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Device for soldering wiring twists. Electrician Apparatuses for welding copper wires. Infrared stations and hair dryers

Quality compounds of copper wires in electrical wiring - security Pledge and Long Service Guarantee.

For connections, use twist, soldering or welding. Welding compound exceeds all other reliability. And the process of welding the wires is possible when using a special machine.

Electric copper cables consist of several lived, each of which twists separately. When repairs, work has to be carried out directly in the junction boxes, which delivers certain inconvenience. In order for each twist to spare through the solder length (the point compound is not enough) at the height, you will have to spend a lot of time and strength. Welding is enough to connect the wires only at the end of the twist. And the compact devices used during operation facilitate the process.

The welding of copper is complicated by the fact that it becomes fragile already at 300 ° C, and melts at 1080 ° C. Therefore, in addition to theoretical knowledge, it is necessary to have experience. For those who first encountered the need for welding contacts in the junction box, it is recommended to practic on prototypes.

Copper wire twists can be brewed or using a homemade reduction transformer based device. Electricians use a highly specialized apparatus designed specifically for welding twists. The work order does not depend on the selected device and is as follows:

  1. Free from insulation wire for a distance of about 100 mm.
  2. Make twists needed lived. Each length should be about 50 mm.
  3. Attach the mass next to the cleaner.
  4. Take the electrode to the wires before the formation of the arc. Contact - 1-2 sec. Scrurt cooked.
  5. The next twist cook after the cooled of the previous one.
  6. It remains to be insulated with each twist using heat shrinking tubes or tape.

The current of the current that is necessary for welding wires is usually 30-90 amps and completely depends on the amount of live in a twist and cross section, as well as from the actual voltage of the supply network. The welding machine must have a current adjustment function. Work is carried out at a voltage of 12 or 36 volts. As an electrode, when welding wires, the ideal solution will be the choice of coal with copper content.

Do not forget de-energize Wires weld!

A brief overview of devices

Specialized devices of TC 700 Prism production are used exclusively for welding copper and aluminum twists (in the second case with the use of flux). They differ simplicity and ease of use. Very compact device sizes and low weight, as well as simplicity of the welding process itself - exactly what is necessary for such a painstaking work. The device gives a voltage of 12 V at the output, and the power consumption during operation is from 1 to 1.5 kW (depending on the modification). A simplified model for household needs of TS 700-1 is produced, for electricians TC 700-2 and for large vehicles of TC 700-3. Completed with two power cables, one of which is equipped with passatages for the clamping of a twist, and the second - the holder of the electrodes. There is a portable bag with a belt to wear on the shoulder. The household model welds a twist to 16 mm in diameter, two others - up to 24 mm. The first price is 7600 rubles, the second 8950 and the third 9300.

How to choose a device

In any case, the main landmark for selecting the device, is the purpose of acquisition, price and functionality. For domestic purposes, to acquire a specialized device for welding copper or is unlikely to be advisable. Better such a device for rent for a while. But if you have to often do the welding wires, then of course the special device is simply necessary.

The home is more profitable for the home universal inverter. With which you can easily perform any required welding - the circle of their capabilities is unusually large. Another question is. That the welding of twists will require certain knowledge from you, but it is corrected.

When selecting a welding inverter, pay attention to the power and power supply. Overly powerful apparatus - luxury. A model with a capacity of 4-5 kW is quite suitable for the house.

From the desired functions that significantly facilitate the welding process, it is desirable to preserve "Hot start", protection against sticking and insensitivity to the supply voltage drops. Current strength up to 160 A allows you to cook a metal with a thickness of up to 5 mm, this is usually enough for domestic purposes.

Inverter models are the best choice. They are easy to use, which will allow a newcomer to quickly master the basics of welding craft.

From the disadvantages of welding inverters, you can note the high cost and the creation of interference on the network.

Is it possible to make a device for welding of girlfriend?

In the household of the workshop, there is always an old unused transformer, on the basis of which the home welding machine for copper wires can be made. The scheme of the device is simple, any newbie will cope with installation. For manufacture, you will need:

  • Material for casing or finished box;
  • Electric cable;
  • Passatages for the clamping of a twist;
  • Electrode holder;
  • A coal electrode that can be made from a round battery core of a large size or a large-format coal brush.
  • Machines or

Homemade apparatus and story about it in the video below

Making the manufacture of homemade devices is permissible only in the case when you are familiar with concepts of electrical devices. Detailed description of self-made structures Weight, below are photos of some of them. Transformers can be used from old TVs, from a microwave, and others. A sufficient transformer power for the manufacture of a welder lies within 200-450 watts.

The assembly scheme is presented in Figure:

The home appliance is good in that it does not require significant cash investments, and it has enough functions to solve welding challenges.

Observe safety rules when working with electrical devices! So, in no case, do not turn on the transformer from the microwave oven for checking the network! The voltage on the original secondary winding reaches 2000 V! Only after its removal it is possible to use such a transformer for our purposes, and the secondary winding will have to do it yourself.

Another homemade apparatus and the story about it

Read the same: Overview of Aurora welding semi-automatic

Parameters of welding with copper

The choice of current strength specifically to the diameter of the twist, the number of wires in it and their cross section is of paramount importance for a qualitative result. Best values \u200b\u200bare selected by experiment And the main role is played by professional skills. For approximate orientation by values \u200b\u200bbelow shows the table of recommended parameters.

Brewing in vacuum

There is a method of welding copper using electronic rays under vacuum conditions. To work required special apparatus and vacuum chamber. This method is applicable only under the conditions of equipped production workshops or laboratories.

Polypropylene is increasingly used when installing internal water pipelines and heating systems.

Let's deal with the spike of plastic pipes and what kind of tools are needed.

Lyrical digression

In general, to connect plastic pipes diffuse welding (speaking in Russian, soldering) there are two basic methods:

  • Welding pipes online;

  • Welding with fittings.

The first way inevitably means loss of strength. For with their relatively thin walls, it is undesirable. Especially on hot water and heating.

Let the weld of the seam be slightly, but less durable compared to the monolithic tube. So that the connection is not inferior by the strength of the pipe, the obvious decision is to increase its area.

What we see when using fittings for welding: pipe and welded on the square much more than the end of the pipe.

Physical justification

Let's start with a brief overview of the physical properties of polypropylene.

What do we know about him?

  • This is a relatively solid plastic, which, nevertheless, is easily cut by an overwhelming steel tool;
  • It softens at a temperature of 140 s and melts at 175 C.

Tip: Everything without exception manufacturers indicate for polypropylene maximum operating temperature of 95 degrees.

Despite the fact that polypropylene is actually able to withstand a slightly large temperature, this recommendation should not be neglected: the accelerated degradation of pipes and the connections we do not need.

To enter the private house of the supply pipeline of the heating main, where the temperature in the winter often turns over a hundred, it is better to use galvanized or copper.

If so, all we need is:

  • Exactly cut off the edge of the pipe with any grain tool;
  • Heat the pipe and fitting to the melting point;
  • Combine one with another.

A special case

In addition to simple pipes from monolithic polypropylene, so-called reinforced pipes are produced. What is reinforcement and why is it necessary?

The fact is that as a material for highways of cold water supply polypropylene is flawless. But on hot water and heating, it exists one unpleasant feature - a large coefficient of thermal expansion. It is 0.15 mm / m ° C.

This means that a ten meter straight cut of the pipe, heated under the action of hot water from 20 degrees room temperature to 90 s, will be 0.15 * 70 * 10 \u003d 105 millimeters longer. Ten extra centimeters is a serious problem: the pipe gathered the pipe at least looks ugly.

To solve this problem, and at the same time and make the pipe more durable towards internal pressure, and reinforcement is used.

For it, two materials are used:

  • Aluminium foil. A layer of aluminum thickness from 0.1 to 0.5 mm covers the polypropylene tube outside or pasted between two plastic layers;
  • Fiberglass. In this case, between two layers of pure polypropylene, a mix of the same plastics and fiber - thin and short fibers of fiberglass is located.

Tip: The second option is preferable, since such pipes are not resolved under any circumstances.

In addition, a slightly out of the events - the reinforced fiberglass pipes during installation do not require stripping.

The reinforcement reduces the thermal expansion coefficient of five times to quite acceptable 0.03 mm / m ° C.

Required tools

Minimum set

The tool for the spike of plastic pipes will be needed as follows:

  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Hoven for metal;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Special soldering iron for polypropylene.

How easy to notice, all tools, except for the last, are almost in any house. An exception is the actual apparatus for the spike of polypropylene pipes, which is the simplest low-temperature with a set of nozzles.

It is sold at any construction tool store and costs from several hundred to three to four thousand rubles.

Optimal set

  • Truborez. Special scissors for plastic pipes leave the perfectly smooth cut without the slightest burrs and strictly at right angles. This tool shortens the time to prepare the end of the pipe.

  • Stripping (or Shaver). This tool is needed if the material for your water supply is reinforced by aluminum pipes.
    Foil necessarily swept on the place of welding. For a pipe with internal reinforcement, a special stripper is required, capable of removing the inner foil layer inside the pipe.
  • Measure and cut the desired pipe. Do not forget to take into account those 14-25 millimeters, which will remain inside the fitting.
    In the absence of special scissors-pipe cuts for cutting pipes, it is possible to use not only the handbank for metal - a manual turbine with any cutting stone is suitable.
  • Remove the champecker from the outside of the pipe. It is necessary in order for when you insert a pipe in the fitting, waves and scope did not appear. They dramatically reduce the strength of the compound and can lead to leaks.
  • If you use a pipe with aluminum reinforcement - read it at the connection site. For the pipe with external reinforcement, in the extreme case, you can use a simple sharp knife, but it will take a lot of time. Yes, and the surface will be pretty uneven ...


Preparation of pipes and tools

Sheer - another simple and cheap polypropylene instrument

  • Pick up the nozzle corresponding to the diameter of the pipe and fitting, and turn on the device for the spike of plastic pipes to the network.
    If it has a temperature setting function - for a polypropylene, the temperature of 280 degrees will be smart enough.

Tip: Spike PVC pipes for sewage is possible with the same soldering iron.

Of course, in the case of pipes of small diameter. Pipe ends are simply melted on a wide plate of the heating element on which the nozzles are mounted, after which the jack is welded.

Actually welding

  • Place the pipe into a wide part of the nozzle for a few seconds, and the fitting is put on the narrow side. Massive fittings warm up a little longer, so you can give him a small odd;
  • Insert the pipe into the fitting and simply hold fixed 10 seconds. Insert the pipe without flares, in a straight line, otherwise, again, get a wave and fragile compound;
  • You can go to the next connection.

Selection of tools

If you are first going to engage in the assembly of plastic water pipe or heating system - part of the tools will have to buy.

Let yourself give a few tips.

  • The expensive device for spike polypropylene pipes is different from the cheap manufacturer, complete set.
    Inside the same spiral, outside the heating element and nozzles the same Teflon. If you are not a militant esthete, which loves only bright foreign stickers - you can take the cheapest from what you are sold. The minimum power of 800 W for the root pipes for the home diameter is quite enough.

  • It fully applies to Shawers. Dear stripping uses a good instrumental steel for knives and differs from a cheap resource - knives are still mechanically wear out.
    If your goal is a water supply in your own apartment and nothing more, you can stay on the cheapest stripper.
  • The apparatus for spike pipes is often completed, except for nozzles, also with scissors - pipe cutter. Often the cost of the kit is significantly lower than the cost of the tools tool.


Do not be afraid of pitfalls: modern materials, in fact, allow you to collect complex engineering systems even to the amateur.

Initial tools will cost much cheaper than qualified plumbing services. Believe in yourself - and everything will turn out.

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Application of sea equipment in everyday life

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For branching or wiring of various water communications (heating, sewage and water supply systems), special technologies must be used. Soldering plastic pipes can be performed by specialists, but it is also easy to carry out their own hands.

Tools for soldering

To combine separate parts of the water supply, it is necessary to use temperature effects. A soldering or welding of plastic pipes allows the diffusion of plastic molecules, as a result, a solid and hermetic connection is obtained.

Photo - machine for plastic communications soldering

These works are carried out using special devices - a welding inverter for plastic pipes or guns:

  1. The welder is considered a more professional apparatus and is mainly used by experienced plumbers. Its price is an order of magnitude higher than the standard household pistol;
  2. The pistol is a kind of soldering iron that can point to act on separate parts of plastic or metal-plastic communications.

Welding devices can be classified by power. Now the most popular universal models for 1500-1600 watts are most popular. They are convenient for domestic use, in addition, the kit also includes a set of nozzles to work with various types of pipelines.

Photo - Sachet Design

It should be noted that in addition to special devices, additional tools will also need. In particular, it is scissors for cutting water parts. As well as roller pipe cutters, which allows you to ensure the most evenly smooth and smooth cut on the surface of the communications.

Also when working with metal-plastic or reinforced foil pipes, you will need a tool for stripping - a grinder. It lines the edge of the cut, on which there are often small irregularities after trimming the desired site. If you ignore this process, the connection may be insufficiently durable and sealed, which will affect the operation of the entire sewer system.

If soldering pipes from plastic of large diameter is required - from 110 mm, the electric coupling is used. It puts on the connection and heats the joint. In the process, the main role is played by centering of certain sections of communications, since to control the process during welding is almost impossible. To work with such a device, a special centering machine is applied, which allows to align the cutting surface to get the most dense seam. The power of the coup is somewhat different from the power of welding machines and guns for soldering, in most cases it takes a little large indicators - over 1500 watts.

Also often at home is used cold soldering. The technology implies the use of an aggressive adhesive composition, which provides diffusion of plastic molecules without using heating elements. The main advantage of the method is simplicity. Such welding is easily produced even without experience, moreover, the purchase of additional devices is not required. But with this, such a spike is considered short-lived, that is, it is rather urgent measures, rather than a permanent connection of pipes.

Photo - An example of a cold soldering of plastic communications

You can buy a tool for soldering plastic pipes in almost any plumbing store, on average it costs from 800 rubles to several tens of thousands. For example, in Sevastopol, the cost of Wester DWM 1000B varies from 1800 rubles to 2000. The price depends on the stated power of the apparatus, the brand and its destination.

Video: how to solder plastic pipes

Instructions for soldering

Independent welding of plastic pipelines is performed using the sewage project and in accordance with the GOSTs. For each material, the soldering is made according to a specific temperature, the table below will help you choose the desired values:

Diameter, mm.Heating, secondsWelding, secondsCooling, seconds
16 6 4 3
20 6 4 4
25 7 4 4
32 9 4 4
40 12 5 4
50 17 5 5
63 23 5 5
75 30 7 7
90 38 7 8
110 48 9 10
160 80 14 14

Step-by-step instructions, how to produce a solder of plastic pipes of heating systems or connect the water supply:

  1. On the welding device you need to install special nozzles, for example, fittings for pipes 25 mm. Using the table, the time of their heating is determined, the temperature according to the standards is at 260 degrees. This is the optimal parameter for soldering of conventional plastic and reinforced pipes;
  2. After the other plumbing tools are prepared. Before dragging, be sure to check the cutter to be shared. For small diameters, the cut is recommended not to do at right angles, but under 45 degrees;

    Photo - Soldering Kit

  3. Now you need to measure the size of the fitting on the pipe and take into account the gap of 1 mm. He must be present when joining. Mark it on communications. This is very important, since the fitting can not be laid until it stops, after heating the plastic to expand a little;
  4. At a preheated nozzle, you need to put the fitting, after the connection of the connecting part you need to insert the pipe. Next, the gun heats up and the nozzle again warms down the entire length;

    Photo - Heating Elements

  5. It remains to carefully remove the heated details and connect them. As a result, a durable and hermetic fitting with fitting will be released;
  6. The next stage of the pipe soldering includes repeated heating of the soldering iron, but only now a segment with a fitting is put on the nozzle, and the free part of the communication is inserted into another hole;
  7. After heating, the operation is repeated: the parts are removed from the nozzle and connect.

When the works are over need to wait for the specified time to cool the connection, some wizards also use a hairdryer to accelerate the process.

Photo - Hair Dryer for Plastic

Sometimes heating iron is impossible to use and use the use of electromuth. Their principle of operation is very similar to those described above, the main difference is that for such a soldering of pipes, the entire device is heated, and not separate nozzles.

Before starting welding, it is necessary to deflect the segments, as well as clean them from dust and dirt. To do this, wipe the fitting and the clutch with alcohol inside, and the pipe is outside. Soldering also produced, as previously said.

  1. Do not be too long when connecting the pipe with the fitting. After soldering, plastic becomes more supplied, which is due to excessive pressure inside the pipe, wrinkles may appear;
  2. Do not allow the fitting freely by pipe;
  3. Strictly follow the heating time and temperature. If you exceed or, on the contrary, reduce these indicators, the fastening will be fragile;
  4. Working at home with water or sewage pipes, leave the clearance on the site no more than 1 mm, otherwise there will be leaks on this site.

Welding twists copper wires

Is wire welding important?
The twist is very common types of compounding copper wires and quite reliable. Welding greatly improves the quality of the twist, increasing its reliability and durability. Reviews of professionals and tests of electrolaboratories suggest that twist welding is a guaranteed excellent contact of the wire, not subject to oxidation and does not require audit of the spread boxes with the contact suspender. In modern electrical installation using expensive electrical wiring components, this is very important. After all, the electrician is the science of contacts. Consider the options for electro appliances for welding scrubs.

Varieties of welding machines

Three main groups of welding machines are distinguished, which use electricians (and not only) to connect wires in modern wiring:

  • narrow-profile welding machines for welding copper wires, such as TS-700 and its analogues of Russian and imported production;
  • inverter general-purpose welding machines;
  • welding machines of their own production from low transformers.

Description of these types of welding machines, their features

Welding machines for welding of spike copper electrical wires.
Welding machines of factory manufacturers for electrical welding of copper twists are adapted only for wiring wiring. Work with twists is very simple. The case of the device is compact, with a strap for carrying. The on / off key, the feed wire, the mass wire with the clip or the retainer and the holder wire for the electrode. For them, special coal electrodes are used for welding copper wires. Such devices can be welding both rigid and stranded copper wires.

These are ordinary inverter welding machines, but they can be welded and copper twists. Such devices are also convenient to carry. To connect the wire of the mass of the apparatus with a twist, it is better to use any clamp. Also, experimentally, it is necessary to choose the optimal value of the welding current (from 60 to 110 a). Electrodes are used medvagon. Welding current is better permanent.

Homemade Wire Welding

These are devices made by electricians-crafts from various kinds of lowering transformers. In general terms, these transformers with a capacity of 300 W to 800 W, with voltage on the secondary winding from 9 V to 36 V. Wires for mass and holder make from several wires to be from 15 square meters. mm. Electrodes In this case, it is often coal rods of batteries.

How to cook wires of wires?

  1. It is necessary to remove insulation from wires by 50-60 mm, to make a twist.
  2. Pliers or clips to combine twist with a mass.
  3. Electrode for 1 sec. Observe the end of the twist to the ball at the end.
  4. Cool and isolate twist.

Who can weld copper twist wires?
Theoretically, anyone, only there was an understanding of electricians and electromotion. Still, making welding twist copper wires is better than a professional electrician. You need to pay attention to not to burn the insulation of the wires so that the twist is not a short, but a drop of welding, if possible, without sinks.