Repairs Design Furniture

Plour technology of polymer floors. Method of pouring polymer floors, consumer reviews and materials prices. Drying polymer mixture

Features of the use of polymer floors in rooms, varieties of coatings used, their disadvantages and advantages, preparation and laying on their own.

The content of the article:

Polymer floors are a modern and ergonomic coating for any types of rooms. It is applied by fill and get a perfectly smooth surface. If the work is performed correctly, then on the touch, the finished floor will be reminded of a tile, and in appearance looks like linoleum. The thickness of such a product can be from 1 to 7 mm.

Major varieties of polymer floors

On the market of modern building materials, you can meet several basic varieties of this coating, which differ in their characteristics and application:
  1. Epoxy-urethane floor. Indispens indoors where high traffic intensity. It has great strength, but retains a certain level of elasticity.
  2. Polyurethane floor. Resistant to chemical reagents, temperature drops. This surface does not collect dust, it looks perfectly smooth and aesthetically.
  3. Epoxy polymer flooring. It has high strength to abrasion, as well as an impact on it with alkali, oil, acid, moisture. By sanitary and hygienic standards, not in all types of rooms can be used.
  4. Methyl methacrylate floor. Differs significant installation requirements. At the same time, the strength to external influences is somewhat worse than other types of coatings. Because of this, such a mixture is beyond the least popularity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device of polymer floors

The most important positive moments from the use of such a coating include:
  • Ease of use, thanks to the perfectly smooth surface of the coating.
  • Resistance to temperature effects. Such a floor is not afraid of nor frost, neither drafts or heat, so you can successfully install the polymer floor in the garage or even in the sauna.
  • Increased strength (wear resistance). Any kinds of polymer floors serve a much longer than a number of other floor coatings.
  • A variety of interior solutions and application capabilities - pay attention to the repair indoor.
  • No need for waterproofing.
As for the possible flaws, it should be borne in mind that it is very difficult to dismantle such a coating and economically inexpedient. Therefore, the easiest option will be the installation of the next layer right on top of the first.

In addition, such a type of surface is difficult to name natural. Many possible customers are concerned about the environmental safety of this type of coatings. It is rumored that the bulk floors allocate resin, unwanted for human health.

But what the specialists say about this: Of course, the polymer floor is not a natural natural material. But all the volatile substances that are contained in it are evaporated at the polymerization phase (solidification). After a week later, there is a period of complete hardening and readiness of the floor, it becomes 100% safe even for children's health.

According to sanitary and environmental characteristics, the bulk polymer floor is not inferior to a set of more familiar natural materials. This is evidenced by the corresponding sanitary conclusions and certificates of quality and safety issued for this type of coatings.

Tools and materials for pouring polymer floor

What instruments and materials are needed in order to independently pour any kinds of polymer floors:
  1. Polymeric material itself in the factory packing;
  2. Tank (bucket, pelvis, other capacity) for mixing;
  3. Wide construction spatula;
  4. Paint roller;
  5. Painting tape (scotch);
  6. Construction level;
  7. Electric drill with a mixing nozzle.
It remains to prepare a mixture that will serve as the basis for the new flooring. As part of any variety of the mixture there is always a pair of components. They need to be thoroughly mixed in a bucket or a similar container. For mixing, you can use the electric drill in which any metal pin is inserted instead of drill.

Preparatory work before the pouring of the polymer floor

From how correctly work will be performed on the preparation of the surface under the fill, the service life and external data of the future coating will depend. In other words, if you want the floors to please the eye of the inhabitants for a long time, pay the preparation of the most significant attention. The disregard of this stage may lead to the fact that incorrectly laid coating will be subject to deformation and subsequent destruction.

It should be started with the fact that for different types of bases are presented different requirements. Thus, the wooden coating must be seized, and also ensure that it is necessarily dry. But these floors should not be primed.

Another porosity is distinguished by a concrete floor or cement screed. Since they perfectly absorb moisture, such a surface must necessarily be trusted. In addition, it will take a sealant to make any cracks and seams as much as possible.

If there is an old concrete on the floor, then you will have to remove the topmost layer, after which it is collected a pretty surface. After grinding, use the vacuum cleaner in order to collect all the rising concrete dust and particles.

At the stage of preparing the room and the surface of the floor, it is also necessary to worry about the ambient temperature. This directly affects the properties of the blended mixture and drying it. Normally, if the pouring is performed at a temperature of from 5 to 25 ° C, and the humidity should be approximately 60%. If you do not comply with these conditions, the floors will dry longer.

In order for the future floor to be the perfect structure, progress procedure is performed before it is filling. The primer fills in any, the most smallest pores and prevents oxygen flow, which will increase the operation of the coating.

Some wizers are added to the soil solution a little dry sand to increase the adhesive properties of the solution. In addition, the finished solution acquires a small roughness in this case, and it becomes easier to work with it.

The primer is applied to a uniform layer using a construction roller. If required, then re-impose another primer layer. To do this, it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the starting layer, and this is 12-16 hours on average.

Features of the pouring of the polymer floor with their own hands

The necessary information about kneading the working mixture and its preparation is always placed by the manufacturer on the packaging of its products. It is better to acquire the materials of one trading brand.

Before pouring the future floor, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base (base level). If this is a board, then check each of them and consolidate so that no one dangle. All the gaps should be embedded with a cement mixture and sealant, otherwise the finished solution will fall in them and will lead to irregularities of the coating as a whole.

The thickness of the liquid polymer floor is based on whether it will be an independent coating or will be the base for another material on top of it. With it, the drops are eliminated in surface levels up to 30 cm. Most often the height of the finished polymer floor is 10 mm or a little less.

In the prepared in advance, the capacity (more often, the bucket) is flooded with warm water, after which the dry solution is covered. It is important to observe all the proportions so that the coating has all the necessary qualities after drying. The finished solution should not contain air bubbles or all sorts of lumps. Its consistency is something like liquid kefir.

The prepared solution is gradually poured on the base of the floor and extends evenly throughout the surface of the construction spatula. It is important to work with a partner, because it is necessary to distribute the solution as quickly as possible. Another point: to move around the room you need to use special studded shoes. To do this, you can take any old shoes and attach to them by cutting board with a tape. Self-tapping screws or nails are stuck on each board.

After the solution is distributed over the surface of the room, it is beginning to gently process with a painting roller. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all air bubbles have been removed as much as possible - in this case, it will be possible to achieve as much as possible, smooth, glossy surface. It will take no more than 40 minutes to perform work, since after this period, the solution begins to be captured and further work will be incorrect.

The technology of the production of polymer floors should be organized in such a way that on each square meter of the floor surface in the room the average flow rate of the dry matter was approximately 1.5 kilograms. To hold the fill, you need to prepare protective gloves and glasses to protect yourself from harmful evaporation. In the room you need to provide good ventilation - so the resins will evaporate much faster, and the solution will happen better.

After 2-3 days after the fill of the main polymer layer, you can start aligning the floor. This is the finish part of the technological process. The thickness of the last layer should not be more than 3 millimeters. After the final drying of the finish layer, the preparation of the finished surface. It is best to use polyurethane lacquer. This will create additional protection of the floor and increased resistance to aggressive effects of alkalis, acids, paints.

For complete frost, it will take about two days or more - it depends on the climatic conditions in the room. After the upper layer is completely dry, you can proceed to apply the decorative coating layer.

The more good polymeric floors, so this is the fact that they can use the most different decorative elements. As an image, absolutely any desired drawing can be used based on different colors and shades. With competently organized work and careful study of the instructions, you can independently obtain the result that will not give up the work of the experimental master.

Polymer flooring indoors

Caring for such a type of coatings does not represent a special complexity - as if it would have to be care for ordinary parquet. Usually enough classic dry or wet cleaning to keep it clean.

Household chemicals are used for washing the polymer floor, which is characterized by significant acid content. Such a means is applied for 5-10 minutes to the floor surface, then removed. After that, the floors are clean with plenty of water. If there are spots on the surface from different pollutants, they are processed separately.

As for the processing of the polymer floor in industrial and commercial premises, here the intensity of their use can be much higher. In such cases, there are few visible cracks on the floor, in which the dirt particles are stuffed. They lead to the fact that the floors dump and lose their former attractiveness. Therefore, first it is necessary to remove the stuffed dirt and dust using high pressure apparatus. Next, the floors are clean, after which they can be lacquered to give the previous glossy look.

However, in cases where the floors are often susceptible to aggressive chemicals, additional protection is required for them. The device of polymer floors at this stage will be as follows: Before the fill, the surface is covered with a special protective polyrolla. It will require updates every 6 months. But to leave detergents and other aggressive agents on the surface of polymer floors can not be for a long time, since they have susceptibility.

The polymer fuzzy floor has proven itself in those rooms where they go barefoot or in light shoes. It is recommended to fill the floors with polymers in the bathroom, shower, kitchen, bedroom, and so on. In the corridors and public areas, the coating will be faster due to contact with dirt and sand particles on shoes. In such cases, the floors will have to more often restore what is associated with additional expenses.

How to fill the polymer floor - watching video:

Thus, the bulk polymer floor refers to the coatings of the finishing type, which allow you to achieve perfectly smooth and absolutely smooth surface resistant to abrasion and influences. A similar type of flooring to a certain extent is still distinguished by the novelty for the domestic customer. This uses construction companies and repair brigades to get a larger remuneration for services. But make the polymer floors with their own hands is not so difficult if you follow these tips and approach the fill process carefully.

And other wooden materials on a solid base, metal, after applying special primer.

In the article we will talk about how to make bulk polymer floors with their own hands in the apartment, as well as in the garage.

Types of polymeric grounds

The basis of the synthetic coating used in homes, apartments and offices is one of the polymers.

Epoxy resin - together with additional components creates a durable, resistant to abrasion and chemical exposure.

Smooth, elastic floor can withstand any deformation.

Methyl methacrylate floors are created when mixing acrylic resins and hardeners. They have high resistance to ultraviolet and moisture resistance, with the help of dyes are created unique color combinations. Hardening of gender takes place in 2 hours, and the service life is up to 40 years. With all positive characteristics, this type of bulk sex is rarely used, the reason for this was the high cost and harmful evaporation arising during the fill process.

Characteristics and advantages:

  1. Hygienic and simplicity of care.
  2. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  3. Seamless fill technology.
  4. The ability to perform polymer floors on their own.
  5. A variety of color solutions.
  6. Immunity to chemical reagents.
  7. High solid filling speed reduces repair time.
  8. Durability of use.

Preparation of the foundation

The basic requirements for the preparation of the foundation are the correction of defects and the purification of the surface. If there is an old coating, it must be completely removed. The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe draft floor is thoroughly cleaned from garbage and dust (it is worth using a vacuum cleaner). After cleaning, existing defects become well noticeable. Available gaps and cracks are put off, the protrusions are knocked down. The optimal method of surface treatment is the use of a grinding machine. If the polymer floor is pouring onto ceramic tiles, its surface is deprived of smoothness with skins or sandpaper.

It is necessary to measure the horizontal level of the base: if its differential does not exceed 4 mm, then you can start making the polymer floor. With substantial fluctuations in the level, the surface will have to be aligned with a sandy-cement screed and postpone further work until it dry.

In the overwhelming majority in the poor-quality fill of the bulk sex, a poorly prepared base failed, which caused the detachment.

After drying, the screed requires a thorough primer, which increases the adhesion between the base and the bulk gender, and also reduces the absorption of the polymer mixture, and, it means that the expense of expensive composition. The primer is better to apply two layers by making a break between them at least 4 hours. The composition is applied with roller. So that the liquid blend of the bulk floor leaked near the wall, this area is sampled by a damper ribbon. Also along the perimeter of the room, wooden rails are installed, which will retain the space for the temperature seam.

Preparation of solution

To work, you will need:

  • Drill with a nozzle.
  • Wide spatula.
  • Roller with needle insert on a long handle.
  • Big bucket.

It's time to prepare a working solution. This process is described in the instructions on the package, to obtain an excellent result, it is necessary to strictly implement the manufacturer's recommendations. To create a polymer floor, two components will be required, one of which is a hardener. Mixing occurs in a large capacity. In the reaction process, heat is highlighted, therefore it is recommended to lower the container in advance where it is mixed into a cold water container to slow down the reaction.

Beginner wizards can mix the composition in the bucket, the bay is alternately two components. The drill is selected a nozzle with spatulas, and when the mixer speed is low. The mixing process takes about two minutes.


Filling the floor should occur at a temperature not lower than + 10 ° C, with a lower temperature value, chemical processes slow down, and the polymer will be badly spread over the surface of the base. High temperature will cause too fast curing of the components and will not allow the fill to perform high quality.

In the process of solidification, the floor should not be exposed to drafts and direct sunlight. The top layer of the polymer coating should not dry before the rest of the mass, otherwise cracks will appear.

The liquid polymer is poured into the corner distant from the inlet and help the wooden levelover to host the surface. Work is carried out by stripes, without stopping, the composition quickly hardened in the container. It is good to connect the helper to this process, because one person will be difficult without experience. In the process of filling, rolling the solution with a needle roller, which removes air bubbles. The work ends at the entrance to the room. It is not worth walking in a fresh composition, otherwise traces of shoes will remain.

After drying the composition (the process, depending on the polymer, takes several hours or days) the wooden strips around the perimeter are removed, and the seams are filled with sealant and closed by a plinth. The finishing layer of the bulk is the coating of two layers of varnish, it gives the surface of the shine and smoothness, and also increases wear resistance. Using various types of varnish: matte, colorless, glossy or color - you can achieve the desired effect.

  • thin layer polymeric painting coatings;
  • impregnations of concrete;
  • tolstiral polymer coatings with sand.

The most economical version of the bulk sex is polyurethane impregnation. This is one of the most reliable types of coating for the garage. Externally resembles a lacquered concrete. To obtain a more attractive floor covering, you can apply color marking on it.

First of all, you can pull the draft surface. If the floor was wooden, then you need to dismantle it together with lags. Cleaning the basis of garbage and dust, you can evaluate the quality of the floor. If there are slots and chips on it, then this is a bad signal indicating the destruction of the material. All damage to the screed must be eliminated.

In some cases, before filling in bulk gear in the garage, you need to perform a cement screed. It is advisable if the floor is very smashed, there are large differences in height or in the absence of a screed as such.

If you need to make a screed, then special attention is paid to the arrangement of waterproofing. In addition, to improve the strength characteristics of the floor in the garage, which is very important in this room, make reinforcement. To do this, you can use a galvanized grid laid in solution.

After the screed dried or was cleaned by the available floor base, it needs to be primed. For what?

  1. Primer will improve the base fortress.
  2. So, the clutch of the screed with polymer flooring is ensured.
  3. Surface protection from the appearance / reproduction of microorganisms.

On the perimeter of the garage, make a damper tape, which will serve as a depreciation layer. It is done to the height of the pouring of the polymer floor.

Now you need to install beacons / guides. If you have a small garage, then you can use corners, pipes or metal products as guides. Make them in such a way that the upper edges of the guides are in the same plane. For these purposes, you can use long screws. Divide the floor to square / rectangular sections. Screw the screws into the tops of rectangles / squares. To do this, it is preloaded to drive a screed and insert into the holes of the dowel. Ramilat the lighthouse is needed. Do it with a solution.

Now it is necessary to prepare the polymer mixture according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Mix it thoroughly. To do this, you can use the electrical drill with a special nozzle mixer. It is important that drill worked on small revolutions, otherwise a lot of air bubbles are formed in the mixture. And this will adversely affect the quality of the polymer floor.

Pouring polymer is quick because it dries quickly. Therefore, the best method of performing this work is to prepare a mixture from the calculation to the rectangle / square exhibited by beacons - pour it and align it.

At the end of the fill you need to roll the mass of the studded roller. Thus, air and excess moisture in the polymer will be removed. Operate the bulk sex you can only complete it drying. The time that will require for this depends on the temperature in the garage.

Dry the floor is artificially not worth it. When heating the room on the polymer, crust is formed. In this case, the thickness of the bulk can remain viscous. As a result, the floor in the garage under the weight of the car over time is simply as follows.

Work on the device of the polymer floor has many difficulties and nuances, but it is quite accessible to fulfill its forces. In compliance with the technology will help the training video.


The fill process of the bulk can be viewed in the video material below:


Polymer floors have won considerable popularity, thanks to excellent specifications and excellent performance. Such a coating can be installed not only in industrial premises, but also in private houses and apartments. Make the polymer floors do it yourself are not very easy, but if you clearly do all the stages of work, you will have a high-quality smooth coating that will serve for many years.

What base is suitable for filling?

Make a polymer floor covering with their own hands can be practically on any kind of foundations. But each of them has its own features of the device:

  • Wooden base. To make a fill on the wooden floor, first will have to align it. Typically, they use electrourubs for this. If necessary, the failure of lags should be replaced, and all the slots between them need to be treated with adhesive composition;
  • Concrete base. If there are significant irregularities on the coating, before pouring clean floor, you need to make a screed. At the same time, the reliability of the polymer coating on the concrete floor will always be higher than on a wooden base;
  • Tile. If necessary, the polymer composition can be poured even on the tile. It should be well fixed, so before starting work, each of the tiles must be accepted. To the adhesion of the polymer mixture with tiles were high, it is desirable to handle the base of the emery.

Preparation of a wooden basis

Of course, it is quite problematic to make the bulk coating itself, because you have to perform a considerable piece of work on the preparation of the base for the pouring of the polymer.

First you need to make sure that it is smooth. Check this using a regular level. A permissible deviation is considered to be 4 mm. To make polymer bulk floors with their own hands on a wooden base, you need:

  • Dismantle all the plinth;
  • Believe the old coating: varnish, paint, adhesive composition. To do this, you can use the grinding machine. If you have no such, use the usual spatula and metal brushes;
  • Be sure to take into account the humidity of the overlap, it should not exceed 10%;
  • Discover and treat all defects: chips, dents, cracks and cracks. All existing flaws must be pulled out by sandpaper;
  • Clean the base from the construction trash and dust;
  • Then degrease the coating using cleaning powders;
  • Next, process defects with special construction compositions.

Preparation of concrete basis

If you are going to mount a coating on a concrete basis, you will have to perform such preparatory stages:

  • Measure moisture, it should not be above 4%;
  • Then be sure to check the strength of concrete on compression, the indicator must be higher than 20MP;
  • If the concrete base was poured recently, it is possible to carry out work on the installation of the polymer mixture, not earlier than in 25-28 days;
  • Remove the outdated coating from the floor;
  • Remove any contamination from the surface: mastic, oil and glue spots, varnish and paint;
  • Clean the surface from garbage;
  • Mix the cracks and dents using the construction mixture with the resin;
  • Small cracks and cracks treat with adhesive composition;
  • Align the basis with grinding;
  • Then check the floor evenness using the level.

To equalize the surface, the leveling mixtures that are made on the basis of special binding components are best used. And remember that any coating must be durable, dry, clean and solid, without any cracks. If you fill the polymer composition on the fitting base, the bulk sex will last you for a short time.


Before making the polymer floor with your own hands, be sure to drive the surface. This will increase the clutch of the base with the polymer. To close all the pores on the coating, it is necessary to apply primer several times. Processing the concrete surface is best with two-component mixtures with mineral fillers.

Prodressing Rules:

  • The basis must be soaked in the primer in a well-ventilated room;
  • The composition should be applied with wide brushes or rollers;
  • The next layer of primer must be applied after complete drying of the previous one;
  • It is possible to fill the polymer mixture on the basis of a day after the preliminary treatment of the floor with a primer composition.

Drying polymer mixture

Typically, the mixtures for the polymer floor are divided into two components that are in two tanks. To dilute the composition, you need:

  • Take a deep tank for mixing components;
  • Mix the compositions according to the proportions specified in the instructions;
  • To obtain a homogeneous mass, mix the emulsion well using a building mixer;
  • Since the polymer begins to stick very quickly, it is necessary to use it immediately after breeding.

Important! Note that during the mixing of the components, the reaction occurs, as a result of which heat is distinguished. In order for the quality of the bulk of the floor not changed, be sure to place the container with the composition into another container with cold water.

Floor Floor

Now you need to mount the bulk polymer coating on the floor. This process is very responsible, so try to clearly fulfill all the actions:

  • Pouring the composition on a small area, immediately jump it out. To do this, use Rappa;
  • When you apply an emulsion, go through the surface with a needle roller, then air bubbles are not formed on the floor;
  • The layer thickness should not be less than 1 mm, otherwise the surface will be fragile;
  • When the coating is completely dry (from several hours to several days), treat the surface with polyurethane varnish.

Important! To produce high-quality fill, it is desirable to be lacking in the room draft and temperature drop. These factors can further affect the service life of the coating. It is desirable that the room temperature is not below 10 degrees.

On video, all stages of the performance of the polymer floor are shown in more detail.

Installation of a polymer coating is a time-consuming process that requires a qualitative implementation of all stages of work. If you manage to competently implement the entire complex of work with compliance with the fill technology, the appearance of the floor covering will not change even with long-term operation.

Recently, polymeric floors are currently relevant and in demand in our days. Construction is the most important branch of the national economy. A special place in the industry was occupied by work on the creation of a floor covering in a particular space. For today to create a floor, you can use the most different building materials - wooden boards, plywood, linoleum, concrete screed.

The advantages of the polymer bulk sex

In recent years, the so-called liquid floor is increasingly relevant. It is still referred to in bulk. Unlike traditional building materials, it has some advantages. Floor polymeric filth floors are a coating of synthetic material. Most often they are used in large shopping centers, garage premises, exhibition halls, etc.

Often, polymer fuzzy coatings are used in production due to their reliability and long service life.

It is simple to create such coatings with your own hands. It should be considered in more detail how the pouring of polymer coatings is performed, the main stages of repair, positive and negative sides of the bulk gender are performed. Polymer emphasis has a number of advantages, due to which the floors are in demand among the consumer.

The advantage of the polymer floor is that he is beautiful and practical

Advantages are as follows:

  1. Polymer coatings are of various types (epoxy, polyurethane, methylthrylate), depending on this they can restrain the highest temperature modes, and also possess moisture resistance.
  2. Despite the fact that the polymer is used, they are clean, safe, environmentally friendly.
  3. The floors are very simply cleaning, it is easy to wash and process the cleaning agent.
  4. Polymer coating resistant to various types of abrasive substances.
  5. The bulk coatings can be with a glossy or matte surface, so you can choose a suitable design for your room to taste, which will fit the style direction.
  6. Bulk coatings are in their composition liquid substance, which rapidly hard. Due to this, the floor will dry quickly and the grip with any surface occurs, whether it is wood or concrete screed. In contrast to wood and concrete base, this coating is created quickly and without much effort.

Thanks to all the above advantages, the coating prefer to pour more and more people, drawing up the floors of apartments, private houses, offices, parking, etc. In addition, 3D coatings are developed. They are different from the standard coverage of the presence of complex images, which can not make any home master.

Preparatory work for bulk coatings

The complexity of creating fuel coatings is that they need an ideal flat basis. In the event that the base from the tile should be needed to perform some roughness. Make it possible, applying a skirt or sandpaper.

Often problems may occur when aligning the foundation if it is made of wood. To do this, it is paramount to remove all uneven places, carefully embellished them.

The irregularities of the base of the floor surface can manifest itself well when lags will understand and remove the old coating. However, the height difference is allowed, and it equals 4 mm. If possible, it is better to perform a concrete tie. If it is not done, then uneven places and defects can be removed using a special machine for grinding or grinding stone.

Making the polymer floor can be made both independently and using qualified specialists.

In order to determine the smooth surface, experts advise apply:

  • Water level;
  • Building level;
  • Other measuring device.

It will also be useful to conduct a thorough surface of the surface. The primer increases the moisture resistance of the surface and increases the adhesion of the fuzzy floor with the base. After the base is qualitatively prepared, on the perimeter of the room floor it is necessary to jar of special rains like plinth. It is necessary that the liquid filler polymer is not growing into the voids between the outdoor surface and the walls. Reiki are attached to the self-tapping screws, nails (if a wood wall) or dowel (if the wall is made of concrete).

Polymer bulk floors: mixture cooking technology

In order to do on their own PUR floor, it is necessary to carefully prepare the working liquid composition. You can purchase a polymer mixture in any specialized store. After that, it needs to be divorced, as provides for instructions and technology.

This is one of the most important steps of all repairs, since the result of repair work depends on the quality of liquid composition.

You need to prepare the mixture only by the instruction that is attached to the purchased product. The most important role is played by the mixing process. It is necessary to do this without hurrying, carefully so that there is no single lump. In addition, absolutely all air bubbles should be removed from the solution. Stirring can be performed using a special construction mixer or other suitable means. The next important step is to pour the composition. The liquid mixture should be applied to the floor base from the most far from the door of the room room and gently move towards the doors. The correct thickness of the floor layer should be approximately 4 mm.

Before entering the installation of the polymer floor, it is necessary to choose correctly and prepare a special mixture for fill

If the layer is thinner, it will turn out:

  • Not durable;
  • Unreliable;
  • Not durable.

Very thin layer can only be poured on the finished base as a supplement. Pour the composition is best together. One home master holds a bucket with a polymer composition and gently pours it to the floor, and the second levels surface. You can use wood slats for alignment. After the polymer fuzzy floor will die with qualitatively, you can begin to apply lacquer. Varnish is necessary in order for the finished coating to be aesthetic, brilliant, more protected. In addition, the lacquer increases the wear resistance of the material, and makes it the most smooth. The time for which the polymer dries is approximately 30 minutes. But it is better to do everything in accordance with the instructions on the packaging of the material. Varnish is applied only to the already hardened surface. Putting the coating follows 3 or even 4 layers. You can not walk on only the flooded filth floor. So that there are no traces and defects, step on the finished floor is better than a day.

Tools and materials for the polymer floor with their own hands

In order to make PUR floor based on a polymer composition, a whole arsenal of instruments and building materials should be available. The set should consist of certain items and materials.

Pre-prepare the necessary materials and tools in order not to be distracted during the work process.


  • Water or construction level;
  • Rake for alignment of the polymer solution when pouring it;
  • Brush;
  • Putty knife;
  • Primer;
  • Solution if a concrete screed will be arranged;
  • Capacity for polymer composition;
  • Mixer.

In addition, wood racks should be prepared for the perimeter for the production of the 3D filling coating. In this case, the most important part will be a drawing film or coloring composition. In order to attach the aesthetics flooring, it will be necessary to cover the surface with varnish.

Types of polymer floors (video)

As a result, one can note one thing that the plotting polymer floor is an innovative design solution for performing repair work in a cottage or apartment room. Such technology has found widest use and production.

The polymer bulk floor is an finishing floor coating consisting of polymeric materials. In other words, this is a polymer seamless membrane that is applied to the screed or cleaned concrete slab. Such a polymer bulk floor has increased wear resistance and at the same time protects the concrete well from destruction. This floor covering is a popular novelty in modern construction, which has already managed to earn a considerable authority.
Self-leveling floor - the perfect replacement of the usual parquet, tile, linoleum or laminate

The color palette of self-leveling bulk sex can be completely diverse. In the catalogs you will meet 10 - 15 standard colors that can have a polymer bulk floor, but in reality you can get exactly the color you need. This is achieved by the fact that various organic dyes are simply added to the construction mixture.

Application of bulk sex

  • in apartments, residential buildings
  • in industrial premises
  • in public, commercial institutions (parking, shopping centers, clubs, offices, restaurants, etc.)
  • indoors with food industry
  • for sports facilities, stadiums

Depending on the scope and conditions of use, specialized polymer coatings are used

Bulk floors are made from high-quality building materials, which are extremely convenient and easy to prepare and arrange

We are ready to make three types of bulk sex for you:

  • glossy (create a feeling of water on the surface)
  • semiamatic (a little dimming glossy)
  • matte (practically non-reflective light)

Options for filling unit:

Type of bulk gender №3 It is the author's designer bulk floor, has a thickness of the cumulative coating from 3 mm and includes the following types of components:

  • The first component: the primer is applied to the prepared base, with the subsequent addition of dry quartz sand (0.3 - 0.8 mm fraction).
  • The second layer is the basic main (EVROPOLL EP base).
  • The third layer is decorative. This layer can fill out various decorative elements, fabrics with any images, self-adhesive vinyl films.
  • The fourth layer is the finishing element (Europloll New Finish).

Type of bulk floor №5 - This is a designer polymer bulk floor having a thickness of a common coating of three millimeters and includes the following components:

  • The first component: the prepared concrete base is applied to an euroral primer, followed by folding quartz sand (0.3 - 0.8 mm).
  • The second layer is a fundamental basic element (EVROPOLL EP base).
  • The third layer is designer (EVROPOLL RAL -Base).

Paul type number 8. It is a stone carpet (dischargeable pebble / sealing), has a coating thickness of 6-8 mm, includes the following types of components:

  • The first layer: EVROPOLL primer is applied to the prepared base, followed by the addition of quartz dry sand (0.3 - 0.8 mm fraction).
  • The second layer is a fundamental basic (EVROPOLL EP base).
  • The third layer is sealing (Evropoll New Finish).
  • Fourth Component - Finish (Europoll New Finish).

Polyurethane or epoxy floors?

To figure out which coverage you need, you need to compare their positive and negative characteristics

Epoxy bulk floorcontains its composition of epoxy resins. It is characterized by high strength, rigidity, hardness and has the following features:

Polyurethane bulk floor It has elasticity, flexibility and resistance to impact. It has the following features:

  • resistant to constant mechanical loads
  • it has elevated wear-resistance
  • not afraid of ultraviolet rays (does not lose its color, does not fade)
  • it is manufactured exclusively in the two component composition, which after mixing begins to quickly solve (it dictates the accuracy and efficiency of work)
  • applied to the surface only at a positive temperature (at least + 5 degrees)
  • when applied does not highlight the smell
  • as minus - it penetrates well in the pores of the concrete surface
  • endowed with high stretching rates
  • resistant to continuous vibrations, to mechanical loads
  • with direct impact of ultraviolet on the surface there may be a light yellowish tint
  • may be one-component and two component
  • the depth of impregnation on concrete is from two mm
  • slowly hardens (there is no need for quick applix to the surface)
  • when applied, it is necessary to use protective respirators, as harmful couples are distinguished
  • the floor is applied at a positive temperature.

Features of the polymer bulk sex

  1. High wear resistance to abrasion, that is, such a floor is not susceptible to the effects of various grains, dust
  2. The elasticity of the coating that allows the floor to withstand escil fluctuations in temperature
  3. Resistance to vibration, possible shocks. Bulk floors will perfectly cope with all exercise and does not lose their pristine decorativeness.
  4. Durability and reliability. If you correctly pick up the type of bulk coating and make stacking in all the rules, the floor can serve more than 20 years
  5. Floor seamlessness - provides hollow protection and moisture resistance to concrete base
  6. Resistance to the effects of caustic chemicals
  7. Hygienicity (does not contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora)
  8. Ecology (does not release harmful chemical compounds in the air)
  9. Easy to care, suitable for machine cleaning using active cleaning products
  10. Attractive appearance, variety of colors and aesthetics (due to the use of decorative materials)
  11. Fireproof (with a possible ignition of the room floor has moderate toxicity and low flammability)
  12. The floor provides the absence of sparks, which allows you to install it where work with explosive substances is performed.
  13. Maintainability - allows you to fully or partially restore the coating
  14. Quickly and easily fit (works may take 1 - 4 days)
  15. Represents perfectly smooth surface

Bulk formation technology

1) Preparatory Stage - Alignment and Preparation of the Foundation

For any bulk sex, the perfectly smooth surface of the concrete floor is required. Horizontal deviations should not exceed 2 mm. If possible, the base must be made of durable concrete (minimum M200) or Peskobeton

The concrete base should be completely dry and should not have on the surface of any contaminants (various fats, oil spots, any previously applied old coatings, etc.). All pollution is removed by milling, grinding

If the level alignment is not effective, then it is necessary to produce a new screed

2) Priming concrete base and Quartz sand redemption

The finished soil is poured over the surface of the base and evenly distribute the roller. If the concrete base is inhomogeneously absorbs the soil, then after the first layer, heavily absorbing the plots are additionally ground. After the first layer of primer is polymerized, the second protector layer is applied, at the time of application of which dry quartz sand is uniformly applied (fraction 0.3 - 0.6 mm)

3) cooking, applying the finish layer

For the manufacture of self-leveling bulk sex, a specialized dry mixture or two dry components is bred in a certain amount of cold water (if two components are first, first bred, and then gradually begin to pour the second one). The whole composition is continuously stirred by an electromyer for two to three minutes (direct and reversible rotation is activated). As a result, a homogeneous fluid mass should be formed, which it is necessary to calmly stand for two to three minutes in order to be able to exit airs involved. After that, the mixture is evenly distributed over the surface and are waiting for its complete solidification.

The thickness of the total flooring should vary in the range from 3 to 8 mm depending on the chosen type of bulk sex

The final stage, but not mandatory, may be the application of a protective polyurethane varnish, which can underline the surface or make it matte, remove the light glare

Distinctive properties of decorative bulk sex

Installation of decorative bulk sex is carried out with the help of a wizard, designer and a decorative artist. The embodiment of the design idea is a fundamental property in this form of the coating. Paul must perfectly join the interior of the room. It may contain various special effects. The thickness of the coating in this case can reach several centimeters.

Decor options and methods for changing the shade of the bulk gender:

Adding chips