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How to properly grow fragrant dracaena at home. Fragrant dracaena: features of a houseplant. Video for caring for Dracena Fragrans at home

Fragrant dracaena is one of the brightest representatives of the Agavov family. Thanks to an old legend in the countries South America Dracaena is called the “tree of happiness”. It is believed that it is Dracaena who is a tree with positive energy. This kind has long, wide, dark green leaves from 30 cm long with light veins along the entire leaf. The most popular type is Massadjena.

Fragrant dracaena, even alone, is able to decorate any interior of the house.

Fragrant dracaena (Massadzena). Care.

  • Like many members of the Dracaena family, Massadjena does not tolerate waterlogging. The plant needs to be watered rarely, but abundantly. If you water Dracena more often than necessary, then root rot is inevitable. In the future, rot will go along the trunk. First, it will affect the leaves of the plant - spots will appear, then the leaves will begin to die off and crumble. In watering you need to find so to speak the golden mean, do not allow the soil to dry out completely, but also prevent waterlogging. Water the fragrant Dracaena correctly once or twice a month in winter period and a little more often (once every one and a half weeks) in the warm season, but water so that the entire lump is evenly saturated with water, and excess moisture comes out of the drainage holes, then drain the remaining water from the saucer. Water for irrigation should be used soft, settled, and only room temperature.
  • Since the fragrant Dracaena is rather bulky, it is better to transplant it into a heavy ceramic pot, the walls inside the pot should not be glazed. The flowerpot can be chosen low, but stable. Transplant the plant no more than once every 3 years, preferably in spring, in a specially designed soil for Dracen or in another heavy soil.
  • Dracaena loves bright enough lighting, but it must be shaded from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves of the plant will get burned and the appearance will lose its decorative effect and attractiveness. If it does not have enough lighting, you will notice it from the state of the leaves: the leaves from a dark green color will turn into dark green without veins and will lose their "zest". In this case, Dracena needs to be rearranged closer to the window or provide additional artificial lighting.
  • These plants do not tolerate dry air well. The first sign of a lack of moist air is dry leaf tips. The situation can be corrected by using a humidifier or spraying the plant with warm soft water from a spray bottle in the morning and evening. Never do this during the day, because even small droplets of water can act as a "lens effect" and the leaves will get burned. Fragrant dracaena reacts very well to warm shower... From time to time in the warm season, you can arrange a shower for her, having previously covered the land lump with a package. After the shower, your plant will look much fresher.
  • Most Dracen prefer a cool wintering t + 15C (not lower than + 12C) at night and in the spring-summer period the optimal daytime temperature is + 25C, but they can withstand high temperatures up to + 30C.
  • It is recommended to feed the plant all year round, in the summer - once every 2 weeks with complex fertilizers, in the winter - once a month.

Although the encyclopedia contains information that this plant blooms extremely rarely at home, I was able to make the above-described type of Dracaena bloom. Dracaena's aroma is intense, fragrant and quite pleasant.

One of the exotic indoor plants is the fragrant dracaena, in Latin it sounds like (Dracaena Fragrans). The homeland of this miniature tree is Central Africa; in wildlife, the dracaena can reach 6-7 m in height. Outwardly, the plant is very reminiscent of a palm tree, it has a straight tree trunk, and its top is densely decorated with large leaves falling down.

Dracaena leaves are massive and long, have juicy colors and an almost waxy sheen, bend in a neat arc. The decorative appearance differs from its "wild" progenitor only in its miniature size. Under the most comfortable conditions and proper care Dracaena frangrans can reach a height of 1-1.5 m. There are several varieties of this species, their main difference is the color of the foliage.

Combined tones are most common. Dark green leaves have a light green, almost light green line in the center along the entire plate. Also juicy green leaf can be decorated with an almost beige stripe. This plant has become very popular, as it is not capricious and easy to care for. It can be kept in the office, in winter garden, in the apartment. The people gave this plant the name "tree of happiness", it is often given to loved ones as a sign of their good disposition and with best wishes.

It is worth taking into account its main feature - fragrant dracaena is called because of the delicate and pleasant aroma that comes from the flowers of the tree. This plant rarely blooms, the buds resemble small balls, which are fastened together in one inflorescence. Select a variety fragrant dracaena sometimes it is not easy, since there are quite a large number of them.

Existing varieties

The variegated dracaena has a wide variety of varieties, the most common among them are the following:

  1. 1 "Compact". A tree with juicy monochromatic leaves. In height, it can reach impressive sizes. In turn, it has several subspecies, which differ in the color of the leaves, most often they are decorated with yellow or almost white stripes. This variety is considered hardy, as it can grow well even in poorly lit rooms.
  2. 2 "Massangeana". A striking representative of the agar family. It grows in large flowerpots, several trees at once, in appearance they resemble palm thickets. In height, this variety can reach up to 2 m. The leaves are large, up to 60 cm in length and 10-15 cm in width. They are painted dark green, have a yellow stripe in the center and small light lines along the edges.
  3. 3 "Lindeni". This fragrant dracaena loves diffused lighting and moderate humidity. Its leaves are decorated with white and yellow small stripes. In height, just like other varieties, it can reach 1.5 m.
  4. 4 "Victoria". In appearance, it practically does not differ from its congeners, with the exception of stripes along the leaf. They are wider than usual and have an almost golden color. Leaves can reach 30-45 cm in length.
  5. 5 "Lemon lime". The main difference is the color of the foliage, it is decorated with lines of light yellow or lemon color... During flowering, this variety exudes a subtle aroma that attracts many insects.

This is perhaps the most popular varieties palm trees among the indoor representatives of the agar family. Some of them have their own characteristics in care and requirements for growing, but the bulk grows well even if general rules content.

Care and cultivation

Dracaena fragrance is considered a non-capricious plant, its care requirements are quite simple and within the power of beginners. But still, even such a hardy plant has basic requirements in creating conditions for active growth. Behind dracaena fragrant care at home can be safely reduced to several main points.

Lighting for this tree should be diffused, without direct sunlight. Some species thrive even in partial shade, but not all. In the summertime, trees of happiness should be taken out on Fresh air and create partial shade for them. On balconies and loggias, care should be taken that flowers do not stand in direct sunlight. V winter time if possible it is worth using artificial lighting created with fluorescent lamps.

Humidity in a room with plants belonging to the agar family should be medium, approximately 45-55%. In hot weather, the foliage should be irrigated with water and wipe off excess moisture with a soft flannel cloth. Many flower lovers use humidifiers, these devices help to easily maintain the necessary conditions in the room. In winter, the humidity in the room is slightly lowered and irrigation is carried out once a week.

The temperature regime for flowers should be kept at +18 ... + 25 ° С. Representatives of variegated varieties prefer this regime. all year round... If a heater is used for this, then the room should be monitored for humidity. The tree should not be placed close to radiators and other heaters. For other varieties in winter months the temperature is lowered to +15 ... + 18 ° С.

It is worth watering the African beauty regularly, she loves well-moistened soil. During the waking period, watering is carried out abundantly, the main indicator is the condition of the soil. If upper layer the soil in the pot is dry, then you need to urgently moisten the plant. It must not be allowed to form crusts and cracks on the top layer of the soil. Loosening of the soil should be done regularly, this will regulate the moisture content of the earth, have a beneficial effect on root system and facilitate the penetration of oxygen into the soil. Water for irrigation must be settled or boiled, it must be at room temperature. Accordingly, only settled water is used for irrigation.

Top dressing of the tree is also carried out regularly according to the following scheme: 2 times a month the fragrant dracaena needs fertilization. To do this, use special drugs that can be purchased in specialized stores. They should be intended for palm crops. Top dressing is carried out from May to September, and during the rest of the year it should be reduced to 1 time per month.

Tree pruning

Tree pruning is performed already when the plant is mature and needs rejuvenation. For this, young shoots, consisting of 6-8 leaves, are cut from the top. The bare trunk is wrapped in polyethylene and creates a greenhouse atmosphere. After about 30-35 days, young buds may appear on the trunk. The plant is opened and special fertilizers are applied. It is better to use complex preparations that will help to activate the growth of young shoots.

In addition to rejuvenation by pruning, you can shape a tree, namely, create several trunks on one bush. To do this, cut the top below the leaves by about 10 cm.During this period, it is better not to touch the plant and reduce watering. As soon as young buds appear, it can be increased. Young shoots can be from 2 to 8 pieces, they are cut off and planted next to the main trunk when they reach 5-7 cm in length. Thus, a multi-barreled dracaena is formed.

Fragrant dracaena requires careful and competent care, but if you know all the basic requirements, then these worries will not be a burden and seem rather easy.

Breeding technique

Reproduction takes place by cuttings. Bare tops remain during trimming. These parts of the plant can be great for breeding. This cutting must be placed in water with crushed charcoal. Many experts believe that it is better to immediately plant the young material in a container with a substrate consisting of sand, peat and sphagnum in equal parts, but before manipulation, it is worth drying. It happens as follows: the stalk is placed in an empty glass container for a couple of days so that all the moisture is glass. The container can be placed in a mini-greenhouse or covered with thick plastic, in such conditions the cutting can take root in a month. The greenhouse must be aired daily, for this it is opened for 20-30 minutes. In dracaena fragrant reproduction is preferable to carry out in early spring or at the end of the summer season.

In general, it is not at all difficult to grow this beautiful tree of happiness on your own. With proper observance and fulfillment of the requirements in the content, it can decorate the house for many years.

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Growing dracaena fragrance at home

It is decorative and unpretentious plant enjoys a well-deserved popularity among fans of indoor floriculture. Dracaena fragrans is a slow-growing, multi-stemmed shrub with a narrow crown and narrow long leaves. There are 40 species of dracaena in the genus. Dracaena fragrance is translated as "fragrant dracaena". She is the most beautiful and most suitable for growing in indoor culture.

Dracaena fragrance is a slow-growing shrub with a narrow crown and long leaves.

Free life

In nature, the fragrant dracaena grows up to 15 meters high, but you should not be afraid of the ceilings in the apartment - your maximum dracaena will grow up to 2 meters. At the beginning of the formation, the plant is single-stemmed, but as it grows on the trunk, leaves fall off, leaving buds, from which further branching of the trunk is formed. Fragrant dracaena has glossy dark green leaves of a dense structure, with a yellow-cream or bright yellow stripe in the middle.

Dracaena fragrant blooms with small fragrant flowers, but at home it is a rarity.

Fragrant dracaena is named because in nature it blooms with small fragrant flowers. V indoor conditions flowering occurs very rarely. But even without dracaena flowers, fragrance is decorative, therefore it is widely used not only in indoor floriculture, but also in phytodesign, when creating stylish interiors.
Dracaena is a native of the tropics, her "home" is East Africa.

In their African homeland, Dracaena is called the "tree of happiness." There is a legend that in ancient times a simple warrior of a local tribe fell in love with the daughter of the chief priest. The priest did not really want to see a simple warrior as his son-in-law, stuck a stick into the ground and ordered the groom to water it until he turned green. The deadline for "reviving" the stick was given 5 days. In case of failure, the warrior faced death. However, the stick, which turned out to be part of the dracaena trunk, released the leaves after 5 days. Either love helped the young man, or a chance, but local residents still believe that a dracaena stalk, cut and rooted at the full moon, brings good luck in love.

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Growing dracaena fragrance

Despite its tropical origin, the plant takes root easily in apartment conditions. He needs minimal home care. The plant cleans the air well from harmful formaldehydes and ammonia vapors.

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Temperature and lighting

As already noted, fragrant dracaena grows slowly. The plant is hardy, quite resistant to temperature changes. For a successful vegetation, a temperature in the range of + 19 ... +24 ° С in summer and at least +14 ° С in winter is required.

The temperature regime is very important for the successful vegetation of the plant.

Dracaena fragrance loves light, so the room where it grows should be good lighting... Variegated specimens need a lot of light. Direct rays are not useful for the plant, the light should be soft, diffused. Sills of western or eastern windows are best suited. Dracaena can react to insufficient lighting by dropping leaves.

Also, a spectacular tropical guest needs space and fresh air. In summer, it is recommended to take fragrant dracaena to the balcony, patio or garden, shading it from the direct sun at midday. The plant does not like drafts - the reaction to them is the same as to insufficient lighting - a sharp drop of leaves.

In general, fragrance sheds dracaena leaves due to its growth and development. If this happens rarely, don't worry. But if the leaf fall is abundant, and the leaves are damaged (turn yellow, dry, become stained), it is necessary to reconsider the care at home and take measures.

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Pest control, watering

Dracaena fragrance is not the most painful plant, but it can suffer from pests, the most dangerous of which are scale insects, worms, spider mite... To prevent the appearance of pests, keep the plant clean - "bathe" in the shower, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Dracaena loves humid air, so it is recommended to spray it regularly.

In case of mass infestation by pests, the use of insecticides is permissible according to the instructions. After processing, the plant must be isolated from other indoor flowers for two weeks.

Dracaena prefers humid air. She can tolerate a short drought, but it is better not to experiment, and in winter and summer, constantly spray the plant and give him a weekly shower. Have you already guessed how the dracaena will react to dry air? That's right, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. If spraying is not enough, place the plant in a tray with moistened claydite.

Watering the dracaena fragrance must be done carefully. This plant should never be flooded.

The topsoil should dry out by 3 centimeters in summer and almost to the bottom of the pot in winter. Only then can watering be carried out. The plant pot should have large drainage holes so that excess moisture can drain away and not stagnate at the roots. Every two weeks it is necessary to loosen the topsoil, remove it and add fresh soil. It is also not worth overdrying the plant, it is especially dangerous in winter, during the period of operation of central heating.

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Top dressing and transplanting

It is necessary to feed the plant starting in March, every 2 weeks.

Fragrant dracaena does not have a pronounced dormant period, so you can feed it throughout the year. In autumn and winter, it is enough to apply fertilizer once a month in a half dose. Starting in March, feeding is carried out every 14 days. Top dressing is applied after watering when the soil is wet. It is enough to use one complex fertilizer intended for dracaena and palms.

Due to the slow growth, the need for a dracaena transplant is infrequent. A young plant is transplanted every two years into a container 2 centimeters larger than the previous one in diameter. Adult plants can be disturbed by transplants every four years. It is better to transplant in the spring.

Dracaena needs loose and permeable soil. Purchased soil is ideal for dracaena and palms. For aeration and protection against bacteria can be added to the finished substrate, crushed charcoal, sand, vermiculite.

The most popular type of dracaena is fragrant dracaena. This is a very beautiful indoor plant, which is purchased not only for keeping in an apartment, but also for growing in offices. It is quite unpretentious.

Subject to all conditions of detention, it grows well in any premises.

In the article you will learn everything about caring for fragrant dracaena at home.

Dracaena appearance and varieties

Fragrant dracaena - ornamental plant, which, depending on the variety, has a height of 30 cm to 2 m. It has a shape similar to a palm tree, and its leaves can reach 30 cm in length. Dracaena blooms indoors very rarely.

When flowering, the dracaena, fragrant at home, throws out a brush with many fragrant flowers. From a large number The most popular varieties of dracaena are "Massangeana", "Compact", "Victoria", "Lindeni", "Lemon Lime", "Suprise".

  • Dracaena varieties are popular in indoor floriculture!

    « Massangeana»Has a wide stripe yellow color in the center of the sheet. Grows up to 1.5 m;
  • « Compact" - very undersized variety... Grows up to 50 cm in height. Leaves - dark green collected in a bundle;
  • « Victoria"- decorative variegated variety with wide golden stripes on the leaves;
  • « Lindeny»Has an interesting leaf pattern. The leaf has a dark green center, thin white and wide yellowish stripes on the sides;
  • « Lemon Lime»Has tricolor leaves with dark green, white and bright green stripes. Bright green predominates;
  • « Suprise"- a bushy variety with wide bicolor leaves growing in the form of a rosette.

Planting and transplanting a plant

Dracaena cuttings with roots are planted in the soil of the following composition: peat, humus, leaf land, sod land in equal proportions. You can add sand or perlite to the soil for loosening.

The pot must be chosen not too spacious
so that there is no space left in it that has not been mastered by the roots of the plant. The material of the pot does not matter. Dracaena grows well in pots of any material.

A drainage layer is poured at the bottom of the pot, through which water will leave. Drain hole close with a shard. The roots of the plant are spread in a pot and covered with earth. The earth is slightly compacted, the plant is watered.

Dracaena is transplanted every 2 years... Old plants can be used every 4-5 years. For transplanting, you need to purchase a pot that would be 3-4 cm wider than the previous one.

Caring for fragrant dracaena

Dracaena - heat-loving plant... In summer, it must be kept at a temperature of 22-24 ° C. The plant does not tolerate higher temperatures. In winter, the room temperature can be reduced to 15 ° C. In such conditions, the plant hibernates and rests.

Intense lighting is necessary for the development of dracaena... But straight Sun rays should not fall on its leaves, so as not to cause burns. Good is necessary for the plant in winter. Variegated varieties are greatly affected by the lack of light, which can even lose color and become completely green.

Dracaena likes moderate watering... Stagnant water in a pot is destructive for him. In the summer, you need to water the dracaena 2 times a week, and in the winter - 1 time a week. Every time you need to water abundantly, but excess water should go out into the pallet.

Dracaena is fed in spring and summer during the growing season. For this, liquid mineral fertilizers... They must be diluted with water according to the instructions and applied to moist soil a few hours after watering.

Dracaena reproduction

The plant is vegetative. Apical cuttings are used for growing young plants. After cutting, the apex must be dried within 24 hours. Then it is planted in the soil for dracaena or in a mixture of sand and peat in equal parts. Cover the handle glass jar to create a stable humidity.

Dracaena reproduces easily at home!

The temperature for rooting cuttings should be around 25 ° C... Usually the tops take root and begin to grow after 3-4 weeks. Thereafter, they are opened and cared for in the usual way.

Dracaena can also be propagated by seeds. To do this, in spring, seeds are soaked for 24 hours in a warm solution of a growth stimulant, and then sown in soil for palm trees. The container is covered with polyethylene and kept in a warm place. It is ventilated from time to time, the soil is moistened as needed.

After 1-2 months, the seeds should germinate. They are kept in a warm, humid place, protected from the bright sun. Upon reaching 4-6 cm, they dive into small individual pots.

Plant pruning

The optimal time for pruning fragrant dracaena is spring or summer - a period of active growth and development of stems and leaves. Removing old shoots for a plant is a lot of stress, so it is important to carry out the procedure carefully and correctly. You cannot cut a sick or weak flower, since in this case stress can provoke the death of the plant.

This article is often read:

In what cases is fragrant dracaena pruning carried out:

  • If the height of the plant exceeds the space allotted to it or does not fit at all in the room;
  • If some shoots are infected with a disease or infection, pruning is necessary so that the entire flower does not die;
  • If the plant has lost its decorative appearance. New shoots formed after pruning will return their former "splendor" and beauty.

You will need a sharp, sanitized knife or pruning shears to trim. The top of the shoot is cut with 5-7 leaves. If she is healthy, then it is perfect for breeding dracaena.

The cut site is processed with molten paraffin or crushed activated carbon, diluted with warm water to a mushy consistency.

The remaining trunk is covered with a clean bag and secured with an elastic band or rope. Such a "greenhouse" will accelerate the emergence of young shoots. The plant is then removed away from the scorching rays of the sun and drafts and kept warm, at a temperature of about 25 degrees. Twice a day the bag is opened slightly and the plant is sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.

Within a month, thickenings should appear under the cut, from which new shoots begin to appear. After that, the polyethylene is removed.

Care problems

Problems with fragrant dracaena can occur as a result of improper care. However, with a little time and attention and creating favorable conditions content, you can restore the health and beauty of the flower.

So what difficulties can arise and what are their causes?

Care features

Fragrant dracaena does not apply to indoor plants that are too demanding to care for. However, in order for her to be comfortable and to please the eye with her beautiful decorative view, you still need to know and observe some subtleties of caring for her:

Diseases and pests

With constant waterlogging of the soil, dracaena can get sick with root rot. If its leaves turn yellow and wither, it is necessary to examine the root of the plant. After removing all rotten roots, it is advisable to transplant the dracaena into fresh soil.

Dracaena: scale insect, mealybug, spider mites and aphids. If these insects are found on a flower, you need to destroy them with special preparations - insecticides.

With proper care, the fragrant dracaena practically does not get sick. Infection with diseases and pests occurs, as a rule, when the conditions of detention are not observed.

If the processes of decay have spread very widely, most likely it will no longer be possible to save the dracaena. In this case, it is recommended to cut off healthy cuttings - the tops of the shoots, root them, and grow a new plant.

If there are not very many pests, you can try to get rid of them by treating the plant with soapy water 2-3 times, at intervals of 5-7 days. If this measure did not help, you will have to use insecticides, for example, Actellik, Nurell-D, Fitoverm.

Fragrant dracaena is a shrub plant with a pleasant, pronounced aroma. Due to its evergreen foliage, this plant cleans the air well. Peduncles grow 1 meter long, and flowers bloom at their ends. Inflorescences can be of two shades: white and light green, but indoor bushes do not bloom often... The leaves are colored green with light green or yellow veins. If you grow a bush in a room, then in total its height is up to 2 meters.

The genus Dracaena has about 40 species. The most common among them:

  • Surprise;
  • Fragrant also known as Dracaena Fragrans;
  • Canary, it is also called the Dragon tree.

Surprise ( Surprise)

The most striking and unusual variety. It is a dwarf plant with a height of only 20-40 cm, including the crown of the bush, and combines two shades of green, as well as pure white. Surprise leaves are elliptical in shape with elongated, slightly curled ends.

Fragrant or Fragrans (Fragrans)

At home, the height of Fragrans is limited to one or two meters, while in its natural habitat it can reach 6 meters. The leaves are glossy with an arcuate curved shape and have a variety of stripes in color.

Canary ( Dracaena draco)

Dragon tree indoors does not grow higher than one and a half meters, the leaves are long xiphoid and connected in bunches.

Flowering plant

It blooms very rarely at home, but in the presence of a special climate, it can still delight gardeners with fragrant flowers... They open during the night, spreading a strong aroma, and in the daytime they are closed, and the smell is practically not felt.

Tree of happiness

The common people call the dracaena "the tree of happiness", which is not surprising, because this plant has a very romantic legend. To marry the daughter of a priest, an Aztec warrior had to grow a flower from a stick in five days... Otherwise, he will go to the sacrificial fire. But love was so strong that a leaf nevertheless grew on a stick and saved the warrior from inevitable death. This was dracaena, which is commonly called the "tree of happiness."


The birthplace of a tree is the tropics, therefore, it should have appropriate lighting. Windows facing east and south - the most favorable location for a flower... But even in a darkened place, the bush will continue to grow. The main thing is to prevent drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

The optimum temperature in the summer season: no more than +30, in the winter - no lower than +10.

The choice of a flower pot is important, but not the most problematic. Many people think that it is better to take a ceramic pot, but this is not entirely true. Ceramics are superior to plastic only if there are no drainage holes in the plastic vessels.

But glazed ceramics should be avoided, as such a pot loses all drainage characteristics ... The diameter of the pot should be slightly larger than the root system, and the depth should be about 1.5 - 2 diameters.

The main requirement for a flower pot is a good drainage system.

Watering is not very whimsical, it is enough to water twice a week in summer, and once a week in winter... But it is advised to regularly moisten the leaves from a spray bottle with filtered water, thereby creating a kind of water mist. It is important to ensure that no water remains on the leaves for a long time. If moisture stagnates, it may die.

High-quality soil is a guarantee good development... That's why soil mixture for fragrant dracaena should consist of three types of soil: compost, deciduous and soddy. Also, the pot should contain clean coarse sand and peat. By combining all these components in the same ratio, an ideal soil is obtained.

To prevent root diseases, charcoal is added to the pots.

To feed the flower, use special purchased fertilizers for palm bushes or dracaena. From March to September inclusive, the flower is fertilized twice a month... At other times - no more than once a month and half the dose.

Very often, a multi-stem tree is formed from a single-stemmed tree. Such manipulations are best carried out in summer or spring, when the plant is actively growing and developing. The top of the bush is carefully cut with a knife or garden pruner 15 cm below the foliage... The resulting stump is sprinkled with ground activated carbon and transferred to a warm, dark place. After removing the foliage, dracaena weakly absorbs moisture, so it often does not need to be watered. New shoots will sprout after a month.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease is hypothermia, which most often occurs in winter season... If the flower stands near a window or in a draft, then there is a risk of hypothermia of the root system and the flower itself. In this case, the tree may die. When dracaena leaves begin to turn yellow, and their edges acquire brown tint- this is the first sign of the disease. Further, the leaves begin to curl and fall off. The next stage will be root and stem rot.

For the treatment of the initial stage (yellowing of the foliage), it will be enough to move the plant to a warmer place, and after the yellow leaves have dried, they need to be cut off. Watering should be done carefully and sprayed occasionally. And here if the trunk becomes soft- this means that the dracaena began to rot. In this case, in order to save the tree, it is necessary to act quickly. With a disinfected knife, you need to cut off all rotting areas, even if a stump remains from the whole plant (with the arrival of spring, it will start up new shoots).

If the foliage begins to fall- this means that there is damage in the root system. In this case, you need to transplant the plant, after carefully checking the roots and, if necessary, let them dry.

The appearance of yellow spots on the leaves and their drying indicates an insufficient amount of water during irrigation and too dry air. In this case, it is necessary to water the plant more intensively, as well as spray the foliage.

Like any plant, dracaena also can be affected by pests... These include thrips, aphids, spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs. It is worth fighting these pests with the help of specialized insecticides, which must be selected in strict accordance with the pest that has hit the plant.

When using insecticides and pesticides for pest control, you should consult with a specialist florist about the choice and use of the drug so as not to harm the plant.

Reproduction at home

There are three breeding methods for dracaena:


This method only applicable for dracaena with completely green leaves. Seeds, before planting in the soil, should be soaked in Zircon solution for 24 hours to stimulate germination. It is important to strictly adhere to the required temperature. The air must always be warmed up by at least 30 degrees Celsius... After a day, the seeds are planted in special soil, and the container is covered with cling film. The seeds will begin to germinate in one to two months. The sprouts need to be fed once a month, and when they reach a height of 5 cm, transplant them into a permanent pot.

By cuttings


This method involves cutting off a young, healthy stem. After that, it must be carefully cut into pieces up to 5 cm long. Make an incision in the bark on the pieces of the stem and stick into the soil... Covering the flower with a jar or plastic bottle you can make a greenhouse. Keep sprouts in a warm place. The first shoots begin to germinate after a month and a half. They must be periodically sprayed with filtered water from a spray bottle.

Layering from the top of the plant

The cut off top of the dracaena is placed in a container with water, in which an activated carbon tablet is dissolved. This method will be the slowest, since the plant will take root no earlier than three months later.... After that, the cutting must be planted in the ground. You can also cover the pot with a jar to create the effect of a greenhouse, which will allow the dracaena to take root better.

Flower transplant

When buying a dracaena, you should carefully examine it. If the flower is young, then it can be transplanted into a new pot, but if the tree is already quite large, then the transplant should be postponed until spring. It is also worth asking the seller where the dracaena was brought from. Because a special substrate is used to transport plants over long distances, and in this case it is worth replanting the plant right away.

Specially to buy large pots "for growth" is not worth it. This will lead to stagnation of moisture in the soil, which negatively affects the plant. The best choice there will be flower pots, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than that of the current one.

The soil also needs to be selected special. He is a mixture of four components that you can easily make yourself, namely: two parts turf land, one part of leaf, one part of compost soil and half of peat soil.

The transplant process itself should be performed in the following order:

  1. New floral process the pot with hot water;
  2. The bottom of the pot fill up with drainage;
  3. Gently remove the plant from the old pot, carefully check roots(if rotten roots are found, remove them) and spray them with a spray bottle;
  4. Place the plant in a new container gradually falling asleep soil mix(closely monitor the filling of voids with soil);
  5. After transplant pour water with the addition of Zircon fertilizer (subsequently, the plant should be fertilized no more than once every two weeks).

In general, dracaena is a beautiful, perennial, evergreen, which pleases the eye with juicy colors. In leaving, this plant is not picky, but with the onset of cold weather it is worth making sure that the flowerpot does not stand in a draft and does not freeze. The plant does not cause difficulties in transplantation and reproduction. But in order for the dracaena to start blooming, you will have to make a lot of efforts.