Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a robot of girlfriend. Create a robot at home. What we need

Who would not like to have a universal assistant, ready to fulfill any order: wash the dishes, buy products, change the wheel in the car, and take children to the garden, and parents for work? The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating mechanized assistants is occupied by engineering minds since ancient times. And Karel Chapek even came up with a word that denotes the mechanical servant - a robot that fulfills the duties instead of a person.

Fortunately, in the current digital age, such assistants probably will soon become a reality. In fact, intelligent mechanisms already help a person in home affairs: the robot vacuum cleaner will be removed while the owners at work, a multicooker will help cook food, no worse than a self-balancing tablecloth, and a playful aoscope puppy will happily bring slippers or a ball. Sophisticated robots are used in production, in medicine and space. They allow partially, and even completely, to replace human labor in difficult or dangerous conditions. Android at the same time trying to look like people, while industrial robots Usually created from economic and technological considerations and their external decor does not at all in priority.

But it turns out, you can try to make a robot with the help of priests. So, you can construct the original mechanism from the handset, computer Mouse, toothbrush, old camera or omnipresent plastic bottle. Placing several sensors on the platform, you can program such a robot to perform simple operations: adjusting the illumination, signaling, movement around the room. Of course, this is not a multifunctional assistant from fantastic films, but such an occupation develops ingenuity and creative engineering thinking, and unconditionally causes admiration for those who consider the robot buildings absolutely not a handicraft.

Cyborg from the box

One of the most simple solutions On the way to make a robot - purchase a ready-made robotics set with step by step leadership. This option is also suitable for those who are going to seriously engage in technical creativity, because in one package there are all required details For mechanics: from electronic plats and specialized sensors, to the stock of the bolts and stickers. Together with the instructions that make it possible to create a rather complex mechanism. Due to the set of accessories such a robot can serve as an excellent basis for creativity.

The main school knowledge in physics and skills with labor lessons is quite enough to build the first robot. A variety of sensors and motors are subject to control consoles, and special programming environments allow you to create real cyborgs that can execute commands.

For example, a mechanical robot sensor can fix the presence or absence of a surface in front of the device, and the program code indicate which way the wheel base should be rotated. Such a robot will not fall from the table! By the way, real robots vacuum cleaners work according to the similar principle. In addition to holding cleaning on a given schedule and skills, on time to return to the recharging base, this intelligent assistant can independently build the path cleaning trajectories. Since various obstacles can be located on the floor, such as chairs and wires, the robot has to constantly scan the preparing path and ride such interference.

In order for the personally created robot, it was able to perform various commands, manufacturers provide for the possibility of its programming. Making a robot behavior algorithm in different conditions, You should create a sensor interaction code with the surrounding world. This is feasible due to the presence of a microcomputer, which is the brainstorm of such a mechanical robot.

Mobile mechanism of own manufacture

Even without specialized, and usually expensive, sets, it is quite possible to make a mechanical manipulator with appliant means. So, calming the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a robot, you should carefully analyze the reserves of domestic bins for the presence of unclaimed spare parts that can be used in this creative venture. The move will go:

  • motor (for example, from the old toy);
  • wheels from toy cars;
  • details of designers;
  • carton boxes;
  • rods of the author;
  • scotch of different types;
  • glue;
  • buttons, beads;
  • screws, nuts, paper clips;
  • all sorts of wires;
  • light bulbs;
  • battery (suitable voltage motor).

Tip: "An unlucky skill when creating a robot will be the ability to handle a soldering iron, because it will help reliably make the mechanism, especially electrical components."

With these publicly available components, this technical miracle can be created.

So in order to make own robot From the materials available at home, it follows:

  1. prepare found details for the mechanism, check their performance;
  2. draw a layout of the future robot, given the cash equipment;
  3. fold the housing for the robot from the designer or cardboard parts;
  4. glue or soldering spare parts responsible for the movement of the mechanism (for example, to make a robot motor with a wheelbase);
  5. ensure the power supply of the motor, connecting it by the conductor to the corresponding battery contacts;
  6. additional thematic decor instrument.

Tip: "Eye beads for a robot, decorative horn-mustache from wire, legs-springs, diode light bulbs will help an extract even the most boring mechanism. These elements can be secured using glue or scotch. "

You can make a mechanism for such a robot in a few hours, after which it remains to come up with a robot name and present to the delight of the audience. Surely some of them will pick up an innovative idea and will be able to make their own mechanical characters.

Famous smart automata

Cute robot Vall-and has a viewer of the same film to himself, forcing him to empathize with dramatic adventures, while the terminator demonstrates the power of a soulless invincible car. Characters of the star wars are the faithful DROID R2D2 and C3PO, accompany traveling on a distant galaxy, and the romantic verter even sacrifice in a fight with cosmic pirates.

Outside the cinema also exist mechanical robots. So, the world admires the skills of the Robot-Humanoid Asimo, who knows how to walk along the stairs, play football, serve drinks and politely greet. Spirit and Curiositi rinsites are equipped with autonomous chemical laboratories, which allowed to make analysis of samples of Martian soils. The unmanned cars robots can move without the participation of a person, even in difficult urban streets with high risks of unforeseen events.

Perhaps it is from home samples to create the first intellectual mechanisms, inventions will increase, which will change the technical panorama of the future and the life of humanity.

Make the easiest robot for even those who only picked up a soldering iron.

Mostly, our robot (depending on the design) will run into the light or, on the contrary, run away from it, run forward in search of the beam of light, or worse as Mole back.

For our future "artificial intelligence" will be needed:

  1. Chip L293D.
  2. Little electric motor M1 (it can be pulled out of toy cars)
  3. Phototransistor and resistor with a par value of 200 ohms.
  4. Wires, battery and, of course, the platform itself, where it will be all.

If a couple more bright LED couple in the design, it can be easily achieved that the robot will just run by hand or even follow the light or dark line. Our creation will be a typical representative of the BEAM robots. The principle of behavior of such robots is "photooresizing", that is, light, in this case, will act as a source of information.

Our robot will move forward when hitting it the beam of light. This behavior of the device is called "photocinsis" - an unirefied increase or decrease in mobility in response to a change in the level of illumination.

In our device, as mentioned above, a phototransistor was used n-P-N structures - PTR-1 as a photo seensor. Here you can use not only the phototransistor, but also a photoresistor or photodiode, since the principle of operation in all elements is the same.

The figure immediately shows mounting scheme Robot. If you are not yet familiar enough with technical conventional symbols, here, on the basis of this scheme, it will be easy to understand the principles of designation and connection of the items to each other.

GND.. Wires connecting various elements Schemes with "Earth" (negative pole of the power source), usually not displayed in the diagrams completely. Instead, draw a small dash, denoting the connection with the "Earth". Sometimes, next to the dash, "GND" write - from ang. The words "Ground" - Earth.

VCC.. This designation shows that through this part of the scheme is connected to the power source - a positive pole! Sometimes in the schemes instead of these letters, the denomination of current is often written. In this case, + 5V.

The principle of action of the robot.

If you get to the phototransistor (in the diagram it is specified as PRT1) the beam of light, a positive signal appears at the INPUT1 chip output, which makes the M1 motor - work. And vice versa, when the beam of light ceases to illuminate the phototransistor - the signal at the output of the INPUT1 chip disappears, therefore, the motor stops.

The R1 resistor in this scheme is designed to compensate for the current through the phototransistor. The summary of the resistor 200 ohms is, of course, you can solder the resistors and with other indicators of the denominations, but it should be remembered that the sensitivity of the phototransistor will depend on the nominal, and therefore the efficiency of the robot itself.

If the resistor's denomination is large, the robot will respond only to a very bright beam of light, and if small - then the sensitivity will be much higher.

In short, it should not be used in this scheme resistors with a resistance of less than 100 ohms, otherwise the phototransistor can simply overheat and fail.

Digital and Analog Multimeters Conducting Measures Reading schemes: shielding, grounding Reading schemes: lamps and photocells Repairs electric kettle Watch with projection of the image with your own hands

Today we will tell you how to make a robot from the remedies. The resulting "high-tech android" is though small size And it is hardly able to help you with the housework, but will once be thrilled both children and adults.

Necessary materials

In order to make a robot with her own hands, you will not need knowledge of nuclear physics. This can be done at home from ordinary materialsthat constantly eat at hand. So, what we need:
  • 2 pieces of wire
  • 1 Motor
  • 1 Battery AA.
  • 3 Stationery buttons
  • 2 Piece of Penocarton or Looking for Material Properties
  • 2-3 heads of old toothbrushes or several clips

1. Attach the battery to the motor

With the help of adhesive guns, we attach a piece of focarter to the motor housing. Then we glue the battery to it.

This step may seem not completely understandable. However, to make a robot, you need to make it move. Put on the axis of the motor a small oblong a piece of foamarton and fix it with adhesive pistol. Such a design will give a motor imbalance, which will lead the entire robot in motion.

At the very end of the destabilizer, drip a couple of glue drops, or attach some decorative element - This will add our creation of individuality and increase the amplitude of his movements.

3. Feet

Now it is necessary to supply the robot by lower limbs. If you use toothbrushes for this head, then glue them to the bottom of the motor. As a layer, you can use the same penoctoron.

The next step will be attached by two of our segments of the wire to the motors' contacts. You can simply fasten them, but even better will solder them, it will make a robot more durable.

5. Battery connection

Using a thermopystole, we glue the wire to one of the ends of the battery. You can choose any of the two wires and any side of the battery - the polarity in this case does not play the role. If you are doing well to solder, in this step you can also use soldering instead of glue.

6. Eyes

As a robot's eye, a pair of beads that attach a thermoclaim to one of the ends of the batteries is quite suitable. At this step, you can show fantasy and come up with an appearance of the eye to your discretion.

7. Running

Now let's revive our homemade. Take the free end of the wire and attach it with an unoccupied battery contact with a tape sticky. You should not use thermoclay on this step, because it will not allow you to turn off the motor if necessary.

Today we will tell you how to make a robot from the remedies. The resulting "high-tech android", though it will be a small size and can hardly help you at the farm, but will break both children and adults.

Necessary materials

In order to make a robot, you will not need knowledge of nuclear physics. It is possible at home to make a robot from ordinary materials that are constantly at hand. So, what we need:
  • 2 pieces of wire
  • 1 Motor
  • 1 Battery AA.
  • 3 Stationery buttons
  • 2 Piece of Penocarton or Looking for Material Properties
  • 2-3 heads of old toothbrushes or several clips

1. Attach the battery to the motor

With the help of adhesive guns, we attach a piece of focarter to the motor housing. Then we glue the battery to it.

This step may seem not completely understandable. However, to make a robot, you need to make it move. I wear a small oblong piece of foamarton on the motor axis and fasten it with a glue gun. Such a design will give the Motor imbalance, which will lead the robot in motion.

At the very end of the destabilizer, a couple of drops of glue drip, or attach some decorative element - it will add the robot of individuality and increase the amplitude of its movements.

3. Feet

Now it is necessary to supply the robot by lower limbs. If you use toothbrushes for this head, then glue them to the bottom of the motor. As a layer, you can use the same penoctoron.

The next step will be attached by two of our segments of the wire to the motors' contacts. You can simply fasten them, but even better will solder them, it will make a robot more durable.

5. Battery connection

Using a thermopystole, we glue the wire to one of the ends of the battery. You can choose any of the two wires and any side of the battery - the polarity in this case does not play the role. If you are doing well to solder, in this step you can also use soldering instead of glue.

6. Eyes

As a robot's eye, a pair of beads that attach a thermoclaim to one of the ends of the batteries is quite suitable. At this step, you can show fantasy and come up with an appearance of the eye to your discretion.