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How to work more productively. Psychology of productivity: how to make more in a short time? How to work more productively


Work at home has many advantages. And reflecting on the prospects of the "home" work, we first draw attention to its advantages. Find out how productively and efficiently work at home?

It seems to us that it will be much more productive work in the office.

  • After all, firstly, we will not need to spend time on the road (which in some "eats" a considerable part of the time, so that no personal life remains time. And at the weekend I want to just sit at home to finally go anywhere Do not go).
  • Secondly, working at home, you can save money: transport, on clothes and shoes, especially if the work in the office requires compliance with the dress code.
  • Thirdly, we will our own owners and themselves decide when we work, and when not. And in the breaks we can do urgent household matters, without postponing them in a long box.
  • Fourthly, our children will see and, in the end, will see us more often.
  • Fifth, we will free up the time we spend on collective conversations, gatherings, discussions, etc. It seems that we are getting distracted for a minute - it's worth looking at the clock, and we will see that at best half an hour, if it happened.

However, Euphoria from our hopes that the work of the house will be more productive, can quickly disappear. And after a while, we note that we don't get enough sleep, we do not have time to quarrel with your homemade, which we bother us, and begin to think about how it was good to work in the office "from call to call" under the leadership of the chief.

In addition, the work "on itself" suggests that the "Wolf feet is fed": the size of our earnings will depend solely on how productively we will work. It is also worth considering that at the initial stage, while we do not set up the work of the house, our earnings can leave much to be desired (more).

Working at home, over time we can bother because of the fact that in front of our eyes there will be the same "picture" and the same people. We may want to discuss events or problems with friends immediately and live, and not using email or skype. In the end we can feel like lonely and forgotten.

How not to be disappointed in the "home" work due to its low productivity?

1. Self-organizing

This is perhaps the most difficult thing - tune in to work and not distracted by foreign affairs. A person must be in some way to himself "supervisor". In the office with this easier - there is a boss who tracks the workflow, and the social network, where you can hang for a long time, are blocked. At home we are provided by yourself, so often fall into procrastination. Simply put, haggard, hoping that the day is long-inventing.

So, if we do not control ourselves themselves - with the productivity of "home" work will have to say goodbye. Especially risk those whose work is related to the computer. Here trap in the form of all kinds of sites, which, well, you just need to urgently look. We go for a minute in the online store, in social network, check the mail - and suddenly notice that half a day have passed, and the working mood has ever happened. And you need to be unusually disciplined internally to succumb to the temptation.

Therefore, to not tempt yourself, it is necessary to even not open windows and tabs that are not related to the work, and take it to the rule to do this in advance. True, this item is not related to all. If a person who is passionate about the idea begins to the home business, then there is a return situation: he needs to tear off from work by force, because it loses the feeling of time and is ready to work without breaks.

2. Create a working environment

If at a time when we work, besides us, in the apartment or in the house there are someone else: children, wife or husband, parents, is hardly such an atmosphere will contribute to our productivity. To us, then they will call asking for help, listen, play. The included TV will seduce stick to the sofa and see an interesting gear, and the smells that are coming from the kitchen is to distract to have a snack or drink tea. It is clear that in such conditions it is possible to focus until the evening.

So that this does not happen, you need to equip at least a small, but your own comfortable working area - with a convenient office chair and necessary technical supplies (fax, printer, etc.) in our workplace should not be anything that might lead our thoughts in "Translated Dali. "

And all the homework should know that despite the fact that we are at home, we can not be displaced with outsiders and conversations. In addition, the workstation assumes and work clothes. Working at home, we are often lazy to get out of home dressing or pajamas and justify themselves by the fact that, not changed, save time for work. In addition, no one sees us, but we personally comfortably and so.

However, in our subconscious, homemade clothing is associated with rest. Many familiar see that on returning from work home we will mentally return to working problems until we change to homemade clothes. Of course, you should not fall into another extreme and from the morning to wear a business suit and the appropriate shoes. But clothing designed to work will make sure to tune in to the working way.

3. Prepare friends that at certain hours they must forget about our existence

Our friends and familiar for some reason do not belong to our "home" activities seriously. They think that since we are sitting at home and do not stand the boss over our head, we can "standalize": ask to fulfill an urgent order, while going to another end of the city, etc. After all, we themselves manage their time, but they are not. They do not understand that despite the fact that we have freedom of choice, we can not just take and quit our affairs!

Well, if we want to earn a reputation of a trouble-free person, then you will have to forget about our own productivity.

4. Make a working schedule

Lack of monitoring of many relaxes. It is very tempting in the morning to sleep longer, because there are no more fear for a job that stimulated not to lie down in bed.

Of course, a lot of the benefits of early getting said. This is also told about the sayings: "Who gets up early, God gives", "to sleep for a long time," I'm not going to sleep - "I donate - the ruble is not to get" and so on. There is another opinion: "No matter how much you get up, but It is important with what mood you do it. "

In general, everything is individually here: some people work more productively work in the early morning, others - in the afternoon, and the third in the evening or at night. One is enough to sleep, five hours, and the other and eight little. Therefore, everyone determines the time when it works most productively. And in order to avoid force majeure situations and ablians, both in work and in relation to their health, it is worth making a list of cases that need to "turn" during the day, and not tolerate "for tomorrow."

5. Do not forget about walks

Often those who work at home are neglecting to rest during the day, weekends and leave. Such work "for wear" only reduces productivity and over time will definitely lead to the decline of forces. In addition, working at home, especially alone, is easy to "stern". Meetings with friends, trips, walks, jogging in the time for resting time is charged with energy, fill with fresh thoughts and increase productivity.

Created: 09/05/2017 07:30

Depending on the time of day, our body is configured to different purposes. He must take care of meals, productive work and a good rest. In this regard, many people have more or less permanent regime, which helps them be active and effective throughout the day.

Productivity directly depends on the activity of the brain. The body should natural biorhythms or biological clocks that determine this activity.

How are biological clock set up?

03.00 - 06.00 - the work of the brain begins to be activated. Subject to regular rash, a person feels vigorous and rested at 4 am. At this time, you can start working, constantly increasing your effectiveness.

06.00 - 09.00 - time for receiving and analyzing information. During this period, long-term memory and logical thinking are best. It can be called the most productive for study, work and other mental activity. This is the optimal time for breakfast.

09.00 - 12.00 - Peak brain activity. Best memory and attention is best working. This is the most productive time for any type of activity. In this interval you can perform the most difficult work and take on important things.

12.00 - 14.00 - time for lunch and rest. Brain activity gradually falls and needs recharging. At this time, you need to eat and relax a little to get tightened to further work.

14.00 - 18.00 - a favorable period for simple work and physical exertion. After a dense lunch and a good rest, our brain is ready to work again, but with less attentiveness and analytical ability. At such a time, you can perform monotonous mechanical work, it is desirable to follow the plan.

18.00 - 21.00 - Time for creativity. Brain activity gradually goes to a decline. The body needs rest and reception. But, fatigue, oddly enough, stimulates creativity.

When we are tired, we cannot follow the clear plan and concentrate on a particular purpose. Thus, we forget standard schemes, cover a wide range of ideas and see more alternatives. At this time, we have a large number of thoughts in our heads that are not directly related to the case, but can bring to the right way. It turns out that the tired brain is capable of creative activity.

21.00 - 23.00 - The body goes into the "Rest" regime. Any work at this time leads to the timing and chronic fatigue. It's time for relaxing procedures. It's time to go to bed in order to nice and actively meet the morning.

00.00 - 03.00 - rest and preparation for the upcoming day. At this time, physical and emotional energy is restored, which is responsible for the overall condition of the body. Lack of sleep in this watch leads to poor performance and stress resistance, as well as general fatigue.

After studying the peculiarities of our brain, it is possible to make the right day of the day, which will take into account productive hours of operation and the appropriate time of rest. Besides him, the quality and amount of food affects the efficiency, the volume of water drilled, sports activity. It's no secret that a passive lifestyle, an insufficient amount of fluid in the body and heavy food takes place vital energy and poorly affect health.

We wish you to follow our biorhythm to work productively, to rest effectively and live harmoniously!

A little common. In fact, the principles with which they and other outstanding creatives are guided when they embody their ideas very similar. The project published 10 rules to work more productively.

  1. Start something to do

The ability to actively act is the most common feature that was discovered from hundreds of talented specialists and entrepreneurs during the study of the success of creative figures. Despite the fact that it is difficult to overestimate the importance of training, it is very easy to get lost in uncertain planning and just dreams. You need to make yourself start acting - and the sooner, the better. This is important because at that moment you start doing something, you start receiving a valuable Fidbeck, which will allow you to improve your original idea and look at it more consciously.

  1. Start with small

While our ideas are in our heads, we usually invent big and cloudless projects. The problem is that such thinking initially overstars the bar for the implementation of the idea. To avoid the "white sheet fear", start with a small idea that you can quickly implement. You can get experience for holding a large-scale festival, holding a party, build a skyscraper in a miniature, and the application for the iPhone for started to draw on paper. As soon as you test your idea on a small scale, you will have much more understanding, how to realize it at a higher level.

  1. Try

Attempts and mistakes are a key part of any creativity. As the American artist and the Lecturer ZE Frank says, usually when we realize the idea for the first time, it turns out bad. It is important to highlight the experience gained during the implementation process, and use it to improve the idea - to create a new, improved version. Creativers such as Jack Dorsey, Ben Kaufman and Studio 7.5 believe that the creation of a prototype and its constant testing is the key to transforming the average idea to the product changing the rules of the game. Instead of panicing after failures, be attentive to them and learn about them. Then make a new prototype. Once again. Sooner or later, you will fall into the goal.

  1. Formulate for projects. Simple goals and constantly return to them.

When we work on big projects, we produce many new ideas. This can lead to a consistent expansion of the project's objectives and to the fact that we begin to produce essences. This insidious habit can make it impossible to achieve the real achievement. The easiest way to avoid this is to formulate and record the main tasks at the beginning of each project (if you have partners, make sure that there is a complete agreement between you). Then you need to return to these purposes.

  1. Work on your project on a little bit every day.

In projects that require a large infusion of creative resources (the development of a new business plan, writing a novel or just getting new skills), it is incredibly important to maintain a pulse. For example, if you run every day, workouts are becoming easier and easier - you can also train the brain. Stimulate it daily, and the creative potential will be implemented much easier. As Jack Cheng proves in his text Thirty Minutes a Day, it is important not how much you do, but how regular you do it.

  1. We use routine

In order to work on your project every day, you need to find time for this. The routine of the day seems to be boring and sad idea, but it is he who creates the basis for real inspiration. In his last memoirs What I Talk About When I Talk About Running The famous Japanese writer Haruki Murakami writes about how strict regime is a rise at 5 am and a post at 10 pm every day - critized for its impressive creative performance.

  1. Break large, long-term projects for steps less

To manage expectations and maintain a motivation in working on a project length per year or more, you need to break it into pieces that can be completed in a few weeks or a month. Double benefit from this approach is that the project seems more manageable, an additional motivation appears throughout the work. It is very important to sometimes interrupt to evaluate what has already been fulfilled, even if there is still a long way.

  1. Down with extra meetings
  1. Learn to say "no"

Creative energy is not infinite. Experienced creatives know that their energy and attention must be carefully protected. Take, for example, writer Tim Collins. His books Built to Last and Good to Great were sold by millions of circulation, and thanks to their sharpness of mind, he enjoys in great demand as a consultant. But despite the fact that Collins requests more than $ 60,000 for a public speech, he holds them no more than 18 times a year. If he performed more often, he would not have time left to concentrate on his research and writing bestsellers. When you are in operating mode, do not forget that "new features" means a separation from the direct workflow. No need to say not to scatter on trifles.

  1. Remember that even the rules allowing to work productively, created in order to break them

The rules should be followed only until they work. If you can't move forward more because of your schedule, try something else. It may be a distant journey, going to the museum of arts, walk around the house or a conversation with a stranger - something that will shifts you. Violation of habits allows you to take the idea of \u200b\u200ba fresh look and recharge to reappear with your head.

🙂 However, it is necessary to understand that, working remotely, it is important to be able to organize yourself and your time. So today we will talk about the productivity of the remote employee. I prepared for you a few useful tips based on personal experience, how productively work at home.

How to productively work at home:

Of course, if only your work is not related to direct with them, then - please :-). In general, try to avoid them during working hours. Disconnect the alerts on the phone so that nothing distracts you from work. Personally, I prefer to just turn off the Internet on the phone so that messages from what'sapp also did not bother.

Tip # 2 - Get yourself a workplace

Work day starts with a plan and coffee 🙂

Great, if it is a separate room / office so that you can close the door. Agree, it can sometimes be difficult to focus if there is a TV next to you, talk, chat on the phone.

Tip number 3 - Make a plan for a day

It will take you no more than 2 minutes before the start of the working day, but it will help to clearly imagine what you need to do in today. Always keep this list before your eyes and check the items performed during the day. It is especially nice to do this with a bright marker so that it was immediately seen that already done.

Tip №4 - Rest

Teach yourself to take breaks in work. For example, agree with you that you will be distracted every half an hour (especially if you are engaged in monotonous work). Although, of course, there is no general formula here, everything is very individual. But the fact that breaks are needed and quite often, this is a fact! Stand up because of the computer, go around the apartment, move out, make a charging for the eyes. Do both small 2-5 minute breaks and more serious - 40-minute, hourly. You can try to try

Tip №5 - Share your family and work

Explain their home that, despite the fact that you are near, you actually at work 🙂 teach them not to distract you on trifles so that you can really work well and faster with the affairs.

Tip # 6 - Do not eat at the computer

First, it distracts it great, so you can easily make mistakes. And, secondly, I think, many are known that for normal digestion during the reception, food needs to be focused on food, and not engage in analyzing reports, writing texts or viewing tapes in instagram. Hungry? An excellent reason to distract from the computer and calmly dine in the kitchen.

Tip # 7 - Keep your workplace in order

There should be no children's toys, cosmetics, books and other distracting items in your workplace. Plus I'm usually after finishing the work, heating what has accumulated per day (if accumulated): sheets of paper, non-writing handles, candy candies 🙂

Tip №8 - Build Plans for the evening

It will not stretch you to stretch work for the whole day and will end the stimulus before.

Tip №9 - Speak to say "no"

Useful skill not only at remote work, but in general in life. Who or what does not say? Yes, everything that distracts you and does not give to work: laziness, temptations, entertainment and even in some cases relatives. Of course, there are always exceptions. No need to disdain from the child who decided to talk about his problems with you, referring to employment.

And what are your secrets of productivity? I will be glad if you share in the comments!

Regards, Kazakova Ekaterina

This article will be especially useful to people who are spinning as a protein in the wheel, but the effectiveness of their activities is minimal, it will also be useful to those who are inclined to delay the performance of not very interesting duties.

Some tips, perhaps, you will seem not suitable (all individually) or already familiar, others can be found interesting and take on weapons.

How to increase productivity and manage to do everything that planned? How to focus at work and do business do not be distracted by trifles? How can finally begin to perform the tasks that have been facing us?

Plan your working time

First of all, you need to turn into a habit planning a working dayMake it daily ritual. How does this affect the productivity of work?

First, it simplifies memorization. You do not miss both important and secondary things, it will be enough to look into a notebook or a diary. Scientists have proven that if you constantly think about how to not forget something, you will forget much more than if you just did our job and did not ship themselves about bad memory. Especially if you record what needs to be done, no matter will remain unnoticed.

Secondly, planning of working time Sets priorities. Know in what order should be acting, very important. Some cases may wait when others require them immediate execution.

Well, thirdly, when we plan your time, time becomes more - this is one of the basic rules of high productivity.


The sooner you begin to act, the better. The mood and the tone of the whole day are set in the first few hours.

Have fun about what you do

As it would be trite if it sounded, but this is a fact - the high productivity of activity depends on what mood you are approaching tasks. Do what you like - the main secret of productive work! It is clear that often we are forced to deal with something that we are not interested and not like, and it is inevitable, but in any process you can find some positive parties.

Productivity of work When performing complex and not favorite cases may depend on self-motive. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to do something like that, but the point immediately begins to go, as soon as we recall the goal, to the execution of which these tasks are fulfilled.

Clarity of the goal

During work, you must clearly and clearly see and understand each of your subsequent step and also clearly present the end result of your work.

If you work at home, I probably happened to you - I got up without completely determined with the tasks, included the computer and started "work". After a couple of hours of viewing of news sites (well, others, others, you understand that they did not move from the place. This is a visual example for saying - " If there is no purpose, you do not do anything».


The productivity of activity will be higher, if periodically you will find time for rest. Here we are talking both about short breaks during the working day and about the weekend (many are taken to the house) and the period of vacation.

Rest, alternating with work, gives a vigor, enthusiasm, allows us to return to work again and again and with a charge of new energy.

Raughty! Sleeping and lack of sleepleads to inadequate perception of reality and reduces the effectiveness of activities.

If you have a sitting job - we get off the chair more often if the job is also connected with the computer - do not forget about charging for the eyesIf you have mental work - dilute it with small physical exertion. All this will definitely affect the productivity of your activity.

Do not distract to little things

Since you have done a case, take care of bringing the possible distracting moments to a minimum. This means that there are no external stimuli and any breaks in work on trifles (I do not mean the necessary breaks that mentioned earlier). If you smoke through every half hour, each hour check email, respond to phone calls and at the same time you still communicate in chat it will affect the productivity of your activity. In addition, you lose time, distracted by even 5-10 minutes you still leave for some time to restore the previous pace of work.

Deciding productively work, it is better to warn those who can distract you during this period of time. If you have distant workAnd you work at home, tell your households to contact you only at great need. If you work in the office, you can close the door to your office, and if it is impossible to wear headphones and turn on the music (of course, if it does not distract you, but about it below), well, or warned - "I work!". One should not blame anyone in the insufficient productivity of his work, you yourself create obstacles. If others do not respect and do not appreciate your time, then just because your silence it allows them.

Share work on the steps

Productive activity largely depends on the deadlines that you assure this or another case. To perform a specific work, you should remove a certain period of time, put yourself a mini-target. You can even put a timer, limiting the time limit.

You can first fulfill the most difficult or unpleasant job, and then take up what you like. Compared with what you did, everything else will seem easily fulfilled to you and it will spur on further actions. And you can come with accuracy on the contrary, do something light and pleasant, it will allow you to enter the working rhythm, and after and the mountains on the shoulder. Who suits what.

Large and long-term projects are best divided into steps in less, then these projects seem more manageable, plus it makes it possible to evaluate the work that has already been done, let it be long for a long time.

Could cope with the work that you constantly postpone, you can, if you force yourself to work some 20-30 minutes (or convince, saying - " It takes only half an hour, during this time I will do something"). If she frightened you something, during this time you will understand that everything is not so scary, because it is known - the eyes are afraid, and the hands do. And starting, you may want to finish everything to the end.

The reason for the reduction of productivity can be simultaneous employment in several cases. Focus on something one.

Music will help you

"Music inspires, contributes to the flight of imagination, supplies soul with wings, music gives life and fun to existing, it encourages us eloquently think ..." Plato

Some people make music sounds gather. According to research conducted by English scientists, the productivity of people who listen to classical music and are busy business, higher than those who work in silence. In other matters, the ideal recipe here is difficult to choose - not only that the musical preferences are all different (someone can inspire and stimulate havi-metal), and there are still music on everyone in different ways. In any case, it is not difficult to check whether the music prevents you during work or helps.

Mouse over

Pay attention to your workplace. The illuminated work desk does not contribute to productive work, he only distracts and annoying his award. Unload it, remove all the unnecessary and unnecessary, and the fact that you must neat apart from places.

Time case

It is necessary to take into account the moment that every person has a peak activity is the time when you can make your work with a lesser energy loss and the most qualitatively. You may not even know what period of the day for you is most productive. To determine this watch (most productive for you) try to work at different times.

There are also days when inspiration covers with your head, you need to use the moment and do on such days as much as possible.

These simple tips will help you increase the productivity of your labor, all of them are tested by time and extremely effective! And remember, the more productive you will work, the more you will have time for hobbies, rest and loved ones.

P.S. In this article, no word was stated about the laziness, because it is a separate topic - How to deal with laziness.

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