Repairs Design Furniture

Trees from garland make a scheme itself. How beautiful to highlight plants and trees on the summer site. Advantages of artificial trees with LEDs

Add unusual lighting into your home or festively to place a hall for a celebration with the help of LED trees and bushes. That unusual decoration It will be a worthy replacement with familiar artificial colors and other decorations. Besides additional source Lighting and will look good both in the day and in the evening.

LED trees of all will delight their radiance and transform space. You can use such trees both on the street and indoors. Such trees are often used in landscape designs As decor and additional lighting.

Sure lED treeDeveloped by professional designers and produced by the serial way in the factory conditions looks quite different. And you can already install it on the day of purchase. But this time the main thing for us is to realize your creative impulse and make such a lamp with your own hands.

Making a LED tree

This article is intended for those who thought about testing themselves and devote several weeks to the sacrament of scientific and technical creativity. Creating a Sakura LED tree is a difficult process that implies the elaboration of each part. The luminous crown of the tree is created from a plurality of led-petals, which are reliably attached to the wood wires, and the frame is made of metal.

The whole process of creating a luminous tree with their own hands can be divided into steps:

  • Draw a scheme. Making the sketch of the future tree on a piece of paper and designate its height, number of branches, diodes.
  • We do the trunk. To create it, you can use a metal-plastic plumbing or other pipe. Measure and cut off the desired length.
  • Create a frame. Cut from wire required amount Things different size. We begin their letter "g" so that it is more convenient to fix them to the trunk. Fasten small branches to large with the help of black or brown colorAnd then firmly fit the resulting branches to the trunk with adhesive material.
  • Take the LEDs. At this stage, we will need a soldering iron to solder resistors to the LED. Make sure that all diodes are soldered only to a long or only short-leg resistor.
  • Insulation. The color coinciding with the tape, the insulating tube must be sufficient to pass the diameter diode. It is necessary to cut this tube so that the spike place and the resistor itself hide from the audience, but to leave the place to connect to the power wire. Put on the tubes on the diode light bulbs and heat the lighter to insulate the detail.
  • Fastening LEDs. Take each LED on small branches to the wires of appropriate polarity and wrap the tape. Wiring from small branches must be attached to the wiring of large (one vet - one wire). As a result, the resulting beam of wires should be divided into plus and minus. Captive beams of wires can be immediately allowed along the barrel and solder to the main wire.
  • Decorating branches. To decorate the branches can be carved from plastic by leaves and flowers. All tree branches need to be wrapped with a tape, bringing its appearance to natural.
  • Installation. For the base for the LED tree, you can use large pot or other container. After selecting the foundation and installation of the tree, it can be connected to a power source.

The main advantage of such trees is the economical consumption of electricity. In addition, this design has a long service life and is simply installed enough, and small diode light bulbs are not afraid of moisture and straight rays of the sun.

The desire for the decoration of your home or apartment is familiar with all the happy owners of real estate, as well as those who have to live in the rented room. Modern manufacturers A variety of decorative devices are rushing to satisfy growing demand, offering a novelty for a novelty and creating the most unimaginable combinations of styles and technology.

Some of them perform exclusively aesthetic function, others combine the appeal of appearance with functionality. That is useful decorations Luminous trees made from polymeric materials and equipped large quantity Little this decor is able to beautifully illuminate part of the room.

Naturally, the brightness of such a lamp cannot compete with full light, it is rather designed to replace burning candles or night light.

What is LED lighting

Dynamically developing production of LED lighting devices confidently displaces traditional incandescent lamps, winning the market with numerous advantages:

  • Exceptional durability.
  • High quality lighting (brightness).
  • Safety.
  • Economic power consumption.
  • Ecology.
  • Resistance to humidity and temperature drops.

The essence of the operation of the lamps is to highlight the light by semiconductor material under the influence of electron movement. For the manufacture of such devices, phosphorus, mercury or other hazardous substances is required. And during operation, burns are excluded and since the lamps are not heated and consume a negligible amount of electricity (5-9 watts).

How trees led

The lion's share of the popularity of LED lamps can be attributed to their attractive appearance.

Glowing treeswhose branches are littered with numerous sparkling lights, are decorated with flowers, berries or other decor, only the most pleasant associations with fabulous landscapes and fantasy genre films are caused. In addition, the owners of some devices are available to change the color of shining lights, turn on the flashing mode or get the design, the lamps of which are played by several colors.

Depending on the purpose of the lamp and stylistics of the room or landscape there are trees completely without decor. Their lamps are not hidden by floral nozzles, and the barrel is made with a minimum of unnecessary elements that perfectly fit into the interior in the style of High-tech.

Types of LED trees

Thinking on how to decorate your home or territory a LED lamp in the form of a tree, it is worth collecting information about the devices of this kind.

Trees LED to be of various sizes and types:

Some of these lamps can be purchased in full finished videoOthers need to be assembled and connected. For lovers, there is a possibility, except for buying a factory product, make a similar device yourself.

Luminous trees: price and equipment

Of course, to obtain a complete picture illustrating the equipment or landscape with a bright LED tree without specifying prices for such devices.

For fans of traditional shopping preferring supermarkets, the acquisition of the lamp will cost a little more expensive than when buying in the online store or independent manufacture. On the other hand, they will be available such benefits of civilization as professional advice, seller's advice, home delivery and qualified installation.

Generalizing the cost proposed by several major manufacturers, you can specify the following prices:

On the price of the finished lamp or garlands with lamps also affect the color of the LEDs. Blue, white and yellow lamps are more expensive.

The owners of "golden hands" will be able to save due to the purchase of individual components, as well as independent manufacture and installation of the LED lamp.

Creating a LED tree at home

If there are even minimal knowledge in the field of electronics, it is possible to quickly easily make luminous wood with your own hands. Although it will have to make some effort, choosing, buying and connecting components, but the result will be satisfied with even the most demanding handmaders.

There are two ways to create such a decoration:

  • Collect glowing trees from prepared elements (sustainable base, frame, ribbons with diodes and ornamental colors).
  • Spoil one's own electronic constructionUsing individual lED bulbs, wires and isolation.

The first method is much easier and faster. It does not require the use of skills to work with a soldering iron and electrical circuits, as you just need to connect the prepared device nodes in a certain order. Here, creativity is manifested in the choice color Gamma. Future tree and in a unique combination of finished elements.

Choosing a second method and fully creating a luminous tree with your own hands, the master consistently performs such steps:

  • Collects the frame (for this pipes are suitable different diameter, Wire, wooden bases).
  • Solders to the wires of LED lamps resistors and provides insulation places of compounds.
  • Fuck LEDs to branches.
  • Displays the wires to the power supply and secure them by solder (using and tin).
  • Fixes wood frame with lamps on branches on a steady horizontal basis.

Performing such work, you need to closely monitor the compliance with the correct polarity (+/-).

Decorating trees LEDs

Glowing trees for the street look perfectly as a single decor or as an element of a bright composition (decorated alleys, garden, houses).

One of the main advantages and lamps is their resistance to mechanical damage and the effects of aggressive weather factors. That is why they are so often used to decorate household plots or territories near offices and shops.

To create this creation inspired watching the film Avatar. Remember the fluorescent trees that filled the night with multi-colored light, indescribable beauty.

Surely you have seen trees from beads, man-made creation of an analog of natural beauty, less susceptible to the influence of time. The advantage of such trees in a more "fast height" and the opportunity to ask a unique form, accurately recreated a mental image.

Not so long ago, "Eternal Lanterns" appeared on the market, in particular, devices with LEDs and sunny batteries.

We combine the foregoing, and we can get a glowing bonsai bonsai from the bead, which looks like this:

in the dark,

at night.

Manufacturing technology

Energy collection for recharging can be carried out by one of two directions:
1) placement of photodiodes in the branches of the tree;
2) Setting one solar element next to the tree.

Creating a tree.

It all depends on your fantasy, skills and diligence. For the example above, it took about 60 meters copper wire A diameter of 0.3 mm and 2160 beads with a diameter of 3 mm. Beads can be any, but in his desire to recreate the effect of leaves, used transparent green, 80 grams.

The first stage, we make branches with leaves.

Next you need to create a durable wire frame with a diameter of about 2 mm, it will be a tree trunk. Having placed LEDs on the branches, leave a stock of length, as shown in the photo. It will be more convenient for further assembly. It also requires a stock in roots, for assembling the scheme.

Installing LED on a branch frame:

If you wish to use the placement of photodiodes on the branches, the design will look like this:

I used branches with photo and LEDs and five leaf sprigs. To create a natural effect, we have dark photodiodes in the center, and the LED at the beginning of the codes with the leaves, this will allow them to illuminate the entire branch.

One finished branch:

Tree ready half:

The same thing in the dark:

Now you need to hide the electronic stuffing, there are many options: solder roots, to turn through holes, press, etc. In this case, the holes in the bottom of the pot were made, the roots are passed through them, and after the electronics is placed, the container was filled with decorative stones.

Pot with pebbles:

E-Side Question
BPW34 photodiodes were used if you decide to use this direction to ensure energy, then you need to use about 10 pieces together to charge a lithium-ion battery. We place them in the branches and wiring take to the roots.
Because of the location "in foliage", photodiodes cannot work on full power Due to the light flux reduced by leaves.

Consider a different solution of the energy supply task. In stores have long been sold keychains with solar batteries, their price is not great.

LED keychain lantern with solar battery:

In the first stages of the calculation, the use of a capacitor as the main battery was assumed. But when I used a sunny element from the keychain, I was a pity to leave the left side of the keychain, including lithium-ion battery by 3.7V and 40mach. The use of these parts simplified the recreation of the scheme.


If you use BPW34 photodiodes, then you need to use blocks, out of 10 sequentially included photodiodes collected in parallel.

The solar battery is connected via diode D1 and resistor R9, which allows the transistor Q1 to play the role of the LED brightness regulator based on the illumination information coming from the solar cell. Thus, the backlight turns on only in the dark and does not take power to the day, letting it be charged the battery. It remains only to collect LEDs and the resistors connected to them.

Hiding electronics stones, leave the unclosed solar cell, otherwise it will not work.

List of materials required to create:
2160 Beads (about 80 g)
60 m copper wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm
1 Pot for Bonsai
8 Super Bright Green LEDs 3mm 8000mcd
1 the solar panel (or 10 BPW34)
1 lithium-ion battery for 3.7V 40mach
2 m copper wire with a diameter of about 2 mm
8 resistors 1 com
1 Resistor 1mom
1 Diode 1N4148.
1 transistor BC327

Such glowing trees will be an excellent decoration for your windows and interior, carrying a little magic in your life.


Currently, there is a huge range of decorative lighting products, successfully used for design of premises and streets. LED trees become especially popular different typeswhich serve not only with decoration, but also perfectly complement the illumination of buildings with surrounding territories. Thanks to its qualities, they fit perfectly in almost any interior. In the daytime, artificial trees look quite naturally, and with the onset of darkness begin to delight those around them all colors and shades.

There is available on sale a large number of finished productsHowever, if you wish, you can make a LED tree with your own hands. Important positive factor is low power consumption, so trees are increasingly used for decoration in offices, shops and restaurants, attracting the attention of potential customers.

LED tree for home or apartment

Most often, with independent manufacture of LED trees, intended for installation in rooms, two main methods are used.

Wood with LED garland

The manufacturing process begins with a frame for which the best way Suitable aluminum wire. It is easily bent at any angle, giving a future design any configuration. A more realistic color is obtained by winding the wire of the wire with black tape.

Then, the finished frame is uniformly winding with a garland, fixed to the wire with a black tape. If you wish, you can create additional decorations for LEDs in the form of decorative nozzles from transparent plastic. Upon completion, the manufactured tree you just need to connect to electrical network And believing its performance. Thus, the question is how to make a LED tree with your own hands can be considered solved.

The main advantage of this method is the simplicity of manufacturing. The main disadvantage can be attributed to the impossibility of making a tree of large sizes. This is connected by S. standard length Garlands, which is missing for accommodation on the whole tree. therefore this method Most of all is suitable for the manufacture of miniature products, which are also considerable popularity.

Tree from LEDs

The manufacture of a tree from separate LEDs is considered a more laborious process. However, in this method there are no shortcomings inherent in ready-made garlands, which allows the design of any shapes and sizes. The main material is 5 mm LEDs. Resistors will need for equalizing the voltage.

Direct manufacture begins with a soldering. LED contacts have different lengthTherefore, the legs of the resistors are pre-crushed, on the one hand. To solder the contacts of both items are needed very quickly, so as not to damage the LED.

Then the shrink tubes are cut for wires to close the spawning sites and resistors. It is necessary to leave a place to solder the feed wire. The tube is inserted into the leg of the resistor and the lighter heats up slightly, to impart isolation necessary forms. This operation is performed with each LED.

After that, you can proceed to the manufacture of the tree itself. Most often, the trunk is made from thin plumbing tubes, and the branches are made of wire, about 50 cm long. 45 cm takes place on the bulk of the branch, and 5 cm remains for fastening it to the trunk. Small twigs are cut by sizes up to 10 cm. The number of LEDs on one branch must be calculated in advance.

At the next stage, small twigs are primed up with a tape to large branches. The number of LEDs on each little branch is recommended to make an equal number of LEDs on a large branch. The fastening of each LED is carried out with the help of a tape.

The wires need to be stretching along the entire length of the main branches, after which they are cut into taking into account the bends of small twigs. Ends are primed to the trunk, after which the connection of all the advantages and minuses on each branch is performed. Their quantity should coincide with the total number of branches. Wire connection locations are isolated. It remains only to evenly cheat decorative ornaments And connect the finished tree to the electrical network.

LED Trees for Street

Artificial led trees can be installed in any places as decorating the landscape and adjacent territories. The attractive power of beauty actively attracts visitors to restaurants and cafes, shopping centers and boutiques, offices and other public areas. Each luminous tree with its configuration is largely reminiscent of real plants, and sometimes they are completely imitated. Artificial bark is used to cover metal branches. The maximum similarity can be achieved, due to silicone or plastic leaves and colors made in full size.

The entire design of the artificial tree is decorated with multi-colored LEDs. Most often, they work from the electrical network, but in some cases autonomous power can be used, which leads to some increase in the cost of construction. Sometimes LED garlands are used, but they do not give such an effect as the LEDs used separately.

Benefits artificial trees With LEDs:

  • A long service life, which is at least 5 years.
  • Artificial structures do not require the care required by real trees.
  • Minor electricity consumption. Even the biggest trees consume electricity in an amount not exceeding 700 W.
  • The simplicity of design allows you to install it with your own hands, not attracting specialists.
  • Stability of the design to low temperatures, dust, high humidity and other negative impacts.
  • In the event of a brave of one or more LEDs, the entire remaining chain will continue to work, and the faulty items are easily replaced by others.
  • Right choice Artificial trees and bushes allows advantageously to emphasize and add elements.

Sakura uses special popularity among LED plants. These trees are especially beautiful thanks to high-strength coating by plastic or aluminum alloy branches. Their appearance is close as possible to the present. Despite the relatively small dimensions, this tree gives the same light as higher designs. Sakura has a soft and delicate light gamut, predominantly white, pink and golden tones.

Self-making wood for the street

In the manufacture of wood with LEDs for use on the street, it is necessary to take into account aggressive influence ambient. Therefore, before starting to make a LED tree with your own hands for the street, you need to determine the entire procedure in advance.

The overall work scheme will be approximately the same as for ordinary designsdesigned for premises. In the street, it is recommended to pay attention to a more thorough coating of the trunk and branches with high-quality materials.

It is necessary to take care of the good isolation of LEDs after soldering them with resistors. Shrink tubes must completely hide each pair. If necessary, all unreliable places can be additionally inhibited by black tape. The same applies to wire connections in places of advantages and minuses. Decor items should be fixed better so that they do not disappear with strong wind gusts.

Master class: luminous tree with their own hands

Glowing in the dark bushes and trees - a new trendy trend in lighting. Such lamps not only perform their main function - light the streets at night, but also decorate the city, emphasizing the features of the overall atmosphere and arranging the necessary accents.

Glowing trees for the street - "useful" magnificence

LED trees can be installed almost everywhere, but most often such unusual lamps bang at the entrance to the cafe, shopping center, restaurant, cinema, boutique, etc. So they become the most attractive highlight that lures visitors to these cultural places.

Glowing shrubs and trees are very similar to the present, they completely imitate the form of their prototype plant. The metal branches of the LED miracle are covered with artificial bark, plastic or silicone leaves and flowers in full size are attached to them. Little monochrome or colored LEDs crowned all this design.

Such decorative trees They can work from the network, but more often they are equipped with autonomous power supply, which increases the cost of the construction.

You can, of course, just decorate ordinary tree lED garland (For example, you can use), but the effect will not be good enough. What are the advantages of using LED trees?

In the photo - glowing trees on the background of the winter landscape:


  • Durability, et. lighting serve at least five years;
  • Artificial trees do not require care, which is so real;
  • A small amount of electricity consumed, even for highlighting the most vast gigids, a maximum of 700 W energy is required;
  • Easy to install, here you can easily do without the help of specialists;
  • Construction resistant low temperatures, high humidity and dust;
  • When one or more LED burns, the rest of the lamp continues to burn, the LEDs are easily replaced with new ones;
  • Properly chosen bushes and trees will be able to emphasize the design of the landscape, to become part of the total decor. Of course you can just use the usual street lights For giving. You can see options with photos.

All information about street wall moisture-proof LED lamps will find.

Views and cost

We said that such trees need to competently select, therefore, it suggests that there is a huge number of their species. LED trees can be different colors and shapes, their size ranges from 0.8 m to 5 m. They are often installed as Christmas decorations.


These exotic trees Typically manufactured at least 2 meters in height and can be painted in any color. More simple models It is designed in such a way that the trunk smoothly goes into spreading branches and its structure and the color of the identical crown. For more expensive palm trees and column column close to natural woodAnd the leaves completely repeat the form of real. Between themselves, such lamps may also differ in the amount of branches, the thickness of the barrel, the presence or absence of artificial nuts or fruits. Palms are most popular in sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels and other recreational zones, because they successfully create an atmosphere of hot fun and freshness of the sea breeze. average price Luminous palm trees 50-160 thousand rubles.

What are the street ground lamps find out.


Weaving Iva, glowing in the dark gives in love with the opportunity to enjoy a date under a waveup tree at any time of the day, without taking each other of the enchanted look. This miracle lantern is able to give the park or the Skater an extraordinary romantic atmosphere, illuminating long alleys and cozy benches. Here, flexible long branches are attached to the massive trunk, littered with small leaflets, shining white or any other color of the rainbow. Prices for willows are in the range of 16 to 50 thousand rubles.

Fruit trees

In order for spring the spring is 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, it is enough to install in the garden, in the country or just somewhere on the street street LED fruit trees. Peaches, apple trees, cherries, apricot, pears will delight those around them lush blossom shades of lilac, white or pink. In such trees, flowers and fruits are performed in full size and are similar to the inflorescences and the fruits of real plants as twin brothers. The cost of such lamps depends on the chosen tree, its size and the number of branches. This is 12-80 thousand rubles.

Read also about ground LED fixtures.


Glowing in the dark, the star can be found not only in the sky, but also on the LED Maple, illuminating the Square or Park. Five-pointed silicone or plastic leaves of different sizes in mighty branches - a good solution for decorating public space, and the track is visible, and the kind of pleasant. Price range of maples 15-50 thousand rubles.


This tree can be reached into a special category, since it is Sakura who takes particular popularity. Such trees are particularly beautiful, they are able to turn a simple everyday environment in fabulous kingdom. The branches of these trees are covered with either special high-strength plastic, or an aluminum alloy, and are decorated in such a way that they are very reminded by real.
The lantern was covered with large silicone flowers and leaflets, while the density and form of them seemed to be drawn from a real Japanese Sakura. Although such trees are made in small sizesBut they give light no less than high palm trees and worst willow. The color gamut of Sakura LEDs is very soft and gentle in gold, white, pink and purple tones. There are such oriental beauties from 5 to 80 thousand rubles. Quite high prices for glowing trees are largely due to the cost of street lighting LED lamps (more), which are used in their manufacture.

In the photo - Glowing Sakura:

How to make a luminous tree for the street do it yourself

  1. Draw detailed schema. On the sheet of paper on scale, apply the outline of the future tree, placing the numbers of its height, the length of the branches, the amount of luminous elements on each of them and other necessary dimensions.
  2. Measure the trunk. Cut part of the necessary height from the metal-plastic plumbing or any other pipe - it will be a tree trunk.
  3. Make a frame. Cover the required amount of medium branches from the wire and many smaller twigs. Cognize them in the form of the letter "g" so that they can be easily closed to the base. With the help of black or brown tapes, secure small branches on medium, then take the same adhesive material to the barrel.
  4. Go to LEDs. Armed with a soldering iron. Space the resistors to the LED. Consider at the same time that the latter has two legs - one longer, the other is shorter. Make sure that all LEDs are soldered either only to extended or only to shortened resistor contacts. To protect against moisture good decision will be.
  5. Insulating LEDs. Take the insulating tube, the color of which coincides with the tint of the tape, and the diameter is sufficient so that the LED is easily entered into it. Cut the tube, given that the spike place and the resistor itself should hide from the observer, but it is necessary to leave a place to connect to the power wire. Tubes Put on the LED light bulbs and slightly heat the lighter so that the insulation completely opens the part.
  6. Fresh LEDs. Each of the LEDs, take it on small sprigs to the wires of the polarity, respectively and climb the insulating tape. Now the wiring from small branches connect to the wires of medium, one branch is one wire. The beam of the obtained wires again connect so that all the advantages are together, and the cons, respectively, were connected exclusively to each other. The resulting beams can be immediately soldered to the main wire and put along the barrel, or to pre-turn the wires from each branch to the holes in advance in the tube, connect them between themselves and solder to the main wire so that it is subsequently located inside the pipe. Do not forget to observe the polarity, and after to insulate all the bare conductors. Ensure uninterrupted work in any weather conditions will help.
  7. Decorating branches. With the help of cut from plastic leaves and flowers decorate the resulting tree, all branches must be carefully wrapped with a tape, as close as possible the appearance of the tree-lamp to the natural one.
  8. Install. The basis for the resulting tree - barrel, a large pot, hidden in the ground Capacity, etc. Install your luminous design in it and connect to the power source.

Such a tree will delight you especially, like all that is done personally. You can make a lot of useful things for your site, such as.

The video shows how to make a small luminous fir. On the same principle you can make any other tree:

LED tree made with your own hands - great opportunity to create yourself fabulous forest, guided only by its fantasy and imagination. At the same time, funds also save. But if you are not very "friends" with a soldering iron or you do not have a free time, the best way out is to purchase a ready-made representative of the LED Flora.