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How to put a pumpkin in open ground. Pumpkin - landing and care in the open soil: the secrets of a good crop. Preparation for transplant and its deadlines

Plant pumpkin ordinary (Lat. Cucurbita PEPO) - The type of grassy annual pumpkin of the pumpkin of the Pumpkin family, which belong to the muddle cultures. Motherland Plants - Mexico. In the Ohak Valley, it grows at least 8,000 years. Even before, the pumpkin was distributed in North America through the valleys of Missouri and Mississippi. Spanish sailors in the XVI century, and since then, it has been widely cultivated not only in Europe, but also in Asia. Pumpkin growing records are China, India and Russia. Pumpkin vegetable is not only delicious, but also useful, and the benefit of the plant, containing rare vitamin T, and pumpkin seeds, but oil from which is a restoring and anti-inflammatory agent of allergies, bring the benefit.

In this article, we will tell you how the cultivation of the pumpkin seedlings are being taken when to plant a pumpkin into an open ground, how to water the pumpkin, than to treat pumpkin from diseases and pests than to fertilize the pumpkin than pumpkin sick, and share other important information that will allow you without oscillations to start cultivating this tasty and useful plant.

  • Landing: Sowing seed into the ground - when the soil at a depth of 7-8 cm warms up to 12-13 ˚C; Sowing seeds to seedlings - in April or early May, the seedling seedlings in open ground - at the end of May or in early June.
  • The soil: Any, but better fertile, pre-stunned with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Watering: After planting seedlings - daily, until the seedlings are rooted, then intense, until the fist is achieved. In the season with a normal amount of precipitation, you can not water at all. When the fruits begin to gain a mass, gradually increase water consumption to 1 bucket per 1 adult plant.
  • Feeding: The 1st is a solution of chicken litter or a cow in a week after planting seedlings, then 3-4 organic feeders are carried out every month.
  • Reproduction: Seed ever and reckless way.
  • Pests: Bahch wave, pins (or white chocks), wires, slugs.
  • Diseases: Bela Rota, anthracnose, ascohithosis, mildew and black mold.

Details about the cultivation of pumpkin Read below

Pumpkin Vegetable - Description

The root of the pumpkin is a branched, rod, pinching, pentoral, grungy stem with barbed inmovation reaches a length of 5-8 meters. The leaves are regular, heart-shaped, five-part or five-pointed, long-cooled, with a plate of up to 25 cm are pubescent with rigid short hairs. In the sinus of each sheet develops a spiral mustache. Single-sex flowers, large, single, orange or yellow. Women's flowers on short flowers, and men's long bloom in June or July and pollinated cross. The fruit is fleshy, large, oval or spherical false Yagoda-Thakivna with a large number of seeds, maturing in the late summer or early autumn. Pumpkin seeds Creamo-white, from 1 to 3 cm long, with a protruding rim along the edge and a wooded outer sheath.

Growing pumpkin from seeds

Sowing Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin is grown out of seeds, using a repentable and reckless way, however, cultivating such a variety, like a nutmeg pumpkin, suggests an exclusively seeding method of reproduction. Sowing pumpkin seed into the ground is produced no earlier than the soil at a depth of 7-8 cm warms up to a temperature of 12-13 ºC. The cultivation of pumpkin in the open ground begins with pre-sowing treatment of the site and sowing material.

Seeds before planting warm up 9-10 hours at a temperature of 40 ºC, then immerse them in half into an asset solution (in 1 liters of boiling water is diluted when stirring 2 tablespoons of wood ash), in order to facilitate the germing through the dense peel. Seeds warm in the oven, then wrap them in several layers of gauze, richly moistened with an ash solution. You can, of course, do not do anything, but then the ripening time of the pumpkin increases, and if you live in a terrain with a short and non-sucking summer, then your pumpkin without pre-sowing seed processing will not have time to mature to frost.

Before planting a pumpkin (about how to prepare a plot for a pumpkin, we will tell a little later), there are a number of rows on the garden and make a hole in them with a diameter of 30 cm. If the winter was honest and the earth on the dry plot, in each well poured on one and a half or two liters of water with a temperature of 50 ºC, and when it is absorbed, planting 2-3 seeds, but not in a bunch, but lay them at a distance from each other, blocking by 5-6 cm, if the soil is a medium tronework, and on 8-10 cm if the soil is light. Seeds fall asleep with fertile land, and the plot is mulched by peat crumb or humus.

There are no less than 2 m between the rows, and there is at least a meter between the wells in the row. Make holes better in checker. To speed up the appearance of germs, they throw the film on the crops, sprinkling its edges of the earth.

When shoots appear, it happens under normal conditions in a week, remove the film, wait for the seedlings to operate 2 of the present leaflet on seedlings, and sprinkle them: leave no more than 2 plants in each well, do not pull the rest, but simply cut at the ground level, In order not to injure the root system of the remaining seedlings. If you are still afraid of frosts, install a wire frame on the plot and threw the film on it.

Growing Pumpkin Seedlings

The planting of pumpkin on the seedlings is carried out 15-20 days before the seedlings landing in open ground. Included after pre-sowing processing of pumpkin seeds one by one decompose into plastic or peat pots with a diameter of 10-15 cm, half filled with soil from two parts by a humor, one piece of the turf and one part of the peat. Seeds are covered with the same soil, but with the addition of a five percent solution of a cowboy and 10-15 g of wood ash. Sowing moisturizes, after which the pots are covered with a film.

How to grow pumpkin seedlings And prevent it from pulling out, what often happens to seedlings at home? Pumpkin seeding assumes the content of sowing with good lighting, excluding direct sunlight on them, and at a temperature of 20-25 ºC, and when shoots appear, such a temperature regime will be set: during the day there should be 15-20 ºC, and at night - 12-13 ºC. If, nevertheless, some seedlings stretched out, after a week-to-one and a half, the submissible plot of such a seedlings roll up with a ring and fall asleep with wet soil along the seedy leaves.

Pour sowing moderately, not allowing the substrate convergence. Two times for the eve of the seedlings receive a comprehensive feeder. The fertilizer for pumpkins is prepared according to such a recipe: in 10 liters of water, 1 l cowboat, 17 g of ammonium sulphate, 15 g of potassium sulphate and 20 g of superphosphate are breed. Consumption - by half-liter solution on one sighter. Before falling into an open ground, the seedlings are made on the veranda or balcony and conduct hardware procedures, opening the window for an hour or more, and gradually for a longer time so that the plants get used to the environment in which they will soon be. A couple of days before planting in the ground, the window stops to close at all.

Picking Pumpkin

To the question, how to dive pumpkin, answer: pumpkin to dive contraindicated, because it is very easy to damage the seedlings root system. That is why it is recommended to sow pumpkin seeds in individual pots.

Pumpkin planting in open ground

When to plant a pumpkin into the ground

Pumpkin planting in the soil is carried out with the onset of stable warm weather. This is usually happening at the end of May or beginning of June. Pumpkin - Bakhchevaya culture, it means that she needs a lot of sun, so choose to land the pumpkin southern plot. The optimal temperature for the growth of pumpkin is 25 ºC, and if the temperature drops to 14 ºC, the growth of the plant stops. A pumpkin grows well in the plots, where the Siderats, onions, cabbage, carrots, beets, soy, peas, beans, beans, lentils or peanut grew up last year. Potatoes, sunflower, cucumber, zucchini, patisson, watermelon, melon and pumpkin are considered bad predecessors.

Soil for pumpkin

Pumpkin grows on any soils, however, it can mature large and sweet only on fertile soil. Plot for pumpkin is prepared from autumn: dripping, bringing into a non-fermentation soil for one m² 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof compost or manure, into heavy or sour 200-300 g of ashes or lime, and in any soil in 25-30 g of phosphate and 15-20 g of potash fertilizer. In the spring, after snow comes down, in order to avoid drying the soil they are harrowing, then slightly loose and cleaned from weeds, and in front of the seedlings or sowing seeds are drunk to a depth of 12-18 cm. If for some reason you haven't managed to prepare a plot with Autumn, put the fertilizer at the time of landing in each dyed under the sighter of the well.

Growing pumpkin in greenhouse

Pumpkin was rarely grown to the greenhouse. More often, the greenhouse is used to grow pumpkin seedlings, which is still planted in an open ground. Pumpkin planting in the greenhouse is carried out one seed in peat pots of 10x10 in size to avoid picking that pumpkin seedlings are heavier. As long as the seeds do not go, the temperature in the greenhouse should be 26 ºC, and from the moment of the appearance of sections, it is reduced to 19 ºC for a week, and then returned to the previous temperature regime. Two weeks after the appearance of the first sprouts, the seedlings fertilize a cow.

Water seedlings as needed, but abundantly: The land with an average humidity indicator should be loose. It is planted in open soil seedlings 4 weeks after the first germination appears.

How to plant pumpkin in open ground

How to place a pumpkin on a garden, we have already written, but the wells for seedlings make a little deeper than when sowing seeds: they must fully accommodate the root system of seedlings at a depth of 8-10 cm. If you are not equipped with a plot from autumn, note that when landing In each well, it is necessary to add by half a rocker or compost, 50 g of superphosphate and 2 glasses of ash, thoroughly mixing fertilizers with soil. Here, based on this, and calculate the depth of the wells for seedlings.

Sweep the wells with one or two liters of hot water, let her absorb, and then pass from the pot of Pumpkin's sighter along with the root room, fill the emptiness with the soil, tightly ramming it. After planting, the plot is mounted with peat or fall asleep dry ground to prevent the formation on the surface of the soil of peel.

Pumpkin care

How to grow pumpkou

After planting seedlings, care for them is thinning, watering, weeding, feeding and, if necessary, in artificial dose, for which no later than 11 o'clock in the morning, a couple of men's flowers are broken, tear the petals and anthers of both flowers on them several times cautiously touched Female flower leaving the last of male flowers on a female stitch. This measure is necessary in case of incomplete fertilization of the barriers, which may entail the formation of Thavor of the wrong shape.

Watering pumpkins

Only landed seedlings are watered daily until they come down. After that, the soil moisturizes as close as possible until the ovary will become the magnitude of the fist. If summer with rains, then stop watering at all. When the fruits begin to gain a mass, the moisturizing of the pumpkin beds renew and gradually bring the water consumption rate to one bucket for one adult plant.

Ruffle soil

After watering or rain it is very convenient to loosen around plants soil and clean it from weed grass. The first loosening at a depth of 6-8 cm should be carried out with the appearance of shoots. The aisle to the depth of 12-18 cm is better to loose before irrigating so that the water penetrates the roots faster. During loosenings, slightly glue the plants, giving them stability.

Development of seedlings

If you sowed seeds right into the ground, when forming two real leaves, you need to break them, leaving in one well of a hard screw or a nutmeg pumpkin in two sprouts, and large-way - one by one. The second thinning is carried out in the formation of 3-4 leaves from seedlings. But we remind: no need to pull extra seedlings, as you can damage the root system of those shoots that decided to leave. Just cut the unnecessary seeding at the level of the surface of the soil.

Pumpkin feeding

The first feeding by diluted water with chicken litter or manure in the 1: 4 ratio is carried out a week after the seedlings falling down or three weeks after sowing in the soil seeds. The frequency of such organic feeding is 3-4 times a month. The pumpkin reacts to the feeder with a solution of 10 liters of water 40-50 g of a garden mixture at the rate of one bucket of 10 plants. An excellent fertilizer is the solution of a glass of wood ash in 10 liters of water. To make the first feeding, make around plants at a distance of 10-12 cm of grooves depth 6-8 cm and pour the solution into them. For further feeding, the grooves make a depth of 10-12 cm, having them 40 cm from the plants. After making fertilizers, the furrows close up the Earth.

If it happens that a long time will be overcast, spray the pumpkin with a solution of 10 g of urea in 10 liters of water.

Pests or pumpkin diseases

Pumpkin can be sick with fungal diseases of black mold, milderous dew, rotten, ascohitosis and anthraznosis.

Black mold It is manifested by yellow-brown spots between the leaf veins, which, with the course of the disease, are covered with a dark rode with mushroom spores. After the stains dry out, holes are formed in their place. Young scratches are wrinkled and cease to develop.

For ascohithiosis On the leaves, stems and in the knots of shoots, large yellow-brown spots are first form, then light spots with chlorotic edge covered with black picnides containing the body of the pathogenic mushroom. Pumpkin dries and dies.

Puffy dew - The real Beach of the gardens and gardens, the symptoms of which look like a thick whitish raid, similar to a wake-up flour, which contains the arms of the mushroom. The leaf-affected leaving the leaves will dry, the fruits are deformed and cease to develop. This disease is active in the conditions of a sharp fluctuation of air humidity and temperature.

Anthracnose Manifested by large watery yellowish spots on the leaves. In wet weather, leaf vessels covers a pink raid. Gradually, pink spots spread over the leaves, stiffs, stems and fruits, the afflicted places are black for autumn. The most dangerous anthracnose with high humidity.

White Rot Developing on all parts of the plant, causing damage to the root system, drying fruit stems and reduced crop. Pumpkin turns yellow, boil, covered with a flake mold flask. A mucus may appear on the stems. Gray rot is manifested by brown blurry spots that quickly merging with each other and striking all the plant. The wet bacterial rot may appear as a result of damage to the slugs or pins of uncerties and young fruits in too thick landings.

From the insects, pumpkin is striking the mudflow, pins, or white chops, wires and slugs.

Slug Objective leaves of plants, leaving sometimes only a grid of veins from them. Especially a lot of them happen in the rainy seasons. In addition, they are able to live and harming plants for several years.

Bahch wane Hurts shoots, flowers, wounds and the bottom side of the leaves, from which they twist and shuffle.

Pillies - The smallest white insects with a cylindrical body up to 2 mm long, feed on seeds and underground parts of plants. The greatest harm of the pins bring plants into cold wet weather.

Wirefront - The larvae oguknov beetles, cutting the root neck of young seedlings, leading to the death of plants. Most of all the wires love to accumulate in wet shorts.

Pumpkin processing

The fight against pumpkin disease is carried out in fact and prophylactically, which is undoubtedly preferable, since the disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. In order to protect the pumpkin Bachch from fungal diseases, you need to abide by the crop rotation, perform agrotechnical requirements, it is responsible to relate to each type of work, and especially for pre-sowing seed processing. At the first signs of the disease, spray the plants and a plot with one-thread bordeaux liquid or other fungicide. And try to make the mandatory spring and autumn treatments of Bakhchi Phitosporin - it will help you avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Slugs will have to assemble or arrange beer traps to themselves or arrange the beer traps: to place on the site of a pot with beer and from time to time to collect shut-off on its smell of mollusks. The wires also catch a bait in different places in different places of the pits with a depth of 50 cm, squeezing the roots chopped into pieces of roots - carrots or beets - and cover the pit with boards, wooden shields or rubberoid. Through the time the traps are checked and destroying the wiringrs gathered there. With the phenomena fight when the soil around the plants wood ash. Tar is destroyed by phosphamide, carbofos or a solution of 300 g of soap in 10 liters of water.

And yet we will remind you that the diseases and pests, as a rule, are striking the weak and unclean plants, so observe the crop rotation, perform agrotechnical requirements, carefully take care of your plants, and you do not have to treat them and save them.

Collection and storage of pumpkin

Harvesting is usually carried out when plants reach biological maturity, but before collecting a pumpkin, make sure that it is really ripe. The faithful sign of maturity is a drying and testing of the fruits in hard screw pumpkins, and a clear drawing on the hardened crust in varieties of large-scale and nutmeg pumpkin. It is necessary to remove the harvest in dry weather, after the first frost, which will kill the leaves of the pumpkin. The fruits are cut with a fruit, sort by quality and size. Act so carefully as if you are dealing with eggs.

The misappropriate or damaged fruits will have to be recycled, and those that are intended for long-term storage, dry in the sun or in a dry warm room with good ventilation within two weeks so that the fruits are led, and the bark finally hardened. After that, the pumpkin can be stored.

To the frosts of the pumpkin can be on the balcony, loggia or in a dry barn, covered with straw or rag, but when the temperature drops to 5 ºC, the pumpkin is transferred to the residential premises and kept in a warm, dry place with a temperature not lower than 14 ºC - so it needs to be stored The first two weeks, and then it is necessary to find a place for pumpkin with a temperature of 3-8 ºC and air humidity 60-70%, where it will lie until spring, or even before the new harvest. Dry sheds, attic or basement are suitable for this. With a higher storage temperature, for example, 15-20 ºC, pumpkin loses about 20% of the weight and can be subjected to rotting.

If the crop is too big, you can store a pumpkin on racks, putting on the shelves of a straw and putting the fruits into one row so that they do not come into contact. Or fold them into boxes, moving dry moss. The obligatory demand for the repository is good air ventilation.

You can store a pumpkin in the garden, in a trench, lying along the bottom and walls of a layer of straw with a thickness of 25 cm. When frosts come, the trench with a pumpkin throw the earth, leaving the ventilation holes in it, which are closed into severe frosts, and during thaws open.

If the harvest is modest, it can be stored in an apartment or in the house, in a dark place so that the seeds do not sprout and the pulp did not acquire a bitter taste. Rezanny pumpkin is stored only in the refrigerator.

Types and varieties of pumpkin

All varieties of pumpkin are for open soil, because in the greenhouse to grow such a large vegetable is difficult. Although if you live in an area with a short and cool summer, but you really want to grow a pumpkin, try to do it in a greenhouse. In culture they grow three varieties of pumpkin:

Common Pumpkin (Cucurbita PEPO), or hard

Herbaceous annual with large and smooth round fruits most often yellow, although there are varieties with the fruits of other shades. Ripen the fruits of pumpkin ordinary in September. Seeds in them are white or yellowish, with a thick eye, 3-4 cm long. With proper storage, fruits can lie until the next harvest. Top varieties:

  • Spaghetti - Surprise grade maturing in 2 months. The pulp of fruits after boiling disintegrates on long fibers, similar to pasta, for which the grade and got its name. Flesh tasty and hot, and cold;
  • Mushroom bush 189. - A popular early early variety, growing up a bush, on which it is usually in two slightly ribbed fruits of the pale-shaped form of PCAvin 6-7 kg each. Ripe gourds of bright orange color with green fragments, the pulp of them is bright orange, juicy and sweet;
  • Almond - medieval variety varieties with round orange fruits weighing up to 5 kg with yellow-orange crispy, juicy and sweet pulp;
  • AKORN - The raven variety, sometimes bush, sometimes plenty with small green, yellow or almost black fruits similar to acorn, with almost white or light yellow small small flesh. The second name of the grade of the ventricate;
  • Freckle - Early bush grade with small green mesh fruits weighing up to 3 kg with not very sweet orange or yellow pulp and small seeds;
  • Bush orange - A variety with bright orange fruits weighing up to 5 kg with a soft and sweet core. Pumpkins of this variety are perfectly stored;
  • Altai 47. - Early raw yields of universal destination, ripening for two months, with yellow-orange hard fetus fruit mass from 2 to 5 kg with yellow-brown or pale yellow stripes. Flesh fibrous. The variety is stable to low temperatures, is well stored.

Pumpkin Muscata (Cucurbita Moschata)

It also comes from Central America - Peru, Mexico and Colombia. This is a plant with a grimaceous stem, the next, infected long-term leaves. He has yellow or brown-pink fruits with longitudinal light spots and bright orange fragrant, tasty, dense, but gentle flesh and small seeds of a grayish white color with a darker rim along the edge. The view has a variety called Chalmida due to the unusual form of fruits. Best grade of nutmeg pumpkin:

  • Muscata - late-leather long-carrying grade with fruits weighing from 4 to 6.5 kg and dense, juicy and sweet orange flesh;
  • Pavala Kadu - Late plethyous grade with large, rounded segmented orange fruits weighing up to 10 kg with juicy and sweet orange color pulp, characterized by amazing taste;
  • Pearl - Land-timing pumpkin weighing up to 7 kg with a bark of dark green and very juicy, rich-orange flesh;
  • Batternat - Late-weighted pumpkin with small pear-like yellow-brown or light orange fruits weighing up to one and a half kilograms with fibrous, sweet, butterfly pulp of bright orange color with a nut flavor;
  • Prikubanskaya - a medium-sample pumpkin with smooth pear-like orange-brown fruits weighing up to 5 kg in brown and orange spots with gentle, juicy and sweet red-orange flesh;
  • Vitamin - The variety of late ripening period, spilling at least 130 days, with dark green fruits in a yellow strip weighing up to 7 kg with a bright orange flesh.

Pumpkin Large (Cucurbita Maxima)

Represented by varieties with the largest fruits, which at the same time and the sweetest. Sugarity of some varieties reaches 15% - the indicator is higher than that of the watermelon. Pumpkin's fruit of this species is rounded, cylindrical, with a bell-free rounded stem. Seeds at the Thavor of this type of matte, milky white or brown. The fruits are better than other varieties tolerate low temperatures and are stored longer at home. Top varieties:

  • Zorka - medium grade with powerful and long weaves, with dark gray fruits in orange spots to 6 kg weighing and bright orange, very sweet and dense pulp containing carotene in high concentration;
  • Marble - late Lengthlet high-yielding grade with tuberculous round dark green fruits weighing up to 4.5 kg with crispy, sweet, rich-orange tight pulp, rich carotine;
  • Candy - Early Pumpkin Pumpkin with large, rounded red-orange fruits weighing up to 2 kg with dark orange sweet, juicy and tight pulp, rich in sugars and vitamin C. This grade of cooling and high-yielding;
  • Volzhskaya gray - Mid-spring plenty grade with slightly flattened round light-gray fruits weighing from 7 to 9 kg with pulp from pale yellow to the bright orange color of medium sweet. Variety drought-resistant and widespread;
  • Smile - Surprise-free sorts with bright orange round fruits with whitewash stripes and crispy orange, very sweet pulp with a gentle melon flavor. The grade is distinguished by cold resistance and the ability to be stored for a long time at room temperature;
  • Garden plants Majcis plants on T

    After this article usually read

Pumpkin in the garden is planting both sedates and seeds. Of course, if possible, they prefer a more easy way. Pumpkin sowing of any species of seeds is possible in the south, and in the middle of the strip it is problematic only in the case of nutmeg varieties. If you properly prepare seeds and sow them in the garden on time, you can grow a wonderful harvest of these very large vegetables.

Selection and preparation of the place, soil

Pumpkin grows in the form of a large bush, and most varieties are formed and long vacuisers that spread in all directions by 2-3 meters or more. Therefore, to highlight her a good plot at a small dacha problematic, and the owners have to be trembling, highlighting pumpkins the dwelling in old barrels, large bags or on compost piles. If it is planted on ordinary beds, they often provide the "second floor" for the location of the woven and fruits in the form of canopy or flooring over the beds, so that it is possible to distinguish the place for landing and other vegetables nearby.

Since the pumpkin, like cucumbers, loves to climb on any vertical obstacles, often sitting down next to the fence. If she independently refuses to let the screens on him, she only needs to help a little, and then growing fruits will hang on the fence, like toys on the Christmas tree. True, so that they do not fall, the fruits will also have to firmly condemn to the support. And since for year-round consumption of the middle family, it is enough to plant only 3-4 plants, the problem of the pumpkin space at such approaches becomes not very significant.

Pumpkins love to grow on various supports: both naturally origin and especially for them

When choosing a bed location, it is important to keep track of it to be well lit by sunlight: in the fellow plant, plants feel worse. But the composition of the soil is of paramount importance: pumpkins make a large amount of nutrients from the ground, and without high-quality fertilizers, the crop will be scarce. True, for one plant, only about 1 m 2 of good fertilized area is required, so this question is quite solving.

The best in the composition of the soil - light sands of dark color with acidity close to neutral (hydrogen exponent of the soil extractor 6.5-7.0). Pumpkin should not be planted after any kind of cultures (zucchini, patissons, cucumbers). If a pumpkin is planted on a flat horizontal surface or a low garden, it is possible and not to carry out continuous loosening of the site, but only to dig up and easily support the wells in the places scheduled for sowing. True, these wells will rather look like landing pits: each plant should be provided with almost a complete bucket of humus and half-liter cans of wood ash. Mineral fertilizers are better made during feeding.

Pumpkin is often put straight on the compost piles, even not quite matured, or specially prepare for her big holes or trenches (deep to half a meter), which are filled with various garbage and waste (small branches, grass, tops, manure), stirring them from the earth . In the spring, these pits are wrapped with warm water with a small addition of nitrate (up to 20 g / m 2), and by the time of seeds they are well warmed up due to the decoration of the organic mass.

Video: Pumpkin sowing

Selection and preparation of seeds

The stores have a wide selection of pumpkin seeds of various varieties, but gardeners, planting pumpkins every year, usually use seeds from their crop, only sometimes for interest buying beautiful sackers of unknown varieties. It makes sense in this: unlike many other cultures, collecting pumpkin seeds are very simple, they are perfectly stored, and the quality of the fruits of old deserved varieties is quite high, and spending money to buy seeds is not always worth it. But if the seeds are bought in the store, most likely, they should be trusted so that they do not need to spend time on their preparation for sowing; Moreover, often seeds from well-known firms have already been fully prepared, they must be simply "to betray the earth."

How to collect pumpkin seeds

Not always pumpkin has time to fully mature on the garden, and some late satisfied varieties "reach" during storage. Unfortunately, this applies only to the flesh: if the seeds did not have time to crush in natural conditions, they will be unsuitable for sowing. For seeds, you can only use the completely matured Thaivne in the garden. It must be healthy copies, homogeneous in color, the right shape and sizes characteristic of a particular variety.

If the cultivation of pumpkin on seeds is performed purposefully, then under the appropriate bushes it is not necessary to make extra fertilizers, it reduces the growing season. Since pumpkin plants are easily reversible, it is undesirable to have a nearby landing of other varieties of pumpkins, zucchini and even cucumbers.

Seed pumpkins up to extracting seeds from them even stored correctly. Do not cut them immediately, you need to give to lie at room temperature for about a month. Longer - not worth it: the seeds can start germinate inside the fetus. If you skip this moment, with seeds you have to say goodbye.

Unlike the watermelon, the pumpkin seeds are not distributed across the fetus, but are in the seed chamber, which in different varieties is located either in the center or on the one hand, but in any case it is large. Therefore, cutting a pumpkin, you can not be afraid of damaging a lot of seeds, but still do it follows carefully, pre-wash the Tsykina and rubbing her dry. It is necessary to use a sharp durable knife and not stick it deeply.

Usually, seeds are easily separated from the pulp, but some of them are part of them, especially not quite ripe, maybe it is very surrounded. If possible, they are separated from the pulp manually, folding into any container, and then washed well with flowing water room temperature. Sometimes for the separation of seeds from the fibers you have to apply and sieve. Bad seeds can be separated immediately, the bay is all extracted with water: what pop up, throw away.

Pumpkin seeds Everyone is well acquainted: they are large, and work with them

After sorting seeds, they are well dried at room temperature and sent for storage. It is best to keep them in a paper or linen package, but most importantly - with constant room temperature and low humidity.

The shelf life of seeds and checking for the germination

Proper storage of pumpkin seeds guarantees their germination for 7-8 years. Moreover, it is not necessary to try to plant last year's seeds: the best results for germination and yields they give up the reach of the age of 3-4 years. Its seeds always collect a lot, therefore, before you cook for landing, you just have to manually calibrate, choosing the largest and dense, "puzzled".

If there are doubts about storage, you can check the seeds for the germination. For this take so much seeds as they can afford, but at least a dozen. The germination is carried out in the usual way: they spread the napkin or a piece of fabric on the plate, lay the seeds and pour water so much so that they are only covered with it. They put a plate in a warm place and follow the napkin to be wet, gradually poured water.

Seeds first swell, then a little burst with the tip, and from there the tail is shown. True, it may happen in three days, and after eight. Therefore, the experiment finish days after ten. If only one thing sprouted out of a dozen seeds - excellent. If 2-3 - normally. Otherwise, it is better to buy new seeds, although if it sprouted each second, you can sow them, but with a margin.

Video: Verification of pumpkin seeds for germination

Soaking and germination of seeds

Pumpkin seeds very often plant dry, straight from the package. Sometimes it is even written on the package that they are ready for sowing. The seeds are often soaked in front of sowing, but also germinate. It is difficult to argue whether there is a lot of meaning in this, but for a few days the preparedness of the crop such preparation brings. In addition, germinated seeds become not so tasty and attractive for pests, it means that the percentage of germination rises. But if you have to prepare seeds to sow, then the first operation should be their disinfection - a half-hour swimming in the dark solution of potassium permanganate.

Then the seeds hold two hours in hot water. It is advisable to find the way the method all this time to maintain the temperature (50 ± 2) about C. If after such heatinging to put the seeds into a wet cloth, they should come into the way no later than 3-4 days.

You should not wait until the pivots become long, they can be broken when sowing

As soon as small tails appeared in individual seeds, all the closed seeds in the same cloth are sent to hardening in the refrigerator, where they hold 3-4 days. A more efficient way of hardening is the effect of temperature variable: location (in the refrigerator and outside it) is changed with a periodicity of 12 hours. Some gardeners before hardening dismissed wood seeds. Particularly diligent instead of germination on the fabric, seeds are extended on important sawdust.

How to speed up seed germination

Pumpkin seed germing is far from the only stage in the preparation of planting material for disemboding. There are still few no less effective and not very complex techniques, for example:

  • warming is the easiest way to which the seeds lay out on a well-lit windowel in clear weather and warm the sunny rays all day, conducting such a processing of at least a week. Instead, you can warm them up 3-4 hours at a temperature of 60 ° C;
  • handling with fertilizer solutions: It can be simply infusion of 2 tablespoons of ash in a liter of water or a more complex mixture composed by adding to such an infusion of 0.5 g of boric acid, the same amount of zinc sulfate and copper sulphate. Seeds are kept in a solution of 5-7 hours;
  • treatment of biostimulants: In this capacity, it is easiest to use a solution containing 0.5 g of salicylic or succinic acid in 1 liter of water. An excellent natural stimulant is a meal juice, which is diluted with water in a 1:10 ratio. In such solutions, the seeds are also kept for 5-7 hours. It is believed that at the same time the germination is not only improved and the amount and quality of the future harvest increases.

Possible reasons for the fact that the seeds do not spare

Problems with the germination of pumpkin seeds are extremely rare. If you checked seeds in advance, they are simply obliged to climb. Maybe not after 4 days, but after 10-12 days, but they will go! Especially if they were sown dry. Paradox? Not. The reason that the suitable dry seeds did not have, perhaps, only one. They were ate pests. Or subterranean spiders, or birds excavated.

But with clumsy or sprouted seeds more difficult. If after sowing is sharply cold, and the soil temperature dropped below 8 o C, which means that your seeds that have just started to live, just died from the cold. Well, if the cold was not, perhaps, just dried: if they sow sprayed seeds, in the hole it is necessary to create conditions of sufficient heat and high humidity.

There are many examples of when one gardener was shaking over the seeds, spent a lot of time, waiting, but no shoots. And the neighbor came on the weekend, buried dry seeds, and they went fine. If, of course, the earth was warm and moderately wet. Therefore, it is worth a recognition that for pumpkins, pre-training seeds are not very necessary, and sometimes it only interferes.

Rules, deadlines and landing schemes pumpkin seeds in open ground

Pumpkin seeds are guaranteed only in the soil, heated at least 12-14 o C, but before sowing it is necessary to be sure that serious cold will not return: germs are dying at 1-2 degrees of frost. The very good temperature for the development of pumpkin plants, the origin and growth of fruits is 20-25 o C. Therefore, seeding time must be determined, focusing not only on long-term climate observations, but also for current weather.

Approximately in the middle lane, seeding time is coming when Mai will pass for the middle, but in this case, each well with crops should be covered with glass or film: the threat of frosts is maintained in early June. If you wait for the summer, then you can not get ripe fruits: after all, the growing period even the most early pumpkins exceeds three months. In the northern regions, pumpkin in the open ground is grown only through seedlings. In the south, there is no sense to grow only the latest grades of nutmeg pumpkins, everyone else sow seeds in early May, and sometimes somewhat earlier.

The lashes of most varieties of pumpkins spread over the site very far, and if they are not expected to raise them to support, between plants have to leave very large gaps, so that the plants are spacious, and they are not very intertwined with each other. And even with vertical cultivation, the wells have no closer than through the meter from each other: the minimum possible power area for one plant is just 1 m 2. But for comfortable growth, specialists recommend a more free placement of pumpkin, according to a 2 x 1 m scheme, placing one plant in the well, or 3 x 2 m, in which case two plants can be put in the nest.

Seeding seed does not represent any difficulty even for an inexperienced gardener.

At normal temperature and humidity values, sewers appear in 5-8 days. When it is clear that freezing will not return, the film can be removed. But in not very warm regions, many gardeners cut holes for sprouts in it, and the film is temporarily left on the garden so that the soil does not cooled. After 3-5 days, unnecessary, the weakest shoots cut off: it is better not to pull them out, so as not to harm the roots of the plants remaining in the well.

Video: Pumpkin landing grocessed seeds

Care of plants

Pumpkin care in the open soil does not represent anything complicated and consists mainly in watering and feeding. True, it would be nice and on time to form plants correctly, but without this you can get quite good results. Weeding and loosening are possible only at first, while the bushes do not grow. At this time and watered trying after shallow loosenings so that the water penetrates deeper to the roots.

Watering should be carried out only with water heated in the sun, so it falls on the evening. The pumpkin for the binding of fruit necessarily requires moisture during intensive flowering, as well as during the rapid growth of Thavin. Every bush has to spend up to three vests of water. As soon as closer to the fall, it will be noticed that the fruits stopped growing, watering strongly reduce: it is necessary for a set of sugar in ripening. The pumpkin will find the necessary moisture at this time: after all, its roots penetrate the soil to one and a half meters.

It is necessary to feed it infrequently: after all, the hole was well supported in advance. For feeding around the bush, a shallow trove is done by a chopper where the nutrient solution is poured. The first time it should be done when it is a growing 5-6 sheets, the second is when the screens will grow to about half a meter. Fertilizer can be either azophoska (10-15 g per bush), or infusion of a cowboy (from the calculation of a bucket of dry fertilizer for 6-8 bushes). Periodically around the bushes should be scattered with a thin layer of wood ash.

Upon reaching the main stem length of one and a half meters, it is plugged, and there are 2-3 pieces from growing side shoots, no more than one fetus will grow on each. If you leave more, they will also grow, but will be the smallest and worse quality. For each growing Thaivina, put a small plank or a piece of plywood so that they will not be attennered from the contact with the earth. To improve the fruit, ensuring the better nutrition of the vacuum at a distance of about 50 cm from the main escape is poured with a small layer of soil.

Pumpkin sowing in bed prepared or dry seeds is extremely simple, but not possible in any climatic region. Many varieties grow perfectly and give a ripe crop if seeds are right and on time. The majority of modern summer residents have no time to do, and they go more easily, often achieving good results.

Among the farmers of Central America are popular to hold contests for determining the biggest pumpkin. In American culture, pumpkin is an integral part of Halloween (a holiday in honor of the unclean strength). The fruit is freed from the pulp, the face is cut on the surface, and the lamp is inserted inside.

Very love pumpkin and in Russia. Culture is unpretentious in cultivation and care, even inexperienced vegetables will cope with this task. Excellent fruits in conditions of temperate strip and in the northern regions, does not require the construction of greenhouses.

In gratitude for elementary care, the plant will give a high harvest.

TERMS Sowing pumpkin seeds in the ground

Pumpkins Seeds in Open Soil depends on weather conditions:

  • Pumpkin Plant is thermalized, so it is necessary to plant it when the earth warms up at least +10 - + 12 ° C and no longer foresee the night frosts.
  • In terms of time, this is most often on May 10-15 in the conditions of the middle strip, sometimes it is possible to plant the 5-6 numbers.

In the threat of freezers, the shoots will need to be covered with cropped plastic bottles, banks or film shelter. Some gardeners use the Dedovsky way: bonfires are boning overnight to remove freezing from the site.

  • In a cold greenhouse (under the film shelter), you can plant a pumpkin much before: from late March until the end of April. This method greatly like the most impatient vegetable vegetables wishing to get a harvest for a month and a half before.

Pumpkin Growing Place

Lighting of the site and the presence of groundwater

To get a good harvest, pick up a plot well lit by sunlight. It is better to plant on the hills, the groundwater occurrence must be more than 1 m. Miln and raw areas are contraindicated.

Wind protection and soil composition

A good location will be the southern face of a wall or fence. This will protect against cold winds and the maximum access of the heating rays of the Sun.

The soil is required nutrient, saturated with organic fertilizers, is neutral by reaction.


Favorable cultural predecessors are able to positively affect the yield: beans, peas, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes.

Do not put pumpkin after cucumbers, patissons, zucchini.

Preliminary preparation of the site

The preparation of the site should be in advance (since the autumn). Under deep steps (at least a bayonet shovel), fertilizers should be made.

  • On 1 m², 2 buckets of humidization will be required, 1 liter can of wood ash, 200 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium chloride, the two latter ingredients can be replaced with 1 glass of nitroposki.
  • In the spring immediately before planting, the plot is spilled by robbles, pre-scattering an ammonium salter in the amount recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Ridges Sweep hot water (with a temperature of 80 ° C) to disinfect from possible diseases.

What to put in the well when boarding pumpkins

It happens that from the fall did not have time to prepare the site, then you can get out of the position in another way: when landing, 1 kg of humans are put on each well, you can add wood ash. If there are no organic matter, there are 30 grams of complex mineral fertilizers (for example, ammophos, nitroposk, nitroamophos, potash nitrate) to each well. A good mixture will be 10 grams. Potassium sulfate + 20 gr. Superphosphate on the well.

Processing pumpkin seeds before landing

How to dug pumpkins before landing? It is necessary to germinate pumpkin seeds before planting, each decides himself. Even without prior soaking, the pumpkin seeds germinate well if the soil is wet enough. To do this, after sowing, you need to water the wells.

Please note that pre-treated seeds will have to watered: if the seeds are waking up and get a lot of moisture at the start, and in the ground will be dry and hot, germs will die.

Seed fitness check and disinfection

A common mistake: Some gardeners sometimes sow old seeds, naturally sewers do not get. If you are not sure of the landing material, the seeds must be pre-checked for the germination. Immerse in the usual saline. Those that plunged on the bottom are high-quality. Then, for 10 minutes, hold in a weakly pink solution of manganese, to decapitate from diseases, and be sure to rinse.

Do I need to soak the pumpkin before landing?

Do you need to germinate pumpkin seeds before landing? If you are ready to pay a little more attention to the care of the pumpkin, the procedure will be useful: the shoots will appear much earlier.

How to germinate a pumpkin for landing

Seeds are soaked to accelerate the germination. For this, the seeds are placed in a wet cloth constantly control, as far as they are swollen - in the crop, proceed when they swell and tackle a little, but do not sprout. If you redistribute seeds and they will empty thick roots, when they are crushed, you can not break and shoots.

Keyned and germinated seeds plant in dirt or watered immediately after landing.

How to treat pumpkin seeds before landing to improve growth

There is another good way: per day is soaked in a solution of potassium humate or sodium humate, then 1- 2 days are placed in a wet fabric. Air temperature maintain at 22-23 ° C.

Proper pumpkin landing in open ground

Pumpkin planting scheme in open soil

  • Groaning under the pumpkin is important to sink very deeply (about 40 cm).
  • Make a ridge about 70 cm wide. The wells must pass through the center.
  • Between individual wells, follow the distance of about 0.8 m.
  • The width of the pass between the ridges is 70 cm.

Pumpkin planting depth seeds

Sustained seeds into wet soil, the depth of the seal is 6 cm. To reliably in one hole, seit 2 seeds, and when sprouts will seem, remove a weaker instance.

Pumpkin Care in Open Ground

How to pinch and form the screens

The correct pumpkin in the open soil is primarily lies in the formation of the plant. When the main stem will reach Dina 1.3-1.5 M it should be pinching, leave 2 side shoots with a length of 60-70 cm. Each shoot is formed by one fruit. Those., One plant will "feed" three fetas: one on the main escape and one on two side.

Excess shoots and delete flowers. To improve the pouring of the fruits, the legs left are recommended to press to the ground with a wire or horns of a tree and spray with a small soil layer (6-7 cm), so the scores are rooted in this place. Under each fruit, lay the plywood, and better - a piece of glass (it turns out an additional heating and dry surface).

How to feed

Possessing the magnitude of the fruit will affect the making of the feeding:

  • First pronounce when 3-5 leaves appear, repeat the procedure with an interval of 15 days.
  • You can use the organic organic (10 liters of water 1 liter infusion cowboy, consumption - by 2 plants)
  • or mineral fertilizers (2 tablespoons of nitroposki on the same volume, consumption is similar).

How to water

Pumpkin moisture. During the flowering period and fruit, water around 1 time per week. Under each bush, make 20-30 liters of warm water. You should not make abundant moisture, while the fruits do not grow a little (all the power can go into the leaves). After irrigation, shuffle the soil. Remove weeds regularly.

Harvesting and storage

To pumpkins well and long stored, ripening fruits need to be cut together with a fruit (long 5-6 cm). Store in a dry place, you can at room temperature, but when the temperature range is 5-8 ° C, the fruits are maintained up to spring.

Diseases and pests

Pumpkin diseases and pests are not small, so it is necessary to examine possible problems and methods of combating them.

Pumpkin diseases:

  • Bacteriosis - manifests itself with high humidity and sharp temperature differences. On the leaves and fruits, brown spots and yasels appear. Delete the leaf. Perform a solution with a solution of sulk acid or borobo liquid.
  • White rot - fungal disease, striking all the plant (leaves, fruit shoots). It can be recognized by whitening damage if not taken action, the plant rotates. Plug the affected areas and the garden themselves with copper mood powder, lime-bent or crowded charcoal.
  • Root rot - the development of the disease provokes watering cold water or sharp temperature differences. In the fight against the disease, they come as follows: rotten roots cut, treat the fungicide, suck the ground on top so that the plant is rooted.
  • Puffy dew - white flare appears on the leaves, they gradually dry out, the fruits develop badly. Remove the amazed leaves, treat isophene or colloidal gray.

Among pests:

  • A web tick - a thin web appears on the back of the leaf plate, the plant cares (the pest sucks the juices). Rock with simple water, spray the infusion of lung husks or garlic with a solution.
  • Bahch wave - small insects greenish color provoke twisting and drying sheet plates. Perform a 10% carbofos solution.

Prevention from diseases and pests is proper care.

Pumpkin varieties

To date, 800 hybrids are registered and. For growing on the site, about 30 are suitable for cultivation in the site (they are sweet).

Consider the best of them by classifying the timing of ripening.

  • Earls (Sugarity is 5.5-9%):
  • Musade (period of maturation is 90 days);
  • Batternat (required 100 days for ripening),
  • Medical (matures for 100-115 days).

The secondary (maximum yield, the sugar content is 7-13%):

  • Almond
  • Marble
  • Barn

Lovely varieties (sugar content of about 12%, technical ripening period is 140-160 days):

  • Zarya East
  • Winter sweet
  • Mushroom Winter

Pumpkin is valued for their healing and taste. From it prepare cereals, soups, juices, salads, pancakes, casseroles and even jam. You can use the pulp in culinary purposes, and solid bonding - as an attribute for Halloween. Then you need to put a round-shaped variety with yellow or orange color. If you want to surprise people coming to the house, put a pear-shaped grade. Like many others, it carries to spring at room temperature, if you lay the intact fruit. Similar specimens can be decorated with their home.

If you want to get an early harvest, plant seeds to seedlings, and afterwards it in open ground. Pumpkin should grow at home no more than 25 days, otherwise the seedlings will stretch, so start the pre-sowing processing of seeds a month before the end of spring frosts. In the middle lane, they begin to rinse them in the mangartan on April 20-25. Make a weak solution. Pouring 3-4 crystal in 100 water, stirring it. Then put pumpkin seeds there for 20 minutes.

After that, rinse them and put it enriched with nutritional elements. For this you need a bandage and a rig. Wrap the seeds in the double layer of the bandage, put it in the container, pour the growth stimulator. After 10 hours, drain it, put a flap on the refrigerator. After this time, hold the day of wet seeds in the bandage at room temperature. Then put each seed into a separate pot with a nutrient mixture, it is better to use peat.

Do not overgrow the ground, grow seedlings on a light window sill or a balcony at a temperature of + 15 + 20 ° C, then it will not stretch. At the end of May, pumpkin seedlings plant in an open ground.

Landing seeds in the soil

If you do not have the opportunity to raise seedlings, you will quite have time to get large fruits, putting seeds immediately into open soil. The optimal term for this May 15-20. Start germinate seeds in the way in two days before landing.

This culture, like all representatives of the Pumpkin family, love to grow on a light soil rich in organica. Moreover, the latter can be seized. Plot for pumpkin cook is easy to avoid extra effort, start digging from the middle of the ridge. At the same time take a little land, postpone it into the left and right side. You will have a trench width of 60 cm. Put the grass in it, dry leaves, semi-fold compost, manure. On the meter Square pour 2 tablespoons of nitroposki. Stir all this shovel. Top cover the ground, which lies on both sides of the trench.

Slide the bed with warm water. Put pumpkin seeds with a square-nesting method in 2 rows after 50 cm. Blank with a nonwoven material from above. If the weather is warm, the first sprouts will seem after 5 days. If cool, you have to wait 7-9. After that, remove the nonwoven material, water the occasionally, shallow loosen the upper layer, water as needed. Each bush leave no more than 1-2 marks, then the fruits will grow large.

Contains a large amount of vitamins, micro, macroelements, protein and useful vegetable fiber. Due to its properties, one of the components of a balanced diet under various diseases. Practically in any garden you can see a growing pumpkin. If you put seeds into open ground, ensure the right care, you can collect a really rich harvest. The choice of a suitable place and observance of landing time is important factors of growing thermal-loving vegetable.

Children's choice and preparation

The Motherland of Pumpkin is Mexico, so she loves so much warm and tolerates the effects of sunlight well. The leaves have a huge number of special hairs that protect the plant from burns. For the landing, it is perfect for a heated seasonal, an outstanding soil. Weak lighting will lead to slow motion, thin shoots are brighten, a smaller number of flowers are formed, consequently, fruits. Most of the pumpkin is afraid of frosts, in which the seeds simply rot on, so it is better to start land work from the second half of May, when the average daily temperature is kept at 20 ° C.

Attention! In colder weather, germination is also possible, but it will not be possible to achieve the right development.

We are useful for an experienced vegetable, it will deal with the important properties of the soil, the batter is best increasing:

  • in the nutrient substrate containing a large number of organic compounds, minerals;
  • with neutral or weak acid acid about 6.5-7;
  • in the bulk, well-ventilated soil without a threat of water delay, reloading the root system.

If the land of the existing site does not meet the set out requirements, you can try to bring its characteristics recommended as possible as possible. At increased acidity, chalk or lime is used, severe clay soils involve fertilizer by humus or compost. It is best to do this in the fall, but if the time is lost, and the sowing is not far off, in the spring you can make a deciduous humus. For each square meter you need about 6-8 kg. Houring, 3 kg of wood sawdust, 200-300 g of nitrophoros, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

After feeding, the garden should be switched to a depth of about 50 cm, pour hot water. Thanks to such preparatory work, the soil aeration is significantly increased. Good precursors of pumpkin on the plot are considered: pepper, garlic, onions, salad, cabbage, beets, radishes, legumes. It is undesirable to perplex after tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, corn, sunflower, any representatives of the Pumpkin family.

Seed preparation and landing

The appearance of sprouts can be accelerated, if about about a day, soak the seeds in liquid organinery fertilizers "Humat potassium" or "humat sodium", cover with a wet tissue napkin and leave indoors with a temperature of at least 20-25 ° C. In order not to lose time and avoid landing of low-quality seeds, which can give too little sprouts or poorly develop, check their germination for a month: wet with water, lay out on the wet cloth until it is prohibited.

It is possible to prevent fungal damage by drilling in a solution of 1 g of manganese on a half-table of water for 30 minutes.

The optimal landing deadlines - the second week of May, depending on the established warm weather according to the scheme 1 × 1.5 m. The formed wells are impregnated with warm water, placed 3-4 seeds, it is possible to at different depths, then in the case of a significant cooling and death of the upper, remaining Grow sprouts.

Attention! With too superficial sealing, the pumpkin is closed in a "shirt", seeds are visible from the ground, which will definitely pull the birds.

Under favorable conditions, germination occurs after 6-7 days. After the appearance of real 2-3 leaves, thinning are performed, weak small plants are cleaned. In the well with a large-scale pumpkin, one, and with a nutmeg and hard screw, no more than two sprouts are left. When the last varieties appears in 5 leaves, repeated breaking, unnecessary shooters are neatly cut off so as not to damage the main root system.

If you do not know how to plant a pumpkin from seeds, listen to the advice of experienced farmers who recommend using a film to protect against frost and retention of moisture in the ground. Above each plant that appeared a small incision, and after excluding the probability of cooling, it increases to 15 cm. The shoots are placed so that they harm on top of the film. So the evaporation of water decreases, the temperature of the soil increases slightly.

Secrets of the right cultivation

Pumpkin is a moisture-loving plant, so watering should be carried out in a timely manner, especially in drought, be quite abundant. A developed root system, feeding shoots and fruits, requires a large amount of water. It is not necessary to delay watering during the period of active growth, flowering, formation of Thavin. In the period of severe heat, it is recommended to use water with a temperature of at least 20 ° C, better from clean wells, otherwise the plant may die. We can not allow the growth of weeds, the soil must be periodically loose, and after watering.

Grown vegetable should be not only beautiful and large, but also useful. For this, the pumpkin is fed by various organic fertilizers who bring to sow, as well as during growth. Most suitable:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • humus;
  • chicken litter;
  • overwhelmed manure.

For the supply of soil, the mineral components use complex fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphate, in the absence of such as a replacement, ash is suitable. In the spring, plant-sites are planted in the spring of at the site of future beds, capable of improving the structure of the soil, to enrich it with nitrogen, to suppress the growth of wild crops. In the period of active vegetation, it will not be superfluous with organic raw materials. Start feeding after the formation of the first 3-5 leaves. Dry fertilizers are more suitable for raw rainy weather. A good option to prepare a mixture that is subsequently divorced in the proportion of 1:10 with water:

  • 1 l cowboat;
  • 2-3 tbsp. nitroposk spoons;
  • a bucket of water.

It is very important for the proper formation of the plant to remove unnecessary shoots and wounds. The main stem pinpoint up to 1.5 m, leave several side shoots about 70 cm with a bond fruit on each of them. As a result, with each well, three Thakins will turn out, to speed up the bulk of which it turns out, pressing shoots to the soil, covering the layer of Earth 7-8 cm to form roots. When germination occurs, these places will also need to water.

What can be encountered

Like many other cultures, pumpkin is subject to some diseases. Most often occur:

  • Puffy dew - whitening specks on the top and bottom of the leaves, gradually the plant turns yellow and disappears, the fruits are spoiled during inaction.
  • Olive spotting is striking all the plant, oil traces on the leaves turn into brownish ulcers, affected by the Thaivans are deformed, lose their useful qualities. The emergence of the disease contributes to the strong differences of the day and night temperatures.
  • Brown spotty - with a sharp change of weather, cooling, on the affected areas, brown spots with a lighter center are noticeable, there is a loose black flare, a fungus develops.
  • White rot can hit the leaves, stems, root neck. There is a softening of tissues. Increased humidity, thick seeding provoke the occurrence of light gray plaque with subsequent dark dense formations.
  • Root rotes can overtake the plant due to excess watering, poor soil aeration, due to plant residues of a patient culture.

Most of the pests are most annulled, spoiling practically ripe fruit. Reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, if the land is sprinkled with dental powder, wood ash, superphosphate. Some gardeners lay the wet rags around the stems and collect them daily. In combating diseases and harmful insects, special preparations are often used. Compliance with the instructions for use makes them use quite effective.

The collection of long-awaited harvest is held in the first half of September. Drying fruit - a sign of ripening pumpkin. When cutting off the fetus, there are about 7-10 cm of the flapped tail, to extend the shelf life of the vegetable and prevent premature posture. The optimal temperature at which the pumpkin does not lose its properties is considered to be 7-10 ° C, it can be lying until spring. If adhere to the recommendations for the preparation of the soil, comply with the dates of landing, ensure the right departure, autumn you will find a rich harvest with high nutritional value.

How to grow pumpkin: video

Growing pumpkin: photo