Repairs Design Furniture

Beautiful project of a single-storey house with a winter garden. We offer projects of houses with a winter garden in your own home. Which side is placed winter garden

With gratitude to the whole team of the company "Arch"! After making the decision to build a house, the construction company was not chosen for a long time, immediately appealed to the "architect" (25 years on the market !!!). In the choice of the project, the manager of Salikov Andrei, who patiently, scrupulously accounted for all our wishes, competently explained the technical features of construction, proposed additional services (including our budget). I instilled in us the hope that everything will be fine. (In the future, at all stages of construction, he kept "hand on the pulse"). Conducted a COMPA Agreement No. R0104840-IC in November 2017. Construction planned at the end of April. Paul a year was worried that and how would it be. As later, the unrest was in vain, construction began a day per day as under the contract. Tedted, stages, material (all excellent quality!). I would like to celebrate all the professionalism of the professionalism and knowledge of their work. These are fundamentals: Programmer Alexey, Brigadier Artem. Carpenters: Nikolai Budrors, Brigadier Scriabin Ivan (Special thanks for prof. Mastery and organizational abilities), Sergey Oleg, Alexey. The house was built a week a week. Beautiful, big light, warm, cozy. How dreamed! From the whole family with respect! Alexander, Lyudmila.

We have long watched projects of houses for yourself, and there was no clarity for a long time. Missed between a house of aerated concrete, frame and even brick. But we obviously did not pull the last option, and indeed with money now everything is more complicated. So we decided to stop on the skeleton cottage, especially now these in my opinion are increasingly starting to build. Specifically, our house is called Karelia-2, and we immediately liked the good layout. Plus there are erkers, a balcony - and all this is not only beauty gives, but also convenient in practice. In addition, if it is necessary, then it will be easy to attach something else to the house. The skeleton is allowed with minimal effort. Immediately with the managers discussed the nuances of the order. For example, he advised to additionally strengthen the foundation due to complex soils and insulate additionally floors. So we actually did. The cost of course grown, but in the scheduled 2 million we easily fit. But the construction itself passed without unnecessary red tape. Periodically came to watch work, but without it everything went fine. Passed our house on time, at the same time they signed all the necessary documents

Good day! I would like to express org thanks to a brigade that built us Cottage Karelia-2BK (glued bar). - Sarenkov Ivan Alekseevich - Sarenkov Vasily Alekseevich - Losev Alexander Vladimirovich That's certainly you can say the masters of your business! First, all the work is done on time and most importantly qualitatively! Secondly, all the questions that arose in the construction process were solved and coordinated competently and quickly! They built very neatly, there were no garbage and litter in the site. Thank you very much for competent explanations and recommendations in the construction process. And in general, the whole team is simply very good, good, conscientious and decent people! Even during the construction site, it was nice to come! I wish everyone to build such professionals !!! THANK YOU! With respect, Andrei Nikolaevich

Thanks to the "canned" under the glass cap, it became possible, regardless of the season, enjoy the juicy greens of miniature trees and the fragrance of paradise colors.

Winter garden in a private house, cottage or dacha looks like a beautiful toy, a pleasant vacation spot, an object that emphasizes the owners status. In practice, this is a serious engineering solution that requires the observance of the nuances of preclusted training, design and construction, and also needs constant care and protection.

The principle of the Winter Garden's device is simultaneously simple and complicated, it all depends on the selected design, the framework of the frame, the method of glazing and other factors.

What is the difference between the winter garden of the house from a greenhouse or greenhouse?

When we talk about the winter garden, then, first of all, we mean the intermediate zone between the residential premises and the natural environment. Whereas the greenhouse (more simplified version - greenhouses) is focused mainly on growing plants in special conditions. As a rule, the greenhouse is placed separately from the house - in the garden or.

Like a greenhouse, a winter garden is designed to protect plants and flowers from freezing in autumn and winter. But the greenhouse is directed mainly to growing certain varieties (for example, oranges, palm trees), with maintaining special climatic conditions in which the normal person is constantly physically difficult. Whereas in the winter garden, a rationally selected microclimate affects the well-being of people, and the cultivation of plants with a complex (and not very) "character".

Construction of the Winter Garden do it yourself

A professionally equipped area of \u200b\u200bcomfort and recreation, among the flawless forms of internal landscaping, will not even part with the summer even when everything around will be covered with snow. You can choose a rational project and build a winter garden with your own hands, but this in any case will require the owners of apartments and country houses of certain monetary, and temporary costs. Using specialists' councils and observing the required conditions, really significantly save costs.

Which side is placed winter garden

  • East. The best choice, since the translucent design, oriented to the East, will not overheat;

  • West. The advantage of such an orientation can be called the ability to hold heat accumulated per day for a day. However, in the summer time, this advantage is very doubtful;

  • South. This side of the house is the least suitable for the arrangement of the winter garden. Because the plants will overheat, and this will increase the cost of ventilation and watering. Although on the other hand, in the winter season, just in the garden, located warmth, located on the south side;

  • North. Such gardens are badly accumulated heat and quickly give it. If the choice fell on this side of the world - you should take care of the good heating of the winter garden.

Winter Garden Designs - Types, Types and Projects

Regardless of the location of the garden, the design system must be translucent, illuminated, essential, beautiful, and also quite reliable and resistant to all sorts of atmospheric (overheating and cooling) and mechanical phenomena.

The design of the winter garden can be:

  • adjacent to the house;
  • separately standing.

A one or another will make its own adjustments to the arrangement of various providing systems.

The scheme presents the ways of constructive implementation of the shape of the winter garden.

Rectangular translucent design in the form of an extension of a winter garden to the house. Universal version and the most common shape of a skeleton with a single-sided roof.

Winter garden attached to the corner from the outside of the house. The design with the combined roof is four-beam and double. Winter garden attached to the inner corner of the house, the so-called "quarterpoint". An extension of the winter garden from the inside of the angle. Rectangular design with a single roof and an extended roofing part

Winter Garden Frame Configuration, Drawings are shown in the picture.

Heating of the Winter Garden

Winter garden hidden behind glasses or polycarbonate is able to accumulate a significant amount of heat. Its quantities will be enough in the warm season. But in order to protect the thermal-loving plants in the cold, you need to consider an effective heating system.

Several types of heating can be distinguished and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as features of installation and operation. The main requirements for the heating system: low cost and optimal heat distribution.

What affects the choice of heating system:

  1. the dimensions of the winter garden than it is more, the more heat it is necessary for heating;
  2. plant species. Tropical plants develop well at a temperature of more than 20 o C;
  3. frequency of use of the winter garden. If frost-resistant plants grow in such a garden, and you are in the garden only on occasion to occasion - it is enough to turn on the heater. But if you use the garden as a continuation of the house - then the heating system is simply necessary.

Types of winter garden heating systems

1. Electrical heaters

  • the ability to change the place of installation of the heater depending on the needs;
  • provides an opportunity to quickly adjust the amount of heat that comes;
  • easy installation.
  • expensive pleasure in terms of payment of electricity, if you apply it to constantly and damn a significant area;
  • electric heaters dried air, which negatively affects the "well-being" of plants.

2. Air conditioners (split systems) or UFO

  • allow you to adjust the temperature;
  • do not overcame air.
  • High cost of equipment and payment of electricity.

3. Water (steam) heating

Connecting radiators of winter garden heating to the central system.


  • a constant temperature is maintained;
  • relatively low cost of heat obtained;
  • there is no temperature difference between the garden and the adjoining rooms at home. Such a garden can be used as a dining room or a rest.


  • we need skills and a special tool for embedding in the heating system.

4. Chimney heating

  • the ability to use inexpensive firewood and coal;
  • creates a specific flavor.
  • the temperature is distributed uneven - plants can overheat;
  • requires constant attention;
  • high fire hazard.

5. Air heating

The principle of the device is to install the fan in the window reported with the garden garden. Warm air is distilled from heated room in the garden. Another way: in a housekeeping attached to the winter garden, an air heater and air is supplied by air ducts in the winter garden.

  • the relatively low cost of arrangement.
  • additional Winter Garden Warming Requires
  • requires the purchase of an air heater and air ducts;
  • takes a lot of space;
  • spoils the appearance of the garden;
  • overweight air.

6. Electric heating on the principle of "warm floor"


  • the cable heats the ground, which allows the roots to get enough heat;
  • a great heat distribution is achieved;
  • a warm floor system mounted along the walls allows you to fight the roof icing from glass or polycarbonate;
  • allows heating in pipes water intended for watering.


  • high costs for the construction of a system of warm water floors;
  • the system is set until the operation of the winter garden;
  • problem work is problematic.

Create an optimal heating system can be combined with a combination of several of their species. At the same time, consider that the type of heating system directly affects the choice of air ventilation method in the winter garden.

Ventilation of the winter garden

Let's notify immediately that the cooling system and the winter garden ventilation system are different things. The air cooled with an air conditioner creates a comfortable environment for short-term residence of a person. However, plants that are in the garden constantly require that the influx of fresh air is carried out on an ongoing basis. After all, air conditioning does not contribute to saturation of air with oxygen.

In a separate, adjacent (extension) to a house or equipped with a winter garden equipped on a balcony, two ventilation systems can be used. Material prepared for site site

Natural ventilation

It provides for the arrangement of the vents or fraamug. The total area of \u200b\u200bglass doors in the window (Framuga, Forms) should take at least a quarter of the entire garden wall area. Only thus you can achieve the required level of oxygen intake. Footings can be opened / closed manually, and you can equip automatics.

Natural ventilation also includes the arrangement of the supply and exhaust ventilation. In this case, at the bottom, on the perimeter of the wall, the holes are provided for the inflow of fresh air, and in its upper part or on the roof - the windows for outflows. If windshk glazed windows are used as a glazing of the winter garden, then a good option is a trimming valve for plastic windows.


  • does not create noise when working;
  • does not create drafts.


  • there must be a temperature difference;
  • window sash create interference for external and / or internal shading, and also occupy an internal volume (if they are not implemented by a sliding principle);
  • there is a possibility of damage to the windows of windows under the influence of wind load;
  • it is necessary to provide for mosquito nets to protect the garden from insects.

Mechanical ventilation

The influx of air is carried out through the vents, but the outflow is through various fans.


  • the possibility of air exchange in the absence or, on the contrary, with strong wind;
  • does not interfere with shading;
  • reduces the risk of penetration inside intruders through open windows.


  • creates noise whose level depends on the power of the fans;
  • consumes a lot of electricity;
  • needs maintenance;
  • not always harmoniously fits into the interior of the Winter Garden.

Plants in the winter garden in the winter and cloudy season are lack of lighting, which negatively affects their growth. Therefore, it is important to ensure an acceptable level of additional lighting.

Lamps for the Winter Garden - the choice affects the growth of plants:

  1. incandescent lamps are not suitable because their spectrum does not contain blue rays, without which photosynthesis does not occur. They also distinguish a lot of heat, and high plants can get an iron;

  2. fluorescent lamps. Sensitive to voltage drops, frequent switching on-shutdown greatly reduces the life of their suitability;

  3. metallogenic lamps - high pressure gas-discharge lamps. Their radiation spectrum is close to natural, but they have a small service life;

  4. high pressure sodium lamps. Their color rendition is unsatisfactory for internal use. In addition, they are very sensitive to voltage difference;

  5. phytolamby. Developed specifically for lighting plants. There are two types of them: energy-saving LED and luminescent.

For example: at 5 m.kv. Winter garden 2.5 m high need 4 metal halide lamps (40 W) or 1 sodium (250 W)

Protection of the Winter Garden from Strong Solar Radiation

Planning the garden lighting, you should consider the opposite effect from its oversupply. Summer light is too much, and to prevent the occurrence of his disastrous consequences, the garden needs to be protected. Winter garden protection events can be divided into two types:

  • internal protection - delays up to 40% of light. These are curtains, blinds from various materials. Usually used fabric, plastic, bamboo or aluminum. The latter should not be applied, because the metal quickly heats up and gives it a long time. This affects the general temperature. In addition, they are noisy and vibrated when fan operation.
  • external protection - detains 70-90% of light. These are awnings, marquises, for the production of which special tissue with reflective surface is used. External protection is preferable because the material of the walls does not heat up, and the total temperature in the garden does not rise.

Watering in the winter garden

The usual watering of plants in pots is unlikely to be effective in the winter garden, because it requires a lot of effort and time.

The construction market offers many systems of automatic irrigation, allowing to establish a mechanized watering of plants. Which, besides, can be configured to various moising modes. After all, in warm weather, the weather is increased by moisture, and in the cold, on the contrary, decreases.

Wide distribution received a drip irrigation system for greenhouses and winter gardens. In appearance, this perforated hose, through its perforation (holes) in the soil, water is dosed. Such a system is preferred in that it watering only the roots of plants and does not allow the appearance of the puddle. The advantage of an automated drip system also is that it is connected to the sensors that control the level of moisture in the ground.

It must be remembered that some types of plants need special watering - they pull water out of the air, so the air must be moisturized. For this, the fountains are equipped, which perform the moisturizing function and are element of the decor, use foggy installations or ultrasonic air humidifiers.

The watering system involves a drainage system device through which excess water will be leaving.

Electricity in the Winter Garden

In order for all the above component systems, it is important to consider the power supply method, the type of wiring, as well as the number and location of sockets and switches.

The composition of the soil (the earth for the winter garden)

For plant growth, not only the optimal microclimate in the winter garden should be ensured, but also takes care of the quality of soil and on the initial making of fertilizers and nutrients into the soil.

Plants for the Winter Garden

Choosing plants for your winter garden, in addition to your own preferences, guided by species and varieties of plants.

Plant species:

  • tropical. The optimal temperature for their growth is + 22 o C;
  • subtropical + 10 o C.

At the same time, different types of plants are not confused.

Registration and care for the winter garden

In order for the Winter Oasis of Greens to please you as long as possible, and plants and visitors felt comfortable, you need to constantly monitor the state of all systems that provide the life of the garden. As for the decorative design of the Winter Garden in different rooms at home, then everyone is guided by its vision of the beautiful. It assumes the design in certain styles (modern, classic, high-tech, country or Japanese style), from which you can choose a suitable direction.


Thus, it can be noted that the creation and full functioning of the winter garden requires considerable effort. And all engineering systems should be designed comprehensively taking into account mutual influence on each other. However, if you consider all these requirements, you can create such a winter garden with your own hands, which will embody your ideas about beauty and comfort.

Winter garden - Photo with examples for the implementation of ideas

Winter garden attached to the house is very popular. Popularity is to beauty, comfort and comfort of this extension. The basis of the winter garden is to create an atmosphere from fresh colors and plants that are grown in the house all year round. It is especially pleasant to enjoy the smell of fresh blooming colors that create a truly paradise place. Winter garden is relaxing, saturates the organism with oxygen and leads to the world of dreams. Such extensions are often popular in country houses or cottages, but there is the possibility of arrangement and apartments. What you need for the construction of such an extension, projects and features of species of winter gardens Consider more detailed.

Features of the projects of winter gardens in the house

Winter garden has a kind of transparent structure that can visually expand the boundaries of this room. The glass structure is equipped with an additional heating system in winter, ventilation and watering plants. The simplicity of the structure contributes to the arrangement of even the balcony in the urban apartment.

In a private house, you can make a winter garden on the attic or organize on a glazed and insulated veranda if the house is one-storey.

Special glass are special energy-saving double-glazed windows. They consist of two or three glasses, inside which the airbag is located, saving heat inside the attic.

Double-glazed windows are not only saved in winter, but also help in the summer. In summer, they do not allow strong heating of the room, which has a positive effect on plants and people. The sun's rays penetrating inside the glazed greenhouse contribute to the creation of a greenhouse effect. This effect is used to grow vegetation indoors.

An important point when creating a winter garden is the arrangement of its walls and sex with special materials that contribute to the accumulation of heat during the daytime and return to the night.

All information about the types of siding to cover the house, you will find.

The presence of the heating system is not a mandatory element, because the main purpose is such, is to create a microclimate and a certain temperature. If the attic is built of dual or triple glass, then often heating is not required. But, when building an extension of single glass, the presence of the system is mandatory that the flora does not extinct in winter, because some plants do not survive at temperatures below +15 degrees.

Single glass attic should be equipped with a dimmer. The dimer is designed for no admissibility of overheating of the room over +30 degrees, which will adversely affect their growth or will destroy them.

Creating sealing of the room is an important point, because the gaps can help the penetration of cold air into an extension. The presence of an automatic irrigation system is optional, but irrigating it is important to carry out almost daily. The automatic irrigation system will cause human relief. The lighting system is also necessary.

In winter, the sun does not always shine, besides the days at this time of the year are short. Therefore, it is necessary for the presence of additional lighting - artificial. These are the main features of home improvement with a winter garden. It is also important to provide for the presence of auxiliary equipment for the development of plants.

Methods of organization, constructions for greenhouses in a cottage or private house

Initially, the following points must be solved to organize the construction of an extension:

  1. Periods of operation. At what seasons this room will be used: for year-round or seasonal use.
  2. For what purposes an extension: as a hobby to care for plants or for everyday rest.

If it is planned to use year-round, then you can safely implement your fantasies to fill the room with various kinds of plants. With year-round use, attic is equipped with special soft corners for recreation and even night sleep. You can still equip the attic kitchen corner, where tea drinking will be held.

Breakfasts, dinners or dinners: the organization of all these additions in the greenhouse is due to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, if it is a balcony, it is unlikely that it will be able to put a sofa. If you plan to use only within certain periods, it is enough to equip the greenhouse with the basic favorite species of plants.

There is no need to create heating systems, watering and ventilation. All this can be done artificially personally. It is the orientation of further use depends on the arrangement of an extension with a winter garden.

Read also about the standard dimensions of the entrance doors.


Placing an extension of a winter garden can be diverse. It can be created along with the main home or to win after. But it is best to construct together with the house, it will simplify the engineering design. As mentioned above, the winter garden can be attached:

  1. To a private country house or cottage.
  2. On the balcony of the apartment.
  3. To any other residential premises, and even the construction separately standing.
  4. On the roof of your home or apartment of the upper floor.

When planning the room should be divided into the following components:

  • the main zone of growing plants and colors;
  • zone for saving inventory and plants care objects;
  • rest area
  • other additional zones in the presence of a free space (corner of sports equipment, ottoman or sofa for sleep, table for conversations and food intake).

The optimal size of the extension of the winter garden includes an area of \u200b\u200b10 to 20 m2. The construction of smaller sizes is adjacent to the total volume of the residential building.

You will probably want to get acquainted with the designs of the facades of private houses, which will tell.


Special building materials are selected for creating a main frame. They are calculated when construeding on the impact of the following factors:

  1. The weight of double-glazed cars. The frame must withstand the weight of the glass from which the room is constructed.
  2. Action of external factors: wind, rain, snow.
  3. The effect of other mechanical or physical influences.

The frame is best constructed from wood, steel or aluminum. Rarely used metal-plastic profiles.

It is not excluded that you may need.

Steel is used when constructing a winter garden design. But since the room with plants is wet, the moisture will contribute to the emergence of corrosion on the construction of steel. It is necessary to prepare steel materials to corrosion. The influence of moisture on a wooden frame will also adversely affect the strength of the structure. Moisture has neither tree also detrimental properties. It is necessary to paint the wooden structural elements with varnish, paint or special impregnation.

Qualitative among all is an aluminum frame. Moisture does not destroy elements from aluminum, and therefore it creates a rigid, durable and at the same time a lightweight design. The cost of aluminum profiles slightly differs from the other two. The use of metal-plastic profiles gives the structures of strength and durability. Does not require additional care.

Heating systems

So, if the winter garden is planned to be used yearly, then it is necessary to reflect the premises of the heating system. To choose a suitable heating system, you need to know the criteria affecting the choice:

  1. Dimensions of the winter garden. The larger the room size, the, respectively, need more heat for heating.
  2. The frequency of use of the Winter Garden. If you plan to use constantly throughout the year, then the system is mandatory.
  3. Type of grown plants. Most plants develop at temperatures above +18 degrees, with the exception of some frost-resistant.

From these factors should be repelled when planning and choosing a heating system. Garden heating systems can be used by the following types:

  • electric heaters;
  • air conditioners;
  • heating type "Warm floor";
  • water heating;
  • stove heating;
  • air heating.

On the technology of insulating the facade of foam, told.

Consider the main parameters of using each of the above species. Electric heaters are the use of convectors or fireplaces to heat the room. You can install automatic heaters that will be turned on and off when the room temperature is reduced.

The choice of the amount of fireplaces for heating is made by counting the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Air conditioners allow you to create a microclimate indoor. In winter it is heated, and in summer cooling. The air-conditioning includes: air conditioners, split systems or mounted heaters UFO.

Heating The Warm Paul system allows not only the heating of the room, but also create the correct air circulation. The room in this way is warming completely. Water heating is carried out by installing batteries in the winter garden. Water flows through the batteries, which heats up with a steam boiler.

The boiler can be gas, solid fuel, electric. The furnace heating is carried out by furnace furnace. The construction of the furnace is not necessarily in the greenhouse itself. The stove can be heated or firewood or coal.

Air heating is carried out by installing a fan in the wall between heated rooms and a room with a winter garden. Warm air is distilled by the fan, thereby producing heating.

When the room temperature reaches a certain level, the fan is turned off. Heating You can choose any, more suitable for the price. To finally stop at a specific embodiment, consider the pros and cons of each type.

Difficulties in work, pros and cons

Pros and cons of all types of heating are recorded in the table for the convenience of their analysis.

Name / type of heating pros Minuses
1.Electro-heaters. Change the location of the heater depending on the need. A large amount of electricity consumed, which is expensive.
Regulation of heat flow by changing power. Capable to dried air, which negatively affects the development of plants.
Non-flat installation procedure
2. Air conditioners. The ability to adjust the temperature. High cost of equipment and electricity.
Do not overcame air compared with electric heaters
3. Warm floor. Circulation of warm air throughout the room. High cost of equipment and installation.
The floor heats the soil in which plants are planted. Warm soil increases the rate of plant development. The complexity of the repair during the breakdown of the heating system.
Heat pipes for which water is entered. Conducting installation during the construction of the room.
4. Water heating. Low cost of heat. The complexity of the installation of heating batteries.
The temperature in the garden and adjacent rooms is the same. No drops arise.
Maintain a certain temperature.
5. Stove heating. Cheap combustible materials. Uneven temperature distribution by room.
Creating a certain interior indoor. Fire hazard.
No automatic temperature control.
There is a permanent care and care of the system.
6. Interesting heating. The easiest and cheap heating option Because of the small amount of heat, insulation of the room outside.
Overweight air.
Spoils the look of the room.

It can be seen from the table which of the types of heating is optimal. But the decision should be taken specifically for a certain room.

Winter garden must be built on the sunny side, i.e. from South. It will make it possible to warm up the room in winter.

Designer solutions on verandas and loggias - original interiors

In addition to the extension of the Winter Garden, you can install special sliding glass door coupe. It will save the place in the room and give the individuality of your winter garden.

The use of doors of the "harmonica" doors gives the premises of styles, spaciousness and individuality.

The Japanese design of the winter garden is the presence of low-layer plants, exquisite colors and small trees.

The interior of the garden in the house in the style of the avant-garde is due to the presence of the originality of the approach not only to the very room, but also to each subject in it. A wide range of color palettes and colors attach unusual and cliff out.

Modern winter garden design - passes styles, sophistication, expressiveness and saturation of the color palette.

There is still a very large variety of species of designer solutions. Each has its own distinctive feature that highlights the winter garden of your home for one degree or another of elegance and uniqueness.

To other things, you may be interested in material about what better.

Winter garden can be done with their own hands. There are difficulties in the design, and therefore it is best to take advantage of the help of experienced specialists in this area. Because, the organization of the extension of glass has a special approach. When building a winter garden, some important points must be observed:

  1. Select a place to an extension with all parameters. This is the influence of climatic conditions and external factors.
  2. During construction, think over the slightest parts that need to be built during the construction period, and not after it.
  3. The constructive extension does not fill immediately on the first day with a variety of plants. Check the initial performance of all mounted systems.
  4. Do not neglect fire safety in an extension. Some heating systems may cause fire.
  5. Provide all the necessary security measures to equip an alarm system extension. After all, the glass extension is a great place to penetrate the intruders.

What are the materials for noise insulation of the walls, learn.

Some Tips for Equipment in the Winter Garden Decorations:

  • install small fountains with lanterns that will be included at night and create a warm and gentle atmosphere. Rest in such a room will be a heavenly pleasure;
  • plants can be installed any, but pay due attention to this. There is no need to library a hundred species of varieties of plants;
  • installing a large aquarium with real fish will not only complement the interior of the Winter Garden, but also will revive the room;
  • install the TV or a cinema, which will be doubly pleasant to watch movies with family or friends, saturated not only by emotions, but also fresh oxygen.


In this video, you will be shown a project of the house with a winter garden.

Winter garden in a private house is an excellent solution not only for the addition of the house, but also for the variety of its interior. This will allow you to expand the limits of your home for the allowed area. It is worth considering the following that, if you wish to attach a winter garden, it is necessary to thoroughly study all the highlights so that the garden really benefit, and not the torment of the owners at home.

Living in a house in which there is a winter garden is an incredible feeling. It looks like a sip of fresh air away from the urban bustle. Plants bring additional comfort, the joy of sunlight and give the beauty of life. Winter garden is not just a fabric of glass, this is a part of the space and the structural part. Designing at home with a winter garden, you need to take into account many details so that the joy of the possession of the plant oasis does not turn into a headache. Let's see several successful projects of houses with a winter garden, we will analyze the finds and omissions of architects.

The dream of a country house has long been a reality. Therefore, our edition offers you for consideration several architectural projects of houses with a winter garden.

The feature of this project is the exquisite facades. On the first floor of tenants, there is a spacious living room, a swimming pool, and that, for which this review is written - a winter garden. By separating the comfort zones with a glass partition with colored double-glazed windows in the house, an unusual game of light is being supported. Floors connect the arcuate staircase. On the second floor there is a second living room and a game. From the second floor, a screw ladder leads to the attic, where the studio with a fireplace and a bar is opening the outstand.

Project Characteristics

  • Three-storey house with 8 residential rooms
  • The total area is 736,10 / 276.9 square meters. M.
  • Outdoor walls - aerated concrete blocks
  • Roof of the rafting design with bituminous tiles coated

In this project, the architect managed to realize the idea of \u200b\u200ba comfortable, rational house with a wonderful winter garden. It is ideal for a comfortable family life. The Erker of the main facade forms a wonderful appearance of the house where the double living room is located. Winter garden is located between the kitchen and the living room. On the second floor you can find a second private living room, which has become the center of planning. There are also two bedrooms, a bathroom and a bathroom.

Characteristics of an ensemble

  • Two-storey brick house for 7 rooms
  • General / Living area - 183.80 / 98.9 square meters. M.
  • Foundation - monolithic railway plate
  • Wall Material - Brick or Pappon
  • The roof of the semi-garde construction with a vertical part of 1.9 m
  • Outdoor decoration - facing brick and plaster

This project is suitable for the construction of a cottage for a small family living. The project is optimal and logical in its layout. Winter garden inscribed in the project is an octagonal room, and this gives a special originality to the architectural ensemble. In total, in the project of 2 floors, one of which is mansard. On the 1st floor there is a fireplace, a kitchen-dining room, with a transition to a winter garden, a living room and a bath. And the top leads a beautiful staircase. On the top floor there are three bedrooms, a bathroom and a small room.

Project Characteristics

  • Two-storey cottage for 7 rooms
  • Total / living space - 199.7 / 101.9 square. M.
  • The foundation is a solid monolithic reinforced concrete plate
  • Wall material - Calibrated log, 240 mm
  • The roof of the scope design with a coated metal tile

And finally, we turn to the consideration of the final project.

This project is a choice of successful and wealthy people. There is nothing superfluous in it. The house built on this project is perfect for busy people who appreciate their time and comfort. The living room and kitchen-dining room are connected to a single space that smoothly flows into a winter garden. The second floor leads a beautiful staircase, where the bedrooms decorated with a terrace and a veranda are located.

Project Characteristics

  • Total area - 328.7 square meters. M.
  • Foundation - Precast concrete
  • Wall Material - Concrete Stone with Heater
  • The roof of the mansard type with a coated metal tile
  • Outdoor decoration - facing brick

In this selection, we tried to consider the most popular options for the device of winter gardens in country houses. We hope some of the projects will definitely hook you with your architecture, beauty or functionality.