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Which varieties of cucumbers can be grown on the window. How to grow cucumbers in winter on the windowsill and get a decent harvest. Capacity for growing cucumbers at home

In winter, we also need vegetables and fruits, in the cold and gloomy time of the year, vitamins are needed to us as never. On the supermarket shelves, the range of these products is, of course, is great - but their benefits and quality leave much to be desired.

And what if you try to grow, at least some cultures at home? Greens on the windowsill no longer news, but I want to try something new.

For example, some daches do not part with cucumbers even in winter. For some time, I can attribute myself to their number and today I want to tell you in detail about the agricultural engine of growing cucumbers in an apartment.

First of all, it is necessary to strictly monitor drafts in the house, because the cold air is destroyed for young plants.
Important for germination of seeds and temperatures in the apartment.

Watering should be albeit abundant, but without overflows - otherwise mushrooms will appear in the ground, capable of destroying all your crops.

It is important and acquired high-quality material for sowing - it must comply with certain requirements:

  • Grade cucumbers for room growing Must be busy. Liana will look extended long leaf, while the spray plant will be lush and thick.
  • The yield of the variety is of great importance. The type of vegetable, which initially in terms of its signs is not able to bring big crop, joy will bring little. In unusual home cucumber, and in winter, you will have to make efforts in any case to obtain a crop, and if the return from the bush is small - it will be, to put it mildly, it's a shame.
  • The variety must necessarily be unpretentious, since excessive capriciousness makes life and fruiting cucumber on the windowsill are impossible. This is especially true of culture requirements for illumination and humidity. The lack of high attractions in these aspects is the main sign that you will get a full crop of delicious fruits.

Cucumbers for home and apartments

Examining colorful sachets with cucumber seeds for winter cultivation At home, pay attention to new hybrid varieties. Their advantage is that for pollination they do not need bees or other insects, their female flowers independently form a fruit wound. Cames such cucumbers parthenokarpic.

You can select the following varieties:

  1. Shchedrik - the ripening time is a month and a half. In the brushes, 6-8 frills 10-12 cm long in a saturated green color are formed. When growing on the windowsill for winter from one plant, you can get about 20 cucumbers.
  2. The farmers are ready to collect already a month after the appearance of shoots - this is a super rapid variety. The cucumbers are dark green with dark spikes of 10 cm long. In pollination, this plant requires help, this procedure is not at all complicated - just make a male flower and pollinate the female ovary.
  3. Crustic will give you the first harvest for 50 days after 50 days. This is self-pollized appearance and very harvest. Good care Let you collect from a bush up to 40 fruits.
  4. To the number ideal for homemade cultivation The varieties also include a courage, prestige, a miracle on the window, a room miracle, our Masha. With competent leaving, they will all make you a good harvest.

Agrotechnik growing cucumbers at home

Before sowing, find the cucumbers right place, optimal capacity, suitable substrate and carry out stimulating seed preparation.

Choose a place for indoor cucumbers

Placing cucumbers are only in a well-lit place. In addition to the light, young seedlings need warm. therefore best option It will be the southern window or insulated loggia or balcony, which is especially good, because the cucumbers in this case will be covered immediately from three sides.

Winter day is very short, and cucumbers cannot develop without sufficient lighting. Therefore, to receive good harvest Do not do without further illumination by phytolampa, thus ensuring that vegetables continuously light day duration of 14-16 hours.

Growing well and develop cucumbers at a temperature of 20 degrees. If it exceeds this mark, then you must definitely keep the humidity of the soil under control.

We select tank for landing

A large value of the type of capacities for cucumbers does not have - you can plant them in separate pots or in a common container, the main thing is to comply with the area necessary for the bush.

For every 70 cm, no more than five plants should be fit. Overhairs, a dense landing will negatively affect the development and build-up of the mass of the bush. In the selected container must be present drainage holesAnd the pot itself should be wide enough.

Cucumbers are distinguished by a powerful root system, their full development is possible only under the condition of sufficient volume. nutrient substrate. For each bush, at least 4 liters of soil are necessary.

Preparing a fertile substrate

The soil must be loose, nutritious, easily transmitting oxygen and moisture. It is perfect for this description. Shop substrate for indoor or pumpkin plants.

But, undoubtedly, it is better to use the soil prepared by its own. To do this, you need a forest and garden land, ash, humid, sand and old, overwhelmed to dark colors of sawdust. All components are perfectly mixed and calcined for half an hour in the oven at 200 degrees.

How to prepare seeds to sow

All planting material When packaging is processed, so the disinfection step can simply be bypass, simply by living it into the substrate. But for one's own convenience, to avoid thinning and dive of thickened landings, easy activities can be held:

  1. Grains for half an hour are placed in a weak solution of manganese;
  2. Empty, overlapped on the surface of seeds are removed, since they still do not wait anyway;
  3. Washed with warm water seeds three hours kept in water, the temperature of which is +35 degrees;
  4. Next, the planting material is wrapped in a wet fabric (it can be suspended by sawdust at the same time) and moves to the room with a temperature of the air not approximately 30 degrees of heat.
  5. After a couple of days, the roots will turn around and the seeds must be planted in a pre-prepared soil;
  6. Before sowing seeds with replenishments, the roots are slightly dried.

All procedures have been doing future plants - they will grow rapidly and grow.

Planting cucumbers

  • Before sowing the soil is humidifying well. This is done in order for it well to donkey. When sowing seeds in dry, loose ground, watering causes the seeds to deepen more than it is necessary, as a result, shoots can not wait. By the way, the depth of the optimal landing is 1.5 cm.
  • Planted cucumbers fall asleep wet ground and tightened with polyethylene, either covered with glass so that the young rabid fell as they need a greenhouse condition. For quick and successful germination, a temperature is needed about 25 degrees above zero.
  • As soon as the first shoots proceed, the shelter is cleaned - the extra condensation is nowhere now, since it provokes the appearance of fungal pathologies.
  • In the future, the temperature of the content decreases to 20 degrees, but the level of illumination, on the contrary, increases.

Watering should be moderately, not allowing the bay of the roots. Young shoots are desirable to water with a syringe, blocking it into the ground. So you do not talk a delicate root plant of the plant. It is used exclusively boiled, stretched at least two hours liquid.

Cucumbers need B. organic fertilizers. For example, at home, I have proven myself a victorious infusion banana peel. The finished liquid is diluted with water in the ratio of 1/10, the healing infusion is used in two weeks.

After the formation of the plant 4-5 sheets, it is plugged to cause an active growth of side shoots. In general, the bush should have a maximum of three sidelands.

Then it should be waiting for each of the generation 10 leaves and remove the top kidneys again. This method will make it possible to form a lush sturdy bush.

Do not ignore the garter of the woven - each of them must be carefully directed and tie to the grinder.

In addition, follow the light of the bushes, for the formation and ripening of fruits, it is necessary to have a unimpeded ingress on them of sunlight.

How to cope with disease

In the absence of competent care and constant care, cucumber cute can strike:

  • Multiple dew is a disease of fungal nature, the symptoms of which are manifested by the appearance on the foliage of a white laid;
  • Root rot is reflected in the state of all bush - it begins to fade. The cause of the disease lies in constant overflow of cucumbers;
  • Annznosis is also a fungal ailment, affecting the fetus and sheet apparatus;
  • White rot - about the appearance of this disease testifies to the appearance on the entire surface of the White Waters bush.

You can cope with them by spraying inxcides.

With the slightest suspicions of the disease, immediately take action, otherwise you will lose all your plants - these ailments have property to spread with incredible speed. A timely detection of the problem allows it to solve it without lossless for harvest.

It has long passed those times when citizens who do not have giving, envied those who were. Today, even a hydrowelge can afford to be touched by fresh greens and vegetables, using windows, balconies and loggias for their cultivation.

Having pleased your relatives fresh crispy cloister today can any robust citizen, making right choice Cucumbers for growing on the windowsill. The same applies to tomatoes, strawberries, and pepper - modern breeders specifically created types of vegetables that can be grown in pots and get decent yields.

Characteristics of "home" cucumbers

To enjoy your own harvest of Zelentsov, you should familiarize yourself in advance, what are the grades of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill. They must have another set of qualities than those that are sown in greenhouses or in the open soil:

  • First, it should be self-pollized hybrids, so as not to spend time on manual pollination.
  • Secondly, it is desirable that the plant is a teotalemny, since it is not suitable for every window. Not to highlight additionally lamps in winter, it is better to look after the grade of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill, which easily carry the lack of light.
  • Thirdly, it is preferable to purchase a frost-resistant variety, especially for landing on a balcony or loggia, where there is no additional heating.

If earlier for cultivation on the windowsill, the house consisted of only one species - "Room Rytova", today their dozens. It is important to estimate, in what conditions the vegetable will grow, and, based on them, to acquire the most suitable, benefit all the characteristics manufacturers indicate the packaging.

Cucumbers for windowsill

For many "home gardens", the primary task is high yield. In fact, it is more important that the plant grows strong and healthy in a balcony or window, then the collection of fruits will be a pleasant event. To date, those for cultivation on the windowsill are recognized:

  • "Prestige F1" - a parthenokarpic appearance, which gives the fruits a long period. The first radlets can be collected from 40 days after the seed shoot. Cucumbers have 6-8 cm long and differ excellent taste qualities.
  • "Masha F1" is a very rare view that fruits for the 35-40th day. Also from the category "Cucumbers' grade for growing on the windowsill". It allows you to seek to form up to 7 Zelents on one brush. Fruits dark green with excellent taste.
  • "Ant F1" is one of the most damned types of cucumbers. It is also parthenokarpic, ripens with beams, in each of which up to 7 fruits are formed.
  • "Balcony" - a universal grade, gives a harvest on the 41st day after shooting seeds. Regarding frost-resistant, which makes it the best applicant for growing on a glazed balcony. Yield - up to 10 kg / m 2.

Buying grade cucumbers for growing on the windowsill, must be checked so that this property is indicated on the package. Also, all its qualities should be spelled out - from the yield and time of maturation to the conditions for their maturation.

Selection of tanks

The cucumbers love the spacious, even when they grow in the garden, so it is necessary to take care of the container in advance for them. When choosing a capacity, it should be borne in mind that the optimal volume for one plant is 5 liters. It can be separate pots of ceramics or a solid long container from plastic.

Some "home trucks" adapt plastic five-liter bottles for water, pre-cutting them with a neck. You can also use dense polyethylene packages if there is no other container at hand.

Some nuances should be taken into account by choosing a suitable container for any variety of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill. The peculiarities of this plant are that it does not tolerate both the dryness of the Earth and the stagnation of water, therefore there should be holes in the tanks for its drain.

If you fit under the "garden" boxes, they first need to be covered with a dense cellophane, making at the bottom of the hole. Any of the listed tanks will be used to grow and collect a good crop of cucumbers.

Preparation of soil

For those who do not want to spend time on the preparation of the soil mixture, is suitable, which is sold in specialized stores. The same who wants to personally participate in the process of starting to the end, experienced gardeners Recommend to create ground with your own hands. This will require:

  • 1 part of garden or derdy land;
  • compost - 1 part;
  • sand - 1/5 part;
  • wood sawdust - 1/5;
  • wood ash - 1/5.

So that the soil caused harm to plants, it should be carried out, for which it is possible to use the usual oven. The tray is poured into the baking sheet and mixed with a layer to 5 cm and put on 20-30 minutes in a heated cupboard heated to 100-110 degrees.

After calcining the soil, it is necessary to help, for which it is enough to add mineral fertilizers for pumpkin volumes in a pair of match boxes. You can purchase special additives for cucumbers. Ready sad Pupils in five-liter tanks and is thoroughly poured out of seed seeding. Whatever grade cucumbers for growing on the windowsill, the soil preparation is equal.

Choosing a place

An important role in a good crop playing where the cucumbers will grow. This plant loves sunlight And warm, therefore, either it will be windows or a balcony from the south side, or warmed and equipped with phyto- or fluorescent lamps with a different sides.

It must be remembered that the usual grade of cucumbers takes up to 12 hours of light so that the seedlings grow evenly. This is especially true of the period from November to the end of January. If seeds are used specifically derived as the spelled, then this period can be reduced.

It is very important that the plant is not subjected to drafts when conducting. It is necessary that the frame does not miss the cold air. Some gardeners even with high-quality glazing use an additional insulation or stretch between the plant and window Rama polyethylene film. She misses the sunlight quite well, but it saves from the cold.

Each vegetable has small tricks that help the plant becoming strong and healthy (for example, the use of mirrors or foil for reflection sun ray and increasing lighting). It is also desirable not to put a pot right on the windowsill, but it is better to lay a layer of foam or just wooden bars under it. This is an extra measure for cucumber protection from cold.

Preparation of seeds

To avoid further problems in the gross seed, it is better to carry out prophylaxis. For this, used weak Solution Magnantages in which landing material is withstanding a couple of hours. By the way, it is also a test of their quality - only those that have dropped to the bottom for this time. Seeds floating on the surface, or do not go at all, or will not give a crop.

After mangartage, the seeds need to be left for a couple of days in a wet environment for germination. For this, the moistened with water march or natural fabric is suitable, which must be sprayed as they dry.

When the seeds "will proceed", they can be planted in the cups prepared for this. Some gardeners prefer to sow immediately into the pots, which saves them time, but it is important to cover such a container with a film until the first leaflets appear in the seedlings.

Whatever the grade cucumbers for growing on the windowsill, first week before the appearance of shoots, they need to provide a temperature of +22 ... + 24 degrees. After they go, they can be transferred to a cooler place where the air warms up to +18, but provided good lighting.

Care for seedy

In order to collect from 10 to 25 Zeletsom daily from each plant, it should provide appropriate care. For this:

  • watering should be carried out daily, but it is necessary to ensure that the water is not stored;

  • it is necessary to ensure the plant appropriate humidity, for which it is enough to spray it from the pulverizer 1-2 times a day;
  • if the plant is under artificial lighting, then watering can be produced in the morning and in the evening.

In order to save time, some gardeners put under the pots with seedlings with gravel, where water is poured. This contributes to constant moistening of soil and air. In summer, the soil should be constantly wet, and in winter it is possible to cut down, but the air humidity should be followed at any time of the year.


To be healthy grade cucumbers for growing on the windowsill and the collection of fruits has become a real holiday, they need to be qualitatively feed. To do this, 2 weeks after the appearance of germs, it is necessary to make and make the first mineral solution:

  • 3 liters of water add 2 h. Mineral fertilizer for cucumbers or pumpkin crops, watering at the rate of 1-2 glasses per plant during the growth period and 3-4 - during fruiting.
  • to extend the life of the plant, once every 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to water a solution of 1 "growth" cap on 2 liters of water.

A good help is the low cost of fresh biohumus once every 3-4 weeks.

Formation of a vine

In order for the plant's stem rose strong and well fruiting, the first pinching of the top is carried out when 4-5 leaves appeared. This will "provoke" the side branches. When they give their shoots, pinching is carried out over the third or fifth sheet. The mustache also needs to be deleted, following the postgravations in their place.

When the main vine starts to rise, it should be tested, for which it is possible to insert sticks of 1 m length directly in the container with a plant or pull the fishing line along the window. Liana must be pricked over the 11th or 12th sheet. When the fruiting starts, it is necessary to ensure that the Zelenians do not overwhelm. The more often the fruits are broken, the higher the harvest.

Sowing cucumbers in winter

The main thing distinctive feature Any variety of cucumbers for growing in winter on the windowsill is the need for additional lighting. Better if special phytolambes are used for this. Otherwise, the care conditions are simple:

  • moderate watering;
  • increased air humidity, for which it is better to use tanks with water or spray plants several times a day;
  • timely formation of the bush;
  • daily harvest in the period of fruiting.

Cucumbers need in winter in the dressing no less than at another time of the year. From this directly depends the size of the crop. If the plant "is undernourished", then it will tell it slow growth and yellowed Zelents.

Seeding can be carried out in any month, but at the same time take into account the temperature and illumination of the selected place. Since the cucumbers can give a harvest after 4-5 weeks, then their landing depends only on the owner's preferences. For example, this can be done in 5-6 weeks before the New Year holidays to please guests with salad from fresh cucumbers.

Sowing cucumbers in summer

If in winter it is important that there are additional lighting, then the grade of cucumbers for growing in the summer on the windowsill do not need. On the contrary, you can slightly diaten the plants with a mesh if the southern window is selected. The main requirements for a good crop during this period:

  • frequent watering;
  • regular spraying with water;
  • timely harvest.

In general, the cultivation of cucumbers at any time of the year is not a burdensome lesson, delivering joy when harvesting.

With the onset of winter colds, it is not only the heat and sun, but also summer, fragrant vegetables and fruits. You can go to the store and buy them there. But everyone knows that the taste of the same cucumbers is completely different, but the benefits of such vegetables should not speak.

But there is one way out of this situation. You can try to grow cucumbers on the windowsill in winter at home. This process is uncomplicated and fascinating.

Features in growing

To plant and grow cucumbers at home will be able to anyone. For this you need only a desire, special training is not required. But you need to consider some points:

If you observe et. simple rulesYou can get an excellent harvest of your winter cucumbers.

Suitable varieties

Many gardeners think about what kind of cucumber variety can be raised on the windowsill in winter at home. There are many such varieties:

That's what cucumbers can be grown on the windowsill in winter. There are others good varieties Cucumbers. But when choosing, it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that this kind of seeds is self-polished.

Selection of soil and capacity

Cucumbers at home is better grown in large drawers or pots. In any capacity you need to do the holes through which it will go excess water When watering. And on the bottom of the tank you need to pour drainage about 3 centimeters.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers on the windowsill round year? Alas, the break will have to do, but only if there is no desire to bother with luminescent or helium lighting. The last numbers of February, when the day of day begins to increase gradually - it's time for planting cucumbers.

Cucumber is enough shadowish plantBut on the windowsill still light for him will be not enough, especially in the spring-autumn period. Therefore, grown cucumbers only on the southern or south-eastern windows. The plant does not like drafts, take care of window Ramama There was no cracks.

It makes sense to grow cucumbers on the windowsill only if the temperature in the apartment does not fall below 20 degrees. it heat-loving plant stops growth at temperatures below 16 degrees.

Cucumber loves high humidity The air, in winter, to ensure such conditions will not be very simple, you will have to cover home heating batteries with wet towels. A simple spraying of leaves in this case will not help.

If you are able to organize for the plant suitable conditionsYou can easily grow the cucumbers at home on the windowsill. From one bush, on average, it will be possible to collect from 10 to 15 good middle-size cucumbers.

Sorts and preparation of seeds

In order to grow cucumbers on the window sill, parthenocarpic hybrids are needed or. If, of course, you do not want to pollinate them yourself. With the wrong choice of grade, inexperienced jerges of cucumbers will yellow and fall. Recommended varieties: F1 window-balcony, F1 gift of the East, F1 Catherine, F1 Marathon, F1 Faust and many others.

If you are going to grow cucumbers for the first time, then it is best to purchase seeds of shape and not afraid of varieties of varieties.

For germination of seeds, fabric or cotton disks will be required. We moisturize them and have on the saucer, we lay the seeds of cucumbers on top. Do not allow the tissue drying. After literally, a couple of days, the seeds will turn off. All, they can be planted in the prepared pre-soil about the centimeter depth.

What is better to grow cucumbers on the windowsill

The cucumbers are quite freedom-loving, so the pot for their cultivation should be quite large. One plant will need five-liter sudine. It can be a simple flower pot, even better - a homemade box, in which several bushes will be perfectly moving. The most economical way is to take five-liter bottles for water and cut off their top with the neck. As an option - double cellophane packages. Just do not forget that whatever the container you have chosen, it is necessary to do the holes for the flow of excess water in its day.

In what basis you need to grow cucumbers on the windowsill

The novice gardens will be easier to purchase ready-made soil in the store. Those who have a desire to prepare it independently, you can offer several options:

  • Mix 4 parts of the garden land, 1 part of humus and 1 part of the peat. On 5 liters of the mixture to add 100 grams of ash, a teaspoon of magnesium sulphate and a tablespoon of fertilizer "full".

  • Mix in 2 parts of the garden land, humoring, peat and one part of sawdust. On 5 liters of soil, add 100 grams of ash, a teaspoon of magnesium sulphate and a tablespoon of fertilizer "full".

  • In equal proportions, mix biohumus and garden earth, add 5 tablespoons of ashes of wood for every 5 liters of land.

In principle, it is possible to grow cucumbers on the windowsill in any soil, no one will remain without a crop, just in a properly selected land of the crop, which will naturally, will be much higher. Well, it will still have to fertilize the unprepared soil.

How to plant cucumbers on the windowsill

In addition to the soil and containers for landing, you will need a twine for future supports cucumbers and glass or plastic caps for seedling.

  1. The pot fill in the soil below the edges by 3-4 cm. We post gentle (if there is no dry or wet) seeds in the amount of 3 pieces at a distance of about two minutes from each other. We sprinkle their land.

  2. Seedlings are pretty, give water to absorb.

  3. To create a greenhouse effect, cover the seedlings by a plastic or glass container. We remove the pots in the warmest place in the apartment. Most often it is the top of the cabinets in the kitchen. After the appearance of the sprouts of "greenhouse", they are removed, and the pots are located for a permanent stay on the southern or southeastern window sills.

  4. When real leaves are formed, choose the most powerful and beautiful plant, Remain, remove.

How to grow cucumbers on the windowsill

Prepare in advance support for cucumbers. It can be like a twine or fat trap thread and a long peg, to which the cucumber shoulder should be taped. In the case of a peg, everyone who appeared on the cucumber must be deleted.

After the appearance of 5-6, the cucumber must be quenched. Side shoots also pinch over the second sheet.

Grow cucumbers on the windowsill without feeding - in vain time spending. Once every two weeks, and when cucumbers appear and once every 10 days, it is necessary to make feeding. IN upper layer Soil can be made 1 tsp. "Agrolayf" or watering divorced in two liters of water with a hat "growth". You can simply plunge fresh biohumus once a month.

Video on the topic

In stores all year round you can buy fresh cucumbers, but they do not have such a fragrance as home, with a bed. And, most likely, contain a large number of nitrates and other substances harmful to the body. If you want to please your loved ones with environmentally friendly cakes, then try to grow their houses on the windowsill.

You will need

  • - seeds of cucumbers;
  • - tank for landing;
  • - drainage;
  • - Soil.


Preparation for and seeds
For windowsill use wide and long containers or pots of 5 liters per plant. Deciding with the choice of capacity, pour into it a little drainage (pebbles, claymps or broken), and then soil. It is better to use a purchased nutrient mixture as soil. Now do the seeds that need to germinate before boarding. To do this, wrap them into a wet fabric and put in a saucer. Periodically tighten the water in the saucer, as the fabric dries very quickly. As soon as the first sprouts will be processed, transfer them to the prepared pots from the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm and Pour.

Install pots with planted sprouts on the southern or south-eastern windows. There should be no draft on the windowsill, so close the window tight and creek the existing slots. While the cucumbers do not have a strong root system, stick the support peg in the pot for further garter of the plant. After 5-6 sheets, the stem is tied up to a peg. Give the main stauld to reach the upper window of the window, along the way you will collect the harvest of young cucumbers. Then give the top, it will give the side runs of second order. Thus, you can adjust the branching of the plant and on.

Pay attention to the soil in the pots constantly moisturized. To do this, water the cucumbers 1-2 times a day in small doses. The water temperature should be 28-29 degrees. After irrigation, do not forget to plunge the ground under the barbed roots.

Without feeding to count on good growth And the fruction of cucumbers makes no sense. Therefore, start feeding the plant immediately after landing every 7-8 days. Use complex mineral fertilizers weak concentration. During abundant fruiting dose of fertilizer increase. Another landmark when the norm of fertilizer needs to be increased, these are yellow leaves of the plant.

Helpful advice

When choosing seeds, give preference to the varieties that do not require pollination. You can grow cucumbers on the windowsill all year. Spring sowing cucumbers usually begins at the end of February, when additional lighting is required.

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  • how to grow cucumbers at home on the windowsill

Tip 3: How to get the first, early cucumber on the windowsill

Today in stores sell cucumbers all year round, but everything, the grown cucumber on its window will deliver more fun. These cucumbers with a pronounced cucumber aroma and amazing taste. They are more nutritious compared to their purchased brothers. The quality of lettuce made from the grown cucumber will pleasantly surprise your family.


For the cultivation of cucumber on the windowsill, choose self-pollized seeds (parthenokarpic), otherwise you will have to pollinate floral stigs manually, and it is difficult and not always qualitatively. For cultivation B. room conditions Such varieties are suitable as: Claudia, Marinda, Masha, Zozul, April. To begin with, the seeds are etched in a solution of "zircon" and laid into a container with a wet cloth, where the seeds will germinate. Seeds are gluable at germination temperature from 25 to 30 degrees.

Soil mixture For cucumbers to prepare difficult, it is better to use the purchase of the ground. But if you decide on independent manufacture The substrate, it is prepared to be prepared with high fertility: equal parts of the dung area, the delicate earth, the rigid peat, reworked wood sawdust are taken.
We thoroughly mix and wet warm up in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180ºС. On the bucket of the cooled soil we introduce 1 cup wood ash, 1 tablespoon of nitroammofoski.

We choose a container for sowing with a depth of 15-20 centimeters with holes for flowing water, fill the soil to 1/2 of the depth of the container. In the future, for the period of vegetation, it will be necessary to plunge the ground into the container. Filling the container with a soil, we richly shed the entire soil layer of hot (40 - 50ºС) with water. In the center we make a shallow hole and put in it a sprouted seed of cucumber, fall asleep loose, wet soil. Without watering the landing, we build a guy and install, before the appearance of sprouts, in warm roomwhere the temperature should stick within 23-25ºС. When the seedlings are shown a container set to light, warm window sill, not allowing drafts. The air temperature during the cultivation of cucumber should fluctuate in the tails: daytime - 20-22ºС and night - 15-16ºС.

The cucumbers are very thermal-loving and light-minded, the windows of the Southern, South-Western and Southeast Direction are chosen for the cultivation of this culture. If sowing cucumber culture fell on earlier time, it is necessary to additionally be reduced by fluorescent lamps. The highlighting is carried out from the moment of germination, including the lamp not 8-10 hours from 7-8 in the morning. Watering daily with feeders in 12 days.

Timely garter and proper formation of culture will bring a considerable amount of fruits. The formation is carried out in one stem, all forming mustache are cut as unrequisite. Side shoots that run out of the sinuses of the first order leaves are plugged, with the second-order shoots come in the same way. The third and fourth order escape shall be laid at the height above the promises with a sheet. Further, the escape of the fifth and sixth order is closed above the second sheet that appears and the second zeroze. And so come with the following shoots, gradually increasing the length of escape to one sheet and one promise. At an altitude of 1.5 m from the container, the top of the main stem. During the fertile period, the cucumber feed every 6-8 days with a solution "Ideal", "Gumat" or. Do not forget to arrange a shower of a spray gun, the cucumber loves increased humidity, but does not like drafts. As the plant grow and develops, the roots begin to be seen, they must be filled. Sweeping the soil, the stems begin to form additional roots, and this is an additional flow of nutrition for the plant. We do not forget to rotate seedlings 180 degrees, for uniform increase in mass.

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In large containers, sowing several seeds, and later remove the weakest leaving strong seedlings.

Helpful advice

Pour the cucumbers during the growing season is not equally. During the first stage of vegetation, it is watered regularly, but moderately. It is important not to pour, and from the moment of fruits, it is poured abundant. Recall the moment of soil graze, it should not be dry.

Not always the absence of your land plot It does not allow to be trapped by grilled vegetables. It is enough just to know how to grow homemade tomatoes, and at any time of the year you can enjoy this useful fruit.


Most often, the question of how to grow homemade tomatoes, occurs in people in the winter, when I already want to do gloomy, and before the start of the season is still very far away. Also, this question is interested in those who have no country cottage areaBut the desire to engage in growing plants is.

The cultivation of tomatoes at home is practically no different from landing tomatoes in the country. But there are also their own features.

First of all, you will have to decide with the variety of tomatoes from a huge list. For the cultivation of home tomatoes, low-spirited bushes are suitable. Ideally will grow on the balcony of the Bonsai variety, "Dubok", "Pinocchio", "Carlson", "Little Florida", "Cream" or "White Puff". But if there is a large, glazed and well-lit balcony or loggia, you can land and other varieties of tomatoes having medium and high bushes. With such a desire, it is worth knowing that for one such tomato there will be about 15 liters of soil.

Before boarding the tomato seeds, it is necessary to soak, previously treated with a light solution of manganese. It is enough just to fill them with liquid and give to stand about 15 minutes. After this procedure, wrap good seeds In a wet gauze or a piece of fabric and put in a warm place. Can not be allowed to dry the tissue. Seeds will be ready for landing after they proceed.

Plant tomatoes allowed to universal soil. It can be purchased in a hypermarket or any flower shop. It is possible to independently make excellent soil for tomatoes. Just mix the black soil, sand and peat in proportion 1: 1: 1. Before planting seeds in the ground, it is necessary to disinfect it. You can roll in the oven or handle boiling water. Before planting seeds, the Earth must cool and seek.

In order to raise tomato seedlings at home, transparent are perfect plastic glasses. Do not do holes at the bottom. After all, such a small amount of soil will not have time to take sufficient number Water during watering. 200 ml. The glass fill in the ground almost to the top. Make a small recess of about 2 cm. Put 2 seeds there and pour into the soil. Lightly paint the ground with water. Perfect spraying from the sprayer. In this case, the water will not immerse the seeds below.

So that the water does not evaporate from the cup, cover it with a film. To obtain shoots, tomatoes must be put in a dark place with air temperature 24-26 ° C. Already after 4 days it will be possible to see the first shoots. Plants will immediately need to rearrange on the windowsill having additional artificial lighting. So when growing tomatoes at home, you can independently control the height of the bush.

You can water tomato seedlings only after the top layer of soil dries. Otherwise it is possible to get mold and the development of fungus.

Transplanting tomatoes in larger containers after the first pair of real leaves appeared, and not cotyledons. For dwarf varieties of tomatoes, 5 liters are perfectly suitable, but you can take containers and more. Put the ceramzite on the bottom, above the little sand, and only then the soil. Seedling Pere in a pre-prepared hole together with the ground from the cup. Pour tomatoes with soil and sprinkle. So that the plant develops well, the distance from the soil to the top of the bush requires the distance of about 5-7 cm.

Tomatoes react poorly to high humidity and after transplanting them must be watered 2 times a week. It is best to do this by the lower way using the pallet. In addition, tomatoes love good lighting. And if they grow at home in the winter, then without additional artificial lamps just do not do.

Every 2 weeks home tomatoes must be fed. Use only organic types of fertilizers. Otherwise, the benefits of the obtained fruits will be controversial. In order for nutrients not to go anywhere, it is necessary to carry out a timely of tomatoes. As soon as you notice stepper having a length of 1-3 cm, chip it. It is necessary to do it with your hands to prevent the appearance of the disease in the whole bush. In the process of growth, do not forget to remove and burst, yellowed leaves. If the bush does not apply to low grands, it is necessary to be tied to the peg. Otherwise, the plant is broken under the weight of its own weight.