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How to properly care for the flower of Gloxy. Gloxinia home. Soil and Pot: Basic Requirements

Attention: Winter for adult room Gloxia - Recreation period. The plant, which at least once bloomed and managed to increase the tubers, enters the state of rest. The biggest tuber, the better it is stored. The young copy of the first year of life may not fall asleep for the winter.

When to send on peace? Forcibly do not do this. Such gloxinia has a small tuber of less than two centimeters in diameter, which in conditions of wintering without irrigation can dry and die. Young Plant B. winter season Need special care:

  • Provide the right temperature regime. Indicators should not rise above + 20 ° C. If the room is too hot, the stem will be pulled out to the detriment of the growth of the tuber.
  • Watered less frequently than in the summer season (On how to water and feed Gloxinia for long blossom, read). Otherwise, the mooring will lead to reinforcement of the roots.
  • Organize backlight. Light day should last at least 12 hours a day. In the absence of additional lighting, the flower is very pulled out. To prevent this, the room temperature is reduced to + 18 ° C. Or at the end of February cut a long stem, leaving only the bottom leaves.

Rest period

When to remove Gloxinia for the winter, on peace? Usually in September-October, the plant goes to a midnight condition when the drought season begins in their homeland - in South America.

In the event that the plant hung off and does not want to fall asleep, he needs to help. If the Gloxinia does not go on vacation on time, the flowering time will be shifted, which should be at the spring-summer months.

So that this does not happen, at the beginning of the autumn, the glare Gloxy begin to prepare to winter. With late bloom, it is waiting for its endings. After a complete self-intimidation of the above-ground part, the tuber is ready for storage. If everything is done correctly, Gloxinia will begin to wake up at no earlier than January - February.

Detailed description

  1. In September-October, after flowering, placing Gloxinia in a less illuminated place, for example, to the northern windowsill. Provide a temperature of + 15 ° C. Follow the potash fertilizer once. Gradually reduce watering. Moisturize the soil with small portions of water no more than once a week.
  2. When the leaves begin to dry, stop moisturizing the substrate. You can not immediately cut the above-ground part of the plant. It is necessary to allow nutrients to gradually move to the tuber from the stem and leaves. If we crop green foliage, the processes of vegetation can resume.
  3. After a complete self-esnunion of the upper part of cropping it, leaving a small funeral to a height of one - one and a half centimeters.

Methods and storage conditions

When the preparation is completed, you need to send the tuber to wintering. Storage methods:

  1. Leave in a pot. You can spray with river sand. Cover the ripple with a saucer, put in polyethylene and put in a cool place with a temperature of +10 to + 15 ° C. Watch that the tuber does not breathe completely. Slightly moisturize the soil by spraying several times during the winter.
  2. Two weeks after a complete dying of the above ground part of digging the tuber. Clear roots from the remnants. You can rinse it in water, dry and treat phytosporin. Take a plastic bag with a fastener, pour into it slightly wet sawdust or river sand or crushed peat. Or take a mixture of a substrate with vermiculite. Sand pre-rinse and hold in a hot oven.
  3. Put the tuber in the package. Store in a box in a cool place at a temperature of +10 to + 15 ° C. The middle or lower regiment of the door of the refrigerator is suitable. Each monthly to get and inspect the tuber. If the substrate is dry, spray it with warm water and return the tuber to the place. Do not allow excessive moisture.

In the case when the flower plant has several gloxins, make labels with a variety and dates of sending to wintering.

Gloxinia - grassy perennialwhose homeland is Brazil. Flowers can be of a wide variety of shades, they are called bells, gramophilics. If you want to have healthy gloxins, care at home must be performed according to the rules. Cut the flower breeding can even beginner if it tries.

Among the variety varieties are highlighted single-row and terry with a velvety surface options. In addition, the flowers themselves are not always the same color palette, most often there are several shades in them. You can create a real paradise garden on the window!

  • In a pre-disinfected ass, the drainage is stacked, soil. Deepening is done, it is placed in it planting material sprout up. Sleeping the soil, you need to ensure that the growth part is free. Putting into the blockery of the tuber, you can quickly get a new plant.

Gloxinia reproduction at home

There are several ways to breed a flower, each of them has its own characteristics.

Methods of breeding:

  • Vegetative - tubers and its parts, cuttings, leaflets, cutting plates
  • Seed.

Vegetative reproduction

Consider how to propagate the gloxinia vegetatively in more detail.

  1. Reproduction of cuttings

In the reproduction of Gloxinia at home, you can use leaf cuttings that are taken only in a healthy flower. A young leaf can be placed directly into the soil or germinate in the water:

Cutted cuttings leave in air for 50 minutes, then placed in a transparent glass. Water should be warm, clean. Accelerate the rooticulture of charcoal. You can use growth stimulants. The appearance of the roots is a signal to landing.

How to propagate the gloxy, a sheet that is germinated in the ground. First prepares ground from sand, peat, deciduous soil in proportion 3: 1: 1. Drainage is placed on the bottom of the tank, the ground is superior. Earth needs to shed strongly. Gloxinia sheet is vertically, top glass jar. You should maintain a constant temperature + 22-25 degrees. Germination continues less than a month.

  1. Using a piece of sheet to obtain a new plant

Gloxinia multiply can be a leaf plate with cushion. There are accruils on the sheet, stacked on the ground. It is necessary not to press the cutters strongly, the guar placed on top. From one sheet plate, with proper care, several small gloxins are obtained. Small muscles need to be planted in prepared containers.

  1. Coloros - good fitting

After flowering in the flowering of Gloxinia, flowerons remain. This is an excellent material for reproduction of Gloxinia. Coloros need to cut and put into water for rooting. And the landing is carried out in the usual way, as in reproduction sheet.

  1. Delim Tuber.

The reproduction of the Gloxinia division of the tuber is the most common method. As a rule, several sprouts appear on it. During division, pay attention to the presence of two shoots. After cutting, the resulting planting material is sprinkled with charcoal. Each piece is planted separately. To the landing do not stretch, leave without watering for a couple of days. But this method has negative sidePerhaps the occurrence of fungal diseases.

  1. And poured poured?

Passings appear after the plant has doubled twice. Of these, you can also grow a healthy flower. To rouded them is needed in water. Gloxinia grown in this way bloom in the same year.

Seed reproduction

Seeds can be sowned from November to February. It is not necessary to thread sowing, just like to plunge. Good seedlings It turns out when creating favorable conditions. The stretched material can create problems when resetting. Therefore, a flap with a seadade you need to turn daily. When the planting material is ready, it needs to be divened, and this operation is carried out several times, not allowing seedlings to stretch.

Problems for growing

How to properly care for beautiful plant With velvety leaves and flowers bells, we told. But Glocking, like other room colors, there are problems from time to time. Flowers, especially beginners, you need to know what to do.

Sometimes the leaves begin to curl on the flower. The appearance of the plant becomes unpleasant. If the leaves are twisted in Gloxy, then, most likely, in the room is cold or dry, or the plant is reconciled by nitrogen fertilizers. This problem is solved easily. Twisted leaflets appear in the case when harmful insects are treated on them. We'll have to resort to pesticide processing. Leafs of any size can be wrapped.

No less worries the question why not blooming gloccia. There are also a lot of reasons. Among the most common, mistakes in the organization of the care of Gloxinia are lack of lighting, too large pot. Presence of pests wrong watering, uncomfortable temperature can also leave you without beautiful multi-colored gramophilics.

Green Gloxy, it gives a lot of pleasure.

Velvet leaves and large flower-bells of Gloxy are loved by many flowers. And with the current abundance of varieties and hybrids, doubly disappointly, when, due to errors or lack of care at home, Gloxinia blooms little and irregularly, and sometimes just die.

How to succeed in growing homemade plant? How to care for Glokoxinia at home so that culture is consistently pleased with the flower and powerful foliage, and lush hats of bright colors?

Terms of lighting for growing of gloxy and care

Like all representatives of the family, homemade Gloxy loves the abundance of light, but the straight sun rays are not the best way affect the state of the plant. Pretty dense pubescent casting can be frown, the flowers are withering much a few times. So caressing for Gloxinia, she chooses a place for the season and climatic zone.

For example, the spring flower grows perfectly and dials the color on the southern window, but in summer days And at the peak of blossoms, it will need shading here. In the heat optimally put the pots with gloccia on the eastern or even western windows, where the maximum intensity of the sun is manifested only in the evening or morning clock.

At the same time, we must not forget that the lack of light when caring for Gloxinia threatens:

  • pulling intercosals;
  • loss of decorativeness of foliage;
  • reduce the quality of flowering or a complete refusal to form buds;
  • the pale of foliage and drop-down colors.

So that the plant was comfortable in created conditions, it provides a light day duration of 12-14 hours.

It is especially important to comply with this rule in the period when the tuber is only rooted, and leaves appear above the substrate. Special will appear.

Microclimate for the care and cultivation of Gloxinia

The rooting of the tuber takes place at a temperature of 24-25 ° C. When the gloxinia forms the first leaves, the temperature is reduced to 22 ° C during the day.

Night air can be another 4-5 ° C cooler. If the room is roasting, and the plant lacks the light that often occurs when the set of buds at the end of winter, even with competent gloxing, pulls out, losing some of the decorativeness, flowers and leaves on long stiffs are minor.

The lower temperature limit for Gloxinia is 18 ° C. In a colder air, the plant slows down the growing season, and if it does not adjust the care of the gloxy at home, it can perish. It is equally destructive for the plant during the growing season and flowering a long-term increase in temperature above 28 ° C.

In addition to the temperature regime in the room, the humidity of the air is important in the range of 60-80%. About discomfort associated with excessive dry air, they say lowered down, slightly leafy sheet plates.

How to care for Gloxinia, if the room has heating and humidity of the air much lower than recommended values? Fields of the plant leaves poorly carry spraying, often used for air humidification. Therefore, in this case, it is better to put pots with plants on a wet ceramzite or use household humidifiers.

If the crown irrigation is necessary, it is better to do it in the bathroom at night so that the leaves dried in a closed dark room, and the Gloxian window has already got completely dry.

Planting a tuber of Gloxinia and care

Depending on the storage conditions, the Gloxian tuber is rolled into a height from February to March. At this time it is important:

  • get from last year's substrate, clean from the remnants of old roots and soil;
  • for half an hour, hold the weakly pink solution of potassium mangartage or process any accessible systemic fungicide;
  • 12-24 hours immerse in a solution of heteroacexin or other growth stimulator so that the growth point in the recess is not subject to the drug.

Most often it is at the stage of landing and upon subsequent, as in the photo, the care of Glokoxinia at home appears the greatest risk of losing tubers. This happens because of their posting. Therefore, in a pot, it is necessary to make drainage with a thickness of at least 3-4 cm, and the tuber himself is sprinkled with a soil at no more than a centimeter.

The pot for Gloxy is chosen depending on the size of the tuber. For a young copy, a container with a diameter of 7-9 cm is suitable, and a long blooming tuber is planted in a pot of up to 15 cm wide.

As a substrate, you can recommend a mixture of two parts of the leaf land, the same amount and one share of washed sand. It is useful to sterilize the soil, as well as add a natural antiseptic to it, for example, a bit of rotten coal or sphagnum.

The planted tuber is covered with film or package and put it in heat to a well-lit place. In such a shelter, the plant remains for several days, during which, in addition to regular ventilation, special care for gloxinia is not required at home.

Watering mode when caring for gloxinia at home

Watering with the care of Glokoxin and growing it from the tuber to spend better through the pallet or by the very edge of the pot.

It is extremely dangerous if the moisture falls on the core of the tuber, or on a young rapid foliage. The sun can leave irreparable burns, and the cool air in combination with water leads to the appearance of the foci of rot.

Water for irrigation should be accumulated and 2-3 ° C warmer indoor air. When the moisture is absorbed into the ground, after half an hour, its residues are removed from the pallet under the pot.

The interval between irrigation is selected with such a calculation so that for the passing time the SC is almost dried. At the same time, when cooling the substrate, the substrate can moisturize the substrate when leaving the flower of gloccia at home can be much less likely.

Feeding when caring for gloxins

The rapid growth of foliage and lush flowering is impossible without additional support. Gloxia once every two weeks alternately feed organic and. It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening or afternoon, as well as in cloudy weather, so that the sun does not damage the growth zone and plant foliage.

Before the appearance of buds, except the organic, the plant is experiencing a need for nitrogen, stimulating the growth of green mass. But after the formation of buds, entering the nitrogen soil is limited and transferred to phosphorus-potash feeding. They strengthen flowering, and trace elements help maintain high decorative plants.

When the mass flowering is completed, within the framework of regular maintenance of Gloxinia in two weeks, duly fertilize the potash-phosphoric agent. This measure will help the tuber to prepare for "hibernation".

Gloxy care during rest

The completion of the growing season of Gloxinia falls on the middle of the autumn.

When casting the above-ground part, the tuber gradually goes into a "hibernation" state, having ceased to develop and consume moisture. At this time it is important to reduce first, and then stop watering at all.

For the whole period of rest, as in the photo, the care of the gloxinia is changing at home. First of all, the tuber is important to ensure safe storage. Do it one of two ways:

  • the pot is transferred to a cool room, where the air is not warmer 10-15 ° C, and sometimes moisturize to prevent tuber drying;
  • after the foliage of foliage, tubers are removed from the soil, clean and pecking with sand or sawdresses are placed in cold.

In the second case, the storage temperature of tubers in Gloxinia is 5-8 ° C, and the substrate in which they should be dry or barely wet, otherwise not to avoid the appearance of rot and mold. This storage method is convenient because the planting material does not occupy a lot of space, and the care of the gloxins is reduced to the inspection of sleeping tubers.

Thanks original flowers The bell shape Sinningia firmly won a place in a number of the most spectacular beautiful-flowing room plants. The more familiar name is Gloxinia. Care at home will require some skill and accuracy. But the difficult demands of this flower in front of their hosts does not put, but for correct care And attention thanks with abundant and long blossom.

Flower of Gloxinia is one of the representatives of the numerous family of Hesnery. Botanical name inspired by German glocke, which means "bell". Its second name, Sinning, the flower was received in honor of the German nerd V. Sinning. Previously, it was used exclusively for the designation of tuber forms, while the first was applied more widely and included non-short varieties. Today both items are equivalent.

Gloxinia is a grassy perennial, "coming" to our window sills from a tropical Brazil. Most varieties have a tuber, in the young age beige, in the future the dark brown color; In some natural forms, it is replaced by a scaly root. Stem juicy, reprehensive, covered with rare hairs. Ophid leaves, velvety, dark green; Thanks to the distinguished countries, it looks "stegan." There are opposite. The size of the sheet plate depends on the variety and can reach 20 cm. Occasionally, there are forms with unquainted leaves.

Flowers of the bell shape; Color, size and degree of terrain depend on the variety and are distinguished by enviable diversity. Petals are usually painted unevenly: zev lighter than edges. It can be painted in a whitish or yellowish color even with dark petals; Sometimes additionally "decorated with" darker tint with scrapbooks or strokes. Flowerines are single, form in sinuses. Easy pollined. Seeds small.

Common varieties

There are many species of Gloxinia donated to us by nature. Two of them arrived in bedroom flowering: the Royal Gloxinia and Gloxinia is beautiful (Sinningia Speciosa). Due to the active breeding work, a lot of varieties and hybrids appeared within each species.

In size, the gloxy is separated into standard (25-35 cm), compact (15-25 cm), miniature (5-15 cm) and microminiature views (5 cm and less). For example, the popular Gloxy Avanti is a series of hybrids with compact, not prone to stretching, and at the same time with abundantly flowing bushes.

By the location of the petals in Booton, Gloxinia is divided into terry and simple. Gloxinia terryry is more attractive, but it is more difficult for her to reveal buds. In virtue of demand, more and more terry varieties appear. For example, a black woman, which is distinguished by the saturated-purple color of petals. Among the white terry varieties are remembered by large-flowered High Light and Marshmallow Pink Triumph Tender.

A large terry flower boasts and Gloxia is a standard Dutch hybrid with raspberry color of petals, which has received mass distribution. Do not inferior in beauty and popularity and simple varieties. For example, Gloxinia Kaiser Wilhelm with dark purple petals, crumpled white stripe. Does not give the positions and Gloxinia Rosalind - a variety with simple snow-white petals, bordered wide raspberry stripe.

On coloring petals distinguishes monophonic, sorts and tiger gloxins. Gloxinia Madonna - an example of a monophonic color - a large-flowered snow-white plant. Sittsev can be attributed to the Gloxy Empress - popular in bedroom flowering grade with simple flower. Her white petals are covered with small purple trop. Another terminal gloxy is decorated with a larger grip - gap. Gloxinia Shagana is an example of tiger coloring. In addition to the drive, it has a wide strip along the edge of the petals.

There are distinguished by gloxia and in the form of floral buds, highlighting Cartoid, tubular, funnel-shaped, gramophones and unusual tide, having the shape of the shoe. Among the variety of varieties, everyone can choose a suitable "pet".

How to care for gloxy

Caring for gloxins at home is easy, it is clear enough to follow the rules of agrotechnology; But they require attention. Surprisingly, even in ideal conditions, the plant to which is rarely suitable, develops worse. But love and care is proud Brazilian beauty perceives with "gratitude."


For optimal cinning care, bright, but diffused light. Moreover, the lighting intensity affects only the appearance of the bush. On Western I. eastern side The stem will be thicker, and interstice shorter, respectively, the plant will be more compact.

On the northern windows, a thinner stem, turning under the weight of leaves and buds, is formed, the leaves are laid less frequently: in this case, the gloxinia will need a backup. You can form a bush, pouring a growth point on the desired height: Such a procedure will make it more lush and compact, but will pull the blooming on a month and a half. On the windowsill southern orientation without shading, Sinningia feels uncomfortable.

Buds, regardless of the location of the pot, are laid when the duration of the daylight reaches 12 hours. Some varieties are enough for 10 hours. therefore experienced flowerflowers Organize with their colors lighting with the help of fluorescent or LED lamps, artificially prolonging the day and simulating the bud of buds.

Temperature and air humidity

Like other houseflowers who came to us from the tropics, Gloxy Toplobiva. Optimal range To care for it - 20-25 degrees. The lower endurance limit is 17 degrees. The summer heat period The plant tolerates calmly, but the temperature drops are negative. Do not like gloccia also drafts and wind. Therefore, on open air This representative of the Geesnery family does not endure: even if it survives, the appearance this season can no longer be restored.

Gloxinia quite suits the humidity of the air of our apartments, so no additional measures are taken to increase it.

How to water Gloxinia

The care of Gloxinia implies a moderate watering without overwhelming or cutting an earthen coma. In the first case, the tuber rotates, in the second - the leaves are withering and flowering ceases. The main reference point serves upper layer Soil - he must sleep between watering. Easy sining Sinninggia transfers better, so if you are not sure if there is enough mission, wait another day. Flower-novice is better to add water more often, but gradually.

You can water the gloxia both from above and below. In the first way, it is easier to control the amount of moisture that the soil "will" take "; The second method allows you to avoid dropping drops on the leaves and the tuber.

Do not forget to merge excess water From the pallet! During the period, watering is not required - just once a month spray the soil from the spray gun.

Making fertilizers

Gloxinia is "voracious" enough: the full bloom does not occur until the tuber will accumulate required amount nutrients. During the growing season, flickering Gloxinia is carried out every two weeks, after the appearance of the floweros - once every 10 days. And during the active set of green mass, additives with the predominant content of nitrogen and potassium are used; After bookmark buds, the plant needs larger quantities phosphorus. The concentration from the package indicated on the package is doubled. Fucks begin 2 weeks after planting a tuber and stop as soon as he begins to prepare for rest.

Care after shopping

Caring for Gloxinia after purchase can be different depending on the purposes. The tubers of Gloxy, grown in industrial greenhouses, forcibly "remove" abundant blossomusing hormones. Having spent all the strength on the formation of all new and new buds, the plant is either dying immediately after flowering, or goes on peace and does not wake up. Usually Sinning Daets less flowers, keeping forces.

If you want to enjoy the bloom as long as possible, the bush is watered and fertilized as usual. If your task is to save the variety in the long run, the blooms are better removed, and the substrate is replaced with a more nutritious. In the process of transplanting, the tuber is carefully visible for hybe; When damaged areas are detected, the wrecks are sprinkled with crowded charcoal.

During and after flowering

Gloxinia blooms in spring and summer. Specific dates for booking buds depend on varieties and varieties.

During flowering, it is important:

  1. Carefully ensure that the earthen com did not stop.
  2. Fertilize the plant once every 10 days fertilizer for blooming.
  3. Diaverely remove the sworded buds together with blooms: remaining on the bush, they "pull" from the plant as much as during flowering.

After the gloxinia blew, it can be broken off again - but only provided that the tuber is healthy, adult and strong. For this, the stems are trimmed so that 2-3 pairs of leaves remain on each. The bush continues to regularly feed. On the emerging stepsing, the second wave of buds can be formed - they will be revealed in the fall.

The care of the gloxy after flowering is needed minimal: during this period they are reduced, and then stop feeding. The plants turn yellow and wither the leaves, giving up accumulated nutrients with tuber. Do not cut them. Water Sinninggia drinks less: it is continued to pour it down to completely die off the aboveground part.

Period of rest

After the tuber fell asleep, he can be left in the same pot that is cleaned into a dark cool place. Some flower products prefer to extract it from the old soil and put in sawdust or coconut fiber. Regardless of the selected variant, the substrate is slightly moistened from the pulverizer once a month. For a full-fledged Sinning Day for three months. Young plants in the first year of life are not allowed to fall asleep - their muscles are too weak and will not be able to wake up! They are continued to water and feed the whole winter in the usual mode.

Gloxinia reproduction

The reproduction of Gloxinia at home does not represent. You can get young plants in vegetatively (top or leaf cuttings, flowers), seeds and the division of the tuber.

Among other methods of reproduction of Gloxinia are vegetative preferable. Babes obtained in this way are blooming for six months and preserve the color of the flower characteristic of the parent plant. Some features (for example, the compactness of the Kusta Gloxinia Avanti) are preserved only when the gloccia is reproduced by the flower.

Glocking leaf reproduction:

  1. A healthy leaf is cut.
  2. If you plan to perplex it completely, the cutlets cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. When boarding the toaster method, the sheet plate is cut into several parts in such a way that there were several streams on each segment along the cut line - they will release children.
  4. The planting material is drying, sections of sections are sprinkled with crowded charcoal.
  5. For planting, a mixture of peat, perlite, vermiculite and sand is used (3: 1: 1: 1: 1), planting material is plugged at 1 cm, it is plenty.
  6. You can wait for the appearance of roots and in water, but in this case the planting material is more often replete.
  7. The tanks put in the greenhouse, regularly ventilate and watered.
  8. After 1.5-2 months, children appear.
  9. Young people are searched in separate containers in the phase of two real leaves.

In the reproduction of gloccia, the top of the stem with 2-4 leaves is cut, and it sits like in the first method. To roighten the flower, its base is additionally treated with root formation stimulants. Buds before planting are removed.

Glooming from seeds at home is an interesting occupation. To pollinate, pollen is applied to a soft tassel pestle. You can assemble it from other buds of the same plant or with the synthingline of other colors. In the first case, most seedlings will be similar in color to the parent plant; In the second, you can get unexpected and original colors. But be prepared for the fact that most of the best varieties will be lost - most plants will be unspected, especially when pollushing hybrids.

After full ripens (about 3 months), the seeds of the gloxinia are sown in a predetermined mixture of peat and sand. It is not necessary to plunge. Capacities are placed in greenhouse, if necessary, moisturized from the pulverizer. Shoots are dive twice, and when they achieved 6-8 cm searched into separate containers.

Large and strong gloxy tubers can be divided. Do it after the new sprouts are sprinkled using a sharp clean knife. Each part should remain growth points. Sections of sections are necessarily treated with poured charcoal; Dellets are dry and fell in the usual way.


Gloxinia transplant is carried out annually after the awakening of the tuber. The complexity procedure does not represent - even novice flowers will easily cope with it.

Suitable soil and pot for Gloxinia

The soil for gloccia should be lightweight, breathable, and at the same time moisture. Therefore, for the foundation use leaf Land, peat and sand (2: 3: 1). Peat must be low or neutralized - gloccia does not survive in acid substrates. The resulting mixture necessarily add perlite and vermiculite to improve moisture intensity.

The root system of the Sinning Surface, so the pot must be low. Like any indoor plant, Gloxia blooms only after completely turns the roots of the earthen com, therefore the distance between the sides of the pot and the tuber should not exceed 3-4 cm.

Step-by-step transplant process

For Gloxinia, the transplant begins with awakening. If you put a sleeping tuber and fall asleep the earth, the sprouts will have to wait long.

Will be a tuber as follows:

  • in late February - early March is removed from the substrate, in which he slept;
  • withstand several hours in a weak solution of Fundazola;
  • it can be treated with epinoma or zircon;
  • drainage and layer of fresh soil poured into the prepared container so that the tuber is subsequently broken by 1-2 cm;
  • the tuber is put on the ground, water, fall asleep until the desired number of sprouts do not need it;
  • put a container in a warm well-lit place;
  • after the appearance of 2-3 sprouts, the ground is plucked so that the tuber is covered;
  • after the sprouts grow up, they add more land so that it takes a little bit around the tuber.

While the Gloxinia's tuber is not covered, it is better to use the lower irrigation - the moisture getting into it is undesirable.

Diseases and pests

The most characteristic of gloxy disease is caused various fungi. This gray rot, puffy dew, phytofluorosis, which appear most often due to the violation of agrotechnology.

The main pest of Gloxinia is a cyclamenite tick. When it appears, young leaves are deformed, do not grow up to of the desired size. The plant is processed by acaricides (inexpensive, mites, phytodeterm) at least three times. Sometimes Gloxy is striking tryps - they are interested in flower pollen. It is easy to see these pests - these are small black bugs with a split tail. System Insecticides (Fufanon, Aktara) are used to get rid; All blooms B. obligatory Remove.

Possible problems in growing

Caring for Gloxinia is important to comply with all the rules of agrotechnology. Their violations appear nearby external signs. If they are not eliminated in time, the plant can perish.

External manifestation Cause and ways to eliminate
Leaves twist Possible cause - cyclamenite tick. In addition, thus, the gloxia can react to cold drafts, overvoltage or excessive nitrogen content in the soil. Observe agrotechnik.
Gloxinia dries buds without blossoming Lack of nutrients or young tuber. Furize the blooming plant with phosphorus-containing fertilizers regularly. If a young plant laid a lot of buds, remove part.
Dry the tips of the leaves Insufficient or excessive humidity, air temperature above 35 degrees. Change the watering mode or stop the pot into a cooler place. Bottom leaves can dry by natural reasons: they raised and die away.
Spots on the leaves If wet stains - we are talking about fungal defeat. Treat the plant by fungicide and eliminate the reasons that led to it. If the stains are dry, they are caused, most likely in the hit of direct sun ray or too high temperatures.
Leaves are fucked Most likely, the reason is in the lack of moisture. Do not allow the earthen coma to cut. If this happens during a wet soil - the tuber began to rot. Get it out of the ground, cut damaged parts. Most of the trunk will have to be removed. After transplanting in a fresh ground, the plant is placed in greenhouse.

Do you like to grow beautiful, spectacular flowers? Then you will definitely suit Gloxy. Care at home behind it is not very complex. You need to know only a few nuances. But the appearance of her colors is just chic. This plant seems to be created to decorate the home interior.

Get acquainted with flower

Gloxinia, she is Sining, belongs to the Gesnery family. The birthplace of cultural varieties grown by everywhere - Andes, the Rippiece of Amazon. Here they grow on rocky slopes, sometimes on very sheer, clinging for them roots.

What is the interesting flower of Gloxy? Caring for it implies the presence of a rest period when only the tuber is wintering. This is due to the climate of ghesnery growth places. Wet and warm in summer, dry and moderately cool in winter.

Video about growing and gloxy care

There were such cases when people bought young plants Xining. Those beautifully blooming, pleased with their appearance of the owners, but died on the autumn, preparing for dry wintering, as it should be. However, the owners of exotic flowers due to information about the information about the physiology of Geesnery, believed that the plant had perished. And the remains of the roots - the tubers were thrown away. What was the disappointment when it turned out that it was just a winter hibernation. In order not to allow such mistakes, I will study attentively home agrotechnik Gloxinia.


It is best to grow it on the windows facing west or southwest. For the northern windows, it takes sometimes additional backlight, such as fluorescent soft light lamps, especially in winter. For the southern it will take a lung dimness. Best of all, the matte glass is suitable.

Photo of Gloxia

You can also apply a tinting film on the windows, which motorists use. Only pick up this that skips the light, just scatters lightly, and not suits in the room twilight. The fact is that wild relatives of Gloxinia love rarefied rainforests, preferring to avoid both an open space, where everything is roasting under the southern sun and the twilight of Amazonian Selva.


Our flowering tuber loves moderation in everything. So watering cannot be organized according to the principle: there is no water. Watering must be based on temperature conditions. In the summer, with hot, dry weather we water more often and is rich. In winter, watering significantly reducing. It is also designed not only to maintain soil hydrobalans, but also to comply with natural conditions. Where the cultural gloxinia comes from, the hot summer falls much more precipitation than during a pronounced rest period, in winter. Again, watering flowers, see that the next watering is made when the top layer of the soil in the pot will light slightly. The plant can carry relative dryness, for this he has a moisture reserve in the club. But the overvolution is fraught with the development of the penetration processes of the tuber and the lower part of the stem.

In the photo of Gloxia

Water water more warm than the temperature ambient. It provides the best suction capillary capillaries. Also watch the water be low rigidity. The pH is preferred neutral. If you use a plumbing, then it is necessary to defend it for a while.

Required Gloxinia also to the humidity of the premises. Especially in summer. Sprinkle it from the sprayer every week.

All about soil

  • 2 pieces of leaf humus;
  • 2 h Lugovoy Chernozem;
  • 1 h. Peat;
  • 1 h. Gray river sand.

This composition provides lightness and nutritionality of the soil. Do not forget to sterilize the soil before landing our tubers there. Sand need to roll, scattering a small layer on a leaf in the oven. Soil can be disappeared. To do this, pour it into an enameled bucket, fill with a liter of water, close the lid, put on a slow fire. In this way, almost all possible pathogenic microflora, brought from the fields, forests, dies.

However, with such a rigid heat treatment, most of the useful soil microflora also dies. The substrate practically becomes lifeless, why made fertilizers will be absorbed by little. For these purposes, the soil is enriched with mixtures consisting of effective microorganisms. These drugs in a set can be bought in flower shops or order. Such organisms colonize your substrate, thereby recreating the natural microflora, but without malicious microbes. This method is consumed by time and forces, but extremely effective.

An interesting idea to mix the soil with hydroponics. It is very convenient to maintain a stable soil moisture, helps greater aerations, absorbing nutrients. Hydrogel works on the principle of sponge. During watering, he absorbs moisture, swelling. And then, as the soil surroundings dry out, it gradually gives absorbed. Thus, the roots do not suffer from stressful conditions caused by a strong moisture, then excessive drying. Hydrogel is better to use German, French or Russian. Sold in the form of a dry concentrate, which is small granules. Take it large volumes, it is profitable.

One kilogram of dry hydrogel is able to absorb 300 liters of water.

I dilute it with water, wait a few hours when it is well soaked. You can immediately pour with liquid complexes of fertilizers. You will get jelly small pieces. We mix them with soil from the calculation one to two, no more. Everything, our modern substrate is ready. Now you can not be afraid that you will forget the plants on time, as the soil will contain additional source moisture. Hyded with insufficient humidity, the hydrogel is compressed to the initial sizes. But then immediately restored, absorbing moisture in its new arrival.

Let's start from the end, that is, with preparation for wintering, because this is the most responsible moment of care for our ward.

Monsoon character natural conditions Growing says that annually a plant requires a period of rest. It resets the leaves along the autumn, most of the roots die. There remains only the tuber, due to which he experiences the winter lull of Gloxinia.

Care in the fall behind the gloxy after active vegetation is as follows:

  1. Gradually cut watering to zero. If you are using the hydrogel as part of the substrate, then you can stop watering immediately. The remaining moisture will be absorbed from hydroponics roots until its reserve runs out.
  2. Stop feeding at the same time when and watered - from mid-September.
  3. Do not use hydroponics - cutting water gradually, you still do not cactus.
  4. The winter plant is either removed from the pot, or stored in the lower vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

The first option is easier, but not in any apartments are possible. It is best for this to suit cool dark storage rooms or insulated cellar, which remain relatively cool in winter. Optimal conditions For wintering: coolness 5-15 ° C, light humidity, darkness.

On the photo of Gloxy on the windowsill

Apartment conditions dictate the following actions for the care of Gloxinia:

  1. From mid-September, we reduce watering, the feeders exclude;
  2. After drying the leaves cut sharp knife, leave around a centimeter from the ground;
  3. After two weeks, we take out of the soil, we clean from the soil lumps, the remains of the roots. Put in a package with a slightly wet sand;
  4. All this, not tightly closing, put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  5. Periodically, get a package with tubers, check whether there are no subtractions, moisturize as needed. Store thus until spring.
  6. Recovered putrefactive processes, gently cut off to a healthy fabric. The location of the cut must be disinfected, the best thing is hurried. wood coal. We give a little to dry, after which we again send to winter.
  7. Our tubers awaken in the spring from the end of February to mid-April.

Photo of Gloxinia

Care after waking up from winter sleep

So, the beginning of the growing season. When there were shoots, remove, clean from sand, rinse tubers under running water. You can make a short-term bath from weak solution Manganese. Especially, if it was filled or hearing or heaving or you for the first time you put the purchased tuber, this is the case, this dreville is obligatory. Use drugs containing fludioxonyl.

We prepare the above-described substrate. Fall asleep clamzit, soil. Fill half a pot. We put in the center of the tuber. I fall asleep so that the place from where the sprouts came out over the surface. This will warn up. Subsequently, we add the land to the tuber completely disappeared under the ground.

Fall often, but moderately. After two or three weeks from the landing start to feed. Gloxinia differs little from other colors according to preferences to fertilizers. Obviously spoken up on nitrogen compositions.

Main feeding:

  • Before flowering, we give predominantly nitrogen, alternating with small doses of potash and phosphate compositions.
  • Shortly before and during flowering, we increase the dose of phosphorus, reducing nitrogen. Phosphorus promotes good development Coloros.
  • After the first flowering, we focus on potash fertilizers. They help the tuber it is better to grow, stocking nutritional elements.

In addition to the main produced microelements. It is better to fertilize more often using a weaker concentration of feeding. Somewhere twice for the month. It is impossible to water dry soil. This can lead to roots burns. So fertilize after watering.

Watch out temperature regime. In the summer of Gloxinia loves warmth, but heat and stuffiness tolerates badly. He loves venting, but intolerant to drafts. Most optimal temperature For spring-summer growth Sining +25 degrees.

Often in summer, the apartment air is too dry for flowers. It can also coagulate flowers. Spray them in the evening or when the sun goes on the other side of the house. We use warm, about forty degrees, water. It is desirable that the pulverizer spray moisture, like a fog, and not lil in small jets.


Flowers are the main decorative value. Since the beginning of growth from the overwhelming clubs until mid-May, green shoots are developing, floweros are laid. Usually a long-term flowering, long. But it happens that by the end of June, Gloxinia plowed. What to do to make the plant re-bloom. After all, before the rest period even more than three months.

After filing the colors, cut the stem slightly above the first pair of leaves. Let's additionally feed, increasing the dose of nitrogen fertilizers. This is to stimulate the growth of a new bloody. After some time, several small shoots begin to grow from the location of the cut. Leave a couple of the most stronger. Shortly after that, they dissolve their buds. The term of the onset of the second bloom is shorter than the first. But the flowers are smaller, me is bright.

Video Pro Care for Gloxinia

It often happens that after the first flowering of the Earth itself, side sprouts are formed. Then I completely cut off the old stem, we give to grow from the steastings the most powerful. It will bloom very soon.

And there are such gloxy varieties that bloom twice without any trimming. As well as those that are generally not capable of repeated bloom, no matter how you have stimulated them. And the care of the gloxy after flowering is in timely watering, spraying, the continuation of the feeding, but already excluding nitrogen fertilizers. Now she is already accumulating power for winter sleep.