Repairs Design Furniture

Shelf for ware walls with their own hands. Kitchen with shelves (52 photos): Interesting and practical solutions. Types of decorative shelves on the type of construction

Place for books, souvenirs, cute heart of baubles - here is the main purpose of the shelves on the wall. Someone has a collections of candles, someone has a tomiki's favorite poet, and someone keeps photo albums on the shelves. It is important that the shelves themselves should be no less aesthetic, rather than the items on them are stored.

Make a shelf of wood - the first thing that comes to mind when making the shelves. Indeed, this option is the most common.

Wooden shelves are good accessibility and cheap material, ease of processing, and the ability to experiment with the design. And you can start learning to make such creative designs with a simple and universal shelf, which will not be superfluous, and in the living room, and in the children will come in handy, and other options for its placement can be considered.

Materials for the shelves:

  • Wooden trimming of different lengths;
  • Rope trim;
  • 5 furniture shields;
  • Fastener fastened;
  • 2 cable rings;
  • Electrolovik;
  • Drill;
  • Roulette;
  • Pencil.

On the shelves (shields) you need to make holes. Arrow should be drilled at a distance of 6 cm from the edge, and 12 cm in each other.

Wooden trimming must be cut, the length of them can be different, but the height needs to be done common. Inside the sawn cropping, drill holes for ropes (through).

First of all, the bottom nodes of the ropes are tied. They rushes the bottom shield (lower shelf), between the shields along the edges as the interval between the shelves there will be stacks of cropping. All trimming is better divided into parts, and between each floor shelf lay the same amount of equal segments.

The procedure is repeated, over the upper shelf on the wall, the ropes are tied with nodes. It is necessary to make it firmly that the wall design cannot be deformed or own any other power action.

It turns out a pretty shelf on the ropes inside the stacks of trimming, it is possible to place it in any room.

Wooden shelf do it yourself, the simplest way (video)

Shelves from chipboard on the wall

Chipboard is a chipboard, truly universal material for construction work. The size of the plate, its smooth surface allow you to make various designs with your own hands, including wall shelves.

Perhaps only sawing chipboard causes difficulties, since the material is impregnated by resins. The most suitable tool for working with chipboard is an electric jig.

Not superfluous will be the following tips for working with this material.:

  • For wall shelves, laminated chipboard are often purchased;
  • Often the shelves created by their own hands are sealed with a laminated film or paper that simulates various patterns (including natural);
  • To fragilely twist screws and screws in the design of the chipboard, you need to get an electric drill;
  • The shelves from this material are made to the kitchen often, as it is convenient to store containers with spices, cereals and pasta, jars with herbs collected by their own hands;
  • In the hallway, such shelves serve as a place to store important domestic things;
  • Such a shelf on the wall in the nursery can be the purpose of the bookstation.

In small storage rooms, which are included in the planning of many apartments, you can make the original shelves for household needs - do it yourself, quickly and cheap.

Round Shelves on the Wall

Round cardboard shelves for the kitchen or bathroom - a squeak of interior fashion. They are made, as a rule, from a cardboard and plastic tube, which with their own saws of the saw is cut into circles at 10-15 cm wide. The edges of the circles are sanded by sandpaper, and then the future shelves are painted in several layers.

It turns out quite the original round shelves, for the kitchen - a very interesting version of the design. They can be stored:

  • Kitchen towels;
  • Various brushes and sponges;
  • Decorative baubles;
  • Packages with herbs for making tea do it yourself;
  • Other beautiful kitchen devices.

In the bathroom, round, unusual and very comfortable shelves on the wall will also be to the place: jars with cosmetics, towels, washcloths can also be stored in these pretty shelves.

How to make a round shelf (video)

Square shelves on the wall

Wall-mounted compositions from square shelves on the wall look great. Miscellaneous shelves are chosen in one color, and it is possible to contrast, and are combined into one wall pattern - small with large in one line, vertically or horizontally, diagonally.

Square shelves are usually small, they are difficult to accommodate many items. Most often these are different souvenirs, miniature vases, books.

Often these shelves decorate the objects of antiques, vintage little things.

And to make such an interior decoration with your own hands, you can use standard materials. A tree in most cases is chosen by matte bright paint, covered with varnish. Or self-adhesive film decorates the surface of such shelves.

Little shelves on the wall

The kitchen wall often requires small shelves. They do not occupy space, do not lose the interior, but emphasize the general mood of the kitchen. Wall-mounted shelf can be used for the decor of the room.

If the regiment is on the kitchen, you can place it:

  • Bright jars for spices;
  • Culinary books and notebooks;
  • Canvas bags with spices;
  • Beautiful dishes.

You can make such shelves from wood, plastic, glass, and even stacks of painted and glued books.

Designer shelves on the wall

In the kitchen, such designs are rarely attracted, yet these exquisite things are more often decorated with a living room, an office, children's.

Now the shelves on the wall are especially high demand:

  • Labyrinth;
  • Asymmetry;
  • Book shelves-flopper;
  • Modules;
  • Forged structures in olive style.

Some shelves seem to continue furniture, some - as if the protrusions on the wallpaper, so they are disguised as a wall. There are bizarre shelves that are made to order, often they echo with a drawing of a curtain or parquet pattern.

Bookshelf do it yourself (video)


Shelves in the kitchen, in the living room, or in the nursery - all of them can be made independently, armed with ideas from the Internet and their own fantasy. Of course, such designs will win from shop fellow, thanks to their hand-maid origin. Yes, and in the money equivalent they can do cheaper.

Examples of the shelves for home with their own hands (photo)

To read required ~ 3 minutes

Modern kitchens are often equipped with open shelves, which completely replace massive suspension lockers. Decorative kitchen shelves provide convenient placement of the necessary accessories, without cluttering unnecessary space. Their wide range allows you to choose the most suitable option for your kitchen.


Such storage systems are a universal designer solution: the design of the room with this type of racks helps to solve many problems and refresh the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of mounted shelves for the kitchen


A variety of shelves whose photos can be found on the Internet are usually the best solution for storing dishes and other kitchen details. Among the main advantages of kitchen shelves should be noted:

  • Practicality. It occupy little space, visually expand the volume of the room. Open allow you to quickly find the necessary thing.
  • Multifunctionality. Perform the storage function of kitchen items, as well as stand for such decorative elements, like vases, pots with live flowers and other attractive details. Decorative shelves in the kitchen automatically become an element of the interior.
  • Big choice. A variety in the material, size, types of structures, color and decor helps to find the desired option, which will surely fit into the room design and will be combined with any headcard.
  • Ergonomic. Open racks without rear walls can be installed at any height of the wall. Sometimes they play a binding role between suspended cabinets.


As can be seen, open designs are more convenient to use than lockers whose doors often have to open and close to get one or another item for cooking. But it is necessary to take into account some nuances of such inventions that may be for some housewives essential drawback:

  • Although the mounted shelves help to find the desired dishes or spice, not everyone can like the kitchen utensils displayed.
  • Large elements, like large pans and pans, rarely fit on a narrow surface.
  • Open shelves and stored kitchen accessories are often contaminated with dust, stains or soak, so they need frequent cleaning. Reduce the formation of dust deposits will help install a powerful exhaust. Avoiding labor-based stains will allow the installation of the shelves over the tables away from the stove.

Types of decorative shelves on the type of construction


Open shelves are chosen taking into account the style of the kitchen. But not only the color and material play an important role. The room should be organized the right procedure of objects, so they are made in various designs so that they occupy a convenient location without disturbing the freedom of space. There are several types of structures:

  • Classic;
  • Corner;
  • Lattice;
  • Equipped with additional boxes;
  • Decorated with backlight.



Most often in the kitchen use ordinary open shelves that are easily mounted and are a universal solution.

Classic type Easy is located in the room even a small size. The wonderful system helps to quickly find the necessary accessories that significantly saves time when cooking. Often on the open-type shelves are placed dishes, jars with croups, flasks with spices, decorative elements.

With the help of classic options, it is often made a multi-level system over desktops, which completes a single room composition and helps solve the problem with a large number of kitchen parts.


Corner options Originally manufactured for small-sized kitchens. Such shelves differ compactness and efficiency. The design is usually installed above the corner sofa or worktop in the corner. Creating a composition in several levels helps to place everything you need on the shelves.


Grating shelves Different with a variety of forms, sizes and colors. Visual product airiness gives the room lightness and spaciousness. For such products it is easy to care, since they rarely pollute and almost do not accumulate dust. Various protective solutions help increase material wear resistance. Basically, the lattice racks are used under the dishes.

Equipped with additional boxes

Shelves, equipped with small boxesare an excellent alternative to bulky cabinets. They are especially relevant for small kitchen premises.

In small boxes, it is convenient to store jars with spices and components for making baking. Little sizes are suitable for storing pastry accessories and other little things that are needed when creating comfortable conditions for cooking.

Decorated backlit


The shelves with the built-in illumination acquire an additional feature of the room lighting. Two or three lamps of any shape embedded in racks from below, not only lightly illuminate the place where they are preparing food, but also give a special charm room.

As backlighting can be used:

  • LED ribbons;
  • Spotlights;
  • Small sconces.

If you need to strengthen the lighting effect, then mirror walls can be added to the shelves. Reflective material contributes to the best light scattering. Such lighting introduces a special comfort and home heat interior.

Choice of kitchen shelves by type of material

In the room where temperature differences are observed and high humidity, it is necessary to purchase furniture, which has high resistance to such factors. Durable and wear-resistant material guarantees long exploitation of products.

Today in the production of kitchen shelves use:

  • Wood,
  • Metal,
  • A rock,
  • Glass,
  • Plastic.

Wooden suspended


Products made of natural raw materials always look beautiful and create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Wooden surfaces are suitable almost to any interior. The highest strength types of wood - oak, beech, alder and pine. The tree is used in country styles, Rustic, Provence.

Before purchasing wooden products, we must not forget that the tree has a low moisture resistance. Open racks must be installed away from household appliances and cooking sites. In order for the material to serve for a long time, it is covered with waterproof solutions.

Wood products are characterized by a high price. Therefore, some prefer to make them with their own hands, sometimes replacing natural wood on MDF or chipboard.

Metal products


Metal surfaces Perfectly combined with kitchen appliances and other details with metal elements. Usually use the lattice types of structures, as the solid surfaces visually dried the interior and are difficult products.

For long preservation of the appearance, the shelf is covered with anti-corrosion solutions. If the original metal color does not fit into the overall design of the room, then you can choose the option painted in another shade.

Metal surfaces fit perfectly into modern decorations.



The one who appreciates natural material often acquires stone shelves For storage of kitchenware. Heavy products require a solid base to which they will be installed.

Shelves from stone are quite expensive, not everyone can afford such a luxury. Manufacturers take into account this nuance and are used for the manufacture of plates a crumb of cheap raw materials. With a large selection of colors and textures, you can create a luxurious classic interior with imitation of natural stone.



Airiness and ease interior will give glass surfaces. Visually, they are practically invisible, but they are placed as much objects as on racks from other materials.

So that the shelves are durable, they are made with a thickness of at least 6 mm. For greater reliability, glass suspensions can be installed on additional fasteners. A durable design can be forced dishes, banks and other objects.

Transparent material is used in any directions, but it looks best of all in high-tech styles and minimalism. The only disadvantage of glass products is the low degree of impact resistance. If it is inactivity to handle glass, scratches or cracks may appear on it.



The most affordable material is plastic. Specially for kitchen premises are used materials that contain the smallest amount of harmful substances.

Plastic products They have light weight and easy mounted. Shelves are presented on the market in various variations of shades and textures. Often plastic are decorated under a natural tree or stone.


Plastic products are intended only for light items. Heavy dishes and containers cannot be put on them, since the surfaces do not withstand heavy weight.

Shelves under the kitchenware in the kitchen do it yourself


The market presents a large range of various open shelves. But some homeowners prefer to produce light furniture elements with their own hands. The easiest option is rectangular.

To create a mounted shelf you will need:

  • Wood sheets (or chipboard),
  • Self-tapping screw
  • Dowels
  • Metal brackets
  • Electrolovik,
  • Screwdriver
  • Sandpaper.

Manufacturing instructions with their own hands:

  1. First you need to decide where it will be located, make it sketch.
  2. The electrolovka carries out the product of the desired size and shape.
  3. The ends grind out the sandpaper. When using the edge chipboard, stick with veneer.
  4. The shelf is treated with protective varnish.
  5. Wooden surfaces are connected to brackets.
  6. In the wall, drill holes for the workpiece.
  7. With the help of dowels, the design is firmly fixed on the wall.

For the organicity and ordering of the space, the mounted shelves are chosen. The universal solution contributes to the creation of a harmonious design of the kitchen.

Stock Foto Open shelves over table

    Shelf for i am dishes made by your own hands, in the cottage cuisine will look more interesting than the purchase. Especially in the interior made in the country style. Attentive guest will always notice the product that you have done: and you are pleased, and it is interesting for him. Moreover, it is very simple to make the shelf for the dishes. In this article we will tell about this in detail.

    Shelf for dishes like Julia Vysotsky

    The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the shelf for the fabrics inspired one photo published in the journal "7 days" . It has a famous TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya, who knows the wonderful, depicted in his studio for the preparation of another culinary masterpiece. In the background on the wall hanging a wooden shelf for dishes, on which there are jars with spices.

    This furniture will serve as an decoration of any kitchen, and in terms of convenience it will not be too much. Therefore, after thinking, we decided to make themselves like a similar shelf.

    We will make the shelf from the remains of wooden boards, which remained from the manufacture. Dimensions can be chosen by any, based on where you hide it and that you will store on it. For our kitchen, the shelf for dishes width 50 cm, 80 cm high . It will have 4 horizontal shelves and 2 vertical racks.

    Manufacturing shelves for dishes

    Let's start directly to the manufacture. Take a pine board with a width of 15 cm, 2 cm thick and cutting 2 cuts of 80 cm. Let's make a pencil on one board markup so that the horizontal shelves are located apart from each other at a distance of 20, 25 and 30 cm. We also draw 2 speakers under wooden slats so that the dishes fall from the shelf. Electric jigsaw neatly scolded superfluous along the drawn line. Now let's confonse the finished sample to another board and call it a pencil on the contour. Again we will work a little labzik. We should have 2 identical racks shelves for dishes.

    By the way, it will be noticed that without an electrolybiz, it would be much more complicated to engage in summer construction.

    When working with a tree, sawing a lot, so the help of this tool is difficult to overestimate. With the help of the jigsaw, we made a wooden door, built a country toilet and a shower, made a floor stand for flowers, made a bench-transformer and a garden shop. I do not even know if we could cope with all this without this wonderful tool.

    Let's return to our shelf for dishes. After cutting out two vertical racks, they need to polish well. To do this, on the angular grinding machine or, in a simple, grinder, screw the plate for grinding and empty the racks with sandpaper with the number P120 or P180.

    We must ensure that the planks to the touch were smooth, without burrs and roughness.

    Now cutting 4 segments of 50 cm.

    It will be horizontal shelves. Also captivate their sandpaper. Then we connect them with self-draws with racks. In order for the tree does not burst, in the places of fastening of the self-tapping screws, we drill a thin drill hole and spin the screws.

    In our shelf for dishes there will be a posterior wall. We will make it out of the lining. We apply a few 80 cm long straps and connect them to each other.

    We have a rear wall to the frame of the shelves with thin carnations.

    Now we decorate the shelf for dishes. To do this, take a wooden bar with a size of 4 cm by 50 cm, draw a pencil to a smooth line in a half-round and cut the jigsaw along it. With the help of a metal crown inject a flux of several holes and spun the bar sandpaper.

    Screw the bar to the upper shelf.

    So that the dishes fell from the shelf, to the protrusions of the racks, which we previously cut out the jigsaw, I will attach 2 planks made from wooden cartoons. We are also with cloves.

    Our shelf for dishes is becoming a finished look. It remains to fasten a couple of suspensions and attach several hooks for towels to the rear wall, which we specifically made a long frame for 5 cm.

    If desired, our shelf for dishes can be painted with protective varnish.

    Writepolka in the most prominent place, put the kitchen utensils on it and enjoy the work done. If you like the article, share it in social networks.

    Homemade kitchen furniture will never come out of fashion, these stylish interior items can be found in the apartments of people of various social groups. Sometimes the owners begin with a small one, makes it over the shelves for the kitchen with their own hands, gradually moving towards more complex projects and drawings.

    Description of the finished product

    The kitchen is a peculiar heart of any dwelling, magic is happening here - a delicious and useful food is preparing, it is here that guests are invited and here you can relax from the adversity of the working day for a cup of fragrant tea. Therefore, the kitchen is like a room with a wide functionality, high demands are presented.

    Attaching on the corner, many households no longer want to get up once again per console from the TV or glasses, all these items needed every day should be in the immediate vicinity of the rest.

    The kitchen regiment is needed not only next to the corner or sofa, the hostess when cooking is also important for the convenience of the required seasoning, fixtures and other essential items. In order not to go beyond the sharp pepper for Kharcho to the other end of the kitchen, it is much more convenient to post jars with seasonings near the cooking panel.

    Shelves in the kitchen with their own hands or ready made from the store must meet the same requirements:

    • harmony with color gamut of walls, floor and ceiling;
    • convenient shape;
    • comfortable operation;
    • safe materials for manufacture.

    Sometimes, when buying ready-made products in the store, consumers make typical errors:

    1. The shelf purchased into the kitchen looks like a foreign object in the overall interior of the room (highly stands out by its external characteristics - finishing, color, sizes, etc.);
    2. The acquired design does not correspond to the appointment: on a heavy shelf for colors, the wet dishes begin to place, as a result, the shelf starts to crumble and quickly fails;
    3. The abundance of brackets and shiny fasteners in the kitchen of calm pastel tones without bright stains will cause discomfort of the contemplator.

    Question design

    Shelves into the kitchen with their own hands it is necessary to start masked only after careful details planning. Product Design is an important question in the preparation of the project. Moreover, under the concept of design, in this case it is understood as the combination of all factors: a set of functions, appearance and decorative design.

    Designers before starting to make the shelf into the kitchen or purchase it in a furniture store, recommend to study several rules:

    • The kitchen decorated in Hi-Tech Stylistics does not tolerate maximalism and fastened items. Shelves must be neat, concise shape and neutral. In this style, the use of LED backlighting of furniture is allowed, and the most demanded materials are plastic, metal and glass;
    • Scandinavian style kitchen can be decorated with shelves made of wooden array, easy chipboard with all sorts of vegetables and pallets for trifles. It looks great in this interior furniture made of logs or soared wood wood;
    • Country styles kitchen, classic or provence admits the installation of light shelves having a decorative finish. It is worth noting that the decoration can be both carved elements from wood, and objects of artistic forging. Especially stylishly look at the above-mentioned interior styles, furniture threads made of artificially made wood;
    • The shelf with its own hands for the kitchen is moderan most often made of glass, has several metal or plastic inserts.

    Modern designers allow the use of shelves in the kitchen space for wine bottles and shelves with lattice sectors. And the angular models of kitchen shelves allow you to save the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room and perform all the same functions as traditional reprehensive products.

    Nuances of furniture construction

    How to make a shelf in the kitchen, owning small experience and minimal knowledge of carpentry? The simplest model has a rectangular shape and wood or chipboard is used for its production. Important moment - the thickness of the material must hold the items that are planned on this shelf. Example: For the placement of cans with spices, a sufficiently small interior object, while for bottles with oil or vinegar, another design is required.

    When the height of the kitchen shelf is planned, the choice is carried out in one of both sides:

    1. Before the placed objects can get all the households;
    2. Little children should not reach dangerous seasonings.

    On small kitchens, shelves can perform the role of racks, on which all the kitchen utensils are compactly located, supplies and useful fittings. When placing several rows of shelves, it is important to use the space so that these interior items protruding from the walls did not obscure each other and did not interfere with the comfortable atmosphere in the kitchen.

    Shelf with their own hands for the kitchen can have a variety of fasteners, the difference lies in the materials used, the estimated level of load and product design. Determining factor - raw materials for fastening.

    All designs used in the kitchen interior are divided into the following types:

    • outdoor;
    • retractable;
    • hinged.

    Set of tools for work

    Kitchen shelves can be made of natural wood or light chipboard. A simple work is available even to a schoolboy who likes to make the furniture with his own hands. To implement the design, the following set of materials and tools will be required:

    • raw materials: Boxes of wood, wooden boards or chipboard;
    • electric jigsaw;
    • pencil with a ruler;
    • a hammer;
    • screwdriver, screwdriver (to choose);
    • perforator for drilling hole for fastening;
    • brackets, consoles;
    • sandpaper of varying degrees of graining for grinding;
    • varnish on an alkyd basis (resistant to humidity);
    • morilka and brush (if necessary).

    As for the shape of the kitchen shelves, they can be any: rounded, triangular or rectangular. For the manufacture of curious products, the circus will be required. The tree itself is afraid of excessive humidity, and the kitchen microclimate can be called aggressive in relation to the furniture from this material. Therefore, much attention should be paid to protective manipulations: applying impregnating compositions, coating shelves with varnish, gluing special tapes of edging and other measures.

    Important: The size of the kitchen shelves themselves must be consistent with the kitchen parameters: small rooms are strongly overloaded with bulky furniture.

    Use of plasterboard

    It is possible to make the shelves for the kitchen; it is possible from drywall, but ready-made structures can be used only to accommodate non-heavy and dry items, food supplies. Place plasterboard shelves are necessary in removal from water sources and steam: multicookers, steamers, sinks, hobs, etc.

    Most often, shelves made of drywall are decorative, because the gypsum is very hygroscopic and definitely. To increase the strength slightly, the master strengthens it with a metal profile (fixed on the back of the product). On the finished design, you can place interesting figurines, spices, musical columns, etc. Neat drywall shelves are able to decorate any interior, but especially well look in the romantic interior.

    To make the shelves from plasterboard material, the following tool will be required and consumables:

    • himself plasterboard in sheets;
    • metal profile;
    • foam assembly for filling seams;
    • metal screws, Self-tapping screws "Gyro-Tree";
    • corner for fastening;
    • putty;
    • decorating materials: wallpaper, paint, mosaic, fabric, etc.

    An interesting decision in the interior of the kitchen is the placement of decorative shelves in several rows, they can taste with taste for collectible dishes or souvenirs from traveling around the world.

    IMPORTANT: The color of the colors in the attachment of decorative shelves look original - rough wooden structures are fixed with bright blue or black brackets.

    Retractable shelves and bottle

    The most popular kitchen shelves can be called retractable designs. The popularity of such interior items is simply explained: more than 3 years ago minimalism entered the fashion, the trend remains so far with small innovations (eco-style notes, for example).

    Retractable mechanisms facilitate the operation of the shelves and allow ergonomically to use the working area in the kitchen. With such shelves, each square centimeter of the kitchen area is used as efficient as possible.

    Retractable shelves are divided into several varieties:

    • panels intended for storage of covers;
    • breadmen;
    • grocery baskets;
    • bottle;
    • other designs with retractable mechanism.

    The mansion among the other types of retractable shelves are bottled, which are often mastered by lovers and collectors of wines. Any sommelier will confirm the storage conditions of wine directly affect its taste characteristics. Placing bottles in a vertically inverted position allows you to prevent the oxygen from entering the beverage, which allows you to keep your original taste and flavor.

    How to make an angular kitchen regiment

    Before deciding how to hang the shelves in the kitchen, you need to carefully consider the layout of the room. Corner structures are the most popular and stylish products. On such shelves, the dishes, spices, cans with tea, etc. are convenient.

    Material for creativity - trimming LDSP-plates, which remain after the manufacture of a kitchen headset. By the way, these trimming can be bought in the furniture workshop for small money.

    In total, no more than 7 hours and the following tools are required for the manufacture of the shelf:

    1. Electrolovik;
    2. Grinding machine or set of sandpaper;
    3. A set of drills of various sizes (for wood work);
    4. Corolnic;
    5. Roulette, pencil and circula;
    6. Screwdriver or simple screwdriver;
    7. Hexagon (4 mm);
    8. Stationery knife;
    9. Iron.

    The accessories can also be bought in the furniture workshop: the edge tape (11-12 m), 8 screws, 16 confirmates, 4 mounted loops, 16 plugs.
    First you need to draw a product sketch using paper or computer for this. The result of the work should be a virtual shelf scheme consisting of the following elements:

    • 2 shelves having a radius of 19 x 90 cm;
    • 2 shelves whose radius is 19 x 110 cm;
    • 2 racks 44 x 26.5 cm;
    • 2 racks 60 x 26.5 cm.

    The shelf is manufactured as follows:

    1. First, the sidewalls are peeling, for which markings are applied on the surface of the LDSP. In the presence of clamps, you can simultaneously cut 2 sidewalls;
    2. The inner stand has no protrusion from above, therefore it has a smaller size. All chips across the edges must be immediately handled with grinding or sandpaper;
    3. The next stage is pasting the parts by a thermal tape, which is stroked through the cotton fabric hot iron. To carefully treat the bends of the material from the inside, it is necessary to press only the nose of the iron. The tape sold usually has a slightly large, rather than the thickness of the end. Surplus can be trimmed with a stationery knife;
    4. After completion of work with racks, you can move to the construction assembly. The crossbars serve rectangular trimming of the LDSP identical length. It is very important to choose the details so that the vertical stand is not sticking out of the shelf itself;
    5. The lower and upper racks are fastened with each other corner clamp, configmatics or as a carbon;
    6. After fixing the inner rack on a certain distance from the external, the entire product is firmly connected. The fasteners are masked by plugs, the shelf hoses on the wall.

    About how to hang the shelves in the kitchen, it is not worth telling detail. The strength of the chipboard allows you to have a ready-made design of dishes, banks and kitchen devices.