Repairs Design Furniture

What tracks in the garden plot are economical. We make summer tracks with your own hands! Video: master class on laying garden track

How beautiful the country plot looks like, on which flowes are neatly planted with flowers, fruit trees and shrubs. But the completed view of the territory gives the laid out of the tracks. In addition to practical, they are performed and aesthetic function - visually delimit the area into separate zones. If you decide to independently make up garden tracks, then you can not do without the guidelines given in this article. So, the tracks in the country do it yourself, the economy option. How to arrange and equip? What material is preferable?

The design and style of tracks can change the appearance of the plot. There are many ways to arrange garden tracks. Many of them do not require special knowledge and involve special tools. As a material for work, you can choose the most acceptable, and imposing you. Further, there will be several ways to arrange a garden path in the country of your own hands from the girlfriend.

The material for the arrangement of the track can be: logs in context (both transverse and longitudinal), bricks, large pebbles or even ordinary plugs from plastic bottles. In case the area is not operated in autumn and winter time, you can consider options for removable tracks. In this case, the coating is put on only for the summer period, it can be purchased at a finished form, and can be done on your own.

Whatever the path of the tracks you have chosen, you can not do without preparatory work on the site. This is an important and responsible moment. Any construction work should begin with the planning and marking of the territory.

When you visually outlined the location of the tracks, the stage of applying them to the site plan comes. This can be done in a special computer program or in the drawing manually. The first thing on the plan is made by capital buildings, such as home and economic buildings. The main zones of the nice territory are drawn, which also require the presence of tracks. The buildings must also be combined with the tracks between themselves it is also important to outline the passage from the input wicket, and connect it with the already scheduled. These are the main and main tracks that will provide functionality and convenience. Further, it's already the case for your fantasy also tracks you can connect the main zones of the courtyard, such as the playground, a zone, a shower and toilet (if they are located outside the house), a leisure gazebo.

It is important to note the tracks that will act as auxiliary, as a rule, are the passages to the garden or separate garden zones, the main sources of irrigation. If necessary, one or pair of tracks can be branching, which will allow to cover the territory of the larger area. When marking tracks, it is necessary to take into account the features of this site and its size, for example, on a plot of 4 weaves, it is enough for the main tracks and auxiliary pair. On the site with the larger territory - you need more tracks. You can make tracks of different widths, for example, the basic to make wider, and the auxiliary and put out of another material at all, this technique will exceed the priorities. After all the tracks are applied to the plan and are correlated, the time of applying them directly to Earth.

The fact is that the visual perception of the tracks may differ from which you outlined on the plan. The markup is carried out with the help of ripped pegs or horses, which stretches the cord or trace, it allows you to visually assess the width and direction of garden tracks. This moment is especially important if you are planning the laying of the track from finished plates or bricks of a certain size. In order for the contours of the paths are stronger than and were well noticeable, you can wake up with dry lime. This will allow you to better appreciate and adjust the location of the tracks. Remember, the tracks are laid not for one year, and their dismantling is a problematic and troublesome occupation.

The ideal is considered such a markup at which along with the tracks, there are also alleged flower beds on Earth, large trees or planting from shrub. To refer to roadside plants, you can use both large stones, wooden plates, and simply draw the contour of the remote.

After transferring to the terrain and the final verdict, you like the owner, everything suits, the time of more serious work comes. Namely the preparation of the soil.

So, it will be necessary to escape the trench, which will serve as the basis (a kind of foundation) for our track. Kotlovan should be a little wider than the width of the alleged ready pass. After all, in order for the track turned out to be durable and not exposed to natural factors, it should be framed on the sides of concrete or stone borders. This will extend the service life and protect the path from destruction and deformation.

These preparatory work - a prerequisite. They should be performed when laying a track from any material.

So, have a number of works that will be aimed at saving and improving the functionality of the track. This will prevent germination of grass, wheeling track. It should also be borne in mind that the surface of the track should assume a small slope that will allow flush water. It is good to do a special drainage, otherwise to break through the drainage trench along the track.

Preparation and primer work:

  1. the work begins with the removal of the upper layer of the soil, it must be done across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe planned path. The depth of such a pit should be such that the whole fertile reservoir of the soil was removed. It is desirable that the depth of all the pitted was the same, you can control the depth using the ruler;
  2. the next stage is the powder of the side of the path of the sand and the installation of boards that will help keep the accuracy and the form of the track; when using concrete borders, it is worth considering that the width of the border itself should be greater than the height of the trench wall. An important point, the borders should be aligned with the help of a level, and in order that they do not move from the place - to fix them with reinforcement rods. The reinforcement is installed on the inside of the border, so that the upper (above-ground) part of the reinforcement well supported the border;
  3. in the event that the soil is very loose and does not allow smoothly to install a curb, you must first knock the reinforcement bars along the entire length of the track. And then put the border and also fix it with reinforcement from the inside;
  4. when the pit is ready, and the edges are framed by curbs, comes the moment of falling asleep gravel or rubbish. At the same time, the main material for filling is to mix with sand. It is necessary to try to make a smooth layer and follow, so that there is no empty place;
  5. next, the layer is aligned and trambed. After - moisturizes. After some time, the process of the rambling should be repeated, so the track will be protected from landslides and deformation.

Material for filling trenches must be chosen depending on the required "pillow" thickness, as well as from the type of top facing material. But, regardless of the material of the upper coating and the material of the "pillows", there must be a layer of sand between them.

Types of paths for the country area

There is a large selection of materials for country paths. You need to choose the one that will fit the style as much as possible and emphasizes its dignity. So, the photo tracks for the cottage made by their own hands are presented. Materials can be combined, but this process requires certain knowledge and skills, due to the fact that the service life and wear resistance of the materials may be different.

Brick - universal building material, which is used on exactly with paving tiles, for the design of the tracks. Such a path is distinguished by durability and durability. And externally, this option of the garden path looks neat and aesthetic. In order for the track from the brick is really durable and served for a long time, it is necessary to stick to the technology of proper laying and choosing the brick itself. For these purposes, a special clinker brick will be better. This type of brick is made from a certain type of clay when using particularly high temperatures. A distinctive feature of clinker bricks - strength. It is due to this property this type and is used to masonry tracks and sidewalks. Brick has water-repellent and heat-resistant properties.

Main points in the laying of bricks, as an external pathway

After the coupling "Pillows" from gravel, it is worth pouring a rather thick layer of sand. It is worth a good ramp, moisturize and again tamper. Next, the layer of sand needs to be well aligned, it can be done using a conventional wooden board. The board should be a little longer than the width of the trench, the end side, which will be aligned, should be perfectly even smooth. Spikes are made in the board, about 2/3 of its width. They will serve as a limiter and will create a smooth sand surface.

After the sand layer was aligned, you can start laying bricks. This process is to start with the installation of lateral bricks, around the perimeter. To do this, you will need a rubber hammer that will drive the brick to the necessary depth and does not hurt it. Brick deepels approximately half. In case the path is not framed by a border, lateral bricks need to be copper with a solution. After the frozen of which the formwork is removed, and the edges are strengthened with reinforcement. And also not to do without gravel, which is poured along the track and tamper.

After installing lateral bricks, it is worth thinking about the desired pattern, the brick can be laid on the end or on its wide part. For a stronger brickwork, it is worth alternate location. So, one row stacked parallel to the track, and the next one is across. To prevent germination of grass, the slots between the bricks should be filled with a special glue, which is based on the cement mortar. When working with glue, it is necessary to ensure that he does not speak out, it can spoil the type of the finished path. The next step is to fill all the slots of sand. This process is quite simple. The sand is simply poured on top of the path and is evenly distributed to the brush with a solid bristle. Surplus sand just sweep.

In order that the brick was brighter and attractive, it can be treated with penetrating primer. After burning which, apply a layer of varnish, which is treated with a stone in a street environment.

According to a similar principle, the laying of garden paths from thick paving slabs occurs.

Walkwear tracks

When arranging the paths from the tree sections, two options can be distinguished. One of which implies the filling of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe path with rounders, and in the second, only the sides are laid out of the rounds, and the middle is filled with gravel or pebbles.

This method is considered more time-consuming and complex, but the end result will delight the eye not only the owners, but also guests. The tree, from which the laying of the track is planned, should be well dried. At the same time, it is important that wooden chocks were smooth and smooth, so it costs to cut it well with a well-sharpened saw, one smooth movement. After a sufficient number of rounds is cut, they should be well cleaned and process. It is best to make it a grinding machine, with its absence, you can use sandpaper paper to work with wooden surfaces, so the process will pass longer, but the quality of this will not deteriorate. It is recommended that the logs of different diameters are recommended, so that there is as much empty space as possible in the track. So, alternating large wooden chocks with small, you can achieve a more dense masonry.

The height of the login for the track must be half longer than the height of the walls of the prepared trench (measurements should be carried out when the pit is already talked and fused with rubble). So, the columns should be decently performed in relation to the formwork.

A tree is a material that is strongly subject to the influence of natural factors. When incorrect processing or its absence, the track can start rotting, to dispel or undergo pest attacks. After the sowing of the log is good to handle a special antiseptic, you can only in the lower part of them, and it is also entirely. For this, chocks from the tree are placed in a metallic pelvis, with a predetermined and prepared septic solution (the solution should cover about 4-5 cm of the bottom of the log). This process is quite protracted, each log should stand in a solution for several minutes. While the tree is impregnated with a solution, you can take a wide brush and process the remaining part of the log. Important! Before filling in a rowing, the tree should succeed well.

The next step is to once again handle wood and protect it from moisture. For these purposes, "Kuzbass Varnish" is well suited. The bottom of the deck for a few seconds is worth dipping in varnish. Fully covering logs is not recommended due to the fact that this lacquer is strongly affected by the sun's rays. Under the action of ultraviolet, the treated wood begins to crumble and become too dry. Good alternative to lacquer can be a guestron. To cover the tree, the Hudron is heated and applied on the log. After the frozen on the surface, a rather durable film is formed, which will protect the path made of wood from excess moisture.

Installing chocks on the base of the track

Prepared and processed logs are set as follows:

  1. in the end of the path it is worth pouring sand;
  2. the first row is installed on the sandy base. The logs for the initial row should be selected the same diameter;
  3. the space between chocks falls asleep by sand, the sand level must correspond to the level of the side formwork;
  4. the second row of logs is established. Here the rounds should be selected in such a way that they mostly come into contact with the first side, and the free space was as small as possible;
  5. it is worth filing with the sand of the emptiness between the logs;
  6. further laying technology chocks consists of repetition of these actions;
  7. before installing the last row, the base of rubble must also be sprinkled with sand and only to put logs on it;
  8. the final stage of the edge of the track wake up sand and tamper.

This option is a good example of how it can be done in the country, with your own hands inexpensively - the photo shows examples of the design of such tracks.

Wooden tracks are also popular in which the logs protrude as side walls, and the inner space is filled with gravel or simple rubble. This is a more economical option that is installed on a simpler technology. In this case, the same technology of preparation and processing of wood should be observed, as in the previous version. The foundation of the track is performed according to the rules previously described.

So, after the foundation of the track is broken and prepared, and the tree is processed and ready for further work, the moment of formation of the sand "pillow" occurs. For this, the sand layer is embanked on crushed stone and trambed well, if necessary, sand can be moistened. The logs are installed at the extreme borders of the track. Here, too, it is worth watching the chocks tightly in contact with each other. After the tracks are installed on the edges of the track, their base falls asleep with sand and tamper. The next step, on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe track between the hemps, it is worth paving geotextiles. This is a special fabric, from a special type of fiber, which will help improve the drainage of the finished track and prevents the germination of plants. The edges of the fabric should be carefully wrapped on the walls of the bircus.

Next, comes the moment of backfilling the track of the gravel, for this gravel or crushed stone falls asleep in small parts and is evenly distributed across the entire area. If necessary, gravel shovels until its level is shifted with the ground level on the site. When the track is ready, you can cover the paint logs for external work, it is relevant in cases where the hemps turned out to be different. This can not be done, so the track will have a natural look.

An unusual watching tracks from small gravel in the frame of large blocks of stones. The laying technology is the same as in the case of a border of wooden chocks, only instead of a tree - stone.

A tree for a device of this type of tracks should be correctly processed. It is better to purchase a ready-made board for attic. So, the size of the boards will be the same, and you can start right away. Speecually watches the combined tracks in which the tree alternates with small pebbles. In this case, the color of the stones can be monophonic, and maybe multicolored, assorted. The base is prepared by the already outlined technology. The sand layer is embanked on the crushed stone and thoroughly tamper. The boards are put on top, at the same distance from each other, and the space between them is filled with pebbles. The beauty of such paths is that a curb or framing is not required. It is interesting to look such paths, if they are simply sprinkled with pebbles and slightly to catch it.

The path of the track, which uses only a wooden board well to use on lawns. In this case, the track from the boards can be arranged by a border of wooden chocks or make the selection of a decorative fence around the edge.

Among the amateurs of aesthetics and natural materials, the rapid rock is gaining the popularity of a smooth stone track, which can be laid in the form of mosaic, all sorts of patterns. Such a track will be decorated with any nice territory. In fact, it is well forgotten old, it was according to this principle that not only the paths in the courtyards were previously stacked, but the roads were made. Of course, this process is a bit modified and adapted to the realities of modernity. Possible such paths will look at sites with a large territory, well harmonize with various sculptures or fountains. The practicality and strength of the track will depend on the selected stone and auxiliary materials. The only thing that is worth thinking is that this kind of paths are pretty slippery during wetting. Therefore, in advance it is worth choosing and a special mixture for processing that is applied to the finished track and reduces sliding.

An interesting and beautiful pattern is obtained using the river altai stone. This stone has a characteristic color that can vary from light blue to dark gray. For the arrangement of the garden path in such a style, you will need:

  • smooth stones of different sizes, but similar shape;
  • sand;
  • a special hammer intended for working with a stone (as a rule is a rubber or wooden hammer);
  • cement solution;
  • sponge;
  • level.

Preparatory work begins with the preparation of the founding of the track. This is done according to the standard scheme. Next, you need to move stones, decompose them in size. Stones with obvious defects form or large chips are better not to use. If defects are insignificant, then from such stones you can lay out a path, but at the same time the pebbles should be put so that the flaw is not visible.

Most often, the stone path is laid out by patterns that are reminded by curls. In order that the finished track had an attractive look, it is worth preparing a sketch by which laying of stone will be conducted. Such a sketch is transferred to the base of the track. It is convenient to make lime solution or ordinary paint. For further work on stacking stone, you need to mix sand with cement (proportion 3: 1). Gradually adding water and mixing well need to achieve a thick consistency that keeps the form well. The main lines of the sketch are laid out of the cooked mixture.

Stones are laid out on the solution and are slightly pressed into it. Thus, it turns out a curl of stone that is part of a large pattern. The stone laying must be customized under the level, if the solution has already grabbed a little and do it difficult to do it, then the hammer is used to be hammered for one level. There should be no sites in the track, which, at least one stone, went out for the overall level. According to such a principle, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe track occurs, the oval stones are put on the edge, forming the main curls, inward the curl can be placed rock shape. Experts recommend first to lay down major curls, and already fill the cavity between them with smaller patterns or just stones.

So, playing the color gamut and the shape of the stones you can achieve the authenticity and attractiveness of the track. An important point is the moistening of the track, it must be done immediately after laying out the pattern. The fact is that in the process of drying, the solution has a property to give moisture if it is not possible to moisten the masonry on time, then the track may crack, straighten or simply disintegrated. You can moisture with a pulverizer or a regular hose with a shower nozzle. In addition to practicality, this procedure also has aesthetic moment, thus, the extra residues of the solution are washed with stones. If immediately after the formation of the pattern, the track is simply moistened, then in a few hours it is recommended to moisten the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe path.

If the technology of laying a garden track from a stone, with the use of a solution, it seems to you in time and complex, then you can use a slightly simplified option. In this case, the stones are laid out on the sandy "pillow", without the use of cement. To do this, it is necessary to tackle and moisturize the sandy layer. Apply a pattern of patterns on it. In order, in the process of laid out the pattern, your track did not crumble, you need to install auxiliary wooden partitions. The pattern should be laid on a small plot, step by step. When the whole track is filled with curls, the wooden backups can be removed, and in their place immediately put suitable stones suitable.

The process of laying the stone is not much different because of the previously described. So, the layer of sand is put on the base of rubble, moisturizes and tamper. Further, the limiting spacers are installed, the cavity between the struts is filled with well-humidized sand and aligned with measure. Stones are better to put several pieces at once. At the same time, leading them under the level and the tampering hammer. As it dry, the sand needs to be additionally moistened. The cavity between the stones, on the ready-made pattern is filled with sand, and excess - are cleaned with a brush. The whole path needs to be well moistened. After waiting for drying, the procedure with filling with sand slots and its moisturizes is to repeat several times. This will ensure the strength and safety of the finished track. Such manipulations are better to repeat over several days, the final stage, the surface of the stones is purified by a wet sponge.

Such a garden path must be framed by a border. It costs it already after complete drying and dismantling formwork. Large-sized stones or ordinary bricks can act as a border material.

A strange, but a very practical option to arrange a track in the country, with your own hands, from the priest materials. If this process is coming up with creative cast, you can create a unique, colorful and amazing track. A more affordable and firm type of material is difficult to imagine. True, the process of the workpiece and collection of covers from plastic bottles may be long, but the time of this expectation is completely compensated by the appearance of the finished path. And it is also worth thinking well a sketch by which a mosaic will be formed. A large plus installation of this type of track is that the track can be collected by parts. So, by choosing enough covers, you can collect independent fragments of the track, which are then connected together.

In order that the lid kept the desired shape, they must be connected to each other. For these purposes it is better to use a sewer and a simple fishing line. With these tools, it turns out firmly and gently connect all the fragments. In order that the holes in the covers obtained the required size and were less noticeable, before piercing, the seer must be heated on the open fire. It is practical to use a sewn with a wooden base, so you do not risk getting a thermal burn. The holes are pierced in the side of the lid, approximately in the middle. A fishing line is inserted into the holes. Thus, the lids are collected in a specific pattern, and then the patterns form the web for the track.

The process takes for a long time, and the work is quite painstaking and requires perfection. But there is a huge plus that overlaps all the flaws, this is that this type of tracks does not require volumetric preparatory work. No need to dig meat and fill it with rubble. It is enough to simply clear the surface of the soil from plants, you can pave a special fabric that will not allow weeds to grow in the cavity of the track. You can also process the upper soil layer to the weeds to the weeds, it can be a tornado or roundup. Already the laid out of the lids stands in a slightly catching over the entire area with the hammer.

And to extend the service life and add the practicality of the finished track, you can with the help of a border fence. This is a completely simple and fast process. The top layer of the soil on both sides of the track is removed. It is not worth digging deeply, sufficiently depth corresponding to 2/3 heights or widths (depending on the masonry method) brick. The dummy trench is rambling and wakes up with sand, which, in turn, is moistened. Brick can be placed at an angle vertically or on the edge. At the same time, it is good necessary to drive a brick well into the sand base. The gaps between bricks in the curb are filled with wet sand.

Cap concrete tracks can be found at each third country site. This is explained by the fact that the paths of the paths have a long service life, simple in laying and are not strongly allocated on the overall background of the site, which allows them to be called them versatile tracks for the garden or giving.

In order to equip the concrete track, you need to conduct preparatory land. As already described above, measures are carried out on the marking of the soil and digging the pit. Mounted borders, formwork and fixed by reinforcement. The first layer of "pillows" is sand. It is worth the ramp and moisturize, align. On top of the sand lay a layer consisting of rubble. Everything is rambling and align. For greater strength, it is recommended to put the rubble layer on top, the reinforcement grid. Next, there are two options for laying concrete. The first, which suggests the smooth surface of the finished path. In this case, the concrete is simply poured on the formwork form and aligns. The flooded surface should be strengthened, for this, a small amount of dry cement is poured on the track, it should be quickly confused using the grout. For these purposes, the ready-made topping mixture is also suitable, which can be purchased in building materials stores.

The second option involves the presence of a pattern on the surface of the finished track. The procedure for the pouring of concrete in this case occurs in two stages. First, the base of the track is poured only by half, while it is necessary to ensure that the height of the concrete layer was the same, and the surface is as smooth as possible. Already after the concrete grab a little, special forms are installed on it. When using such forms, the surface is obtained with the simulation of a small relief of the stone or paving slabs. The form is filled with a solution of concrete and left for a couple of days. After drying the concrete, the form is removed, and the manipulation is repeated. You can use several forms at once with the same pattern, this will speed up the process. Using this technique, the fill of concrete can not only arrange a garden track, but also make such a coating in a summer gazebo or in the garage.

An interesting and unusual alternative to concrete and brick tracks - modular plastic paths. Such paths are stacked only at the time of the country's season. As a rule, they are made of plastic plates that are connected to each other. The charm of such a track is that there is no preparatory activities before it is not necessary. Such a path can be transferred to another place with ease. This is a kind of constructor that allows you to create tracks of any width and shape. Fastening elements firmly fix the details. The main advantage of tracks from such panels is a long service life, as well as the ability to withstand large loads and the surface that prevents slide.

In the manufacture of track parts, heat-resistant plastic types are used. Thus, the appearance and practicality of the paths of the path does not affect both a heavy frost and strong heating with sunbeams. Another question is, for the winter period, it simply makes no sense to leave the track on the plot. After all, it is quite simply going and disassembled. In the assemblence, the elements of the track take up little space and can be stored in economic buildings.

And manufacturers offer several options for tiles. Most elements have special holes that do not allow water to accumulate on their surface. This path is convenient if there is no possibility to pave the track with the reason also to use well as auxiliary passages.

This type of garden coating is an innovation of garden design. It is used both to form tracks and as an outdoor coating in separate areas of the site. The material is expensive, so before buying it is worth well consider the locations and calculate the area on which laying is planned. It looks great on the terrace, balcony, zone around the pool or playground. This coating is mounted on the prepared "pillow" of gravel or small rubble.

A tree that is used to produce such a coating is well processed and impregnated. Garden parquet is not amenable to harmful environmental action. So, you can be confident that the coating will not be fascinated under the influence of bright sunlight, will not swell from extra moisture, the structure of the parquet will not break under the action of strong frosts. In addition to wooden material, plastic is often used, which mimics the structure and pattern of wood. Such a parquet is less expensive, but also less practical. Lower life in plastic analogs is much less.

The arrangement of garden tracks is an important point in organizing the site space. Which requires a large amount of time and costs. It is important not only to determine the location of the tracks, but also to choose the most suitable material. This process is not only to take into account personal preferences, but also visually imagine the type of the finished path and its compliance with the general style of the site.

In order to make a garden path with your own hands, knowledge of special technologies is not required. Each owner of the country area will easily master this process. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules and clear following the advice described above. Capturing the summer track, you can show fantasy and originality. This can manifest itself in the game with color gamut, forms, relief and track structure. This article provides examples of the main tracks for giving with your own hands. But, remember that any option can be adapted to your site. So, combining natural materials or playing on their contrasts you can create a unique track.

Increasingly, the cottage becomes a holiday destination and friends. Plots are equipped with houses and household buildings, recreation sites and flower beds. The place is allocated for the garden, which acquires decorative qualities. All objects are associated with a network of communications - tracks. They allow you to avoid dirt, create convenience for agricultural work, walking in the fresh air and are elements of a single landscape design of the household territory. We will get acquainted with the main techniques of beautiful and competent arrangement of pedestrian paths for giving.

What is needed for?

Tracks differ in their functional purpose. Depending on this, one or other materials are used, the width and technology of laying depend on the path of laying the path. There are several basic functions of communications in the country.

Input from the wicket to the porch of the house

This is the primary zone of a private or country house, it is used most often. The wear-resistant, with good decorative qualities, the material that should be combined with the style of the main buildings, copy the base of the base, have a sufficient width (from 80 cm to 1.5 m) to calmly break down when meeting two people or drive a bike to the house. Requires the presence of a smooth surface.

When choosing a material for the main input track, preference is preferred by paving slabs, concrete slabs with decorative design, natural stone.

Binding Home and Economic Buildings

For this specification, the coating material is chosen durable, durable. The tracks are better to perform straightforward (for example, for the convenience of moving with a wheelbarrow during gardening). The width varies from 80 cm to 1 meter. The surface of these tracks should be smooth, non-slip, convenient for use in rainy or snowy weather.

In addition to the above materials, here you can apply a more affordable concrete fill in the formwork. For better wear resistance, it is reinforced with a metal grid. The artificial stone has proven well. It is much cheaper, not inferior on the operational qualities of natural materials, has a mass of colors and imitates different structures.


Pleasure paths perform from lightweight materials: wood, sandstone with gaps from soil plants or sand, mosaic concrete slabs. These paths can be covered with pebbles, sand, bark of trees. Width of the tracks differs by distance from the main communications And calculated, based on the size of the entire site. If possible, it is necessary to provide a width of 1 meter for walking together. To create a mysteriousness and romance of special corners of the garden, a width is allowed to the standard tile size of 35-50 cm. Any curved form is welcomed here, emphasizing the land relief or the zoning of the garden.

Natural materials in the landscape look natural and harmoniously.

Tracks between beds

Their function is to limit the sticking of dirt under garden work, the organization of vegetable landing space. These tracks make 50 cm in size, the material of the manufacture can be the most diverse (from rubber tires to the boarding coatings on the lags). Under these paths, it is not necessary to make a sand-gravel pillow at all: most often they are simply laid on the ground. When redeveloping the beds, these tracks are easy to transfer to a new place.

When arranging stationary high beds, the tracks are covered with rubblelaid on a black isolating material from acrylic. This material isolates them from the germination of weeds, while the moisture is fluent in the soil. Tracks from small gravel look aesthetically and serve for a long time. Different track functionality in the country can be issued in a single style using the same material, changing only the width and shape of the paths. It all depends on the preferences of the owners, the size of the site and the price segment of landscape works.

Choosing a place

An important stage of the landscaping of the country area is a road-path network around the cottage and an adjacent territory. At the first stage of layout trace future tracks. There are two approaches to tracing: if the building exists either the plot is only developed. In an already existing development, focus on the hidden soil trails between objects. These trails take as a basis, apply them to the site plan, give the technological size and the necessary curvature or straighten up for ease of use, while not disturbing the vector of the path itself.

The necessary and desirable tracks are applied to the development of a new site on the plan. It is better to do two or three options. According to these plans, they make orientation on the ground, pass by these routes several times, evaluate the convenience of movement. Depending on the relief or accounting of economic needs and the location of communications. And in that, and in another case, there are common factors that affect tracing.

The first are planned the necessary economic paths:

  • from the wicket to the porch of the house;
  • from home to economic buildings;
  • before the garden zone.

These communications impose the same requirements, the main of which are:

  • wear resistance;
  • sufficient width for the passage of small garden equipment;
  • ease of cleaning from garbage or snow;
  • non-slip coating;
  • no steep bends.

Additional paths are needed to communicate with a seating area or access to remote corners of the country area.

The load on them is not so big as in the first case. Decorative and useful qualities do not require straightness or a particularly smooth surface. Tracks can be performed from girlfriend, use the inclusion of natural elements. Often they give a deliberate curvature to eliminate the route or inspection of certain landscape compositions. The width can also vary.

After tracing and determining the width of transitions, the relief is studied. In order to protect against education, the puddle on the surface must be observed a bias. The soil in some sites will have to be added. In others, choose to align the upper layer. If the relief of the portion of the factory, has large height differences, you may need a device of stairs or a sample of a large amount of soil with a device of retaining walls to avoid squeezing of the soil on the track. In some cases, it is necessary to change the location of the track bypassing relief recesses or protrusions to avoid a large amount of land.

Next, take into account the drainage device.For solid tracks on a cement base, a method of transverse slope from the middle to the edges for water flow is used. The middle is made somewhat higher, the arc lay the finishing material for side faces. The bias must be at least 15 degrees. Tracks with more rareled laying of finishing material on Earth, sand or crushed stone have a natural drainage. When the border device requires a laying of special rave systems under the road surface of the road surface.

The next stage of planning is to create a decorative effect. The network of communications is not only practical, but also is an element of landscape design landscaping.

Simple concrete paths are practical enough, but the network of gray boring straight lines is unlikely to please the eye. They should give some curvature, for example, a sharp turn for the hill can open a beautiful flowerub.

The paths can be a means of visual change in the parameters of the site. A narrow stretched area will look wider with a path in the form of a sinusoid across the site. On the short section, the coating material is better located along the track path. This visually extends the territory. The transverse layout of the material visually reduces the distance.

The color gamut of the finishing material is selected at the planning stage. It is necessary to rely on the main paints of the environment. The house surrounded by dark green coniferous trees will require gray, dark stone tracks or decorations of the color of dried needles. The drawing drawing plays an important role in the overall perception of the landscape. For example, cottages decorated in a rural style can be decorated with brick or homemade mosaic paths. Children will love soft rubber tracks from the tires.

Planning is completed with the preparation of the estimate for the purchase of materials. Calculate the length of the canvas, multiply on the width and get the desired amount of finishing material. It is worth considering land work: whether they will be executed independently or need to attract equipment and specialists. For the tracks on a cement basis, the presence of a sand cushion is taken into account 10-15 cm, grafts from rubble, cement-sand mixture in a 1: 6 ratio (for styling plates). If tracks are performed from different material, the estimates are separated separately for different types of coating. This is justified, as it is possible to achieve saving resources using a simplified approach to the arrangement of secondary paths. To do this, consider the types of garden tracks.

Types of garden tracks

Garden tracks are divided into two types: solid and soft.


Solid coatings are performed from bricks, concrete tiles, clinker, tile, paving stones. Such coatings are used in parking for machines, in the input zone, on the main alleys of the site, between the country's country.

The solid coating is chosen for the paving platform for relaxation and some paths.

For them prepare a special foundation.

Choose a soil to a depth of 25 cm, the bottom of the trench is torn by manually or mechanically by vibration. For a manual method, a special traam of a log is made with a brittered transverse bar instead of a handle. The bottom of the trench is lined with geotextiles for weed isolation. Sand layer dance (5 cm), after tamping it is placed on it, a layer of rubble (from 5 to 10 cm), trambet and fall asleep with sand.

After that, shed water so that the sand fills the emptiness between the pebbles. After drying, it is once again wake up with sand layer 5 cm, followed by a layer of cement-sand mixture (5 cm). This layer lay the finishing material (natural stone, brick or stove). Trambet and fall asleep cement mixture. Spilled water and fall asleep with a cement mixture until the desired leveling level is reached.


Soft coating on paths are made of rubble, sand, wood, bark, rubber, marble crumbs, pebbles. Such tracks are walking, although it is used to care for the garden. Herbal coating and rubber optimally in playgrounds. For soft finishing material, you do not need to prepare a complex trench before laying. Here it is enough to remove the soil to a depth of 10 cm, the ramp, to be seen geotextiles from weeds, pour out 5 cm of sand and put the finishing material.

From paving slabs

Universal purpose have paths from paving slabs. Mixed on the cement-sand mixture, they will be perfectly served on the main driveway, due to their high operational qualities.

Tiles placed at some distance from each other with gaps from herbal pillows, create a clean dry path, consonant with a natural landscape.

Pedestrian tracks in the country can be beautifully combined from different materials, the main thing is necessary to take into account the overall stylistics of the design of the site.


The same finishing material in a specific context may be a member of retro-style and the most modern directions of landscape design at the same time. If you want to create a garden in a certain style, you should adhere to the following rules.

  • For plot design in the Mediterranean style Choose pebbles, tiles and sand. Country is perfectly combined with natural wooden coatings. Forest sections are landscaped by tracks from stone, cobblestones and spikes of a tree. It is interesting to use a crushed bark for filling paths.
  • Modern Especially loves floral decor and rounded smooth lines. Eco-style prefers the paths from sand and stones, covered with small gravel (without borders, almost imperceptible in the landscape).
  • Tree and stone - Traditional materials used by centuries for equipment track equipment. Today they pay special attention.

A bright example of a combination of a variety of materials is industrial style High-tech In landscape design. It combines glass and metal, concrete and plastic, water and stone. These materials can be located chaotically and symmetrically. The main thing is the presence of a clear geometric pattern. Tracks are strictly straightforward, turns have a strict pattern. The coating avoids the texture, color gamut is restrained and monochrome. The most popular coatings of concrete and marble suggests with the inclusions of glass elements, edged with metal. The water medium in this technological design is originally presented.

The design of the path has the same bright uniqueness. Japanese style. If the style of High-tech sharply distinguishes the natural environment and human habitat, the Japanese style includes a person in a natural landscape. The finish materials here are natural stone and wood, plants and streams. The tracks are combined with bridges and recreation areas in a classic Japanese style.

Large importance attached to the natural stone. The stone has a deep philosophical meaning and is a symbol of distinctive ethnic design. The whole garden or separate area is made up with appropriate plants. The tracks have smooth bends, the surface is made with the use of pebbles, rubble and flat boulders.

Width can be arbitrary: from very narrow paths for contemplative single walks to wide dry rivers. Smooth and smooth trails are combined with compliant spray boulders.

From the same materials you can create completely different style solutions for the design of the country area.

We will analyze more, what materials can be used in the construction of country communications.


For making tracks use different materials.


Traditional options for making tracks at the cottage are natural and artificial stone slats. The stone has the maximum wear resistance coefficient, it is one of the most durable materials. It is not exposed to seasonal temperature differences, has the necessary roughness, which ensures the absence of slip. It has a huge coloring palette. The color is better to choose the color of the house or the base: it is composite to combine the house and the garden.

Laying the flap does not require special skills, you can perform this work without attracting special workers. It is suitable for the preparation of the soil for solid coating, the stone is laid with a small gap (by type of mosaic).

The coating of the stone does not require a border, you can perform any bending of the trajectory.

The width of the track is easy to change everything that gives the naturalness of the garden and the yard.

There are several types of natural stones: Slate, quartzite, granite, sandstone, shungitis. Stone with gaps filled with lawn grass, creates a warm and convenient transition through the territory. The disadvantages of this pavement include the high value of the material. For a budget option, it is better to use paving slabs.

Paving tile

The sidewalk tile is not inferior to the stone. Disassemble concrete and ceramic tiles. It may have a pattern, then it is laid out in the form of an ornament. This is a very colorful coating with excellent performance. Manufacturers offer tiles with surface color or fully color (in the first case, the top layer can be labeled in a few years).

For parking and front alleys, vibrolyt tiles are used: it is more resistant to loads, more appropriate vibropressed paths. Tile is released in the form of bricks, rhombuses, coils of different colors. Smooth faces allow you to install a border, which can be selected in the tone of the main drawing. Power is performed using solid coating technology with high pattern variability.

Clinker brick

Durable solid coating is clinker brick. This material is not afraid of moisture, has an interesting range of colors and is designed specifically for tracks. It can be filled with a cement-sandy mixture. Another way is to fridge the upper layer of the soil and sowing grass seeds, but the care for this coating is more laborious (we will have to remove weeds, and in the abrasion places to set up grass).

From the brick you can upload various schemes, as from the parquet dice.


For road surfaces created a special garden wooden parquet - Decing. For its manufacture, a tree of particular solid rocks or plastic is used, simulating various types of parquet wood laying. Decing is released in the form of plates or individual planks that are laid out on the prepared base in a specific figure. Sections have dimensions of 35 x 50 cm or 50 x 50 cm, due to special fasteners, they are connected to each other, they are placed on special supports. Such a connection allows you to simulate a track of the area relief.

You can collect parquet coating yourself.Using a terrace board for designing paths from natural or polymeric materials will not hit the budget. Decing requires the preparation of the base from a concrete screed or a sandy-gravel pillow. Garden parquet requires a thorough care, it needs to be protected from moisture, to regularly impregnively with special compositions. Especially valuable wood species need dismantling for the winter.


The solid road surface can be made independently of the reinforced concrete. Prepare a sand-chicken pillow. It is placed on a metal grid. Install formwork and poured cement-sandy mixture. The top layer can be decorated with pieces of old ceramic tiles, fragments of dishes. It turns out a peculiar colorful mosaic.

The original pattern can be put out of multi-colored covers from plastic bottles in a non-frozen cement. True, you will have to make efforts to collect them. However, the result will be bright and exclusive. If the river takes place nearby, the surface of the concrete track can be put on gollars or shells.

A variety of patterns and natural colors of the paths will decorate the country area.


With the lack of finishing material it is worth polling separate concrete slabs. It is worth prepare the pillow in size under the base, make a formwork in the ground and pour concrete, the top will remain decorated to your taste and the presence of material. The combination of materials gives excellent effect: so the monotony of one finishing material is divided. At the same time, high operational qualities are preserved.

The advantages of modular tracks are in a variety of forms, the possibilities of decorating them with girlfriend, giving color using a koller. Modular tracks are easy to repair, replacing modules. They can be made gradually by lengthening the track as needed. Simple rectangular modules look stylish against the background of lawn.


Plastic garden tracks became a new proposal on the market of finishing materials. They immediately gained popularity with ease of installation, ease of care and low cost. Colorful plastic coatings are sold in rolls or modules that are assembled like a constructor. This type of coating is not so durable, but the dirt-proof functions performs well. Rolled tracks on their summer cottage to put even a pensioner forces.

Plastic modules are indispensable on the garden or playground, they are easy to transfer them to the right place or remove for the winter.

Gravel and crushed stone

Soft paths on the household plot are dumbling in gravel and rubble. For the base, the shallow trench is rotated, the bottom, laid geotextiles and fall asleep crushed stone or gravel. Here it is better to install borders so that small pebbles are not overlooking the territory. This type of path looks particularly effectively when using a gravel of different color.


Budget and convenient tracks make rubber mats. The rectangles of thick rubber are stacked in the right place - and the path is ready. She does not slide, it's nice to pass by barefoot, since it is warm even in cool weather, light and durable, will serve several seasons. Often in this case use rubber tires from old wheels.

To do this, cut off the side parts, the resulting ring is cut and straightened in the form of a track. On the one hand, it is smooth, on the other there has relief tires. You can use both the other. Aesthetic qualities leave to desire the best, but the practical function of protection against dirt such paths are performed well.


Traditional wood paths in the country - it is environmentally friendly, inexpensive and beautiful. You can use the remains of boards or wooden pallets from the transport of building materials. Pallets are sufficient width, blocks consist of identical processed boards. They can be decomposed along the route, but the service life will be short-lived, some boards can break and create a threat to injury. It is better to dismantle the pallets, make the preparation of trenches from rubble or concrete, to put the boards on top to lags, secure them with self-draws and treat special means from rotting.

Beautifully looks on the paths from the spikes of a tree. Hemps have a height of 10-15 cm height, prepare a trench, fall asleep sand pillow. Hemps impregnated with anti-corrosion composition are installed in a trench, the gaps fall asleep with sand or small rubble. Such paths are appropriate in coniferous landscape compositions.


A peculiar solution for garden communications will be the track from bottles. The principle of the device is similar to the previous option. Only instead of hemp installed bottles filled with sand. Glare light reflected from the glass create a pleasant shine.

The trench for the path can be postponed with bricks that remain from construction. It is worth remembering that the red brick is exposed to moisture. A few years later it will have to replace the new one. Preparation for laying makes as for solid coating.

Potted paths from paving or cobblestone are the most preferred options for creating a solid road surface. These materials are durable, wear-resistant, their decorative qualities allow you to use paving in the front zone.

Masonry schemes

There are quite a few options for laying tracks. Their creation is a fascinating process.

At the same time, for the best basis, it makes sense to turn to the main schemes that professionals adhere to:

  • Linear angular circuit. Bruks are placed to the edge of the longitudinal side. It turns out the "Christmas tree" at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees.
  • Linear with shift. Classical shape: Bruks are placed in a row, the second row is set in the middle of the first side of the first row, while the extreme bars are shortened by half.

  • Multicolored tiles are laid in a checker order.
  • "Braided" is obtained as a result of alternation of longitudinal and transverse tiles.
  • The end location of the bars is used to designate the boundaries of the track or pattern.

When choosing the method of laying, you need to know that the transverse location of the tiles visually shortens the length of the track (and on the contrary). The "Christmas tree" at an angle of 45 degrees visually squeezes the space, the "Christmas tree" at an angle of 90 degrees expands the path of the track. The most simple in the laying of the "Christmas tree" and "braid" scheme. It is convenient to use them when working with the correct form of bricks or rectangular tiles.

The stone can be laid "seam in the seam" or "in the dispersion".In the first case, the edges of the ends are combined, they are shifted in the second to a certain amount. Laying "in the dispersion" gives an interesting picture of the movement of the wave or diagonally. Apply the alternation of longitudinal and end parts of the stone. This technique is created by the "Gothic", "Dutch" masonry, the masonry "Well" or "Cross". The most difficult is the "radial" masonry. Its fulfillment is better to leave specialists.


The initial stage of the arrangement of the tracks is the markup of the track. To do this, be covered with chalk or sand contours of the future track all over the entire length and the desired width. The width is set slightly more than the size of the track itself for installing formwork, border or installation of the drainage system. Once again study the track, assessing the convenience and adequacy of the width of the track. It is important to take into account the view that opens with the paths, consider where the water supply and electrical cable will pass.

For this, several times pass through the future route, visually representing the size of adult plants along the track so that they, growling, do not interfere with the movement, and the roots did not destroy the road fabric. From large trees, the path must run at least 2 meters away. If there are no green plantings yet (or they have not yet grown), the sand outline the contour of the crown in adulthood. Dimensions can be found in crop reference books.

It is difficult to imagine this or that plant in the future. Then use the next reception. Large stones, drawers are put at the landing sites or pocket (it will help visualization). After approval of the path, the paths are embarking on the lays down the finishing material.

How to lay out?

To save material resources, many landowners shut down a pedestrian network in the country of their own hands. This process consists of several stages.

Trench Frave for Lodge

The dump is chosen soil to the desired depth:

  • for solid coatings by 25-30 cm;
  • for dumping by 10 cm.

The bottom of the trench is aligned and check in the construction level so that there are no holes and bulges. It is necessary to monitor the common slope of the path for flowing water (5 degrees). If this bias is not possible, it includes the rods of the linen of the finishing material to the sides (5 to 15 degrees). The bottom of the trench is torn in a log with a nitrated plank or mechanical traam.

Preparation of the foundation

On the bottom, sand layer 5 cm for solid and soft coatings. Trambet, check the level of the horizon and a bias. Next, the crushed stone of the thickness of the layer 5 is 10 cm. You can combine these two components and immediately fall asleep the bottom of the sandy-gravel mixture. The following is one more layer of sand with a thickness of 5 cm. Everything needs to spill well with water and leave for several days to dry. Finally, the final check of the level and the subftit of the sand in the necessary metas - and the base is ready.

Laying finishing material

On the rammed upper sand layer lay a stone, a tile or brick along the selected scheme. With the lack of experience, it is better to first decompose a small part of the pattern on Earth, and then lay out on the basis. Plannyak, cobblestones, paving slabs can be laid on the cement-sand mixture or concrete. Brick and blocking - on the sand.

The layout technology on concrete is similar to tiled work in the room.In the second case, the sand and sandy-cement mixture are poured on the base with a small layer. They are tightly placed on the coating material and trambet, regularly slumming the sand or the mixture from above, they laugh with a brush, spill with water, and again plucked the sand until the seams are fully filling.

If it is necessary to install the border, it is installed before starting work on the construction of the base under the track of the track. For dumping tracks, the technology is simpler. Here you can use the option of laying on a concrete screed with a border or on a sandy-gravel mixture. For embarrassing garden walking paths, simplified version of the device tracks from brick, gravel, sand, concrete or paving slabs are used.


Catering areas equipped with high-quality tracks are great convenience for owners. At the same time, they carry and decorative function, so they require a thorough attitude towards the choice of form and material of the manufacture. A household plot with diverse uneven tracks looks inconsistent. Designers advise adhere to the single style of the design of the entire country area. The exceptions are particularly large territories from 30 acres and more, where you can select the place of a regular garden with straight wide alleys borders and flower beds along them. Here it is necessary to arrange a front zone with a fountain and a circular path around.

On a large household territory there will be a place to several stylistic solutions:

  • You can equip a Japanese garden with a dry stream or mysterious forest alley. Most cottages do not have this advantage, so the house, the surplus buildings and the design of communications are kept in a single design. Based the material of the scene and finishing at home, the color of the tile is pickled into the tone.
  • Traditional rural style with a log house or a bath will complement the paths of stone or sleeping a tree. These tracks in the shade can be framed by hosts or ferns, in the sun - bright sage and lavender.

  • In the English garden with its natural beauty, the paths of bricks are indispensable. They harmoniously look among the rarery of summer greens and wild flowers with bright accents of roses, being fenced from outsided views with dense alive hedges of evergreen coniferous.
  • It would seem that the path from the crushed stone looks boring. However, if we arrange it with suitable plants, the species will be transformed into an exquisite alley.

Landscape design in Scandinavian style combines simplicity and expressiveness. Cobblestone, blocking, clinker brick, natural boulders, pebbles with their natural weight liability support the dark chevy of the tui against the background of white buildings. Sleeping tile can cross the gray tracks with a gray stone. Registration of the site preserves natural outlines, some curvature of the tracks will add expressiveness and mysteriousness of the northern design. In these gardens there are compositions from coniferous plants and stones, alpine slides and mountaineering. Visitors want to consider such composite accents closer, so the tracks should go back these sites and discover their beauty.

In the houses with children, you can originally make tracks with your own hands from the girlfriend. Several ideas for the use of plastic lattices will help to transform the yard and protect against dirt. The lattices are easy to mount on the lented section covered with geotextiles. Part of the forms can be filled with soil, falling on with lawn grass, and other cells fill in sand or small rubble. This design is sufficiently reliable, the soil and sand will create the necessary strength, retain the clean and neat view of the yard and tracks.

Bright mosaic on paths for many years will delight the eye, raising the mood at cloudy weather. Ceramics and glass durable, mosaic fragments It is easy to repair, replacing the details new. Self bay concrete forms, you can decorate them with an unusual mosaic of glass or pebbles. Design options mass.

The landscaping of the country territory begins with the design of the front zone. In the finishing of the courtyard, the best decorative materials are used. The track from the wicket to the porch is the business card of the owners.

Do not save, it is better to purchase a material that is suitable for finishing at home:

  • Remote paths can be made from budgetary or primary materials, for example, there are interesting paths from thick and wicker branches along the type of shoulder.
  • An ordinary soil path is falling asleep with sand and creaseed by border plants: a beautiful and practical path is obtained.

Installation of border makes the design more expensive. If this is not a regular park alley, ordinary country tracks better limit the residues of a stone or brick or mount the formwork from the board. The protruding border makes it difficult to miserably, you will have to cut the grass with garden scissors along it. This disadvantage also applies to the track path. For this, the surface of the paths are plugged to the ground level or a couple of centimeters below (for the convenience of processing the lawn).

Planning pedestrian routes, you need to follow the path to do not rest in the fence. If it is impossible to avoid this, at the end of the track arrange a false gate, an army with a bench, a flowerbed. Do not be afraid of the relief on the plot: steps from large boulders or concrete sleepers give the charm and charm landscape design. An important detail is competent technological structures of steps: walking on them should be comfortable.

It looks beautifully a skillful combination of finishing materials on one track. These materials should approach each other in color and structure (for example, stone and crushed stone, boulders and pebbles). Use materials that are in the district. For example, to create an isge of the Japanese garden, it is enough along the track at some distance to put the pyramids from ordinary stones.

It looks implicitly lit or highlighted path. Modern LED backlights are safe. They consume little energy, create a romantic night garden atmosphere and allow you to safely travel around the site. Lighting requires laying of an electrical cable. It is laid on a safe depth in a special corrugated fuse hose from damage.

All work on the installation of electricity and water supply systems are carried out to the equipment of the roadway: if you break the technological sequence, you will have to dismantle some areas of ready-made tracks for laying cable and pipes.

Beautiful examples

Stylish tracks are an important element of landscape design on a plot. With the design of the paths, you can create a garden in a minimalist style from concrete structures at a minimum of decor.

The use of color will allow you to add bright colors in the spring-autumn seasons. The use of the material of one shade in the cloth finish allows you to create a monochrome garden. If it is to plant the flowers of the same color, there will be a unique complex of plants and design designs.

Bridges and steps will add flavor and garden, delated the steep relief of the site, help decoratively beat the break or slide.

A few years ago, only parks and squares were equipped with tracks. Today, each dachnik seeks to fit his plot. We present several beautiful examples of design of garden paths.

About how to make a garden track yourself, you will learn from the following video.

Recently, summer cottages, from ordinary villages with beds, turn into a resting place after labor everyday life. Therefore, many owners try to make their stay as comfortable at the cottage. To one of such amenities, the presence of beautiful, comfortable tracks. Usually, their arrangement requires considerable investments, and the decline in costs is an important point for many. The tracks along can be made with their own hands, which will help reduce their cost. What makes the tracks at the cottage cheap? We invite you to consider several interesting options.

Tracks in the country cheap

Tracks in the country cheap - what to use?

There are several inexpensive materials, some of which can be found on their territory:

To do this, you can use old cut trees with your own cottage. Spies should be a thickness of at least 12-15 centimeters and processed from the crust. Then they should be covered with olifa for durability. At the place of the future track, a soil is filmed about 40 centimeters. This place is covered with geotextiles and the sand is falling asleep to it, which must be moistened. In wet sand you need to drive a speech, as close as possible to each other.

Spice of a tree

The largest, should be placed around the edges, to give strength. If there are a small amount, they can be positioned at some distance, and the lumens fall asleep with gravel or rubble. Especially harmonious, such paths will look in case all the buildings are made of wood. Plus, this is the most ecological material.

Tracks from a conventional cement mixture . This coverage is durable, saves from weeds and not very expensive. Recently, special forms for fill appeared on sale, using which, you can give originality to your site. For the manufacture of a concrete track, you will need one part of the sand, three parts of cement and water. Before the fill, it is necessary to align the site for the path and shed it with water. This place is stacked by a form, pre-lubricated from the inside waste oil. The form is filled with concrete solution, excess the mixture is neatly removed.

Inexpensive option - bulk tracks from gravel, pebbles, rubble . If there is an opportunity, the material can be chosen in different colors, which will make the tracks brighter. Laying such tracks is the least laborious. It is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil, install borders and fall asleep the material. Borders can be made of bricks, or pour a concrete mixture.

Some sauna daches set fencing from old plastic bottles, bottomskumps upwards that can be painted any paint. Fucking material before laying is recommended to be treated with herbicides to prevent the appearance of weeds. Such tracks are well suited for plots having a small slope. If necessary, they can be easily added and strengthened on the lines, putting the transverse board.

As an alternative and cheap materials, someone uses glass bottles , having them upside down and driven into soil, large fragments of old ceramic tiles. Those who do not scare the duration of the process are inserting tracks even from multi-colored covers from plastic bottles. It looks very unusual and bright, as it allows you to create any pattern.

So now you know what to do tracks at the cottage cheap. To give a more well-groomed area, along the tracks, various flowers or border shrubs can be planted.

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T. i wonder to imagine a well-kept garden without garden paths, enveloping flower beds and gazebos. The originally decorated, they not only perform a utilitarian function, but also part of the landscape. The coating can be the most diverse, the main thing is that it was not difficult for him to care, and it was strong enough to listen not one ten years. The task of any summer house is to make garden tracks with their own hands with low costs, but with the optimal result.

Garden track can be made from ordinary boards

Choosing the style of the trails, you need to take into account the overall design of the residential complex. Classify garden paths can be used by the material used:

  • Gravel. For a simple structure and an attractive type of such coating, significant drawbacks are hidden. Such covers are difficult to clean from foliage and snow, they will not suffer from the field of technology.
  • Brick. Such a coating is not expensive, it can be laid, without possessing special skills. If you use not a simple full-length brick, but clinker material, the track will last for a very long time.

  • Concrete. Make a path from concrete in the country with your own hands - it is not so difficult, as it seems. Materials for work are available at a price. If we cut concrete and use curly shapes, you can achieve excellent results.

  • Wooden. Paths from cutting sections of trees look very original. If the wood is processed properly, it will not be delayed for a long time.

  • Herbate. Green paths require careful care. They need to be regularly cut, watered in drought and set. But they fits perfectly into any country landscape.

  • Soil. This option is suitable except for temporary use. In crude weather, the dirt will pour on shoes, they can overgrow weeds.

Article on the topic:

Molds for the manufacture of garden tracks made of concrete

One of the most accessible options is the paths created by the form for the manufacture of garden tracks. Such a coating is able to withstand a solid load, for example, travel tractor. Plastic forms can be bought in the store, their average cost is about 900 rubles. Working with them does not require special skills.

Before proceeding with the pouring, you need to remove the upper layer of the soil about ten centimeters and prepare a sandy-gravel pillow. After the shape is installed and is poured by concrete composition. After 10-15 minutes, the form is removed and rearranged to another place. You can use such a sidewalk for the purpose after five days. In the cement composition you can add dyes.

Important!It is necessary to pour concrete on a wet base and after filling during the period of frozen to moisten it, not allowing cracking.

The form for concreting can be made independently of boards or iron. After becoming the solution, the sand falls asleep between the tiles.

Paths from sand and rubble

Garden tracks with their own hands with low costs can be made of rubble, gravel or special color backfill. Such sidewalks besides other functions, the role of security alarms will also be performed, it will not work silently.

Helpful information!Gravel paths can only be laid on smooth areas, on the slopes and depressions of gravel will roll and assemble.

Bending coatings do not tolerate even geometric lines. They must be winding and curly. By contour of the future trail, the upper layer of soil is selected. On the bottom of the trench you need to lay geotextiles, it will not give the material to "leave" to the ground. The edges are fixed by border ribbon or laid out pebbles. You can put large flat stones among gravel.

Brick paths with their own hands: Photo options for masonry

Often on the countryside after construction or repair work remains a simple brick, which can be excellent material for paving. It will take a shovel, a construction level, rubber hammer, hand-haired, sand and cement. As with any other coatings, it is better to remove the top layer of the soil about fifteen centimeters. A cushion from gravel and sand is stacked on geotextile. The following photos of a brick path show different options for drawing:

Deciding with the pattern, first install borders. The same bricks set on the edge or finished elements can be in their roles. Then on a flat surface (it is necessary to check the construction level) bricks are installed. Between them should be a short distance, which will later be filled with sand. When installing bricks, the bricks are slightly bother to each other and aligned with the help of a rubber hammer.

Tree and other materials

Coloring and unusual option of garden paths - from wood sleeps. Special strength differ solid wood. Spike oak, acacia, beech - the best choice.

The trunk of the tree is cleaned from the bark and cuts into the pines thickness of 10 - 15 centimeters. Each element needs to be treated with oil. If it is not at hand, you can use conventional workout. After the sleeps are dried, you can start laying. The base is prepared in a traditional way, using geotextile and sand-gravel mixture. Geotextile will skip moisture, but will not give to germinate through the coating of weeds.

Spies fit on the pillow. This work requires a definite zeal: each element varies in size and form, you need to select them so that it remains as few empty intervals as possible. Little spaces are filled with thick branches. You can use small pebbles and pebbles for emptiness. After some time, the tree on the path will darken, it is a natural process.

Helpful advice!To make a barefoot on the track, it is better to get off the top side of the spell.

The paths from the natural stone will be a logical continuation of the Alpine landscape. Large flat stones of different sizes and colors are stacked along with small. Special chic - lanes from colored pebbles, laid by patterns. Such a garden path will require a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it. Stones are stacked on cement mortar. Such coatings are almost eternal, do not burn out and they do not need to care for them. Garden paths with their own hands, photos of pebbles trails:

Garden paths with their own hands with low costs easily and quickly can be made from finished plastic modules. They are sold in garden shops and are relatively inexpensive. Elements can be removed for winter and wash if necessary.


Solving the question of the device of garden tracks with their own hands with low costs, it is necessary to first decide on the following moments that will have a direct impact on the organization, the cost and course of work:

  • planning and marking;
  • selection of material for paving the track on the site;
  • the choice of the base and technology of laying material;
  • determining the need for additional activities to increase the life of the coating.

All four items are largely technologically related to each other. For example, the use of durable natural stone allows you to abandon a number of work to ensure additional protection, and a concrete base device increases the coating stability and provides the possibility of laying softer and thin plates.

Drawing up a layout plan

Work on the pavement of tracks and sites in the country area should begin with the preparation of the plan. This will help determine the choice of necessary materials, calculate their number and scope of work. Having on the hands of the plan, you can estimate future financial costs and compare them with your solvency.

Take the plan of your site with buildings marked on it, trees, bushes, fence and gates. Distribute how you are going to make garden tracks with your own hands.

It should be borne in mind that the tracks should take place no closer than 1.5 meters from the trees, and their minimum width should be 0.7 meters. Slopes of the surface should not direct rainwater to buildings.

Materials for power


What makes the tracks at the cottage for cheap? Most of us want the coverage to be simultaneously beautiful, durable and affordable at its cost. We advise not to be limited to one option, but choose the material on the situation.

So, the territory near the private house makes sense to shift the paving slabs made of natural stone or colored concrete, and the paths in the garden are made from parquet or plastic. In the country area, it is also possible to quite successfully use a fringe of a small rubble or. The most important thing is that you have a combination of price, practicality and appearance.

A natural stone

A natural stone.

The device of country paths using materials from the most durable and beautiful option. However, their use is very difficult to call their economical. The main types of plates from natural stone are made from basalts, limestone, sandstone, slate or Labradorite. Less often, due to high cost, shungitis, granite and marble are used. Configuration of piece products may have strict geometric or incorrect forms of various sizes.

The choice of colors and shades of natural stone varies from white and yellow, to dark blue and black. Some ston varieties have patterns in their structure, the presence and color of which depend on impurities in the source material. The surface of natural paving slabs can be polished, rough or unevenly rough.

The main advantages of tracks paved by natural stone include:

  • high mechanical strength;
  • durability and frost resistance;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • wide selection of textures and shapes.

As the main disadvantage of such a path in the country, the high cost is high. In addition, granite, shungitis, marble, labradorite and some other solid materials are difficult to process that it can complicate the process of their laying.

Clinker brick

This is a special kind of brick, which, thanks to its high density, does not absorb moisture and is great for making tracks in the country with their own hands. The ordinary wall brick for such coatings is usually not applied. The produced colors can be yellow, white, brown and red shades, which allows you to create original color patterns.

The use of clinker bricks for laying provides for the mandatory borders. They can be made of these same bricks, putting them at the angle of "on the edge", well, or use ready-made concrete products. At the same time, the boarding of the curb should be performed in the surface of the track, which ensure the best rainwater flow.

The main advantages of brick coating are affordable price and durability. The disadvantages include the mandatory presence of a cement base for laying and the need for careful sealing of seams between bricks.

Paving tile and colored concrete paving

Paving tile.

Color concrete tiles for sidewalks are made of high-quality mixture by the method. In the first case, pieces have higher strength and frost resistance, but a poorer color palette. The vibrating tile is more colorful and is cheaper, but not so durable.

This material can be rightfully considered the most popular solution to the question of how to lay out the paths in the country. It can not only be purchased in the store, but also make it yourself, in an amount sufficient to pave any site on the household site.

The advantages of pavers from colored concrete consider the affordable price, appearance, strength and durability. The lack of such a path in the garden is to need additional processing of the road surface in order to protect it from moisture.

Pouring in the form for concrete at the place of installation

Pouring concrete in forms.

Due to the simplicity of technology in forms and low costs for its implementation, the garden paths made of concrete mix are very popular among private developers. This solution can be safely called an economy option. At the same time, the surface of such paths in the garden resembles a tiled masonry. She is beautiful and durable. In the case of a qualitatively embedded seams and a technologically literate base device, you can level the main risk for surfaces from this material - germination of weeding herbs and plants.

You can buy forms under the device of garden tracks with your own hands in any stores of building materials. Manufacturers claim that only one modular shape, a maximum of two (with large amounts of work) is enough to work. The service life of such a paving coating is 10-15 years. To give the concrete surface of a more aesthetic appearance, it can be covered with liquid glass, paint or special varnish solutions.

Modular rubber plates

Modular rubber plates.

If we talk correctly, then these modular plates can not be called purely rubber. They are made of polymers and rubber crumbs, which is obtained by grinding automotive tires, providing homogeneity of mass at a temperature sintering. The result is a durable, moisture resistant and durable material.

Fixing on the place of installation is provided by sleeve compounds. The coating collected from this material is a single rubber carpet of the required length and width. An exceptional simplicity of assembly is considered a feature of such tracks. Plates can be laid on a small sandy pillow, after removing a small upper layer of soil.

The base for rubber tiles.

The service life of the material at temperatures -45 ° + 65 ° C is at least 10 years. This is a completely waterproof material. It is not affected by mold, fungus, insects and rodents. It is allowed to reuse such garden tracks with the transfer of them to a new place.

Polymerpess paving slabs

This type of paving coating is obtained as a result of molding a mixture of polymeric materials heated to melting temperature and fine sainted sand. The amount of sand varies within 60-70%. This technology allows to obtain polymer paving slabs with a small thermal expansion coefficient.

This material is comparable to rubber plates, but the polymerpess coating is much more solid and durable. To improve the appearance of the tiles in the mixture, dyes are often added, as well as white river sand. In view of its exceptional strength, this material can be used anywhere.

Photo of the road from sleep.

Positive qualities include beautiful appearance, durability, frost resistance, available cost and simplicity of laying. The disadvantage considers the novelty of the material and its weak prevalence.


How to make tracks in the country in such a way as to create an eco-style atmosphere? Use It is available and looks beautiful, especially after special processing. For the arrangement of wooden tracks, the terraced plated plated on the bar is most often used, as well as the spike - transverse segments of trunks and large branches.

The material does not differ in durability, if it does not produce its preliminary special processing to protect against moisture. It is better to use solid wood species (for example, oak, larch or aspen) as a sleep.

Terraced board.

Typically, the length of the spins is at least 35-40 cm so that the part can be drunk to the ground to increase stability. The optimal diameter is in the range of 10-15 cm, but in general the size ranges are not limited to and depend only on the tree of wood and your capabilities.

The terrace board is laid across the path on a wooden bar, which is necessarily processed by a bitumen composition. The mounting of the bar is carried out to metal ferrity stakes. The board is nailed.

Work on the arrangement of tracks

So, we approached how to make the road in the country. The full composition of the construction of sidewalks may include:

  1. markup;
  2. excavation;
  3. device drainage layer;
  4. base device;
  5. laying tiles;
  6. finishing work.

Here is a complete list of works, but for some types of materials, this list is less.

Marking track

Earthworks and marking by pegs.

To perform work on the markup of the path in the country, they will need wooden or metal pegs that need to score on the edge of the tracks in accordance with the previously composed plan and planned design. When installing the curb width, the markup width increases, respectively, on their thickness. A well-noticeable cord is stretched along the scored pegs. After that, once again check the correctness of the planning.


The composition of earthworks during the device tracks in the country is included with the removal of the upper layer of soil and digging the trench. Its depth must accommodate all subsequent bulk layers in such a way that the surface of the coating is at a height of 3-4 cm above the level of adjacent soil. If there is a bridge of fertile land in the workstation, then the volume of earthworks are significantly reduced.

Failure of the drainage layer

For effective removal of penetrating surface waters and groundwater, drainage is satisfied with the spring climb. It is a layer of rubble or gravel of a fastened litter from nonwoven on the bottom of the trench. The recommended layer thickness is 10-15 cm.

In order for the non-woven cloth to be damaged by sharp edges of the stones, it is originally necessary to pour a layer of sand with a thickness of 3-4 cm. Gravel or crushed stone after filling in the trench, it is necessary to tackle so that there are no drawdown in the future. From above, a layer of stone also sprinkle with sand.

Installation of border

Installing a border.

Borders are used for a clearer limitation of the paths of the track in the yard. Usually they are installed after frustration of the drainage layer. Concrete and brick on cement mortar. Plastic materials are fixed by regular fasteners or metal pins.

As a border, you can use a blocking. In this case, it is necessary to additionally plug the sand. The best option for installing such a fence will be exceeded above the track level of 3-4 cm. So that water can not be delayed on the surface of the coating after the rain, in curvature fence at equal intervals it is necessary to leave small breaks.

After laying the tiles or brooms, the borders need to be pouring the earth from the side of the adjacent soil.

Device base

To lay paving slabs required, which can be done:

  • from concrete, for all types of paving slabs proper geometric shape and wooden coatings from a terrace board;
  • from a dry cement-sand mixture, for all tiles and plates of the correct geometric shape, including polymerpess and concrete mold;
  • in the form of a lobby sandy pillow, for the plates of the wrong shape or a large thickness of natural stone, paving stones and wood spins.

The concrete base under the coating of the terraced board can be done not with a solid layer, but in the form of transverse strips every 0.8-1.2 meters. It is enough just to provide a support for a longitudinal bar.

Layout diagram from tile.

Concrete base is the most durable, but the most expensive. For its device, after installing curbs, the drainage layer is covered with geotextiles across the entire width of the trench with a small punch on the walls. After that, the layer of concrete mixture is poured, not reaching the top of the border on the thickness of the tile +5 cm. The five-point meter is needed on the layer of glue under the tile and excess the edge of the border above the track surface.

The surface of the concrete must be well aligned with a plaster rule or a wide spatula. To check the slopes, the construction level should be used. The timing time of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200b72 hours. Putting the tile on the track can be possible only after this time.

The components of the concrete mixture for the fill include cement, gravel and sand in a ratio of 1: 4: 3. To obtain the best plasticity of the mixture, it is recommended to add or liquid detergent that will be spent 2-4 times more.

Concrete base scheme.

The dry cement-sand mix is \u200b\u200balso a solid and reliable base. The fact is that over time, cement hardens instead with a coating laid on it, becoming a single whole. Using a dry mix is \u200b\u200bcheaper, as in the end, the installation of tiles for special glue will not be required.

For its device, the drain layer is covered with geotextiles, on top of which a layer of sand with a thickness of 5-7 cm. Sand trambet. After that, a mixture of dry cement with sand in a 1: 4 ratio is prepared in the concrete mixer. Next, the mixture refer to the trench, the trambet, align and lay the material for paving directly to this surface.

A simple sand pillow is used to install wooden sleeps, paving slabs and large plates of the wrong geometric shape. These materials are securely fixed in the sand, ensuring the stability of the lane form. There is also no woven textiles between the sandy pillow and the drainage layer. It prevents the germination of weed plants and will provide water removal without arms of the base.

Laying tiles

Paving slabs on a concrete base are necessary on a special adhesive mixture. Before this, the concrete surface of the base is ground and completely sucked.

The first row of tiles is recommended to put along a border for a length of 1 meter. After that, one row across the track and, focusing on the result, fill 1 m.kv. Surfaces. Next, it should be continued in the same way, moving "on yourself" and filling the path one square.

Laying options.

Alignment in height is performed due to the adhesive layer, which should not be thicker 3 cm. If it turns out more, then the application of glue is produced in 2 layers, with a rupture in time. Cutting tiles can be performed using a grinder and diamond circle.

In case of cement-sand-based, the tiles are put directly on it, with compulsory climbing (planting) with the help of a rubber hammer. If when verified it was revealed that the tile sits low, then it is removed and the dry mixture is sweeping into its place.

The top of the masonry is better to start with the middle of the track. This will allow you to withstand side slopes, and you will only end up with the cutting stone only around the edges.

The use of sand pillows is effective when laying large plates of irregular shape and wooden sleeps, i.e. Materials with large seam-breaking between individual elements. Spiles simply bury in the sand, and the plates are laid out on the sand surface.

Laying stone on sand.

The laying of the paving slabs on the sandy surface is allowed only with borders. In this case, the correct geometry of the track will be maintained for a long time.

Finishing work

At this stage, seams are embedded in order to protect against moisture penetration. Protective coatings are applied, wash or clean the surface, remove the territory. The easiest is the use of cement-sandy solution. A little more difficult to pour them with liquid cement. For coating concrete and other tiles are used. They do not allow moisture to penetrate the material. On this, the question of how to make a garden path in the country of their own hands, consider it closed. Good luck!