Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a sticker at home yourself. How to make a sticker at home? Useful tips. Stickers for wall decoration

All sorts of stickers can be made not only with the help of modern printing, but at home independently.

First method

First of all, you need a drawing. You can draw it from hand or take advantage of the finished pattern on the computer. In the first case, the drawing will be originality, in the second it will be easier to change anything (for example, sketch dimensions). You can combine these 2 ways: first draw hand, and then take a picture or scan the resulting drawing.

Conventional paper is suitable for printing stickers. They will look brighter and more attractive if used colored paper. You can propagate them with ordinary xerox. It remains only to stick the resulting sticker. The selection of glue depends on the surface on which our drawing will be placed. For large-sized stickers, a roller and wallpaper glue can be used.

The main disadvantage of such stickers is their briefness. Pictures drawn using a marker or handle quickly burn out and blurred.

Second way

Suitable for small stickers. First, as in the first way, create a drawing. After that, instead of glue, we use bilateral scotch. At the same time, one side is fettered on the back side of our drawing, and the second - on the wall.

Third way

The facial part of the stickers can be protected from the harmful effects of various harmful factors (paint lag, mechanical damage). For this we need the usual transparent tape. It is better to take a wider scotch, it will reduce the number of seams. Do not stick the entire scotch band at the drawing at once, start glue on one side. So under the scotch will fall less air. Do not forget to smooth it with a plastic card or ruler (any item with a smooth solid edge). You can also use a thermal film that can be purchased at the stationery store. To do this, it is enough to put it on the surface of the future stickers and stroke the iron.

Fourth way

For the manufacture of stickers you can use self-adhesive paper. On it, the drawing is applied in the usual way. You can also use decorator paper. Its surface is glossy, so ordinary paints, mascara or handle will not draw on it. There will be markers for glass or CDs. You can use gel pens or try to applique from the same paper of another color.

Fifth way

For the manufacture of stickers, you can use stencils. This method can help out if you need to make a large number of stickers, and at hand there is no xerox, no printer. We make stencil. Now stamp it with a spray on paper.

If you want to decorate a notebook, a magazine or anything else stickers, then it is not necessary to buy them. Stickers are quite realistic to make it yourself. Do not believe? Read the article to the end! There are several ways to make stickers from girlfriend.

How to make stickers do it yourself on the basis of Scotch

You will need:

  • wide scotch;
  • scissors;
  • pictures;
  • densecloth.


  • With the help of scissors, cut the picture. Remember that the picture in size should be less and already than tape.
  • Cut out such a piece from Scotch so that he was a little more in its size than the picture.
  • Stick the face of the face on the tape.
  • Stick the resulting sticker on the oilcloth.
  • Cut the cape along the scotch contour.

Such a sticker is now convenient to store, and if necessary, it is easy to stick, simply by rejoicing the tape from the tape.

How to make stickers with your hands based on glue

What do you need:

  • scissors;
  • pictures;
  • 1 package gelatin;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of boiling water.

How to do:

  • Prepare image.
  • Cut it along the contour using scissors.
  • Prepare adhesive for stickers: mix in the tank gelatin, water, sugar in the proportions mentioned above.
  • Finished glue Put in the closing container and store in the refrigerator. Having stood there a night, he thickens. To skip glue, put it in a container with hot water.
  • Apply glue with a brush on the back of the stickers.
  • To stick a sticker, it must be mixed with water or saliva.

How to make stickers with your own hands on the basis of self-adhesive film

What will take:

  • self-adhesive film;
  • printer;
  • scissors.


  • Purchase self-adhesive film.
  • Select a picture and print on the printer, inserting a self-adhesive film there. If there is no printer - draw the picture by manually with markers.
  • Cut pictures with scissors along the contour.
  • To glue the sticker, remove the protective layer.

Here are such uncomplicated ways it is quite realistic to make stickers yourself. Plus, it is not necessary to look for the necessary pictures for shopping for a long time. You can choose the online and print. The manufacture of stickers is an interesting option for a hobby, and the process itself is not particularly troublesome and pleasant. Surprise friends - give them stickers of our own manufacture with their names.

Good day.

The sticker is not only entertainment for children, but sometimes a convenient and necessary thing (helps to quickly navigate). For example, you have a few identical boxes in which you store various tools. It would be convenient if there were a certain sticker on each of them: here drills, here screwdrivers, etc.

Of course, in stores now you can now find a huge variety of stickers, and yet, not all (and you need to search for)! In this article, I would like to consider how to make a sticker myself without using some rare things or equipment (by the way, the sticker will not be afraid of water!).

What do you need?

1) Scotch.

The most ordinary tape is suitable. Today you can meet the scotch of various widths: to create stickers - the wider, the better (although much depends on the size of your sticker)!

2) picture.

Picture You can independently draw on paper. And you can download on the Internet and print on the usual printer. In general, the choice is yours.

3) scissors.

No comment (any).

4) Warm water.

Suitable normal water from under the tap.

I think everything you need to create stickers - there is almost everyone in the house! And so, we turn directly to the creation.

How to make waterproof sticker Himself - step bypah

Step 1 - Search for Pictures

The first thing we need is the picture itself, which will be drawn or printed on ordinary paper. I will not look for a long time to look for a long time, simply printed on the usual laser printer (black and white printer) picture from my previous antiviruses.

Fig. 1. The picture is printed on the usual laser printer.

By the way, now on sale already there are such printers that can immediately print ready stickers! For example, on the site you can buy a printer of barcodes and stickers.

Step 2 - Processing Picture Scotch

The next step is to "illuminate" the surface of the picture of Scotch. It is necessary to do it carefully so that waves and folds on the surface of the paper are not formed.

Scotch is glued only on one side of the picture (with facial, see Fig. 2). Be sure to seize the surface with an old calendar or a plastic card so that the tape is well glued to paper with the picture ( this is a very important detail.).

By the way, it is undesirable that the size of your picture is more scotch width. Of course, you can try to glue the scotch in the "Taste" (this is when one scotch bar is partially on the other) - but the final result can not get out what ...

Fig. 2. The surface of the picture is sealed with scotch on one side.

Step 3 - Cut the picture

Now you need to cut the picture (conventional scissors are suitable). The picture, by the way, is cut into the final dimensions (that is, it will also be the final sticker size).

In fig. 3 shows what happened to me.

Fig. 3. Picture cut out

Step 4 - Water Treatment

The last step is a treatment with warm water of our workpiece. It is done quite simple: put the picture into a cup with warm water (or even just keep under the jet of water from under the tap).

After about a minute, the rear surface of the picture (which is not processed by the scotch) wet well and it can be easily started to remove your fingers (you just need to gently rub the surface of the paper). It would not be necessary to use some scrapers!

As a result, you will with almost all the paper, and the picture itself will remain on the scotch (and very bright). Now you have to wipe and dry the sticker (you can wipe with an ordinary towel).

The resulting sticker has several advantages:

It is not afraid of water (waterproof), which means it can be glued to a bike, a motorcycle, etc.;

The sticker when it dries, it is very good to go to bed and glued on almost any surface: iron, paper (including cardboard), wood, plastic, etc.;

Sticker enough wear-resistant;

Does not fade and does not fade into the sun (at least a year or two);

And last: the cost of its manufacture is extremely small: one sheet A4 - 2 rubles., Skotcha (several kopecks). Find in the store sticker for such a price - practically unrealistic ...


Thus, at home, not possessing any special. Equipment, you can make enough high-quality stickers (if you fill the hand - then you can not distinguish from purchased).

I have everything on it. I will be grateful for additions.

Successful work with images!

Make stickers yourself not such and complex task. How to make stickers with your own hands tell in this article.

It takes quite a bit of materials and the original sticker is ready for use.

There are different options for making stickers.

Print on special paper

Finished self-adhesive paper in the stationery stores. It is well suited for any type of printers.

Such paper may have a one-piece self-adhesive sheet, and can be divided into sections. In this case, you need to accurately determine the size of the pattern or inscription, and also correctly arrange them in a text or graphic editor, so that when printing the image does not impose on the next area.

Also, if there are abilities for drawing, you can make a drawing with an unexplored marker.

Making stickers using tape

It will not suit the inkjet printer, you will need to use laser.

Materials will need paper, tape suitable size and hairdryer. Choose a suitable image and print it on ordinary paper. Scotch is glued over the picture and gently smoothes. Cut the picture, leaving the allowance. Fill the container with warm water and immerse the picture together with scotch for a few minutes. After that, place the sticker under the warm flowing water and gently remove the wet paper.

After all paper is deleted, an imprint of the picture will remain on the scotch. After that, the sticker should be dried. The dry tape has adhesive properties.

The finished sticker is cut to the desired format.

Production of stickers with double-sided adhesive and baking paper

For such stickers you will need: printed, drawn or carved picture, double-sided tape, baking paper. On the root side, the stickers glue bilateral tape. Then the second protective layer is removed from the tape, and the sticker is glued on baking paper. The properties of this paper are such that the tape holds on it tightly, and at the same time it is easily removed without damaging the paper itself.

After the sticker is cut to the desired form. Such stickers are easy to store without worrying about the fact that the adhesive layer will deteriorate or dust.

In specialized stores you can purchase a special vinyl film. The drawing is applied to this film and cuts out over contours.

Such a film also has a self-adhesive layer.

Making stickers with gelatin glue

Weish bag boil with 4 tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of sugar.

The mixture should be homogeneous. The resulting composition is slightly cool and pour into a capacitance with a lid. Good suitable small jar from under baby food. At night glue leave in the refrigerator. When the glue is needed, the jar must be put into the container with warm water and wait for its ignition. Apply glue with a brush.

The stickers made by their hands are characterized by their own style. You can choose any plot and suitable size. In addition, it is a significant budget savings.

Are you looking for a new creative project? Try to make stickers! They are easy to make directly from the primary materials, which are probably already available at your home; You can also create professionally looking stickers from self-adhesive paper, which is not difficult to purchase in any store of office goods or goods for needlework. After reading this article, you will learn to make stickers in three different ways: based on glue, with a tape or self-adhesive paper.


Making adhesive stickers

    Come up with stickers design. With independent manufacture of stickers, your flight of fantasy is not limited. Use any drawing tools that you want: color pencils, markers, pastels, wax pencils, anywhere. Make sure the markers you use, pastel and other drawing tools are not blurred with water. Draw design stickers on a separate thin sheet of paper or directly in notepad. When you think about the design, consider the following ideas.

    • Draw a self portrait or portraits of your friends or pets.
    • Cut out elegant images and phrases from magazines and newspapers.
    • Print pictures from the Internet or available on your image. For the best results, print them on thin paper for printers, and not on the photo paper.
    • Use ready-made label patterns from the Internet that you can print.
    • Make pictures with decorative stamps.
    • Decorate the image of sparkles.
  1. Cut stickers. Use for this scissors. Make stickers as big or small as you like. To obtain patterned edges of the stickers, use curly scissors with which you can create an interesting cutting pattern.

    • Try using curly holes for the manufacture of hearts, asterisks and other curly shapes from paper with a pattern.
  2. Prepare glue. Such glue is safe for children, just as used on envelopes. It will ensure the adhesion of stickers with most types of surfaces, but does not contain in harmful chemicals. For the manufacture of adhesive, mix the following ingredients in the bowl to the formation of a homogeneous mixture:

    Split glue stickers. Spread the stickers to the back side up on a sheet of waxed paper or on an aluminum foil. Take a brush for drawing or brush for baking and lubricate the rear side of the gloves with glue. When you finish work, let adhesive dry completely.

    • There is no need to completely soak glue stickers, just apply it with a thin layer.
    • Before use of stickers, make sure that they are completely dried.
    • Store ready-made stickers in a polyethylene package or in a plastic box until you are ready to use them.
  3. For gluing stickers lease it from the back side. When you are ready to glue your sticker to any surface, just lease its opposite direction, as you do it with stamps, and then briefly press the sticker to the desired surface. Homemade glue is strong enough, so be careful at the time of gluing stickers.

    Production of stickers with scotch

    Cut images from logs or print your own sticker design. For this method, you will need such images that were printed on paper with waterproof ink. You can use glossy log pages or books, or you can experiment with your printer ink and try printing options from a computer. If you print pictures, first make a test option to pre-wet it to check for resistance before starting to make the stickers themselves. Cut the image and phrases you like with scissors.

    • When selecting images, do not forget about the width of the scotch. Each sticker must fit into the width of one of its stripes. This means that the picture should be no more scotch.
    • If you want to make a larger sticker, you will have to combine two scotch bands. It may not be so easy. You need to align the tape so that its strips overlap completely slightly, and at the same time the paper did not break the paper between them. In case of an unsuccessful attempt, your sticker will be corrupted. In case of success on the sticker, only seams will be visible in the place of contact of the strips.
  4. Puck the designs of stickers with scotch. Cut a piece of transparent tape sufficient size for a complete cutting of cutting stickers. Stick it on the front side of the cut or printed design. Press the scotch to paper so that it glued to the drawing well.

    • Be careful when sticking your tape to the image. It is worth changing his position, and the picture breaks. Also try to make so that when sticking the tape does not form air bubbles or folds.
    • Think about the use of bilateral scotch. Bilateral Scotch is produced in various types: in rolls, sheets, and even as part of special machines for making stickers, for example, Xyron brands.
    • Think about using adhesive tape from Japanese paper (Washi Tape). It is similar to the scotch and is great for making stickers, because it is glued when you want it, and it also begins to easily if you need it. Japanese paper tape is released in various colors and patterns. If you want to make more durable stickers, you can take a sealing tape.
  5. Watch the face of the sticker. Take a coin or take advantage of your own nail to press the front side of the sticker and rub its surface, it is necessary so that the paper ink began to bind to the adhesive tape adhesive. Continue to rub the sticker for a few minutes so that the ink is probably contacted with the adhesive layer of Scotch.

    Rinse stickers in warm water. Take stickers on one and rinse them under water, we substitute the paper side under the jet until the paper starts fall off. Ink will not be washed with water, and the paper will completely dissolve. You can speed up the process, losing paper.

    • Make sure that you wathered the entire surface of the tape at the stickers, and not only its part. If you concentrate your efforts only in one site, then only this area will be visible on the sticker.
    • If the paper does not disappear, continue to crush the sticker under warm water.
    • Alternatively, immerse stickers in a bowl with warm water. Fully immerse stickers in the water and leave to mock for a few minutes.
  6. Give stickers to dry. After removing the paper, allow stickers to completely dry so that the adhesive layer of the scotch again became sticky. Scissors cut the surplus tape around the design stickers, and then sticker the sticker to the surface you have chosen.

    Making stickers from self-adhesive paper

    1. Buy self-adhesive paper. In stores of goods for needlework or office goods, you can find paper, which on one side has a sticky layer. It is usually protected by a substrate that is removed when it is necessary to glue this paper.

    2. Come up with the design of your stickers. Draw stickers on your computer or use markers or handles to draw pictures directly on the surface of the self-adhesive paper. You are limited only by paper size. If you want, you can even make a sticker A4 format!

      • Draw stickers on your computer using Adobe Photoshop, Paint or another graphic program. You can simply use photos from your personal album or from the Internet. When you finish, print images on self-adhesive paper.
      • If you have a printed photo or drawing from which you want to make a sticker, just scan it or download the digital source of the image into the computer. Treat this file in Photoshop, Paint, Word or Adobe Acrobat, and then print on self-adhesive paper.
      • Draw pictures directly on self-adhesive paper with handles, pencils or paint. Just not too much paper, otherwise it is possible to damage its adhesive layer.
    3. Cut stickers. For cutting printed stickers, take scissors. You can cut stickers with simple rectangular shapes or use special curly scissors to create interesting patterned edges. Your stickers should be located on a sheet at a distance of about three millimeters from each other, so that when cutting out one sticker you accidentally damaged adjacent stickers.

      • When using double-sided adhesive sheets, sim sim simply tear off the protective substrate, exposing the adhesive layer of the sheet. Attach the stickers with the back side to the adhesive layer. Press them so that they are well glued. Then tear the sticker with the adhesive layer from the second substrate - now your sticker is lipnet from the back side. Get it to any surface you have chosen. You need to stick the sticker immediately, since you removed a protective substrate from it.
      • You can place stickers on the sheet away from each other, to be able to create white boundaries around the images, or you can cut stickers without these borders. Already experienced in the creation of stickers, people sometimes do not leave the borders at all and cut the stickers with a stationery knife.