Repairs Design Furniture

How to make caustichene yourself over the bed. Baldahin over the bed with his own hands - how to make and secure (photo). Decorating the finished product

Such a design element like Baldahin appeared in Europe in the XII century. It was originally used as protection against flies, mosquitoes and drafts. Nowadays, the Bedalchin is their own hands on an adult bed rather as a decor element. Previously, it was accepted by the sewing of the Baldakhin from the Atlas, Parchi, Velvet.

Such elements were on the pocket only noble. Then over time, fashion appeared on the fabric simpler - stinging cotton and canvas, or canvas. Such a baldahin on the bed with their own hands did people of a simple class: the peasants, man in the streets. Esal-style canopies were especially interesting.

Today, Baldahin is popular and loved, as it helps to hide from bright light, gives comfort, romance and a special mood. Especially the canopy is relevant in small rooms, when there is no separate bedroom, but I want to equip a cozy bed.

If the question arose in front of you: how to make a polarity over the bed with your own hands - we hope that our master class will help you in this arrangement.

The most popular version of Baldakhina is when it is slightly designated, barely noticeably.

For example - baldahin, which consists only of top. Let such a canopier and will not protect you from mosquitoes and drafts, but, as psychologists say - even such, a purely symbolic element will give you a calm, strong sleep.

Baldahin on the framefixed on racks. Frame is used as a mustache holder. Racks are fixed on the bed or on the floor. As a result, it turns out a sleeping place hidden by curtains. This is the most difficult and costly option.

The structure resembling the top "crown". Fastening for the Baldakhin of this type - the hoop or a small square frame may be just an arc framework. It is used when the bed is at the wall. If you tastefully select cloth, then it looks very luxurious and original. Canopy in this case can be made of tulle.

Ceiling, like a holder for a canopy. Complete on execution, but the original solution. This is one of the latest "innovations" in the decor. It is more likely one frame - without a curtain.

These are 4 main types of Baldakhin, many make such a decor in their own way.

Make a stylish cavalry with your own hands - master class

When clearing the room, it is important to properly arrange accents and make the stylish decor of the main element - the bed. A lot of disputes are underway on the topic: how to make a cavalry with their own hands, and whether he needed. This is decided, definitely - the owners of the room. We hope that if you decide to install the Baldahin Bed, collected with your own hands - our master class will have to be.

You can make it possible to make it out of bed not just a sleeping place, but an artistic work. Here, everything is important: the headboard bed is unique forms, colorful bedding, paintings - it attracts the eye and improves the mood. Lacks only a canopy over the bed. As you can see, a fabric for a canopy, which should be attached to the ceiling - reminds the idea of \u200b\u200bpaintings located at the headboard.

To work, you will need:

  1. Colored fabric - 5 meters.
  2. Two blue strips for edging fabric.
  3. Stapler.
  4. Screws for mounting a canopy to the wall and ceiling.
  5. 2 Wooden rails.
  6. Sewing machine.

The instructions say that the length of the fabric must be 5 meters. We would advise you first take any rope or thread, measure 5 meters and estimate, looking at the scheme - how much you need tissue. Note that the ceiling height can be different. Add to this length another piece of fabric, which you need to wrap 2 wooden rails.

Step first - you need to make the awning itself. This is possible if there is a sewing machine. Strips are sewn at a distance of 7.6 cm. From the edge. So the strip must be 15.2 cm wide. In order for it to enhance the fabric from 2 sides. Color fabric width - 137 cm. We admonish the strip, folding the facial part of the fabric and facial strips. Start by 0.7 from the edge. Then straighten the seams, it is restored to the center, and, having encouraged the edge, with a fabric surrounding - to see the second time.

The instruction says that the fabric on the reverse side of the opening is not in the direction as you sewed for the first time, but in the opposite. So it turns out more carefully and the awning does not bother.

Before hanging the awning, you need to try the fabric to try well so that no folds remain. The diagram shows, at what distance the cavities are fixed, all sizes are indicated in inches (1 inch \u003d 2.5 cm.).

Next, take 2 wooden rails (for non-oscillation of the rails, you can use strips of plasterboard) and turn them with a cloth using a stapler. One rack is kpripim to the wall. We use screws for fastening, they are served in any construction store.

Break's second rail and the ceiling itself and the end of the fabric should hang 45 cm. Distance from one rail to the other - 91.4 cm. Here the rails act as holders for the Baldakhin made by their own hands.

Here you have made a fashionable canopy. Decor made with your own hands is good because all this beauty you are doing for your comfort. And what could be better than a cozy house, in which you invested all my soul.

The color or at least the shade of the Baldakhin color is known to be present in the drawing of bed linen. A bed linen and blankets people try to pick up so that all textiles approached the style of the interior.

For example, classic style is traditionally white or light tones of lingerie, with lace and without. And the canopy here need light tones, air.

Furniture and interior items in oriental style are large flowers on the walls, ornament with sakura, cane. The drawing of the fabric for the canopy is overflowing with golden thread.

Cozy and dear Provence - the style is quite popular, here you need a fabric of non-latch tones. Colors used: lavender, salad, smoky-blue. The famous Tile de Jouy material is appropriate (pastoral scenes from the ancient French life), but only two colors are used, for example, blue and white.

Baldahin was initially a rather practical thing than an element of the decor: he defended from insects, bright light, draft. Today, the insects are saved on windows and fumigators, from bright light - blinds and curtains, and from drafts - double-glazed windows ... But the colors over the beds do not lose their popularity thanks to a unique property - to give comfort and create a mood.

If you also want to add comfort to your (or child) bedroom and decided to make a cavalry over the bed with your own hands, this article will come in handy.

How to make a cavalry above the bed: fastening methods

You can hang the canopy in several ways:

  • on four vertical racks, attached to bed or floor;
  • on the horizontal support-rod, mounted in the wall;
  • on a special ring suspended to the ceiling or support above the middle bed (or above the headboard);
  • on the curved (arc, four-broth) cornice installed on the ceiling above the bed.

Consider in more detail these varieties.

Classic Baldahin on Four Vertical Supports

This type of color is the most solid, requiring space. Well suited for large rooms, in which the bed is "an island" - not in the corner. Metallic or wooden vertical supports are attached to the bed or floor, and at the top are combined with a frame that repeats the perimeter of the bed. On this frame and the fabric hangs.

Such a design withstands the considerable weight of the fabric, so you can use heavy velvet and other dense fabrics. A bed double with a canopy of this type looks like a royal bed, therefore requires the relevant interior.

How much fabric need? It all depends on the designer idea and the type of fastening. You can create a chic multi-layer canopy with lambrequins, heavy and transparent tissues, and you can limit yourself to one layer of matter.

In any case, that the fabric is well draped, take at least a double width relative to the support. If one side, for example, 2 meters, then the fabrics for one layer are needed 4 meters in width.

Baldahin on the horizontal rod

In the wall above the bed at an altitude of about 2 meters from the mattress, a horizontal metal tube with a limiter is screwed down (so that the fabric does not fall from the tube). With the help of the cord, the length of two bands of the tissue is measured (from the floor to the floor or up to the required height from the floor, plus 5 cm on the edge ending, plus 3 cm on the scene).

The width of the strip is twice as much as the length of the rod. Both bands are stitched, the scene is made from the connection, in which the rod is doing. At the end of the bar, a decorative tip is attached. The weight of the can not be large.

Color dome (on the ring)

Over the center of the bed or over the headboard on the ceiling hook, the circle is suspended (for example, ordinary Hula-HUP), to which with the help of rings or loops, the fabric is hanging, falling by a tent on the bed. Instead of a hook, you can use special supports (most often light supports from the wire attaching to a crib).

The width of the fabric is calculated on the basis of the area that it should close below (the entire perimeter of the bed or only the headboard). Again, take a double number of this lower perimeter. If a baby cot with such a canopy is planned, you can buy a ready-made bracket (about children's canopies. We will talk more about).

Baldahin on the ceiling cornice

The ceiling cornice is fastened over the bed: either the repeating contours of the bed, or (if the bed is headboard to the wall) curved in the form of a semicircle. By the way, it is possible to schedule a canopy in advance when installing a multi-level ceiling - make a semicircular "step" on the ceiling above the headboard and insert eaves and lamps in it. Such eaves, as a rule, withstand the sufficient weight of the fabric. And its number is calculated similar to the previous one.

Children's bed with a canopy: Create a fairy tale with your own hands

If you do not have the ability to make a cavity on an adult bed, then for your child you will probably be able to build this cozy design - especially if we are talking about creating a bedroom for a girl.

With the help of the Baldakhina, a children's bed is transformed into a small cozy world: remember how you yourself liked to build halars from chairs / tables and tablecloths / curtains! And if your baby is completely more crumb, then the canopy will protect it from excess light, insects, drafts, and just decorate the crib. It will not require you a lot of time and money.

The simplest solution is to purchase a ready-made special holder for the Bedakhinov over the bed. Such holders are comfortably attached to any baby bed. But if you want, you can easily make a similar holder of thick wire. His top can be in the form of a ring, elongated oval or just a rod. Depending on this, there will be a form or a form of fastening of the Bedalochina itself.

If you chose a circle or oval, then you can suspend the fabric with rings or loops, and on top to build a decorative "roof". You can also cut the cloth in such a way that it turned out a certain "hood", putting on the holder's circle. It can be beautifully decorated with ribbons.

If the rod is selected, then the fabric is simply put on with a scene, as described above.

Now select the cloth fabric (tulle, transparent organza, sitherium, etc.). If the canopy plays only a decorative role, transparent fabrics are suitable, and if you want additional protection against drafts, choose a taffeta, Muslin, sitherge, tight silk.

If the child has its own room, then the canopy can be left transparent, but if the baby cot is in the common room, then prefer more dense tissues to create a small secluded space.

Decorations, Ryushi, ribbons - at your discretion. For the girl usually choose flowers, hearts, butterflies, for a boy - animal figures, cars, etc. If you are planning that a baby cot with the Baldakhin will "take inheritance" to the second your child or to the future kid of friends friends, it will be practical to make the design of the canopy in neutral colors (white, cream, golden, lilac) and without machines or hearts .

At any age for the girl a bed with a canopy - the incarnation of a fairy tale about some princess on a pea. Therefore, do not be lazy to create such a small miracle for it. Children's joy and gratitude will be a generous reward for the time spent!


Once the Baldakhin was invented for nobility and served as a symbol of power. Now the canopy is designed to provide in the interior of the bedroom of an unusual coziness. Some of this subject of the interior may seem to be excesses, however, now many are drawn to the creation of an unusual view in a room designed for sleep. Thus, the Baldahin in the bedroom serves as a symbol of romanticism and incredible comfort. In the conditions of the modern world, this subject of the interior gives a sense of security in the house. It is not necessary to copy the baroque, because with a special trim, the canopy may be very modern.

It is worth considering in more detail, which represents this addition to the bedroom and how can it be done with your own hands.


Currently, the canopy can be built from light tissue cake or sweaty velvet canvases pulled by brushes. Product options can be found a lot, it all depends on the latitude of imagination. However, usually follow three directions:

  1. The fabric is attached to the supports and passes along the contour of the bed to emphasize this space;
  2. The design is suspended on the console, so that the main detail was a canopy;
  3. Arbitrary textile composition, allowing to emphasize the space.

The design of an expensive fabric attached to a frame that highlights the ceiling space is more luxurious. But there are still racks decorated with elements of wooden thread or a matted metal forging.

Bedalchin in the center of the bed It can be done as a certain crown that is usually located on a round or square design, through which, actually, and stretch the canvas.

Frame options are made to locate on an arcuate frame, which is attached to the headboard or wall, without requiring unnecessarily complex supports.

Baldahin, as a rule, may consist of a tissue segment pounded on a small crossbar. It looks very pretty and fiscal.

In the presence of vertical racks The subject of the interior of the bedroom can be supplemented with swans or garlands. In case the bed looks exquisitely, it will be enough to fly along the contour of transparent fabric.

Baldahin over adult bed

From a long time, the Baldakhin was given a special role in the piquant decoration of the bedroom. Everything was conceived so that the bedroom looked very intimate and romantic. In the eastern countries, the bedroom without this add-on was simply unthinkable. So now, many people wish to decorate their beds with a variety of fabrics, which will make the bedroom special part of the house.

Previously, quite large beds were decorated with silk fabrics, which made the light more muted, allowing aristocrats a little longer to enjoy sleep. Often, Baldahin served and some salvation from insects, which were not allowed to relax in the summer. This subject of the interior also served as a means of thermoregulation, which was so needed to be a sleeping person in order to, for example, do not freeze in cold times, but also to circulate air.

Bedalchin above the bed is able to transform for spouses the whole room, making her luxurious intimate nest. The decor element is used to add a diversity of the atmosphere of the room, turning it into the boudoir. Any bedroom can be transformed if you decorate the bed with a refined canopy.

In the children's room, usually this element of the decor serves good protection for a child From external noise, a bright flow of light, annoying insects in the summer. Cots for newborn kids are already equipped with linen, which includes caustichens. Kids in such cribs look especially, as if small kings. Children's room, at the same time, filled with light charm.

Kids need a sleeping place that will provide for them a relaxed atmosphere. The crib must be protected not only from light or mosquitoes, but also from all sorts of dust. It is such a clean atmosphere that provides this element for a child, located above the bed. It can be in the form of a transparent fabric or grid on a reliable holder. To decorate, a variety of appliques or multi-colored satin ribbons can be attached to this element of the decor, which will make the crib very cute.

Fabrics for children's canopy use only quality, natural or artificial, but necessarily safe for child health. The color is chosen neutral or it can be intended for a particular toddler floor. At the same time, the decor element must necessarily be securely attached on the holder, but if necessary, it should be easily removed so that this product can be sized.

In the case when the baby's bedroom is located on the south side, the bed decor element is better used from opaque tissue so that the straight sun rays do not interfere with the child. Also a dense fabric easier to protect the crib from annoying mosquitoes.

What material to choose

When using this interior item, the diversity of tissue drapes is due mainly not so much a practical approach as purely decorative requirements in the interior. The decor element is typical to dictate the atmosphere in the bedroom, so you need to choose the fabric, based on this necessity.

The most commonly used fabrics are:

  • Silk or veil;
  • Organza;
  • Cite;
  • Tapestry;
  • Jacquard;
  • Velvet.

If you proceed from traditional trends, then the canopy make from translucent materialsimilar to silk or veil. This allows you to create an atmosphere of intriguing intima in the bedroom. The decor element for bedrooms from such a light fabric will have a view, while the color scheme can be very wide.

Baldakhins from heavy matters look in the style of classic palaces, in the interior of which used tapestries, velvet and jacquard. All these fabrics emphasized the prospect of the owners and made the bedroom with a luxurious place.

Eastern Bedroom Interior Traditionally constructed due to several times wrapped around fasteners of lightweight fabric, which was necessarily complemented by tassels and numerous flies.

Motion fabrics are characteristic of the elements of the decor in the east at the time, a color restraint with elegant drapets, made in darker colors, is suitable for the European Baldakhin.

And the styles of the interior and the used Baldakhina should not be different. The color gamut with a fabric pattern should be repeated in the textile design of the room. This repetition can be duplicated on the bedspread or in the room of the curtains.

How to make it yourself

But how to make it do it yourself? Make the original cauldron over the bed with your own hands is quite simple. Enough to take:

  • 1) 1.5 meters of necessary fabric (sitz, silk, organza);
  • Rings for mounting (diameter 2 - 5 cm);
  • Frame (wood or metal).

The fabric is required to cut down in such a way that the pieces of the necessary form are obtained, then they should be used along the edges. At the Baldakhina at the top should make holes at the same distance for fasteners.

For fastening the finished decor element You can use support with vertical racks or attached design attached to the ceiling. In this case, light air fabrics are suitable in the use, in order not to raise the design of wood or metal. Rings are fixed on the top beams, and the Bedalchin itself is put on them.

In addition, the decor element is decorated with original cords, ribbons or tassels. Homemade Baldahin is ready!

The first canvas fabric, suspended above the sleeping place on the cornices, racks or columns appeared almost simultaneously with beds. They defended sleeping from insects, drafts and strangers. Baldakhins and gender above the bed have not lost their practical importance today, but mainly perform a decorative function. We offer you a selection of photos with the ideas of the design of the Bedalikhina above the bed in the modern interior.

The role of Baldakhina in the modern interior

A bed with a cavity lie is called a tsarist lie, but a few have a non-standard decoration in her bedroom, a few are solved, believing that it is inconvenient, impractical, and take extra time during cleaning. These people are mistaken. Even in modern conditions, the use of old good dieta, in addition to beauty, has a lot of advantages:

  • In a studio apartment or apartment-studio, tissue gestures create a separate secluded zone and hide a sleeping person from strangers.
  • Fabric cloths covering the space around the bed, scatter light, make it soft and pleasant to the eyes. That is why under them is so comfortable to sleep during the day and in the morning.
  • Even a thin mesh canopy becomes a barrier for annoying mosquitoes and midges and protects against their bite.
  • Baldahin becomes an obstacle for drafts. In a hot or windy day, you can relax with an open window, without fear of colds.
  • With regular care, the fabric over the bed becomes not a semi-segment of dust, but, on the contrary, filters the air flow incoming through it, thereby providing a healthy and strong sleep.

The difficulties of the care of the canopy or bedside can also be afraid. It comes down to the monthly washing. The main thing is to choose a cloth for its tailoring, which is easily erased, dries quickly and does not require ironing.

Types of Baldakhinov

For sleep and leisure, not one century is used worldwide. The form, material and performance of this popular accessory changed over time in accordance with the interior of the premises characteristic of different eras and cultures. One thing remained one thing - the causticin is fixed above the bed and creates a person comfortable conditions for sleep and rest.

You can hang tissue cloth over the bed four main ways:

  1. 1 Classic mounting on the corners of the bed and screwed to its legs or semi vertical racks. At the top of the rack, a rectangular frame made from one of the material is combined;
  2. 2 on the horizontal bastard, fixed on the wall above the central part of the bed;
  3. 3 on a rectangular or round cantilever design, suspended on the hook to the ceiling above the center or headboard;
  4. 4 on a quadrangular, triangular or curved arc cornice, fixed above the bed on the ceiling.

For classic, ceiling and suspended on canticket canthins, you need a lot of space, so they are only suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings.

Canopy, fixed on a horizontal bar, "eats" space. It is suitable for small bedrooms, in which the remaining types of Baldakhinov will look at cumbersome.


Since the choice of shapes, sizes, fabrics and jewelry for Baldakhin allows you to create different, unlike one to another design, the royal box can be organically enter into most of the interiors known to date:

  • Bedrooms made in classic historical styles, such as Baroque, Rococo, Gothic, Ampir, Romanticism without a bed with a canopy look unfinished, because it was originally in them a mandatory element of the situation.
  • In oriental styles, such as Japanese, Indian, Chinese, Arabic, Moroccan Baldahin, suspended above the lie is not just appreciated, but necessary. Without it, it is difficult to recreate the impregnation, relaxing atmosphere of pacification and ballasts, which is the main distinctive feature of the eastern bedrooms.
  • In modern interiors in the style of Country, Provence, Ethnic, Scandinavian, Mediterranean Baldakhins look quite adequate and give them individuality and special chic.
  • Bed with a canopy, if desired, can be installed even in trendy and creative loft style interiors, High-tech, pop art and minimalism. So that it does not look like a foreign element in them. Better is better made of plastic or fabric panels, without folds and drapery.

But most often, making up their homes and apartments, we do not observe a thoroughly some particular style, and we take the most characteristic details from different interiors.

Bowls and in this case will be the main decoration of the situation and ask her the tone:

  • bright, motley cotton folds in a floor dipped in dreams of fabulous India;
  • snow-white air tulle reminds the tropical beach;
  • a monophonic linen canopy will add European restraints to the interior;
  • scarlet silk drapery with gilding dipped into the world of sensual east.

And if you decorate the room with decorative pillows, bedspreads, curtains or a tablecloth in the tone of the Baldakhina, the interior will acquire a stylist unity.

A lot of beds have been offered on sale, equipped with Baldakhin. But if no finite product arranges you, the frame for a canopy can always be made independently or order in the furniture studio.

In the photo two options for the design of the bed over the bed. The canopy is great for small bedrooms.

At the same time, keep in mind: Baldachins are suitable for any interiors and premises, but with one exception. Visually a room with a large number of textiles, it seems more compact, the walls are already, the ceilings are. Therefore, in a too small bedroom from Baldakhina will have to abandon.

The special framework is not necessary for the Baldakhina at all. To hang the fabric, it is enough to fasten to the ceiling above the cornice bed for curtains. At the same time, the eaves can be chosen not ceiling, but a wall-mounted and hung fabric simply to roll through the bed. Such a fastening will be more convenient if it stands, touching the wall not the headboard, but one of the lateral sides.

In the photo, two versions of the canopy on a round frame, which can be made independently with hoop and thick wire.

The round frame for Baldakhin is often made from the usual metal gymnastic hoop. To further simplify the design, attach such a hoop not on the racks or hooks, but directly on the ceiling, with the help of screws and loops.

In the photo options for the style of chalet and Provence.

When installing the canopy, it is possible to do without hard structures at all. In this case, the hooks and loops on which the fabric is planned are connected, connected by a rigid metal or wooden frame, but a rope.

In the photo examples, how can you make a cavity over the bed with ordinary curtain cornices.

Lightweight, fixed on the wall above the headboard, can also be made of a sports hoop cut in half or buy a special semicircular bracket in the furniture store.

If the bed is in niche, it will be an excellent idea to separate her curtain from the rest of the room and create imitation of Baldakhin.

Worn vertical stands made to order are very beautiful. They do not need to be hidden under drapery, but it is better to leave in posims by choosing a light transparent fabric and collecting it along the type of Lambrequin. Not too attractive or simple on the form of a rack can be masked by a cloth assembled into the buffers or vertical folds, lace, artificial floral garlands.

In the photo, two options, as with the help of eaves for the curtain, you can make a canopy over the bed.

The shape of the canchine and the texture of the fabric, from which it is sewn, should be sustained in the same style as the furniture. So, for massive bulky beds, the ductachin needs a magnificent and heavy, easy and laconic beds are best suitable for a lightweight and translucent canopy.

Ready-made frames for Baldakhina themselves adorn the interior.

Very romantic and effectively watch fabric fabrics suspended on New Year's garlands. If you choose such a design, do not forget about the possibility of fire and consult with experts on how to make a player with illuminated fireproof.

In the photo, examples, as with the help of a New Year's garland, you can decorate the canopy and truly transform the entire setting in the bedroom.

In bed, draped by a translucent, scattering bright light with cloth, sleep especially sweet, and a room with a decorated canopy lies always looks cozy and non-bank. It is possible that that is why there are not so many people in the world who can refuse to spend the night on the bed with a luxurious canopy and at least not long to feel like a special royal blood.

Baldahin - This baghdad Silk FabricSo it translates from Italian. It is a canopy over the bed, stitched from matter. It is believed that for the first time the Baldahin appeared in the ancient East and in Persia. Later as an architectural element of a canopy was used in Europe. Since the XII century, he finds his place in Romanesque art.

In the period of gothic, it was made of stone and was used as a symbol of the monarch of power and the patronage of heaven. The use of Baldakhina for practical purposes began during the Renaissance and Baroque. A bed for a bed long to the floor served for titled special protection from cold and drafts during their sleep, and also served as protection against curious eyes.

A separate part of the decoration of the interiors, one can say, the "royal highlight", Baldahin became in France in the Rococo period. In the decoration of the halls in the manufacture of plentics, complex openwork patterns, gilding, silk fabrics, bright passing, decorated poles by fright threads. It's all attached a solemn and rich species to the bedrooms with a canopy.

Today the curtain over the bed is often used in children's and adult bedrooms.

The presence in the house or in the bed of the bed with the Baldakhin serves as a kind of luxury. As a rule, it is an elegant canopy for a bed that creates the mystery and majesty in the interior. Like any thing, the bed with a canopy has both positive and negative qualities.



Classic option

Of the entire variety of Baldakhin, you can select four main. The cornice for the classic version of the canopyne consists of vertical, interior pillars connected at the top of the quadrangular shape frame.

Racks bonded by frame can be made of wood or metal. Designer focus is on one of the moments:

  1. On construction racks. For wooden racks used wood thread. For metal racks - decoration forged elements.
  2. On the material of the canopy. If you do not like to decorate the racks of the eaves, you can use an expensive beautiful fabric for making a canopy.


The main component for this design is the crossbar on the ceiling. It is usually over the center or above the bed. Through the crossbar, a fabric canopy is gone. With such a design baldahin is located either over the entire bedside area, or above it.

Accent with this solution is concentrated on the tissue from which the canopy is made.


Baldachene frame is performed round or square shape. The design is attached to the ceiling in the center of the bed. Through such a frame stretched fabric.

In this case, the interior accent is focused on the material. Baldahin - the frame is very laconic and, with the right choice of fabric for the bed with a canopy, it will look like a royal bed.


At the ceiling is attached in advance made round, square or other shape frame. Usually such construction fastened over headboard Beds or in the center of the bed. The fabric falls down the waves, creating a pleasant romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. This is a budget type of Baldakhina, because Does not require complex and fairly expensive pillars - supports.

Fabric selection

Frame and tissue is sold in specialized stores. Depending on the design and materials used, the price range is different. Make a polarity over the bed with your own hands is easy:

  • Determine what form you want a Baldakhin frame.
  • Select the material and sew.

Usually, translucent canopy fabrics are used for the bedroom, combined in color schemes with curtains on windows and other interior color compositions. It can be silk, chiffon, flax, veil, etc., etc. But you should not forget the velvet, jacquard, tapestry. Yes, these are heavy fabrics, but depending on the idea of \u200b\u200ba frame for the Baldakhin and the overall interior, they can be successfully embodied in the design of the bed.

In addition to the texture of fabric curtains for a canopy, the necessary effect in the interior can be achieved by color and pattern of material. No need to forget shades of Canopy Above the bed to duplicate in other elements of the interior. For example, in the bedspread, in the curtains on the windows, in capes or other items made by your own hands.

So how to make a cavalo over the bed? In order to sew it with your own hands, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Remove the fabric according to the pattern. Side the edges of each element obtained. It is necessary in order to the fabric did not creep During operation, the curtains for the canopy.
  2. At the top of the curtains, make holes for fastening. They should be located at the same distance from each other.

Choosing a method of fastening a canopy

How to hang baby polar:

Make your choice and create comfort in an apartment or a private house.