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What kind of soil is suitable for citrus plants. Features of soil mixtures for planting citrus soil for citrus fruits at home

Kira Tsekolova

Citrus trees are often grown at home. These are capricious plants requiring special care. It begins with the question of how to choose and prepare the soil for citrus.

Characteristic of soil

Cutter care begins with the selection for them perfect soil. It should be as close as possible to the composition of the soil, on which these plants grow in natural conditions. This uses light, loose, water and breathable lands. Heavy soils with clay components interfere with water and air to penetrate the root system, and therefore are not suitable for such purposes. Excessively light peat, also do not have the necessary characteristics for growing plants, at distant from loam and sandstones.

In the substrate suitable for the cultivation of citrus, there is a low level of acidity. Lemons and other representatives of the form prefer neutral soils or close to neutral, with a pH of 6-7 units. High acidity or alkalinity of the Earth leads to a rapid aging of the plant.

In the ground with a hydramus paper, the level of hydrogen ions determine: they adjust the acidity.

The screening method is to check with currant leaves. Several sheets of black currant are placed in the jar, poured hot water. After cooling in the infusion, a small lump of the earth is thrown. Changing the shade of water to the reddish - evidence of a high acidity indicator.

The pot with filling should contribute to the growth of cultures. At its day initially placed drainage. The density of the substrate should allow the root system to develop. If the root goes down all the land and makes his way through the hole at the bottom of the tank, it's time to transplant the tree, having worked well over the soil loaf and its mineral warehouse.

Composite elements of the substrate

It is impossible to find in our latitudes in our latitudes to grow citrus. It is preferable to make special soil mixtures independently. Often, this goal is used by purchased soil appointed for lemons, but it uses its potential after 1-1.5 years, then change it. Such frequent transplants are not recommended to plants.

Key components for mixing a comfortable substrate for these trees are:

  1. Garden soil, better old, which is formed under fruit trees and bushes. It has a particular nutritional capacity at a distance of a half-meter from the tree trunk, namely a layer of 7 cm thick. Earn more with krootin: it is neutral by acidity, spilled from the remains of roots and insects, light, crumbly. Such land is blank in summer, asking through the sieve.
  2. Derne - soil layer, which is placed under many years of disintegration: chamomile, clover, thymofeeuca, mint, etc. - on meadows and pastures. Herbs growing there choose neutral or weakly acidic soil. For cultivation, a turne on a sandy basis is suitable, it is lighter, with an exposure under a dark film for at least 2 years. To consume, the dend is sifted through a sieve, removing extra roots and stems. Acidness reduces the addition of lime or wood ash.
  3. Sheet soil is a layer of humoring maple leaves, oak, birch, linden and other trees growing away from cities and trails. There is an opportunity to prepare such a soil alone, raking the leaves into a pile, watering with liquid dung and water and waiting for 2 years. More often a crowd of the Earth is removed in the deciduous forest right under the layer of last year's green mass. To reduce acidity, lime is added in the calculation of 500 g per 1 m³.
  4. Peat land appears as a result of mixing the decomposed peat from the rollers and humus. Until complete readiness, such a soil comes in 3 years. The level of acidity is somewhat higher, therefore, it is used for neutralization - 3 kg / m³ or wood ash - 9 kg / m³. Peat land is designed to improve the structure of the substrate, improve the function of absorption and retention of moisture.
  5. Compost is the result of natural decomposition of organic waste, mainly vegetable origin. It is prepared in a special pit with the help of the funds intended for this for 2 years. Before use, the compost is sieved and steamed for disinfection and getting rid of seeds of weeding plants.
  6. Dung humus is formed after complete decomposition of nipping waste. Its quality depends on the source material. The best for citrus is the horse humus. In the substrate, this component is used to saturate its useful elements and enrichment.
  7. River or lake sand is added to the substrate as a component capable of attaching ease, looseness, increase the air permeability of the soil. It is a prophylactic agent against fungus and rot the root system, perfectly retains moisture and warm. For this purpose, only coarse-grained, pre-washed sand is suitable.

Soil preparation for citrus

Before starting planting plants, it is important to mix all the components correctly to get a suitable substrate. For this purpose, fertile land uses and diluting their elements, as well as fertilizer. Successful planting of citrus depends on the scrupulousness of the gardener when mixing components.

For this there are several recipes. Sheet land, turf and humidia in equal parts are mixed with river sand, which is taken in an amount of no more than 10% of the total weight of the mixture, 200 g of superphosphate is added there. This composition add one part of peat soil.

It is possible to increase the feed nutrition with an increase in the part of the leaf land. The composition of the substrate, which includes 2 parts of the garden soil, one part of the peat and sand is enriched with the addition of manure or humus in the amount of the 10th part of the total volume.

Prepared substrates are thoroughly mixed and disinfect. For this, the soil is calcined in the oven at a temperature of 80 ° C-90 ° C for 60 minutes. Or boil in water (on 1 l of liquid 8 kg of mixture) for half an hour. This method eliminates the soil from pathogenic bacteria, harmful fungal and infectious diseases, insects and worms. Such an action also worsens the overall microflora of the Earth, because parts of the substrate, which can be dangerous, are subjected to such preventive methods.

Soil for citrus fruits can also have components of artificial origin. These are mountain minerals and breeds treated industrially. These include perlite, vermiculite, ceramzit and dolomite. These materials are used for the soil drainage, improving air outflow and the creation of soil porosity, to maintain humidity, as well as saturation of plants necessary for plant nutrition.

Mineral enrichment of soil

Fertility and endurance of trees provides a substrate rich in mineral components. Some representatives of these plants cease to bear fruit or slow down the ability to actively vegetation without some of the substances in which they need. It is important to make the substrate to the substrate and before the landing, and during the active growth of citrus.

For these purposes, fastening charcoal is suitable, which is able to increase the immunity of plants to fungal and putrefactive formations. Lower the soil acidity and provide root system with active elements of lime and wood ash. Sulfates and ammonia fertilizers contribute to improving the taste qualities of fruits and increase the ability to increase the green mass of trees. The use of them in the proportions appropriate for each variety and at the right time will ensure the flowering of citrus citruses at home.

Soil for citrus hands do it yourself

Soil mixture, soil for citrus

How to cook soil for citrus


The composition of the soil when planting citrus crops plays an important role. At home, they are already using ready-made mixtures, but soil mixtures are used to improve performance. The substrate should be maximally filled with useful elements and prepared for planting citrus.

Room lemon is not only a beautiful, but also a useful plant. With proper care, one tree gives 20-30 fruits per year. Create optimal conditions for lemon at home is difficult, especially - pick up the soil. The soil for lemon should be light, moderately enriched with minerals.

Lemon Transfer requires a specially selected land

You can prepare a ground mixture yourself or buy ready in a flower shop. Ready mixtures contain all the necessary components and quality.

What a soil is suitable for lemon

Lemon begins to fruit for 2-3 years of life, but it can only bloom and bear fruit only when ideal living living conditions have been created for it. The most important condition is the soil. What qualities of the soil are important for normal lemon growth:

  1. Easy, high permeability for air and moisture. Lemon roots are deprived of special hairs, it is harder to remove food from the soil.
  2. Neutrality (optimum pH about 5.5-7). Increased soil acidity can lead to a leaf and death of the plant.
  3. The absence of large earth lumps in the mixture. Major whiskers in a pot are prevented by normal nutrient suction roots.

In heavy soil (bold chernozem), lemons do not take root: there is badly distributed moisture, greenhouse processes are present. Root system in heavy ground can dry or neglect.

Lemon quickly pulls out mineral substances from the soil, so the earth needs to constantly enrich special fertilizers. Trees are also periodically transplanted. Which soil transplant lemon depends on its age. Young plants require special conditions. They need soil with a large content of sand or peat. Adult plants are suitable for heavier soils. Replant adult lemon trees you need three or four years, increasing the size of the pot.

Fat chernozem lemon is not suitable

Shoping ground mixtures for lemon

Beginner citrusters prefer to plant lemon into the finished soil mixture from the store. That's right, because in the absence of experience it is difficult to choose the necessary components and prepare a substrate for lemon with your own hands. But after time, many notice that the plant cares. When lemon transplantation, it can be noted that the root system did not grow into a new soil, and completely remained in the old lump. Does this mean that the store mixtures are bad and are not suitable for lemon? No, you just need to choose the substrate correctly. The shop for lemon consists of such components:

  • riding fibrous peat;
  • decomposed peat humus;
  • river sand;
  • complex mineral fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

Peat - overloading residues of marsh plants. This is a very valuable material, it has excellent permeability for water and air, contains all the components necessary for plant growth. Why then not all plants come true in such a good substrate? The problem may be associated with a substrate or plant.

Some manufacturers are used for the preparation of ground mixtures spent ground with greenhouses. It is usually already exhausted and devoid of natural nutritional components, but the pathogenic microflora in such an earth is well developed. This is the first problem.

The second problem is the storage of soils. The mixtures are sold in tightly packaged packages. In the wet peat substrate continues the processes of decomposition of plant components. A favorable environment is created for the development of anaerobic bacteria. They allocate to the soil toxic products of life. Lemon can not feel good in such an earth.

Land for lemon is sold in most gardeners

How to choose a good shop soil

When choosing a store, you will have to experiment, select and explore the mixtures from different manufacturers. What to pay attention to the purchase of soil:

  1. Production date, shelf life. The fresh soil, the smaller the microflora is developed in it, the more preserved the useful substances.
  2. The ratio of mineral components. Limon is needed nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1: 1.5: 2.
  3. Sizes of soil particles. If in the ground a lot of blind large lumps, its quality leaves much to be desired.

Before buying the soil mixture, it is better to consult with experienced citrusters.

How to cook the soil for lemon yourself

Homemade primer for room lemon prepared for all rules is better finished. Which components can be used to prepare a substrate at home:

  1. Nizinal peat. It can be bought in a garden store. Before use, raw materials are ventilated 2-3 days. The peat concentration in the mixture should be no more than 10%.
  2. Earth from the garden. You can take the soil from any bed, but you need to clean it from the roots of grass and large lumps.
  3. Cherry earth. Earth has good qualities with a clover lawn or a plot that grows nets. These soils possess the optimal pH balance and chemical composition. It is not difficult to prepare the Earth. From the lawn, they remove the ten-centimeter layer, purify the ground from the roots and sieved from large particles and lumps.
  4. Sheet humus. It is best to collect leafy earth from under Lip. Remove the five-axis layer, sieved from large particles. Earth from under Yves, oaks and coniferous trees can not be assembled. It is acidic and contains tanning substances. It is good for other indoor plants, but not for lemon.
  5. Sand. You need to choose coarse sand from river or spring.
  6. Humane manure. Suitable manure of horses, cattle. It is easy to find on any livestock farm.
  7. Charcoal. Using alder and birch. Before adding to the ground it needs to be frozen into powder. In one pot, you can add 2 tablespoons of crowded coal.

All components after preparation must be mixed in a homogeneous mass. The ratio of garden, turf, deciduous earth and sand - 1: 1: 1: 1. For young plants, a mixture can be used only from the delicate earth, deciduous humus (1: 1), a small amount of sand or peat. The substrate for transplanting lemon is prepared in advance, it is advisable to collect components in the same place. Soil must be stored in a cool place.

For lemon, it is best suited by humus from under linden

Determining the quality of soil

The quality of the cooked soil must be checked. You can independently check the pH level with a litmus paper. Procedure:

  1. Machine soil wet filtered or distilled water.
  2. Entrid to the wet earth with a lactium.

About the normal level of pH (6-7) is evidenced by yellow and greenish color strips of the indicator. Red color speaks of increased acidity, blue lactum becomes in an alkaline medium.

Homemade and shop can be checked for the presence of impurities of oil products. To do this, a small amount of mixture is thrown into clean water and interfere.

When the Earth settles on the bottom, you need to explore the surface of the water. The absence of rainbow and greasy spots says that there are no impurities. If there is a desire, it is possible to include a sample of the Earth into the laboratory, where the mineral composition is investigated. This indicator is very important. Lemon harms both reduced and increased mineral content.

Materials for drainage

When boarding and transplanting lemon, it is important to create a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot so that excess moisture is fluent in the porridge or pallet. For drainage, you can use such materials:

  • ceramzit;
  • rubbank;
  • river pebbles;
  • broken red brick;
  • shards of clay dishes.

Most often use clayzit. It can be bought in any flower and garden shop. As a drainage for lemon, a mixture of river sand and peat, which remained after the preparation of the soil mixture is used.

Ceramzit - Traditional Drainage for Plants

Room lemon care

Young lemons grow very actively, they quickly pull the nutrients from the soil. Therefore, it is important to correctly care for the plant and soil. If you put it in a tricky land, the plant will perish. Basic Rules for Room Limondular Tree:

  1. Watering. From May to September, lemon watered every day. Watering twice a week is carried out in the fall and winter. Lemon does not like drought.
  2. Making mineral and organic feeding. It is best to use liquid mineral fertilizers for citrus. From the primary materials, you can mix the upper layer of the Earth with ashes (1 tbsp. Spoon), poured wood coal, tea welding (1 tbsp. Spoon). In the summer, feeding makes every month, in the fall of times in two months.
  3. Loosening. Earth must be regularly disappeared. This increases its breathability. The upper layer of the earth is fried with a wooden stick or a small blade.
  4. Transfer. Young lemons are transplanted into new shops as they grow. Adults every 4-5 years. You can not change the place of residence of the tree during flowering and fruiting. Some land on the roots need to be left.

Correct care will provide normal wood development. A healthy lemon pleases not only by the beauty of the green crown, but also juicy yellow fruits. If lemon began to hurt, you need to reconsider the watering mode, check the quality of the soil. The presence of pests indicate stains and holes on the leaves.

Citrus trees have long been grown in our homes as a pot culture. In good conditions, these exotic plants can delight their bright and healthy fruits all year round. But how to create such conditions so that the tree grow well and gives the fruit? The first thing to pay attention is the quality and composition of the soil. What should be the soil for citrus, and how to choose or cook the soil mixture with their own hands? This article will help you to deal with this article.

Home citars are quite capricious, so pick up the appropriate soil for them is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Today, flower shops offer many variants of special soil mixtures with a mark "for citrus", and often flower uses them. It is very convenient because such land already contains a complete set of nutrients, which is enough for about 6-12 months.

Its main component is peat. It improves drainage properties and increases the nutritional value of the soil, but its excessive amount leads to an increase in acidity, which is very harmful for citrus. Sometimes, gardened land, consisting mainly of the black soil, are used to plant exotic trees. Of course, it is rich in nutrients, but very quickly compacted, which also negatively affects the state of plants, especially small seedlings. In too dense the soil, they make suction of nutrients, and simply become accustomed to such conditions. You can use the black soot, but in small quantities and in combination with other components. With the age of the tree, the Earth's ratio can be increased.

The optimal option, from the point of view of aeration, are loose gray or forest soils with a large number of deciduous humidity. In its composition and characteristics, they significantly exceed the above options. In such a soil, even the most intelligent representatives of the citrus family, such as well develop and fruit, and without additional fertilizers. Collect the soil is best under oak or aspen. Ideally, it needs to be mixed with garden earth and sand in equal parts.

Necessary Minerals and Elements

For indoor citrus, the balance of nutrients is very important. With the lack of some elements, the tree can reset the leaves, stop flowering and dwell in development. The excess fertilizer can also lead to the same sad consequences, so they should be made very carefully and dosed. If special mixtures "for citrus" are used, then no fertilizers do not need to additionally. Also no need for nitrogen fertilizers, if a sheet humus was added to the ground.

The nutritional value of the substrate, cooked personally, can be enhanced by a small amount of compost (1-2 spoons of wood ash). As a drainage on the bottom of the pot, you can lay pieces of charcoal, which contains a lot of useful minerals. Of the finished drugs it is recommended to use mineral organic complexes: "Lemon", "Raduga", "Effect", "Gummy". Fertilizers embedded during landing, the plant is enough for 10-12 months, after which it needs to be regularly feeding. The same is the case with adult citrus trees.

Usually, liquid mixtures containing a complete complex of necessary minerals and microelements are used for feeding. In winter, the fall of the village is feeding 1 time in 2 months, in spring and summer - 1 time in 2 weeks. It is worth knowing that the mixtures containing chlorine and sulfur are harmful to citrus.

How to choose high-quality soil

Special mixtures designed to grow citrus at home is the easiest and most optimal option, but, as practice shows, they are not always useful for plants. Those who used these mixes noted that at the first time the village really very actively developed, but literally after half a year they began to crack. And the point here is not at all in the lack of nutrients, but in the number of peat in this substrate. The finished soil mixtures contain, as a rule, from 10 to 50% of peat, and the higher the content of this component in the substrate, the sooner it occurs.

The citrus land should have neutral acidity (pH 5.5-7), but with a large number of peat, this indicator shifts within 5-6 months, which immediately affects the state of plants.

To avoid this problem, choose the soil mixture with a minimum peat content (10-20%), and the acidity of the substrate periodically check with a lactium indicator. It is also important that the soil is air-permeable, loose, does not contain lumps and unnecessary impurities, for example, petroleum products. To make sure of their absence, place some substrate in any container and fill it with water. Olter divorces on the surface indicate the presence of harmful impurities, and such a soil is not recommended for planting seedlings.

There is another way to determine the quality of the soil mixture. Take a small handy and squeeze it in your hand. Good land should not turn into a com or get enough sleep through your fingers. The "right" is considered the soil, whose grains are first sticking together, and then slowly scattered. We hope that these simple tips will help you choose a suitable soil mixture and a wonderful yield of home citrus.

Video "Soil for citrus"

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare soil for citrus plants.

Today, in the Internet, there are many articles about the cultivation of citrus, and many more increasingly concerns the question: "What kind of substances should the ideal feeder for citrus fruit consist of?". The emergence of such increased attention to the problem is due to the factors bind the yellowed leaves with poor-quality food. Of course, the quality of the feeding is played far from the development of citrus, however, the acidity of the soil is more important.

Many underestimate the importance of the indicator pH. The secret is that on their own prepared or purchased substrates, the first time after the transplantation everything grows perfectly, but after a little more plant begins to reset the pace of development until full stops. If measuring level pH Soils of such plants, it can be found that in the pots of chlorose citrus, the acidity of the soil is much higher than the norm, in contrast to those that have a rich green color of foliage.

Optimal soil acidity for citrus

We all remember from the course of school chemistry that pH - This is an acidity indicator. If the medium has an acidity of 7.0, then it is neutral if the indicators are higher, we are talking about an alkaline medium, if the indicators are below 7, this indicates increased acidity.

Chlorosis- This is a disease, accompanied by loss of plants of the ability during photosynthesis produce chlorophyll. The main feature of the disease is that on plants there is an active yellowing of the leaves. Experienced farmers know that the ironophyll in sprouts is responsible for the production of chlorophyll in sprouts, which culture is not able to absorb with incorrect acidity.

In chlorosis, there is a yellowed seedlines of shooting plates, while the cores retain the active green color. The nesting of the soil can be observed if we water the bushes are constantly hard water.
If the acidity of the soil in pots of plants that are grown in heavy soil dropped to 8.0, it is recommended to perform its deoxidation. Most often, for the deoxidation of soils at home is added to a liter of water 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid.

If the cooked citrus solve, which ceased to grow, and their leaves demonstrate the obvious signs of chlorosis, then it can be noted that after the soil in the pots will reach the desiccation of pH, 6.5, the bushes will begin to actively turn new healthy shoots. This allows us to conclude that the cultivation of citrus of the house must necessarily pass with the full control of the acidity of the soil.

Citrus cultivation at home requires the maximum responsible approach, and if you pay attention to any changes in the life of pets and try to provide them with ideal conditions, you will definitely get a harvest of delicious and fragrant fruits in your life.

Citrushing in Russia for more than 280 years, for the first time lemons were delivered by Peter I.

Practice has gained special popularity during the Soviet Union, and the interest in the cultivation of citrus is not cooled to this day.

Lemon - plant, rather demanding, and so that he started blossoming and fruit, you need to create ideal conditions for him.

Value has everything - lighting, irrigation frequency, air humidity, soil composition, drainage; Any emboss will definitely affect the appearance of the plant.

In this article we will talk about what the earth is needed for lemon.

What is the soil?

And so, what kind of primer is needed for lemons? Which earth is lemon?

  1. Lemon roots there are no hairs, so they are more difficult for them to absorb useful substances from the soil than other plants. For this reason, the soil in the pot should consist of small particles, the presence of lumps of the Earth is unacceptable.
  2. To ensure the influx of oxygen to the roots, in the ground add drainage (Sand with small peat particles).
  3. Soil for lemons can not be too acidic, her PH should be approximately 7 (You can determine using a special instrument - ionometer). Cry soil can be neutralized by adding a little chalk into it.
  4. Water for lemon either can not be acidic, so it is recommended to water it only with a standing water.

  5. Nutrients contained in the ground, the lemon is enough for a maximum of the year, so in the future soil you need to regularly fertilize. It should not contain chlorine, sulfur and sulfuric acid compounds.
  6. Every 1-2 years need replancing lemon into a larger pot with full replacement of the Earth. The new pot must be greater than the previous 2-3 centimeter in diameter. Help: It is impossible to transplant the plant when it is fruit or blooms - it will lead to a shower of fruits (flowers). Rules and Recommendations for Conditions of the Culture At Home you will find.

Best sad

The usual (universal) land for indoor flowers does not suit the lemon on the maintenance of nutrients.

  1. Lemon roots need a constant inflow of oxygenTherefore, the earth will be light and loose, without lumps.
  2. Ideally, better independently prepare an earthen mixture, mixing in equal parts of sheet humus, ordinary earth and sand.
  3. If you have chosen a purchased earthy mixture (special mixtures for lemon are sold), then when transplanting plants is required add a bit of sand and agrovesculite to the pot (clay) so that the soil becomes porous and delayed more moisture.
  4. In no case, do not pour different parts of the soil with layers - humus, sand and chernozem have different water permeability, so water during watering will be rapidly uneven. We must definitely mix the soils in the pot before planting a lemon into it.
  5. Agroversiculitis falls asleep on the bottom of the pot, It should occupy about 1/5 of its volume. Then the prepared land is already falling asleep. Agrudmbulitis does not need to mix with the Earth.
  6. To prevent the development of fungus In the soil, add a birch coal to the earthen mixture in the ratio of 1:40 or pour the pot on the bottom, over the agrovenkulitis, 1 centimeter of chopped pine bark.
  7. Young cuttings Lemon first plant in wet sand, and only a few weeks later - to the ground. The sands should not be too small, nor too large. The optimal diameter of the pot of the young lemon is 12 centimes. For lemon, a ceramic pot is best suited.
  8. If during transplant you smell rotRunning from the roots, add the gross coal into the soil and cut damaged roots.
  9. If the soil in the pot sankBut the transplant time has not yet come, you need to ship in a pot of fresh land.

So, the preparation of the soil for lemon is not at all a simple matter, as it seems at first glance.

But if you are serious about this case and take into account all the recommendations, Lemon will certainly express your gratitude to you in the form of new shoots, colors and fruits.

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