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Fabulous forest You have on the window: Learning to do a flurarium. Step-by-step instructions for creating a flurarum with their own hands Florarium creation technology

Date: 2014-01-27 | Views: 40168.

Such terrariums for plants have become an excellent alternative to traditional pots with flowers. And if you wanted to have such a miracle at home or use it as a gift, do not be mistaken if the price of it will seem too high in the store.

Today we learn how to make a terrarium with their own hands. And as plants for the terrarium, we will use succulents.

  • open glass sphere (for sale in pet stores, garden centers or flower shops);
  • glass or other large pebbles (found in garden centers or shops for needlework, packed in small grids);
  • decorative soil (except for garden centers can be found in the departments for aquariums as a soil for aquariums);
  • ready soil for succulents;
  • any decorative elements on your taste (use if you are going to give terrarium and decorations will be thematically connected with the holiday);
  • succulents for Terrarium: Eheveria (1), Portulakaria AFRA (2), Crassula Hobbit (3), Krasul Schmidt (4), Calanechoe (5), Tolstive Suffer (6).

You can pick up other types of succulents, the main thing is that they are small and a variety of texture and color. One of the plants should be the "main thing" - in our case it is Ehhereria, which will become the center of the composition.

2. Sequence of the manufacture of terrarium

We begin with a drain layer with a height of about 3 cm, which are placed on the bottom of the glass sphere. Succulents do not carry water stagnation, so they simply need drainage.

In our case, we created it from colored glass pebbles. For these purposes, any small pebbles, ceramzit, etc. Colored windows We took exclusively from aesthetic considerations.

The drainage layer sprinkle the finished soil for succulents with a height of 3-4 cm. You can use universal landfill, but in this case sand is added to it.

We transplant succulents to our terrarium. Try to pick up a variety of plants. In garden centers, you can now find entire sets of succulents with a height of about 10 cm. On them and stop your choice.

Now smear the layer of decorative soil. Often, similar small and medium gravel is used in aquarium. It is found to be a variety of colors and sold or for weight, or in various packages - from small to large.

Buy the smallest package, because we will not need a lot of such pebbles. In our composition, they will serve as a decorative element and hold the lower layer of the Earth from the shifts.

To give the composition a complete view, placing in a terrarium any decorative element. This may be something contrasting as it is a decoration in the form of a heart. There may be a beautiful stone or shell. If you are a fan of naturalness, then decorative elements can not be added.

First of all, the succulents do not need abundant and frequent irrigation. Water that glass down after watering should not rise above the level of the drainage layer. Consider the fact that there is no drain hole in the tank, and the stagnation of water is destroyed for succulents.

More about irrigation of succulents can be read in my article "Watering in room plants".

And the second - do not place the terrarium under the right sunlight. In the glass sphere, the stalks and roots of the plants will quickly overheat. It is best to place it in the sun room with a shading from direct rays.

In general, such a terrarium requires minimal care, so it can be recommended both as a gift and for growing novice flows.

4. Examples of terrariums with various plants

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Flowers in aquarium - myth or reality? Once seeing this "treasure" will definitely want to create a similar miracle in his own home. Plants and flowers in aquarium are decent admiration. This style of flower growing cannot be compared with anything other - it is unique and unique. Not dedicated to know that the aquarium with flowers is called a science flurarium.

Florarium and aquarium consisting on the meaning of the word, this is the same glass transparent capacitance. The easiest option - It is to buy it in the usual zoo store.

Billet for landing - a regular aquarium for fish

The only difference is that the aquarium (flurarium) will be used not for the breeding of exotic fish, but for stock colors.

Execution options

The flurarium is a composition of living plants behind glass. This is a green paradise, composed of decorative natural elements.

Options for creating a lot. They can be:

  • open and partially closed;
  • large and miniature;
  • with additional heating and illumination;
  • with water and without water;
  • suspended, outdoor, wall;
  • on the table or windowsill;

The vessel for such compositions serve glass or simply transmitting light capacity: aquariums, banks, huge glasses and bottles.

In such unique conditions, it is easy to create a favorable microclimate, which is necessary for capricious tropical pets.

Creating your own hands

Many florists are concerned about how to choose the right filling for flurarium?

The choice of "residents" primarily depends on What will be the futureenterprise.

Creating a flurarmium can be compared with a picturesque picture. It is necessary to take into account the color gamut, size and texture.

It is important to take into account the climate to which your plants in the aquarium are accustomed

An important point is their natural habitat. Therefore, drought-resistant flowers can not be squeezed with moisture, and the lovers of the sun do not get along with shady tenants.

Flowers in the aquarium plant in the ground or into the water. It depends on what conditions one or another pet love.

What plants are suitable for breeding glass

Not all are suitable for population in flurarium. Behind the glass is closely close. But there will be comfortable colors of small size (10-15 cm), which have slow development. Suitable:

Miniature Funers (Asplenium, Peris) Surprised by lace leaves
Moss cultures Make up the company and draw up soil cover
Crotonon Bright colors add
Plaunkovye Enrich the brightness of greenery
Orchids Tenderness will give the composition
Mini-violet Tiny Sizes and Touching View
Fitonia Collect the picture with your elegant streaks
Cacti, blooming and decorative They are undoubtedly suitable for dry compositions
Swampy pita, reed, car, charterus and bamboo Will decorate a wet version

Succulents in aquarium

Leaders in this list, for open flurariums, are succulents.

They are simple in breeding, unpretentious in care and do not require special conditions. These are plants with fleshy leaves and juicy stems. They have the ability to accumulate water. Succulent selection is great and diverse. pay attention to:

  • Agavov family.
  • Zamiculkas. It grows slowly and quite suitable for a large and open flurarum.
  • "Picky tail." Especially beautiful is the glass view with yellow stripes.
  • Calachoe.
  • Javorti.
  • Stone rose.
  • Aloe.

All these plants in the addition of mossy, blooming and decorative deciduous can create unique coloring And give a tropical highlight to any flurarium.

Benefits of breeding mini-gardens

Create a tropical mini-garden "for glass" is not difficult, and his benefits have many.

beauty. With a competent compilation of the composition and the creation of favorable conditions, you can admire the creation of your hands indefinitely.

Protection. Flowers in the aquarium are protected from temperature drops and drafts. In the glass can persist increased humidity.

Practicality. For those who have no time to care for potterities, and the soul requires beauty, the flurarium will be the perfect way out of the position.

Benefit. A small and picturesque corner in the house is the path to harmony and joy, it is a relaxation after working everyday, it is a holiday every day.

It will be great if a child takes part in its creation. Such an occupation will allow him to experience those emotions that are difficult to get in today's world: success, self-realization, creativity, joy from the result obtained.

Green pets can be his best friends for many years.

Essential pluses of flurariums - beauty, unity with nature, the ability to create and create, self-realization. The sensations from the fact that ordinary glass turned into an amazing living organism with its microclimate, indescribable.

Where to put a flurarium

It is important to choose the right place to find a flurarium in the house.

The composition with light-loving and blooming plants is better located near the window.

Take the preferences of your pets to illumination

Succulents put away from sunlight. By the way, you can make a composition for a particular location.

If the mini-garden "behind the glass" stands along the wall, then the plants and items need to be placed from a large one. Other options:

How to plant a plant without water

You can put in an aquarium (flurarium) in a soil or put in a separate pot. Decorating it with soil, stones, moss and snags. It is convenient if you want to replace the plant to another.

Squeeze flowers in aquarium - step by step

First you need to pour into the container small sand layer, stones, land. Visually it will look very beautiful. Stones can be conventional or colored.

  1. Pour a layer of planting soil.
  2. Prepare a plant for landing, pull out from the container.
  3. In the ground make a hole with a diameter of 3-5 mm.
  4. Pour a little water into the wells.
  5. Lower the roots in the well, slightly pour water so that the roots to deal with and lay down.
  6. Turn the soil. For this purpose, you can use a plug or ordinary eraser.
  7. At the end of the landing sprinkle surface loaf or sand layer.

Small varieties are planted with tweezers.

Leaflets should not touch the walls of the vessel. Otherwise, over time, they will start climbing or sucking. The first time you need to water more often so that they adapt and fit. When the microclimate is formed and humidity will be suitable, watering is reduced.

In order for the plants to be quickly expanded, feeding and fertilizer do not need.

What will be needed to create a flurarium at home

To create a flower arrangement in the aquarium, you will need basic and infirm materials. In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to get acquainted with their list.

The soil must match the colors that you plant tools - how if any work with flowers should be sterile

You will need:

  • transparent capacity of any shape and size;
  • plants for landing;
  • planting soil in accordance with the requirements of plants;
  • drainage;
  • moss, squashs and other decorative accessories;
  • activated carbon to protect and prevent plant from diseases;
  • instruments: sticks, tweezers, small spatulas, spoon, knitting, corks, watering can, sprinkler.

All tools used and materials must be sterile clean. Sand scream with boiling water and dry. All decorative elements wipe with alcohol, stones boil.

Vessel choose from natural glass. Plexiglas does not fit. It over time is muttered and scratched. Purpose of creation Or the purchase of flurarium is aesthetic pleasure, beauty.

Cleanliness is one of the most important factors for creating and developing a flower arrangement. It is necessary to prepare and sterilize the elements of flurarum.

Plants can complement each other, but not be antagonists. Carefully examine the neighborhood question. Each species has individual requirements for microclimate, humidity, area and lighting.

Priming should calculate the selected category. For succulents, a light sand mixture is suitable, orchids - a soil based on wood bark, for other plants - ordinary flower earth.

Decor is the "highlight" flurarum. The composition should look full-fledged and harmonious, and fit into the interior.

Floral garden in aquarium with water

Recently, palyudariums have become popular - aquarium without fish, in which water and terrestrial plants are grown. In such oranges, conditions of high humidity are created. They look like a swamp.

Modern technologies help create the necessary conditions for plantsrequiring certain humidity and temperature. Such an improvised reservoir is suitable frogs and snail. Therefore, it is often populated by living inhabitants.

The roots of such plants are located in water. Stones and squigs are soil in paludariums.

The garden in the aquarium requires a lot of effort and patience, but the result is incredibly pleased and impressive!

Application in the interior

Purpose of flurariums is contemplation and interior decoration, It is possible to refresh it without occupying a lot of square. This is a precious decoration for any room. Whatever the "garden in aquarium" he will be a real pride of any owner.

Without doubt, such a decision will decorate any home

Decided to create a flurarium? Dare, fantasize! This is a pleasant, interesting occupation that will not take a long time. Delight from the result obtained will surpass any expectations.

Miniature kindergartens behind the glass seem toy, but these are the most real live plants. Want the same? There is nothing easier!

Tired of growing indoor flowers across the old woman in pots on the windowsill? Try creating a mini-kindergarten in any suitable glass container. Such plants look more spectacular, do not occupy a lot of space and do not require much time. It has long been peering at mini-gardens, but do not know where to start, it will help you a guide on how to make a flurarium with your own hands. But first, get to know closer with the features of this hobby.

What is flurarium

Starting from the times of great geographical discoveries, people were so impressed with the exotic Flora hot countries that began to arrange winter gardens in our latitudes. Such a passion was on the pocket only known, because, not only the fact that the plants themselves cost considerable money, so they had to build an impressive orangene. The times of princes and spacious places ended, and the thrust to the beautiful remained. So the idea of \u200b\u200bflurarium - kindergartens in small glass containers was born.

Under conditions of small apartments, the flurarium will be a worthy replacement of bulky greenhouses. Thanks to the closed space, it supports a special microclimate, favorable for the growth and development of many plants. Behind the glass you can recreate a piece of rainforest, rocky or desert landscape.

It all depends on your taste and experience. It should be noted that different types of flurariums require different preparations from their owners. For example, a flurarium from succulents will master even a newcomer, never before which does not keep indoor plants. But the creation of a rainforest will require some experience in this matter.

What are the advantages of breeding mini-gardens

If you ask such a question to the Yarom to a lover of indoor plants, we will get an obvious answer: "Because I like it!". So all the arguments in favor of flurarium are designed to those who want to make the first steps in creating mini-kindergartes.

  1. It is beautiful! A glass vase filled with alive plants and decorative elements - pebbles, prints, figures looks unusual and stylish. Any interior will only benefit from such a decor.
  2. It is interesting! Care and observation of a small ecosystem will be interesting and adults and children. Usually mom grows beauty, and children and other households admire the result.

What will be needed to create a flurarum

And it will not be so much. Half of the necessary can be found at home, and another half to buy in flower and pet stores. So stock:

  • Glass Capacity. The choice is great. You can buy ready, but not always the cheap container is a special porridge, a round or a glass-shaped aquarium. You can collect a house for plants personally, it's not necessary to do without male help. And you can adapt to your needs all that is in stock - banks, large glasses, puzzled bottles, vases.
  • Drainage - Ceramzit, sandstone, pebbles. It will take it a lot, because in the closed container there is nowhere to go. Abundant drainage will not give roots to cry.
  • Activated carbon. It absorbs extraneous odors and helps the soil to remain fresh. It is usually used in tropical flurarums.
  • Substrate for plants. Succulents will need a light sand mix, orchids Special soil based on wood bark, the rest of the plants will be quite ordinary flower land.
  • Plants. The main condition when choosing plants - they must be small and, desirable, slowly growing.
  • Decorative elements. Beautiful pebbles, stained glass, moss, skiing, ceramic or gypsum figures. Everything that will seem to you beautiful and decent addition to the overall composition.
  • Instruments. Plant plants into flurarium and care for them is more convenient with the help of special devices. For landing in hard-to-reach containers such as a bottle or vase, a surgical clamp is perfect - it is convenient to fix the plant. If you do not have such luxury, the usual big tweezers, Chinese sticks or knitting needles come in handy. Tampering the land is conveniently trapped on the needle a wine cork or school eraser. For irrigation, the pulverizer is suitable, a small meter or a medical pear.

What plants are suitable for breeding glass

What plant would you be placed under the glass, it will begin to actively grow and develop, because the elevated temperature and humidity are favorable for most green tenants. But many plants are so in tasteful such conditions that they begin to buoy and eventually fill all the space, and soon they get out of the capacity of the tank.

So that this does not happen, plants for flurarium need to be selected with special care. For newcomers, succulents will be the ideal option: a fat manner, camneur, agaves. They grow very slowly, do not require complex content conditions. With their help create flurarals with a deserted or rocky scenery.

For a rainforest in the bank, small bushes of tradesansans, begonias, chlorophytum, phythonia, pivey are suitable. These plants are inclined to active growth, so the tradesansans, begonias will have to regularly pinch the growth point, and such as chlorophytum and to replace new ones at all.

Orchids are considered the most complex in care. For their content, spacious flurarals with illumination and the ventilation system are made. For small capacities, only species with short bluer-colored veneree shoes are suitable.

How to create your first flurarium

So, it's time to embody dreams into reality! Let's start with the simplest flurarium from succulents. You will need:

  1. Small round aquarium or bank.
  2. Drainage is better to use clamzit, he keeps moisture well.
  3. Soil for succulents or a mixture of garden, leaf land and sand.
  4. Sand, small and large pebbles for decor.
  5. Small bushes Camery and two Kustyanki Koxy.

The capacity will have to wash well and during the landing to act neatly so as not to smear the walls of the earth. A quarter of the volume of banks should be covered with clay, and on top of the layer of the Earth about 5-7 cm. Now it came to plant plants. A wand for sushi in the ground is done by a hole and a deeper or a pear poured some water into it. Bucket tweezers gently placed in the well and hold.

With the other hand, with the help of a stick, paint the roots and fall asleep their earth. The rest of the plants also plant. Put the entire surface with a layer of pebbles or sand. At this stage, you can show a fantasy - make a pattern from multicolored pebbles, in the background put stones more, imitating the rock.

All work will take from the strength of 15-20 minutes. The first time of bushes are watered more often, then watering reduce. Do this conveniently small leather with a long nose. It is not worth feeding the plants, otherwise the composition will grow very quickly.

That's all. Your first flurarium is ready. It remains to put a house with plants in a bright place of the living room or cozy bedroom and admire its concise beauty. Florarium care is even easier than for, therefore, do not refuse mini-oasis, even if you consider yourself a lazy.

Read: 1 minute

If you are too busy, forgetful or think that you are hopeless flower water, we want to tell you about the terrarium or flurarium from succulents. Cut flowers quickly faded, and succulents will preserve not one year. These plants are especially good in winter when everything around flows into the hibernation is covered with snow and looks unspoice.

The created terrarium will give you the opportunity to enjoy the greens of the living world at home. Yes, the very miniature gardens that were popular in the Victorian era, returned again. Of course, first of all this is due to the ease of care.But an important factor is their natural beauty.

To create a terrarium you will need:

  1. Clean glass container (it can be found in many places, including in garden or landscaped shops. Even aquarium bought in a pet store) is suitable.
  2. Crushed stone.
  3. Special soil for cacti and succulents.
  4. Succulents themselves.
  5. Decorative crushed stone and pebbles.
  6. Other decor elements.

Step-by-step instruction

The main layer of rubble

Place the rubble layer on the bottom of the vessel.

It will be the basiswhich has good drain properties. Do not forget to wash the tank well so that in a small ecosystem, which is going to create, there were no bacteria.

Layer of special nutrient soil

Fall off the substrate for succulents and cacti.

Make sure that the soil for succulents was stored in hermetic packaging. This will save your terrarium from the appearance of mold. and other diseases.

Layer of decorative rubble

Top layer made of decorative rubble.

You can make some thick layers so that beautiful layers of different soil seen from the side.

Plan arrangement

Use your vision, fantasy and just enjoy the process. The main thing, do not worry: if something does not suit you, you can always make amend.

Sut succulents

Drop the pits for planting colors.

As soon as they finished work with decorative layers and outlined the planning plan, make small recesses in the soil and plant the plants into these holes. It is necessary to fasten the plants in the soil.Since succulents do not have strong root systems.

Decoration and decor

Decorate the surface around the plants Decorative stones and other elements of the decor that you like. For these purposes, any natural items are suitable, for example, you can use glass, stone or wood.

This is how the finished terrarium looks like.

If you want to create a river imitation, you can put a blue crushed glass. And in order to give modern and noble features to our vintage terrarium, you can use gold-plated objects.

For reference: In contrast to the terrarium, the flurarium has a narrowed inlet that can close the lid. This is done in order to maintain a more or less permanent microclimate inside the vessel. That is why it is easier to care for flowers in such a container.

"Garden in a bottle", "vegetable terrarium" - so called a trendy decorative element from living plants plants placed in glass vases or aquariums. This popular area of \u200b\u200bindoor flower growing is rapidly developing, because everyone is able to make a flurarium with their own hands.

Description and types of flurariums

Many have a desire to make a small part of nature in the decor of the apartment. However, not everyone can do the cultivation of domestic flowers: allergies, small square, active children and restless pets - this is just a small part of the obstacles to the room to the room garden. In such a difficult situation, the flurarium will be able to help, very popular recently.

In flower stores, you can purchase instances with an automatic microclimate control system, which, of course, are not suiced and not everyone will come on the pocket. But you can always create a flurarium with your own hands. Beginner flowers such creativity may seem difficult, but it is not at all.

Typically flurarums are placed on flat surfaces, for example, on window sills, shelves or tables. Some designers, equipping the small client apartments, suspend such compositions to the ceiling or fasten them on the walls using special mechanisms. The tank filling depends on the preferences of the flower. The special structure of the flurarum allows to implement various natural landscapes.

Deserted landscape

Newbies will be easier to cope with the creation of desert landscapes. In such conditions, succulent plants will be perfect and growing. These include:

  • cacti;
  • different types of mocharya;
  • euoforbia;
  • agave.

The main component in the arrangement of the desired conditions will be sand. Perfectly suitable coarse-grained river. It is falling asleep with a layer of at least 10 centimeters, but is pre-calcined in a pan with a thick bottom. This procedure will allow radiation sand by killing all fungal disputes and bacteria. Supplement the desert landscape with stones, sandstone slices and unpretentious succulents.

Such a vegetation terrarium is better to get better than a flowerfish, which is not enough time to care for whimsal flowers, as well as to create a more complex microclimate. Pour similar kindergartes as the soil dried out, usually two irresolves per week. The temperature is not critical for them, but such plants love good lighting, so it is better to contain their windowsill.

Place the succulents in the aquarium with their own hands is completely simple, the main thing is to present the desired composition in advance.

A tropical forest

Such a garden in the bottle will require more attention and forces than the desert. First you need to take care of the soil, it has a rather complicated composition. The land for the rainforest should consist of the following components:

  • peat;
  • sheet soil;
  • river sand.

With a great desire, you can combine in one aquarium incompatible for the needs of the plant. To do this, it is worth using the following cunning: all copies are planted into individual small containers, after which they are placed in the flurarium and mask the pots with soil or pebbles. Such registration will allow you to create a holistic composition, and planting will be individually based on plants.

Florarium Creation Instructions

After the colorland learned what was needed for a flurarm, and chose suitable materials, you can proceed to creating a kindergarten in a bottle. Beginners are better guided by step-by-step instructions.

Such a composition should be placed in place with multiple lighting, it will slow down the growth of colors. Open-type kindergartens are watered once a week, but it is worth navigating the plant's kind. With excessive expansion, unnecessary shoots cut off.

Desert in aquarium

Florarium from cacti and other succulents are quite simple to arrange and just care for it in the future. If you use several plant species in one composition, it will look very impressive.

In flower shops, color cactuses painted with harmless dyes are often found. With the help of them you can make a really bright and creative kindergarten.

Instructions for decoring a desert landscape:

  1. The bottom of the container fill the drainage, there will be a 2-3-centimeter layer of material.
  2. Fill the aquarium with a special soil for succulent plants to half the height of the vessel.
  3. No thickness of such flowers are not required, fall out at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.
  4. Distribute in the intervals between the flowers fine pebbles.

Succulent plants do not need frequent and abundant watering. Excess moisture can lead to rewarding stalks and root systemWhile the lack only slows down their growth, which is considered a plus with the content of flurarium. To maintain the decorative appearance of the composition, the leaves of flowers must be regularly delivered from dust, periodically wiping them with a damp soft cloth. Water such plantations sufficiently every 50-60 days.