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Growing garlic in open ground as a business. Comparative analysis of potatoes yield in Russia and in the world

The yield of any cultivated plant depends primarily from the agriculture system, i.e., the correct alternation of crops, and from the structure of the sowing space (the ratio of sowing areas different cultures) and the structure of sowing of each individual culture (the number of individual plants per unit area and their interposition). The structure of crops should ensure maximum use of plants solar energyper sowing area. No less important to increase productivity quality seed material, right methods earth handling water mode Soil, applying fertilizers, the fight against pests and disease diseases and weeds, etc. The effect of the quality of the seed material can be illustrated by the following data. When replacing the old grade of winter wheat "Novokrainka 84" with a new variety of "intimate 1" grain yield, with other things being equal, rose from 26 to 42-46 centners / ha. If all the collective farms and state farms of the USSR switched to sowing grain crops with high-quality seeds of the best and hybrid varieties, this would give an additional more than 16 million tons of bread (From the report of the Minister of Agriculture of the USSR in the February Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1964) ). The American Farmer Garet, who visited the Soviet Union, said that in the United States as a result of the transition to corn sowing with hybrid seeds, the yield of corn grain rose from 16 to 24 c / ha("True", No. 44, 13.11. 1964) . As an interesting example, you can also bring new Sort Sunflower, derived by Academician V. S. Vnovina. Cellularity of the seeds of cultivated previously varieties of sunflower did not exceed 28-30%; The oil content in the seeds of the new grade has reached 40.4%. In 1961, only at the expense of this, an additional 480 thousand tons were obtained sunflower oil. To get such a number of oil from the seeds of old varieties, it would be necessary to increase the area of \u200b\u200bsowing sunflower for 2 million hectares.

An important role of irrigation in increasing yields with insufficient natural moistening of the soil is visible from Table. 6, where data is given on the magnitude of the harvest of a number of cultures in the steppe and arid areas of Ukraine.

According to an experimental ameliorative Engels station (Saratov region), the yield of three wheat varieties (Lyutssenz-230, snap-1 and Miro-Novskaya-808) on irrigated areas increased by an average of 16 to 40 c / ha.

In India, as a result of the use of artificial irrigation, the harvest of various cultures increases in


Without irrigation


Winter wheat


Green mass of corn

Summer planting potatoes

Sugar beet



Feed beet










Lucerne (hay)

1.6-2 times, and sometimes 6 times. With a periodic watering of the harvest of individual crops can be removed 3-4 times a year.

For world agriculture, a large difference in the level of yields of the same crops on individual countries is characterized (Table 7). Such sharp fluctuations in the level of yield cannot be explained only by the difference in climate or quality of soils of individual countries. To a large extent, they also depend on the technique of agriculture and the degree of mechanization of agricultural work.

Before considering individual factors in the intensification of agriculture, we define approximately how many people can be provided with full nutrition using crops of agricultural crops with 1 hectare. All data required for this counting are shown in Table. 8. Wheat yield, barley, pea, sugar beet and potatoes are adopted equal to the average maximum yield, which had a place in advanced countries in 1963-1964. When determining the yield of sunflower, alfalfa, vegetables, fruits and berries, we took the average good indicators from the practice of many countries. Structure of sowing, i.e. the distribution of the cultivated area between individual crops can be quite different. We accepted the one specified in Table. 8 as one of














(South Korea)


















(Costa Rica)









(South Korea)







Sugar beet




* Statist. Agricul. PRODUCTION 1963-1964. Fao Rome, 1965.

most effective. Caloric content of 1 kg of grain is adopted equal to 3500 kcal. The average amount of straw per 1 kg of wheat grain is usually 2 kg, per 1 kg barley - 1.4 kg, pea - 1.5 kg. The caloric content of 1 kg of straw relative to the caloric content of 1 kg of wheat grain is 0.21%, for barley - 0.36%, for pea 0.23%. Based on all these data, 25.6 million kcal can be obtained from 1 hectares of the sown area, which can be used by a person with food and pets with feeds. If an annual food rate of a person is 3.32 million kcal, "it means that the seven people can be contacted harvest with 1 hectare.

Data for calculating calorie 'harvest with 1 hectare


Yield, c / ha

Square sowing, ha

Digested Energy, Million / Kcal

per 1 kg of main products

on the square of the sowing

Winter wheat












Sugar beet


















Fruits and berries



Thus, if the yield of all cultures will be raised to the level of yield in advanced for each culture of countries, then with the world's cultivated area (1.46 billion hectares) can be obtained so many food products that they are enough for 10 billion people, and with Potentially possible sowing area (9.33 billion hectares) - 65.3 billion people.

To achieve such a level of yield, no new inventions are required. It is only necessary that the agricultural technique of advanced countries is mastered and implemented worldwide so that all land crops are provided with fertilizers and water.

This is confirmed, in particular, the agricultural practice of the Soviet Union and other countries. In the USSR, the average yield of grain and other food crops is significantly lower than the yield in advanced in individual cultures of countries. But very often on a wide variety of soils, on hundreds and thousands of hectares, the yield of individual cultures not only reaches yields in advanced countries, but also exceeds it. Some of these examples are shown in Table. nine.

Separate agricultural workers achieve even better results. For example, A. G. Eremenko


Yield, c / ha

Square sowing, ha




Kolkhoz them Kirov Ardonsky district of North Ossetian ASSR


Collective farm them. Lenin Leskensky district of Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR



Kagarlyksky district of Kiev oblast

Isobelnen Square Stavropol Territory

Fields of the Ukrainian Research Institute of irrigated agriculture



The collective farm of the Gurlensky district of the Khorezm region. Uzbek SSR


The collective farm "Path to Communism" of Tima-Shevsky district of Krasnodar Territory


Collective farm them. XXII Parts of Bershad district Vinnitsa region.


State farm "Petrovsky" Lipetsk region

Vegetable-milk state farm "Leninsky" Alma-Ata region.

(collective farm. Karl Marx of the Skatalatsky district of Tarnopol region) removed the grains of corn 224 c / ha, I. K. Mostrok (collective farm. 800th anniversary of Moscow Zelishchinsky district of Tarnopol region . X. Hadar residents (collective farm. Kirov Ardonsky district of the North-Ossetian ASSR) - 160 c / ha, etc. These corn yields exceed yields, for example, in Switzerland 3-4.5 times. X. K. Mugusha (Primorsky Diazza Region) received a crop of grain grain of winter wheat varieties of "ignorant-1" 62 c / ha, K. N. Polishchuk (collective farm "Lenin's Bunny" Kryzhopolsky district .) I took off the crop of pea 43 c / ha, G. S. Burtsev (the state farm. Telman Leningrad region) received a yield of potatoes 457 c / ha, Kim Mun (collective farms. Abaya KazSK) raised sugar beet yield 714 c / ha.

All these figures with great persuasiveness indicate that at the modern level of development of biological and agricultural sciences.the medium-level yields of useful crops can be increased by 2-3 times.

In addition, speaking of yields, we did not take another factor - climatic. In tab. 7 The yield was shown in countries, most of which are north of 55 ° C. But after all, with a decrease in the latitude, the intensity of solar radiation and the duration of the growing season increase. It means that at the same level of agriculture development and with the same coefficient of use of photosynthetically active radiation, as in these countries, yields in more southern countries are much higher. The crop with 1 hectare on the latitude of 50 ° provides 8.2 annual food norms, on a latitude of 45 ° - 9.3, on the latitude of 40 ° -11.5, etc.

A. A. Nichiporovich conducted a very interesting calculation of possible yields on various latitudes, provided that the coefficient of use of photosynthetically active radiation is 5%, crops are fully provided with water and nutrient substances and for crops are used best varieties Plants. It turns out that the latitude of 55 ° over the growing season can be removed from 1 hectares of the dry mass of the organic matter, which corresponds to the grain yield of 120 c / ha. With such a yield on the latitude of 55 °, 18 people can be contacted with 1 hectare, and in the breadth of 40 ° - 24 people. These data, as well as the indices of the yields achieved in the individual collective farms of our country, show that on the land being processed now it is possible to obtain funds that are sufficient for 20-30 billion people, and on a potential sowing area (9.33 billion hectares) - for 130-195 billion people. It is also important that in subtropical and tropical countries in one year you can shoot two, or even three crops. This applies, for example, almost to all areas of India, but now there is more than one crop there only by 13.5% of the area being processed. Three crops per year are possible in Egypt, but while there are on average and a half harvest. In Italy (Milan district, 45 ° C. sh.) On the fields of irrigation after removal of the grain harvest (55 centners / ha), rice; The crop of this culture is 93 c / ha. In areas of higher latitudes, where the Earth does not give more than one harvest of the main culture, after harvesting the main culture, you can suite the rarely or grain crops on the green mass.

In some districts of the USSR, secondary crops are also possible. For example, in the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR in the collective farm. Lenin after removing the crop of corn on the grain the corn on the green mass; Vintage last - 300 c / ha, and in advanced brigades - 700-800 centners / ha. With dry and warm autumn with repeated crops, grain are harvested - up to 22-26 c / ha. In the Odessa and Kherson regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the main culture - winter wheat - sleeps by June 15-20. After that, the growing season continues for another 135-145 days, and it can be used to grow secondary "outright" cultures. In the Krasnodar Territory in 1959, 382 thousand hectares were employed by the secondary sowing of corn. At the same time, the harvest of the green mass of corn (in the phase of the cauldle) reached 317 c / ha. In 1962, in Kuban, the secondary crops of corn (after wheat and pea) took hundreds of thousands of hectares. Ripening of major cultures to Minsk-Kursk - Ulyanovsk - Orenburg ends around July 1. In the zone, the south of this line can be grown by corn, chumina, peas, barley, tour, and some herbal mixes. Even in more northern zones, where major cultures ripen by July 15, after their collection to grow Vica, Oats or buckwheat.

When choosing seed tubers from autumn harvest or, when they are purchased, it is important to determine in advance how much the planting material is required. This value depends on many factors: varieties of potatoes, tuber size, soil fertility, climate in the region, growth paths.

The traditional method of growing potatoes is landing with rows. The width of the rows is 70-90 cm, the distance between the plants in the row is 25-45 cm.

Opinion expert

Filatov Ivan Yuryevich, private farmer over 30 years

For example, on one weaving (section of 10 × 10 m), with a distance between rows 70 cm, approximately 14 series is located (taking into account the fact that the extreme rows on the site are located with an indentation from the border). If the distance between the plants is 40 cm, then in a row you can plant 25 tubers. Consequently, 350 potatoes are required for landing on 1 hectare. When weighing seed tubers 70-80 g, the total mass of the planting material will be 27-28 kg.

Of course, in practice, seed tubers are calibrated with high accuracy Only in specialized stores. Therefore, if the planting material is taken from its own crop, then it is necessary to take into account the error (as well as the possible damage of seeds in the repository) and leave the seeds about 28-29 kg per hundred square meters,

When marking the same plantation scheme, the hectare size will be 142 furrows, in each - 250 bushes. It will take 35500 seminal tubers with a total mass of about 2.84 tons (in practice 2.8-2.9 tons).

Potato consumption when landing on 1 hectare

As an example, we calculate the sowing rate of potatoes on 1 hecto parada or a hundred square meters:

  1. the size of the rectangular section: 12.5 m in length and 8 m wide, the beds are located in the south direction to the north, the section contains 10 rows; The distance between the rows is 80 cm;
  2. the length of each layer is 125 m, the distance between the tubers is 10 cm from each other, each tuber must weigh an average of 200-300 g and contain at least 5 eyes;
  3. the length of the row (125 cm), multiplied by 10 rows of the series, will be obtained 1250 pieces. It is necessary to divide by 5, as a result we get 250 tubers.

Conclusion: For one weekee, the land is the amount of 250 tubers. Similarly, calculations are carried out for the sowing of potatoes on large areas. To calculate the planned harvest, the number of sowing tubers planted on an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectares is multiplied by medium weight Potatoes.

Example: The middle weight of the cloth for planting is about 60 g or 0.06 kg. Slow 65,000 tubers with 1 hectare. The planned income of 1 hectare will be: 65,000 x 0.06 \u003d 3.9 tons with hectares.

How many potato seeds on 1 hectare

The main goal of growing seed potatoes is the maximum crop with the smallest size of tubers. This is important because small seed potatoes are more expensive than large. High harvest with not large quantity tubers achieved only at the expense large number These tubers. This is achieved due to the greater landing density. For example, in the Netherlands the optimal density is 25 - 45 basic stems on square meter.

The optimal density of the bushes is selected depending on the diversity, the soil type, the length of the growing season (class), the prices of seed potatoes in general and seed material specified. Ask your trading partner (or who you buy seeds) choose the best density of the selected variety, considering all local conditions. If the bush does not completely cover the leaves with the soil, then in hot periods there is a risk of secondary growth. As a result of this germination, secondary tubers are formed with a very low content of dry matter, and primary tubers are deformed.

Having determined how many seeds need to plant on the hectare to achieve the necessary density of the plantation, the distance between the bushes in the row is easily pink. Suppose you want to have 35 thousand plants with hectares. This means that the area of \u200b\u200bone plant will be 10,000 m2 / 35,000 \u003d 0.286 m2. If the distance between the rows is 75 cm, the distance between the sleeves in the row will be 2.860 cm2 / 75 cm - 38 cm.

How many potatoes can be collected from 1 hectare on average

So, what is the average potato yield with 1 hectare? The size of the seed potato significantly affects the development of the plant. However, with the same number of stems per square meter, ultimately, it will lead to an increase in yield. As for kilograms of tubers, relatively less tubers develop relatively more stems than large ones. In some embodiments, this difference is up to 40 percent. Therefore, for example, in the Netherlands seed tubers in size 28-35 mm more than a tuber size of 35-45 mm.

The size of seminal tubers significantly affects the development of plants. Because larger potatoes contains more nutrients.

Determine how many tubers are contained in 1 kg to calculate the total weight of the potato seeds that you need. Thus, you will learn how much seed potatoes are necessary to maintain the selected landing density.

The yield of potatoes depends on many factors. We estimate the harvest not by the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, but by the number of landing material. From one to five. If the dacket planted one bucket and dug five buckets - it's good.

How many potatoes can be collected from 1 acmition

You can get more than 200 kg (say, 4 bags) if you buy elite seeds, more often watch each bush, feed it. The yield of potatoes largely depends on the state of the soil, its fertility. In well-fertilized, unnecessary land, without a wire worm and a bear with 1 potatoes you can dig up from 3 to 5 huge potatoes. For example, potatoes Zhukovsky early gives from 100 square meters from 200 to 450 kilograms. Potato varieties Red cat gives with 1 hectare, that is, 100 square m from 450 to 600 kilograms.

But, nevertheless, no variety will survive and every year the crop will be less if the earth will not rest and will not be fertilized.

The answer to this question depends on many circumstances and specific factors:

  • First, from the Earth on which this potato will grow.
  • Secondly, from the type of planted potato.
  • Thirdly, from those weather conditions and characteristics of this area, even from height above sea level.

Specific indicator - in the Tambov region, in chernozem, bluebeck, favorable conditions, gives about two bags, i.e. about 70-80 kilograms.

How many kg from 1 weave you collect?

More than 100 kgLess than 100 kg

How to increase potatoes yield

To come close to the desired volume of harvesting from hectare, a number of conditions must be observed.

  1. It is necessary to carefully approach the selection of a variety: it must be suitable for the conditions of your region, check for yield. Even the highest gone, but not resistant to dry conditions, varieties, will not give the expected results, you will plant them in the southern steppe areas of our country.
  2. Another one an important point It is that for several years not grow potatoes in the same place: in this way you can very quickly degrade degeneration. Either we change the seating pad or change the planting material.
  3. As you know, potatoes love loose soils, freely transmitting air and water, respectively, having planted it on the clay area, you should not expect any decent return. Sandy soil mixes, abundantly fertilized by organic fertilizers and providing good circulation of oxygen, will work well for harvest.
  4. But the most important point is, of course, high-quality soil fertilizer. Feeding can be carried out as organic ( bird litter, humus or compost) and mineral fertilizers.


In this video you will give advice from practice, how to grow rich potato harvest.

The meaning of this plant for Russia is difficult to overestimate. Potatoes are the most consumable vegetable in our country. 120-130 kg per person per year - a significant number, and in the production of potatoes we give only China. This is a strategic culture that successfully provides countries.

Potato growing in Russia

One of the features of our potato production is the predominance of traditionally characterized by its low efficiency due to the high proportion of manual labor.

In recent years, more actively develop large production Potatoes demonstrating much higher yield due to the possibility of applying technologies and scientifically based soil fertilizer norms.

Another characteristic feature recent years It is a reduction in the areas allocated for but an increase in yield so far allows you to fully compensate for the decrease in planting area.

However, in order to catch up with developed countries, we have to increase the current yield indicator more than twice. It is not easy, because competition in the markets of agricultural products increased, and fuel prices are growing rapidly.

In addition, as usual, the technical support of the industry is lagging behind. All this led to the fact that the weakest producers go, not withstanding competition, and the remaining forced to constantly think about improving production efficiency.

Russia is a traditional treasury leader in the gross production of potatoes, producing 11% of world gathering. At the same time, 70-80% of the product in untreated form goes to personal consumption.

Industrial processing in Russia is developed very weak, not exceeding a few percent. According to forecasts, the next redistribution of the potato market in Russia will be associated with the development of the processing of this vegetable.

Basic pests of potatoes

The colorado beetle is one of the main pests of potatoes. In small areas, it is struggling with it by hand, collecting beetles, dolls and larvae in a container with kerosene, formalin or strong brine. In the plots of the large area, 80% dilor or chlorofos are used. Best time For chemical processing - the beginning of the reproduction of the second-third age larvae.

Potato nematodes often attacks potatoes. Its larvae harm and roots, and plant tubers. Cysts nematodes are in the ground, on the roots of potatoes, and contain 200-1000 eggs in each. Externally, the plant looks like a patient, the lower leaves die away, the rest quickly faded. Cysts can keep viability up to 10 or more years. At infected areas, quarantine measures usually observe, do not cultivate leguminous, grain and vegetable crops up to four years. The struggle against pests does not allow to use infected seeds and guns that are treated with the soil.

Wire - larvae oglkunov, damaging roots and tubers. To combat him satisfied traps, creating small herbal handhes in the garden. They are gathering beetles that are subsequently destroyed. Wearing weeds also helps, it is especially important to destroy drinking.

The fight against pests of potatoes should be the focus of anyone who is engaged in its cultivation, otherwise you can lose the whole harvest.

Profitability of potato business

If you invest in production 80 000 rubles, you can get the yield of potatoes with 1 hectares in the amount of 20 tons. At the same time, with the same wheat area, it will be possible to collect only 7-8 tons, which will ensure approximately 60-65 thousand rubles. arrived. In the case of applying new technologies, the yield of potatoes with 1 hectare can reach 80 t / ha, and the income, respectively, is 800 thousand rubles!

Experts calculated that it is necessary to grow by 100-240% profitable potatoes. The business plan for its production should take into account the field area at least 250 hectares, and financial investments - at $ 7 million, and even working capital in the amount of $ 0.5-1 million last year The profitability of this business in Russia amounted to 40-60%.

According to the same experts, the process of growing potatoes pays off on average for 5-7 years, and intermediate results are not always indicative. Throughout the period of activity, planned and serious investments are needed. For example, the cost of the combine is about 300 thousand euros, the plant is 80 thousand euros, etc. Soviet technique has already been outdated and can lead to a damage of the crop.

But all this applies to an individual economy there are schemes with a low level of investment, but also with lower profitability.

Business plan for home plot

Potato production technology on a personal site has its own characteristics. First, let's try to calculate at least the approximate profitability of potato business in these conditions. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the expected costs. Then it makes sense to calculate the amount of profit, given the average potato yield with 1 hectare and wholesale prices. After that, to obtain the amount of net income, it is necessary to subtract first from the second digit. Approximate calculation for a plot of 0.5 hectare will look as follows.

Thus, all preliminary costs are stacked in the amount of 1.5 thousand dollars. With a medium yield in 200 kg from a hundred and an average wholesale purchasing price for potatoes $ 0.2 for 1 kg from sales, you can get 2 thousand dollars in the first year. Since technology is not purchased for one year, then in subsequent years it is already possible to have much more profitable potatoes. The price for him, as practice shows, only grows.

Industrial Potato Production Methods

Potato production technology using modern methods Already allowed today to significantly increase the efficiency of the industry of potatoes. Now the use of industrial methods for its cultivation. This concept means the following principles.

  1. Production is planned in advance, and calculations justify themselves.
  2. All qualitative indicators are calculated and set even before landing.
  3. The crop is obtained in strict accordance with the planned timing.

All this is achieved by the use of industrial methods consisting of the following elements.

  1. Various organizational and technical improvements provide high performance that resulting in minimizes the cost of production.
  2. The active use of various technological techniques allows you to almost cancel the influence of adverse weather conditions.
  3. Minimizing the impact of the human factor on the result of the production process due to the use of technical means and methods.
  4. High average potato yield is achieved due to the introduction of controls and operational control. Technological techniques play a big role, allowing the planned amount of products.

It is now that all the possibilities go to industrial methods in potatoes. The following factors contribute to this:

  • the needs of the market in a quality product are constantly growing;
  • the number of workers B. agriculture, as well as their level of qualification, decreases;
  • the engineering market makes it possible to purchase cars capable of implementing the use of the industrial method;
  • the availability of advanced world technical advances allows the transition to absolutely new level Potato cultivation.

Efficiency technical solutions should not depend on the size of the economy and its specifics. The solution of a comprehensive task for the transition to industrial methods should be implemented on the basis of the best domestic and foreign experience, as well as highly professional recommendations of specialists.

How to increase the yield of potatoes

There are many factors affecting the yield of potatoes. Listed below are some of them.

Applying fertilizers for potatoes

First of all, it is important to remember that during growth, potatoes stretches about 50 kg of nitrogen, 20 kg of phosphorus and 90 kg of potassium from the calculation of 10 tons of product. Therefore, it is these mineral fertilizers and should be regularly made to the soil so that it does not imply and could provide potatoes with the necessary nutrition.

Nitrogen helps the active growth of the plant, the flow of carbohydrates in the tuber.

Phosphorus increases drought resistance, develops root system And accumulates in the tubers starch, contributes to their early ripening.

Potassium causes an increase in carbohydrates in tubers, increases weather resistance.

Fertilizing the soil, it is important to keep the right balance. With a lack of potassium, for example, nitrogen is poorly absorbed. In addition, an excess of any fertilizer may harm no less than the deficiency.

Use organic fertilizersAlthough they increase the harvest times in two, the agronomists are not recommended due to the danger of contamination of a pair or getting better to use peat off the composts.

As fertilizer for potatoes in the fall (1 kg per hundred) and sulfate potassium (2 kg per hundred).

In the spring, it is well to help the urea and smeute potatoes (1 kg per hundred). You can also use a nitroposka of 5 kg per weave and nitroammophos - 3 kg.

Bone flour is a beautiful kind of fertilizer for potatoes in the fall, moreover, it improves the taste of the product. And at this time it is useful to help the ground with superphosphate and kemira potato, this universal potato fertilizer.

From natural feeding, ideally suitable for potatoes, you should call woodwood. In addition to feeding, it is also protecting from many diseases and posting. So it is best to start with ash and nitroposki, and then look at the results. Bruk with fertilizers badly affects plants.

The best varieties of potatoes

For landing it is better to take the varietal tubers. They are more expensive than randomly turned up, but guarantee good taste and healthy harvest.

On any summer cottage, there are always early potatoes bushes, which can be swollen from mid-summer. Among early grades You can select, such as Timo, Ariel, Lark, bullfinch, good luck, as well as medium - madam and medalist.

Popular once raffered variety with white pulp Sineglazka has a low potential and in Europe is considered to be a fodder.

For those who are watching health, you can safely recommend such varieties like Dutch Mona Lisa, fresco, Romano, German Arose, Rosar, Felox, Finnish Timo, Asterix. In these varieties a lot of carotene, which improves eyesight.

And you can also boldly navigate your taste. Scientists found out that delicious varieties contain much more amino acids, nucleotides and fatty acids!

In the competition for the best taste, the championship holds such varieties like Borodyansky pink, bullfinch, adrette, aurora, blueness, spring, pace.

It is especially worth allocating Zhukovsky variety. Potatoes refer to early grades, perfectly growing at low temperatures. It is resistant to many diseases, has a smooth skin, is long stored and has a wonderful taste.

Bellaroza potatoes derived by German breeders is recommended for cultivation in Eastern Europe. This is an early grade, you can dig up on the 45th day. It is very profitable: the yield of potatoes with 1 hectare - 400 centners!

Belloroz variety is almost not susceptible to pests, is not demanding to moisture, resistant to drought, grows on any basis, except for heavy clay, non-irpen with storage (93%). Has large smooth tubers, excellent taste qualities And high crumbs.

How to store potatoes

When storing potatoes, it is very important not to enable tubers to dig or start germinate. Therefore, it is better to store it in a cold and dry room, which is well ventilated.

Especially it is necessary to be attentive in the spring when tubers lose their mass, worsen them appearance And the amount of vitamins is reduced. During this period, the potatoes must be monitored and regularly verified for damage.

The storage process of potatoes can be divided into 3 stages.

  1. For two weeks to withstand in the storage at T O +15 O. At the same time, the healing of tubers, and moisture is partially due to the moisture.
  2. Before the end of winter, potatoes as it were "sleeping", the best t about storage - from 3 to 5 o C.
  3. With the onset of spring, tubers begin to prepare for germination. At this time, the storage temperature can be increased by several degrees.

Potato - Kormilets

Exists whole line Stages that cannot be excluded, growing potatoes. Business plan for its production on small square (about 0.3 hectares) for their farm and market sales involves several stages.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare material for planting. Then you need to spend all the necessary preparatory work With soil, only after that you can go to the planting potatoes.

Then follow the instrument and fertilizer steps. It is also necessary to worry about protection against diseases and pests. Harvesting is also a difficult stage of work, after it there are two recent steps: packaging and storage.

To do this, you must have at least minimum equipment. This minimum applies, above all, a mini-tractor. The kit must necessarily include the occupier and plow. Of course, there must be body for the tractor. Do not forget to purchase a device for digging. It will need to attach to the mini-tractor.

It is not bad to take into account one interesting detail: washed, dried and neatly packaged potatoes are sold on the market about two times more expensive than dirty, ski loaded into ordinary gray and unattractive bags.

Given this circumstance, you can seriously increase your income not only due to the commercial packaging of your own potatoes. It is possible to organize the packaging beautifully prepared potatoes and from other manufacturers. You can, in principle, build your business on it.

This will require compliance with some conditions:

  • the presence of constant water supply;
  • large capacities for potato washing;
  • the room where it can be dried;
  • large scales;
  • packages for packaging and labels to them.

Thus, you can organize with scratch your own potato business and make it profitable.


Garlic is one of the most popular vegetable crops around the world, that is why business based on its cultivation should bring good income. In addition, such plants are distinguished by unpretentious to care and good stability before adverse weather conditions. These factors allow growing spicy heads in all regions of the country. In this review, we will talk in detail how to plant how to put and when you remove the harvest of garlic, how much the planting material is needed and what yield with 1 hectare.

Garlic is grown worldwide. This sharp vegetable is used as a supplement to many dishes. It is consumed in a fresh form, marina, cauded, extinguish and prepared in many other recipes. Before starting to grow this culture, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Gardeners divide garlic varieties into two main groups:

  1. Yarova - planted early in spring. Such varieties bring small, dense heads with spicy, but not very sharp cloth. The shelf life of such fruits can reach 12 months;
  2. Winter - planted in the middle of autumn. The resulting harvest is characterized by large sizes, smooth and beautiful teeth with saturated sharp taste. The main disadvantage of this type will be a small shelf life, equal to 3-4 months.

Yield to be enough high level. Depending on the grade and conditions of cultivation from one weaving, you can collect from 100 to 500 kilograms, respectively, from one hectare of 10 to 50 tons.

Is it possible to grow garlic for sale?

Growing garlic for sale is a rather advantageous occupation, because the price of this vegetable on the market always remains at height, and simplicity of agrotechnical work allows them to hold them even the gardener with a novice. Main complexity there will be a sales of sales channels, Because the number of suggestions for the sale of these vegetables is extremely large.

For cultivation, it is not necessary to build greenhouses and other structures, all work is carried out in open soil. This factor significantly reduces the initial budget. However, it is worth remembering that the crop of spicy heads can only be obtained once a year, so it is necessary to take care of the conditions for storing vegetables in advance.

Business based on the cultivation of garlic is particularly beneficial for people who have land plot. But even if this is not available, it is not necessary to get upset, the soil can always be rented, depending on the region, such a service will cost from 5 to 80 thousand rubles per hectare for one season.

Rental of land in the Moscow region and the Moscow region may cost much more expensive than in surrounding areas, so it is worth considering the location of the site in advance.

Garlic business can bring good income, with minimal initial costs. Many sources recommend starting cultivation on small areas and gradually increase the number of sowing areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of business built on growing garlic

Growing garlic for further sale is considered profitable business The idea, because it very often ends with success. This case has a lot of advantages:

  1. Garlic is a very popular vegetable culture, which is always in demand, therefore sales channels always find, let it have to try well for this;
  2. Life of this business can begin with usual garden plot 6 acres It will be enough to obtain a stable and decent income;
  3. Garlic business does not require big starting capital;
  4. Garlic is unpretentious culture which can be grown almost on any soil;
  5. Compliance with uncomplicated rules for growing plants will help get a rich harvest;
  6. Obtained heads are stored long enough Therefore, if you correctly organize sales channels and provide storage conditions, your profits can be obtained throughout the year.

But this business also has its drawbacks. Growing garlic on large areas will require the involvement of special equipment, the rental of which is quite expensive. We must not forget about natural factorsBecause the culture growing in the open soil can die under the influence of an unfavorable climate.

Another disadvantage will be the impossibility of growing garlic on the same land plot longer than 3 years in a row.

What should the garlic business be started?

Business built on the cultivation of garlic start with the selection of a suitable land plot. Given that this culture grows well in the open soil, the construction of greenhouses will be unnecessary work, which brings only additional costs.

In order to raise a rich harvest, it is enough to use a little country cottage area, the size of several acres. At the first stage of business development of such an area will be enough. When expanding the site, the profit and the complexity of processing will increase, requiring additional costs, so it should be first acquired by regular buyers, ready to purchase products And only after that it is increased sown areas.

In the event that a novice businessman does not have a land plot in the property, it can be leased. Its price will depend on the chosen region, the quality of the soil, etc.

Landing and care

After the land plot is chosen, you should take care of the purchase of planting material. For growing garlic use its teeth or one-townobtained during the cultivation of the bulbs from garlic arrows. Experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to production varieties, zoned for the cultivation region.

It is also worth deciding on exactly what garlic will be grown winter or spring. In the first case, the harvest will turn out to be larger and beautiful, and in the second one is more lying.

Necessary equipment and workers

When growing a given culture on a small land plot, it is possible to carry out its landing and harvest manually, while for processing 1 hectare of soil, you will need a special technique. It belongs to the tractor with hinged technologies suitable for sowing or motoblock.

Rent a tractor together with the worker will cost at least 50-70 thousand rublesAt the same time pay for such a service every year. Most economical option It will be the acquisition of your own motor-block. Its price will depend on the configuration, manufacturer, engine type and many other characteristics. This indicator varies within 20-80 thousand rubles.

You will also have to purchase a garden inventory to which shovels, watering can, rakes, forks, hoes, etc.

In cultivation in large territoriesin industrial scale It will be very hard to do without workers. It is best to hire them for seasonal work.

Landing in spring and autumn in open ground

The timing of garlic landing will depend on the selected type:

  • winter varieties fall out in the fall - in late September-mid-October, 3-4 weeks before the first frosts;
  • yarova -they sow in an open soil in April, when the soil warms up to 5-7 degrees.

Growing garlic is very important to correctly pick up a landing space:

  1. The plot should be open and sunny;
  2. Not allowed by the use of land on which melt water and precipitation accumulates. It is also worth taking care of groundwater were at a deep level;
  3. It is not recommended to plant garlic where onion, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes grew to him. The desired predecessors will be Cabbage, bean, pumpkin, zucchini or greens.

For getting good harvest It should be borne in mind that garlic prefers neutral loams. Regardless of landing time, in early September, the soil is drunk, purified from weed grass and garbage, after that, the following fertilizers contribute:

  • 1 bucket humus;
  • 50-60 grams of superphosphate;
  • 50-60 grams of ammonium nitrate.

Winter garlic is located in the furrows located at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other. The distance between the teeth will be 12-15 centimeters. Planting material Blowed by 15-20 centimeters, it is necessary so that the cloves do not froze during winter. Immediately after the work of the landing, the 7th centimeter peat layer or sawdust is mounted. If winter in the regions of frosty, but low-speed, it is recommended to additionally use a spruce yard or agrofiber.

Regardless of the selected species, the teeth should deepen strictly vertically.

Skivar garlic is far more densely, the distance between the furrows will be 15-20 centimeters, and between individual plants 7-10 centimeters. The teeth are plugged at 6-8 centimeters.

Landing care

To obtain a rich harvest that mono will easily sell, it is necessary to properly care for landings and adhere to several basic rules:

  1. Garlic beds need regularly purify from weed and loose;
  2. Watering is moderate, During the vegetation period and the formation of soil bulbs should always be moistened. Watering landings should be stopped 2-3 weeks before harvesting;
  3. After each irrigation recommended mulch soil;
  4. To form the heads more large size necessary put off the arrows more than 15-20 centimeters;
  5. Also plants need feeding. In the spring, after the first leaflets appear, garlic fertilize nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea. After 15-20 days, complex mineral fertilizers contribute. When 5-6 sheets appear on garlic, it is fed by phosphorus-potash fertilizers.

Growing garlic is quite lightweight, but at the same time a painstaking and laborious process. Adhering to all the rules for planting and leaving plants, obtaining a rich crop will be guaranteed.


The collection of spicy heads of garlic is most often produced manually, for this they are digging with a pitch or pull out for the above-ground part. The harvest timing will depend on climate. Usually both in Russia and in Ukraine winter garlic Collected in early August, and Yarova in early September. It is possible to determine the ripeness of the harvest to the shooters, which begin to shut up and fall on the ground.

  1. Initially, the heads are cleaned from the ground and leave to dry in 20 days at a temperature of 25-30 degrees;
  2. Then necessary cut roots and leavesThe neck is shortened to a length of 2-5 centimeters.

Keep the harvest of garlic in a dry and cool room, air humidity in which should be within 60-80 percent.

How to implement products

The sale of garlic is a very responsible step, because it is from him that the success of the work has begun. There are several options for the sales of the resulting harvest:

  1. Sale retail at your own point. This option is the most expensive, but at the same time the most expensive, because you have to rent a trading point and hire an employee;
  2. Wholesale for various bases, large network stores, on various production etc.;
  3. Also garlic can be sell \u200b\u200bin restaurants and other institutions Catering.

The sale of garlic is quite complex, because the market is saturated with such proposals, but if you find a permanent buyer and produce high-quality products, you can not worry about this issue.

What business profitability from 1 weaving and 1 hectare

Calculation of profitability (income and expenses received) It will be done depending on the size of the sowing areas, the income received in the same way.

Depending on the selected variety from one hectare, you can receive 10 to 50 tons of crop, given that 1 kilogram can be sold for 110 rubles, then the minimum income will be 1.1 million rubles. With the best outcome, this amount may increase 5 times.

Based on all the calculations presented above, it can be concluded that business can fully recoup himself for 1 year of existence.

Business plan

Before starting garlic business, it is necessary to compile a competent business plan in which all important details will be indicated:

  1. First of all it is necessary describe the grown variety, his taste, yield and other characteristics;
  2. The second important point will be description of sowing areas;
  3. The business plan must necessarily include the production plan in which will be included. description of the process of landing and technology for care behind plants;
  4. You must also specify guaranteed sales channels, with which the contract has already been concluded;
  5. Last and self the main part Business plan will be calculation of expenses and alleged income.

Growing garlic for sale is a painstaking, but very interesting and profitable process. For proper choice varieties and receiving a beautiful and tasty harvest, business can pay off and bring net revenues in the first year. After landing.

Every man engaged in growing vegetables wants to get high yield. Most popular and demanded vegetable culture is potatoes, which in countries with a temperate climate is fairly considered "second bread". Usually, the average potato yield rate with 1 hectare does not exceed 15-20 tons. But these are very low indicators! In fact, the harvest of roots can be significantly more. Let's try to find out: How can I increase the yield of potatoes?

Factors affecting the yield of potatoes

The yield of potatoes with hectare is directly related to a number of factors:

  • the quality of seed potatoes;
  • preparation of seed;
  • execution of landing technology;
  • region of culture and weather conditions;
  • soil quality;
  • providing watering;
  • fertilizer of potatoes cultivation;
  • fighting and pests;
  • conducting culture care operations.

How to increase potatoes yield?

The maximum potato yield can be ensured in the case of a number of conditions. First of all, it is necessary to choose a potato grade, which is successfully grown in this area. At the same time, you should focus on the State Register cultural plantsrecommended for cultivation in one area or another. It should also be borne in mind that even the most wonderful grade during cultivation in one site has gradually reduced the yield for several years. Therefore, every 3 to 4 years need to change the planting material.

For cultivation of potatoes, soils with a structure that provides good moisture and breathability, mainly sandy and sandy, are most suitable. But clay and salt marsh lands are not at all suitable for breeding root. Before boarding, high-quality loosening is required so that the tubers in vegetation receive sufficiently moisture and air. Excellent, if alfalfa and other feed, as well as legumes cultures were involved as a seedrates (predecessors).

Most. the best way At the yield of early and late potatoes affects the application of fertilizers under plowing. It can be organic feeding (compost, overwhelmed manure or bird litter) and mineral fertilizers, first of all, potash-phosphoric complexes. For early varieties of potatoes, the magnesium-containing fertilizers is also needed.

Technological ways to increase potato yields

Timely carrying out technological operations in the cultivation of potatoes: weeding, dipping, anticipate pests, is the key to a good harvest.

There are a number of techniques that allow you to increase the yield of potatoes.

Guliha method

The Earth is divided into sections of 1x1 m. In each square, a large tuber is entered into each square. After the appearance of sprouts, loose soil is poured into the center of the bush so that the shoots grow at an angle. The procedure is repeated before the formation of a bush with several tiers. With good watering, one plant gives 16 kg of potatoes.

Potatoes are planted in a bed with a width of 0.5 m and the passages between them in 1 m. The beds are struck by earth rollers in order to save water. The culture is regularly poured and it is fed up for the season, with an injection is not carried out. The method reduces the area allotted under potatoes, and increase the harvest to 50 - 55 tons with 1 hectare.

Dutch technology

Popular currently dutch technology Allows you to collect 2 kg of tubers with a bush. Its feature is that planting potatoes should have 3 - 5 cm in diameter and be treated special drugs. The tubers are placed in the ridges 25 cm high, the aisle is made at least 65 cm. Over the season, watering at least 3 times and loosening for the aeration of the soil. Weeks per one and a half before the planned cleaning removes all tops.

Another effective method Increase the yield of potatoes - eliminate the flowerons in the formation phase of buds.