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The macaroni tree is an exotic honey plant and a medicinal plant. Catalpa tree: planting and care, description What is the name of a tree with pods

More recently, on the territory of European latitudes, a beautiful one with large bright green leaves and long pods appeared -. The countries of America, China and Japan are native to this amazing plant. In its natural habitat, it was dubbed "happiness", since for local residents, since the time of the Mayan tribe, it has become not just a source of oxygen, decoration and ingredient for folk recipes, but also a special symbol carrying faith, joy and warmth. In this article, we will talk about this amazing plant, its features, application, useful properties and contraindications for use.

Biological description

(Catalpa) - deciduous or evergreen, reaching a height of 25 meters in natural conditions and about 10 in quality.

Botany attributes these plants to the Bignoniev family... They have an unusual shape of dense leaves (broadly ovate or heart-shaped), which form a very dense massive dome. The foliage never turns yellow, even in the autumn season. The bark of the tree is thick, cracked, and has a gray-brown hue.

It is a hermaphrodite plant. In the warm season, representatives of the genus will certainly delight you with delicate pink or flowers. They have a shape and a bright pleasant aroma. The inflorescences are very large - up to 2.5 centimeters. In Europe, flowering lasts for two months - -: it is very similar to the popular, but more abundant. Some people compare these flowers to being delicate. produces leguminous fruits after pollination. It's magical.

The genus includes 13 species, the most popular of which are Catalpa syringaefolia and Catalpa longissima.

Chemical composition

Today biologists have not yet fully studied the chemical composition of the tree of happiness. Only a few features of the catalpa are known. The bark contains special resins and tannins, or tannins. It is believed that it is the resins that are mainly donated to the plant beneficial features... The foliage is rich in monoterpene glycosides.

Fruit seeds have quite useful components, namely the oil of eleostearic acid. Interestingly, almost a third of the seeds are composed of this oil. It is widely used in manufacturing building materials, most often paint and varnish. Catalposide is found in the leaves and bark and is a powerful diuretic. The seeds also contain lipids, proteins, cellulose and ash.

Did you know? There is only one catalpa in Ukraine,protected by law- a botanical monument of natural national importance. It is located in the city of Chortkiv on Shevchenko Street and bears a special cultural value.

Based chemical composition tree, we can conclude that, depending on the application, catalpa can bring both harm to the human body and the environment.

Healing properties

Almost all plants have properties that can be used to treat various diseases. The tree of happiness is no exception.

Its bark aids digestion and improves metabolism... Catalpa fruits and leaves can be used for cancer and respiratory problems - this will give a wonderful result and literally put the patient on his feet.

Decoctions of flowers are good for problem skin, and acne, pimples and rashes will leave you alone.

Bark-based medicinal tinctures will help with all kinds of inflammatory processes.

European scientists have found an extract in catalpa that is able to fight diabetes mellitus... A few centuries ago, the Indians treated whooping cough and malaria with this plant. Today in China, the plant is widely used to combat worms.

The medicinal properties of catalpa are also used in veterinary medicine... To prevent vitamin deficiency in pets, they are often given catalpa foliage. Farmers claim that this is how the livestock really gets sick less.

Important! Catalpa roots have very properties, therefore, although they were used in ancient times, it is strictly forbidden to use the underground part of the plant on your own. The consequences can be fatal!

Traditional medicine recipes

The people nicknamed the catalpa "the tree doctor", and it is well deserved. It is a good ingredient that has earned many uses. recipes traditional medicine :

  1. The healing decoction of catalpa is easy to prepare. It will help get rid of skin diseases. You need to take the bark and leaves of the tree, fill the pan with them by a third. Then we fill everything with clean water and put it on fire. You need to boil the drug for 10 minutes and let it cool. Strain the liquid with sterile gauze. It is worth taking the broth one glass twice a day, if desired, with one teaspoon. For the best effect, you can wipe the affected skin with this medicine.
  2. Tincture from the seeds of the tree of happiness is good for metabolic problems. To prepare it, you need to soak the grains in warm water in a 1: 2 ratio for 5-7 days. At this time, we keep the mixture in a cold, dark place. It is recommended to drink it one tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment cannot exceed two weeks.
  3. A solution for washing wounds from the tree of happiness is useful to everyone. To make it, you just need to chop the leaves of the tree into small pieces, pour boiling water over and let them stand for a day. The universal antiseptic is ready!

Important! Folk remedies from catalpa may be incompatible with other medicines, so you need to consult a specialist before preparing them.

Application in cosmetology

As mentioned earlier, the tree of happiness has a wonderful effect on the skin. This property has been used by modern cosmetology. In this regard, catalpa is an incredibly promising plant.
Fatty acid composition of triacylglycerols of "macaroni tree" oil moisturizes the skin, evens out its color, and in a mixture with other cosmetic substances it cleans well. The flowers of the plant give a magical scent, so some cosmetics famous brands it smells like catalpa. This oil can be found in many products in the fashion industry.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

The method and time of harvesting raw materials for home use depends on which part of the tree you need. You can collect bark all year round... Some traditional healers cut it off in advance and. There are even legends that the bark of a tree should be collected on the day of the angel of the person who will then be treated with it. Other people prefer to rip the ingredient off the tree as needed.

Leaves are the same story, but if you want to add them to tea, be sure to wash and dry. Otherwise, they will not brew properly. In addition, the tree is mostly deciduous, so this ingredient, accordingly, must be saved for the winter from summer. Once completely dry, store the foliage in a cloth bag in a dry place. So she will be able to "breathe" and not deteriorate.

be sure to dry before use... It is better to collect them at the end of June, spread out on a paper towel in the sun. Thus, in a few days they will be ready. We save the inflorescences in the same way as the foliage.

An important point: the bark, leaves and flowers must be intact by insects, diseases or fungi. Be careful not to get poisoned.

Use of wood

Catalpa wood very durable and moisture resistant... That is why it is used for the manufacture of bathroom furniture, as well as products for external use:,

V winter time every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first plantings of flower and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the space on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the required number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, some of the crops may simply not grow, something will die ... And for us summer residents, no matter how much we plant, it is not enough! Therefore, almost every gardener buys at least some seedlings.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennial flowers. First, most of the popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Secondly, many annuals sow freely and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which summer people can be planted only once, and then, following simple techniques, meet them in the garden every season?

You can make jellied meat and meat salad with onions from pork shank. The shank, especially the back, is a very tasty and affordable piece of pork that can be fed to a small company. A 2-pound shank will make a bowl of meat salad and a large plate of jellied meat. There will still be meat broth, on which I advise you to cook cabbage soup or borscht. For this dish, we take the back shank weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms, I advise you to beg the fleshy one from the butcher.

Eggplants require a sunny but short day, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, enough moisture, but without flooding the root system. It is rather difficult to provide such conditions in the open ground in most regions of Russia. Therefore, earlier eggplants were grown only in greenhouses. With the development of breeding, it became possible to grow eggplants in the open field, not only in the southern regions, but also in middle lane.

Among predatory plants, the sundew rightly claims to be the brightest and most expressive beauty. This plant attracts, first of all, with its unusual textures and play of colors. But the feeding mechanism of this swampy and quite hardy miracle is so exotic that it is very easy to forget about sundews as plants, primarily decorative ones. The sundews are quite demanding on humidity, but they are not so difficult to grow in ordinary living quarters.

Made from simple and affordable ingredients, a chocolate custard cake is so delicious that one slice is rarely limited to. The biscuit cakes are moist, they seem to be made of real dark chocolate, although the recipe contains only cocoa powder. Creamy custard cream is delicate and light, goes well with chocolate biscuit. All this splendor of tastes is complemented by coconut flakes, the ingredient is simple, but in this recipe, like the cherry on the cake, it comes in handy.

Although the calendar spring begins in March, this month can hardly be called spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and colors of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and shrubs attract the eyes that yearn for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, ornamental shrubs, perennials are delighting with colorful foliage and flowering, conifers are renewed.

In the middle lane, the formation of grapes suggests the possibility of shelter on winter period, which means that the reference point should be to preserve the head of the bush at the soil level. Further north by big harvest it is not necessary to count, but for such areas there are their own principles of pruning. The article discusses the fan-shaped scheme of the formation of a grape bush, which is often used in the middle lane, and the cordon one, which has shown itself well in regions with a more severe climate.

Beef with eggplant with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple dish, very tasty and not very high in calories, which is quite important in our time. Only vegetable sauce, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. The meat is fat-free, yet juicy and tender. Can be replaced with chicken or veal. Eggplants do not need to be pre-fried, just add a little salt to soften. I advise you to prepare a light yogurt sauce for the finished dish.

Indoor plants are much more dependent on feeding than garden plants. Thanks to top dressing, they get everything they need for growth and flowering. The substrate is depleted several months after transplanting. And if you do not replenish the reserves of nutrients, plants quickly begin to show signs of macro- and micronutrient deficiencies. Leaves are the first and most obvious signal to signal it. About the deficiency or surplus of which elements will the leaves "tell" indoor plants?

Duck with oranges in French - exquisite, juicy, with a golden skin. This baked duck will decorate any festive table, but it is easy to prepare, although, in comparison with the traditional fried chicken, it takes a little longer. To speed up the process, to preserve the juices that stand out, use a sleeve or a baking bag of a suitable size, remember that not every bag can fit a large duck! Serve the duck with the sauce and filling left after baking.

Purslane is a well-known weed, widespread throughout the world, with a number of qualities, for which all gardeners unanimously hate it. One of them is ineradicability. Purslane is so hardy that even one seed can be the beginning of the seizure of the site by this weed. To remove purslane from the garden and garden requires patience, knowledge and precision in the implementation of measures for its destruction. In this article, we will consider methods of dealing with purslane on the site.

The first half of spring is stingy with flowering plants... Yes, primroses are already delighting, but there is a very special plant, which it is impossible not to touch. This is a perennial evergreen Aubriet ground cover. I think those who saw the low pillows, or, as they say, the curtains of this plant during flowering, probably wanted to have it in their garden. And I hasten to please you, shaved is a very unpretentious and easy-care plant. Although, there are some peculiarities.

Delicious lamb cabbage soup, sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and, of course, with cabbage! It takes a lot of time to prepare this dish, but this does not mean that you have to stomp in the kitchen all day. Prepare vegetables and meat - wash, chop, put in bowls. Then sauté vegetables, add lamb. When the soup boils, you can go about your business for about 1.5 hours, then add potatoes and cabbage and bring to readiness for another half hour.

If you have an apple tree growing in your garden, naturally, you want to get as many tasty fruits from it as possible. Often novice gardeners believe that the more luxuriant the tree, the more it will delight you with the harvest. But this is not the case. In order for the apple tree to give a rich high-quality harvest, so that the fruits are large and juicy, each of its branches must receive enough light and air. When the light penetration on the branches is reduced to 30 percent, fruit buds are not formed on the trees.

Ferns are one of the most popular categories of indoor plants. Their luxurious leaves with unique ornaments and soothing mysterious shades of green, they look so elegant that the beauty of ferns is difficult to resist, even if there is no suitable place for them. Along with unpretentious ferns, rare, original species are becoming more common. And among them is a bizarre epiphyte polypodium with unusual leaves and colors.

Catalpa is a very beautiful and spectacular deciduous tree with a height of 5 to 30 m, which attracts attention from early spring to late autumn. Its homeland is the southeastern part of North America, where it grows in abundance along the banks of rivers. In the 18th century, catalpa was introduced to Europe, and today it is also widespread in Russia, China, India and Japan.

There is a legend that this is a tree of elephants and monkeys - elephant ears and monkey tails, by the quirk of the Buddha, combined in this peculiar tree.

Catalpa is the Indian name for picturesque deciduous, rarely evergreen trees of the bignonium family, with a rounded crown that gives a lot of shade; with opposite, sometimes whorled, cordate, very large leaves (30 x 17 cm) on long petioles.

The large, heart-shaped leaves of the catalpa distinguish it from the general mass of trees throughout the season. The plant blooms for 3 to 4 weeks, starting in mid-June.

During the flowering period, the catalpa is covered with large inflorescences of unusually beautiful flowers, very similar to orchid flowers, and even with an apple scent. Funnel-shaped, up to 7 cm long, white or cream-colored flowers with a wavy edge, inside with two yellow stripes with large dark spots and numerous purple-brown dots in the pharynx, collected in large erect, paniculate inflorescences

Each inflorescence contains up to 50 flowers.

Another difference between Catalpa and most trees is that in the fall it practically does not turn yellow and sheds green leaves when the temperature drops below zero.

The fruit that appears in autumn is a long, drooping, pod-like box up to 40 cm long, filled with a mass of flying seeds. The fruits remain hanging on the branches for most of the winter, giving the tree a rather original view and arousing the curiosity of passers-by. Hanging long fruits sometimes resemble pasta, hence the name of the catalpa - pasta tree.

In total, the plant counts 10 species, but in our country Catalpa bignonioides and Catalpa speciosa are usually grown.

Catalpa magnificent (Catalpa speciosa).

Catalpa the Magnificent -beautiful tree up to 30 m high, with a dense wide-pyramidal crown and a relatively slender trunk covered with red-brown, thick-lamellar bark, separated by thick scales. It has very large leaves on long petioles that unfold earlier than the leaves of other catalp species. Ovate, whole-edged or with 1-2 lateral teeth, leaves reach 30 cm in length and 20 cm in width. In adult leaves, the leaf blade above is shiny, green, smooth, slightly pubescent below, densely pubescent below, especially along the veins.

Fruits are long (up to 45 cm), cylindrical brown capsules, leathery, hard, dull, cracking lengthwise into 2 valves, gradually tapering towards the apex, contain winged seeds with a fringe of short hairs. The box contains from 53 to 146 seeds.

Beautiful, large, up to 7 cm, fragrant flowers creamy white in color, with a wavy edge, two-lipped corolla, inside with two yellow stripes and numerous purple-brown dots, collected in wide panicles 15-20 cm long. Flowering occurs in late June and lasts the first ten days of July. Duration of flowering is 20-25 days. Fruits adorn the tree from the second half of summer.

Catalpa bignonioides, or ordinary (Catalpa bignonioides).

  • Originally from the southeast of North America. A tree with a spreading, rounded crown, with a spectacular bright yellow color of the leaves. The leaves are heart-shaped, very large, at the beginning golden, then light yellow-green. Flowers are white, Fruits are long beans. Reaching 15 meters in height and a trunk diameter of about one meter, it has a wide, tent-shaped crown, which is especially well developed when the tree stands alone. The bark of large trees is brownish, cracking into small scales.

    The leaves are broadly ovate, up to 20 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide, entire or with two small lobes. When blooming, they are felted from below, later somewhat bare. The flowers are white with two yellow stripes and purple-brownish spots in the corolla. They form wide-pyramidal panicles up to 25 centimeters in length.

    Fruits are light brown in color, very narrow and long (up to 8 mm in diameter and up to 45 cm in length), cracking with two valves, pouring out small silvery-gray winged seeds with bunches of whitish hairs. It grows pretty quickly. The first flowering is in the fifth year of life.

Few, even experienced gardeners, know that the thermophilic Catalpa, the photo of which is shown below, has several varieties that can withstand frosts down to -25 degrees.


Plants from the genus Catalpa of the Bignonium family were described at the beginning of the 18th century by Carl Linnaeus himself. V wildlife the plant is widespread in the American continent, the Caribbean and in Asia.

In natural conditions, it is very often represented by rather large trees, the height of which can be 20 - 40 meters. Although it can grow as a multi-stem shrub. In nature, it most often grows in humid places, along rivers and other bodies of water.

It's important to know: American Indians attribute many wonderful properties to the plant and consider it a tree of happiness.

The plant has large heart-shaped leaves, it is very decorative in any season. At the end of June, the whole plant is covered with white or cream flowers, tubular or similar to slightly swollen bells.

Darker, often purple, red or brown spots and dots give them an original look. The size of the flowers varies from 2.5 to 7 cm. The flowers are collected in large clusters and have a pleasant smell. In autumn, trees ripen long, from 0.2 to 0.4 m fruits - boxes, which are similar in shape to pods.

Varieties and varieties

Catalpa Fargesa

Most often, the following types of plants can be found in culture:

For cultivation in the middle lane most suitable for. Ovate and because ordinary "Nana".

How to plant on the site

For planting on the site, you need to choose a well-lit place with neutral, moderately moist and fertile soil.

For plants fit and light partial shade. Clean the site of debris and dig up. Into heavy clay soil add sand and rotted compost when digging.

Note: large leaves of the plant can suffer from gusts of strong wind, so it is advisable to choose a place protected from the winds.

Spring is best season for planting, the plant will have time not only to take root during the season, but also to prepare for the winter period.

To plant a plant you need:

  • dig a hole up to 0.8 m deep and up to 1.0 m wide;
  • pour drainage material with a layer of 15 cm;
  • mix the sand in equal parts, leafy ground, humus and peat;
  • pour everything to the bottom of the pit;
  • install a seedling, the root collar should be at ground level;
  • close root system earth, slightly compact the soil;
  • completely fill the hole;
  • water the plant with water in an amount of 15 - 20 liters;
  • mulch the near-trunk space with peat.

As the soil subsides in the pit, it needs to be poured into trunk circle so that the root collar is always at ground level. Further care for seedlings is not difficult, but it has its own characteristics.

Care rules

Almost all types of catalpa do not tolerate dry periods, therefore, the organization of irrigation in the absence of a sufficient amount of rain is vital for the plant.

Advice: after each watering, the soil must be mulched, this will avoid unnecessary evaporation. Water volume under young tree for one watering is 15 - 20 liters, for an adult -40 liters. Dangling leaves of the plant will be a sign of a lack of moisture.

It is necessary to cut out weeds and loosen the ground once a month, this is especially important for young specimens. You need to make top dressing at least three times a season:

  • in the spring;
  • before flowering;
  • after him.

The composition of the nutrient mixture is selected depending on the soil, including:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium salts;
  • rotted manure;
  • compost.

Most adult plants tolerate winter well; when the shoots freeze, they quickly recover. But it is advisable to cover young trees or bushes for the first 2-3 years.

To do this, you can use burlap, and spruce branches are suitable for protecting the trunk and roots. In the spring, the tree needs sanitary and / or formative pruning.

Reproduction methods

If private traders have these plants in the region of residence, in botanical gardens or parks, then in the fall you can collect seeds and grow catalpa yourself from seeds.

Take note: Plants from local seeds are more hardy.

Sowing seeds is not particularly difficult. Before sowing, they must be soaked in water for a day, after which they must be planted in the chosen place, sealed to a depth of 15 mm.

The planting site is periodically moistened, you can plant seeds in a pot in winter, and transplant them into a garden in spring. If well-ripened seeds are used for planting, then there are no problems with germination. Seedlings appear at about 9-10 days.

You can propagate the tree of happiness and cuttings. To do this, in the summer you need to cut cuttings about 15 cm long and with two or three leaves. Root in a wet mixture of peat and sand, on permanent place plant next year.

Diseases and pests

From diseases, the plant can be threatened by wilt - a fungal infection in which the foliage suffers greatly. It turns yellow and falls off. Sometimes this only happens on one side of the trunk.

To cure the tree of happiness and return the decorative effect, you need to spray it with Fundazol several times, and pour the ground with Rovral's solution.

Keep in mind: compliance with the humidity regime is better prevention fungal diseases.

Of the insect pests, trees can be annoyed most of all by medium-sized green beetles - ash dwarfs. The years of beetles are observed in late spring - early summer. They damage the leaves very badly, leaving only petioles and central veins after them.

The larvae of these beetles try to penetrate the flowers and get onto the body of earth bees or bumblebees. Together with them, they get inside their nests, where they hibernate. In the spring, the larvae pupate and in two weeks the years of adult insects begin. To defeat the pest will help timely processing the drug "Karbofos".

Tree in the garden

For large areas, large views are suitable. A tall tree will look good in a single planting to create a bright and decorative accent in the center of the garden.

Low-growing trees or shrubs are suitable for decoration garden paths and strengthening vertical slopes. Catalpa goes well with landings decorative species oak and.

Unfortunately, today forms with colored and variegated leaves are rarely grown, although they are very decorative. However, any kind of catalpa will become a decoration of the garden.

For the decorative properties of Catalpa or the monkey tree, see the following video:

Catalpa belongs to the Bignonium genus. In the wild, it grows in eastern India, Japan, China and North America. it extraordinary tree in ancient times, the Indians used it, preparing from it means helping to fight such dangerous ailments as whooping cough and malaria.

General information

They called it "katoba", however, a little later it was renamed catalpa by the Italian scientist and botanist Skopoli. It was he who first studied and described catalpa, revealing this exotic plant to the world.

The genus Bignonium combines from 10 to 38 species of catalp. Some of them are cultivated in the southern zone of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, while the rest can only be seen in the wild.

Catalpa is an unpretentious and rather easy-to-care plant, so if you want to decorate your garden area, giving it beauty and originality, then it is exactly what you need.

Catalpa species and varieties

- in the wild, the tree can be found in North America. It grows on the banks of rivers. The plant reaches a height of 20 meters. Catalpa has a spreading, rounded crown. The bark of the catalpa is thinly lamellar with a light brown color. The leaves are large, light green, resembling lilacs in appearance.

The inflorescences of the plant are pyramidal. They reach 20 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters long. Inflorescences consist of small fragrant flowers white with reddish-brown specks. The flowering period is 20 days, after which long, narrow pods with small seeds begin to form.

- the homeland of this variety of catalpa is North America. An adult tree reaches a height of 30 meters and has a wide pyramidal crown with large light green leaves and a thin gray bark.

The inflorescences of the plant are panicle-shaped and consist of small, pleasantly smelling cream-colored flowers with purple specks. Catalpa fruits are small capsules that crack when ripe and drop the seeds to the ground.

The crown of the tree has a pyramidal shape. The trunk is covered with a thin gray bark. Leaves are large, dark green. The inflorescences are creamy with yellow stripes and dark specks.

The scent of flowers vaguely resembles apple. Catalpa blooms for only a month. Grows in fertile soil and loves importance. This view plants are frost-resistant and have good resistance to diseases and pests.

- is a small, slowly growing tree with a spherical crown with a dense light green leaf. The height of the catalpa reaches from 4 to 6 meters.

Flowering time from June to July. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences with a pleasant aroma and a pale beige tint with yellow stripes and brown specks. Catalpa fruits are narrow, long, pod-like.

- this variety was bred by crossing ovoid and common catalpa. The tree reaches a height of 16 meters and has a luxurious rounded crown with a light green leaf cover. Catalpa inflorescences are loose and large, consisting of small white flowers with purple specks on outside petals.

The plant is native to Central China. In height mature tree reaches 10 meters, but when grown in a garden plot, catalpa does not grow more than 4 meters.

She is the owner of large, pleasantly smelling white flowers with a purple throat, collected in large brushes. The fruits of the plant resemble thin and long pods. Catalpa needs a lot of light and nutritious soil to grow and develop.

- an adult tree reaches a height of 10 meters. It has a dense pyramidal crown with large leaves, very unusual in shade. When the leaf plates just bloom, they have a purple hue, but after a month, they change their color to light green.

The plant blooms with small flowers, similar to white bells with purple specks, collected in large and long brushes. The flowering time of the catalpa falls in the middle of summer and lasts only a month.

- the tree has straight stems with a dense leafy cover of a light green hue. The height of the tree reaches 8 meters. Catalpa blooms throughout the month in large clusters with small white inflorescences with a purple throat. The seeds are thin and long pods that ripen in mid-fall.

- the homeland of the plant is North China. The variety is named in honor of the botanist from Germany Alexander Bunge, who is the discoverer of this variety. The tree has a pyramidal crown with luxurious large leaves of a dark green hue. The inflorescences of the catalpa are small. They consist of 3-12 white small flowers with purple specks, after flowering of which pod-shaped fruits appear.

It is a tree with a height of 8 to 10 meters. In the wild, its height can reach 20 meters. The crown of the catalpa is dense, having a pyramidal shape. The leaves are large, dark green. Small flowers are collected in large, racemose, pleasantly smelling white inflorescences with purple specks. The flowering time of the plant is in the middle of summer.

- This type of catalpa reaches a height of 8 meters and has a dense, pyramidal crown with large light green leaves. The tree blooms in June. The flowers are small, fragrant, collected in large white inflorescences with brown specks.

- the tree grows up to 20 meters and has a round crown with spreading branches. The leaves are large, light green in color with slight pubescence. The plant blooms in mid-summer with beige-white flowers with a purple throat, collected in loose large brushes. After flowering, long, pod-shaped fruits are formed.

- in the wild, the plant is found in the forests of Western China. The height of the tree reaches 20 meters. It has a wide, dense, spherical crown with a dense dark green leaf cover.

Catalpa blooms in June. Purple or pink flowers with an orange pharynx, they are collected in large, friable, pleasantly smelling racemes. After flowering, long and thin pod-shaped fruits are formed.

Catalpa landing and care in the suburbs

Planting a catalpa and caring for it is not much different from any other decorative tree... A catalpa seedling can be purchased both in the nursery and grown from seeds on your own. It is necessary to plant a young tree in a garden plot in the spring, before the period of sap flow begins, or in the fall, when the trees will drop their foliage.

To plant a catalpa, it is necessary to find an area with good illumination, which will be closed from winds and drafts. This is necessary because the tree has an extremely fragile leaf cover, which is easily injured by gusts of wind and strong drafts.

It will also be a plus if on the site groundwater will be as deep as possible underground. Catalpa loves space very much, therefore, a distance of at least 5 meters must be maintained between a young plant and other trees.

Planting catalpa in spring

The planting pit should be 100 centimeters deep and 70 centimeters wide. At the bottom of the pit, drainage should be laid in the form of crushed stone or broken brick. The drainage layer should be about 15 centimeters thick.

When the drainage is laid, soil is poured onto it, a little more than half of the hole in volume. Then a tree is placed in the substrate, after having straightened the roots. The remaining void is filled with soil and slightly compacted.

After planting is complete, the tree is watered abundantly. It is necessary to ensure that after absorbing moisture, the root collar descends to the level of the soil surface. Also, the trunk circle should be mulched with peat or straw.

Kampsis is also a member of the Bignonium family. Grown when planting and nursing outdoors without special trouble, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. Everything necessary recommendations on the cultivation and care of this vine you can find in this article.

Watering catalpa

Catalpa loves water very much, so watering should be systematic and carried out once a week. In a dry season, it is increased up to two times. If the tree does not have enough moisture, its foliage will lose its elasticity and sag. To water a mature tree, you need to use 20 liters at a time.

If summer is cool and rainy, watering should be reduced to twice a month. The same amount of watering is necessary for mulched catalpa. After applying water under a tree or after rains, the soil around the trunk should be loosened, while removing weeds. In case of prolonged drought, the frequency of watering should be increased.

Soil for catalpa

The soil for catalpa should consist of humus, leafy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 3: 2: 2: 1. 7 kilograms of ash and 50 grams of phosphate rock should be added to this substrate.

The land for planting a plant should have an acidity of not more than 7.5.

Catalpa transplant

Catalpa is transplanted in two cases: if an adult tree has grown and there is not enough space for it on the site, or if it is necessary to transplant a young plant from a pot into open ground. A tree transplant can be carried out both in the spring before the sap flow begins, and in the fall, when the tree will drop its foliage.

It is better to replant a tree together with a lump of earth with which an adult tree or young seedling grew before. The planting hole is dug to the same depth as when planting the catalpa, the composition of the soil mixture also does not change. After transplanting, it is necessary to compact the soil and water the plant abundantly.

Feeding catalpa

The tree should be fertilized systematically. For this purpose, a solution of rotted manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 should be added to the soil where the catalpa grows. An adult tree needs 6 liters of such feeding, and a young seedling from 2 to 3 liters.

Top dressing is carried out twice a season. In the spring, nitroammofosk is introduced into the soil under the tree, and in the fall - phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, since at this time the plant needs nitrogen.

Flowering catalpa

Catalpa buds appear in late March - mid-April. It all depends on which strip of Russia the tree grows in. The flowering period begins in mid-June and lasts about a month.

The flowers of the catalpa resemble exotic and beautiful small orchids, which smell like apple flowers. The flower petals have wavy edges and a white or cream shade with yellow stripes and purple specks in the throat. The size of the flowers reaches up to 7 centimeters. They are collected in large and long inflorescences, reminiscent of "candles" of chestnuts.

Catalpa pruning and shaping

Catalpa pruning is carried out in the spring, until the buds swell. When pruning, only injured, dry, frozen branches or branches damaged by diseases or pests are removed.

Usually, a tree is formed by creating a bole with a height of 120 to 200 centimeters, above it the tree will branch out, forming a spreading, low crown, consisting of 5 skeletal branches.

After a certain period of time, if necessary, the skeletal branches are shortened, and the thickening stems are removed. As a result, a dense, beautiful rounded crown with light green leaf plates is formed.

Preparing catalpa for winter

Catalpa does not tolerate cold well. Young trees are especially "afraid" of them. For this reason, the tree should be prepared for winter in advance. For this purpose, it is necessary to wrap the trunk with burlap, and cover the soil around the tree with a thick layer of dry foliage and cover it with spruce branches. Thus, it will be possible to avoid freezing of the root system. With the onset of spring, when the frosts have completely stopped, the tree is freed from shelter.

It should be borne in mind that as it grows and develops, the catalpa becomes more and more frost-resistant and tolerates winter better. The most frost-resistant variety is the egg-shaped catalpa, and the weakest, freezing almost to the base, is the Aurea catalpa. However, this variety is capable of completely regrowing over the summer.

Catalpa from seeds at home

When growing catalpa from seeds, you should first stratify them. It is necessary to sow seeds at the end of February, beginning of March. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in warm water for 12 hours. You can also sow them in the fall, but in this case, you do not need to soak the seeds.

In the prepared soil, small grooves are made into which the seeds are laid out and sprinkled with a layer of substrate. A box with seedlings, cover with a layer of film and put away in a lighted, warm place. The temperature for good germination of seeds should be at least 25 °.

Crops must be protected from direct contact sun rays, systematically water and ventilate. The seedlings that have grown in a year can be planted in open ground when the threat of frost passes.

Catalpa propagation by cuttings

When growing catalpa using cuttings, planting material should be harvested in July. The cuttings must be 8 centimeters long, and they must also have from 2 to 4 buds. When preparing material for planting, you should choose an adult catalpa.

In order for the roots to appear on the cuttings, they must be planted in the ground, which will include peat and sand, then cover the box with the cuttings with foil and remove to a warm and bright place. The hoopoe behind the cuttings should be the same as behind the seedlings. When the cuttings take root, young foliage will appear on them. Planting ready-made young stock in open ground can be done in mid-May.

Diseases and pests

Catalpa is resistant to both diseases and pests. But as long as the tree is young and weak, it can be attacked Spanish fly ... To destroy the pest, it is necessary to spray the young catalpa with the insecticide "Decis" or "Fastak".

Also, a young plant is threatened and horn-tails , which settle on the trunk and in their appearance resemble hornets. They bite through the bark and lay eggs there, and when the larvae hatch, they begin to feed on the catalpa, as a result of which it weakens and dries up. Adult trees are not threatened by the invasion of stinktail. Spraying with Actellik insecticide will help to destroy this insect.

Catalpa can get sick verticillary wilt that primarily affects lower part crown, and then, covers the entire deciduous cover. With verticillosis, the leaves begin to turn yellow, wither and fall off. It is possible to get rid of this disease of fungal ethology with the help of irrigation with such preparations as "Maxim" and "Rovral". The crown can be treated with "Fundazol". For prevention, the plant is sprayed with "Previkur".

Exotic catalpa will adorn anyone garden plot, introducing originality and aesthetics into the overall landscape composition. And when proper care behind the tree, it will long time delight with their decorativeness and unusual delicate flowers with a pleasant apple aroma.