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What flowers smell. Easy peas - fragrant two-meter lianas. The most beautiful plants for shady flower beds

The reasons are that all varieties of colors have certain smells, are studied for many decades. Versions explaining such an effect there are several. The most common opinion is the effect of aroma on attracting insects who actively participate in pollination. Incorrect participation in pollination of flowers

The main reason for the occurrence of a fragrance in the flower is the high content of essential oils in the petals. The set of elements differs depending on the type of plant, so the smell of different flowers differs from each other. Under the influence of air temperature or by moisturizing petals, essential oils begin the evaporation process. Thanks to this process, a characteristic fragrance appears

Particles of essential oils for a long time circling around the plant. That is why people prone to allergic reactions, try to avoid close contact with flowers. Otherwise, the smallest droplets of evaporating substances fall into the respiratory tract and become the cause of tears, a cold or even choking.

Essential oils are contained not only in the petals, but also in the leaves, shoots and even the crust of trees. As a result of the interaction of existing components, different

People share the smells of colors into several categories - pleasant and unpleasant, sweet and tart. Some plants are of great popularity as a gift precisely thanks to their aroma. The smell function is absolutely different.

The main goal of the flavor for the flower is to attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, most flowering plants It is pollinated due to the winged assistants. Only a small number of their number is capable of self-effective or transfer their pollen through the air.

Essential oils become not only reasons of smells, but also play a role reliable protection Flower. The fact is that their particles for a long time are preserved around the bud in the form of a thin veil, which prevents excessive overheating or suscoolauts of petals. Volatile oils are complex chemical compounds with different composition and properties

The smell of some colors is changing during the day. There are plants that, for example, differ in particularly saturated aroma at night at night. Due to this way of life necessary for pollination of insects

Some flowers have a completely not attractive aroma. However, for a separate category of insects, it is the most efficient beacon, and nasty smell They take for products from their main diet.

Inhaling the aroma of flowers, we never thought, why the flowers smell? Let's try to answer this question. First of all, flowers, spreading the smell, attract insects to themselves, which are transported to pollen from one flower to another in the process of reproduction. Noted that bright flowers, dropped during the daytime, do not always have a great fragrance, because their color and so attracts a lot of insects. At the same time, the flowers dropped only at night have a stronger smell that night butterflies and other insects can find them on the allocated oils. In addition, not all plants have a pleasant smell, some of them have a sharp, releasing insects that are taking place not only by nectar, but also directly with flowers and leaves. The man noticed such a feature of plants and began to apply it for its purposes. For example, the aroma of wormwood and mint scares mosquitoes, and the lavender flowers protect clothes in the closet from moths.

Plants during their life from the roots, leaves, colors and fruits produce oils that have a complex chemical structure. For certain conditions Vegetable oils are decomposed and transformed into volatile compounds, giving the smell of flowers. Each plant has its own smell due to the presence of different chemical elements And their combination. For example, there is a flower with the smell of decaying meat. Such a smell attracts flies whose larvae feed on rotting products, so they can postpone their eggs on such a plant. Essential oils are regulators of transpiration (water evaporation by plants). In addition, essential oils, evaporated, surround the plant by an invisible cloud, protecting it from supercooling at night, and during overheating, since air is mixed with etheric oil vapors, to a lesser extent permeate for thermal rays.

Frame colors

Still in antiquity noticed that the smells affect the human body in different ways, namely to the central nervous system and emotional background. It is observed that vanillin replete frequent heartbeat and normalizes the temperature of the human skin; The bitter smell of wormwood increases the power of muscle contraction; The smell of camphor or musk excites brain activity. The fragrance of jasmine enhances human performance, gives peace, the aroma of roses raises the mood, drivening out sad thoughts and improves the mood, the fragrance of violet gives strength and optimism. Such properties of smells of plants began to be applied in a special healing methodology - aromatherapy.

A large number of essential oils man began to apply in perfumery, receiving them by extracting from living plants. Ancient Egypt is considered to be homeland perfume. The Egyptians began to make incense for the needs of the temples, and later - for cosmetics purposes. The beauty of the human body in Ancient Greece It was erected in the cult, the Greeks believed that the smell of flowers is an complementary element in general harmony.

The garden in the evening may be no less attractive than during the day. The attractiveness of the garden space in the evening and night hours is provided by the variety of aromas emanating from fragrant plants. Flowers and shrubs capable of eliminating noble smells, specially planted in those places of the site where people love to relax and communicate. Also, fragrant flowers are placed along the tracks leading to the house, gazebo, summer shower And other garden buildings. Familiar flavors are imprisoned for a long time in memory, resembling a person about native places. Surrounding yourself with your favorite flowers at a new place of accommodation, you can overcome nostalgia and drowning the gardens in the garden, which I had to sell or leave for a long time. Over time, new smells are added to the famous fragrances, the carriers of which the garden work will find out from familiar or in special literature.

The charm of flowers-annuals is that it is possible to enjoy their smells in the year of planting. With the onset of the new season, it is possible to change the exposure, experimenting with aromas until there is a desired bouquet. What are the fragrant flowers annuals most often cultivated in the gardens and in the preservation sites?

Mattiola Curry or Night Filiac

An inconspicuous appearance of small flowers of mattioles coughogo can push the novice gardener. Indeed, this plant from the family of cruciferous does not shine. His power lies in a spicy sweet smell, pouring into the evening clock around the blurred tiny flower. The charming smell of mattioles is saved throughout the night. No wonder this annual has another common name - night violet.

Blossom Mattioles is long lasting throughout the summer. Even the first frosts are not afraid of this. unpretentious plant. The period of flowering of a single 4-petal flower lasts no more than five days, after which the fruit is formed, having a pod shape with two peculiar horns located on its top.

Inconspicuous flowers night violet on the background bright flower garden With the onset of twilight begin to be bolling, filling the air an unforgettable aroma

Saw Night Phials in early spring Directly into the ground. It is possible to divide the landing process into several steps, withsting certain time intervals between them (12-15 days). Despite the fact that Matthiola counya prefers sunny places, it can be grown on shaded garden sections.

Mattiola gray: beautifully blooms and pleasantly smells

The gray-haired mattiola, which is also called levech, is radically different from its two-friendly diseases. This plant is valued not only for honey fragrance, but also for large terry flowers, blooming in the form of a cap on the top of the wood or slightly branched stems. The plant in height can reach 80 cm. For those who do not like giants, are derived dwarf varietieswhose height does not exceed 20 cm. Mattiol flowers gray can be simple (4-petal) and terry (70-petal), and the latter are able to bloom for three weeks.

Levka or Mattiola gray unusually beautiful and surprisingly aromate. Pleasant smell increases by the evening and keeps until the morning

Lush terry flowers do not give seeds. Seed material is obtained only with simple flowers. From half of the collected seeds grow plants with simple flowersAnd from the other half - with terry. Levkoev varieties are derived, in which this ratio has increased in favor of plants with terry flowers. In order for Mattiola Sea to bloom in the year of sowing, it is necessary to sow seed seeds in March.

Easy tobacco - gentle fragrance on flowerbed and in pot

Another bright representative of the odorous annuals grown by amateurs gardeners. Early scented tobacco varieties were distinguished by long stems and white gramophone flowers, opening closer in the late afternoon. Later, more compact varieties were displayed, differing from each other not only by the height of the plant, but also the colorful colors.

Now you can buy a fragrant tobacco, the flowers of which will have a raspberry, red, pinkish or lemon-eyed tint. And during the daytime, the flowers are not closed. However, plants with white flowers have the most pronounced aroma. Easy tobacco is better grown through seedlings to provide early blooming plants. Seedlings are afraid of spring frosts, so tobacco seedlings are planted on permanent place With the onset of real heat. The plant feels equally well in areas covered sunny rays, or those in a half.

Some gardeners retain fragrant tobacco until the next season, transplanting the plant before the onset of frosts in flower pot. The transplanted plant is entered into the house where it is after a short rest begins to bloom again and fill the housing with a gentle aroma. With the arrival of spring, the digging plant is returned to the previous place.

Easy tobacco is able to conquer the amateur gardener not only with honey aroma, but also large flowers similar to the structure of gramophones

To extend the flowering of fragrant tobacco, it is necessary to deliver the plant from dried flowers in a timely manner. This measure will serve as an intensive formation of new buds.

Easy peas - fragrant two-meter lianas

Among Viebya garden plants A pleasant aroma is famous for scented peas. IN this moment There is about a hundred species of this plant, and the number of varieties reaches a thousand. In this variety abundance, you can find plants with small and large (6-centimeter in diameter) with flowers having a variety of shades of the color palette. Brighter the smell of fragrant peas manifests itself in early grades. The hybrids released later exuded weaker flavors, but they have high decorative properties.

Two-meter lianas, clinging for the supports of the mustaches, perfectly cope with the task of vertical gardening of the arbors, the veranda, pergol, the hedge, etc. In small gardens, this plant is used to shield areas given under the cultivation of vegetables. The lowered (dwarf) varieties reaching in a height of not more than 30 cm are planted into containers or suspended baskets.

Gentle sprouts of fragrant peas are poorly transferred to a transplant, so it is recommended to suck seeds directly into the heated soil. Three milkers throw in the well, which are pre-soaked in warm water during the day.

The air wall of fragrant peas looks elegant and sophisticated. Under the cover of darkness, each flower makes a thin fragrance attracting all living things

Fragrant residue: proven aroma

Fragray residue is cultivated in gardens for a long time. The love scenes of many novels written in the XIX century unfold against the background of the sweet and drinking smell of the resat. Modern flowerflowers find the place in the garden for planting this amazing plant. At the same time, the gardeners are attracting not a simple beauty of the unbelievable greenish flowers of the residue, but their subtle fragrance in the evening and night time. Although breeders managed to get decorative varieties of this fragrant plant With more attractive coloring inflorescences:

  • red-green ("Red Monarch");
  • yellowish-red ("waving");
  • pinkish-copper ("Rubin");
  • light green ("Giant");
  • dark Bura ("Victoria");
  • intensive red ("Goliath").

IN open sad The seeds of the soul rescue are sown in the last decade of April or in the first week of May. The germination of seeds is influenced by the weather and soil moisture. For optimal conditions Shoots can be seen through one or two weeks. The plant loves freedom, so frequent shoots necessarily thin, withstanding a distance of 15-20 cm between adjacent sprouts.

Fragrant residue - fragrant plant, tested by time. Appreciated for the sweet specific smell of small colors

Rezeda loves open placesWell-lit by the sun. In the arid summer, care for the rescue is abundant irrigation. Podkord mineral fertilizers Promotes intense blossoms of the plant, and the regular collection of flashing flowers is the emergence of new inflorescences.

Iberis: just a month for pleasure

As many representatives of fragrant plants, Iberis has a modest appearance. But the fragrance, which comes from this plant during the period of short flowering, delivers an unforgettable pleasure. On a month, this annual blooms blooms, while before the appearance of the first colors from the moment of sowing the seed passes 40, or even 50 days. In the gardens, two types of this annual plant are most often cultivated:

  • iberis bitter with white inflorescences;
  • iberis umbrella with flat chapped inflorescences, whose shade varies from white to pink-colored.

For cultivation on the balcony, Iberis umbrella is suitable, which differs from its fellow compact sizes and neat forms.

Alissa Sea - Flower Carpet with Honey Smell

The lowest annual, blooming from the first days of summer and to late autumn. The plant is not growing into a height (ceiling - 20 cm), and in width, breaking up to 30 or more centimeters. Alissaum is growing everywhere, where they will rise: at the flower beds, borders, rockers and on, in balcony boxes and vases. This annual can grow even between stone tiles. garden tracks, Filling the pedestrian zone of the garden with honey aroma.

Alyssum is an annual low plant with a pronounced aroma. Compact bushes, growing, form a carpet. Suitable for the framing of flower and borders, as well as to fill the stony gardens

Sea Alissum Flowers have a white or purple color, which is used when planting plants. After cosmetic haircut and abundant irrigation, Alissum is ready for a new wave of flowering. Posted once this fragrant annual, it is possible not to worry about seeding for two or three years. Alyssum perfectly multiplies with self-sowing.

More information about the peculiarities of the cultivation of Alissum in the garden:

Fragrant representatives of perennial flowers

A nice smelling perennials, of course, are roses. The wondrous fragrance of these perfectly complement and shade such spicy plantslike sage, oregano, cottberry, wormwood, geranium, cuff. The listed types have long been included in a flower retinue of noble origin. When compiling a composition, preference is given to multi-scale varieties of polyanth roses.

Only peonies can compete on the power of beauty and aroma with roses. The scented of them are the varieties of the peony of a milk-flush, whose aroma can be felt at a sufficient distance from the plant. The strength of the flavor of the flowering peony depends on the age of perennial. It affects the intensity of the smell air temperature and humidity level. In the evening, the peony flowers are not devoid of fragrance, but the smell peak values \u200b\u200bis gaining closer to noon.

Peony bush during flowering period is a decoration of any garden. The wondrous aroma of terry colors is distributed throughout the site, as if inviting to see the perpetrator of the celebration

Dozens of sorts of peonies with various aromas are derived:

  • sweetish;
  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • floral;
  • spicy;
  • tart;
  • musky;
  • mint;
  • honey and others.

In addition to roses and peonies, a number of phloxes, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, carnations and other plants can be attributed to fragrant perennials. Flower perennials are perfectly complemented by fragrant shrubs, among which are lilac, honeysuckle, White Acacia, Kalina and many others.

April 25th, 2013

Rich and diverse vegetable world Our planet. Flowers - amazing creatures. They are beautiful, gentle, perfect. And their amazing fragrance captives women and inspires perfumes around the world. We present you the favorites of the perfume industry.

Rose - Queen of Perfumery. This flower with warm, slightly spicy, sweet smell became one of the first to be used by a person for the production of essential oil. The aroma of roses combines tenderness and royal magnificence, beauty and inaccessibility. Perfumes use Rosa Centifolia, which grows in Morocco and Grass and Rosa Damascene, which is grown in Turkey and Bulgaria.

Without lavender, it is impossible to present modern perfumery. Lavender exudes an attractive pleasant smell that contributes to soothing - the aroma of serenity. An aroma of the foggy freshness of Lavender enjoys great love of perfumes in all countries.

Elegant, exquisite fragrance of jasmine makes his king of flowers in perfumery. Its fragrance floral, fresh, light, with a sweet fruit nuance.

The birthplace of the flower is the Philippine and Comoros. Ylang-Ylang, which the Philipinities is called the "flower flower", is considered a flower of seduction and pleasure. The unique aroma of Ylang-Ilang is the upper notework of Chanel number 5 known to all of the spirits.

5. Orange Wood Flower or Flördrange

The sophisticated fragrance fragrance is like a jasmine fragrance, but shimmers with more honey and tart shades. Fresh, gentle and pure fragrance - aroma of happiness and love. No wonder the orange tree flower is called "Flower of Happiness", "Flower of Brides", "Flower of Innocence".

Tubery thanks to a drinking, foaming and conquering aroma is a symbol of forbidden pleasures and passions. The smell is very intense, similar to sweet honey, with shades of jasmine and orange, heavy and sensual. The essential oil of this magnificent flower is considered one of the most precious floral oils in modern perfumery.

Gardening flowers emit a sweet, silky aroma resembling jasmine. Gardenia symbolizes love, harmony and grace. Its warm, volumetric, but the light and air fragrance are often used as a "heart" of floral perfume compositions.

Delicate, very fresh, tart, the cool fragrance of the valley lonely awakens sensuality, creates an atmosphere of love. This is the most spring smell; The smell raising the mood that makes confidence.

9. Lily be it Asian or Eastern

Lily flowers have a pleasant mysterious, exciting aroma. Greeks attribute lilies Divine origins, in Spaniards and Italians, as well as on other Catholic lands Lily is considered a flower Blessed Virgin, the French in the era of capeting and bourbon lily is a symbol of royal power. Thick, slightly balsamic, with a sweet flower note. The fragrance of lily is designed for the real kings and queens.

Hyacinth - love flower, happiness, loyalty. Its fragrance is a honey-sweet, floral, bright, with a shade of lily and jasmine, he grieves his head, excites. Hyacinth flavor Perfumes are often used as upper or medium notes.

11. Plumeria or Frangipani

Plumeria - Tropical Plant with Amazing Flowers proper form. Warm, sweet, deep floral aroma with soft fruit notes exudes plumery, attracting perfumes all over the world.

12. Tiare or Gardenia Taitian

This is the National Flower of French Polynesia and Cook Islands. Graceful cream-white flowers of Tiara are endowed with a strong pleasant fascinating aroma. Sweet, the exotic smell of this flower causes a calm sea, the island of spices, and the magnificent vegetation of tropical paradise.

An extraordinary fragrance in mimosa colors, I will not confuse it with anything. Sweet, floral, woody, green, with honey bitter nota - this smell of spring, holiday.

PION in China is one of the most revered plants, they say about him: "One hundred roses in one flower." Its thin, sweet, flower flavor resembles a fragrance vintage roses. Romantic fragrance of love of this flower took a worthy place in perfumes.

Narcissus flowers have strong, sweetish with a small bitterness, fading smell. Early spring is permeated by this excuseing imagination with aroma. Absolute Narcissus is very rare and expensive, it is used only in the perfumery of the highest class.

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Flowers are a wonderful creation of nature, except for a pleasant appearance having its own and unique fragrance. With the help of smells, flowers attract insects to pollinate, helping them in subsequent to give seeds. The fragrance can also serve as a warning for insects and animals. Few asked about why the flowers smell. The aroma of each flower is born inside the buds and diverges around due to the sunlight - when the flower is blown. In other words, the smell appears due to essential oils inside the flower.

The process of creating smell is actually very simple: evaporation of oil from temperature effects. Many colors smell really nice, attracting attention not only to the appearance, but also by creating fragrance in the air.

The smell of colors conquered even such a baby

It is quite difficult to explain why the aroma of flowers is felt at a distance, because the plant itself does not move. There is an opinion that it is the insects spread the aroma of flowers on large distancebecause the flower itself cannot do this. However, this is not connected, insects only collect pollen and transfer nectar, which in the subsequent beneficial effect on the reproduction of plants.

In flowering plants there is a fragrance molecule, which, with a certain external effects of temperatures, dissolve into the environment and spread through air due to diffusion processes. It is these molecules that give a person a unique feeling of fragrant fragrance of flowers. Molecules, reaching the nasal receptors, make it possible to feel the whole range of odor shades embedded in a single bouquet of flower flavor.

Shades of flower flavors

The aroma of flowering plants almost completely depends on how the insect pollinates flower. For example, if the main insect is fly, then the smell will be rotting, actually body. Such flowers are predominantly predatory, luring with their smell of flies, feed them, for example

The most informant flower in the world of amorphofalus Titanic / Amorphophallus Titanum

The appearance of the flower almost always directly corresponds to its aroma. But there are pleasant flowers, which smell just disgusting. This mechanism is similar to animals: a strong and unpleasant aroma plant protects itself, as some reptiles have an aggressive color, while being harmless. Also, flowers with strong aroma often do not bring any harm.

It is worth noting that especially fragrant flowers usually have a white or yellow color. And brighter, on the contrary, possess a weak aroma.

The smell is felt by combining essential oils into a single bouquet of aromas when exposed sunlight. Flowers can be called natural spirits.

What is the smell color and what does it depend on? Short outcome "

  • the smell is necessary to attract insects, as well as scaring the herbivores and pests;
  • the fragrance appears due to the essential oils contained in the plant;
  • the smell of the plant depends on the color.

The fragrance of the flower is necessary for life existence, because without it there would be no pollution and reproduction.

The most fragrant flowers - Top - 15

Flowering plants undoubtedly attract attention to their beauty, the spectrum of shades and unique flavors. There are many different colors around the world, each of which really smells differently. There is even a kind of top 15, in which the most fragrant flowers of the world are collected.


The most fragrant exotic flower - plumeria

It grows this exotic flower in the tropics, preferring the island in the ocean and near Caribbean. Truly unique shades of these beautiful flowers. There are a wide variety of: from soft pink to passionate red, from faded white to bright yellow. Only the core of golden color is unchanged.

The plumeria clearly smells the tropics - a juicy flower aroma with fruit splashes, and produces its fragrance closer to twilight. And it is considered to be immortal, because the flower does not burn in hot fire, and it is also able to revive even from its leaves. But despite the attractive external beauty and aroma, plumeria poisonous. In the context of the Russian climate, as a room plant is grown.


Sweet Alyssum wears other names - a mason and a bug. An annual flower, a blooming all summer period. The fragrance of this kid is incredibly resistant and, according to the name, suffocating sweet. Unpretentious in leaving, perfectly decorate or

Black Cosmeya

Black cosmy, flower with vanilla and chocolate flavor

Grows in Mexico, and thanks to its unique bloom Received chocolate space. Flowers of black cosmei reddish brown, and persistent fragrance is associated with vanilla. And again, an innocent appearance is deceptive - a plant is poisonous, and the smell of the smell is just attracted by insects. Moreover, the fragrance increases along with the temperature: the hotter, the stronger the flower smells.


Glicinia resentmenty

Glicinia grows in southern latitudes, and blooms with clusters hanging like grape clusters. White-purple petals, and sweet fragrance is considered a precursor of spring. Cultural species Plants are more adapted to the Russian climate, such as Blue Moon Wisteria, can withstand enough low temperatures in winter.

Sweet pea

Sweet pea

A perennial plant scented peas has an extensive range of colors, and the aroma is so persistent that it is difficult to forget it. At the same time completely unobtrusive. Unfortunately, this plant is a bit poisonous.


Little white flowers have an excellent tart smell, as if cool. The plant is perennial, and quite simple garden Care. At the same time, fragrant fragrance is not intrusive and creates a pleasant atmosphere, which is why the flower is rarely grown in the gardens.


Garia Jasmineovoid

Gardenia blooms almost every year, but is a very capricious plant. However, its atypical, rich and sweet fragrance costs all efforts. After all, the silky smell of Gardenie even served as inspiration for the Spirit line from Chanel and Jacobs.

Night beauties

Night beauties will delight you with its aroma in the evening

An interesting flower, opening only by the second half of the day, contrary to the usual statement that the flowers stretch to the sun. The British even nicknamed his "flower of four hours".

Night beauty matches its name and in color gamma. Shades of purple, yellow and white colors Together with a strong aroma, gives the plant a special charm.


Chubuschnik or Jasmine Garden

Grows in the warm climate. Jasmine is known all over the world, its white flowers smell gently and sweet. Essential oils based on this plant is widely used in cosmetology and aromatic therapy. And from dried colors even make jasmine tea.

Flower features in that root system The plant is poisonous, and buds smell much more than stronger colors. And the fragrance can be felt only after sunset.

In the suburbs, the Chubuschik or Jasmine Garden is successfully grown.


Bright yellow flowers attract attention. And the aroma of Narcissus is unreliable. Sweetish smell with mustard literally blows up, because not in vain the flower wears the name of a narcissistic young man.


Delicate mimosa balls exude not forgotten fragrance

Beautiful yellow balls attract attention to their appearance even before the smell is smelted. And the aroma of the mimosa flowers is unusual: sweet, combining honey and hide the wood. Not a gift smell mimosis is associated with late spring.


Hyacinth - Fragrant Spring Flower

Gentle white-lilac flower is not in vain considered a symbol of happiness. So his honey aroma dope the head and excites, leading a person in the state of bliss. The bright smell does not forget and not confuse even after time.


Lily "Purple Rain" Asian hybrid

Lily is truly recognized royal flower with your sophisticated and noble view. The fragrance of lily thick and sweet, as if balsamic. And floral notes add a great charm to the plant.



Snow-white flowers despite the innocent form are a symbol of forbidden passion. The flavor of the flower is unusually intense, sweet and heavy. Hexicates and conquers, and essential oil This plant is due to the aroma is one of the most expensive.

rose flower

Musky Rose grade "Guirlande d'Amour"

Completes the list of the queen of all colors - Rose. Roses are usually incredibly beautiful and having an extensive range. Surprisingly, even an aroma of each species is distinguished. But one invariably - the sweet aroma of roses is always unusually captivated.

And, of course, it is only the top lines. There is an innumerable amount of perfectly smelling colors in the world, which are designed to please people.

The flavor of flowers has a big impact on people. The aroma of pink bushes raises the mood, running sad thoughts and extinguishing stress. Not to mention the fact that roses are certainly associated with love. The smell of jasmine has a beneficial effect on concentration and efficiency, and Bergamot seems to encourage. And the stern summer months perfectly smoothes the fragrance of snow-white magnolia. Thus, the flowers are not only an excellent decoration of the garden, but also saturate the air with their flavors.