Repair Design Furniture

When to mow the lawn after winter. Taking care of the lawn in spring: useful tips. Video: combing the lawn in early spring

The demand for arranging a personal plot with the help of a lawn is growing every year, as this coating transforms the site and makes it natural, well-groomed and beautiful. However, beautiful grass must receive appropriate care, and this is especially important after winter. Lawn care after winter includes work that is aimed at fertilizing plants with fertilizers and removing dead shoots. In addition, grass may need to be reseeded in early spring to restore the lawn.

Lawn care after winter, where to start?

In early spring, when the snow has just melted, an ice crust may be present on the soil, and this is especially visible in the morning and evening. It is very important to remove it from the lawn and for this you can use a rake or a broom. Such measures are necessary in order to prevent the destruction of the root system of plants, since their roots do not have enough air. After the snow melts, it is desirable to remove all puddles, and water stagnation should not be allowed. In order to quickly get rid of water on the grass, you can make small holes in the ground. It is not advisable to walk on the lawn at a time when the snow is melting, as this will leave marks on the surface. The next stage of restoration begins only after the land has dried.

How to care for a lawn using fertilizers?

It is important to remember that after winter, plants need to be fed with fertilizers, which include phosphorus and nitrogen. Therefore, it is necessary to feed the plants in order to give the roots strength for the grass to grow. Any fertilizer for plant nutrition is applied after the first mowing of the grass. The result of the received fertilizers will be visible immediately, the grass will become bright green, dense, with a powerful root system. The coating will become stronger, healthier and able to withstand the load on it.

If the winter fell with little snow, and the spring is very scarce for rains, then it is advisable to carry out mulching after fertilizing with fertilizers. How to fertilize the lawn in the spring with mulching? To do this, a mixture of sand and peat is made, and then evenly distributed over the surface of the entire coating. Thanks to this procedure, the development of the root system and plant growth are accelerated, more new shoots appear, and this leads to an increase in the density of lawn grass. Then you can start cleaning dry plants, that is, combing the lawn with a rake.

Lawn care in spring, weed control

Lawn after winter care also includes cleaning weeds, because they appear immediately after the snow melts. In order to get rid of weeds in early spring, you need to work hard, and mechanical and chemical methods are used for this.

Mechanical lawn care is manual weeding. This option is most suitable for those people who like to work on the ground and have a small area or they have good quality coverage, where there are very few weeds. For such work, it is enough to purchase shovels or special devices for extracting roots.

Lawn care with a chemical method is the fight against weeds with the help of special preparations. In this case, those drugs are used that do not harm the grass, but kill the weeds. You need to work with them only according to the instructions and apply them very carefully to harmful plants so as not to get on the lawn young grass. The best option is to take care of the lawn using two methods at the same time, that is, weeds are destroyed mechanically and chemically.

There is little grass on the lawn after winter, reasons?

If the gardener is rather inexperienced and has just started arranging his garden plot, then he may encounter such problems when his lawn turns yellow and becomes scarce after the winter. And the thing is that some of the plants died in the winter, and especially if the winter was not very snowy. After all, many plants do not have sufficient endurance and poorly resist the cold.

It also happens that even a cap of snow can lead to a deplorable state of coverage, since lawn care in the summer was poor. However, in most cases, this is observed when the snow has fallen on warm soil, as a result, the grass continues to grow, while experiencing oxygen starvation and a strong lack of light. And in such a situation, plants suffer from a lack of nutrients that do not reach the roots. As a result of this, bald spots form on the coating, as part of the plants has become dead. How to care for a lawn in the spring with such defects? It's very simple, you need to add new grass to mask the holes. If they are very large, then it is advisable to think about a rolled lawn.

Roll lawn care in spring, features

care is the same as conventional sowing covers. He will also need a thorough combing with a rake or, as well as fertilizing and weeding. It is advisable to mow the turf after winter only in May. To make the rolled lawn look better in the spring and require less attention after the winter, you need to follow certain rules regarding caring for it in the cold season. For example, it is important during a snowfall not to trample down the snow or stack any extraneous things on it. After all, this leads to the formation of an ice crust, resulting in damage to the plant. Therefore, large bald spots appear on the coating in the spring.

Regarding how the lawn is cared for in early spring, after the winter, according to the standard scheme, it is necessary to remove rotten grass, straw and other debris, however, all movements on the roll coating must be done carefully so as not to harm the roots of the plants. While working with a rake, all movements occur in a perpendicular direction and accurately. Rolled lawn - care of the sowing lawn after the end of winter also includes top dressing. For this, preparations containing phosphorus and nitrogen are used, this stimulates the growth of crops. Care of a rolled lawn in spring time at this stage comes to an end. It is important to remember that you need to take care of the grass regularly to prevent overgrowing of the site and depletion of plants.

Lawn care in summer and autumn, protection measures

Lawn grass care includes certain activities not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn. For example, in the summer, the cover needs to be trimmed regularly, but in the fall, the plants will need to be protected with top dressing, this will help the plants survive the winter. To do this, it is necessary to distribute fertilizers on the site that contain potassium and have a prolonged effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the winter hardiness of plants and stimulate the growth of their roots. It is desirable to apply top dressing at the end of October and always on dry days. To avoid the appearance of fungus in the soil and rotting of the roots, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the soil. This can be done if you collect fallen leaves in time with an ordinary rake or with the help of.

It is also important to know that lawn grass care does not allow mowing the grass before the onset of cold weather. After all, short stems do not tolerate winter very well. The height of the grass should be medium, if it is short or very long stems, then they do not respond well to the arrival of frost. It is forbidden to sprinkle the paths near the lawn with salt in winter; sand or gravel can be used for this purpose.

How to make lawn care easier?

For those who do not know how to properly care for the lawn or want to make it easier to care for it, our company offers rolled lawns

After winter, the lawn often loses its attractiveness: bald spots appear on it, bumps form in some places.

During this period, the green lawn needs care more than ever. If measures are not taken in time, then the lawn grass may eventually die.

To avoid this, you need to know some nuances and follow certain rules. They will be discussed in this article.

Lawn restoration after winter

After the snow melts, the first thing to do is take care of and cleaning the area from foliage and herbs:

  • Rolling. As mentioned above, irregularities in the form of bumps or ordinary ledges may appear on the lawn in the spring. To eliminate them, rolling is required (usually it is carried out by the end of April). Unfortunately, it is impossible to do it on your own - this requires special equipment - roller or roller. The design allows professionals to press down and smooth out bulges. Lawn leveling services are usually inexpensive. Most firms take for work 10 rubles from 1 sq. m;
  • Lawn mowing in spring is a mandatory procedure. The deadlines for its implementation fall in the middle or end of April, when the earth finally dries up. The essence of the process is that special rake(fan) dry leaves, straw, garbage are removed. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the rhizomes of herbs.

Lawn watering

The lawn, both in spring and summer, is a must water.

Methods and schemes for watering a green lawn directly depend on its size. For example, in small areas drip irrigation is used (read how to organize it, but in large areas you can’t do without a sprinkler.

Let's talk about everything in order:

  • small lawns. In this case, drip irrigation is suitable. To do this, it is used with small holes, little by little (drops) water flows out of them. If the lawn is small, you can water it manually. In this case, you may need a special device for the hose - a sprinkler;
  • Medium lawns. For them, as a rule, sprinklers are used (special nozzles for a garden hose). The choice of its configuration depends on the shape of the lawn. If it is square, then a swinging sprinkler is suitable for the hose, and if it is round, a circular one;
  • Large lawns. For such lawns, a retractable sprinkler is used. True, in order to use it, you need to lay underground water pipes and automatically retractable sprinklers. Such a system is very expensive and not every lawn owner can afford it. The most economical option is sprinklers with a surface (stationary) arrangement of nozzles.

Lawn watering time and rates, water consumption

The best time to water your lawn is morning.

This will eliminate the possibility of burns on the grass. Some sources say that you can water the lawn in the evening.

Note! Spring watering of the lawn can be started in the first decade of April (the snow should already be gone and the soil should dry out). Since September, this operation is no longer worth doing - a sufficient amount of moisture accumulates in the ground after the beginning autumn rains.

In no case should you flood the lawn - the grass may begin to rot.

The best option for a hot summer - 2 or 3 times a week, the rest of the time is enough 1 or 2 times. Water consumption: per 1 sq. m. usually takes about 15-20 liters. water.

top dressing

In the spring, the lawn is fed 2 times: immediately after how the snow will melt and when the first haircut is made(usually this moment comes in mid-May):

  • In the first case, only nitrogen fertilizers, for example, carbamide (5 gr. per 1 sq. m.);
  • The second dressing is more plentiful. For it apply nitrogen (10 g per 1 sq. m.), superphosphate (3 g per 1 sq. m.) and potassium sulfate (5 g per 1 sq. m.).

Lawn fertilization can be done dry and liquid methods:

  • Dry way usually used in small areas. To do this, it is enough to evenly scatter the granules over the surface;
  • With the liquid method the necessary top dressing is diluted in water. The resulting solution (using a watering can) watered the lawn. This method is considered the most effective - nutrients penetrate the soil much faster.

Important advice! It is best to fertilize before rain or watering. This will allow you to quickly absorb all the beneficial trace elements. Try to ensure that the granules of the preparations are evenly distributed over the surface of the lawn.

Weed control

There is no escape from weeds. Of course, there are much fewer of them on a densely sown lawn, but one cannot speak of their complete absence.

There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary grass:

  1. Mechanical. This method involves manual removal of weeds. This is usually done in this way: with the help of a garden knife, the roots of the weed grass are carefully dug up and thrown away. Also a good way to control weeds is to cut them as much as possible - this action allows you to weaken the plant, and it dies after a while. It is worth noting that the above methods are good when the lawn is young. On a mature lawn, it is more appropriate to use chemicals;
  2. Chemical. This method is based on the use of special chemicals - herbicides. They, as a rule, do not harm lawn grass, but they fight weeds well. Needless to say, herbicides are continuous action(kill all weeds) and electoral(affect certain types of weeds, such as dandelions). The agent is produced in the form of a liquid concentrate or powder. The effect of liquid preparations can be seen after a few days, and from dry preparations at least a week later. Of course, today lawn owners have their favorite preparations. For example, they include the drug "Tornado"(kills all weeds, comes in powder form) and "Lontrel 300"(acts locally, produced as a liquid concentrate). You can buy the above drugs at any agricultural store. The price is quite high: from 1 thousand rubles up to 4 thousand rubles. In addition to herbicides, you can grab a diffuser or spreader in the store (it can be useful for seeding lawn grass). Also, for the application of liquid herbicides, you will need to purchase a special sprayer.

Lawn care after winter

Caring for a turf lawn in spring is almost the same as for a regular sowing lawn.

His comb through, aerate(punctures in the soil) with a pitchfork. The distance between the holes made should be approx. 10-15 cm.

This simple manipulation allows you to enrich the grass roots with oxygen. We must not forget about top dressing. In early May, you can make the first haircut. For this, the most ordinary lawn mower is suitable.

How to protect your lawn in winter

A lawn is a must in autumn prepare for winter.

If this is not done, nothing may remain from the green lawn in the spring - it rot or freeze.

Let's analyze the main stages of preparing the lawn for the winter period:

  1. In order for the lawn to endure the winter well, special preparation is needed. To do this, in October (usually at the end of the month), any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (5-10 grams per 1 sq. m.). This will help improve the winter hardiness of the plants and also stimulate the growth of grass roots. Top dressing should be done on a dry and calm day;
  2. To prevent rotting of the lawn, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for airing the earth- aeration. For this you need a pitchfork. With their help, you need to pierce every 15 cm. earth (puncture depth - 8-10 cm.) Such an operation (it can be done both in spring and autumn) will help to saturate the roots of lawn grass with air;
  3. It will also help reduce the chance of lawn rot. timely cleaning of foliage;
  4. It is not recommended to cut the lawn before the onset of winter - short stems may not survive the winter.

If you properly care for the lawn: water and fertilize on time, the lawn will delight you with an attractive view throughout the summer and autumn.

For more information on how to restore the lawn after wintering, you can see in this video instruction.

The lawn is a traditional decoration of a suburban area. Thanks to careful care, in summer it looks bright and juicy and serves as a beautiful backdrop for flowering plants. Often the owners are disappointed when they see the lawn after the winter. Proper care in the spring will help restore the former beauty of the lawn.

First work in spring

Lawn care work after the winter starts in early April. Make sure that the snow is evenly spread over the entire area. If drifts form, spread the snow evenly.

An ice crust appears on the ground in spring. It does not allow air to penetrate to the root system of plants, which leads to its death. The crust is easily removed with a rake.

In April, the snow begins to melt actively and puddles form on the surface. Stagnant water is detrimental to turf. To make the water leave faster, the earth is pierced with a pitchfork. Piercing the soil helps air get to the roots. If this process is neglected, then carbon dioxide accumulating in the upper layer of the soil will slow down the growth of grass and provoke the development of devastating diseases. Walking on the lawn during this period is not recommended, as traces will remain. The main work on restoring the coating after winter is carried out when the soil dries.

Garbage collection and aeration

After the snow melts and the ground dries, you can comb out the sod and remove debris. The best way to do this task is a fan rake. The grass is combed out in two mutually perpendicular directions.

On a lawn cleared of debris, aeration or ventilation is done. This process nourishes the roots with oxygen and prevents fungal diseases. For two days before aeration, the lawn is watered abundantly with water. Traditionally, aeration is done with a pitchfork, the soil is pierced to a depth of 8 cm. A large area lawn is easier to handle with special aerators.

Lawn care after winter

A well-mowed lawn looks unsightly: the grass is pale and sparse, there are bald spots, and the spring soil is depleted by frost. At the beginning of the growing season, complex nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil. The composition of spring fertilizers includes:

  • nitrogen - makes the grass thicker and greener;
  • phosphorus - strengthens the roots;
  • potassium - makes the lawn resistant to disease and drought.

An important condition for top dressing is dry grass and moist soil. The result of feeding is visible almost immediately. The grass begins to grow intensively, becomes thicker and more resistant to trampling.

If the spring is dry, then after feeding, mulching is carried out. This process:

  • moisturizes the soil;
  • loosens the ground and improves water absorption;
  • enhances the development of adventitious roots.

For mulching, peat and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, a glass of lawn grass seeds is added to each bucket of the resulting mixture. Before mulching, the lawn grass is mowed down to 3 cm. The mixture is evenly spread over the lawn so that the grass is not completely covered. The mulching mixture is leveled with a rake.

First lawn mowing

When the height of the grass reaches 10 cm, the lawn can be cut. The first time the lawn is cut to a height of 5 cm. After two weeks, the grass is cut again to a height of 3 cm. Only dry grass is cut, otherwise the lawn mower will leave marks.

Weed control

Weeds on the lawn begin to grow immediately after the snow melts. You can fight them mechanically and chemically.

Hand weeding is a more gentle method that is used in small areas. Root extractors or a spatula make weeding easier. If the root is not completely removed from the ground, the weed will grow again in this place.

Chemical weeding is used on large areas. Special herbicides of selective action destroy weeds, while not harming the lawn grass. Chemical weeding requires the use of personal protective equipment. In windy weather, processing is not carried out. The grass is processed by spraying or by brushing the leaves.

Possible problems after winter and how to solve them

If you want to see a beautiful lawn on your site in the summer, care after the winter, top dressing and watering will help to achieve the desired result. There are situations when additional measures are required: overseeding, treatment, removal of excess moisture.

  1. The lawn thins out after the winter. If the resulting bald spots are small, then they are covered with pieces of turf taken from under the bushes or from the edge of the lawn. Large bald spots require weeding grass. To do this, the earth is loosened with a pitchfork, sand is added to it, and then grass is sown. Newly sown grass areas do not require any special care other than regular watering. A greenhouse over a sown bald spot will accelerate the growth of new grass. For its device, a plastic film is fixed on pegs.
  2. Puddles appear on the lawn after winter. The reason for this is highly compacted land. So that the water leaves in places of its accumulation, the turf is cut and removed. The earth is loosened and mixed with peat or sand in equal proportions. After the surface is level, the cut turf is returned to its place.
  3. In the spring, snow mold appears on the lawn. It looks like a white mass sticking together grass leaves. If the disease has just appeared and has not yet had time to spread, it is enough to cut the grass short at the site of the lesion. After that, the lawn is treated with an antifungal drug. With a strong spread of mold, the lawn will have to be sown again.

What to do with the lawn after winter

How to take care of your lawn in spring? Don't Put Off Taking Care of Your Lawn"for later". With the first rays of the spring sun, pay attention to your lawn. Follow the order of work, do not miss the deadlines for their implementation.

Removal of melt water

Be sure to hold this event as soon as the snow begins to melt slightly. Snow drifts left on the site will lead to:

  • the formation of puddles;
  • rotting grass on the lawn.

To remove excess water from the site should be a drainage system laid under the lawn before sowing the grass. If you have not arranged drainage, get rid of snowdrifts with a shovel: gently spread the snow over the area.

Important! At any time of the year, trampling on the lawn is prohibited! Traces formed on the grass are very difficult to remove.

Spring top dressing

By the end of April, the earth warms up well, the final warming comes. Buy nitrogen fertilizers. You need to make them before the germination of young grass. If you miss this moment, the grass will burn under the sun from fertilizers.

Important! Do not overdo it. Excess chemicals will damage plants.

Debris removal. Lawn aeration

One and a half to two weeks after the complete dissolution of fertilizers in the soil, take an ordinary rake and carefully comb garden debris from the lawn. Work in the transverse and longitudinal direction.

Advice. Dead grass, withered leaves, felt removed from the lawn, put in a compost pit. Decayed residues over time will become an excellent organic fertilizer.

During brushing:

  • the accumulated felt is removed from the site;
  • the hardened crust on the surface is loosened;
  • improved air access to the roots.

After clearing your lawn of debris, start aerating. The essence of the method: prevention of compaction in the soil and stagnant water. Work carefully in areas overgrown with moss.

Aeration methods:

  1. Mechanical. With a pitchfork, pierce the soil throughout the area to a depth of 8 cm.
  2. With an aerator. A special device effectively copes with the task.

Weed control

Not the most pleasant occupation, but you can not do without it. Weeds interfere with the growth of lawn grass, spoil the appearance of the site.

Fighting methods:

  1. Mechanical. Harmful plants are pulled out with roots by hand. You can remove weeds with a shovel or root extractor. This method is suitable for small lawns.
  2. Chemical. Herbicides (ferazim, fundazol and others) are used to kill weeds. Protect your hands, face and respiratory tract while working with pesticides. Work the lawn in the morning or evening, in dry, calm weather.

Repairing a damaged lawn

The main activities for lawn care after the winter have already been completed. The next stage is to bring the area sown with grass "into a divine form."

Many summer residents walk on the lawn in winter without thinking about the consequences for plants. After the snow melts, damaged areas can be distinguished by a darker shade and crushed grass.

It can also worsen the condition of the lawn.:

  • diseases of lawn plants;
  • severe cold;
  • excess moisture in the soil.

How to restore a lawn? To get started, understand what factors influenced the poor condition of the grass cover.

  1. When soil moisture is high, find holes where water has collected and fill them with enough soil.
  2. Dig up trampled or frostbitten areas, remove old grass, sow with a mixture of the same herbs that are already here. Following this rule will help even out the color of the lawn.
  3. After sowing a new portion of the herbal mixture, gently roll the soil and water the soil. Keep an eye on the amount of moisture: do not allow the formation of puddles on the lawn.

Advice. Water only in the evening, otherwise the water will evaporate during the day, and the soil will not be sufficiently saturated with moisture.

Disease control

After the restoration of damaged areas, begin the prevention of diseases. Most often the lawn is affected:

  • powdery mildew;
  • mold;
  • fusarium.

Spraying the lawn with copper and iron sulfate will help protect the site from fungal diseases, lichens and mosses. Do not overwater the area.

Perform soil aeration, improve soil structure. Inspect shady places and remove harmful formations from the surface in a timely manner. If fungus is found, replace the soil and sow a new lawn mixture.

Advice. Dig out not only the affected areas around the perimeter, but also grab the soil around them. This will prevent the spread of fungal diseases throughout the lawn.

spring haircut

By the beginning of May, many of the main activities had already been completed, the grass had grown. It's time for the first haircut of the new year.

Advice. Do not leave cut grass on the property. A special grass collector makes it much easier to collect unwanted grass.


Be sure to prepare a good watering system. Drip irrigation is an ideal way to saturate the lawn of any area with moisture.

The fight against "uninvited guests"

Another misfortune that annoys the owners of luxurious lawns is earthworms, moles and ants. These inhabitants of the soil are most active in the summer, but you need to prepare to fight them in the spring.

What to do:

  • buy mole traps, windmills and devices that make a sound to scare away underground inhabitants;
  • mulch the soil with peat mixtures. This operation will protect the lawn from earthworms;
  • Are you annoyed by anthills on your perfect lawn? Treat them with a special composition called Akkelik.

Lawn care after winter requires perseverance. Regularly check the condition of the soil, perform all the proposed activities. The results of your work will pay off in full: your lawn will be in perfect condition.

Lawn care in spring: what to do if the lawn has deteriorated after winter? After the winter, the lawn fell into a deplorable state, which seems to have completely disappeared. Where did the lawn go? What to do to avoid problems with the lawn?

Lawn care in spring: what to do if the lawn has deteriorated after winter?

A lawn or lawn on a garden plot always pleases the eyes of the owner and his guests. Even if it's just a narrow strip of grass along the driveway, ennobled by frequent mowing.

And if the grass cover is entirely man-made and it took a lot of work to create it, then this is already a matter of special pride.

Fluffy and juicy-green grass usually remains until the very frost, the same goes under the snow. But then spring comes, and the lawn appears before the eyes of the owner sometimes in the most miserable form: here it is drawn with black dead stripes, here there is a wide bald spot ...

Where did the lawn go?

Very often, it is not the weather conditions that are to blame for the disappearance or damage to the lawn, but the gardener himself.

Usually, after the last mowing in late August - early September, after the last feeding with phosphorus-potassium or complete fertilizers, the lawn simply falls out of the circle of gardening worries. It is somehow forgotten that the grass that makes up the lawn, like other living plants, continues to grow and prepare for winter.

In autumn, the lawn is most defenseless. It happens that the dirt road along the edge of the lawn becomes dirty and damp, then people begin to bypass the puddles on the lawn - because its surface is more elastic and dry.

In autumn, bypass paths can be completely invisible, but in spring they appear in all details. The soil saturated with autumn moisture instantly compacts, the grass suffocates and falls out. Moreover, the relief of the lawn is disturbed. The soil freezes unevenly, and this leads to the fact that in the spring the paths “fail” and the compacted “patch” bulges out.

In winter, the grass lives under the snow. Some gardeners are not averse to celebrating the New Year in their own country house. And where is the best place to put a New Year tree or light a festive fire or even fill a skating rink for children? Of course, on the lawn!

All this threatens the grass with death. In the spring, you are provided with "crop circles", but these will not be traces of aliens, but clear prints of winter round dances under the tree, a fire and melted snowmen. True, after the ice rink there will be no traces left, but this is only because the lawn will die completely.
Of course, if the lawn is used in the summer as a playground or for sunbathing, then both in autumn and winter, the owners continue to use it without hesitation, and in spring the grass has to be sown or even completely restored grass cover.

After a few years of such ordeals, you may have to give up the lawn. And you don't want to!
In order for the lawn to serve as a garden decoration, you need to follow a few simple rules.

It should be remembered that after the last agrotechnical measures, the lawn area is, as it were, closed for walking until the spring drying of the soil, that is, until your footprints cease to be imprinted on the soil.

Do not forget that plants live both in summer and in winter, and at any time of the year they need our attention and protection. Then you won't have to ask yourself in the spring: where did the lawn disappear to?

What to do if the lawn has deteriorated after the winter?

First of all, it is necessary to provide the plants with access to air, and, on the contrary, return the exposed roots to the ground.

Effective measures are rolling and combing the lawn.

  • For rolling, it is advisable to use a special roller that will press the grass bumps to the soil and return the roots to the ground.
  • Then the area must be combed. Walk with an iron rake over the entire area, first in one direction, then perpendicular to the first. This will ventilate the lawn and remove the remnants of dry grass, leaves.

To save the lawn after the winter, an aerator is useful.

  • It improves the filling of the soil with oxygen, and also destroys the germs of weeds.

Another device is a verticutter,

  • necessary for vertical loosening of the turf and removal of the dead part of the lawn - felt.
Methods for eliminating "bald spots" depend on their size.
  • Small ones can be “draped” with a piece of turf from a flower bed or from the end of a lawn.
  • If a large patch of grass has died, a new one will need to be sown. This is done on prepared - loosened and leveled soil.
  • Check the area for depressions where water can collect. The soil in such places must be loosened by mixing with sand or turf in a ratio of one to one.
  • If symptoms of the fungus are found - a whitish or pink coating that sticks together the tips of the leaves, you need to cut the lawn short and treat it with an antifungal drug.

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