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Guess tarot 3 cards. Setting tarot on the problem of the "Arrow" problem. Possible layouts of tarot deck

The easiest layout on the Taro maps to view the nearest future is fortune-up on three cards. The closer future is equal to about from about a month and a half from the day of divination. You can also install your frames and gaps.

The prediction on the three cards is responsible for frequently asked questions and mainly refers to the scenario that helps to understand the current situation, get additional information and find a way out of a complex position.

These methods can be used to clarify the events in any field of life, we can say that this is a universal alignment for all occasions. Also, this type of mantle is the overall characteristics of the current situation. Questions regarding the scenario on three cards must be concrete and clearly formulated.

One question should not be hidden sense or for the question. If there are several interested topics, it is better to make several layouts to avoid confusion.

The fortune telling can be done both on only senior arcans and younger, you can also use a full deck of 78 cards. For any prediction, it is not forbidden to pull out additional and explanatory maps. As already mentioned, the alignment consists of three cards that can be laid out in the following schemes and interpretations to them.

Option 1

1 - the past and its influence on the present state of affairs or a given question.

2 - Present and how it exhibits itself, the influence of the present on the current situation.

3 - Outcome, answer to a given question. Generalization of information obtained in position 1 and 2. The Council should be done with the received information, and what actions should be taken.

Option 2.

1 is the present state of affairs, a true vision of the situation. How the situation sees the Universe and Tarot cards, and not you.

2 - Past, describing all events until the day of divination. Also here you can see moments that did not pay your attention.

3 - the future, what awaits in the near future, the answer to the question or the permission of the situation.

Option 3.

1 - Source of the current situation, why it happened.

2 - current state of affairs. The answer to the question: "What is the situation now?"

3 - the estimated future, if you leave everything, as is.

In some scenaries, the final card 3 may give a Council on how to do to fix the situation or the course of events.

Option 4.

Signal to clarify the situation in personal life or relationships.

1 - Characteristics of the situation, alleged actions in the current situation.

2 - Caution what is not worth doing.

3 - Result - Tip - Question to appeal inside yourself, analysis of the situation.

Layout for three cards "Mood of the Day"

total mood for a given day, your emotional state. Also, this card can serve as a card meditation for a day.

2 - obstacles and difficulties that may occur in the prescribed day.

3 - the results of the day, which can be learned from the path traveled, which positive points are waiting for you to pay attention to.

Also for such a position of the cards: 1, 2, 3, the following interpretations can be used:

If you need to know the feelings and actions of a particular person.

1 - sincere thoughts of a person about gadaying.

2 - man feeling to gudying. There may be reflected feelings that a person is experiencing those that show.

3 - actions of the person of interest to the gadget.

If you need to know who and what did about you.

1 - who did something.

2 - what was done and in what form.

3 - Why was it done, and how to fix the current situation.

Divination for the near future:

1 - What should happen or happen.

2 - How it will happen or happen.

3 - How to react to the situation, your actions.
1 - where something happened or in what area.

2 - who are involved, who are involved who participates.

3 - Why it happened.

1 - what happened.

2 - Why it happened.

3 - How to treat it or how to solve the problem.

For information, which is not done so in one situation.

1 - the center formed the situation, the situation at the moment.

2 - circumstances of the situation.

3 - actions that should be taken or what is worth refraining from or refusing.

1 is the essence of the question and the current position.

2 - incorrect actions. So do not follow.

3 - Correct actions. What needs to be taken or done.

1 - the essence of the problem, the true state of affairs.

2 - Solving a problem option 1.

3 - solution problem option 2.

Also under these positions and schemes can be interpretation, thereby making the author's alignment.

The most common outcrop is the layout of the first card in the middle, thereby the essence of the question is formed, and attention is sharpened on the current situation. And on the left and on the right there are answers to the questions, which led to this position (past) and how it will end or how to act (future).

Since the burning of three cards foreshadows the near future, then the assessment of the interpretation of cards should be at the moment. For example, if the fortune telling was made after a quarrel with any person (no matter what area) and the map of the senior arkan tower of Lightning fell out, then it is worth regarding the importance of a violation of relationships now at the moment, something collapsed and went now, and not Crash relationship or break in the future.

Despite the fact that the cards talk about the closest future, you can voluntarily set the time interval during which the result of the defold will be valid.

Examples of interpretation

Consider an example of the interpretation of the same cards, but in response to various questions. There are three cards: 4 swords, 5 cups and 8 swords.

Question: It was, it became and how it will end.

1 - past (4 swords) - in the past it was decided.

2 - Real (5 Cups) - now there is a difficult situation due to the decision.

3 - the future (8 swords) - the situation does not improve, the dignity of the situation, you are captured by the current situation.

Question: need advice.

1 - advice that gives cards (4 swords) - it is necessary to make a decision, actions are necessary.

2 - Precautions (5 Cups) - Do not go on it.

3 - the result (8 swords) - may have to go to conflicts to avoid repetitions and captivity. After they learned the essence of the situation - ready to solve the current problem.

Question: Characteristics of the current situation.

1 - Characteristics of the situation, the essence of the question, the key to understanding what is happening (4 swords) is the need to make a decision.

2 - Commentary on the situation, the source of the current situation (5 cups) - should not go on.

Question: Personal relationships.

1 - What is worth doing or what has already been done (4 swords) - the decision is made, the crisis has passed.

2 - What is done (5 cups) - the next step is taken, the choice is made to stay in a relationship

3 - the result (8 swords) - here it is the future that leads to the next stage, captivity is selected, which means that there is willingness and strength to further battle.

Thus, from this example, it can be seen that the same cards mean one thing, but call for various actions and describe the situation in different ways, adapted to a given question.

The value of tarot cards in world civilization had a different interpretation, ranging from mockedly-contemptuous and ending with the Divine, to which they were treated as a great prophet. How many people have, so many opinions on this occasion. If you had a negative attitude to the fact that we offer you to do (and we offer to make the "three cards" alignment), you would simply turn the page and would not spend your time at us. But you are not in a hurry to do it. So, everything we will talk about is helpful. And if you are already familiar with this question, it never hurts to repeat.

Features of fortune telling Tarot "Three Maps"

The presented alignment refers to the category of one of the easiest. But they are treated in cases when it is impossible to answer a given question is definitely. Remember how we learned to make a forecast for the day. We pulled out one card from any deck on the eve or from the morning on the same day we were going to live. According to the general type of card and its position could immediately say, with which color we will spend the next 24 hours.

The positive color is definitely the best of all, and the mood on this day was wonderful. The card, carrying a negative charge, was alarmed and kept in a voltage all day. Warned card, we no longer have reacted to trouble and always tried to find the right way out. We pulled out one card for a long period so that you can and with cards to get to know closer, and the situation is clarified. But there are days when the day cannot be described as a purely positive or negative. There were added values \u200b\u200bin the middle of the phenomenon that required additional clarification.

That's how we came to the defold three Tarot cards:

  1. First you will try to explain what was in the past, and how it affected you. Many impatiently require to move to the following positions, as the past and they themselves know well. This is the first mistake of a person who has come to make alignment. Your vision of the past may not coincide with how three cards see it, and therefore should not be interrupted. If you think that in the past there was a tragedy, then the cards will call this situation the problem that you did not fully decide, and which still expects your intervention.
  2. The second defold card will reveal the position of things at the moment.
  3. The last map will indicate you on the development of the situation in the future.

Make sure that everything told you is clear above - and then you can proceed to this simple and very useful slander.


Types and schemes of tarot layouts today

Typically, the casting tarot today is used to learn about the main events of the current day, this is something like an individual forecast for today, it can also be compared with a horoscope for a day, but not common, and individual, personally prepared for you. We will deal with options with which you can learn events of the day.

One map

Prognostic. Determines the main energy of the day, and also describes the nature of the events that will happen to you today. You just pull out one Arkan from the deck and intercourse it.

Training. Suitable for people studying Tarot cards. But in this case, instead of the forecast, one card will set the tone to today. The map in this case can be pulled out in the open and closed. In the case of the first option, you analyze the events that happen with you, and link them with the value of the card, so to speak, live it on experience, does not particularly try to change the course of events.

In the second case, in the evening of the current day, you open a map, and on the basis of the events of the day, as well as your inner sensations and moods, analyze what happened to you per day.

Three maps

With different positions of positions. For example, I met similar schemes of the situation Tarot for today, for the day:

On various spheres of life. For example:

  1. relations
  2. career

Event and atmospheric. For example:

  1. events of the first half of the day
  2. events of the second half of the day
  3. third

And also on the same principle can be divided into equal temporary segments today and analyze in advance how the day will be folded. For example, provided you make self align in the morning:

  1. from 8 to 13 hours
  2. from 13 to 18 hours
  3. from 18 to 23 hours

Layouts with different, convenient for you gadget, combination of questions. For example:

  1. what awaits me today
  2. what today pay attention
  3. what will be important today
  1. what feelings i will experience today
  2. what will I think about
  3. what actions will perform

More than three cards

These options are suitable for lovers of complex analysis. And also for those days that for one or another seem to ask the question important (birthday, wedding, thesis defense, etc.). In this case, the situation of Tarot for a day can be approximately such a scheme:

  1. what I will think about this day
  2. what feelings will be experiencing
  3. possible events of this day
  4. what will successfully develop on this day
  5. possible consequences of this day

You can also add positions:

6. What should pay attention to this day and 7. What should be fear.

When do

There is no fundamental difference, you can make layouts in the morning of the current day. Or in the evening. If you do in the morning, you must build a request to Taro approximately:

Signing for today for Mary

If you are guessing the next day, you can say:

Self for tomorrow for ...

You can make an alignment and in advance, in this case you will need to be called in the query then the number on which you make a split or day of the week.

What should pay attention to

"Bad" cards

If there are "bad" cards - to draw attention to the neutralization of situations contributing to the development of unkind scenarios, in the presence of opportunities. For example, you saw 5-ku swords foreshadowed. To begin with, appreciate your mood if it is in the morning you have a bad thing, you may need to correct it in order not to meet trouble. And if you are peaceful and complacent, at the beginning of a conflict situation, the initiator of which is, I hope, do not you, do everything on you depends to avoid a collision.

If you are a smoking person and charge the energy from the conflict, this recommendation, of course, will not pass. I dare to hope that you are prone to self-improvement and see in the Tarot assistant for your own spiritual or personal growth. There are situations, of course, which are difficult to get around, but some part of the unknowing omen can be smoothed.

Senior Arkana

If you see the predominance of cards with Roman numbers, it means that the day will be meaningful to you, not necessarily in the global sense (although it is possible), but, for example, more important than previous days.

The predominance of suit

For example, all Tarot cards in the framework of the day for three cards you belong to the masses of Swords. This means that in a given day you will pay more attention to the intellectual activity, your thoughts, the logical side of life.

Figured cards

If you saw some kind of figure in the scenario (often a map of the same sex, which and the questioning symbolizes himself and some side of his personality, depending on the table), suppose another floor with the factory, and whom this personality means specifically in The situation of Tarot for today, can always be clarified by the method for "yes - no" (or "Daat"), going through the names of people who can approach the description of the card. Then this person takes one of the main roles during the day, and perhaps the main one. Often, this figure card can warn with whom you will have interaction during the day, and the surrounding arcanes, if they have, can tell what kind of interaction will be.

As a conclusion, I stretch the card-tip for the reader of this article for the current day, and if you read this text in the evening, then the next one. And it is in a literal position. And therefore, the Council is such - let yourself be a child on this day, do not ship yourself with serious adult problems, decide all the tasks that get up to you on this day, play, enjoy the current moment. Have fun from the soul.

Free fortune telling on tarot online maps will help clarify controversial issues. We offer a lot of options for free Tarot layouts: a map of the day, fortune telling on the situation on one map, "Tree of lovers" - alignment on the relationship, "When I marry", fortune telling on treason, "Seven-Star Star", one of the most powerful layouts - "Mystery Priests "and others.

You can find out all about love and finance, health and career with our fortune tells. You will be able to get answers to questions requiring a specific answer "Yes" or "No", and learn whether your desire or wait will be fulfilled. In addition, you will find here forecasts for the future, get a chance to take advantage of the help of chorated numerology, and beginner barologists will be able to figure out the values \u200b\u200bof the arcanes of the deck.

Divination for love on tarot cards online

What could be more important relationship with your loved one! It is love that pushes us on the accomplishment and feats, and her absence deprives sleep and appetite. Century in a century, poets are interpreted about her, then arguing, then agreeing with each other. And the topic does not dry out ...

Turning to the fortune of Taro on relationships and love, you can clarify heart questions. This alignment on the maps of Tarot is called "Tree of Lovers".

The alignment on the maps of Tarot "on a beloved" is an excellent tool to find out a whole range of issues related to the upcoming marriage. This is a divination for a girl (women), planning to marry a concrete man. In it, in 9 positions, all significant aspects of the near and long-term perspectives of this union are considered and projections are given regarding the behavior of the future spouse under certain circumstances.

Is there a problem associated with marriage, and if so, what are the circumstances that prevent him from and how to overcome them? The way to understand it is - an old fortune telling on Tarot cards.

Tarot's alignment online "Will I marry" - a fortune telling, which will allow instantly and absolutely free to consider the real state of affairs, deal with the reasons of the dysfunction of personal life and determine the nearest steps to correct them.

"Feelings of your beloved man to me" - free online alignment on a full deck of tarot, which allows you to predict the prospects for the Union with a specific person. It is done for the relationship that has already begun to be formed (or have prospects for this).

What could be worse than this unknown - "was changed or not"?! Such thoughts are deprived of sleep and appetite, make faith lose in real love and loyalty ... From such moods you need to get rid of quickly. At least in order to have the strength to live normally and build your future. And this is a free online divination for treason on Tarot maps will give you an exhaustive answer to such an ambiguous question.

This alignment on the map of Tarot - "What does he or she thinks about me?" - Effective assistant in difficult moments of life, when you are not sure or just do not know how the beloved person belongs to you. This is a free online service that will help to navigate in his attitude towards you at the moment and, accordingly, understand how to behave to correct the situation.

Do you know that mutual understanding of two people, especially if we are talking about love relationships, to a considerable extent depends on their names? And that the degree of this mutual understanding can be calculated on Tarot maps? On our site you can work for free online tests for the compatibility of names in love and marriage with your partner (or partner) who will tell you how Tarot's system treats your names and how much you come to each other.

Fortune telling for the future - Tarot Layouts

Our life is mostly folded from everyday life and trifles, the days are running over the days, causing to rush, think something to do, make decisions. How to live today so that the next day for him is not offended, shameful, annoying? The answer to this question exhaustively gives the map of the day - Tarot and its magic power of the prediction of the future. In this case, Tarot's card turns out to be an objective adviser and friendly assistant.

To know the forecasts for several days, it is no less important than a year or two forward for a year. After all, making decisions need daily. And to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe total atmosphere of the next week, get advice or warning for every day means to get the opportunity to think over the actions of several steps forward, to predict the events and, accordingly, from a variety of options for their actions to choose the best. "Seven-Star Star" - free online divination for the near future, which just gives such a chance.

Year - the term is large. And it may happen during this time - a lot of love and career takes off, moving and changing work. The fortune telling the "circular alignment" will help you understand what it is to wait from the nearest twelve months than they are marked. You will pass on the mouse of each of them online, and this will allow you to understand one minute exactly how you should behave, which is desirable to avoid and what to pay attention to. So, here it is a free way to open the curtain of the mystery, which every time it appears before us in the form of hopes, concerns and anticipation from the next life cycle.

Celtic cross is a universal means to resolve any questions. Celtic Cross Online and free - a convenient opportunity to use it constantly. Specify your question mentally and settle. Everything is very simple - the only click of the mouse and now in front of you the full picture of the situation covering all its aspects.

Taro forecast for the date of birth for the year is a tested way of prediction, which, moreover, makes it possible to comprehensively analyze this time period. We will teach you to correctly calculate the number of "your" Arkana, under the influence of which you will have to live over the next year. And then you will only stay to read your forecast, which - and there is no doubt about it - it will give good food for useful reflection. In a word, consider, read and get ready to live one more - maybe it is difficult, and perhaps, on the contrary, very successful is the year of your life.

This is Online alignment on fate. It contains approximately one and a half dozen positions in which it is thoroughly answering all the main questions that exciting every person when he is trying to cover and comprehend his life entirely. Take advantage of it to decide on their capabilities, find out what you can claim your career or personal life, find out which echoes of the past affect your life now, to understand what you will not be "to dive", for it is useless ...

Divination to the question and value of tarot cards

The alignment of the "Horseshoe" is the optimal way to receive answers to specific practical issues. It is done on the Senior Arkanians Tarot, consists of 7 positions in which the prospects for conceived, possible difficulties associated with its implementation, problems that are not solved in the past and still can affect it, etc. This is a free online divination, which you can safely use always when you have doubts or anxiety about some kind of business, undertaking, expectations.

Diagnosis of aura on Tarot maps is a kind of emergency "ambulance" if you want to quickly get a complete picture of your energy state. The alignment considers key aspects regarding possible external influences on your biofield, the state of the Aura is currently and provides recommendations on what to do if problems in this regard do you have. The alignment works in online mode, and they can be used absolutely free.

Look at the future wants almost every one of us, although many are simply not recognized in this. You can pay for the future in different ways, but the most truthful and proven method - fortune telling 3 cards.

Tarot Cards - Window in the Future

Divination at Tarot do not differ ease. The main difficulty lies in the interpretation of cards. You gone should be able to solve a value, be able to see the future in their combination. For a beginner, many divinations will seem difficult, so you first need to learn to perform simpler layouts that are easy to explain and understand the image.

Before gadaling at home, it is important to relax and tune in. No need to proceed to the process in a bad mood, the tarot does not like this. Remember the intuition - trust it and then you can accurately understand the meaning of the cards that you fell.

Gudas for tarot set, and for the future you can pay even with the help of three cards. This is the perfect option for both beginners and experienced.

For execution usually use senior arcanes, throwing the younger. The fact is that it is the older arkans that give more complete and reliable information not only about the future, but also about the past and present. Telect all senior arcanes from the deck in advance and proceed.

To perform the alignment, completely relax, think only about good. Tune in, mix the deck. From it, choose three cards. Traditionally, they represent three life moments - the past, present and future.

Such fortune telling is ideal if the questioning wants to learn about an event or situation in which he was and its outcome in the future.

You can use other values, it all depends only on the purposes of divination:

  • yesterday Today Tomorrow;
  • situation, problem, output;
  • situation, action, outcome;
  • i, he / she, we.

You can use the value you need at the moment. You can make up your questions, remember only that the concentration is very important in Tarot. Cancel extra thoughts and think only about your questions.

Step-by-step plan of divination

  1. If you are guessing on older arcans - select them from the deck. It is allowed to fortune telling and on the whole deck, but for a beginner interpret the value much more difficult. If you need to learn an important answer to the question and fully assess the situation, it is recommended to use the whole deck.
  2. Remove the deck with your left hand to yourself.
  3. Think of your questions, life, what you want to know.
  4. Remove three cards and put them in a shirt line up.

Salmon value and map description

If the alignment is used to find out the future, Tarot will help you understand what is happening and why it happened, to find a problem or error. This alignment can also be used to solve vital issues, drawing up plans for the future. You yourself invest the value of the scenario - they make sure exactly what you want to know that you are disturbing.

If we talk about the meaning, the interpretation is determined by the sensations. Of course, there are certain interpretations, but they are more common. When interpreting a specific scenario, focus on a given question - it's easier to understand the Tarot language and what they want to convey.

If you take only senior arcans, their interpretations are as follows:

  • Fool - inexperienced, cheerful sociable person;
  • Mag - A successful person, a professional;
  • Chariot - active person, achievement, success;
  • Empress - creative, caring, family man;
  • Star - Hope, spirituality, open and naive person;
  • Emperor - masculinity, active action, authoritarian, abstract person;
  • Jeropant - blessing, success, happiness, power, training;
  • Hermit - loneliness, wisdom, thinking about the situation, privacy;
  • Justice - court, punishment, reward, payback, objectivity;
  • Force - internal courage, volitional man, achievement;
  • Moderation - Double life, uncertainty;
  • Wheel of Fortune - changes in life, uncertainty, speed;
  • Death - Changes, ending a certain life step, relationship, not always bad value;
  • Lovers - happiness, friendship, love, balance, good luck;
  • Peace - Victory, success, unity.

The listed arcanes most often carry a positive value. In the negative side, the interpretation changes if the map falls in the inverted position.

There are senior arcanes that initially carry only negative, in whatever position they are neither fell - hanged, tower, devil, moon, sun, court. Do not push one map in this scenario, because everything is interconnected here!

If you are guessing on a complete deck, you will meet younger arcans, ruling cards that will help create a complete picture of what is happening, get answers to all questions.

☞ Video lesson

  • Many believe that it is impossible to make the alignment. This is part of the truth, but this is not due to the fact that you can guess you to stick a failure, just to interpret your own life is difficult, because in Tarot you will see only what you want to see or, on the contrary, what is afraid of the most.
  • Combine values, do not fear interpretations. This approach really helps to understand the entire situation. Trust intuition, because it simply does not exist 100% of the exact interpretations of each card, it is impossible to know everything about Tarot.
  • The main condition for truthful fortune telling and faithful interpretation is a mood, calm, self-confidence. Do not distract to extraneous things or questions, immerse yourself in the world of Tarot and they will be able to open the veil of the future.

Tarot is exciting and interesting. If you want to know the future, try to make a schedule for 3 cards - it is simple and sure, and with interpretation there should be no special difficulties.