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How to save roses in winter in the garden than to hide, is it necessary to cut? How and how to protect roses correctly for the winter: the step-by-step guide to the shelter for tea - hybrid, plenty, stramb, bush and park roses is it time to close roses for the winter

DANGE CHIMAL №8: "When to cover roses for the winter in the fall?"

Oktyabrsky issues of magazines for gardeners and gardeners literally faster notes on the topic plant Preparation for Winter : trimming flowers and raspberries, cleaning perennials for storage, whitewashes of trees, Promotional crops ... In autumn The gathering of the care is no less than in the summer. And if the site is growing roses - It's time to think about shelter for winterfor them. All important information about when it is better to cover roses for the winter We combined in one article. It turned out a very informative summer cottage, which, we hope will be useful to us, and you 😉

  1. Preparation of roses by winter.
  2. It's time to cover roses! Dates for the middle strip (including Moscow region), the Urals and Siberia.
  3. Favorable dates on the lunar calendar for October and November 2018.
  4. Fatal errors in rose shelter.
  5. Features of the shelter of stumbling roses.
  6. How to cover roses if only hemp during trimming.

Rose Preparation for Winter


Since mid-August, it is necessary to finish the feeding of roses nitrogen fertilizers, reduce or completely stop watering (depending on the weather). Since August in Rosary, only phosphorus-potash feeders use. In the fall, on the eve of wintering, roses need potash-phosphoric fertilizers. They help to restrain the growth, contribute to the aging of wood flashes (weighing shoots) and increase cold resistance. You can make fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus from the end of August. Superphosphate suitable, potassium sulfate, ash, as well as special complex "autumn" feeding. If the autumn was protracted and warm, it is not too late to make the final feeding in the 2nd decade of October (if they did not have time in September). In addition, in the second middle of September, it is necessary to stop the resistance and soil looser between the bushes, their formation, so as not to cause the development of kidney shoots from the kidneys that are at rest

Scheme of roses strengthening dressing during preparation for winter:

  1. The first feeding is made in mid-August. In 10 liters of water dissolve: 25 g of superphosphate, 10 g of sulfur potassium, 2.5 g of boric acid. The solution is made under the root at the rate of 2 liters per 1 square meter.
  2. The second feeder is committed in September. In 10 liters of water dissolve: 15 g of superphosphate and 15 g of sulfur potassium. Or you can use comprehensive "autumn" mineral fertilizer.

* For extractive feeding dosages, the dosage is reduced by 3 times.

Trimming shoots

More recently, the flower beloved the opinions that the autumn bushes should certainly cut, leaving hemp about 30 cm, with 5-7 kidneys on escape. Now another technique is common: the autumn of the branches are flexing to the ground, fixing them reliably, and then shelted for the winter. Pruning is carried out in a gentle mode, as necessary: \u200b\u200bdry, patients and very old, inflexible, precedend the shelter, as well as non-invalid wreck shoots. It is believed that the autumn pruning takes the force in the plant, requires tremendous costs for their recovery. The bushes are better endured in the fall, and in the spring faster begin to grow and bloom earlier.

In the fall, it is advisable to cut the branches if they interfere with the shelter and can break when trying to jump them. The trimming is made only on the height of the shelter with a variety correction (there is a difference in the pruning of the plenty, tea-hybrid roses, etc.).

Crop roses better in the middle - late OctoberSo far the frosts are not granted, but the main heat is already behind. With trimming it is not worth a hurry, otherwise the kidneys will wake up, and the shoots will come into growth again. Cuts on thick branches are useful to treat garden booths, and thin - green.

The main trimming is carried out in spring, according to the results of wintering, after removal of shelters,

Trimming leaves

Up to late autumn, when it comes to cooking shelters, some varieties of roses are greens and even bloom. If you leave everything as it is, during wintering, most likely, they will be charged (and this will adversely affect the health of the entire plants).

In late October - early November (already after the first frosts) leaves need to be removed, not leaving the cuffs. Together with this cut the remaining flowers, wounds and unseen shoots. Pruning is convenient to carry out a small secateur or scissors. It should be started from the bottom of the branches, gradually moving towards top.

If there are a lot of foliage and its removal becomes too time-consuming, you can do it small:

  • Before shelter, handle bushes by any copper-containing fungicide, following the recommendations on the packaging.
  • Frequently the base of the branches from the leaves to the branches, so that the bush is well ventilated, and then spray with any antifungal drug (with copper in composition) or 3 percent solution of iron vitriol.

Processing before shelter

After gentle trimming and removal of leaves, the bushes are usually treated with solutions of fungicides in order to prevent the propagation of rot. In addition to the means mentioned above (copper-containing drugs, iron vigor), it is recommended to use a 3 percent solution of Bordeaux fluid.

Will the roses in the winter?

The question is controversial again, here the rosishes hold two opinions:

  • The glue of rose bushes will protect them in frosty, honest winter. In this case, the hitch will be benefit.
  • The base of the occasional bushes is spared, thus the sake only hurts.

Conclusion: Everyone chooses himself, dip or not.

It is clear to refuse to dying, if the plot itself is raw or autumn gasped with rainy, and the ground turned out to be oversaturated by moisture. In this case, it will be superfluous in advance with a pre-prepared dry soil mixture. It is advisable to carry out the sake, if autumn was dry, slightly frosty. The appropriate variant of the mixture of roses for the winter: dry and loose overwhelmed compost with sand and peat. It is not necessary to use pure peat and sand - they type moisture, and sawdust - rot.

Important! In extracting, it is defined in order to need stramb roses (about the features of their shelter - further in the text).

Shelter roses for the winter: optimal deadlines

After pre-trainingWith the onset of a favorable weather Roses are ready for shelting for the winter! Question: When does this readiness come? So, the sources analyzed by us say:

- to cover roses you can start in the first decade of October (newspaper "AIF. In the country" ). While the weather is still warm enough, the shoots remain plastic, it is lighter (in frosty days, shoots become fragile and brittle). The branches are flex and fixed in a horizontal position using metal pegs. Thick branches can be bent gradually, in several techniques. At the same time, the cooler frameworks are installed. Finally roses are hidden in late October - early November, After the onset of sustainable colds (and even light frosts), but before falling out snow. At the final stage set carcasses Cover spunbond. Important! Laying roses directly to the soil can not be: between the surface of the soil and shoots there should be a gap for ventilation, and one and a half-liter plastic bottles or thick foam are put as "gaskets".

- Do not rush with shelter ( magazine "Flower"). It is thorough to insulate roses follows by the frozen land, and prepare for this better in advance - start bending branches even to frosts (from mid-September). Roses are pretty cold-resistant and easily carry light autumn frosts without shelter. Let the rains pass and begin to install minus temperatures - then you can finally cover roses with nonwoven materials.

Warming shelter For roses, it is necessary to install after autumn frosts grab land or shortly before that moment - Not before November ("Purchase newspaper" ). Hurrying shelter (at temperatures from zero and above) is fraught with the fact that the plants will begin to upset, the humidity increases, which creates favorable conditions for the development of mushroom infections.

These timelines can be applied as for the middle band (including Moscow region) and the Urals and Siberia, since it is better to rely on weather conditions, weather forecast, temperature indicators.

Favorable days on the lunar calendar 2018

In October 2018 Crimping and Shelter Roses Astrologers recommend to carry out:

  • 14, 19, 22, 27, 28 and 31 numbers.

According to the calendar from the journal "Pomice farming".

Not favorable days For trimming in October:

  • 9, 17, 18, 19, October 24 (New Moon, Moon, Moon in Aquarius).

In November 2018 favorable days for rose shelter for the winter:

  • 1, 3, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 November.

Adverse days for trimming in November:

  • 7, 14, 15, November 23 (New Moon days, full moon, moon in the sign of Aquarius).

According to the calendar from the magazine "My Favorite Dacha".

7 errors in the preparation of roses by winter

1. Early shelter. If it is thoroughly to cover roses at temperatures above zero, the danger is large that the bushes are spared and become easy prey of mushroom infections. At the beginning of autumn - from mid-September - while the branches are not taken by frost and begged well, you can begin to bend them to the ground. And the insulation is better to start on the frozen soil, no earlier than the end of October.

2. Bend branches in frosty weather can be dangerous. Frosts make shoots fragile and brittle. The bark may crack, as a result, the wounds are formed, which will become a gate for of different kind infections. Bend the branches are recommended to start in mid-September, and it is better to do it gradually, fixing the horizontal slope with metal pegs. It is convenient to use skewer skewers for this - they "like oil" enter the ground, and to the tip it is easily tied to the twine.

3. Early trimming of unseen shoots is still warm, stimulates the active education of new ones. It turns out Martishkin labor. Crop the unbearable shoots (as well as the leaves and the remaining wounds) are advised only after the first frosts (usually in the 3rd decade of October). In general, the flowerflowers today agree that in the fall it is not worth it to carry out a wine pruning, it is enough to remove old and sick branches, as well as selectively shorten them if shelter is poorly.

4. Garter rose rope from natural materials It is dangerous that during the wintering she sails moisture and rot. For this, polypropylene twine is suitable.

5. By sending roses under the shelter, it is impossible to leave the leaves on them. They will rot, the bushes will not be ventured, - all this opens the way to infections. In the second half of October, the leaves are cut off by a secateur or, carefully spending their hands in garden gloves along the trunk, shake the foliage. Attention! The leaves of roses cannot be used in shelter, they must certainly remove from under the bush.

6. Losing roses branches on bare land or film is not worth it. It is desirable that under the branches it was dry. Bending shoots before the shelter, you can build up under them "Lit" from plastic bottles or foamflast.

7. Ruberoid or polyethylene film is not too good as a shelter material. Metal tanks and buckets are also better not to apply. To cover roses for the winter is best dense loyal or spunbond, throwing them on a frame of metal rods or chain grids. It turns out a cozy mini-guy.

How to cover roses if autumn had to briefly cut them

In the event that it was necessary to carry out a short trimming (in the old manner), leaving heights with a height of 30-40 cm, advised to do this:

  1. After trimming (usually after the first frosts, in the first decade of October), we treat bushes with 3% mortar of the Bordeaux fluid.
  2. Put the landing of a dry soil mixture to a height of 20-25 cm, covering the horse cervical neck.
  3. Leave roses to harden up until the beginning of November.
  4. In the first decade of November, insulation can be started in dry weather. You do not need to bend anything, because roses are briefly cropped.

Ways to cover cropped roses:

- The easiest way to hide the roses circumcised in the fall is a layer of at least 10-15 cm.

- more often used air-dry method of shelter (it is the most reliable): to build a framework over the bushes and cover it with hydro-thermal insulating material.

- Separate bushes can be insulated in this way: to link the branches of the bush together, surround the chain grid in the form of a fence (diameter 30-50 cm). The space between the bush and the grid fill the soil mixture. Take the design on top of sponbond in 2 layers. Straw, manure, hay moss are not suitable as insulation materials, as they absorb moisture and are able to provoke rotting.

Features of the shelter of stumbam rose

The main difficulty is to correctly determine the side of the tilt, because the trunk at the vaccination is easy to break. An interesting comparison is given in the article on the shelter of stumbling roses, in the Dacha newspaper:

  • It is necessary to imagine that the fingers in the compressed fist are a bump at the vaccination site, and the trunk is a thumb. The trunk, like the thumb, should easily go to the bump. Visually this essence transmits the scheme:


  1. There is a small hole around the trunk, very careful not to touch the root system.
  2. The trunk is bend gradually, giving him to get used to the new position. Burned - waited a couple of days and so on until the plant takes a horizontal position.
  3. The smell is buried, the base is plunged with a dry soil mixture.
  4. Under the trunk it is useful to put something solid (log or plastic bottle) as a support for the trunk so that he does not break under the runner of the snow.
  5. The horizontal position is fixed with polypropylene twine, tieting it to a metal peg.
  6. Under the crown of stramboo rose and it can be put on her cliff or dry oak leaves.
  7. It will be useful to make plants with a solution of iron mood and put inside the shelter the poison for mice, which love to visit the pink shelters in winter and rummage.
  8. In conclusion, air-dry shelter is arranged for the entire plant as a whole, insulation and stem including. Top of the tight loutrasil or spunbond. From the shelter film or rubberoid is better to refuse.
  9. If snow drops in the winter, it must be additionally thrown out. The main insulation for roses is snow.

We hope that a truly maximum information on the topic we managed to collect in this country dacha, and it was useful for you. Write reviews, share your experience in the comments, we will be happy! 😉

Rose flowering - real pleasure for flowerfish. You can endlessly admire the fancy bends of pink petals and their shades, breathing in a gentle aroma of roses. But the experienced owner of an excellent flower knows: to guarantee this pleasure for several years, about the noble and sensitive plant living conditions needs to be taken care. With the onset of autumn, special attention is required. Preparation for winter in the care of a rose is a responsible moment for a flower plant. The growth and development of the flower next year depends on the proper supply of the conditions of wintering. When preparing roses to winter, two points are important: the first, how to crop roses for the winter and the second, how to cover roses for the winter. About everything in order.

So that your favorite roses have a good harsh condition and low temperatures, prepare plants for winter should be in advance.

Main autumn types of work on the care and preparation of roses for winter:

  1. A plant reduction is gradually being reduced, and in the second half of August, watering is stopped.
  2. Roses - Tender flowers. Their young shoots are not able to preserve vitality, so it is necessary to "help" the plant to stop the emergence of new shoots, start the process of basic escapes. For this S. last week August corrected feeding. Watch that nitrogen is not present in the applied fertilizers, and potassium and phosphorus, on the contrary, during this period we give preference.
  3. At the same time, we admire roses only on the flowerbed, do not allow cutting. It is necessary that the plant completed the growing stage, from the bootonization to dryness. Do not hurry to remove the shock-free buds! The ripening of seeds after flowering - a signal for roses: the winter is nearing, the flowering of this season is completed.
  4. Removal of foliage is another mandatory element that includes the preparation of roses in the fall by winter. Roses are not declapful plants, so removes the leaves of the flower water. Will you carefully cut the foliage or carefully cut sheets - no matter, any method is allowed. The main thing is not to leave on the plant a foliage that can lead to an infectious disease.
  5. Continuing prophylaxis, carry out the processing of bushes and soil. For the plant, any fungicide is used, you can also use a solution of iron vapor. Carefully clean the soil under a pink bush, not leaving weeds that focused foliage. After that, the soil can also be treated with fungicide.

Perform trimming

Rose Preparation for Winter: Pruning

An important stage of preparing a pink shrub to the winter period is a trimming of roses in autumn. Several shoots remaining after trimming, it is easier to transfer the cold winter than a whole bush. Plants, which were left to winter, were in the future were weakened, often subjected to diseases. It should be carried out in compliance certain rulesso as not to harm the flower.

The optimal time for trimming is the third decade of October. The procedure is desirable to carry out in dry, sunny and windless weather.

Tools are prepared in advance: the secateurs and hacksaw are sharply sharpened, which is used for the thicker shoots.

Carefully examining the bush, it is necessary to trim all the upper parts that may be subject to bacterial diseases. If there are minor unspoken buds on the plant, they are also cut, like sick branches.

It is necessary to cut the young stems that are not worn. These are the shoots, if they leave them, can bend, and then infect the entire bush fungal diseases.

So, for the winter they leave the strongest, powerful and well-developed shoots. It is enough to leave for wintering from 3 to 5 shoots, trying to be located evenly.

Video "Pruning and Shelter Roses for Winter"

Rules Ruisage Rules for Winter

Inexperienced flowerflowers often ask a question how to crop roses for the winter? Experts allocate such types of cropping roses for the winter:

  • Short.

For polyanthovy (multi-scale, forming a strong bush) roses are used short trimming. The shoots are removed almost completely, leaving for the winter only the base (2-3 cm from each escape). At the same time, the sleeping kidney roses (2-3 on the bush) remains.

  • Average

For tea-hybrid roses, medium or moderate trimming are used. Weak shoots are removed completely. The height of the left-descended shoots is 25-30 cm, the number of sleeping kidneys on them is 4-5.

  • Long

When preparing for the winter of park, English and Bengal roses, they perform a long or gentle trimming. The same look is suitable for tall tea-hybrid roses. At the same time, only a third of the stem is removed, keeping on the remaining portion from 8 to 10 kidneys.
Regardless of the method, when trimming, they perform a scythe cut over the kidney, which swells, but did not sprout. The distance between such a kidney and the cut is from 0.5 to 1 cm.
The trimming of the processes left for the winter is completed. To do this, use any available disinfection agent. After processing, it is performed with pink bushes and move to the next phase preparation - rose shelter.

We hide roses for the winter

How to hide roses for the winter

To roses in the garden in winter comfortably felt selfly peeped and moved the winter cold, they need to be covered. Roses are covered when cool weather is completed, and during the week the temperature does not rise above + 5 °. Rose can also move light frosts.
Consider how to keep roses in winter. You can cover roses in different ways.


By choosing this method, it is used primarily to cover roses, first of all, soil soil. A bush first plunges at a height of 20 to 40 cm. Some gardeners completely bury the entire bush. But you can after the first layer of shelter - emphasis - use dry leaves, wood chips or sawdust, as well as the branches of the napkin. They cover up the top parts of the shoots, which after dipping were over the soil.

Air (dry) shelter

In this case, the method of roots of the plant is also insulated using a layer of foliage or needles. A bush-cut for winter is retained using a specially constructed design, a kind of frame or a protective dome. His goal is to protect the rose from the wind and frost, creating inside a suitable air environment.

The frame structure is installed above each bush at an altitude of up to 0.5 m. You can also build a frame over the entire flowerbed or rosary.

In practice, a variety of skeleton structures are used: a pyramidal, spherical, cubic. For a frame, metal bars or arcs used on garden beds can be used.

Constructing the frame, you need to fix on it for insulation. Suitable material Craft paper, burlap, followed by a layer of film. In recent years, gardeners are increasingly used as a heater non-woven cloth and remain satisfied with the results of its use. The main task is to carefully and securely fasten the insulation, so that during windane weather and precipitation, the design protects the rose from the rain and snow.


Tall roses can be covered in a different way, wrapped each plant into a nonwoven fabric - Loutrasil. Metal rod in this case will also need. It will fulfill the support function for the stem. Begins wrapping from evaporation of roots. Then the rose shoots are covered with insulation and how it should be fixed, fixing the cocoon from the bottom to prevent the cold air access.

Video "How to cover roses for the winter"

Features of the shelter of roses of different types

Experienced gardeners have developed rules how to strengthen times for the winter. The use of their advice will help prepare for winter and your roses.

Plenty rose

The plenty roses do not conduct trimming stems. The shelter of the plenty rose for the winter requires only the pinching of healthy shoots before wintering, and only sick shoots cut out. Long roses vacuisers require cautious circulation. Having prepare for winter, the shoots of the plenty rose are sprinkled with the earth. But before the screamers are on the ground, it is necessary to prepare a place for them. To do this, the sand and spruce napnik are poured onto the ground. The drops taken from the support neatly laid on the prepared "pillow", and then the boots are again used - to cover the rose. Complete the procedure with a film that is fixed over the facothy.

You can make a woven harness, which is put on the prepared wire frame. Top are satisfied with a protective canopy of wood or Loutrasil, and then covered with a film.

Park Rosa

Many varieties of park roses are frost-resistant, so do not require special wrap. However, young bushes of park roses should be hiding the winter. Park rose Shelter for the winter is performed with unfavorable weather forecasts, anticipation of abnormal frosts.
The most suitable for park roses is a touch or dry shelter.

Tea-hybrid rose

A tea-hybrid rose in the winter is well transferring low temperatures with standard methods for preparing for cold season. Standard enhancement or frame construction will help a rose bruise. The use of the facility increases the level of comfort for tea-hybrid rose in winter.

Video "Shelter for the Winter Press Rose"

Growing place matters

Rose has its fans in any corners of our country. In this case, the place of growing flower does not matter. But when preparing for the winter, a rose is growing, not to take into account. Different climatic I. natural conditions, different dates of the onset of cold weather make their own adjustments in standard procedures Preparation of plants for winter.

  • The shelter of roses for the winter in the suburbs is usually carried out at the end of October.

Other deadlines are possible, the main thing is the onset of stable temperatures during the week (+ 5-7 °).

  • But the shelter of roses for the winter of roses in the Urals is carried out back in September, since the decrease in air temperature comes in the region earlier.

The Ural winter winters are more severe, therefore roses require multilayer cover, which will help save the plant during severe frosts. However, upon the occurrence of thaws, such a "blanket" can lead to the accumulation of moisture and planting the plant. Avoid this helps the next way to prepare roses for winter in the Urals. Prepared for wintering and proceeded shoots gently bend, so that they take the arched shape. Top covers a sweetheart, foliage, cut off the shoots of raspberries, etc. The resulting natural greenhouse is covered from above, using tarpaulin, rubberoid, synthetic materials. The ends are left ajar, giving the possibility of ventilation within the shelter.

Separately growing roses can be saved by building a special box from cardboard boxes. There are cardboard walls of about 50 cm with a height of about 50 cm around the swallowed bushes, so that the embossed shoots do not rise above the carton walls. Put the roots of roses and empty space in a box around a bush with dry foliage, cheese, straw, chips, sawdusts, covered with a snack. Out of the box with a rose mounted a frame with Loutrasil. Such a structure helps to preserve roses in the conditions of the Ural winter.

Having become acquainted with the rules for the preparation of roses by winter, you will be able to create comfortable conditions for the plant. And therefore, next summer will enjoy beautiful color and a gentle aroma of a beloved flower.

Not so long ago, the cultivation of roses in the conditions of the middle of Russia, the Urals and even Siberia became quite grateful. As it turned out, roses are growing perfectly and delight abundant blossom year after year. However, definitely, as plants are rather thermal-loving, they require proper preparation for winter and Shelter for winter. In this article, consider how to properly prepare roses for wintering and How to cover roses for the winter. After all, it is the right preparation and Rose shelter for winter are the key to further growth, development and well-being "Queen of Flowers" in your garden.

Before the shelter of roses, which is made with the onset of sustainable cold, approximately in late October - early November, roses for wintering must be prepared.

Rose Preparation for Winter

- Preparation for wintering roses starts back in July, because since July should be excluded from the feeding of roses nitrogen fertilizers. This is done, because when obtaining nitrogen, plants begin to build up a mass, many young and gentle shoots appear, which are undesirable in the second half of summer. Young shoots appeared in September or October, instantly drawn at first frosts, replete and are a hearth of infections and diseases for roses, leaving in the winter. It becomes weakened and wintering may not survive. Therefore, since July of the month, fertilize roses (as well as most other perennials) follows only by phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

- In mid-September, make the last feeding with potash and magnesium fertilizer (for example, Kalimagnezia), which will contribute to good wintering as well good blossom next season.

- Also since September should stop the cutting of roses into bouquets.

- If at the beginning of summer, the buds of young bushes are removed, and the ripe flowers have been removed, not letting ripening the seeds to increase flowering and stimulate the growth of new shoots, now it follows to all colors to give bloom, and to ripen the fruits, so as not to awaken new growth kidneys .

- Late in the fall of roses, you can delete. It will contribute to good preparation of roses by winter, but you should not do it too early, so as not to awaken the kidney growth, do it around late September. If you have a lot of roses, and the bushes are large, you can not remove the whole foliage, but to remove at least sick leaves so that they do not cause various diseases and bush infections during wintering. Inspect the bushes and remove all the leaves with different spots, blackening, dry leaves, and then burn them.

- Spend the last cleaning of your flower beds with roses, weeding and loosening.

- Before wintering, it is possible to treat roses with fungicides from various rotors and diseases (for example, iron or copper vitriol) or sprinkle ashes.

- Now you prepare roses directly to the shelter. You can do this in two ways. Either the bush is cut into the height of the shelter, or the roses branches are flexing into the ground. Benefits and disadvantages have both ways. In the first case, the advantages are to reduce work on trimming in the spring, and the disadvantage - the cropped ends of the branches under the pressure of the snow cover can be piercing. In the second case, the disadvantage is a more laborious process, the advantages of maintaining more bush and earlier and abundant flowering.

- If roses shoots very thick and hurt them to the ground is problematic, they are bent in several stages. First, slightly tilted, fixed, after a few days they fix at a lower distance from the ground and so far they are not tilted to the ground. To fix roses, it is possible to use specially prepared studs, making them from thick wire or from electrodes, more voluminous bushes with large quantity Escapes are fixed with the help of treasurers.

- Also in order to hunch bushes with very hard shoots, you can slightly die with forks, it will not bring much harm to the bustle.

- Become white rosesSimilarly, as stumbling should be in the direction of vaccinations, so that it is not broken.

How to cover roses for the winter?

So, roses for wintering are prepared and here with the onset of sustainable cold at the end of October - the beginning of November they should be hidden. Traditionally it is believed that roses are time to cover if the temperature on the street in the afternoon starts to keep about -5 degrees. Best for Rose shelter for winter Apply nonwoven material - Loutrasil. This is such a modern concerning material that allows you to maintain heat, does not let moisture inside the shelter, and at the same time allows plants to breathe. The advantages of such a material in front of other traditional shelter materials - film, for example, are obvious. Since the film does not breathe and it is necessary to constantly monitor roses, especially during thaws, while opening, tightened and close them, Loutrasil breathes, allows moisture pairs to leave their shelter, but it doesn't allow drops into it, almost excluding the danger of spontaneous roses. Also, this material is well missing light and roses easily to get used to the light in the spring after removing the shelter, they will not need to be dialed even in the first days after removing the shelter. The use of nonwoven material - Loutrasil allows you to cover the roses early to the rains and open later, with the beginning of the growth of the kidneys, without fear of wringing. Also, this material allows you to grow on a flowerbed with roses and other perennial plants, as such a winter shelter will not harm their wintering. Thus, it is an indispensable material for rose shelter, especially for those dacities that are not able to constantly come to the garden. Nevertheless, even when using such a shelter, it is possible to spare if the site is quite raw, ventilating during thaws in this case is still necessary, although not so often.

Some sources also advise to cover Roses with a spruce vegetable. However, it serves rather not for shelter, but to hold snow from open blown plots.

Loutrasil on sale there is a varying degree of density, choose for winter shelter, of course, is the most dense. For reliability it can be collapsed in two layers.

The rosary is best to cover the whole large whole piece of non-woven material, since when shelting a large area, wintering results will be better than if it is covered separately each bush.

Over a flower bed with naught or cropped roses, arcs or other holders, forming the shelter frame, so that the air is inside, and above everything is covered with nonwoven material. The edges are attached to something heavy: stones, bricks, logs.

I wish you a good wintering to your beauties and lush flowering in the next season!

How to hide the Winter Roses 2 ways Popular About Health

Rose is deservedly called queen flowers, and its plenty variety is an elegant princess. Unsuccessful overwhelming of them and, as a result, death cause special pity among the lovers of flowers. Pleet roses - very beautiful plant with juicy green leaves and fragrant and gentle buds. Rarely when vertical landscaping and decoration costs without these colors architectural structures. Well-groomed plant will always please their aesthetic species and a pleasant aroma, but for this it is necessary to provide him with the right, comfortable wintering.

Why need to be covered by the Winter Pleet Roses?

Let's talk about how to cover the plenty roses for the winter, so as not to look with pity for the deceased plant at the beginning of spring. In no case should you rely on good frost resistance, which inexperienced gardeners say. Pleet roses are able to withstand the temperature not lower than -3 degrees, the further decrease in temperature is very dangerous for them. In addition, the threat to the plant represents and often alternating with frosts thawed. As soon as the thermometer column rises above the mark of +3 degrees, the stems are activated in the stems, the vegetative process begins. Sudden cooling will entail the freezing of juice, damage to the plant tissues, the formation of cracks on the stems and infection with putrid organisms. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen them for the winter, not allowing negligence and deplorable results.

Preparation of plants to shelter for the winter period

So that the plant is well overwhelmed, it needs to be ensured not only the correct shelter, but also organize preparatory processwho should start with the last summer days. Pleet roses stop fertilizing with nitrogen compositions, but continue to enter potash-phosphoric feeding. This will allow the shoots better to grow. The first such feeder is recommended in August, it will take for a solution:

- Potassium sulfate (10 g);
- superphosphate (25 g);
boric acid (2.5 g);
- 10 liters of water.

The resulting amount of solution is consumed on a plot of 4 meters square. The second feeding is carried out in the first days of September. At the same time, it is necessary to significantly reduce watering roses, do not loose soil. You can not cut buds in order not to activate the growth of new shoots. If the plant still continues to grow actively and develop, the growing season should be stopped by pinching shoots and bending the stalks about the buds themselves.

Before the shelter of the pleate rose, you need to remove from the lower parts of the petiole and the leaves, and remove the leaf from the supports. Then the plant gently moves to the surface of the Earth under the weight of its own weight. If there are wounds or cracks on the plant, they can be sprinkled wood coal Or treat ordinary green.

Wintering plenty roses: when and how best to cover the plant

To organize the shelter, it is necessary to choose dry warm weather, simply speaking the day. The stalks twisted the harness or in the form of an oval, and too thick shoots gently bend to the ground and pinch. For fastening the stems, special wire supports are installed so that they do not touch the surface of the soil. For warming on Earth, you can put dry leaves, and to protect against field mice - put two or three naphthalene pills.

From above over laid roses running wooden roof Duscal form. To cover the entire design, a polyethylene film of such sizes is used so that it can cover the side parts, and ends. Before the onset of frosts in 3 degrees, the end parts of the protective structure must be open. It will be a natural handwriter. Then the film is tensioning completely, after which the injection of moisture is stopped.

Such reliable shelter will allow to keep roses before the onset of the first spring days. They are not afraid of strong frosts and snowy winter, because under this structure the temperature does not drop below 8 degrees of frost. On the stems it will be possible to see the layer of inlet, it is not necessary to clean it. So the plant is protected from sudden thawing during thaws. If still warming will be long, it is recommended to slightly open the ends of the design so that the kidneys do not prohibit. If winter is relatively warm and snowy, they can be left open constantly.

How to cover the winter roses for winter in a simple way?

Gardeners love to use another way of shelting roses, less laborious. After the preparation was carried out, the leaf was laid on the ground on a layer of dry leaves or needles, topped with such another such layer, and then covered with rubberoid and a piece of polyethylene. This method may not come up for those regions where winter is too snowy. Under the weight of snow, the design can cuddle to the ground, and the plant will not have enough air. Thus, the construction of the frame - the most reliable and optimal method Shelters of both large and small bushes of plenty roses.

When first come warm daysThe shelter cannot be removed. For plenty roses, temperatures may be dangerous in early springas well as sun rays. First, the ends of the structure are opened, and when the soil fully utters, the entire frame is removed. So the plant will gradually begin to get used to solar color and will not receive burns.

Pleet roses are undoubtedly one of the most whimsical and demanding plants. But such attention to it will be rewarded: roses will delight chic and abundant blossoms!

Lyudmila, www. Rasteniya-Lecarstvennie. Ru

When to cover roses for the winter in the suburbs and

The dip and trimming of pink bushes is also elements of plant preparation to wintering. At the same time, opinions on how correctly and when it is best to carry out procedures, are also different. This largely depends on the growing conditions of the rose bush. For example, in the regions with warm land, gardeners prefer instead of extracting the earth for 5-10 cm. This allows the bustle to breathe better, and the dipping leads, on the contrary, to the break. As for the Moscow Region, both stages take place.
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2.1 Putting the pink bush

The process of enclosure is necessary for the warming of roots and new prigound shoots. Also, the dipping prevents the appearance of cracks on the stems. Before the direct work with the soil of stems and the ground around the roots is thoroughly sprayed with a solution of burgundy liquid (3%) and water. Also, the bush can be treated with iron vigor (5%). The purpose of such an event to prevent infections and fungi.

Dipping a rose bush

After the land and branches can be used to do the hyphenation itself. For this, it is necessary to choose an extremely dry. The height of the dip for roses of any variety is 20-30 cm. If the ground in the root area is solid, it must be pulled out to a depth of 2-5 cm. After the earth, it is neatly pressed under the stems. Instead of ordinary earth, gardeners also make a mound from compost or dry peat. This provides an additional focus of the plant.

After the mound is made, the ground around the rose before the onset of frosts is covered with a film. This prevents the soil blown, and therefore it is less than frost.
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2.2 Crimping Roses for Winter

The trimming is carried out in order for unnecessary and not having time to crumble parts did not pull the nutrients from the main branches. In addition, the aeration of crowns increases and access to the light of young shoots. After such a procedure, the climbing bush is developing much faster and evenly.

First of all, when trimming, unbearable new shoots are removed, which for the winter did not have time to gain strength. Such parts of the bush rose still do not have time. And in order to save nutrients They are cut. As for other important points of procedure, such advice should be taken into account:

  • To trim the exclusively sharpened tool takes. A stupid secret can harm the crust through which infection falls inside.
  • If perennial thick branches with a thickness of 2 cm are subject to trimming, an acute hacksaw is used to remove them.
  • As a location, the area is used as a 1-1.5 cm area above. If the wood on the cutting place is dark or painfully looks, another cut is made below.
  • The branches are trimmed at an angle.
  • The optimal period for work is the end of October. But it is worth remembering that the listed rules are universal for each variety. But, also every variety has their own moments. So hybrid and tea roses feel best if cutting the stems to a level of 50-60 cm above the ground. In poliant roses, it is necessary to cut unbearable shoots. They are cut under the root. Also, the plant is cleaned from damaged or patients.

    Rose preparation for winter autumn trimming rose shelter landing roses autumn

    Marina, what kind of rose do you have? What is the type and variety? In what form does it have a cutlets, a seedling with open roots or closed roots, container? Have you already purchased a rose or are you just going?

    Under the winter, only those roses are planted to local conditions. If your rose is brought in a container from the country with softer than we, the climate, then with autumn landing, it is most likely not survive, as it does not cover it.

    If a seedlock with roots is intended for landing, not a cutlets, then it is necessary to plant it now - Autumn landing make from mid-September and usually until mid-October. It is important to choose the moment so that the rose can be rooted, and the further drop in the temperature would not give her to move into growth (that is, the plant "understood" would like to prepare for wintering). If you guess with the time of landing, then the roses planted in the fall are much more successful even what planted in the spring.

    Now it is better to hurry, the rose must be rooted to frosts, otherwise it will not overheason. Young roots are usually formed 10-12 days after landing, before the onset of frosts, they must have time to harden and temper.

    For landing, you need a dug hole with a size of 40x40x40 cm. Sprove good water, add 2-3 shovels of land mixed with humus. If you have a seedling with a closed root system, then you need to dig a hole for the size of the earth coma (by 4-6 cm. More). Saplings with an open root system before planting on a day are soaked in water, then triggered too long roots, leaving 20-30 cm.

    Shoots should also be trimmed. Leave only 2-3 strongest escapes, shortening them, so that every 2-3 sleeping kidney remains at each. The rest of the shoots are cut under the base.

    The seedling prepared for landing is lowered in the hole, spread the roots around the rolled holly from the ground with a humus. Then they fall asleep the earth, it is good to catch her. Plug roses are plunged so that the place of the eyepiece is 2-3 cm. Below the surface. Corresponding roses can be planted below the level of formation of roots - then they grow new additional roots.

    After landing, the seedling is watered well (water temperature 16-18 ° C), and then plunge the earth, leaving outside only the upper part of the shoots. For dipping, the land is not crushed from under the roots, but the new one is being added. In the spring, after removing the shelter, it will be necessary to solve the bush.

    Strong rosesPlanned by seedlings under the winter, you need the same as the usual, already growing in your garden. After the first night frosts come and will make it upper layer The soil, on the ground that roses were embarrassed, put the husknik, then a layer of 15-20 cm poured dry leaves or chips, and then a layer of the facothy. Then, plastic or metal arcs are installed over roses with a height of 40-50 cm., They are tightened with a layer of wrapping paper (kraft paper), and then a film by pressing her edges. While the temperature holds above minus 10 ° C, the film is pressed loosely, leaving the ventilation slits. In the spring, the film opens stronger to avoid the debate. The shelter is removed completely when the threat of frosts.

    This method is called air-dry, because airspace remains between shelter and roses. There is a different way when there is a breakdown or spunbond, this method is considered less reliable in severe frosts, but if there is no possibility to regularly ventilate the greenhouse, you should use it.

    The trimming of roses for the winter should be done necessarily. It concerns this and already growing in the ground roses and just planted seedlings. Crop the unbearable shoots, otherwise these shoots are rotated under the shelter and infect the plant fungus. Naturally break and all the leaves, buds. There must be only all weighing shoots, with sleeping kidneys. At the same time, these left shoots are also shortened - at the plenty large-flowered roses by a third of the length, it is not cut into small-ceiling plenty, and the rest of the roses are cut off on half of the length. All plant residues should be destroyed (not left under the bush).

    If you bought a sapling with fresh, just crying, waking up the kidneys, then it is better not to plant. It must be tried to save until spring. The apartment, of course, is not the best place, but if you have the opportunity to arrange it on a glazed balcony or in an extension, where the temperature does not fall below zero, then it turns normally, and in the spring it will be necessary to land it into the garden. You can also arrange seedlings for wintering in a "touch" - roses are burying in the trench. If you risen to plant, then you need to start to give a seedling to root, and then crop all the young shoots, then hide as usual.

    If you put a rose from a cutterdonated by someone from acquaintances, cutting off their roses in autumn, then you can try to plant it. The hole is digging 50 cm. The depth of centimeters, 2/3 is filled with freshly jumped grass, and the top is peat and compost. All this is spilled by water. In this prepared soil stamps stalks. You can root so cuttings now and until the end of October. For the winter above them, a greenhouse is constructed according to the method described above. In the spring, the greenhouse is discovered for venting, and then removed when the risk of return freezers will disappear. The cuttings, covered so, successfully winter, and in the spring begin to grow.

    Finally add that if you have not yet bought planting material, but only intense, and at the same time you are a novice, as for the care of roses, then deposit your purchase until spring and plant roses in the spring. The fact is that if you have never covered roses for the winter, the likelihood is great, which making it for the first time, you allow any error - and the roses planted in autumn will die.

    It is believed that the beginners are better to plant roses in the spring, and already experienced rosishes can do it from autumnYes, they usually like themselves much more autumn planting roses.

    Dear readers, your own question about colors you can ask us on the page " Your questions", We will try to answer it and publish the answer on the pages of our site.

    How in the end of the autumn she is covered with roses for the winter

    Cut off the leaves and unbearable shoots, all vegetable trimming are cleaned from under the bush.

    They plunge the Earth's bush, adding it additionally, and not raking.

    Cover the bush with a snack, leaves, and then again with a sweetheart.

    On top of the boottle put Loutrasil or arrange a micro-greenhouse.

    Sometimes they are limited only to the sweetheart, without covering the on top of it additionally. For persistent varieties of roses, this is quite enough if the winter in your area is fairly snow.

    No, not all. Species and vintage garden roses (During a small exception: Chinese, Bourbon, Tea), even in the most severe winters do not need shelter.

    This particular winter hardiness is explained very simple: they bloom, as a rule, once, early finish their height, and their wood has time to grow well and prepare for winter.

    Modern garden roses were created specifically in order to please us with their continuous blossom Since the beginning of summer and to late autumn. And the "eternal" flowering is accompanied by a long rising of the shoots that middle lane Do not have time to evolve winter.

    Therefore, almost all modern roses need shelter. And the most winter-hardy of them are shrub (splashes) - too. The only exception among modern shrub roses is a smashing rose hybrid group: they also bloom early, and they are not very abundant re-blossom.

    What depends on how successfully roses will come?

    First, from the winter hardiness of a concrete variety. Winter hardiness of varieties within one garden group is different. Secondly, from the state of the plant and the preparedness of him for the winter. Thirdly, from weather conditions. And finally, from the methods of shelter. It is clear that not all of these factors are subject to man.

    Is it possible to prepare roses for winter?

    We cannot influence the weather, but to prepare roses as much as possible to the upcoming winter tests in our power. There are quite simple agrotechnical techniques, thanks to which roses are better to rose.

    As is known, nitrogen contributes to the formation of vegetative mass and delays the growth period. Therefore, from the second half of the summer, feeding with nitric fertilizers is excluded. In August and early autumn, roses are fed only by potash-phosphoric fertilizers, which suspend growth, contribute to wood aging and increase plant stability to cold.

    Another effective reception is the custody of growing shoots at the beginning of autumn. Thanks to the removal of growth point, the increment of escape is stopped, and the useful substances are deposited in the kidneys and tissues.

    Watering and loosening are also reduced to a minimum, and the outflower flowers do not cut down - for the same reason, so as not to stimulate further growth of shoots.

    From October 15 to October 20, gradually break the leaves - first on the lower, and then on the rest of the branches, removing and unbearable shoots. The plant is deprived of natural respiration and the ability to eat through the leaves and is forced to prepare for winter.

    Will it turn out a plant?

    Roses resistance, as we have already spoken, largely depends on their condition by the time of frost. It is clear that a strong, healthy and tempered plant takes better and sharp temperature differences, and cold.

    The bushes of roses, in which in the summer and at the beginning of the autumn there was a good healthy foliage (not affected by insects and diseases), accumulate a large stock of carbohydrates, and it contributes to their successful wintering. Excessive cutting of flowers with long fruitless shoots weaken plants.

    Worse than winter and roses growing in the shade, as with lack of lighting, they accumulate less carbohydrates. A slight decrease in temperature (slightly above 0 ° C) in the middle of the autumn, on the contrary, contributes to its accumulation.

    By the way, the main covering material is snow, it is he who reliably protect roses from frost. Everything else is the huskrynik, foliage, Loutrasil, etc. serves only for his detention. At 25-30-degree frosts under the snow layer at 50-70 cm, the temperature does not fall below - 4-5 gr. With therefore shoots and flex to the ground so that they are necessarily covered with snow. With a small cover of snow, it will have to be thrown out additionally. If the snow does not fall out for a long time, roses may die, despite all the efforts made. But in cases where a lot of snow falls from the very beginning of winter and it lies, not melting, until spring, modern garden roses can winter in the middle lane without any additional care.

    With further cooling (-2-8 ° C), the cells in the tissues of the plant are dehydrated, and carbohydrates turn into sugar and fats - substances that protect plants from frosts. That is why it is impossible to cover roses too early - the plants must necessarily go through all the natural processes, that is, to finish growth in a timely manner and go to the state of peace.

    But, unfortunately, hardening is a reversible process. Acquired frost resistance can be re-lost, if after a significant decrease in temperature suddenly it will be established long warm and wet autumn. Roses will go into growth and spend the accumulated carbohydrate reserves, and if after that he will sharply hit frosts, plants will hardly survive such differences.

    Is it necessary to cut roses before wintering?

    The purpose of autumn trimming is to prepare a bush to shelter. Therefore, once blooming park roses and rose hybrids are not cut with wrinkled autumn, their shoots are not flexing to the ground (in a small exception, for example, the 'Rugelda' variety), as they do not require shelters.

    The shoots of tea-hybrid, floribunds, poliant, miniature roses are cut on half of their length. Re-flowering shrub roses, plenty large-flowered over the growing season can reach a height of 1.5 m or more. At the end of October they are cut by a third. Pleetful small-bedroom roses are not cut, only in early September, they pin down a point of growth.

    If you did not cut the leaves in advance from roses, do it immediately before the shelter. It is impossible to cover the fruitful plants, since the process of respiration and evaporation of water will continue. Under the shelter increased humidity It may cause not only the leaves, but also shoots.

    Dropped leaves become disassembled diseases. For the prevention of mushroom diseases, all the leaves and cropped branches must be removed from the flower and burn, and the plants are treated with a 3% bordrian solution.

    Non-obese, patients and weak shoots will not be transferred low temperatures And they can cause the death of the entire plant. They are removed to the base.

    How to protect roses correctly?

    Before shelting, the soil under roses is drunk (on the bayonet shovel), trying not to damage the roots. Shabra's shoots and plenty roses must be burned to the ground and put on the layer of the facothy. In order not to break powerful plants, the bushes are drunk on the one hand and laid, pinching shoots to the ground.

    Then the bushes are plunged - or rather, being added to the base of the bush hill dry earth with a height of at least 30 cm. Cropped tea-hybrid roses and floribunda as a result are filled with earth almost completely. Sustained roses (after they were burned to the ground) plunge the base of the bush, you can sprinkle the earth and shoots.

    Help helps to keep in a plant a large number of Kidney, and in the spring it will be possible to apply any way of trimming. The air temperature under such reliable earthlings (even in the absence of snow cover) for some time remains significantly higher than outside.

    True, with the extracting roses for the winter, too, should not be hurry. It is better to do it in two stages. From October 10-15, in the base of shrubs, the land is slightly plucked to protect against unexpected early frosts. And finally dipped before the onset of constant cold weather.

    It is unwanted to use pure peat, sawdust or sand - they are very moisturizing and with sharp flucta temperatures in winter around roses can form icy crust. From its pressure on the crust of the plant, cracks will appear through which the infection will penetrate.

    Dipping is the best kind of protection of the root system. But - attention - the land at the same time is not crushed with the flower, as it would be screamed by the roots of the plants, but they will be satisfying (it can be compost, humus or just loose land). In addition, the ground between the rows can be covered with a layer of old straw manure, crushed bark or overwhelming.

    When the earth will slightly frozen (in the middle lane, as a rule, at the end of October - in the first decade of November), roses are finally covered. Do it better in dry weather.

    One of the simplest materials used to cover roses is a layer of a huskoth or dry foliage with a thickness of at least 10 cm. True, it is reliable in relatively soft winter. If there is no fabric, you can use oak leaves and plant residues that do not overheat in the winter.

    More reliable way Shelting roses - air-dry. Over the bushes, the frames of 50-60 cm high, from above, and on the side are placed by any insulation material, for example, hydraulic insulating paper, parchment, cardboard.

    Cover polyethylene film. The end side of the shelter is closed when the temperature is lowered below -10 "C. The air-dry this method is called because the bushes are protected from the penetration of excess moisture, and the air layer protects plants from hypothermia. This method is especially reliable in harsh snowy winter.

    But only one who happens on its site can only use it or comes in early spring: with air-dry shelter already in March, roses must be periodically ventilated.

    How to stream roses?

    The shelter of stumbling roses needs to be taken back during their landing. That is, to immediately determine which way they can be bent, so that the stack does not lay, for example, on the track. In order not to break the strab, the bending in its foundation should be from the side opposite to the slope (Fig. 1).

    The strain is pre-cutting off the crown (in accordance with its belonging to the garden group), then the plant is cutped up on one side, flex to the ground and plunge the root (Fig. 2). If necessary, pinch.

    Under the crown, the strain laid the NAPNI goes make a litter from coarse sand, and on top of a layer of the facility, fastening it with a film or nonwoven material.

    For greater reliability from above, you can slightly sprinkle the earth. It is impossible to lay the crown of the strain below the level of the soil, as water will accumulate during thaw or spring, the shoots will move and get drunk.

    Please note:

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    Before the onset of cold weather, gardeners are thinking about how to cover tea-hybrid roses for the winter. For minus temperature Catering plant dies. To this not happen, you need to carefully read the rules of dry shelter.

    Terms of shelter

    The most important point is the timely collapse of colors. If this is done later than the deadline, the juice will begin to stand out, and the scars are formed on the trunks, which will lead to an imminent death. If you have to cover tea-hybrid roses ahead of time, then the kidney will start to drink from overheating, which is why the plant will also die soon.

    The vital activity of the flower fuses at a temperature of from - 2 to - 5 ° C. It costs 2 weeks to withstand them in this. temperature modeAfter what to produce a shelter procedure.

    Important! The exceptions are tea-hybrid roses with spikes, the livelihood of which is lost at temperatures up to - 10 ° C.

    Preparation of roses to wintering

    Preparing lovely flowers with buds is required in mid-August-early September. This process consists of several main stages:

    1. Removal from the soil of nitrogen. For this, feeding with potash-phosphoric fertilizer is carried out. The commission of such actions is necessary to stop the active growth of the vegetative mass, the above-ground part and strengthen the root system.
    2. Spraying shoots. After feeding should be out of 5 to 7 days. As soon as this time passed, it is necessary to carefully separate the shoots of the plant and slightly press the top of each of them. It is necessary to accelerate the process of decislation of stalks.
    3. The obligatory stage is the trimming of tea-hybrid roses. Cropped flowers are easier to strengthen the winter without causing harm to them.
    4. At the final stage, it is required to cover the bushes, which will protect the stems from supercooling.

    Another important question is when to open tea-hybrid colors after the winter. Early shelter removal will lead to the premature appearance of the kidneys, later - to rotting and blackening the bush. It is necessary to do this when a stable plus temperature will prevail during the day, but at night there will be small freezes. The optimal term for the opening of plants for the middle strip of Russia is from April 10 to April 20.

    Trimming tea-hybrid roses for winter

    For trimming tea-hybrid roses in front of the winter, a sharp tool will be required - a knife, scissors or a secateur. The sharper will be the blade, the better. First, it will be possible to cope with the task quickly. Secondly, the risk of causing harm to the plant is reduced. To carry out trimming, the following actions are required:

    1. Before starting to cover the tea-hybrid variety, you need to disinfect the tool permanganate potassium or borobo liquid. This must be done to prevent stalking.
    2. Determine where the kidney is located on the outside of escape.
    3. Install the secator at an angle of 45 degrees and make a cut. The sharp corner is required to create necessarily. If you cut the stems at right angles, then the plant's juice will accumulate at the cutting line. This will lead to rotting from excess moisture.
    4. Remove with tea-hybrid roses from the bush all damaged and dried stems, as well as unbearable shoots.
    5. Processing the places of cuts by an antiseptic in order to prevent the penetration of hazardous microorganisms. Of folk remedies You can use wood resin for this purpose.

    For proper trimming To cover the tea rose for the winter will be easier. In addition, the kidneys will not suffer, which will begin to actively develop.

    Tea Rose Shelter Rules

    Before starting to stream, tea-hybrid roses should be prepared for this process. To do this, it should be slightly digging them, approximately 20-40 cm from the base of the stems. All the upper shoots are required to be carefully pumped up with a small amount of dry foliage and fir branches. It is necessary to make an air type of shelter, which can be built of geotextile tissue, thermal insulation material, plastic and even plywood.

    Important! The optimal period in order to strengthen roses in the middle lane of Russia is the period from 15 to 25 October.

    In total, 3 options for creating a design are known among the gardeners:

    1. Frame - implies the installation of metal rods in the form of a dome over a bush of the plant. Over it is required to impose a fabric or heat insulation materialwhich must be pressed to the base of the Earth by boards or bricks. Depending on climatic conditions, it is possible to cover it into one or two layers. Periodically, it is possible to transfer matter for several minutes to ventilat.
    2. Floor with embankment - The easiest option is to create a shelter in a few seconds. This requires to create a small fence around the bush. To do this, you can use Phaneur, old cardboard boxes, metal mesh or plastic. In the inside you need to fall asleep any insulation. You can use hay, foliage or sawdust as it. In case of strong frosts, it is necessary to additionally cover the design with a polyethylene package or thermal insulation material.
    3. Cocoon from Loutrasilaperfect option For tall colors. It is necessary to create a design in the form of a pyramid from metal rods around the bush. From the outside it is necessary to wrap it special Material - Loutrasil. Additionally, at the bottom border, lay the insulation in order to prevent air penetration.

    Each gardener should be aware of how to cover roses before the onset of cold weather. This will allow not only to save them from supercooling, but also prevent the development of certain diseases, for example, the appearance of rot or blaracing.

    Protection of bushes from cold - a responsible procedure burdened by many nuances. Experienced gardeners have identified several important tricks of this process, which should also pay attention before starting to cover tea-hybrid roses:

    1. The most accurate information about when the pruning and shelter procedure should prompt moon calendar. The action is recommended only on a decreasing moon.
    2. When carrying out trimming, it is worth paying attention to the grade of tea-hybrid roses, there are several of them. For example, a flower with curly and large flowers can only be cut off 1/3 of a part of the total shoot of escape. Pleet flowers do not require preliminary liberation at all.
    3. Before you cover this variety of colors, it is recommended to pre-pour it. But, before creating the design, the bush should be trimmed.
    4. An ideal option as a heater for tea roses is spruce paws or straw.

    If the plant is wounded in accordance with all the rules, it will not be not terrible cold.


    Be sure to need to properly cover tea-hybrid roses for the winter so that this plant is happy with the eyes of the gardener.

    Shelter rose - A very important and responsible event, not only health, appearance and dates of flowering depend on its correct conduct, but the life of roses itself.

    In most cases, roses are dying precisely in winter, and not so much from frosts, as from spontaneousness and damage to diseases, due to improper shelter.
    Very often the unsuccessful shelter and the death of roses in winter lead to the fact that gardeners are completely refused to grow roses and deprive themselves enormous joy and beauty.
    But it is not very difficult to cover roses, you just need to understand what does winter resistance of roses depend onFrom which the rose dies in the winter, and how to prevent it, withstand the correct time of shelter and disclosure of plants.
    IN lately When creating new varieties of roses, much attention is paid to the winter hardiness and stability to adverse conditions, sometimes even to the detriment of the flower size and the degree of terrain.
    In Germany, such roses are noted by the ADR sign, but the indicated winter hardiness and the stability of these roses does not mean that they will wintering without cover.

    For the wintering of a particular rose in concrete conditions, its age and state, damage to diseases, the weather of the past summer and autumn is very important.
    The possibility of wintering roses under one or another shelter is very influenced by the weather. upcoming winter (The thickness of the snow cover, temperature, the presence of thaws, etc.), which is impossible to envisage.
    But it is necessary to hide the roses so that the shelter does not harm them under any weather conditions. Local conditions should be taken into account: the type of soil, the illumination at the landing site, the possibility of stagnation there of water, the neighborhood of buildings, etc.
    Weighing all these factors, the gardener must decide: what roses to choose for cultivation and how to stream them. For a truly winter-hardy we have only species roses - rose hips and their garden shapes and varieties, mostly varieties of wrinkled roses (Rugosa)that belong to the group of park roses.
    But even they can make it freeze in frosty years to the level of snow and reliably winter at bending. No shelter can winter and low soil roses. Roses of the rest of the groups need mandatory shelter.

    Shelter timing rose

    Regarding the timing of shelter in the literature there are significant differences, but most converges on the fact that with the shelter of roses it is impossible to hurry, and it is necessary to strengthen them when they are sustainable cold -5 ... -6 o C, and according to some data -8 ... -10 o .
    However, in the Leningrad region, this approach is not applicable, since the weather is late autumn and at the beginning of winter is very unstable, low negative temperatures are replaced by positive and, waiting for the establishment of stable cold colds, you can miss the optimal duration of rose shelter.
    High air humidity, frequent rains and wet snow do not allow to maintain a rosary in a dry state, and it is impossible to stream raw roses.
    On the other hand, under air-dry shelter, with sufficient ventilation, the rose felt well referred at any temperature above or below zero. The shelter of the husky and nonwoven material (spunbond) also does not affect the state of roses.
    Why then then you can not hide roses in early deadlines , for example, early October, in dry weather? This cannot be done because roses are cut in front of the shelter, and with long warm weather, early trimming\u003e causes germination of sleeping kidneys.
    With further wintering, young shoots will freeze, rot, rotting can pass on the neck, and the rose can die. In this way, terms of shelter must be determined by the dates of autumn rose trimming.
    By perennial observations, it was found that when cropping roses in late October - early November in St. Petersburg germination does not occur.
    The periods of warm weather at this time are short, and in November, frosts always begin. Hence, optimum term Rose shelters is the end of October - the beginning of November. It is advisable to hold the shelter in dry weather before snow falling.

    Rose Preparation for Winter

    About a month before the shelter, you need to start cooking roses for winter. Rosaria needs to be cleaned of weeds and textures growing next to roses, you can plunge them at this time (fall asleep the base of the earth's bushes, sand).
    It is impossible to dip peat, humus with fallen leaves. Early dipping does not allow to form frostsobyins at the bottom of the bush, where they are most dangerous.
    Appealing after the onset of frosts can lead to infection from the ground through frostsobyins, the development of diseases with further shelter and to the death of plants.
    For the prevention of diseases in winter time, especially "infectious burn", before dipping, I paint low part Sverheads and a fork to the level of enclosure or a little higher, as well as all defects on shoots water-emulsion paint With the addition of copper chloroksi.
    It is better to use special garden paint, but you can and any. In no case do not crop roses at this time, as this can cause the growth of new shoots that are not capable of wintering.
    Preferably at the end of August pinch the tops of growing shoots and remove buds. If the air-dry shelter is subsequently used, it is desirable to dry the rosary by setting a polyethylene roof over it.
    Rose trimming is carried out immediately before the shelter. Roses that can not trim short, you need to tilt. It is advisable to cut the leaves from roses, with air-dry shelter it is necessary.

    Shelter methods

    There are many options for rose shelter, everyone does it in their own way. But it is very important to do so that the shelter takes into account the characteristics of the climate and the possible weather options.
    Chief Principle: "do no harm". It is absolutely not suitable for our conditions to cover roses in a vertical position (for example, plenty roses on the supports), the flow of them with fallen leaves and other similar materials.
    In our climate you can offer two fundamentally different approaches to rose shelter.
    The first is the shelter using water and air-permeable materials: laps, nonwovens (spunbond, Loutrasil), without the use of film.
    The second is the shelter of roses with waterproof materials (film, rubberoid, polycarbonate) - "Air-dry shelter".
    The first way of shelter can be called "air-wet", it does not require pre-drying of the rosary, the use of only dry materials.
    During the fall and winter, this shelter will swing and dries naturally. It is very important to create an air layer that does not allow the snow to press roses to the ground.
    It is traditionally used for this, but in its absence or lack, you can create a low support from the plates laid on supports, metal arcs or lattice boxes.
    On top of the rose on the support are hidden by a double layer of thick nonwoven material. Such a shelter is not critical to the timing of the opening of roses, does not require ventilation.
    Second way - Air-dry shelter consists of a framework on which insulation materials are strengthened. From above, the frame is covered with waterproof material, for example, polyethylene film.
    As a frame, you can use a design of sufficiently thick metal arcs, wooden supports with shields imposed on them, drawers, etc. The frame must be strong enough to withstand the severity of snow. A fabric can be used as a insulation material (for example, rugs stitched from old clothes), nonwoven material folded in several layers.
    When choosing materials, you need to avoid such that would attract mice. The main feature of this method is the need to dry the rosary, use only dry materials.
    Leaves with roses and all foreign rosary plants must be removed to not increase moisture. To facilitate the breakfast of the leaves, it is possible a few days before the shelter spray them with a 3% copper vigorous, it also disinfects roses.
    With air-dry shelter, the roses do not necessarily, but if you do it, then only dry ground or sand. If the land in the rosary failed to pre-dry, you need to float the entire surface of the dry ground with a layer of 3-5 cm (it must be dried in advance, take their greenhouses). Shelter ends close the film.
    When shelting in warm weather, ends can be left open to ventilation, and later close Loutrasil in several layers.
    After cooling and falling out the snow, the ends can be closed with a film, but it is better to close it in the winter with polyethylene, then you do not have to have an early spring to air the rosary.
    Fat Lutrasil, legged under the film, not only warms roses, but also corresponds to them, does not give an early spring shelter to turn into a greenhouse.
    It is very important to understand that the wrong shelter, especially with the use of the film, not only does not benefit, but can cause great harm, up to the death of plants.
    When shelting film is a decisive factor is dry in shelter. A simplified method of rose shelter is quite acquitted for more stable varieties, in warmer districts, favorable conditions Wintering: when locating on a warmer dry area, where water from the roofs does not fall down, with a good snow cover and not too low winter temperatures.
    Most reliable at any winter weather is correctly spent air-dry rose shelter.

    Drying the rosary under the polyethylene roof.

    Shrub rosa tilted before shelter.

    Rosary prepared for shelter. Tea-hybrid roses Cropped, installed supports.

    Rosary is covered by the winter film. Leaves were left, covered by Loutrasil.

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