Repairs Design Furniture

These are useful homemakes can be made of plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottles for home and garden: the unusual ideas of the decor for giving and gardening with their own hands, useful and funny crafts from plastic bottles for the playground with video and pho

Hi, dear gardeners! The theme of today's material is interesting and always relevant. It certainly familiar with many, but still I hope you surprise.

Today, everything is sold in plastic bottles: water, lemonades, milk ... from all the garbage, that we have a spear, the most surround bottle: one in the garbage bucket is lining - and that's it: count, half-water is busy. And what is the dacha! In many cottage villages, there are simply no garbage containers. Output one: either to carry all this "good" to the city, to the nearest container, or somehow use what is not recycled in country conditions.

Logical question: how plastic bottles can be used in the farmto be and useful, and comfortable, and beautiful? That's about it and talk.

By the way, information sheet: plastic decomposes in water from 100 to 500 years (According to various sources, depending on the type of plastic).

There are few factories that processes garbage, therefore people themselves find interesting use by simple and seemingly completely unnecessary things.

Plastic bottles in garden decoration

If you wish, you can create such beauty - the neighbors will be visible! Want to decorate the garden without special costs? Look, whether there is empty plastic bottles on your dacha.

Beautiful neat flower beds

Plastic bottles can be shredding flower beds. The benefit is obvious here: the flower beds and the beds are not blurred by shoes, they always look carefully and please the eyes. In my opinion, it looks great ... how to make such a flower?

Of course, there will be quite a few bottles (preferably the same size). We smear in them sand, close and begin to build "Frequis". Bottles will have to go a little in the ground to give them stability. After the flower bed is fenced, we paint the resulting curb in any colors. In principle, you can do it and in advance - as you wish. But it seems to me, it is more convenient to paint the finished fence, than each bottle separately. And the tanks from the dark plastic can be left at all as it is, it also looks pretty. An example of the execution and opinion of dachensons on this method of using bottles, see the materials:

Flowers, palm trees, butterflies and other "Tropics"

Beautiful indescribable. Include imagination, wake up the fantasy and create all sorts of flowers in your garden, which will never shock and do not rot)).

To make it clearer, how to make something from bottles (let's say, flowers), we will analyze an example.

What may take:

  • plastic bottles of different colors;
  • scissors, timed, thick threads;
  • pVA glue and "master";
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads - for decoration.
With the rest, everything is more or less understandable, and why the candle? Everything is simple. Cut off the bottle of the neck. Each neck cut until the end along, we make 6 petals. Give the petals rounded shape. We light the candle and each petal is pledged to slightly melted. First, at the edges, so that they were beautiful and even, and then at the base of the petals, flexing them at the same time, giving the form. Plastic when heated is well formed.

Stem is better made of thick wire. Stamens - from a thin wire, on which you can drive beads. It will only be left to collect the whole thing, fastening with glue, if necessary, using awl and wire. Just look, what beauty is resulting from!

Cute animal animals

From the bottles who just do not. The simplest thing perhaps is. Just something necessary: \u200b\u200bcut and beat the ears, attach the tail and paint beautifully. However, there are crafts and very complex. For example, animals from fairy tales. I will not paint their manufacturer step by step, otherwise the article will get a galactic scale. It's better just showing a video from slides. According to the photo, in principle, it can be seen what and how to do, it is not difficult to figure out.

How do you like such animals? In my opinion, look super! And if you bring to the process of children, they will be delighted!

The tools are used the same as those listed above. Paints are not necessarily acrylic. But they dry faster, it is a plus. And almost not smell. True, they are also different.

Air Curtains for Garden

These crafts captured me by their air and unusual. Specially selected bottles and make such a curtain in my yard! I think you can use bottles of different sizes.

We will use predominantly the bottoms, but you can also cut the leaves! From afar it is not very clear what these transparent flowers hang on, but the more interesting the idea. We look ...

As you can see, you can fasten the flowers with threads, you can glue them to the base (for example, a polyethylene film). I think this option is perfect for the gazebo. And it will be light, and the rain will not penetrate. Variants curtains from bottles are a huge set. But I still liked the first one, and you?

Garden lamps and chandeliers

Actually, why not? Book a lamp in the garden - unprofitable, just hang the light bulb - ugly. Plastic bottle lamp is a great version of the illumination of the garden plot.

Such chandeliers are not ashamed and hang in the house.

The main rule: It is impossible to allow plastic parts to come into contact with the light bulb, and they can melt. True, you can use an energy-saving lamp, it is heated less - up to +50 ... + 60 ° C.

Girls! If you do not know how to attach the light bulb itself, leave this business to husbands, brothers or fathers ... With you - creative, with them - lighting element \u003d)))

Bottle garden track

I recently wrote about garden tracks in the article. But there was nothing about the bottles there, only about the lids of them. It turns out that the bottomhow turns out a good path, which is pleasant to walk barefoot. note: Rounds are stacked on loose sand, the master must make an effort so that they are hung on sand. This will exclude their deformation in the future, when you enclosing them.

Economic supplies from plastic bottles

That's where it is somewhat hot ... if you think the garden decor from bottles is not for you, perhaps you will be interested in useful things that you can do from them.

Washbasins and boxes

The easiest option is to hang the bottle-turned upside down, and when you need to wash your hands, just turn off a little lid. The bottom of the bottle is better to cut off and make it possible to be easier to pour water. There is nothing complicated here, and the child will cope. This washbasin can be suspended on a tree or somewhere else. By the way, take advantage of this idea when you go to the picnic, it is very convenient, and your hands are always clean.

It is advisable to make a homemade washbasin closing so that leaves, insects and other trash do not fall into the water. There are more complex designs. You can, for example, embed to a large bottle with a hose with a crane. But this is so very convenient.
And you can make a boxing bottle for packages, napkins, or something like that.

Scoops and blades

Make a scoop with your own hands simpler simple. Take the bottle and marker the form of the future scoop. Further is the case of scissors. Well, or knife.


It is such shoes that is quite quickly wear out. Therefore, durable and beautiful slippers in the farm will always be useful. Do not, do not think that the slippers of the bottles are just a scoop with heels \u003d))). I would like to look at it ... although there are also simple options. For example, this:

And a more complex option looks like this:

Such bouquets do, of course, not necessarily. And in general, slippers are excellent. In order not to slide, and the leg felt comfortable, you can experiment with the "layers". How to make holes? Yes, at least a hole pack! And if there are men in the house, provide them to solve this task.

And also from plastic bottles, you can make very useful large containers for household needs:

Fixtures for scaring rodents and insects

There are many different things. I will dissolve only about the crotchor and trap for mosquitoes.

Let's start with trap
Make it very simple. Cut off the bottle of the upper part and insert down into the lower neck. The design should be darkened with paper or tissue - mosquitoes will be more willing to fly there.

As bait on the bottom of the bottle pour sugar yeast syrup. Make it simple: pour hot water, add sugar and yeast there, stir and cool. Such a trap will attract not only mosquitoes, but also bees, OS, flies.

You can put the design on the window or suspend - it is already at will. It should be cleaned once a week.

By the way, I do not know why in the photo brown syrup - can, from cane sugar?))) Or maybe it's kvass. By the way, yes - the insects are flying too. Somehow left a jar on the porch with a kvass, so there so much of all sorts of midges flew out!

Fluger-turntable, screking moles and not only
About these devices was described in detail in the article. There is a video - you can see how such a design is how it works. Ask, what is he scares? At the bottom of the bottle, they are advised to pour beads, balls from bearings and other "rattling" elements. They say the sound that publishes this windmill, the mobes are not transferred. Who has moles? Try, then unsubscribe here, agreed?
Yes, the axis on which the craft is mounted, you need to stick to the ground - I think you understood.

About the fact that some with the help of bottles, I think you also know. The bottle cuts off the bottom and throat - the cylinder is obtained, which is bought into the ground. Such a cover protects the root system of a young plant from the attempted of the Medveda.


For these purposes, bottles are rectangular more suitable. For example, from under the machine oils. However, there are bottles for water such a form. Capacities are made simply: marker, cut. All \u003d))

These boxes can be healthy in the farm.

Device for deep watering of plants and their night heating

Some plants do not like surface irrigation. Therefore, some beds, my mom watering with plastic bottles.

The bottle needs to cut off the bottom, but not to the end so that something like a lid. I tear the earth on the side of the plant, we make a small trench and put the pebbles there. Drainage is needed that water does not blur the soil. Then the bottles put the necks down and take the earth. Now, to pour the plant, just need that open the lid and pour the right amount of water. Here, see how our dacms with a plastic container.

Some stick up with tanks up, but then you need to make holes in the bottle so that water goes.

As for the heating of plants, you can simply pour water into the bottles and put the plant. In the sun, the water heats up and will give a heat for some time. I know that glass bottles are also bought into the ground, but today we have a conversation about plastic.

Podpoles for garden work

Many people are generally contraindicated to work, especially this is true for hypertensive. And how then is sheer now? There is, I will tell you about the knee pads. If working on the knees, the head will not be at the bottom, therefore, well-being will not suffer.

All you need is to find suitable bottles, try on their knees and cut the knee pads of the desired form. Then attach strings. Everything is simple.

Flower pots

And which only pots from plastic bottles do not happen! Some just pour into the bottle of the ground, others do real masterpieces. Features are limitless. What is good: bottles can always be painted in any color and suspend anywhere. For example, how do you know such ideas?

Very nice, and you will not immediately guess, from which pots are made.


I did my first candlestick from the plastic bottle in the elementary school, in the lesson of labor. It's simple. Cut from the bottle of neck and bottom (about half the bottle). Then the part that with the bottom, cut on the stripes and bend them. And insert the part that with the neck. She will keep a candle. In general, easier simple.

But this is just one of the options, you can connect two neck.


Instead of a thousand words show one video.

Why buy a broom when it can be done in half an hour?


The farm periodically arises the need to spend something from one container to another. Not necessarily something edible - it happens, and the divorced fertilizer, and the poison for Colorado beetles ... Do not use for such a funnel for such purposes from the kitchen! And from the bottle, the funnel can be done at any time.

Feeders for birds

We fed the birds all winter in such. Bottles used large, 5 liter. I cut the windows in them, made small "thresholds" and "porches". So that it was convenient to sit in Ptahm, and the snow did not disappoint. More plus - such feeders are comfortable to hang on the trees, they already have handles.

Plastic bottles facilities

These are you not funnels with pots, but something more serious. Enforceable people from anything can build something to themselves. From plastic bottles, let's say, excellent greenhouses and gazebo are obtained.

Plastic Bottles Greenhouses

The finished high-size greenhouse costs more than 15 thousand rubles. I know for sure because I was interested in this issue. Add the cost of assembly. Not yet can figure out what's there. But there is an alternative that is not inferior on operational qualities and will cost you ... just in 500-700 empty plastic bottles! \u003d))

Plastic from which the bottles are made, 20 times more stronger than dense polyethylene. It perfectly holds the temperature, does not melt in the sun and can serve as decades. In greenhouses from plastic bottles There are some advantages:

  • she is cheap;
  • durable;
  • easily repaired;
  • easy by weight, it can be rearranged if necessary;
  • it looks pretty nice.

I walked through different sites and realized that there are 2 main ways to use plastic bottles during construction:

  1. Each bottle is cut down the bottom. A thin rail is taken and all bottles are bounted. It turns out ready-made construction planks.
  2. The bottle is cut down the bottom and throat. Then what happened is the middle part - cuts along. It turns out a rectangular piece of plastic. It is stroked with iron (necessarily through solid paper) to align. Of these sheets, she sew lists more. Preferably a mustache. You can use awl; For fastening parts - Cord thread or wire. It is not recommended to sew the thread or fishing line - the seams quickly rotate and disperse.

When sheets (bar) are ready, you can make a frame. Make it from ordinary wooden bars with a hammer and nails. Form - any. It is possible - a house, can be a triangle. And then on the frame Krepim what made from bottles. In the first case, the bar must be set as close as possible to each other so that the wind does not walk. Well, you can always put a scotch tape. In general, challenge!)) And in the second case, the finished plastic bottles are simply nailed to a wooden frame.

Important moment - roof. In general, a good frame is able to withstand a rather heavy weight, but knowledgeable people advise the roof to cover not bottles, but polycarbonate sheets. Or to strengthen something to strengthen something - suddenly the snow will hire a lot. Here is another interesting publication.

The trend of the rational use of household waste has been becoming increasingly popular, especially for plastic containers. From plastic bottles you can make your own practically the entire country interior and not only. One of the main advantages of such a material is a long service life, besides, it is very elastic. Do not forget that plastic bottles are available material that is always available in each owner or hostess.

Cheap and angry - make flower beds from bottles

Plastic container is an ideal option for, as it has a great advantage over wood and even metal. Wooden fence on flower beds or flower beds with time, it dissolves or rotates under the influence of moisture and the sun. Even metal borders are subject to corrosion and require periodic care, such as regular staining.

And what about plastic? For a long time, it does not lose its form and does not destroy. This means that such a flowerba will serve not one season and not even one year, besides, absolutely does not require care. Even if the "breakdown" occurs, the desired "element" can always be found in the storeroom and easily replace, without resorting to long tiring shops in stores in order to search for a suitable fragment.

So, what can be made of plastic bottles with your own hands?

Bottle borders

If the flower garden needs to be protected, the plastic package of a different volume will perfectly cope with it. This not only limits the space and will not allow the growth of perennial plants, but will still hold moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

The shape and dimensions of the flowers depend only on the fantasy of the dacket: it can be both equilateral and in the form of some animal or plants. Also bottles can be divided into the segments of the Klumba itself.

Even a child will be able to build a bottle border (with adults, of course):

  1. The first thing on the site should be drawn by a sharp object or pour out the sands of the flower beds.
  2. Bottles free from labels, wash, pour sand in them and spin the lid. If there is no one, you can use conventional land or water. This is necessary for stability, since empty packaging quickly falls out of the fence.
  3. According to the outlined contour, dig a groove in such a way that the bottle can be deepened in approximately 1/3.
  4. Install the filled bottles into the groove of the neck down, as close as possible to each other, and fall asleep the earth.

For a visual effect, you can use bottles from different plastic color (green, white, brown).

Some daches cost and without batting. For example, bottles without a pedestal are simply inserted into each other, forming a circle. The finished design can be "put on" on or take a tree circle to the ring. To secure the border, it should be tightly pressing the earth with arcs.

Multi-tier club

If you really want to have a flower garden, and the places are catastrophically, you can make it yourself from plastic bottles. The principle is the same as when building a border, only after the laying of the first tier, it is necessary to fill it with its feeding soil, and then upload the next floor.

When planting plants for the lower tier, it is better to choose moisture-loving copies, because when watering the water will flock down.


Beautiful and helpful crafts for giving can be made of 5-liter plastic bottles. They will serve miniature and pretty clubs, for example, in the form of all favorite piglets.

There are no less effectively group compositions in the form of steam parts with flowers.

And if instead of flowers to sow lawn grass, the big bottle turns into a cute hedgehog with green spines. It remains only to attach eyes and spout.

Those who are not afraid of small rodents will enjoy cutie-mouse from small (liter) bottles. They are good to plant petunias.

Flower pots and kashpo

Showing a little fantasy, plastic bottles are easy to transform into small decorative pots for flowers or spicy greens. You can make them smooth or trimmed under the marker in the form of a face. Such van supplies will wonder not only in the garden gazebo, but also in the house on the windowsill.

But if you wear a fabric case on the cropped bottle and attach ropes, it turns out elegant porridge for the summer veranda.

The easiest option to make outboard pots - it is cut on both sides of the bottle fragments of the walls, and under the neck, fasten the harness for hanging. In such vases you can plant compact low-spirited plants.

Make a beautiful garden track

Special popularity for dachniks enjoy tracks from plastic containers. The strength of such a path depends on the method of laying and how much of the plastic container serves as a building material:

The tracks from plastic bottles in the winter become very slippery.

Merry playground - decorate a place for children's games

Thoughtful parents always seek to take away their children at the cottage place for games, where children could pass time while adults are in the garden. Of course, it should be not only safe, but also colorful to enjoy the kids. With the help of plastic bottles, it is easy to decorate the playground, smearing a variety of plants and animals. Provide brightness will help them.

In the shade under the palm

What is the playground without sandbox? And where there is sand, must "grow" palm. For tropicals, you will need green and brown bottles for the trunk and leaves, respectively.

Before embarking, it is necessary to take care of a solid basis. For example, fasten a metal pin in the concrete screed, and it should be quite long so that the tree is high, and the children could walk freely under it.

When the base is fixed, you can start "cultivation" of palm trees:

  • cut off half the bottle (the top with the neck does not need) and form a gear edge;
  • in the center of the bottom to make a hole, ride the blanks on the pin-base, bending the cloves to the side for a more natural type;
  • a green bottle cut off the bottom and make straight cuts over the entire contour before the place where the wall goes into the neck (with a branch desire, you can make figured - cut into 4 parts and each to issue teeth);
  • fragments of the branch ride on the basis;
  • firmly attaching ready-made branches to the top of the stem (welding or construction harnesses).

If there are still many green bottles after assembling the palm tree, of which you can make a small (or large) Christmas tree. At the bottle, remove the dyshko and cut it on the long narrow stripes upside the same neck. The edges of the strips are figurine to cut to resemble spines. Strip leaves on the basis.

Such a Christmas tree will be perfectly looking at the winter platform, especially under the snow, and also helps on New Year's Eve of those who did not have time to buy a living tree in a hurry.

Guests from a fairy tale - Merry beasts

And of course, there must be toys for sure. Often, children are put on the street of their old pets. With the help of plastic bottles, you can easily diversify the "zoo", creating real masterpieces - from a fabulous princess frog and goldfish to modern cartoon heroes.

Take at least a handsome cat painted with black and white paint. And you can use brown bottles from under beer, and it turns out a brown cat, also beautiful.

Of the two bottoms from the bottle to form a head (combine them), while the bends on the bottoms and they really look like a real head. On one of them, white paint draw eyes, broval and mustache, and the red is a neat tongue. Insert carved small ears from above. For the body, the same circumcised briefly rods ride the basis, the last to close the torso. Edges of the bottom to melt. On the melted circuit of the ears and fragments of the torso, walk the white paint, and on the front donkey make a white spot on the breast.

Glue the head and legs - for them there are already upper parts from bottles with an elongated neck. Cut them to the place where the bottle is expanding, cutting the edges with sharp teeth and build the legs of 4-5 parts, putting them on the wire. To tighten the tubes on the top neck, they stick to the body. To take a long wire and ride it the most narrow pieces of the neck, but without traffic jams. To the tail turned out to be fluffy, edges cut into thin stripes.

Beautiful animals are also obtained from large 5 liter tanks. With the correct combination of bottles of different volumes and using a bright coloring on the site, you can settle zebra, horse, cow, donkey, and even giraffe.

Flowers for daughter

In the sandbox, children are not only culberry. Little girls love flowers very much and often collect dandelions on the lawn (or at Mom on the flowerbed) to put them in their sandy vegetable garden. But from bottles you can make a whole greenhouse colors, while the girls will be happy to take part in the manufacture of the simplest options. Chamomile, cornflowers and tulips will decorate the sandbox, especially since young flowers will be able to repeatedly "transplant" them from beds to bed without harm for plants and mother's nerves.

For colors you will need:

  • wire for stem;
  • smooth pieces of bottles for cutting leaves;
  • torn or bottoms for the very inflorescence;
  • paint.

More complex options can make adults. Plastic roses or poppies will decorate not only the playground, but also flower beds.

Plastic garden design

Plastic bottles have an extensive area of \u200b\u200bapplication. So, if small animals and birds appropriately look at the flower beds and playgrounds, then the beasts of a larger scale can be placed in the garden, among trees and shrubs. They will give the garden a unique appearance and revive him.

Amazing garden sculptures

Representatives of large feathered, made of plastic look almost alive. With the help of multi-colored paints, you can achieve a stunning realistic effect. For their manufacture, it is necessary to simply master the technique of cutting feathers from the sideways of bottles and prepare the framework on which they will be fixed.

Very spectacular in the garden will look like:

In the garden, you can settle sculptures not only birds, but also animals are quite large size so that they are not lost against the background of high trees.

Among the greenery, the bright spot will be a white sheep, which is quite easy to make, if bottles of 2 liters and a few 1.5 l were lying in the storage room.

  1. Crop the neck in two bottles with a capacity of 2 liters and put them on each other - it will be an elongated head. From the third bottle, cut long ears, minimize them with a tube and attach to the head in the appropriate places with wire (or glue). Eye can draw or glue two corks.
  2. For the body into a cut-off bottle insert a whole neck inside. Make more 3 such workpieces and attach them to the first on the sides and from above, attaching, thus, sheep the desired volume of the "waist".
  3. The neck will serve a whole two-liter bottle, which should be strengthened on the torso at an angle of about 120 degrees so that the plug is from above.
  4. To the neck (on the plug) set the head.
  5. For foot, cut the top part from a two-liter bottle and insert a whole bottle of smaller volume into it (1.5 liters). Make three more such blanks and attach legs to the body to the body upward.
  6. From the cropped donyshek two-liter bottles, make a mano, bonding them between themselves, and put on the torso. Under the stomach edge of the fur coat.
  7. Color white paint lamb and draw black eyes.

Caring for birds

You can apply plastic bottles not only in decorative purposes, but also with the benefit for the garden. After all, there are always small assistants of the villagers - a variety of birds, collecting pests from trees. In warm summertime, they have something to eat, but in winter it becomes harder to extract food. That's where the feeders walked around the garden will be useful. And if you bring the process to the process, it turns out double use: children are an interesting occupation and pleasure, and the birds are a cozy house with grains.

The most simple can be made of large 5 liter plastic bottles, just cutting out large holes on both sides in the form of the arch.

In order for the birds to disappoint the paws about the sharp edges of the bottle, they must be pre-melted or salabe.

For those who are rare in the summer in the summer, the feeder is useful, filling automatically.

You can make it from the bottle and two wooden spoons:

  • to make two holes in a bottle against each other, while the second should be slightly lower;
  • expand the bottle and on the reverse side to repeat the procedure;
  • insert the crosswise crosswise in the holes.

After the bottle is filled with food, it will be poured through the holes in spoon as they are devastated.

Cozy place to relax from undergrades

Not only birds, but the owners themselves must have their own secluded corner among greens, where warm summer evenings can be happy to drink a cup of tea, breathing the flavors of nature. Many prefer to put in the garden. They are very beautiful, they will not argue with that, however require certain financial investments. But from plastic cheap and angry make not only a rest area, but also to fully equip it.

Alcove? Easily!

Gazebo - one of their most large-scale crafts for giving plastic bottles. But the plastic gazebo has two big advantages:

  • it is easily going;
  • it will last more than one year without damaging the material.

Perhaps the only minus of the construction is the presence of a large number of bottles that need to be stored somewhere during the collection.

What a gazebo will look, depends only on the desire of the owner, well, and, accordingly, from the presence of "building materials":

Practical curtains in a gazebo

In summer gazebos, a lot of fresh air, but still, unfortunately, dust. Ordinary tulle requires frequent styrics, while the plastic curtain does not collect so much dust, and it can not even be removed - just to quote the water from the hose (of course, if such a curtain hangs in the house).

For dreamy and romantic hostesses, gentle curtains from dyshk plastic bottles are suitable for the basis.

Energetic people who love bright colors, cork curtains collected more like the same principle.

garden furniture

The table, the dock, the chair and even the sofa in the gazebo can also be made of plastic bottles. The old one of the house will also completely come down to relax in the fresh air, but she, like curtains, will eventually become a dust assembly. In addition, to make a wooden sofa to the street is difficult enough, because such furniture is quite cumbersome and heavy. But rearrange the plastic chair will not work.

Collect the furniture is easy - the bottles are simply necessary to exhibit tightly and combine the scotch with each other, giving the desired shape. For the docks to tie or sew a cape - no one is guessed from the outside, from which they are actually made.

For a sofa, Dermatin covers will be more suitable.

Unbreakable chandeliers for the garden

If there is an evening tea party, it is necessary to spend in the gazebo. To enjoy the light bulb, you can cut a bottle into two parts and from the top half make a simple plastic and paint it or caught a colored thread.

In plastic chandeliers, it is better to use the economical light bulbs - they are not so hot, and they will not melt the material.

In more complex variants, the chandeliers are collected from fragments of leaves or colors cut from multi-colored bottles.

Garden Supplies to work in the garden

In order for the country area to look beautiful and neat, it is necessary to care for it all the time - weeds to gour out, collect the fallen foliage and small garbage. To do this, you will need tools. Of course, to make a chip or rake from plastic will not work, but more simple copies are quite possible.

Folk craftsmen have long known how to use plastic bottles with benefit for themselves and with savings for family budget. After all, if a scoop suddenly broke, no longer need to run to the store for a new one. From domestic waste, which is in every home, it turns out a lot of useful things without excess costs:

Garden Cares

From plastic bottles you can make useful things not only for the garden, but also for the garden. It can be both small crafts in the form and more large-scale buildings such as greenhouses.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Most dachensons grow seedlings of garden crops on their own. Some do it in the apartment conditions, but more high-quality seedlings are obtained from greenhouses - there and heat, and light enough.

You can no longer talk about the cost, but it concerns the strength - from plastic bottles will definitely preserve longer than film shelters or glass structures.

To increase the life of the greenhouses from plastic bottles, it is advisable to put on the foundation, and use metal products for the frame.

The easiest option of the greenhouse provides for the construction of walls from the whole bottles that wear on top of each other.

A little longer will have to tinker with a greenhouse from the plates, but it will turn out warmer. In this case, it is necessary to cut the smooth parts from the bottles and cut (sew) them in the form of a canvas. From the finished canvases to mount the greenhouse.

Watering "Systems"

For gargrin, watering is an equally relevant question than the presence of greenhouse. Instead of finished watering systems in the garden, you can use. They must either hang over a bush, having done a pre-hole in the lower part, or insert into the ground.

In addition, a good sprayer turns out of the bottle - you just need to make small holes in it and connect to the watering hose.

Get rid of pests

The repeller from the plastic bottle will help to drive from the plot of the worst enemy of the dachnik -. He not only praises the beds, the roe of his tunnels, but also damages the root system of plants, depriving garlfriends of the future harvest.

If you wear the side walls in the bottle, bend them and put the container on the steel rod, with the wind gusts, the bottle will ripe and noise. The sound through the rod will go to the ground and deprivates the clock of the desire to shop in this noisy place.

A list of what can be made from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite long. These are just a few crafts that facilitate the life of dacnis. Agree - it is better to extract maximum benefit from bottles than to pollute the environment. Take care of nature and work with pleasure!

21 Idea of \u200b\u200busing plastic bottles - video

Without a strong and cozy house, spacious and spacious shed, beautiful and comfortable gazebo behind the city can not do. But real originality and individuality of the land plot give homemade for giving and for the garden. It is about making these cute hearts of things and will be discussed below.

Craft materials

Not so long ago, the country site was considered by our compatriots only as a source of fruit, berries and vegetables, which diversified the diet for a long and cold winter.

Now, more and more people consider it as a place where you can relax and relax after a tense labor week spent in the city. That is why many began to pay great influence and decorative component.

Some hire landscape designers for this purpose, however, the price of their services is usually quite high. But many interesting and practical things that your yard will decorate, the garden and garden can be made with their own hands. Moreover, for this you can use various infringement materials that would otherwise go to the landfill.


Catering homemade from polymer bottles not only aesthetic, but also environmentally friendly. After all, plastic decomposes very much on landfills, highlighting harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. And using as a building material, you inhale the second life in them.

For the manufacture of certain designs, not only plastic, but also glass bottles are suitable.
Combining materials, forms and colors, you can create installation for the garden and garden, which will play a key role in the landscape

Here are just a few most common ideas:

  1. Feeders for birds. These useful homemakers for home and giving not only decorate the exterior, but also help birds, saving them from hunger. The material will serve as a plastic 3 or a 6-liter bottle. The manufacturing process itself is easy. It is only necessary to cut into the right places of the suitable size and pour into the feed.
  2. Vasons. I cut off the top of the bottle, you can use it as a vase for ornamental or garden plants.

  1. Fencing for flowering. In this case, it is better to use glass bottles. Having stuck with the necks into the ground around the perimeter, you will get an original and original fence, which diversifies the appearance of the site.
  2. Decorations for the playground. The first thing comes to mind: plastic turntable, mill or sun. However, more creative and hardworking dachensons can be advised to make palm trees. Our instruction below describes in detail all stages of work.

Making plastic palm trees

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture, you need to stock such materials:

  • plastic bottles of green and brown;
  • several rods of reinforcement or 2-3 pipes (by the number of palm trees);
  • glue;
  • wire;
  • concrete or cement mortar for filling the base.

Further operations are performed as follows:

  1. A small pit is digging, in which the apparent metal rods or steel pipes are installed.
  2. The design for strength is placed by stone, slices of brick or slag block, after which is poured with concrete or cement mixture.
  3. Brown bottles need to cut off the bottom, and then put them on the pipe installed earlier. The number of parts depends on the height of the future palm. It is necessary to make the entire metal item be hidden.

In order for the decorative palm to be more durable, it is recommended to additionally glue bottles with a silicone glue.

  1. Tropical tree leaves are cut out of green bottles. For this, the details are removed by the bottom, after which the cylinder is dismissed on non-rigid stripes, do not renew about 2 cm to the neck.
  2. Separate elements of the crown are planted on steel wire and fixed on it. Finished lush branches are attached to the support part with welding or bolts.

Once it is impossible to transfer the installed palm.
Because if you use country houses from block containers, make sure that after building a capital structure, decorative elements organically fit into the landscape design.

Car tires

Of which you can still build homemakes at the cottage: products from automotive tires are perfectly looking at the cottage.

Let us dwell on the most common ideas:

  1. Flower garden. You need to paint your bus that have worked and impel it in the ground about half of the width.

  1. Sandbox. Place for games is manufactured similarly to the flowerbed. It is necessary to take care so that the buses of the reinforcing wire (Cord) are not sticking out of the tires (Cord), which can damage children.
  2. Decorative figures. It all depends on your imagination. The hardest task is the correct tire cut. It is best for these purposes to use hacksaw for metal or a special power tool.

If there is no electricity in your country, will help the leaser of the diesel generator for giving.
With the help of this device, you will drive the electric saw, grinder, perforator and many other necessary power tools.

Tubrete's manufacture

From the rubber tire for the car, you can make a comfortable and beautiful ottoman, which is suitable for the garden, gazebo or at home.

Materials in this case will serve:

  • old tire from the wheel for the car;
  • two sheets of thick plywood;
  • thick penx or synthetic rope.

The manufacturing process consists of such consecutive stages:

  1. Two circles are cut out of the sheets of plywood, whose diameter for 2-3 centimeters is less than the wheel size.

  1. Details are attached to rubber with self-tapping screws.
  2. Then, with the help of a glue gun on a tire, a rope is fixed. It must be glued so that the lumens do not see the rubber base.

  1. After that, the entire surface is covered with varnish, which not only give the product an attractive appearance, but also will prolong its operation, protecting against negative external factors.


The list of self-containers in this material is not exhaustive. Showing a fantasy tool, you can make many other crafts from wood, bottle caps, old beds and so on. You can learn more about this from the video in this article.

The trend of the rational use of household waste has been becoming increasingly popular, especially for plastic containers. From plastic bottles you can make your own practically the entire country interior and not only. One of the main advantages of such a material is a long service life, besides, it is very elastic. Do not forget that plastic bottles are available material that is always available in each owner or hostess.

Having shifted to the smelter and a little fantasy, you can not only make the right and useful things that will decorate the site, but also to free it from unnecessary trash, without causing harm to nature. After all, it is known that plastic decomposes very long, and there is hazardous substances when burning. Therefore, it is better not to throw bottles into a fire or exported to the landfill - they can still serve the service in the form of a variety of crafts, some options of which are presented in the article.

Cheap and angry - make flower beds from bottles

Plastic container is an ideal option for flower beds, as it has a great advantage over wood and even metal. Wooden fence on flower beds or flower beds with time, it dissolves or rotates under the influence of moisture and the sun. Even metal borders are subject to corrosion and require periodic care, such as regular staining.

And what about plastic? For a long time, it does not lose its form and does not destroy. This means that such a flowerba will serve not one season and not even one year, besides, absolutely does not require care. Even if the "breakdown" occurs, the desired "element" can always be found in the storeroom and easily replace, without resorting to long tiring shops in stores in order to search for a suitable fragment.

So, what can be made of plastic bottles with your own hands?

Bottle borders

If the flower garden needs to be protected, the plastic package of a different volume will perfectly cope with it. Such a border will not only limit the space and will not allow the growth of perennial plants, but will still retain moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

The shape and dimensions of the flowers depend only on the fantasy of the dacket: it can be both equilateral and in the form of some animal or plants. Also bottles can be divided into the segments of the Klumba itself.

Even a child will be able to build a bottle border (with adults, of course):

  1. The first thing on the site should be drawn by a sharp object or pour out the sands of the flower beds.
  2. Bottles free from labels, wash, pour sand in them and spin the lid. If there is no one, you can use conventional land or water. This is necessary for stability, since empty packaging quickly falls out of the fence.
  3. According to the outlined contour, dig a groove in such a way that the bottle can be deepened in approximately 1/3.
  4. Install the filled bottles into the groove of the neck down, as close as possible to each other, and fall asleep the earth.

For a visual effect, you can use bottles from different plastic color (green, white, brown).

Some daches cost and without batting. For example, bottles without a pedestal are simply inserted into each other, forming a circle. The finished design can be "put on" on a shrub or take a tree circle in the ring. To secure the border, it should be tightly pressing the earth with arcs.

Multi-tier club

If you really want to have a flower garden, and the places are catastrophically, you can make a multi-tier flower bed with your own hands from plastic bottles. The principle is the same as when building a border, only after the laying of the first tier, it is necessary to fill it with its feeding soil, and then upload the next floor.

When planting plants for the lower tier, it is better to choose moisture-loving copies, because when watering the water will flock down.


Beautiful and helpful crafts for giving can be made of 5-liter plastic bottles. They will serve miniature and pretty clubs, for example, in the form of all favorite piglets.

There are no less effectively group compositions in the form of steam parts with flowers.

And if instead of flowers to sow lawn grass, the big bottle turns into a cute hedgehog with green spines. It remains only to attach eyes and spout.

Those who are not afraid of small rodents will enjoy cutie-mouse from small (liter) bottles. They are good to plant petunias.

Flower pots and kashpo

Showing a little fantasy, plastic bottles are easy to transform into small decorative pots for flowers or spicy greens. You can make them smooth or trimmed under the marker in the form of a face. Such van supplies will wonder not only in the garden gazebo, but also in the house on the windowsill.

But if you wear a fabric case on the cropped bottle and attach ropes, it turns out elegant porridge for the summer veranda.

The easiest option to make outboard pots - it is cut on both sides of the bottle fragments of the walls, and under the neck, fasten the harness for hanging. In such vases you can plant compact low-spirited plants.

Make a beautiful garden track

Special popularity for dachniks enjoy tracks from plastic containers. The strength of such a path depends on the method of laying and how much of the plastic container serves as a building material:

The tracks from plastic bottles in the winter become very slippery.

Merry playground - decorate a place for children's games

Thoughtful parents always seek to take away their children at the cottage place for games, where children could pass time while adults are in the garden. Of course, it should be not only safe, but also colorful to enjoy the kids. With the help of plastic bottles, it is easy to decorate the playground, smearing a variety of plants and animals. Provide brightness will help them.

In the shade under the palm

What is the playground without sandbox? And where there is sand, must "grow" palm. For tropicals, you will need green and brown bottles for the trunk and leaves, respectively.

Before embarking, it is necessary to take care of a solid basis. For example, fasten a metal pin in the concrete screed, and it should be quite long so that the tree is high, and the children could walk freely under it.

When the base is fixed, you can start "cultivation" of palm trees:

  • cut off half the bottle (the top with the neck does not need) and form a gear edge;
  • in the center of the bottom to make a hole, ride the blanks on the pin-base, bending the cloves to the side for a more natural type;
  • a green bottle cut off the bottom and make straight cuts over the entire contour before the place where the wall goes into the neck (with a branch desire, you can make figured - cut into 4 parts and each to issue teeth);
  • fragments of the branch ride on the basis;
  • firmly attaching ready-made branches to the top of the stem (welding or construction harnesses).

If there are still many green bottles after assembling the palm tree, of which you can make a small (or large) Christmas tree. At the bottle, remove the dyshko and cut it on the long narrow stripes upside the same neck. The edges of the strips are figurine to cut to resemble spines. Strip leaves on the basis.

Such a Christmas tree will be perfectly looking at the winter platform, especially under the snow, and also helps on New Year's Eve of those who did not have time to buy a living tree in a hurry.

Guests from a fairy tale - Merry beasts

And of course, there must be toys on the playground. Often, children are put on the street of their old pets. With the help of plastic bottles, you can easily diversify the "zoo", creating real masterpieces - from a fabulous princess frog and goldfish to modern cartoon heroes.

Take at least a handsome cat painted with black and white paint. And you can use brown bottles from under beer, and it turns out a brown cat, also beautiful.

Of the two bottoms from the bottle to form a head (combine them), while the bends on the bottoms and they really look like a real head. On one of them, white paint draw eyes, broval and mustache, and the red is a neat tongue. Insert carved small ears from above. For the body, the same circumcised briefly rods ride the basis, the last to close the torso. Edges of the bottom to melt. On the melted circuit of the ears and fragments of the torso, walk the white paint, and on the front donkey make a white spot on the breast.

Glue the head and legs - for them there are already upper parts from bottles with an elongated neck. Cut them to the place where the bottle is expanding, cutting the edges with sharp teeth and build the legs of 4-5 parts, putting them on the wire. To tighten the tubes on the top neck, they stick to the body. To take a long wire and ride it the most narrow pieces of the neck, but without traffic jams. To the tail turned out to be fluffy, edges cut into thin stripes.

Beautiful beasts of plastic bottles are also obtained from large 5-liter tanks. With the correct combination of bottles of different volumes and using a bright coloring on the site, you can settle zebra, horse, cow, donkey, and even giraffe.

Flowers for daughter

In the sandbox, children are not only culberry. Little girls love flowers very much and often collected dandelions on the lawn (or roses at mom on the flower bed) to put them in their sandy vegetable garden. But from bottles you can make a whole greenhouse colors, while the girls will be happy to take part in the manufacture of the simplest options. Chamomile, cornflowers and tulips will decorate the sandbox, especially since young flowers will be able to repeatedly "transplant" them from beds to bed without harm for plants and mother's nerves.

For colors you will need:

  • wire for stem;
  • smooth pieces of bottles for cutting leaves;
  • torn or bottoms for the very inflorescence;
  • paint.

More complex options can make adults. Plastic roses or poppies will decorate not only the playground, but also flower beds.

Plastic garden design

Crafts for giving from plastic bottles have an extensive scope. So, if small animals and birds appropriately look at the flower beds and playgrounds, then the beasts of a larger scale can be placed in the garden, among trees and shrubs. They will give the garden a unique appearance and revive him.

Amazing garden sculptures

Representatives of large feathered, made of plastic look almost alive. With the help of multi-colored paints, you can achieve a stunning realistic effect. For their manufacture, it is necessary to simply master the technique of cutting feathers from the sideways of bottles and prepare the framework on which they will be fixed.

Very spectacular in the garden will look like:

In the garden, you can settle sculptures not only birds, but also animals are quite large size so that they are not lost against the background of high trees.

Among the greenery, the bright spot will be a white sheep, which is quite easy to make, if bottles of 2 liters and a few 1.5 l were lying in the storage room.

  1. Crop the neck in two bottles with a capacity of 2 liters and put them on each other - it will be an elongated head. From the third bottle, cut long ears, minimize them with a tube and attach to the head in the appropriate places with wire (or glue). Eye can draw or glue two corks.
  2. For the body into a cut-off bottle insert a whole neck inside. Make more 3 such workpieces and attach them to the first on the sides and from above, attaching, thus, sheep the desired volume of the "waist".
  3. The neck will serve a whole two-liter bottle, which should be strengthened on the torso at an angle of about 120 degrees so that the plug is from above.
  4. To the neck (on the plug) set the head.
  5. For foot, cut the top part from a two-liter bottle and insert a whole bottle of smaller volume into it (1.5 liters). Make three more such blanks and attach legs to the body to the body upward.
  6. From the cropped donyshek two-liter bottles, make a mano, bonding them between themselves, and put on the torso. Under the stomach edge of the fur coat.
  7. Color white paint lamb and draw black eyes.

Caring for birds

You can apply plastic bottles not only in decorative purposes, but also with the benefit for the garden. After all, there are always small assistants of the villagers - a variety of birds, collecting pests from trees. In warm summertime, they have something to eat, but in winter it becomes harder to extract food. That's where the feeders walked around the garden will be useful. And if you bring the process to the process, it turns out double use: children are an interesting occupation and pleasure, and the birds are a cozy house with grains.

The most simple feeders can be made of large 5 liter plastic bottles, just cutting out large holes in the form of the arch on both sides.

In order for the birds to disappoint the paws about the sharp edges of the bottle, they must be pre-melted or salabe.

For those who are rare in the summer in the summer, the feeder is useful, filling automatically.

You can make it from the bottle and two wooden spoons:

  • to make two holes in a bottle against each other, while the second should be slightly lower;
  • expand the bottle and on the reverse side to repeat the procedure;
  • insert the crosswise crosswise in the holes.

After the bottle is filled with food, it will be poured through the holes in spoon as they are devastated.

Cozy place to relax from undergrades

Not only birds, but the owners themselves must have their own secluded corner among greens, where warm summer evenings can be happy to drink a cup of tea, breathing the flavors of nature. Many prefer to put wooden gazebo in the garden. They are very beautiful, they will not argue with that, however require certain financial investments. But from plastic cheap and angry make not only a rest area, but also to fully equip it.

Alcove? Easily!

Gazebo - one of their most large-scale crafts for giving plastic bottles. But the plastic gazebo has two big advantages:

  • it is easily going;
  • it will last more than one year without damaging the material.

Perhaps the only minus of the construction is the presence of a large number of bottles that need to be stored somewhere during the collection.

What a gazebo will look, depends only on the desire of the owner, well, and, accordingly, from the presence of "building materials":

Read the same: beautiful and original shelves do it yourself.

Practical curtains in a gazebo

In summer gazebos, a lot of fresh air, but still, unfortunately, dust. Ordinary tulle requires frequent styrics, while the plastic curtain does not collect so much dust, and it can not even be removed - just to quote the water from the hose (of course, if such a curtain hangs in the house).

For dreamy and romantic hostesses, gentle curtains from dyshk plastic bottles are suitable for the basis.

Energetic people who love bright colors, cork curtains collected more like the same principle.

garden furniture

The table, the dock, the chair and even the sofa in the gazebo can also be made of plastic bottles. Old furniture from the house will also completely come down to relax in the fresh air, but it, like curtains, will eventually become a dust. In addition, to make a wooden sofa to the street is difficult enough, because such furniture is quite cumbersome and heavy. But rearrange the plastic chair will not work.

Collect the furniture is easy - the bottles are simply necessary to exhibit tightly and combine the scotch with each other, giving the desired shape. For the docks to tie or sew a cape - no one is guessed from the outside, from which they are actually made.

For a sofa, Dermatin covers will be more suitable.

Unbreakable chandeliers for the garden

If the evening tea is planned, it is necessary to carry out lighting in the gazebo. To enjoy the light bulb, you can cut a bottle into two parts and from the top half make a simple plastic and paint it or caught a colored thread.

In plastic chandeliers, it is better to use the economical light bulbs - they are not so hot, and they will not melt the material.

In more complex variants, the chandeliers are collected from fragments of leaves or colors cut from multi-colored bottles.

Garden Supplies to work in the garden

In order for the country area to look beautiful and neat, it is necessary to care for it all the time - weeds to gour out, collect the fallen foliage and small garbage. To do this, you will need tools. Of course, to make a chip or rake from plastic will not work, but more simple copies are quite possible.

Folk craftsmen have long known how to use plastic bottles with benefit for themselves and with savings for family budget. After all, if a scoop suddenly broke, no longer need to run to the store for a new one. From domestic waste, which is in every home, it turns out a lot of useful things without excess costs:

Garden Cares

From plastic bottles you can make useful things not only for the garden, but also for the garden. It can be both small crafts in the form of repellers and more large-scale buildings such as greenhouses.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Most dachensons grow seedlings of garden crops on their own. Some do it in the apartment conditions, but more high-quality seedlings are obtained from greenhouses - there and heat, and light enough.

We can no longer talk about the cost, but as for strength - greenhouses from plastic bottles will definitely prefer longer than film shelters or glass structures.

To increase the life of the greenhouses from plastic bottles, it is advisable to put on the foundation, and use metal products for the frame.

The easiest option of the greenhouse provides for the construction of walls from the whole bottles that wear on top of each other.

A little longer will have to tinker with a greenhouse from the plates, but it will turn out warmer. In this case, it is necessary to cut the smooth parts from the bottles and cut (sew) them in the form of a canvas. From the finished canvases to mount the greenhouse.

Watering "Systems"

For gargrin, watering is an equally relevant question than the presence of greenhouse. Instead of finished watering systems, plastic bottles can be used in the garden. They must either hang over a bush, having done a pre-hole in the lower part, or insert into the ground.

In addition, a good sprayer turns out of the bottle - you just need to make small holes in it and connect to the watering hose.

Get rid of pests

The repeller from the plastic bottle will help you to drive from the site of the worst enemy of the dacket - Crow. He not only praises the beds, the roe of his tunnels, but also damages the root system of plants, depriving garlfriends of the future harvest.

If you wear the side walls in the bottle, bend them and put the container on the steel rod, with the wind gusts, the bottle will ripe and noise. The sound through the rod will go to the ground and deprivates the clock of the desire to shop in this noisy place.

A list of what can be made from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite long. These are just a few crafts that facilitate the life of dacnis. Agree - it is better to extract maximum benefit from bottles than to pollute the environment. Take care of nature and work with pleasure!

21 Idea of \u200b\u200busing plastic bottles - video

Crafts from plastic bottles do it yourself for giving and garden - Master - class how to do with a step-by-step photo

Surely the inventors of plastic bottles did not recognize how widely people would use them. Today, the craftsmen learned to make a huge number of useful things from plastic bottles, starting with toys and ending with a boat or house. We will limit ourselves to the consideration of crafts that will help beautifully arrange your plot, garden or garden.

Unusual qualities of homemade plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are extremely popular among lovers to create garden crafts. Explanation of that simple: on the one hand, the material is easily accessible, on the other hand, it is easy to work with it. No wonder among the admirers of the "genre" there is a huge number of women.

Note that the plastic container is extremely decomposed as garbage, but it is infinitely served in the rain and the sun in the yard. It's nice to compose something funny and useful from what was supposed to throw. The presence of numerous interesting examples even more provokes creative and inventive souls to create something better and unusual.

Plastic bottles have a lot of coloring, crafts from them can be painted and enriched with a variety of decor elements, which is also most often a grain material. The use of both small and large empty bottles of 0.5 to 5 liters allows you to create a variety of combinations of figures. The author of the text sets itself the task of suggesting you the most interesting examples and familiarize yourself with the techniques of work with your own plastic bottles on the example of several descriptions. Thus, you can find interesting and beautiful homemade to repetition and learn to implement your own ideas.

Bright crafts and decorations from bottles in the yard

Such poppies are always blooming, and for it they do not fly

The brightest decoration in the yard is flowers. From the plastic container, they are obtained wonderful and has already invented a considerable number of examples. About how we decorate the area with the help of colors, a separate article was prepared for you. Want to build a tree from bottles with your own hands? This is possible! We suggest you familiarize yourself with the master class on how to make plastic palm. If a plastic homemade from an unnecessary container must be painted, read our material on this topic.

In winter and summer in one color

Probably the easiest in the manufacture of crafts from plastic bottles - these are mushrooms. Mushrooms are made with their own hands extremely simple and very similar to real. The mushroom hat is the bottom of the bottle, its leg is the top of the tank. They should be painted at their discretion. Break up both parts is most convenient than the entire self-tapping screw.

To get the characteristic protrusions on the leg of the mumor, you can use two neck bottles for its manufacture. The grass can be created from the sidewall of the green container.

In this lake, water never freeze, and we always live swans

The blue lake in the yard is most realistic to arrange from plastic bottles. Its surface, even in the absence of wind, covers the characteristic ripple. Make such a pond easier. You need to paint at least 100 bottles of blue paint from the inside, and then burrow into the ground with a neck down. For the decoration of the pond, flowers and swans made from the same material on the recommendations of our articles will be suitable.

Cheerful Figures Animals and People for Plastic Tara Garden

We are happy to decorate our garden with crafts of animals, gnomes and people. Already invented a considerable number of various figures for the site. Interestingly, even when copying, each creative invention has features brought by the author. Nothing prevents you and you leave the "own trace in history", inventing the original gnome.

All sorts of different animals in the yard and garden

Before you several options for the turtle designs. All of them are made from the bottom of the bottle, which resembles an amphibian shell. Using paints and other elements of scenery, you can create a turtle with a "own face".

Caterpillar in the garden and garden is quite appropriate. In this performance in the butterfly, it will not turn, but it will not be able to harm. You can make an insect from the bottoms, covers and plastic containers. The easiest way to consistently collect upper parts of bright green bottles. Inside there may be a wire that is bent on both sides of the figure.

Funny dwarfs for the foundation can be made from a variety of tanks. Perhaps, without the use of paints, it is not enough here. A special place in the performance of dwarves is the decor: let the will of fantasy and try to use everything that will come. This is exactly the case when you can compose something unusual and your own.

Earth with the help of horses in the country is not plowing for a long time, but the presence of their figures is appropriate and welcome. The housing of the horse is most often made from five-liter eggplant, and the legs and the face - from the package smaller. The horse is very similar to the donkey, so that when it is made, you can use the instruction on the tower assembly, which follows.

Porks at the cottage from plastic bottles - classic genre. Of course, a 5-liter capacity is best suited for making a compound guinea. It is often used as a kashpo. Harvest assembly techniques are exactly the same as for the donkey. Description This follows.

A bright speck on the site will be a figurine of fox or bears covered with orange paint. We already understood that large five-liter bottles are well suited for both already named and other animal crafts. Here will be required fantasy and scenery. Assembly - all the same manual for the manufacture of the donkey, which follows.

You can say with perfect confidence that from plastic bottles it will work out to build any animal. Choose a sample to taste and create!

We have a few more examples of using plastic containers for the manufacture of animals. Frogs, hares, bears and rams are all as in the real forest.

Plastic Capacity Hunting Trophy

If you fail to hunt even with a camera, you can hang in your house in the country a hunting trophy from a plastic canister. In addition to the tank for the manufacture of horned head, it will additionally need 30 multi-colored plugs, a piece of wire with a diameter of 3mm and self-tapping screw.

Instructions for the assembly of hunting trophy:

Funny donkey from plastic bottles for your garden

As follows from the pictures, the donkeys are slightly different. We thought our own collective image and prepared for you a master class:

The farm must be useful made by their own hands.

Our articles about useful homemade for own yard from plastic bottles

You can familiarize yourself with how to make a splash from a plastic bottle, or how to learn how to create paintings on your own, curtains, furniture and other extraordinary things from plugs from plastic bottles in our articles. We give a list of more than several articles on useful country products:

Interesting examples of creatures from packaging for economic purposes

As you can see, rather monumental structures can be built from plastic bottles. However, many of us, appreciating the scale of the work and a large number of bottles, are ready to pronounce words from the old joke: "I do not drink so much." What homemade are good, to solve you, and we offer a master class on making our hands of prose nomanes from plastic bottles.

Step-by-step sequence management manual:

By collecting the crawl, we set the task to use smaller bottles and get a rulance of sufficient hardness. However, it turned out insufficiently wide. To solve this problem, use for blanks the entire length of the bottle.

At the same time, the containers will be required twice as much. In this option, to ensure sufficient stiffness of the broom, it will have to tied with twine as in the photo.

Together with the broom, we made a scoop of plastic containers. To implement such an idea, it is better to use a canister of thick plastic. Cut the item according to the image, planted on a wooden handle and get a scoop. The land of the scoop does not dig, but it is suitable for sand and cement and with our broom works in a pair!

It turns out that plastic slippers can be composed of charming slippers. How to make flowers, we have already told in a special article. The rest is so understandable.

Unfortunately, slippers needed urgently, and we decided the issue much faster. Of course, it is impossible to run in such a way, but from the shower to the house managed to get quite safely.
We give a few more examples of the use of bottles in the farm. A light chasso is going with a scotch. Baskets for linen are woven from the tape, which was obtained from bottles housings. Dusting tanks and greenhouse are assembled on a wire frame.

We tried to tell about the most successful examples of using plastic bottles in the household. The above descriptions allow you to master the techniques of work with the package. Let you get to realize these ideas and create our own "plastic masterpieces."

Crafts for garden garden from plastic bottles with their own hands.

Family we live in a house with a plot, so I almost never throw out things that can be useful for a garden or garden. Since we have acquired this house, we have a lot of plastic bottles from under lemonade and water in the Saraichik. Therefore, I decided to do something useful for my garden and to decorate our garden with my own hands. I was looking for new ideas, and now I will share with you what I liked the most.

Using the cast material in the farm, garden and garden.

Very useful and interesting use of a plastic bottle - for high-quality watering colors and other plants that grow in the garden:

Such a device is for convenience in collecting apples and other fruits from the trees that you are hard to get:

Useful crafts from bottles in which you will store the necessary tool tool and other little things:

Good idea - how older to plant onions and another greens:

Comfortable feeder for your cat:

Plastic bottle tank is not difficult to do:

Even buildings, shelters, greenhouses for the garden and garden are made of bottles:

Decor for garden and garden.

I have seen at many at the cottage, as such Lamps "Ilyich" stand, without plafones, nothing has been reached. And so, a good idea - lampshade from the bottle with their own hands, which reminds Lily. And in your gazebo in the garden will always please you with your tenderness of such a romantic light from the crafts: Flowers.

Multicolored homemade garland:

You can decorate the site near the house or the fence not only alive flowers, see how lovely flowers made of bottles do it yourself:

Here is a vase or mini-flower bed:

Fencing for beds in the garden:

Cacti or other not highly high plants planted in plastic bottles will become like cute hedgehogs:

Such a craft resembles a Chinese flashlight, which almost all streets in Asia are taken:

These are interesting things for the garden and the garden you can make your own hands!

21 The idea of \u200b\u200busing plastic bottles at the cottage. Crafts from plastic bottles

Hi, dear gardeners! How are you? Everything is ready for the country season? The topic is interesting today and relevant, many probably familiar ... But, I hope, I will surprise you with something \u003d)

The use of plastic bottles in the country today everything is sold in plastic bottles: water, lemonade, milk ... From all the garbage, that we have a spear, the most opposite - it is the bottle: one in the garbage bucket is stuffed - and that's all: count, half-water is busy. And what is the dacha! In many cottage villages, there are simply no garbage containers. Output one: either to carry all this "good" to the city, to the nearest container, or somehow use what is not recycled in country conditions.

Logical question: How can plastic bottles be used in the farm to be and useful, and comfortable, and beautiful? That's about it and talk.

Ideas for using plastic bottles. Photos from

By the way, information reference: plastic decomposes in water from 100 to 500 years (according to various data and depending on the type of plastic).

Plants that recycle garbage, we have little, and people sometimes find interesting use by simple and seemingly completely unnecessary things. If you wish, you can create such beauty - the neighbors will be visible! Want to decorate the garden without special costs? Look, whether there is empty plastic bottles on your dacha. Plastic bottles can be shredding flower beds. The benefit is obvious here: the flower beds and the beds are not blurred by shoes, they always look carefully and please the eyes. In my opinion, it looks great ... how to make such a flower? Beautiful neat flower beds and beds. Photos from the site, of course, it will take a lot of bottles (preferably the same size). We smear in them sand, close and begin to build "Frequis". Bottles will have to go a little to the ground to trigger their stability. After the flower bed is fenced, we paint the resulting border in any colors of the rainbow. In principle, you can do it and in advance - as you wish. But it seems to me, it is more convenient to paint the finished fence, than each bottle separately. And the tanks from the dark plastic can be left at all as it is, it also looks pretty. Beautiful indescribable. Include imagination, wake up the fantasy and create all sorts of flowers in your garden, which will never shock and do not rot)).

Such a palm tree is not afraid of snow and frost so that it is clearer, how to make something from bottles (let's say, flowers), we will analyze an example.

What may be needed:

  • plastic bottles of different colors;
  • scissors, timed, thick threads;
  • pVA glue and "master";
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads - for decoration.
With the rest, everything is more or less understandable, and why the candle? Everything is simple. Cut off the bottle of the neck. Each neck cut until the end along, we make 6 petals. Give the petals rounded shape. We light the candle and each petal is pledged to slightly melted. First, at the edges, so that they were beautiful and even, and then at the base of the petals, flexing them at the same time, giving the form. Plastic when heated is well formed.

Seven flowery made of plastic bottles! Stem is better made of thick wire. Stamens - from a thin wire, for which beads can be rolled. It will only be left to collect the whole thing, fastening with glue, if necessary, using awl and wire. Ready flower decorate. Do you know what beauty does it work?

Flowers of plastic bottles. Photos from Palms, bells, butterflies and so on, too easy. For example, the palm trunk is easy to build from brown plastic bottles, cutting off each lower part and hovering the bottle one to another. Fantasize, and everything will work out! From the bottles who just do not. The simplest thing perhaps is pigs. Just something necessary: \u200b\u200bcut and beat the "ears", to attach the tail and paint beautifully. However, there are crafts and very complex. For example, animals from fairy tales. I will not paint how to do them in stages, otherwise the article will get a galactic scale. It's better just showing a video from slides. According to the photo, in principle, it is clear how to do, it is not difficult to figure out.

How do you like such animals? In my opinion, look super! And if you bring to the process of children, they will be delighted!

Funny birds from plastic bottles. Photos from Tools are used the same as those listed above. Paints are not necessarily acrylic. But they dry faster, it is a plus. And almost not smell. True, they are also different. These crafts captured me by their air and unusual. Specially selected bottles and make such a curtain in my yard! I think you can use bottles of different sizes.

Curtains from plastic bottles. Photos from the site are predominantly dons, but you can still cut the leaves! From afar it is not very clear what these transparent flowers hang on, but the more interesting the idea. We look ...

As you can see, you can fasten the flowers with threads, you can glue them to the base (for example, a polyethylene film). I think this option is perfect for the gazebo. And it will be light, and the rain will not penetrate. Variants curtains from bottles are a huge set. But I still liked the first one, and you? Actually, why not? Book a lamp in the garden - unprofitable, just hang the light bulb - ugly. Plastic bottle lamp is a great version of the illumination of the garden plot.

Such chandeliers are not ashamed and hang in the house.

The main rule: it is impossible to allow plastic parts to come into contact with the light bulb, and they can melt. True, you can use an energy-saving lamp, it is heated less - up to +50 ... + 60 ° C.

Girls! If you do not know how to attach the light bulb itself, leave this business to husbands, brothers or fathers ... With you - creative, with them - lighting element \u003d)))

A lampshade of plastic bottles. Photos from I recently wrote about garden tracks in article 9 of materials for a garden path. But there was nothing about the bottles there, only about the lids of them. It turns out, and from Rudyshek will be a good path, which is pleasant to walk barefoot, massage the legs. Please note: the bottoms are stacked on loose sand. When laying the master puts the effort so that the workpieces stuffed with sand. This will exclude their deformation in the future, when you enclosing them. That's where it is somewhat hot ... if you think the garden decor from bottles is not for you, perhaps you will be interested in useful things that you can do from them. The easiest option is to hang the bottle-turned upside down, and when you need to wash your hands, just turn off a little lid. The bottom of the bottle is better to cut off and make it possible to be easier to pour water. There is nothing complicated here, and the child will cope. This washbasin can be suspended on a tree or somewhere else. By the way, take advantage of this idea when you go to the picnic, it is very convenient, and your hands are always clean. Waterbook and boxing for packages of plastic bottles. Photos from It is advisable to make a homemade washbasin closing so that leaves, insects and other trash do not fall into the water. There are more complex designs. You can, for example, embed to a large bottle with a hose with a crane. But this is so very convenient. And you can make a boxing bottle for packages, napkins, or something like that. Make a scoop with your own hands simpler simple. Take the bottle and marker the form of the future scoop. Further is the case of scissors. Well, or knife. Scoop from plastic bottle. Photos from is such shoes that is quite quickly wear out. Therefore, durable and beautiful slippers in the farm will always be useful. Do not, do not think that the slippers of the bottles are just a scoop with heels \u003d))). I would like to look at it ... although there are also simple options. For example, this:

And a more complex option looks like this:

Such bouquets do, of course, not necessarily. And in general, slippers are excellent. In order not to slide, and the leg felt comfortable, you can experiment with the "layers". How to make holes? Yes, at least a hole pack! And if there are men in the house, provide them to solve this task. There are many different things. I will dissolve only about the chickenpox from the crot and trap for mosquitoes.

Let's start with trap

Make it very simple. Sut off the bottle of the top and insert the neck into the bottle down. The design should be darkened with paper or tissue - mosquitoes will be more willing to fly there.

As bait on the bottom of the bottle pour sugar-yeast syrup. Make it simple: pour hot water, add sugar and yeast there, stir and cool. Such a trap will attract not only mosquitoes, but also bees, OS, flies.

You can put the design on the window or suspend - it is already at will. It should be cleaned once a week. Trappers for insects of plastic bottles. Photo from by the way, I do not know why in the photo brown syrup - can, from cane sugar?))) Or maybe it's kvass. By the way, yes - the insects are flying too. Somehow left a jar on the porch with a kvass, so there so much of all sorts of midges flew out!

Wheat windmill, frightening mole and not only

About these devices was detailed in the article how to drive the mole from the cottage. There is a video - you can see how such a design is how it works. Ask, what is he scares? At the bottom of the bottle, they are advised to pour beads, balls from bearings and other "rattling" elements. They say the sound that publishes this windmill, the mobes are not transferred. Who has moles? Try, then unsubscribe here, agreed? Yes, the axis on which the craft is mounted, you need to stick to the ground - I think you understood. About the fact that some are saved from the bear with the help of bottles, I think you also know. The bottle cuts off the bottom and throat - the cylinder is obtained, which is bought into the ground. Such a "case" protects the root system of the young plant from the atmosphere of the Medveda. For these purposes, bottles are rectangular more suitable. For example, from under the machine oils. However, there are bottles for water such a form. Capacities are made simply: marker, cut. All \u003d))

Storage tanks from plastic bottles. Photos from These boxes can be healthy in the farm. Some plants do not like surface irrigation. Therefore, some beds, my mom watering with plastic bottles. The bottle needs to cut off the bottom, but not to the end so that something like a lid. I tear the earth on the side of the plant, we make a small trench and put the pebbles there. Drainage is needed that water does not blur the soil. Then the bottles put the necks down and take the earth. Now, to pour the plant, just need that open the lid and pour the right amount of water. Some stick up with tanks up, but then you need to make holes in the bottle so that water goes. The use of plastic bottles for watering. Photos from as for, plant heating, you can just pour water into bottles and put the plant. In the sun, the water heats up and will give a heat for some time. I know that glass bottles are also bought into the ground, but today we have a conversation about plastic. Many people are generally contraindicated to work down their heads. This is especially true for hypertensive. And how then is sheer now? There are many devices, I will tell you about the knee pads. If working on the knees, the head will not be at the bottom, therefore, well-being will not suffer. All you need is to find suitable bottles, try on their knees and cut the knee pads of the desired form. Then attach strings. Everything is simple. And which only pots from plastic bottles do not happen! Some just pour into the bottle of the ground, others do real masterpieces. Features are limitless. What is good: bottles can always be painted in any color and suspend anywhere. For example, how do you know such ideas?

Flower pots. Photos from the site is very cute, and you will not immediately guess, from which pots are made. I did my first candlestick from the plastic bottle in the elementary school, in the lesson of labor. It's simple. Cut from the bottle of neck and bottom (about half the bottle). Then the part that with the bottom, cut on the stripes and bend them. And insert the part that with the neck. She will keep a candle. In general, easier simple. Candlesticks made of plastic bottles can be very beautiful. Photos from the site But this is just one of the options, you can connect two neck. Instead of a thousand words show one video.

Why buy a broom when it can be done in half an hour? The farm periodically arises the need to spend something from one container to another. Not necessarily something edible - it happens, and the divorced fertilizer, and the poison for Colorado beetles ... Do not use for such a funnel for such purposes from the kitchen! And from the bottle, the funnel can be done at any time. Plastic bottle funnels. Photos from the site, we fed the birds all winter in such troughs. Bottles used large, 5 liter. I cut the windows in them, made small "thresholds" and "porches". So that it was convenient to sit in Ptahm, and the snow did not disappoint. More plus - such feeders are comfortable to hang on the trees, they already have handles.

Bird feeders from plastic bottles. Photos from This is not a funnel with pots, but something more serious. Enforceable people from anything can build something to themselves. From plastic bottles, let's say, excellent greenhouses and gazebo are obtained. Finished high-size greenhouse costs more than 15 thousand rubles. I know for sure because I was interested in this issue. Add the cost of assembly. Not yet can figure out what's there. But there is an alternative that is not inferior on operational qualities and will cost you ... just in 500-700 empty plastic bottles! \u003d))

Plastic from which the bottles are made, 20 times more stronger than dense polyethylene. It perfectly holds the temperature, does not melt in the sun and can serve as decades. Greenhouses from plastic bottles have a number of advantages:

  • she is cheap;
  • durable;
  • easily repaired;
  • easy by weight, it can be rearranged if necessary;
  • it looks pretty nice.

Greenhouse from plastic bottles. Photos from I walked along different sites and realized that there are 2 main ways to use plastic bottles during construction:
  1. Each bottle is cut down the bottom. A thin rail is taken and all bottles are bounted. It turns out ready-made construction planks.
  2. The bottle is cut down the bottom and throat. Then what happened is the middle part - cuts along. It turns out a rectangular piece of plastic. It is stroked with iron (necessarily through solid paper) to align. Of these sheets, she sew lists more. Preferably a mustache. You can use awl; For fastening parts - Cord thread or wire. It is not recommended to sew the thread or fishing line - the seams quickly rotate and disperse.
Greenhouses from plastic bottles. Photos from when sheets (bar) are ready, you can make the frame. Make it from ordinary wooden bars with a hammer and nails. Form - any. It is possible - a house, can be a triangle. And then on the frame Krepim what made from bottles. In the first case, the bar must be set as close as possible to each other so that the wind does not walk. Well, you can always put a scotch tape. In general, challenge!)) And in the second case, the finished plastic bottles are simply nailed to a wooden frame. Important moment - roof. In general, a good frame is able to withstand a rather heavy weight, but knowledgeable people advise the roof to cover not bottles, but polycarbonate sheets. Or to strengthen something to strengthen something - suddenly the snow will hire a lot. I will tell you immediately that from bottles even build at home, and what! Ploy! But basically use glass bottles - they are still stronger. And they do not need to fill in addition to sand. The construction technology of arbors from plastic bottles, in general, simple. The child will figure it out. Bottles feed sand. These will be our "bricks". We place the form of the arbor, we think over the architecture, we make a cement solution, the basis and erection of the wall!

A gazebo of plastic bottles. Photos from the site there is, truth, subtleties. For example, between rows of masonry is better to put the reinforcing grid - the structure will be stronger. In addition, before the moment of complete drying, the bottle solution is better to hold something to do not spread. Well, and comply with the rules, ordinary for masonry brick wall. Everything will work out! In conclusion, I want to say this. Friends, let's find a more useful application, whenever possible, rather than the dump. To make as little landfills as possible on the planet. And then even the seaside bottom was riddled, not to mention the shores. Plastic bottles - garbage. Photos from I am very angry with a very angry at people: the snow melts, the first "snowdrops" open an eye ... I even wrote to the newspaper, tried to somehow influence conscience - it is useless. I think I should print this post and disseminate all your neighbors))). Of course, there are not all options for using plastic bottles in the country ... You can still do boats ... Mugs, chairs ... In general, anything))

Friends, I have one question for you: Do you apply plastic bottles in the farm, and if so, how? By the way, do not forget that the photos of their crafts and successful "inventions" can be uploaded in the comments;)

Every day we throw away various packages, plastic bottles, plastic bags, tin cans, etc. And probably few people thought that this "garbage" can find a new life, becoming a material for original crafts that can be made with their own hands. Today you will learn about crafts from plastic bottles.

Curtains with delicate petals from conventional plastic waste and bottles

Ekodisair from UK Michel Brand creates decorative lamps, chandeliers, garlands, curtains, curtains from ordinary plastic waste. From the bottom of the bottles gently carries tender flowers, the edges of which molds on a small fire. Then hangs on a thin line, as if beads, or stitches each other. Brilliant and easy!

Do you also want such unusual curtains? The pattern from the bottoms of the bottles is best lay out on the horizontal surface, the felt-tip pen is put on the point in the places of contact horizontally and vertical.

1 option. We burn the holes with a seboard or needle, and then we ride on a leaf for beading or thin fishing - first all vertical stripes, then connect them through the holes done horizontally. You can also glue the bottoms in the places of contact with thermoclaim. The design is more rigid.
Option 2. We connect the bottoms through the burned holes, which makes small stationery clips through them or similar to the stapler.
Of course, you will have to try to bend them with your fingers or pliers.

Nadezhda Colmkova.

Plastic Bottles Furniture

If you understand that in its plastic work, gardens ratchets, garden dolls and even palm trees, go to the manufacture of more practical products. For example, furniture is light, durable and original.

On the path of embodiment, only one obstacle may occur - the lack of a sufficient number of identical bottles. But not trouble: not enough for the sofa - we make the emblem. Miserer cost: only the stationery knife and tape are needed.

The most attractive in plastic furniture is that the whole is done according to a single technology. The carrier frame of any subject consists of blocks in which 16 double-liter bottles are concluded. The sequence of manufacturing such a block is clearly demonstrated in the figure. Of the important nuances, I will note two:

1. Compliance with the correspondence of the size of parts B and C;
2. The rigid compound of "spare parts" with the help of tape.

Backs, armrests and other elements are made from the same bottles of "Matryoshek", connecting in the desired configuration.

If you use such furniture outdoors, it is enough just to make something soft plus to sharpen paint from the canister. For intransfit use, you can sew a cover with stuffing and the like. In general, in the presence of fantasy, the result will satisfy even the most exquisite aesthetes.

Material consumption:
Single bed - 750 Booth. Double Sofa - 400-500 Booth. Chair - 250 Booth.

Timur Sokolov.

Plastic Bottle Puff

Of the 16 plastic bottles with closed covers, it is easy to do something like a PUPPU (Country option). I turn over their neck down and tape at first two, and then the pairs of each other. Top with a scotch fix cardboard, then foaming to gently sit. It remains only to wear our "throne" in the cover sewn from the old clothes.


Tired of looking for a place where to recharge the phone? From now on it will be straightforward ... on the outlet. Cut from a plastic bottle from drink or shampoo immediately and pocket for mobile, and "ear" for suspension on the "fork". Fortunately, electricity plastic does not miss.

Nikolay Korostelev

Plastic Bottles Service

This plastic cassette can have a lot of applications:
- Country kitchen device (spices, knives spoons, napkins, vase);
- Nonsense for the storage of petroleral small things, radio components, nut-washem screws, seeds, buttons, etc.;
- Service for trips to nature. The design is so simple that the manufacture will take a couple of hours.

It will take: Plastic circle (PVC board cut), 4 plastic kefira bottles and 1 - from beer and water, 7 caps with threaded neck, glue-gun, aluminum rod, 2 segment of a plastic tube.

From the bottles cut off the lower parts (cups) and threaded necks at the very base. And from the board - Circle 1 (see Fig.). Inside it draw a circle of 2 smaller diameters. We put on it at an equal interval of six crossings 3 and one - in the center 4. In the marked places we glue the cut cuts with threads, and the bottom of the glasses are plugs to scout our container to the base. Drills along the edges of the circle two holes 5 for the handle. In plastic tubes from one end pour glue to a depth of 10 mm. After drying, we screw the tube with self-draws from the bottom side of the circle. In the same time we glue four legs -probes from bottles. Bend wire.

In the tube pour glue by 15 mm and insert the wire handle.

Now the advantages of the set are becoming obvious: compact, with "dishes", which does not fall, does not be fading and not lost.

Nikolai Martynenko.

Merge water! Or drain it yourself

2-liter bottles perfectly replace galvanized tin if you need to make a temporary gutter with a drain construction.

Separating the bottom and curly neck, cutting the remaining cylinder along half. Outing the halves of the mustache and fixing the connection with a furniture stapler, form a chute. Of the same bottles without the bottom, but with a part of the cone-shaped neck, we make a drain pipe. At the point of dusting of the gutter and the pipes, they fix the funnel made of a 5-liter bottle.

Yury Vinokurov

Brooms from plastic bottles

It is believed that plastic bottles are trash. But everything will be with an accuracy yes, on the contrary, if you make this pan.

It will take: Two-liter plastic bottles - 10 pcs., stalks for broom, wire, hammer, small carnations, knife, timed.

In 9 bottles, cut off the bottom, then cut them on the strips of 0.5-1 cm wide, not reaching the neck 6-8 cm. In 8 bottles cut off the neck, and on the 9th we put in turns all these billets. From the 10th bottle, cut off the top and water it on our design. Tilter in 2 places all layers of plastic throat, we draw into the wire hole, spinning the ends. Insert the cuttings in the neck, nail cloves.

Ivan Korkov, Vitebsk

Makarona - in "Tubus"

From a pair of 2 liter plastic bottles, a convenient container for storing spaghetti or other long pasta is obtained. In one I cut off the neck (before the start of the narrowing), in the second - bottom (7-8 cm). Putting Spaghetti insert into a bottle without a neck, I close the lid from the bottom.

Tatyana Orlova, Moscow

Creative slippers

It is necessary: \u200b\u200ba plastic bottle, strong threads, a segment of a linoleum (suitable soles from an old shoe or rubber rug), hole punch, hook, dropper, awl, beads, glue, scissors.

We start from the fact that we cut out of the linoleum sole. Next, we take a plastic bottle and cut 2 strips with a width of 1.5 cm and a length of 15 cm. In the center we pierce the hole with holes and scissors spin the corner. Crochet on the edge we are taking the sole (Photo 1). Strips are tied up as well as the sole, which begged them at an angle of 90 degrees, (photo 2). We connect all the details, swallow the sole and strips.

For the manufacture of holders of the upper and lower part of the parts, thugs through the beads, then knit a chain of air loops, take a piece of dropper and stretch the loop (photo 3). I fix the "holder" in the place where the first and second finger, tied the threads, glit to the sole. (photo 4). For beauty, slippers decorate beads.

Tatyana Orlova, Moscow