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Chess for what are useful. In the right direction. As a "underdeveloped" boy achieved success

Chess - game with ancient history. This is a popular sport, which makes millions of people in all corners of the planet, are still a simulator for the brain, increasing intellectual abilities.

The benefits of playing chess are multifaceted - this noted outstanding figures for many centuries. Politics, philosophers and scientists played chess, they were fond of writers, artists and musicians. In the process of playing chess, simultaneous work of immediately the right and left hemispheres of the brain is going on, in the harmonious development of which the main benefits of chess are.

During the game there is an active development of both logical and abstract thinking. In the work turns on left hemisphere The brain is responsible for the logical component, the construction of consecutive chains. No less significant work is the work of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for modeling and creating possible situations. Multame processes are intensively used in chess: the player uses long-term and RAM using visual, digital and color information.

Ability to predict and predict events, desire to calculate possible options And the outcomes of the game, the ability to make operational solutions and make decisive moves - the main skills that the chess player gets.

Influence on children

Unsuburning chess game for children. Starting in early ageThe child gets a powerful impetus for development, both in intellectual and personal plan. The child actively develops thinking, the ability to concentrate and improves the memory is improved, emotional stability, solid will, determination and striving for victory are formed. The defeat teach him to persist to worry about loss, refer to self-critical and analyze its actions, removing the necessary experience.

Harm chess

Getting a game, a person begins to lead a sedentary lifestyle, because the game sometimes lasts a few hours. The concentration of attention is required, the perishability and maximum calculation of each step. People with weak nervous system It is hard to experience the loss, it does not demonstrate this, fall into the despondency. The defeats may cause the development of apathy and depression. Children who are interested in chess focus on the game by spending their free time reading books on chess, tournaments and training, and forget about the physical development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. No wonder there was a stereotype that the chess player is a thin scum with a chessboard under the arm, which is not able to answer physical attacks and protect themselves.

Since chess appeared in India 1500 years ago, they were inextricably related to the mind. Even today, the crown artificial Intelligence is the creation of a computer that can defeat the grandmaster.

But why? There are many theories. Historical figures, such as Napoleon, Dostoevsky, and Pascal knew that the chess game develops critical areas of the brain that had assisted in the implementation of many actions that provided them in history.

So, what hels chess?

Chess develop the ability to solve the tasks

Chess are endless exercises for the mind that develop mental abilities used throughout life, such as: concentration, critical thinking, abstract thinking, solving problems, image recognition, strategic planning, creativity, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

What is chess? Many solutions of one problem? And you and your opponent has the same goal, and the same resources to do it.

Chess improve child knowledge

Countless studies have been conducted, which playing chess has been on the development of children. Results? Regarding research with the participation of a group of 10-year-old children who received detailed instructions By chess, scientists concluded that the children began to play better.

Chess improve verbal skills

Yes, it is verbal skills. Dr. Albert Frank studied children who were engaged in chess within two hours a week. As a result, he concluded that the game, which is largely independent of the language, can improve verbal skills, because it involves the language of the brain associated with the language, including those responsible for the logic.

Chess develop critical thinking skills

This seems almost obvious, but the results of the study of Dr. Robert Ferguson showed that students of the 7th - 9th grades that began to play chess, have better indicators related to common sense and critical thinking by 17%, compared with the peers not playing chess.

Chess retain mental abilities

So that? All the advantages of chess are designed for children with a developing brain? It's my pleasure! It was proved that chess retain the mental abilities of the elderly players and help prevent the development of symptoms of diseases, such as Dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Chess improve emotional state

Many people think that chess is a game of cold calculation, but it is important to understand that the game is inherently for two players, which in turn improves emotional state, and also develops psychosocial interaction, according to Dr. Rose Marie Statts from the Free Chess Academy.

Chess improve mathematical abilities

Mathematics is often perceived as a science that can only solve abstract tasks, and nothing more. But it is not. Mathematics is associated with recognition of images, logic, as well as with the ability to play with a variable in your head, all this is known to improve chess.

Chess teach logic and efficiency

Chess teach logic because you are limited to board and figures, and you need to act effectively, as you play with the opponent, haunting the same goal. This contributes to the search for solutions of current problems and the use of methods, to solve comprehensive problems.

Chess tasks customizing the lagging behind, and learn

Loose often lose the motivation due to the lack of a challenge, and chess is the game of endless tasks and promotions. In the end, even the greatest chess grasisters will always have opponents who can challenge them, and even if he is best of all people, there is always a supercomputer Watson.

Chess teach the importance of planning

Each movement in chess must bring you the goals, but not always, your goal will be achieved if you do not plan it in advance and not pay attention to the consequences of each action.

The human brain does not differ from our body and is capable of mental training and building "mental muscles." Chess in this case are a universal simulator that has no analogues in the degree of its effectiveness. The feature of the game is that it affects at once two hemispheres of a person, forcing the use of a gray substance to a maximum. Consider the benefit of the game of chess more details.

Features of the game

Chess are a game with a centuries-old history, which is characterized by complex multilayer logic and an extraordinary gaming world, working on strict laws. However, the advantage of the game is that these laws in most cases can be broken ( we are talking Not about the rules of chess), as a result of which the violator receives a victory. The chess phenomenon is to develop non-standard thinking.

This is a project approved by our readers in which you or your child will be able to improve the skill of the game, fulfill a chess discharge, for short term grow to winner of regional tournaments. In teachers - Wizard FIDE, online training.

Consider the situation: during the game, the participant deliberately sacrifices one, two and even three figures. The player's strategy is well hidden, and the opponent's vigilance has satisfied. At one moment, the situation on the chessboard changes dramatically and the first player makes a matte attack. Just a few moves are able to strive to change the state of affairs, crushing the enemy. This is the charm and the highest logic of the game.

The game allows you to simultaneously use logical and abstract thinking. The player has to think through the steps in advance, build alleged options for developing events. During the party, a person is simultaneously involved in operational and long-term memory. Little activity is capable of calling these status. The maximum load affects mental abilities in the most favorable way.

What are chess develop:

  • Logic - all moves of the player are interconnected and obey the common plan. The moves may change during the game, as it is necessary to focus on the existing state of affairs and the dynamism of the party's development. Logical thinking in this case is developing by itself, without the need to make efforts. The game itself provides the ability to use logic structures constantly, even after the end of the party;
  • Analysis - the ability to assess the situation on the game board and based on it to build an action plan. To achieve their goals in life without analyzing and work on errors is impossible;
  • Memory - to the main advantages of chess, of course, refers to the development of memory. The player needs to remember its steps in advance, calculate many options for the development of events from the enemy, remembering typical positions - all this causes the human brain to be laid out at maximum;
  • Concentration of attention - Success in chess is impossible without care. After all, carelessly moving the shape without cover, it can be simply losing. Even if you are not distinguished by preferably - it does not matter, regular classes will help develop this feature. Progress does not occur immediately, but from the party to the party the possibility of complete concentration and attention will be opened and grow;
  • Developing a character is the sole purpose of the party is the victory over the enemy, so the volitional struggle is inevitable. Search for a better solution solution, ability to reflect sudden attack, the ability to maintain the composure in the most critical stages of the party and continue the battle - all this temper and forms character;
  • Development of purposefulness - any plan for the time of the game has its own goal to which both participants seek. Chess teach you to achieve intended goals, meeting the opponent's resistance. Chess allow the participants to learn to find the most brief ways to achieve the desired, not distracted by those who lead the game options towards;
  • Increased training - no one like to lose in the game, so sooner or later a person will turn to additional materials in books or internet. But this is not all, because the textbooks give a superficial review and recommendations. A person needs to independently analyze the data and learn them to apply in various parties. Using recommendations in each unique party;
  • The development of creative deposits is a person practicing chess game, often experiences a tide of inspiration. This is a paradoxical phenomenon, because chess is intellectual game. Despite this, it is able to develop creative skills and non-standard thinking;
  • Systemic thinking - many people do not know how to think organized. Chess teach a person to discipline, learn to build logical chains of moves with the existing circumstances. Chess are also capable of bringing players for outlined frames, push the horizons and make complex combined moves.

The benefits of the game - confirmation of research

The positive effect of chess is subjected to annual research and experiments. So in 2008 in Germany students primary classes Among the 4 schools were divided into two tested groups.

The first should have been playing for a year during one hour a week. The second used this time to occupy mathematics. The disciples of both groups have previously experienced difficulties in the assimilation of the school program and lagged behind their peers.

As a result of the experiment, it became known that the participants of the first group were essentially ahead of their "colleagues" on computational abilities that were tested during tests. Such studies were conducted in Italy in 2013.

Participants of the experiment were 500 schoolchildren separated into groups. The first group was invited to play chess regularly. Six months later, scientists conducted mathematical tests between groups, the first group showed the best results. Scientists also found out that growth intellectual abilities Schoolchildren grows as the load increases in the chess game.

Chess game - as the right model of world perception

The key advantage of Chess is that the game teaches the player to think to perspective and use the resources necessary to achieve the goal. Today, the game of chess is a kind of business model of the world, where we learn to win, take defeat or agree on a temporary compromise. The game forms the right attitude towards the achievement of goals and the ability to accept the loss, hardens the spirit of focus.

It does not matter whether the adult or child plays, in the process of mental battles, the habit is produced in a similar way always. In other words, squeeze your moves in life, look further than today. Chess teach to set short-term and long-term goals, produce tactics and the strategy of their achievement. Provide possible costs and "victims". All this is necessary modern man To achieve success in life.

Additional advantages:

  • improving verbal skills - During the game, communication between rivals is minimized, but at the same time the sections of the brain responsible for communication and the ability to own the language are involved;
  • the development of critical thinking - the studies have shown that people engaged in chess are characterized by more developed logic and critical thinking by 19% more than others;
  • normalization of the emotional background - during the game a cold calculation is used, which provides for the minimization emotion. Chess teach themselves and its emotional state always, while maintaining calm and inner harmony in any situation;
  • protection against age-related ailments - medical studies have shown that the people of old age who practice chess are subject to smaller risk of alzheimer's syndrome.

After the features of the game considered, it can be safely argued that chess is useful for people of any age and social status. They, in contrast to physical exertion, do not have contraindications and restrictions. Chess are a unique tandem of a pleasant time and the development of mental abilities.

Good day, dear friend!

Habit - the second nature, I apologize for the beaten phrase. What we do - largely forms our identity. Let's discuss the influence of chess on the development of a child from this point of view.

There is an opinion that chess develops memory. This is true. However, not the most important thing, and the development of memory is only a small proliferation of a whole range of useful qualities and skills that gives an ancient game.

Development of thinking

About how chess affect the development of thinking, we talked in the article. Briefly repeat:


Accompanying to chess, the child will quickly understand that the victory does not come by itself. The party must be winning, and for this you need to think and make decisions.

The child unconsciously begins to comprehend the logic and comparative analysis, summarizes information and tries to allocate the main thing.

Concentration of attention

In life, it is important to concentrate on the main thing, separating it from the secondary. And keep it the main thing in sight.

Research ( N.Grekov ) showed that scattered decreases sharply after the children join chess.

Discipline thinking

Time is one of of essential factors reality. Time management is the necessary skill.

Chessman is important to distribute the allotted time for thinking so as not to please in Zeietnotes. Disregarding time, its irrational use leads to sad consequences.


In life, people often miss beneficial opportunities only because they are not accustomed to trusting their intuition. but the basis of intuition is the experience and knowledge. The habit of trusting intuition is also skill . And chess develop this habit.

This is a simulator for creative surveys, creative laboratory. By the way, do not forget that any classes, training, especially a child, is better to hold a specialist under the guidance of a specialist.

It is not necessary to walk far. School of learning Chess Chess with Zhorik literally in one click from you.


Obviously, environment is important for development. The general business brings people like nothing else. As known:

Friends do not grow in the garden

I will say for myself: Childhood friends - Chess players were for me best friends. We are friends to this day, although fate scattered us different works And even cities. But we have a special connection. We are "our own" and always help each other as anyone else.

And one more thing: chess can become "skip inbuilding Careersat work . Personally, I had a couple of times. What I told about.

Life skills

Chess brief and form important skills in life:


Behind the board of the chess player alone both with opportunities and threats. Ask no one. The result of the game is the fruit of solely solutions.

The result of the game depends on the player. You can lose or win only as a result of your own solutions, and even taking into account the opposition of the partner.

A responsibility

Independence creates responsibility. The habit of searching and take your own decisions and answer for them makes a person reliable and responsible.

Emotional intellect

The ability to understand your emotions and emotions of other people. And manage them.

Chess player during the game observes partners automatically. Who else who is less. Who drills the partner with a convergeous look, who throws a glance.

He tries to recognize his condition and learn to influence . And this is also valuable for life skill.

Sport qualities

"Chess is a sample of the vital struggle ... they are useful for learning to fight, which life is permeated. We must develop the strength required for activities in confrontation "

The party sometimes go into a rather tough confrontation of two people who want to win. But it is impossible to win both. Someone wins someone losing, or draw. So the game is arranged.

Envy, suspicion, excessive aggressiveness, can appear in sports as in life. And in chess it happens.

In the right direction

It is important that the passion for sports and chess including important and useful qualities, and not the ones we told paragraph above.

It is known that in the eastern martial arts at first, something like the "Moral Code" of the athlete is objected. This is the task of the mentor, coach.

Chess also have the rules of "Gentleman's behavior" and an honest game. It is important that the child heard them from the parent's mouth or.

Moreover, it is impossible to play alone. Yes, it is also desirable to study in the community "of the like" in the section, a circle. Or remotely. The online school of Chess with Zhorik provides all the possibilities of learning, including membership in the chess community.

Take a child to chess. Classes pays off by a hundredfold, "the game of the wise men" will generously repay for love and devotion.

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The fact that chess has favorably affect the development of mental abilities, no doubt. The benefits of chess in the development of children and adults has been proven repeatedly with many studies and experiments. Influence of chess on intelligence Studied in theory and confirmed in practice.

In teaching children and adolescents influence of chess onthem intelligence He has key importance not only in development, but also in the formation of a new consciousness. Young people who are open to chess learning begin to reason logically, develop abilities to analytics, get used to strategically thinking, they train memory. Adult chess helps maintain their mental abilities in a tone, allow you to hone the skills acquired earlier.

One of the key skills that chess gives the ability to consistently thinking. Everything that happens on the blackboard during the game is not an accident, and the victory in the duel is given to the one who knows how to think over their moves, and not just playing at random. In this plan influence of chess on intelligence Obviously. In the process of the game, chess players develop a comparative thinking analysis, which is one of the main tools of a good player. In addition, the memory is trained, the ability to see differences in similar situations and similarities in various. Since the chess game is rather creative than the mathematical, the essence of such skills is by no means in memorizing all possible combinations and moves. The effect of chess on the human brain in this case is manifested in the development of spatial intelligence than in training RAM.

Chess teach to think. And this ability will continue to show themselves both in children and adults in different areas Activities. Influence of chess on intelligence A person gives the result not only in the game, but also beyond. After receiving the skill to think on their own and see the result of his actions, would certainly be useful not only in a chess match. Child learning to play chess has a beneficial effect on their school performance. No wonder the question of the introduction of chess in school Program As a mandatory lesson. Influence of chess on intelligence Especially strong at an early age, it is schoolchildren who can get the greatest benefit from this sport.

For many years, research was conducted and experiments were made to make sure the practical benefits of Chess. So, the psychologists of Alfred Binue and Peter Rudik, studying the chess for the brain, was reliably convinced and proved that chess players are formed not a mechanical memorization, but a logical and analytical thinking. Influence of chess on intelligence And mental abilities are generally studied to this day. So, B. last years Doctors took up chess as a tool to combat a grave ailment - Alzheimer's disease. This disease, according to scientists, can be defeated by supporting mental activity in an active condition as long as possible. As the prevention of chess diseases are an ideal toolSince they contribute to the activation of cognitive functions, the development of memory, attention and regions of the brain responsible for making decisions.

Influence of chess on intelligenceOf course, it will be alrigious at any age. Whenever you chose the path of the chess player, he will bring decent fruits.