lion will cool very quickly to such a lady, and will find a one that will not be bought on Words, pleasant to his ear.

The Woman Lion is also able to conquer the heart of a lion-man with its grace, elegance, and the ability to behave like a royal person. It has these qualities in full, and this very much can pass the lion. At the same time, the lioness is usually quite friendly, and can create a feeling of fun among friends and surrounding. This will also be impressed by the lion, and it will be fascinated.

It is also important to always thank a man-lion for the actions committed by him. As soon as he feel that his efforts are not in vain, and he is trying not in vain, he will make every effort to make surprises and gifts again and again to get this emotion again.

Men lions are characterized by their unsurpassed charisma and volitional character. Crowds of fans who claim to be considered from the side of the lion are constantly trampled around them. Brutality and decisiveness, activity and energy - it is these character traits that are so tied by representatives of weak gender. If you also fell victim to the lovely char of a Male Leo, then our article will help you find an approach to such a non-standard and extraordinary cavalier.

Surely you attended the class in the class, the boy who enjoyed an authority among the peers and was a soul of the company is a typical representative of the constellation of Lev. They love attention very much and strongly strive to provoke it. All Lion's life is a way to assert. But, in any case, it looks very much. Like all representatives of the fiery elements, the lions are very energetic and nonsense. But what is hiding under the fervor, which we are masterfully put into the eyes? After all, the lion is not only a banging hooligan and a Kompaniya merchant, it is a very interesting cocktail from a set of contradictory qualities:

  • Lions - very ambitious personalities, many historical figures had the honor to be born under the lion's constellation: Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis Armstrong, Barack Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc. But often, to achieve their goal prevents them from their own laziness. Lions are very energy saving, so often this behavior prevents them from self-development.
  • The same can be said about the changeability of the lion. This is a non-permanent sign, and often, holding something, quickly burns out.
  • But to say that they are completely ineperable - it is impossible. The fact is that their fire, like they are changeable. In the nature of the lion, then a bright flame is raging when he is ready to minimize the mountains on his way to his goal, then a dull corner who imposes a feeling of carelessness and stability.
  • Even finding the matter of his life, they can succeed only by attaching considerable efforts. But, as a rule, the desire to self-esteem takes the top.
  • Lions really need approval and attention from others, so their unprecedented successes are often predicted by the desire to acquire supporters who will admire their exploits.

The reason for the zeal of lion to its own self-affirmation lies in the legend of the origin of the constellation. The lion is the symbol of the first feat of Hercules, when he struck the beast, tortured peaceful people, bare hands. After that, I sorted the skin from Lion and threw his body to the legs of Zeus, who raised him into the sky in the form of constellation, as the sacrifice attribute of the gods and the eternal defeat of the beast. The lion came to this land to win the location of others and restore its leadership over them.

  • Lions - True Egoists. There are few of them that interests, except for them, therefore business, and friendly, and romantic relations are built on a mutually beneficial partnership. It may even be a moral need for a flattery. The lion will never associate itself with relations if they do not bring him good or satisfaction.
  • Therefore, there are not very good friends from Lviv. When the time comes to pull the burden to one, the representatives of this sign are rapidly eliminated until better times. But a friendly help await always. In this regard, they are very demanding, but ungrateful.

Man lion in love and relationships

Men lions are very selfish in a relationship with their second half, so not every woman will be able to endure such a demanding and power satellite. But, nevertheless, if you were able to conquer the lion's heart, then be sure that it is a very reliable and faithful companion that will provide you with everything necessary for a comfortable living together. Lions are very tied to their companions, which looks very cute and carefully. If you intend to conquer the heart of your favorite, then you will be useful for you to know the characteristic in love Men Lion:

  • To the question: "How to win the love of a man's men?" - You can answer that it takes a bright, spectacular and intelligent woman with traditional views and established family values. The lion with discontent will be reacted to ambitions and career plans of their chosen.
  • This is due to selfish lion nature. He will never allow his choices to have hobbies, plans and interests in addition to himself, therefore, having accepted the status of even a civil wife, be prepared to wash your shirts and cook soups - this is the whole role that the lion takes you.
  • The lion will not tolerate any manifestation of humor or intelligence in his friends in his girlfriend. Such a gesture will be considered as a personal insult and neglect of its leadership. A woman for a lion should serve as a beautiful and status supplement, as the approval of the personal ego.
  • Despite its absolute, and sometimes, stupid authoritarianism, the man lion values \u200b\u200blove in life. With such a man you should learn to get out. But, if you are wise and pokes, then your joint life can be characterized by the proverb: "As behind a stone wall". You will be able to feel weak and feminine with such a courageous partner as a lion.

  • Be prepared for the fact that at the dawn of your relationship lion will flirt and, even, can raise dangerous connections with other representatives of the weak gender. What do you say? This is another step towards your own self-affirmation, which is required by a man of Leo.
  • In fact, the lions are absolutely not a change in their nature, just the opposite - these are very loyal and reliable satellites that are trying to remove attention from this world and admire all available ways. But few people can appreciate their devotion, many leave the Men Leo, and without waiting for confessions in love.
  • The submissive and patient companions of the Men Leo, leave their invaluable experience in loving relationships. For example, many complain about its excessive despotic, which is expressed in decision-making. The lion without any constraint can take on the right to choose you clothes and makeup, and sometimes his praised pride crosses the edge so that he will dictate to you who should be friends with.

Man Leo in Love and Marriage

Lion's man in love and family life can be described as a husband of traditional views. He will definitely take on the responsibility of financial support and education of children, but will require you to be educated and submissive wife with all the attached qualities. For example, we have already talked about the duties of the faithful companion on household, but there are things to be washing, ironing and cleaning, which have a significant meaning for a lion:

  • First of all, lions fall in love with women who are tesching their pride. It is very important for them to hear the words of support and praise. Smart women learn to receive advantages with affectionate manner of communication. This is a light and relaxed way, as you can manipulate your man with praise and flattery.
  • As if cruel and cynically, it did not sound, but the lions themselves accept such an attitude in their family. If you need a lion to fix the crane, then praise his abilities and sweeten his pride of the owner of the house, and then wait for the result. Although it is possible that he will find it necessary not to confirm your praise, because it is too crazy about the sense of own irresistible, to repair the cranes and make the rest of the small home.

  • It is likely that the lion will take responsibility for the upbringing of children. But do not rush to rejoice! All the duties associated with your offspring will remain hanging on your shoulders, and the spouse will only sometimes have to teach them.
  • In the raising of children, as in the rest, he is better not to reap. By doubtfully, his tactics and manner of upbringing, you undermine his authority - the most valuable thing that he has. Especially - it is better not to do that for children. Please accept the fact that your husband from now on will always be right, no matter how absurd and stupid is his actions.
  • If you dream of becoming a lion's wife, then try to get used to constant interrogations on the soil of jealousy. It is possible that your messages will be revised, and calls to listen. He can also give you a reason, but solely only when there is little attention from you.

Man lion in sex

Sex is an integral part of the life of a healthy adult, so the compatibility in sex is given a separate role. As you can see, sexual preferences are important, and sometimes play a leading role in the development of relations. With the help of good high-quality sex and ability to deliver pleasure, you can conquer and tie a potential one, so pay special attention to this section, because we will go about what sex a man lion loves:

  • Lions - Table fans of all sorts of new products. They are pretty ingenious, so the list of sophisticated fantasies is generated in their head. Be prepared to try out even the most meaningless and uncomfortable postures, because you don't try yet - you will not know, and in the case of Lvom: until I tried - it will not calm down.
  • The representative of this sign will appreciate if you follow the initiative very carefully and in female. For example, make it an erotic massage or begin with oral affection, without requiring nothing in return. Your attention and the desire to deliver his pleasure will incredibly the man lion.
  • As for the preludes in relation to you, it is unlikely that you will smile something. The lion will continue in the concept of what he does everything right. He is so sexy that in his sense you should always want it.

  • As mentioned above, the lion is always open for the new, so his beloved should always be ready for unpredictable sex - always and everywhere.
  • The lion loves to criticize, to this you need to treat with understanding. Of course, you will not like to hear the comparison with his former, but the lion is completely not tacty in this regard. Although myself will not tolerate such criticism in your address.
  • Also, representatives of this sign can consider sex, as a weapon of reconciliation or emotional discharge, so the lion is suitable for hot-tempered, but quickly removable women.

Compatibility in Love Men Lion

The lion is a rather difficult nature, so finding a reliable companion of life may seem an unsolvable task. It will be reasonable in this regard to repel from the elements. Ideally, air representatives are suitable for Lion - this is a very favorable alliance, which cannot be said about the rest of the elements.

Water in a tandem with fire is pre-programmed in advance on mutual destruction, the Earth - will extinguish the restless flame of the lion, and as for the compatibility of the two elements of fire - this is a very interesting phenomenon, contrary to well-minded opinions, the union with some signs may be more than favorable:

Ove woman

Aries woman is a typical representative of a fiery element. The entire set of qualities of this sign is in excess. They are overly overtaken, very quick-tempered and emotionally unstable. It would seem that Lerl should walk by and stay away from this flame sign, but, nevertheless, the marriage union of these two non-standard persons can be very strong:

  • Aries are very straightforward and very categorical. This can cause serious disputes and conflicts, but the deserved praise from the mouth of the Aries woman will be the most worthy remuneration for the Men Leo.
  • The lion finds himself in this pair - his dedication and stiffness of decision-making, so as not to fall as a face in the dirt before such a capricious half, the lion is ready to "gnaw" the earth. We can say that women of Aries perform in the life of a lion, as a powerful incentive to success.
  • Aries are rather jealous, and this is very flattered by the pride of the lion. This selfish sign loves attention in all its manifestations, even in the most sophisticated, so jealousy is not a minus, in this case, this is another way of self-affirmation of the lion.
  • Aries is also very important attention to his person, as well as lion. This is a very non-standard union, which literally sweats in the wilds of the mysterious soul of each other, so, despite the steep temper of both signs, such steam has a very strong marriage.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Oda 95%

Woman Taurus

The love of the Men Leo and Women of the Taurus is distinguished by the special passion and ruininess of feelings. This is a very active couple, which is ready to walk around the world, just to satisfy your sincere desire to differ from the gray mass. Lion finds support and faithful comrades in the face of a woman's woman, but, unfortunately, in this pair, not everything is smooth:

  • Woman Taurus is pretty emotional and dubbed nature. She really does not like when someone undertakes to indicate how to live her. Taurus, by its nature, is an unsurpassed leader who will not give up his place to a partner. When the struggle for power begins in the family, love is moving into the background.
  • Woman Taurus shows her love with loyalty and actions. Many would appreciate such a gesture, but only no lion. Such a man needs to constantly confirm their love. He is one of those who need to talk about their feelings every minute, confirming it with its humility and emotions.
  • Taurus are very insightful and hate people who scatter a lot about themselves. If a woman of this sign falls unreasonable lion, she will have a colossal difference between an individual and his idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves. As practice shows, Tales in such cases are very quickly eliminated from the life of their partner.

Male Compatibility Lion with Woman Taurus 45%

Woman twins

Twins are very deep people who do not fall under the framework of a standard average person. They, as the owners of their own small hearth, which they carefully stored in the heart. Lions are unlikely to be ready to reveal their interesting little world, but the attraction that the twins create cannot be disregarded even such a man as a lion. What can be expected twin in a pair with lion?

  • Gemini do not like the rules. From birth, they live in their code, time and morality. If we take into account the dictatorial nature of the lion, then the twins are unlikely to endure such an attitude, and the belonging of themselves and go for concessions will not allow their own nature.
  • A twin woman is a deep nature that needs permanent self-development, interesting communication and the embodiment of his changeal plans. Lion will definitely not be delighted by such a future. Not only is it categorically not a female ambitions and deep reasoning, he is unlikely to be able to support.
  • And the most important aspect of a family understanding of a twin woman who will not give this pair and a chance of a happy marriage: it is not attached to the family at all. It is inhibited by the grayness of the birth of family life, where she is obliged to play the same role every day. This is a very troubled and windy sign that came to this world to be ather and play all available roles in this world.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Gemini 49%

Woman cancer

Women crayfish are very vulnerable and romantic nature, but to make a decision got used to a cold mind than a hot heart. They very carefully choose their partner, because they are serious about their family. They pay attention literally to all, because they usually do not accept divorces and come with a nest for life. Men Lion Cancers are rarely chosen in husbands, there are a number of reasons for this:

  • For cancers there are always many different hobbies and reflections, which he wants to share with the whole world. Among this sign, there are a lot of scientists whose discoveries have changed the life of a whole earthly population. Despite their family and a quiet lifestyle, they are surprisingly smart in their inventions. Often, cancers have an analytical mindset of the mind and are of great success in the exact sciences.
  • As mentioned earlier, the lion does not regret the ambition of his second half. He will in every way to prevent the self-development of his wife, which, in the end, can lead to a breaking of relations.
  • But still such couples exist and perfectly get along with each other. Cracks are family women and custodians of the family hearth, and the lions are the prospectons of traditional family values, which speaks about the common interests of this couple.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Cancer 64%

Woman Lev.

Their relationship is built on strong friendship and ideal sexual compatibility. Such couples always look very impressive and bright than the common crowds are distinguished. They understand each other with a half-clow and do not need long clarification of relationships, because they know exactly what is happening on the heart of their second half. But, if you think that their marriage is deprived of problems and troubles, then you are deeply mistaken. Disagreements in their family more than enough:

  • Lions - leaders in their nature, so the championship in any question is a tight piece for both partners. Each of them will strive to drag the blanket on themselves, putting his relationship at risk. The union between the two egoists is a very interesting process for which it is interesting to observe from the part. But it is unlikely that someone will voluntarily want to attend with the mutual struggle for the power of two lions.
  • In the impulse of emotional voltage, they do not control their tongue at all. Sometimes from their mouths, very unpleasant accusations are departed, which may be destroying for narcissistic perfect natures.
  • Often, a man of Lion managed to subordinate to the lioness, so such an alliance is still possible. But whether a representative of this sign will live under authoritarian control of the powerful spouse - this is another question that is unlikely to be able to close.

Men's compatibility Lion with a woman with a lioness 45%

Woman Deva.

Virgo and Lion are two opposites that successfully complement each other. Their relationship can be put as an example to many other couples. They understand each other perfectly and walk in the life of a leg in foot. Such a union has a lot of advantages, but there are some drawbacks that can be solved by attaching mutual efforts:

  • Woman Virgo is a typical custodian of the hearth. From such companion, exemplary and caring mothers are obtained, as well as loyal and priest wives. All the qualities that the lion appreciates in a woman is above all, finds in the virgin.
  • Of these steam, very strong families are obtained, where the chapter, as it should be, is the father of the family. The lion, as a true getter, provides a family financially and controls the process of the education of "Young", and Virgo, in turn, fulfills the role of obedient wife, a sensitive mother and organized housewife.
  • Virgo is absolutely not emotional, albeit rather vanis. They keep everything in themselves and are guided by mind. Such a coldness disappoints lion a little, because he, as the embodiment of a restless fire, requires the highest attention as much as possible, which is expressed for him not only in the actions, but also in emotions. After working on yourself, the lion can change its attitude and accept the coldness of the virgins. But this happens only if a man will find a matter of his life and will leave excess energy there.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Virgo 61%

Woman scales

Scales are a rather indulgent sign, so many actions of the lion are closing their eyes. Thanks to such tactics of behavior, they are able to conquer the hot heart of the lion. This is a rather bright and interesting union. Lion can suffer a lot of weights and no other signs. Their relationship is based on mutual understanding and support. Scales are able to conquer the lion's heart for a number of reasons:

  • Scales - owners of iron nerves and discreet temperament. They are able to abstract at the time of the quarrel and many words of the lion will miss, without taking on their own expense. This is very useful quality, because the lion has a completely in-no language that he, sometimes, is unable to control.
  • Lion, like a match: Quickly flashes, but also quickly goes away. Realizing their mistakes, the lion will not stop asking for forgiveness from his companion, and he will gladly take his repentance, because the scales are also quickly departed and do not like to spend time off.
  • Scales are good housewives and beautiful mothers. Such women in the house always purely and harmony reigns. Lions are very attached to such women, because they treasure him with pride and let go of the leadership qualities.

Male Lion Compatibility with Woman Scales 70%

Scorpion woman

Woman Scorpio is an inexhaustible energy supply in a small feminine dress. They are much stronger than the Men Leo and Men in principle. These are active motors and talented business ideas generators. Such women need a special approach. How two such strong signs are well rolled together:

  • Scorpions will not endure the explosive and commander's character of the lion. Such women are much stronger than their elect, and lions feel it. This is the only case when they are able to drain their cool temper on the brakes and accept the ambitions of their companion.
  • Scorpions with their inner rod are able to cause respect even with such a hole and, sometimes, a stupid sign, like a lion. This is an exceptional case when the lion is ready to change to be close to such a unique woman like Scorpio.
  • In their pair, there are always talk about prospects and general affairs. Responsibilities They divide equally and are ready to make compromises. Their relationship is more like a partnership. Probably, therefore, the lion is ready to endure a sharp temperament of Scorpion, because men of this sign are always looking for mutually beneficial relationships. From such steam, reliable business partners are obtained.

Compatibility Men Lion with a scorpion woman 81%

Woman Sagittarius

Sagittarius - very good family mans, however, it comes to them too late. They aware of a very long time aware of their marital status, already in marriage, and do not seek it to start. Who knows, perhaps, the desire to arrange a woman of the Sagittarius and serves such a lion's attachment in a joint future. Families for such couples are obtained strong, because they are much among themselves.

  • Sagittarius - purposeful by their nature and often fue their Lion's energy, because, despite his perseverance, the representative of this sign often lacks the incentive and organizedness.
  • Woman Sagittarius will never be tied to something. These are very versatile personalities who have many interests and classes. It is impossible to say that the lion is delighted with the versatility and the removal of the woman Sagittarius, but he can accept it if she attaches a little effort.
  • Lions and Archers are very suitable for a friend in sexual terms. They both love experiments that adorn their intimate life with bright emotions. Woman Sagittarius always happily takes the initiative of the Men Lion, wherever it was.

Compatibility Men Lion with Female Square 82%

Woman Capricorn.

Capricorn woman's relationship with a male lion add up very hard. These are two strong volitional persons who are not inferior to each other in anything. And this is not surprising, after all, to ensure that Capricorn goes on a compromise is not so difficult, just need to listen to a little, but the lion is not capable of this. In this pair, there are a lot of disagreement, the reason for which is a huge abyss in lifestyles:

  • Lions in such respects feel undervalued and unhappy. They are very demanding admiration and praise, but do not get it from the woman of Capricorn. Oddly enough, but a lion can even develop a complex of inferiority, because the representative of this sign is completely devoid of feelings of pity.
  • The lion will not be able to build a woman born under this constellation. It must be said that in many ways the leadership qualities of the lion are imposed and decisive. The representative of this sign often comes foolishly and unproval. Capricorn woman feels it, so it does not trust the solution of the problems of the lion.
  • Capricorns are very volitional and strong women. In many ways, they are able to give odds not only to the lion, but also Scorpio. A strong inner rod of Capricorn scares the lion. In marriage, such pairs are very unhappy, and the divorce statistics exceeds any other indicators.

Male Lion Compatibility with Capricorn Woman 37%

Woman Aquarius

Aquarius woman is a real mystery that Lion persistently tries to solve. Representatives of this sign are easily able to attract the attention of any man, thanks to its company quality and society skills. Lviv very attracts their originality in aquities, extravagant and incorrect with other signs. For Lion Aquarius, like a fresh breath of air. But in such pairs is not all smoothly:

  • Aquarius woman can be described as independent, deep and creative nature. She was not used to falling into the pool with her head, as that, no matter. Such women will never be tied to their chosen one with all your heart.
  • Aquarius - terrible mistresses. They are absolutely not adapted to home obligations. Representatives of this sign there is one very remarkable feature that is able to instantly unwind anger in Lev - they will never be done what they do not like.
  • Aquarius is very freedom and can go away at any time of the day and night, if they are pleased and ask permission from the lion will not definitely not. All attempts to hp the frame of the Aquarius can end with a grand scandal, or even the rupture of relationships.

Male lion compatibility with Water Water 66%

Fish woman

Lviv very attracts femininity and inaccessibility of fish. Hearing a challenge, they will immediately begin to conquer the unshakable vertex of representatives of this sign. Such relationship is quite possible, but until a certain point. Fishes are very overdoor in choosing a partner with whom they plan to share a joint future, and in Leing they risk seeing a lot of unpleasant moments:

  • Lions can ugly lead themselves in the company of friends, because the most important thing for them is to show their indisputable superiority and power over the charming companion. They can say something in an orderly tone or sharply cutting them around them in the middle of the conversation, which is rather unpleasant for any woman, which is already talking about wounded fish.
  • Fish is not from those who open their feelings entirely and completely, so they need a strong and wise satellite, which will understand them and take, seeking location from time to time.
  • Lviv is a little depressing their closure, which they spoke on the community. They will definitely not play the winner of an impregnable peak, so as soon as they see that "the mountain does not go to Magomed," they will leave in the opposite direction.

Male Lion Compatibility With Fish Fish 24%

A man lion is a very interesting and difficult sign, with which not every woman will be able to cope. For such a plump and volitional sign, it is required to find an individual and accurate approach. If you are pretty wise to become a duplicate, loyal and caring companion for a Male Leo, then most likely you do not miss such a man, he collapsed his lion heart.

Video: "How to charm a man of a lion?"

According to the Horoscope compatibility of a Male Lion - next to him, any woman will feel like a lioness: the whole world is ready to quit your feet, but be prepared for the fact that he will require the same.

However, being in a free bachelor's search than as an independent king of beasts. It is very not indifferent to the female charm, and if you let the entire arsenal of my charm, most likely, soon he will be at your feet.

It will be especially pleasant to the lion-man if you not only notice and appreciate his numerous advantages, but also you will not forget him to say.

In compatibility, the man-lion, in turn, knows perfectly, how to make your choices happy. Flowers, gifts, dear restaurants - he will not regret any strength and means to fulfill any whiff.

Often, the man-lion prefers not to pull the hands and hearts for a long time. So what, that this is not the first of his marriage, but you are the only love that he was waiting for his whole life!

However, if it came to the wedding, do not rush to relax. Remember: - This is not a guarantee of a long life together. The fact is that, although the man-led sincerely and dust in you in love (no less sincerely and dust than in his former wives and choices), from his companion he expects a lot, and will be very disappointed if his expectations are not justified .

What is the lion from you? In his opinion, completely trifles: just to be in the shadow of his proud "I". What to do, and at work, and in the family, a man-lion should feel the first, adorable and unique. If you are from those women who are cut about equality and even work around the house are trying to divide equally with a man, alas, you are not a place next to Lv.

Yes, in compatibility in love and marriage, the Lev-man is a shameless owner, and it is proud of it. He is ready to take care of you, like no one else, is ready to buy you jewels and carry on chic resorts, but in response you need it all entirely. All - that means everything without a rest: he must know exactly any minute to know exactly what you do, but what do you think about. And if your thoughts are not about him, he will be very and very upset.

Naturally, with such a Domostroevsky state of affairs it will be difficult for you not only to make a career, but even just go to work. That is why many wives of Lviv sooner or later become housewives.

However, in spite of everything, the life of the wife of Leo is difficult to call monotonous and boring. Feeling at her back a strong and loving rear in the face of adorable spouse, a man-lion is ready to minimize the mountains, just to make her happy. Despite all her in love, he will not allow himself intrigues on the side, if you will be his muse and inspirational. And, despite all his jealousy, the lion will gladly be with pleasure to drive you on numerous parties, theaters and other events, allowing you to shine, as befits a secular lioness.

In any case, if you are expensive relationship with a man-lion, remember that tenderness and caress are simple and trouble-free keys to its proud heart. Love him, let him be the chapter of your little kingdom, and you will be surprised how beautiful and generous may be the world, if you look at him, comfortably bolding into the rivota mane.

Male Lion Compatibility - Image Favorite

His ideal beloved should be in the center of widespread attention - she, like the sun, attracts universal love. The man-lion will not be jealous at all, because he is confident in the devotion of his companion. This woman with her restless character will not let him get bored, and in a difficult situation will always help and offer a wise decision.

Male-lion compatibility with zodiac signs

Compatibility Male Lev - Woman Aries

Understanding in compatibility of women-Aries and Men-Lion, in astrology is considered perfect. This union can be rightfully called the best in all zodiac. Woman Aries and Man-Lion perfectly complement each other, do not re-educate partner and do not conflict.

The family life of such people is very bright, full of creativity and fiery passion, and the lion next to the autumn can realize all its creative potential, and the Aries will be infinitely happy ...

Compatibility Male Lev - Woman Taurus

Such couples are rare. The woman and a larill woman is not better compatibility and they are usually looking for more suitable partners.

To bring your union to the family life "Like everyone", they will not succeed, therefore, there are those tales and lions together, which are satisfied with unusual and vivid relationships. Most often it is talented, spiritually developed and strong people.

The Lion leads an active public lifestyle, while the woman-taurus guarantees him a reliable rear, devoting himself to home and family. Compatibility, and female taurus and man-lion, appreciate any carnal pleasure, whether it is a food, sleep or sex, and therefore in bed they are well suited to each other ...

Compatibility Male Lev - Gemini Woman

The compatibility of twin women and men-lion - This marriage union has not only a strong physical attraction, but also many common interests. Immediately after the wedding, boredom disappears and the need for detectives, Validol, Valerianka, caffeine and other medicines disappears. Everything sniffs. During the period of courtship, twins are blinded to the marriage and generosity of the lion, and the latter impresses lightness and mobility, playfulness and greasibility, wit and eloquence of the first.

True, after the rapid start of living together, it often comes some cooling of feelings, sometimes reaching a crisis, the reason for which, as a rule, are negative features of the nature and the ingredients of the twins, especially their indecision, irritating lion, surface feelings, criticality or endless late ...

Compatibility Male Lev - Woman Cancer

The compatibility of female cancer and lion men - These people are opposite to each other, they will never be able to change each other or influence the partner. But between them there will be the most fruitful and harmonious union, which one can be represented. After all, they are the embodiment of the energy of two shining, the sun and the moon. Like their cosmic twins, they do not intersect in characters, but need each other for harmony.

Even if at the moment neither a man-lion, nor a cancer woman think about family bonds, however, they both all their lives tend to them. Although a woman and a man-lion woman is difficult to call similar, they are united not only to marriage, practicality and love for the foundation ...

Compatibility Man Lev - Woman Lion

A pair of women-lion and man-lion is the brightest and noticeable in any company. They are cheerful, friendly and always behave with dignity. In external life, they always turn out to be winners. This is strongly holding them down, because they both love success. Otherwise, two lions would have broken down - in their inner life and relationships too many difficulties and contradictions.

On the compatibility of Women Lion and Male Lev - their bright union can be described as "love-friendship", "love-cooperation", but this does not mean that it will not be enough for love. Just on the forever in Lviv, as a rule, are not romantic sighs under the moon, but mutual understanding, support and kinship of the shower ...

Compatibility Male Lev - Woman Virgo

Compatibility Women-Virgin and Lion Men - In this strange, but enough union every partner, as a rule, is the very missing element of the puzzle that is so lacking another. Lion loves to spend, Virgo - to save, the lion is able to take, Virgo to give up ... This relationship can be called perfect in many ways, since each of the partners plays a role to him, being agreed that in their union it is all true, and not Otherwise.

The owner-lion in the family adheres to Domostroevian traditions. He is a unquestioned head of the family, and a woman-virgin such a state of affairs is quite suitable. She is able to be an excellent hostess who loves his wife, a caring mother, while staying in the shade of a proud Male Lion. In addition, she is absolutely unrever and calmly releases a lion on numerous events, on which he likes to go so much ...

Compatibility Man Lev - Woman Scales

The compatibility of women-scales and lion men - this couple literally created for a long and happy life together. Both are beautiful, royal, and they are simply impossible not to notice wherever they appear. The surrounding people seek to communicate with them, since both warm pleasant behavior, they are polite and have good manners.

According to statistical data, in the marriage union between a man-lion and a woman-scale is the lowest percentage of divorces. They have excellent understanding, interest in each other appears at the very first minutes of dating. The joint life of a pair of scales-lion is full of joy and happiness, spiritual warmth and mutual understanding. Partners quickly and easily get used to each other, are attached and together go to the rise ...

Compatibility Male Lev - Scorpio Woman

The compatibility of the Scorpio and Leo-Men's compatibility is a wonderful couple. Both are active, energetic and successful. Women scorpions, as a rule, choosing a partner in love and marriage, pay attention to people of uncommon and original who are fame. To such a category, a man-lion can be taken. This is really "breeding", interesting, bright, strong man.

Compatibility Scorpio-Lion - both strong personalities and that their family life proceeds harmoniously, both need to learn to give up each other and forgive. Then each of them get a devotee, loving and decent satellite of life ...

Compatibility Male Lev - Female Sagittarius

The compatibility of the Sagittarius and Leo-Men compatibility - this union can be rightfully attributed to the most successful, harmonious family unions. These two have similar views on life, character, they are equally like to spend time. The similarities of the temperaments and the characters of both partners is the current key of a happy family union. In addition, both are active, energetic, optimistic, smart and outstanding. A couple of women-Sagittarius and a man-lion are usually very beautiful and gifted children.

The man-lion is trying for his beloved partner to create just ideal conditions for life, no one as he does not understand so well in her soul maze, understands her aspirations, desires and needs. And not only understands, but also tries to satisfy them. For Sagittarius such a man is the embodiment of God on Earth...

Compatibility Male Lev - Capricorn Woman

The Family Union of Compatibility Women-Capricorn and Lion-Men can be long and happy, only if the Capricorn woman will develop his female qualities and learn to give up. Then she will become not only a wonderful wife and a caring mistress, but also the best friend of a man-lion.

The man-lion and the female Capricorn are two strong people. Between very often disputes and conflicts may arise due to the struggle for leadership. Both proud and possess a volitional character. If the Capricorn woman will not be able to hire his dust and business activity, will not be able to give the reign of the reign of her man, their family will crumble as a card house...

Compatibility Male Lev - Woman Aquarius

Compatibility Women Aquarius and Lion-Men In their family union, there are many contradictions and that family life lasted for a long time and happily, they need to be aware of conscious patience and restraint.Aquarius and Lev. - opposite signs and therefore can superbly complement each other, of course, if they do not end patience earlier than they can find a common language. Lion's man is difficult to accept the fact that the Aquarius woman does not want to sit at home and do household.

The relationship of Women-Aquarius and Male Lev is rare when they start with "love at first sight." To both partners are required to feel the feelings, but this relationship is not completed immediately suddenly ...

Compatibility Man Lev - Female Fish

The compatibility of female fish and a man-man is simply delighted with each other at the stage of tying relationships. This love romance will not forget from no one and never, so many vivid impressions he will give them. But, the more they will be together, the more you will begin to recognize each other and will more like increasingly in temperament, the character, in the eyes, in the views and opinions, literally in everything. And the fish female will have to make incredible efforts to keep this union.

But, it happens that when the partners are very different, their dissimilarity can be not only the cause of disagreements, but also by the opposite side, giving the opportunity in love to find each other what they are missing in themselves, and live happily ...