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Soil for Anthurium: We make it yourself or buy ready. Types of soils and land for planting plants for all plants need the same soil

The search for the perfect soil for the favorite room flora is similar to the search for mystical "Holy Grail", which will force the plant to bloom the lush bouquet. In reality, the search history and selection is more like fishing: if the neighbor pecks (read it is better grows / blooms), then the worm (earth) is better. However, truth often turns out to be buried at all in the ground, although it is among the four pillars of the right crop production along with illumination, watering and departure.

What kind of soil is the best? The answer to this question depends on what plant is on your windowsill. The best primer for is the worst soil for a desert cactus. And both will be completely unsuitable for aquatic plants. And some plants are not needed at all (for example, epiphytic orchids or aerofit). However, if you don't touch extends, then almost all soils have combining characteristics whose knowledge will help find the right primer among those similar for your plant.

Characteristics of soil

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of soil, it is necessary to know its main characteristics and relate them to the requirements of a specific type to the substrate.

The main characteristics of the soil include:

  • porosity and ferryness of the soil determining air penetration (soil aeriality);
  • ability to skip moisture (moisture permeability);
  • the ability to keep moisture (moisture intensity);
  • the conductivity of nutrients;
  • acidness level - pH. If a weakly acidic medium is required (pH 6.0-6.5), then for, neutral is needed (pH 6.5-7.0), and the weakly alkaline will suit for and. As a rule, the pH is specified on the packaging with the soil.

ON THE PICTURE: Air and moisture-permeable soil for growing seedlings

The composition of the soil

To make the right choice, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the soil. It is from it that it depends on how often watering is required, transplantation, fertilizer and their number.

Horse peat

Horse peat (The product of the decomposition of sphagnum growing on the rollers) is part of most soils. It is widely used in its pure form for growing both in private, indoor culture and agriculture. Horse peat is characterized by high moisture intensity, breathability and ease. It is these properties that made it the leader among other bases for soils. An additional "bonus" for residents of regions with rigid water in a plumbing is an acidic peat environment. It moderately neutralizes salts during watering, although this effect is short.

At clean peat, indoor plants are rarely grown, because It is extremely poor nutritional substances. In addition, in time, a non-political peat is hardly gaining moisture. Those who use soils based on the upper peat know which headache turns into watering such a substrate. Potted with a tubed soil must be put in a pelvis with water and wait until the peat will not get the desired amount of moisture.

Nursery peat

Nursery peat (obtained from low-roll swamps, wetlands) is rich in nutrients. That is why it is used in the mixture with the upper peat as part of the most popular soils for indoor plants. In pure form, the low-alone peat is not used at all: due to its fine structure, it is enough "heavy", quickly flies, delays water and has low breathability. This factor can play a cruel joke, for example, with aroid, whose roots are easily damaged due to water stagnation.


Biohumus - He is simply "Gumus" enjoys great popularity and as an additive in soils, and as a separate substrate (more often in garden farms). It is also surrounded by a mass of myths and is the title of "SuperGrunt for all plants". In fact, the Bio prefix is \u200b\u200badded to marketers, and the humus itself is nothing more than the pumping residues that make up the upper nutrient layer of the soil.

It is very good if the humus from the region with rich nutrients of the soils (such a "region" may be in the composition of the shop soil (such a "region", state farm, "cowber"). But most often it is "a cat in a bag."

Even a good, nutritious humus in pure form has certain disadvantages: it has low air permeability (not immediately, but as it is stuck) and high moisture intensity. Watering the plants grown in the substrate on the "biohumus" need less frequently, and loosen the upper layer more often.

Cherry earth

Similar to the "biohumus" the people are walking the glory of the turf. Shorty - This is the root of the soil. As with humus, the hard land is different, and therefore it is impossible to talk about a single standard of quality of such land. Its quality depends on the specific place: if there is good land on the territory of abandoned collective farms / state farms, then in the field is not very. The main minus of the turf land is the need for cleaning from the remains of other plants, followed by steaming to remove possible microorganisms.

For independent experiments, it is better to use the Earth from the garden farms in which the fruit trees are cultivated. Great popularity uses "Coniferous Earth" - It is light, aerated, has a weakly acidic reaction and is in many ways it looks like a peat, although it does not dry up so much that you have to scatter a pot with a plant with a clock. Almost any turre-leafy land is relatively affected by the nutrients (or slowly gives them).
ON THE PICTURE: Peat tablets

Additional components in the composition of the soil

The auxiliary substances in the composition of the soil - as if chopsticks for amateur and professional. Some improve the looseness of the soil, others increase moisture permeability, others protect against excessive moisture.

Below we will touch only the most popular:

Vermikulitis - Natural mineral, which retains water well (up to 200-300% of its own weight) and slowly releases it together with dissolved minerals. It is used as a component of soils, with hydroponic cultivation of plants, for growing seedlings, in its pure form - when rooting the cuttings of peonies, roses ,.

Perlit - This is nothing more than a volcanic glass, which in the process of heat treatment becomes light and porous. Used by almost all greenhouse farms and therefore often scares buyers who think these are insect eggs or part of the mythical "transporting soil." Perlite gives ground largerness and breathability. It is added to the substrates and is used in pure form to grow seedlings.

Coconut fiber, cocoker or coconut chips (or chips) -all these are the products of recycling of coconut palm trees. Fiber is a long "thread" of coconut shells. COFOGRANT can consist of chips in small fractions and so-called "chips" - parts of a larger fraction. Both the other product of the processing of the median coconut sheath.

Large fraction It is often used by terrariumists to create a litter for amphibians. Small fraction Received the common name "COFOGRANT" and began to enjoy greatly popular in the West. Cocogerun. It is worthy of a separate publication, however, here we will add that this is the perfect component for creating a loose, moderately moisturized soil for any non-aqueous plant. Clean cocoker is used in hydroponics, because Does not contain nutrients and allows you to create individual power. Coconut fiber It is used for the cultivation of orchids, ferns, bromels, succulents.

River sandincreased moisture permeability and preventing the sucking of the substrate is widely used for palm trees, cacti and succulents. For bulbous plants, sand can be a kind of "pillow" that protects the bulb from excessive moisture. However, it is necessary to fear the accumulation of sand in the ground, because In the humidified state, he misses oxygen.

Moss Sfagnum With its high hygroscopicity, it is simply indispensable in substrates for epiphytic orchids. In addition, it can help, if you need to leave for a few days. Wet sphagnum, laid in a pot, will gradually give moisture a plant.

Charcoal - Increases soil looseness, it is also able to absorb excess moisture and give them slowly. However, its main property is antifungal and antiseptic. It prevents the development of fungi and the formation of rot. That is why it needs to be mixed not only with soil, but also a drainage layer. Charcoal is a mandatory component of soils for orchids, marrantov, bromelia, aroid.

Dolomite crumb or flour -popular soil deoxidizer. It is often used in mixtures with the upropheral peat to reduce the acidity of the latter. Scroll with dolomite peat-based flour becomes more suitable for plants that prefer a neutral and weakly alkaline reaction: many species of palm trees, cacti and succulents. In addition, this additive enriches the soil by magnesium, which is particularly necessary during the period of active vegetation.

note: In low-cost brands of soil, the Dolomitic flour is replaced by ordinary chalk. It copes well with the main task of reducing acidity, but does not transmit useful substances into the soil.
ON THE PICTURE: Satpolia Growing in Sfagnum

Recently, as a moisture-hold additive to the ground is widely used hydrogel (otherwise - aquagrunt). It is used in the cultivation of seedlings, potted plants. This polymer ingredient provides maximum soil breathability and reduces the need for watering 3-6 times. In some cases, the hydrogel can act as a soil. In bulking after contact with water, the granules are well rooted with cuttings and the cut flowers are not faded for a long time. In addition, in a tandem with liquid fertilizers, in such aquagrunte, they are growing with pleasure ,. Hydrogel, in contrast to the usual soil, can be used without changing over 2 years.
ON THE PICTURE: Hydrogel is easily painted by natural safe dyes and in the glasses of glasses may look very attractive

Buying the finished soil in the store

Today in stores you can purchase several types of soils:

  • universal (for example, floral ground.) This is a more economical option if plants live on the windowsill with similar conditions of content, not very demanding to the quality of the substrate.
  • special Soils intended for a specific type (for example, soil for palm trees, sensipoly). This option is more preferable because it takes into account the needs of a particular plant. Nevertheless, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition and characteristics described above.

When choosing between soils of domestic and foreign production, preference is better to give the latter. In Russia, the ferrunts include the soils of German producers. They are made on the basis of the upper peat with the addition of perlite, vermiculite and the necessary minerals (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and microelements (iron, manganese, zinc, boron, etc.).
ON THE PICTURE: Popular brand of high-quality German fertilizer affordable in Russia and the CIS

If you could not become the happy owner of such a soil, you can simply improve the shopping mixture by additives that we wrote above, with adjustment on the requirements of a particular plant. The requirements for the soils of individual representatives of the flora can be viewed in our catalog.

Most domestic soils are made on the basis of humus land with sand. If you add peat and perlite to it, it will acquire a weakly acidic reaction and will become easy and breathable. Such land is suitable for most of the houseplants. If you need to increase the pH of the soil, then in the peat (if on the basis of the soil) you need to add dolomite flour or chalk, as well as perlite. Neutral and weakly alkaline land is more suitable for succulents and some deserted.
ON THE PICTURE: The air permeability of the soil affects the penetration of nutrients to the roots

Proper saddle with your own hands

If there is no possibility to buy a really high-quality soil or substrate is required in large quantities, you can cook it yourself.

To create a proper soil per 10 liter, it will be necessary:

  1. Riding peat - 7 liters or 5 l (more peat is necessary for plants that prefer the acidic reaction, as well as in cases where you want to fertilize plants less often);
  2. COFOGRANT (coconut chips of shallow fraction) - 2 or 4 l, respectively (the greater the co-fucked, the more often the plant will have to fertilize, because Coconut chips does not contain nutrients);
  3. Perlite - 0.7 l;
  4. Vermiculitis - 0.3 l (with the increased content of the co-fucker, vermiculite is not required, perlite is added instead).

This instruction is not ideal because it requires the owner more thoroughly (compared to the use of the shop soil) control over the number of fertilizers and more frequently applications. We remind you that the cocoker does not contain any nutrients, and the riding peat is small amounts. With the elevated content of these substrates in the ground, the use of fertilizers is required more often. The mixture can be improved if at the discharge stage of the COFOGRANT (which is mandatory), use dilute fertilizers. Their concentration depends on the need of plants in nutrients. For demanding crops (bromelle, ferns and palm), the concentration is reduced to 1: 2. For undemanding species (azaleas,) - up to 1: 4. If the soil is selected correctly, the root system develops actively, mastering the pot of the pot.
ON THE PICTURE: Lukovitsa Hippeastrum, grown in universal shop soil and co-fucker. Photos from the site -

  1. When choosing a soil, it is better to make a choice in favor of a substrate for a particular plant (for example, "soil for azali") than to buy universal soils.
  2. At the same time, when choosing between the Russian soil for a particular plant ("for palm trees", "for violets") and German universal, preference is better to give the last. They are really universal.
  3. The use of additional additives will help you improve the quality of the soil, speed up the growth and development of the root system.
  4. You can prepare high-quality soil independently, which is ideal for your species.
  5. If you are striving for the best results in crop production, pay attention to the cocoker. It can be an excellent replacement of ordinary soils.
  6. Hydrogel will help you in the cultivation of moisture-loving species.

Ideal soils with high acidity. Neutral soils are good for cultivation, and rocky and sandy suitable. Special soil mixture is necessary for noble. It includes charcoal, moss, the bark of trees and the roots of the fern.

Each soil type has its own base. For example, the neutral soils include black-earth lands, to acidic peat, and alkaline - clay-turf. The patency of water and air to the roots of plants depends on the composition and density of the soil, and therefore their development, and life in general. With timely provision and saturation of the soil with the necessary fertilizers, it also provides plants with high-quality food.

Natural components can include natural components (for example, peat, sand, ash, humid, and other) and artificial (for example, ceramzite, perlite, hydrogel). For each type of plants, it is necessary to select its optimal composition of the soil.

Trading networks offer a large number of diverse types of soil mixtures, which differ in the level of acidity, the presence of fertilizers and various baking powers.

Peat soils

Peat soils can be two types: one consists of the upper peat, and others from low.

Moss, which grows on the head of the swamps, in the process of decomposition turns into a riding peat. This kind of peat soil has its own positive and negative properties. Good breathability and ease are positive, as well as the property to choose moisture and hold it. The last property is simultaneously a disadvantage, since the long-term retention of moisture in the soil can lead to the direction of the root part of the plant. And if such a soil is to cut, then it will be quite difficult to moisten it, it will be quite difficult. Another disadvantage is low fertile qualities and the minimum amount of mineral substances as part of the soil.

Peat, which is extracted from the marshy lowland lakes, rivers and the swamps themselves are heavier, but the content of mineral elements is very high in it. This type of soil is used only as an additive into soil mixtures, as in its pure form it is always too wet and dense. In such a soil, the roots of the plants do not develop, and get the moisture and lack of air due to the overaffect of moisture.


Biohumus is a product obtained during the processing of manure with rainworms. Such soil is considered valuable for plants, because its composition contains a large number of effective microorganisms and beneficial natural natural substances. When compiling a mixture of soil at home, a small part of the biohumus is able to replace the humus and enrich its composition.

Trading networks offer ground mixes in a large assortment. Almost for each plant, you can choose an individual substrate, but you can also make it yourself. The main thing is that at hand there are all the necessary components.

Sheet land

When growing indoor plants, a mixture of sheet and turf is used as the main soil. In its composition, the leaflet of many types of trees (for example, apple and nut, linden and maple, pears and elm).

Cherry earth

This type of soil is used most often, as it has good water and breathability, and also has a huge amount of nutrients. You can find such a soil in the meadows, in the forest or unused pastures for animals.


Such a soil consists of a small amount of the upper layer of soil and overworked. This land has ease and looseness, and also contains a large amount of nutrient elements. Many cultures are able to develop efficiently and grow on humid soil.

Heather soil

Such soil is considered to be rare, as it is possible to get it only in places where coniferous trees and evergreen shrubs are growing. Dark gray heatherland Interest with white sand is a loose structure, good air and water permeability. In composition, it can be compared with a mixture of sand (one part), sheet (two parts) and peat (four parts) of the soil. The heather is the most favorable for growing rhododendrons, azaleas and camellia.

Coniferous soil

This soil is often part of the soil mixtures and is intended for many plants (for example, for heather and orchids). Get such a soil in coniferous forests. The needles of ate, pine and fir when decomposition turns into loose and acidic earth. When collecting a coniferous land, it is necessary to remove the upper layer - it is still unsuitable for the preparation of soil mixtures and growing plants. Use only the second bottom layer.

Roots of fern

Crumpled and dried fern roots are a valuable nutrient component in the preparation of soil mixtures.


Some old parts of the marsh plant of the sphagnum die out, fall and over time form a riding peat. The preparation of Sfagnum is carried out in September - October. First, it is purified from large branches and other unnecessary components. Then crushed, carefully dry and conduct steam processing. Such preparation is necessary to disinfect the soil. Harmful insects die, which means that there will be no danger to grow and develop plants in the future. After the preventive measures, MOSH is ready for use.

Moss is part of many soil blends and makes them loose and able to maintain the necessary humidity for a while.

River sand

Flower shops are offered to purchase various types of sand (large, medium and small), but you can get it on the river bank. Before using sand, you must prepare. At first it is desirable to sift it, get rid of various garbage and stones of large size and well clean from dirt with clean water.

Almost all the ground mixtures contain sand, as it makes the soil of the air permeable, does not allow it to be seal and lifted and exceeds water, although there are no nutrients in its composition.

Soil mixtures with such a sandy addition are needed to grow almost all types of palm trees and cacti.

Charcoal or ash

Coal and ash are used to disinfect plant roots, as well as for healing cuts on the branches and stems. This component prevents the formation of rot, as it is a natural antiseptic. Most often used charcoal remaining after burning aspen or birch branches.

As part of almost every soil mixture there is at least 5% of chopped wood coal. Coal increases the water permeability of the soil and its looseness. Mixtures with coal additive are necessary for growing cacti, orchids and many other indoor plants.

In the harvesting of components for the soil mixture, it is necessary to collect land in different places: in the forest, in the meadow, in the field and on the river bank. Naturally, in such a land there are a large number of different insects and their larvae, mushroom disputes that can cause fungal diseases. In order not to be in the future problems in the cultivation of plants, it is necessary to prepare such a soil before use. It is recommended to carry out mandatory thermal processing in the form of steaming.

Choose a large-sized container, pour a small layer of well-humidized sand to the bottom of a small layer (about 3-4 centimeters), and on top of all the components of the future soil mixture. Put the capacity on a small fire for warming up and steaming. Wet sand when heated will highlight steam, which gradually warms the rest of the mixture. For the warming of the decater container, it will take about one hour of time.

There is one significant drawback in such a treatment is the one hundred percent death of useful microorganisms that are vital for the growth and development of plants. No organic feeding is capable of learning plants without them. In order to correct this problem, it will be necessary for some time and patience. When after planting a room flower, a minimum of 30 days will pass, you can start the soil settling with new useful "residents".

Soil saturation with important microorganisms should be carried out gradually and try to maintain their number. Living microorganisms are contained in many special preparations and organic feeding. Specialized stores for gardeners and flower flows offer for these purposes to use the means "Ecostile", "Baikal", "East Em-1" and "Revival".

As a disinfecting soil procedure, you can taste or process or process with chemicals. Chemicals will destroy all harmful bacteria and fungal disputes and get rid of infectious diseases. And after the fruit of the soil even improves its structure.

  • - The main must be peat soil (horse) with a small amount of needles. The prerequisite is lightness, air and water permeability.
  • Soil acidity

    The degree of soil acidity plays an important role in the development of plants. It depends on its level, the increase in the flowering of culture, its fitness for life and the ability to confront pests and diseases.

    For some representatives of the soil, the soil is needed poor and sour, for others - fertile and saturated with a large number of efficient microorganisms, with moderate or neutral acidity. For example, alkaline soil is necessary for plants growing on mountain stony slopes, and for most plants a weakness is suitable soil.

    The pH soil acidity level can be defined in two ways:

    • With a special lactium paper
    • Using a meter for soil

    When buying ready-made substrates, acidity is determined by digital indicators on the package:

    • pH over 8 is strong
    • pH from 7 to 8 - alkaline
    • pH from 6 to 7 - neutral
    • pH from 5 to 6 - weakly acid
    • pH from 4 to 5 - sour
    • pH from 3 to 4 - strong

    The soil acidity level meter will show more accurate data about the selected substrate, and the lactium paper will show the result using the color indicator. A special color scale is offered. It is necessary to place a litmus piece of paper on the surface of well-humidized soil and strongly press for a few seconds, and then refer to the result with the proposed scale. In the presence of a weakly alkaline soil, the paper is painted in blue, with neutral - in light green or blue, with a weakly acid - in yellow, with sour - in pink, with a strong-acid - in red.

    How to prepare the right substrate for plants

    Successful cultivation of anthurium is largely depends on correctly selected soil. The fact is that this plant is not quite usual. And if the main mass of green pets can be placed in a universal soil, and then rejoice in flowering, then with the anthurium, such a number will not pass. He needs a special, specially selected soil for anthurium, designed to the specifics of its root system and the peculiarities of nature growth.

    Therefore, as soon as you purchased Anthurium, it is worth thinking what land suits him.

    Thick anthurium tight roots resemble orchid roots. And they need them similar. Such roots need a large amount of air and moderate humidity. Accordingly, the earth for anthurium must be loose, contain a large number of air pockets, not to lift and not compact. And also, to pass water well, quickly sink. The required reaction is a weakness (pH 5.5-6.5).

    Anturium roots are similar to the roots of orchids and other epiphytes

    By nature, anthuriums belong to epiphytes and semi-epiphips, which have practically no land. They grow in tropical forests under the trees, the roots are sprouting into the forest litter from the bark, fallen leaves, of various sera. Here is such a loose forest litter and must imitate the perfect primer for anthuriums.

    The ground for anthurium is a mixture of peat soil with bark, moss-sphagnum and various useful additives

    Make up ground for anthurium

    What to take as a basis?

    The easiest composition for Anthurium: Universal Soil + Conifer Bark in a 1: 1 ratio.

    Universal soils (the first component), as a rule, are compiled on the basis of peat, therefore, they have just the necessary anthurium of a weakly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-6.5). In addition, the soil is acidified by the pine bark (the second component), which can be collected and dried independently or buy. The bark is sold in flower shops, often as a substrate component for orchids or an independent additive.

    The mixture of soil and bark can be used as a full-fledged substrate for growing anthurium. Or to use it as a basis by adding some useful additives to the already existing two-component composition.

    Additional components

    So, to the database from the soil and bark you can add:

    • brick or clay crumb;
    • perlite, vermiculitis;
    • coarse sand;
    • coconut fiber, coconut chips;
    • khvoy (acidifies and breaks the soil);
    • moss sphagnum (a small amount, about 5% of the total volume of the mixture);
    • charcoal (no more than 5-10% of the mixture volume).

    All these additives improve the quality of the substrate, for example, clay crumb additionally breaks it, moss sphagnum - holds moisture, charcoal - protects roots from rotting, vermiculitis - breaks and enriches minerals.

    You can choose both one additional component and several. All of them are well combined with each other.

    The ground for anthurium should be loose and breathable

    Soil for anthurium from the store: Can I buy it?

    If there is no desire to make a soil yourself, you can try to buy it. With this, unfortunately, there may be difficulties. Specialized primer for anthuriums produce a few manufacturers.

    But, nevertheless, there is a small choice:

    • Substrate for Anthurium "Polessky". As part: Horse and low-door peat, bark, river sand, coconut fiber and chips, perlite, charcoal.
    • A set of substrate components of the Auric Gardens ". As part: Cherry land, bark and needles, sand, sphagnum.
    • Substrate Anthurium "Forpro". Composition: riding peat, bark, charcoal, agroperlit.

    For anthuriums, some soils for orchids with a similar composition (based on peat and bark) are not bad for anthuriums. For example, we read the composition of the set of substrate components for orchids from the "Auriky Gardens": peat, bark and needles of pine, charcoal, biohumus, sphagnum. What is not a soil for anthurium?

    The only thing in such a substrate can be added is the universal soil. To adjust the mixture towards the correct ratio of the crust and peat soil (1: 1).

    Drainage and moss sphagnum

    Properly selected substrate is not all.

    So that the watering water is not stood in a pot and did not cause root rotting, the pot of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the pot - clamzit. Preferably a large fraction for the formation of air pockets. Roots Anthurium loved to fit very much! Everything else, the ceramzite whirls the soil, making it more suitable for Anthurium.

    On the surface of the soil, after landing, a small layer of moss-sfagnum is laying out to close the air roots. Moss must be supported in a wet state, regularly spray it.

    Moss sphagnum is used to maintain anthurium air roots humidity

    It is worth noting that the right choice of soil for Anthurium will save your flower from many problems, such as: rotting roots due to water stagnation and lack of air, no blossom, growth delay.

    For the full development of colors, vegetable and coniferous crops, aquarium flora requires a special soil. This rating was included the most good, specially prepared land for street and indoor plantings in pots. It is based on the reviews of buyers and expert opinions, all the advantages and possible shortcomings of the proposed compositions are considered in detail. Acquaintance with them will make it easier to facilitate the choice of the best soil for plants.

    Solving what kind of soil is better for planting plants, many gardeners are treated for advice on Internet forums. And, judging by the reviews left there, most users trust the quality of products of the following brands:

    • Seliger Agro. - Russian manufacturer of various soils and fertilizers intended for flower growing and growing vegetable crops. The company was founded in 1991 and specializes in the production of soil mixtures and peat-based feeding. Holding uses high-tech equipment, which allows it to guarantee high quality products.
    • ASB GreenWorld. - The German company, which has been supplied to the Russian market soil mixtures and fertilizers for over 15 years. The company has several dozen peat fields located in Germany, Estonia and Canada. Special attention in the production of soil is paid to the stage of collecting and processing peat, as well as enrichment of finished products with additional components (bark, perlite, etc.)
    • FACE - Popular Russian brand products for the care of various types of street and room colors at all stages of their development. The company was founded in 1993 and recently changed the name to Garden Retail Service. Despite this, the company continues to produce high-quality products at affordable prices. At the moment, the range of the firm has more than 180 names of certified goods.
    • Tetra. - German Enterprise, which is part of the American Concern Spectrum Brands. This is one of the oldest industries in the aquarium market and garden pond. Starting from the 50s of the 20th century, the company produces food for the inhabitants of water bodies, as well as vegetation care products and equipment for aquariums. Most Tetra goods are patented or manufactured by unique technologies.
    • JBL - German company that currently produces more than 1000 products for aquariums and terrariums. All JBL products are produced at the plant in Neofen, equipped with the latest technology. The company carefully monitors each stage of production and regularly pleases buyers with a new line of goods. An interesting innovative find in the range of firms is the soil of various colors for aquarium.
    • Peter Peat. - Modern Russian enterprise, producing nutritional soils, organic fertilizers and peat substrates. The company is formed on the basis of the fuel and energy complex created in the 50s. At the moment, it specializes in the extraction and processing of the upper sphagnum peat low degree of decomposition, low and transition peat. The main places of production of raw materials are located in the Ryazan region and Karelia.
    • Agrikola. - Popular Russian brand of the trade and industrial company TekhnoExport. This company was founded in 1996 and today implements development, registration, production, import, export and wholesale of soil mixtures, fertilizers and a wide range of goods to care for various cultures. The company is a member of the Protection Association of Plant Protection of the Russian Federation, its products have 85 higher awards on the results of participation in Russian and international exhibitions.
    • Sera. - German enterprise, in the range of which includes an almost full range of products: for aquariums, garden ponds and terrariums. The company provides high quality of its goods due to compliance with their strict rules established by the GMP standard. They are used at all stages of production, which guarantees a long shelf life.
    • Pelgorskoe-M. - Russian peat proprietary enterprise, manufacturing planting soils of Morris Green trademarks and a kind assistant. To date, the company's assortment includes 19 mixtures for growing flowers, vegetables, shrubs and ornamental plants. The company's products comply with European standards and is awarded many contests, including a golden difference in the international exhibition.

    Rating of the best soils for plants

    • Softness, ease and crumbness;
    • Acidity;
    • Structure;
    • The presence of a certain set of nutrient trace elements;
    • Lack of extraneous impurities and garbage;
    • Good aeration (ability to pass air);
    • Necessary humidity;
    • Convenient packaging;
    • Cost.

    In the selection of goods, we paid attention to the volume offered by manufacturers. To date, in stores you can purchase several types of mixtures. Flowers divide the soil mixture on a universal (intended for landing most unpretentious cultures) and a special, which takes into account the specific needs of plants. Our rating includes the most sought-after options and the first, and second type.

    The best soils for colors

    When breeding colors is very important to choose a good land for indoor plants, because it is precisely the speed of their growth and development depends on its composition. Our rating includes 3 most reliable, according to florists, option.

    Seliger agro for flowers and houseplants

    This peat-based crumbly ground is designed to transplant indoor flowers and decorative plants. It has a brown brown and contains a fairly large complex of useful trace elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium oxide). The soil is packaged in plastic bags of 5 liters and has an unlimited shelf life, which is very practical when it is necessary to transplant a small number of phlora representatives. For ease of use on the package, the manufacturer has placed detailed instructions.


    • Loose enough;
    • Without lumps and garbage;
    • Compact packaging;
    • Easy to care for representatives of flora;
    • Available cost.


    • Not very well absorbs water.

    A mixture of Seliger Agro has a fairly high ranking on sites, but experienced users advise to take into account the fact that after watering the soil settles - it is probably necessary to whip it with time.

    ASB GreenWorld for Colors Universal

    The ASB GreenWorld soil has a universal purpose and can be used to grow both ornamental plants and seedlings and lawns, or to fill the wells when transplanting decorative trees. It is recommended for camellia, calangean, begonia, violets, gerberas, roses, phloxes, peonies, loyal flowers. Exceptions are only flowers preferring to acidic soil. This composition accumulates well and distributes nutrients, does not fit and has high air exchange qualities.


    • Easy;
    • Crumbly;
    • Convenient packaging that does not break;
    • A wide range of applications (and at home and in the country);
    • Contains a good set of nutrient trace elements.


    • Sometimes there are rather large wooden chips.

    This soil many flower products value for its versatility, but most buyers advise him to carefully sift him to get rid of large pieces of wood.

    Facial Farmer

    This floral ground is recommended to use for planting violets, geraniums, ivy, roses, chlorophytum, monsters, yukki, drazes, tulips, crocuses, daffodils, iris, all types of ficuses and citrus. It is fully prepared for use and contains a well-balanced set of nutrients necessary for the full development of plants. The soil does not contain pathogenic elements and viable weed seeds, raw materials contribute to the development of the root system of colors.


    • Clean;
    • Soft;
    • Creates good conditions for development;
    • Without garbage and weeds;
    • Well absorbs moisture;
    • Inexpensive.


    • Located to clarification.

    The main rule of the use of the FACE - first reveal the package, mix its contents and give the soil for an hour to saturate with oxygen.

    The best soils for aquarium plants

    Special requirements are presented to the soil mixture for an aquarium - it should be good at the bottom, do not interfere with water filtration, strengthen the roots and at the same time be safe for the water inhabitants. The top includes two best soil for underwater plants.

    Natural clay granules Tetra Active Substrate are suitable for water flora. In contrast to ordinary gravel, they support the full functioning of the aquarium, activate the growth of useful soil bacteria, prevent the root rotting and reduce the level of water pollution by organic substances. This reduces the load on the filter and the service life increases. The porous structure of raw materials creates optimal conditions for fixing fragile roots, and the round shape is safe for bottom fish.


    • Effective;
    • Attractive view;
    • Natural;
    • Provides good water circulation;
    • Harmless for fish.


    • Not cheap.

    Tetra Active Substrate is a high-quality and reliable product with only positive feedback. But the purity and transparency of the water he guarantees only if the aquarium is pretty well to rinse it under running water. This will help remove particles destroyed during transportation, which could pollute water.

    Jbl Manado.

    JBL Manado Soil is designed specifically for filling the aquarium. It is non-toxic, therefore hazardous substances does not allocate, but at the same time does not reduce the degree of its rigidity. The round shape of the granules is perfect for fastening the roots and prevents them from eating fish. The porous structure creates optimal conditions for population with cleansing bacteria. Also, the Earth absorbs the excess fertilizers from the water and this prevents the growth of unwanted algae.


    • Beautiful colour;
    • Creates good conditions for growth;
    • Water does not turbulent;
    • Prevents the growth of algae-weeds;
    • Safe for fish.


    • Very light, so the purge of the aquarium takes longer.

    JBL Manado is highly appreciated by many aquaries, but experienced users advise immediately to acquire a substrate under it from the same manufacturer.

    Best soils for coniferous plants

    Choosing a soil for coniferous plants, special attention should be paid to the humidity and ability of the soil mixture to provide high-quality air exchange. For this rating, two trademarks were selected, which, according to user reviews, optimally correspond to these criteria.

    Peter Peat Hobby for coniferous plants

    This is fully ready for use nutrient soil mixture with a mass fraction of moisture at least 65%. It includes horse riding and low peat, river sand, agropertil and limestone flour. Such a soil is perfect for planting ate, fir, pines, thui and juniper. It provides an optimal level of acidity and contains numerous batteries, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When using this product, the manufacturer guarantees good plant survival and improving their decorative qualities.


    • Effective;
    • No merchant lumps;
    • Natural smell;
    • Rich in mineral fertilizers;
    • Provides good accessibility;
    • Available cost.


    • Some users do not like excessive humidity.

    Peter PETER PEAT is a good option for the finished mixture for planting needles. But many users, preparing for this tree, try to introduce additional mineral fertilizers to the ground. This is not necessary to do this soil, since the entire complex of the necessary substances is already included in its composition.

    Agrikola for coniferous plants

    This is a universal peat-based primer for planting coniferous crops, indoor and ornamental plants. This soil blend has a good ability to accumulate and evenly give meals. Thanks to the upper taper in the composition, the high-quality air flow to the roots is ensured and a sufficient amount of moisture is preserved at the same time. The mixture contains a standard starting mineral complex, suitable for a wide range of coniferous decorative representatives of the flora.


    • Retains constant looseness and activity;
    • Without obvious garbage;
    • I miss the air well;
    • Not coming;
    • Comfortable plastic packaging that does not break.


    • Small volume.

    Buyers Agrikola are sometimes faced with the problem of yellowing branches on landed shrubs. To avoid this, a month after the landing, the spoiled parts need to be cropped, and the rest to feed the special complex of mineral fertilizers.

    Best soils for vegetable crops

    The highest demands are put forward precisely to the land for landing vegetable crops, because the future harvest often depends on its quality. Both experienced agronomists and ordinary users from a large number of various options prefer one of the two best soils for plants, which and entered our rating.

    The drainage soil Sera Floredepot is a well-balanced mixture of sand, peat and useful trace elements, which contributes to the rapid and reliable process of rooting the plant. Its mineral composition allows for the first four weeks of development to supply culture with all the nutrients necessary for its full development. In this case, the special structure of the mixture contributes to the formation of their strong root system.


    • Crumbly;
    • Soft;
    • Comfortable hard plastic packaging;
    • Without garbage and large particles;
    • When irrigated, it settles slightly.


    • High cost, as for a small amount.

    The Sera Floredepot fraction is highly valued by users to grow pending vegetable crops. The most qualitative result can be achieved if used in a complex with a mineral substrate from the same manufacturer.

    Good assistant for vegetable crops

    This fully finished soil mixture is made from an environmentally friendly rigid sphagnum peat low decomposition and prevents the accumulation of nitrates and salts of heavy metals in vegetables. Therefore, it actively contributes to the formation of a fertile layer in greenhouses and open soil. Such soil is well suited for growing seedlings and filling the wells when it is disembarking. It can also be used for fruit and berry and ornamental cultures, arrangement of lawns and in bedroom flowering.


    • Eco-friendly;
    • Light, fluffy, odorless;
    • Provides a good germination of seedlings;
    • Sustainable frosts;
    • Acceptable cost.


    • Fit small sticks.

    In general, the "kind assistant" is a great version of the universal soil mixture, which can be used for various purposes. The only nuance that should be considered is that there are only 10 liters for sale. Therefore, even for transplanting several plants will have to buy a large package.

    What kind of plant soil is better to buy

    Choosing, what kind of plant soil to buy, most of the flower products prefer specialized mixtures for landing any specific species. At the same time, many daches acquire a universal option, but at the same time try to improve its quality with additional additives. Recently, mixtures based on coconut fibers and hydrogels - compositions intended for landing of moisthed cultures are also very popular.

    As for soil mixtures from this rating, you can draw the following conclusions:

    • The best universal option for disembarking most types of colors is ASB GreenWorld.
    • The soil mixture of Seliger-Agro contains a good complex of mineral elements necessary for high-quality growth of small cultures.
    • For landing of all types of ficuses, citrus and primroses, you can use Flower Farm.
    • Herbatous water inhabitants will fit the best in the nutrition of Jbl Manado.
    • For the landing of almost all types of aquarium representatives, the Flora will have a ready-made substrate Tetra Active Substrate.
    • Peter Peat Hobby peat mixture is enriched with a complete set of trace elements needed for high-quality growth of the Tui.
    • Agrikola for needles is distinguished by special looser and the ability to keep moisture well.
    • The Sera Floredepot mixture is perfect for cultivation of perturbed phlora representatives.
    • The widest range of applications, from planting seedlings and fruit-berry shrubs before the preparation of lawns, has a "good helper".

    The main rule when choosing a better soil for plants is to carefully examine the composition and characteristics of the soil mixture: it may already contain the microelements required for normal development.

    The land for indoor flowers is needed that it does not harm or, on the contrary, did not turn into a clay lump. We will talk about this today in the continuation of our topic about the cultivation of plants.

    Before you go to the garden center for shopping, it is worth refreshing your knowledge of home colors:

    But back to "our Baranas" - what kind of soil for indoor plants is best.
    First I will say which soil is completely not suitable for these purposes: the ground, taken from the flower beds or from the garden. Loose and fertile, in a pot she has a property to become stone and is completely uncomfortable for the house.

    For planting indoor plants, a special composition is needed. They can be prepared independently or buy ready-made in the store.

    On the finished seamps (substrates) used usually for growing domestic flowers, it is worth talking more.

    Why ready-made soil mixtures are not suitable for indoor plants

    Finished substrates that go on sale under the pride name "soil" in fact nothing to do with soil. They consist mainly of the red (rig) or black (low) peat with the addition of mineral fertilizers and other components (coconut fiber, vermiculite, charcoal, etc.), depending on which plants they are intended.

    What a manufacturer usually reports to a small font somewhere at the bottom of the package, enthusiastically with this revelation - "composition of the mixture".

    Have you ever read it?

    Most of the failures in the cultivation of domestic flowers are associated with the use of ready-made (read: peat) substrates.

    There is no doubt, use ready-made planting soils very convenient. No need to look for various types of soil, you do not need to harvest them in the future and stored in the house, occupying the right space. Peat-based compositions are lightweight, well absorb water. You can find such a mixture for all types of plants. And it would be a solution to the problem for most lovers, if it were not for one thing ...

    But the peat composition is unstable, he dries quickly. All peat assortments should be kept in a constantly wet state - while drying, they hardly absorb moisture. But most of your green pets are required to have the land between irrigated. And some of them do not tolerate excess moisture at all.

    That is why the flower in such a soil substrate is easy to fill.

    In peat compositions, fertilizer comes to the root system much faster than in the earthen, but during watering it is easily washed away. Therefore, after a few weeks after the transplant, you will have to feed the plant. Do you know that the dose of fertilizer when feeding is not always easy to determine? At the same time, it is easy to "reconcile" your pet or, on the contrary, make it "starve"!

    Using ready-made peat-based substrates, you create additional difficulties.

    The exception is the compositions with the addition of biohumus. Gumus (Chernozem) is a soil rich in organic substances. Such formulations are less common and are usually more expensive compared to substrates prepared on the basis of peat.

    We conclude:

    Earth for room colors should be prepared with their own hands.

    Do not be afraid, it is not difficult at all.

    A small certificate of different types of soil will help you figure it out.

    Characteristic of garden lands

    She is a pyrical and elastic enough. It can be found in the nearest meadow to your home. It is enough to take a good turne (the coat of the soil with the roots of herbs, a depth of 15-20 cm.), Cut it and sift it with a breather. Vegetable remnants can be discarded, and the fact that will remain and will be a hard land.

    Leading (sheet)

    It is an easy, loose and rather nutrient soil, which is formed from the annual overloading of foliage and branches in the grove, in the forest or landing. Finding the land is the easiest all in places with densely growing deciduous trees, in which the foliage is not removed, but remains on the surface and overtakes. Remove the top layer of freshly fallen leaves and type the soil, which is under it, but not deeper than 10-15 cm, you can with the remnants of a well-satisfied last year's foliage.

    It turns out from the reworked manure. It is light, loose and very rich in nutrients. In the village to find humus soil is quite simple. In the city it can be reached in the greenhouses.
    In the pure form of sand is used during stallion.

    It is added to all the mixtures in the amount of 10-20 percent.

    The best is a coarse-grained river or lake sand.

    Cooking the earth for indoor flowers at home

    Recipe first:

    This mixture is called heavy. This soil composition is suitable for indoor plants with thick rough roots: draster, monster, large trees.

    Recipe Two:

    This mixture is called average. It is suitable for plants with the roots of the middle thickness: aspidistr, large spathifluimos, anthuriums, small shrubs.

    Recipe third:

    This mixture is called easy. It is suitable for species with thin gentle roots and all herbaceous species.

    Recipe fourth - Universal soil for indoor plants:

    It is useful if you failed to find a turf and humus soil.

    In the literature for flower flows there are complex recipes with additives of various exotic components. For example: coconut fiber, sfagnum moss, brick or marble crumb, perlite, etc. It is believed that some kinds of flowers grow better with such additives.

    But the truth is that the plants are very plastic and easily adapt to other types of land blends, if they contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. Therefore, do not complicate your life for finding rare additives to the soil. The above recipes will suit almost all your green pets.

    So, the secret of the sixth in the cultivation of indoor plants

    To avoid difficulties in caring for homemade plants, the ground for room colors should be prepared by one of the above recipes.