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Is there a calculator for calculating the degree of fire resistance of the building. Architectural pantry. Protection of wooden structures from fire

Any building or construction is a combination of individual structural elements. In this case, each such element has a certain degree of fire resistance, sometimes greater, sometimes less compared to the rest of the building structures.

General Degree of Fire Resistance

So what is this - the degree of fire resistance of the building? This ability of the building as a whole to avoid destruction and maintain stability under the impact of open fire - fire. Each structure has its own qualitative characteristics according to the degree of fire resistance.

This classification of the object is determined taking into account the difference in the indicators of fire resistance of the individual components of its structures. When determining the overall degree of fire resistance, its level is denoted by Roman numbers: I, II, III, and so on. In total, according to SP 2.13130.2012 (set of rules), there are five degrees - I, II, III, IV, V (view in the table), which are assigned depending on the fire resistance of all major elements of the building, taking into account their functional load.

Requirements for individual elements of buildings

In SP 2.13130.2012 and other regulations to some elements of structures, additional or increased requirements for fire resistance are presented. For example, it concerns the bearing walls and similar enclosing structures. To determine the degree of fire resistance of such elements of the building, such parameters are taken into account as:

Loss of carrier abilities (R);

Integrity (E);

Loss of heat insulating capacity (I).

Determination of the actual and required fire resistance of buildings and structures

There is actual, as well as the required degree of fire resistance.

Actual. Determined on the basis of an act of fire and technical expertise using the regulatory framework (the same joint venture). Moreover, experts are fully able to give an unequivocal conclusion not only on the already built buildings and structures, but also those that are at the design stage. In the table presented above, you can find out the limits of fire resistance structural elements of the structure, which are used to determine the actual degree of fire resistance of the building as a whole.

Required. This is the minimum permissible degree of fire resistance of the structure to meet all fire safety standards. Determined on the basis of specialized regulations and sectoral documents (norms, orders, etc.), depending on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, its purpose, the number of floors, the explosion hazard category, the presence of equipment of primary fire extinguishing systems, etc.

IIII SNiP 2.01.02-85 * Appendix 2 Reference
Approximate building characteristics of buildings
Depending on their degree of fire resistance
1. Degree of fire resistance
2. Constructive characteristics

Buildings with carriers and enclosing structures from natural or artificial stone materials, concrete or reinforced concrete with the use of sheet and slab non-combustible materials

Also. In the coatings of buildings allowed to use unprotected steel structures

Buildings with carriers and enclosing structures from natural or artificial stone materials, concrete or reinforced concrete. For overlappings, the use of wooden structures protected by plaster or hard-sized sheets, as well as slaughter materials. Elements of coatings are not presented to the requirements for the limits of fire resistance and the limits of the spread of fire, the elements of the attic coating of wood are subjected to flame retardant processing

Buildings mainly with a frame structural circuit. Frame elements - from steel unprotected structures. Fencing structures - from steel profiled sheets or other non-combustible leafy materials with a difficult-scale insulation

Buildings are predominantly single-storey with a frame structural circuit. Frame elements - from solid or glued wood, subjected to flame retardant processing, providing the required limit of the spread of fire. Fencing structures - from panels or element assemblies, made using wood or materials based on it. Wood and other combustible materials of enclosing structures should be subjected to flame retardant processing or protected from fire and high temperatures in such a way as to ensure the desired limit of the spread of fire.

Buildings with carriers and enclosing structures made of solid or glued wood and other combustible or hard-scale materials protected from fire and high temperatures with plaster or other sheets or slab materials. Elements of coatings are not presented to the requirements for the limits of fire resistance and the limits of the spread of fire, the elements of the attic coating of wood are subjected to flame retardant processing

Buildings are predominantly single-storey with a frame structural circuit. Frame elements - from steel unprotected structures. Fencing structures - from steel profiled sheets or other non-combustible materials with flammable insulation

Buildings, to the carrier and enclosing structures of which are not presented to the requirements for the limits of fire resistance and the limits of the spread of fire

Note. Building structures of the buildings in this Annex must meet the requirements of Table. 1 and other norms of the present SNiP.

The highest degree of fire-resistant I (mausoleum).

6.6 Administrative and domestic buildings

6.6.1 The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire danger, the permissible height of the buildings and the floor area within the fire compartment for the administrative and household buildings of enterprises and warehouses (separate buildings, attacks and inserts) should be taken in Table 6.9. For
The definition of the degree of fire resistance of the building should take into account the height of the placement of audiences, acts and conference rooms of the software.

6.6.2 Fire resistance buildings with a height of no more than 28 m is allowed to extend in one attic floor with carrier elements that have a limit of fire resistance at least and the class of fire danger is not lower, when separating it from the lower floors of fire the overlap is not lower

At the same time, the attic floor must be additionally separated by fireproof walls. The area between these fireproof walls should be: for fire resistance buildings - no more than 2000 m², for fire resistance buildings - no more than 1,400 m².
When applying wooden structures, the attic should be provided, as a rule, constructive flax protection providing these requirements.

6.7 Public buildings

6.7.1 The degree of fire resistance, the class of structural fire danger, the permissible height of the buildings and the floor area within the fire compartment of public buildings should be taken in Table 6.9, household service enterprises () - according to Table 6.10, trade enterprises () - according to Table 6.11.

It is necessary to take into account the additional requirements provided for in this section for the buildings of the respective classes of functional fire hazard.

6.7.2 In the buildings of the fire resistance class of a structural fire hazard in the presence of an automatic fire extinguishing area of \u200b\u200bthe floor within the fire compartment, no more than twice as installed in Tables 6.9 - 6.11 can be increased.

6.7.3 Floor area within the fire compartment of one-story buildings with a two-storey part, which occupies less than 15% of the building building area, should be taken as for one-storey buildings in accordance with Tables 6.9 - 6.11.

6.7.4 In the buildings of fire resistance, instead of fire walls, a device of water drainuclear veil is allowed in two threads located at a distance of 0.5 m and the intensity of irrigation at least 1 l / s per 1 m length of the curtain of operation at least 1 h, and Also fire curtains, screens and other devices with the limit of fire resistance are not less. At the same time, these types of fire prevention obstacles should be placed in a zone free from fire load on a width of at least 4 m in both sides of the barrier.

6.7.5 In the buildings of fire resistance, the floor area between fire walls can be increased to 10,000 m², if in the basement (base) floors, warehouses, storerooms and other rooms with combustible materials are not located (except for storage chambers, dressing room and premises). Storage cameras (other than equipped with automatic cells) and the wardrobe should be separated from the rest of the bedrooms by fireborne partitions and equip automatic fire extinguishing installations, and the command-dispatching points - fire-fighting partitions (including translucent).

6.7.6 In the buildings of railway stations and aircraft, fire resistance equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations, the floor area between fire walls is not rationed.

6.7.7 The degree of fire resistance attached to the building of canopies, terraces and galleries is allowed to take one value lower than the degree of fire resistance of the building. At the same time, the class of constructive fire danger of canopies, terraces and galleries should be equal to the class of structural fire danger of the building.
In this case, the degree of fire resistance of the building with a canopy, a terrace and gallery is determined by the degree of fire resistance of the building, and the floor area within the fire compartment  with regard to the area of \u200b\u200bcanopies, terraces and galleries.

6.7.8 In the sports halls, the halls of indoor rollers and the halls of the baths of pools (with places for the audience and without them), as well as in the halls for the preparatory sessions of pools and firing areas of indoor ties (including those located under the podium or built into other public buildings ) When their area is exceeded with respect to the fire walls installed in the fire walls, it should be provided between Hall (in the firing zone with a rifle gallery) and other rooms. In the premises of the lobby and the lobby, when they exceed them in relation to installed in the instead of fire walls, we can provide translucent fire-prevention partitions.

6.7.9 Buildings of fire resistance classes, a height of no more than 28 m is allowed to exit one attic floor with carrier elements that have a limit of fire resistance at least a fire hazard class, when separating it from the lower floors of fire the overlap is not lower . The enclosing structures of this floor must meet the requirements for the designs of the building of the building.

At the same time, the attic floor must be additionally separated by fireproof walls. The area between these fireproof walls should be: for fire resistance buildings - no more than 2000 m², for fire resistance buildings - no more than 1,400 m².

If there are automatic fire extinguishing installations on the attic floor, this area can be increased no more than 1.2 times.

When applying wooden structures, the attic should be provided, as a rule, constructive fire protection providing these requirements.

6.7.10 The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire hazard and the greatest height of the children's pre-school institutions of the general type () should be taken depending on the largest number of places in the building on Table 6.12.

6.7.11 Walls on the inside, partition and overlapping buildings of pre-school educational institutions, children's health facilities and medical buildings with the hospital (class), outpatient polyclinic institutions (class) and clubs (class) in building buildings of constructive fire danger, including With the use of wooden structures, there must be a fire hazard class not lower (15).

6.7.12 Three-storey buildings of children's preschool institutions is allowed to be designed in large and largest cities, except for those located in seismic areas, subject to their equipment with automatic fire alarms with an additional automatic transmission of a fire signal directly in fire protection units by telecommunication lines.

6.7.13 Buildings of specialized pre-school institutions, as well as for children with violation of vision, regardless of the number of places, it is necessary to design a class of constructive fire danger, not lower than fire resistance and a height of no more than two floors.

6.7.14 Aged Pleasure Persons of Pediatric Pre-school Institutions should design the same degree of fire resistance and the same class of constructive fire danger as the main buildings.

6.7.15 The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire danger and the greatest height of school buildings (general education and additional education of children), educational buildings of schools - nonernates, institutions of primary education (), as well as sleeping buildings of boarding schools and boarding schools () should be taken Depending on the number of students or places in the building according to Table 6.13. The maximum floor area of \u200b\u200bthe building is determined by software.

1. Construction of schools of schools, educational buildings of boarding schools, institutions of primary vocational education, as well as sleeping buildings of boarding schools and boarding schools with a height of more than 9 m is allowed under the condition of their equipment with automatic fire alarms with an additional automatic transmission of a fire signal directly in Tsus By telecommunications lines of wired or wireless communication. These buildings should be in the dislocation zone of fire protection divisions based on the condition that the arrival time of the first unit to the call site should not exceed 10 minutes, and in rural settlements-20 minutes. Arrangements and entrances to these buildings should be designed based on the need to ensure the access of fire units with an auto expense or car lift directly into each room with window openings on the facade.

For the designed four-storey, as well as the reconstructed five-storey buildings of schools at least 50% of the stair cells, should be provided for unnecessary. In case of the impossibility of the device of unseasonable staircases, in addition to the calculated number of stair cells, a device of external open stairs should be provided. The number of outdoor open stairs should be taken:

One staircase with the calculated number of students and staff on the floor above the second to 100 people;

- At least one staircase for every 100 CH6lovka with the calculated number of students and staff on the floor above the second more than 100 people.

On the fourth floor of the schools of schools and training buildings of boarding schools, premises for primary classes, and other training premises  more than 25% are not allowed.

The superstructure of the specified buildings in the attic floor during reconstruction is allowed within the normalized floors. At the same time, sleeping rooms are not allowed on the attic floor.

The buildings of educational buildings of secondary vocational education () of the fire resistance of the class is allowed to design a height of up to 28 m.

Educational buildings of institutions of higher professional education () should be designed by no more than 28 m.

6.7.16 The buildings of specialized schools and boarding schools (for children with violation of physical and mental development) should not be higher than 9 m.

6.7.17 The height of the placement of audiences, acts, conference rooms and harness of sports facilities without visual sites should be taken in Table 6.14, taking into account the degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire danger of the building and capacity of the hall.

6.7.18 The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire danger and the largest height of the buildings of spectacular and cultural and educational institutions of the functional fire hazard class should be taken depending on their capacity in Table 6.15.

When determining the capacity of rooms, it is necessary to summarize stationary and temporary places for the audience, provided for by the project transformation.

When placed in a cinema of several halls, their total capacity should not exceed the specified in the table.

The supporting structures of coatings over the scene and the hall (farm, beams) in buildings of theaters, clubs and sports facilities should be designed in accordance with the requirements for the bearing elements of the building.

For one-storey buildings of fire resistance, the use of carrier coating structures of halls with the limit of fire resistance is not less. These structures are allowed to be carried out from the rivers subjected to the treatment with flame retardant compositions of I group of flame retardant efficacy according to GOST R 53292. At the same time, the capacity of the hall can be no more than 4 thousand places for sports facilities with ribunes and no more than 800 places in other cases, and the remaining structures should Complies with the requirements for building buildings.

6.7.19 Medical institutions, including those who are part of the buildings of other functional purposes (schools, children's preschool institutions, sanatoriums, etc.), should be designed in accordance with the following requirements.

Hospital buildings (), outpatient polyclinic institutions () should be designed not higher than 28 m. The degree of fire resistance of these buildings should be a class of constructive fire hazard -.


The buildings of hospitals up to three floors with a height of up to three floors inclusively, it is necessary to separate the fire sections with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 1000 m², above three floors - on a section of no more than 800 m² of rotative.

Therapeutic housings of psychiatric hospitals and dispensaries should be high no more than 9 m, not lower than the fire resistance of the class of structural fire danger.

In the countryside, the building of therapeutic institutions for 60 and less beds and outpatient polyclinic institutions for 90 visits to shift are allowed to provide with minced or broomable walls.

Operational blocks, resuscitation and intensive care departments should be located in independent fire compartments. These blocks in two floors and more should have elevators for transporting fire units adapted to transport non-clean patients.

The ward branches of children's hospitals and buildings (including chambers for children with adults) should be placed not higher than the fifth floor of the building, chambers for children under seven years old and children's psychiatric departments (chambers), neurological departments for patients with spinal cerebral injury and etc., not higher than the second floor.

It is allowed to post the chambers for children under seven years not higher than the fifth floor under the condition of the device in the building (body) of the air protection and automatic fire extinguishing.

In perinatal centers, the accommodation of the chambers is allowed not above the fourth floor, and the prenatal chast is not higher than the third floor.

Houses for the elderly and disabled should be designed in accordance with the requirements for the hospitals of therapeutic institutions.


Therapeutic and preventive institutions without hospitals are allowed to be placed in single-storey buildings of fire resistance of the class of structural fire danger.

Ambulatory-polyclinic buildings for children service is allowed to be designed no higher:

6 floors (18 m)  in large and largest cities;

5 floors (15 m)  in other cases. At the same time, on the top floor is allowed only to post administrative and domestic facilities for the staff of the institution.

6.7.20 The buildings of the recreation facilities of the summer functioning of fire resistance, as well as the buildings of children's health facilities and fire resistance sanatoriums should be designed only by one-storey.

The buildings of summer children's health camps and tourist huts should design a height of no more than two floors, the building of children's warm-round health camps - no more than three floors, regardless of the degree of fire resistance and class of constructive fire danger.

In recreation camps, bedrooms should be combined into separate groups of 40 seats. These premises must have independent evacuation outputs. One output can be combined with a staircase. Sleeping facilities of wellness camps in separate buildings or individual parts of the buildings should be no more than 160 seats.

With one-storey placement of auxiliary premises in the subband or with the number of rows for the audience on the stands on the stands of more than 20, the tribune bonding structures should have a limit of fire resistance at least, the class of fire hazard, and overlapping under the ribunes should be fireproof.

Bearing structures of the tribune of sports facilities () without using the prebno-space and with the number of series more than 5 should be made of non-combustible materials with the limit of fire resistance at least R 15 and.

The limit of fire resistance of the carrying structures of transformable tribunes (retractable, etc.) is no less regardless of the capacity.

These requirements do not apply to temporary audience places installed on the semi arena during its transformation.

6.7.23 Library and archives should be designed not higher than 28 m.

6.7.24 The buildings of sanatoriums, recreation and tourism institutions (except, hotels) should be designed not higher than 28 m. partitions , no more than six floors, having isolated from other parts of buildings evacuation outputs. At the same time, sleeping rooms must have an emergency exit corresponding to one of the following requirements:

6.7.25 The degree of fire resistance of hotels, relaxation homes of common type, campgrounds, motels and boarding houses with a height of more than two floors should be a class of structural fire hazard.

Sleeping rooms, designed to accommodate families with children in general-type recreation homes, camping, motels and boarding houses should be placed in separate buildings or individual parts of buildings isolated by fireproof partitions, no more than six floors, having isolated from other parts of building evacuation outputs.

At the same time, sleeping rooms must have an emergency exit corresponding to one of the following requirements:

The output should be conducted on a balcony or loggia with a deaf simpleness of at least 1.2 meters from the end of the balcony (loggia) to the window opening (glazed door) or at least 1.6 meters between glazed openings, which go to the balcony (loggia);

The output should lead to a transition of a width of at least 0.6 meters leading to the adjacent part of the building;

The output should be on the balcony or loggia, equipped with an outer staircase, a substantive connecting balconies or loggia.

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Code of Rules of the Fire Protection System Provision Ensuring Fire Resistance of Protection Objects 2-13130-2009 (utensils of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation from ... relevant in 2018

6. Determination of the required degree of fire resistance of buildings, structures, buildings, depending on their floors, class of functional fire hazard, fire compartment area and fire dangers of technological processes occurring in them

The choice of the size of the building and fire compartments should be performed depending on the degree of their fire resistance, the class of constructive and functional fire hazard.

With the combinations of these indicators not provided for by this section, the floor area and the height of the building are taken for the worst of these indicators for the designated building of the corresponding functional fire hazard or special technical conditions must be developed in accordance with the requirements of Art. 78 N 123-FZ.

When designing, construction, reconstruction, overhaul and technical re-equipment of objects, in addition to the requirements of this Code of Rules, it should be guided by provisions.

6.1. Production buildings

6.1.1. The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire danger, the height of the buildings and the floor area within the fire compartment for industrial buildings (class F5.1) should be taken according to Table 6.1.

Table 6.1

Category of buildings or fire compartmentsBuilding height<*>, M.Degree of fire resistance buildingFloor area, square. m, within the fire compartment of buildings
single-storeyin two floorsin three floors and more
A, B.36 I.C0.Not OGR.5200 3500
BUT36 II.C0.Not OGR.5200 3500
24 IIIC0.7800 3500 2600
IVC0.3500 - -
B.36 II.C0.Not OGR.10400 7800
24 IIIC0.7800 3500 2600
IVC0.3500 - -
IN48 I, II.C0.Not OGR.25000 10400
7800 <**> 5200 <**>
24 IIIC0.25000 10400 5200
5200 <**> 3600 <**>
18 IV C0, C1.25000 10400 -
18 IVC2, C3.2600 2000 -
12 V.Not norms.1200 600 <***> -
G.54 I, II.C0.Not limited
36 IIIC0.Not OGR.25000 10400
30 IIIC1.Also10400 7800
24 IVC0.-"- 10400 5200
18 IVC1.6500 5200 -
D.54 I, II.C0.Not limited
36 IIIC0.Not OGR.50000 15000
30 IIIC1.Also25000 10400
24 IVC0, C1.-"- 25000 7800
18 IVC2, C3.10400 7800 -
12 V.Not norms.2600 1500 -
<*> The elevation of the building in this table is measured from the floor of the 1st floor to the top floor ceiling, including technical; With a variable ceiling height, the average height of the floor is received. The height of one-storey buildings of the C0 and C1 fire hazard class is not normalized.
<**> For woodworking industries.
<***> For sawmills with a number of frames up to four, woodworking workshops of the primary wood processing and chopping stations of crushing wood.

6.1.2. The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire hazard, the height of the buildings and the floor area within the fire compartment for animal husbandry, poultry and anniversary buildings, the degree of fire resistance and the floor area between fire walls should be taken according to Table 6.2.

Table 6.2.

Production categoryAllowable number of floorsFloor area between opposite walls of buildings, square. M.
II.IN9 Not limitedNot limited
III 3 3000 2000
IV 2 2000 1200
V. 1 1200 -
II.D.Not limitedNot limitedNot limited
III 3 5200 3500
IV 2 3500 2000
V. 1 2000 -
Building categoryDegree of fire resistance buildingFloor area, square. m, within the fire compartment
INI, II, IIIC0.9600
IVC0, C1.4800
IVC2, C3.2400
V.Not norms.1200

Table 6.5.

6.5.1. The permissible height of the class F1.3 building and the floor area within the fire compartment should be determined depending on the degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire danger in Table 6.8.

Degree of fire resistance buildingClass of constructive fire danger buildingThe greatest permissible height of the building, mThe greatest permissible area of \u200b\u200bthe flood floor, square. M.
I.C0.75 2500
II.C0.50 2500
C1.28 2200
IIIC0.28 1800
C1.15 1800
C0.5 1000
3 1400
IVC1.5 800
3 1200
C2.5 500
3 900
V.Not normalized5 500
3 800

6.5.2. Buildings I, II and III degrees of fire resistance are allowed to extend one attic floor with carrier elements having a limit of fire resistance at least R 45 and the fire hazard class K0, regardless of the height of the buildings installed in Table 6.8, but located not higher than 75 m. Fencing structures of this The floors must meet the requirements for the designs of the exhaust building.

When applying wooden structures, it should be provided with a constructive fire protection providing these requirements.

6.5.3. In buildings I and II degrees of fire resistance to ensure the required limit of fire resistance, more than R 60 carrier elements of the building are allowed to be used only constructive fire protection (cladding, wetting, plaster, etc.).

6.5.4. Bearing elements of two-storey buildings IV degree of fire resistance must have a limit of fire resistance at least R 30.

6.5.5. The fire hazard class and the limit of fire resistance of interroom, including cabinets, collapsible, with doorways and sliding partitions are not normalized.

6.5.6. Public premises<1> It should be separated from the premises of the residential part of the 1-th type-type firefields and overlap of the 3rd type without openings, in buildings I of the degree of fire resistance - 2-type overlap.

<1> Public premises - in this section - premises intended for the implementation of residents of residents at home, residents of the adjacent residential area, and others permitted to accommodate in residential buildings by the states of state-poidnadzor.

6.5.7. The supporting structures of the coating of the built-in-attached part must have a limit of fire resistance at least R 45 and the fire hazard class K0. If there are windows-oriented windows in a residential building, the roof level in places of adjoining should not exceed the floor marker above the living rooms of the main part of the building. The insulation in the coating should be made of the materials of the NG group.

6.5.8. Single residential buildings, including blocked (class of functional fire danger F1.4) Blocked houses of classes of constructive fire danger C2 and C3 additionally should be separated by the deaf fireproof walls of the 1st type and the fire hazard class not lower than K0 on fire compartments area of \u200b\u200bno more than 600 square meters. m, including one or more residential blocks. Firewalls should cross all house designs made of combustible materials.

At the same time, the fire-prevention walls of the 1st type, separating the house for fire compartments, must rise above the roof and perform for the outer cladding of the walls at least 15 cm, and when used in the coating, with the exception of the roof, the materials of the combustibility groups G3 and G4 - to rise Over the roof no less than 60 cm and perform for the outer surface of the wall at least 30 cm.

The direct distance horizontally between any openings located in the adjacent fire compartments must be at least 3 m, and in neighboring residential blocks - at least 1.2 m.

When the outer walls of adjacent fire compartments are adjusted at an angle of 136 ° and less section of the outer wall forming this angle, a total length of at least 3 m for adjacent fire compartments should be made in such a way that it meets the requirements for the corresponding fire wall. To houses up to two floors, the requirements for the degree of fire resistance and the class of structural fire danger are not presented. In the houses of the 3rd height, the main structures must comply with the requirements for structures of buildings III degree of fire resistance: the limit of fire resistance of the carrier elements must be at least R 45, overlaps - Rei 45, non-exterior walls - RE 15, unconsidered coatings - Re 15, open Farms, beams and beams of nonsense coatings - R 15. The limit of fire resistance of interroom partitions is not regulated. The class of constructive fire danger at home should be no lower than C2.

With floor area up to 150 square meters. m is allowed to take the limit of fire resistance of carrier elements of at least R 30, overlaps - at least Rei 30. Houses of the 4th floor height should be not lower than III degree of fire resistance and class structural fire danger not lower than C1. Building structures at home should not contribute to the hidden spread of burning. Empties in the walls, partitions, floors and coatings, limited by the materials of the combustibility groups G3 and G4 and having a minimum size of more than 25 mm, as well as the sinuses of the attic and the attic to be separated by deaf diaphragms on the sections, the dimensions of which should be limited to the contour of the enclosed room. Deaf diaphragms should not be performed from thermoplastic foams. Built-in parking for two cars and more should be separated from other rooms at home (block) by partitions and overlaps with the limit of fire resistance at least rei 45.

The door between the parking lot and residential premises should be equipped with a seal in the coarse, a device for self-blocking and should not go into sleep.

6.6. Public administrative buildings and administrative household buildings manufacturing enterprises

6.6.1. The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire danger, the permissible height of the buildings and the floor area within the fire compartment for public buildings of administrative purposes and administrative buildings of industrial and warehousing enterprises (separate buildings, attacks and inserts) (class F4.3) should be taken Table 6.9.

Table 6.9.

Degree of fire resistance of buildingsClass of constructive fire dangerAdmissible building height, m
1 2 3 4, 5 6 - 9 10 - 16
I.C0.50 6000 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500
II.C0.50 6000 4000 4000 4000 4000 2200
II.C1.28 5000 3000 3000 2000 1200 -
IIIC0.15 3000 2000 2000 1200 - -
IIIC1.12 2000 1400 1200 800 - -
IVC0.9 2000 1400 1200 - - -
IVC1.6 2000 1400 - - - -
IVC2, C3.6 1200 800 - - - -
V.C1 - C3.6 1200 800 - - - -

6.6.2. In the buildings of the IV degree of fire resistance, the height of two floors and more elements of the supporting structures should have a limit of fire resistance not lower than R 45.

6.6.3. In buildings I and II degrees of fire resistance to ensure the required limit of fire resistance, more than R 60 carrier elements of the building are allowed to be used only constructive fire protection (cladding, wetting, plaster, etc.).

The use of thin-layer flame retardant coatings of steel bearing structures in buildings I - II degrees of fire resistance is possible under the condition that they are used for structures with a reduced metal thickness according to GOST R 53295 at least 5.8 mm. The use of thin-layer coatings for reinforced concrete structures is possible subject to assessing their limit of fire resistance with flame retardant facilities.

6.6.4. In buildings I, II, III degrees of fire resistance for the attic floor, it is allowed to take the limit of fire resistance of the corrosive structures R 45 with the provision of a class of their fire hazard K0 when separating it from the lower floors by fireproof overlapping of the 2nd type. In this case, the attic floor should be separated by firebits of the 1st type on the area compartments: for buildings I and II degrees of fire resistance no more than 2000 sq. m, for buildings III degree of fire resistance - no more than 1,400 square meters. m. Fireborne partitions should rise above the roof: at least 60 cm, if at least one of the elements of an attractive or underacted coating, with the exception of the roof, is made of materials of groups G3, G4; No less than 30 cm, if elements of an attic or underacted coating, with the exception of the roof, are made of materials of groups G1, G2.

Fireborne partitions may not rise above the roof, if all elements of an attic or underacted coating, with the exception of the roof, are made of materials of the NG group.

In the attic of buildings up to 10 floors, the use of wooden structures with structural flame retardant, which ensures the class of their fire danger K0 is allowed.

6.7. Public Administration Buildings

6.7.1. The degree of fire resistance attached to the building of canopies, terraces, galleries, and also separated by fire walls of other buildings and structures is allowed to take on one degree of fire resistance lower than the degree of fire resistance of the building.

6.7.2. When equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations, the area indicated in Table 6.9 of the area is allowed to increase by 100%, with the exception of buildings of the IV degree of fire resistance classes C0 and C1, as well as buildings V degree of fire resistance.

In the presence of open openings in the overlap of related floors, the total area of \u200b\u200bthese floors should not exceed the floor area specified in Table 6.9.

The floor area between the fire walls of one-story buildings with a two-storey part, which occupies less than 15% of the building building area, should be taken as for a one-story building.

6.7.3. If there are automatic fire extinguishing installations on the attic floor, the compartments area specified in clause 6.6.4 may be increased by no more than 1.2 times.

6.7.4. The enclosing constructions of transitions between buildings should have the limits of fire resistance equal to the limits of fire resistance of the enclosing structures of the main building. Pedestrian and communication tunnels must have a fire hazard class K0. The walls of the buildings in places of adjustment to them of transitions and tunnels should provide for the fire hazard class K0 with the limit of fire resistance Rei 45. Doors in the openings of these walls, leading to transitions and tunnels, should be fire-fighting 2 types.

6.7.5. In buildings above 4 floors as a translucent filling of doors, framug (in the doors, partitions and walls, including the inner walls of the staircase cells) and partitions should be applied tempered or reinforced glass and glass blocks. In the buildings of the 4th floor height and less types of glass-transparent fillings are not limited. In buildings with a height of more than 4 floors, the door of the staircases leading to common corridors, the doors of elevator halls and tambour gateways must be deaf or with reinforced glass.

6.8. Public buildings

6.8.1. The floor area between the fictional walls of the 1st type depending on the degree of fire resistance, the class of structural fire danger and the floors of the buildings should be no more specified in Table. 6.9, household service enterprises buildings (F3.5) - in table. 6.10, trade enterprises (shops, F3.1) - in table. 6.11.

Degree of fire resistance of buildingsClass of constructive fire dangerAdmissible building height, mFloor area within the fire compartment, square. m, with the number of floors
for single-storeyfor multi-storey (no more than 6 floors)
I.C0.18 3000 2500
II.C0.18 3000 2500
II.C1.6 2500 1000
IIIC0.6 2500 1000
IIIC1.5 1000 -
IVC0, C1.5 1000 -
IVC2, C3.5 500 -
V.C1 - C3.5 500 -

2. In buildings I and II degrees of fire resistance in the presence of an automatic fire extinguishing area of \u200b\u200bthe floor between fire walls can be increased no more than twice.

3. When placing storerooms, service, household and technical premises on the upper floors of buildings of stores I and II degrees of fire resistance, buildings height can be enlarged by one floor.

6.8.2. In buildings I and II degrees of fire resistance in the presence of an automatic fire extinguishing area of \u200b\u200bthe floor between fire walls, no more than twice as low as installed in Table. 6.9.

6.8.3. The floor area between the fire walls of one-story buildings with a two-story part, which occupies less than 15% of the building building area, should be taken as for single-storey buildings in accordance with Table. 6.9.

6.8.4. In the buildings of the station instead of fire walls, a device of water dramet curtains in two threads located at a distance of 0.5 m and providing irrigation intensity of at least 1 l / s per 1 m length of the curtain at a time of operation of at least 1 hour, as well as fire curtains, screens and other devices with the limit of fire resistance at least e 60.

6.8.5. In the buildings of air terminals 1 degree of fire resistance, the floor area between fire walls can be increased to 10,000 square meters. m, if there are no warehouses, storerooms and other rooms in the basement (base) floors with the presence of combustible materials (except for luggage storage and wardrobe staff). Storage cameras (other than those equipped with automatic cells) and the dressing room should be separated from the rest of the basement of the basement of the 1st-type firefares and equip automatic fire extinguishing plants, and the command-dispatching points are fire-fighting partitions.

6.8.6. In the buildings of the airports, the floor area between fire walls is not limited to the equipment of automatic fire extinguishing equipment.

6.8.7. The degree of fire resistance attached to the building of canopies, terraces, galleries, as well as separated by fire walls of service and other buildings and structures is allowed to take on one degree of fire resistance lower than the degree of fire resistance of the building.

6.8.8. In the sports halls, the halls of indoor rollers and halls of baths of swimming pools (with seats for the audience and without them), as well as in the halls for the preparatory classes of pools and fire zones of indoor tires (including those located under the podium or built into other public buildings) when exceeding Their square placed in the table. 6.9 Fire Walls should be provided between Hall (in ties - a fire zone with a rifle gallery) and other rooms. In the premises of the lobby and lobby, when they are exceeded from their area with respect to the table installed in Table. 6.9 Instead of fire walls, it is possible to provide traffic translucent firefights of the 2nd type.

6.8.9. In buildings I, II, III degrees of fire resistance, the attitudes of the attic floor are determined by the requirements of paragraph 6.6.4.

6.8.10. Fencing constructions of transitions between buildings (enclosures) should have the limits of fire resistance corresponding to the main building (body). Pedestrian and communication tunnels should be designed from materials of the NG Group. The walls of the buildings in the places of adjustment to them of transitions and tunnels should be provided from the materials of the NG group with the limit of fire resistance R 120. Doors in the openings of these walls, leading to transitions and tunnels, should be fire-fighting 2 types.

6.8.11. For storing explosive materials, as well as X-ray films and other flammable materials (liquids), separate buildings should not be provided below II degree of fire resistance.

Stores of flammable materials (goods) and combustible liquids in public buildings and facilities should be placed in outer walls with window openings and separate them with firewalls of the 1st type 1 and overlap of the 3rd type, providing for input through a tambour gateway.

6.8.12. Degree of fire resistance buildings baths and

-"- 350 II.C0.9 I.C0, C1.

6.8.19. The storeroom doors for the storage of combustible materials, workshops for the processing of combustible materials, electrical, ventilation chambers and other fire-hazardous technical premises, as well as storage facilities and ironing in children's preschool institutions should have a limit of fire resistance of at least Ei 30.


6.8.21. The buildings of specialized schools and boarding schools (for children with violation of physical and mental development) should be no higher than three floors.

6.8.22. In boarding schools, sleeping rooms must be placed in blocks or parts of the building separated from other rooms by fire walls or partitions.

6.8.23. Overlapping over the basements of the buildings of schools and boarding schools III and IV fire resistance should be fireproof 3 types.

6.8.24. The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire danger and the greatest height of the buildings of educational institutions and institutions to improve the qualifications (F4.2) should be taken depending on the number of places in the audiences or halls in the table. 6.14.

IIIC0.3 Up to 600. I, II.C0, C1.3 Not normalized OpenAnyAny3 Up to 600. I, II.C0, C1.3 Not normalized ClubsIVC2, C3.3 Up to 300. IVC1.5 -"- 300 IIIC0.5 -"- 400 II.C0, C1.8 <*> -"- 600 I.C1.8 <*> Not normalized I.C0.Do not normal TheatersI.C0.Also <*> Spectatical halls should be placed not higher than the second floor.

6.8.39. Sliding partitions should be protected on both sides by the materials of the NG group, providing the fire resistance limit EI 45, with the exception of the C degree of fire resistance.

The degree of resistance to fire is an important parameter that is determined during construction work and after their completion. The builders are very important to know that one or another building design has its own degree of fire resistance. How to determine the fire resistance of the building, you will learn from this article.

Under the expression, fire resistance means the ability of certain elements of the building to maintain a strength in a fire. Moreover, fire resistance has its limit that is determined in the clock, i.e. Specific figures for the fire danger of the building. Generally accepted degree of fire resistance to denote by Roman values: I, II, III, IV, V.

Fire resistance is divided into two types:

  1. Actual (SOF). How is it determined? Mainly on the result of the technical and fire examination of building structures. Also calculations occur, pushing out of the regulatory documents. The level of resistance to fire is clearly regulated and known. In accordance with official information, the SOF calculation occurs.
  2. Required (sob). This concept includes the level of resistance to fire in the minimum value. That this or that building consistent with all safety requirements, the construction must comply with them. This degree of fire resistance is determined on the basis of regulatory documents that have sectoral and specialized values. In this case, the key role is played by the immediate appointment of the building, its area, the presence of fire extinguishing equipment, the number of floors and so on.

To secure all this, consider an example. To give the building compliance with the requirement of PB Sof, there must be greater than or equal to sot. Flame resistance limit occurs at the moment when the building fully or partially does not fulfill its functionality during the fire. This happens when compartments or cracks are formed in the building. Directly through them penetrates the flame into the neighboring rooms, the surface is heated to 140-180 ° C, as well as if the carriers of the building are completely eliminated.

Method for defining fire resistance

To determine the limits of coverage of fire, as well as damage due to combustion, appropriate tests are carried out. This is implemented in practice as follows: a fire is arranged in specially equipped furnaces. The furnace is processed exclusively with refractory bricks. Inside the furnace burns kerosene with special nozzles. Using thermal pairs, monitoring the temperature inside the furnace. With all this, the operation of the nozzles should be carried out so that they do not come into contact with thermal pairs and not in contact with the design surface. So, to be based on the basic rules, the calculation of the degree of fire resistance has two tasks:

  1. Heat engineering.
  2. Statistical.

To determine the degree of fire resistance, it is important first to get the architect project. Next, you need to stick to the standard scheme.

As for the scheme, it looks like this:

  • Turning to firefighters, they will conduct an expertise on fire resistance. When deficiently detects, it should be immediately eliminated.
  • Already at the stage of compiling sketches, the degree of fire resistance will be indicated. And for this you should contact only competent architects that will take into account all these nuances.

In practice, the whole process, by definition of fire resistance, looks like this:

  • In the clock or minutes, the limit of fire resistance is calculated. The time counting should be started since the critical situation when the design does not withstand the test, namely the integrity collapses or violates.
  • One of five steps is taken to calculate.
  • These calculations / calculations include the level of flammability of different materials, which were used in the construction of the building.
  • To accurately determine fire resistance, there is no superficial information. It is important here to have a complete picture even in such structures as: additional staircases, stair spans, partitions and all other designs. Even the material from which these structures are made are taken into account.
  • Also, it will be useful to study additional and mandatory materials that relate to the rules for ensuring fire resistance of the progress. As a basis, for example, you can take a deposition allowance of January 21, 1997. "Preventing the emergence of fire".
  • Thus, to determine fire resistance, a wide range of planning and technological aspects is taken into account. But it should not forget about the primary means of fire extinguishing - fire extinguishers.

As a result, you need to make a list of the requirements for the building, which are found in the process of definition of fire resistance. The basis of the documentation and the project of the building are taken.


In most cases, structures and buildings have type 1 walls, i.e. Fire compartment. As for the minimum stability threshold for building fire, it is equal to 25. As a result, it is allowed to use unprotected metal structures.

Construction rates allow for drywall as a facing material. This to some extent increases the fire resistance of the building.

If we talk about building materials and their degrees of their moisture, then they are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Non-combustible.
  2. Challenged.
  3. Non-regulations.

If you build a frame, then it is better that it is from a non-flammable material. For buildings from 1 to 5 degree, combustible materials can be used, but not in the lobby. This is important, because plus the all building materials are divided into such classifications as:

  • Smoke-forming.
  • Toxic.

Below will look at the algorithm for calculating the degree of fire resistance of the building and the premises of different types. Stripping from it, you will be able to learn the basic requirements for one or another buildings.

Residential buildings

Fire resistance at home has 5 degrees. According to these degrees, the characteristic is given for each building material from which the house was built. Below are the design characteristics of residential buildings:

  • For residential buildings, the advantage is given to non-combustible materials.
  • Construction is better to perform from concrete blocks, stone or brick.
  • For insulation of walls, roofs and other structures use fire resistant material.
  • The manufacture of the roof must be performed from materials that are resistant to fire, namely: slate, professional flooring, metal tile or tile.
  • The overlap is made from reinforced concrete plates.
  • If the overlaps are wooden, they should be covered with non-combustible materials, for example, non-combustible plates or plaster.
  • The wooden rafter system should be treated with impregnations that prevent the spread of fire.

For insulation it is not necessary to apply non-combustible materials. It is possible to use objects that are distinguished by the Fire resistance category G1 and G2.

Public buildings

The degree of fire resistance of public buildings is divided into 5 groups: I, II, III, IV, V. So, in the class of structural fire danger of the building are determined:

  • I-C0.
  • II-C0.
  • III-C0.
  • IV-C0.
  • V- not numbered.

As for the permissible height of the room in meters and the area for the fire compartment, there are such data here:

  • I-75m;
  • II-C0-50, C1-28;
  • III-C0-28, C1-15;
  • IV-CO-5-1000 m 2;
  • C1-3m-1400 m 2;
  • C2-5M-800 m 2.

If we talk for clubs, pioneer camps, hospitals, pre-school institutions and schools, then wooden partitions, ceilings and walls are often used in them. Their processing should be carried out with fire-resistant materials.

Production buildings

  • Metallurgical.
  • Instrumental.
  • Chemical.
  • Weaving.
  • Repair and other.

And for such institutions, the degree of fire resistance is more than ever. Plus, some are working with poisonous and explosive substances, which can have a negative impact of a person and the environment.

Production buildings are also divided into 5 steps. Fire resistance is determined based on the construction materials used. Hence the conclusion: the degree of fire safety of the production building directly depends on the fire resistance of the used building materials.


As a rule, those warehouses that are made of wooden materials are considered the most vulnerable. However, if they are processed by plaster and special impregnations, their degree of fire resistance increases. Also, a concrete or ceramic tile is also used for this purpose.

For warehouse premises, swept paints or polymer foam are most effective. Their action extends the lifting period of critical temperature.

In general, a number of measures are being taken to increase the degree of fire resistance of rooms built of wood. Aluminum doors can also be installed in them, and instead of wooden windows, glass blocks.

So, it is worth noting that before determining the fire resistance of the building it is important to take into account the characteristics and purpose of each structure, as well as methods and materials that have different specifics.