Repairs Design Furniture

Decoration of the garden with their hands from the girlfriend. Garden and garden design with their own hands: Interesting and original ideas in the photo. Unusual garden decorations

In this article, we will offer you ideas that allow you to very originally decorate your household plot or cottage. Most of the ideas offered by us do not require practically no investments, only skilled hands, a little fantasy and the desire to turn your garden and the courtyard into a charming corner.

Merry ladybug from ordinary shovel will accurately cause admiration for the guests of your site.

The artist's palette, where instead of paints - live flowers. You can cut such a design from ordinary plywood, and in the holes just insert the pots with the colors of different shade. The win-win version will agree!

It is immediately clear that the owners of this land plot are seriously suitable for its design and breeding of vegetables. Everything is chinno, neat, but at the same time bright and beautiful.

Plastic pots simply driven into a metal rod. The design looks very unusual.

To create such an unusual flower beds, it took only an old kettle.

Flowerbed-focus in a real bowler suspended on the chain.

Another old new idea. The transformation of the hemp into the amansor with a metal bowl is an idea old, but add old shoes, a red nose and expressive eyes - the original version. And supplement this composition bright strawberry and ladybugs, just scattered on the grass.

Stone - whether it is natural boulders or an artificial option - can be used in creating a variety of different, including such a flower basket.

It is immediately clear that the owner of this householdery has the talent of the artist! In such barrels, you can store rainwater for watering, arrange a floweruba or simply turn into a bright element of landscape design.

Do not rush to throw out the old bath! It can turn into such a charming artificial pond, and without any effort and costs.

And this old bath has become a real fountain thanks to another old and already unnecessary things - served his pipe.

If your plot protects high fence from outsided views, you can decorate it from the inside with the help of this simple version of vertical landscaping. All you need: Plastic bottles made of mineral or lemonade with cut holes, reliable rope or fishing line, soil, as well as plant seedlings or seeds.

Another very popular garden decoration option is all kinds of cars, carts, carts that turn into flower beds and become a highlight of landscape design.

Old plates that you no longer use in the kitchen can become an unusual fence for flower beds.

"Box with pencils" as a fence for the site. Who will say it's boring and ugly?

In Europe, these old chairs that have become coasters for flowers can be bought in special markets and sales. But you can make such original flower beds with your own hands, without spending a penny!

At first glance - chaotic assembly of things. And in fact, a well-thought-out landscape composition.

A visual illustration for the benefit "New Life of Old Things". This is how ordinary washbasin became an elegant fountain.

A teapot with a blank nailed, shcherbaty or cracked cups can be comfortable colors. Banal such a flower do not call such a flower.

In general, the garden decoration is a question of the fantasy of the owners and their desire to make certain efforts. We hope that our ideas will become an incentive for your actions and will help make a household plot more original and bright.

Today, the garden is not only a place for growing various cultures and plants, it is primarily a real sweat for a city resident, a cozy environment where you can enjoy nature and get away from the city bustle and noise. Therefore, original ideas for the garden are more relevant.

You can turn the garden to real fabulous magic using beautiful flower beds, flower beds, mini loaders and other landscape techniques. We offer to see several most popular and stunning options.


Interesting area design options can be created using a wicker. Of course, it is unlikely to replace modern fences, but the fabulous atmosphere of Gogol and Pushkin times will definitely provide!

Woventer from IV rod is considered the highest quality. However, the raspberry bushes also serve as excellent material for such a fence. Combining different rods, you can create an unusual range of colors and a relief pattern, if you repense different rods.

For the decor and a special mood of the woven can be decorate with cute clay pots.

Flowers and flower beds

Flower flower beds - the first, where to begin gardeners to decorate their plot. When choosing plants, it is necessary to take into account the individual features of each species. First of all, it is worth highlighting the colors soloists, that is, the main plants on the flower bed.

It is also good to use in the design of the leaves of an unusual shape and decorative herbs. With them, the flower garden will look original, even in the period when the flowers have not yet bloom.

It is important to observe harmony - too many different colors and plants will be obsessively and create a feeling of chaos in the garden. The flowerbed should be holistic and laconic.

Just beautifully planted flowers is half. Florals with decoration around look much more interesting. This is a bright emphasis on the completion of the composition.

Water flower beds

Special proud of gardeners are flower beds. A selection of colors of different shades, shapes of petals, height of stems, aroma, leaves of leaves and flowering periods - only a small part of the design that applies a gardener, forming a flowerbed.

New ideas for decoration can be embodied with their own hands from healthy materials in the form of all kinds of structures. But not every gardener has original water flower beds made by their own. Meanwhile, it is easy to create such a masterpiece in the garden or in the country at all.

The order of water flower beds:

  • drop the hole with a depth of no more than 50 cm;
  • around the perimeter of the flower beds lay a brick;
  • the bottom of the flower beds are noted with a polyethylene film and flood with sand layer in 5 cm;
  • in the center of installing plants planted in pots: Cubs, pita, nymphishers;
  • the sand layer on the edges should be thicker on centimeters 10-15, and plants are planted into the ground, such as a chastush, iris aqueous, whitefall;
  • fill the flower in such a way that the leaves of the plants float on the water surface;
  • for additional decorations, aquatic plants can be used that do not require clutch with soil - writing, yawas, waterfronts, rogue, azolla, Eukhorenia.

If you fill in plants at least half of the entire bedside area, the living decor will delight you throughout the season. Additional decorations in the form of cute fabulous characters can decorate foam platforms in flowerbed.

Garden tracks

Garden paths created by you will remain for a long time. Refrigerated materials can serve as river pebbles and bricks.

Hand drawing tracks should be started with markup. At the cottage or garden plot, probably, there are already protusive traps. It is their best to use for future markup. Try to lay out the track in such a way that the surface is as smooth as possible, and the width is the same throughout the entire length.

The marked path after alignment must be filled with rubble, the thickness of the layer of which is about 10 cm. Tummy vibroma. Next, to pour a special solution to the prepared area and equally align. Pre-washed pebbles are pressed into a solution with a dense, pre-thought-out pattern. The brick border is stacked at the end.


Rutary is a fairly unusual way of designing a garden area using original corporal roots and roots of trees. It is often called garden roots.

If desired, even in a small area you can create a unique magic. Many of us met the most bizarre forms of roots. At the sight of special instances, the imagination immediately draws a bright plot of any fabulous story. Folded with their own hands. Beautiful compositions from Korigi create such a rutarium, at the form of which it is simply impossible to tear the look.

Old furniture for decor

Do not hurry to throw out the old furniture - it can serve as a colorful subject of decor at the cottage for many more years. It is enough just to clean from old paint and paint again.

Using automotive tires in garden decoration

One of the most common materials for the garden decor are automotive tires. From durable and flexible rubber you can create veryactivatory vases, figures of different animals, sandbox, children's swings, etc.

Scenery of plastic bottles

Plastic - material inexpensive and easily accessible. Experienced gardeners with creative fantasy know the mass of options for its use. Quality such as flexibility, strength, the durability of plastic allows you to create a variety of sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders and other interesting compositions from plastic bottles.

Figurines and feeders

A variety of figures give a special charm and atmosphere. To create them, you can use such building materials such as plaster, polymer clay, etc. Designer solutions depend on your imagination.

Cute bird feeders are an excellent way to attract onto your pennate plot. They can be made of a rod, plastic bottle or tree trunk.

Unusual fence

The best aspect of the uniqueness of the garden plot is his fence. In addition to the protective function, the fence is an attractive visiting card of owners. A simple iron or wooden version is trite. It is possible to decorate the fence in different ways. Several bright examples are shown in the photo.

Children's Corner

Catching around the decoration and improvement of cottages and the garden, do not forget about the smallest fides. For them, you need to highlight your territory for entertainment and exciting games.

Arrangement of the recreation area

A place to relax in the open air is a prerequisite for comfortable pastime at the cottage or in the garden plot. Here everything will depend on the desires and preferences of the owners. Options may mass: arbors with comfortable furniture, wide swing (excellent idea - put a mounted construction in the shade under the trees), hammocks, or just a playground with comfortable chairs and a table.

Ideas for the garden do it yourself: photos of bright examples

Whatever ideas in the decoration of cottages and the garden you did not attend, always remember that the cottage is first of all this place for recreation, comfort and privacy. The surrounding situation here must inspire and delight the eyes. Therefore, it is important not to overdo the designer creative solutions - in everything you need to know the measure.

I want to be located near the house or the cottage, the site was similar to the paradise. For an urban resident, it is still more a place to relax, though, in the presence of beds, this rest is very peculiar)) Nevertheless, the decoration of the site is a dacha, gardening, indentation - cares for all owners. A set of opportunities wide. There are even different styles, so they all look different, expressing the personality of the owner. True, this is if you decorated it yourself, on your own. Let it be not all along the canons of landscape design ... But it is precisely those decorated by local lovers, for some reason more comfortable.

Plot layout

The first thing to do when receiving the site is to reflect on what and where you will be located. Smooths are determined where the house will stand - at the beginning of the site, in the middle, closer to its distinction. Then "set" the remaining planned buildings. If you plan, build, determine the place under the bath, then place the horozoic - shed-hozblock, chicken coop, garden beds and greenhouses, decide where the garden is. Following the place of recreation, it is awesome, gazebos.

The main buildings on the plan are, now there are tracks between them. Straight tracks are needed only in one case if the plot is long narrow. In this case, the smooth path before the long-distance end will visually make it closer. To all other objects, they are better to make winding, with smooth bends.

Plot plan - place house and main buildings

Now it's time to think about the placement of decorations for the site. First of all it is. They are built quickly planted with annuals in the first season will be happy to please you, while everything else is still in the process of construction and before beauty is still far away. A longer case is a device of mountaineering and rocaries. Turn and put a couple of tons of stones - it's not a comic thing, but they are planted, mostly perennials, the final appearance is accepted only after three or four years. And that, if provided that you immediately chose all the plantations and landed correctly, that without experience is unprecedented luck.

Want to surprise friends and neighbors? Paint luminescent paint vases. With the onset of darkness, they will glow, giving your lawn an unusual look.

The second option turning ordinary things into unusual - the use of automotive paint with chromium effect. Paint a few stones or the same pots, and get mirror stones ...

Mirrored balls - these are balls painted with chrome effect

Another traditional type of jewelry -. Very small are built quickly - from the tire, so in general in a couple of hours. For the arrangement of more voluminous leaves can a couple of days. But the reservoirs arrange earlier than the house built and the tracks are laid, it is not worth it. This decoration is getting closer to the finish. Also after the main construction site comes to put, arches, canopies. And already at all under the curtain, they begin to play with backlight, although there are very simple and original ideas. For example, take a cans, to make holes in it, but not just, but according to the scheme, creating a pattern. Inside, you can make a conventional low-power lamp, and if there is no electricity yet, put a candle and put / hang near the house.

A completely unsightly bank turns into a wondrous beauty of a flashlight ....

Such a decoration of the site can be hung in the garden or on the veranda. Make quite easily, it looks great, though, only in the dark))

A little about styles

Most common with us style "Naturharden"Although many owners do not suspect about it. These are areas on which there are all and immediately - the entrance and the front area, garden-garden, recreation area. Moreover, the square is small and everything, or almost everything, zones are visible. Stustille allows, focusing on an existing relief and soil, create sections with any landscapes. Is there a wetlands? Arrange it slightly by adding water or making a swamp, leaving natural plantings and adding decorative, indulging the coast. You can make a dry stream or to build natural. Plot flat? Organize a plot of a type of meadow, can be an alpine lawn. Put the gazebo, put ivy.

For romantic natures, the same style is closer. For him, they are characterized by roses, well-groomed lawns, flower beds, which coexist with thoughtfully overgrown with secluded places.

Cozy locations and arches, pergolas, flower beds, curly roses - signs of romantic style in the design of the site

Country style Easily recognizable according to the characteristic "economic" elements of the decor. Internal fences - or stakenik, flowers - in personnel, bidones, carts. And garden furniture is deliberately coarse, if painted, then a dark tinting composition, and not by observing paints.

English stylecan choose lovers. Any free area falls on lawn grass. This type of gardens can be described in two words "everything in a pile." In English kindergartens, it really can be stirred: the garden / garden is a single concept, and the vases are also placed everywhere, all free places are engaged in grass. Another feature is to be seized by ivy wall, a large number of roses, figurines and fun figures placed in suitable places.

Lush vegetation is mixed with well-kept lawns - signs of English garden

Classic Sad.designed strictly according to plan. This is the option when everything is clear, borders, shapes, height of bushes and borders. All for a ruler and smooth. In strictly designated places, fade benches are installed, close to which decorative vases with flowers, statues and columns are installed.

Clear geometry in everything - a sign of a classic garden

Fences and fences

The first thing is the plot struck. It is clear: it is necessary to start building materials, and how to protect them? Behind the fence is easier. If possible, it is better to immediately put a beautiful, capital, reliable fence. Not everyone stands in a lot. Budget options can also be very attractive. The main thing is the idea in this matter, and they are in the photo. So, a combination of long and short boards can get an interesting fence, more transparent from above and almost without slits from below.

If the boards put an edge, the effect turns out even more interesting. Here, if you won't see, you will not believe ...

With thin fresh boards, you can make a beautiful fence, which uses the principles of the manufacture of the Weight. The boards are passed between the racks and bend.

The fence from the norbal is cheap and angry, however, a lot of work ...

If the means can allow, you can put something monumental, like a fence of stone or brick. Work and money will require a lot, but also stand for a long time.

My home is my castle…

For the internal separation of the site, such solid fences cannot be done. For the garden-garden, you can put a grid made from a thin bar, weave.

If you are "lucky" and in your garden there is a deaf wall, it can also be reagreeing a kind of a fence, according to which the curly plants. An interesting option is presented below. When Ivy is a little bit expanding to be very beautiful. Instead of ivy, you can plant Clematis. In winter, view, over, worse, but in the summer ...

How to decorate garden plot with flowers

This part in the arrangement of the garden brings the fastest results. Annual flowers bloom after a few weeks after landing, perennials are also happy, growing more and more from every week. Oh, and here will post some interesting ideas that can give impetus to the choice of garden style.

The decoration of the site is often of the trifles. For example, a regular wooden box easily turns into a garden decoration - an interesting coloring and non-standard installation - hang on the ropes that arise like hands. A post is used as a base for pendants of pots with ampellas.

From ordinary pot make sculptures. They select them in different sizes, fasten the wire, add a little paints or plants - everyone's fantasy ... Wheel figures are obtained.

Even the proceeded rubber gloves go into business. It is good that the colors are bright, and the base is dense. Soil poured, annual sitting on, tie on trees or ropes, nailed for fences. Fun and brightly.

Raisins of our garden: reservoirs

Perhaps the second after the flower, the favorite area decoration is. The picturesque combination of water and plants fascinates, gives coolness in the summer. Registration of water bodies - the process of creative and styles here is also a lot. You can make around the flooring. And in order not to suffer with their painting and impregnation, they may not be wooden, and composite - there is such a new material, it looks very resembling wood. The only difference is that it does not rot, does not change the color. It is called this Decing material. It can be used for flooring open veranda or terrace, near the pool. An example of its use around the pond you see in the photo.

Floating around the pond - it will be convenient to walk even after the rain

Put the space around the space and stones from stone. Time this arrangement will take more, but many like this option more. So that the whole finish is "sailed" will have to be part of the soil to remove, fall asleep rubble, tumble, top - layer of sand. It can already lay the plates. The gaps can be filled with a mixture of sand and cement, surplus carefully reciprocate, and then or wait for a rain, or to pour the cement - cement to grab, securing the plates. The coating will be reliable.

By the same technology, you can put the edges with boulders collected by the river (or purchased in the garden center).

Boulders - a great way to arrange a shore of the pond

If made from a paving slave, it makes sense and reservoir coast to issue as well. Technology is known, only the material is different.

Stitching - search nothing needed, everything is in the store

Decorating a garden or cottage with prize materials

As you probably understood, make the decoration for the garden from any subject or things. The main thing is the idea, then - a little fantasy and labor, and the decor is ready. For example, around the tree you can make a table, a small terrace, and use this corner for recreation.

Often stumps remain on the site. To harde them for a long time, in the process they will force everything around ... stick out until they become drumming and do not leave themselves. And from the penkov you can make very interesting things. For example - to use as a flowerbed.

And even stump in the spring day ...

Or make an interesting feature for the garden.

About prosaic but necessary - toilets

These buildings sometimes appear before fences, because without them - trouble. Builders will master all nearby surplus, and to whom, it is interesting, it will like it. So the most necessary, perhaps the construction. And why are we about toilets, as applied to the decoration of the site? And because this construction can be made so that it will not necessarily hide. Establish on display is also not an option, but it will be necessary to mask. For example, a standard dormitory house can be made of logs. It turns out a mini-hut.

Costs a little, looks good ...

Sit around the plant, make a nice, and this garden corner will also be attractive. For example, such as but the photo below.

A few more options on the same topic. The same uncomplicated design can be issued in different ways. The style choose depending on which the cottage is framed or a household plot.

Well, if the stone toilet is needed, then why not make it in the style of a medieval castle. Only crowds of tourists will need to drive away ...

Photo ideas for garden decoration

Ways to make your garden or country plot bright and beautiful many. Several liked the originality collected in the ftogallery. Maybe some of them will help you arrange your corner.

Unusual gazebo - lawn grass swing the swing from large stones The cozy corner for recreation - wooden benches, covered with colored dermantine, even hemp can be useful in the economy - made a shop

What a dacket does not dream that his plot not only brought a harvest, but also had a handsome decorative appearance. Some farmers make real masterpieces in their sites. The ideas of the decor of the garden are very diverse and here there is where to turn around even if the plot is small. You can make a decoration for giving with your own hands without financial costs.

To realize your ideas on the site, first need to be placed on a sheet of paper. It is necessary to draw a plan for the garden and designate trees, shrubs, greenhouses and other major elements. Then on the plan of the site placed the beds. It will be beautiful if you make a bed in the form of rectangles, rhombuses, round with sections, fenced, bulk and so on.

After the beds were placed on the plan, you need to plan the cultures that will be sung on them. To make your garden with beautiful hands you need to take advantage of simple advice.

How to make a beautiful garden do it yourself

To implement the ideas of a beautiful site, it is not necessary to invite designers brigade and spend a lot of money on various garden accessories. Beautiful plot can be completely applated with her own hands.

Beautiful beds

If the site is in lowland, then bulk and fenced beds can perfectly decorate it. To do this, pour the soil to the garden to raise it, and put the borders at the edges. Material for borders can be yours. The fencing from stones, bricks or boards, IV branches and so on look good.

Fix the lawn, lay out tiles or use mulching materials, for example,. The sawdust looks well, prevent the separation of the Earth and dirt in the yard, and in addition, hampering the growth of weeds. Beautiful borders can be made from handicraft and affordable materials.

Decorative landings

Decor beds can be diverse. The combination of plants pick up to their taste. For example, on one bed planted with long rows, various types of lettuce, which differ in color, or alternate a salad with rows of onions. The decor of the bed can be made of spicy herbs - parsley, basil, mint and so on.

But that such ideas of mixed landings did not affect the crop, it is necessary to follow, where for each type of plant is a good neighbor. Well combines some cultures with flowers. For example, during the cultivation of the root plates, a number of nails are sown.

Some species of colors not only look beautifully in planting vegetables, but also have a positive effect on their height and scare the pests.

Such ideas can be easily embedded using their healthy material.

Decor of the garden using various items

Often there are unnecessary things on the garden or dacha. But you should not hurry to throw them out, they can become very useful and decorate their corner of cottages or garden.

Old furniture

Very often, in the country, use old furniture, which sooner or later comes into disrepair. She can get a second life and act as a decor of the site. Your old wooden chair is suitable as flower beds. It is enough to remove the seat from it and pull the grid instead. Moss or other moisture-hold materials are laying on the grid.

They are used as a substrate for colors, you only need to find the types of plants for which such a substrate is suitable.

Also, instead of the seat from the chair, a low box of suitable size is fixed and planted on it the curly plants, the stalks of which appear around the back. The old wooden table is placed here and put on it a vase with freshly cut flowers or plant plants into it.

Ideas for old automotive tires

Automotive tires are one of the most convenient for work and suitable materials. Of these, you can cut various figures for giving. Especially often make swans. In addition, good flower beds are obtained from the tires, it is enough to paint them, pour the land in them and plant plants.

Plastic bottles and glasses decor

Such primary materials like plastic bottles of each certain most of course. With their help, they carry out any ideas with their own hands and create a real fairy tale for giving. Plastic bottles protect flowers, which are easy to make with their own hands in the form of various animals, such as a crocodile or hedgehog.

  1. To do this, you need to draw an animal figure on Earth and plastic bottles filled with land in the ground.
  2. Then, put the lands on the flower and sow the lawn grass in it.
  3. At that place, where the head of the animal is located, mouth, mouth, nose.

From plastic bottles, good beautiful porridges are obtained, which can be easily suspended. You only need to cut holes in them the holes of the required size, fill the bottle of soil and plant seedlings or flowers.

Such suspended pots, made with their own hands, you can close your gray boring fence, or hang them on the warm sunshine of any building. Such a dacha decor will give her a feeling of forest or jungle. The ideas of using plastic bottles can be limited only by the owner's fantasy.

The best way to attach unnecessary containers and residues of building materials is to make a decor of the country area with your own hands. Some crafts border the masterpieces, they will decorate not only a quiet courtyard in the shade of the garden, but also make any residential premises inimitable. Some masters work not worse than artists and designers, performing work in one stylist. But even without special skills, it is easy to implement interesting ideas borrowed on the site if there is a desire and skills of working with the simplest tools.

Country decor do it yourself

Dachi Design with your own hands

Countertops made of girlfriend with their own hands

Countryside involves family-friendly feast in the open air, and the organization of the dining area should pay special attention. It is best to equip a large "refectory" under a canopy or in the shaded part of the courtyard. The main decoration of the place for joint dinners and dinners will be the country decor countertops made by their own hands.

Decorate the surface of the dining table in different ways:

  • take the cut of a large tree of the original shape;
  • bulk fibers tighten with colored cloth and coat with polymer or varnish;
  • fill the base with elements of herbarium and close with glass, hermetically processed the edges;
  • share a mosaic pattern, as in the photo.

Any way is good if there are scribe materials and tools. To perform a mosaic countertop, you will need a large sheet of plywood and frame boards. You can make the table folding or stationary, but it is easier to transform the finished old furniture. When choosing a mosaic pattern, it is better to rely on your taste and preference. It may be a geometric pattern or a decorative panel on the theme of nature - aquarium, fruits, sunflowers, fire-birds, etc.

A pattern is suitable for any material of one thickness - a small mosaic, a broken glass and pieces of a mirror tile, the remains of the tile and ceramic tiles. If such a material in excess, after the countertop in the mosaic technique, you can perform floral vases or supports for a garden shop.

The sheet of plywood is covered with primer, after drying, the center and the drawing zone are placed. If there is no artistic experience, it is better to use the ideas of the decor for giving with your own hands or work with simple geometric compositions. Abstraction will help get away from the need to lad out recognizable plot.

Unusual design of cottages

First perform central fragments, then laid off the background. It is advisable to work slowly and neatly, since the decoration of a garden or giving with their own hands is the subject of family pride, these things will serve not more than one year.

When the mosaic is completed, she is given to dry, after which it will remain filling out the grout for tile materials and clean the composition of the composition all fragments. It is recommended to scroll all parts of the table or dining area in the color that prevails in the drawing of the table top.

White garden furniture is always out of competition, regardless of the decor of the country area. Complete the dining area under the open-air wrought mangal or barbecue, folded.

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Fences, hedges and fences do it yourself

The first thing they see the neighbors in the country, is how fences are decorated. Going into the past gray bold shields from boards, the original partitions between the plots and the zoning elements come to replace them.

Most popular is the usual fences from the chain grid between concrete pillars and "Eurosalities". But these are high costs, and the decor for giving with their own hands is easy to perform in the form of original fences.

If there are children in the family, they will certainly appreciate the stakenik in the country of color pencils. Teens can decorate a decorative hedge, it is a great way to spend time together for a common occupation.

Another way is to put plastic bottles into the case: hedges from unnecessary tanks, strung on metal rods, thick wire or lounge rope. The fence can be one-color, for example, from dark beer plastic bottles or from under the kvass. Alternating various color material, you can get the original drawing in the form of a decorative panel or just a striped fence that complements the decor of the garden area.

So that the hedge looked aesthetic, it is important to thoroughly make a frame - pull the sleeper between columns. On the finished basis it is easy to make vertical garlands of plastic bottles of one format. They can even be treated with aerosol paints to make the decor in the country more originality.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

Original flower beds and sandboxes

Cup for old stumps is a very time-consuming occupation, it is much easier to turn them into a wooden décor decor. The cutting tree occupied its place in the landscape, and its roots are still deeply penetrated into the soil. A good idea is to hollow out his drunk core to fill it with earth or sand.

Flower beds in old stumps are the original and simple decor of the plot. You can sow fragrant low perennials or a curious plant by installing support for it next to the member. If the snag has a good appearance, it is not necessary to paint it or somehow process, let it be a natural background for plants.

Wide pasteen with a large internal volume will replace the sand tank. If in the family is the only child, then such a sandbox will be quite enough to play the baby. The only wishes are shy at the bottom of the tarpaulom so that from the side of the exhaleted roots in the pure sidewood sand did not hit the cores, worms and other invertebrates.

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Another original solution for the old hemp is a decor for giving with your own hands as an element of landscape design. Build a house for a gnome with backlight in the evenings, and this element will become the logical conclusion of the garden alley in the garden. The dwarf house will not require a lot of time and programs, and the most fabulous character can be purchased ready or do it yourself. The plot can be supplemented by fireflies, frogs, snails, turtles and other characters.

Old stumps can be used for a decor for giving with their own hands differently - as stands for flower pots. It is convenient for ampel petunitions, decorative strawberries and other hanging plants. Between the two stumps of the same height, it is convenient to equip a bench or foundation for the Hawaiian hammock if the supports are high enough.

Flower beds from old furniture

Allowed shelf, beds, armchairs, chairs and stools - original decor for giving with your own hands. They are used not only in the form of a stand, but also as the basis for a small flower garden, raised above the ground level.

Old Viennese Rattan Chairs with Vitious Frame is a pity to throw out, they will still serve as the original flower beds on a green lawn.

The stepladder will serve as a shelf if instead of the crossbar fasten the old boards. It is convenient to place the flower pots with indoor plants and the country decor.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

Many owners take a house plant with them to the cottage, they also need to find a worthy place. It is best to feel unpretentious cacti and succulents. Whole collectible compositions will be arranged on old furniture. If there is a desire to give the composition more attractiveness, repaint all items in one color.

No less organically fit into the landscape design. Old baskets and protested ruddles. For the decor of the site, everything is suitable for without the bottom, but with good walls or sideboards.

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Original duty decor from old vehicles and tires

Trolleys, cars, bicycles, parts of retro cars and "bald" tires - an unchanged decor for giving designers and homemade craftsmen.

The steam cart, as if lost with his horse, best transforms a non-busy landing site. A similar decor for a cottage house does not require much effort and time. It is enough to find the best place for a brush, on which all summer will be collapsed by flowering plants. It can be a collective flower garden, where representatives of one type of different shades are bangled or a selection of contrast principle is made.

Old bicycles as decor are desirable to handle from rust sandpaper, coat with primer for metal and paint. When the base is ready, the framework is securely secured so that the bike does not collapse under the severity of the soil in the pots fixed on it.

Council. Old jeans and boots are suitable as tanks under the fallout of floral seedlings, but the soil is better to first fall asleep in the garbage bags invested in pants.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

The "bald" tires are traditionally used as sides of small flower. Whole compositions, painted paint more attractive. The favorite designer reception - cascade flower beds, where below is the widest tires, and from above - the smallest basis.

Decor from tires do it yourself for home and summer houses - another way to attach a "bald" rubber. There are many ways to cut animals and fairy-tale characters from the tire turned.

Ways to apply unnecessary tires in the section Decor

Country decor do it yourself

Flowers in the design of the country area

Dachi Design with your own hands

Original site lighting

Luminaires made of primary materials - another way to make useful from unnecessary. Small columns along the garden alley can be decorated with lamps from tin cans with a stuffed pattern where candles or small lamps are inserted. Such a decor in the country will revive a party or a romantic dinner in nature.

Suspended lamps with light bulbs make from glass bottles. Cut off the bottom will help special technology, where the contrast of hot and cold water is used, where the bottom of the bottle is immersed. Such an amplitude of temperatures bottom will cut down as a ruler. It remains to open the edge and make a garland, while leaking small light bulbs in such original plaffones. It is important that the basis of the electrical wiring made a person versed in this. All parts of the garden illumination must be hidden from the rain.

Unusual design of cottages

Design of the country area with their own hands

The best way to make the decor of the country house with their own hands with the attraction of assistants. Each task is distributed over its forces. Some can engage in sawing wood, others - painting. In one article, do not describe all the ways to decorate the cottage by the girlfriend. Perhaps, when familiarizing with the illustrations of our gallery, you yourself will understand how to make garden butterflies and bees, cut the pebbles by the type of family of ladybugs, make fantastic creatures or quite recognizable characters. Use your creative potential and good ideas for inspiration.

Video: Country tricks or useful ideas for giving with their own hands