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Planting and growing potatoes in the Dutch technology. How to grow potatoes in the Dutch experience in the country. Growing method on the garden plot

Some gardeners try to plant more potatoes to make a good stock for the winter. Otherwise, the authors of published letters are suitable: it is better to plant less, but increase the yield of culture and improve the quality of tubers.

Two buckets from one tuber

In my garden under the potatoes are employed 6 acres, on which I grow up annually 15 grades: Zhukovsky Early, Timo (Early), Laton, Maidas, Aspia, Hell Rett (Medium), Rosar, Bteran, Negro, Bluewave, Swinanok Kiev, Sonata, Fergana (middle-timed), Dutch, banana (Late). Planting material - healthy, typical tubers weighing 70-150 g - selecting potatoes when cleaning. I wash it in a mortgage solution pink colour, I dry well, lay out the varieties in the boxes and storing in the cellar.

For a month and a half before the landing, I carry the tubers in the heat. Large cut cuts to quickly woke up the kidneys. A week before the landing in the ground we put the tubers in the basket, speaking with wet soil, watering and feeding.

Tubers with the roots of the roots at the end of April. Earth is usually preparing in autumn - spreading the manure, add a little mineral fertilizer and leaving. Before the shoots, the Grooron is twice, especially after the rain. Shoots piercing. Skvorts are fighting with the colorado beetle - for them I built several birdcards. And while birds feed their chicks, I have no problems with this pest.

The first tubers dug in a month. And after the final cleaning of potatoes for soil improvement, we grow a salad, mustard, cabbage, beet.
I do not always have the opportunity to update the seed material. To multiply any variety, I use sprouts - wait for the tubers, and when the kidneys go into growth, cutting the tuber on the cubes with one sprout. Slices sprinkle ashes and landing a deceive on a garden. The well depth in a half-flow shovel is preparing a day before, refueling it with ash, complex fertilizer and humus. As the plants grow, I'll have the land, and when the shoots are growing and a bush is formed, I plunge rows. During the season, the potatoes are fed three times: the first time - the infusion of pigeon-chicken litter, in the subsequent - the infusion of a cowboy.

Bushes grow powerful. From one kidney I get up to 2 kg of tubers, and from one royal tuber comes to 20 kg seed material.

A.Dunayev Nizhny Novgorod region

New varieties - new technologies

When potatoes are planted with narrow (50-40 cm) aisle, they do not take into account that stems, roots, and sometimes tubers can be very injured when the bushes and soil loosening are emphasized. At the same time, infection and reparation of plants with viruses and mushroom infection will occur. In addition, it is not enough for high injection of the Earth, and the tubers are often green, and their quality decreases. But the traditional, with a semiconductor 70 cm, the technology is not suitable for all varieties.

I do almost ten potatoes. I noticed that multilubian varieties (fairy tale, league, luck, the anniversary of Zhukov, Spiridon, Timo, St. Petersburg, magicians) have powerful tops, branched bushes and they need a large power area, not that old varieties. Therefore, I decided when growing potatoes on food to plant it spacious - with 20 cm with airtime and after 30 cm in a row. Such technology made it possible to increase the yield of potatoes, without increasing fertilizer costs and plant protection products.

I place the tubers shallow, in a well-warmed layer of the Earth. The first shoots are fully dipped - "with head". This technique helps to destroy the weeds of the first wave, lengthens the underground part of the stem, protects the shoots from damage by return freezes. The sprouts I hid under the soil, so the Colorado beetles fly away to feed on other sites, and the eggs pending are dying. As a result, it is enough for me only one processing insecticide, while with the traditional agrotechnology I was not controlled with the beetle and for two.

I spend the second dipping with a top of a top of 25 cm. At the same time, rapping the soil from the bottom up, I create a high comb. This technique, besides the fact that weeds destroys, reduces moisture loss in dry weather, and in a rainy, on the contrary, remove excess water from plants.
With a wide-armat technology, the bushes do not shade each other, the landing is well ventilated, so potatoes are less affected by phytoofluorois and other diseases, and the yield grows. The tubers grow large, healthy, well stored and there are no green areas among them. I compared two ways of planting (according to 70 × 30 and 140 × 30 cm schemes), and it turned out that on broad alards, the total potato collection rose by a third, and the share of large commercial tubers increased by 20%, and the output of small and non-standard decreased by 10 %.

And further. Winner agrotechnology allows you to grow potatoes permanently on the same site. V.Vasiliev

Republic of Chuvashia, D. Ilbeshi

"Okoltsev" potatoes

I try to spend the forces quietly and do not chase behind the so-called shaft.

Look at potatoes at least two varieties with different maturity times. Traditionally, I germinate tubers, but also around them, making a crossway with a depth of 0.5 cm.

On the day of the landing, I endure the tuber an hour in a solution of ammonium nitrate (400 g per 10 liters of water), which increases the number of stems and sheet surface.

If spring is raw, I prepare the ridges with a height of about 25 cm. They warm up faster, and the plants are easier to carry over humidity.

Rows of potatoes are plunged twice: to increase the number of tubers in the nest (with a height of sprouts 3-5 cm) and in two weeks - for "dry irrigation".

During the potato flowering, spray the bushes first with an exhaust superphosphate (50 g pour 10 l hot water and withstanding a day), and after two or three days a 1% solution of humate. All this allows you to steadily get a good potato harvest.

N. Chupiro Tyumen

A good crop of delicious potatoes, which is also kept for a long time, manages a little. With all the visible simplicity of the agricultural engineering and plasticity of this culture, each potato variety requires an individual approach that takes into account the climatic features of the terrain. When the gardener complies with these requirements, the plants do not hurt and implement their potential completely.

Potatoes in high latitudes

The North of the Tyumen region can not be called a good place for gloomy: cold spring, early autumn, and soil here is mostly swampy, tundra. How many cones do not, before you work out a suitable agrotechnic.
We have two garden sites. One is a kind of laboratory in which we check, adapt new types and varieties of plants, compare them with already familiar to our region. Other plot we completely gave potatoes, he surprises us and pleases no less colors.
We have a short summer, but light and moisture enough so that the potatoes give a full harvest. True, provided that the soil is well prepared for him. Therefore, annually (usually from autumn) on a potato site we improve the fertile layer with a capacity of 25-30 cm. For this, locally (in row) introduce compost, ash, lower peat or flooded land, sand and organics (chicken litter, who had moved weeds, swimming boiling water sawdust in which the urea is added). In addition, to deoxine peat add dolomite flour. Lime laying can not.
In the first decade of May, we get potatoes from the cellar, we rinse the tubers in warm (50 °) water, then we consistently withstand 3-5 minutes in the solution (also with heat) of mangalls of pink and copper mosquap (3 g per 10 liters). Finally rinse in running water. Slightly drying, ring tubers (we cut the skin on the diameter to a depth of 3-4 mm) and collapse them in ash. This technique accelerates the growth of eyes and roots.
Speaking with sawdust, mixed with ashes, put the tubers in one two layers in low drawers, put them in a dark place at room temperature. From the moment when the eyes are swollen, periodically begin to spray the tubers with water room temperature. When the sprouts stretch to 2-5 cm, carry the boxes into the bright, cool (10-14 °) place. It helps harden the potatoes, and the sprouts are not pulled out. After a week, the temperature is raised to 16-18 °. Usually plant potatoes in early June. But if the weather is cold and soil still noticed enough to adhere to the development of sprouts, reducing the temperature to 15 ° again.
Rows of potatoes are located at a distance of 1 m from each other, and the landing wells - after 40 cm. Such a spacious diagram allows you to form a wide and tall comb when emphasizing and not injured the roots. In addition, the bushes are well ventilated, do not oppress each other, they are enough nutrition and, as a result, they are practically no holy.

Another feature of the Northern Agrotechnology: Grokery warms slowly, so we do not make big holes. The planting material is stacked not deeply and immediately plunge it so that the sprouts are covered with a layer of soil 3-4 cm. Since a more fertile layer should be under the tuber, then before boarding each well, add a mixture of chicken litter with a turf.
For the season, potatoes are plunged twice again: with a height of shoots 15-20 and 35-40 cm. At the same time we put weeds. Before the second injection of the plant, we feed the mixture of the infusion of chicken litter (1 kg of placing 10 liters of water) and ammophos (100 g per 50 liters of infusion) - 1 liters of the "Battle" on the bush. The mixture is pre-divorced in a ratio of 1: 9 with warm (35 °) water.
That's all care. The colorado beetle in our areas is not. Pumping potatoes begin in September. And in any weather we get a stable harvest.

Family Miroshnichenko Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Duck-Yah

From one tuber

Every year I get out and experiencing new varieties of potatoes. Usually I use for this two or three tuber of each variety. But in order to correctly appreciate the novelty, it is necessary to plant at least a dozen plants. Therefore, I do this.
I lay the tubers in the boxes with greenhouse land and give an extension of eyes. Then I cut off the sprouts together with the formed roots of the roots and landing the cuttings into the cups. Tubesy
I put in Pokrating again. I do so no more than two times, otherwise the tubers will be very weakened and will not have time to give a crop.
Finished seedlings and rooted tubers transferred to the film Greenhouse under the arc, and when the threat of frost and returned cold, landing on the bed. The reception is convenient and economical: and new varieties are experiencing, and much space is not required for this, and the cost is minimal.

L. Vorobyev Primorsky Krai.

Alternating heat and drought

Potatoes in our family - the main culture. But get a good harvest is difficult: the gardens suffer in dry summer, and the water for watering is disastrously lacking. And the heat is equally valid for the early, and the late bearer potatoes.
Here I am experimenting to depend as much as possible from the weather. Not immediately, but I found my agrotechnik, in which potatoes are not terrible drought and drought winds.
The planting material directly in the boxes immersed for 6 hours in a large bath with a solution of manganese. Then the tubers tear up so that the springs were 2 cm long.
I am preparing the wells according to the scheme of 70 × 70 cm. For which I dig up the ground to the depth of the bayonet shovel, lay it next to the hole, and the bottom loose, as for landing onion. The wells do not refuel the holes: corn grows to potatoes in the garden, and after it, beans and cucumbers, which I am impellent with a manner. Carefully, in order not to damage the sprouts, landing the tubers as deep as possible, mulching the earth from the rivers and every hole is soapy. When 2-5 cm shooters appear, completely, "with heads" inching their soil, which was laid next to the holes. At the same time, weeds die, and the land turns out to be air, but does not dry. Weekly in a half, I spend the second weeding and easy glue. That is, I'll have the soil between the shoots of potatoes. Finally, with a height of a bush, 15-20 cm spend the last injection, I also take the earth from the rod. Further care It comes down to protecting the landing from the colorado beetle.

For two years now, I have a potato no worse than a neighbor who waters the garden from the well using the electric pump. In addition, my method is suitable for both early and late varieties of potatoes. And I grow at least four varieties.

Karachay-Circassian Republic

Resistant but with reservation

The cherished dream of gardeners is to purchase potatoes that does not ill. Alas, there are no varieties absolutely resistant to infectious diseases. Moreover, the potatoes of the same variety in one region may hurt more than in the other. Moreover, even in the same village with a similar agrotechnology, one neighbor of planting potatoes, it happens, is sick less than that of another.

Nevertheless, with an equal cultivation conditions, complex stability (although this concept, of course, relative) to phytoophluorosis, alternariasis and viruses show the varieties of super, Sazanka, Ramensky, Taiga, Manuel, Berrivina, Taiga, Iris, Zenit, Haiko, Olev, Eulp, Oza, Spring, Borodyansky Pink, Veselovsky, Biamerere, Nevsky, Pushkin, Primorye, AMURET, Dedovik, Dalvas.

More often, stability manifests itself to one infection. For example, it is rarely affected by alternariasis of Argo, Bioney, Venta, Held, Desire, Eve, Kayuga, Meta, Katadin, Pamir, Paul Wagner, Dr. Makintosh, Everest, Erine; Petophoftor Gita, Greta, Good, Dorita, Katu K, Lean-der, Montana, Pearl, Pentland Deil, Pentland Yavory, Renova, Refeniya;

viral infection - Aurea, Beta, Ben, Baubin, Valdor, Spring, Vi-Gro, Galina, Gamma, Gulba, Eta, Kar-Diya, Maraba, Marion, Nevsky, Reasons, Pentland, Hafk, Second, Endra, YuDIT.

The varieties of potatoes listed below are more often exposed to:

alternariasis Akat, Annette, Ari, Arch, Beta. Birga, gateland early, friendly, monitor, Montana, Omega, Orlik, Pioneer, Tre-Kulsky, Slavyansky, Umbra, Christ;

phyotoftorie Belinda, Beta, Bona, Brett, Varta, Vilia, Gamma, Friendly, Polar, Igor, Isabella, Kars, Kenavo, Cora, Krasnopol-sky. Lori, Maya, Marthon, Miranda, Moscow Early, Mostovsky, Nega, forget-me-not, Omsk Early, Pirimness, full, Prikurian Early, Volga, Svea-Titsa, Slavic, SOVOGO, Tukuman, Ufmet, Estina, Ekud;

virus Crappy Arch, Belinda, Birga, Biil, Gloria, Polar, Zauralsky, Igor, Kabardinsky, Karza, Kenavo, Bark, Kurgan, Kurgan Superior, Laurie, Maya, Miranda, Montana, Nega, Omsk Early, Orlik, Volga, Rhenov, Saturn, Fa Lensky, Christ, Estine, Ehud;

virus wrinkled mosaic Akat, Annette, Warran, Vorotinsky, Gloria, Isabella, Carolina, Maya, Miranda, New, Orlik. Procuration.

Thus, knowing which infections are most often observed in your places, you can pick up the varieties of potatoes, the least subject to these "sores".

N. Zeuk

How to grow potatoes in bags?

I have a cottage, just a small plot. There is enough space only for greens and tomatoes, no longer remains under potatoes. A friend advised to put her in bags, because for them and the beds do not need. Tell me how to grow potatoes in bags?

Potatoes are the main components of the edible diet, so its landing occupy a large part of the site in the garden. Well, if it has decent sizes and fertile soil. And what to do those gardens whose possessions are located on a scarce soil, or very small? In this case, it is worth learn how to grow potatoes in bags. This method will allow to get a harvest, even without landing space, besides, does not require special efforts.

Benefits of the Fashion

Growing potatoes in bags - the least costly way both material and physically:

  • such "Groces" do not need to constantly pour and dip;
  • there are no costs for annual plowing;
  • potatoes are not subjected to soil diseases;
  • landing do not affect pests living in garden land on ordinary beds;
  • the shoots take rise to more friendly and grow more powerful compared to garden;
  • roots do not boot;
  • collect the harvest is much easier and faster.

And of course, after harvesting potatoes in bags there is a ground mixture. It can be added to the flower bed for flowers or under cultures on vegetable beds, provided that they do not have common diseases with potatoes.

As for the negative moments of such a method, they are practically no. Is it necessary for growing a lot of substrate and constant control of humidity in bags.

Preparation of soil and "beds"

For growing potatoes, you can purchase special bags that have a valve for harvesting and venting. To minimize material costs, tubers plant in conventional bags for sugar or flour.

If the bag is made of durable material, poorly transmitting water, you should make small holes in its lower part. It is necessary that surplus moisture freely glasses.

To fill the bags, the soil is used from the garden, mixing it with a humus (overworked sawdust or leaves, manure). It is also good to add a little clay - so the water will drain slower, and the soil will not dry.

It is impossible to use the ground from the site where the culture of the Parenic family grew. It is also worth avoided the places where the Medveda lives, so as not to put the pest from the outside.

Potato Planting Technology Bags

Planting potatoes begin in late April - early May. For this, the bag is slightly separated and the first layer of soil is poured onto the bottom. The layer thickness depends on the size of the bag (10-35 cm).

The landing produce one of the following images:

When the sprouts stretch at 7 cm in height, add the earth until it covers them. Only the tops of the leaves remain on top. As the soil is adjusted, the soil is added until the bag is filled with 2/3 of its height.

Some gardeners fill the bags completely, put them (and do not put) on the ground and make cuts in the shape of a cross, where the tubers are planted.

Bags with potatoes should be put on a sunny place and regularly water, not allowing soil drying.

Potatoes in bags: Underfilling of soil - video

Growing potatoes in barrel - features of planting, feeding and care

Unusual methods of growing potatoes, for example, in bags, high ridges or under straw, not so long ago, the domestic gardens were widely known. But if you think about, many in their own plot watched, as the tuber who fell into the container with a compartment gave not only friendly shoots, but also tubers. In a well-haired, nutritious and necessarily wet environment, culture gives a crop even in a limited volume.

Read the same: Find out why the apples are cracking and rot on an apple

In fact, in this principle, a method for planting potatoes in barrels and other similar containers, which may not be metal, plastic or wooden. The main condition so that the barrel is above 30 cm, moisture and oxygen were supplied to the roots in sufficiency, and the ground was loose and nutritious.

Preparing for planting potatoes

When a suitable capacity is found, you should not hurry with the landing. Before immersing potatoes in the ground, it is important to remove the bottom of the barrel or drill in it a sufficiently large number drainage holes. Not bad if on high capacity Such perforation will appear on the side walls.

Read the same: Landing and care for potatoes in the open soil

Such a reception will help to leave excess moisture, and the oxygen penetrates the roots of plants. In the case of potatoes, it is doubly important, since the root system is not so large, and the load on it is colossal.

Potato growing technology in barrel implies that planting materialAnd then the tubers formed in the tank are quite large. So that the garden can control the delivery of moisture and oxygen:

  • in a high barrel, a perforated hose dropped at the bottom plastic pipe With cuts at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  • an open end, through which, after completion, it will be possible to water, feed the potato plantation, output.

If you connect the compressor or the pump to the hole, the soil in the barrel is easily saturated with oxygen. And the system of Prikanevoye drip watering It will help evenly moisture the soil under the potatoes.

Planting potatoes in barrel and plantation care

Potatoes in the barrel can not do without a safe nutrient soil mixture. For this culture suited primer, consisting of equal parts Finished compost or overworked humus and ordinary garden land.

Since growing plants to be in a practically closed small volume, it is important that in a barrel, pests dangerous for potatoes. Therefore, the soil for the neutralization of insects and their larvae:

  • pre-calcined or steam;
  • another fall to land is treated with chemicals.

In the fall, when the soil for growing potatoes in a barrel is only prepared, a mixture of ammonia nitrate or urea, double superphosphate, potassium and ash connections is added to it. In sandy soils, tested magnesium deficit, its sulfate contributes, as well as dolomite flour. Then the barrel is installed in a designed place and put on the bottom with the soil with a layer of 10 to 15 cm. On the ground, slightly pressing, lay out the seed germinated tubers or pieces with the proceeding eyes, and on top of potatoes are falling asleep ten centimeters of soil mixture.

When the sprouts will rise above the ground level of 2-3 cm, they are definitely sprinkled again soil mixture. If you do not give a plant to form a full-fledged foliage, potatoes all forces direct on the development of the root system with new collisions, on which tubers will appear. The process with the plugness of the Earth is repeated until the barrel is filled with a meter. Above to do the soil layer is not worth it. At the plants, until the end of the season, it may not be enough forces for the formation of high-quality tubers, since the entire potential will be defined on the formation of the root system.

Which are grown by panstonesis potatoes. The traditional technology of its cultivation is distinguished by considerable time and labor resourcesWhat makes many dacha owners and gardens sometimes abandon its cultivation. However, there are still a number of ways with which it is possible to obtain no smaller, but in most cases a greater harvest, and labor from human side will be much smaller.

So, one of the highly efficient ways to grow this culture is planting potatoes under the straw. Despite the fact that many people are skeptical about this method, almost this method gives a fairly productive result, pleased with its followers stable and good harvest. In order to understand the secret of success, you should talk about the principle of growing potatoes and what micro and macroelements are needed for this.

Potatoes is an interesting rootpode, whose feature is the growing of tubers around the seed root. For the successful development of potato culture, it is necessary in sufficient quantity Nutrients from which the main thing is potassium and phosphorus. In addition, the soil aeration plays a big role, since, due to the penetration of air, the culture develops strong and strong. Under the straw provides the necessary microclimate, since the gradual decomposition of the straw is distinguished by potash fertilizers, and beautiful air exchange under straw favors the strings of a large number of new tubers. At the same time, straw performs the role of a wonderful mulch that protects the soil into hot summer days From overheating, and after the rain also delays moisture on the surface of the soil, without giving it weathered and evaporate.

By the way, planting potatoes under the Soloma is by no means a new way to grow rooted roots, since this technique was widely used by the peasants of our country in the 19th century. However, during the spread of Michurinsky teaching in the USSR, this method was undeservedly forgotten, and people began to grow potatoes in such a way that we see today. The only difficulty in straw is the need to stock large quantity straw, because for normal development of the tubers, its layer should be at least 10 cm.

Adherents traditional technology Potatoes also do not stand still in its development, but gradually master new methods that greatly facilitate the cultivation of this culture even by conventional methods. So, gradually the popularity of such a method is growing like planting potatoes under the fiberboard, thanks to which the person's work is greatly alleviated. With the help of a motor-cultivator even an average power to which a special milling machine is installed, you can plant yourself without spending a lot of effort. Today, you can buy not only the benzocultants, but also enough powerful motoblocks, with which it is possible to plant even a potato field in 1 hectare. Thus, it is possible to notice that planting potatoes under the straw on such a large area is impossible due to the lack of underfloor material. However, planting potatoes with a motoblock on 1 hectare is quite possible and fully justifies itself both in terms of productivity and in terms of the rationality of time use.

Thus, summing up, it should be concluded that if the planting area for growing potatoes exceeds 20 acres, it is best to use a motor corrugation. If a person is engaged in growing potatoes on his cottage plot, quantity from 4 to 8 acres, then straw is the most right waywhere you can provide yourself and your family a good harvest.

It has long been noticed that the yield of potatoes depends not only on the variety, weather conditions and timely feeding, but also from the planting method. Of course to collect decent yieldIn any case, you have to work hard. The main thing is that the works do not disappear for nothing. Therefore, more and more often our gardeners try non-standard methods of planting potatoes.

Attention! Get 20-30 kilograms of tubers from one bush is impossible. The authors of such "techniques" usually silent about huge doses of mineral fertilizers, which fade potatoes. Naturally, the yield is growing, but the tubers are a real "chemical bomb", which is impossible to eat people or pets. However, applying organic agriculture methods, it is quite realistic to increase yields twice, having gathered 500-700 kg of potatoes from acres.

Basic principles of planting potatoes

At the heart of all landing methods lies one principle: provide tubers optimal conditions For forming and growth, as well as save them from pests.

Kusta potato for development is needed:

  • heat;
  • air for the root system (aeration);
  • timely moisturizing;
  • fertilizer.

Traditional way to landing "under the shovel"

Plot jump from autumn. In the fall, various fertilizers contribute to the soil: manure, ashes, urea. In the spring, the land is not deeply drunk: so it will preserve moisture after the snow melting. To break the soil a little, the forks and rakes are used: first, the pods are simply lifted by the Koma of the Earth, then rake smash the portion of the future landing.

The potatoes are planted when the first kidneys will be dissolved on the birch, and the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 cm reaches 6-8 ° C. With the help of pegs and cords, there are future beds. The distance between them should be about 70 cm. The tubers are used as a seed material in at least 3-4 cm in diameter. Before boarding, they must be germinated for two weeks.

One man shovel digs a hole with a depth of 6-8 cm, the other throws into each well on the tuber (sprouting up). From above, you can add some compost, ash, thicker egg shell and onion husks (to scare the wireman). The ground from each subsequent wells is sprinkled by the tuber with fertilizers in the previous yam. The distance between the wells is 30-35 cm, for early grades - 25-30 cm.

After the potatoes go out, and he plunges twice before flowering. The bushes are watered several times, feed organic and inorganic fertilizers.

If this method is planting early potatoes, the tubers are pre-germinated for a month, and after planting the ground on the site is covered with polyethylene film or bright agrofiber. If spring is late and cold, wooden or metal arcs are installed above the beds, which stretch the film.

The only advantage of the method is tested by centuries, and proper care Behind the bushes of potatoes, you can collect a good harvest.

Method disadvantages:

  • the characteristics of the soil are not taken into account. If the groundwater is too close to the surface, this method is impossible;
  • due to the fact that the potatoes are planted in thick, it is difficult to process it, and there are many colorado beetles on the bushes;
  • high labor costs when landing and enchanted;
  • when weeding and enclosing a high probability of damage to the root system of plants;
  • if there is a wire in the plot, it is difficult to cope with it.

Planting potatoes in ridges

If the soil on the plot of clay or groundwater is too close to its surface, the potatoes are planting in the ridges. The height of the ridges is 15 cm, the distance between them is about 70 cm. It is the most convenient to do the ridges with a tractor or a fiberboard. Potatoes are planted in the wells located on the tops of the ridges at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Subsequently, the potatoes are taking care in the same way as in the previous case: they are plunged, watered, feed, if necessary - spray insecticides from the colorad beetle.

The advantages of the method:

  • the possibility of mechanization, manual labor costs less than at the previous method;
  • if the soil is raw, then the potatoes do not rot, as the ridges dry significantly faster than the parties.

Method disadvantages:

  • if you plant potatoes in sandy soil, the ridges dry quickly and need to water the bushes too often;
  • risk of potato damage when weeding and enchanted;
  • because of the thick landing, the likelihood of infection of brutes of disease is increasing.

Planting potatoes in trenches

This method is good if the soil on the sandy and dries too fast. From the autumn, the trenches will rotate a depth of 25-30 cm at a distance of 70-100 cm from each other. In the trenches, the thick (10-15 cm) layer of the raw hay is placed. Top plowing with a small number of manure. You can also use ash: it is a good potash fertilizer and a fleece for a colorado beetle. If in the future compost lay a little onion husk, it will scare the wireman. Sometimes mineral fertilizers (urea) are added to the compost.

For the winter, the compost reproves and condenses: the thickness of the layer will be 3-5 cm. Spring in the trenches put the tubers and put on their land. If the landing is early, use the film or agrofibular. Before flowering, tubers are twice.

If the trenches are not prepared from the autumn, it is not trouble: they can be digging in the spring, but in this case they are laid in them with a thickness of 3-5 cm.

The advantages of the method:

  • compost warms the tubers, they develop faster, freezes are easier;
  • compost holds moisture, and watering is almost no need;
  • you do not need to additionally feed potatoes, since all the most necessary useful substances he gets from compost;
  • high yield.

Method disadvantages:

  • if the soil is raw, tubers can be contrary;
  • additional labor costs on chicken trenches and hay harvesting.

MitLider method

The method created by American scientist mittlider allows you to increase the yield of potatoes in one and a half - twice. Paradox: The tubers plant more rarely than in the traditional way, and the harvest is harvested much more.

It is necessary to form a bed of 35-45 cm wide. The distance between them is 80-100 cm. At first, the plot is placed. Then they are drunk the beds, not the touch of rods. And one day the marked beds remain in their places forever. Subsequently, it will only be necessary to handle them. If the site has a bias, the edges of the beds are strengthened with fascines woven from branches, or ordinary boards. On the level plot form earthy sides.

On the garden, germinated potatoes are planting in two rows, in a checker order. The distance between the plants in the row is 30-40 cm. Compost, ash, chicken lounge, onion husks lay in the wells. Before the bootonization potatoes twice feed and watered, but it is not necessary to dip it.

The advantages of the method:

  • no need to dip potatoes;
  • weeding is almost no need;
  • roots of plants are not damaged;
  • high yield;
  • the possibility of growing potatoes in very small sites.
  • The only drawback of the method is additional labor costs to arrange a bed.

Dutch technology

In this method, potatoes are planted into high ridges: width - 30-45 cm, the distance of the rod - 70 cm. Fit with the tubers in the well is laid. Much attention is paid to the loosening of the soil, watering, feeding. Earth for dipping is taken from the rivers, so the roots of the plants are not damaged. The tops are sticking two weeks before harvesting.

The advantages of the method:

  • high yield;
  • due to the fact that the potatoes are rarely planted, it is better to process it.

There are practically no disadvantages of this method. Major costs for the arrangement of high ridge are no higher than when landing "under the shovel".

Guliha method

With this method, the entire area is divided into squares with a side of 1 m. In the center of each square, the soil is loose and lay out a circle from a recovered compost with a diameter of 30 cm. The center is planting the tank with sprouts down and put on the ground. As soon as the tubers give germs, they carefully laid on the ground "fan" and put to the earth. So come 3-4 times. As a result, a holmik is formed in the center of each square, and the bushes forms a powerful root system. When drought, plants need watering.

The advantage of the method is high yield: from one bush can be collected up to 5 kg of tubers.

The lack of a method - it is necessary to carefully follow the shoots and in a timely manner of their land. Therefore, the method does not fit gardens that can not attend the site every day.

Growing potatoes in bags, boxes or barrels

This method is similar to the previous one with the difference that the tubers are not sitting in open sad, and in the mixture filled with a mixture and compost bags, barrels or boxes without the bottom. In the walls of the barrels cut holes for ventilation. When potatoes give germs, they are sprinkled with a mixture of land and compost, forming a powerful root system.

The method is ideal for sites with a small area, but is not suitable for gardeners living away from cottages. In this case, tubers can be planted with tiers, separating their compost layer with a thickness of 25-30 cm.

Mulching straw

This is an old way, known since the XIX century. The area from the autumn is covered with a thick layer of hay or straw. In the spring potatoes are planted into the recovered compost and again cover it with straw. The distance between the beds is 70-80 cm, between the bushes in a row - 30 cm. Instead of dipping around the bush, each time a layer of hay is poured. Experienced gardeners With this method, up to 700-1000 kg of potatoes from acres are collected.

The advantages of the method:

  • does not need a weeding and additional feeding;
  • almost complete absence of a wire and a colorado beetle;
  • compost warms and feeds tubers, they develop much faster;
  • the potatoes grow, not touching the earth, so it turns out very clean;
  • high yield.

The only drawback of the method is the need to mow grass and transport it to the site.

Growing potatoes under the agriculture or cardboard

Instead of straw, you can use dark agrofiber or ordinary cardboard. The material is pre-fertilized and explosive bedding, then round holes cut through the holes. Tubers are planted in them.

The advantages of the method:

  • the complete absence of weeds, the weeding is not needed;
  • potatoes do not need to watered too often, as agriched holds moisture in the soil;
  • high yield.

The only drawback of the method is the need to acquire agrofiber or cardboard.

There is about a hundred ways to plant potatoes, so each gardener has the ability to choose the most suitable for its site. We looked at the most popular.

At first, potatoes spread in Europe slowly and did not use big confidence, it was grown only as an unusual novelty. In some circles, potatoes even had a strange reputation of the vegetable of an unclean, unhealthy, primitive and even ... nasty. However, other people recognized the potatoes with a healing plant capable of healing many diseases (from diarrhea to tuberculosis). Of course, now we can laugh at such ideas, but potatoes have passed such a difficult path to get, finally, its true recognition in Europe in the 17th century. European monarchs began to popularize potatoes in their territories as valuable vegetable culturecapable of feeding broad masses.
Potatoes are traditionally grown in potato-vegetable crop rotations. Vegetable cultures are good precursors for it, except for the beetular beet, since these cultures have the same serious storage disease, phomosis. IN last years Radically increase areas under potatoes and production workers are looking for new sections. As a rule, it is fields after grain crops or sealing lands. Grain- good predecessors For potatoes. Fields after them, when compliance with the necessary technology, have a low infection load and quite clean from weeds, including from malicious.
The basis of the cultivation technology of potatoes - a complex of agrotechnical techniques. For soil processing, milling guns are used with active working bodies, the soil becomes very loose. Always observe technological discipline, that is, all the techniques provided for by the agrotechnology perform qualitatively and on the planned time.
To accommodate potatoes, sections with a high agrofon are isolated and the alternation of crops must be used, returned to the previous place no earlier than in 3-4 years. At the same time, the soil is cleaned of pathogens, many fungal and bacterial diseases. The quality of the landing material based material Fundamentals of technology. Grow only reconciled from viral infection and other diseases certified seed potatoes of productive varieties. The correct calculation of the density of the planting of potatoes and the subsequent Steblastowa is very important. To obtain a good standard seed, the landing is thickened so that 1m.kv. Not less than 30 stems developed. Predset soil processing and planting should create conditions for the rapid development of the bush and the root system, especially in the first season of vegetation. The width of the rivers is of great importance. Potatoes are planting 75 cm. Unfortunately, due to the saving of land on our landings, it is possible to see a narrow (40-50 cm) of the aisle, it makes it difficult to emphasize the loose soil, developing roots cut. As a result, the plant lags behind growth and development.
To do this, in our time, in addition to new planting technologies, mineral fertilizer uses mineral fertilizer to improve the quality, the number of tubers and their fierce.
The company Agroplus-Stavropol is offers a mineral nutrition program for potatoes:
landing germination Rising leaves Clubworking End of blossom
Events: Making basic NPK fertilizers in the soil. Treatment of tubers before landing Ricat start 200ml / t. Event: Making calcium nitrates 100-200 kg / hectare before dipping. Event: Sheet feeding Nutrivant Universal 3kg / ha. Event: Sheet feeding Nutrivant plus Potatoes 3kg / ha Event: Sheet feeding Nutrivant plus Potato 3 kg / ha + Kelik-K 500ml / ha + floror 250 ml / ha
Result: Treatment of tubers by the drug Ricat Start together with the protectors provides friendly shoots and rapid development of a strong root system. Result: Calcium nitrate's root application before dipping provides the receipt of available calcium into the plant during the entire vegetation period. Strengthens the walls of the cells, and reuses to avoid bacterial rot. Result: accelerates the rise of the sheet apparatus and compensates for the lack of batteries. Result: This feeding improves tuberization processes, increases the number of tubers even under adverse conditions. Result: The last sheet feeding is carried out in order to accelerate the outflow of assimilastors in the tuber, and also improves the quality of tubers and their fierce.

The article has prepared:
Specialist of the Scientific and Production Department Balabanova O.V.
Shipilova O.I.

Potatoes are their popularity to the ancient residents of the southern part of America, who at the beginning of our era discovered tubers for themselves wild Plants. For a long time Earth apple, as its inhabitants called settlements, grew in itself. And only in the XII century, the potatoes began to plant on the fields and gradually bring new varieties.

In Europe, and then in Russia, plant samples fall into the XVIII century and do not immediately find a well-deserved vocation. Because of his beautiful blue flowers Potatoes are used as decorative decoration in gardens and parks. To date, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this vegetable for nutrition, the popularity and variety of dishes are simply excavated.

Potatoes is delicious and healthy food, saturated organism and supplying it with many necessary vitamins and trace elements. By the number of potassium content tubers equate to meat and fish products, starch, in large quantities Present in potatoes are needed for normal operation of our body.

Despite the fact that many gardeners and summer residents consider themselves connoisseurs in the field of growing potatoes, new ways of landing and care appear. Obtaining a high harvest on household plots requires considerable physical efforts, some older people refuse to cultivate this vegetable. By combining scientific knowledge and practice, potato lovers found many new ways to facilitate labor.

Selection of place in the garden

Preparation and germination of tubers before landing

What soil is better to plant potatoes

  • Plant loves loose saturated with air soil. Plots intended for planting potatoes are dripped from autumn, and not smash with a robber or harrow. In order to spring with the garden, the rain and melt waters leave the beds faster, hide special grooves for this.
  • For planting potatoes in heavy su clay soilsThey are separated from the fall of the ridges that contribute to the rapid soil drying in the spring, and also kept the snow on the surface, help the destruction of pests.
  • Spring Earth again drink, harrow before grinding. It is monitored that the planting of potatoes was carried out in the soil of normal humidity, since the water-bearded land leaves the raw layers, and the soil is a boulder - boulders, which is unacceptable to obtain a good harvest.

The best of them is the manure, and especially such that is obtained when used as a litter for cattle peat. The amount of fertilizer is calculated at the rate of 6 to 10 kg per one square meter Square area. In clay soils, manure is introduced in autumn together with the digging. If the feeder is carried out in the spring, then the manure should be overwhelmed in special piles, or pits. Leave organic fertilizers It is impossible on the surface, as they quickly dry out and disappear in vain.

With the lack of organic, it is brought directly into each yam when planting potatoes. The feeding is in the area of \u200b\u200bdirect nutrition of the roots and acts even better than the fertilizer of the entire site as a whole.

For feeding soil use decomposed peat. But its effectiveness is much lower than in the mixture with a dung. Nomephoids are used with a litter of poultry mainly in autumn period Or pure litter at the rate of 2-4 kg per square meter.

As organic fertilizers, a river Il, sprocket and dried in a summer period or a plant, which lives in water bodies, is used.

Mineral fertilizers for potatoes

Organizer decomposes slowly and in the first period of growth of potato bush it remains without substantial feeding. Mineral fertilizers contribute to such purposes.

Sand soil enrich nitrogen and potash fertilizers, phosphorus is used in black earth sections and forest dawns. They are added in spring under the shovel.

The ammonium nitrate is administered in an amount of 1-2 kg, urea to 1.5 kg, potassium chloride 2-4 kg, and nitroammophos 3-4 kg per 1 kV. m.

New Potato Planting Methods

Planting method under black nonwoven material

The site is drunk, the necessary organic and mineral fertilizers contribute, then covered dense film black color. Place the places of planting potatoes and make cruciform cuts, open the edges. The cip or hoe makes the wells on a depth of 10-15 cm and lay the tubers there. This method of planting avoids the growth of weeds, the land under the bedtop maintains moisture and does not require additional irrigation. In the autumn, the above-ground parts of the plants (topped) is cut and the film is revealed. Potato tubers are collected from a small depth.

Method of planting potatoes under the straw

This method is the least laborious of all. Dropping of the garden is not made in autumn, nor in spring. On the liberated from large weeds, the curtain longitudinal furrows to a depth of 10 cm At a distance of 70 cm from each other. The potatoes are folded into these grooves after 40 cm. The baking on the tuber is embanked by the Earth from aventer with a thickness of up to 5 cm. These rows are covered with a straw or a hay layer to 30-40 cm. Fashionable to use the foliage foliage, then the layer is made 20 cm.

Potatoes during the entire vegetation period does not require irrigation and dip. Mulching from straw in the locations of the roots to the surface is made. Such a coating decomposes and feeds the necessary substances with the soil and roots of the plant. Worms, in large quantities bred under mulch, their moves naturally ventilate the soil, which contributes high harvest Potatoes.

Weeds do not grow In this method of cultivation. Cleaning tubers comes down to pulling them out of the straw layer in the fall. Further coppe is not required, since this method is based on the theory that the natural structure of the soil is disturbed. Planting potatoes under the straw gives high results.

Planting potatoes in barrel or bag

This method, in addition to reducing labor intensity, also saves place in the garden. With a limited space for planting, growing plants in bags gives a good result.

It lies in the fact that the barrel is cut down the bottom, it is installed on the ground. Below is a layer of land with organic fertilizers in the form of peat composts. A few potato tubers are stacked on it in any order. When the first shoots appear, they are sprinkled with soil again. So do it every time until the layers do not reach the top of the barrel or bag. It is sufficiently watering that the land does not drive. Sometimes the end of the hose for watering with holes is directly plugged into the barrel and thus watered a bush.

The cultivation of potatoes is based on the fact that on the side of the trunk there is a branch of all the new roots and the formation of tubers occurs at the entire height of the barrel. Subject to observance proper technology And with the time of experience, it is obtained up to 60 kg of potatoes from one container.

Mittlider method

This way of landing came to us from American scientists who believe that the yield of potatoes increases if the plant will be given a lot of free space for development and growth.

Bushes are placed on wide beds at least half the meter. Passages between rows are made from 0.75 to 1m. The beds surround the roller from the ground to a height of up to 10-15 cm. Such flights will allow moisture, reduce the number of weeds. If the garden is supposed to be placed on a sunny slope, then instead of beds make drawers that fill perfect for growing soil.

The mittlider method requires constant waters of the bushes, but at the same time the injection of potatoes is excluded. Pretty plants produced three times in the season. Vintage proper growing reaches half atener from one hundred.

Next non-traditional cultivation method under the cap

The land is prepared as usual, in the fall and spring is drunk and fertilizes. A shovel is made by a well-depth array (20 cm), and in width it is performed 1.3 per 1.3 m. Potato tubers are stacked and covered with a suitable cap. After the appearance of germs in rod Kipaka opensAnd shoots are sent to the sun. Through the hole occurs moisturizing soil and nutrition and feeding of bushes. It is not necessary to extract.

With this method, the ripening of potatoes occurs on a half-month faster than usual and yield is high.

Mikhailov method

Earth processing is performed in a standard order. Marking mesh with cells of 0.75 to 0.75 m is applied to the area. In places intersection make holesThe organic fertilizers are put in them, there are several tubers from above and all puffwind the ground.

With the appearance of the first sprouts, two or three of them leave to grow vertically, and the rest are beyond the earth in the form of a ray around the circumference from the center and pour the earth. This is how the formation of a large bush is capable of bringing a rich harvest.

Option by Gulih.

This method is consigned to a large distance Between the bushes on the garden in 1 m. In the wells poured manure and put planting material. Around the holes are performed by an earthen roller. When the sprouts appear from the ground, the soil is sprinkled directly to the bush center. The shoots are rejected to the sides, so do several times. It turns out additional education Strengthened countertons in the sinuses of the sprinkled leaves.

Forming multi-core high-yielding bush.

Landing in the Dutch

A potato field is placed in a special way. Two rows of holes range from each other only 40 cm. The distance between such dual rows is performed in 1,2m. Potatoes fit into the holesAnd from above the bourge from the ground is poured, thus, the depth of the landing material increases.

The location of the two rows is close to each other allows you to increase the quality of drip irrigation when saving water, as the hose is located simultaneously close to two rows. Wide aisle allow convenient to care for plants. On the hill, the potato bushes are obtained by 70% more than the rays and the aeration of the boot are much better. The Medveda is less striking the root system, and pests are practically absent with such a planting method.

There are many methods for planting potatoes in the ground, it is difficult to list everything. But if you choose any one of the most common innovative methods, you can increase yield when the least costs Labor.