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Care for dragon fragrant at home. Home care. What care is needed fragrant durable at home: all simple secrets

The happiness and patron saint of lovers are often called fragrant draprons. According to an ancient legend, this exotic plant appeared as proof of the depth of the senses of the young soldier-Aztec to his chosen, the daughter of the Supreme Priest. The cruel father of the girl put the poor in love with the choice: in 5 days to grow the leaves on a dry stick and get a woman's wife or to be executed. The power of love helped the young man to turn the dried trunk in a tree with bright green leaves and fragrant flowers. Since then, the drasen has a world, consent and harmony in every house.

What is a plant

The fraud has come to us from Central Africa. This is a long-term shrub of the Sparazhevy family, which in nature can reach very large sizes - up to 6 meters in height. Form is very similar to the palm tree: a straight tree trunk and crown, consisting of large, dense, alternately growing leaves, falling fountain.

At home, there are somewhat different characteristics in the plant.

  • Height does not exceed 2 meters.
  • The trunk is quite narrow, straight and apparent.
  • The leaves are oblong, slightly pointed, dark green with contrasting streaks or stains. At the top of the trunk form a green hat. The lower row as it grinds yellow and pops.
  • Roots are smooth and smooth, with a shade of rust.
  • Blossom is a rather rare phenomenon, can occur after 8-10 years of growth. In the form of flowers resemble fluffy white balls, planted on a long flower. It is interesting that they are revealed most often at night, and in the afternoon they turn into thin petals-tube.
  • At the end of the flowering period, a seed seed ripens.

The aroma of blooming drazes is very thin and pleasant. Many plant breeders characterize it as a bouquet of spring smells with gentle notes of jasmine, valley and lilac.

Drazena brings to the house not only beauty, but also tangible benefits: This is a wonderful filter capable of cleaning air indoors from harmful toxic substances, including benzene.

Varieties of dragees sully

Unusually fragrant fragrances, fragrant, sulfate, the second is very beautiful name - Dracaena Fragrans. Translated from English Fragrans means "fragrance", "fragrance". Flowers love this plant very much and enjoy it to grow it at home.

The most popular types of drasens are the following.

  • Compact is a small elegant plant with dark green leaves without stripes. Due to the stylish mind and shadowability, it is often used in offices to decorate racks and shelves.
  • Massanger - grows up to 1.5 m, very similar to the palm tree. Distinctive trait - Wide yellow stripes.
  • Victoria - a lush waterfall of dense falling leaves decorate wide golden strips along the edges.
  • Corn Board - This blooming drazes is especially good: in nature, the inflorescence achieves huge sizes, consists of tubular colors of an unusual lilac coloring.

In total, there are about 150 species of these exotic plants, Only 40 of them are grown at home.

Growing conditions

In general, the drazes are fragrant unpretentious, and care for it is even a novice gardener. But for healthy growth, it needs to create comfortable conditions.

  1. Do not forget that the plant is a hot African climate, so the temperature of 19-25 0 s will be the most optimal for cultivation. Cold air (below 14 0 c) is destroyed for drazes.
  2. Best suited well-lit place, but direct sun ray It is necessary to avoid - they provoke burns and changing the color of the leaves.
  3. In the warm season, the plant needs to be taken on fresh air, reliably enjoy from draft.
  4. Air humidity should be high enough - about 60%, otherwise the tips of the leaves will begin to push and roll. For this, several times a day you need to spray the plant from the spray and wipe the leaves. In winter, these procedures should be reduced to 1 time per week.

You can return the aesthetic appearance of the plant with the riveted leaves by cutting with scissors of the darkened edges. Do not worry - the leaves of the drazes will not harm.

Pot and soil

Choosing a pot for a tree of happiness is a whole science. Too small suspended growth and development of the plant: due to the increasing root system of the soil in the pot will remain quite a bit. So the flower will not receive need quantity nutrient I. minerals. IN big Gord. Water will be stood, which sooner or later will lead to reinforcement of the roots. Therefore, by purchasing a pot for drazes, first of all, consider the following parameters.

  1. Its size: It should be high (by 2-3 centimeters exceed the length of the root system) and not too wide to prevent the soil scum at the edges of the pot.
  2. Drainage system: At the bottom of the pot, there must be holes that will ensure the outflow of extra moisture and protect the roots of the plant from the posting.
  3. Sustainability, whether it is a pot of plastic or ceramic.

Now it remains to fill the pot suitable soil. To do this, make a melange from those taken in equal proportions of compost, deciduous, derdy land, clean sand and peat.

We will optionally add wood coal to this mixture - it will protect the roots of plants from fungus and mold.

Drazen grows perfectly in a special soil for decorative deciduous treespurchased in the store. The only condition is to add pure sand (1: 1).

Watering and subordinate

The main cause of the death of African plants is the violation of irrigation technology. Many have forgotten that the drazes came to us from the arid climate and it is much easier to transfers the drying of the soil than excess moisture. Therefore, watering must comply with a number of requirements:

  • be regular and moderate;
  • implemented as the earth layer drying in a pot on 2 - 5 centimeters;
  • in warm time, we water once a week, and in the winter - 2 times a month;

Watering can be the upper, along the edge of the pot, or the bottom - from the pallet.

Watered the dragerate fragrant only invented or boiled water room temperature. Improve moisture access to roots will allow systematic soil looser.

Undercaming is a mandatory part of the care of this plant. The fact is that the roots of the drazes are so much expanded that the soil remaining in the pot is not able to feed the flower. Therefore, fertilizers are vital.

  • Fertilizers are constantly, in the summer - every 2 weeks, in winter - once a month.
  • For feeding, use both mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Organic (liquid, granules, korovyak) are in the soil just one, maximum twice the season.
  • The store should stop your choice for fertilizers intended for decorative deciduous plants.
  • Liquid or powdered - diluted with water according to the attached instructions, fertilizers in the form of sticks - stick into a wet soil.

Many hostesses use water to feed the plants in which meat washed. This method is very effective, but has one large disadvantage - bad smell. Therefore, after processing the pot, it is best to end in fresh air. It is worth such a procedure no more than once every 2 months.

Methods of breeding

There are three main methods of breeding fragranus fragments.

  • With cuttings - for this, evenly or mastocks are cut off the top of the process so that it remains 3-5 leaves. Rooted it in water or a special substrate consisting of sand, perlite, hydrogel and land for palm trees and cacti.

Activated coal tablet added to the water where the stalk is rooted, will allow her for a long time remain fresh.

  • Part of the stem. If the slices of the stem is treated with liquid paraffin, it will be stored for a very long time. Getting into the water, seemingly dry trunk will give roots and release leaves.
  • Air grains - for this, a layer of a cortex is cut on the shoot, wrapping with moss-sphagnum and polyethylene film. Such a design is preserved until the roots occur. Then the escape is cut and planted.

Now it will only be to gain patience and wait: the fragrant is growing pretty slow - only 10-15 centimeters per year, and blooms at home very rarely.


As the drazen is growing, the fraud is increasingly and more resembles palm tree and loses its decorativeness: old leaves dry and fall off, barrel barrel.

How to crop the plant to rejuvenate it and make more aesthetic?

  1. Cut up the top with 5-7 leaves.
  2. The top can be used as a stalk for rooting.
  3. Scroll to cover with polyethylene film and put in a warm place.

Approximately a month later, young shoots are formed on the plot of cut, the plant will become smaller in size, but more lousy and younger.


If you acquire a fragment of fragrant in the store, try to choose a healthy plant. To do this, do not rush to inspect and appreciate its condition. The following signs should be alert:

  • wrinkled soft barrel;
  • top Mc;
  • colorless, yellow or brownish leaves;
  • sticking roots with signs of posting;
  • the smell of mold and dampness.

True, the plant may be ill, already being at your home. We list the main problems faced by the breeders of the fraud.

  • Fluorcecility - the leaves are covered with dark brown stains with yellow borders. Cause - an oversupply of fluorine-containing fertilizers. To overcome the problem will help a regular transplant to a new soil.
  • Spotted leaves - such a disease is often striking young leaves. As a result, they are covered with reddish spots. Treat them special compositions Type "Hyprodion" or "Chlorotalonide", which are sold in flower shops.
  • Sometimes the leaves of the drapes are covered with white or yellow spots. The reason is in the convergence of soil and inappropriate conditions of the plant content.
  • Soft rotten, which can be determined by the specific smell, coming from the roots. The reason may be a banal overflow. Clean root system From the old earth and transope.

If the plant completely lost the leaves, do not hurry to get rid of it - the trunk can remain healthy. Continue to water and spray it. Soon he will give new sprouts.


Often, pests become the cause of death fragranus. It is worth knowing the signs of their manifestation to eliminate the problem in time and render effective help Plant.

Thanks to your attentive relationship, proper carecarrying out preventive events A miracle may happen - the drazes will release exotic flowers and will last fantastic aroma.

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Growing fragranus fragration at home

This is decorative I. unpretentious plant Enjoy the well-deserved popularity among indoor flower growing. Dracaena fragrances - a slow-growing multi-shrub, having a narrow crown and narrow long leaves. In the genus 40 types of drasa. DRATSEN Fragrana is translated as "DRATECED DRIVES". It is the most beautiful and most suitable for growing in room culture.

Fragrana drazes - a slow-growing shrub with a narrow crown and long leaves.

Life on the will

In the nature of the drazes, siny grows up to 15 meters high, but for the ceilings in the apartment it is not worthwhile - the maximum of your drazes will shoot up to 2 meters. At the beginning of the formation, the plant is one-barreled, but as the leaves fall on the trunk, leaving the kidney, of which the branches of the trunk are formed. W. easy drazes Glossy dark green leaves of dense structure, with yellow-cream or bright yellow stripe in the middle.

Flowers fragon fragrance with small fragrant colors, however, at home it is rare.

The scented dracer is called because in nature it blooms with small fragrant flowers. IN room conditions Blossom comes very rarely. But without drazen flowers, fragrance is decorative, so it is widely used not only in room flower growing, but also in the phytodizain, when creating stylish interiors.
Generate fragranus fragrance from the tropics, her "house" is East Africa.

At its African homeland, the draping is called "Tree of Happiness." There is a legend that in ancient times a simple warrior of the local tribe loved the daughter of the main priest. The priest rustily wanted to see the son-in-law of a simple warrior, stuck in the ground a stick and ordered the groom to water her, until he sees. The deadline for the "revival" of the stick was given 5 days. In case of failure, the warrior was waiting for death. However, the stick, which turned out to be part of the barrel of drasens, after 5 days released leaves. Whether love helped the young man, or the case, but the locals still believe that the cuttings are drazes, cut and rooted in full moon, brings good luck in love.

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The cultivation of fragranus fragments

Despite the tropical origin, in the apartment conditions the plant is coming easily. He needs minimal care at home. The plant well cleans the air from harmful formaldehydes and ammonia vapors.

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Temperature and lighting

As already noted, the fraceseen is growing slowly. The plant is hardy, quite steadily to change temperatures. For successful vegetation, a temperature is required in the range of + 19 ... +24 ° C in summer and at least +14 ° C in winter.

Temperature regime is very important for the successful vegetation of the plant.

DRATSEN FRAGRANS Loves Light, so indoors where it grows should be good lighting. Especially a lot of light need to be copper copies. The straight rays are unshamed plant, the light should be soft, scattered. The windowsills of Western or Eastern windows are best suited. On insufficient illumination of drazes can react with a dropping of leaves.

Also, a spectacular tropical guest is needed space and fresh air. In the summer, the fragrant is recommended to be scented with a balcony, in a patio or in the garden, having prolonged at nozzled clock from the direct sun. The draft plant does not like - the reaction to them is the same as on insufficient lighting, is a sharp dropping of leaves.

In general, discharges the leaves of the fraction of fragranus due to its growth and development. If it occurs occasionally, it is not worth worrying. But if the leaf fall is abundant, and the leaves are damaged (yellow, dry, covered with spots), it is necessary to reconsider care at home and take action.

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Fighting pests, watering

DRATSEN Fragranus is not the most painful plant, but may suffer from pests, the most dangerous of which is the shield, Cherver, a web tick. For the prevention of pests, it is necessary to contain a plant clean - "bathe" in the shower, wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.

Drazen loves moist air, so it is recommended to spray it regularly.

With mass damage to pests, it is permissible to use insecticides according to the instructions. After processing the plant for two weeks you need to isolate from other indoor colors.

Drazen prefers wet air. It can tolerate a short drought, but it is better not to experiment, and in winter and in the summer there is constantly spraying the plant and arrange a weekly shower. Have you already guessed how the drawn will react to dry air? That's right, the leaves will turn yellow and fall. If spraying is not enough, place the plant in the pallet with a moistened clay.

Water the fragrant dragerate needs neatly. This plant cannot be poured into any way.

The upper layer of the soil should dry by 3 centimeters in the summer and almost to the bottom of the pot in winter. Only after that it is possible to carry out watering. Plant pot must have big drainage holesSo that the extra moisture stamped, and not stood at the roots. Every two weeks need to loose upper layer Soil, remove it and lump fresh ground. The plant is also not worth over with the plant, especially it is dangerous in winter, during the period of the central heating.

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Undercaming and transplant

Fingering the plant is needed since March, every 2 weeks.

Dracéren siny does not have a pronounced rest period, so it is possible to feed it throughout the year. In the fall and in winter it is enough to make fertilizers once a month in a half dose. Starting from March, the feeder spend every 14 days. The feeders are entered after watering when the soil is wet. It is enough to use one comprehensive fertilizer intended for drasa and palm trees.

Due to slow growth, the need to transplant drazes fragrant emerges infrequently. The young plant transplanted every two years into a capacity of 2 centimeters more than the previous one in diameter. Adult plants can be disturbed by transfers every four years. The transplant is better to exercise in the spring.

The soil dragon is needed loose and water permeable. It is optimally suitable for the purchase of soil for drasa and palm trees. For aeration and protection against bacteria, it is possible to add crushed charcoal, sand, vermiculite to the finished substrate.

Drazena is a very popular and favorite pot flower. Despite the fact that this is a large plant, its exotic charm contributes to the fact that we will gladly find a place for it in our apartments. Currently, about 40 species of these plants are known, mainly originating from tropical areas. However, due to their significant sizes, only a few of them are suitable for growing at home. For example, dRATSEN SHUSUE (Dracaena Fragrans), it is often confused with deremskaya drasa. However, despite the fact that they are a bit like each other, but some features are different. Dracaena fragrant, unlike D. Dermeskaya, blooms charming, fragrant colors. Bloom, though, only old copies and it is good conditionsBut it is worth trying to bring the plant before flowering. It also has a thicker and fleshy trunk and wider leaves than D. Derman.


Like other drasa, also in drasens siny there is a variety of varieties. Most often, the greenery of the leaves contrasts with white or yellow stripes. Sometimes they create only the rim, and sometimes pass through the center of the sheet. The most common varieties:

  • "Lindenii" - it has dark green leaves with a yellow edge.
  • "Massangeana" is one of the most popular voice varieties, her green leaves decorates wide, yellow belt walking in the center.
  • "Yellow Coast" - through the length of the green leaves of this variety, there are several decorative yellow stripes.
  • "Lemon Surprise" is impressive with its beautiful, green leaves, with wide, intense yellow stripes along the edges and a white field separating both colors.
  • "Victoria" - edges of green leaves, decorate the yellow stripes.

Characteristic of the appearance

Dracaena fragrant has some of the widest leaves among potrants. Most often grown from the root part of the trunk, from which several grows beautiful leaf. The height of plants grown at home depends, above all, the length of the barrel from which the leaf feathers grow. Therefore, plants can have from several tens of centimeters to several meters in height.


Like other drasens, this species is also a warm-loving. Therefore, the most suitable temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C, round year. Dracaena fragrant grows without a period of rest in winter And therefore it will be bad to grow, if during the winter the temperature will fall below 16 ° C. The plant requires a well-lit place, especially color varieties. Despite this, you need to remember that the drazes do not like direct sunlight.

The flower should be regularly water, without causing dryness or flooding of the soil. Like most indoor plantsShe also does not tolerate water residues at the bottom of the pot. Therefore, it should be removed from the stand of its excess. The temperature of water intended for watering is also important. The drasens do not like the so-called "cold legs", so you need to water their water temperature. Also, checking the room in winter, it is necessary to keep the pot away from the direct blowing of cold air.

The most suitable soil for the flower will be the prepared ground based on peat and sand. She prevents the delay excess water in the root area. If you can't prepare such a mixture yourself, it will also fit well ready sad For palm trees bought in a garden store. To even better protect the plant from flooding, it is worth laying out the bottom of the pot of claymzite to absorb moisture.

The plant will also be grateful for the regular spraying of the leaves or the installation near the pot, the air humidifier.


A more practical method is reproduction from the top cuttings than from the seeds. Upper cuttings can be rooted in wet and warm land. However, that the rooting is successful, the base temperature must maintain at 20-22 ° C. If you have no opportunity to maintain due temperature, you can try to root the cuttings in a vessel with water.

Diseases and pests

If the dragerate, the relevant conditions will most likely be ensured, it will not get sick. Excessive watering can lead to root rotting, the emergence of fungal diseases and even to the death of the plant. Too dry substrate can lead to drying the tips of the leaves. Too dry air will contribute to the appearance custom tick .

Additional notes

The flower looks best in a pot as a soliter. True, it is possible to land at the base of the trunk of the soil plants, for example, ivy, but then there is a really attractive plant trunk.

cleans the air from the formaldehyde accumulated in it. Must be the first tenant in the newly renovated room, as this poisonous substance can stand out of adhesives, paints, new outdoor coatings or furniture.

Dracaena fragrant: how to care

DRATSEN SURFACE - Large evergreen Right from the African continent. In nature, it grows up to 6 m in height, at home - no more than 2 m. It has a strong trunk and beautiful long leaves with glossy glitter, thick growing on the stem. The color there is a monophonic green and combining a few shades, for example, green with white or light-salad.

Dragum care fragrant at home

Drazen is undemanding for care, because it is adapted to difficult African conditions. Therefore, it is easy to keep her homes.

Source: Depositphotos.

Dracaena fragrant as he grows it becomes like a palm tree

Drazena is well tolerate both solar places and a half, therefore it is suitable for accommodation and near the window, and in the depths of the room. But consider that the freesight of the drasens directly depends on its color. If the leaves are completely green - the plant is shadowed, if there are light stripes - put in a more illuminated place, otherwise the quality of the picture will deteriorate, up to a complete disappearance.

Drazena does not like drafts. In summer optimal temperature For her +20 ... + 25 ° C. For wintering, it is better to put a pot into a cooler room with a temperature of +10 ... + 15 ° C. This will slow down the metabolic processes in the plant, and it will get the necessary rest.

Beauty and juicability of leaves will provide increased humidity indoors, especially in summer. It is useful to regularly wipe them with a damp cloth, it will refresh and improve gas exchange. In the summer, water about 2 times a week, not allowing soil drying. In winter, reduce moisturizing up to 2 times a month, because the plant does not actively consume water and its excess will lead to reinforcement of the roots.

If in winter, the drazes is located in a room with a summer temperature, water it in the same way as in summer, 2 times a week. And with dry air, additionally spray.

The top layer of the soil regularly loose, it prevents the moisture stagnation, improves the root breathing.

Feed the draprons once in 2 weeks with a complex fertilizer for palm trees and dras. In winter, it is enough once a month.

Replane the young plant when it becomes closely in a pot. Usually it happens in a couple of years after landing. Adult dragage transplanted every 3-4 years. The soil should be light and loose, is suitable for a mixture for palm trees with the addition of sphagnum and wood coal. At the bottom, the pot should be a drainage layer so that water is not stood.

It is sufficient to maintain these minimum conditions to provide the dragerate of the scented pleasant and healthy view for a long time.

Dratseren fragrant or drazes fragranus is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus of drazes. She is unpretentious and, in part, for this reason it is so popular for growing not only in the house, but also in offices.

Did you know? The word "DRACEEN" comes from the Greek "Dracaena", meaning "Dragon's female", "Dragonich". Therefore, the plant is also called the dragon tree, and the juice of some varieties - dragon blood.

DRATSEN Fascinous: Plate Features

Flowering drazes fragrant has two types of colors: either white or pale green, yellowish. They are located on a flower brush reaching a meter in height. The inflorescences are beautiful, fluffy with a pleasant, fragrant aroma (which has given the name). This brightly expressed smell attracts insects and even several types of hummingbird. Unfortunately, this plant, however,, like other types of drasens, for example, DEREMSKA DRATS, is extremely rare at home.

Glossy green color leaves with decorative stripes, the color of which varies from yellow to light green, are collected in a socket, have a curved shape, and in large plants - often wavy. Can grow up to 1 m in length and 10 cm wide. In nature, drazes reaches a 6-meter height, and at home - maximum 2-meter. It grows extremely melo, but lives long.

Some varieties, such as mass bowl, have an appearance similar to the palm tree.

Conditions for growing fraud

Better place home flower Drazes fragrant on the eastern or western window. The place should be light, but without hitting direct sunlight and without drafts.

Important! With insufficient lighting of drazes, varieties with motley leaves are losing the brightness of the color.

In the warm period of the year, you can leave a drapet on the balcony or in the garden, without forgetting to protect the plant from direct sunlight. In winter, it is desirable to put the romp as closer to the windows or to provide artificial lighting.

Comfortable temperature for drazes fragrance will be the gap + 18 ° C- + 25 ° C.At higher temperatures, take care of additional watering. For decision-decorative varieties such temperature mode A whole year is saved, and for others, it is reduced to + 15 ° C- + 17 ° C (but not lower) for the winter.

How to care for a plant

Drazes are fragrant, like other popular species (Derman, Marginat, Godsefa, bent) is not difficult to care. And yet, if you want your plant to have a healthy look, it is worthwhile to water and fertilize it.

Did you know? The draping is also called the "happiness tree", thanks to the Aztec legend, according to which the warrior, wanting to take the daughter of the Supreme Priest, should have done the task of the priest - to grow the leaves on a stick, stuck in the ground. He watered her 5 days, and the love of the couple committed a miracle - the drasen rose. Since that time, it is believed that if you cut into the night of the full moon a part of the trunk of the draber - it will bring happiness and love.

Watering and spraying

In the spring and summer, as soon as the top layer of the substrate is dry by 2-3 cm (about 2 days) - rub it and plenty of the dragera. We also need regular (2-3 times a week) spraying or wiping with wet matter.

In winter, low temperatures Watering and spraying are reduced, but when planting a plant in a warm room, near the battery, it will need to water and spray it as well as in the summer. Use warm filtered or resistant water.

Undercaming DEREMSKY: When and how to fertilize the plant

From the middle of spring and until the autumn, a complex liquid or granulated fertilizer is introduced 1 time in 2 weeks. From autumn, the feeder is reduced to half doses to a maximum of 1 time per month or stop at all.

Basics of cutting fragrant drasens

Pruning is desirable to spend in spring and summer. During this period, special substances are produced that help in the healing process. Draza fragrant, like other domestic flowers, should not be trimmed in the winter. Exception may be emergency cases, such as a breakdown of the plant. But it is extremely recommended to cut patients or weakened instances.

For trimming you need acute knife. Choose, at what height you want to get branching (it is recommended to retreat 15-20 cm from the top) and in this place cut the trunk. The top of the plant can be used to multiply it.
Drazes scented cutting when trimming trees with melted paraffin or crushed activated carbon, wrap using a sfagnium moss and a transparent package, spray the stem several times a day. Place the plant into warm (not lower than + 25 ° C) and a dark place without drafts. The kidneys are formed in a month, then you can remove the moss and package.

How and when to transplant the plant

Replancing the dragon fragrant is recommended in the spring, but a transplant is allowed at another time of the year. Young plants transplant once every 2 years, mature - in 3. If the copy is large, then you can do without a transplant, simply replacing the top layer of the substrate.

To put a 2-3-centimeter layer of drainage in a new container, then perlite or coarse sand, and then a special soil for decorative deciduous plants. In the center, place the dragerate and neatly pour the soil. Shake the earth a little, Pour the plant and spray your happiness tree. Put in a warm, privided place. After the new central leaflet appears, the transplanted dragera can be fertilized.

Important! Dratseren fragrant is hard to transfer a transplant and some time after the procedure may hurt.

The main pests and diseases of the plant

Fragrana drazes are sufficiently resistant to pests. But still, it can be angry, mealybug, web tick, triples and shields. Damaged leaves The plant drops, which means that loses its decorativeness. To combat all the pests listed, the pests are wiped by the leaves with a soap solution (for a spider tick, its temperature should be + 50 ° C) and spraying insecticide.

There may be burns on the leaves as a consequence of the stay on the bright sun. To avoid it - shaden Vazan. With incorrect care ( insufficient watering, humidity, drafts or oversaturation of the soil with fluorine, soluble salts) foliage will begin to dry, covers stains or tips will yellow.

Infectious diseases occur, such as light brown spot, philosticosis, alternariasis. Mostly, old plants are sick, followed by poorly careful. Several times, with a periodicity of 10 days, spray the dragerate of fungicides.

Dracarena reproduction methods

The reproduction of dusses of fragrant occurs in two ways: with the help of the top of the plant or sections of the stems.

Did you know? The juice of drazes is used for the manufacture of varnish, which are covered by metals, as well as for tissue paints. Hair painted with paint based on drasa juice acquire a resistant golden shade. Leaves of some varieties are used in the production of coarse fiber for rope.

The top of the plant is 10-15 cm long cut the sharp blade and place in a dark, opaque water container (you can add activated carbon) or in a pot with ground and sand. Cover the cap to create a greenhouse effect.