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Forms of extracurricular work with younger schoolchildren. Types and forms of events. Festivities. Mind games. Open Day

Forms of educational work

The formeducational workby definition E.V. Titovaya is the procedure for organizing specific acts, situations, procedures for the interaction of participants in the educational process aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems (educational and organizational and practical); A combination of organizational techniques and educational means ensuring the external expression of the content of educational work.

The manifold of existing in practice and created new forms of educational work allows, however, to highlight several types of their types, which differ from each other by certain features. These main types are combined in themselves different types of forms, each of which has, apparently, infinite many methodical modifications and variations of specific forms.

All types of work forms have their own pedagogical significance, and each of them is valuable in the process of education. However, the practice of work shows that the personal practice of the educator prevails, as a rule, some one type of forms, while others are extremely rarely applied or are not used at all.

General practice analysis makes it possible select three basic types of formseducational work: events, affairs, games.They differ in the following signs: on the target direction, at the position of the participants in the educational process, on objective educational opportunities.

M. events - these are events, classes, situations in the team organized by teachers or anyone for pupils in order to direct educational impact on them.

Characteristic signs of this type of shapes: This is, above all, the contemplative-performing position of children and the organizational role of adults or senior pupils. In other words, if something is organized for pupils, and they, in turn, are perceived, they participate, execute, react, etc., then this is the event.

Work forms that can be objectively attributed to activities: conversations, lectures, discussions, disputes, excursions, cultitates, walks, training activities (for example, according to the rules of road traffic, according to civil defense, etc.). Events as form educationalworks can beto choose:

- when need to solve educational tasks: to inform children any complicated information, to acquaint the cultural, political life of society;

When it is necessary to refer to the content of educational work, requiring high competence: to issues of public life of the people, politics, economics, etc. In such cases, activities are appropriate with the invitation of specialists;

- when organizational functions are too complex for children, or objectively, or due to the lack of sufficient experience, for example, when conducting discussions, discussions, organizing the mass manifestation of social activity (conversations, conferences, rallies, etc.). Such events are organized by the elders for younger, when it is worth the task of directly learning children of anything, for example, organizational skills, practical skills, cognitive skills. This helps classes, workshops, trainings when measures are needed to strengthen the health of children, their physical development, to fulfill the regime of the day, maintain discipline and order (walk, charging, conversation, story, meeting, training).

At the same time, the event should be considered inappropriate when children are in a state on their own, of course, with the help of teachers, elders, organize development and exchange of valuable information and actions. In these cases, more preferred forms of operation of another type, which are called cases.

Cause - This is a common job, important events carried out and organized by members of the team for the benefit and joy of someone, including themselves.

The characteristic features of this type of forms: the active and creative position of children; their participation in organizational activities; socially significant orientation of the content; Indecent and indirect pedagogical guide. In other words, things can be considered such events in the life of the team, when the pupils actively act, they themselves decide that, as for whom (which) to do, organize their activities.

Work forms,which can be attributed to affairs: labor entities and operations, raids, fairs, festivals, amateur concerts and performances, agitbrigada, evenings, as well as other forms of collective creative affairs.

In real practice, these forms can be embodied in different ways, depending on who is their organizer and what is the degree of creativity of participants. In fact, by the nature of the implementation of form-cases can be distinguished three their subtypes:

Cases in which the organizational function performs any organ or even someone personally (Chairman of the Council, commander, responsible or teacher). They may look just like organized, productive overall work - planting trees, concert for parents, making souvenirs for guests, etc.;

Creative cases, distinguished, primarily organizational creativity of any part of the team (creative or initiative group, microcollection, etc.), which thinks, plans and organizes their preparation and conduct. Such cases often suggest the performing work of all participants. For example, the creative group has developed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe festival of hand drawn films, distributed the teams of representatives of the film studios of the countries of the world and tasks: to draw and "voice" the film on any topic, performed as leading and jury of the film festival;

Collective creative cases, in the organization of which all members of the team participate in the creative search for the best solutions and ways of activity.

Collective creative affairs (CTD) are developed and named so I.P. Ivanov. The basis of the methodology of their organization is a collective organizational creative activity, which involves the participation of each member of the team in all stages of the organization of activities from planning to analysis and representing the "joint search for the best solutions of a vital problem" (Ivanov I.P. Encyclopedia of collective creative cases. - M: , Pedagogy, 1989).

Collective creative affairs have the highest objective educational opportunitiessince they are:

- provide the opportunity to make your personal contribution to the overall work, to show your personal qualities (creative, organizational, practical, intellectual, etc.);

- provide active implementation and enrichment of personal and collective experience;

- contribute to the strengthening of the collective, its structures, contribute to the diversity and mobility of intravaluctive relations and relations;

Emotionally attractive for the guys, allow you to rely on important content and ways to organize activities in a variety of situations of the educational process.

The third type of forms of educational work is the game . And the game as a type of educational work, it is necessary to distinguish from game techniques for business and events (even if these cases and events are the name of "games"), as well as from games as forms of spontaneous (inorganized) leisure activities (for example, puzzles, Sharad, desktop and moving games, etc.).

The game as a form of educational work -this is an imaginary or real activity, purposefully organized in the team of pupils in order to rest, entertainment, training.

The characteristic features of this type of forms are not carried in themselves, as a rule, a pronounced publicly referral direction (in contrast to the game ages), but they can and should be useful for the development and education of their participants and are directed to this. In games, unlike events, there is an indirect pedagogical impact hidden by game goals. They laid significant educational opportunities. In gaming activities, various abilities and personal qualities of pupils can appear, intravaluple relationships can be actively formed. Games are organized by the teacher (or the pedagogical team) often with the active participation of the pupils themselves.

To formam games can be attributed: business games, plot-role-playing, terrain games, sports games, cognitive, etc. If the events are held by someone for someone for the purpose of exposure, things are usually done for someone (including And for themselves) or for something, they have productive activities, the games do not intend to receive any product, they are self-concrete as a way to be interesting and exciting time to spend time in sharing or learning.

In practice, there is a phenomenon as "rebirth of forms" from one type in another when they are implemented. The most favorable forms in terms of increasing the educational possibilities are the transition from one type to another "on the Lestenka": the events - games are affairs. At the same time, the transition in the opposite direction should be considered unfavorable and undesirable.

Forms of curator and classroom clocks

Inform-Digest- Weekly "five minutes" with a free choice of topics. Each student, previously analyzing the socio-political events over the past week, introduces a group with the most interesting and significant materials from the press, information radio and telecast.

"Ask-answer" - The form of an overview information hour is premeditated, the most relevant issues. For example, information about students are about what events of modern life they are interested in more than all. The issues received are distributed among students in the group, then the material is selected, and the performances are preparing.

"Information +" - This is familiarizing students with events in the country and abroad for a specific scheme: the country's domestic and foreign policy; Trends in the development of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth; events in far abroad countries; News Science, Culture, Ecology, Health, Sports. "+" Indicates that in addition to presenting the material on the topic, the protruding provides for a demonstration of a visual material, comments on the message, communicates with the views with the group.

Thematic information hour - a deeper discussion of any topical problem, the purpose of which is to identify problems relevant from the point of view of young people; Awakening creative search in the selection of material worthy of attention of peers ( see below "Forms of thematic information hours").

every student on the most interested in his event. Special attention should be sharpened at the preparation stage.The definition of the topic is one of the most important points of preparation of the thematic information hour. The most important requirement is the relevance of informative material, i.e. His connection with the leading problems of young people, the state, the world community. The subject of the planned information climax is desirable to discuss together with students. It is necessary to use the most effective forms and methods for submitting information.

If necessary, the teacher develops issues to specify the topic, personal and collective tasks are determined for students, the procedure for holding the thematic information hour is specified.

The leader's role can act as the teacher himself, and one of the students (depending on the topic and form of holding), better - the leader of the group that can easily captivate peers, focus their attention on a certain problem. Success largely depends on the involvement of all students to discuss issues, the exchange of views on the topics under discussion, the presence of competent guests. It is also very important to also teach students to independently allocate the main thing in the proposed material. It is advisable that the circle of participants of the thematic information hours is not limited to the framework of the study group. Meetings with interesting people, discussion of topical events in the world - the reason to combine the "round table" several groups, teachers.

All this is a serious prerequisite for the active involvement of young people into the political, socio-economic and cultural life of the state.

Forms of thematic information hours

"Chatting" Behind the Round Table "- Form of studying the current social problem with the presence of a competent person on the problem and the active involvement of students in the discussion. The problem for lighting at the thematic information hour can be dictated by the latest events in the world or proposed by the students themselves. Information on the topic may be set forth or by the guests themselves (historian, lawyer, ecologist, deputy), or the leader of the educational group, capable of easily awaken interest in the event and create an environment of a liberated emission exchange. In the process of the conversation, you can also view a video clip on the problem. After that, students complement the message from the places, ask questions, organized a collective analysis of the problem and an active exchange of views. In conclusion, conclusions on the topic are formulated.

"Political Discussion" - Thematic information hour in order to study problem and controversial political issues. Participants are divided into groups that have different or opposite opinions. For discussion, thorough theoretical preparation of participants and a thorough analysis of the argument of the opposite concept are characterized. As a result of collective creative thinking, students form the ability to analyze political life, see the contradictions of reality and find ways to solve them.

"How it was" - The form of the thematic information hour, analyzing one of the significant events following the example of the telecast of the same name. A large role is given to a leading, which gives basic historical and political references, represents guests and organizes a dialogue. The performances must be brief (3-5 minutes) and are dedicated to a specific fact that allows you to deepen and diversify the knowledge of the listeners. It is recommended to use video materials, photoillus, etc.

"Years and people" - Thematic information hour dedicated to biographies, professional achievements of cultural, politicians, economics, sports in our country and abroad.

"Press Conference" - The form of an information hour with the role-playing elements. Members of the press conference - "Journalists" and "Photo Correspondents" - take an interview with the Rapporteur who speaks the role of politics, a scientist, artist, etc. Press conferences contribute to the expansion of the outlook on the material being studied, a more conscious approach to it, form their own Attitude towards the problem, the ability to protect your point of view.

"Themed Blitz Survey" - It is its own videos of students on a certain topic for subsequent discussion: "Correspondent" in the presence of an operator with a video camera conducts in a crowded place of its educational institution (in the lobby, dining room, etc.). Questions are prepared in advance, and respondents can be both students and educational institutions, random visitors. The result is that it is necessary to unwitting into the problem, agree or argue with the opinion expressed. This start of the information hour, attracting the attention of students to the topic under discussion, is a fertile soil for the subsequent comprehensive study of the problem, encourages the search and argument of one's own opinion.

"Press Tournament" - The form of an information hour, which allows to intensify interest in periodicals, expand the horizon on various issues of society, allocate the main information from various kinds of information. For a press tournament, students are divided into groups representing various press centers. They can be devoted to certain topics (rubrics), and can represent specific editions. During the preparation, each team examines their publications, ponders questions for other teams (one can produce bulletins on their topics - a selection of the most interesting materials so that representatives of other teams have the opportunity to answer their questions), and is also preparing for a speech.

"Information Journal" - The form of the oral journal, the purpose of which is to summarize information for a certain period of time about the most important events of the political, socio-economic and other life of our country and beyond. The information magazine may have the following pages: "Political", "Economic", "Art News", "Sports" and others (the selection is determined by the students themselves or depending on the subjects submitted in the information collection).

"Seminar Information" - The form of an informational hour, involving speeches on any questions you are interested in, during which there is necessarily an exchange of views, discussion, disputes. Competent faces can be invited to such a seminar.

"Brain Ring" - The form for holding the thematic information hours on a certain topic is the most relevant in a given period of time. For example, "Youth rights in Russia", "Constitution of Russia. The foundations of the constitutional system "and others. The game is a competition in speed thinking, intelligence. The name "Brain-Ring" (eng. Brein - Brain, reason) suggests that players at the site (ring) are collected for competition in knowledge, in the ability to find the right answer faster than the opponent. Questions for the game must be crawled, not requiring a long discussion. "Tournament-Quiz" - Competition two or several teams, each of which collectively prepares questions for other teams on a certain topic. It combines the features of the tournament (teams in turn attack and defend) and quiz (looking for and ask questions, entertaining tasks).

To make education in children's educational institutions, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: determination of content, forms and educational methods taking into account age, individually psychological Particularities of students. Therefore, it is important to realize that today it is necessary to speak not about events, but about educational activities, about human communication, about the formation of relations, on the development of personal qualities.

Education of the younger generation is a multifaceted process. As priority areas, the physical and moral health of children is considered; intellectual development; formation of culture of personality and spiritual values; civil and patriotic education; aesthetic and labor education; Formation of life plans for schoolchildren, preparation for family life, etc.

To implement pedagogical problems, various forms of extracurricular educational work are used:

- Traditional: oral magazine, class hour, ethical conversation, living room;

- Discussion: Dispute, Project Protection, Salmon Evening and Unsolved Tines;

- National and rituals: folk holidays, gatherings, folk fun;

- Television: "Topic", "Happy case", "KVN";

- Collectively creative affairs: the relay "chamomile", the rings;

- Non-standard: Sports Tucks, Dance Ring, Poetic Cross;

- Improvisation: "At the mirror", "Smeshanka", "Theater Exprom".

The professionalism of the educator, the organizer consists in mastering the greatest number of forms of work and the ability to use them to solve a specific pedagogical problem with the maximum educational effect. "Pubular", according to A.S. Makarenko, individual education is the highest pilot of the teacher, teacher, a class teacher.

Educating - it means to organize the activities of children. A person develops, forms its skills, models of behavior, values, feelings in the process of modern activities with people and in communication with them. Therefore, a cool leader to achieve educational purposes should be able to organize a variety of children's activities (teachers call it developing, raising), and for children it is their natural life.

The organization of extracurricular activities of children, including leisure, in any school has always been and remains a very important area of \u200b\u200bteachers. Classes with children In addition to lessons, communication with them in a more or less free setting is essential, and often crucial for their development and education. They are important for the teacher himself, as they help get close to children, it is better to know them and establish good relationships, open up unexpected and attractive for students of the personality of the teacher himself, finally, allow you to survive happy moments of unity, joint experiences, human proximity, which often does Teachers and disciples for friends for life. This gives the teacher a sense of the need for his work, its social importance, in demand. As they say now.

However, so that this happens, you need to know how to organize such work.

Methodists allocate types of extracurricular activitieswhich is possible at school, namely: cognitive activity, value-orientational, public, aesthetic, leisure. It is clear that all of them are closely related to the educational process, with the content of training and education at school and serve as certain educational, educational purposes. So, cognitive activity is aimed at the development of cognitive interests, the accumulation of knowledge, the formation of mental abilities, etc.

The value-orientational activity, in essence, is the process of forming relations to the world, the formation of beliefs, views, the assimilation of moral and other norms of the life of people - all of what is called values. The class teacher has rich opportunities to stimulate the development of schoolchildren of relations, views on life in various forms of extracurricular activities: conversations on social and moral issues, class meetings, discussions, disputes. Of course, the assimilation of social value schoolchildren occurs in all other forms and activities.

Social activities involve the participation of schoolchildren in the school management bodies, various student and youth associations at school and outside it, participation in labor, political and other campaigns. This is happening in such forms as working on self-service, school cleaning, school meetings, meetings, elections and work of student governments, evenings, holidays, etc.

Aesthetic activity develops artistic taste, interests, culture, children's ability. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of aesthetic studies of students that can be organized especially effectively outside the school in special institutions of additional education, clubs. School teachers, however, also have the opportunity to carry out this work in the following forms: drawing, contests, school theaters, concerts, festivals, excursions in museums, visiting theaters and much more.

Leisure activities mean a meaningful, developing vacation, free communication, in which the initiative should belong to students, but the teacher should not be a third-party observer, remember its functions of a raising adult. Here you can also take out sports and recreation activities. Free communication, leisure students can be held in a variety of forms: games, holidays, holidays, collective birthdays, competitions, joint walks, campaigns, etc.

The teacher must know much and be able to be able to make a methodically correct organization of all these forms of work. First of all, the concept of "work form" is not very clear in the pedagogy of educational work at school and it is difficult to distinguish it from the method. However, it is important for the educator to still know how it organizes the activities of students, what it has the capabilities, so to speak, a methodical arsenal.

Form of extracurricular educational work You can determine with children as a specific way to organize them relative to free activity in school, their independence with pedagogically expedient leadership of adults. In educational practice there is a wide variety of forms of work, they can hardly be classified. Let us try, however, streamline the forms of educational work by allocating the prevailing, the main component of the educational case. It can be said that the basis of our typing is the main funds (methods, types) of the educational impact, which we have allocated five: word, experience, activity, game, psychological exercises (training).

From here five types of forms of educational work with schoolchildren:

- verbally - logical
- figurative - art
- Labor
- Game
- Psychological

Wonder-logical forms.

The main means of exposure is the word (conviction in a word), causing response emotions in children. To this type of shapes include conversations for different topics, cool disputes, meetings, conferences, lectures, etc. The main thing here is the exchange of information, posts of students, teachers and other adults, discussion of problems. This type of educational impact takes place in the practice of schools around the world, although the technique, technique or even the technology of it can be different.

Figurative form.

They combine such cases of children, where the main means of exposure is joint, mainly aesthetic experience. The main thing here is to cause strong, deep and reflective collective emotions, similar to those who are experiencing in the theater, on holidays, in other similar situations.

Great teachers, psychologists, artists, politicians and public figures well understood the huge exalted and unifying the strength of jointly experienced feelings, they knew their destructive opportunities. The educator should be able to ensure joint experiences of children, thanks to which they will become better.

Great potential have such forms as a concert, a performance, a holiday, etc.

We note in this regard, that collective, massive experiences seem to occupy a large place in modern life, especially youth: Rock - concerts, discos, "parties" of informal. But, alas, not to mention the content and nature of these ideas, noise and external effects there often fill in the inner emptiness, do not leave the place of deep inner experience. In modern life, it is obviously a lot of noise and there is no silence that would help a person to open himself. When organizing the life of schoolchildren, it is necessary to envisage that in it there were moments of silence filled with contemplation, penetration into phenomena, the opening of a new world in the surrounding world, people, to himself.

Labor forms of extracurricular work.

A positive effect on children joint work is wider - various activities, any work. These are different types of work at school, from daily cleaning to school repair, breakdowns and devices of the garden, park, farm organization, school cooperative, typography, information center. It is also different help in need, work in self-government bodies, social movements and organizations. Joint work can inspire no less theater, aesthetic spectacle or holiday.

Game (leisure) forms of work.

These are games, shared rest, meaningful entertainment. Games can be sports, cognitive, competitive, competitive. All of them, as above, the above types of forms of educational work often combine various means of exposure: the word, image, feelings, work.

Special attention should be paid to psychological forms of working with students. In the forms of this type, the basic means of exposure are elements of psychological training, methods of practical psychology, individual and group psychotherapy. These are lectures, conversations, discussions, psychological exercises, advice. They require some special knowledge and skill skills.

For the success of the case, when using various forms of working with children, the teacher must represent their hidden capabilities and on the basis of this is the most optimal to organize them. It should be remembered that, as we have already noticed that any form of work involves both the impact in word, and sensual experiences, and the game (competition), and work (work). On this basis, such mandatory elements of all forms of working with students can be distinguished: information, Experience, actions. Information - this is something new and important, what are learning students, participating in a particular matter . Experience - These are their emotional perception of information and everything that is happening, estimate, attitude. Actions- This is their joint (with each other and adults) activities that enriches and develops. Children, participating in various activities, know the new, experience the successes and failures, happy moments of creativity. Thus, they acquire the social experience they need and approved by the society of the personality.

Forms of extracurricular cases, their content is very diverse and difficult to account. We give the most common, most often found in school practices. At the same time, we will remember that many of them are held both on the scale of the entire school and within the class or two parallel classes. In modern school, class managers, teachers organize the following cases with children: Holidays, Evening, Fair, Lights, Disco, usually tied to the calendar date or related to the tradition of school (Soviet solemn dates are pushed by the Holie, Carnival, American Haloioin, European Day of Lovers, etc.); traditional classroom and school duty, periodic school cleaning; contests, days and weeks of knowledge on educational subjects; excursions in museums, enterprises, attractions of the hometown, sightseeing trips to the city, country, exit to the theater, less often a movie; Walking, hiking in the forest, to cultural monuments and history, multi-day trips and travel (mostly in the summer); sports competitions, health days; workshop according to the rules of behavior and security on the street, in the courtyard, in the entrance; Release and contests wallgazet, festive posters, postcards and more.

Especially note the phenomenon as class hour,in vain ousted from school practice. Cool hour has, in our opinion, at least two meanings, the first of which is just the time of work of the class teacher with a class, set in the schedule of lessons (alas, now no longer!). At this time, the class teacher can deal with the class with the fact that he, together with students, considers it necessary: \u200b\u200bConversations for the most different issues, educational games, discussions, reading books, etc. Unfortunately, it happens that teachers collect students only to solve organizational issues and "Replifting" for bad behavior and academic performance. Therefore, there is a second meaning of the concept of "class hour" - a collection of class students for class discussion. Here and you need to give the floor to the student governance, which will solve the organizational and other current issues of class life. It seems that the class hour in the first and in the second values \u200b\u200bdoes not necessarily carry out every week, and is enough twice a month.

We note that often the border between different types of clock is quite conditional: at the Class Assembly, on the discussion of class problems, can speak with a conversation, a teacher, parents, some guests. But let's say that conversations should not turn into personal verbal reprimands and edifications.


Educational challenges: helps to increase the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

This is a game of answers to questions, usually united by some topic.

Requirements for quiz:

- common topic;
- Questions must be concrete;
- pick up a certain number of questions;
- take into account the age and volume of knowledge of children, their interests;
- Thinking up the form of holding - "What? Where? When? "," Field of Wonders "," Break - Ring "," Happy case ";
- questionnaire - response (oral or written);
- It is possible to spend a quiz without prior training or questions are given to children in advance;

Quiz can be with different tasks:

- explain if you can;
- What approval is true, etc.

To give questions for expanding the horizons of children to which the answer should be found independently from sources. Literature indicate.

"Live newspaper."

Educational challenges: the development of creative and communicative abilities.

The model is old, it was invented by the counselors of the 20s. "Live" newspaper was revived in the 50s. Actually, this is a performance in the form of a newspaper, the scenario of which is written, invented and delivered by the counterators and children in compliance with journalism genres: editorial, feuilleton, report, essay, interview, questionnaire, cartoon, literary parody, cheerful mix, information, ads, advertising and etc. The participants of the newspaper, and there must be at least 7-10 people, first discuss the number of the number, come up with its composition. The newspaper may affect international events, talking about news in the country, in the native land, city, village and be sure about their detachment, class. The main thing is to choose the idea that the newspaper will defend, and the phenomena against which it will perform.

The newspaper may have permanent rubles: "Ball of the earth", "native land", "Ask - answer," "Congratulations", "it is interesting", "obvious - incredible", etc. The "Living Gazette" can use the traditions of radio and television, the genres of a living word - a fairy tale, fastener, a riddle, epic, a chastushka, couplets.

The newspaper members can make themselves costumes (hats from the newspaper; attributes; posters; carved letters, of which the name of the newspaper is developing, the letters are usually added to the shirts; suits necessary for each role, and others); Well, if the newspaper has musical accompaniment. The newspaper can be political, satirical, critical, ecological, cheerful, mischievous - different.

"Quiet reading hour."

Educational challenges: puts love for the book, to the artistic word and expands the horizons.

A quiet reading hour arises in opposition to the unlimited hobby of schoolchildren by television and videos who displacing a schoolchildren with a book with a book, liberating the developing psyche of a young man from the efforts of imagination, thinking and memory.

On that day, when the "quiet reading hour", children and teachers bring with them to school out-program books that they "are now read", they are provided with a common time for all members of the school team, when in silence and convenience, each person can safely read Bought a book.

This moment is pre-prepared: the announcement is posts, leaves for 1-2 days - memo, teachers resemble children about the intended matter. As a result, very rarely individual schoolchildren forget to grab a book with them to school. But this rare case is provided for: teachers and librarians pick up a number of books that they will offer a child.

The educational potential of "quiet reading" is not exhausted until the end, if at the end of it, the list of books readable by children and teachers is not discussed. This list is postponed by the end of the school day. "What we read today" and "what a teacher read". An emotional atmosphere is created, intelligent leaders are allocated, the field of bibliographic knowledge is expanding. The idea of \u200b\u200b"quiet reading" sometimes children are transferred to the family, bringing parents to reading books, for a long time forgotten.

"Project Protection" (Project - Dream).

Educational challenges: the development of fantasy, creative abilities, communicative skills.

"Project Protection"- This is a form of group activities of children. In it, a schoolboy manifests itself as an individual, capable of not only to evaluate reality, but also to project some necessary changes in the name of improving life. Much in these projects goes from a dream, from fantasy, but the real conquest of the course of today's everyday life remains in the fantasy of the fantastic flight of thought.

Here are examples of the thematic content of such projects: "Our school in 50 years", "cool room, built by me", "Art in our school", "School yard of my grandchildren."

Initially, to protect the project - dreams, you can create free groups with a set of hard game roles: a dreamer - Rapporteur, criticism of an ally opponent, propagandist. The discussion of the project is thus programmed, the content remains free and not predictable. Later, when project protection as a form of a creative game will be mastered, you can refuse from group, moving to the discussion of individual options for creative paintings of the future. The announcement of the upcoming competition can be bright, colorful, cheerful and kind, so that each schoolboy wanted to create a project - a dream. Cool leaders must support this breakdown, cheer up, give first tips, how to proceed with the project.

Evaluation of projects is better to produce in different criteria, so that the first places in the competition are taken by several authors: "For the very brave project", "for the most elegant project", "for the most beautiful project", etc.

From experience.

Fabuline quiz for students of 2 classes.


  • develop memory, thinking
  • become acquainted with a fairy tale

Visuality: Pictures with fabulous heroes, drawings.

Food skills and skills: learn to guess fairy tales on the names of heroes, according to their actions.

1. Teacher's introductory word:

- There are a lot of fairy tales. Guys, do you like fairy tales?

- What are fairy tales different from other works of art?

- Who writes fairy tales?

Guys, now you are divided into 2 teams of 6 people each and sorry. The rest will be fans. Assist your questions. Who will answer the question will be in the team.

Questions: The named heroes have double names. Take the beginning, you complete.

So, the teams are created.

2. The pictures call fairy tales.

umbrella - "Ole - Lukoil"
Moroshina - "Princess on the Peas"
Sledge - "Snow Queen"
Neprug - "Wild Swans".

3. "Guess fabulous names and objects."

  1. He was trying to eat five, and managed to sixth. (Kolobok)
  2. Sister Ivanushki. (Alenushka)
  3. Reptiles with three or more heads. (Zmey Gorynych)
  4. Fabulous hero, whose death is in the egg. (Koschey)
  5. Traditional male name in fairy tales. (Ivan)
  1. What did the Bear bear with the Pies? (Box)
  2. At its tip, the death of one of the heroes. (Needle)
  3. The dishes from which the crane fed fox? (Jug)
  4. Name of the hero that saved on the furnace (Emelya)
  5. Dwelling Baba - Yagi. (Hut)

4. Who will call more fairy tales

- about kids

- Oh birds

5. Image of the heroes of the fairy tale (scene, pantomime)

- Babo - Yagu

- Snake - Gorynych

6. Postman Pequin accidentally dropped the telegrams, and they got to our hands, but we cannot understand from whom they can help us?

  1. Happy Birthday.
  2. Found the boots - swords, soon arrive home.
  3. I will, I will wash in the morning and evenings.
  1. Baba and grandfather, Save, Lisa chases me.
  2. Fox took my house, and kicked out. Help!
  3. A wolf came and ate the 6th kids. Save!

Total: Guys, did you like fairy tales? I am very glad that you are so good and know a lot of fairy tales! I hope that you will continue to read a lot of fairy tales of different peoples and different writers: Andersen, Sh.perro, Brothers Grimm, and others. To new meetings.


  1. Voronov V. "A variety of forms of educational work", g. "Class Beladder", 2001-24, p.21-24.
  2. Table "Types and forms of educational activities."
  3. R.N.Buneev and E.V. Buenev"Little door to the big world", literary reading, 2 class.
  4. Russian folk tales and copyright fairy tales of different nations.

Types and forms of educational work.

No. p / p Kind of activity Special purpose Active forms of organization
1. Cognitive Enriches an idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding reality, forms a need for vocational education, contributes to intellectual development. Utric: seminar, lecture, role-playing game, project protection, creative report, offset, unconventional form.
Extracurricular: conference, round table, pedagogical readings, intelligent marathon, extracurricular PCC events (complementary work)
2. Public Promotes the socialization of students, includes Meetings with politicians, release of periodical press, discussion, management of self-government, pativity.
3. Validly ordered Rational understanding of universal and social values, the formation of culture, its "I". Disputes on moral topics, etiquette and professional ethics, decision of pedagogical situations, testing, questioning, compilation of a psychological card, shares of mercy.
4. Sports and recreation A healthy lifestyle, forms strength, endurance, plasticity and beauty of the human body and relationships. Mugs, Sections, Community training, Olympics, Friendly contests.
5. Art Sensual globility, the need for the beautiful, implementation of individual deposits and abilities. Musical and literary living rooms, creative contests.
Additional education, concerts of amateur amateur, performances in languages, excursions in museums, holidays, holidays.
6. Free communication Comcompanishing leisure schoolboy.
Communication with each other.
Group cases, "lights", hour of communication, quiz, evenings, the name of the group.
7. Labor Creation, preservation and multiplication of material values. Social and useful work on self-service, duty on school, etc.

the Russian Federation

The Republic of Khakassia

Municipal budgetary educational institution

municipal Education Sayanogorsk Secondary School No. 5.

N o l o f n and e

about classroom hours at school

  1. General provisions

Regulations on the holding hours at school (hereinafter referred to as the position) in the municipal budget general education institution of the municipality of Sayanogorsk Secondary school No. 5 (hereinafter - OU) was developed in accordance with paragraph 6, Article 228 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the charter of OU, taking into account the opinions of students and their parents (legal representatives).

The situation determines the goals, objectives, forms, organizational and functional structure, the content and toolkit for the assessment of the internal and external efficacy of classroom clocks in the MBOU SOSH No. 5.

The situation is considered at the meeting of the Governing Council, approved by order of the Director of the OU. The situation is necessarily for execution by all participants in educational relations. One instance of the position is stored in the office of the OU head. The text of the position is posted on the Internet on the official website of OU.

A class hour is a form of educational work in a classroom, which contributes to the formation of a system of relations to the environment of relations to the world.

A class hour is flexible in its composition and structure for the form of educational interaction; This is a form of communication of the class teacher and his pupils, a priority role in the organization that the teacher plays.

Class hour is included in the school schedule and is held every week on a certain day.

Class hour passes in every class weekly.

Two class hours a month are thematic, which are held in the first and fourth week of the month; Information class hour "What have I seen? What did I hear?" We are held 1 time in the second week of the month; Cool clocks aimed at the implementation of school programs are held 1 time per month in the third week.

The form of a class hour chooses a class team under the guidance of a class manager.

The class teacher in the preparation and holding of a classroom is its main coordinator and is responsible for the realization of the educational potential of the class hour.

Objectives and challenges of the class hour

The formation of knowledge on the issues of political, economic and social life, about himself, about loved ones, about the real, living life outside the school window.

The formation of civil position, moral and aesthetic qualities of the person.

Teach to understand your comrades, awaken the desire to help them solve problems, communicate, cooperate, interact with them.

Creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of subjectivity and individuality of the student, its creative abilities.

The formation of an emotional-sensitive sphere and value relationship of the child's personality.

The assimilation of children of knowledge, skills and skills of cognitive and practical and creative activities.

Formation of a class team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Forms of classroom clocks

When choosing a form of a specific class hour, a class teacher must consider:

age and intellectual features of schoolchildren;

their interests and requests;

compliance with the form and the purpose of the class hour;

own experience of educational work;

school conditions.

Form of

Discussion forms

dispute, discussion, conference, round table, evening questions and answers, meeting with invited people, lecture, auction.

Forms of contestantia

competition, quiz, journey, KVN, relay of useful affairs, review, parade, presentation, tournament, Olympiad.

Creative forms

festival, exhibition, oral magazine, live newspaper, creative work, performance (projects), humorine, performance, concert, fair, evening, discos (combined cool clock).

Gaming forms

role-playing games, plot games, intellectual, games - disasters.

Forms of psychological education

training, research.

Movable forms

cheerful starts, small Olympiad, school Olympiad, day ...... (athletics, health, etc.).

Work forms outside the school

excursion, hike, exit (concert, circus, theater representation).

Spoken forms

disputes, discussions, conversations, lectures, conferences, oral magazine.

Classroom functions

A class hour performs three basic educational functions: educational, orienting and guide. Most often, the class hour performs all functions at the same time. Most often, the class hour performs all functions at the same time.

Enlightenment - expands the circle of those knowledge of students who have not reflected in the curriculum.

Orientative - forms certain relations to objects of surrounding reality; Developing a certain hierarchy of material and spiritual values.

The guide is to transition a conversation about life in the real practice of students, directing their activities.

Forming - the implementation of the above functions; Formation of habits to think and evaluate their lives and themselves; Development of skills to keep a group dialogue, argumenting of his opinion.

School Methodical Association of Class Leaders of 1-11 classes Determines the traditional class clock for the school year in accordance with the analysis of the educational work of the past academic year with the goals and objectives for the upcoming academic year and, taking into account traditional communal measures, it is carried out as a single class hour in the first lesson in all classes at the same time .

The topics of class clock is diverse. It is determined in advance and is reflected in the plans of the educational work of class managers. The subject of one class hour is determined by the class team at the Class Assembly (a class leader in conjunction with students and their parents) at the end of each school year for the future academic year.

Cool clocks can be dedicated:

moral and ethical problems (they are formed a certain attitude of schoolchildren to their homeland, labor, team, nature, parents, self, etc.);

problems of science and knowledge (the purpose of such class hours in the development of schoolchildren to the right attitude towards studying, science, literature as a source of spiritual development of the person);

aesthetic problems (here students get acquainted with the main provisions of aesthetics; they talk about beautiful in nature, human clothes, in everyday life, labor, behavior; develop their creative potential);

states of state and law (these class clocks develop the interest of schoolchildren to political events occurring in the world; form a sense of responsibility and pride for their homeland, its successes in the international arena; teach to see the essence of state policy, class hours on political topics should be carried out in direct proof of richness of the year by various political events);

issues of physiology and hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, which should be perceived by students as elements of culture and beauty of a person;

psychological problems (the goal - to stimulate the process of self-knowledge, self-education and organization of elementary psychological education);

problems of ecology (the purpose is to influence the responsible attitude towards nature);

community-free problems (significant events, anniversary dates, holidays, traditions, etc.).

Requirements for the content of the class hour:

Stability, for each hour and time is defined. It is not recommended to spend a cool hour on Saturday, better in the first half of the week.

Cool clocks should be built so that in their content they go from simple to complex, from information to estimates, from estimates - to judgments.

The class teacher must have a class plan: the topics of the class hour, the date, the purpose of educational, the sequence, visibility, the final word of the teacher, conclusions for the class hour, managed to realize educational goals.

During the class hour, the class teacher should not impose his opinion and its judgments, but its possibilities - to conduct correction and assist in search of the right decision.

It is necessary to take into account the psychological features of students in constructing a class hour. The content of the classroom should be the dynamics of activities, questions, information.

Cool hour, regardless of its varieties, should bear a positive emotional charge, he must develop the senses of students, positive emotions.

Classroom organization

When planning open class hours, it should be evenly distributed by academic year. Each teacher can spend 4 - "open" classrooms during the school year. It is not advisable to plan for the first and last quarter of the quarter (before and after vacation).

A month before the open class hour, the teacher or the head of the methodological association is informed by the Deputy Director for BP on the conduct of an open class hour.

The organization of the classroom begins with the psychological preparation of students to a serious conversation. An important part of the overall organizational work is preparing the premises to this event. The classroom must be purely removed, is carried out, as necessary, decorated with flowers, aphorisms, etc. The class of class hour can be written on the board / poster, in addition, the issues to be discussed must be reported.

At the class hour, the disciples are seated, as they want.

The duration of the class hour is 45 minutes, but younger students can be reduced to 20-30 minutes, the senior schoolchildren can be more than one astronomical hour (if the problem has been interested in all students, and the discussion has not been completed). However, in any case, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for a schoolboy's day regime.

Before holding a class hour, a class teacher must solve a number of tasks:

determine the topic of the class hour;

pick up the form / methods / technology of it;


draw up a class plan;

involve as many participants in the process of preparing and conducting as many participants;

distribute tasks between creative groups and individual students.

Promplement of students for classroom hours, involving in a conversation about life, the class teacher teaches them to analyze life phenomena.

Any team keeps traditions, and a class hour must be traditional. It means that it is necessary to create it together, with the whole team: teacher and children, then on a class hour, a joint creativity will be possible, mutual exchange of views, creative work on the construction of a team of its class.

Structure of classroom

In structural terms, the class hour consists of three parts: introductory, primary and final.

Appointment of the introductory part: to intensify the attention of students, to provide a rather serious and respectful attitude towards the topic of conversation, to determine the place and significance of the issue of the issue in the life of a person, the production, development of science and society.

The objectives of the main part are determined by the educational tasks of the class hour. During the final part, it is important:

stimulate the need for schoolchildren in self-education:

support a desire to change the life of others;

direct the energy of pupils for practical affairs for the benefit of other people.

Assessment quality of the class hour.

The quality of the classroom is estimated on the criteria for external and internal efficiency.

The toolkit of the internal efficiency of the class hour is the analysis of the classroom (Appendix No. 1), reviews, essays of the students who they write at the end of the classroom.

External efficiency assesses the deputy director for educational work.

Appendix No. 1.

to the Regulations on the conduct

classroom hours at school

Analysis of the class hour

Classroom teacher
(F. I.O., Qualification)

1. General information about the class hour

Date ____________________ Class _____________________
Subject homeroom __________________________________________________________________________________
The form of ______________________________________________________________________________
Implemenable technology (technology elements):
- collectively-creative education, education on the basis of a systematic approach, individualized (personal) training, education in the learning process (underline)
- Other technology _____________________________________________________________

Optimality of the volume of the proposed cognitive material


Relevance and educational orientation homeroom _________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

The degree of novelty, problematical and cognitive information attractiveness for pupils __________________________________________________________________________________

Place of Classroom in the Educational System


Characteristics of the target class hours and correspond to its content homeroom ______________ _________________ ----------------------- __________________________________________________________________________________

Characteristics of the equipment used:
- Tools of visibility __________________________________________________________
- TSO _________________________________________________________________________
- Handout _____________________________________________________________

Compliance with the design of the classroom classroom themes __________________________________________________________________________________

the level of activity of students in the preparatory work __________________________________________________________________________________

Organization of educational activities:

The presence and quality of the organizer:
. preparing students for top class hours, emotional __________________________________________________________________________________
. organizational beginning of class hours (methods and activities) __________________________________________________________________________________
. External readiness ________________________________________________________________
. Psychological readiness of students ____________________________________________
. Class registration ____________________________________________________________

The use of a variety of forms of activity in organizing the event (collective, group, individual, pair, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________

Justification of the choice of the form of class hours (poetry musical composition, the game excursion, contest, dispute, conversation, etc.). __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Activities of students:

Level of activity:
- high, medium, low, normal, dynamic;
- reproductive activity, productive activity, creative activity (underline).

Interest in the topic ______________________________________________________________________________

Independence of judgments __________________________________________________________________________________

Speech study, literacy ______________________________________________________________________________

Culture of behavior, discipline ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Profitability of the class hour:

Creating an atmosphere of creativity, the depth of awareness of the problem, etc.__________________
The emotionality of the class hour __________________________________________________
Management of the process of attention throughout the event ________________________

Forms and methods of organizing the activities of students:
- Forms: individual, group (pair), frontal, collective; Problem learning method, partially search, research explanatory-illustrative; Valid, visual, practical.
- Other _______________________________________________________________________

The moral and psychological atmosphere of the class hour:
- ease of communication, mutual respect, rigor, humor, open-minded attitude, objective assessment, weighted response, fault-finding, nervousness, irritation;
- Other _______________________________________________________________________

Analysis amounted to (a) _____________________________________________

"____" __________________ 20 ____ g.

Open after-school activities - a form of demonstration of advanced pedagogical development, way of introducing them into practice and professional development of teachers. The most important condition for open lessons is publicity through which the objectives listed above are achieved.

The peculiarities of extracurricular activities are their unusualness, so to speak, the unhands of the choice of species and forms of conduct, which contributes to the awakening of the interest of children to the learning process, motivating them to the independent knowledge of a specific subject.

Classification of extracurricular activities

The main types of extracurricular activities can be considered educational, leisure and sports and wellness.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at the intensification of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, deepening their knowledge, expansion of the horizon, the formation of the civil position of students.

Leisure activities allow us to specify the interests of students aimed at acquiring certain skills and skills, diversify the school life entertaining moments.

Sports and recreation activities ensure the physical development of schoolchildren, contribute to improving and maintaining their health.

In the classification of extracurricular activities proposed by us, the emphasis is on the goal of the event. It is this aspect that determines the choice of the form of conduct.

Forms of extracurricular activities

Each type of extracurricular activities is inherent in their ways to implement. Of course, the list is not static and limited: objects in it can vary, intersect, unite.

Educational and educational extracurricular activities can have such forms of execution: conversation, discussion, meeting with interesting people, quiz, theater, training, conference, Olympiad, review, competition, excursion.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - training skills, skills, which is implemented in the following didactic models: workshop (cutting and sewing, culinary, visual, photo, modeling), pleinner, master class, theater studio. In addition, leisure activities are conducted in entertainment purposes, which contributes to the unification of children's entertainment leisure activities - competition, game, theatrical action.

Sports and wellness open extracurricular activities are held in the form of sports games, campaigns.

The age-related features of students in choosing the content and forms of extracurricular activities are crucial. We study this aspect of the problem.

Primary School

Of particular importance is the holding of open extracurricular activities in elementary school. The children of junior classes are most sensitive to the knowledge of the new, require a visual demonstration of the proposed knowledge, in addition, younger students are very high.

Based on this, when planning extracurricular activities for students in grades 1-4 should be given preference to conduct classes with elements of motor activity, games, competitive tasks, excursions. An open extracurricular 2 class event should take into account the slight practical experience of children of this age category, to form basic knowledge, skills and skills.

High school

Children of senior school age are capable of a longer static perception of material, to reproduction of more text, they are distinguished by stress resistance, which plays a decisive role when choosing a form of an extracurricular event. In such cases, it is worth a preference to theatrical productions, KVN, Breun-Ring, tourist campaign, career guidance excursions.

Educational Extracurricular Events

Considering that the primary task of the school is training, we will dwell in more detail on the consideration of educational open events.

Open extracurricular activities of an educational nature contribute to an in-depth study of the material on certain subjects, systematizing the knowledge gained using non-traditional forms of information feeding.

Extracurricular event in mathematics

The main purpose of the extracurricular occupation in mathematics is the practical application of knowledge acquired in class lessons. Such events are most effective in the form of games, travel, competitions, excursions, theatrical performances, subject weeks. Types of extracurricular activities exist different.

Cognitive functions of the game are very wide. The main advantage of the game to other forms of extracurricular activities is its availability. Sleeping of mathematical Sharad, puzzles, crosswords - a very exciting process that allows you to systematize the knowledge gained, produces the logicality of thinking, smelting.

Traveling to the country of mathematics allows children to come close to mathematical terms, realizing their reality and the need for life.


Competitive forms of open extracurricular activities in mathematics solve not only purely subject matters, but also form a team, demonstrating real relationships in the classroom.

Carrying out excursions aimed at studying mathematics allows children to project bookmarks on the world around.

Theatrical performances, based on the scenario of which there is such an item as mathematics, clearly demonstrate the pattern of causal relations, form the concepts of geometric forms, sizes, and the like.

The subject weeks in mathematics are a complex of open extracurricular activities carried out in the following forms: an open lesson - an extracurricular event, a game, competition, quiz.

An extracurricular event in mathematics activates students, contributes to the formation of logical thinking. The most effectively conducting classes forming interdisciplinary communications: an open extracurricular event in mathematics in the form of a theatrical production, which will increase the level of humanitarian and mathematical knowledge; Excursion to nature, to consolidate the skills obtained in the lessons of environmental education and mathematics.

The practical importance of extracurricular activities on technology

Especially relevant such registration is for the new subject "Technology", the main purpose of the introduction of which to the curriculum has become the practical application of knowledge obtained at school.

Given that the school program will lead to the study of the subject "Technology" a critical amount of school hours, a crucial role in the development of this discipline plays the conduct of extracurricular activities.

The target direction of this subject on the rapprochement of the theory and practice allows us to talk about the features of extracurricular activities on technology.

The development of labor skills of students is the most important component at school. Labor brings up such qualities of personality as independence, responsibility for decisions made, which contributes to the formation of a full-fledged citizen.

An open extracurricular technology event will demonstrate independent practical skills and students' skills acquired in classes motivating their work. In addition, technology lessons make it possible to identify the tendency of children to a certain type of activity, which, in turn, will help them in the future decide on the choice of profession.

An extracurricular technology event is carried out in various forms: workshop, master class, quiz, games, competition.


Any open lesson (extracurricular event) allows you to consolidate schoolchildren's knowledge in a particular subject. In addition, this form of classes is of great interest among the guys. Pedagogue is worth plaining an extracurricular event in advance. In the preparation process, you can use the help of students.

In class. This form is characterized by its flexibility. When her help can be actively affected by children, try to develop their positive qualities.

Classroom targets

Features of choosing the form of classroom hours are caused by the goals that each teacher must set themselves during communication with children. First of all, it is necessary for the formation of such a team, in which each schoolboy will feel comfortable. It is very important to create a medium staying in which students will have all the possibilities for the manifestation of their individuality, the implementation of any creative abilities.

In addition, the class hour is needed to create a child value system, the formation of the emotional-sensitive sphere of his life. This is an excellent opportunity to learn applied knowledge, learn more about nature and society.

Class features in elementary school

When choosing a form of classroom clocks in elementary school, it is necessary to take into account the psychological features of children, the fact that they still know how to concentrate. Therefore, it is important to often change the activities, switch their interest. Also during educational work, you need to actively use visibility, intrigue children, to make an element of surprise. Parents can be connected to the preparation of class events.

Basic forms of classroom clocks in elementary school

The easiest way to organize communication with the class in the form of a quiz. This will contribute to the development of cognitive kids. During the quiz, you can use rebuses, small tasks, interesting questions, crosswords, painting paintings. All this will allow to expand the horizons of children. The most active participants of the event must be rewarded at least small prizes (can be self-made).

Also, forms of classroom hours at school include a conversation. This should not be communication between the teacher and children. Congrators can be attracted to the communication process. Adult schoolchildren can tell the kids about the right mode of the day, the features of behavior in school. A good idea is to invite veterans, firefighters, just worthy citizens, which will be an example for imitation.

On the eve of any interesting dates, you can organize entire holidays. At the same time, it should be involved in the work of all class students. Everyone can make any lept that in the end it turned out a good event. The teacher should not take over all the preparatory work. His task is to be a mentor and organizer. He needs to help children show their talents. As a result, schoolchildren will remember this holiday for a long time.

Cool clock in grade 5

Grade 5 is more adults and conscious guys, while they still do not lose their curiosity. High-quality class hours during this period contributes to the establishment of a team, helps to facilitate the adaptation of students who come out of their comfort zone and begin to work with different teachers.

Modern forms of holding are creative. It may be theatrical performances, festivals, holidays. In addition, gaming forms of work are possible. Children at this age are very susceptible to the game. They are ready to show enthusiasm. Schoolchildren seek to be the best in everything, and you can implement this opportunity through games. Entertainment may have a different character. For example, in the 5th grade you can arrange a brain ring or "field of miracles".

Discussion forms of classroom clocks

In high school, it is possible to use any form of classroom hours, including discussion. For example, it can be a dispute. This form of educational activities provides for an open bright dispute on any serious theme on which you can take a look from different sides. The use of the dispute is necessary for the development of dialectical thinking of children. Also in high school you can resort to the discussion, in which each of the students will defend their opinion. This can be done by bringing convincing arguments.

More serious training needs such forms of classroom clocks in as a conference. In fact, this is a meeting in order to discuss any issue. All conference participants must be prepared, so it is necessary to distribute the task in advance to students and monitor their implementation to the class hour. The same applies to the Round Table. It also applies to discussion forms, only participants can speak out only in a certain order.

Information Hour - You can organize the exchange of news. The teacher gives the task of all students to prepare an interesting news on a specific topic: scientific achievements, space, nature protection, health, art, etc.

The living room is an opportunity to meet with interesting people. Get acquainted with the local elite or simply representatives of various professions. It is important for the development of a horizon of children, qualitative career guidance.

Competitive forms of classroom

This category includes any events providing for the competition. It can be contests, quiz, reviews, presentations. Another shape family shape - KVN! Such an event allows you to discharge the atmosphere in the classroom, to enable the guys to joke, show your humorous talents.

Creative class hours

These are far from new forms of classroom, but not losing their relevance. Children love them, because they can fully realize their talents.

The festival is within which one can demonstrate their achievements in the field of amateuria. Such a form of interaction will help every child to show their individuality, will awaken together schoolchildren to art. By the way, festivals can be not only musical, but also theatrical.

The exhibitions allow you to demonstrate the results of the activity that usually remains out of sight of teachers. These can be embroidered or related products, various crafts, items collected as a result of tourist and local history campaigns.

Concerts are execution before the public of musical works, the declaration of poems and much more. They may be thematic or reporting.

A variety of classrooms

The article lists only the basic forms of classroom clocks. In fact, they are much more. Moreover, each teacher has the ability to combine elements of different forms or create new ones. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children, their creative potential, collective cohesion. It is very important not to turn a class hour into a boring event, after which children will not have any positive emotions. Schoolchildren should not feel pressure from the teacher. For this, cool clocks must be bright and interesting.

Lessons Schoolchildren can overcome over time, but a great time spent with the class teacher and classmates must remain in memory forever. A good mentor is obliged to be able to diversify the life of his wards with the help of unusual events. We just need not to regret your strength and have enough love for schoolchildren. Properly organized class hour will allow children to reveal their talents, and the teacher will give the opportunity to realize themselves.